新视野大学英语quiz 8 答案
新视野视听说第二册第八单元答案篇一:新视野视听说第二册第八单元答案Unit8Crimedoespay!Donewiththistask.Yourcurrentscore:88%Unit8testDirections:Clickonthespeakertothelefttostartplaying theaudiorecordingsforPartsI,IIandIII.Twillbeplayedconti nuously.Oncetherecordingstartsplaying,pleasedoNOTclicko neitherthespeaiconorthe'UnitQuiz'linkinthemenubarabove. Otherwise,youmaylosethechanceofhearingcompleterecording.PartIDirections:Listentotheshortdialogs,andthenchoosethe correctanswerstothequestions.Youwillheartherecordingtwi ce.Afterthefirstplaying,therewillbetimeforyoutochooseth ethesecondplayingtocheckyouranswers.1.(Listentotheaudiorecordingforthequestion.)A.Warningthewomanagainstwalkingaloneatnight.B.Offeringtowalkbackwiththewoman.C.Sayinggoodbyetothewoman.D.Tellingthewomantobeonguard.2.(Listentotheaudiorecordingforthequestion.)A.Thewoman'sbookisstolen.B.Thewomanstealsthebook.C.Themansupportspiracy.D.Themantriestopersuadethewomannottobuypiratedbooks.3.(Listentotheaudiorecordingforthequestion.)A.Shehopestogetbackherlaptop(笔记本电脑).B.Shehopestocatchthethief.C.ShehopesStevewillgetoverhisrage.D.ShehopesStevewillgetsomecompensation.4.(Listentotheaudiorecordingforthequestion.)A.Totellthechildrenwhoisthecriminal.B.Tokeepthechildrenstayathomeallthetime.C.Toencouragechildrentoaskforpermissionbeforeplayin goutsidethehouse.D.Totellchildrennottoopendoorsforstrangersuntilthey getthenameofthestranger.5.(Listentotheaudiorecordingforthequestion.)A.Themanisforharshpunishmentswhilethewomanisagainst them.B.Thewomanisforharshpunishmentswhilethemanisagainst them.C.Theyarebothinfavorofharshpunishments.D.Theyarebothagainstharshpunishments.PartIIDirections:Listentothefollowingrecording,andthenfil lintheblankswiththemissingwords.Youwillheartherecording twice.Afterthefirstplaying,therewillbetimetowritethemis ethesecondplayingtocheckyouranswers.W: WhatdoyouthinkaboutyourlifehereM:Well,it'snottoobad.Ispendmytimeinan8x10cell(囚室),andyouspendmostofyourtimeina6x8W:That'safunnywayoflookingatM:HereIgetaday.Thereintheofficeyouforonemealandyouhavetopayforit.W:You'regettingmoreinte resting.M:InprisonIcanwatchTVandTVandplayinggames.forwatchingW:Goon.I'mM:Hereinprisontheymyfamilyandfriendstovisit.Intheofficeyoucan'teven Nowwouldyouliketo(12)speaktoyourfamilyandfriendswithmeW:whatyou'vesaid,I'mafraidIwouldn't.PartIIIDirections:Listentothefollowingrecording,andthencho osethecorrectanswerstothequestions.Youwillheartherecord ingtwice.Afterthefirstplaying,therewillbetimeforyoutoch ethesecondplayingtocheckyourans wers.1.WhatisthedialogmainlyaboutA.Themantellsthewomanaboutthemuggingheexperienced.B.Thewomantellsthemanaboutthemuggingsheexperienced.C.Thewomantellsthemanaboutthemuggingherfriendexperi enced.D.Thewomanadvisesthemannottocommitmugging.2.WhatdidthewomanloseinthemuggingA.Hertrustinmenandweek'spay.B.MasterCard,Visacardand66dollars.C.HerID,Visacardand60dollars.D.Hersenseofhumorandfearofthedark.3.WhenwasthewomanrobbedA.Justbeforedawninadarkalley.B.Atsunsetonthesunnysideofthestreet.C.Inbroaddaylightinaparkinglot.D.Intheparkduringtheday.4.Whatcanwelearnfromthewoman'sdescriptionofthemugge rA.Heisabout170cmstallandunusuallyfat.篇二:新视野视听说第二册第八单元答案SafetyforchildrenTokeepourchildrensafefromdangerouscriminals,theseti psmightbepermissionfromtheircaregiversbeforetheygoanywhere.T heyshouldtheyshouldmayoffershouldneverwalkorridetheirbikesshouldbetaughttostayawayfromtoshowthemapuppyorgivethemcandy.Childrenshouldbetau ghttosayshouldbetoldthatnoproblemistoobigortoosmalltoaskgro wn-ups.realizethatmanychild-attackcasesinvolveafamilymemberorfamilystepfather,sister'sboyfriend,ababysitter,CorrectanswerFirstnotonlybutalsoAlsoInsteadMoreimportantlythoughMoreoverInfactLastbutnotleastforexampleneighbor,andsoon.Youranswer(1)First(2)notonly(3)butalso(4)Also(5)Instead(6)Mor eimportantly(7)though(8)Moreover(9)infact(10)Lastbutnot least(11)forexample1.Thegirlwassoangrythatsheranafterthethief.(A)True(B)False2.Thethiefisquitetallandwearingawhitedress.(A)True(B)False3.Thegirlknowsforsurethethiefisactuallyawoman.(A)True(B)False4.Thethiefdidnoharmtothegirlbutonlytookawayherleftsho e.(A)True(B)False5.Thethiefisverydangerous.(A)True(B)False1.Whydoestheborderguardstoptheyoungman(A)Becausetheyoungmanlookslikeathief.(B) Becausehecarriestwolargebagsoverhisshoulder. (C) Becausetheborderguardisinterestedinhisbicycle.2.(D) Becausetheborderguardissuspiciousofhisbicycle. WhatdoestheguardNOTdo(A)Hetakeseverythingoutofthebags.(B)Heaskssomeonetoanalyzethesand.(C) Hetriestofindsomethingtheyoungmanissmuggling.3.(D)Heopensthebagsforinspection. Whatdoestheguarddowhentheyoungmancomesasecondtime (A)A)Hejustletshimpassimmediately.(B)Hemerelywatcheshimcloselywithoutsayinganything more.(C)Heexaminesthebagsclosely.(D)Heanalyzesthesandbyhimself.4. Howoftenandforhowlongdoestheyoungmankeepcrossingthe border(A)Everyweekforthreeyears.(B)Threeweeksforoneyear.(C)Threetimesaweekforthreeyears.5.(D)Onceeverythreeweeksforoneyear. Whatdidtheyoungmanfinallytelltheguard (A) Hewantedtotreattheguardtoacupofcoffee.(B)Hewantedtodrivetheguardcrazy.(C)Hesmuggledbicycles.(D)Heboughtbicyclesatahighprice. onlyuseonepurchases; forallofyourInternetMakesurethatcannotpulloutthecreditcard YouranswergiveoutnumberonlinesitescreditcardlowoutgoingthievesoffersmailboxfrontdoorCorrectanswergiveoutnumberonlinesitescreditcardlowoutgoingthievesoffersmailboxfrontdoor(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)YouranswerCorrectanswer篇三:新视野视听说教程第二册第八单元测试题新视野视听说教程第二册第八单元测试题(二级)试卷编号:T4-U8-VLS2-HJW考试时间:45分钟满分:24分Part1Shortdialogsandmultiplechoicequestions(Eachite m:1)Directions:Listentotheshortdialogs,thenchoosethecorrectanswerstothequestions.Youwillheartherecordingtwice. Afterthefirstplaying,therewillbetimeforyoutochoosetheco ethesecondplayingtocheckyouranswers.1.A.Warningthewomanagainstwalkingatnight.B.Offeringto walkbackwiththewoman.C.Sayinggoodbyetothewoman.D.Tellin gthewomantobeonguard.2.A.Hestoleamobilephone.B.Helosthispurse.C.Hehadhismobilephonestolen.D.Heisanannoyingman.3.A.Shehopestogetbackherlaptop(笔记本电脑).B.Shehopestocatchthethief.C.ShehopesStevewillgetoverhisrage.D.ShehopesStevewillgetsomecompensation.4.A.None.B.One.C.TwoD.Three.5.A.Herbikewaslockedbythepolice.B.Herbikewasdamaged.C.Herbikeandlockwerestolen.D.Herbikepumpwasstolen.6.A.Themanisforharshpunishmentswhilethewomanisagainst them.B.Thewomanisforharshpunishmentswhilethemanisagainstthem.C.Theyarebothinfavorofharshpunishments.D.Theyareb othagainstharshpunishments.7.A.Heisfedupwiththeslowlegalprocedure.B.Hethinkstheslowlegalprocedurecannotbeavoided.C.Hethinksonlydangerouscriminalsshouldbepunishedqui ckly.D.Hethinksthecourtsmaketoomanychecks.8.A.Tospendlessthan300poundsonhercreditcard.B.Tomakea newcopyofhercard.C.Tocancelhercardandgetanewone.D.Tocancelhercardanduseacheckinstead.9.A.Thegrowingnumberofstudents.B.Thegreaterpressures.C.Thebettercommunicationfacilities.Part2Shortpassagesandmultiplechoicequestions(Eachit em:1)Directions:Listentothefollowingrecording,thenchoose thecorrectanswerstothequestions.Youwillheartherecording twice.Afterthefirstplaying,therewillbetimeforyoutochoos ethesecondplayingtocheckyouranswer s.Questions10to14arebasedonthesamepassageordialog.10.Wh atwasClivedoingA.Hewasgoingout.B.Hewascominghome.C.Hewaspresentingareportatameeting.D.Hewassleeping.11.WhatdidthepoliceofficerseeatthecrimesceneA.Ayoun gbusinessmanlayinapoolofblood.B.Clive'skeywasinthelocko fthedoor.C.Clivewasdead.D.Alloftheabove.12.WhatdidthetaxidriverNOTsayA.Hewasjustoneblockawayfromthescene.B.Heheardaloudn oise.C.Hehadthecarwindowdown.D.Hesawaparceldeliverytruck nearby.13.WhatdidthedeliverymansayA.HeguessedsomeonemusthavewaitedoutsideforClivetoco meout.B.HeguessedsomeonemusthavefollowedClivehome.C.Heh eardsomethinglikeacarbackfiring.D.Hesawthetaxidrivingfastawayfromthecrimescene.14.Whatstrangethingdidthedeliverymansaythatcausedth eofficer'ssuspicionA.Heplayedtheradioloud.B.Hedidnothea ranything.C.HeknewClivewascomingbackhomeearlyinthemorning.Part3Longdialogsandmultiplechoicequestions(Eachitem:1)Directions:Listentothefollowingrecording,thenchoose thecorrectanswerstothequestions.Youwillheartherecording twice.Afterthefirstplaying,therewillbetimeforyoutochoos ethesecondplayingtocheckyouranswer s.Questions15to19arebasedonthesamepassageordialog.15.WhatisthedialogmainlyaboutA.Themantellsthewomanaboutthemuggingheexperienced.B .Thewomantellsthemanaboutthemuggingsheexperienced.C.The womantellsthemanaboutthemuggingherfriendexperienced.D.T hewomanadvisesthemannottocommitmugging.16.WhatdidthewomanloseinthemuggingA.Hertrustinmenan dweek'spay.B.MasterCard,Visacardandsixty-sixdollars.C.HerID,Visacardandsixtydollars.D.Hersenseof humorandfearofthedark.17.WhenwasthewomanrobbedA.Justbeforedawninadarkalle y.B.Atsunsetonthesunnysideofthestreet.C.Inbroaddaylightinaparkinglot.D.Intheparkduringtheday.18.Whatcanwelearnfromthewoman'sdescriptionofthemugg erA.Heisabout170cmstallandunusuallyfat.B.Heisateenagerw ithpale-blueeyes.C.Heisatall,strongyoungman.D.Heisshort,withbro wneyes.19.WhatdoesJackiehopewillhappentothemuggerA.Hespend stheremainingyearsofhislifeinprison.B.Hereformsandbecom esausefulcitizen.C.Heapologizestohernexttimetheymeetinthepark.Part4ShortpassagesandTrue/Falsequestions(Eachitem:1) Directions:Listentothefollowingrecording,thenmarkth estatementsT(true)orF(false).Youwillheartherecordingtwi ce.Afterthefirstplaying,therewillbetimeforyoutowritethe ethesecondplayingtocheckyouranswers.Qu estions20to24arebasedonthesamepassageordialog.20.Thetri alisconcernedwithaburglarcase.TF21.Thejudgeannouncedtheverdict(判决)himself.TF22.Theverdictfoundthedefendant(被告)innocent.TF23.Therelativesofthedefendantweredelighted.TF24.Thedefendantwasinnocentinreality.T 新视野视听说第二册第八单元答案全文结束。
新视野大学英语读写译(第三版)第二册Unit8课后习题答案He became a children's doctor because of his love for children and his strong desire to keep them healthy.He is thought of having no moral compass: He tortures innocent animals for his career advancement and his experiments have nothing to do with medicine.The public barely watches, convinced that the issue has no significance to them, while the senators and politicians continue to give way to the lobbying of animal rights activists.The author does not really admit their mistake, but the tone is apparently ironic, criticizing that the physicians were too soft to respond to the animal rights activists.Life is cruel to both animals and human beings. If physicians don't create an animal model of the problem, they have to do experiments on human beings; or the medical knowledge will remain static.Drugs to cure infection will remain undiscovered, surgical and diagnostic techniques will remain undeveloped, and fundamental biological processes will remain mysteries.If the more radical members of this movement are successful in threatening further research, their efforts will bring about a tragedy that will cost the lives of many human beings.It helps diagnose disease.It develops drugs to cure infection and disease.It carries out complex surgical procedures.It empl oys techniques to replace defective genes.It stimulates development of synthetic organs.Participate in different animal rights activities.Make public speeches at different social settings.Write newspaper articles to condemn the inhuman animal research.Launch an appeal on the Internet to arouse public concern for animal rights.It is too cruel and inhuman.Animals should have equal rights as humans.The research result may not apply to humansYes, because they are ethical and justified and the public will support the movement.No, because they are misdirected and they even do something improper such as burning an animal laboratory.Yes, if animal research is abandoned, there will be almost no advances in medicine and it will cost many lives of human beings. As compared to animals, human beings are more valuable because they take many social responsibilities.1.The main task for the troop there is not fighting but (arresting) theprogress of the enemy army and waiting for reinforcements (援兵).2. He always anxiously summarizes the concessions which he has made buthe almost always (omits) to mention those offered by the other party.3.She was an excellent teacher, whose (optional) courses on women'swriting were very popular among the students.4. It will be up to the doctor's judgment whether or not the organ can besuccessfully (transplanted) to the child who has been waiting for it.5. Teachers can no longer use their past experiences to prepare students fortheir future career; (hence) , our young people need to rely onthemselves.6. Accurate and inaccurate information is mixed so naturally that there are noreliable ways to tell what has been (twisted) and what has not.7.That wealthy lady's demand on a premarital agreement greatly (stung)her future husband's pride, and it ended up with his refusal to get married.8.When I opened the album, I carefully examined every photograph in(minute) detail by wearing my reading glasses so as not to miss anything.It seems that James has a talent for acting because he can (imitate)different teachers' speeches perfectly, which really amazes hisclassmates.10. Smoking is compared to self-poisoning and self-destroying, thus makingthe (evil) effects of smoking cigarettes truly alarming.interferencethrillerscarcespecificconsumption / consumerdeceptioninvasion / invaderprocession1. Multinational corporations protested strongly against any unreasonable(interference) by some countries in the free marketplace.2.At the time a real threat of a(n) (invasion) of the British Isles existed, sothe British troops were gathered around the coastline to get ready to fight against an invading fleet.(Consumption) is relatively low, and it shows that the economicproblem in the country stems from the dangerous sideeffects of careless politics and widespread poverty.4.The wedding (procession) was of an enormous size and enormoussplendor, which was started homeward and followed by a large banquet ata luxury hotel.5. When doing writing exercises for that English course, students shouldremember that they are writing according to (specific) structures.6.Among close family and good friends, (deception) is the worst part oflife, and we believe in practicing good faith and honesty.7.Jobs are (scarce) at the moment, so you should be realistic in yourchoices about the pay, working hours, medical benefits, bonuses, etc.8.The writer was thinking about writing some kind of (thrillers) because itwould help him become popular through making his plot more attractive to the young.The animal rights movement is a social movement which seeks an end to using animals in the research, food, clothing, and entertainment industries, (1)(hence) being called animal liberation. It advocates the idea that themost basic interests of non-human creatures should be (2)(afforded) the same consideration as those of human beings.Advocates (3)(lobby) for animal rights from different aspects, ranging fromthe focus on animal suffering in laboratories to the argument that (4) (insists) on not casting animals as properties of human beings. Despite the different approaches, advocates broadly (5)(consent) to the opinion that animals should be viewed as non-human members of the moral community and should be (6)(omitted) from being food, clothing, entertainment, orresearch subjects. The idea of (7)(awarding) rights to animals wins the support of several prominent scholars.However, some critics argue that animals are unable to enter into a social contract or moral (8)(compass) and for that reason cannot be granted rights. Only humans have duties and, therefore, only humans have rights. There is nothing wrong or (9)(evil) about using animals as resources so long as there is no unnecessary suffering. From within the animal rights movement itself, there has also been (10)(criticism) of certain forms of animal rights activism, in particular the destruction of fur farms and animal laboratories..Some people have (persisted in) a traditional view that languagelearning is essentially the same as the learning of grammaror language rules.2. Regular review of the teaching material in school ensures that the coursesprovided (have relevance to) the workplace and what students will doin the future.3. Job opportunities are expanding rapidly, and more and more people are(becoming aware of) online chances that allow them to work at home.4.They have put old women in nursing "homes", (isolated from) humanwarmth and contact, and then complained that they had lost their mental abilities.5.Some organizations are exploiting local people (in the name of)scientific research: They are collecting genetic material for commercial purposes.6.Day care centers for the elderly (make a contribution) to overall publicservice; they did a lot to make the life of the old active, valuable andmeaningful.7.The policeman has (been occupied with) extra duties, so he would nothave the time either for answering questions or being interviewed.8.What the chairman said did not (tip the scales) much to his advantage;his statement can be only considered as a slim chance for gainingapproval.Many people will give some excuse not to keep a pet: They smell bad, they are messy, they are expensive, or I don't have enough time to take care of them. While most of these reasons sound plausible, there are some good reasons why you should keep a pet to have a positive life.First, pets can give you unconditional love and companionship. Pets make you always feel accepted and loved. They are always good listeners and respond to love, regardless of whether you are blind, deaf, ill or depressed. When coming home from a long, stressful day of school or work, you see a cute animal waiting for you in front of the door. You can't help but feel happy!In addition to companionship, pets can greatly increase your physical activity and improve your overall state of health. It is proven that a person who owns a pet is less likely to struggle with ailments and serious medical problems. Owning a pet can help people lower the blood pressure, fight loneliness, and conquerdepression. Long walks with a dog also burn your calories! Undoubtedly, keeping pets makes you busier and leaves you more work to do. However, pets give you a sense of responsibility. If you do not care well enough for your pets, they will be ill or even die. Having a pet is a great way to learn the value of responsible ownership. You will discover that life is not just about you. Just like parenthood, owning a pet requires a lot of time and effort. After all, everyone should keep a pet because pets provide you with unconditional love, help you retain good health, and teach you to be responsible. Even though it sometimes means more work and unexpected trouble, it's worth our effort.世界自然基金会(WWF)是一个致力于有关保护、研究和修复环境议题的国际性非政府组织。
新视野视听说第二册第八单元答案Task 1Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit7 Unit 8 Unit 9Unit 10Task 1 Task 2Task 3Task 1 Task 2Task 3Further listening 1 Further listening2Further listening 3Further speaking 1Unit 8 Crime does pay!Done with this task.Your currentscore: 88%Unit 8 testNextDirections: Click on the speaker to the left tstart playing the audio recordings for PartsI II and III. They will be played continuouslyOnce the recording starts playing, please do N clickon either the speaker icon or the 'UniQuiz' link in the menu bar above. Otherwise,yoPart I may lose the chance of hearing the complet recording.ScriptDirections: Listen to the short dialogs, andthen choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice.After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers.(Listen to the audio recording for the1.question.)A. Warning the woman against walkingalone at night.B. Offering to walk back with the woman.C. Saying goodbye to the woman.D. Telling the woman to be on guard.(Listen to the audio recording for the2.question.)A. The woman's book is stolen.B. The woman steals the book.C. The man supports piracy.D. The man tries to persuade the womannot to buy pirated books.(Listen to the audio recording for the3.question.)A. She hopes to get back her laptop ( 笔记本电脑 ).B. She hopes to catch the thief.C. She hopes Steve will get overhis rage.D. She hopes Steve will get somecompensation.(Listen to the audio recording for the4.question.)A. To tell the children who is thecriminal.B. To keep the children stay at homeall the time.C. To encourage children to ask forpermission before playing outside thehouse.D. To tell children not to open doorsfor strangers until they get the name of thestranger.(Listen to the audio recording for the5.question.)A. The man is for harsh punishmentswhile the woman is against them.B. The womanis for harsh punishmentswhile the man is against them.C. They are both in favor of harshpunishments.D. They are both against harshpunishments.Part II ScriptDirections: Listen to the following recording, and then fill in the blanks with the missingwords. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time to writethe missing words. Use the second playing to check your answers.W: What do you think about your life here(1)in prison?M: Well,it's not too bad. I spend(2)the greater part of my time in an 8x10 cell ( 囚室), and you spend most of your time in a6x8(3)small office.way ofW: That's a funny looking at (4)things. M: Here I get(5)3 meals a day. There inthe office you (6)get a break for one meal and you have to pay for it.W: You're getting more interesting.M: In prison I can watch TV and(7)play games.At work you (8) get fired for watching TV and playing games.W: Go on. I'm (9).M:Here in prison they(10)allow my family and friends to visit. In the office youcan't even speak to your family and friends(11). Now would you like to(12)with me?W: (13)I wouldn't.what you've said, I'm afraidYour Correctanswer answer(1)in in prison prison the the(2)greater greaterpart of part ofall ears(3)small small office office(4)things thingsthree(5) 3 meals meals/3meals(6)get a get a break break(7)play play games games(8)get get fired fired(9)all all ears ears(10)allow allowon the (11)phone(12)change placesIn(13)spiteofPart III ScriptDirections:Listen to the following recording, and then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice.After the first playing,there will be time for you to choose the correct e the second playing to check your answers.1.What is the dialog mainly about?A.The man tells the woman aboutthe mugging he experienced.B.The woman tells the man aboutthe mugging she experienced.C.The woman tells the man about themugging her friend experienced.D.The woman advises the man notto commit mugging.2.What did the woman lose in the mugging?A.Her trust in men and week's pay.B.MasterCard, Visa card and 66 dollars.C.Her ID, Visa card and 60 dollars.D.Her sense of humor and fear of thedark.3.When was the woman robbed?A.Just before dawn in a dark alley.B.At sunset on the sunny side of thestreet.C. In broad daylight in a parking lot.D. In the park during the day.4.What can we learn from the woman'sdescription of the mugger?A. He is about 170 cms tall andunusually fat.B. He is a teenager with pale-blue eyes.C. He is a tall, strong young man.D. He is short, with brown eyes.5. What does Jackie hope will happen to themugger?A. He spends the remaining yearsof his life in prison.B. He reforms and becomes a usefulcitizen.C. He apologizes to her next time theymeet in the park.D. He locks up his apartment at night.Part IVDirections: Choose the best answer to each ofthe following statements.1.I was walking home from work when thiswoman ______ me right ____ my feet.A.knocked...awayB.knocked...offC.hit...awayD.struck...of2. I'll just take off my left shoe _________I walk through the park.A. every timeB. every time whenC. in every timeD. in every time when3.Many months had ______ and theborder guard met the young man again.A.gone offB.gone awayC.gone byD. gone through4.The border guard asked the young man, "Just____________, what were you smuggling?"A.between me and youB.between you and meC.to tell meD.from you to me5.Blake wiped his hands ______ his cleanjeans before shaking hands.A.inB.atC.onD.through6.He told the police that Pete lived _____away.A. two doorsB. in two doorsC. at two doorsD. for two doors7.The officer could see that Kenny's yard_____ the victim's.mandedmanded overC.looked overD.overlooked8. The 91-year-old man was accused of_______ the bank.A.robbingB.robbing fromC.robbing inD.robbing with9.In 1999 the old man ____ a three-yearsentence for bank robbery in Florida.A.served forB.servedC.serviced forD.serviced10. A witness ______ the criminal's licensenumber of his car.A. took onB. took overC. took inD. took down8278Submit??Search onlinWord tipsLanguage and culture tipsOverviewLearning strategiesScriptQuestion 1W:See you guys next week, I'mgoing home now.M: Let me walk you back. It's on my wayanyway. It's dangerous for awoman to be walking alone at night. Q: What is the man doing?Question 2W: Lookbook.at the poorThere are a lotquality ofof mistakestheinit!M: You must have bought a pirated Book piracy is a violationintellectual property rights, youshouldn't support such kind ofstealing act.one.ofsoQ: What can we infer from the dialog? Question 3M:I spoke to Steve yesterday. His flat was broken into. TV, DVD player,stereo, laptop, digital camera—allgone. He's really mad.W: I would be too. That's terrible! Ihope he can claim it on the insurance.Q: What does the woman hope for? Question 4W:I attended a lecture on "Safety for Children" in the community lastnight.A professorsaid thatparents should always encouragechildren to ask for permission beforeleaving the house. Besides, parentsshould tell the children not to opendoors to the strangers.M: Absolutely.But I think more importantly they should be taughtto stay away from the strangers.Q:What can parents do to keep children safe?Question 5M: I think that if a country is too softon its criminals,crime willincrease.W:But it's also a fact that severepunishment has never stopped crime. Q:What do the man and woman think about dealing with crime?ScriptW:What do you think about yourlife here (in prison)?M: Well,it's not too bad. I spend (the greater part of) my time in an 8x10cell ( 囚室 ), and you spend most ofyour time in a 6x8 (small office).W:That's a funny way of lookingat (things).M:Here I get (three meals) a day. There in the office you (get a break) for one meal and you have to pay for it.W: You're getting more interesting.M: I n prison I can watch TV and (play games). At work you (get fired) forwatching TV and playing games.W: Go on. I'm (all ears).M: Here in prison they (allow)my family and friends to visit.In theoffice you can't even speak to yourfamily and friends (on the phone).Now would you like to(changeplaces) with me?W:( In spite of) what you've said, I'm afraidI wouldn't.ScriptM:Jackie, you look as though you've seen a ghost? What's the trouble?W: He came right at me...I was so frightened...M: Slow down. Are you okay?W:Yeah. Let me catch my breath. I was just mugged.M: My god! Are you hurt?W: No, I'm fine, but he took my wallet with 60 dollars in it.M: Where did it happen?W:Just down on the path through the park. In broad daylight, too!M:Did you have credit cards or anything else in your wallet?W: I t had my Visa and school ID.M:We should call the police and thecredit card company right away. Didyou get a good look at the guy? Couldyou describe him to the police?W: Not really.He had a scarf pulled up to cover his face.M:Anything else about him? Eyes? Height?W: All I could see was a pair blood-shot brown eyes. And short, about 160 cms. That's not much help, isit?of he'sM:You did well to remember anything, and those details could help thepolice track him down.W:I hope they catch him and lock him up for life.。
Part 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questions(每小题:1 分)1.A. He does not want to eat GM food.B. He wants GM food labeled.C. He does not care if GM food is labeled.D. He agrees with the woman.2.A. She agrees with the man.B. GMO spreads diseases.C. GM fish are abnormally large.D. Trees grow too fast.3.A. She wants the man to go to the meeting.B. She wants the man to pick up the children.C. She wants to clone the man.D. She does not want a clone of the man.4.A. Evolution is more efficient than lab experiments.B. Evolution is less efficient than lab experiments.C. Evolution produces better strains.D. Lab experiments produce more strains.5.A. The woman wants to be coaxed to clone herself.B. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.C. Love is blind.D. The man wants copies of the girl through cloning.Part 2 Short passages and multiple-choice questions(每小题:2 分)Questions 1 to 5 are based on the same passage or dialog.1.Why was the woman sad?A. Because of unfair treatment of Dolly.B. Because of the beginning of human cloning.C. Because of the death of a sheep clone.D. Because of the man's loss of interest in her.2.What does the passage say about Dolly's offspring anddeath?A. She produced no offspring before dying at the age of 11.B. She produced six little ones before dying at the age of 11.C. She produced three little ones before dying at the age of 6.D. She produced six little ones before dying at the age of 6.3.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a feature ofDolly's appearance?A. Short legs.B. Big eyes.C. A high nose.D. Curly fair wool.4.What did the Chinese scientist Tong do?A. He helped British scientists in cloning Dolly.B. He helped American scientists in cloning fish.C. He cloned a fish more than three decades earlier.D. He cloned a cat more than three decades earlier.5.What happened to the Chinese scientist's research?A. It was published in an international journal.B. It was published in a Chinese journal.C. It was translated into English.D. It was widely read.Part 3 Short passages and multiple choice questions(每小题:2 分)Questions 1 to 5 are based on the same passage or dialog.1.What is the Iceland company doing?A. Creating a detailed map of the genes of the Icelandicpeople.B. Creating a detailed map of all human genes.C. Creating a map as detailed as those by some otherprojects.D. Creating a map less detailed than that by the Americancompany.2.Why do the people of Iceland present a special opportunity tostudy the human genome?A. Iceland has a small population.B. Most of the Icelanders have a small group of ancestors.C. Plenty of records of their ancestors are available.D. All of the above.3.Why is the Iceland project superior to the American genomeproject?A. Because it observes 200 million people.B. Because it observes 14 large families.C. Because it observes more families than any other project.D. Because it observes more families than many otherprojects.4.Why can the study of genes help to identify the causes ofdiseases?A. Small genetic differences may be related to somediseases.B. Large genetic differences may be related to somediseases.C. The genetic similarity may throw light on some diseases.D. Similar genes will cause similar diseases.5.What is the passage mainly concerned about?A. Finding out the history of Irish families.B. Finding out the special genes of Irish people to cure theirdiseases.C. Creating a detailed human genetic map to identify disease-causing genes.D. Creating a detailed human genetic map to identifyabnormally small genes.Part 4 Long dialogs and True/False questions (每小题:2 分)Questions 1 to 5 are based on the same passage or dialog.1.People can be divided into right-handed and left-handed, butnot into right-eyed and left-eyed.TF2.People are cross dominant if they cut with their left hand, butlook with their right eye.TF3.People are cross dominant if they can kick with both feet.TF4.In some old cultures left-handers were considered evil.TF5.Einstein was left-handed, and Newton was right-handed.TFPart 5 Short passages/dialogs and blank filling(每小题:2 分)When people say it is unnatural to createthrough genetic mutations, there are some (2)First of all, I do not agree that an organism to which (3)madeWhat you get when you insert (8)Since we humans are a part ofeverything we do iswe use enzymes that we(13)(14)(15)also natural.The public shouldwillPart 6 Compound dictation(每小题:2 分)There are many ways in which human stem cells can be used in basic research and in clinical research.Studies of human stem cells may (S1)complex events that occur during human development. A primary goal of this workis to (S2)Scientists know that turning genes on and off is (S3)process. Some of the most serious medical conditions, such as cancer and birthdefects, are due to (S4)better understanding of the genetic and molecular controls of these processes mayyield information about (S5)new strategies for therapy. A significant barrier (S6)and most uses of stem cells is that scientists do not yet fully understand the (S7) (7)of the stem cell.(S8) (8)could be used for cell-based therapies. Today, donated organs and tissues are often used to replace ailing or destroyed tissue, but the need for transplantable tissues and organs far outweighs the available supply. (S9) (9)treat diseases including Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, spinal cord injury, stroke, burns, heart disease and diabetes.For example, (S10) (10)Part 7 Vocabulary and Structure(每小题:1 分)1.With the advent of the genetic map, we know whereeverything is, but do we know where to ________________?A. go for itB. go with itC. get for itD. get with it2.Many prisoners have been freed through DNA testing, exceptfor the ones whose death sentence has already been________________.A. carried outB. carried onC. carried forwardD. carried away3."I guess there would be some tremendous medicaladvantages in that sort of research." "You've said________________."A. a mouthB. the mouthC. a mouthfulD. the mouthful4.Plant breeders already have used preliminary informationfrom the rice genome to create experimental strains of ricethat better ________________ cold and pests.A. resistB. resist toC. resist withD. resist against5.When scientists can identify and manipulate genes that causecertain diseases, ________________ will cure them easily.A. the mankindB. mankindC. the manD. human race6.Research into animal cloning remains an important scientificalternative ________________ the issue of human cloning is settled.A. whereB. whenC. afterD. until7.All Americans eat biotech foods unless they deliberately seekout products that are labeled ________________.A. othersB. otherwiseC. through other waysD. in other methods8.Some people are born with the belief that they are masters oftheir own lives. Others feel they are ________________ fate.A. in the mercy ofB. in the pity ofC. at the mercy ofD. at the pity of9.Pedersen's studies, with various collaborators, investigate theaging process by comparing sets of twins, most of________________ were separated at an early age.A. thoseB. themC. whoD. whom。
Task 1Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3Unit 4Unit 5Unit 6Unit 7Unit 8Unit 9Unit 10Task 1Task 2Task 3Task 4Model 1Model 2Model 3Task 1Task 2Task 3Further listening 1Further listening 2Further speaking 1Further speaking 2Unit 8 On or off campus?Done with this task. Your current score: 80%Unit 8 testNextPart I ScriptDirections: Listen to the short dialogs, and then choose the correct answers to the questions. You willhear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers.1.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. $600.B. $800.C. $900.D. $1,500.2.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. Tell the girl to keep quiet during a certain period of time.B. Ask the girl to move out immediately.C. Ask the girl not to invite her friends home.D. Ask the girl not to have parties in the afternoon.3.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. An apartment with a bedroom, a living room and a kitchen.B. An apartment with a bedroom, a bathroom and a living room.C. An apartment with a bedroom and a bathroom.D. An apartment with a bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen.4.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. $240.B. $300.C. $420.D. $480.5.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. The windows are broken and the heater fails.B. The windows are broken and the roof is leaking.C. The heater doesn't work and the roof is leaking.D. The heater doesn't work and it's noisy.Part II ScriptDirections: Listen to the recording, and then fill in the blanks with the missing words. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time to write the missing words. Use the second playing to check your answers.Laurel:Hi, Dave. How is your new apartment?David:aroundHi, Laurel. It's great. I love to hang (1)my apartment. It's such an oldquiet kind-hearted community that it's pretty (2)there. Neighbors are very (3)helpingand ready to give a (4) hand.Laurel:farIs it (5) from our campus?David:distanceNo, not really. It's within walking (6)to the subway station. It usually (7)takesme 15 minutes to come to school.Laurel:perfectOh, that sounds (8)! How about your new landlord? Is she a nice person toget along with(9)?David:betterMuch (10)than the previous one. She never asked me for a damage (11)meet. The only requirement I have to (12)is to keep the house (13)clean.Your answer Correct answer(1)around around(2)quiet quiet(3)kind-hearted kind-hearted(4)helping helping(5)far far(6)distance distance(7)takes takes(8)perfect perfect(9)get along with get along with(10)better better(11)deposit(12)meet meet(13)clean cleanPart III ScriptDirections: Listen to the recording, and then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers.1.Why does Ann want to move out of her apartment?A. She does not like the present apartment.B. It is a little far from campus.C. The rent is too high.D. It is noisy.2.Why does Ann ask Roger for help?A. Roger is kind-hearted and ready to help.B. Roger is interested in helping girl students.C. Roger has lived on campus for long and knows the housing situation around the school.D. Roger knows the chief housing officer of the apartment complex.3.What kind of apartment is Ann looking for?A. An apartment on campus.B. An apartment she can share with one or two persons.C. An apartment that is within easy reach of the campus.D. Both B and4.How much is Ann willing to pay for the new apartment?A. Less than $500 a month, including utilities.B. A little more than $500 a month, including utilities.C. Less than $500 a month, excluding utilities.D. A little more than $500 a month, excluding utilities.5.What will Roger do for Ann?A. He will go to an apartment complex to find a vacancy today.B. He will go to an apartment complex to find a vacancy tomorrow.C. He will go to a vacant apartment complex to find a room today.D. He will go to a vacant apartment complex to find a room tomorrow.Part IVDirections: Choose the best answer to each of the following statements.1.The four-year-old boy is _________ awake, watching TV.A. wideB. widelyC. broadD. broadly2.Because of the cigarette burn in the carpet, he cannot get back his ________ from the landlady.A. damage depositB. destruction depositC. ruin depositD. damage down payment3.Many buildings have __________ around the university.A. jumped upB. sprung upC. raisedD. leapt up4.Here is my ___________. Give me a call if you have any questions.A. name cardB. business cardC. call cardD. visit card5.The University Residence Hall _________ 339 students.A. housesB. homesC. livesD. occupies6.I'm going to be five days late _______ this month's rent.A. onB. atC. inD. with7.The girls ________ this floor are so noisy.A. inB. onC. atD. with8.Mr. and Mrs. Smith returned rather later than __________.A. what they had expectedB. that they had expectedC. as they had expectedD. they had expected9.You must be fully aware that your roommates are going to have some faults and ________.A. you are soB. so are youC. too are youD. also are you10.The University Residence Hall is __________ a place where students can eat and sleep; it is a livingunit in the true sense of the term.A. more thanB. other thanC. no more thanD. greater than11.You can get an apartment __________ just a little more money.A. forB. onC. withinD. in12.It is human nature to pick out a person's negative aspects more easily than ________ his or herpositive ones.A. realizeB. to realizeC. realizingD. have realized8278Submit。
新视野大学英语第三版第三册Unit 8 Text A 课后题答案③ 1. indignation2. provocative3. militant4. overlap5. conferring6. defiance7. hesitant8. milestone9. cradled10.preaching④manhoodmotherhoodcalculationcomplicationimitationassassinationcirculationaccommodateaccusationdefectionexhaustion⑤ 1. circulation2. accusation3. accommodate4. defection5. manhood6. imitation7. complication8. exhaustion9. assassination10. calculations11. motherhood⑥1-5: JLCOK6-10: GAHED⑦ 1. at their disposal2. insulate him form3. irrespective of4. has a high opinion of5. has authority over6. for your part7. get away with8. dispense with9. provide for10. tiptoeing around⑨维也纳爱乐乐团新年音乐会是古典音乐会,每年元旦上午在奥地利维也纳举行。
新视野大学英语quiz答案quiz1. When she heard the news of the death of her son in the terrorist attack in New York, the mother broke down and .(Suggested first letter(s): w )2. I was determined that I would not or make the parting harder for him, and I managed to say goodbye to him without tears.(Suggested first letter(s): w )3. Early signs of a disease are usually , so we very often fail to pay any attention and go to see a doctor in good time.(Suggested first letter(s): unno )4. The small question marks could have been made in other ways, and are hardly anyway.(Suggested first letter(s): no )5. One quality of American art life is the link between art historical teaching and criticism, which is not so common elsewhere.(Suggested first letter(s): no )6. Her explanation for being away was obviously a lie, but he it whole and said nothing.(Suggested first letter(s): sw )7. So your pride and prejudice and don't make an enemy of your own friends.(Suggested first letter(s): sw )8. Doctors say that since air travelers are in no condition to workafter crossing a number of time , they should go straight to bed on arrival.(Suggested first letter(s): zo )9. Many social changes do not occur or even in a few years, becausethey involve basic changes in attitudes.(Suggested first letter(s): over )10. Success did not come ; but a slow and steady improvement did take place.(Suggested first letter(s): over )Part 2 Fill in the Blanks (with Prepositions or Adverbs)(每小题:1.5 分)Directions: Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with an appropriate preposition or adverb. Fill in each blank with only ONE word.1. The woman, dressed a warm coat, didn't complain about the cold weather.2. He was tall, middle-aged, and smartly dressed a blue suit.3. It is taken granted that every child should learn mathematics.4. As neither of us would give , the bargain (交易) fell through.5. The government has made a commitment to providing treatment demandfor drug users.6. Should she feed her child demand or stick to a rigid timetable?7. It's cruel to make fun children who are overweight.8. It is wrong of him to make fun them, anger them, and havea joke with them.9. This book is packed a great deal of useful information.10. It is a very good play, wonderfully humorous, bursting with life and packed enough solid soul music to make the blood dance in your body.Part 3 Cloze (with Options)(每小题:1 分)Directions: Read the following passage carefully and choose the best answer from the choices.Questions 1 to 20 are based on the following passage."Mommy, do you love me?" asked Cleo during dinner that evening."Of course I do," Her mother replied 1. wondering admiring reflecting valuing what was next. "Mommy do you love me" usually 2. meant meant supposed intended aimed her daughter wanted something."Then why don't you ever want to play with me?"Mrs. Nelson was a single mother trying to 3. devise devise civilize arise raise her daughter by herself. She worked fifty hours a week at a job and 4. managed challenged encouraged managed engaged to cover the costs of their home. This didn't 5.inlcude include compose count calculate the two hours of driving between the office and home. She was gone by 7 a.m. and back around 7 pm, just 6.in time for time over time at time in time to cook a late dinner for her and her daughter and 7. put watch look observe her daughter to bed. On the weekends, the house was usually so unclean that she spent most of her time 8. brightening straightening tightening lightening it up, doing the washand 9. cleaning up cleaning on cleaning for cleaning to in the kitchen. When she was finished with that, she hardly had any 10. vitality power energy force for anything else.Mrs. Nelson understood that she had not been giving her daughter the 11. amount lot sum span of time that she needed, but she didn't know 12. what for what else what about what of todo. She felt so guilty and so 13. tireless powerless hopeless helpless to change her situation. She was also greatly angry with Cleo's father for 14. have been left have left having left having been left them in this situation. She tried to smile at her daughter and give her some type of 15. promise potential possibility expectation for the following weekend, but 16. otherwise instead contradictorily alternatively she started to cry. She got up from the table and went to the bathroom to 17. splash wash clash flash water on her face and then returned to the table where her daughter was still eating. Cleo looked 18. disordered disarranged compromised confused ; 19. after that after all after everything after what , she hadn't said anything that she thought was hurtful."I'm sorry, Cleo," her mother said without further explanation. "Howwould you like to go to the zoo next Sunday?" Cleo's face 20. heightened lightened brightened frightened up. Mrs. Nelson knew that her situation wasn't going to improve anytime soon, but feeling depressed in front of her daughter wasn't going to do anything to improve the situation.1 wondering2 meant3 devise4 managed5 include6 in time7 in timebrighteningcleaningvitalityamountwhat fortirelesshave been leftpromiseotherwisesplashconfusedafter allbrightenedPart 4 Skimming and Scanning (Multiple Choice Blank Filling) (每小题:1.5 分)Directions: Read the following passage or passages and then answer the questions. For the first 7 questions in each passage, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. For the remaining 3 questions in the same passage, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.Questions 1 to 10 are based on the same passage or dialog.Are You Reading as Many Books as You Would Like?Do you read as much as you'd like, or as many as you'd like of the books you're interested in? Are you aware that the time spent on today's reading prevents you from reading something else? Life is one of choices?make sure your choices take you in the direction you wish to go.My biggest recommendation (建议) to increase your reading rate is to attend a rapid reading course (sometimes called speed reading), but the single most important element is the on-going practice.If you want to try a few techniques on your own, here are a few key pointers, but you really need to attend a course to bepushed to significantly higher levels of competency, because only an external person can push you past the comfort zone of your eyes, your brain, and your current beliefs about your abilities.Some Rapid-reading Keys:Read with purpose. Don't read things you won't remember, and don't waste time reading things that won't further you in any way. However, many people read mindlessly, just because it's there! You should start with the end in mind.Have an expectation of success. See yourself reading at great speed.Fill your mind with a positive expectation of great deeds. Feel and imagine the power of the rapid flow of information into your mind. And hear the rapid flow of words just pouring into your brain.Preview and review the book. You can do it by scanning contents andother information at the front, as well as the back. Sit upright andhold the book at a comfortable position. Have good overhead light, fresh air, plenty of water, and a comfortable temperature.Use a visual guide. You may usually use your finger, or sometimes two fingers, which depends on the size of the print. This is where the training by an instructor is really useful (they won't let you get away with bad habits, and they push you beyond your comfort level). One ofthe key elements of rapid reading is to use our finger at a very fast rate, running it down the page. We don't need to read every word inorder to comprehend (理解) and keep the information. All weneed is a large amount of text, and the sense is gathered at lightening speed.Speed training. Go as fast as your hand can turn the pages, and don't worry that there seems to be practically no comprehension at this stage. The key is to extend the eye's capacity to absorb, and to strengthenyour mind's belief that it can be done. Two hands are needed. With one hand run a finger down the page as fast as you can. At first you'll notice an occasional word or phrase will jump out at you, but not much else. That's fine—comprehension is not the goal at this stage. With the other hand, turn the pages as fast as you can go.Set a daily target for yourself—it might be to race through a thick book that you're interested to read. It might be to practice for a specified amount of time.Practice, practice, and practice. Magazines and newspapers are great to practice on. The columns (栏目) are thin, which helps you go even faster.Comprehension. You may think you're not absorbing much, but try this test. Choose a book you want to read. Each time you pick it up to readin your old style, first do the rapid run described above. You'll notice when you come to read in your slow way that in fact you already know,and can remember having seen, most of the key concepts. We call this a conscious convincer. Your subconscious needs reassurance (安心) that nothing is being lost, and that you have absorbed the information you need. Coupled with the rapid "preview", if you do wish to read slower,do it with a highlighter in your hand. Your ability to keep thematerial will be greatly enhanced, for you will have visited the information several times.You may still wish to read at a slower speed for enjoyment, or because you need to really absorb every word of an author for study purposes,but if every day you practice this technique, suddenly you'll find you really are reading and absorbing at a much faster rate.1. What can we know about life? ___B_____________A. Life is about reading.B. Life is about choices.C. Life is about wishes.D. Life is about directions.2. What is the most important element in speed reading? ____C___________A. Your comfort zone.B. A level of competency.C. Practice that doesn't stop.D. One's reading rate.3. From the fourth paragraph we know when we read, __________A______.A. we should start reading with a purpose in mindB. we should take time reading something which you won't rememberC. we should read something near at hand because it is convenientD. we should start at the end of the book to know the purpose4. How can we preview and review the book? ___________D_____A. Sit upright and hold the book at a comfortable position.B. Have good overhead light and fresh air.C. Have plenty of water, and a comfortable temperature.D. Glance at contents and other information at the front and the back.5. When we use our finger as a visual guide in rapid reading, it's very crucial that ____B___________.A. we take our time and have a full comprehensionB. we run our finger down the page very fastC. we read every word on the page to keep the informationD. we gather the sense of the passage light-heartedly6. In speed reading, the finger of one hand runs down the page, and the other hand ____A____________.A. turns the pages quicklyB. guides the eyes to absorbC. runs down the page tooD. marks the occasional word or phrase7. We should ___C_____________.A. read newspapers and magazines every dayB. finish reading a thick book every dayC. plan a daily objective of reading for ourselvesD. read newspaper columns daily8. Reading a book quickly and then checking your comprehension by reading slowly is called .a conscious convincer9. We will greatly strengthen our ability to keep the information, as we will have visited the information several times.10. You might want to read slowly for study purposes or for enjoyment.Part 5 Reading Comprehension (Banked Cloze)(每小题:1.5 分)Directions: Fill in the blanks in the following passage(s) byselecting suitable words from the Word Bank. You may not use any of the words more than once.Questions 1 to 10 are based on the following passage.I know it upsets my mom that I smoke, but I really enjoy it. She saysthat if I am going to smoke, I should at least smoke 1. attentionsinvite intentions drag taxes draw filtered tedious hooked hurtfulreplace poisonous exchange remarkable encourage cigarettes. She eventried to 2. attentions invite intentions drag taxes draw filtered tedious hooked hurtful replace poisonous exchange remarkable encouragemy brand, Camels, with a different one. The taste just isn't the same, though. She has also tried to 3. attentions invite intentions dragtaxes draw filtered tedious hooked hurtful replace poisonous exchange remarkable encourage me to cut down. I smoke about a package each day. I have entertained the idea of cutting back, but it just seems so 4. attentions invite intentions drag taxes draw filtered tedious hookedhurtful replace poisonous exchange remarkable encourage to go without smoking for much over an hour. Besides, I get a 5. attentions invite intentions drag taxes draw filtered tedious hooked hurtful replace poisonous exchange remarkable encourage amount of work done when I am smoking. If I can 6. attentions invite intentions drag taxes drawfiltered tedious hooked hurtful replace poisonous exchange remarkable encourage on a cigarette while I am doing mygeometry homework, my mindjust seems sharper. I think I could quit, but it's like my dad always says, "If it's not broken then don't fix it." My mom says I'm 7. attentions invite intentions drag taxes draw filtered tedious hookedhurtful replace poisonous exchange remarkable encourage and tries something new every day to get me to quit or smoke less. Yesterday shetook out the scissors and cut each cigarette in half. Despite her good 8. attentions invite intentions drag taxes draw filtered tedious hookedhurtful replace poisonous exchange remarkable encourage , this actually made me angry.Look, I know that smoking is 9. attentions invite intentions dragtaxes draw filtered tedious hooked hurtful replace poisonous exchange remarkable encourage for my lungs and heart. Besides, cigarettes arereally expensive. Especially, with all the 10. attentions invite intentions drag taxes draw filtered tedious hooked hurtful replace poisonous exchange remarkable encourage the government puts on them. I figure I can quit when I finish college.1. filtered cigarettes 过滤嘴香烟2. replace my brand (用另一种)取代骆驼牌3. encourage 鼓励戒烟4. tedious (没有烟抽似乎十分)乏味5. a poisonous amount of work 一些有毒的事体6. draw on a cigarette 吸烟7. hooked 上瘾8. good intentions 好意9. hurtful 有害10. remarkable taxes 可观的税率11. considerable (成人烟民)相当可观12. influence (对这种趋势的) 影响13. responsible (媒体)负有责任14. get encouragement 受到怂恿15. magnificent 庞大的16. targeting 把目标对准(少年)17. campaigns (抵制吸烟)计划活动18. imaginary 想象中的(礼物)19. significance 意义重大20 proclaim 表明(吸烟对少年有害)交卷!Click ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening!放音结束前请不要离开本页。
Keys: 1.B 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.CKeys: 1.B 2.A 3.A 4.A 5.DTask 2: The Improvement of Rice(S1) Research(S2) genes(S3) journal (S4) warn (S5) productivity.(S6) grow(S7) survival. (S8) Plant breeders have already used preliminary information from the rice genome to create experimental strains of rice that better resist cold and pests.(S9) The new map could better explain more than just rice. Rice shares a common ancestor with other cereal crops.(S10) While significant progress has been made in the analysis of the rice genome, the mapping of human genes is also making headway.Keys: 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.CSusan: With so many people suffering from malnutrition around the world, why are people protesting against genetically modified foods?Chris: Some people are protesting about genetically modified foods, but even more people are protesting the fact that processed foods containing these ingredients aren’t labeled.Susan: But why should they be labeled?Chris: Not everyone is sure that genetically modified foods are safe. They want to be certain that biotech foods have the sme composition as organic foods. Susan: But there are more urgent problems in this world. Many people are dying of starvation.Chris: But those who aren’t starving may want genetically modified foods to be labeled so they know what foods they should andd shouldn’t eat.Susan: You know, I heard of a genetically modified fish that grew to be ten times its normal size.Chris: That sure sounds abnormal.Susan: Yeah, it does sound a bit strange , but that fish could feed ten times as many people.Chris: You’re right; genetically modified food might help solve world hunger. But I think we have a right to know what we are eating.MODEL2 Do you think the cloning of humansshould be forbidden by law?ScriptSusan: After the cloning of Dolly the sheep, I think human cloning is next. John: Whoa. I have some reservations about it. There are stll many scientific problemsto solve before human cloning starts.Susan: There’s an easier way. The Clonaid Company says they’ve cloned humans.John: Oh, my God! These guys claim aliens from another planet taught them humancloning.Susan: A woman gave them half a million dollars to clone her dead daughter. John: Clearly that woman doesn’t k now much about cloning. How risky it is! Susan: I know it’s inefficient. It took 276 tries to produce Dolly. But why is it risky?John: Cloned animals grow abnormally large and age unnaturally fast. Susan: In other words, that woman may not be happy with her cloned daughter.John: Then there are the emotions. No one knows if cloning damages the mind.Susan: Do you think the cloning of humans should be forbidden by law? John: To my mind, the cloning of human organs shouldn’t be prohabited. It may helpsolve medical problems.Susan: I see your point: cloning should be regulated if it’s to benefit humanity. MODEL3 Is it interfering with nature?ScriptNora: Some religious groups are opposed to genetic research. They believe it’s interfering with natu re.John: I know. But nature can be pretty hard-nosed too, so we often need to interfere with her—we build dams to control flooding.Nora: There’re many diseases that are a part of nature, and they cause people a great deal of misery: cancer and diabetes, for example.John: A better understanding of the genetic code that controls our body would be a great help in curing many diseases.Nora: The project to map the human genetic code…what’s that called? John: The genome project. As you say, it has tremendous promise to make our lives better—just in the ability to identify and correct genetically-caused diseases like Alzheimer’s.Nora: Some diseases like cancer are also believed to have a genetic switch. John: That’s right, and once researchers identify the swi tch, perhaps they can turn off cancer or Alzheimer’s.Nora: People are also concerned that science will enable us to determine such qualities as intelligence and height.John: You know it’s going to happen—it’s just a matter of when.Nora: Imagine if everyone was a combination of Yao Ming and Albert Einstein. John: But what if they get it wrong, and you wind up with Yao Ming’s knowledge of nuclear physics and Albert Einstein’s height?Nora: All those religious groups would say that it served you right.Over 70% of U.S.consumers support biotechnology.In a recent referendum in Oregon, voters rejected a proposal to require special labels on all products containing biotech ingredients by an overwhelming 73% to 27%.Chinese scientists have used biotechnology to create a new type of tomato, which contains the vaccine against hepatitis B.This technology can be used to save lives,ease pain and suffering and improve the human condition.Keys: 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.DKeys: 1.T 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.TBioinformaticsScriptIt’s a complex name for a complex subject. Bioinformatics is the key to figuring out the wealth of information in the human genome project.Researchers have nearly mapped out all of the 30,000 genes that make up human DNA, but making sense of useful data is not easy.The company Double Twist is a pioneer in the business of bioinformatics. 〔SOUND BITE〕Double Twist works mainly with information that is also available to the public,sifting through data to find what may help link a biological problem like cancer, to its possible cure.〔SOUND BITE〕The company then sells software and data to pharmaceutical companies, biotech companies, and academic institutions, which use them in their work. This provides a solution to help people better understand data from the human genome project.〔SOUND BITE〕Bioinformatics speeds up drug development and provides more accurate research.〔SOUND BITE〕Human Genome Sciences takes the process one step further. It uses bioinformatics to develop drugs using its own genomic information.〔SOUND BITE〕Right now, Human Genome Sciences has four new drugs being tested that are the results of genomic research. Bioinformatics systems developed within the company played an important role in discovering these drugs.〔SOUND BITE〕Bioinformatics can also bring much quicker returns for investors.〔SOUND BITE〕Even though its role is crucial, bioinformatics if only a small part of the overall $305 billion biotech sector, accounting for only about $2.23 billion.But some investors believe that bioinformatics has great potential.〔SOUND BITE〕So unless drug companies start developing their own bioinformatics systems or partner with companies that can provide them, they may get left behind in the race to discover new drugs.。
试卷:test 8试卷编号:test8 试卷满分:80姓名:XXX 学号:班级:登录:交卷:上机地址:图例:Right Wrong To be marked by instructorClick ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening!放音结束前请不要离开本页。
否则就听不成啦!Part 1 Understanding Long Conversations(每小题:1 分)Directions: In this section you'll hear a long conversation orconversations. Listen carefully and choose the best answer tothe questions you hear.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the same passage or dialog.1.A. In a game production center.B. In an office at Microsoft.C. At Bill Gates' home.D. At Paul Allen's home.2.A. In 1981.B. In 1975.1. 1 B B2. 1 B B3. 1 A A4. 1 A A5. 1 D DSubtotal: 5 Click ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening!放音结束前请不要离开本页。
否则就听不成啦!Part 2 Understanding Passages(每小题:1 分)Directions: In this section you'll hear a passage or passages.Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questionsyou hear.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the same passage or dialog.1.A. The Church.B. Emperor Claudius.C. Lovers.D. A religious man.2.A. He told Valentine he couldn't get married.B. He got married in secret.C. He made wives and children become soldiers.D. He ordered soldiers to stay single.3.A. Romans.B. Christians.C. Young soldiers.D. A young girl.4.A. Valentine.B. A young girl.C. People in prison.D. Romans.5.A. Romans preventing love.B. Love in the third century.C. The origin of Valentine's Day.D. The history of Valentine's Day.Part 2 Understanding Passages (每小题: 1 分; 满分:5 分)(In the case of True/False type of questions, A stands for True and B for False, or A for Y, B for N and C for NG.)小题得分对错学生答案Correct1. 0 B D2. 0 C D3. 0 A B4. 0 C A5. 0 D CSubtotal: 0Click ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening!放音结束前请不要离开本页。
Part 1 Unders tandi ng ShortConver satio ns(每小题:2 分)Direct ions: In this sectio n you'll hear some shortconver satio ns. Listen carefu lly and choose the best answer to the questi ons you hear.1.A. Put on some soft music.B. Relaxa spell.C. Listen to soft music.D. Go to work.2.A. Testsaren't so import ant.B. His test scorewasn't worsethan the last time.C. He knowsenough for the next test.D. He does not have to take testsany more.3.A. The womanis 5 minute s late.B. The womandoesn't know what to say.C. The womanhas eatenher lunchalread y.D. The womanis hungry.4.A. The womanis very lucky.B. The womanis offeri ng a class.C. The man isn't in the job center class.D. The man isn't happywith his boss.5.A. The man is terrib le.B. The man didn't realiz e what he had done.C. The man didn't step on the woman's foot.D. The man was taught good manner s by his parent s.DACCBClickONCE on the speake r icon to startlisten ing!放音结束前请不要离开本页。
1. <Listen to the audio recording for the question.>A. $600.B. $800.C. $900.D. $1,500.2. <Listen to the audio recording for the question.>A. Tell the girl to keep quiet during aB. Ask the girl to move outC. Ask the girl not to invite her friendsD. Ask the girl not to have parties in3. <Listen to the audio recording for the question.>A. An apartment with a bedroom, aB. An apartment with a bedroom, abathroom and a living room.C. An apartment with a bedroom anda bathroom.D. An apartment with a bedroom, abathroom and a kitchen.4. <Listen to the audio recording for the question.>A. $240.B. $300.C. $420.D. $480.5. <Listen to the audio recording for the question.>A. The windows are broken and theB. The windows are broken and theC. The heater doesn't work and theD. The heater doesn't work and it'snoisy.Part II ScriptDirections: Listen to the recording, and then fill in the blanks with the missing words. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time to write the missing words. Use the second playing to check your answers. Laurel:Hi, Dave. How is your new apartment?David:Hi, Laurel. It's great. I love to hang my apartment. It'ssuch an old community that it's pretty there. Neighborsare very and ready to give a hand.Laurel:Is it from our campus?David:No, not really. It's within walking to the subway station.It usually me 15 minutes to come to school.Laurel:Oh, that soundsa nice person toDavid:Much than the previous one. She never asked me fora damageis to keep the houseCorrectYour answeranswer<1> around<2> quiet<3> kind-hearted<4> helping<5> far<6> distance<7> takes<8> perfectget along <9>with<10> better<11> deposit<12> meet<13> clean Part III ScriptDirections: Listen to the recording, and then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check youranswers.1. Why does Ann want to move out of her apartment?A. She does not like the present apartment.B. It is a little far from campus.C. The rent is too high.D. It is noisy.2. Why does Ann ask Roger for help?A. Roger is kind-hearted and ready tohelp.B. Roger is interested in helping girlstudents.C. Roger has lived on campus forlong and knows the housing situationaround the school.D. Roger knows the chief housingofficer of the apartment complex.3. What kind of apartment is Ann looking for?A. An apartment on campus.B. An apartment she can share withone or two persons.C. An apartment that is within easyreach of the campus.D. Both B and4. How much is Ann willing to pay for the new apartment?A. Less than $500 a month, includingB. A little more than $500 a month,C. Less than $500 a month, excludingD. A little more than $500 a month,5. What will Roger do for Ann?A. He will go to an apartmentB. He will go to an apartmentC. He will go to a vacant apartmentcomplex to find a room today.D. He will go to a vacant apartmentcomplex to find a room tomorrow.Part IVDirections: Choose the best answer to each of the following statements.1. The four-year-old boy is _________ awake, watching TV.A. wideB. widelyC. broadD. broadly2. Because of the cigarette burn in the carpet, he cannot getback his ________ from the landlady.A. damage depositB. destruction depositC. ruin depositD. damage down payment3. Many buildings have __________ around the university.A. jumped upB. sprung upC. raisedD. leapt up4. Here is my ___________. Give me a call if you have any questions.A. name cardB. business cardC. call cardD. visit card5. The University Residence Hall _________ 339 students.A. housesB. homesC. livesD. occupies6. I'm going to be five days late _______ this month's rent.A. onB. atC. inD. with7. The girls ________ this floor are so noisy.A. inB. onC. atD. with8. Mr. and Mrs. Smith returned rather later than __________.A. what they had expectedB. that they had expectedC. as they had expectedD. they had expected9. You must be fully aware that your roommates are going to have some faults and ________.A. you are soB. so are youC. too are youD. also are you10. The University Residence Hall is __________ a place wherestudents can eat and sleep; it is a living unit in the true sense of the term.A. more thanB. other thanC. no more thanD. greater than11. You can get an apartment __________ just a little moremoney.A. forB. onC. withinD. in12. It is human nature to pick out a person's negative aspectsmore easily than ________ his or her positive ones.A. realizeB. to realizeC. realizingD. have realized11 / 11。
He became a children's doctor because of his love for children and his strong desire to keep them healthy.He is thought of having no moral compass: He tortures innocent animals for his career advancement and his experiments have nothing to do with medicine.The public barely watches, convinced that the issue has no significance to them, while the senators and politicians continue to give way to the lobbying of animal rights activists.The author does not really admit their mistake, but the tone is apparently ironic, criticizing that the physicians were too soft to respond to the animal rights activists.Life is cruel to both animals and human beings. If physicians don't create an animal model of the problem, they have to do experiments on human beings; or the medical knowledge will remain static.Drugs to cure infection will remain undiscovered, surgical and diagnostic techniques will remain undeveloped, and fundamental biological processes will remain mysteries.If the more radical members of this movement are successful in threatening further research, their efforts will bring about a tragedy that will cost the lives of many human beings.It helps diagnose disease.• It develops drugs to cure infection and disease.• It carries out complex surgical procedures.• It empl oys techniques to replace defective genes.• It stimulates development of synthetic organs.Participate in different animal rights activities.• Make public speeches at different social settings.• Write newspaper articles to condemn the inhuman animal research.• Launch an appeal on the Internet to arouse public concern for animal rights.It is too cruel and inhuman.• Animals should have equal rights as humans.• The research result may not apply to humansYes, because they are ethical and justified and the public will support the movement.• No, because they are misdirected and they even do something improper such as burning an animal laboratory.Yes, if animal research is abandoned, there will be almost no advances in medicine and it will cost many lives of human beings. As compared to animals, human beings are more valuable because they take many social responsibilities.1.The main task for the troop there is not fighting but (arresting) theprogress of the enemy army and waiting for reinforcements (援兵).2. He always anxiously summarizes the concessions which he has made buthe almost always (omits) to mention those offered by the other party.3.She was an excellent teacher, whose (optional) courses on women's writing were very popular among the students.4. It will be up to the doctor's judgment whether or not the organ can besuccessfully (transplanted) to the child who has been waiting for it.5. Teachers can no longer use their past experiences to prepare students fortheir future career; (hence) , our young people need to rely onthemselves.6. Accurate and inaccurate information is mixed so naturally that there are noreliable ways to tell what has been (twisted) and what has not.7.That wealthy lady's demand on a premarital agreement greatly (stung) her future husband's pride, and it ended up with his refusal to get married.8.When I opened the album, I carefully examined every photograph in(minute) detail by wearing my reading glasses so as not to miss anything.It seems that James has a talent for acting because he can (imitate)different teachers' speeches perfectly, which really amazes hisclassmates.10. Smoking is compared to self-poisoning and self-destroying, thus makingthe (evil) effects of smoking cigarettes truly alarming.interferencethrillerscarcespecificconsumption / consumerdeceptioninvasion / invaderprocession1. Multinational corporations protested strongly against any unreasonable(interference) by some countries in the free marketplace.2.At the time a real threat of a(n) (invasion) of the British Isles existed, so the British troops were gathered around the coastline to get ready to fight against an invading fleet.(Consumption) is relatively low, and it shows that the economicproblem in the country stems from the dangerous side effects of careless politics and widespread poverty.4.The wedding (procession) was of an enormous size and enormoussplendor, which was started homeward and followed by a large banquet ata luxury hotel.5. When doing writing exercises for that English course, students shouldremember that they are writing according to (specific) structures.6.Among close family and good friends, (deception) is the worst part of life, and we believe in practicing good faith and honesty.7.Jobs are (scarce) at the moment, so you should be realistic in yourchoices about the pay, working hours, medical benefits, bonuses, etc.8.The writer was thinking about writing some kind of (thrillers) because it would help him become popular through making his plot more attractive to the young.The animal rights movement is a social movement which seeks an end to using animals in the research, food, clothing, and entertainment industries, (1)(hence) being called animal liberation. It advocates the idea that the most basic interests of non-human creatures should be (2)(afforded) the same consideration as those of human beings.Advocates (3)(lobby) for animal rights from different aspects, ranging from the focus on animal suffering in laboratories to the argument that (4) (insists) on not casting animals as properties of human beings. Despite the different approaches, advocates broadly (5)(consent) to the opinion that animals should be viewed as non-human members of the moral community and should be (6)(omitted) from being food, clothing, entertainment, orresearch subjects. The idea of (7)(awarding) rights to animals wins the support of several prominent scholars.However, some critics argue that animals are unable to enter into a social contract or moral (8)(compass) and for that reason cannot be granted rights. Only humans have duties and, therefore, only humans have rights. There is nothing wrong or (9)(evil) about using animals as resources so long as there is no unnecessary suffering. From within the animal rights movement itself, there has also been (10)(criticism) of certain forms of animal rights activism, in particular the destruction of fur farms and animal laboratories..Some people have (persisted in) a traditional view that languagelearning is essentially the same as the learning of grammar or language rules.2. Regular review of the teaching material in school ensures that the coursesprovided (have relevance to) the workplace and what students will do in the future.3. Job opportunities are expanding rapidly, and more and more people are(becoming aware of) online chances that allow them to work at home.4.They have put old women in nursing "homes", (isolated from) human warmth and contact, and then complained that they had lost their mental abilities.5.Some organizations are exploiting local people (in the name of)scientific research: They are collecting genetic material for commercial purposes.6.Day care centers for the elderly (make a contribution) to overall public service; they did a lot to make the life of the old active, valuable andmeaningful.7.The policeman has (been occupied with) extra duties, so he would nothave the time either for answering questions or being interviewed.8.What the chairman said did not (tip the scales) much to his advantage;his statement can be only considered as a slim chance for gainingapproval.Many people will give some excuse not to keep a pet: They smell bad, they are messy, they are expensive, or I don't have enough time to take care of them. While most of these reasons sound plausible, there are some good reasons why you should keep a pet to have a positive life.First, pets can give you unconditional love and companionship. Pets make you always feel accepted and loved. They are always good listeners and respond to love, regardless of whether you are blind, deaf, ill or depressed. When coming home from a long, stressful day of school or work, you see a cute animal waiting for you in front of the door. You can't help but feel happy!In addition to companionship, pets can greatly increase your physical activity and improve your overall state of health. It is proven that a person who owns a pet is less likely to struggle with ailments and serious medical problems. Owning a pet can help people lower the blood pressure, fight loneliness, and conquer depression. Long walks with a dog also burn your calories! Undoubtedly, keeping pets makes you busier and leaves you more work to do. However, pets give you a sense of responsibility. If you do not care well enough for your pets, they will be ill or even die. Having a pet is a great way to learn the value of responsible ownership. You will discover that life is not just about you. Just like parenthood, owning a pet requires a lot of time and effort. After all, everyone should keep a pet because pets provide you with unconditional love, help you retain good health, and teach you to be responsible. Even though it sometimes means more work and unexpected trouble, it's worth our effort.世界自然基金会(WWF)是一个致力于有关保护、研究和修复环境议题的国际性非政府组织。
Part 1 Understanding Short Conversations(每小题:2 分)Directions: In this section you'll hear some short conversations. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear.1.A. Put on some soft music.B. Relax a spell.C. Listen to soft music.D. Go to work.2.A. Tests aren't so important.B. His test score wasn't worse than the last time.C. He knows enough for the next test.D. He does not have to take tests any more.3.A. The woman is 5 minutes late.B. The woman doesn't know what to say.C. The woman has eaten her lunch already.D. The woman is hungry.4.A. The woman is very lucky.B. The woman is offering a class.C. The man isn't in the job center class.D. The man isn't happy with his boss.5.A. The man is terrible.B. The man didn't realize what he had done.C. The man didn't step on the woman's foot.D. The man was taught good manners by his parents.DACCBClick ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening!放音结束前请不要离开本页。
Unit 8Part I ScriptDirections: Listen to the short dialogs, and then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers.1.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. He does not want to eat GM food.B. He wants GM food labeled.C. He does not care if GM food is labeled.D. He agrees with the woman.2.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. The man is against organ cloning.B. The woman is against organ cloning.C. The man is a scientist devoted to organ cloning.D. The woman will let her organ clones once it fails.3.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. She wants the man to go to the meeting.B. She wants the man to pick up the children.C. She wants to clone the man.D. She does not want a clone of the man.4.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. The two speakers have a lot of common interests.B. The two speakers have both chosen Mr. Green's elective course.C. The woman has a lot of knowledge on genetics.D. The man is beginning to like genetics.5. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. Both the man and the woman are against GM food.B. Both the man and the woman are for the GM food.C. The woman is probably a consumer of GM foods.D. The man is probably a consumer of GM foods.Part IIScriptDirections: Listen to the passage three times. When the passage is read forthe first time, listen for the general idea. When the passage is read the second time, fill in the blanks numbered from (1) to (7) with the exact words you hear. For blanks numbered from (8) to (10), write down either the exact words you hear or the main points in your own words. When the passage is read the third time, check your answers.There are many ways in which human stem cells can be used in basic research and in clinical research.Studies of human stem cells may (1)yieldinformation about the complex eventsthat occur during human development. A primary goal of this work is to (2)identifyhow stem cells become divided or differentiated (分化). Scientists know that turning genes on and off is (3)centralto this process. Some of the most seriousmedical conditions, such as cancer and birth defects, are due to (4)abnormalcelldivision and differentiation. A better understanding of the genetic and molecular controls of these processes may yield information about (5)howsuch diseasesarise and suggest new strategies for therapy. A significant barrier (6)to this use and most uses of stem cells is that scientists do not yet fully understand the (7)signals that turn specific genes on and off to influence the differentiation of the stem cell.(8)The most important potential application of human stem cells is perhaps the generation of cellsthat could be used for cell-based therapies. Today, donated organs and tissues are often used to replace ailing or destroyed tissue, but the need for transplantable tissues and organs far outweighs the available supply.(9)to treat diseases including Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, spinal cord injury, stroke, burns, heart disease and diabetes.For example,(10).Your answer Correct answer(1) yield yield(2) identify identify(3) central central(4) abnormal abnormal(5) how how(6) to to(7) signals signals(8) The most important potentialapplication of human stem cells isperhaps the generation of cells andtissuesThe most important potential application of human stem cells is perhaps the generation of cells andtissues(9) Stem cells, directed to differentiateinto specific cell types, will offer asource of replacement cells and tissues (10) it may become possible to generatehealthy heart muscle cells in thelaboratory and then transplant thosecells into patients with chronic heartdiseasePart III ScriptDirections: Listen to the following recording, and then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers.1.What is the Iceland company doing?A. Creating a detailed map of the genes of the Icelandic people.B. Creating a detailed map of all human genes.C. Creating a map as detailed as those by some other projects.D. Creating a map less detailed than that by the American company.2.Why do the people of Iceland present a special opportunity to study thehuman genome?A. Iceland has a small population.B. Most of the Icelanders have a small group of ancestors.C. Plenty of records of their ancestors are available.D. All of the above.3.Why is the Iceland genome project superior to the American genome project?A. Because it observes 200 million people.B. Because it observes 14 large families.C. Because it observes more families than any other project.D. Because it observes more families than many other projects.4.Why can the study of genes help to identify the causes of diseases?A. Small genetic differences may be related to some diseases.B. Large genetic differences may be related to some diseases.C. The genetic similarity may throw light on some diseases.D. Similar genes will cause similar diseases.5.What is the passage mainly concerned about?A. Finding out the history of Irish families.B. Finding out the special genes of Irish people to cure their diseases.C. Creating a detailed human genetic map to identify disease-causinggenes.D. Creating a detailed human genetic map to identify abnormally smallgenes.Part IVDirections: Choose the best answer to each of the following statements. 1.With the advent of the genetic map we know what everything is, but do weknow where to ___________?A. go for itB. go with itC. get for itD. get with it2.As you know, it has taken millions of years of evolution and naturalselection to get us _________ we are today.A. howB. whoC. whatD. where3.It's too late to _______ the clock. We'll just have to depend on commonsense to solve uncommon problems.A. returnB. turn aroundC. turn backD. turn round4.Many prisoners have been freed through DNA testing, except for the oneswhose death sentence has already been __________.A. carried outB. carried onC. carried forwardD. carried away5.—I guess there would be some tremendous medical advantages in that sortof research.—You've said _________.A. a mouthB. the mouthC. a mouthfulD. the mouthful6.Plant breeders have already used preliminary information from the ricegenome to create experimental strains of rice that better ______ cold and pests.A. resistB. resist toC. resist withD. resist against7.When scientists can identify and manipulate genes that cause certaindiseases, ______ will cure them easily.A. the mankindB. mankindC. the manD. human race8.All Americans eat biotech foods unless they deliberately seek out productsthat are labeled ___________.A. othersB. otherwiseC. through other waysD. in other methods9.Human beings must learn to _______ a balance between the welfare of apatient and that of a clone.A. strikeB. hitC. beatD. access10.Do you think it's wrong to _______ with nature by biotechnology?A. interactB. interconnectC. interfaceD. interfere。
Unit 8 QuizYour percentage score is 52%.Quiz result has been recorded successfully.Part IDirections: Listen to the short dialogs, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers.1.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. He does not want to eat GM food.B. He wants GM food labeled.C. He does not care if GM food is labeled.D. He agrees with the woman.Your answer Correct answerC C2.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. She agrees with the man.B. GMO spreads diseases.C. GM fish are abnormally large.D. Trees grow too fast.Your answer Correct answerA A3.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. She wants the man to go to the meeting.B. She wants the man to pick up the children.C. She wants to clone the man.D. She does not want a clone of the man.Your answer Correct answerD D4.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. Evolution is more efficient than lab experiments.B. Evolution is less efficient than lab experiments.C. Evolution produces better strains.D. Lab experiments produce more strains.Your answer Correct answerB B5.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. The woman wants to be coaxed to clone herself.B. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.C. Love is blind.D. The man wants copies of the girl through cloning.Your answer Correct answerD DPart IIDirections: Listen to the passage(s) three times. When the passage is read for the first time, listen for the general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, fill in the blanks numbered from S1 to S7 with the exact words you hear. For blanks numbered from S8 to S10, write down either the exact words you(1)yield(2)identify(3)central(4)abnormal(5)how(6)to(7)signals(8)The most important potential applicationof human stem cells is perhaps thegeneration of cells and tissues(9)Stem cells, directed to differentiateinto specific cell types, will offer asource of replacement cells and tissues(10)it may become possible to generatehealthy heart muscle cells in thelaboratory and then transplant thosecells into patients with chronic heartdiseasePart IIIDirections: Listen to the following recording, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers.1.What is the Iceland company doingA. Creating a detailed map of the genes of the Icelandicpeople.B. Creating a detailed map of all human genes.C. Creating a map as detailed as those by some otherprojects.D. Creating a map less detailed than that by the Americancompany.Your answer Correct answerB B2.Why do the people of Iceland present a special opportunityto study the human genomeA. Iceland has a small population.B. Most of the Icelanders have a small group of ancestors.C. Plenty of records of their ancestors are available.D. All of the above.Your answer Correct answerD D3.Why is the Iceland project superior to the American genomeprojectA. Because it observes 200 million people.B. Because it observes 14 large families.C. Because it observes more families than any otherproject.D. Because it observes more families than many otherprojects.Your answer Correct answerC C4.Why can the study of genes help to identify the causes ofdiseasesA. Small genetic differences may be related to somediseases.B. Large genetic differences may be related to somediseases.C. The genetic similarity may throw light on some diseases.D. Similar genes will cause similar diseases.Your answer Correct answerA A5.What is the passage mainly concerned aboutA. Finding out the history of Irish families.B. Finding out the special genes of Irish people to curetheir diseases.C. Creating a detailed human genetic map to identifydisease-causing genes.D. Creating a detailed human genetic map to identifyabnormally small genes.Your answer Correct answerC CPart IVDirections: Choose the right answer.1.With the advent of the genetic map, we know whereeverything is, but do we know where to ________________A. go for itB. go with itC. get for itD. get with itYour answer Correct answerB B2.As you know, it has taken millions of years of evolutionand natural selection to get us ________________ we are today.A. howB. whoC. whatD. whereYour answer Correct answerD D3.It's too late to ________________ the clock. We'll justhave to depend on common sense to solve uncommon problems.A. returnB. turn aroundC. turn backD. turn roundYour answer Correct answerC C4.Many prisoners have been freed through DNA testing, exceptfor the ones whose death sentence has already been________________.A. carried outB. carried onC. carried forwardD. carried awayYour answer Correct answerA5."I guess there would be some tremendous medical advantagesin that sort of research." "You've said ________________."A. a mouthB. the mouthC. a mouthfulD. the mouthfulYour answer Correct answerCSubmit。
新视野⼤学英语第⼆册⽹络quiz答案unitunit8新视野⼤学英语第⼆册⽹络quiz答案unitunit8部门: xxx时间: xxx整理范⽂,仅供参考,可下载⾃⾏编辑词汇结构A ______ of territory had always been a wish of the rulerof that country. BIntroduction expansion intension expectationb5E2RGbCAPThere is a forecast that the _______ for a good crop harvest will be rather poor this year. Ap1EanqFDPw Prospect protection proportion promiseThe _______ of the film star really disappointed her fans. BDXDiTa9E3dPrecious absence present absentYou have to _______ all mistakes from the essay before you hand it in. DRTCrpUDGiTJudge display reveal eliminateYou can put on your jeans. It is just a(n> ______ party. D5PCzVD7HxAWonderful incredible formal informalThe middle-aged woman worried about her _______ future withno money and no family. AjLBHrnAILgGloomy bright splendid fearfulA _______ of robbers broke into the bank and took away all the money. DxHAQX74J0XGather school rank gangI asked her the question as soon as I saw her, but she only gave me a(n> ______ answer instead of a definite one. BLDAYtRyKfEDirect implicit clear infiniteThis expert will _______ his remarks to e-business (电⼦商务> this time. CZzz6ZB2LtkCoordinate render confine depictWhen traveling, you are advised to take travelers' checks, which provide a safer _______ to carrying money around. DdvzfvkwMI1Substitute mean preference alternativeSince we can't hear you at the back of the hall, you will have to _____________ your voice. Crqyn14ZNXILift increase raise speak upBecause he hates dishonesty he is _____________ on his children when they tell lies. CEmxvxOtOcoHeavy strong hard strictBecause of the _____________ emphasis placed on classroom activities, the instructor will report your absence to the adviser. BSixE2yXPq5Large strong hard highMedical care reform has become this country's most important public health _____________ .C6ewMyirQFLQuestion stuff matter reasonAt first, the speaker was referring to the problem of pollution in the country, but halfway in her speech, she suddenly_____________ to another subject. BkavU42VRUs Committed changed favored transferredA healthy life is frequently thought to be _____________ with the open countryside and home-grown food. Dy6v3ALoS89 Tied bound involved associatedWriting is a slow process, requiring _____________ thought, time, and effort. BM2ub6vSTnPReasonable considerable memorable numerableStudents or teachers can participate in trips to lovely beaches around the island at regular _____________ . D0YujCfmUCw Gaps rates lengths intervalsHe was _____________ entry to the theatre for not being properly dressed. AeUts8ZQVRdDenied rejected given requiredCivilization as we know it today is in _____________ danger. BsQsAEJkW5TConsistent constant consistently constantlyGMsIasNXkA完形填空Correct answer: (1> rack (2> depressed (3> lost (4> evident (5> until (6> fortunate (7> either (8> duty (9> promising (10> demand (11> rendered (12> Accordingly (13> no longer (14> puzzles (15> certain (16> definition (17> struck (18> to speak (19> confined (20> occupation TIrRGchYzgWhat is the meaning of life? I am sitting alone in a cornerin an unremarkable little house in the dark to 1 my brains for an answer. I am 2 .I have just 3 my job and my husband has recently left me. I am 35 years old.7EqZcWLZNXIt is 4 that the meaning of life is to do what you are told 5 you are about 25 years old and then to marry who you are told to marry. If you are 6 ,there is a brief period of being in love before 7 your relatives or your husband tells you that it is your 8 to get pregnant andhave children. You may have had a(n> 9 career with a good salary, but that is about to end. Your children will 10 constant attention and you will be 11 a housewife. Youwill recognize that your youth has passed and begin to growold. 12 ,your husband will leave you for someone younger.My services as a wife are 13 required.lzq7IGf02EThe whole question 14 The whole question 15 that I cansay that I have ever made a major 16 on my own. I startto get depressed, but then I am 17 by something quite curious: freedom. There is no one 18 me what to do. I amno longer 19 by the wisdom of my parents. I realize thatmy ambition had been to have a(n> 20 and freedom, not a husband and a stay-at-home lifestyle. The infinite possibilities excite me.zvpgeqJ1hkRack crack distress focusContented inferior satisfied depressedNrpoJac3v1Missed lacked lost gainedEvident noticeable recognizable visibleAfter until when yetFavorable successful fortunate convenientNeither nor both eitherDuty plan dream jobEncouraging promising amusing promotingChallenge question demand renderPresented rendered left performedUnderstandably Actually Accordingly Appropriately1nowfTG4KINo way no longer not so long as before longfjnFLDa5ZoPuzzles questions doubts disorderstfnNhnE6e5Right exact specific certainConclusion definition determination decisionHbmVN777sLStruck occurred beaten knockedTo say to tell to talk to speakCommitted enclosed confined imprisonedWork trade business occupation选词填空Correct answer: (1> consequence (2> earning (3>diverse (4> indispensable (5> denial (6>ambition (7> confined (8> accumulate (9>schedule (10> specialize V7l4jRB8Hs另外的词vacation, conclusion, store, contradiction, ambition83lcPA59W9I finished my two-year associate degree last year. It might surprise you that this year my salary is twice the national average for four-year institution graduates. I think this is the 1 many of them studying useless subjects. A lot of university students are wasting their time learning about music, history, and literature while I'm 2 a living. Some of my friends have argued that a 3education is essential. They say that it will allow them to develop a philosophy for life that will be 4 when they graduate from a university. I think they are in 5 of what life is really about-making money. I have real 6 and want to get ahead.I don't want to be 7 by school while trying to attain a four-year degree. I figure that I can 8 enough wealth over the next twenty years to retire early. I'll have plenty of time to develop my life's philosophy when my friends are 40 and working a miserable 9 for some corporation they hate. I will be sitting on a beach somewhere, enjoying the life and collecting all the wisdom I need. If I could give some advice to kids who are graduating from high school, it would be to 10 insomething and then get to work. All that other stuff can take care of itself after you are prosperous.mZkklkzaaP阅读理解A man was telling one of his friends why he was contentwith his married life. "My wife makes all the small decisions," he explained, "and I make all the big ones, so we never try to have too much influence on each other's business and never get angry with each other. We have no complaints and no arguments." AVktR43bpw"That sounds reasonable," answered his friend. "And whatsort of decisions does your wife make?" ORjBnOwcEd "Well," answered the man, "she decides what jobs I apply for, what sort of house we live in, what furniture we have, where we go for our holidays, and things like that."2MiJTy0dTTHis friend was surprised. "Oh?" he said. "And what do you consider important decisions then?" gIiSpiue7A"Well," answered the man, "I decide who should be President, whether we should increase our help to poor countries, what we should do about the atom bomb (原⼦弹>, and things like that."uEh0U1YfmhCDDACThe man was content with his married life because _________________.IAg9qLsgBXA. he and his wife talk about every decision they makeWwghWvVhPEB. he has more power than his wife does in family lifeasfpsfpi4kC. he and his wife are responsible for different thingsooeyYZTjj1D. he has many good friends and influence in the worldBkeGuInkxIWhat does the man's friend think at first?A. He thought that their marriage couldn't work.B. He thought that the man had too much power.C. He thought that the wife had too much power.D. He thought that their arrangement sounded fine.The wife lets the man decide ________________.A. which house to buyB. where to workC. where to travelD. who should be PresidentWe can tell from the story that _________________.A. the man's wife has the final say in the familyB. the man has the final say in the familyC. the man's friend will follow his exampleD. the man and his wife respect each otherA good title for this passage is _________________.PgdO0sRlMoA. A man and his friendB. A loving husbandC. A happy married lifeD. A choice for PresidentIs your job doing harm to your health? If you are like alot of American workers today, you experience a significant amount of stress in work. Stress doesn't just make you unhappy at work. It can affect your health. Doctors say people under stress have higher blood pressure, even when they are away from work. And they are at a higher risk for death from any cause than those who are more relaxed.3cdXwckm15How do you know if your job could be a risk to your health? Some danger signs include difficulty getting to sleep ordifficulty waking up in the morning, forgetfulness, aches and pains for no apparent reason, a desire to eat less or tendency to eat poorly, loss of interest in activities, etc. Everyone has bad days in which they feel many of these symptoms, but if you have noticed several of them, and you have experienced them for months, you may need to do something. h8c52WOngMIf you notice these signs in yourself or your beloved one, check with your doctor to eliminate other possibilities. If the cause does appear to be stress, you should try to make time for yourself away from work. Try relaxing in a warm bubble bath, listening to music, and shutting out the world for a while.v4bdyGiousAACBAAccording to the passage, ____________.A. many American workers are under stress latelyB. almost all people know how to get rid of stressC. most people go to doctors for help with stressD. it is sure that our work is doing harm to our healthJ0bm4qMpJ9How does stress at work affect your life?A. It makes you unhappy at work.B. It always affects your health.C. It makes you worry all the time.D. It keeps you from working well.Which of the following is mentioned as a sign that your job is unhealthy?XVauA9grYPA. Sudden aches and pains.B. Frequent bad days.C. Trouble remembering.D. Loss of time to relax.When should you do something about your problems?A. When you've been told by others that you should do something.bR9C6TJscwB. When you've noticed several bad symptoms over a long time.pN9LBDdtrdC. When you've let stress affect your friendships or life at work.DJ8T7nHuGTD. When you've visited a doctor and he has told you to leave work.QF81D7bvUAWhat can you do if you've noticed some of the signs of stress?4B7a9QFw9hA. See a doctor and try to relax more.B. Change to another less stressful job.C. Assume much fewer responsibilities.D. Take up a hobby like playing music.There were days in which Danny could forget that he had graduated from Boston University. After 17 years of education in the finest schools in America, he couldn't repair a burnt connection in his car or locate a carburetor (化油器>. ix6iFA8xoXDanny is an educated man. He is a master of writing papers, taking tests, talking, and filling out forms. He can discuss Freud from a Marxian viewpoint and he can discuss Marx from a Freudian viewpoint. wt6qbkCyDEIn short, Danny is a worker without skills, and he has a sociology degree to prove it. He is of very little use to American industry. Kp5zH46zRkThis is nothing new. Colleges have been turning out workers of this sort for decades. Until five years ago, most of these workers took their degrees in sociology, philosophy, political science, or history, and marched right into the American middle class. Some found work in business and government but many, if not most, went into education,which is the only thing they knew anything about. Once there, they taught another generation the skills necessaryto take tests and write papers. Yl4HdOAA61But the cycle broke down. There are too many teachers these days, college applications are down, plumbers are making$ 12 an hour, and graduates with degrees in fields like sociology are faced with a choice: graduate school or drive a taxi.ch4PJx4BlIDanny chose the taxi because driving was about the onlyskill he had that he could make money with. Danny refers to his job as "Real World 101". He has been beaten and shot at. But he has also acquired some practical skills: he can get his tickets fixed。
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Unit 8 Quiz单元小测验Your percentage score is 52%.Quiz result has been recorded successfully.Part IDirections: Listen to the short dialogs, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers.1. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. He does not want to eat GM food.B. He wants GM food labeled.C. He does not care if GM food is labeled.D. He agrees with the woman.Your answer Correct answerC C2. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. She agrees with the man.B. GMO spreads diseases.C. GM fish are abnormally large.D. Trees grow too fast.Your answer Correct answerA A3. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. She wants the man to go to the meeting.B. She wants the man to pick up the children.C. She wants to clone the man.D. She does not want a clone of the man.Your answer Correct answerD D4. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. Evolution is more efficient than lab experiments.B. Evolution is less efficient than lab experiments.C. Evolution produces better strains.D. Lab experiments produce more strains.Your answer Correct answerB B5. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. The woman wants to be coaxed to clone herself.B. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.C. Love is blind.D. The man wants copies of the girl through cloning.Your answer Correct answerD DPart IIDirections: Listen to the passage(s) three times. When the passage is read for the first time, listen for the general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, fill in the blanks numbered from S1 to S7 with the exact words you hear. For blanks numbered from S8 to S10, write down either the exact words you hear or the(1) yield(2) identify(3) central(4) abnormal(5) how(6) to(7) signals(8)The most important potentialapplication of human stem cells isperhaps the generation of cells andtissues(9)Stem cells, directed to differentiate intospecific cell types, will offer a source ofreplacement cells and tissues(10)it may become possible to generatehealthy heart muscle cells in thelaboratory and then transplant thosecells into patients with chronic heartdiseasePart IIIDirections: Listen to the following recording, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers.1. What is the Iceland company doing?A. Creating a detailed map of the genes of the Icelandicpeople.B. Creating a detailed map of all human genes.C. Creating a map as detailed as those by some other projects.D. Creating a map less detailed than that by the Americancompany.Your answer Correct answerB B2. Why do the people of Iceland present a special opportunity tostudy the human genome?A. Iceland has a small population.B. Most of the Icelanders have a small group of ancestors.C. Plenty of records of their ancestors are available.D. All of the above.Your answer Correct answerD D3. Why is the Iceland project superior to the American genomeproject?A. Because it observes 200 million people.B. Because it observes 14 large families.C. Because it observes more families than any other project.D. Because it observes more families than many otherprojects.Your answer Correct answerC C4. Why can the study of genes help to identify the causes ofdiseases?A. Small genetic differences may be related to some diseases.B. Large genetic differences may be related to some diseases.C. The genetic similarity may throw light on some diseases.D. Similar genes will cause similar diseases.Your answer Correct answerA A5. What is the passage mainly concerned about?A. Finding out the history of Irish families.B. Finding out the special genes of Irish people to cure theirdiseases.C. Creating a detailed human genetic map to identifydisease-causing genes.D. Creating a detailed human genetic map to identifyabnormally small genes.Your answer Correct answerC CPart IVDirections: Choose the right answer.1. With the advent of the genetic map, we know whereeverything is, but do we know where to ________________?A. go for itB. go with itC. get for itD. get with itYour answer Correct answerB B2. As you know, it has taken millions of years of evolution andnatural selection to get us ________________ we are today.A. howB. whoC. whatD. whereYour answer Correct answerD D3. It's too late to ________________ the clock. We'll just have todepend on common sense to solve uncommon problems.A. returnB. turn aroundC. turn backD. turn roundYour answer Correct answerC C4. Many prisoners have been freed through DNA testing, exceptfor the ones whose death sentence has already been________________.A. carried outB. carried onC. carried forwardD. carried awayYour answer Correct answerA5. "I guess there would be some tremendous medical advantagesin that sort of research." "You've said ________________."A. a mouthB. the mouthC. a mouthfulD. the mouthfulYour answer Correct answerCSubm i t。