江苏省盐城市阜宁县明达初级中学中考英语7aunit4food教案牛津版 (1)


牛津英语7A_Unit 4 Food(1)

牛津英语7A_Unit 4 Food(1)
A: I like bananas. What food do you like? B: I like hamburgers. A: Do you like carrots? They are my favourite. B: No, I dislike them. What about fish? A: I like fish. It is healthy. I don’t like eggs.
Which food do you like? Do you like/love …?
You dislike/hate …
Write the food you like or dislike in the table. Then talk about it.
1.What food do you love or like?
1.How many meals do you have a day? 2.What drink do you like best? 3.What fruit do you like best? 4.What is your favourtie meat? 5.What is your favourtie vegetable?
5. We must do exercise.It is h_e_al_t_h_y.
His grandpa goes to the park many times a day.
They often have bread and eggs for breakfast.
Daniel likes _h_a_m__b_u_rg_e_r_s_. He dislikes _c_a_r_ro_t_s_. He hates ___e_g_gs___.

[精品K12]7A Unit 4 Food上课学习上课学习教案

[精品K12]7A Unit 4 Food上课学习上课学习教案

7A Unit 4 Food教案牛津checkoutUnit47A教案Teachingcontents:checkout7AUnit4Teachinggoals:.knowledgegoals:)Torevisetheuseofadverbsoffrequencyandthenameso fcommonfooditems2)Torevisekeyvocabulary3)Toreviewthesimplepresenttense2.Abilitygoals:Tohelpthestudentsbuildtheabilityofself-studyandself -assessment.Listening,speaking,readingandwriting3.Emotiongoals:Tohelpthestudentshaveahealthylifestyleandliveahealt hylifeTeachingimportantpoints:Self-assessmentforstudentstofindouthowmuchtheyhavel earnedinthisunit.Teachingdifficultpoints:ExpressSs’ideasaboutthefoodandlifestyleclasstype:RevisionPeriod:10Teachingmethods:)Discussion2)Individualorgroupwork3)Taskteachingmethods.Teachingaids:acomputerTeachingProcedures:Step1Revision)Brainstorm.AskSstolistthenamesofdifferentkindsoffoodaccordingt helistgivenontheslide.HelpSstorevisethenamesoffood.2)Revisethecountableanduncountablenouns. AskSstofindthecountableanduncountablenounsontheslide.3)Revisethephrases“acupof,apackof…”etcontheslide.4)Askandanswerworkinpairs,what’syourfavouritefood,why?5)Reviseadverbsoffrequency.Lookatthechartontheslideandwritesomesentences.Thenf inishtheexercisesabouttheadverbsoffrequency.6)Revisethethestructureof‘therebe’.Step2PresentationAmy’smotherwantsAmytohaveahealthydiet.HowoftendoesAmyea tthesedifferentkindsoffood?Lookathermother’slistandAmy’sdietchartonPage73andcompletethesentencesbelow Answers:1.totamatoes2.thereare,3.thereissometimes,4.Arethereanythereareoften,5.hereisalwaysusually,6.Istherethereisn’toften.Step3PracticeTalkaboutyourlifestyleaccoringtothequestionsgiven.Step4GuessinggamesStep5crosswordPuzzleStep6DiscussionHowcanwekeepfit?Step7consolidationexercise(6’)Step8Summary(1’)Sumuptheuseof‘therebe’structureandadverbsoffrequency.Afterteaching:该内容是牛津7AUnit4checkout.编写思路:首先是通过大脑风暴的形式复习已学过的食品的词汇,采用竞争机制,激发学生的学习兴趣。

牛津英语7A初一英语公开课教案Unit4 Food

牛津英语7A初一英语公开课教案Unit4 Food

Unit 4 FoodReading: What we eat and how we live Topic : lifestyle 1. To learn about the relationship between diet and overall health2. To practise the technique of skimming for overall comprehension and scanning for detail3. To learn about lifestyles of Ss’ ownTeaching Aids:PPT; Computerto Ss by showing what she eats and how she lives. In this short introduction, give Ss six new words and meanings on the blackboard. Lead Ss to read the new words. Ask Ss if they want to know any other’s lifestyle.2. Show a short video of ballet to give Ss the word “dancer ”. Let Ss meet Kitty and tell them something about Kitty, such as her appearance, her likes and dislikes. Then let Ss meet Daniel.Tell them something about Daniel, too.3. Ask Ss to guess Kitty’s and Daniel’s lifetyles because Ss have known something about them. Give Ss 5 questions and ask them to guess. Ss feel a bit difficult. T can help them by doing the guessing game with Ss and giving some words. The purpose of this game is to interest Ss . The y don ’t know if their answers are correct or not, so they will be quite interested in the reading to check their answers.Ⅱ. While-reading (25’1. Ask Ss to turn to page 60. First, skim the passage with the question: Who has a healthy lifestyle? After reading quickly, Ss give the answer.2. Ask Ss to scan Kitty’s lifestyle . Ss should read it silently. In this way, they can think better. After that, do a blank-filling about details of Kitty’s lifestyle. Suggest Ss that they can underline the answers. Show the blank-filling on PPT.3. Ask Ss to scan Daniel’s lifestyle with questions. After reading carefully, do the ask and answer. One student asks a question and he/she can choose another student to answer the question.4. Ask Ss to do correction. Tell them the mistakes are not mistakes of grammar. This exercise helps Ss master the reading better. Several more able students can find out all the five mistakes. For weaker students, encourage them and praise them if they can find one.5. Ask Ss to read the passage aloud . Girls read as Kitty. Boys read as Daniel. Ⅲ Post-reading (10’1. A competition. Give Ss a question: What is a healthy lifestyle? Ask Ss to work in pairs to discuss it. T gives some help if necessary. Divide Ss into three teams.Then start the competition. If a team gives the most ideas, it is the winner.2. Ask Ss questions about their own lifestyles. What do you have for breakfast? Do you often eat snacks? Do you do any exercise? What kind of exercise do you often do? Etc.Ⅳ. Homework1. Make up a dialogue talking about lifestyle.2. read the passage and try to retell it.。



A brief teaching plan Unit 4 Reading By Xie Dehong From Sheyang Experimental Middle School 设计理念: 新课程标准积极提倡任务型教学原则,让学生通过体验实践,参与、讨论、交流、合作与探究的方式,学习和运用英语,从 而激发学生的学习热情。

本节课试图培养学生通过阅读来获得信息的能力,联系学生的生活实际,引导学生思考饮食与健康 的关系,启发学生知晓什么是健康食品,什么是不健康食品,使学生养成良好的饮食习惯,形成正确的生活方式。

本节课充 分利用多媒体,以学生为中心,使学生在学习的过程中一直处于互动、合作的状态,以达到在“用中学”和“学中用”的境 界。

Ⅰ、Teaching aims: (1)Get the students to learn about healthy diet and lifestyle. (2)Improve the ability of the students, especially the skills of scanning and summarizing. (3)Encourage the students to think and talk in English. (4)Get the students to realize the importance of healthy diet and lifestyle. Ⅱ、Teaching focuses: (1)Kitty’s and Daniel’s diets and lifestyles. (2)Some useful expressions It’s important for sb. to do sth.. be good for have… for breakfast…(lunch supper) not... any more Ⅲ、Teaching steps: Step 1 Communication What information can you get from the picture? What is my name? Where am I from? What lesson are we going to learn? Create the real situation to communicate with the Ss and train their abilities of observation and communication in English. Step 2 Prediction What we eat and how we live. Food and lifestyles Let the Ss read the title of the text “What we eat and how we live” and encourage them to predict what the text is about. Step 3 Revise the names of the food. What is it? It’s… What are they? They are… A: I like…. What food do you like? B: I like….Step 4 Presentation Name Age Hobby Favorite food chocolatecakes Introduce the teacher herself and present the surveys of Kitty and Daniel. Step 5 Watch the video and finish the chart Name Age Hobby Step 6 Reading Tell the Ss to scan Part A and find out what they ate before and what they eat now. Deal with Part B in the same way. Step 7 Kitty’s and Daniel’s lifestyles The two focuses of this lesson are diets and lifestyles. Let the Ss read the text again and do multiple choices. Step 8 Discussion Why did Kitty and Daniel change their diets and lifestyles. Do you think you need to change your own diet and lifestyle. Show the students a picture and ask than to give them some suggestions. Step 9 Some useful expressions Ask the students to find some useful expressions in the text, then have a competition. Encourage them to speak out in class. Step 10 Summary Retell the text Step 11 Homework. Write a short passage.教 学 反 思 射阳县实验初中英语组 解德红 今年 4 月 8 日我有幸参加了市教科院举办的实验初中优秀课展评活动,我所选择的课题是《牛津初中英语》7A 中的第四单元 的 Reading 部分。



牛津7A Unit 4 Food 知识讲解·要点解析1. Let’s have a hamburger. 我们吃个汉堡包吧。

Let’s 是Let us的缩写,意为“让我们”,表达一种建议。

Let’s go to school. 我们去上学吧。

2. You’re always hungry, Eddie. 埃迪,你总是很饿。

Be hungry, 意为“饥饿”。

Tom needs a hamburger. He is hungry. 汤姆要一个汉堡包,他饿了。

3. I need a lot of energy. 我需要大量的能量。

a lot of 意为“许多”,相当于many或much, 可修饰不可数名词,也可以修饰可数名词。

I have a lot of apples. 我有许多苹果。

At Mid-Autumn Festival,we eat a lot of nice food. 在中秋节我们吃很多美食。

energy 为不可数名词,用a lot of, lots of 或much 修饰。

4. What about + n / doing 表达一种建议。

What about Sunday?What about going fishing.5. I want to be a dancer. 我想成为一名舞蹈演员。

want to be, 意思是“想成为”。

Kitty wants to be Daniel’s friend. 基蒂想成为丹尼尔的朋友。

I want to be a teacher when I grow up. 我长大了想当一个老师。

6. It is important for a dancer to be healthy. 对一个舞蹈演员来说,健康是重要的。

“It is important for someone to do something” 意为“做某事对某人很重要”。

It is important for us to learn English 学英语对我们来说很重要。






PartOneAdverbsoffrequencyStep1Lead-inT:Hi,everyone!Herearesomephotosofmyfamily.Pleaselookatthem.Myauntcleanstheroomeveryday.Shealwaysdoesthecleaning.MyunclegoestotheSingingClubatleast(至少)fivetimesaweek.Heusuallysingssongsafterwork.Mycousinlovesdrawing.Heoftendrawspicturesinthepark.Sometimesheneedstogotothelibrarytolookforsomeinformati on.HeisgoodatJapanese.Heseldomfails(失败)intheexam.Mycousinisagoodboy.HeneverplaystricksonhisDad.Step2ExplainingthegrammarrulesT:PleasereadtherulesofGrammarAonpage64andanswertheq uestion.Whatcanadverbsoffrequencytellus?S:Adverbsoffrequencytellyouhowoftenthingshappen.Step3PracticingthegrammarT:Askandansweraboutthefollowingquestions:Whatdoyounever/seldom/sometimes/often/usually/alwayse atanddrink?S:I…eat…./I…drink….Whatdoyounever/seldom/sometimes/often/usually/alwaysd o?S:I…do….T:PleasefinishtheexerciseonP64.S:1.often2.seldomually4.never5.always6.sometimesPartTwoCountableanduncountablenounsStep4Lead-inT:Pleaselookatthepicturesandtelluswhatitis.S:apig,twopigs,adog,twodogs,abanana,manybananas,anorange,t wooranges,atomato,threetomatoes,apotato,somepotatoes,abox, eightboxes,awatch,twowatches,acat,fourcats,abird,twobirds Step5ExplainingtherulesT:Countablenouns1.Acountablenounreferstosomethingwecancount.2.Weuse‘a’or‘an’beforeasingularcountablenoun.Ifthen ounstartswithavowelsound,weuse‘an’.3.Toformthepluralformofmostcountablenouns,weadd‘-s’tothesingularform.However,therearesomeexceptions.Pleaselo okattherulesonPage65.4.Anuncountablenounreferstosomethingwecan’tcount,suc hasbread,water,chicken,ham,juiceandsoon.5.Wecanalsousenounsinfrontofuncountablenounstoshowthe iramounts.Step6Lead-inT:Herearesomeotherpictures.Canyoudescribethemusingaphr ase?S:acupoftea,twocupsoftea,aglassofwater,twoglassesofwater, abottleofCoke,sixbottlesofCoke,apacketofsalt,twopacketsofsalt.T:Whatcanyouseeinyourfridge?S:Ic ansee…inmyfridge.Step7PracicingthegrammarT:CompletetheconversationonP66.S:1.Chicken2.bag3.rice4.packet5.salt6.vegetable7.carrots8.potatoes9.mangoes10.apple11.Coke12.cartonskT:GoondoingtheexercisesonP66.Putthethingstheyaregoingtobuyintothecorrectcategoriesint hetablebelow.S:Countablenouns(singular):bag,packet,appleCountablenouns(plural):carrots,potatoes,vegetables,mango es,cartonsUncountablenouns:chicken,rice,salt,milk,CokePartThreeUsing‘therebe’Step8Lead-inT:Pleaselookatthepictureanddescrib eitusing‘Thereis…”,“Thereare…”.S:Thereis…./Thereare….T:Therearemanythingsinit.Arethereany…init?/Thereisnothing init.Istherea/an…init?Step9PracticingthegrammarT:Let’smakeaguessinggame.Thereissomefoodandfruitinthebag.Canyouguesswhat’sinit?S:Isthere/Arethere…init?T:Yes./No.Step10ExplainingthegrammarrulesT:Weuse‘therebe’toshowthatsomethingexists.Weuse‘th ereis’beforeasingularnounoranuncountablenoun.Weuse‘ther eare’beforeapluralnoun.T:PleasedoPartConPage67.S:1.Isthere2.thereis3.Thereis4.th ereisn’t5.Arethere6.thereare7.Thereare8.Thereare9.Thereis10.Isthere11.thereisn’tPartFourHomework1.Revisethegrammarrules.2.Dosomemoreexercises.Canyouhelpthemfindtherightfamily?applemangocupplateeggdishsaltbeefbreadcakehamburgerCokebowljuicemeatmilkricetomatoTranslatethephrasesintoEnglish十一个婴儿九个男孩四个班级三杯茶六头大象五公斤牛肉十八只猴子七把小刀说明本课时是7A第四单元的语法课,内容是学习和运用频率副词、可数名词和不可数名词、therebe句型。

7A Unit 4 Food教案

7A Unit 4 Food教案

7A Unit 4 Food教案鐗涙触Checkout Unit 4 7A Teaching Contents: Checkout 7A Unit 4 Teaching goals: 1. Knowledge goals(): 1) To revise the use of adverbs of frequency and the names of common food items 2) To revise key vocabulary 3) To review the simple present tense 2. Ability goals(): To help the students build the ability of self-study and self-assessment. Listening, speaking, reading and writing 3. Emotion goals(): To help the students have a healthy lifestyle and live a healthy life Teaching important points: Self-assessment for students to find out how much they have learned in this unit. Teaching difficult points: Express Ss鈥?ideas about the food and lifestyle Class type: Revision Period:10 Teaching Methods: 1) Discussion 2) Individual or group work 3)Task teaching methods. Teaching aids: a computer Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Revision (17鈥? 1)Brain storm.(4鈥? Ask Ss to list the names of different kinds of food according the list given on the slide.Help Ss to revise the names of food . 2) Revise the countable and uncountable nouns.(2鈥? Ask Ss to find the countable and uncountable nouns on the slide. 3) Revise the phrases鈥渁cup of, a pack of鈥︹€漞tc on the slide.(2鈥? 4) Ask and answer(4鈥? Work in pairs ,what鈥檚your favourite food,why?5)Revise adverbs of frequency.(3鈥? Look at the chart on the slide and write some sentences. Then finish the exercises about the adverbs of frequency. 6) Revise the the structure of 鈥榯here be鈥?(2鈥? Step 2 Presentation(3鈥? Amy鈥檚mother wants Amy to have a healthy diet. How often does Amy eat these different kinds of food ? Look at her mother鈥檚list and Amy鈥檚diet chart on Page73 and complete the sentences below Answers:1.totamatoes 2.there are, 3.there is sometimes, 4.Are there any there are often, 5.here isalways usually, 6.Is there there isn鈥檛often. Step 3 Practice(6鈥? Talk about your lifestyle accoring to thequestions given. Step4 Guessing games(2鈥? Step5 Crossword Puzzle (2鈥? Step6 Discussion (8鈥? How can we keep fit? Step 7 Consolidation exercise 锛?鈥欙級Step 8 Summary锛?鈥欙級Sum up the use of 鈥榯here be鈥?structure and adverbs of frequency. After teaching: 7A Unit4 Check out. цthere be 缁撴瀯,涓哄憟鐜版柊璇惧仛濂藉噯澶??,,?鐢ㄧ寽鍗曡瘝娓告垙,宸╁浐鎵€瀛﹀崟璇?褰㈠紡澶氭牱,鐢熷姩娲绘臣.鏈€鍚庣敤璁ㄨ?鍙戞尌瀛︾敓鐨勬兂璞″姏,.杈惧埌瀵瑰叏鍗曞厓鐨勫珐鍥? 鎿嶄綔璇存槑:鐢╬owerpoint 鍒朵綔.鐐瑰嚮鍗冲彲,鍒,鎿嶄綔鏂逛究. 鐗涙触7A Unit4绗?璇炬椂(Reading绗?璇炬椂)7A Unit 4 Reading (1)涓€銆?1銆?璇嶆眹2銆?鏁翠綋鐞嗚В璇炬枃浜屻€?鏁欏叿: 褰曢煶鏈猴紝纾佸甫, 璇句欢1?2銆佹煡闃呯浉鍏宠祫鏂?浜嗚В濡備?細1銆乀o revise and expand vocabulary about food and lifestyles.╁睍鏈夊叧椋熺墿鍜岀敓娲绘柟寮忕殑璇嶆眹銆傦級2銆乀o learn about the relationship between diet and overall health.ュ悍涔嬮棿鐨勫叧绯汇€傦級3銆乀o practise the technique of reading. 锛堢粌涔犻槄璇绘妧宸с€傦級璇嶆眹before, diet, energy, exercise, fast food, healthy, important, lifestyle, seldom, tired, top, dancer, change, fruit, sweet, often, bread, meet, juice, person 鍙ュ瀷1銆丅efore, I seldom atefruit and vegetables. Now I always eat an apple for breakfast and I often drink some milk. 2銆両swim twice a week. 3銆両do not eat fast food any more.涔犵瓥鐣ワ細The technique of fast reading and detail reading.锛堝揩閫熼槄璇诲拰缁嗚妭鎬ч槄璇绘妧宸с€傦級涓冦€佹櫤鑳藉煿鍏伙細Compound healthyfood and do some proper activities.級? 45 minutes) Step1. Revision (5 minutes) Revisethe structure they learned last lesson :What is your favorite food ? What do you usually eat? Get the Ss to go on talking about it. A: I like bananas. What food do you like? B: I like hamburgers. A: Do you like vegetables? They are my favourite. B: No, I dislike them. What about fish? A: I like fish. It is healthy. I don鈥檛like eggs. What about you? B: I hate eggs. Step 2.Presentation(5 minutes) Present the new words: diet, energy, exercise, fast food, healthy, important, lifestyle, seldom, tired, top, dancer, change, fruit, sweet, often, bread, meet, juice, person Step 3.Reading 锛?0 minutes) Fast reading: Read the text quickly and silently,then answer the questions. ( 2 minutes) 鈥?1. Does Kitty have a healthy diet now? 鈥?2. Did she have a healthy diet before? 鈥?3. Did Daniel change his diet and lifestyle? 鈥?4.Does he have a healthy diet now? Details reading: Questions about Kitty and her diet: ( 6 minutes) 鈥?1. What does kitty want to be? 鈥?2. How many hours does she dance every day? 鈥?3. Why did she change her diet? 4. What does she eat for breakfast now? 5. What does she usually eat for dinner? Questions about Daniel and her diet: 1.What does Daniel do after class? 2.What did he love before? 3.How long does he exercise every day now? 4. What does he usually have for breakfast? 5. What does he usually have for dinner? 3. Read again: Sum up the main idea of each paragraph. ( 3 minutes)4.Get the Ss to find out the new words in the passage and guess the meanings. ( 3 minutes) Do part B1 Answers: 1.e, 2.f, 3.d, 4.h,5.a,6.b,7.c,8.g. 5. Read after the tape and then complete the passages: ( 6 minutes) Kitty w to be a dancer. She spends two hours p dancing every day. She thinks it鈥檚important for her to have ahealthy d . That鈥檚because she is easy to feel t when she dances. Though sweet snacks can give her e______, they are not healthy. So she seldom eats them. She always eats an apple, some bread and drinks some milk for b______ . She has l ____ every day. For dinner, she usually eats meat and v________. After dinner, shes________ has an orange or a banana. Daniel likes studying and he is a t student at school. He likes p computer games and c with his friends as well. But he doesn鈥檛have a h diet or l because he loves Coke and hamburgers and he n does exercise. Well, he thinks it鈥檚time for him to c____ now. He p_______ to have juice and bread for breakfast, f______ and vegetables for lunch and dinner. He also plans to go swimming t______ a week. Step 5 Retell the text according to the key words. ( 3 minutes) Step 6 Discussion: ( 3 minutes) What shouldn鈥檛(涓嶅簲璇?we eat? What should 锛堝簲璇ワ級we eat? Step 7 Interview: ( 4 minutes) The student reporter is interviewing Kitty and Daniel. He is asking something about their food and lifestyles. Make up a conversation among them. Step 8 Writing: What I eat and how I live( 5 minutes) ( If there is no time left , do it after class. 濡傛病鏈夋椂闂村墿涓嬫) Homework:?meat, fish, eggs, beans and nuts, bread, potatoes, rice, milk, cheese, vegetables, fruit, snacks,such as ice cream, biscuits, cakes, chocolate and sweets Breakfast: Lunch: Supper:Blackboard Writing ( 鏉夸功)7A Unit 4 Food ( Reading 1 ) Food and lifestyles New words: The answers of the exercises: The answers of the exercises: 鈥︹€? 鈥︹€? 鈥︹€?. 鈥︹€?. 鈥︹€? 鈥︹€?.?Вх?鐗涙触7A Unit4 绗?璇炬椂(Reading绗?璇炬椂)7A Unit 4 Reading (2)涓€銆佹暀瀛﹀唴瀹癸細1銆?2銆?鐞嗚В璇炬枃鐭ヨ瘑鐐?浜屻€佹暀鍏凤細褰曢煶鏈猴紝纾佸甫, 璇句欢1銆佸Kitty鍜孌aniel鐨勯ギ椋熷彉鍖栵紝澶嶈堪璇炬枃銆?2銆佹壘鍑哄苟灏介噺鐞嗚В?細1銆乀o practise intensive reading and retell the text.锛堢粌涔犵簿璇伙紝鐞嗚В2銆乀o understand and master the new points in the text.█鐐广€傦級癸細鎺屾彙鍙ュ瀷1銆両want to be a dancer. 2銆両t's important for a dancer to be healthy. 3銆丅efore, I seldom ate fruit and vegetables. 4銆両know that sweet snacks are not good for me. 5銆両do not eat sweet snacks between meals any more. 6銆丄fter class, I also like playing computer games and chatting with my friends on the Internet Practise intensive reading.锛堢粌涔犵簿璇汇€傦級涓冦€佹櫤鑳藉煿鍏伙細Compound healthy food and do some proper activities.鍏珅銆? 45 minutes) Step 1 Revision:锛? minutes锛?1. Revise Kitty鈥檚and Daniel鈥檚diet 锛? minutes锛?The diet of Kitty BEFORE NOW Get the Ss to go through the article A to complete the table. Check the answers and pay attention to nouns( countable nouns& uncountable nouns) and the Simple Past Tense Daniel鈥檚diet BEFORE NOW 2. Retell the diet of Kitty and Daniel. 锛? minutes锛?Step2. Reading锛?0 minutes锛?1. Read after the tape. 锛? minutes 锛?2. Practise: Ask the Ss to find out the main idea of each paragraph.锛? minutes 锛?Answers: F T F T T F Do part C1. Ask students to tell whether the statements are true or not, and then correct the false ones.3. Read and answer (Part C2) 锛? minutes锛?Ask students to read the text again, and then answer the questions in Part C2 in pairs. Answers: every day, two hours, wants to play basketball, juice and bread. Step 3 Language points: 锛?0 minutes锛?Go through the passage. Explain the important phrases and sentences. 锛? minutes锛?1) want to be 鎯虫垚涓?鎴?鎴戝摜鍝?鎴戣〃寮?浠栦滑鎯冲綋鑰佸笀/鐢佃剳绋嬪簭鍛?鍖荤敓/璀﹀療. 2) It鈥檚+?for sb. to do sth锛?(easy, important, good, bad, interesting) 瀵癸紙鏌愪汉锛夎€岃█鍋氾紙鏌愪簨锛夋槸锛堟€庝箞鏍凤級鐨?3) be good/ bad for /鏈夊潖澶?4) have...for... ,鍚冣€︹€?鎴戞棭椁?/冮潰鏉?/楸? 5) be healthy =be in /having good health 6) not very often = seldom锛堝緢灏戯紝涓嶅父锛?7锛塧top student 8) twice a week 涓€鍛ㄤ袱娆?how often Step 3: Read the passage after the tape again. 锛? minutes锛?Can you remember the phrases? 锛? minutes锛?Step 4 : Doing consolidation exercises锛?0 minutes锛?: 1.They want tobe_________ (鑸炶€?. 2. He鈥檚__________(鍋ュ悍)than before. 3. I like___________(鑱婂ぉ) with friends on the Internet. 4. I swim __________() a week. ? 1銆佹垜闀垮ぇ鍚庢兂褰撲?I _______ ______ _____ a singer when I _______ ______ . 2銆?________in bed is ______ ____ eyes. 3?It's veryimportant________ ______ _____ __________ English well. 4銆佹潕涓藉凡涓嶅啀鐜╃數鑴戞父鎴忎簡銆?Li Li________play computer games ________ _________ . 5?I like _________ _______my friends _________the Internet. 6銆佹潕鏄庢棭涓婂父鍚冧粈涔堬紵What________Li Ming often _________ _________ breakfast锛?Step 6: Discussing 锛? minutes級Say something about students鈥?own diets and lifestyles according to the text. Discuss whose diet and lifestyle are healthier, whose are unhealthier. Why? How to change the unhealthy diet and lifestyle? Ask the students to work in groups of four, and then each group gives a report. Homework: 1. Oral work: Listen to, repeat andrecite the text 2.Written work: Write the students鈥?own food and lifestyles. Blackboard Writing ( 鏉夸功)7A Unit 4 Food ( Reading 2 ) Food and lifestyles Language Points: Phrases Sentences Exercises??瀛︿範鏃?Unit 4 Food and lifestyles (reading)Teaching aims and demands: New words: energy, change, diet, seldom, snack, chat, lifestyle, exercise, twice Teaching difficulties: the Simple Past Tense Teaching methods: task-based approach Teaching task: 1. Design a diet list for your school dining room. 2. Write a letter to a sick person and give him some advice to keep healthy. Teaching aids: tape recorder, tapes, slide projector, slides Teaching procedures:鈪? Warm-up Enjoy the beautiful song Take me home, country roads.鈪? Presentation Do you like the beautiful song ?Its name is Take me home, country roads. It comes from a famous American singer------John Denver. Do you want to be a singer. What do you want to be when you grow up?鈥︹€?In fact, no matter what you want to be, you must be healthy. So it鈥檚very important for us to be healthy. Right? But we have a question here, how do we keep healthy? What do you usually do to keep healthy? es, we have many ways to keep healthy, but I think if we want to be healthy, at least, we need healthy food and lots of exercise. Do you agree with me?鈪? Matching In the modern world, many people want to be healthier, they want to change their diets and lifestyles. Millie is one of them. Now, Millie is reading this week鈥檚articles about Kitty鈥檚and Daniel鈥檚diets and lifestyles. Do youwant to know what Kitty and Daniel say? But before we listen to them, let鈥檚learn some new words first. Match the English meanings with the new words. Explain the words. (examples) Read after the teachers.(Bb) ( One minute for the Ss to recite these new words.) 鈪? Listening So much for the new words. Now, let鈥檚listen to Kitty. After you listen to her, please answer my question, Did Kitty eat much sweet snacks before? ( Yes, she did.) Listen to Daniel and answer the question, What did Daniel always eat for lunch?( Hamburgers.) Help the Ss to answer. Listen again, then do some True or False exercises. Check the answers.鈪? Reading Ss read the articles by yourselves. Ask and answer questions in pairs. (examples) I want to know the two students---Kitty and Daniel better. Please give me a hand. Fill in the form. Ss practise in pairs. Ss tell the information/ differences between before and now to each other.鈪? Discussion (task) Classify the food (pictures) into two halves------healthy or unhealthy food. Ss stick them on the Bb. What do you usually eat forbreakfast/lunch/supper? Where do you have lunch? Do you think your food you eat every day healthy or unhealthy? Have a discussion in groups of six, design a diet list for your dining room. Each group will choose a student to tell us what kind food your group choose and Why? Hand in your diet list to the dining room after class.鈪?Writing (task) A friend of mine is often ill. He often goes to see the doctor. He is ill in hospital now. please write a letter to him and tell him how to keep healthy. (food, exercise鈥?鈪? Sum-up From this lesson, we know that eating healthy food and taking lots of exercise are the best ways to keep healthy. If you want to live better and be healthier, please change your unhealthy diet and lifestyle from today.鈪? Homework 1. Help your parents give up their bad diets and lifestyles. 2. Review the contents of this lesson.Match the new words with the English meanings. 1.energy a. do sports activities2.change b. not very often3.diet c. become different4.seldom d. two times5.snack e. talk, usually friendly6.chat g. power to do things7.lifestyle h. the food you usually get8.exercise i. the way you live9.twice j. small meals between main meals True or false questions. 1.Kitty changed her diet because she wants to be healthier. ( ) 2.Kitty and Daniel are both 12 years old. ( ) 3.Fast food is good for our health. ( ) 4.Daniel swims three times a week. ( ) 5.Daniel is not a good student at school. ( ) 6.Sweet snacks give us energy and they are healthy. ( ) 7.It鈥檚important for us to exercise often. ( ) 8.Kitty has healthy diet and lifestyle now, but Daniel doesn鈥檛. ( ) Ask and answer questions in pairs. e.g. Student A: What does Kitty want to be? Student B: She wants to be a dancer. Student A: Did Daniel love hamburgers? Student B: Yes, he did. Student A: 鈥?Student B: 鈥?Answer the following questions. 1. How long does Kitty dance every day? 2. Did Kitty often eat vegetables before? 3. Does Kitty always eat an apple for lunch? 4. Does Kitty eat sweet snacks now? 5. What does Daniel like doing? 6. Could Daniel play basketball well? Why? 7. How long does he exercise every day? 8. Does Daniel eat fast food now? 9. What does he eat for dinner now? 10. Did Kitty and Daniel change their diets and lifestyles? Fill in the form and try to find out the differences between their old diets and their new ones.Kitty beforenowDaniel beforenowDiscussion (task) Have a discussion in groups, design a diet list for your dining room. breakfastlunchsupperWriting (task) A friend of mine is often ill. He often goes to see the doctor. Now, he isill in hospital. Would you please write a short letter to him and tell him how to keep healthy? (food, exercise鈥? 1st December, 2004 Dear Bob, Yours truly,Sum-upEating healthy food and taking lots of exercise are both very important for us to keep healthy. If you want to live better and be healthier, please change your unhealthy diet and lifestyle from today.。

七年级英语Unit4 Food period one教案 牛津版

七年级英语Unit4 Food period one教案 牛津版
Step 5 Homework
Recite the new words and dialogue .
S Cake , juice , apple , orange , milk , fish , chicken…
S fruit–apple , orange , pear
drink–milk , juice
S I like meat .
S I like vegetables .
S I like hamburgers .
Finish the table .
S Millie likes bananas , carrots ,fish and eggs .
Step 3 Practice
T What food do you like ?
What is your favourite food ?
Do your like / love…
You dislike / hate…
T Now , here is a table .It isa table from the Get Fit Club website .Write the food you like or dislike in the table .
4 Hobo is always hungry .
5 Eddie walks to his bowl many time a day .
T Do you think walking to the bowl many times a day is a kind of exercise ?



2. ability goals(能力目标):3. emotion goals(情感目标):to help the students have a healthy lifestyle and live a healthy lifeexpress ss’ ideas about the food and lifestyleperiod:10step 1 revision (17’)1)brain storm.(4’)step 2 presentation(3’)step4 guessing games(2’)step 8 summary(1’)编写思路:首先是通过大脑风暴的形式复习已学过的食品的词汇,采用竞争机制,激发学生的学习兴趣。


最后复习频率副词和there be 结构,为呈现新课做好准备.新课呈现后,再让学生根据问题谈论生活方式,启发学生的思维,锻炼学生的运用语言的能力.用猜单词游戏,巩固所学单词,形式多样,生动活泼.最后用讨论的形式再一次运用任务型的教学方式,发挥学生的想象力,激发学生的思维.达到对全单元的巩固.牛津7a unit4第2课时(reading第1课时)教案7a unit 4 reading (1)一、教学内容1、词汇2、整体理解课文二、教具: 录音机,磁带, 课件三、课前准备:1、预习阅读资料,查出生词或新语言点。


五、学习要点:句型1、before, i seldom ate fruit and vegetables.3、i do not eat fast food any more.八|、课堂教学设计( 45 minutes)step1. revision (5 minutes)b: i like hamburgers.a: do you like vegetables? they are my favourite.a: i like fish. it is healthy. i don’t like eggs.b: i hate eggs.step 2.presentation(5 minutes)step 3.reading (20 minutes)•2. did she have a healthy diet before?details reading:questions about kitty and her diet: ( 6 minutes)questions about daniel and her diet:用下列各类食物,为自己配制一天的三餐饭。



Unit4 Food

1、话题:《牛津初中英语7A》教材中第四单元,根据本单元Reading 部分Food and lifestyles 进行。

2、内容:这篇文章分别对Kitty 和Daniel两人过去和现在的饮食和生活习惯进行了阐述。




Step 1: Warming –up activities
‘What is my f 1.Free Talk: To ask the student on duty to make a speech:。



牛津初中英语(7A)Unit 4 FoodUnit 4 Food教案本单元要学习和复习各种各样的食物名称。



通过语言技能的训练达到本单元的各学习目标:听:1、Guess the meaning of new words by looking at a questionnaire.(看调查问卷,猜测生词含义。

)2、Develop effective listening skills to extract specific information.(培养有效的听力技能,获取具体信息。

)说:1、Formulate questions about diets and respond appropriately.(练习说关于食物的问句并给以适当的回答。

)2、Ask“wh—”questions with the right i ntonation.(用恰当的语调练习wh—问句)3、Read one's own article to a classmate and check for mistakes.(读一篇文章给一位同班同学听,以检查错误。

)读:1、Guess general meanings of words from the context.(根据上下文猜词义。

)2、Identify specific meanings.(找出词的特定含义。

)3、Practise intensive reading.(练习精读。

)写:1、Express factual information about diets and lifestyles based on the model article.(以范文为例,表达有关食物和生活方式的实际信息。

)2、Select appropriate vocabulary and sentence constructions to write about personal details.(选择适当的词汇和句式,提供个人的具体信息。

英语:unit 4《food》教案(1)(译林牛津七年级上).doc

英语:unit 4《food》教案(1)(译林牛津七年级上).doc

英语:Unit 4《Food》教案(1)(译林牛津七年级上)【巧记提示】n+ever(曾经【经典例句】我上学从不迟到。



3)可以用how often来提问这些频率副词。

如:—How often do you go to the park?—Never.【活学活用】1.翻译句子答案:他一向无所事事。


【考点聚焦】1)近义词:dislike v.不喜欢2)反义词:like v.喜欢;love v.喜爱;爱3)派生词:hateful adj.可恨的;令人讨厌的4)hate的后面常跟名词、代词、动名词或动词不定式。


【考点聚焦】1)派生词:health n.健康;healthily adv.健康地2)反义词:ill adj.生病的3)近义词:well adj.身体好的【巧记提示】easy(容易的;简单的)→east(东边的【经典例句】I对我来说做好它轻而易举。

【考点聚焦】1)反义词:hard adj.难的;difficult adj.困难的2)常用句型:It’s easy for sb.to do sth.对某人来说做某事是容易的,如:【活学活用】 2.翻译句子这是一个简单的问题。

答案:This is an easy problem.【巧记提示】keep(保持)→deep(深的【经典例句】你必须照顾好自己并保持健康。

【考点聚焦】keep后面常跟形容词,表示保持某种状态,如:keep quiet(保持安静);还可跟介词短语,表示保持在某个位置,如:keep your hands behind your back(保持你的手一直在背后);keep后面常跟动名词,keep (in) doing sth.表示持续不断做某事,如:keep smiling(保持微笑)。

最新初中英语牛津7A Unit4学案

最新初中英语牛津7A Unit4学案

7A Unit 4 FoodWritten by : Qi Jiamin第一课时(The first period)Preparation:1、Ask Ss to look for words about food,the more ,the better.2、Ask Ss to bring some pictures of food.Aims: 1、To revise old vocabulary and learn new vocabulary about food.2、To talk about likes and dislikes with regard to food.3、To use adjectives to describe different tastes.Key points: Words: rice, hamburgers, chicken, fish, apples, oranges, vegetables, cakes, coke, chocolate, tea, mooncake, lemon, vinegar, hotpot, sugar, sandwich, sweet, sour, salty, spicy Sentences:1、What food do you like?What food does he/she likes?2、How does it taste?It tastes sweet/sour/salty/spicy.Functions: Talk about different food.Methods: 1、To develop students to look at the same thing in many ways.2、To develop students' ability to classify what they have learned.3、Make a chart and talk about it.Procedures:Step one1、Talk about food for three meals and snacks. This is a fun activity to learn and revise vocabulary and spelling.2、Of all the food and snacks, get students to work in groups to make a table by asking:What do you like/dislike?Name Love Like DislikeS1:S2:S3:Step two1、Ask Ss to look at different kinds of food in Part A. Go through the words and make sure that they can pronounce them well and understand their meanings.2、Ask Ss to tick the boxes according to their own likes and dislikes.3、Ask some students to present their answers and say something about their likes and dislikes.4、Ask Ss to report their classmates' likes and dislikes according to the table in Part 1.5、If there is time, ask Ss to talk about their family as well.Step three1、Try to bring some pictures of different kinds of food with strong tastes. Get Ss to know the meanings of "sweet, sour, spicy and salty".2、Ask Ss to think of other foods that are salty, sour, spicy or sweet.3、Look at P59 in the textbook and finish them.Step four: ExercisesFeedback:学案:第一课时(The first period)Aims:1、To revise old vocabulary and learn new vocabulary about food.2、To talk about likes and dislikes with regard to food.3、To use adjectives to describe different tastes.Key points: Words: rice, hamburgers, chicken, fish, apples, oranges, vegetables, cakes, coke, chocolate, tea, mooncake, lemon, vinegar, hotpot, sugar, sandwich, sweet, sour, salty, spicy Sentences:1、What food do you like?What food does he/she likes?2、How does it taste?It tastes sweet/sour/salty/spicy.Function: Talk about different food.Methods:1、To develop students to look at the same thing in many ways.2、To develop students' ability to classify what they have learned.3. Make a chart and talk about it.Practice:A、根据句意,填入适当的词。

牛津初中英语7A Module 2 unit4 Food 教学案例

牛津初中英语7A Module 2 unit4 Food 教学案例

牛津初中英语7A Module 2 unit4 Food教学案例牛津初中英语7A Unit4 reading (A) 教学案例一、课型: 阅读课、教学手段:多媒体、教方式:小组合作二、教材分析1、教学内容:牛津初中英语7A Module 2 unit4 Food2、教材处理:本单元的重点在于介绍年轻人的生活方式,旨在让学生了解什么样的饮食才是健康合理的。


通过Kitty 和Daniel过去和现在的饮食和生活习惯。









五、教学步骤:Step 1: Warming –up activities(一)、Play a song “健康歌”let’s students listen and sing with the music, Then ask “How can they keep healthy ?1. a healthy diet2.Do more exercise →a healthy lifestyle.设计说明:以播放同学们比较熟悉的歌曲进入,一方面可以活跃课堂气氛,另一方面很自然地导入到本节课的内容。


(二)1、Revise some names of food .let the students speak freely.2、Show some beautiful pictures of food .teach some new words :sweet、snack 、coke 、fruit、bread、milk、meat 、juice 、hamburgers、vegetables ……3、Ask students to answer(1) What is it ?(2) Do you like it ?(3) What food can we eat a lot?(4) Do you think …… is good for our health ?(5) Which food do you think is bad for our health?(6) Which is your favourite food?(7) Which is your partner’s favourite food?4、Ask and answer in pairs,then ask students to fill in the form:Healthy food Unhealthy food My favourite foodMy partner’s favourite food设计说明:使用多媒体课件导入课文展现单词直观、形象、生动。

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第4课时-Unit 4 Food, 7A一.【精挑细选短语】1. need a lot of energy需要许多能量 (p58)【知识链接】energy n.(U)能量→energetic adj.精力充沛的,be energetic=have a lot of energy精力充沛e.g. People need energy to live.人活着就需要能量。

2. a bowl of rice 一碗米饭→ two bowls of rice两碗米饭,rice没有复数形式。

3. get tired疲劳→get+形容词,类似的有:get hungry挨饿,get angry生气,get scared害怕4. keep fit=keep healthy=stay healthy保持健康,sweet snacks甜食 (p60)5. too much sugar太多的糖【知识链接】too much+不可数名词,太多…,much too+形容词或副词原级,实在太…e.g.①There is too much traffic on the street during rush hours. ②He was much too tired to walk.6. eat meat and vegetables for dinner正餐吃肉和蔬菜,eat hamburgers for lunch 午餐吃汉堡【知识链接】⑴eat/have sth for breakfast/linch/supper早/中/晚餐吃…,此处的介词for不能替换为at。

⑵at breakfast/lunch/supper在早/中/晚餐时e.g. What’s for breakfast?早餐吃什么?7. chat with my friends on the Internet和朋友在网上聊天 (注意on the Internet中的介词和冠词)【知识链接】chat with sb和某人聊天,chat online=chat on the Internet网上聊天8. a top student尖子生,top=the best【用法拓展】⑴on top of…=at the top of…在…的顶端 e.g. Father Christmas lands on top of each house on Christmas Eve. ⑵top顶端→bottom底部→at the bottom of…在…的底部9. have a healthy diet or lifestyle饮食或生活方式健康,change one’s diet改变饮食10. plan to eat healthy meals计划吃健康的饭菜,plan to go swimming计划去游泳【知识链接】plan ⑴vi.计划→planning →planned,常用短语plan to do sth计划做某事⑵n.计划,make a plan制订计划, make a plan for…制订…的计划11. be careful with her diet注意饮食 (p62)【知识链接】⑴be careful with/of…注意,珍视⑵be careful (not) to do sth小心(不)做某事12. go roller skating溜旱冰,go (ice) skating滑冰,go skiing滑雪 (p64)13. less than three times a week每周不到三次,three to six times a week每周三到六次 (p68)【知识链接】less than不到,少于→more than超过,多于14. walk to school=go to school on foot步行上学→walk to…=go to…on foot步行去某地15. Congratulations!祝贺你! (p69)【知识链接】congratulate vt.向…祝贺/道贺,恭喜→congratulation n.祝贺,庆祝(常用复数congratulations),常用短语“向某人祝贺某事”①congratulate sb on sth②say/offer congratulations to sb on sth e.g.①They congratulated him on winningthe 100-metre race.② I offered him my congratulations on his success.16. lie on the couch躺在长沙发上 (p70)【知识链接】lie on the bed躺在床上(不盖任何衣物),lie in bed躺在床上(指盖着被子等衣物)17. Me too.我也如此。


18. help me start the day有助于我开始一天(的工作、学习或生活) (p72)【知识链接】start ⑴vi.出发(不能用begin代替),start from…for…=leave…for…离开某地去某地 e.g. ①The train has just started.②He started from Taipei for Beijing. 或He left Taipei for Beijing. ⑵vi.开始=begin,start/begin to do sth,start/begin doing sth e.g. School starts/begins at 7:50.(不能说start from 7:50)⑶vt.启动 (不能用begin),e.g. start the engine启动发动机二.【百里挑一词汇】1. power n.力量;动力→ powerful强大的;有力的e.g. ①power failure停电②Waterpower creates electric power.水力可以发电。

2. 常见的食物名词:⑴Vegetables: carrots,tomatoes,cabbage⑵Fruit: lemons,mangoes,watermelons,grapes⑶Meat: beef,pork,chicken,mutton,fish⑷Sweet snacks: mooncakes,chocolates,candies=sweets,biscuits=crackers(noodles常用复数形式)⑸Drink:milk,juice,Sprite,Coca-cola=Coke,Pepsi Cola,Fanta,tea,coffee,ice cream3. carry vt.携带;搬运;提;背;抱;扛 e.g.①The train carries more goods than trucks. ②The woman carries a baby in her arms.【用法拓展】carry无方向性,而take, bring有很强的方向性。



选用take, bring填空①—A friend gave me a MP4 player. I want to show it to you. —Great! Could youit to school?②He told me not to you anything.③It’s rainin g outside. your raincoat.4. partner n.同伴,伙伴;搭档 e.g. He is my business partner.5. 分数:mark指成绩、得分,如:get full marks得满分,get good marks得高分;point即指具体的分值。

e.g. —He got full marks in the English test. —You mean he go t120 points?6. soup汤→喝汤eat soup→bro th(鱼、肉或菜)汤。

Every cook praises his own broth.王婆卖瓜,自卖自夸。

7. person n.人→复数persons/people →personal adj.个人的→personality n.个性 e.g.very important person=VIP重要人物;贵宾→VIP card贵宾卡; personal computer=PC个人电脑三.【五星必背句型】1. A healthy diet is very important for a dancer. (p60)【知识链接】⑴a healthy diet健康的饮食,dance vi.跳舞;n.舞蹈→dancer n.跳舞者;舞蹈演员⑵be healthy=be in good health健康的,be good/bad for health对健康有好/坏处⑶healthy→unhealthy→healthily,e.g. eat healthy food, eat healthily2. Daniel spends all his free time sitting in front of the computer. (p64) 【知识链接】⑴spend time doing sth ⑵in front of…在…的前面,in the front of…在…的前部3. How much TV do you watch every day?=How long do you watch TV every day? (p68)4. You are not fit at all. (p69)→肯定句变为含有not…at all的三个步骤:肯定句→否定句→句尾加at all。

【知识链接】⑴Not at all.不用谢;没关系。

⑵not…at all一点也不…,根本不…。

5. You need to exercise more, watch less TV and eat healthy food.【知识链接】⑴need to do sth有必要做某事⑵exercise more=do more exercise多锻炼⑶watch less TV少看电视⑷eat healthy food→eat healithily吃得健康6. I don’t eat them any more. (p70)【知识链接】not …any more=no more…再也不…,The child didn’t cry any more when he saw his mother.7. Good luck with your new diet and lifestyle.【知识链接】⑴Good luck (to you).祝你好运。
