
Reading 1:A remarkable Beetle1.easier to control than buffalo flies【not given】-原文(第二段):Ausrealia’s native dung beetles are scrub and woodland dwellers,specializing in couase marsupial droppings(粪便) and avoiding the soft cattle dung in which bush flies and bufflo flies breed.[澳洲本土的蜣螂生活在灌木丛和林地里,特别喜欢吃有袋动物的粪便,不吃灌木蝇和水牛蝇繁殖的软牛粪。
]-分析:原文并没有提到灌木蝇和水牛蝇控制的难易之分,因此答案为not given。
2.of dung beetle were initiallybrought to Australia by the CSIRO(由CSIRO带到澳大利亚,brought to A by B 由B带到A).【no】-原文(根据CSIRO定位至第3段):Between 1968 and 1982,the CSIRO imported insects from about 50 different species of dung beetle,from Asia, Europe and Africa,aiming to match them to different climatic zones in Australia.-分析:由原文知从1968年到1982年,CSIRO从亚洲、欧洲和非洲进口了大约50种不同种类的蜣螂,目的是让它们适应澳大利亚不同的气候区。
3.题目:Dung beetles were brought to Australia by the CSIRO over a fourteen-year period.【yes】-原文:Between 1968 and 1982,the CSIRO imported insects from about 50 different species of dung beetle,from Asia, Europe and Africa,aiming to match them to different climatic zones in Australia.-分析:1968至1982为14年,题目和原文相符合,故答案为yes。
【最新文档】雅思阅读长难句解析(共3例)-推荐word版 (1页)

【最新文档】雅思阅读长难句解析(共3例)-推荐word版本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==雅思阅读长难句解析(共3例)雅思阅读长难句是大家拿到雅思阅读高分最大的障碍之一,在做雅思阅读的时候,长难句是最不容易理解的地方,也是最容易隐藏答案的地方。
1、 If , on the other hand , producing more of a commodity results in reducing its cost , this will tend to increase the supply offered by seller - producers , which in turn will lower the price and permit more consumers to buy the product .参考译文:另一方面,如果大量制造某种商品导致其成本下降,那么这就有可能增加卖方和制造商能提供的供给,而这也就会反过来降低价格并允许更多的消费者购买产品。
2、 The American economic system is , organized around a basically private - enterprise , market - oriented economy in which consumers largely determine what shall be produced by spending their money in the marketplace for those goods and services that they want most .参考译文:美国的经济是以基本的私有企业和市场导向经济为架构的,在这种经济中,消费者很大程度上通过在市场上为那些他们最想要的货品和服务付费来决定什么应该被制造出来。

剑桥雅思阅读长难句分析1. The scent she carried in her samples and on her body was a message to the other bees that this was the one they were looking for.(剑4, General Training Test B section 3)分析:本句的主句为“The scent was a message to the other bees”;“she carried in her samples and on her body”为定语从句,做The scent 的定语,关系词在定语从句中做宾语,因此被省掉;“that this was the one they were looking for”为that引导的同位语从句,做a message 的同位语;“they were looking for”为定语从句,做the one的定语,关系词在定语从句中做for的宾语,因此被省掉。
2. Soon he would also discover a number of other remarkable facts about how bees communicate and, in doing so, revolutionize the study of animal behavior generally.(剑4, General Training Test B section 3)分析:本句的主句为“he would also discover a number of other remarkable facts about…and revolutionize the study of animal behavior generally”;“how bees communicate”为how引导的宾语从句,做介词about的宾语。

1. The Whigs were strongest in the towns, cities, and those rural areas that were fully integrated into the market economy, whereas Democrats dominated areas of semi-subsistence farming that were more isolated and languishing economically.问题:1. 请找出主句,并将各从句补充完整(添加主语、谓语)。
2. 本句最明显的逻辑关系是什么?信号词是什么?逻辑关系中的主体是什么?3. 请翻译全句。
2. Totally without light and subjected to intense pressures hundreds of times greater than at the Earth’s surface, the deep-ocean bottom is a hostile environment to humans, in some ways as forbidding and remote as the void of outer space.问题:1. 请找出主句,并将各分句补充完整(添加主语、谓语)。
2. “hundreds of times greater than at the Earth’s surface”修饰什么?3. “Totally without light and subjected to intense pressures hundreds of times greater than at the Earth’s surface”与“the deep-ocean bottom is a hostile environment to humans”间是什么逻辑关系?4. 请翻译全句。

1. The problem of how health-care resources should be allocated or apportioned, so that they are distributed in the most just and efficient way, is not a new one.(剑4, test4 passage 3) 分析:本句的主句为“The problem is not a new one”;“how health-care resources should be allocated or apportioned, so that they are distributed in the most just and efficient way”为how引导的宾语从句,做of的宾语;“so that they are distributed in the most just and efficient way”为so that引导的⽬的状语从句。
2. What is new is that, from the 1950s onwards, there have been certain general changes in outlook about the finitude of resources as a whole and of health-care resources in particular, as well as more specific changes regarding the clientele of health-care resources and the cost to the community of those resources. (剑4, test4 passage 3) 分析:本句的主句为“What is new is that…”;“that, from the 1950s onwards, there have been certain general changes in outlook about the finitude of resources as a whole and of health-care resources in particular, as well as more specific changes regarding the clientele of health-care resources and the cost to the community of those resources.”为that引导的表语从句;“regarding the clientele of health-care resources and the cost to the community of those resources”为现在分词短语做定语。

1. Street signs, supermarket goods and even their own newspaper are all in English. Not surprisingly, linguists doubt that any native speakers of Navajo will remain in a hundred years' time. (剑4 Test 2 Passage 1)译文:路牌、超市商品甚至他们自己的报纸都用的是英语,难怪语言学家们担心一百年之内当地纳瓦霍族人很可能不再说纳瓦霍语。
Not surprisingly是副词,根据上一句发出的感慨。
That引导宾语从句,主语是any native speakers of Navajo,谓语是will remain,介词短语in a hundred years' time作宾语。
我们可以学习一些词汇语法:1. in English:用英语书写2. doubt:I doubt that = I don’t believe that 我不相信,我怀疑……2. The 550,000 consultations with alternative therapists reported in the 1990 survey represented about an eighth of the total number of consultations with medically qualified personnel covered by the survey, according to Dr Laver and colleagues writing in the Australian Journal of Public Health in 1993. (剑4 Test 2 Passage 2)Dr Laver译文:根据1990年调查的报道,另类疗法医生进行了55万次诊断。

雅思阅读之长难句解析综合版例句1Over a nine-year period, a team of archaeologists, which included Lars Pilo of Oppland County Council, Norway, and James Barrett of the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, surveyed patches of ice in Oppland, an area of south-central Norway that is home to some of the country's highest mountains.(剑16 Test4 Passage2 )1)结构分析层次一:主句:a team surveyed patches office in oppland修饰①:over......period【介短状,修饰主句,表时间】修饰②:which........Research【which定从,修饰archaeologists】修饰③:,an area...mountains【同位语,解释Oppland】1层次二:修饰③内部:主体:an area of south-central Norway修饰:that.....mountains【that定从,修饰south-central Norway】结构总结:主句+介短+定从+同位【嵌套定从】2)译文分析:红体字代表主干,括号代表修饰,大括号包括小括号(在9年期间),一对考古学家(包括来自挪威OC协会的Lars和来自M组织的James)调查了O地区的冰,【O是挪威中南部的一块区域,(这里有着一些该国家的山)】3)重点词汇:patches of(词组)大片的archaeologist:n. 考古学家Institute:n. 组织机构surveyed:v. 调查例句22Reindeer once congregated on these icy patches in the later summer months to escape biting insects, and from the late Stone Age**,hunters followed.(剑16 Test3 Passage2 ) 1)结构分析层次一:主句:reindeer once congregated on these icy patches and hunters followed修饰①:in later summer months【介短状语,修饰congregate,表时间】修饰②:to......... insects【介短状语,修饰主句,表方面】修饰③:from...... Age【介短状语,修饰followed,表时间】结构总结:主句+介短+介短+介短2)译文分析:红体字代表主干,括号代表修饰,大括号包括小括号(在夏季),驯鹿曾汇聚在这些冰地,(为了逃离害虫的攻击),然后(从石器时代后期),狩猎者就来了3)重点词汇:congregated:v. 汇聚聚集3escape:v. 逃离insects:n. 昆虫hunters:n. 狩猎者猎人例句3You're rescuing the archaeology, bringing the melting ice to wider attention, discovering a unique environmental history and really connecting with the natural environment, says Barrett..(剑16 Test3 Passage2)1)结构分析:层次一:主句:You're rescuing the archaeology,says Barret修饰:bringing.....,discovering.....,and connecting...environment【doing分词状】结构总结:主句+doing2)译文分析:红体字代表主干,括号代表修饰,大括号包括小括号4B说:你正在解救考古学,(让正在融化的冰被广泛关注,发现了一个独特的环境史,并且真正联系自然环境)3)重点词汇:rescue:v. 解救unique:adj. 独特的的bringing.... to wider attention:(词组)让....得以广泛关注5。

雅思阅读长难句分析1.There had, of course, been dictionaries in the past, the first of these being a little book of some 120 pages, compiled by a certain Robert Cawdray, published in 1604 under the title A Table Alphabeticall ‘of hard usuall English wordes’.翻译:当然,过去也有词典,第一部词典是一本大约120页的小册子,它由一位叫罗伯特·考德雷的人编纂而成并于1604年出版,书名叫《疑难常用英语词汇表》。
词汇:compile v. 编写,编纂a certain 某一publish v. 出版under the title 名叫……,题为……分析:主干部分:There had been dictionaries in the past. (倒装句)独立主格结构:the first of these being a little book of some 120 pagesThe first of these 逻辑主语Being a little book of some 120 pages 分词短语状语成分:compiled by a certain Robert Cawdray, published ... wordes’. (过去分词短语作状语)2.Beyond the practical need to make order out of chaos, the rise of dictionaries is associated with the rise of the English middle class, who were anxious to define and circumscribe the various worlds to conquer --- lexical as wellas social and commercial.翻译:除了从混乱中建立起秩序的实际需要,词典的兴起也与英国中产阶级的兴起息息相关,他们急切地希望能定义和界定各种各样等待他们去征服的领域——词汇领域,社会领域以及商业领域。

1.【雅思长难句分析】 1-5雅思阅读长难句分析: 1And it is imagined by many that the operations of the common mind can be by no means compared with these processes and that they have to be acquired by a sort of special training.雅思阅读长难句分析: 2Whether the government should increase the financing of pure science at the expense of techno logy or vice versa(反之 ) often depends on the issue of which is seen as the driving force.雅思阅读长难句分析: 3How well the predictions will be validated by later performancedepends upon the amount, reliability, andAppropriateness of the information used and on the skill andwisdom with which it is interpreted.雅思阅读长难句分析: 4There is no agreement whether methodology refers to the concepts peculiar to historical work in general or to theResearch techniques appropriate to the various branches ofhistorical inquiry.雅思阅读长难句分析: 5Furthermore, it is obvious that the strength of a country economy is ’s directly bound up with the efficiency of itsagriculture and industry , and that this in turn rests upon the efforts of scientists and technologists of all kinds.---------------------------1-5 答案 ------------------答案:and it is imagined by many that the operations of the common mindcan be by no means compared with theseprocesses, and that they have to be acquired by a sort of special training. 要点:句子的框架是and it is imagined⋯that⋯, and。

1. The dominant idea, raised by 64% of the pupils, was that rainforests provide animals with habitats. (test1 passage 1) 分析:“raised by 64% of the pupils”为过去分词短语作定语,“that rainforests provide animals with habitats”为表语从句,作was的表语,本句的主句为“The dominant idea…was that…”。
2. These observations are generally consistent with our previous studies of pupils' views about the use and conservation of rainforests, in which girls were shown to be more sympathetic to animals and expressed views which seem to place an intrinsic value on non-human animal life. (test1 passage 1) 分析:本句的主句是“These observations are generally consistent with our previous studies of pupils' views about the use and conservation of rainforests”, ⽽后⾯的“in which girls were shown to be more sympathetic to animals and expressed views which seem to place an intrinsic value on non-human animal life”为定语从句,⽽在此定语从句中还有⼀个定语从句“which seem to place an intrinsic value on non-human animal life”。

剑桥雅思阅读长难句详解第一期:1. The scent she carried in her samples and on her body wasa message to the other bees that this was the one they were looking for.(剑4, General Training Test B section 3)分析:本句的主句为“The scent was a message to the other bees”;“she carried in her samples and on her body”为定语从句,做The scent的定语,关系词在定语从句中做宾语,因此被省掉;“that this was the one they were looking for”为that引导的同位语从句,做a message的同位语;“they were looking for”为定语从句,做the one的定语,关系词在定语从句中做for的宾语,因此被省掉。
2. Soon he would also discover a number of other remarkable facts about how bees communicate and, in doing so, revolutionize the study of animal behavior generally.(剑4, General Training T est B section 3)分析:本句的主句为“he would also disco ver a number of other remarkable facts about…and revolutionize the study of animal behavior generally”;“how bees communicate”为how 引导的宾语从句,做介词about的宾语。

雅思阅读长难句分析我们先来看几个例子1. 题目:Research completed in 1982 found that in the United States soil erosion……C3T2P2A reduced the productivity of farmland by20 per centB was almost as severe as in India and ChinaC was causing significant damage to 20 per cent of farmlandD could be reduced by converting cultivated land to meadow or forest原文:The United States, where the most careful measurements have been done, discovered in 1982 that about one-fifth of its farmland was losing topsoil at a rate likely to diminish the soil’sproductivity.很明显,原文是一个长句,而对于长句的处理就是找出主干,我们可以看出来,这个句子的主干是The United States discovered in 1982 that about one-fifth of its farmland was losingtopsoil。
2. 题目:Paragraph B How the port changes a city’s infrastructure C2T2P3原文:Port cities become industrial, financial and service centers and political capitals because of their water connections and the urban concentration which arises there and later draws to itrailway, highways and air routes. Water transport means cheap access, the chief basis of all port cities. Many of the world’s biggest cities, for example, London, New York, Shanghai, Istanbul,Buenos Aries, Tokyo, Jakarta, Calcutta, Philadelphia and San Francisco began as ports—that is, with land-sea exchange as their major function—but they have since grown disproportionately inother respects, so that their port functions are no longer dominant.They remain different kinds of places from non-port cities and their port functions account for that difference.做这一道题的时候,考生只要知道出题者的出干扰项的思路,就不会选How the port changes a city’s inf rastructure这个小标题。

1. A popular explanation of play has been that it helps juveniles develop the skills they will need to hunt. (test2 passage 3)分析:本句的主句为“A popular explanation of play has been that…〞;“that i t helps juveniles develop the skills they will need to hunt〞为that引导的表语从句,作has been的表语;“they will need to hunt〞为定语从句,关系词在定语从句中作宾语,被省略。
2. Comparing measurements for fifteen orders of mammal, he and his team found larger brains (for a given body size) are linked to greater playfulness. (test2 passage 3)分析:本句的主句为“he and his team found larger brains (for a given body size) are linked to greater playfulness〞;“Comparing measurements for fifteen orders of mammal〞为现在分词短语作状语;“larger brains (for a given body siz e) are linked to greater playfulness〞为宾语从句,that被省略。

【阅读】剑桥雅思长难句分析(五)1. These methods include strength training that duplicates what they are doing in their running events as well as plyometrics, a technique pioneered in the former Soviet Union. (剑4, test4 passage 1)分析:本句的主句为“These methods include strength training”;“that duplicates what they are doing in their running events as well as plyometrics”为定语从句,做“strength training”的定语,关系词为that;“what they are doing in their running events a s well as plyometrics”为宾语从句,由what引导;“a technique pioneered in the former Soviet Union”为plyometrics 的同位语。
2. A biomechanic films an athlete in action and then digitizes her performance, recording the motion of every joint and limb in three dimensions. (剑4, test4 passage 1)分析:本句的主句为“A biomechanic films an athlete in action and then digitizes her performance”;“recording the motion of every joint and limb in three dimensions”为现在分词短语做状语。

剑桥雅思阅读分析之长难句剑桥雅思阅读分析之长难句朗阁雅思考试研究中心在许多考试中,同学们都会遇到长难句,而且及其难理解,很多学生看到这些句子段落就看是害怕,其实这些句子只要慢慢剖析就能一一击破,并不是特别的难,重要的是方法!1.As audiences grew, so did the places where films were shown, finishing upwith the …great picture palaces? of the 1920s, which rivaled, and occasionally superseded, theatres and opera-houses in terms of opulence and splendour.(剑4, General Training Test A section 3)分析:本句的主句为倒装句“so did the places”; “As audiences gre w”为as引导的时间状语从句;“where films were shown”为定语从句,做places的定语,关系词为where; “finishing up with the …great picture palaces? of the 1920s”为现在分词短语做伴随状语;“which rivaled, and occasionally superseded, theatres and opera-houses in terms of opulence and splendour.”为非限制性定语从句,关系词为which。
2. Milgram told the teacher-subject to ignore the reactions of the pupil, and toadminister whatever level of shock was called for, as per the rule governing the experimental situation of the moment.(剑5, Test 1 passage 2)分析:本句的主句为“Milgram told the teacher-subject to ignore the reactions of the pupil, and to administer whatever lev el of shock was called for”; 其中“whatever level of shock was called for”为whatever引导的宾语从句,做administer的宾语;as per为介词短语,意为依据,根据;“governing the experimentalsituation of th e moment”为现在分词短语作定语,做the rule的定语。

5.5-6阅读长难句分析1:1.The factor that was found to affect the child’s development was family stressleading to a poor quality of parent-child interaction.2.The Sheffield investigation, which involved sixteen primary schools and sevensecondary schools, found that most schools succeeded in reducing bullying. 3.Pupils, parents and staff should feel they have been involved in the policy,which needs to be disseminated and implemented effectively.4.The explanation for this seems to be that it is valuable to place people workingin related fields together.5.Second, we make a very conservativeassumption that we are looking for a lifeform that is pretty well like us, since if it differs radically from us, we may not recognize it as a life form, quite apart from whether we are able to communicate with it.6.The council, which was founded in 1996, certifies fisheries that meet highenvironmental standard, enabling them to use a label that recognizes their environmental responsibility.7.It was once thought that the fungus that ants cultivate was a single type,essentially unchanged from the distant past.8.An important principle is that all corpora, are inevitably limited in theircoverage, and always need to be supplemented by data derived from the intuitions of native speakers of the language, though either introspection or experimentation.。

雅思阅读长难句解析雅思阅读长难句解析雅思阅读考试中做难得就是长难句了,一旦解析不来,整篇文章都会受到影响,为了提高大家的阅读能力,店铺准备了一些长难句解析的例子,希望能帮到大家!雅思阅读长难句解析【1】Therefore, like the timber barriers, the Fanwall barrier can be built without expensive concrete footings or piles, speeding the construction time up and reducing costs.分析:can be built是被动语态,like the timber barriers是介词短语做状语,speeding the construction time up and reducing costs是分词短语做状语。
雅思阅读长难句解析【2】A breakthrough in the provision of energy from the sun for the European Economic Community (EEC) could be brought forward by up to two decades, if an modest increase could be provided in the EEC's research effort in this field, according to the senior EEC scientists engaged in experiments in solar energy at EEC's scientific laboratories at Ispra ,near Milan.分析:全句主干为:“A breakthrough... could be brought for ward……;主语breakthrough被介词短语in the provision of……European Economic Community (EEC)修饰.而provision又被两个介词短语所修饰:一是在逻辑上与之构成直接宾语的of energy from the sun,另一个是目的状语for the European Economic Community。
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1. An alternative to this notion of genetic programming is to see the teacher-subjects’ actions as a result of the social environment under which the experiment was carried out.
2. An action such as shocking a victim, which in isolation appears evil, acquires a completely different meaning when placed in this setting.
3. Here we have two radically different explanations for why so many teacher-subjects were willing to forgo their sense of personal responsibility for the sake of an institutional authority figure.
4. That would matter less if people applied the same degree of skepticism to environmental lobbying as they do to lobby groups in other fields.
5. One form of pollution –the release of greenhouse gases that causes global warming –does appear to be a phenomenon that is going to extend well into our future, but its total impact is unlikely to pose a devastating problem.
6. Thus, in this explanation the subject merges his unique personality and
personal and moral code with that of larger institutional structures,
surrendering individual properties like loyalty, self-sacrifice and discipline to the service of malevolent systems of authority.
7. A modern hard-core sociobiologist might even go so far as to claim that
this aggressive instinct evolved as an advantageous trait, having been of survival value to our ancestors in their struggle against the hardships of life on the plains and in the carves, ultimately finding its way into our genetic make-up as a remnant of our ancient animal ways.
8. Yet opinion polls suggest that many people nurture the belief that
environmental standards are declining and four factors seem to cause this disjunction between perception and reality.
9. Yet a green organization opposing such a weakening is seen as altruistic,
even if an impartial view of the control in question might suggest they are doing more harm than good.
10. People worry that the endless rise in the amount of stuff everyone throws away will cause the world to run out of places to dispose of waste.
11. Ye t, even if America’s trash output continues to rise as it has done in the past, and even if the American population doubles by 2100, all the rubbish America produces through the entire 21st century will still take up only one-12,000th of the area of the entire United States.。