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Home Work

1Match the definition with the terms

Terms: Cytoskeleton, minus end, protofilament, tubulin,

Dynamic instability, neurofilament, intermediate filament, treadmilling, keratin, plus end



动态不稳定,神经丝蛋白,中间丝,treadmilling ,角质蛋白,加上年底


1-1A linear chain of protein subunits joined end to end, which associates laterally with other such chains to form cytoskeleton components.


1-2The property of sudden conversion from growth to shrinkage, and vice versa, in a protein filament such as a microtubule or an actin filament.


1-3The end of a microtubule or an actin filament at which addition of monomers occurs most readily; the fast-growing end.


1-4General term for the fibrous protein filaments (about 10 nm in diameter that form ropelike networks in animal cells.


1-5The process by which a polymeric protein filament is maintained at constant length by addition of protein subunits at one end and loss of subunits at the



1-6System of protein filaments in the cytoplasm of a eukaryotic cell that gives the cell its shape and the capacity for directed movement.



1-7 The structural polarity of all microtubules is such that α-tubuliin is exposed at one end and β-tubulin is exposed at the opposite end.

极性的所有微管的结构是这样的,α - tubuliin的一端露出,和β-微管蛋白在另一端露出。1-8 The role of ATP hydrolysis in actin polymerization is similar to the role of GTP hydrolysis in tubulin polymerization: both serve to weaken the bounds in the polymer and thereby promote depolymerizaiotn.

肌动蛋白聚合作用的ATP水解GTP水解微管蛋白聚合的作用类似:,都起到削弱的界限在聚合物中,从而促进depolymerizaiotn 。

1-9 Like actin filaments and microtubules, cytoplasmic intermediate filaments are found in all eukaryotes.


1-10 Myosin II molecules have two motor domains and a rodlike tail that allows them to assemble into bipolar filaments, which are crucial for the efficient sliding of oppositely oriented actin filaments past each other.


3Thought problems

1-11 In general terms what are the cellular functions of intermediate filaments, microtubules, and actin filaments?


1-12 If each type of cytoskeletal filament is made up of subunits that are held together by weak noncovalent bounds, how is it possible for a human being to lift heavy objects?


1-13 A typical time course of polymerization of actin filaments from actin subunits is shown in Figure 16-1.

A). Explain the properties of actin polymerization that account for each of the

three phases of the polymerization curve.

B). How would the curve change if you double the concentration of actin?

Would the concentration of free actin at equilibrium be higher or lower than in the original experiment, or would it be the same in both?




Figure 16-1 Formation of actin filaments over time, starting with purified actin monomers that are labeled with a fluorescent probe. Upon polymerization the fluorescence of the probe increases, which allows polymerization to be measured. The intensity of fluorescence at zero seconds is due to the background fluorescence of the actin monomers. The three phases of polymerization are indicated as A, B, and C.
