
2013 年浙江公务员考试行测资料分析真题与秒杀解析 (魁冠教育-神算老周妙解版)
第四部分 资料分析 根据下述材料,回答 101-105 题 2012 年浙江省各市及义乌市 GDP 初步核算数据
参考答案:D 神算老周解析:观察表格,寻找增长率,私营企业增长 19.5%,增长最快。
108、 A.3 个 B.4 个 C.5 个 D.6 个
2011 年,六大高耗能行业增加值的增长速度大于 10%的有:
育 神算老周解析:有 4 个。除了此二个,其它都大于 10%:黑色金属及压延加工业 教 9.7%,炼焦及核燃料加工业增长 7.6%。
育 教 冠 魁
全年规模以上工业中,农副食品加工业增加值比上年增长 14.1%,纺织业增长 8.3%,通用设备制造业增长 17.4%,专用设备制造业增长 19.8%,交通运输设备 制造业增长 12.0%,通用设备、计算机及其他电子设备制造业增长 15.9%,电气 机械及器材制造业增长 14.5%,六大高耗能行业增加值比上年增长 12.3%,其中, 非金属矿物制品业增长 18.4%,化学原料及化学制品制造业增长 14.7%,有色金 属及压延加工业增长 13.6%,黑色金属及压延加工业增长 9.7%,热力的生产和供 应业增长 10.1%,石油加工,炼焦及核燃料加工业增长 7.6%.高技术制造业增加 值比上年增长 16.5%。 全年规模以上工业企业实现利润 54544 亿元,比上 年增长 25.4%.
GDP 第 一 产 第 二 产 第 三 产 GDP 第 一 产 第 二 产 第 三 产

A.不宜采用同类土填筑B.从上至下填筑土层的透水性应从小到大C.含水量大的黏土宜填筑在下层D.硫酸盐含量小于5%的土不能使用【答案】 B2、某路堑的开挖,路堑较长、较深、两端地面纵坡较小,可用的开挖方法为()A.分层纵挖法B.分段纵挖法C.通道纵挖法D.混合式挖掘法【答案】 C3、(2010年真题)在城市道路上,人行天桥宜设置在()。
A.重要建筑物附近B.重要城市风景区附近C.商业网点集中的地段D.旧城区商业街道【答案】 C4、(2010年真题)根据混凝土结构工程施工及验收规范,直径为d的I级钢筋做受力筋,两端设有弯钩,弯钩增加长为4.9d,其弯起角度应是()。
A.90oB.120oC.135oD.180o【答案】 C5、(2018年真题)用于隧洞喷锚支护的锚杆,其安设方向一般应垂直于()。
A.开挖面B.断层面C.裂隙面D.岩层面【答案】 D6、有一建筑,外墙厚370mm,中心线总长80m,内墙厚240mm,净长线总长为35m。
A.212.8B.269.0C.169.0D.112.8【答案】 C7、(2014年真题)路基石方开挖,在高作业面施工时为保证爆破岩石块度均匀,常采用的装药形式为()。
A.集中药包B.分散药包C.药壶药包D.坑道药包【答案】 B8、工程地质勘察作为一项基础性工作,()对工程造价起着决定作用。
A.勘查资料的准确性B.特殊不良地质的测算C.选择工程地质条件有利的路线D.设计人员对勘察资料的判断【答案】 C9、高强混凝土的粗骨料最大公称粒径不应大于()mm。
A.15B.20C.25D.30【答案】 C10、(2015年真题)静力压桩正确的施工工艺流程是()。

第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)听下面5段对话。
1. What does the man want to do?A.Take photos.B. Buy a camera.C. Help the woman.2. What are the speakers talking about?A. A noisy night.B. Their life in town.C. A place of living.3. Where is the man now?A.On his way.B. In a restaurant.C. At home.4. What will Celia do?A.Find a player.B. Watch a game.C. Play basketball.5. What day is it when the conversation takes place?A. Saturday.B. Sunday.C. Monday.第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
6. What is Sara going to do?A. Buy John a gift.B. Give John a surprise.C. Invite John to France.7. What does the man think of Sara‟s plan?A. Funny.B. Exciting.C. Strange.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。
完整版 2013年国考真题及解析

1.董仲舒新儒学与孔孟儒学在政治学说上的区别是( )。
下列选项中能反映这一情况的是( )。
它们的共同之处在于( )。
①体现分权制衡的原则②是资产阶级性质的宪法③规定实行责任内阁制④具有防止专制的进步意义A.①②③④B.①②④C.①③④D.②③④4.20世纪90年代我国推动民主制度建设的主要举措是A.确立人大、政协两会制度B.实行民族区域自治制度C.提出“长期共存,互相监督”D.推行农村基层民主选举制度5.下列关于我国人民代表大会制度的说法,正确的是( )。
这表明( )。
A.国家间的共同利益是国际合作的基础B.中国支持和参加联合国的各项工作C.维护国际和平与安全是联合国的宗旨D.中国积极履行国际人道主义责任7.中共十四大高度评价了建设有中国特色的社会主义理论,这次大会( )。
A.第一次使用“邓小平理论”这一概念B.对建设中国特色社会主义理论的主要内容做了新概括C.把邓小平理论作为党的指导思想并写入党章D.第一次科学回答了“什么是社会主义,怎样建设社会主义”的问题8.巴黎公社失败的经验教训验证了《共产党宣言》中哪项主张的正确性?( ) A.无产阶级应当建立自己统一的革命政党来领导革命B.无产阶级应当建立本阶级的政权C.无产阶级应该进行暴力革命D.社会主义革命应该在几个发达国家同时进行9.欧共体总部成立、日本经济崛起、不结盟运动会议的召开,这三件事共同反映的问题是( )。


==C P B P A P ,91)()(,0)(===BC P AC P AB P ,则事件A 、B 、C 都发生的概率为(
D.36272.在一次试验中,事件A 发生的概率论为0.7,现进行5次独立重复试验,则A 最多发生1次的概率为()。
4.设随机变量2~(2,3)X N ,且()()P X a P X a >=<,则常数a 为(
25.设随机变量,X Y 的方差都存在,若()()D X Y D X Y +=-,则(
X 与Y 不相关B.
X 与Y 相互独立C.
0DX DY ⋅=D.0
DY =。
2013 年高考真题及答案详解(四川省)

• 5.下列关于明代花鸟画的表述,不符合原文意思的一项 是( ) • A.明宣宗时,宫廷画院花鸟画风格面貌多样,但意境与 格调比宋代院体花鸟画略逊一筹。 • B."吴门四家"花鸟画在吸收前代大师成果基础上发展处 鲜明个性特征,取得重大突破。 • C.陈淳的大写意花鸟画充分表达了笔墨的特性与画面的 形式感,开写意花鸟一代新风。 • D.徐渭开创了大写意花鸟的新体派,其成就超越了早于 他的陈淳,对后世影响深远。 • 答案:B • 【答案解析】B. 第二自然段结尾说的是"在美术史上颇 有影响","取得重大突破"无中生 有
• 今年的字音的考查与 11 年、12 年有一定区别,11、 12 年要求的是选出读音 全部正确的一项是什么,而 今年要求选出每对读音都不相同的一项是什么,难 度要比前两年 大一些,由以前考查 16 个词增加到 32 个词,但考查的词语本身难度不高,都是比较常 见的, 无生僻字。各项的读音分别读: • A. cù/cuì /zé、dùn/ tún、mi~n 、zì • B. qiào/xiāo、pī/pēi、fǔ /pú、ku /guī • C. bù/fù、chì /shè、bì 、zú/cù • D. shuò/sù、chēn、lào/luò、dú/shú • ACD 三 项都有一组读音相同,只有 B 选项符合要求, 故选 B。
• 该题属于 B(理解)能力层级的题,考查的是关联词与成 语的运用。 • (1)"不只" 和"还要"连用,故排除 AC; • (2)"坚不可摧"与"无坚不摧"的区分稍微要难一些," 无 坚不摧"多形容力量的强大,而"坚不可摧"指非常坚 固,摧毁不了,这里说"什么样的战 斗堡垒"所以最好用 "坚不可摧"; • (3)区分"自以为是"和"自行其是","自以为是"是 指自 己总认为自己是对的,形容主观不虚心,"自行其是"是 指自己认为对的就做,不考虑 别人的意见。句子说的是 "每当出现什么什么的苗头"出现的只是想法并没有去做, 所以这 里应该选"自以为是"。 • 故选 B。


浙江工商大学2013年硕士研究生入学考试试卷(B卷)考试科目:844 英美文学总分:150分考试时间:3小时Ⅰ.Choose the best answer (40%)1. “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a goodfortune must be in want of a wife.” This is the beginning of Jane Austen’s .A. Pride and PrejudiceB. Sense and SensibilityC. Mansfield ParkD. Emma2. “April is the cruelest month, breeding/Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing/Memoryand desire, stirring/Dull roots with spring rain.” These lines are from T. S. Eliot’s .A. “The Hollow Men”B. “Ash-Wednesday”C. Four QuartetsD. “The Waste Land”3. English Romanticism, as a historical phase of literature, is generally said to havebegun in 1798 with the publication of Wordsworth and Coleridge’s .A. Lyrical BalladsB. “Kubla Khan”C. Don JuanD. Prometheus Unbound4. was composed in a dream after Coleridge took the opium.A. “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner ”B. “Kubla Khan”C. “Christabel”D. Biographia Literaria5. Heart of Darkness and Lord Jim are the novels written by .A. Graham SwiftB. Charles DickensC. Joseph ConradD. James Joyce6. All of the following are 20th-Century American Poets except .A. Robert LowellB. Elizabeth BishopC. Emily DickinsonD. Allen Ginsberg7. won the Novel Prize in 1983, and his most representative work is Lord ofthe Flies.A. William GoldingB. E. M. ForsterC. Joseph ConradD. Thomas Hardy8. is the poet who won the Nobel Prize in 1995 and is considered as thegreatest poet in Ireland after Yeats.A. Ted HughesB. Seamus HeaneyC. Dylan ThomasD. Philip Larkin9. Among those greatest figures in “The Lost Generation” or modern American literature are famous poets such as , William Carlos Williams, and Robert Frost.A. Emily DickinsonB. Ezra PoundC. Walt WhitmanD. Ralph Waldo Emerson10. The Golden Notebook is written by , and she is the woman who was awarded the 2007 Nobel Prize in literature and the oldest ever person to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature.A. Virginia WoolfB. Willa CatherC. Doris LessingD. Antonia Susan Byatt11. “The apparition of these faces in the crowd;/Petals on a wet, black bough.” This is a poem from .A. Robert FrostB. Robert LowellC. Ezra PoundD. Sylvia Plath12. Desire Under the Elms is a drama written by .A. Tennessee WilliamsB. Eugene Glastone O’NeillC. Arthur MillerD. George Bernard Shaw13. is a leading spokesman of the Imagist Movement. For him, the image itself is the speech. The image is the word beyond formulated language.A. William Butler YeatsB. T. S. EliotC. Ezra PoundD. Robert Lee Frost14. The Jazz Age of the 1920s characterized by frivolity and carelessness is broughtvividly to life in .A. The Old Man and the SeaB. The Great GatsbyC. The Sound and the FuryD. The Sun Also Rises15. All of the following are the works by Mark Twain except .A. A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s CourtB. The Adventures of Tom SawyerC. Adventures of Huckleberry FinnD. Sister Carrie16. creates in his novels his own mythical kingdom that mirrors not only thedecline of the Southern society but also the spiritual wasteland of the wholeAmerican society.A. F. Scott FitzgeraldB. Ernest HemingwayC. William FaulknerD. John Steinbeck17. The Scarlet Letter and The House of Seven Gables are the novels by .A. Edgar Allan PoeB. Herman MelvilleC. Nathaniel HawthorneD. Stephen Crane18. is written by Emily Dickinson.A. “The Second Coming”B.“She Walks in Beauty”C. “Success is Counted Sweetest”D. “The Red Wheelbarrow”19. , a typical example of Old English poetry, is regarded today as the nationalepic of the Anglo-Saxons.A. Sir Gawain and the Green KnightB. Gulliver’s TravelsC. The Canterbury TalesD. Beowulf20. was awarded 2001 Nobel Prize in literature, and among his representativeworks are Miguel Street and A House for Mr. Biswas.A. Vidiadhar Surajprasad NaipaulB. Graham SwiftC. Kazuo IshiguroD. John Fowles21. The , which means rebirth or revival, is actually a movement stimulated bya series of historical events, such as the rediscovery of ancient Roman and Greekculture, the new discoveries in geography and astrology, the religious reformation and the economic expansion.A. renaissanceB. neoclassicismC. romanticismD. modernism22. Ernest Hemingway was awarded 1954 Nobel Prize in Literature for the novel.A. The Sun Also RisesB. A Farewell to ArmsC. The Old Man and the SeaD. For Whom the Bell Tolls23. Beloved and Song of Solomon are novels written by the African American woman writer .A. Elizabeth BishopB. Sylvia PlathC. Toni MorrisonD. Maya Angelou24. Don Juan, a great comic epic of the early 19th century, is the masterpiece of .A. William WordsworthB. George Gordon ByronC. Percy Bysshe ShelleyD. John Keats25. “O, Wind, /If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?” is from Percy ByssheShelley’s poem “ ”.A. “A Song: Men of England”B. “Ode to the West Wind”C. “Ode on a Grecian Urn”D. “Song for the Luddites”26. Childhood is central to William Blake’s concern in and Songs ofExperience, and this concern gives the two books a strong social and historicalreference.A. Songs for InnocenceB. “The Chimney Sweeper”C. “The Tyger”D. In Memoriam27. In his best novels like The Rainbow and Women in Love, made a boldpsychological exploration of various human relationships, especially those between men and women, with a great frankness.A. D. H. LawrenceB. George EliotC. James JoyceD. Charles Dickens28. Speaking of American Romanticism, we can never ignore New England , which is unanimously agreed to be the summit of the Romantic period in the historyof American literature.A. realismB. imagismC. transcendentalismD. puritanism29. Leaves of Grass is written by .A. Ralph Waldo EmersonB. Walt WhitmanC. Mark TwainD. Henry James30. “The Road Not Taken” and “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” are poemsby .A. Emily DickinsonB. Ezra PoundC. Walt WhitmanD. Robert Frost31. Today Chaucer is regarded as the father of English poetry. His masterpiece is.A. Sir Gawain and the Green KnightB. BeowulfC. Piers PlowmanD. The Canterbury Tales32. The term “metaphysical poetry” is commonly used to name the work of the 17th-century writers who wrote under the influence of .A. Edmund SpenserB. Christopher MarloweC. Francis BaconD. John Donne33. In the field of literature, the Enlightenment Movement brought about a revival ofinterest in the old classical works. This tendency is known as .A. ClassicismB. NeoclassicismC. RomanticismD. Pre-romanticism34. is the representative work of aestheticism by Oscar Wilde, who advocated“art for art’s sake”.A. Lady Windermere’s FanB. The Picture of Dorian GrayC. An Ideal HusbandD. The Importance of Being Earnest35. Henderson the Rain King and Herzog are the novels written by , and hewas awarded 1976 Novel Prize in Literature.A. Arthur MillerB. Joseph HellerC. Louise ErdrichD. Saul Bellow36. “So much depends/upon//a red wheel/barrow//glazed with rain/water//beside thewhite/chickes.” This is a poem by .A. Ezra PoundB. Wallace Carlos WilliamsC. Wallace StevensD. Robert Frost37. The name of Robert Browning is often associated with the term: “ .”A. dramatic monologueB. stream-of –consciousnessC. transcendentalismD. imagism38. James Joyce’s masterpiece, gives the account of three characters’ life duringone day in Dublin.A. DublinersB. Finnegans WakeC. UlyssesD. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man39. Mrs. Dalloway and To the Lighthouse are the works of .A. Virginia WoolfB. James JoyceC. E. M. ForsterD. Doris Lessing40. was one of the first American writers to earn an international reputation,and regarded as an early Romantic writer in the American literary history and Father of the American short stories.A. Nathaniel HawthorneB. Ralph Waldo EmersonC. Walt WhitmanD. Washington IrvingⅡ. Define or explain the following terms: (50%)1. American Renaissance2. Realism3. Plot4. Soliloquy5. The "Lost Generation"Ⅲ. Interpretation (60%)1. Read the following poem and write an analysis of about 200 words: (15%)The Soldierby Rupert BrookeIf I should die, think only this of me:That there’s some corner of a foreign fieldThat is for ever England. There shall beIn that rich earth a richer dust concealed;A dust whom England bore, shaped, made aware,Gave, once, her flowers to love, her ways to roam,A boy of England’s, breathing English air,Washed by the rivers, blessed by suns of home.And think, this heart, all evil shed away,A pulse in the eternal mind, no lessGives somewhere back the thoughts by England given;Her sights and sounds; dreams happy as her day;And laughter, learned of friends; and gentleness,In hearts at peace, under an English heaven.2. Read the following poem and write an analysis of about 200 words: (15%)Driving to Town Late to Mail a Latterby Robert BlyIt is a cold and snowy night. The main street is deserted.The only things moving are swirls of snow.As I lift the mailbox door, I feel its cold iron.There is a privacy I love in this snowy night.Driving around, I will waste more time.3. Read this beginning passage of Mansfield Park by Jane Austen and write a commentary of about 300 words: (30%)About thirty years ago, Miss Maria Ward of Huntingdon, with only seven thousand pounds, had the good luck to captivate Sir Thomas Bertram, of Mansfield Park, in the county of Northampton, and to be thereby raised to the rank of baronet’s lady, with all the comforts and consequences of a handsome house and large income. All Huntingdon exclaimed on the greatness of the match, and her uncle, the lawyer, himself, allowed her to be at least three thousand pounds short of any equitable claim to it. She had two sisters to be benefited by her elevation; and such of their acquaintance as thought Miss Ward and Miss Frances quite as handsome as Miss Maria, did not scruple to predict their marrying with almost equal advantage. But there certainly are not so many men of large fortune in the world, as there are pretty women to deserve them. Miss Ward, at the end of half a dozen years, found herself obliged to be attached to the Rev. Mr. Norris, a friend of her brother-in-law, with scarcely any private fortune, and Miss Frances fared yet worse. Miss Ward’s match, indeed, when it came to the point, was not contemptible, Sir Thomas being happily able to give his friend an income in the living of Mansfield, and Mr. and Mrs. Norris began their career of conjugal felicity with very little less than a thousand a year. But Miss Frances married, in the common phrase, to disoblige her family, and by fixing on a Lieutenant of Marines, without education, fortune, or connections, did it very thoroughly.。


B卷一、单选题(共30题,共30分)1.《公路土公试验规程》(JTCE40-2007)中,土的有机质含量试验的滴定用标准溶液是()A. 硫酸亚铁B.重铬酸钾C. 鞣酸D.硫酸2.沥青混合料用砂的筛分操作要采用水筛,其目的是为了便好的()A.检测砂的级配B.测定砂中小于0.075mm的颗粒C.计算砂的细度模数D.评价砂的质量3.进行土的液塑限试验时,同一土样测得锥入深度h1,h2允许误差为()A.1.0mmB.0.3mmC.0.5mmD.0.2mm4.土样制备时,需过0.5mm筛的试验为()。
A. 0.01g/cm3B. 0.02 g/cm3C. 0.03 g/cm3D. 0.04 g/cm38.土的不均匀系数Cu的计算公式为()。
A. Cu=d10/d70B. Cu=d10/d60C. Cu=d10/d50D. Cu=d10/d309.力学强度试验是水泥混凝土一项常规试验,下列说法正确的是()。
A.如以抗压强度较高的花岗石替代抗压强度低的石灰石作为粗集料,混凝土强度将会提高B.养生状态下的相对湿度达到100%时,对混凝土强度形成发展不利C.同样强度等级的矿渣水泥拌合的混凝土28d的强度低于普通硅酸水泥拌合的混凝土D.标准立方体试块尺寸为150m m×150m m×150m m,标准圆柱体试块尺寸为Φ150m m×300mm。


二、选择题部分(A卷)1. 题干:我国的混合经济是指()A. 社会主义公有制经济与资本主义私有制经济共同发展B. 社会主义与资本主义经济分割发展C. 忽视公有制和私有制的性质差异D. 社会主义初级阶段的经济体制答案:A解析:混合经济指的是社会主义公有制经济和资本主义私有制经济在一定条件下并存和共同发展,是我国社会主义初级阶段经济体制的特点之一。
2. 题干:新民主主义的社会性质是()A. 资本主义社会B. 非资本主义社会C. 半殖民地半封建社会D. 完全殖民地半封建社会答案:C解析:新民主主义是中国革命的阶段性目标。
3. 题干:社会主义的公有制是社会主义制度的()的经济基础A. 主体B. 核心C. 基础D. 特点答案:C解析:社会主义的公有制是社会主义制度的基础,是社会主义制度的重要标志和基本特征。
4. 题干:中国共产党在中国工人阶级的队伍中形成的第一个主要的思潮是()A. 共产主义思潮B. 爱国主义思潮C. 社会主义思潮D. 马克思主义思潮答案:D解析:中国共产党在中国工人阶级的队伍中形成的第一个主要的思潮是马克思主义思潮。
5. 题干:社会主义国家工人阶级的职能是()A. 政治领导B. 经济建设C. 社会主义教育D. 革命斗争答案:A解析:社会主义国家工人阶级的职能是政治领导,即通过工人阶级的政治领导来实现社会主义建设和发展。
三、主观题部分(B卷)1. 题干:我国社会主义初级阶段理论的科学内涵和指导意义答案:逐题解析此题要求考生回答我国社会主义初级阶段理论的科学内涵和指导意义。
河南省成人高等教育学士学位英语水平考试真题2013年(B卷) (1)

河南省成人高等教育学士学位英语水平考试真题2013年(B卷)(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、Part Ⅰ Grammar and Vocabulary(总题数:20,分数:20.00)1.—I"m too tired, but let"s go.—Why ______ rest a while?(分数:1.00)A.don"t we √B.not let"sC.not weD.let"s not解析:[解析] 句意:我们为什么不休息一会呢?反义疑问句用助动词do,否定形式要用缩写形式。
2.His use of technical terms let his audience ______.(分数:1.00)A.confusingB.confused √C.with confusionD.to confusion解析:[解析] 句意:他的技术术语的使用让听众困惑。
confused意为“困惑的”,用于修饰人;confusing 意为“令人困惑的”,用于修饰物。
3.Are you going to keep me ______ all day long?(分数:1.00)A.to waitB.waitC.wailing √D.waited解析:[解析] 句意:你打算让我等上一整天吗?keep sb. doing使某人一直做某事。
4.March is the third month of ______.(分数:1.00)A.a yearB.yearC.the year √D.years解析:[解析] 句意:三月是一年当中的第三个月。
the year指的是从一月到十二月的整年,a year暗含12个月,从哪天算起都行。
5.One of the serious problems facing us is ______ of how to get enough manpower.(分数:1.00)A.that √B.itC.whichD.what解析:[解析] 句意:我们面临的其中的一个重要问题是如何获得足够的人力。
西华大学大学英语2013真题 (B)及其参考答案

西华大学2013年专升本考试试题(B卷)考试科目: 大学英语 考试时间: 110 分钟试题总分: 80分考试须知:1.本试题由试题卷和答题卷组成;2.请考生按要求把相应的题做在机读卡和答题卷上;做在其他地方无效;3.考试结束后,请监考老师按考号从小到大的顺序排列机读卡和答题卷;4.考试结束后,试卷由主考学校统一回收。
Part I. Vocabulary and StructureDirections: There are a number of incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. (15%, 15×1 point)1.The policeman looked at me ______ several times and obviously disliked what he saw.A. over and over againB. up and downC. from side to sideD. in and out2. If he hears something he can't understand, my brother always ______ in his mind until hecan make sense of it.A. turn it upB. turn it againstC. turn it inD. turn it over3. It is believed that children today are more sophisticated because they ______ moreinformation than children in the past.A. have access toB. are less exposed toC. have the power to releaseD. are troubled4. The way to make self-sufficiency work ______ is to resist the temptation to buy a tractorand other expensive labor-saving devices.A. on a small scaleB. on a short-term basisC. on no accountD. on and off5. With tears streaming down her face, and gasping for breath, Halle Berry ______ heraward ______ all the African-American women who had faced racial prejudice and struggled before her to make their way in Hollywood.A. devoted ... toB. presented ... withC. dedicated ... toD. sacrifices ... for6. They purchased many ______ appliances for their marriage.A. electricB. electricalC. electronicD. electronics7. _____ that they will arrive much later since it is rush hour.A. Chance isB. PossiblyC. LikelyD. Chances are8. When she was a little girl, she used to watch the groups of tourists ____ around somefamous historical sites.A. being ledB. ledC. to leadD. leading9. Employees are ________ to join the company's pension plan after a year's service.A. compelledB. respondedC. regardedD. driven10. I'll come and see you in London, ________ the chance.A. givenB. givingC. to giveD. be given11. You may stay at your uncle's if the party ends late. They have a room ______ for visitors.A. distributed toB. reserved forC. offered toD. spent on12. Jack, ________ was expected, performed the task with success.A. whichB. asC. thatD. it13. He shows everything on his face, ______ he is angry or pleased.A. whetherB. eitherC. ifD. because14. You see the lightening ______ it happens, but you hear the thunder later.A. at an instantB. for the instantC. the instantD. an instant15. By the time the fire engines arrived, the house ______ to the ground.A. was burnedB. has been burnedC. had been burnedD. should have been burnedPart II. Reading ComprehensionDirections: There are several passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. (30 %, 15×2 points)Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage:The brain is the master organ of our body, and it is more complex than any machine ever constructed. It contains some 10,000 million nerve cells. They receive messages from the sense organs of the body to tell us what is going on around us. The brain also stores information from past experience. We are thus able to learn, remember and think. We can speak, solve difficult problems and produce creative ideas because of the amazing development of the human brain.An animal, such as a bird, is unable to think like us. It cannot solve problems. Its parents do not teach it how to build a nest. This is done by instinct. The bird is born with special cells in the brain, which enable it to do this.Enormous amounts of energy are needed to keep the vast number of cells of the brain working. Although it is only about 2 percent of the body’s weight, it uses 25 percent of the oxygen in the blood.The main parts of the brain are cerebrum, the cerebellum and the medulla. The outer, wrinkled part of the cerebrum is called the cortex. It receives sensations from the sense organs. These organs are the skin of the body, the eyes, the ears, the nose and the tongue. In addition, it controls the activity of the body's moving parts.16. What does the first paragraph discuss?A. The function of the human brain.B. The complexity of the human brain.C. The importance of nerve cells and sense organs.D. The storage of information from past experiences.17. In the second paragraph, what does "this" refer to?A. "thinking"B. "nest building"C. "problem solving"D. "remembering"18. According to the passage, what can we learn?A. The human brain is rather simply constructed.B. The human brain is the most important organ of the human body.C. The human brain is about 2 percent of the head's weight.D. The human brain uses 25 percent of the blood of our body.19. From the passage, which of the following is true?A. The cerebrum is the outer part of the cortex.B. The cortex gives sensation to the sense organs.C. The cortex controls a person's normal breathing.D. The skin of the body is one of the sense organs.20. What would be the best title for the passage?A. The Human BrainB. Functions of the Human BodyC. Between the Human Brain and the Animal BrainD. The Main Organs of the Human BodyQuestions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage:Studies by the Council of Europe, of which 21 countries are members, have shown that 45 percent of reptile (爬行动物) species and 24 percent of butterflies are in danger of dying out.European concern for wildlife was outlined by Dr. Peter Baum, an expert in the environment and nature resources division of the council, when he spoke at a meeting arranged by the British national park.The park is one of the few areas in Europe to hold the council's diploma for nature reserves of the highest quality, and Dr. Baum had come to present the park with a diploma for its achievements. He clearly remained a strong view that natural environments needed to be allowed to survive in peace in their own right.No area could be expected to survive both as a true nature reserve (自然保护区) and as a tourist attraction (观光胜地), he went on. The short view that reserves had to serve immediate human demands for outdoor recreation should be replaced by full acceptance of their importance as places to preserve nature for the future."We forget that they are the guarantee of life systems" Dr. Baum went on. "We could manage without most industrial products, but we could not manage without nature. However, our natural environment areas, which are the original parts of our countryside, have become mere islands in a spoiled and polluted land."21. Recent studies by the Council of Europe show that ________.A. it is only in Britain that wildlife needs more protectionB. all species of wildlife in Europe are in danger of dying outC. there are fewer species of reptiles and butterflies in Europe than elsewhereD. certain species of reptiles and butterflies in Europe need protecting22. Dr. Baum, a representative of the Council, visited one particular British national parkbecause ________.A. he was presenting the park with a diploma for its achievementsB. he was concerned about how the park was being runC. it was the only national park of its kind in EuropeD. it was the only park which had ever received a diploma from the Council23. Although it is difficult nowadays to convince the public of the importance of naturereserves, Dr. Baum felt that ________.A. people would support moves to create more environment areasB. people would carry on supporting those national parks in existenceC. existing national parks would need to be more independent to surviveD. certain areas of countryside should be left undisturbed by man24. In Dr. Baum's opinion, a true nature reserve ________.A. could never survive in a modern ageB. should provide buildings for human activitiesC. should be regarded as a place where nature is protectedD. could provide special areas for tourists to enjoy25. Although we all depend on the resources of nature for our survival, ________.A. industrial products are replacing all our natural resourcesB. it is only on islands that nature survivesC. we have forgotten what our original countryside looks likeD. we have allowed areas of countryside to be spoilt by industrial d evelopment Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage:Everything that is new or uncommon raises a pleasure in the imagination. And because it fills the soul with a pleasant surprise, satisfies its curiosity, and gives it an idea which it did not possess before. We are too much familiar with one set of objects and tired out with so many repeated shows of the same things. And whatever is new or uncommon contributes a little to vary human life with the strangeness of its appearance: it serves us for a kind of refreshment, and takes off that satiety (厌腻) we tend to complain of in our usual and ordinary entertainment.It is this variety that gives our mind something new and relieves our attention from wasting itself on any particular object. It is this, likewise, that improves what is great or beautiful, and makes it afford our mind a double entertainment.Woods, fields, and grass are, at any season of the year, pleasant to look upon but never so much as in the beginning of the spring, when they are all new and fresh and not yet too much familiar to the eye. For this reason there is nothing that makes a view more interesting than rivers or sprays of water from fountains(喷泉), where the scene is constantly changing the sight every moment with something new. We are quickly tired with looking upon hills and valleys, where everything remains fixed and settled in the same place and manner, but find our thoughts a little excited and relieved at the sight of such objects as are ever in motion and sliding away from beneath our eyes.26. Which of the following contains the main idea of the passage?A. Whatever is new is more worthwhile than that which is old.B. Strangeness makes a thing fascinating.C. We must change the old for the new to achieve variety.D. We cannot evaluate the worth of an item until it is no longer new.27. Woods, fields, and grass are never so pleasant to look upon as in the beginning of thespring because ______.A. they satisfy our curiosityB. they seem to us new and fresh after the long winter timeC. they are something strange to our eyesD. they fill our souls with a pleasant surprise28. The author find fountains fascinating because ______.A. of the beauty of their appearanceB. of the freshness of the waterC. of the movement of the waterD. of the beauty of nature29. The author's implied purpose in this passage is to ______.A. entertain the readerB. prevent the reader from making mistakesC. present an alternative viewD. improve the readers' sense of right and wrong30. Which of the following is true about the development of the ideas in this passage?A. It moves from one aspect to another by association.B. It moves from a hypothesis(假设) to an application of the hypothesis.C. It moves from event to event in a time sequence.D. It moves from a generalization to a series of observations to prove the generalization. Part III. ClozeDirections: There are a number of blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. (10%, 10×1 point)Most children with healthy appetites are ready to eat almost anything that is offered them and a child rarely dislikes food 31 it is badly cooked. The way a meal is cooked and served is most important and an 32 served meal will often improve a child's appetite. Never ask a child whether he likes or dislikes a food and never 33 likes and dislikes in front of him or allow anybody else to do so. If the father says he hates fat meat or the mother 34 vegetables in the child's hearing he is likely to copy this procedure. Take it 35 granted that he likes everything and he probably will. Nothing healthful should be omitted from the meal because of a 36 dislike. At meal times it is a good idea to give a child a small portion and let him 37 back for a second helping rather than give him as much as he is likely to eat all at once. Do not talk too much to the child 38 meal times, but let him get on with his food; and do not allow him to leave the table immediately after a meal or he will 39 learn to swallow his food so he can hurry back to his toys. Under 40 circumstances must a child be coaxed (哄骗) or forced to eat.31. A. if B. until C. that D. unless32. A. adequately B. attractively C. urgently D. eagerly33. A. remark B. tell C. discuss D. argue34. A. opposes B. denies C. refuses D. offends35. A. with B. as C. over D. for36. A. supposed B. proved C. considered D. related37. A. ask B. come C. return D. take38. A. on B. over C. by D. during39. A. hurriedly B. soon C. fast D. slowly40. A. some B. any C. such D. noPart IV. Sentence TranslationDirections: The following sentences are underlined in the reading passages. Translate theminto Chinese and write down your answers on Answer Sheet. (10 %, 4×2.5 points)41.The brain is the master organ of our body, and it is more complex than any machine everconstructed.42.No area could be expected to survive both as a true nature reserve and as a touristattraction, he went on.43.Everything that is new or uncommon raises a pleasure in the imagination.44.It is this variety that gives our mind something new and relieves our attention fromwasting itself on any particular object.Part V. Essay writingDirection: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition of about 100 words according to the following topic. Remember your composition must be written on the Answer Sheet. (15 %)Should We Help Others in Need?1.经常有路人摔倒没人敢上前帮忙的现象;2.这是公德心缺失还是什么原因?3.你的看法。

)1. A把x给B同时获取了y,此时,在A与B之间所发生的行为属于( )。
A. 交换活动B. 交易活动C. 买卖活动D. 协商活动2. 对于产品组合来说,产品组合深度越大说明( )。
A. 企业的产品线越多B. 企业产品的规格、品种越多C. 企业每条产品线内产品规格越多D. 各产品线在最终用途、生产条件、分配渠道方面的密切相关程度越高3. 通常不必要实行直接营销的产品是( )。
A. 顾客订制的产品B. 建筑材料C. 易腐烂的产品D. 标准化产品4. 根据市场营销学原理,促销的实质是( )。
A. 推销B. 营销C. 沟通D. 销售5. 商务谈判以( )作为谈判的核心。
A. 谈判主体B. 价值C. 谈判客体D. 价格6. ( )在注意与对方人际关系的同时,建议和要求谈判双方尊重对方的基本需求,寻求双方利益上的共同点,积极设想各种使双方都有所获的方案。
A. 价值型谈判B. 软型谈判C. 价格型谈判D. 硬型谈判7. ( )是一种以历史的联系和经验、过去的原则和规范来影响和制约现在,力图使现在变为过去的继续和再现的思维方法。
A. 反馈思维B. 纵向思维C. 超前思维D. 横向思维8. 遵循( ),即对顾客无益的交易也必然有损于营销人员,营销人员所做的一切必须有利于他的顾客,必须要对顾客负责。
A. 互惠原则B. 信用原则C. 平等原则D. 相容原则9. 语言是人们表达( )的工具,也是一门艺术。
A. 思想感B. 购买欲望C. 社会需求D. 知识见闻10. 在正式的谈判之前,( )应主动通知对方洽谈举行的时间、地点、具体安排以及有关注意事项,让对方心中有数,以便为洽谈进行相应的准备。
A. 东道主B. 中间人C. 被邀者D. 主谈人11. ( )是指商业机构(或企业、公司)使用Internet或各种商务网络向供应商(企业或公司)订货和付款。

A.只能由杨某对外代表该合伙企业B.除合伙协议另有约定外,杨某可以自行决定改变该合伙企业主要经营场所的地点C.除合伙协议另有约定外,杨某可以自行处分该合伙企业的不动产D.杨某可以自营与该合伙企业相竞争的业务【答案】 A2、(2016年真题)根据合伙企业法律制度的规定,下列属于普通合伙企业合伙人当然退伙的情形是()。
A.合伙人执行合伙事务时有不当行为B.合伙人个人丧失偿债能力C.合伙人因故意或重大过失给合伙企业造成损失D.合伙人未履行出资义务【答案】 B3、10周岁的张某未经其法定代理人的同意,将价值5000元的笔记本电脑赠与同学李某。
A.有效B.无效C.可撤销D.效力待定【答案】 D4、2015年5月,贾某以一套房屋作为出资,与几位朋友设立一家普通合伙企业,从事软件开发。
A.如果合伙协议未约定合伙期限,贾某向其他合伙人发出退伙通知后,即发生退伙效力B.因贾某的退伙,合伙企业须进行解散清算C.退伙后贾某可向合伙企业要求返还该房屋D.贾某对基于退伙前原因发生的合伙企业的债务仍须承担无限连带责任【答案】 D5、(2018年真题)甲公司为符合条件的小型微利企业,经主管税务机关核定, 2017年度亏损 8万元, 2018年度亏损 3万元,假设 2019年度盈利 16万元,无其他需要纳税调整的事项。
甲公司 2019年度应缴纳的企业所得税税额为()万元。
A.1B.0.25C.1.6D.3.2【答案】 B6、下列各项中,属于民法的是()。
A.《中华人民共和国民法典》B.《中华人民共和国公司法》C.《中华人民共和国合伙企业法》D.《中华人民共和国个人独资企业法》【答案】 A7、(2013年)甲企业是增值税一般纳税人,2019年12月向乙商场销售1000件服装,每件不含税价格为80元。

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=(·)/(·) B. Cc =(·)/(·)C. Cc=(·)/(·)D. Cc=3.土CBR试验贯入量为5mm时的承载比大于2.5mm时的承载比,重新试验后结果依然如此,则()。
A.(-e)/(-B.(e-)/ (-C. (-/(-e)D. (-/(e-)6.细粒土的成分代号为()。
A.F=ƒN+c B.F=ƒN C.= =c+tg D.=c+8.滚搓法塑限试验时,搓滚土条,直至土条直径达()时,产生裂缝并开始断裂为止。
A.试杆沉入水泥6mm±1mm B.试杆沉入水泥距底板6mm±1mmC.试杆沉入水泥4mm±1mmD.试杆沉入水泥距底板4mm±1mm14.用坍落法测定混凝土的和易性,坍落度值的大小只反映拌合物的()。
A.调整混凝土的流动性大小B.采用力学性能较好的集料C.提高水泥颗粒细度D.提高混凝土的施工密实程度17.材料特点与混凝土工作性以及混凝土强度之间有直接关系,下列说法正确的是( )。
A.动力黏度 B.绝对黏度 C.条件黏度 D.运动黏度21.有助于沥青混合料高温抗车辙能力的因素不包括()。
A.甲沥青的感温性比乙沥青小 B.甲沥青的感温性比乙沥青大C.甲沥青黏度对温度比乙沥青要更加敏感D.乙沥青黏度对温度比甲沥青要更敏感25.沥青混合料冻融劈裂抗拉强度比用于评价沥青混合料的()。
A.低温性能B.高温性能C.水稳性D.力学性能26.《金属材料拉伸试验第1部分:室温试验方法》(GB/T228.1-2010)标准中的、、、分别指( )。
A.击实试验 B.压缩试验 C.十字板剪切试验 D.标准贯入试验4.试验数据表达在笛卡尔坐标上的试验有()。
A.击实试验 B.压缩试验 C.剪切试验 D.液塑限试验5.水泥试验检测项目中标准法和代用法共存的试验项目是()。