答案:D 注释:这个题目不是太严谨,应该加上子网掩码. A:224. 0. 0. 5 是多播地址 B: 127. 0.0. 0 保留作为测试使用 C:网络地址 26、 设置主接口由 up 转 down 后延迟 30 秒切换到备份接口,主 接口 由 down 转 up 后 60 秒钟切换回主接口的配置为()
答案:D 注释:255. 255. 255. 255 是全网广播,DHCP 客户端发送全网广播来 查 找 DHCP 服务器. 24、 下而有关 NAT 叙述正确的是() (A) NAT 是英文“地址转换”的缩写,又称地址翻译 (B) XAT 用来实现私有地址与公用网络地址之间的转换 (C) 当内部网络的主机访问外部网络的时候,一定不需要 NAT (D) 地址转换的提出为解决 IP 地址紧张的问题提供了一个有效途 径 答案:ABD 25、 以下属于正确的主机的 IP 地址的是()
(A) arp-a (B) traceroute (C) routeprint (D) displayiprouting-table
答案:D 23、 D0. 0. 0 (B) 10. 0. 0. 1 (0127. 0. 0. 1 (D)255. 255. 255. 255
192. 168. 1. 1
答案:D 注释:PC 的'默认网关要指向路由器的以太网口的 IP 地址. 28、 ISDNB 信道速率是()
(A) 16kbps (B) 64kbps
C UIS Manager可以用于管理M8300本身
D UIS Manager可以嵌入刀片交换机管理UIS8000刀框
24、iSCIS 协议包的封装顺序是
A Link->SCSI->Iscsi->TCP->IP
B SCSI->iscsi->TCP->IP->Link
A 组织管理员只能审批一个组织内的虚拟机电子流
B 一个集群只能分配给某一个组织使用
D 每个组织可以分配多个集群计算资源
A UIS服务器
D CAS云计算管理平台
7、以下关于虚拟机高可靠性(High Availability,简称HA)的描述正确的是
D HA功能可以为集群中所有虚拟机上运行的应用程序提供简单易用、经济高效的高可用性
B 可以设置虚拟机随主机启动,但是启用HA后该功能失效
C 所有类型的虚拟硬盘都支持在线增加和在线扩容
D 虚拟机创建完成后,显示名称不可以修改
D 将服务器、存储、网络的基础硬件资源通过网络交付给用户,用户获取虚拟机后可部署操作系统、应用软件
A 虚拟机模板中的CPI个数、内存大小和存储容量不可以修改
B 制作虚拟机模板包括转换为模板和克隆为模板两种方式,其中克隆为模板必须在虚拟机关闭时执行
)ACFA. Router1的将剥离的源MAC地址,并将其与MAC地址0000.0c36.6965取代。
B. Router1的将剥离的源IP地址,并将其与IP地址192.168.40.1取代。
E. Router1的将转发数据包输出接口的FastEthernet0/1。
)A.CSU/ DSU用于端接本地数字环路B.调制解调器端接本地数字环路C.一个CSU/ DSU终止模拟本地环路D.调制解调器终止模拟本地环路E.路由器通常被视为DTE设备F.路由器通常被视为DCE设备注:SU/DSU是用于连接终端和数字专线的设备,属于DCE设备modem用于数字信号和模拟信号的转换,属于DCE设备路由器一般是DTE设备5、请参见图示,主机A ping接口S0/0的router3,什么是该ping的TTL值?A. 253B. 252C. 255D. 2546、网络管理员可以通过建立一个FTP连接到远程服务器验证新安装的主机的配置。
CCNA题库V104.2 补充新题 64Q(题库改版后新题目)
CCNA题库战报交流群:82327397欢迎备考CCNA的朋友加入,一起讨论交流,通过CCNA考试!CCNA最新题库/最新战报发布区:/forum-261-1.htmlCCNA考试代号:640-802考试时间:中文110分钟英文110+30=140分钟通过分数:825题库版本:V104.2Exam AQUESTION 1Which two commands correctly verify whether port security has been configured on port FastEthernet 0/12on a switch?(choose two)A.SW1#show swithport port-security interface FastEthernet 0/12B.SW1# show swithport port-secure interface FastEthernet 0/12C.SW1# show port-secure interface FastEthernet 0/12D.SW1#show running-configAnswer: CDQUESTION 2Which component of VPN technology ensures that data can be read only by its intended recipient?A.data integrity B.encryption C.key exchange D.authenticationAnswer: DQUESTION 3Refer to the exhibit.What is the effect of the configuration that is shown?A.It tells the router or switch to try establish an SSH connection first and if that fail to use telnet.B.Itconfigures a cisco network device to use the SSH protocol on incoming communications via the virtualterminal ports.C.It allows seven failed login attempts before the VTY lines are temporarily shutdown.D.It configures the virtual terminal lines with the password 030752180500.E.It configures SSH globally for all logins.Answer: BQUESTION 4Which IPV6 routing protocol uses multicast group FFO2::8 to send updates?A.RIPng B.OSPFv3C.IS-IS for IPv6D.staticAnswer: Cb b s .h h 010.co mWhich of the following are true regarding the debug output shown in the graphic?(choose two)A.This router was configured with the commands:RtrA(config)#router ripRtrA(config-router)#version 2RtrA(config-router)#network router was configured with the commands:RtrA(config)#router ripRtrA(config-router)#network will be displayed in the routing table.work will be displayed in the routing table.E.This router was configured with the commands:RtrA(config)#router ripRtrA(config-router)#network was disabled on this router.Answer: BCQUESTION 6The network administrator is asked to configure 113 point-to-point links.Which IP addressing scheme best defines the address range and subnet mask that meet the requirement and waste the fewest subnet and host addresses?A. subnetted with mask subnetted with mask subnetted with mask subnetted with mask subnetted with mask Db b s .h h 010.co mVLAN 3 is not yet configured on your switch.What happens if you set the switchport access vlan 3commmand interface configuration mode?A.The command is accepted and the respective VLAN is added to vlan dat.B.The command is rejected.C.The command is accepted and you must configure the VLAN manually.D.The port turns amber.Answer: AQUESTION 8Which parameter can be tuned to affect the selection of a static route as a backup.when a dynamic protocol is also being used?A.link bandwidth B.hop count C.link costD.administrative distanceE.link delayAnswer: DQUESTION 9Refer to the exhibit. In the Frame Relay network, which ip address would be assigned to the interfaces with point-to-poin PVCs?A.DLCI 16: 17: 99: 28: b s .h h 010.co mB.DLCI 16: 17: 99: 28: 16: 17: 99: 28: 16: 17: 99: 28: BQUESTION 10Why will a switch never learn a broadcast address?A.Broadcast frames are never sent to swiches.B.Broadcast addresses use an incorrect format for the switching table.C. A broadcast address will never be the source address of a frame.D.Broadcasts only use network layer addressing.E.A broadcast frame is never forwarded by a switch.Answer: CQUESTION 11Wich command can you use to manually assign a static IPV6 address to a muter interface?A.ipv6 address PREFIX_1::1/64B.ipv6 autoconfig 2001:db8:2222:7272::72/64C.ipv6 autoconfigD.ipv6 address 2001:db8:2222:7272::72/64Answer: DQUESTION 12The EIGRP configuration in the Glencoe router uses a single network statement.From the output shown in the graph would advertise these networks in EIGRP?b b s .h h 010.co mwork area 478work area 478Answer: BQUESTION 13Which IPsec security protocol should be used when confidentiality is required?A.AH B.MD5C.PSK D.ESPAnswer: DQUESTION 14What is the function of the command switchport trunk native vlan 999 on a…(此处文字不清楚).?A.It designates VLAN 999 for untagged traffic.B.It blocks VLAN 999 traffic from passing on the trunk.C.It creates a VLAN 999 interface.D.It designates VLAN 999 as the default for all unkown tagged traffic.Answer: DQUESTION 15Which command can be used from a PC to verfy the connectivity between host that connect thro…(字体不清)…?A.tracert address B.ping address C.arp addressD.traceroute addressAnswer: AQUESTION 16In which solution is a router ACL used?A.protecting a server frome unauthorized accesB.controlling path selection,based on the route metricC.reducing router CPU utilizationD.filterring packets that are passing through a routerAnswer: DQUESTION 17Which statement is true, as relates to classful or classless routing?b b s .h h 010.co mA.RIPV1 and OSPF are classless routing protocols.B.Classful routing protocols send the subnet mask in routing updates.C.Automatic summarization at classful boundaries can cause problems on disc……D.EIGRP and OSPF are classful routing protocols and summarize routes by def……Answer: CQUESTION 18A router has two FastEthernet interfaces and needs to connect to four vlans in the local network.How can you accomplish this task,using the fewest physical interfaces and without decreasing network performance?A.Add two more FastEthernet interfaces.B.Add a second router to handle the vlan traffic.e a hub to connect the four vlans with a FastEthernet interface on router.D.Implement a router-on-a-stick configuration.Answer: DQUESTION 19Refer to the exhibit.How many broadcast domains are configured on switch2?A.5B.20C.4D.1Answer: CQUESTION 20What is the effect of using the service password-encryption command?A.nly passwords configured after the command has been entered will be encrypted.B.Only the enable password will be encrypted.C.Only the enable secret password will be encryptedD.It will encrypt the secret password and remove the enable secret password from the configuration.E.It will encrypt all current and future passwords.Answer: Eb b s .h h 010.co mQUESTION 21Refer to the exhibit.A technician has installed SwithchB and needs to configure it for remote access from the management workstation connected SwitchA Which set of commands is required to accomplish this task?A.SwitchB(config)#interface FastEthernet 0/1SwitchB(config)#ip address shutdownB.SwitchB(config)#ip default-gateway vlan 1SwitchB(config)#ip address shutdown C.SwitchB(config)#interface vlan 1SwitchB(config)#ip address default-gateway shutdownD.SwitchB(config)#ip default-network vlan 1SwitchB(config)#ip address shutdownAnswer: BQUESTION 22Refer to the exhibit.The speed of all serial links is E1 and the speed of the all Ethernet links is 100Mb/s.A static route will be established on the Manchester router to the direct traffic toward the internet over the most direct path available.What configuration on the Manchester router will establish a router toward the internet for traffic that originates from workstation on the Manchester LAN?b b s .h h 010.co mA.ip route route route route route route FQUESTION 23What Frame Relay mechanism is used to build the map illustrated in the accompanying graphic?A.inverse multiplexingB.LMI mapingC.Inverse ARPD.ARPE.Proxy ARPAnswer: CQUESTION 24Refer to the exhibit.A network engineer is troubleshooting an internet connectivity problem on the computer.What is causing the problem?b b s .h h 010.co mA.wrong DNS serverB.wrong default gatewayC.incorrect IP addressD.incorrect subnet maskAnswer: CQUESTION 25How many broadcast domains are shown in the graphic assuming only the default vlan is configured on the switches?b b s .h h 010.co mA.oneB.sixC.twelveD.twoAnswer: AQUESTION 26How dose a DHCP server dynamically assign IP address to host?A.Addresses are allocated after a negotiation between the server and the host to determine the length ofthe agreement.B.Addresses are assigned for a fixed period of time.At the end of period,a newquest for an address mustbe made ,and another address is then assigned.C.Addresses are leased to host.A host will usually keep the same address by periodically contacting theDHCP sever to renew the lease.D.Addresses are permanently assigned so that the host uses the same address at all times.Answer: CQUESTION 27Which type of EIGRP route entry describes a feasible successor?A. a primary route,stored in the routing table B. a backup route,stored in the routing table C. a backup route,stored in the topology table D.a primary route,stored in the topology tableAnswer: CQUESTION 28What is the purpose of the inverse ARP?A.to map a known DLCI to an IP addressB.to map a known IP address to a MAC addressC.to map known SPID to a MACaddressD.to map a known DLCI to a MAC addressE.to map a known IP address to a SPID.F.to map a known MAC address to an IP addressAnswer: AQUESTION 29What is the default maximum number of equal-cost paths that can be placed into the routing of a cisco OSPF router?A.16B.2C.unlimitedD.4Answer: Db b s .h h 010.co mQUESTION 30Which IPV6 routing protocol uses multicast group FF02::9 to send updates?A.RIPng B.OSPFv3C.staticD.IS-IS for IPv6Answer: AQUESTION 31What are two benefits of using NAT?(choose two)A.NAT protects network security because private networks are not advertised.B.NAT accelerates the routing process because no modifications are made on the packets.C.Dynamic NAT facilitates connections from the outside of the network.D.NAT facilitates end-to-end communication when IPsec is enable.E.NAT eliminates the need to re-address all host that require extemal access.F.NAT conserves addresses through host MAC-level multiplexing.Answer: AEQUESTION 32Which three statements about RSTP are true?(choose three)A.RSTP significantly reduces topology reconverging time after a link failure.B.RSTP expends the STP port roles by adding the alternate and backup roles.C.RSTP port atates are blocking,discarding,learing,or forwarding.D.RSTP also uses the STP proprsal-agreement sequence.E.RSTP use the same timer-baseed process as STP on point-to-point links.F.RSTP provides a faster transition to the forwarding state on point-to-point links than STP does.Answer: ABFQUESTION 33Refer to the exhibit.The serial0/0 interface of the Tampa router connects the Oriando router.Which two statements are true about the connection between these two routers?(choose two)b b s .h h 010.co mA.The only device with which the Tampa router will negotiate a data link is the Orlando router.B.The link is addressed on the *zero*subnet network.C.The link uses a three-way handshake for authentication.D.The link uses a two-way handshake for authentication.E.Data exchanges between the Oriando and Tampa routers are encrypted.Answer: BCQUESTION 34A switch is configured as a vtp sever with a domain name of CCNA.Which cisco ios privileged modecommand,followed by a reload of the swith,will reset the VTP management domain name of the switch to a NULL value?A.#vtp domain unset B.#delete vlan.dat C.#no vtp domain D.#vtp domain nullAnswer: BQUESTION 35If an Ethernet port on a router was assigned an IP address of,what is the maximum number of hosts allowed on this subnet?A.4094B.1024C.8190D.2046b b s .h h 010.co mE.4096Answer: AQUESTION 36Which two statements about static NAT translations are true?(choose two)A.They are always present in the NAT table.B.They allow connection to be initiated from the outside.C.They can be configured with access lists, to allow two or more connections to be initiated from theoutside.D.They require no inside or outside interface markings because addresses are statically defined.Answer: ABQUESTION 37Which of these represents an IPv6 link-local address?A.FE08::280e:611:a:f14f:3d69B.FE81::280f:512b:e14f:3d69C.FE80::380e:611a:e14f:3d69D.FEFE:0345:5f1b::e14d:3d69Answer: CQUESTION 38What are three features of the IPV6 protocol?(choose three)plicated header B.plug-and-play C.no broadcasts D.checksums E.optional IPsec F.autoconfigurationAnswer: BCFQUESTION 39Assuming default setting,how can you erase the VTP database of VLANs on a CISCO IOS switch running in VTP server mode?A.Enable VTP pruningB.From privileged mode ,erase the startup configuration file,then reload.C.From privileged mode ,erase the vlan date file, then reload.D.Cycle the switch power.Answer: CQUESTION 40Refer to the exhibit.which address and mask combination a summary of the routes learned by EIGRP?b b s .h h 010.co mA. EQUESTION 41Refer to the exhibit A frame on vlan 1on switch s1 is sent to switch s2 when the frame is received on vlan 2,what causes this behavior?A.trunk mode mismatchesb b s .h h 010.co mB.vlans that do not correspond to a unique IP subnetC.native vlan mismatchesD.allowing only vlan 2 on the destination.Answer: CQUESTION 42Refer to the exhibit.The network administrator normally establishes a telnet session with the switch from host A.However,host A is unavailable.The administrator ′s attempt to the switch from host B fails,but pings to the other two hosts are successful.what is the issue?A.Host B and the switch need to be in the same subnet.B.The switch needs and appropriate default gateway assigned.C.The switch interface connected to the router is down.D.Host B need to be assigned an IP address in vlan 1.Answer: BQUESTION 43What value is primarily used to determine which port becomes the root port on each nonroot switch in a spanning-tree topology?A.lowest port MAC addressB.port priority number and MAC address.C.VTP revision numberD.highest port priority number.E.path costAnswer: EQUESTION 44Refer to the exhibit.Router 1 was just successfully rebooted.identify the current OSPF router ID for Router 1.b b s .h h 010.co mA. AQUESTION 45Why do large OSPF networks use a hierarchical design?(choose three)A.to confine network instability to single areas of the network.B.to reduce the complexity of router configuration C.to speed up convergenceD.to lower costs by replacing routers with distribution layer switchesE.to decrease latency by increasing bandwidthF.to reduce routing overheadAnswer: ACFQUESTION 46A network administrator receives an error message while tring to configure the Ethernet interface of a router with IP address statement explains the reason for this issue?A.The address is a broadcast address B.The Ehernet interface is faultyC.VLSM-capable routing protocols must be enable first on the router.D.This address is a network address.Answer: DQUESTION 47Which two are advantages of static routing when compared to dynamic routing?(choose two)A.Security increases because only the network administrator may change the routing tables.B.Configuration complexity decreases as network size increases.C.Routing updates are automatically sent to neighbors.D.Route summarization iscompued automatically by the router.E.Routing traffic load is reduced when used in stub network linksF.An efficient algorithm is used to build routing tables,using automatic updates.G.Routing tables adapt automatically to topology changes.b b s .h h 010.co mAnswer: AEQUESTION 48A company has a small network,consisting of a single switch and a single router.The switch has been configured with two vlans,and route-on-a-stick is being configured on the router for inter-vlan routing.A trunk is configured to connect the switch to the router.What is the minimum number of router subinterfaces that are required for all the vlans to communicate?A.one B.three C.two D.zeroAnswer: CQUESTION 49Which command can be a router to verify the layer 3 path to a host?A.traceroute address B.tracert address C.ssh address D.telnet addressAnswer: AQUESTION 50Which dose the frame-relay interface-dlc i command configure?A.remote DLCI on the main interface B.local DLCI on the main interface C.local DLCI on the subinterface D.remote DLCI on the subinterfaceAnswer: CQUESTION 51What is the OSPF default frequency,in seconds,at which a cisco router sends hello packets on a multi-access network?A.10B.40C.30D.20Answer: AQUESTION 52Refer to the exhibt.Host A has tested connectivity to a remote network.What is the default gateway for host A?b b s .h h 010.co mA. AQUESTION 53Which commands is necessary to permit SSH or Telnet access to a cisco switch that is otherwise configured for these vty line protocols?A.transport type allB.transport output allC.transport preferred allD.transport input allAnswer: DQUESTION 54Which command shows your active Telnet connections?A.show sessionB.show cdp neighborsC.show usersD.show queueAnswer: AQUESTION 55Which two states are the port states when RSTP has converged?(choose two)A.blocking B.learning C.disabled D.forwarding E.listeningAnswer: ADb b s .h h 010.co mQUESTION 56There are no boot system commands in a router configuration in NVRAM.What is the fallback sequence that router will use to find an ios during reload?A.Flash,TFTP server,ROM B.Flash,NVRAM,ROMC.ROM,NVRAM,TFTP serverD.NVRAM,TFTP server,ROME.TFTP server,Flash,NVRAMAnswer: A QUESTION 57Refer to the graphic.A host is connected to switch port Fa0/3 with a crossover cable.The host and switch have…as shown.However,the port indicator on switch port Fa0/3 is not on,and the host can notcommunicate with…to vlan 2 on the same switch.Based on the information given.what is the problem?A.The switch has been assigned an incorrect subnet mask.B.Switch port FA0/3 is not configured as a trunk port C.Switch port FA0/3 has been blocked by STPD.The switch and the hosts must be in the same subnetE.The cable is the wrong typeAnswer: E QUESTION 58Refer to the exhibit.Which user-mode password has just been set?A.Telnet B.Auxiliary C.SSH D.Consoleb b s .h h 010.co mAnswer: AQUESTION 59DNS servers provide what service?A.they run a spell check on host names to ensure accurate routingB.they map individual hosts to their specific IP addressC.they convert domain names into IP addressD.Given an IP address,they determine the name of the host that is…Answer: CQUESTION 60Which command enables RSTP on a switch?A.spanning-tree mode rapid-pvstB.spanning-tree uplinkfastC.spanning-tree backbonefastD.spanning-tree mode mst Answer: A QUESTION 61Which two are features of IPv6?(choose two)A.multicast B.broadcast C.allcastD.podcastE.anycast Answer: AE QUESTION 62Which statement about access lists that are applied to an interface is true?A.you can apply multiple access lists with the same protocol or in different…B.you can config one access list,per direction,per layer 3 protocolC.you can place as many access lists as you want on any interfaceD.you can apply ony one access list on any interfaceAnswer: DQUESTION 63Which item represents the standard IP ACL?A.access-list 50 deny 110 permit ip any anyC.access-list 2500 deny tcp any host eq 22D.access-list 101 deny tcp any host o mAnswer: AQUESTION 64What is one benefit of PVST+?A.PVST+reduces the CPU cycles for all the switches in the networkB.PVST+automatically selects the root bridge location,to provide optimiz…C.PVST+allow the root switch location to be optimized per vlan.D.PVST+supports Layer 3 load balancing without loops.Answer: Cmoc.1hh.sbb。
培训大讲堂官方YY 频道:3660mCCNA题库考试代号: 640-802考试时间:英文110+30=140分钟通过分数: 825题库版本: V104.4鸿鹄论坛招募CCNA、CCNP答疑讲师答疑地点:鸿鹄官方YY频道3660鸿鹄大讲堂:bbs.hh010./thread-46172-1-1.htmlCCNA题库战报交流QQ群:144288127 (500人超级群)CCNA题库战报交流区: bbs.hh010./forum-261-1.html1000 G视频教程免费下载:bbs.hh010./forum-228-1.htmlCCNA(640-802)题库V104.4CCNA(640-802)题库V104.4(情人节版)CCNA 题库战报500人超级QQ群 144288127V104系列是官方的终结版本,以后不会再出V105 V106 V108等等CCNA 最新题库/最新战报发布区: bbs.hh010./forum-261-1.html下载官方正版题库、看最新考试战报,请随时关注鸿鹄论坛 bbs.hh010.CCNA考试报名1900,详情请联系鸿鹄全国区十七名客服 QQ 71202306========================================更新容:V104.1修正V104中错误题目,确定经典争议题目答案;V104.2增加拖图题并可完美模拟考试,VCE题库增加中文注释;V104.3针对思科CCNA考试变题,更新考试新增题目93Q,更新V104.2实验题;V104.4增加全文中文注释,汇总V104.3九次更新,删除部分旧题目,为目前最新官方正版题库;2011.8.1 增加每日新题,修订部分错误。
2012.2.14 情人节版增加5道新题,分别是519、520、521、522、523题修改176题、375题、443题、482题答案错误修改59题、88题、453题、107题、270题注释错误增加个别疑难拖图题注释,优化实验题=============================================QUESTION 1When you are logged into a switch, which prompt indicates that you are in privileged mode?(当您登录到交换机,哪种提示表明你在特权模式?)A. %B.C. >D. $E. #Answer: ESection: Chapter 4: Introduction to Cisco IOSExplanation/Reference:特权模式就是#提示符QUESTION 2Which command shows system hardware and software version information?(哪些命令显示系统硬件和软件的版本信息?)A. show configurationB. show environmentC. show inventoryD. show platformE. show versionAnswer: ESection: Chapter 4: Introduction to Cisco IOSExplanation/Reference:查看系统的软件和硬件信息使用的命令是show versionQUESTION 3Cisco Catalyst switches CAT1 and CAT2 have a connection between them using ports FA0/13. An 802. 1Q trunk is configured between the two switches. On CAT1, VLAN 10 is chosen as native, but on CAT2 the native VLAN is not specified.What will happen in this scenario?(思科 Catalyst 交换机 CAT1 和 CAT2 有它们之间的连接使用端口FA0/13。
▲ Ҳ ԟ ԇThe safer , easier way to help you pass any IT exams.Exam : 642-637Title:Version : V8.02Securing Networks with Cisco Routers and Switches (SECURE) v1.0The safer , easier way to help you pass any IT exams.1.What will the authentication event fail retry 0 action authorize vlan 300 command accomplish?A. assigns clients that fail 802.1X authentication into the restricted VLAN 300B. assigns clients to VLAN 300 and attempts reauthorizationC. assigns a client to the guest VLAN 300 if it does not receive a response from the client to its EAPOL request/identity frameD. locks out a user who fails an 802.1X authentication and does not allow the user to try to gain network access again for 300 secondsAnswer: A2.Refer to the exhibit. Given the partial output of the debug command, what can be determined?A. There is no ID payload in the packet, as indicated by the message ID = 0.B. The peer has not matched any offered profiles.C. This is an IKE quick mode negotiation.D. This is normal output of a successful Phase 1 IKE exchange.Answer: B3.DRAG DROPAnswer:The safer , easier way to help you pass any IT exams.4.Refer to the exhibit. Which two Cisco IOS WebVPN features are enabled with the partial configuration shown? (Choose two.)A. The end-user CiscoAnyConnect VPN software will remain installed on the end system.B. If the CiscoAnyConnect VPN software fails to install on the end-user PC, the end user cannot use other modes.C. Client based full tunnel access has been enabled.D. Traffic destined to the network will not be tunneled and will be allowed access via a split tunnel.E. Clients will be assigned IP addresses in the range.Answer: A,C5.Which two of these are benefits of implementing a zone-based policy firewall in transparent mode? (Choose two.)A. Less firewall management is needed.B. It can be easily introduced into an existing network.C. IP readdressing is unnecessary.D. It adds the ability tostatefully inspect non-IP traffic.E. It has less impact on data flows.Answer: B,C6.When configuring a zone-based policy firewall, what will be the resulting action if you do not specify any zone pairs for a possible pair of zones?A. All sessions will pass through the zone without being inspected.B. All sessions will be denied between these two zones by default.C. All sessions will have to pass through the router "self zone" for inspection before being allowed to pass to the destination zone.D. This configurationstatelessly allows packets to be delivered to the destination zone.Answer: B7.Refer to the exhibit. What can be determined from the output of this show command?A. The IPsec connection is in an idle state.B. The IKE association is in the process of being set up.C. The IKE status is authenticated.D. The ISAKMP state is waiting for quick mode status to authenticate before IPsec parameters are passed between peersE. IKE Quick Mode is in the idle state, indicating a problem with IKE phase 1.Answer: C8.DRAG DROPAnswer:The safer , easier way to help you pass any IT exams.9.You are running Cisco lOS IPS software on your edge router. A new threat has become an issue.The Cisco lOS IPS software has a signature that can address the new threat, but you previously retired the signature. You decide to unretire that signature to regain the desired protection level.How should you act on your decision?A. Retired signatures are not present in the routers memory. You will need to download a new signature package to regain the retired signature.B. You should re-enable the signature and start inspecting traffic for signs of the new threat.C. Unretiring a signature will cause the router to recompile the signature database, which can temporarily affect performance.D. You cannotunretire a signature. To avoid a disruption in traffic flow, it's best to create a custom signature until you can download a new signature package and reload the router.Answer: C10.Which statement best describes inside policy based NAT?A. Policy NAT rules are those that determine which addresses need to be translated per the enterprise security policyB. Policy NAT consists of policy rules based on outside sources attempting to communicate with inside endpoints.C. These rules use source addresses as the decision for translation policies.D. These rules are sensitive to all communicating endpoints.Answer: A11.Refer to the exhibit. What can be determined about the IPS category configuration shown?A. All categories are disabled.B. All categories are retired.C. After all other categories weredisabled, a custom category named "os ios" was createdD. Only attacks on the Cisco IOS system result in preventative actions.Answer: D12.When Cisco IOS IPS is configured to use SDEE for event notification, how are events managed?A. They are stored in the router's event store and will allow authenticated remote systems to pull events from the event store.B. All events are immediately sent to the remote SDEE server.C. Events are sent viasyslog over a secure SSUTLS communications channel.D. When the event store reaches its maximum configured number of event notifications, the stored events are sent via SDEE to a remote authenticated server and a new event store is created.Answer: A13.Which two of these will match a regular expression with the following configuration parameters?[a-zA-Z][0-9][a-z] (Choose two.)A. Q3hB. B4MnC. aaB132AAD. c7lmE. BBpjnrITAnswer: A,D14.Which of these is a configurable Cisco IOS feature that triggers notifications if an attack attempts to exhaust critical router resources and if preventative controls have been bypassed or are not working correctly?A. Control Plane ProtectionB. Management Plane ProtectionC. CPU and memorythresholdingD. SNMPv3Answer: A15.Which Cisco IOS IPS feature allows to you remove one or more actions from all active signatures based on the attacker and/or target address criteria, as well as the event risk rating criteria?A. signature event action filtersB. signature event action overridesC. signature attack severity ratingD. signature event risk ratingAnswer: A16.You are troubleshooting reported connectivity issues from remote users who are accessing corporate headquarters via an IPsec VPN connection. What should be your first step in troubleshooting these issues?A. issue a show cryptoisakmp policy command to verify matching policies of the tunnel endpointsB. ping the tunnel endpointC. run a traceroute to verify the tunnel pathD. debug the connection process and look for any error messages in tunnel establishmentAnswer: B17.Which of these is correct regarding the configuration of virtual-access interfaces?A. They cannot be saved to the startup configuration.B. You must use static routes inside the tunnels.C. DVTI interfaces should be assigned a unique IP address range.D. The Virtual-Access 1 interface must be enabled in an up/up state administrativelyAnswer: A18.Refer to the exhibit. The INSIDE zone has been configured and assigned to two separate router interfaces. All other zones and interfaces have been properly configured. Given the configuration example shown, what can be determined.A. Hosts in the INSIDE zone, with addresses in the network, can access any host in the10.10.10.0/24 network using the SSH protocol.B. If a host in the INSIDE zone attempts to communicate via SSH with another host on a different interface within the INSIDE zone, communications must pass through the router self zone using the INTRAZONE policy.C. This is an illegal configuration. You cannot have the same source and destination zones.D. This policy configuration is notneeded, traffic within the same zone is allowed to pass by default. Answer: D19.Which action does the command private-vlan association 100,200 take?A. configures VLANs 100 and 200 and associates them as a communityB. associates VLANs 100 and 200 with the primary VLANC. creates two private VLANs with the designation of VLAN 100 and VLAN 200D. assigns VLANs 100 and 200 as an association of private VLANsAnswer: B20.Which of these allows you to add event actions globally based on the risk rating of each event, without having to configure each signature individually?A. event action summarizationB. event action filterC. event action overrideD. signature event action processorAnswer: C21.When using Cisco Easy VPN, what are the three options for entering an XAUTH username and password for establishing a VPN connection from the Cisco Easy VPN remote router? (Choose three.)A. using an external AAA serverB. entering the information via the router cryptoipsec client ezvpn connect CLI command in privileged EXEC modeC. using the router local user databaseD. entering the information from the PC via a browserE. storing the XAUTH credentials in the router configuration fileAnswer: B,C,E22.Which of these is true regarding tunnel configuration when deploying a Cisco ISR as a DMVPN hub router?A. Only one tunnel can be created per tunnel source interface.B. Only one tunnel can be created and should be associated with a loopback interface for dynamic redundancyC. The GRE tunnel key is used to encrypt the traffic going through the tunnel through the hub.D. You can run multiple parallel DMVPNs on the hub router, but each tunnel requires a unique tunnel key. Answer: D23.Given the Cisco IOS command crypto key generate rsa label MY_KEYS modulus 2048, which additional command keyword should be added if you would like to use these keys on another router or have the ability to back them up to another device?A. redundancyB. exportableC. on:USB smart-tokenD. usage-keysAnswer: B24.Which two types of deployments can be implemented for a zone-based policy firewall? (Choose two.)A. routed modeB. interzone modeC. fail open modeD. transparent modeE. inspection modeAnswer: A,E25.DRAG DROPAnswer:26.What is the result of configuring the command dotlx system-auth-control on a Cisco Catalyst switch?A. enables the switch to operate as the 802.1X supplicantB. globally enables 802.1X on the switchC. globally enables 802.1X and defines ports as 802.1X-capableD. places the configuration sub-mode intodotix-auth mode, in which you can identify theauthentication server parametersAnswer: B27.Which information is displayed when you enter the Cisco IOS command show epm session?A. Enforcement Policy Module sessionsB. External Proxy Mappings, per authenticated sessionsC. Encrypted Policy Management sessionsD. Enhanced Protected Mode sessionsAnswer: A28.Refer to the exhibit. Based on the partial configuration shown, which additional configuration parameter is needed under the GET VPN group member GDOI configuration?A. key server IP addressB. local priorityC. mapping of theIPsec profile to the IPsec SAD. mapping of theIPsec transform set to the GDOI groupAnswer: A29.Refer to the exhibit. Given the partial configuration shown, which two statements are correct? (Choose two.)A. The tunnel will use the routing protocol configured forGigabitEthemet 1/1 for all tunnel communication with the peer.B. The IP route statement to reach the remote network behind the DMVPN peer is incorrect, it should beip route tunnel 0.C. This is an example of a static point-to-point VTI tunnel.D. The tunnel will useesp-sha-hmac encryption in ESP tunnel mode.E. The tunnel will use 128-bit AES encryption in ESP tunnel mode.Answer: C,E30.You are troubleshooting a Cisco Easy VPN installation that is experiencing session establishment problems. You have verified that matching IKE and IPsec polices exist on both peers. The remote client has also successfully entered authentication credentials. What is the next step to take in troubleshooting this problem?A. verify that the router is not denying traffic from the tunnelB. verify that the router is able to assign an IP address to the clientC. examine routing tablesD. issue a ping from the client to the router to verifyreachabilityAnswer: B31.Which of these is a result of using the same routing protocol process for routing outside and inside the VPN tunnel?A. This will provide for routing-protocol-based failover redundancy.B. Spoke routers will able to dynamically learn routes to peer networks.C. This will allow VPN-encapsulated packets to be routed out the correct physical interface used to reach the remote peerD. The tunnel will constantly flap.Answer: B32.DRAG DROPAnswer:The safer , easier way to help you pass any IT exams.33.Refer to the exhibit. What can be determined from the output of this show command?A. The switch port interface is enabled and operating as a community port.B. The interface is acting as an isolated switch port operating in VLAN 1.C. The interface is configured for Private VLAN Edge.D. The switch port interface is not a trusted port.Answer: D34.You are troubleshooting a problem related to IPsec connectivity issues. You see that there is no ISAKMP security association established between peers. You debug the connection process and see an error message of 1d00h: ISAKMP (0:1): atts are not acceptable. Next payload is 0. What does this message indicate?A. This indicates a policy mismatch.B. This indicates that the offered attributes did not contain a payload.C. IKE has failed initial attempts and will resend policy offerings to the peer router.D. The time stamp of the message shows that it is one day old. This could indicate a possible mismatch of system clocks and invalidate the connection attempt.Answer: A35.Refer to the exhibit. Given the output shown, what can be determined?A. An attacker has sent a spoofed DHCP address.B. An attacker has sent a spoofed ARP response that violates a static mapping.C. The MAC address has matched a deny rule within the ACL.D. This is an invalid proxy ARP packet, as indicated by the 0000.0000.0000 MAC address on the destinationAnswer: C36.Which command will enable a SCEP interface when you are configuring a Cisco router to be a certificate server?A. seep enable (under interface configuration mode)B. cryptopki seep enableC. grant autoD. ip http serverAnswer: D37.When 802.1X is implemented, how do the client (supplicant) and authenticator communicate?A. RADIUSB. TACACS+C. MABD. EAPOLAnswer: D38.Refer to the exhibit. Assuming that all other supporting configurations are correct, what can be determined from the partial IP admission configuration shown?A. The router will forward authentication requests toa AAA server for authentication and authorization.B. The local user password is thl3F4ftvA.C. The router will intercept incoming HTTP sessions on interface G0/0 for authentication.D. The SUPERUSER's privilege level is being restricted.E. The attribute type supplicant-group "SUPERUSER" configuration can be used to match criteria in the "inspect" class-map type using the match access-group option.Answer: C39.Which of these is an implementation guideline when deploying the IP Source Guard feature in an environment with multiple switches?A. Do not configure IP Source Guard oninterswitch links.B. Configure PACLs for DHCP-addressed end devices.C. IP Source Guard must be configured in the trunksubconfiguration mode to work on interswitch links.D. Configure static IP Source Guard mapping for all access ports.Answer: A40.DRAG DROPAnswer:41.What does the command errdisable recovery cause arp-inspe ction interval 300 provide for?A. It will disable a port when the ARP rate limit of 300 packets per second is received and wait a configured interval time before placing the port back in normal operation.B. It will inspect for ARP-disabled ports every 300 seconds.C. It will recover a disabled port and limit ARP traffic to 300 packets per second to avoid potential ARP attacks from reoccurring.D. It will recover a disabled port due to an ARP inspection condition in 5 minutes.Answer: D42.You have configured Management Plane Protection on an interface on a Cisco router. What is the resulting action on implementing MPP?A. Inspection of protected management interfaces is automatically configured to ensure that management protocols comply with standa rds.B. The router gives preference to the configured management interface. If that interface becomes unavailable, management protocols will be allowed on alternate interfaces.C. Along with normal user data traffic, management traffic is also allowed on ly on the protected interface.D. Only management protocols are allowed on the protected interface.Answer: C43.DRAG DROPAnswer:44.Refer to the exhibit. What can be determined from the configuration shown?A. The community SNMP string is SNMP-MGMT-VIEW.B. All interfaces will be included in the SNMP GETs.C. This SNMP group will only allow read access to interface MIBs.D. The SNMP server group is using 128-bit SHA authentication.Answer: C45.When enabling the Cisco IOS IPS feature, which step should you perform to prevent rogue signature updates from being installed on the router?A. configure authentication and authorization for maintaining signature updatesB. install a known RSA public key that correlates to a private key used by CiscoC. manually import signature updates from Cisco to a secure server, and then transfer files from the secure server to the routerD. use the SDEE protocol for all signature updates from a known secure management station Answer: B46.A user has requested a connection to an external website. After initiating the connection, a message appears in the user's browser stating that access to the requested website has been denied by the company usage policy. What is the most likely reason for this message to appear?A. An antivirus software program has blocked the session request due to potential malicious content.B. The network has been configured with a URL filtering service.C. The network has been configured for 802.1X authentication and the user has failed toauthenticateD. The user's configured policy access level does not contain proper permissionsAnswer: B47.Refer to the exhibit. Given the partial configuration shown, what can be determined.A. This is an example of a dynamic policy PAT rule.B. This is an example of a static policy NAT rule.C. Addresses in the network will be exempt from translation when destined for the10.100.100.0 network.D. The extended access list provides for one-to-one translation mapping of the network to the10.100.100.0 networkAnswer: A48.When is it most appropriate to choose IPS functionality based on Cisco IOS software?A. when traffic rates are low and a complete signature is not requiredB. when accelerated, integrated performance is required using hardware ASIC-based IPSinspectionsC. when integrated policy virtualization is requiredD. when promiscuous inspection meets security requirementsAnswer: A49.When performing NAT, which of these is a limitation you need to account for?A. exhaustion of port number translationsB. embedded IP addressesC. security payload identifiersD. inability to provide mutual connectivity to networks with overlapping address spacesAnswer: B50 DRAG DROPAnswer:51.You have enabled Cisco IOS IPS on a router in your network. However, you are not seeing expected events on your monitoring system (such as Cisco IME). On the router, you see events being captured. What is the next step in troubleshooting the problem?A. verify thatsyslog is configured to send events to the correct serverB. verify SDEE communicationsC. verify event action rulesD. verify that the IPS license is validAnswer: B52.Which two of these are features of control plane security on a Cisco ISR? (Choose two.A. CoPPB. RBACC. AAAD. CPPrE. uRPFF. FPMAnswer: A,D53.Which two of these are potential results of an attacker performing a DHCP server spoofing attack? (Choose two.)The safer , easier way to help you pass any IT exams.A. DHCP snoopingB. DoSC. confidentiality breachD. spoofed MAC addressesE. switch ports being converted to anuntrusted stateAnswer: B,C54.When Cisco IOS IPS signatures are being tuned, how is the Target Value Rating assigned?A. It is calculated from the Event Risk Rating.B. It is calculated from a combination of the Attack Severity Rating and Signature Fidelity RatingC. It is manually set by the administrator.D. It is set based upon SEAP functions.Answer: C55.Which of these should you do before configuring IP Source Guard on a Cisco Catalyst switch?A. enable NTP for event correlationB. enable IP routing authenticationC. configure an access list with exempt DHCP-initiated IP address rangesD. turn DHCP snooping on at least 24 hours in advanceAnswer: D56.What action will the parameter-map type ooo global command enable?A. globally initiates tuning of the router's TCPnormalizer parameters for out-of-order packetsB. globally classifies typeooo packets within the parameter map and subsequent policy mapC. enables a parameter map namedoooD. configures a global parameter map for traffic destined to the router itselfAnswer: A57.DRAG DROPAnswer:58 HOTSPOTAnswer:59 HOTSPOTAnswer:60 HOTSPOTAnswer:61.HOTSPOTAnswer:62.HOTSPOTAnswer:63.Which protocol is EAP encapsulated in for communications between the authenticator and the authentication server?A. EAP-MD5B. IPsecC. EAPOLD. RADIUSAnswer: D64.You are loading a basic IPS signature package onto a Cisco router. After a period of time, you see this message:%IPS-6-ALL_ENGINE_BUILDS_COMPLETE: elapsed time 275013 ms. What do you expect happened during downloading and compilation of the files?A. The files were successfully copied with an elapse time of 275013 ms.The router will continue with extraction and compilation of the signature database.B. The signature engines were compiles, but there is no indication that the actual signatures were compiled.C. The compilation failed for some of the signature engines. There are 16 engines, but only 6 were completed according to the %IPS-6 messageD. The files were compiled without error.Answer: D65.Refer to the exhibit. Given the configuration shown, which of these statements is correct?The safer , easier way to help you pass any IT exams.A. An external service is providing URL filtering via a subscription service.B. All HTTP traffic to websites with the name "Gambling" included in the URL will be reset.C. A service policy on the zone pair needs to be configured in the opposite direction or all return HTTP traffic will be blocked by policyD. The URL filter policy has been configured in a fail-closed scenario.Answer: A66.DRAG DROPAnswer:67.Refer to the exhibit. Which two of these are most likely to have caused the issue with NHRP, given this output of the show command? (Choose two.)A. There was a network ID mismatch.B. The spoke router has not yet sent a request via Tunnel0.C. The spoke router received a malformed NHRP packet.D. There was an authentication key mismatch.E. The registration request was expecting a return request ID of 1201, but received an ID of 120. Answer: A,D68.DRAG DROPAnswer:69.You have configured a guest VLAN using 802.1X on a Cisco Catalyst switch. A client incapable of using 802.1X has accessed the port and has been assigned to the guest VLAN. What happens when a client capable of using 802.1Xjoins the network on the same port?A. The client capable of using 802.1X is allowed access and proper security policies are applied to the client.B. EAPOL packets will not be allowed on the guest VLAN and the access attempt with fail.C. The port is put into the unauthorized state in the user-configured access VLAN, and authentication is restarted.D. This is considered a security breach by the authentication server and all users on the access port will be placed into the restricted VLAN.Answer: C70.Refer to the exhibit. What can be determined from the information shown?A. The user has been restricted to privilege level 1.B. The standard access list should be reconfigured as an extended access list to allow desired user permissionsC. RBAC has been configured with restricted views.D. IP access list DMZ_ACL has not yet been configured with proper permissions.Answer: C71.Refer to the exhibit. Assuming that all other supporting configurations are correct, what can be determined from the partial IP admission configuration shown?A. The router will forward authentication requests toa AAA server for authentication and authorization.B. The user maint3nanc3 will have complete CLI command access once authenticated.C. After a period of 20 minutes, the user will again be required to provide authenticationcredentials.D. The authentication proxy will fail, because the router's HTTP server has not been enabled.E. All traffic entering interface GO/1 will be intercepted for authentication, but only Telnet traffic will be authorized.Answer: C72.DRAG DROPAnswer:。
鸿鹄论坛 HCNA Storage H 题库 v
4 个 9: 0.9999 52.56 分钟/年 5 个 9: 0.99999 5.265 分钟/年 6 个 9:0.999999 31 秒/年
31、在备份系统中,需要备份的数据必须经过介质服务器才会存储到备份介质中。 A、对 B、错
22、InfiniBand 接口在华为 OceanStor V3 统一存储中用于前端主机接口,可灵活支持直连及 交换机多种组网方式。
A、对 B、错 答案:B
23、以下关于 NAS 解决方案的描述,哪些是正确的?(多选) A、NAS 通过文件级的数据访问和共享提供存储资源 B、可通过 FC 网络对外提供共享 C、主要使用 CIFS 和 NFS 协议 D、NAS 客户端和 NAS 存储设备间采用 IP 网络互连
9、SCSI 协议不仅可以用于主机与磁盘通信,也可以用于主机和物理带库、光盘等的通信。 A、对 B、错
10、在华为 OceanStor V3 存储系统中,某客户计划部署一套业务系统,数据库采用的是 Oracle 数据,平均数据块的大小为 16KB,在使用 SmartTier 特性时,以下数据迁移粒度,最 优的是:
2、以下哪些选项不是 FC SAN 环境中必须的组件:(多选) A、存储设备 B、FC 交换机 C、FC HBA D、Windows 操作系统
答案:BD 解析:当主机与存储点对点时不需要 FC 交换机。
3、SmartThin 是华为 OceanStor V3 存储系统提供的一项按需分配存储资源的存储空间管理 技术,基于虚拟化技术,SmartThin 减少了物理存储资源的部署,最大限度的提高了存储空 间的利用率。
CCNP考试总结及心得体会紧张而又刺激的cisco认证CCNP(Route and Switch)考证终于宣告一段落,总共用时一个月,以下是我的三门的考试成绩:CCNP ROUTE(642-902)——862分CCNP SWITCH(642-813)——912分CCNP TSHOOT(642-832)——1000分总的来说,CCNP的考试还是比较简单的,当然题量略多,尤其是路由部分,主要是考验一个人的耐心、毅力!所谓贵在坚持,我记得有人曾经说过这样一句话:“人不去逼自己,永远不知道自己有多强大!”。
话不多说,接下来介绍一下我考NP的一些心得和方法,仅供参考(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……首先是CCNP ROUTE(642-902)路由部分:1> 个人认为路由部分是最简单的,虽说我考的分数是最低的,但是考过的人都知道,路由虽说题库给的题量很多,背起来非常辛苦,很累。
我背题库的方法,跟大多数人大同小异,首先解决的当然是数量最多的选择题,NP路由选择题总共是380道,全英文,不解释,谁让他是美国佬的东西呢!我背这380道题的方法就是按照题库给的分类的方法:先背第一个Routing部分,不要直接去看题库(PDF文件),从这里面打开,一个部分一个部分按照上面的顺序依次往下背,全部背完之后再回过头来总的看一遍,然后全部画上对号,整体做一遍,不要在乎得了多少分,关键是做错的题,点击Eed Exan交卷之后,左下角打开Retake会看到下面这个被红色区域圈起来的部分就是做错的题,记住错题要反复去做,当你做题的正确率达到95%以上(所有的选择题加在一起),时间不超过40分钟,那么此时说明选择题已经ok,可以看拖图题了。
2> 拖图题部分,题库总共给了23题,我的方法是看一题、做一题,把这题库完全ok再去看下一题,所谓的完全ok就是记住每一个选项对应的答案以及答案的位置,比如下面这一题答案:把左边的每一个答案对应右边的每一个提示都记住,完全ok 之后,做多做几遍,然后再看下一题,待全部看完之后,再总体的做一遍,有错误的题一定要反复去做、去看,知道完全会位置,考试的时候拖图题是一题不能错的(不过可能我人品比较好,加上考CCNA,四次考试,我只考到一次拖图题)!3> 实验题部分,这个其实没什么好的方法,就是多敲,理解题目的要求,鸿鹄论坛上有相应的解题视频,视频讲的很好,而且很容易懂,回过头来自己再好好想想,多敲几遍就行了,考试的时候五个实验题全部都会考,所以不要存在侥幸心理,一定要完全弄会,(EIGRP重分发的这个实验题,可能会变题,要注意)!!!我考试的时候R2-R3之间的S线变成了以E线,我同学考试的时候,R1-R2、R2-R3之间的两条线都变成E线,这点需注意!!!其次是CCNP SWITCH(642-813)交换部分:1> 选择题,题库总共157题,相比路由少了一大半儿,相对简单;2> 拖图题,题库总共19题,相比路由又少了几题;(由于方法跟上面路由的方法基本相同,我就不多说了,想完全弄懂,还要自己找资料、视频等来仔细的看、做)。
CCNA(200-301)题库V1.0(2020.11.23)Exam AQUESTION 1A network engineer must create a diagram of a multivendor network.which command must be configured on the Cisco devices so that the topology of the network can be mapped?网络工程师必须创建一个多供应商网络图。
必须在Cisco设备上配置哪个命令才能映射网络拓扑?A. Device(config)#lldp runB. Device(config)#cdp runC. Device(config)# cdp enableD. Device(config)# flow-sampler-map topologyCorrect Answer: A Section:choice E xplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 2Which feature on the Cisco Wireless LAN Controller when enabled restricts management access from specific networks?启用时,思科无线局域网控制器上的哪个功能会限制来自特定网络的管理访问?A. CPU ACLB. TACACSC. Flex ACLD. RADIUSCorrect Answer: A Section:choice E xplanationExplanation/Reference:Reference:https:///c/en/us/support/docs/wireless-mobility/wlan-security/71978-acl-wlc.htmlQUESTION 3When a site-to-site VPN is used, which protocol is responsible for the transport of user data?使用站点到站点VPN时,哪个协议负责用户数据的传输?A. IKEv2B. IKEv1C. IPsecD. MD5Correct Answer: C Section:choice E xplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 4How do TCP and UDP differ in the way that they establish a connection between two endpoints?TCP和UDP在两个端点之间建立连接的方式有何不同?A. TCP use the three-way handshake,and UDP dose no guarantee message deliveryA. TCP使用三向握手,而UDP不保证消息传递B. TCP use synchronization packets,and UDP uses acknowledgement packetsC. UDP provides reliable message transfer,and TCP is a connectionless protocol.D. UDP use SYN,SYN ACK,and FIN bits in the frame header while TCP uses SYN,SYN ACK,and ACK bis.Correct Answer: A Section:choice E xplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 5What are two reasons that cause late collisions to increment on an Ethernet interface?(choose two) 导致延迟冲突在以太网接口上增加的两个原因是什么?(选择两个)A. when the sending device waits 15 seconds before sending the frame againB. when the cable length limits are exceeded超出电缆长度限制时C. when one side of the connection is configured for half-duplexD. when Carner Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection is used使用Carner Sense多路访问/冲突检测时E. when a collision occurs after the 32nd byte of a frame has been transmittedCorrect Answer: BDSection: choiceExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 6A Cisco IP phone receive untagged data traffic from an attached PC. Which action is taken by the phone? 思科IP电话从连接的PC接收未标记的数据流量。
HCNP H12-222 V200HCNP-R&S-IESN(Huawei Certified Network Professional-Implementing Enterprise Switching Network)鸿鹤论坛http://华为题库战报区http:///forum-huawei-1.html1.本题库为鸿鹄论坛提供,具体见上;2.鉴于鸿鹄论坛提供的题库存在少量的错误(指错别字,个别题目没答案),重新校对;3.鸿鹄论坛提供的是无解析的vce,本人私下手工将其转换为解析版WORD、解析版PDF,方便查阅。
A. TrueB. FalseAnswer:B2.关于华为交换机设备中的Hybrid端口下面说法正确的是:A. Hybrid端口只能用来连接网络设备B. Hybrid端口只能用来连接主机C. Hybrid端口既可以用来连接主机,又可以用来连接网络设备D. Hybrid端口上不能配置默认VLANAnswer:C3.MUX VLAN提供了一种通过VLAN进行网络资源控制的机制,以下概念中不属于MUX VLAN的是A. 主VLANB. 从VLANC. Guest VLAND. 互通型VLANAnswer:C4.下面是一段MUX VLAN中关于主VLAN和从VLAN的配置,关于此配置说法正确的是:(请选择3个答案)[Quidway]VLAN10[Quidway-VLAN10] mux-VLAN[Quidway-VLAN10] subordinate group 11[Quidway-VLAN10] subordinateseparate 12A. VLAN10为主VLANB. VLAN11为主VLANC. VLAN12为隔离型从VLAND. VLAN11和VLAN12都为从VLANE,VLAN10和11都为MUX VLANAnswer:A C D5.关于VLAN聚合说法不正确的是:(请选择2个答案)A. VLAN聚合就是在一个物理网络内,用多个VLAN隔离广播域,使不同的VLAN属于同一个子网B. VLAN聚合可以节省IP地址,解决了IP地址资源浪费的问题C. VLAN聚合只需要在super-VLAN上配置IP地址,而不必在sub-VLAN上配置,super-VLAN中是可以添加物理端口的。
RHCE Exam Guide考试时间:3.5hours考试类型:纯上机实验操作系统环境:RHEL5U4网络环境:受信任网域172.25.0.0/24()不受信任网域Yum服务器地址:/pub/Server注释:文章中所有提到的stationx,或者nisuserx都泛指您本机的工作站编号,例如,您的主机编号为station1,那么stationx,nisuserx在这里分别指station1,nisuser1及格分数线:CT满60分(包含60分),CE满60分(包含60分),视为考试全部通过,如果CT满60分及以上,而CE不满60分时,视为通过CT,如果CT不满60分,而CE部分达到60分以上,则视为考试失败。
在3个美国工作日内没有收到考试结果的考生应该通过 /training/certification/comments.html与红帽公司联系。
《真实TT解题环境》TT解题模拟环境:/web/learning/le3/le2/le37/le10/tshoot_demo.html 注意:点开某个TT,做完三个选择后点击“done”则完成此题,此题也同时被锁定为不可更改的红色。
《立体万金油》记住关键现象,以show run为主判断。
《TT解题详解》第一部分:找到两个“明显提示HSRP&IPv6”一.找题干中“HSRP”,标号题号(对应V200的Q20-22)Hsrp--sh run看到standby条目(在找答案选项的时候,不确认的可以看看),show standby brief--看到状态没有up!!答案:1. DSW12. HSRP3. Under the interface vlan 10 configuration delete the standby 10 track 1 decrement 60 command and enter the standby 10 track 10 decrement 60 command.解释:由特定路由条目的metric值来决定track项目的down或up,从而触发对standby的priority值减小或增加。
1.对于MSFC(多层交换功能卡)的说法不正确的是A. MSFC只能运行IOS系统B. MSFC可运行IOS系统,或者CatOS系统C. 如果交换机管理引擎(Supervisor Engine)上运行的是CatOS系统,则所安装的MSFC必须D. 在管理引擎和MSFC上可同时运行IOS系统2. ROMmon模式恢复丢失映象的IOS交换机中,用来加载新的启动映射的命令是A. boot bootflash:B. boot system flash bootflash:C. boot tftp:D. copy tftp flash:3.现要把一个cisco交换机端口添加到多个VLAN中,则需要把该端口设置成()模式A. access portB. trunk portC. routed portD. tunnel port4.如下图所示的网络拓扑结构中,cisco交换机4的根路径开销(Root Path Cost)为A. 4B. 19C. 23D. 275.下面关于端口属性的说法不正确的是A. 快速以太网(10/100 Mbps)端口支持10 Mbps或者100 Mbps速率和所有双工选项B. 仅工作在1000 Mbps的千兆以太网端口不支持半双工模式C. 100BASE-x 和1000BASE-x SFP模块端口支持所有双工选项,但不支持速率自动协商D. 不能为10G以太网端口配置速率和双工模式6.有两台交换机想要通过两个普通RJ-45交换端口实现级联,并且支持直通和交叉电缆,则下面()配置步骤描述是不正确的A. 要在相连的两端口上分别配置auto-MDIX设置B. 可只在相连的任一端口上配置auto-MDIX设置C. 在启用auto-MDIX功能后,必须设置接口速率和双工模式为“auto”(自动)D. 不能使用1000BASE-SX /-LX SFP模块端口,但可使用10/100/1000BASE-TX SFP模块端口7.下面()不是Cisco设备VLAN间路由的可选方案A. 网关B. RSMC. RSFCD. 路由器8.下面是在Cisco交换机上一个把gigabitethernet0/1接口添加到VLAN 10的配置步骤,但其中少了关键的一步。
鸿鹄论坛 HCNA Storage H 题库 v
4 个 9: 0.9999 52.56 分钟/年 5 个 9: 0.99999 5.265 分钟/年 6 个 9:0.999999 31 秒/年
31、在备份系统中,需要备份的数据必须经过介质服务器才会存储到备份介质中。 A、对 B、错
22、InfiniBand 接口在华为 OceanStor V3 统一存储中用于前端主机接口,可灵活支持直连及 交换机多种组网方式。
A、对 Bห้องสมุดไป่ตู้错 答案:B
23、以下关于 NAS 解决方案的描述,哪些是正确的?(多选) A、NAS 通过文件级的数据访问和共享提供存储资源 B、可通过 FC 网络对外提供共享 C、主要使用 CIFS 和 NFS 协议 D、NAS 客户端和 NAS 存储设备间采用 IP 网络互连
A、RTO=4 小时,RPO=7 小时 B、RTO=7 小时,RPO=4 小时 C、RTO=2 小时,RPO=4 小时 D、RTO=7 小时,RPO=3 小时 答案:B 解析:
34、某公司需要做一份备份策略,该公司的备份数据量小,希望在短时间内备份并且最大限 度的节省存储空间。你建议使用哪种类型的备份?
32、镜像阵列或者 RAID 阵列中发生故障的磁盘上的所有用户数据和校验数据的重新生成的 过程被称为:
A、重计算 B、重构 C、热备份 D、恢复 答案:B
33、由于地震,某企业 11 月 11 日 16:00 时 IT 系统宕机导致业务停顿,到当天 23:00 时 IT 系统恢复运行,可以恢复到当天 12:00 时的数据,那么本次的 RTO 和 RPO 分别是多少?
ccna测试题及答案CCNA测试题及答案一、选择题1. 在Cisco设备上,以下哪个命令用于查看当前的路由表?A. show ip routeB. show running-configC. show interface statusD. show version答案:A2. 以下哪个协议用于在网络中自动发现其他设备?A. ARPB. CDPC. ICMPD. TCP答案:B3. 以下哪个命令用于配置Cisco设备上的接口?A. configure terminalB. interfaceC. ip addressD. hostname答案:A二、填空题4. 在Cisco设备上,使用命令_________可以查看接口的配置信息。
答案:show interface5. 静态路由配置中,_________命令用于指定下一跳地址。
答案:ip route6. 动态路由协议可以自动适应网络变化,其中_________是最常见的一种。
答案:RIP(路由信息协议)三、简答题7. 请简述VLAN(虚拟局域网)的作用。
8. 描述交换机和路由器在网络中的基本功能。
四、计算题9. 假设一个子网掩码为255.255.255.192,计算这个子网的可用IP地址范围。
五、实验题10. 请根据以下配置文件,列出Router1的接口配置信息。
```Router1show running-configinterface FastEthernet0/0ip address autospeed auto!interface FastEthernet0/1no ip addressshutdown!interface Serial0/0/0ip address rate 64000!router ospf 1network area 0network area 0!```答案:- FastEthernet0/0: IP地址为192.168.1.1,子网掩码为255.255.255.0,双工模式和速度均为自动。
CCNA考试题库中英⽂翻译版及答案CCNA考试题库中英⽂翻译版及答案1[1]1、 What are two reasons that a network administrator would use access lists? (Choose two、)1、出于哪两种理由,⽹络管理员会使⽤访问列表?A、 to control vty access into a routerA、控制通过VTY访问路由器B、 to control broadcast traffic through a routerB、控制⼴播流量穿越路由器2、⼀个默认得帧中继WAN被分类为哪种物理⽹络类型?A、 point-to-pointA、点到点B、 broadcast multi-accessB、⼴播多路访问C、 nonbroadcast multi-accessC、⾮⼴播多路访问D、 nonbroadcast multipointD、⾮⼴播多点E、 broadcast point-to-multipointE、⼴播点到多点Answer: C3、 A single 802、11g access point has been configured and installed in the center of a squarA few wireless users are experiencing slow performance and drops while most users are oat peak efficiency、 What are three likely causes of this problem? (Choose three、)3、⼀个802、11接⼊点被部署在⼀个⽅形办公室得中央,当⼤多数⽤户在⼤流量传输数⼀些⽆线⽤户发现⽆线⽹络变得缓慢与出现丢包A、 mismatched TKIP encryptionB、 null SSIDC、 cordless phonesD、 mismatched SSIDE、 metalF、 antenna type or directionAnswer: CEF4、 Refer to the exhibit、 How many broadcast domains exist in the exhibited topology?根据下图,图中得拓扑中存在多少个⼴播域?A、 one A、1B、 two B、2C、 three C、3D、 four D、4E、 five E、5F、 six F、6Answer: C5、 Refer to the exhibit、 What two facts can be determined from the WLAN diagram? (Choose two、) 5、根据下图,WLAN diagram决定了哪两个事实A、 The area of overlap of the two cells represents a basic service set (BSS)、A、两个 cells得overlap得区域描述了⼀个basic service setB、 The network diagram represents an extended service set (ESS)、B、⽹络描述了⼀个extended service setC、 Access points in each cell must be configured to use channel 1、C、再每个CELL中得AP必须被配置成使⽤channel 1D、 The area of overlap must be less than 10% of the area to ensure connectivity、D、为了确保连通性,重叠区域必须⼩于10%E、 The two APs should be configured to operate on different channels、E、两个访问点应该被配置成⼯作在不同得频道Answer: BE6、 The command frame-relay map ip 10、121、16、8 102 broadcast was entered on the router、Which of the following statements is true concerning this command?6、路由器上输⼊命令frame-relay map ip 10、121、16、8 102 broadcast,以下选项正确得就是?A、 This command should be executed from the global configuration mode、A、该命令应该在全局配置模式下被执⾏B、 The IP address 10、121、16、8 is the local router port used to forward data、B、IP地址10、121、16、8就是本地路由器⽤来转发数据得接⼝C、 102 is the remote DLCI that will receive the information、C、102就是远端得DLCI它将接受信息。
HCNA-StorageNumber: H13-611Passing Score: 800Time Limit: 120 minExam AQUESTION 1硬盘预拷贝技术的主要特点是〔选择3个答案〕A. 硬盘错误统计超过设定的阀值后,立即将数据从疑似故障盘中迁移到热备盘B. 降低重构事件发生的概率C. 提高系统的可靠性D. 会导致系统性能的降低Correct Answer: ABCSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 2以下有关RAID 0的描述中,错误的选项是:A. RAID 0是无过失控制的条带化阵列B. RAID 0 的容量是各成员盘的容量之与C. RAID 0 至少要使用3块成员盘——最少2块盘D. RAID 0的数据是并行的写入到每个成员盘中Correct Answer: CSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 3文件存储是块存储之上构建文件系统,采用目录-目录-- 文件的方式组织数据,不容易管理A. TrueB. False ——文件存储是在块存储之上构建了文件系统,采用目录--目录--文件的方式组织数据,更容易管理;Correct Answer: BSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 4以下关于DAS与SAN的区别,描述不正确的选项是A. SAN使用FC或者iscsi协议,具有更好的可扩展性B. DAS与SAN均为外置存储,都非常易于实现存储资源共享——SAN不是外置存储的概念C. DAS主要应用于对外存储容量要求不高,效劳器数量很少的中小型局域网D. SAN主要应用于关键数据库、集中存储、海量存储、备份、容灾等中高端存储应用环境Correct Answer: BSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 5以下文件系统中,属于windows ,文件系统由〔选择3个答案〕A. FAT16B. FAT32C. NTFSD. NPS ——非文件系统Correct Answer: ABCSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 6华为T系列V100R005存储阵列设备中,需要导入license才能使用的功能有〔选择3个答案〕A. 虚拟快照B. LUN映射——此为存储根本功能,不需要licenseC. 远程复制D. 分裂镜像Correct Answer: ACDSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 7针对存储阵列控制器或硬盘框上额级联模块描述正确的选项是〔选择2个答案〕A. 硬盘框的级联模块用于实现硬盘框及控制框或硬盘框及硬盘框的通信B. 控制器上硬盘级联模块分为PRI级联模块与EXP级联模块——只有PRI与EXP级联端口的说法C. 级联模块PRI必须及级联端口EXP之间进展连接D. 华为存储阵列设备中通常来用的级联端口为FC端口——级联通过mini SAS线来级联控制器与硬盘框,PRI与EXP端口,非FC端口Correct Answer: ACSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 8在redhat linux 5操作系统中,如果要将dev目录下的sdb5挂载到mnt目录下的sdb5,可以采用的命令是A. cat /dev/sdb5 /mnt/sdb5B. in /dev/sdb5 /mnt/sdb5C. mount /deb/sdb5/ mnt/sdb5 ——标准的Linux mount命令D. df /dev/sdb5 /mnt/sdb5Correct Answer: CSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 9在主机内部应用环境中,一个数据读写IO一定会经过以下哪些环节〔选择2个答案〕A. FC HBA卡B. IO总线C. 网卡D. 存储介质Correct Answer: BD ——HBA卡、网卡只是IO通道的一局部Section: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 10在华为T系列V100R005存储阵列中,通过ISM管理平台可以将一个启动器添加给多个主机【一个启动器只能添加给一个主机】A. TrueB. FasleCorrect Answer: BSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 11在iSCSI通信中,Initiator 与target 建立连接后,initiator在操作系统中作为主设备控制整个工作过程——target才是主控端,initiator只是作为客户端连接工具A. TrueB. FasleCorrect Answer: BSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 12在由3块磁盘组成的RAID 5中,如果在同一分条中写入两块数据成员盘中的数据分别是101 101,那么校验盘应写入01100101 ——RAID5校验码采用及计算,一样为0,不同为1【101 10110 与11010011进展及运算,结果正好为011 001 01】A. TrueB. FasleCorrect Answer: ASection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 13SCSI设备在经过总线仲裁获取了总线使用权后,利用SCSI体系构造传输层定义的协议在总线上选择目标设备,随后向该目标设备发送诸如读写命令——【SCSI传输流程是?】——SCSI互联网层完成SCSI设备对总线的连接以及发送方与目标方的选择等功能;另外发送命令应为发送方,非SCSI设备A. TrueB. FalseCorrect Answer: BSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 14RAID 组的工作状态中,不包括哪种状态A. RAID 组正常工作B. RAID 组降低C. RAID 组失效D. RAID 组重建——重建已经不属于工作状态了Correct Answer: DSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 15在对象存储系统中,有关对象的描述错误的选项是A. 对象是对象存储的根本单位B. 对象包含了对象的数据本身,还包含了对象数据的属性C. 对象不维护自己的属性——数据对象都需要维护自己的属性D. 采用对象技术使数据分布更加灵活Correct Answer: CSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 16根据对系统的保护程度可将容灾分为〔选择3个答案〕A. 业务级容灾B. 应用级容灾C. 数据级容灾D. 异地容灾——异地容灾只是属于容灾的一种方式Correct Answer: ABCSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 17NAS引擎的作用包括〔选择3个答案〕A. 提供文件共享接口B. 提供及存储连接接口C. 提供NAS软件运行的硬件平台D. 提供大容量存储空间——这是存储的作用,非NAS独有Correct Answer: ABCSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 18数据存储过程中,IO流程顺序正确的选项是A. 操作系统> 上层业务应用> 文件系统> 设备驱动> 存储设备B. 上层业务应用> 操作系统> 文件系统> 设备驱动> 存储设备——数据存储时正常流程描述C. 操作系统> 上层业务应用> 设备驱动> 文件系统> 存储设备D. 上层业务应用> 操作系统> 设备驱动> 文件系统> 存储设备Correct Answer: BSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 19存储系统操作分级管理主要包括4个级别,分别为level 0 1 2 3 ,导致系统复位系统重启系统offline的操作属于哪一级A. level 0B. level 1C. level 2D. level 3 ——重启已经达以事故级别,已经造成了损失Correct Answer: DSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 20以下查看redhat liunx 5操作系统版本的方法正确的选项是A. show versionB. find versionC. cat versionD. uname –a ——可以正常显示系统内核版本,32或64位等信息,实际上无法查看系统版本Correct Answer: DSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 21在传统的计算机存储系统中,存储工作通常由计算机内置的硬盘来完成,针对传统的内置存储描述,以下描述正确的选项是〔选择2个答案〕A. 数据存储空间可靠性缺乏B. 存储空间利用率较高——存储阵列的特点C. 存储空间可扩展性好——存储阵列的特点D. 数据分散,不利于信息共享Correct Answer: ADSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 22FC协议栈中的FC-2层定义了〔选择2个答案〕——FC协议有五层,其中FC-0定义承载介质类型,FC-1定义帧编码解码方式,FC-2定义分帧与流控机制,FC3定义通用效劳,FC4定义上层协议到FC的映射A. 编码标准FC-1B. 解码标准FC-1C. 流控FC-2D. 效劳质量FC-2Correct Answer: CDSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 23在IP-SAN组网中,以下哪个设备通常作为iSCSI启动器A. 主机效劳器——iSCSI启动器部署于主机上,通过initator客户端工具配置连接iSCSI存储的相应信息B. iSCSI磁盘阵列C. iSCSI磁带库D. 以太网交换机Correct Answer: ASection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 24iFCP协议具有以下哪几个特点(选择3个答案〕A. iFCP协议为TCP/IP网络上的光纤通道设备提供光纤通信效劳,实现端到端的IP连接B. iFCP协议位于TCP/IP协议与FC协议之间,可以起到连接着两种协议的网络的作用C. iFCP协议中FC设备的24位fabric地址被映射到一个唯一的IP地址上D. iFCP通过FC的底层传输层FC-2实现FC在IP网络上可靠传输——iFCP代替了FC的的底层传输层〔FC-2〕,它使用TCP/IP在IP网络上进展可靠传输【注意是替代FC-2,不是通过FC-2传输】Correct Answer: ABCSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 25以下关于IPMI的描述,错误的选项是A. IPMI是一个开放的标准,用户需要为使用该标准而支付额外的费用——不需要支付费用B. IPMI是为了管理给予intel架构中所使用的外围设备而采用的一种工业标标准C. IPMI的标准由英特尔、惠普、NEC 、美国戴尔电脑与supermicr等公司定制D. 用户可以利用IPMI监视效劳器的安康特性,如温度、电压、风扇工作状态、电源状态等。
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)ACFA. Router1的将剥离的源MAC地址,并将其与MAC地址0000.0c36.6965取代。
B. Router1的将剥离的源IP地址,并将其与IP地址192.168.40.1取代。
E. Router1的将转发数据包输出接口的FastEthernet0/1。
)A.CSU/ DSU用于端接本地数字环路B.调制解调器端接本地数字环路C.一个CSU/ DSU终止模拟本地环路D.调制解调器终止模拟本地环路E.路由器通常被视为DTE设备F.路由器通常被视为DCE设备注:SU/DSU是用于连接终端和数字专线的设备,属于DCE设备modem用于数字信号和模拟信号的转换,属于DCE设备路由器一般是DTE设备5、请参见图示,主机A ping接口S0/0的router3,什么是该ping的TTL值?A. 253B. 252C. 255D. 2546、网络管理员可以通过建立一个FTP连接到远程服务器验证新安装的主机的配置。
该联播网管理员利用此操作的协议堆栈的最高层是什么?A.应用C.会话D.传输E.网络F.数据链路注:HTTP、FTP、TELNET、SNMP、DNS等服务都是在应用层7、当主机A ping 主机B之后,下面那个ARP缓存条目会支持此次通讯?A.B.C.D.E.F.8、网络接口上产生了冲突检测和载波监听共享的双绞线的网络上启用。
从这句话,什么是已知的关于网络接口端口?A.这是一个为10Mb / s交换机端口。
什么将会从服务器接收到主机A的帧的源MAC 地址?A.服务器的网络接口的MAC地址B.主机A的MAC地址C.路由器接口e1 MAC地址D.路由器接口e0 MAC地址(host A收到server的帧的源mac地址是host A的网关的mac。
C. VTP修订号D.最高的端口优先级数量。
E.路径开销(cost)19、根据下图,Switch-1需要往一台MAC地址为00b0.d056.efa4的主机发数据,Switch-1会如何处理这些数据?A. (Switch-1会丢弃该数据,因为它没有该MAC地址条目)B. (Switch-1会泛洪该数据到所有的接口,除了该数据的源接口)C. (Switch-1会发送ARP请求到所有的接口,除了该数据的源接口)D. (Switch-1会往默认网关发送该数据)20、switchport trunk native vlan 999 这个命令起什么作用?A.它指定VLAN999转发未做标记的流量。
A. 802.1dB. VTPC. 802.1qD. STPE. SAP22、哪个交换机会在STP选择中成为根桥?A. 32768: 11-22-33-44-55-66B. 32768: 22-33-44-55-66-77C. 32769: 11-22-33-44-55-65D. 32769: 22-33-44-55-66-7823、一个交换机把所有的端口以全双工的模式加到一个vlan里,把一个端口加入到一个新的vlan 里会对此交换机产生什么影响?A.更多的冲突域将被创建。
B. IP地址的利用效率会更高。
25、哪个IEEE标准协议的启动,成功完成DTP超过快速以太网交换机?A. 802.3adB. 802.1wC. 802.1QD. 802.1d26、下列哪项是VLAN的好处?(选择三项。
技术人员安装了SwithchB,需要配置从管理工作站连接SwitchA的哪个一组命令远程访问需要完成这个任务?(配置SwB)A. SwitchB(config)#interface FastEthernet 0/1SwitchB(config)#ip address shutdownB. SwitchB(config)#ip default-gateway vlan 1SwitchB(config)#ip address shutdownC. SwitchB(config)#interface vlan 1SwitchB(config)#ip address default-gateway shutdownD. SwitchB(config)#ip default-network vlan 1SwitchB(config)#ip address shutdown28、在以太网网络,在什么情况下可以两种设备可以传输?A.当他们收到一个特殊的记号B.当有载波C.当他们没有检测到其他设备发送D.当介质是空闲E.当服务器授予访问权限29、端口是哪两种状态是时,RSTP收敛?(选择两项)A.阻塞B.学习C.丢弃D.转发E.侦听30、哪两个命令可以用来验证给定的Cisco交换机的中继链路的状态?(选择两项)A. show interfaces interfaceB. show interfaces trunkC. show interfaces switchportD. show ip interface briefE. show interfaces vlan31、哪个命令可以在交换机启用RSTP?A. spanning-tree mode rapid-pvstB. spanning-tree uplinkfastC. spanning-tree backbonefastD. spanning-tree mode mst32、以下哪项陈述描述图形所示的网络?(选择两项。