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M y Iቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱol Ja y C hou
I believe that all of you know Jay Chou. So I will not introduce him for you. And then I want to share something between Jay and me with you.
我相信大家都知道周杰伦吧!他的 基本信息就不跟大家介绍了,接下 来,我跟大家分享一下我和杰伦的 故事。
At the begining,also When I was in grade school,I don't like lisening to his songs because I can't lisen to it cleayly.Later, When I was in junior high school,I learn more about him,and I love his all songs from daphne odera. In spite of that some people say that his creative powers have been exhausted,I belive that he is the best in music.
起初我上小学的时候很讨厌他的歌, 歌词都唱不清楚。后来上初中了,接触 他更多的歌后才听出感觉来,从《七里 香》开始,他的每首歌我都大爱。虽然 现在很多人都说他已经江郎才尽,但我 依然坚信他还是音乐上的皇帝。 2012-10-3
I ha ve liste ning his song se ve n ye a rs old. I think his song is to be ple a sa nt to liste n to 我听周杰伦的歌已经七年了。听 他的歌是一种享受。
Jay’s albu专辑
Jay ’s album(专辑)
• Jay Chou achieves his dream through his constantly efforts. As the people often said .You don’t get something for nothing. Faith will move mountains. • In the end, I wish Jay can bring about more excellent works. In the same time ,I hope that it can well up more talents in the Chinese music field.
The Secret
Jay Chou‘s music styles including traditional Chinese wind, European classical music style, American country style, etc.; Especially good at R&B and Rap . 周杰伦的音乐风格包括中 国风,英式摇滚,美国乡 村音乐,等等,特别擅长 R&B和饶舌。
We must regard Jay Chou with special esteem about his movie,for example,the secret we can't say, and this is my favourite movie. 周杰伦在电影方面的才华也让 人刮目想看,且看不能说的秘 密,这是我最喜欢的一部电影。
周杰伦一直努力地去实现 他自己的梦想。就像人们 说的“你不付出就不会得到 ,而且失败总会接踵而至” 。
最后,我期待着杰伦会带 来更优秀的作品,我也希 望中国音乐能取得更大的 成就。
I h a v e sw o rn to se e Ja y 's co n c e rt,I a m sa v in g m o n e y a n d I h o p e th a t I ca n se e h is n e x t co n c e rt in C h o n g q in g 我曾经发誓我一定要去看周杰伦的演唱会, 我现在也在存钱中,希望能去看他下一场 在重庆的演唱会。