
英语八年级上册词汇积累Unit 11. celebrate (v.) - 庆祝2. tradition (n.) - 传统3. custom (n.) - 俗4. annual (adj.) - 每年的5. event (n.) - 事件6. memorable (adj.) - 令人难忘的7. feast (n.) - 盛宴8. decorate (v.) - 装饰9. costume (n.) - 服装10. parade (n.) - 游行Unit 21. adventure (n.) - 冒险2. explore (v.) - 探索3. discover (v.) - 发现4. curious (adj.) - 好奇的5. ancient (adj.) - 古老的6. treasure (n.) - 宝藏7. legend (n.) - 传说8. explore (v.) - 探索9. ancient (adj.) - 古老的10. treasure (n.) - 宝藏Unit 31. refuse (v.) - 拒绝2. polite (adj.) - 有礼貌的3. manners (n.) - 礼貌4. apologize (v.) - 道歉5. favor (n.) - 帮助6. introduce (v.) - 介绍7. greet (v.) - 问候8. conversation (n.) - 对话9. respect (n.) - 尊重10. grateful (adj.) - 感激的Unit 41. achieve (v.) - 达到2. goal (n.) - 目标3. talent (n.) - 才能4. skill (n.) - 技能5. effort (n.) - 努力6. success (n.) - 成功7. motivate (v.) - 激励8. challenge (n.) - 挑战10. determination (n.) - 决心Unit 51. environment (n.) - 环境2. pollution (n.) - 污染3. recycle (v.) - 回收利用4. reduce (v.) - 减少5. energy (n.) - 能源6. global (adj.) - 全球的7. climate (n.) - 气候8. protect (v.) - 保护9. waste (n.) - 废物10. conserve (v.) - 保存Unit 61. disease (n.) - 疾病2. cure (v.) - 治疗3. prevent (v.) - 预防4. medicine (n.) - 药品5. symptom (n.) - 症状6. healthy (adj.) - 健康的7. vaccine (n.) - 疫苗8. infection (n.) - 感染9. epidemic (n.) - 流行病10. recover (v.) - 恢复Unit 71. appreciate (v.) - 欣赏2. art (n.) - 艺术3. talent (n.) - 才能4. skill (n.) - 技巧5. masterpiece (n.) - 杰作6. exhibit (v.) - 展览7. creative (adj.) - 有创造力的8. inspire (v.) - 鼓舞9. audience (n.) - 观众10. sculpture (n.) - 雕塑Unit 81. violence (n.) - 暴力2. bully (n.) - 欺负者3. victim (n.) - 受害者4. conflict (n.) - 冲突5. abuse (n.) - 虐待6. solution (n.) - 解决办法7. respect (v.) - 尊重9. support (v.) - 支持10. understand (v.) - 理解。

人教版·八年级英语词汇表(上册)Unit 1hardly[ ♒♎●♓] adv.几乎没有,几乎不ever[ ♏☜] adv. 曾,曾经twice[♦♦♋♓♦] adv.两次,两倍once[♦✈⏹♦] adv. 一次time[♦♋♓❍] n.时间Internet[ ✋⏹♦☜⏹♏♦] n.网络,互联网program[ ☐❒☜◆♈❒✌❍] n. (戏剧、广播、电视等的)节目、表演,(电脑)程序no[⏹☜◆] adj.没有的,全无的result[❒♓✈●♦] n. 结果junk[♎✞✈☠] n. 垃圾milk[❍♓●] n. 牛奶health[♒♏●] n.健康interviewer[♊✋⏹♦☜✞☜] n. 采访者habit[ ♒✌♌♓♦] n.习惯,习性difference[ ♎♓♐☜❒☜⏹♦] n. 不同,差异,差别grade[♈❒♏♓♎] n.等级,级别lifestyle[●♋♓♐♦♦♋♓●] n.生活方式unhealthy[✈⏹♒♏●♓] adj. 不健康的,对健康有害的yuck[ ✈] int.(表示反感、厌恶等)呸,啐although[ ●❆☜◆] conj.(=though)虽然,尽管Unit 2matter[ ❍✌♦☜] n.事情,问题,差错arm[ ❍] n. 臂,胳膊back[♌✌] n.后背,背脊ear[♓☜] n. 耳朵eye[♋♓] n.眼睛foot[♐◆♦] n. 脚,足head[♒♏♎] n.头,头部leg[●♏♈] n.腿neck[⏹♏] n. 脖子,颈nose[⏹☜◆] n.鼻stomach[ ♦♦✈❍☜] n. 胃,胃部tooth[♦◆] n.牙齿sore[♦] adj. 疼痛的have[♒✌] v. 得(病),患(病)cold[ ☜◆●♎] n.伤风,感冒stomachache[ ♦♦✈❍☜♏✋] n. 胃痛,肚子痛throat[ ❒☜◆♦] n.喉头,喉咙,咽喉toothache[ ♦◆♏✋] n.牙痛fever[ ♐♓☜] n.发烧,发热lie[●♋♓] v.躺,卧,(某物)平放在某处rest[❒♏♦♦] v.休息honey[ ♒✈⏹♓] n.蜂蜜dentist[ ♎♏⏹♦♓♦♦] n. 牙科医生water[ ♦♦☜] n. 水should[☞◆♎] aux. v. 应该headache[ ♒♏♎♏✋] n. 头痛ago[☜♈☜◆] adv.(距……)以前illness[ ♓●⏹♓♦] n. 疾病,生病advice[☜♎♋♓♦] n. 忠告,劝告,建议thirsty[ ☜♦♦♓] adj.口渴的stress[♦♦❒♏♦] v. 加压力于,使紧张n.压力,紧张early[ ☜●♓] adv.早,提早traditional[♦❒☜♎✋☞☜⏹☜●] adj.传统的,惯例的balance[ ♌✌●☜⏹♦] n.平衡,平衡状态,协调yin[ ♓⏹] n.(汉) (中国古代哲学认为存在于宇宙万物间的两大对立面之一跟阳相对)阴yang[ ☠] n.(汉) (中国古代哲学认为存在于宇宙万物间的两大对立面之一跟阴相对)阳beef[♌♓♐] n.牛肉Dangshen (中草药)党参Huangqi (中草药)黄芪herb[♒☜♌] n.药草,香草tofu [ ♦☜☺♐◆] n. 豆腐important[♓❍☐♦☜⏹♦] adj. 重要的,重大的balanced[ ♌✌●☜⏹♦♦] adj.平衡的,协调的diet[ ♎♋♓☜♦] n. 饮食,节食moment[ ❍☜◆❍☜⏹♦] n. 片刻,瞬间until[✈⏹♦♓●] conj.到……为止,在……之前improve[♓❍☐❒◆] v. 改善,改良,提高Unit 3babysit[ ♌♏♓♌♓♦♓♦] v.临时受雇照顾(婴儿)plan[☐●✌⏹] n.计划Tibet[♦♓♌♏♦] n. 西藏Hong Kong[♊♒☠♊☠] n.中国香港特别行政区SanFrancisco[ ♦✌⏹♐❒☜⏹♦♓♦☜◆] n.旧金山(美国加利福尼亚西部港市)Hawaii[♒♦♋♓♓] n.夏威夷sightseeing[ ♦♋♓♦♦♓♓☠] n. 观光fishing[ ♐♓☞♓☠] n.钓鱼,捕鱼rent[❒♏⏹♦] v. 租用,出租Greece[♈❒♓♦] n.希腊decide[♎♓♦♋♓♎] v. 决定,选定lake[●♏♓] n.湖countryside[ ✈⏹♦❒♓♦♋♓♎] n. 乡下,农村,乡村forget[♐☜♈♏♦] v.忘记,忘却Thailand[ ♦♋♓●✌⏹♎] n. 泰国tourist[ ♦◆☜❒♓♦♦] n.旅行者,旅游者Unit 4subway[ ♦✈♌♦♏♓] n.地铁,地下火车train[♦❒♏♓⏹] n. 火车minute[ ❍✋⏹✋♦] n.分(钟)kilometre[♊✋●☜☺❍♓♦☜] n. 公里quick[ ♦♓] adj. 快的,迅速的mile[❍♋♓●] n.英里bicycle[ ♌♋♓♦♓●] n. 脚踏车,自行车ride[❒♋♓♎] n. 骑,乘stop[♦♦☐] n.车站transportation[ ♦❒✌⏹♦☐♦♏♓☞☜⏹] n. 运输,运送north[⏹] n.(作定语)北部的,北方的North America北美洲depend[♎♓☐♏⏹♎] v. 依靠,依赖must[❍✈♦♦] aux.v. 必须means[❍♓⏹] n. 手段,方法car[ ] n. 小汽车town[♦♋◆⏹] n.市镇,城镇ill[♓●] adj. 生病的,不健康的worry[ ♦✈❒♓] v.担心,忧虑,焦虑Unit 5lesson[ ●♏♦⏹] n.课,课程hey[♒♏♓] int. (用以促使注意、表示惊异或询问)嗨,喂calendar[ ✌●♓⏹♎☜] n.日历,日程表tomorrow[♦☜❍❒☜◆] n.明天,明日invitation[ ♓⏹♓♦♏♓☞☜⏹] n.邀请match[❍✌♦☞] n. 比赛,竞赛whole[♒☜◆●] adj.整个的,全部的,完整的till[♦♓●] prep.直到……之时,在……以前Unit 6more[❍☎❒✆] adv.(构成含有三个或三个以上音节的大多数形容词及副词的比较级) (比……)更,更多的,更大的than[❆✌⏹] conj.(用于形容词副词的比较级之后)比calm[ ❍] adj. (心情)镇静的,无忧虑的wild[♦♋♓●♎] adj.卤莽的,轻率的athletic[✌●♏♦♓] adj. 体格健美的,体格健壮的twin[♦♦♓⏹] adj.孪生的,双胎的both[♌☜☺] pron.两个(都),两者(都) however[♒♋◆♏☜] conj.然而little[ ●♓♦●] adj. 很少的,少量的popular[ ☐☐◆●☜] adj. 通俗的,流行的,受欢迎的schoolwork[ ♦◆●♦] n.学业,功课laugh[●♐] v.笑,发笑opposite[ ☐☜♓♦] adj. 相反的,对立的view[ ◆] n.观点,想法,态度interest[ ♓⏹♦❒♓♦♦] n. 兴趣,爱好though[❆☜◆] conj. 虽然,即使,纵然review of Units 1-6wheel[♦♓●] n. 轮子woman[ ♦◆❍☜⏹] n. 女人use[ ◆♦] v.用,使用,利用sick[♦♓] adj.不适的,患病的body[ ♌♎♓] n.身体,躯体travel[ ♦❒✌●] v.旅行,游历together[♦☜♈♏❆☜] adv.共同的,在一起Unit 7smoothie[ ♦❍◆❆✋] n. 思木西(一种将水果、酸奶等加以混合的健康饮料) blender[ ♌●♏⏹♎☜] n. 掺和器,搅拌机yogurt[ ♈☜♦] n. 酸奶,酸乳酪peel[☐♓●] v. 剥,削(水果等的皮) pour[☐] v.灌,倾倒,浇put[☐✈♦] v.放,放置into[ ♓⏹♦◆] prep. 到……里,进入到……之内ingredient[♓⏹♈❒♓♎♓☜⏹♦] n.成份,材料,原料cinnamon[ ♦♓⏹☜❍☜⏹] n. 肉桂teaspoon[ ♦♓♦☐◆⏹] n.茶匙watermelon[ ♦♦☜❍♏●☜⏹] n. 西瓜amount[☜❍♋◆⏹♦] n.数量cup[ ✈☐] n. 小茶杯,一杯的容量finally[ ♐♋✋⏹☜●✋] adv.最后地,最终bowl[♌☜◆●] n.碗mix[❍♓♦] v. 混和,混合在一起popcorn[ ☐☐⏹] n.爆米花popper[ ☐☐☜] n. 爆米花机sauce[♦♦] n.沙司,酱油crust[ ❒✈♦♦] n.(一片)面包皮,糕饼的面制外壳oven[ ✈☜⏹] n.烤箱,烤炉mayonnaise[ ❍♏♓☜⏹♏♓] n. 蛋黄酱,美乃滋turkey[ ♦☜♓] n.火鸡slice[♦●♋♓♦] n. 薄片relish[ ❒♏●♓☞] n.调味品,佐料lettuce[ ●♏♦♓♦] n.莴苣,生菜sandwich[ ♦✌⏹♦♓♎✞] n. 夹心面包,三明治bread[♌❒♏♎] n.面包add[✌♎] v.增加,添加top[♦☐] n.顶,上部recipe[ ❒♏♦♓☐♓] n.处方mustard[ ❍✈♦♦☜♎] n. 芥菜,芥末duck[♎✈] n.鸭子pancake[ ☐✌⏹♏♓] n. 薄烤饼roll[❒☜◆●] v.滚动,卷起check[♦☞♏] v.核对,检查Unit 8aquarium[☜♦☪☜❒♓☜❍] n. 水族馆shark[☞] n. 鲨鱼seal[♦♓●] n.海豹souvenir[ ♦◆☜⏹♓☜] n. 纪念品else[♏●♦] adv.另外,其他win[♦♓⏹] v. (获)胜,赢autograph[ ♦☜♈❒♐] n.亲笔签名got[♈♦] v. get 的过去式visitor[ ♓♓♦☜] n. 访问者,参观者,游客outdoor[ ♋◆♦♎] adj.室外的,户外的octopus[ ♦☜☐☜♦] n. 章鱼gift[♈♓♐♦] n.赠品,礼物end[♏⏹♎] n. 结尾,结束Chicago[☞♓♈☜◆] n.芝加哥(美国伊利诺斯州东北部港市)drive[♎❒♋✋] n. 驾车旅行off[ ♐] adj. 远的,空闲的,不工作yard[ ♎] n.院子,庭院unfortunately[✈⏹♐♦☺⏹☜♦●✋]adv.不幸地,倒霉的future[ ♐◆♦☞☜] n.未来,将来Unit 9record[ ❒♏♎] n.记录,(尤指运动中的最高记录)hiccup[ ♒♓✈☐] v. & n.打嗝sneeze[♦⏹♓] v. & n.打喷嚏golf[♈●♐] v.(打)高尔夫球Brazilian[♌❒☜✋●✋☜⏹] adj. 巴西的,巴西人的achievement[☜♦☞♓❍☜⏹♦] n. 成就,功绩become[♌♓✈❍] v. 变成,成为talented[ ♦✌●☜⏹♦♓♎] adj. 有才能的loving[ ●✈♓☠] adj.慈爱的outstanding[♋◆♦♦♦✌⏹♎♓☠] adj.杰出的,出色的unusual[✈⏹◆✞◆☜●] adj. 不平常的,与众不同的,不寻常的creative[ ❒♓☎✆♏♓♦♓] adj.创造性的grandchild[ ♈❒✌⏹♎♦☞♋✋●♎] n.孙子violinist[ ♋♓☜●♓⏹♓♦♦] n. 小提琴演奏者,小提琴家skating[ ♦♏♓♦♓☠] n. 溜冰skater[♊♦♏✋♦☜☎❒✆] n. 溜冰者well-known adj. 众所周知的,有名的pianist[ ☐♓☜⏹♓♦♦] n.钢琴家hum[♒✈❍] v. 作嗡嗡声,哼唱song[♦☠] n.歌,歌曲piece[☐♓♦] n. (艺术品、音乐的)幅,篇,首accordion[☜♎☜⏹] n. 手风琴alive[☜●♋♓] adj.活着的,在世的enter[ ♏⏹♦☜] v. 进入,参加university[ ◆⏹♓☜♦♓♦♓] n.大学major[ ❍♏♓♎✞☜] n.主修,专研management[ ❍✌⏹♓♎✞❍☜⏹♦] n.经营,管理single[ ♦♓☠♈●] n.(网球、乒乓球等的)单打比赛Unit 10programmer[ ☐❒☜◆♈❒✌❍☜] n.程序师,电脑程序设计人engineer[ ♏⏹♎✞♓⏹♓☜] n.工程师pilot[ ☐♋♓●☜♦] n. 飞行员,飞机驾驶员professional[☐❒☜♐♏☞☜⏹●] adj. 专业的,职业的move[❍◆] v.移动,搬动somewhere[ ♦✈❍☎♒✆♦☪☜] adv.到某处,在某处Paris[ ☐✌❒♓♦] n.巴黎part-time adj.兼职的save[♦♏♓] v.储存,储蓄hold[♒☜◆●♎] v.举行,召集,主持rich[❒♓♦☞] adj.富裕的,富有的,富饶的retire[❒♓♦♋♓☜] v.(使)退休,退职,退役yet[ ♏♦] adv.到此时,至今resolution[ ❒♏☜●◆☞☜⏹] n.决心,决心要做之事instrument[ ♓⏹♦♦❒◆❍☜⏹♦] n.工具,器具,乐器fax[♐✌♦] n.传真reader[ ❒♓♎☜] n. 读者keep[ ♓☐] v.保持,使保持某种状态fit[♐♓♦] adj.强健的,健康的build[♌♓●♎] v. 建造,建筑,构筑Unit 11trash[♦❒✌☞] n.垃圾,废物,碎屑chore[♦☞] n. 杂务,杂事,(尤指)日常的普通工作dish[♎♓☞] n.盘,碟sweep[♦♦♓☐] v. 扫,打扫,清扫fold[♐☜◆●♎] n. 折叠,折起来meeting[ ❍♓♦♓☠] n. 会议,集会hate[♒♏♓♦] v.憎恨,憎恶laundry[ ●⏹♎❒♓] n. 洗衣店wash[♦☞] v.清洗,洗去snack[♦⏹✌] n. 小吃,快餐borrow[ ♌❒☜◆] v.借,借入,借用invite[♓⏹♋♓♦] v.邀请,恳请disagree[ ♎♓♦☜♈❒♓] v.不同意,持不同意见teenager[ ♦♓⏹♏♓♎✞☜] n. 十几岁的青少年feed[♐♓♎] v. 喂养,饲(养)mine[❍♋✋⏹] pron.我的(所有物,与我有关的人)Unit 12comfortable[ ✈❍♐☜♦☜♌●] adj.舒适的,安逸的seat[♦♓♦] n.座位screen[♦❒♓⏹] n. 屏,幕,荧光屏close[ ●☜◆] adj.近的,接近的quality[ ♦●♓♦♓] n.品质,特质theater[ ✋☜♦☜] n.剧院,戏院cinema[ ♦♓⏹♓❍☜] n. 电影院jeans[♎✞♓⏹♦] n.牛仔裤trendy[ ♦❒♏⏹♎✋] adj.时髦的,赶时髦的funky[ ♐✈⏹♓] adj. (俚) 时髦的,极好的radio[ ❒♏♓♎♓☜◆] n.无线电,无线电广播FM abbr.调频(=frequency modulation)AM abbr.调幅(=amplitudemodulation)teen[♦♓⏹] n.(=teenager) (13-19岁的青少年)bargain[ ♌♈♓⏹] n.特价商品,便宜货delight[♎♓●♋♓♦] n.愉快,高兴,欣喜positive[ ☐☜♦♓] adj.肯定的,建设性的,积极的negative[ ⏹♏♈☜♦♓] adj. 否定的,消极的dull[♎✈●] adj.乏味的,无聊的,单调的performer[☐☜♐❍☜] n. 表演者success[♦☜♦♏♦] n.成功without[♦♓❆♋◆♦] prep.无,没有,缺少province[ ☐❒♓⏹♦] n. 省,地方still[♦♦♓●] adv.还是,还,仍然enough[♓⏹✈♐] adj.充足的,充分的distance[ ♎♓♦♦☜⏹♦] n. 距离,路程farthest[ ♐❆♓♦♦] adj. & adv. (far的最高级)最远的(地)Review of Units 7-12sea[♦♓] n. 海洋DJ n. (=disc jockey) 音乐节目主持人deli[ ♎♏●♓] n. (pl. delis) (美口)熟食店diner[ ♎♋✋⏹☜] n.路边小餐馆,(餐车式)小饭店leader[ ●♓♎☜] n.领导者,指挥者forbid[♐☜♌♓♎] v.禁止,不许elementary[ ♏●♓❍♏⏹♦☜❒♓] adj.初步的,初等的,初级的Additional Materialgymnast[ ♎✞♓❍⏹✌♦♦] n. 体操运动员championship[ ♦☞✌❍☐☜⏹☞♓☐] n.锦标赛,冠军称号golfer[♊♈●♐☜] n.高尔夫球运动员Culture Unit 1grow[♈❒☜◆] v.生长,发育Washington [ ♦☞♓☠♦☜⏹]D.C.n. 华盛顿哥伦比亚特区capital[ ✌☐♓♦☜●] n.首都,首府library[ ●♋♓♌❒☜❒♓] n. 图书馆congress[ ☠♈❒♏♦] n.议会,国会,代表大会president[ ☐❒♏♓♎☜⏹♦] n. 总统dream[♎❒♓❍] v.梦,梦想,幻想common[ ❍☜⏹] adj. 共同的away[☜♦♏♓] adv. 向远处,离(开)outback[ ♋◆♦♌✌] adj. & n.(尤指澳大利亚)内陆(的),内地(的)farm[♐❍] n. 农场sheep[☞♓☐] n.羊,绵羊by[♌♋♓] prep.通过(表示旅游、运输等之路线、方法、工具)radio[ ❒♏♓♎♓☜◆] n. 无线电,收音机,无线电广播sit[♦♓♦] v.坐,坐着their[❆☪☜] pron.他(她,它)们的air[☪☜] n.空气send[♦♏⏹♎] v.送,寄,派,遣horse[♒♦] n.马worker[ ♦☜☜] n. 工人kangaroo[ ✌☠♈☜❒◆] n. (澳大利亚)袋鼠snake[♦⏹♏♓] n.蛇spider[ ♦☐♋♓♎☜] n. 蜘蛛miss[❍♓♦] v.怀念,想念life[●♋♓♐] n.生命,生活change[♦☞♏♓⏹♎✞] v.改变,变化Karaoke[ ☜❒☜☺♏✋] n. (译音)卡拉OK录音,自动伴奏录音winter[ ♦♓⏹♦☜] n.冬天,冬季strange[♦♦❒♏♓⏹♎✞] adj.奇怪的,奇妙的,奇特的straw[♦♦❒] n. 稻草,麦杆India[ ♓⏹♎☜] n.印度poor[☐◆☜] adj. 贫穷的,可怜的elder[ ♏●♎☜☎❒✆] adj.(指家庭成员)年纪较长的hole[♒☜◆●] n.洞,孔could[ ◆♎] v.can的过去式were[♦☜] v. (be的过去式)是still[♦♦♓●] adv.然而,可是ourselves[ ♋◆☜♦♏●] pron.我们自己freeze[♐❒♓] v. 结冰,凝固pond[☐⏹♎] n.池塘Culture Unit 2fat[♐✌♦] n. 脂肪,肥肉oil[ ♓●] n.油,石油,油类sugar[ ☞◆♈☜] n. 糖,食糖dairy[ ♎☪☜❒♓] n.奶制品protein[ ☐❒☜◆♦♓⏹] n. □蛋白质grain[♈❒♏♓⏹] n. 谷物,谷类rice[❒♋♓♦] n. 稻,米mind[❍♋♓⏹♎] v.注意,留心manner[ ❍✌⏹☜] n. 礼貌,行为still[♦♦♓●] adv.静止的,不动的,安静的rude[❒◆♎] adj.粗鲁的,无礼的share[☞☪☜] v.分摊,分享own[☜◆⏹] adj.自己的plate[☐●♏♓♦] n. 盘子knife[⏹♋♓♐] n.刀fork[♐] n.叉,餐叉wave[♦♏♓] v.挥动,挥舞western[ ♦♏♦♦☜⏹] adj.西方的,来自西方的customer[ ✈♦♦☜❍☜] n.顾客,主顾might[❍♋♓♦] aux. v.(may的过去式)可能,也许cost[ ♦♦] n.价钱,费用westerner[♦♦♦☜⏹☜❒] n. 西方人check[♦☞♏] n.(美) (= bill)帐单,发票tip[♦♓☐] n.小费,赏钱service[ ♦☜♓♦] n.(旅馆等中的)上菜、上佐料、仆役等之服务Italian[♓♦✌●☜⏹] adj. & n.意大利的,意大利语(的),意大利人(的) Indian[ ♓⏹♎☜⏹] adj. & n.印度的,印度人的chopsticks[ ♦☞☐♦♦✋♦] n.筷子roast[❒☜◆♦♦] v. 烤,烘,焙British[ ♌❒♓♦♓☞] adj. 大不列颠的,英国的Kulfi[ ✈●♐♓] n.一种印度风味冰淇淋Greek[♈❒♓] adj. & n.希腊的,希腊人(的),希腊语(的) phat[☐✌♦] n.泰式炒条倮条(一种米制粉条,加入海鲜、豆芽、豆角、花生碎等) Thai[ ♦♓] adj. & n.泰国人(的),泰语(的),泰国(的)main[❍♏♓⏹] adj.主要的,最主要的course[ ♦] n.一道菜或点心samosa[♦☜❍☜☺♦☜] n.(印地)萨莫萨三角饺,五香三角菜dumpling[ ♎✈❍☐●♓☠] n. 饺子lamb[●✌❍] n.小羊,羔羊,羔羊肉soup[♦◆☐] n.汤,羹kebab[ ☜♌♌] n. (= kabob) (印度、土尔其)烤肉串pot[☐♦] n.罐,壶,盆,锅noodle[ ⏹◆♎●] n.面条shrimp[☞❒♓❍☐] n. 小虾nacho[♊⏹♦☞☜☺] n. (墨西哥人食用的)烤干酪辣味玉米片tortilla[♦♦♓●☜] n. (墨西哥人的主食)玉米粉圆饼chip[♦☞♓☐] n.(从苹果、马铃薯等切下的细长的)条,薄片melt[❍♏●♦] v.融化,熔化forest[ ♐❒♓♦♦] n. 森林cake[ ♏♓] n.蛋糕,饼,糕chocolate[ ♦☞☜●♓♦] n.巧克力baklava[ ♌✌●☜☜] n. (土尔其,希腊的)果仁蜜糖千层酥sticky[ ♦♦♓♓] adj. 粘的,粘性的nut[⏹✈♦] n. 坚果coffee[ ♐♓] n.咖啡starter[ ♦♦♦☜] n.(英)第一道菜vegetarian[ ♏♎✞♓♦☪☜❒♓☜⏹] n.素食者,素食主义者steakhouse[♦♦♏♓♒♋◆♦] n. 牛排店fish[♐♓☞] n.鱼。

八年级(上) Units 1~2
动词短语 1. ____p_l_a_y_a__p_a_r_t ___参与;发挥作用 2. ____f_a_l_l _d_o_w_n_____突然倒下;跌倒;倒塌(2021.46) 3. _____l_o_o_k_f_o_r_____寻找;寻求(2019.44) 4. _____t_u_r_n__o_n_____接通(电流、煤气、水等);打开
八年级(上) Units 1~2
5. _____m_a_k__e_u_p_____编造(故事、谎言等) 6. __t_a_k_e_.._.s_e_r_io_u_s_l_y__认真对待…… 7. __w__e_lc_o_m__e_t_o_s_p_.__欢迎来到某地 8. __f_in_i_s_h_d_o_i_n_g_s_t_h_._完成做某事
八年级(上) Units 1~2
名词短语 10. __s_p_a_c_e_s_t_a_t_io_n____太空站;宇宙空间站 11. ___m__i_lk__s_h_a_k_e____奶昔 12. __h_u_m__a_n_a_c_t_iv_i_t_y__人类活动
八年级(上) Units 1~2
八年级(上) Units 1~2
动词短语 1. _____fe_e_l_l_ik_e______给……的感觉;感受到 2. _s_ta_r_t_t_o__d_o_/d_o_i_n_g__st_h_.__开始做某事 3. ____s_ta_r_t_w__it_h_____以……开始 4. __se_e_m__t_o__d_o_s_t_h_. __似乎要做某事
八年级(上) Units 1~2

Unit 1Words•accomplish:完成•burden:重负,负担•ancient:古代的,古老的•civilization:文明•equality:平等,均等•evil:邪恶的,罪恶的•generosity:慷慨,大方•moral:道德的,品德的•outstanding:杰出的,优秀的•vivid:生动的,鲜明的Phrases•catch up with sb.:跟上某人的步伐•fall behind:落后•get along with sb.:与某人相处•feel sorry for sb.:为某人感到难过•in need:处于需要之中•keep up with:跟上,保持一致•make progress:取得进展•pay attention to:关注,注意•take advantage of:利用,占便宜Unit 2Words•ambition:雄心,抱负•assistance:帮助,协助•inspire:鼓舞,激励•passion:激情,热爱•purpose:目的,意图•sacrifice:牺牲•talented:有才能的,有天赋的•unique:独一无二的,独特的•vision:视觉,幻想•wisdom:智慧,明智Phrases•break through:突破,打破•chase after:追求,追逐•come up with:想出,提出•devote oneself to:致力于,献身于•get rid of:摆脱,除掉•have a gift for:擅长,有天赋•keep on doing sth.:继续做某事•stick to:坚持,遵守Unit 3Words•acquaintance:认识,了解•awkward:尴尬的,难看的•boast:夸耀,自夸•complex:复杂的,综合体•disgust:厌恶,反感•encounter:遇到,偶遇•exception:例外,除外•modest:谦虚的,适度的•occupation:职业,工作•timid:胆小的,胆怯的Phrases•be aware of:注意到,意识到•break down:崩溃,坏掉•come across:偶然遇见,碰到•cut off:中断,切断•get on one’s nerves:使人心烦•keep in touch with:与…保持联系•lose one’s cool:失去冷静,发脾气•take it easy:放松,别紧张Unit 4Words•assume:假定,认为•defeat:打败,战胜•dread:惧怕,害怕•genius:天才,天赋•grasp:抓住,理解•impressive:给人深刻印象的•instinct:本能,直觉•offensive:冒犯的,攻击性的•strategy:策略,战略•worthy:有价值的,值得的Phrases•be addicted to:对…上瘾•break the rules:违反规则•come up:搭讪,接近•give in:屈服,让步•keep sb. posted:告知某人最新情况•make up for:弥补,补偿•take risks:冒险,冒险尝试•work out:解决,锻炼身体Unit 5Words•apply:申请,应用•assess:评估,估价•benefit:好处,益处•challenge:挑战,考验•confirm:确认,证实•invest:投资,花费•obtain:获得,得到•prospect:前景,展望•recommend:推荐,劝告•vision:眼光,远见Phrases•be capable of:有能力做某事•change one’s mind:改变主意•figure out:想出,明白•get along well with:与…相处融洽•go with the flow:顺其自然•put off:拖延,推迟•take into account:考虑,顾及•work on:从事,研究Unit 6Words•compliment:称赞,恭维•cooperate:合作,协力•deliberately:故意地,蓄意地•exaggerate:夸大,夸张•frustrate:挫败,使灰心•gossip:流言蜚语,闲话•harsh:严厉的,苛刻的•optimistic:乐观的,有信心的•stimulate:刺激,激发•wisdom:智慧,明智Phrases•be fed up with:对…感到厌烦•catch someone’s eye:引起某人的注意•cut someone off:打断某人的话•get over:克服,恢复•keep up with the Joneses:随大溜•pick on:欺负,挑剔•see eye to eye with:与…意见相同•take sth. for granted:认为某事理所当然Unit 7Words•awkward:尴尬的,难看的•confess:承认,供认•cultivate:培养,耕作•disrespect:无礼,不敬•exaggerate:夸大,夸张•horrify:使恐惧,使惊骇•mission:任务,使命•perspective:观点,角度•potential:潜在的,有可能的•self-esteem:自尊心,自信心Phrases•be capable of:有能力做某事•break the news:宣布,告知好消息•come to terms with:接受,妥协•give sb. a break:给予某人机会或喘息的机会•hold a grudge against:对…怀恨在心•make up:弥补,和解•pull oneself together:振作起来,控制情绪•take the courage to:鼓起勇气做某事Unit 8Words•ambitious:雄心壮志的,有野心的•assignment:作业,任务•complain:抱怨,诉苦•cooperate:合作,协力•investment:投资,投入•leadership:领导才能,领导地位•profitable:有利可图的,赚钱的•sensible:明智的,理智的•unanimous:一致的,无异议的•venture:冒险,投机Phrases•build up:建立,加强•come down with:染上,患上•fall apart:破裂,解体,崩溃•give sb. a hand:给某人帮助,援助•let sb. get away with:对某人纵容,放纵某人•pay for:为…付出代价•stick up for:支持,维护•take over:接管,接任。

Unit 1:1. activity 活动2. athlete 运动员3. challenge 挑战4. equipment 设备5. exercise 锻炼6. experience 经验7. improve 提高8. physical 身体的9. professional 职业的10. skill 技能在这个单元中,我们将学习有关体育运动和锻炼的单词。
Unit 2:1. advice 建议2. affect 影响3. behavior 行为4. communication 沟通5. confident 自信的6. express 表达7. mood 心情8. respect 尊重9. support 支持10. understand 理解这个单元主要关注人际关系和社交技巧。
Unit 3:1. ancient 古代的2. civilization 文明3. discover 发现4. explore 探索5. history 历史6. palace 宫殿7. pyramid 金字塔8. sculpture 雕塑9. tomb 坟墓10. treasure 宝藏这个单元将带领学生们了解古代文明和历史。
Unit 4:1. attention 注意力2. choice 选择3. education 教育4. experience 经历5. future 未来6. goal 目标7. opportunity 机会8. purpose 目的9. research 研究10. success 成功这个单元将让学生们了解成功和目标设定。

人教版英语八年级上册单词表一、基础词汇1. accept:接受2. add:添加3. afraid:害怕4. after:在……之后5. again:再次6. ago:以前7. agree:同意8. air:空气9. all:所有10. almost:几乎二、日常用语1. ask:询问2. attention:注意3. back:回来4. bag:书包5. ball:球6. banana:香蕉7. bank:银行8. baseball:棒球9. bathroom:浴室10. bed:床三、学习相关词汇1. book:书2. borrow:借3. boss:老板4. both:两个都5. boy:男孩6. break:休息7. breakfast:早餐8. bring:带来9. brush:刷10. building:建筑四、自然与地理1. mountain:山2. river:河流3. sea:海洋4. sky:天空5. star:星星6. sun:太阳7. wind:风8. cloud:云9. rain:雨10. snow:雪五、情感与态度1. happy:快乐的2. sad:悲伤的3. angry:生气的4. surprised:惊讶的5. tired:累的6. excited:兴奋的7. bored:无聊的8. nervous:紧张的9. proud:骄傲的10. jealous:嫉妒的六、人物与职业1. actor:演员2. actress:女演员3. doctor:医生4. teacher:教师5. student:学生6. driver:司机7. scientist:科学家8. artist:艺术家9. engineer:工程师10. farmer:农民七、食物与饮料1. apple:苹果2. bread:面包3. cake:蛋糕4. chicken:鸡肉5. coffee:咖啡6. juice:果汁7. milk:牛奶8. pizza:披萨9. rice:米饭10. water:水八、交通与旅行1. airplane:飞机2. bicycle:自行车3. boat:船4. bus:公共汽车5. car:小汽车6. train:火车7. ship:轮船8. subway:地铁9. taxi:出租车10. ticket:票九、时间与日期1. century:世纪2. day:天3. hour:小时4. minute:分钟5. month:月6. second:秒7. today:今天8. tomorrow:明天9. week:周10. year:年十、科技与互联网2. internet:互联网3. website:网站5. online:在线6. app:应用程序7. game:游戏8. software:软件9. hardware:硬件10. technology:技术这份单词表涵盖了人教版英语八年级上册的多个领域,帮助同学们在日常学习、交流中更加得心应手。

八年级英语上册词汇及短语汇总Unit 1 Topic 1短语听写1. play basketball 打篮球2. cheer sb on 为某人打气3. quite a bit 相当多4. of course 当然5. grow up 长大6. arrive in 到达7. play against 与……比赛8. for long 长时间9. the day after tomorrow 后天10. leave for 动身往……11. twice a week 每周再次12. be good at 擅长于13. break the record 打破纪录14. half an hour 半小时115. take part in 参加116. go hiking 远足117. all over the world 全世界118. be good for 对……有好处119. keep healthy 保持健康220. prepare for sth 为某事做准备221. in the future 在未来222. win the first place 获得第一名223. write back soon 尽快回信224. keep fit 保持健康225. pretty well 相当好Unit 2 Topic 2短语听写11.do sb a favor 帮某人一个忙22. fall ill 生病33. throw about 乱扔东西44.right away 立刻55. be far from 远离66.make one’s bed铺床77.be angry with sb 生某人的气88. do one’s best尽力99. say sorry to sb 向某人道歉110. miss a good chance 错失一个好机会111. be sorry for sth 为某事感到难过、遗憾112. be sure to do sth 确信做某事113. with the help of sb 在某人的帮助下414. in a minute 立刻115. be late for 迟到116. be important to sth 对某事是重要的117. take a seat 就座;坐下118. as well 也19. follow the rules 遵守规则20. in the beginning 在开头21. get tired 累了22. instead of 代替23. build sb up 强壮某人的体魄24. do well in 在……做的好25. shout at sb 朝某人喊叫Unit 1 Topic 3短语听写1. talk about sth 谈论某事2. make friends with sb 与某人交朋友3. be ready for sth 为某事做准备4. take photos 照相5. be able to 能够,有能力6. do badly in sth 在某方面做的差7.for the first time 初次88.every four years 每四年;每隔三年99. stand for 代表110. at least 至少111. take part in 参加112. at once 立刻113. pass sth to sb 把某物传给某人114. enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事115. improve the environment 改善环境116. make it six o’clock定在六点钟117. at the school gate 在校门口118. on the right side of 在右侧119. take place 发生220. pick apples 摘苹果221. place of interest 名胜古迹222. in history 在历史上223. do morning exercises 做早操224. be fond of 喜欢225. next time 下一次Unit 2 Topic 1短语听写11. take a rest 休息一会22. see a doctor 看医生33. have a cold 感冒44. at night 在晚上55. stay in bed 卧床66. have a good sleep 睡个好觉77. have a fever 发烧88. day and night 日日夜夜99. feel like doing sth 想要做某事110. have a good rest 好好休息111. take some medicine 服药12. brush teeth 刷牙13. hot tea with honey 加蜜的热茶14. too much 太多15. on the Internet 在网上16. take good care of 好好照顾17. lie down 躺下18. check over 仔细检查19. take some pills 服些药片20. have an accident 发生事故21. ask for a leave 请假22. after that 然后23. worry about 担心24. had better 最好25. plenty of 大量Unit 2 Topic 2短语听写11.stay up 熬夜22.play sports 做运动33. in the sun 在阳光下44. be bad for 对……是有坏处的55. give up 放弃66. walk on the lawn 践踏草坪77. be necessary for 对……是必要的88. during the day 在白天99. work hard 努力工作110. exercise on an empty stomach 空腹锻炼111. get into 进入112. in public 在公共场合113. as we all know 众所周知114. in the same day 在同一天115. more than 超过116. less than 少于117. need to do sth 需要做某事118. what else其它的什么119. tidy the room 整理房间020.sweep the floor 扫地Unit 2 Topic 3短语听写11. hurry up 快点22. go ahead 开始吧;前进33. take one’s advice听从某人的建议44.all the time 一直55. keep away from 远离66.right now 立刻77. ring sb up 打电话给某人88.get through 接通某人的电话99.leave a message 留个口信10. call sb back 回打电话给某人11. give sb a message 给某人一个口信12. take a message 捎个口信13. come back 回来14. have a party 开晚会15. care for 关心;照顾16. teach oneself 自学17. long time no see 好久不见18. by oneself 独自19. change clothes often 勤换衣服20. enjoy oneself 玩得开心21. do some cleaning 清洁;做卫生22. a kind of 一种23. take an active part in 积极参与24. next time 下一次225. think of 考虑;认为;想起Unit 3 Topic 1短语听写11. by mistake 错误地22. in the old days 在旧时候33. get lost 迷路44. see sb off 给某人送行55. put sth away 把……收好66. must be 一定是77. used to 过去常常88. be interested in 对……感兴趣99. listen to music 听音乐110. in one’s spare time在某人空闲时111. in the past 在过去112. in front of 在……的前面113. keep pets 养宠物114. get well 恢复健康115. take a bath 洗澡116. be of great value 有极大价值117. play soccer 踢足球118. go shopping 购物119. collect stamps 集邮220. do some outdoor activities 做些户外活动Unit 3 Topic 2短语听写11.go on doing 继续22. set up 建立,创立33. come on 来吧,赶快44. give a concert 举办音乐会55.in one’s free time在某人空闲时66. at last 最后77. be famous for 以……而闻名8. look for 寻找9. all over the world 全世界10. on the Internet 在网络上11. everyday life 日常生活12. according to 依据13. at the concert 在音乐会上14. come with sb. 跟着某人15. take English lessons 上英语课16. listen to music 听音乐17. hate to do sth. 讨厌做某事18. make music 创作音乐19. teach sb. to do sth. 教某人做某事20. continue to do sth. 继续做某事Unit 3 Topic 3短语听写1. knock at the door 敲门22. stop doing sth 停止做某事33.the day before yesterday 前天44.make a face 做鬼脸55. answer the phone 接电话66.take a shower 淋浴77. hold the line 别挂断88.at this time 在这一刻99.agree with sb. 同意某人(意见)110. give sb. a lesson 给某人上课111. be angry with 生某人的气112. come back 回来113. do the dishes 洗盘子114. in different ways 以不同的方式115. speak to sb. 对某人说116. do some washing 洗衣物117. do some cleaning 做卫生118. have fun 获得乐趣119. all day 整天220. climb a mountain 爬山Unit 4 Topic 1短语听写11. think about 思考22. on the farm 在农场上33.share sth. with sb. 和某人分享某物44.talk about 谈论55. play with sb. 和某人一起玩66.as we know 众所周知77. thousands of 成千上万88. be important to 对……是重要的99. control the climate 控制气候110. and so on 等等,诸如此类11. on the ground 在地面12. feed on 以…..为食13. in danger 处于危险中14. in fact 事实上15. make up 组成;化妆16. plenty of 大量的,充足的17. be necessary for 对……是有必要的18. save water 节约用水19. in the south of 在……的南部20. think of 想起;想出Unit 4 Topic 2短语听写1. take the place of 取代2. of course 当然3. instead of 代替4. lose one’s job失业55. be sure of sth. 确信某事66.call for help 求救77.wake up 苏醒,醒来88.for example 举个例子99.find a job 找工作110. mistake…for…误认……为……111. such as 比如,例如112. look like 看起来像113. come out of 出来114. be late for 迟到115. say to 对某人说116. listen to music 听音乐117. hate to do sth. 讨厌做某事118. make music 创作音乐119. teach sb. to do sth. 教某人做某事220. continue to do sth. 继续做某事221. take English lessons 上英语课Unit 3 Topic 3短语听写11.knock at the door 敲门22.stop doing sth 停止做某事33.the day before yesterday 前天44.make a face 做鬼脸55.answer the phone 接电话66.take a shower 淋浴77. hold the line 别挂断88.at this time 在这一刻99.agree with sb. 同意某人(意见)110. give sb. a lesson 给某人上课111. be angry with 生某人的气112. come back 回来13. do the dishes 洗盘子14. in different ways 以不同的方式15. speak to sb. 对某人说16. do some washing 洗衣物17. do some cleaning 做卫生18. have fun 获得乐趣19. all day 整天20. climb a mountain 爬山Unit 4 Topic 1短语听写1. think about 思考2. on the farm 在农场上3. share sth. with sb. 和某人分享某物4. talk about 谈论5. play with sb. 和某人一起玩6. as we know 众所周知77.thousands of 成千上万88.be important to 对……是重要的99.control the climate 控制气候110. and so on 等等,诸如此类111. on the ground 在地面112. feed on 以…..为食113. in danger 处于危险中114. in fact 事实上115. make up 组成;化妆116. plenty of 大量的,充足的117. be necessary for 对……是有必要的118. save water 节约用水119. in the south of 在……的南部220. think of 想起;想出Unit 4 Topic 2短语听写11.take the place of 取代22.of course 当然33.instead of 代替44.lose one’s job失业55.be sure of sth. 确信某事6.call for help 求救77. wake up 苏醒,醒来88.for example 举个例子99.find a job 找工作110. mistake…for…误认……为……111. such as 比如,例如112. look like 看起来像113. come out of 出来114. be late for 迟到115. say to八年级仁爱英语下册短语总结1.猜猜Guess what!2.邀请某人做谋事invite sb.to do sth3.去看电影go to the movies4.为---准备prepare---for5.向某人道谢say thanks to sb6.看京剧see Beijing Opera7.看上去有点失望look a little disappointed8.以—骄傲be proud of9.得到----的票get a ticket to ---10.对---感到满意be pleased with11.看起来担忧look worried12.闻起来恶心smell terrible13.尝起来好吃taste delicious 14.能be able to15.摆放餐具set the table16.给某人打电话ring sb up17.发烧have a temperature18.为---感到抱歉feel sorry for19.最受欢迎的美国电影之一one of the most popular American movies20.照顾care for21.因为because of22.教某人做某事teach sb to do sth23.使---振作起来cheer up24.起初at first25.最后in the end26.---在进行be on27.讲述有关----的爱情故事tell a lovestory about28.在四月十五的晚上on the night ofApril 1529.在去美国的路上on the way to America30.掉进fall into31.有大约两百年历史的国粹national opera with around 200 years ofhistory32.形成come into being33.表达中国文化express Chinese culture34.受---欢迎be popular with35.脸谱facial paintings36.找到一种互相和平解决的办法find a way to make peace with eachother37.以喜剧结束end with happiness38.出了什么事?Anything wrong?39.很抱歉做某事be sorry to do sth40.似乎做某事seem to do sth41.在---做得不好have a talk with her42.没有朋友交谈have no friends to talk with43.对某人要求严格be strict with sb44.因某事感谢某人thank sb for(doing)sth45.和她交谈have a talk with sb46.为---担忧be worried about--47.感到孤独feel lonely48.送某人某物send sb sth\ send sth to sb 49.没有关系It doesn’t matter.50.别紧张take it easy51.尽量(不)做某事try (not) to do sth52.丢失,迷路be lost53.生气get angry54.考试失败fall the exam55.给我讲笑话tell me jokes56.使我发笑make me laugh57.和---交朋友make friends with--58.在你这个年龄at your age59.在他们十几岁时in their teens60.例如such as61.不公平的事something unfair62.习惯be(get) used to (doing ) sth63.和---(不)一样(not so ) as—as--64.适应fit in65.而且what’s more66.在公开场合讲话speak in public67.入睡fall asleep68.总是准备做某事be always ready to dosth69.做鬼脸make faces70.害怕be afraid of71.鼓掌clap one’s hands72.处理deal with73.例如for example74.解决问题solve the problems75.向(从)---学习learn --from76.他的哥哥his elder brother77.拒绝做某事refuse to do sth78.生某人的气be angry with sb79.即使even though80.不再no longer\not--any longer81.独自一人by oneself82.冷静calm down83.吃苦药take bitter medicine84.遵照医生的建议(医嘱)follow the doctor’s advice(不可数名词)85.在---最后at the end of86.轮流做某事take turns to do sth87.自学study by oneself88.好好照顾自己take good care of oneself89.笑对生活smile at life90.给某人一个惊喜give a surprise to sb 91.表演一个短剧put on a short play92.心情愉快\ 好情绪in a good mood93.选你当班长make you monitor94.与---相处融洽get along well with---95.做演讲give a speech96.生病在床be ill in bed97.团聚get toghter98.充满be full of99.试验try out100.心情好in good spirits101.从---得到get--- from---102.做出重要决定make an importantdecision103.仔细考虑think over104.---的感觉a sense of105.进行春游go on a spring field trip106.去泰山两日游go on a two-day visit toMount Tai107.去那儿的最好方式the best way toget there108.打电话询问航空公司ask the airlineover the phone109.选定decide on110.发现find out111.看日出see the sunrise112.硬卧hard sleeper113 软卧soft sleeper114.支付---的费用pay for115.预定房间make a room reservation116.空调air conditioning117.双人标准间a standard room with two single beds 118.计算旅游费用work out the cost of the trip119.自己筹钱raise the money oneself 120.卖报sell newspapers121.盼望做某事look forward to doing sth 122.收到某人的来信hear from sb 123.在---脚下at the foot of--124.看夜景enjoy the night scene 125.玩得开心have a wonderful time 126.一---就--- as soon as127.整晚the whole night128.云海the sea of clouds129.在白天in the daytime 130.忙于为考试做准备be busy preparing for exams131.当然You bet!132.制定一个考察北京的计划make a planto explore Beijing133.制定旅行计划plan a trip134.和我们一起来come along with us135.进来come in136.去宿营go camping137.占地四十万平方公里spread over anarea of 40 k㎡138.---的起点the beginning of ---139.在路的两边on both sides of the way140.在过去in the old days141.确保make sure142.面南face south143.顺便问一下by the way144.骑自行车两个半小时two and a halfhours by bike145.国家的祥和peace of the country146.辨别是非tell good from bad147.走过长廊walk through the passage148.对---感到惊奇by surprised at149.踩到某人的脚step on one’s toes150.向四面八方in all directions151.看不见out of sight152.高兴地跳起来jump up happily153.对---感到满意be satisfied with154.忍不住做某事can’t help doing sth155.代表stand for156.上车get on157.下车get off158.对---大喊大叫shout at sb159.到处here and there160.很高兴做某事have fun doing sth 161.向保安求救ask a guard for help 162.谢天谢地thank goodness163.最后at last164.受(重)伤be (badly) hurt165.遵守交规obey the traffic rules 166.节约能源save energy167.造成空气污染cause air pollution 168.几米远meters away169.向左急转弯a sharp turn to the left 170.减速slow down 171.避免做某事avoid doing sth172.撞上墙run into the wall173.送某人去医院send sb to the hospital174.违反交规break the traffic rules175.受处罚get a fine176.处于危险中be in danger177.提醒某人(不)做某事warn sb (not) todo sth178.发生事故have an accident179.在马路的左边on the left(-hand side)of the road180.错转弯make a wrong turn181.使用---做某事use ---for (to do sth)--182.他的成功之路his way to success183.得癌症have cancer184.导致麻烦cause trouble185.迎头面对face it head-on186.重返赛场make a comeback187.继续做某事go on doing sth188.载入历史ride into history189.作为一名自行车选手as a cyclist190.打破纪录break the record191.连续七年环法自行车大赛的获胜者the winner of the last seven yea rs’ TourdeFrance192.决定(不)做某事decide not to do sth193.黑马a dark horse194.21个计时段21 timed stages195.穿过阿尔卑斯山go through the Alps 196.在世界锦标赛at the World Championship197.世界冠军the world champion 198.了解know about199.举办一次美食节have\organise\hold a food festival200.筹钱raise money201.赚钱make money202.向老师求助turn to our teachers 203.制作一张海报make a poster 204.与---聊天chat with205.认真考虑think about206.尽我们最大的努力使它成功try our best to make it successful 207.沏绿茶make green tea208.学烹饪learn to cook food209.喜欢吃甜食have a sweet tooth210.打算烹制印度咖喱plan to cook Indian curries211.而且What’s more212.决定(不)做某事decide (not) ot to dosth213.没有时间have no time214.很高兴做某事be pleased to do sth215.继续好好干keep up the good work216.为了in order to217.邀请某人做某事invite sb to do sth218.学校简陋have only a few schoolsupplies219.对---感到欣慰\满意be pleasedwith---220.让他梦想成真make his dream cometrue221尽力去帮助别人try to help others222.为---感到骄傲be proud of223.把一些熟肉精细地切成小片cut somecooked meat very finely224.把---轻微地炒一下fry---lightly225.放些盐add some salt226.烹饪真有趣Cooking is fun !227.对---做某事\ 某事感到厌烦be tired of doing sth \ sth228.两片面包two pieces of bread229.在---上面涂抹黄油spread butteron---230.把---切成小片cut ---into small pieces231.接下来after that232.在---上面倒些蜂蜜pour some money over ---233.向你学习做----learn to make ----from you234.请仔细看watch me235.做某事没有礼貌it’s impolite to do sth236.让我试试let me try237. 第一次fot the first time238. 坐下准备就餐sit down at the table 239.以---开始start with--- 240.喝一小口take a sip241.记住(不要)去做某事remember (not)to do sth记住做了某事remember doing sth242.跟着别人做do as other people do243.一把刀叉a knife and fork244.吃中餐have a Chinese meal245.两道或更多的菜肴two or morecourses246.在中国的南方in the southern ofChina247.远离--- be far away from---248.拣起pick up249.同时at the same time250.请稍等hold on251切火腿.cut up the ham252. 快餐店fast food restuarants253.祝你们玩得开心enjoy yourselves254.祝他们取得成功wish them success255.努力使所有客人满意try to satisfyall the guests256.玩得开心have a wonderful time257.一张两人桌a table for two258.请坐take a seat259.点菜take your order260.一瓶青岛啤酒a bottle of Tsingtaobeer261.一杯中国茶a cup of Chinese tea262.还要别的吗? Anything else?263.两碗米饭two bowls of rice264.请稍等wait a moment265.北京烤鸭Beijing Roast Duck 266.结帐have the bill267.找您零钱Here’s your change. 268.谢谢光临Thanks for coming. 269.通过电话订餐order a meal by phone 270.就这些that’s all271.20分钟之后把食物给您送去send the food to you in twenty minutes272.付出的努力都有回报The results were worth the effort.273.10公斤水果10 kilograms of fruit 274.50碗炒饭50 bowls of fried rice 275.用面包醮咖喱吃use the bread to scoop the curry 276.健康饮食对我们非常重要Healthyeating is important for us.277.保持均衡饮食a balanced diet278.不同种类的食物different kinds offoods279.据说It’s said that----280.保持旺盛的精力keep sb strong281.看起来真棒look great282.好漂亮的衣服啊! What a nice coat!283.如此---以致--- so --- that---284.举行一场班级时装秀have a class fashion show285.去购物go shopping286.好主意Good idea!287.在三搂on the third floor288.纯棉裤子cotton pants289.你们觉得怎么样? What do you thinkof them?290.为了so that291.显得更加英俊look more handsome292.你穿多大号的? What size do youwear?293.中号Size M294.----怎么样? How\ What about---?295.由天然原料制成的be made ofnatural materials296.一套羊毛裙a woolen dress297.一件皮夹克a leather jacket298.负担不起can’t afford sth299.在特殊的节日里on special days300.取决于depend on301.相同的着装风格the same style of dressing302.和澳大利亚人有着相同的着装风格the same way of dressing Australians 303.看起来非常有活力look lively 304.温水洗涤wash it in warm water 305.低温熨烫iron it on low heat 306.保护---免受---的侵害protect --- from---307.在当今社会in modern society 308.衣如其人You are what you wear 309.穿在某人身上很难看look ugly on sb 310.允许某人做某事allow sb to do sth 311.展示良好的风纪show good discipline 312.同意某人agree with313.做调查make a survey314.在上班期间\ 工作日on weekdays315.穿便装执行特殊的任务wear plainclothes to carry out special tasks316.适合做某事be suitable to do sth317.处于危险中的人们people in danger318.阻止某人做某事stop sb from doingsth319.休闲鞋casual shoes320.运动鞋sports shoes321.跑鞋running shoes322.穿套装wear a suit323.必须\ 不得不have to324.脱下鞋子take off the shoes325.讲究在每一个场合衣着得体是很重要的It is important to wear suitable clotheson every occasion.326.冬装warm clothes327.在机场at the airport328.对---有好处be good for329.不同的职业,不同的制服Differentjobs, different uniforms.330.着装艺术the art of dressing331.深色\浅色dark \ light color332.看起来更苗条look slimmer333.建议某人(不要)做某事advise sb (not)to do sth334.顺利go well335.看时装秀watch the fashion show336.展示时装model the clothes337.听起来很有趣Sounds interesting . 338.人们称它为旗袍People call it a cheongsam339.在高级时装领域in the world of high fashion340.一件传统的俄罗斯服装a traditional Russian costume341.穿着少数民族服装be in minority costume342.来自壮族be from the Zhuang minority343.时尚蕴涵着文化Fashion is full of culture.344.代表stand for 345.在汉、唐时期during the Han andTang dynasties346.从那时起\ 从现在起from then on \from now on347.不仅---而且--- not only --- butalso---348.全世界all over the world349.与---不同be different from--350.职业装business suit351.在清朝in the Qing dynasty352.过去in the past353.最广为人知的the most widely known354.广为人知的well-known356.曾经at one time357.服装店a clothing store359.餐桌礼节table manners360.为---干杯(或祝酒) drink to sb \ sth361.出售on sale362. 主菜main course363. 引起某人的注意catch one’s eyes364. 或者---或者---either --- or ---八年级英语上册短语汇总(英译汉)Unit 1 Topic 1短语1 . play basketball ____________2 . cheer sb on ____________3 . quite a bit ____________4 . of course ____________5 . grow up ____________6 . arrive in ____________7 . play against ____________8 . for long ____________9the day aftertomorrow —10 . leave for ____________11 . twice a week ____________12 . be good at ____________13 . break the record ____________14 . half an hour ____________15 . take part in ____________16 . go hiking ____________17 . all over the world ____________18 . be good for ____________19 . keep healthy ____________20 . prepare for sth ____________21 . in the future ____________ 22 win the first place ____________23 . write back soon ____________24 . keep fit ____________25 . pretty well ____________Unit 1 Topic 2短语1 . do sb a favor ____________2 . fall ill ____________3 . throw about ____________4 . right away ____________5 . be far from ____________6 . make one’s bed ____________7 . be angry with sb ____________8 . do one’s best ____________9 . say sorry to sb ____________10 miss a good chance ____________11 . be sorry for sth ____________12 . be sure to do sth ____________13. with the help of sb ____________14 . in a minute ____________15 . be late for ____________16be important to sth ____________17 . take a seat ____________18 . as well ____________19 . follow the rules ____________20 . in the beginning ____________21 . get tired ____________22 . instead of ____________23 . build sb up ____________24 . do well in ____________25 . shout at sb ____________Unit 1 Topic 3短语1 . talk about sth ____________2 make friends with sb ______3 . be ready for sth ____________4 . take photos ____________5 . be able to ____________6 . do badly in sth ____________7 . for the first time ____________8 . every four years ____________9 . stand for ____________10 . at least ____________11 . take part in ____________12 . at once ____________13 . pass sth to sb ____________14 . enjoy doing sth ____________ 15improve the environment16 . make it six o’clock ____________17 . at the school gate ____________18 on the right side of ____________19 . take place ____________20 . pick apples ____________21 . place of interest ____________22 . in history ____________23.do morning exercises __________24 . be fond of ____________25 . next time ____________Unit 2 Topic 1短语1 . take a rest ____________2 . see a doctor ____________3 . have a cold ____________4 . at night ____________5 . stay in bed ____________6 . have a good sleep ____________7 . have a fever ____________8 . day and night ____________9 . feel like doing sth ____________10 . have a good rest ____________11. take some medicine ___________12 . brush teeth ____________13. hot tea with honey ____________14 . too much ____________15 . on the Internet ____________16 . take good care of ____________17 . lie down ____________18 . check over ____________19 . take some pills ____________20 . have an accident ____________21 . ask for a leave ____________22 . after that ____________23 . worry about ____________24 . had better ____________25 . plenty of ____________Unit 2 Topic 2短语1 . stay up ____________2 . play sports ____________3 . in the sun ____________4 . be bad for ____________5 . give up ____________6 . walk on the lawn ____________7 . be necessary for ____________ 8 . during the day ____________9 . work hard ____________10.exercise on an empty stomach_________________________11 . get into ____________12 . in public ____________13 . as we all know ____________14 . in the same day ____________15 . more than ____________16 . less than ____________17 . need to do sth ____________18 . what else ____________19 . tidy the room ____________20 . sweep the floor ____________Unit 2 Topic 3短语1 . hurry up ____________2 . go ahead ____________3 . take one’s advice ____________4 . all the time ____________5 . keep away from ____________6 . right now ____________7 . ring sb up ____________8 . get through ____________9 . leave a message ____________10 . call sb back ____________11 . give sb a message ____________12 . take a message ____________13 . come back ____________14 . have a party ____________15 . care for ____________16 . teach oneself ____________17 . long time no see ____________18 . by oneself ____________19. change clothes often __________20 . enjoy oneself ____________21 . do some cleaning ____________22 . a kind of ____________23. take an active part in __________24 . next time ____________25 . think of ____________Unit 3 Topic 1短语1 . by mistake ____________2 . in the old days ____________3 . get lost ____________4 . see sb off ____________5 . put sth away ____________6 . must be ____________7 . used to ____________8 . be interested in ____________9 . listen to music ____________10. in one’s spare time ____________11 . in the past ____________12 . in front of ____________13 . keep pets ____________14 . get well ____________15 . take a bath ____________16 . be of great value ____________17 . play soccer ____________18 . go shopping ____________19 . collect stamps ____________20do some outdoor activities_______Unit 3 Topic 2短语1 . go on ____________2 . set up ____________3 . come on ____________4 . give a concert ____________5 . in one’s free time ____________6 . at last ____________7 . be famous for ____________8 . look for ____________9 . all over the world ____________10 . on the Internet ____________11 . everyday life ____________12 . according to ____________13 . at the concert ____________14 . come with sb. ____________15. take English lessons __________16 . listen to music ____________17 . hate to do sth. ____________18 . make music ____________19. teach sb. to do sth. ___________20. continue to do sth. ___________ Unit 3 Topic 3短语1 . knock at the door ____________2 . stop doing sth ____________3. the day before yesterday________4 . make a face ____________5 . answer the phone ____________6 . take a shower ____________7 . hold the line ____________ 8 . at this time ____________9 . agree with sb. ____________10 . give sb. a lesson ____________11 . be angry with ____________12 . come back ____________13 . do the dishes ____________14 . in different ways ____________15 . speak to sb. ____________16 . do some washing ____________17 . do some cleaning ____________18 . have fun ____________19 . all day ____________20 . climb a mountain ____________Unit 4 Topic 1短语1 . think about ____________2 . on the farm ____________3 . share sth. with sb. ____________4 . talk about ____________5 . play with sb. ____________6 . as we know ____________7 . thousands of ____________8 . be important to ____________9 . control the climate ____________10 . and so on ____________11 . on the ground ____________12 . feed on ____________13 . in danger ____________14 . in fact ____________15 . make up ____________16 . plenty of ____________17 . be necessary for ____________18 . save water ____________19 . in the south of ____________20 . think of ____________Unit 4 Topic 2短语1 . take the place of ____________2 . of course ____________3 . instead of ____________4 . lose one’s job ____________5 . be sure of sth. ____________6 . call for help ____________7 . wake up ____________8 . for example ____________9 . find a job ____________10 . mistake…for… ____________11 . such as ____________12 . look like ____________13 . come out of ____________14 . be late for ____________15 . say to ____________16 . get up ____________17 . try to do sth. ____________18 . be good for ____________19 . look up ____________20 . pay attention to ____________21 . give it a try ____________22 . begin with ____________23 . plug in ____________24 . write to ____________25. in alphabetical order_________26 . with the help of ____________Unit 4 Topic 3短语1 . worn out ____________2 . pull down ____________3 . be made up of ____________4 . from then on ____________5 . regard…as… ____________6 . at the same time ____________7 . do one’s best ____________8 . order sb. to do sth. ____________9 . on earth ____________10 . long ago ____________11 . join…together ____________12 . in the future ____________13 . have a good time ____________。

八年级上英语词汇知识点归纳Unit1(一般过去时&复合不定代词)1.anyone pron. 任何人(复合)不定代词 some… any… every… no…someone anyone everyone no one (分开写)/nonesomebody anybody everybody nobodysomething anything everything nothing注意:every 每一个 any 任何一个,无论哪个 some 某些,有些 no 没有,无复合不定代词的用法:(考点)1)something,someone,somebody 等一般用于肯定句中; anything, anyone, anybody 等一般用于否定句或疑问句中。
Did you know anything about her? (辨析 some & any)2)修饰不定代词的形容词做定语时,形容词后置。
There is nothing wrong with the radio.3)不定代词若用作主语,谓语动词一般用第三人称单数形式。
Everything is ready, isn’t it?复习书本112页不定代词4) 可加动词不定式,不定式作后置定语 I have something to eat. 我有一些吃的东西。
You have nothing to worry about. 你没有任何要担心的事情。
2.wonderful adj. 精彩的;绝妙的 great excellent fantastic3. few adj.&pron. a few&few a little&littlequite a few /quite a little4. most 1) 最多(many/much的最高级)可用于部分双音节和多音节词前,构成最高级。
常用在“one of the most+ 可数名词复数“的结构中,意为“……是最……之一” It’s one of the most important things we need to do.2)大多数,大部分 3) most of ……5. of course= certainly= sure6. 反身代词myself yourself himself herself itselfourselves yourselves themselves与反身代词相关的短语动词/介词+反身代词dress oneself 给某人自己穿衣打扮 wash oneself 给某人自己洗澡hurt oneself 伤到某人自己 lose oneself 迷路enjoy oneself 玩得很开心 by oneself 靠某人自己teach oneself= learn by oneself 自学 help oneself to……请自便吃点……talk/speak to oneself 自言自语 say to oneself 心里想7. hen 母鸡 cock 公鸡 chick 小鸡 chicken 鸡(统称)8. pig as lazy as a pig as busy as a bee9. seem v. 好像;似乎;看来1) seem to be Lucy seems to be tired.2) seem to do sth.3) It seems that + 从句 It seems that it’s going to rain.4) It seems/seemed as if … ,从句中的谓语动词常用虚拟语气来表示所设想的事情不可能发生。

八年级上册英语单词表词汇积累是(英语学习)特别重要的学问点,也是最基础的学习,下面是我给大家带来的(八班级)上册(英语单词)表,盼望能够关心到大家!八班级上册英语单词表Unit1 Where did you go on vacation?anyone [eniwn] pron.任何人anywhere [eniwe(r)] adv.任何地方 n.任何(一个)地方wonderful [wndfl] adj.精彩的;极好的few [fju] adj.很少的;n.少量most [mst] adj.最多的;大多数的;something [sm] pron.某事物;nothing(=notanything) [n] pron.没有什么n.没有myself [maself] pron.我自己everyone [evriwn] pron.每人;人人yourself [jself] pron.你自己;你亲自hen [hen] n.母鸡;雌禽bored [bd] adj.无聊的;厌烦的;郁闷的pig n.猪diary [dari] n.(日记);日记簿(keep a diary)seem [sim] vi.好像;似乎someone [smwn] pron.某人;有人quite a few相当多;不少(后接可数名词)of course [vks] 当然activity [ktvti] n.活动;活跃decide [dsad] v.打算;选定(decide to do sth.)try [tra] v.尝试;设法;努力 (try to do sth. /try doing sth.) bird [bd] n.鸟;禽paragliding [prɡlad] n.空中滑翔跳伞bicycle [baskl] n.自行车building [bld] n.建筑物trader [tred(r)] n.商人;商船wonder [wnd(r)] v.惊异;想知道;怀疑difference [dfrns] n.差异;不同top [tp] n.顶部;顶wait [wet] v.等;等待(wait for)umbrella [mbrel] n.伞;雨伞wet [wet] adj.湿的;雨天的below [bl] prep.低于;在...下面adv.在下面as [z] conj.犹如;像...一样enough [nf] adj.足够的adv.足够地;充分地duck [dk] n.鸭肉;鸭hungry(反full) [hɡri] adj.饥饿的;渴望的feel like(doing sth.)想要dislike [dslak] v.不喜爱;厌恶 n.不宠爱;厌恶;反感because of由于;由于have a good time=enjoy oneself=have fun(doing sth.)玩得痛快 Unit2 How often do you exercise?housework [haswk] n.家务劳动hardly [hɑdli] adv.几乎不;简直不;刚刚ever [ev(r)] adv.曾经;在任何时候once [wns] adv.一次;曾经twice [twas] adv.两倍;两次Internet [ntnet] n.因特网program [prɡrm] n.节目;程序;课程;节目单full [fl] adj.满的;布满的;完全的swing [sw] n.摇摆;秋千v.摇摆;旋转maybe [mebi] adv.或许;或许;可能swing dance摇摆舞least [list] adj.最小的;最少的at least至少hardly ever很少;几乎从不;难得junk n.垃圾;废旧杂物coffee [kfi] n.咖啡;咖啡色health [hel] n.健康;人的身体或精神状态result [rzlt] .结果;后果percent [psent] adj.百分之...的online [nlan] adj.在线的adv.在线地television [telvn] n.电视机;电视节目although [l] conj.虽然;尽管;然而;可是through [ru] prep.穿过;凭借;始终到body [bdi] n.身体mind [mand] .头脑;想法;看法;心思such [st] adj.这样的;如此的together [tɡe(r)] adv.共同;一起die [da] v.死;枯竭;消逝writer [rat(r)] n.;作家dentist [dentst] n.牙科医生magazine [mɡzin] n.杂志however [haev(r)] adv.然而;无论如何;不管多么 than [n] conj.比almost [lmst] adv.几乎;差不多none [nn] pron.没有人;没有任何东西,毫无less [les] adj.更少的;较少的point [pnt] n.看法;要点;重点;小数点;目标;分数 such as例如;诸如junk food n.垃圾食品;无养分食品more than超过;多于;不仅仅;特别less than不到;少于Unit3 Im more outgoing than my sister.outgoing [atɡ] adj.外向的better [bet(r)] adj.更好的;较好的 adv.更好地 loudly [ladli] adv.大声地;高声地;花俏地quietly [kwatli] adv.宁静地;静静地;安静地hard-working [hɑdwk] adj.勤勉的;努力工作的 competition [kmptn] n.竞争;竞赛fantastic [fntstk] adj.极好的;了不起的which adj.哪一个;哪一些pron.哪一个;哪些clearly [klli] adv.清晰地;明显地win [wn] v.赢;赢得;获胜;获得n.成功though conj.虽然;尽管;adv.不过care about关怀talented [tlntd] adj.有才能的;有天赋的truly [truli] adv.真实地;真诚地;正确地care [ke(r)] v.关怀;担忧;照看;在乎serious [sris] adj.严厉的;严峻的;庄重的mirror [mr(r)] n.镜子;反映necessary [nessri] adj.必要的;必定的both [b] adj.两者都pron.两者should [d] aux.应当;可能;应当;将要touch [tt] vt.触摸;感动reach [rit] v.到达;伸出;达成;取得联系;延长;(伸手)去够 heart [hɑt] n.心脏;内心fact [fkt] n.事实;真相;实际break [brek] v.打碎;折断;违反;解决;中断laugh [lɑf] v.发笑;笑;称赞 n.笑声;笑;笑料similar [sml(r)] adj.类似的share [e(r)] vt.共享,共享;安排;共有loud [lad] adj.大声的;adv.大声地;洪亮地primary [pramri] adj.最初的,最早的be different from和...不同information [nfmen] n.信息;情报;资料;通知as long as只要bring out拿出;推出the same as与...同样的in fact事实上;实际上;准确地说be similar to类似于;与...相像Unit4 Whats the best movie theater?theater [t] n.剧场;电影院;戏院comfortable [kmftbl] adj.舒适的;充裕的seat [sit] n.座位;screen [skrin] n.屏幕;银幕close [kls] v.关;合拢;不开放;停业worst [wst] adj.最坏的;最差的cheaply [tipli] adv.廉价地;粗俗地song [s] n.歌曲;唱歌choose [tuz] v.选择;打算carefully [kefli] adv.当心地,仔细地reporter [rpt(r)] n.记者fresh [fre] adj.新奇的;清爽的comfortably [kmftbli] adv.舒适地;简单地;充裕地 worse [ws] adj.更坏的;更差的service [svs] n.服务pretty [prti] adv.相当地adj.美丽的menu [menju] n.菜单act [kt] v.行动;表演meal [mil] n.一餐;膳食so far到目前为止;迄今为止no problem没什么;不客气creative [krietv] adj.制造的,制造性的;performer [pfm(r)] n.表演者;执行者talent [tlnt] n.天赋;才能,才艺;common [kmn] adj.常见的;共同的;一般的magician [mdn] n.(魔术)师;术士beautifully [bjutfli] adv.漂亮地;完善地;role [rl] n.作用;角色winner [wn(r)] n.获胜者prize [praz] n.奖品;奖金everybody [evribdi] pron.每人;人人example [ɡzɑmpl] n.例子;榜样poor [p(r)] adj.可怜的;贫困的seriously [srisli] 严峻地,严厉地give [ɡv] v.给;赠予;送crowded [kradd] adj.拥挤的havein common有相同特征all kinds of各种各样;各种类型be up to是.的职责;由.打算play a role发挥作用;有影响makeup编造for example例如takeseriously仔细对待Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show?sitcom [stkm] n.情景喜剧 (= situation comedy) news [njuz] n.新闻;消息soap [sp] n.肥皂;肥皂剧educational [edukenl] adj.(教育)的;有教育意义的plan [pln] n.方案;(方法)v.准备;方案hope [hp] .盼望;期望;希望n.盼望discussion [dskn] n.争论;谈论stand [stnd] v.站立;忍受happen [hpn] vi.发生;碰巧;消失;偶遇may [me] aux.可以,能够;可能,或许expect [kspekt] v.预期;期盼;希望joke [dk] n.笑话;玩笑v.说笑话;开玩笑comedy [kmdi] n.喜剧;滑稽;幽默大事find out查明、弄清meaningless [minls] adj.无意义的;不重要的 action [kn] n.行为;活动cartoon [kɑtun] n.卡通;漫画culture [klt(r)] n.栽培;(文化);教养famous [fems] adj.闻名的;出名的appear [p(r)] vi.消失;出版;显得become [bkm] v.变成;成为rich [rt] adj.富有的;富裕的;丰富的successful [sksesfl] adj.胜利的;圆满的might [mat] aux.可能;或许;may的过去式main [men] adj.主要的;最重要的reason [rizn] n.缘由;理由film [flm] n.电影unlucky [nlki] adj.倒霉的;不幸的;不吉利的 lose [luz] vt.丢失;失败vi.失败ready [redi] adj.预备好的;愿意的character [krkt(r)] n.共性;品质;人物;simple [smpl] adj.简洁的;朴实的;单纯的;笨的 army [ɑmi] n.军队;陆军;一大批action movie动作片be ready to情愿快速做某事dress up装扮;乔装装扮take sb.s place代替;替换do a good job工作干得好;做得好Unit6 Im going to study computer science. doctor [dkt(r)]医生engineer [endnr] 工程师violinist [valnst]小提琴手pilot [palt] 飞行员pianist [pnst] 钢琴家scientist[santst]科学家college [kɑld] 高校education [eduken] 教育medicine [medsn]药,医学university [junvrsti] 高校,高等学府article [ɑrtkl](文章),论文send [send] 邮寄,发送grow up 长大成长computer programmer 计算机管理员be sure about 确信make sure 确保resolution [rezlun] 决心,打算foreign [frn] 外国的able [ebl] 能够discuss [dsks] 争论,商议promise [prɑms] 承诺,诺言beginning [bɡn] 开头,开端improve [mpruv] 改进,改善physical [fzkl]身体的selfimprovement [selfmpruvmnt]自我改进,自我提高 hobby [hɑbi] 业余(爱好)own [on] 自己的,本人的,拥有personal [prsnl]个人的,私人的relationship [rlenp] 关系write down 写下have to do with关于;与有关系take up学着做;开头做agree with 同意be able to 能够做某事Unit 7 Will people have robots? paper[pepr] 纸pollution [plun] 污染;污染物prediction[prdkn]猜测future [fjutr] 将来pollute[plut] 污染environment [nvarnmnt] 环境planet [plnt] 行星earth[r] n.地球;泥土plant [plnt] (种植),植物part [pɑrt] 参与,部分peace [pis]和平sky[ska] 天空play a part 参加astronaut[strnt] 宇航员apartment[pɑrtmnt] 公寓房间rocket [rɑkt] 火箭;space[spes] .空间;太空even[ivn] 甚至;愈加human [hjumn] 人的; n.人;人类servant[srvnt] 仆人dangerous [dendrs] 危急的already[lredi]已经factory[fktri] 工厂believe [bliv] 信任disagree [dsɡri]不同意shape [ep] 外形fall [fl] 倒塌;跌倒possible [pɑsbl] 可能的probably [prɑbbli] 也许;或许;很可能holiday [hɑlde] 假日word [wrd] 单词;space station 太空站over and over again 多次;反复地hundreds of 很多 ;大量; 成百上千fall down 突然倒下;跌倒;倒塌look for 查找;寻求Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake? blender[blendr] 搅拌器;果汁机peel[pil] vt.剥落;削皮pour [pr] pour[pr] 倒;倾倒yogurt[joɡrt] 酸奶;honey [hni]蜂蜜watermelon [wtrmeln]西瓜spoon [spun] 勺,调羹add[d] 增加finally[fanli] 最终,最终salt[slt] 盐sugar[ɡr] 糖cheese[tiz] 干酪,奶酪popcorn [pɑpkrn] 爆米花corn [krn] 玉米,谷物machine[min] 机器sandwich[snwt] 三明治butter[btr] 黄油,奶油turkey [trki]火鸡lettuce [lets] 莴苣,生菜piece[pis] 件;篇;片;块;traditional [trdnl] 传统的 traveler [trvl] 旅行者England[ɡlnd] 英格兰;英国celebrate[selbret] 庆祝;庆贺 pepper [pepr] 胡椒粉;辣椒oven[vn] 烤箱;烤炉cover[kvr] 遮盖,盖子,gravy[ɡrevi] 肉汁;肉汤serve[srv] 接待,服务temperature [temprtr] 温度,气候Unit 9 Can you come to my party? prepare [prper]v.预备;预备exam[ɡzm] 考试available[velbl] 可得到的;有空的; hang[h] 悬挂;(使)低垂until[ntl] 直到 ... 的时候;直到为止 catch[kt] 赶上;抓住;捕获invite [nvat] 邀请accept[ksept] 接受;refuse [rfjuz] 拒绝invitation [nvten] 邀请;(邀请函) reply [rpla] 回答,回复forward[frwrd] 转交;发送,向前的delete [dlit] 删除preparation [prepren]预备,预备工作 opening[opn]开幕式,落成典礼guest[ɡest] 客人concert [kɑnsrt] 音乐会headmaster[hedmstr] 校长event[vent] 大事,公开活动calendar[klndr] 日历,日程表Unit10 If you go to the party,you ll have a great time! video [vdio] 录像,录像带organize[rɡnaz] 组织,筹备chocolate [tɑklt]巧克力upset[pset]难受,绝望advice[dvas]劝说,建议travel[trvl] 旅行agent[ednt] 代理人,经纪人expert [eksprt]专家,能手teenager [tined] 青少年normal[nrml]正常的unless[nles] 除非,假如不certainly [srtnli] 当然,确定wallet[wɑlt] 皮夹,钱包worried [wrid] 担忧的,苦恼的angry [ɡri] 生气的,发怒的careless [kerls] 马虎的,不当心的understanding [ndrstnd]善解人意的,体谅人的trust[trst] 信任,信任mistake[mstek] 错误,失误careful[kerfl] 当心的,细致的advise [dvaz] v劝说,建议solve [sɑlv] 解决;解答experience [ksprins] 信任,经受 halfway [hfwe] 中途的adv.半路地 else[els] 别的,其他的。

1. achieve (v.) - 获得,取得Example sentence: He studied very hard and finally achieved his goal of becoming a doctor.2. advantage (n.) - 优势,有利条件Example sentence: Being fluent in multiple languages is a big advantage when applying for international jobs.3. behavior (n.) - 行为,举止Example sentence: The teacher praised the student for his good behaviorin class.4. brief (adj.) - 简短的,简洁的Example sentence: The speaker gave a brief introduction before starting his presentation.5. challenge (n.) - 挑战,难题Example sentence: Climbing Mount Everest was a great challenge, but he was determined to succeed.6. community (n.) - 社区,社会Example sentence: The local church organizes events to bring the community together.7. contribute (v.) - 贡献,捐赠Example sentence: He decided to contribute money to the charity to help those in need.8. current (adj.) - 现在的,当前的Example sentence: What is the current population of the city?9. demonstrate (v.) - 展示,演示Example sentence: The students were asked to demonstrate their knowledge of the topic through a presentation.10. determine (v.) - 决定,确定Example sentence: She worked hard to determine the best course of action for the project.11. environment (n.) - 环境Example sentence: It is important to protect the environment and reduce pollution.12. experience (n.) - 经验Example sentence: She has a lot of experience in teaching English as a second language.13. experiment (n.) - 实验Example sentence: The scientist conducted an experiment to test his hypothesis.14. famous (adj.) - 有名的Example sentence: The Mona Lisa is one of the most famous paintings in the world.15. foreign (adj.) - 外国的Example sentence: He studied abroad to improve his foreign language skills.16. government (n.) - **Example sentence: The government introduced new policies to promote economic growth.17. individual (n.) - 个体,个人Example sentence: Each individual has their own unique talents and abilities.18. knowledge (n.) - 知识Example sentence: Reading books is a great way to acquire knowledge about different topics.19. opportunity (n.) - 机会Example sentence: He saw the job opening as a great opportunity to advance his career.20. organize (v.) - 组织Example sentence: The committee members worked together to organizethe annual school event.21. participate (v.) - 参与,参加Example sentence: All students were encouraged to participate in the school's sports day.22. popular (adj.) - 流行的,受欢迎的Example sentence: The band's latest album became very popular and sold millions of copies.23. recognize (v.) - 认出,识别Example sentence: She was able to recognize him from a distance because of his distinctive red hat.24. responsible (adj.) - 有责任的Example sentence: As the team captain, he was responsible for making sure everyone was prepared for the game.25. support (v.) - 支持Example sentence: Her family supported her decision to pursue a career in music.26. tradition (n.) - 传统Example sentence: It is a tradition in our family to have a big dinner on Christmas Eve.27. volunteer (n.) - 志愿者Example sentence: She decided to become a volunteer at the local animal shelter.28. aspect (n.) - 方面Example sentence: The teacher discussed various aspects of the novel with the class.29. category (n.) - 类别,种类Example sentence: The books in the library are organized intodifferent categories.30. concept (n.) - 概念Example sentence: The lecture covered some advanced concepts in physics.31. consequence (n.) - 结果,后果Example sentence: There can be serious consequences if you don'tfollow the safety guidelines.32. criteria (n.) - 标准,准则 (plural of criterion)Example sentence: The judges will evaluate the performances based on several criteria.33. diverse (adj.) - 多种多样的Example sentence: The workforce in the company is very diverse, with employees from various cultural backgrounds.34. eliminate (v.) - 消除,排除Example sentence: The company aims to eliminate waste and become more environmentally friendly.35. emphasize (v.) - 强调Example sentence: The coach emphasized the importance of teamwork during the practice.36. evaluate (v.) - 评估,评价Example sentence: The teacher will evaluate the students' projects at the end of the semester.37. factor (n.) - 因素Example sentence: Several factors contributed to the success of the event.38. hypothesis (n.) - 假设Example sentence: The scientist formulated a hypothesis to explain the observed phenomenon.39. indicate (v.) - 表明,指示Example sentence: The sign indicates that the road ahead is under construction.40. instrument (n.) - 工具,仪器Example sentence: The piano is one of the most popular musical instruments.41. interpret (v.) - 解释,说明Example sentence: The interpreter translated the speech from English to Spanish.42. involve (v.) - 包含,涉及Example sentence: The project involves working with a team to developa new product.43. justify (v.) - 证明...正当Example sentence: He tried to justify his actions, but no one was convinced.44. motivate (v.) - 激励,激发Example sentence: The coach motivated the players with inspiring words before the game.45. notion (n.) - 观念,想法Example sentence: He had the notion that he could make a difference in the world.46. obstacle (n.) - 障碍,妨碍Example sentence: Overcoming obstacles helped him grow as a person.47. opposition (n.) - 反对Example sentence: There was a lot of opposition to the new housing development.48. potential (n.) - 潜力Example sentence: The young athlete shows great potential in becominga professional.49. priority (n.) - 优先事项Example sentence: The government has made education a priority, allocating more funds to schools.50. raw (adj.) - 未加工的,原始的Example sentence: The chef prefers to use raw ingredients to prepare the dishes.这些词汇是八年级英语上册的重点单词,掌握它们将有助于学生在学习、阅读和写作中更加流利地表达自己。

英语八年级上册词汇Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?1. anyone.- 发音:[ˈeniwʌn]- 词性:代词,意为“任何人”。
2. anywhere?- 发音:[ˈeniweə(r)]- 词性:副词,意为“在任何地方;无论何处”。
3. wonderful.- 发音:[ˈwʌndəfl]- 词性:形容词,意为“精彩的;绝妙的”。
4. few.- 发音:[fjuː]- 词性:形容词,意为“不多;很少”。
5. quite a few.- 发音:[kwaɪt ə fjuː]- 词性:短语,意为“相当多;不少”。
6. most.- 发音:[məʊst]- 词性:形容词、副词,意为“最多;大多数”。
7. something.- 发音:[ˈsʌmθɪŋ]- 词性:代词,意为“某事;某物”。
8. nothing.- 发音:[ˈnʌθɪŋ]- 词性:代词,意为“没有什么;没有一件东西”。
9. everyone.- 发音:[ˈevriwʌn]- 词性:代词,意为“每人;人人;所有人”。
10. of course.- 发音:[ɒv kɔːs]- 词性:短语,意为“当然;自然”。
11. myself.- 发音:[maɪˈself]- 词性:代词,意为“我自己;我本人”。
12. yourself.- 发音:[jɔːˈself]- 词性:代词,意为“你自己;您自己”。
13. hen.- 发音:[hen]- 词性:名词,意为“母鸡”。
14. pig.- 发音:[pɪg]- 词性:名词,意为“猪”。
15. seem.- 发音:[siːm]- 词性:动词,意为“好像;似乎;看来”。
16. bored.- 发音:[bɔːd]- 词性:形容词,意为“厌倦的;烦闷的”。
17. someone.- 发音:[ˈsʌmwʌn]- 词性:代词,意为“某人”。
18. diary.- 发音:[ˈdaɪəri]- 词性:名词,意为“日记;记事簿”。

人教版八年级上册英语词汇Unit 1anyone ['eniwʌn] pron.任何人anywhere ['eniweə(r)] adv.任何地方n.任何(一个)地方wonderful ['wʌndəfl] adj.精彩的;极好的few [fjuː] adj.很少的; n.少量most məʊst] adj.最多的;大多数的;something ['sʌmθɪŋ] pron.某事物;nothing(=not…anything) ['nʌθɪŋ] pron.没有什么n.没有myself[maɪ'self] pron.我自己everyone ['evriwʌn] pron.每人;人人yourself [jɔː'self] pron.你自己;你亲自hen [hen] n.母鸡;雌禽bored [bɔːd] adj.无聊的;厌烦的;郁闷的pig n.猪diary ['daɪəri] n.日记;日记簿(keep a diary)seem [siːm] vi.似乎;好像someone ['sʌmwʌn] pron.某人;有人quite a few相当多;不少(后接可数名词)of course [əv kɔːs] 当然sectionBactivity [æk'tɪvəti] n.活动;活跃decide [dɪ'saɪd] v.决定;选定(decide to do sth.)try [traɪ] v.尝试;设法;努力(try to do sth. /try doing sth.) bird [bɜːd] n.鸟;禽paragliding ['pærəɡlaɪdɪŋ] n.空中滑翔跳伞bicycle ['baɪsɪkl] n.自行车building ['bɪldɪŋ] n.建筑物trader ['treɪdə(r)] n.商人;商船wonder ['wʌndə(r)] v.惊奇;想知道;怀疑difference ['dɪfrəns] n.差异;不同top [tɒp] n.顶部;顶wait [weɪt] v.等;等待(wait for)umbrella [ʌm'brelə] n.伞;雨伞wet [wet] adj.湿的;雨天的below [bɪ'ləʊ] prep.低于;在... 下面adv.在下面;as[əz] conj. 如同,像... 一样enough [ɪ'nʌf] adj.足够的adv.足够地;充分地duck [dʌk] n.鸭肉;鸭hungry(反full) ['hʌŋɡri] adj.饥饿的;渴望的feel like(doing sth.) 想要dislike [dɪs'laɪk] v.不喜欢;厌恶n.不喜爱;厌恶;反感because of 因为; 由于Unit2housework ['haʊswɜːk] n.家务劳动hardly ['hɑːdli] adv.几乎不;简直不;刚刚ever ['evə(r) ] adv.曾经;在任何时候once [wʌns] adv.一次;曾经twice [twaɪs] adv.两倍;两次Internet ['ɪntənet] n.因特网program ['prəʊɡræm] n.节目;程序;课程;节目单full [fʊl] adj.满的;充满的;完全的swing [swɪŋ] n.摇摆;秋千v.摇摆;旋转maybe['meɪbi] adv.或许;也许;可能swing dance摇摆舞least [liːst] adj.最小的;最少的at least至少hardly ever很少;几乎从不; 难得junk n.垃圾;废旧杂物coffee ['kɒfi] n.咖啡;咖啡色health [helθ] n.健康;人的身体或精神状态result [rɪ'zʌlt] .结果;后果percent [pə'sent] adj.百分之... 的online [ˌɒn'laɪn] adj.在线的adv.在线地television ['telɪvɪʒn] n.电视机;电视节目although [ɔːl'ðəʊ] conj.虽然;尽管;然而;可是through[θruː] prep.穿过;凭借;一直到body ['bɒdi] n.身体mind [maɪnd] .头脑;想法;意见;心思such [sʌtʃ] adj.这样的;如此的together [tə'ɡeðə(r)] adv.共同;一起die [daɪ] v.死;枯竭;消失writer ['raɪtə(r)] n.作者;作家dentist ['dentɪst] n.牙科医生magazine ['mæɡəziːn] n.杂志however [haʊ'evə(r)] adv.然而;无论如何;不管多么than [ðən] conj.比almost ['ɔːlməʊst] adv.几乎;差不多none [nʌn] pron.没有人;没有任何东西,毫无less [les] adj.更少的;较少的point [pɔɪnt] n.看法;要点;重点;小数点;目标;分数such as例如;诸如junk food n.垃圾食品;无营养食品more than超过;多于;不仅仅;非常less than不到; 少于Unit3outgoing ['aʊtɡəʊɪŋ] adj.外向的better ['betə(r)] adj.更好的;较好的adv.更好地loudly laʊdli] adv.大声地;高声地;花俏地quietly ['kwaɪətli] adv.安静地;悄悄地;平静地hard-working [hɑːd 'wɜːkɪŋ]adj.勤勉的;努力工作的competition [ˌkɒmpə'tɪʃn] n.竞争;比赛fantastic fæn'tæstɪk] adj.极好的;了不起的which adj.哪一个;哪一些pron.哪一个;哪些clearly ['klɪəli] adv.清楚地;显然地win [wɪn] v.赢;赢得;获胜;获得n.胜利though conj.虽然;尽管;adv.不过care about关心talented ['tæləntɪd] adj.有才能的;有天赋的truly ['truːli] adv.真实地;真诚地;正确地care [keə(r)] v.关心;担忧;照顾;在乎serious [ 'sɪəriəs] adj.严肃的;严重的;庄重的mirror ['mɪrə(r)] n.镜子;反映necessary ['nesəsəri] adj.必要的;必然的both [bəʊθ] adj.两者都pron.两者should [ʃəd] aux.应该;可能;应当;将要touch [tʌtʃ] vt.触摸;感动reach [riːtʃ] v.到达;伸出;达成;取得联系;延伸去够heart[hɑːt] n.心脏;内心fact [fækt] n.事实;真相;实际break[breɪk] v.打碎;折断;违背;解决;中断laugh [lɑːf] v.发笑;笑;嘲笑n.笑声;笑;笑料similar ['sɪmələ(r)] adj.类似的share [ʃeə(r)] vt.分享,共享;分配;共有loud [laʊd] adj.大声的;adv.大声地;响亮地primary ['praɪməri] adj.最初的,最早的be different from和... 不同information [ˌɪnfə'meɪʃn] n.信息;情报;资料;通知as long as只要bring out拿出; 推出the same as与... 同样的in fact事实上;实际上;确切地说be similar to类似于; 与... 相似Unit4theater ['θɪətə] n.剧场;电影院;戏院comfortable ['kʌmftəbl] adj.舒适的;充裕的seat [siːt] n.座位;screen [skriːn] n.屏幕;银幕close [kləʊs] v.关;合拢;不开放;停业worst [wɜːst] adj.最坏的;最差的cheaply ['tʃiːpli] adv.廉价地;粗俗地song [sɒŋ] n.歌曲;歌唱choose [tʃuːz] v.选择;决定carefull 'keəfəli] adv.小心地,认真地reporter rɪ'pɔːtə(r)] n.记者fresh [freʃ] adj.新鲜的;清新的comfortably ['kʌmftəbli] adv.舒服地;容易地;充裕地worse [wɜːs] adj.更坏的;更差的service ['sɜːvɪs] n.服务pretty ['prɪti] adv.相当地adj.漂亮的menu 'menjuː] n.菜单act [ækt] v.行动;表演meal [miːl] n.一餐;膳食so far到目前为止;迄今为止no problem没什么;不客气creative [kri'eɪtɪv] adj.创造的,创造性的;performer[pə'fɔːmə(r)] n.表演者;执行者talent['tælənt] n.天赋;才能,才艺;common['kɒmən] adj.常见的;共同的;普通的magician mə'dʒɪʃn] n.魔术师;术士beautifully ['bjuːtɪfli] adv.美丽地;完美地;role[rəʊl] n.作用;角色winner ['wɪnə(r)] n.获胜者prize[praɪz] n.奖品;奖金everybody ['evribɒdi] pron.每人;人人example[ɪɡ'zɑːmpl] n.例子;榜样poor [pɔː(r)] adj.可怜的;贫穷的seriously['sɪəriəsli] 严重地,严肃地give [ɡɪv] v.给;赠予;送crowded ['kraʊdɪd] adj.拥挤的have…in common 有相同特征all kinds of各种各样;各种类型be up to是…….的职责;由…….决定play a role发挥作用;有影响make up编造for example例如take…seriously认真对待Unit5sitcom ['sɪtkɒm] n.情景喜剧(=situation comedy) news [njuːz] n.新闻;消息soap [səʊp] n.肥皂;肥皂剧educational [ˌedʒu'keɪʃənl] adj.教育的;有教育意义的plan [plæn] n.计划;方法v.打算;计划hope [həʊp] .希望;期望;盼望n.希望discussion [dɪ'skʌʃn] n.讨论;谈论stand [stænd] v.站立;忍受happen ['hæpən] vi.发生;碰巧;出现;偶遇may[ meɪ] aux.可以,能够;可能,也许expect[ɪk'spekt] v.预期;期待;盼望joke [dʒəʊk] n.笑话;玩笑v.说笑话;开玩笑comedy ['kɒmədi] n.喜剧;滑稽;幽默事件find out查明、弄清meaningless ['miːnɪŋləs] adj.无意义的;不重要的action ['ækʃn] n.行为;活动cartoon kɑː'tuːn] n.卡通;漫画culture ['kʌltʃə(r)] n.栽培;文化;教养famous ['feɪməs] adj.著名的;有名的appear [ə'pɪə(r)] vi.出现;出版;显得become [bɪ'kʌm] v.变成;成为rich [rɪtʃ] adj.富有的;富饶的;丰富的successful [sək'sesfl] adj.成功的;圆满的might [maɪt] aux.可能;也许;may的过去式main [meɪn] adj.主要的;最重要的reason ['riːzn] n.原因;理由film [fɪlm] n.电影unlucky [ʌn'lʌki] adj.倒霉的;不幸的;不吉利的lose [luːz] vt.丢失;失败vi.失败ready ['redi] adj.准备好的;乐意的character ['kærəktə(r)] n.个性;品质;人物; simple ['sɪmpl] adj.简单的;朴素的;单纯的;笨的army ['ɑːmi] n.军队;陆军;一大批action movie动作片be ready to愿意迅速做某事dress up装扮;乔装打扮take sb.’s place代替;替换do a good job 工作干得好;做得好Unit6doctor ['dɒktə(r)]医生engineer [endʒɪ'nɪr] 工程师violinist [ˌvaɪə'lɪnɪst]小提琴手pilot ['paɪlət] 飞行员pianist ['pɪənɪst] 钢琴家scientist['saɪəntɪst]科学家college ['kɑːlɪdʒ] 大学education [ˌedʒu'keɪʃn] 教育medicine ['medsn]药,医学university [ˌjuːnɪ'vɜːrsəti] 大学,高等学府article ['ɑːrtɪkl]文章,论文send [send] 邮寄,发送grow up 长大成长computer programmer 计算机管理员be sure about 确信make sure 确保resolution [ˌrezə'luːʃn] 决心,决定foreign ['fɔːrən] 外国的able [ˈebəl] 能够discuss [dɪˈskʌs] 讨论,商量promise [ˈprɑmɪs] 承诺,诺言beginning [bɪˈɡɪnɪŋ] 开头,开端improve [ɪmˈpruv] 改进,改善physical ['fɪzɪkl]身体的selfimprovement [selfɪmp'ruːvmənt]自我改进,自我提高hobby ['hɑːbi] 业余爱好own [oʊn] 自己的,本人的,拥有personal ['pɜːrsənl]个人的,私人的relationship [rɪ'leɪʃnʃɪp] 关系write down 写下have to do with关于;与……有关系take up学着做;开始做agree with 同意be able to 能够做某事unit 7paper['peɪpər] 纸pollution [pə'luːʃn] 污染;污染物prediction[prɪ'dɪkʃn]预测future ['fjuːtʃər] 未来pollute[pə'luːt] 污染environment [ɪn'vaɪrənmənt] 环境planet ['plænɪt] 行星earth[ɜːrθ] n.地球;泥土plant [plænt] 种植,植物part [pɑːrt] 参加,部分peace [piːs]和平sky[skaɪ] 天空play a part 参与astronaut['æstrənɔːt] 宇航员apartment[ə'pɑːrtmənt] 公寓房间rocket ['rɑːkɪt] 火箭; space[speɪs] .空间;太空even['iːvn] 甚至;愈加human ['hjuːmən] 人的; n.人;人类servant['sɜːrvənt] 仆人dangerous ['deɪndʒərəs] 危险的already[ɔːl'redi]已经factory['fæktri] 工厂believe [bɪ'liːv] 相信disagree [ˌdɪsə'ɡriː]不同意shape [ʃeɪp] 形状fall [fɔːl] 倒塌;跌倒possible ['pɑːsəbl] 可能的probably ['prɑːbəbli] 大概;或许;很可能holiday ['hɑːlədeɪ] 假日word[wɜːrd] 单词;space station 太空站over and over again 多次;反复地hundreds of 许多;大量; 成百上千fall down 突然倒下;跌倒;倒塌look for 寻找;寻求unit 8blender['blendər] 搅拌器;果汁机peel[piːl] vt.剥落;削皮pour [pɔːr] pour[pɔːr] 倒;倾倒yogurt['joʊɡərt] 酸奶;honey ['hʌni]蜂蜜watermelon ['wɔːtərmelən]西瓜spoon [spuːn] 勺,调羹add[æd] 增加finally['faɪnəli] 最后,最终salt[sɔːlt] 盐sugar['ʃʊɡər] 糖cheese[tʃiːz] 干酪,奶酪popcorn ['pɑːpkɔːrn] 爆米花corn [kɔːrn] 玉米,谷物machine[mə'ʃiːn] 机器sandwich['sænwɪtʃ] 三明治butter['bʌtər] 黄油,奶油turkey ['tɜːrki]火鸡lettuce ['letɪs] 莴苣,生菜piece[piːs] 件;篇;片;块;traditional [trə'dɪʃənl] 传统的traveler ['trævlə] 旅行者England['ɪŋɡlənd] 英格兰;英国celebrate['selɪbreɪt] 庆祝;庆贺pepper ['pepər] 胡椒粉;辣椒oven['ʌvn] 烤箱;烤炉cover['kʌvər] 遮盖,盖子,gravy['ɡreɪvi] 肉汁;肉汤serve[sɜːrv] 接待,服务temperature ['temprətʃər] 温度,气候Unit 9prepare [prɪ'per]v.预备;准备exam[ɪɡ'zæm] 考试available[ə'veɪləbl] 可得到的;有空的; hang[hæŋ] 悬挂;(使)低垂until[ən'tɪl] 直到... 的时候;直到…为止catch[kætʃ] 赶上;抓住;捕捉invite [ɪn'vaɪt] 邀请accept[ək'sept] 接受;refuse [rɪ'fjuːz] 拒绝invitation [ˌɪnvɪ'teɪʃn]邀请;邀请函reply [rɪ'plaɪ] 回答,回复forward['fɔːrwərd] 转交;发送,向前的delete [dɪ'liːt] 删除preparation [ˌprepə'reɪʃn]准备,准备工作opening['oʊpnɪŋ]开幕式,落成典礼guest[ɡest] 客人concert ['kɑːnsərt] 音乐会headmaster[ˌhed'mæstər] 校长event[ɪ'vent] 大事,公开活动calendar['kælɪndər] 日历,日程表unit 10video ['vɪdioʊ] 录像,录像带organize['ɔːrɡənaɪz] 组织,筹备chocolate['tʃɑːklət]巧克力upset[ʌp'set]难过,失望advice[əd'vaɪsɪ]劝告,建议travel['trævl] 旅行agent['eɪdʒənt] 代理人,经纪人expert ['ekspɜːrt]专家,能手teenager ['tiːnˌeɪdʒə] 青少年normal['nɔːrml]正常的unless[ən'les] 除非,如果不certainly ['sɜːrtnli] 当然,肯定wallet['wɑːlɪt] 皮夹,钱包worried ['wɜːrid] 担心的,烦恼的angry ['æŋɡri] 生气的,发怒的careless['kerləs] 粗心的,不小心的understanding [ˌʌndər'stændɪŋ]善解人意的,体谅人的trust[trʌst] 相信,信任mistake[mɪ'steɪk] 错误,失误careful['kerfl] 小心的,细致的advise [əd'vaɪz] v劝告,建议solve [sɑːlv] 解决;解答experience [ɪk'spɪriəns] 信任,经历halfway [ˌhæf'weɪ] 中途的adv.半路地else[els] 别的,其他的。

八年级上册英语词汇Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?anyone ['eniwʌn] pron. 任何人。
anywhere ['eniweə(r)] adv. 任何地方。
wonderful ['wʌndəfl] adj. 精彩的;绝妙的。
few [fjuː] adj. & pron. 不多;很少。
quite a few 相当多;不少。
most [məʊst] adj.,adv. & pron. 最多;大多数。
something ['sʌmθɪŋ] pron. 某事;某物。
nothing ['nʌθɪŋ] pron. 没有什么;没有一件东西。
everyone ['evriwʌn] pron. 每人;人人;所有人。
of course [əv 'kɔːs] 当然;自然。
myself [maɪ'self] pron. 我自己;我本人。
yourself [jɔː'self] pron. (pl. yourselves [jɔː'selvz])你自己;您自己。
hen [hen] n. 母鸡。
pig [pɪɡ] n. 猪。
seem [siːm] v. 好像;似乎;看来。
bored [bɔːd] adj. 厌倦的;烦闷的。
someone ['sʌmwʌn] pron. 某人。
diary ['daɪəri] n. 日记;记事簿。
activity [æk'tɪvəti] n. 活动。
decide [dɪ'saɪd] v. 决定;选定。
try [traɪ] v. & n. 尝试;设法;努力。
paragliding ['pærəɡlaɪdɪŋ] n. 滑翔伞运动。
feel like 给……的感觉;感受到。
bird [bɜːd] n. 鸟。

初二人教版八年级英语上册词汇Unit 11. 名胜somewhere interesting places of interest2. 拍了不少照片took quite a few photos3. 对...厌倦get/be tired of4. 当然of course/certainly5. 记日记keep a diary/diaries6. 似乎做... seem to do...7. 给...感觉feel like8. 因为because (of)9. 带足够的钱bring enough money10. 山下below the mountain11. 山之巅at the top of...12. 决定(不)干... decide (not) to do...13. 课外活动after-school activities14. 厌恶干... dislike to do/doing15.下大雨rain hard/heavily16. 大多数时间most of the time17. 影响/起作用make a difference18. 等待... wait for19. 寻找find/find out20. 除...没有nothing...but...21. 激动地跳上跳下jump up and down in excitement22. 沿途along the way23. 继续go on/continue24. 最后5小时the last 5 hoursUnit 21. 几乎不做家务hardly ever do housework2. 去看牙医go to the dentist3. 通过这个节目through this program4. 摇摆舞swing dance5. 保持健康(两种) be in good health / keep healthy6.一起看电视watch TV together7. 消失;死亡(过)die/died8. 十分忙(两种)quite full/ quite busy9. 充满be full of10.比如喝咖啡such as drinking coffee11.对身心健康be healthy for body and mind12.杂志的作者the writer of the magazine13.至少/至多at least/most14.几乎每天almost everyday15.少于/多于百分之八十less/more than eighty percent16.大概每周一次/两次maybe once/twice a week17.然而;不过however18.指向point at19.上网(三种) go online/surf the Internet/ use the computer20....的结果the result of21.尽管althoughUnit 31.更外向的be more outgoing than2.两者都both of/ both A and B3.哪一个更好which one is better4.唱得更响亮sing(sang) more loudly than5.说得更轻柔speak more quietly6.更努力be more hardworking7.赢了唱歌比赛(过去式) Won the singing competition8.唱得更清楚sing more clearly9.虽然though(不能与but连用)10.小学Primary school11.取得好成绩get good grades__12.获取信息get information13.严肃对待be serious about14.像一面镜子be like a mirror15.与..相像be similar to16.做..很必要It is necessary to do sth17.真的关心truly care about18.与之相同the same as19.使人发笑make sb. laugh20.俗话说得好as a saying goes21.伸出援手reach for one’s hand22.触动心灵touch one’s heart23.摔坏手臂break(broke)one’s arms24.和某人分享share with sbUnit 41.最好的电影院the best movie theater2.最大的屏幕the biggest screen3.最舒适的座位the most comfortable seat4.买最便宜的票buy tickets the most cheaply5.最精心地选择歌曲choose songs the most carefully6.最有创造力的才艺表演the most creative talent show7.认真对待take…seriously8.发挥作用play a role in9.一日三餐three meals a day10.最令人兴奋的魔术师之一One of the most exciting magicians11.最差的服务the worst service12.例如for example13.得到好的奖品get good prize14.唱的最优美sing the most beautifully15.穷人the poor16.新鲜的空气fresh air17.放弃give up18.记者reporter19.adv.相当,十分adj.漂亮的pretty20.菜单menu21.扮演v. act22.拥挤be crowded with23.各种各样的all kinds of24.离家近be close to homeUnit 51.不介意做某事don’t mind doing sth.2.无法忍受做某事can’t stand doing3.计划做某事plan to do4.希望做某事hope to do sth.5.期望做某事expect to do sth6.查明,弄清find out7.有一个关于...的讨论have a discussion about8.碰巧做某事happen to do sth9.讲笑话tell jokes10.代替take the place of11.做得好do a good job12.参军join the army13.装扮成dress up as/like14.像...一样简单as simple as15.准备好做某事be ready to do sth.16.主要原因main reason17.变得成功和富有become successful and rich18.出现在appear in/on19.著名的电影famous film20.普通人common man21.有意义的/无意义的meaningful/meaningless22.美国文化American culture23.可能会失去女朋友might lose the girlfriend24.不幸运的unlucky25.有教育意义的新闻educational news26.一个卡通人物a cartoon characterUnit 61.长大(过去式)grow up grew up2.程序员/厨师/飞行员computer programmer/cook/pilot3.小提琴手/钢琴家/科学家violinist/pianist/scientist4.对...有把握/确保be sure about/make sure5.大学毕业finish college6.他们自己吃药take some medicine by themselves7.去伦敦接受教育go to London for education8.坚持写文章keep on writing articles9.把...送给司机/医生(过去式)send...to the doctor/driver10.下定决心成为一名工程师make a resolution to be an engineer11.成为足球队一员make the soccer team12.另外一门外语(外国人)another foreign language (foreigner)13.能够去上大学be able to go to a university14.许下诺言make a promise15.在...开始at the beginning of16.提升我们的生活improve our lives17.写下来年计划write down the plan for the next/coming year18.身体的健康physical health19.和更好的计划有关have to do with a better plan20.质疑这个单词的意义question the meaning of the word21.开始一个像画画的业余爱好take up a hobby like painting22.做每周的计划make a weekly plan23.做作业do schoolwork24.关于我自己的私人的自我提升about my own self-improvement25.讨论不同种类的人际关系v./n. discuss different kinds of relationships26.太难以致不能坚持too difficult to keepUnit 71.在纸上on paper2.活到200岁live to be 200 years old3.将会有更少的污染will be less pollution4.关于未来的预测the prediction about the future5.处于极大危险之中be in great danger6.种植更多的树去保护环境plant more trees to protect the environment7.居住在地球上live on the earth8.参与到保护地球中来play a part in saving the earth9.在海里建造更多的建筑build more buildings in the sea10.搬去其他星球move to other planets11.世界和平word peace12.街对面的一栋公寓an apartment across the street from here13.乘火箭去月球fly a rocket to the moon14.成为一名航天员be an astronaut15.居住在太空站live on a space station16.已经在危险的地方或者工厂里工作了already work in dangerous places or factories17.反反复复地造车build cars over and over again18.像人类的仆人like human servants19.信不信由你believe it or not20.一些日本的机器人some robots in Japan21.同意/不同意某人agree/disagree with...22.可能花费数百年时间may take hundreds of years23.有不同的形状have different kinds of shapes24.寻找建筑物里面的人look for the people inside the buildings25.倒塌跌倒(过去式)fall/fell down26.似乎不可能seem impossible27.甚至能够像人类一样思考even think like humans28.你同意哪一方?which side do you agree?29.可能只会养只鸟probably keep a bird30.在寒假期间during the winter holidayUnit 81.剥桔子peel the oranges2.切香蕉cut up the bananas3.pour...into 把...倒入4.打开机器turn on the machine5.多少奶酪/苹果how much/many6.在那之后after that7.在...增加add... to...8.如何植树how to plant a tree9.从...借书borrow ...from...10.两片面包two pieces of bread11.用...填满... fill... with... / be filled with / be full of12.把..和..混合mix up / mix... with...13.用...覆盖... cover... with... / be covered with14.把..切成薄片cut... into thin pieces15.把...招待... serve... to...16.把...视为see...as... / regard...as...17.主打菜the main dish18.传统食物traditional food19.在儿童节on Children’s Day20.在高温下at a high temperature21.再煮10分钟cook for another ten minutes22.该做...时间了It’s time to do... / It’s time for...23.团圆/团聚get together / reunion24.把...装盘place...in a plate25.忘记干某事forget to do sth.26.与...握手shake hands with27.两勺蜂蜜two spoons of honey28.制作水果沙拉make fruit salad29. 挖个洞(过去) dug a holeUnit 91.为考试做准备prepare for2.得了流感have the flu3.闲逛hang out4.追上,赶上catch up with5.没有做某事without doing sth6.期待做某事look forward to doing7.直到...才not...until8.有空be available9.乐意做某事be glad to do sth10.邀请我的同学invite my classmates11.接受邀请accept the invitation12.拒绝邀请refuse the invitation13.回复reply to14.在工作日on weekdays15.删除信息delete the information16.打印邮件print the information17.派对准备party preparation18.对..感到惊奇be surprised at19.开幕式the opening of20.学校音乐会the school concert21.事件种类kind of event22.数以百计的客人hundreds of guests23.在日历上on the calendar24.在白天during the daytimeUnit 101.班会a class meeting2.看视频watch a video/videos3.组织派对游戏organize party games4.给我一些建议give me some advice5.打车take a taxi6.环游世界travel around the world7.正常的生活normal life8.一位谨慎的年轻人a careful teenager9.遗失钱包lose one’s wallet10.肯定很生气certainly be angry11.建议某人做某事advise sb to do12.解决问题solve the problem13.犯粗心的错误make careless mistakes14.感到沮丧feel upset15.第一步the first step16.相信他自己trust himself17.有更多经验have more experience18.走三英里到学校walk three miles to school19.非常善解人意be really understanding20.还有谁who else提高记忆力的小技巧01.拒绝死记硬背如果没有把知识内化,所做的一切不过是徒劳而已。

Unit 1: Do you think you will have your own robot?Vocabulary:1. future - n.将来2. predict - v.预言, 预测3. invention - n.发明, 创造4. invent - v.发明, 创造5. robot - n.机器人6. else - pron.其他的7. electronic - adj.电子的8. get around - 搬动, 移动9. homework - n.家庭作业10. at the same time - 同时11. housework - n.家务劳动12. translator - n.翻译器13. would like - 想要Unit 2: What does she look like?Vocabulary:1. wild - adj.野生的2. nature - n.大自然3. environment - n.环境4. protect - v.保护5. endangered - adj.濒临灭绝的6. appearance - n.外貌7. fur - n.毛皮8. spot - v.发现9. be covered in - 被...覆盖10. feather - n.羽毛11. sharp - adj.锋利的12. noise - n.噪音13. spot - n.斑点Unit 3: How do you get to school?Vocabulary:1. ride - v.骑2. bicycle - n.自行车3. subway - n.地铁4. tram - n.电车5. ferry - n.渡轮6. underground - adj.地下的7. crowded - adj.拥挤的8. quiet - adj.安静的9. quickly - adv.迅速地10. safely - adv.安全地11. by myself - 独自地Unit 4: I used to be afraid of the dark.Vocabulary:1. afraid - adj.害怕的2. memory - n.记忆力3. puzzle - n.难题, 谜题4. solve - v.解答5. moment - n.瞬间6. while - conj.当...的时候7. once - adv.曾经8. dare - v.敢于9. scary - adj.吓人的10. anymore - adv.再也不11. noise - n.噪音12. object - n.物体13. wake up - 醒来Unit 5: Our school trip was great!Vocabulary:1. trip - n.旅行2. enjoyable - adj.令人愉快的3. visit - v.参观4. palace - n.宫殿5. art - n.艺术6. gallery - n.画廊7. mosque - n. ** 寺8. guide - n.导游9. experience - n.经验10. delicious - adj.美味的11. meal - n.一餐12. amazing - adj.惊人的13. pottery - n.陶器Unit 6: I'm going to study computer science.Vocabulary:1. career - n.职业2. astronomer - n.天文学家3. scientist - n.科学家4. engineer - n.工程师5. lawyer - n.律师6. mechanic - n.技工7. pilot - n.飞行员8. programmer - n.程序员9. surgeon - n.外科医生10. artist - n.艺术家11. journalist - n.记者12. grow up - 长大13. decide - v.决定Unit 7: I'll never forget the first day at secondary school.Vocabulary:1. secondary - adj.第二的2. uniform - n.制服3. polite - adj.有礼貌的4. strict - adj.严格的5. tradition - n.传统6. introduce - v.介绍7. rule - n.规则8. quite - adv.相当9. behave - v.表现10. expect - v.期待11. freely - adv.自由地12. respectful - adj.尊重的13. example - n.例子Unit 8: I'm looking forward to the summer vacation.Vocabulary:1. plan - v.计划2. different - adj.不同的3. subject - n.学科4. basic - adj.基础的5. topic - n.话题6. grade - n.成绩7. final - adj.最后的8. test - n.测试9. relax - v.放松10. article - n.文章11. outdoor - adj.户外的12. activity - n.活动13. sport - n.运动Unit 9: It's raining, it's pouring! Vocabulary:1. pour - v.倾倒2. rain - n.雨3. storm - n.暴风雨4. cloud - n.云5. lightning - n.闪电6. thunder - n.雷声7. umbrella - n.雨伞8. raincoat - n.雨衣9. boot - n.雨靴10. muddy - adj.泥泞的11. slip - v.滑倒12. puddle - n.水坑13. wet - adj.湿的Unit 10: Can you help me with this? Vocabulary:1. help - v.帮助2. assist - v.帮助3. support - v.支持4. useful - adj.有用的5. tool - n.工具6. fix - v.修理7. furniture - n.家具8. picture - n.图片9. frame - n.框架10. hang - v.挂11. poster - n.海报12. wall - n.墙13. shelf - n.书架Unit 11: What's the matter? Vocabulary:1. matter - n.问题2. problem - n.问题3. worry - v.担心4. concern - n.担忧5. illness - n.疾病6. pain - n.疼痛7. injury - n.伤害8. treatment - n.治疗9. medicine - n.药物10. doctor - n.医生11. patient - n.病人12. hospital - n.医院13. recover - v.恢复Unit 12: Life is full of challenges. Vocabulary:1. challenge - n.挑战2. difficulty - n.困难3. obstacle - n.障碍4. face - v.面对5. step - v.迈步6. overcome - v.克服7. effort - n.努力8. success - n.成功9. failure - n.失败10. lesson - n.教训11. repeat - v.重复12. mistake - n.错误13. grow - v.成长Unit 13: A perfect day. Vocabulary:1. perfect - adj.完美的2. day - n.日子3. sunshine - n.阳光4. temperature - n.温度5. warm - adj.温暖的6. cool - adj.凉爽的7. breeze - n.微风8. peaceful - adj.平静的9. relax - v.放松10. enjoy - v.享受11. nature - n.自然12. beauty - n.美丽13. moment - n.时刻以上是八年级上册英语书单词表的详细介绍,共包含单词和短语。

八年级上册的英语重点单词1. Apple - 苹果A round fruit with shiny red, yellow, or green skin and firm white flesh.2. Banana - 香蕉A long curved fruit that has a thick yellow skin and soft sweet flesh.3. Cat - 猫A small domesticated carnivorous mammal with soft fur and sharp claws.4. Dog - 狗A domesticated carnivorous mammal that is often kept as a pet or working animal and is valued for its loyalty and ability to be trained.5. Elephant - 大象A very large plant-eating mammal with a prehensile trunk, long curved ivory tusks, and large ears, native to Africa and southern Asia.6. Fish - 鱼A limbless cold-blooded vertebrate animal with gills and fins, living wholly in water.7. Green - 绿色Of the color between blue and yellow in the spectrum; colored like grass or emeralds.8. Hat - 帽子A shaped covering for the head, typically with a brim and a crown.9. Ice cream - 冰淇淋A sweet, creamy frozen food made from various ingredients such as milk, cream, sugar, and flavorings.10. Juice - 果汁The liquid obtained from or present in fruit or vegetables.11. Kangaroo - 袋鼠A large herbivorous marsupial with a long powerful tail and strongly developed hindlimbs that enable it to travel by leaping.12. Lemon - 柠檬A pale yellow oval citrus fruit with thick skin and fragrant, acidic juice.13. Monkey - 猴子A small to medium-sized primate that typically has a long tail, most kinds of which live in trees in tropical countries.14. Notebook - 笔记本A book with blank pages for recording notes or other information.15. Orange - 橙子A large round juicy citrus fruit with a tough bright reddish-yellow rind.16. Penguin - 企鹅A flightless seabird of the southern hemisphere, with white underparts and a black back and wings.17. Queen - 女王The female ruler of an independent state, especially one who inherits the position by right of birth.18. Rabbit - 兔子A burrowing, plant-eating mammal with long ears, long hind legs, and a short tail.19. Strawberry - 草莓A sweet soft red fruit with a seed-studded surface.20. Tiger - 老虎A large carnivorous cat that lives in forests and is known for its distinctive orange fur with black stripes.21. Umbrella - 雨伞A folding protective device consisting of a canopy supported by a central rod, used to keep off rain or sunlight.22. Vegetable - 蔬菜A plant or its edible part used in cooking, such as the roots, stems, leaves, or fruits of certain plants.23. Watermelon - 西瓜A large, round fruit with a green skin and red, watery flesh, typically sweet and juicy.24. Xylophone - 木琴A musical instrument with bars of wood of different lengths that are struck with mallets to produce a resonant, pitched sound.25. Yogurt - 酸奶A dairy product made by bacterial fermentation of milk, typically containing live cultures of the bacteria Lactobacillus.26. Zebra - 斑马A large African mammal with a striped body and a long, straight neck, typically living in herds and having a horse-like appearance.27. Arrow - 箭A long, straight stick or rod with a point at one end and a handle or nock at the other, used for propelling a projectile.28. Basket - 篮子A container made of woven strips of material, straw, or other flexible material, typically having a handle and used for carrying or storing objects.29. Castle - 城堡A large building, typically of the medieval period, fortified against attack with thick walls, battlements, towers, and in many cases a moat.30. Daisy - DaisyA common name for a number of plants belonging to the aster family, typically having white or yellow flowers with a yellow center.31. Dragon - 龙A mythical creature often depicted as a large, fire-breathing, reptilian monster with scales, legs like those of a quadruped, and a long, serpentine body.32. Ear - 耳朵The exposed part of the organ of hearing on the side of the head, consisting of the outer, middle, and inner parts.33. Feather - 羽毛One of the flat, stiff appendages growing from a bird's skin, typically covering the body and used for flight.34. Garden - 花园An area of ground adjoining a house, in which grass, flowers and shrubs are kept.35. Hatchet - 手斧A small ax with a short handle, used for cutting small branches or chopping wood.36. Heart - 心脏The main organ of the circulatory system, responsible for pumping blood around the body.37. Iceberg - 冰山A large mass of ice floating in the sea, left after a glacier has melted or broken off from a glacier.38. Jellyfish - 水母A marine coelenterate with a gelatinous bell or saucer shaped body that is typically transparent and has stinging tentacles around the edge.39. Key - 钥匙A tool or device for opening or closing a lock.40. Lily - 百合A plant of the lily family, typically having a graceful stem with a cluster of large, showy flowers at the top.41. Moth - 蛾A nocturnal insect with soft, hairy bodies and usually transparent wings, known for their role in caterpillar transformation.42. Night - 夜晚The period of darkness between sunset and sunrise.43. Oak - 橡树A tree with a thick, sturdy trunk and lobed leaves, known for its strong wood and shade.44. Oil - 油A viscous fluid obtained from plants or animals, often used for cooking or engine lubrication.45. Pearl - 珍珠A round, solid object formed within a mollusk or oyster, typically white or black, and valued as a gem.46. Phone - 电话An electronic device used for communication, allowing voice calls, text messaging, and other services.47. Piano - 钢琴A musical instrument with a flat keyboard and strings that are struck with hammers to produce sound.48. Rainbow - 彩虹A natural spectrum of light colors that appears in the sky after rain, formed by the refraction of sunlight through water droplets.49. Rose - 玫瑰A flower with fragrant petals, often red or pink, and thorns on the stem, widely used in gardening and as a symbol of love.50. Satellite - 卫星An artificial object that orbits a planet or moon, used for communication, navigation, or scientific research.这些词汇是英语学习中的基础单词,掌握了这些词汇,可以帮助学生建立起对英语单词的基本理解和应用能力。

Words and Expressions in Each Unit 各单元词汇表Unit 1Topic 1 I’m going to play basketball.during在……期间against对着;反对team队;组win 获胜;赢得cheer加油;欢呼;喝彩..欢呼声;喝彩声cheer … on 为……加油practice 练习;实践prefer 更喜欢;宁愿选择row划船..一排;一行quite相当;很;十分join加入;参加;连接skate溜冰;滑冰;滑滑板cycle 骑自行车..循环;周期tennis网球table tennis 乒乓球player运动员;比赛者;选手dream 梦想;梦..做梦grow成长;生长;发育;种植;变成grow up 长大成人;成长scientist科学家future 将来in the future 今后musician乐手;音乐家;乐师pilot 飞行员;驾驶员policeman 男警察policewoman女警察postman邮递员;邮差fisherman 渔民;钓鱼的人jump跳跃spend花费金钱、时间等;度过exercise 锻炼;练习baseball 棒球weekend 周末part 部分;一些;片段take part in 参加;加入be good at …擅长于……的;精通的health健康;保健popular流行的;大众的;受欢迎的all over 到处;遍及world世界;地球heart 心脏;心lung 肺;肺脏the day after tomorrow 后天healthy健康的;健壮的fit健康的;适合的..使适合;安装keep fit 保持健康supper 晚饭;晚餐relax使放松;轻松famous着名的teammate 队友excited 激动的;兴奋的bad令人不愉快的;坏的leave离开;把……留下;剩下..假期;休假leave for动身去某地pity遗憾;可惜;同情;怜悯Topic 2 We should learn teamwork. ill有病的;不健康的fall ill 患病;病倒mind介意;关心..思想;想法kick 踢;踹;踢脚pass传球;传递;经过;推移;及格give sb. a hand 帮某人一个忙do well in 在某方面做得好certainly 确定;肯定somewhere 在某处throw扔;投;掷shout at sb. 斥责某人;对某人大声说fight争论;打仗架do one’s best 尽某人最大努力teamwork 协同工作;配合angry 发怒的;愤怒的;生气的be angry with 对……生气talk about 谈论;讨论nothing 无关紧要的东西;没有什么finish 完成;做完..最后部分;结尾;结局grandfather 外祖父;爷爷;外公invent 发明;创造inventor 发明者;发明家;创造者court 球场;运动场;法庭outdoors 在户外;在野外..郊野;露天century 世纪;百年at first 起初;起先indoor 室内的become 变得;变成into 进入;到……里面come into being 形成;产生goal 目标;进球得分;射门through 穿过;贯穿side 一边;一侧;一旁;侧面basket 篮球运动的篮;篮子follow 遵守规则;跟随;效仿;跟得上example 例子;实例;样品for example 例如;举例hold 抓住;举办;保持;包含skill 技艺;技能as 作为;当作than 用以引出比较的第二部分比score得分;进球lover 爱好者;热爱者cricket 板球运动main 主要的;最重要的person 人;个人hero 英雄;豪杰grass 草坪;草地point 得分;观点;要点..用手指头或物体指hit 击球;碰撞bat 棒球;球拍;蝙蝠Topic 3 The school sports meet is coming.exciting令人激动的;使人兴奋的relay race 接力赛shall ……好吗要不要……message 信息;消息theater 剧场;戏院line 线;线条;线路modern 现代的Olympics 奥林匹克运动会motto 箴言;格言Olympic 奥林匹克运动会的ring环形物如环;圈;戒指等;铃声..打;钟、铃等响symbol 象征;标志stand 站立;位于;忍受;承受stand for 代表;象征least 最少;最少量..最少的;程度最轻的at least 至少;不少于nowadays 现今;现在compete 竞争;对抗chance机会;机遇host 主办国或城市、机构;主人..举办;主办;做主人招待beginning 开头;开端whether 是否gold 金;金子..金色的medal 奖章;勋章badly 差;很;非常;严重的able能够;有能力Review of Unit 1really答语时表示感兴趣或惊讶..真正地cup 杯子;杯another 另一事物或人break使破;碎;打破记录freestyle 自由泳swimmer 会游泳者record 记录;唱片..记载successful获得成功的male 男性的;男的Jamaican 牙买加人的widely 普遍的;广泛的regard 将……认为;把……视为Unit 2Topic 1 You should see a dentist. toothache牙疼hear听见;听到dentist 牙科医生backache 背疼headache 头疼suggest 建议;提议fever 发烧;发热cough 咳嗽stomachache胃疼have a cold 患感冒coffee 咖啡tea 茶;茶叶enough足够的;充分的..足够boil 沸腾;烧开lift举起;抬起;云、烟等消散..英电梯hey 引起注意或表示兴趣、惊讶或生气嘿;喂feel觉得;感到terrible糟糕的;可怕的flu 流行性感冒medicine药sore 发炎疼痛的;酸痛的suggestion建议;提议day and night 日日夜夜candy糖果brush 刷;擦..刷子tooth牙齿lie躺;平躺lie down 躺下while当……时候;而;然而..一段时间;一会儿skateboard 滑板cry叫喊;叫声..哭;喊叫taxi出租车X-ray X光照片;X射线serious严重的;严肃的;认真的pill 药丸;药片care照顾;照看;小心;谨慎..关心;关怀;关注;在意take care of 关心;照顾sincerely 真诚地;诚实地still 仍然;还是fruit 水果;果实;结果worry担心;担忧worry about 担心;烦恼advice忠告;劝告;建议Topic 2 I must ask him to give up smoking.tired疲倦的;疲劳的cause 使发生;引起;导致..原因;起因litter 废弃物;垃圾..乱丢垃圾dustbin 垃圾桶fingernail 指甲meal 一餐饭without没有;缺乏;不和……在一起article 文章;物品;冠词smoke吸烟;冒烟..烟even甚至;即使cancer 癌;癌症necessary必要的;必需的active活跃的;积极的tomato西红柿;番茄cabbage 卷心菜;洋白菜staple 主食wheat 小麦salt 盐;食盐sugar食糖illness 病;疾病weak 虚弱的;无力的cream 奶油;乳脂ice cream冰淇淋force强迫;迫使childhood 童年;幼年plate 盘子;碟子;一盘mad疯的taste 尝;品;吃..味道surprise使惊奇;使诧异..惊奇;惊讶watermelon西瓜potato土豆;马铃薯potato chips 薯条sandwich三明治夹心面包片strawberry 草莓beef牛肉biscuit 饼干such这样的;那样的;类似的etc. 等等;以及其他fact 事实;真相;现实in fact 事实上;实际上unhealthy 不健康的chemical 化学品cigarette 香烟;纸烟body身体disease 病;疾病harm 危害;伤害;损害smoker 吸烟者second-hand 二手的;旧的risk危险;风险..使冒……的风险possible可能;能做到as … as possible 尽量……地Topic 3 Must we exercise to prevent the flujournalist 记者;新闻工作者question问题..询问go ahead 尤指经某人允许开始;开始做;走在前面prevent 阻止;阻碍;阻挠build增强;建筑;建造build sb up 增强……的体质all the time 一直finally最后;最终;终于crowded 拥挤的throat 咽喉;喉咙Internet 互联网;因特网themselves他/她/它们自己habit 习惯fat肥的;肥胖的..脂肪happen发生;出现first aid 急救happiness 愉快;幸福on the other hand 另一方面unhappy 不高兴的;伤心的stretch 伸展;舒展equipment 设备;器材instead 代替;反而instead of 代替choose 选择;挑选energy 精力;活力;干劲Review of Units 1-2cooker 厨灶;炉具itself它自己herself她自己off离开advise建议;劝告kill杀死carefully 小心地;慎重地;仔细地religious 宗教信仰的except除……之外war战争;战争状态athlete 运动员oneself 自己;自身;亲自grandmother 外祖母;奶奶;外婆Unit 3Topic 1 What’s your hobby hobby 业余爱好;嗜好recite 背诵;朗诵poem 诗;韵文maybe 可能;或许;也许be interested in 对……感兴趣fond 喜爱的;爱好的be fond of 喜欢pet 宠物;宠儿;宝贝collect收集;搜集plant 种植;播种..植物collection 收藏品;收集物doll 玩偶;玩具娃娃coin硬币hate厌恶;讨厌;仇恨pop音乐、艺术等大众的;通俗的scrapbook 剪贴薄friendship友谊;友好;友情funny滑稽的;好笑的stupid愚蠢的;笨的ugly 丑陋的;难看的background背景paper纸;纸张scissors剪刀glue 胶;胶水..用胶水粘合;粘帖cut剪;切;割..伤口;开口stick粘帖;粘住lazy 懒惰的title 题目;标题passage章节;段落introduction 介绍;引进everyday日常的;每日的snake蛇provide 提供;给予owner 主人;物主comfort 安慰;舒服..抚慰pig 猪;贪婪的人bath 洗澡;浴室;浴盆pond 池塘dirty 肮脏的;污秽的unfriendly 不友好的;有敌意的Topic 2 What sweet musicconcert音乐会;演奏会What a pity 真遗憾;真可惜hmm 表示有疑问或犹豫时发出的声音呣;嗯;唔lend 借给;借出singer 歌手;歌唱家violin小提琴drum 鼓instrument乐器;工具hip hop 嬉蹦乐节奏强烈;说唱形式的一种流行伴舞音乐folk 民俗的;民间的classical 古典的;传统的rock摇滚乐;岩石;大石块jazz 爵士音乐;爵士舞曲quickly 迅速地;很快地age年龄;时代;日期wonder 奇才;奇迹;惊奇..想知道;感到惊讶composer 作曲家;创作家note 音符;笔记;记录;注释papa 儿语爸爸press 按;压;挤;推smile微笑;笑..笑容amazing 令人惊奇的understand 理解;懂peace 宁静;平静;和平culture 文化;文明Topic 3 What were you doing at this time yesterdayanswer答复;回答..答案shower 淋浴take a shower 洗淋浴serve端上饭菜;接待;服务chat 聊天;闲聊news 消息;新闻museum 博物馆roast 烤的;烤肉等duck 鸭子agree同意;应允so-so 一般;不怎么样;凑合pleasant 令人愉快的;舒适的agree with sb. 同意某人的看法;与某人看法一致brave勇敢的useful有用的;有益的match 火柴;比赛;竞赛..将……配对dark黑暗的;暗色的..黑暗;暗处voice 噪音;说话声in a low voice 低声地说sell卖出……;出售;转让hungry 饥饿的beat打;打击;在比赛中打败某人burn燃烧;烧毁stove 炉子;火炉goose 鹅disappear 消失;灭绝flame 火焰;火舌dead死的wake醒来;弄醒;唤醒wake up 醒来;唤醒happily 快乐地;高兴地;幸福地holy 神圣的however然而;不管怎样solve解决问题factory工厂closed 关闭的pray 祈祷;祈求Review of Unit 3make faces 做鬼脸laugh笑;大笑;发笑Unit 4Topic 1 Which do you like better;plants or animalssky天;天空river河;江clear清澈的;明白清楚地;明显的;晴朗的..移走;清除beauty 美丽;美人nature自然;性质horse马sheep绵羊;驯服者hen母鸡cow母牛;奶牛thin瘦的;薄的;稀的rose玫瑰花rainforest 热带雨林thick茂密的;厚的;浓的forest森林ground地;地面wet湿的;潮湿的cover覆盖;遮盖;掩盖..盖子;罩earth地球;土;泥;大地surface表面thousands of 成千上万;几千nowhere 无处;哪里都不control控制climate 气候die死;死亡die out 灭绝;消失wood木头;木材;树木;森林protect保护southwest 西南feed喂养;饲养feed on 以……为食bamboo竹less与不可数名词连用较少的;更少的less and less 越来越少land陆地;土地..登岸陆;降落whale 鲸sea海;海洋ocean 海洋south南部;南方;南风;南..南方的;向南的;从南来的..在南方;向南方;自南方in danger 处在危险状态fur 毛皮;皮子bone 骨头;骨质feature 特征;特点;特色Topic 2 How can we protect ourselves from the earthquake earthquake地震strike 侵袭;爆发;撞;撞击province 省份;某些国家的一级行政区missing失踪的;找不到的;丢失的;缺少的mobile可移动的phone ;机fire失火;火灾;火rainstorm 暴风雨snowstorm 暴雪level级别;水平;程度sad难过的;悲哀的calm 镇静的;沉着的typhoon 台风flood 洪水;水灾drought 旱灾;久旱downstairs 往楼下;去楼下middle中间;中央;中心indoors 在室内doorway 出入口;门道furniture 家具power 电源线;输电线shake 摇动;使颤动;抖掉shock 剧烈震动..使震惊aftershock 地震后的余震check 查看;核实;检查gas 气体燃料;气体million 百万whole 整体的;全部的..整个;整体nation 国家;民族rebuild 重建;重组;使复原normal 正常的;一般的appear出现;看来;好像injured 受伤的;有伤的send派遣;打发;安排去army军队Topic 3 The Internet makes the world smallercheap便宜的;廉价的online在线;联网..在线的;联网的language语言information资料;信息face to face 面对面headmaster 尤指私立学校的校长Mars 火星pizza 比萨饼website网站;网址reporter 记者perfect完美的;最佳的safely 安全地true确实的;真的;真正的cheat 欺骗;作弊correct正确的;恰当的..改正;纠正;修正search搜索;搜查result结果;后果;成绩;得分grammar语法dictionary字典;词典improve 改进;改善look up 查阅expensive昂贵的;花钱多的Review of Units 3-4redwood 红杉;红木pleasure快乐;愉快;满意knowledge知识;学问lose oneself in …沉迷于……;专心致志于……lake湖;湖泊drop滴;水滴tear 眼泪;泪水..撕裂;撕碎。
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16、fill→(充满得) full→(空得)empty
17、serve→(名词:接待;服务)service→(仆人) servant
1、在将来;在未来:in the future
2、参与(某事):play apart
3、在太空;宇宙空间站:space station
9、finally→(最后得)final→(近义短语) atlast/inthe end
10、salt→(咸得) salty
12、piece→(同义词)slice→(同音异义词) peace
20、________(n、& v、)摇动;抖动
2、词汇过关ere weremore treesontheearth,therewouldbeless p______、
2、I want to write a letter、Please pass mesome p_______、
3、R________can doalotofworkinthe factories、
2、prediction→(动词:预言;预测) predict
3、peace→(与平得) peaceful
5、disagree→(反义词:同意;赞成)agree→(名词:不同意) disagreement
6、possible→(可能地) possibly→(不可能得)impossible→(不可能地) impossibly
8、turn on→(关上) turnoff→(调大) turn up→(调小)turndown
12、用……装满……:fill …with…
13、把……盖在……上面:cover… with…
15、切碎:cut up
16、把……放入……:put …into…
1、People will________ _____200 years old、人们将活到200岁。
2、—Willpeople usemoney_______ ____?100年后人们还使用纸币吗?
5、How do you makea____ __________?您怎样制作香蕉奶昔?
6、__________yogurt dowe need?我们需要多少酸奶?
7、First,______ somebutter_______a pieceofbread、首先,在面包上放些黄油。
8、Do youlike___________ a sandwich?您喜欢在三明治里面放生菜吗?
4、多次;反复地:overand overagain
5、许多;大量:hundreds of
7、突然倒下;跌倒;倒塌:fall down
10、接通(电流、煤气、水等);打开:turn on
11、把……加到……里面:add …to
4、A_______fiveto six,andyou’ll get eleven、
5、Beforeplanting a tree,youhave to d________ahole、
6、It’s our dutyto try to improveour e________、
—No,____ ____、Everything____ ____free、不,一切将就是免费得。
3、Citieswillbe _________、And there willbe _____ _____、城市将更加拥挤,树木更加稀少。
4、Somescientistsbelievethat_________ _____more robots in thefuture、一些科学家相信将来会有更多得机器人。
32、________(v、) (使)混合;融合