关于SPIN工具 的 使用说明



3.3 文件操作 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …………………16 3.4 结构绘制 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …………………17 3.5 选择/移动/转动 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …………..20 3.6 编辑 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ………….22 3.7 缩放 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ……………….22 3.8 额外特点 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …………………..22 3.9 色彩设置 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ……………23



实验报告实验题目:基于SPIN的LTL模型检测课程名:形式化方法*名:***学号:***************一、SPIN概述SPIN是由贝尔实验室形式化方法与验证小组用ANSI C开发,可以在所有UNIX操作系统版本使用,也可以在安装了Linux、Windows95以上版本等操作系统中使用,适合于分布式并发系统,尤其是协议一致性的辅助分析检测工具。





二、SPIN的安装2.1安装CygwinCygwin是一个在windows平台上运行的类UNIX模拟环境,我们可以通过这个软件在windows 系统上模拟简单的unix环境。

(1)首先从官网/,下载Cygwin安装包,选择64位windows系统(2)打开软件安装包setup-x86_64.exe,界面如下:(3)选择install from Internet,下一步(4)选择安装路径(5)选择模拟的Unix环境在系统中的路径(6)选择Use Internet Explorer Proxy Setting,根据自己的网络链接状态选择(7)选择镜像,最好是选国内的,以.cn结尾或者含有.cn的,国外镜像下载速度只有几K,所以可以不用尝试。




针对影响.后果. 暗示
难点型问题(P) 内含型问题(I)
隐含需求 明确需求
产品服务: 搞新产品开发项目 买方: 产品开发部副总裁 会谈目标: 确认他同意,我们帮助其公司开发新产品项目
买方年难题(我们可以解决的): 内含(使内含问题更加紧急):
• N 需要回报的问题

( Need-pay off Question)
收集事实、信息 及其背景数据
情况型问题(S) 难点型问题(P)
内含型问题(I) 需求回报型问题(N)
隐含需求 明确需求
情况型问题 Situation Question
买方:在保证产品质量和提高职工待遇的前提下,我们一直致力于 追求生产效益最大化,因此在控制物料和人工的成本方面着实下了 一番功夫,确实取得了一定的效益,但在控制电费的支出上,我们 还是束手无策。
买方:是的,尤其是每年的6、7、8三个月的电费高得惊人,我们 实在想不出还有什么可以省电的办法啦。事实上那几个月我们的负 荷也并不比平时增加多少。
卖方:从你所说的我可以看出,你们对既能节约电费又能稳定电压 的解决办法最为欢迎,是吗?(需求-效益问题)
买方:是的,这对我们来说至关重要,我们非常需要解决电费惊人 和电压不稳的问题,这样不仅使我们降低成本增加效益,而且还可 以减少事故发生频率,延长设备的使用寿命,使我们的生产正常运 行。(明确需求)

FastDNA SPIN Kit for Soil中文说明书

FastDNA SPIN Kit for Soil中文说明书

FastDNA SPIN Kit for Soil中文说明书简介FastDNA ®SPIN Kit for Soil的目的是从土壤样品中提取基因组DNA 供PCR使用。



该试剂盒包括三个部分:1.裂解Lysing Matrix E tubes中含有的陶瓷和硅粒子,旨在有效地溶解所有不同来源的微生物,包括真细菌孢子和芽孢,革兰氏阳性菌,酵母菌,藻类,线虫和真菌。

2.均质化试剂MT Buffer和Sodium Phosphate Buffer都经过精心挑选和准备,使完整的样本同质化和蛋白增溶。


3.DNA纯化和洗脱试剂GENECLEAN ®过程是他们用来纯化基因组DNA。


* Binding Matrix悬浮* SEWS-M(盐乙醇洗,用前加100ml乙醇)* DES(DNA洗脱液超纯水)试验方案样品处理:1.添加500毫克的土壤到Lysing Matrix E Tube。

由于FastPrep ®仪器的移动,在管内看到大量的聚集。

相同Lysing Matrix不应超过管的体积的7 / 8。


[见注1]裂解:加入978μl Sodium Phosphate Buffer 和122μl MT Buffer。

[见注1]2.在FastPrep ®仪器中混匀40秒的速度6.0。

3.14000 XG离心Lysing Matrix E Tubes 5-10分钟。



5.14000 XG离心5分钟沉淀沉淀。


























简明社交恐惧量表 (SPIN)

简明社交恐惧量表 (SPIN)

简明社交恐惧量表 (SPIN)
简明社交恐惧量表(Social Phobia Inventory,SPIN)是一种常




1. 在社交场合中,你是否害怕自己会出丑或被人嘲笑?
2. 在人们看着你时,你是否感到紧张或尴尬?
3. 你是否害怕在公共场合说话,或说话时会结巴或使用错误的




























SPIN(Situation, Problem, Implication, Need-payoff)是一种广泛应用的发问技巧,可以帮助采访者更好地了解被采访者的情况、问题、影响和需求,以下是一些使用SPIN技巧的方法和示例。

1. 技巧一:情景问题(Situation Questions)情景问题用于获取详细的情况描述,帮助采访者了解被采访者所在的环境和背景。


示例问题:-您能给我描述一下您所在的公司/组织的背景和规模吗?-在你面临的挑战中,你是如何定义成功的?2. 技巧二:问题问题(Problem Questions)问题问题用于识别和确认被采访者所面临的问题或挑战。


示例问题:-您最近面临过什么问题吗?-您在处理这个问题时遇到了什么障碍?3. 技巧三:影响问题(Implication Questions)影响问题用于了解问题对被采访者的影响。


示例问题:-这个问题对您的业务/团队/组织有什么潜在的影响?-如果这个问题得不到解决,您将会失去什么?4. 技巧四:需求回报问题(Need-payoff Questions)需求回报问题通过引导被采访者关注解决问题所带来的好处和收益,帮助采访者了解被采访者对解决问题的需求。




SPIN 销售法:系统化挖掘客户需求的销售工具

SPIN 销售法:系统化挖掘客户需求的销售工具

SPIN销售法—系统化挖掘客户需求的销售工具1. 概念含义 (3)1.1. 来源与发展 (3)1.2. 定义 (3)1.3. 优势体现 (4)2. 内容分析 (4)2.1. 流程步骤 (4)2.1.1. 背景问题(Situation Question) (4)2.1.2. (二)难点问题(problem questions) (5)2.1.3. 暗示问题(implication questions) (6)2.1.4. 需求——效益问题(need-payoff questions) (7)2.2. 掌握SPIN的诀窍 (8)2.3. 熟练掌握提问沟通的原则 (9)2.4. 影响购买决策的五种人 (9)2.4.1. 决策人 (10)2.4.2. 财务人员 (10)2.4.3. 支持人员 (10)2.4.4. 技术人员 (11)2.4.5. 产品使用者 (11)3. 作用意义 (12)4. 实例分析 (12)4.1. 案例:典型例子SPIN销售法技巧 (12)5. 相关工具 (14)5.1. 九格愿景构筑模型 (14)5.1.1. 来源 (14)5.1.2. 结构 (15)5.1.3. 分析应用 (15)6. 参考书目 (18)1.概念含义1.1. 来源与发展SPIN销售法是美国Huthwaite公司的销售咨询专家尼尔·雷克汉姆(Neil Rackham)与其研究小组分析了35000多个销售实例,与10000多名销售人员一起到各地进行工作,观察他们在销售会谈中的实际行为,研究了l16个可以对销售行为产生影响的因素和27个销售效率很高的国家,耗资100万美元,历时12年,于1988年正式对外公布。



自动模型检测—模型检测工具SPIN安装使用 .概要

自动模型检测—模型检测工具SPIN安装使用 .概要

1 SPIN 概述1.1 SPIN的历史背景SPIN(Simple Promela Interpreter)是适合于并行系统,尤其是协议一致性的辅助分析检测工具,由贝尔实验室的形式化方法与验证小组于1980年开始开发的pan就是现在SPIN的前身。


1995年偏序简约和线性时序逻辑转换的引入使得SPIN 的功能进一步扩大。



NASA 使用SPIN检测早在1996年火星探测者所存在的错误,结果发现一些错误是可以在发射之前就可以被改正的。


Lucent公司也发现了SPIN 的优点,PathStar Access Server是受益于Holzmann(SPIN开发者)的工作的第一个Lucent 产品,Holzmann用SPIN 检测了5ESS Switch的新版本代码,这个软件现在用于Lucent的灵活性部分来改善软件测试的过程。

SPIN良好的算法设计和非凡的检测能力得到了ACM(Association for Computing Machinery)(世界最早的专业计算机协会)的认可,在2001年授予SPIN的开发者Holzmann享有声望的软件系统奖[获奖名单/awards/ssaward.html](Software Systems Award)(其它获得该奖的还有Unix,TCP/IP,Tcl/Tk,Java,WWW等)。

Holzmann由此成为继Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie(UNIX的开发者)和John M. Chambers (S系统的开发者)之后又一个获得此项殊荣的贝尔人。




以下是关于SPIN高级销售技术的详细介绍:一、SPIN模型介绍SPIN模型是一种销售工具,全称为状况、问题、影响和需求(Situation, Problem, Implication, Need)。
















关于SPIN工具 的 使用说明

关于SPIN工具 的 使用说明

SPINOverview of this File1Downloading Spin2Installing Spin3Related software (gcc, cpp, tcl/tk wish, yacc, dot, etch, jspin, erigone, spinja, ltl2ba)0. OverviewThis readme file contains the guidelines for downloading and installing Spin and related software on Unix/Linux and Windows platforms. Refer to Spin's homepage for a general description of Spin, with pointers to manual pages, newsletters.Spin is distributed in source form to encourage research in formal verification, and to help a support friendly and open exchange of algorithms, ideas, and tools. The software itself has a copyright from Lucent Technologies and Bell Laboratories, and is distributed for research and educational purposes only (i.e., no guarantee of any kind is implied by the distribution of the code, and all rights are reserved by the copyright holder). For this general use of Spin, no license is required.Commercial application of the Spin software is also allowed, butrequires the acceptance of a basic license. Refer to the Spin Public license for details.1. Downloading SpinSpin runs on Unix, Solaris, and Linux machines, on most flavors of Windows PCs, and on Macs. Precompiled binary executables for some popular types of machines are available in the Spin Binaries.All binaries have an extension that matches the Spin version number, such as spin610.exe. To install the binary, rename it to spin.exe and copy it into your bin directory.If you have machine type that is not available there, or if you are installing Spin for the first time, then follow the more detailed instructions below.∙Unix systems:download the most recent .tar-file with sources, the graphical interface iSpin, documentation and examples from the Spin Distribution, and continue at Step 2a.∙∙PCs (Windows95/98/2000/NT/XP):download the most recent pc_spin*.zip file, with a precompiled Spin executable, the graphical interface iSpin, and some examples from the Spin Distribution, and continue at Step 2b.∙∙Macs (Mac OS X):download the most recent .tar-file with sources, from the Spin Distribution, and continue at Step 2c.2. Installing Spin∙Unix/Linux systems (compiled from the sources)∙Windows PC's (using the executable)∙Macs (compiled from the sources, with some patches)2a. Installing Spin on a Unix/Linux SystemPlace the *.tar.gz file from the Spin Source Distribution in clean directory, and cd to that directory. If you have a standard Unix/Linux system, unpack the archive, and compile an executable, for instance as follows:gunzip *.tar.gztar -xf *.tarcd Src*makeIf you are on a SOLARIS system, edit the makefile and add -DSOLARIS to the compiler directives in the makefile before you type 'make'.Similarly, if you use a different C compiler than defined in the makefile, edit the makefile first. You need to have at least a C compiler and a copy of yacc.If all else fails, you can also compile everything with the following line:yacc -v -d spin.y; cc -o spin *.cSpin should compile without warnings. Install the executable version of spin in a directory that is within your default search path (such as your home bin directory, or /usr/local/bin etc.) On Unix/Linux systems Spin assumes that the standard C preprocessor cpp is stored in file "/lib/cpp". On some systems this is different: check the comments in the makefile for details if you run into this problem.TestingTo test the basic sanity of the Spin executable, cd to the Test directory that was created when you unpacked the source archive, and follow the instructions in README.tests file that is included there.Adding iSpin (Unix/Linux)iSpin is an optional, but highly recommended, graphical user interface to Spin, written in Tcl/Tk. To obtain Tcl/Tk, seeRelated software. The iSpin source can be found the iSpin/ subdirectory that will is created when you unpack the source tarfile.iSpin is compatible with Tcl/Tk version 8.4 and 8.5.iSpin prints the version numbers of Spin, iSpin, and Tcl/Tk when it starts up. You can also check separately which version of Tcl/Tk you have installed by executing the following commands in `wish' (a Tcl/Tk command):info tclversionputs $tk_versionYou can find out which version of Spin you have by typing, ata shell command prompt:$ spin -VSpin and iSpin need a working version of a C compiler installed on your system.iSpin can also make use the graph layout program 'dot' if it is available on your system. For information on 'dot,' see Related software.To install iSpin run the iSpin/install.sh script (after possibly editing it).invoke the program by typingispinorispin promela_specFor example:ispin iSpin/examples/leader.pmlCheck the online Help menus in ispin for more details on routine use.2b. Installing Spin on a Windows PCIf you just need to update the Spin executable itself, downloada new version from /spin/Bin/index.htmlIf you need more files, e.g. a new copy of iSpin, download the latest pc_spin*.zip file from /spin/Src/index.html Extract the files from pc_spin*.zip, and copy spin*.exe, renamed spin.exe, into the directory where all your commands reside and that is within your default search path (e.g., c:/cygwin/bin/, or c:\apps\spin\) You can find out what your search path is set to by typing 'set' at an MS-DOS prompt -- this prints a listof all defined variables in your environment, including the search path that is used to find executable commands. (Note that you may need to set the search path in the environment variables)If you use Spin from the command line (i.e., without iSpin), be warned that some command shells, e.g., the MKS Korn-shell, have none-standard rules for argument parsing (i.e., you can not reliably quote an argument that contains spaces, such as an LTL formula). In most cases this will not be much of a problem, except with the conversion of LTL formula with the spin -f option. Use single-quotes when needed, e.g.: spin -f '[]<>p' You can circumvent the problem by using inline LTL formula, which are supported in Spin version 6, or by using sping option -F instead of -f, to read the formula from a file instead of the command line. To run Spin, also with the precompiled version, you need a working C-compiler and a C-preprocessor, because Spin generates its model checking software as C-source files that require compilation before a verification can be performed. This guarantees fast model checking, because each model checker can be optimized to the specific model being checked. Check, for instance, if you can compile and run a minimal C program succesfully, e.g.:#include <stdio.h>int main(void) { printf("hello\n"); }To find a public version of a C compiler and some instructions on how to install it see Related software.Adding iSpin (PC)To run iSpin on a PC, you need the PC version of Tcl/Tk, which you can find under Related software.The ispin*.tcl source is contained in the .zip file of the distribution. Copy the .tcl file as is into a directory where you plan to work, or put a shortcut to this file on the Desktop or in the Start Menu. If you keep the extension .tcl, make sure it is recognized as a 'wish' file by the system, so that ispin starts when you double click the ispin*.tcl script.Under cygwin, copy the ispin*.tcl file to /bin/ispin and make it executable You can now use ispin as a normal Unix-style command, and you can pass the name of a filename to it, for instance as: ispin leaderAn alternative is to start ispin from its source by invoking wish: wish -f ispin.tclor wish -f /bin/ispinAn even more indirect way to force ispin to startup is to first start `wish' from the Start Menu, under Programs, then select the larger window that comes up (the command window), and cd to the directory where you've stored the ispin tcl/tk source file. Then you can then start it up by typing:source ispin.tcl # or whatever else you've named thisand you should be up and running.The PC installation assumes that you have a command called "cpp.exe" or "gcc.exe" available (which comes with the gnu-c installation). "cpp" is the traditional name of the C preprocessor. Alternatively, ispin can also use the Visual C++ compiler, which is named cl.exe for preprocessing. To complicate your life somewhat, if you have a copy of the Borland C++ compiler installed, you'll notice that this cplusplus compiler was also named cpp.exe -- that's not the cpp you want. To avoid the name clash, you either have to edit the Spin source code to give it the full path name of the 'real' cpp.exe and recompile, or use Spin with the command-line option -Pxxxx where xxxx is the path for cpp.exe. Or better still (the current default) use gcc for both compilation and for preprocessing. Nothing much in Spin will work without access to a preprocessor. You can do a reasonable number of thingswithout a full-blown compiler though (like simulations). The C-compiler (e.g., gcc) is required for all verifications and for the automata views in iSpin.If iSpin cannot locate the gcc executable on your system, it will put up a warning message when it first starts up. On recent versions of cygwin gcc is actually a link from /bin/gcc to /bin/gcc-3 or /bin/gcc-4Depending on how the name changes, iSpin may not always recognize it. To fix this -- edit the iSpin source (it's tcl/tk text) and define CC asset CC c:/cygwin/bin/gcc-5or whatever the new name is.2c. Installing Spin on a MacCompile Spin from its sources, as described under 2a for Unix systems in general, while following the suggestions below, which were provided by Dominik Brettnacher, email: domi@saargate.de.The C preprocessor on Mac OS X cannot be found in /lib. Change the path in the makefile for the proper location (/usr/bin/cpp), and in addition also tell the Mac preprocessor to handle its input as "assembler-with-cpp." This can be done by adding a flag to cpp, for instance in the makefile by adding the directive-DCPP="\"gcc -E -x c -xassembler-with-cpp\""to the definition of CFLAGS.Adding iSpinOn the Mac, iSpin is known to work correctly with Tcl/Tk Aqua, which offers a self-contained binary distribution for the Mac.Use, for instance, "TclTkAquaStandalone", version 8.4.4 from .au/~steffen/tcltk/TclTkAqua/Some users reported that on a Mac iSpin by default places its temporary files into the root directory. This is nasty if you have admin privileges and probably leads to error messages if you don't. To prevent this, add a "cd" statement to iSpin (no arguments, just cd by itself on a line), as the first command executed. Place it, for instance, directly after the opening comments in the file. This makes iSpin use the home directory for these files.TclTk Aqua also provides the possibility to start a script when being run. For instance, to make iSpin start if you launch the TCL interpreter: move the ispin file into the "Wish Shell.app", as follows:chmod -R u+w Wish\ Shell.appmkdir Wish\ Shell.app/Contents/Resources/Scriptsmv ispin*.tcl Wish\ Shell.app/Contents/Resources/Scripts/AppMain.tcl3. Related SoftwareSome pointers to public domain versions of related software packages. Some (e.g, a C compiler) are required to run Spin, but most other packages are optional extensions or alternatives.GCC (needed)On Unix/Linux you probably have gcc, or an equivalent, installed. On the PC you need either a copy of Visual Studio Express (for the cl command), or an installation of gcc with minimally the executables: gcc.exe, and cpp.exe in your search path, together with all the standard C library routines and header files. You can get good free version of all these files with the cygwin toolkit, which is mostly self-installing and available from:/See also what's available in /spin/Bin/index.html.Tcl/Tk WishTo run iSpin you'll need Tcl/Tk. Tcl/Tk was written by JohnOusterhout (john.ousterhout@) and is public domain. It can be obtained (for PCs or Unix) from cygwin, or from: / or also (a more recent extension): /Products/ActiveTcl/More details can be found in netnews-group: ng.tcl Yacc (optional)To compile Spin itself from its sources on a PC, you'll need to have a copy of yacc installed. A public domain version fora PC can most easily be obtained from cygwin, or also from:ftp:///ucb/4bsd/byacc.tar.ZA copy of this file is also available in:/spin/Bin/index.html(You don't need yacc on the PC's if you use the pre-compiled version of Spin for the pc in the pc*.zip file from the distribution) Look at the file make_it.bat for an example on how to perform the compilation.Dot (optional)Dot is a graph layout tool developed by Stephen North and colleagues at AT&T (email: north@). iSpin can make use of dot to show a graph layout of the state-machines in the automata-view option (recommended!). To obtain Dot, see/The are both PC and Unix versions of dot available. For documentation of dot see, for instance:A technique for drawing directed graphs,by Gansner, Koutsofios, North and Vo,IEEE-TSE, March, 1993.If you accept the default installation on a PC, you will need to define the location of dot.exe in the ispin source as follows:set DOT "C:/Program\\ Files\ATT\Graphviz/bin/dot.exe"(the line that sets the location of DOT appears near the top of the ispin.tcl file).Etch (optional)Etch, short for Enhanced Type CHecker, can perform more thorough static checking than the default SPIN type checker, using type inference to reconstruct types of channels which can only be incompletely specified in Promela. The techniques are described in a SPIN 2005 tool demo paper.The Etch tool can be downloaded from:/etchTopSpin (optional)TopSpin is a symmetry reduction package for Spin, developed by Alastair Donaldson. It can be applied to a Promela model and, provided that the model adheres to some restrictions (detailed in a user manual) uses computational group theory to determine a group of component symmetries associated with the model. The tool can modify the model checking algorithm used by Spin to exploit the symmetries during verification, resulting in reduced memory use and in many cases also shorter verification time. The package can be downloaded from: /topspinJSpin (optional)jSpin, developed by Moti Ben-Ari, is an alternative to the iSpin GUI written in Java instead of Tcl/Tk. It is meant asa teaching aid. See:http://stwww.weizmann.ac.il/g-cs/benari/jspin/The jSpin tool can be configured for use on Linux and Macs, and can also run under Windows, with or without cygwininstalled (e.g., with mingw).The jSpin tool can be downloaded from GoogleCode:/p/jspin/Erigone (optional)Erigone, also developed by Moti Ben-Ari, is a reimplementation of a subset of Spin, meant for educational use. Erigone is written in Ada 2005 instead of C. See:http://stwww.weizmann.ac.il/g-cs/benari/erigone/Erigone can be downloaded from GoogleCode:/p/erigone/SpinJa (optional)SpinJa is reimplementation of a subset of Spin in Java, developed by Marc de Jonge at Twente University in The Netherlands. A more detailed description of SpinJa was presented at the 2010 Spin Workshop by Marc de Jonge and Theo Ruys. The tool can be downloaded from:/p/spinja/Ltl2Ba (optional)A faster method to generate very small never claims from LTLformulae, developed by Denis Oddoux and Paul Gastin is available online in source form:/spin/Src/ltl2ba.tar.gzThe latest version can be obtained from the authors website via:http://www.lsv.ens-cachan.fr/~gastin/ltl2ba/download.phpSee alsohttp://www.lsv.ens-cachan.fr/~gastin/ltl2ba/index.phpThe C source code can be linked with Spin, or run as a standalone tool.For an overview of related conversion tools see: http://spot.lip6.fr/wiki/LtlTranslationAlgorithmsSwarm (optional)See /swarm.。






























例如:您也是刚刚进入网络市场,如果因为价格等原因选择了一些小的平 台也没有得到赚钱。你也会对网络失去信心,别人会借这个机会超越你, 你也就失去一个在行业内稳步领先的机会。那张总,如果有人告诉您那个 平台你做推广的话100%包挣不赔,您信吗?但话又说回来有30万企业在 做的生意不挣钱 建立信任解决疑虑销售 五步法探寻现状 挖掘需求
找 到 探寻现状
激 发 挖掘需求
客户如 何赚钱
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激 发
客户赚 谁的钱
北京宜必思酒店 /
开发人: 马豫滇 部门: 客户发展I3部 版本: 1.0 开发时间(Month/Year): 1月2011年 更新时间(Month/Year):
1 2 3 4
探寻现状、挖掘需求工具--SPIN销售法 SPIN销售法案例和练习使用
也可以说引出牵连问题就是给客户制造困扰、制造痛苦。 提出牵连问题的目的有两个:让客户想象一下现有问题将 带来的后果,引发客户思考更多的问题。
A、让客户想象或者和客户一起分析现有问题将给客户公司运营上带来 的不良后果。客户只有意识到问题,知道会有不良后果时,才会觉得问 题需要解决,并且很急迫。
S: 询问现状问题
了解客户现状问题一般通过简单、封闭式提问来把握客户的情况。 用这样一些问题了解同时去引导客户发现现在存在的问多长时间?等等








二、Spin的用法1. 增强原创性当我们需要快速生成大量原创内容时,传统的平均随机生成方法可能会导致文章质量下降和重复率升高。



2. 提高可读性在内容创作中,我们追求的不仅是文章原创性,还要保证可读性和吸引力。



三、Spin的搭配方法1. 人工编辑虽然Spin技术可以自动实现词汇替换和句子结构改造等操作,但为了确保生成的文章质量达到预期目标,通常需要进行人工编辑。



2. 结合AI技术近年来,在自然语言处理领域取得巨大进展的AI技术在Spin中也扮演着重要角色。


自动模型检测—模型检测工具SPIN安装使用 .

自动模型检测—模型检测工具SPIN安装使用 .

1 SPIN 概述1.1 SPIN的历史背景SPIN(Simple Promela Interpreter)是适合于并行系统,尤其是协议一致性的辅助分析检测工具,由贝尔实验室的形式化方法与验证小组于1980年开始开发的pan就是现在SPIN的前身。


1995年偏序简约和线性时序逻辑转换的引入使得SPIN 的功能进一步扩大。



NASA 使用SPIN检测早在1996年火星探测者所存在的错误,结果发现一些错误是可以在发射之前就可以被改正的。


Lucent公司也发现了SPIN 的优点,PathStar Access Server是受益于Holzmann(SPIN开发者)的工作的第一个Lucent 产品,Holzmann用SPIN 检测了5ESS Switch的新版本代码,这个软件现在用于Lucent的灵活性部分来改善软件测试的过程。

SPIN良好的算法设计和非凡的检测能力得到了ACM(Association for Computing Machinery)(世界最早的专业计算机协会)的认可,在2001年授予SPIN的开发者Holzmann享有声望的软件系统奖[获奖名单/awards/ssaward.html](Software Systems Award)(其它获得该奖的还有Unix,TCP/IP,Tcl/Tk,Java,WWW等)。

Holzmann由此成为继Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie(UNIX的开发者)和John M. Chambers (S系统的开发者)之后又一个获得此项殊荣的贝尔人。



• • • • 这种方式在那些时候最有用? 廉价的产品,至少是不那么贵的产品。 小商品、卖服装…… 这个时候,双方交流的时间一般不超过10分钟,销售人员需要以特征 和利益抓住对方。 • 但在一些昂贵复杂的产品销售中,双方交流的时间为40分钟以上。特 征和利益如果连续陈述,会感觉重复且无法打动对方。
奥数强调非常规的数学思绪方式——特征 有利于孩子逻辑思绪能力的形成——利益
利益比优点更有意义 优点(A类利益) 定义:表明产品、服务或他们的特征如何使用或如何帮助客户。 利益(B类利益) 定义:表明产品或服务如何满足客户表达出来的明确需求。
示例: Sales: 我们的新设备上的电池容量是其他产品的两倍。——特征
多谈利益而不是特征 特征 利益 定义:描述事实、数据和产品的特点。 定义:表明产品或服务的特征如何使用、如何帮助客户,如何满足客 户的需求。
示例: 这款产品的主机上有两个把手。——特征 这款产品上的两个把手可以让你可以方便地移动主机。——利益
乔登美语和奇趣作文强调趣味性和师生互动。——特征 激发孩子的兴趣,寓教于乐——利益
背景问题(Situation Question)
孩子读那年级?能告诉我在那个学校吗? 学习情况如何?各科情况如何?在班级排名如何? 您住在那里? 和孩子的爷爷奶奶或外公外婆住在一起吗? 您和您爱人从事什么职业?工作加班多吗?有时间管小孩子吗?
如何提出难点问题? 什么时候问难点问 题? 咨询的初期 在你收集到足够的背景信息来做一个计划及取得 对方的信任后,可以讨论对方的难点,从而发现 暗示需求。



SPIN技巧的运用上一讲已经介绍过,SPIN提问式销售技巧实际上就是四种提问的方式:S就是Situation Questions,即询问客户的现状的问题;P就是Problem Questions,即了解客户现在所遇到的问题和困难;I代表Implication Questions,即暗示或牵连性问题,它能够引申出更多问题;N就是Need-Payoff Questions,即告诉客户关于价值的问题。


下面就重点介绍如何具体运用SPIN提问式销售技巧:询问现状问题1.目的现状问题就是Situation Questions。









发现困难问题1.目的困难问题就是Problem Questions,它的定位是询问客户现在的困难和不满的情况。









旋转按钮控件的Style属性主要有:Alignment //控件在伙伴窗⼀中的位置按钮:Right(右边)、Left(左边)、Unattached(不相⼀)。

Auto buddy //选中此项,⼀动选择⼀个Z-Order中的前⼀个窗⼀作为控件的伙伴窗⼀。

Set buddy integer //选中此项,使控件设置伙伴窗⼀数值,这个值可以是⼀进制或⼀六进制。

Arrow keys //选中此项,当按下向上和向下⼀向键时,也能增加或减少。


SetBuddy(CWnd* pWndBuddy) //设置Spin控件的伙伴窗⼀SetRange(int nLower,int nUpper) //设置Spin控件的上下限SetPos(int nPos) //设置Spin控件的当前位置SetAccel(int nAccel,UDACCEL* pAccel) //设置Spin控件加速度,GetAccel则为获取其加速度3、Spin控件的通知消息UDN_DELTAPOS //当Spin控件的当前数值要发⼀改变时向其⼀窗⼀发送的。



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SPINOverview of this File1Downloading Spin2Installing Spin3Related software (gcc, cpp, tcl/tk wish, yacc, dot, etch, jspin, erigone, spinja, ltl2ba)0. OverviewThis readme file contains the guidelines for downloading and installing Spin and related software on Unix/Linux and Windows platforms. Refer to Spin's homepage for a general description of Spin, with pointers to manual pages, newsletters.Spin is distributed in source form to encourage research in formal verification, and to help a support friendly and open exchange of algorithms, ideas, and tools. The software itself has a copyright from Lucent Technologies and Bell Laboratories, and is distributed for research and educational purposes only (i.e., no guarantee of any kind is implied by the distribution of the code, and all rights are reserved by the copyright holder). For this general use of Spin, no license is required.Commercial application of the Spin software is also allowed, butrequires the acceptance of a basic license. Refer to the Spin Public license for details.1. Downloading SpinSpin runs on Unix, Solaris, and Linux machines, on most flavors of Windows PCs, and on Macs. Precompiled binary executables for some popular types of machines are available in the Spin Binaries.All binaries have an extension that matches the Spin version number, such as spin610.exe. To install the binary, rename it to spin.exe and copy it into your bin directory.If you have machine type that is not available there, or if you are installing Spin for the first time, then follow the more detailed instructions below.∙Unix systems:download the most recent .tar-file with sources, the graphical interface iSpin, documentation and examples from the Spin Distribution, and continue at Step 2a.∙∙PCs (Windows95/98/2000/NT/XP):download the most recent pc_spin*.zip file, with a precompiled Spin executable, the graphical interface iSpin, and some examples from the Spin Distribution, and continue at Step 2b.∙∙Macs (Mac OS X):download the most recent .tar-file with sources, from the Spin Distribution, and continue at Step 2c.2. Installing Spin∙Unix/Linux systems (compiled from the sources)∙Windows PC's (using the executable)∙Macs (compiled from the sources, with some patches)2a. Installing Spin on a Unix/Linux SystemPlace the *.tar.gz file from the Spin Source Distribution in clean directory, and cd to that directory. If you have a standard Unix/Linux system, unpack the archive, and compile an executable, for instance as follows:gunzip *.tar.gztar -xf *.tarcd Src*makeIf you are on a SOLARIS system, edit the makefile and add -DSOLARIS to the compiler directives in the makefile before you type 'make'.Similarly, if you use a different C compiler than defined in the makefile, edit the makefile first. You need to have at least a C compiler and a copy of yacc.If all else fails, you can also compile everything with the following line:yacc -v -d spin.y; cc -o spin *.cSpin should compile without warnings. Install the executable version of spin in a directory that is within your default search path (such as your home bin directory, or /usr/local/bin etc.) On Unix/Linux systems Spin assumes that the standard C preprocessor cpp is stored in file "/lib/cpp". On some systems this is different: check the comments in the makefile for details if you run into this problem.TestingTo test the basic sanity of the Spin executable, cd to the Test directory that was created when you unpacked the source archive, and follow the instructions in README.tests file that is included there.Adding iSpin (Unix/Linux)iSpin is an optional, but highly recommended, graphical user interface to Spin, written in Tcl/Tk. To obtain Tcl/Tk, seeRelated software. The iSpin source can be found the iSpin/ subdirectory that will is created when you unpack the source tarfile.iSpin is compatible with Tcl/Tk version 8.4 and 8.5.iSpin prints the version numbers of Spin, iSpin, and Tcl/Tk when it starts up. You can also check separately which version of Tcl/Tk you have installed by executing the following commands in `wish' (a Tcl/Tk command):info tclversionputs $tk_versionYou can find out which version of Spin you have by typing, ata shell command prompt:$ spin -VSpin and iSpin need a working version of a C compiler installed on your system.iSpin can also make use the graph layout program 'dot' if it is available on your system. For information on 'dot,' see Related software.To install iSpin run the iSpin/install.sh script (after possibly editing it).invoke the program by typingispinorispin promela_specFor example:ispin iSpin/examples/leader.pmlCheck the online Help menus in ispin for more details on routine use.2b. Installing Spin on a Windows PCIf you just need to update the Spin executable itself, downloada new version from /spin/Bin/index.htmlIf you need more files, e.g. a new copy of iSpin, download the latest pc_spin*.zip file from /spin/Src/index.html Extract the files from pc_spin*.zip, and copy spin*.exe, renamed spin.exe, into the directory where all your commands reside and that is within your default search path (e.g., c:/cygwin/bin/, or c:\apps\spin\) You can find out what your search path is set to by typing 'set' at an MS-DOS prompt -- this prints a listof all defined variables in your environment, including the search path that is used to find executable commands. (Note that you may need to set the search path in the environment variables)If you use Spin from the command line (i.e., without iSpin), be warned that some command shells, e.g., the MKS Korn-shell, have none-standard rules for argument parsing (i.e., you can not reliably quote an argument that contains spaces, such as an LTL formula). In most cases this will not be much of a problem, except with the conversion of LTL formula with the spin -f option. Use single-quotes when needed, e.g.: spin -f '[]<>p' You can circumvent the problem by using inline LTL formula, which are supported in Spin version 6, or by using sping option -F instead of -f, to read the formula from a file instead of the command line. To run Spin, also with the precompiled version, you need a working C-compiler and a C-preprocessor, because Spin generates its model checking software as C-source files that require compilation before a verification can be performed. This guarantees fast model checking, because each model checker can be optimized to the specific model being checked. Check, for instance, if you can compile and run a minimal C program succesfully, e.g.:#include <stdio.h>int main(void) { printf("hello\n"); }To find a public version of a C compiler and some instructions on how to install it see Related software.Adding iSpin (PC)To run iSpin on a PC, you need the PC version of Tcl/Tk, which you can find under Related software.The ispin*.tcl source is contained in the .zip file of the distribution. Copy the .tcl file as is into a directory where you plan to work, or put a shortcut to this file on the Desktop or in the Start Menu. If you keep the extension .tcl, make sure it is recognized as a 'wish' file by the system, so that ispin starts when you double click the ispin*.tcl script.Under cygwin, copy the ispin*.tcl file to /bin/ispin and make it executable You can now use ispin as a normal Unix-style command, and you can pass the name of a filename to it, for instance as: ispin leaderAn alternative is to start ispin from its source by invoking wish: wish -f ispin.tclor wish -f /bin/ispinAn even more indirect way to force ispin to startup is to first start `wish' from the Start Menu, under Programs, then select the larger window that comes up (the command window), and cd to the directory where you've stored the ispin tcl/tk source file. Then you can then start it up by typing:source ispin.tcl # or whatever else you've named thisand you should be up and running.The PC installation assumes that you have a command called "cpp.exe" or "gcc.exe" available (which comes with the gnu-c installation). "cpp" is the traditional name of the C preprocessor. Alternatively, ispin can also use the Visual C++ compiler, which is named cl.exe for preprocessing. To complicate your life somewhat, if you have a copy of the Borland C++ compiler installed, you'll notice that this cplusplus compiler was also named cpp.exe -- that's not the cpp you want. To avoid the name clash, you either have to edit the Spin source code to give it the full path name of the 'real' cpp.exe and recompile, or use Spin with the command-line option -Pxxxx where xxxx is the path for cpp.exe. Or better still (the current default) use gcc for both compilation and for preprocessing. Nothing much in Spin will work without access to a preprocessor. You can do a reasonable number of thingswithout a full-blown compiler though (like simulations). The C-compiler (e.g., gcc) is required for all verifications and for the automata views in iSpin.If iSpin cannot locate the gcc executable on your system, it will put up a warning message when it first starts up. On recent versions of cygwin gcc is actually a link from /bin/gcc to /bin/gcc-3 or /bin/gcc-4Depending on how the name changes, iSpin may not always recognize it. To fix this -- edit the iSpin source (it's tcl/tk text) and define CC asset CC c:/cygwin/bin/gcc-5or whatever the new name is.2c. Installing Spin on a MacCompile Spin from its sources, as described under 2a for Unix systems in general, while following the suggestions below, which were provided by Dominik Brettnacher, email: domi@saargate.de.The C preprocessor on Mac OS X cannot be found in /lib. Change the path in the makefile for the proper location (/usr/bin/cpp), and in addition also tell the Mac preprocessor to handle its input as "assembler-with-cpp." This can be done by adding a flag to cpp, for instance in the makefile by adding the directive-DCPP="\"gcc -E -x c -xassembler-with-cpp\""to the definition of CFLAGS.Adding iSpinOn the Mac, iSpin is known to work correctly with Tcl/Tk Aqua, which offers a self-contained binary distribution for the Mac.Use, for instance, "TclTkAquaStandalone", version 8.4.4 from .au/~steffen/tcltk/TclTkAqua/Some users reported that on a Mac iSpin by default places its temporary files into the root directory. This is nasty if you have admin privileges and probably leads to error messages if you don't. To prevent this, add a "cd" statement to iSpin (no arguments, just cd by itself on a line), as the first command executed. Place it, for instance, directly after the opening comments in the file. This makes iSpin use the home directory for these files.TclTk Aqua also provides the possibility to start a script when being run. For instance, to make iSpin start if you launch the TCL interpreter: move the ispin file into the "Wish Shell.app", as follows:chmod -R u+w Wish\ Shell.appmkdir Wish\ Shell.app/Contents/Resources/Scriptsmv ispin*.tcl Wish\ Shell.app/Contents/Resources/Scripts/AppMain.tcl3. Related SoftwareSome pointers to public domain versions of related software packages. Some (e.g, a C compiler) are required to run Spin, but most other packages are optional extensions or alternatives.GCC (needed)On Unix/Linux you probably have gcc, or an equivalent, installed. On the PC you need either a copy of Visual Studio Express (for the cl command), or an installation of gcc with minimally the executables: gcc.exe, and cpp.exe in your search path, together with all the standard C library routines and header files. You can get good free version of all these files with the cygwin toolkit, which is mostly self-installing and available from:/See also what's available in /spin/Bin/index.html.Tcl/Tk WishTo run iSpin you'll need Tcl/Tk. Tcl/Tk was written by JohnOusterhout (john.ousterhout@) and is public domain. It can be obtained (for PCs or Unix) from cygwin, or from: / or also (a more recent extension): /Products/ActiveTcl/More details can be found in netnews-group: ng.tcl Yacc (optional)To compile Spin itself from its sources on a PC, you'll need to have a copy of yacc installed. A public domain version fora PC can most easily be obtained from cygwin, or also from:ftp:///ucb/4bsd/byacc.tar.ZA copy of this file is also available in:/spin/Bin/index.html(You don't need yacc on the PC's if you use the pre-compiled version of Spin for the pc in the pc*.zip file from the distribution) Look at the file make_it.bat for an example on how to perform the compilation.Dot (optional)Dot is a graph layout tool developed by Stephen North and colleagues at AT&T (email: north@). iSpin can make use of dot to show a graph layout of the state-machines in the automata-view option (recommended!). To obtain Dot, see/The are both PC and Unix versions of dot available. For documentation of dot see, for instance:A technique for drawing directed graphs,by Gansner, Koutsofios, North and Vo,IEEE-TSE, March, 1993.If you accept the default installation on a PC, you will need to define the location of dot.exe in the ispin source as follows:set DOT "C:/Program\\ Files\ATT\Graphviz/bin/dot.exe"(the line that sets the location of DOT appears near the top of the ispin.tcl file).Etch (optional)Etch, short for Enhanced Type CHecker, can perform more thorough static checking than the default SPIN type checker, using type inference to reconstruct types of channels which can only be incompletely specified in Promela. The techniques are described in a SPIN 2005 tool demo paper.The Etch tool can be downloaded from:/etchTopSpin (optional)TopSpin is a symmetry reduction package for Spin, developed by Alastair Donaldson. It can be applied to a Promela model and, provided that the model adheres to some restrictions (detailed in a user manual) uses computational group theory to determine a group of component symmetries associated with the model. The tool can modify the model checking algorithm used by Spin to exploit the symmetries during verification, resulting in reduced memory use and in many cases also shorter verification time. The package can be downloaded from: /topspinJSpin (optional)jSpin, developed by Moti Ben-Ari, is an alternative to the iSpin GUI written in Java instead of Tcl/Tk. It is meant asa teaching aid. See:http://stwww.weizmann.ac.il/g-cs/benari/jspin/The jSpin tool can be configured for use on Linux and Macs, and can also run under Windows, with or without cygwininstalled (e.g., with mingw).The jSpin tool can be downloaded from GoogleCode:/p/jspin/Erigone (optional)Erigone, also developed by Moti Ben-Ari, is a reimplementation of a subset of Spin, meant for educational use. Erigone is written in Ada 2005 instead of C. See:http://stwww.weizmann.ac.il/g-cs/benari/erigone/Erigone can be downloaded from GoogleCode:/p/erigone/SpinJa (optional)SpinJa is reimplementation of a subset of Spin in Java, developed by Marc de Jonge at Twente University in The Netherlands. A more detailed description of SpinJa was presented at the 2010 Spin Workshop by Marc de Jonge and Theo Ruys. The tool can be downloaded from:/p/spinja/Ltl2Ba (optional)A faster method to generate very small never claims from LTLformulae, developed by Denis Oddoux and Paul Gastin is available online in source form:/spin/Src/ltl2ba.tar.gzThe latest version can be obtained from the authors website via:http://www.lsv.ens-cachan.fr/~gastin/ltl2ba/download.phpSee alsohttp://www.lsv.ens-cachan.fr/~gastin/ltl2ba/index.phpThe C source code can be linked with Spin, or run as a standalone tool.For an overview of related conversion tools see: http://spot.lip6.fr/wiki/LtlTranslationAlgorithmsSwarm (optional)See /swarm.。
