2024年小学英语第二单元期末试卷[含答案]考试时间:90分钟(总分:140)A卷考试人:_________题号一二三四五总分得分一、综合题(共计100题)1、填空题:We have a ______ (有趣的) discussion in class.2、填空题:I have a collection of ______ (玩具). They make me very ______ (快乐).3、听力题:I see a _____ (butterfly) in the garden.4、选择题:What is the opposite of tight?A. LooseB. FirmC. StiffD. Rigid5、What is 7 + 2?A. 8B. 9C. 10D. 11答案:B6、选择题:What do we call the protective covering of a seed?A. ShellB. HuskC. PodD. Coat7、填空题:Many plants have ______ (刺) for protection.8、听力题:Some plants have _______ that smell very nice.9、填空题:The __________ (分子量) is the sum of the atomic weights of all atoms in a molecule.10、What is the opposite of ‘new’?A. ModernB. OldC. FreshD. Young11、What do we call the person who designs buildings?A. EngineerB. ArchitectC. ContractorD. Carpenter答案: B12、填空题:In _____ (阿根廷), tango dancing is popular.13、What do we call the part of the brain that controls thinking?A. CerebellumB. CerebrumC. BrainstemD. Cortex答案:B14、听力题:The process of rock formation is a key aspect of the ______ cycle.15、填空题:My favorite activity is ______ (打羽毛球).16、听力题:The ______ can camouflage itself.17、听力题:The reaction of metals with oxygen is called ______.18、听力题:The Earth's layers include the crust, mantle, outer core, and ______ core.19、填空题:Certain plants can ______ (为动物提供) food and habitat.20、听力填空题:I love to celebrate __________ with my friends and family.21、填空题:I enjoy watching the clouds __________ in the sky. (移动)22、听力题:He plays ______ (football) every weekend.23、听力题:The ______ is known for her volunteer work.24、 Fire of London occurred in _____ (1666). 填空题:The Grea25、填空题:The cake is ______ and delicious.26、听力题:__________ are often found in cleaning products for their effectiveness.27、听力题:The _____ (grass/flower) is green.28、填空题:We should _______ (保护) wildlife.29、填空题:A ______ (猴子) is fun to watch at the zoo.30、填空题:I enjoy planting ________ in my backyard.31、听力题:A snake is ______ and slithery.32、填空题:________ (植物繁殖) can happen naturally or artificially.33、听力题:My aunt is a ______. She works in a hospital.34、听力题:The _____ (wind/snow) is blowing.35、听力题:Sarah is a ______. She enjoys writing stories.36、填空题:A snail carries its home on its ______ (背上).37、听力题:A reaction that requires high temperatures and pressures is called a ______ reaction.38、What is the name of the process by which stars generate energy?A. Nuclear FusionB. FissionC. Chemical ReactionD. Thermal Emission39、听力题:The capital city of Egypt is ________.40、填空题:A ____(community resilience strategy) prepares for emergencies.41、Which animal is known for its wisdom in folklore?A. FoxB. OwlC. DogD. Bear答案:B42、听力题:The Earth's surface is constantly changing due to a variety of ______.43、选择题:What is the name of the famous explorer who discovered America?A. Marco PoloB. Christopher ColumbusC. Ferdinand MagellanD. Vasco da Gama44、听力题:A _______ is an area of land that is lower than the surrounding land.45、填空题:When I play with my _________ (玩具), I always feel _________ (快乐).46、What is the main ingredient in sushi?A. RiceB. NoodlesC. BreadD. Potatoes47、填空题:Plants need ______, light, and nutrients to grow. (植物需要水、光和养分才能生长。

12级英语2期末考试卷2012——2013 学年第二学期狮山校区12级体专,数控1,,2,3,酒馆2,电商班英语科目期末试卷选考等级分数注意事项1.请首先按要求在试卷的标封处填写您的专业、班级、姓名和学号。
第一部分:公共题区说明:A 、B 、C 级的同学均须完成本题区所有题目一.请选择划线单词的正确意思。
(20*1) 1. Shall we go skiing next week?A. 爬山B. 野餐C. 滑雪D. 游泳 2. What an wonderful speech!A. 有趣的B. 令人兴奋的C. 感兴趣的D. 精彩的 3. She is a career woman.A. 事业B. 家庭C. 已婚D. 家务 4. It is a typical example.A. 生动的B. 日常的C. 典型的D. 难忘的 5. The old lady slipped on the floor.A. 拍打B. 行走C. 滑到D. 爬行 6. Do you do anything special last week?A. 特别的B. 一般的C. 感人的D. 轻松的 7. I went to the gym and played volleyball.A. 网吧B. 体育馆C. 游戏D. 电影院 8. I preferred comedy.A. 喜剧B. 动作电影C. 悲剧D.恐怖电影 9. It is a moving film.A. 枯燥的B. 有趣的C. 恐怖的D. 动人的 10. I can speak fluent English.A. 友好的B. 流利的C. 有创造力的D. 自信的 11. Do you think you are qualified for the job?A. 能胜任的B. 质量好的C. 方便的D. 合适的12. A. 交流B.简历C.经验D. 广告13. He is very creative.A. 有经验的B. 友好的C. 有活力的D. 有创造力的 14. You should come back as soon as possible.A. 可能B. 尽快C. 典型D. 精彩 15. The transportation in big cities is not convenient.A. 情况B. 交通C. 贷款D. 入口 16. Did you take the the light rail?A. 轻轨B. 渡船C.飞机D. 公交 17. There were terrible traffic jams in rush hours. A. 交通堵塞 B. 酱 C. 交通 D.工具 18. She looks pale as if she were ill.A. 破旧的B. 苍白的C. 可怜的D. 美丽的 19. I skipped the main point.A. 发现B. 忽略C. 强调D. 证明 20. She stayed up reading until midnight.A. 熬夜B. 休息C. 坚持D. 忍受二.语法选择。

银川2024年11版小学英语第二单元期末试卷(含答案)考试时间:80分钟(总分:120)A卷考试人:_________题号一二三四五总分得分一、综合题(共计100题)1、选择题:How many legs does a cat have?A. 4B. 3C. 2D. 52、Which of these foods is typically served for breakfast?A. PizzaB. PancakesC. PastaD. Salad答案:B3、What is the longest river in the world?A. AmazonB. NileC. YangtzeD. Mississippi4、填空题:I have a toy _______ that goes fast and makes cool sounds.5、填空题:I like to read ______ before bedtime.6、What is 10 4?A. 5B. 6C. 7D. 8答案: B. 67、Which of the following is a primary color?A. PurpleB. GreenC. RedD. Orange8、听力题:I enjoy ______ (solving) puzzles.9、填空题:The ________ (气候条件) dictate plant types.10、听力题:The __________ is known for its dramatic coastline.11、填空题:The ________ (国际关系) affect trade routes.12、填空题:The ________ (农业可持续性评估) measures impact.13、听力题:A ____ is a tiny, buzzing creature that helps pollinate flowers.14、填空题:_____ (植物标本) help in scientific study.15、选择题:What do we call a large body of water surrounded by land?A. LakeB. OceanC. SeaD. River16、填空题:A parakeet enjoys playing with ______ (玩具).17、听力题:The Milky Way has a supermassive black hole at its ______.18、选择题:What do we call a person who creates stories?A. WriterB. AuthorC. NovelistD. Poet19、填空题:The _______ (The Boston Massacre) intensified anti-British sentiments in the colonies.20、What do you call a person who studies the weather?A. MeteorologistB. GeologistC. BiologistD. Astronomer答案: A21、听力题:The __________ is important for understanding geological history.22、填空题:The capital of Comoros is ________ (莫罗尼).23、听力填空题:I believe that expressing our feelings is important for __________.24、听力题:A ______ is a chemical substance that speeds up a reaction.25、n Wall divided __________ (东德) and West Germany for many years.填空题:The Berl26、填空题:The ancient Greeks believed in many ________ (神祇).27、What is the term for a story that teaches a lesson?A. FableB. MythC. LegendD. Novel答案: A28、填空题:She is _______ (非常聪明).29、填空题:My goldfish swims happily in its ______ (水族箱).My grandma loves to garden ____.31、填空题:My teacher is very __________ (公平公正).32、听力填空题:I believe that having a creative outlet is essential. It allows us to express ourselves freely.I enjoy __________ as my way of being creative.33、填空题:My friend’s family is very ____.34、填空题:The ancient Romans had a complex system of ________ (道路).35、Which fruit is known for having seeds on the outside?A. StrawberryB. BlueberryC. RaspberryD. Blackberry答案:A36、听力题:The chemical symbol for ununoctium is ______.37、What is the capital of the Dominican Republic?A. Santo DomingoB. SantiagoC. La RomanaD. San Pedro de Macorís答案:A38、What do you call a young swan?A. CygnetB. ChickC. KitD. Calf39、填空题:I go to the library to ______.40、填空题:The parrot has bright _________. (羽毛)A parakeet loves to sing and ______ (说话).42、resource management) ensures sustainability. 填空题:The ____43、填空题:The country famous for chocolate is ________ (以巧克力闻名的国家是________).44、What do we call the act of producing offspring?A. ReproductionB. BirthC. ProcreationD. All of the Above答案:D45、ta Stone helped scholars understand ______ (古埃及) writing. 填空题:The Rose46、选择题:What do we call a person who catches fish?A. FishermanB. HunterC. FarmerD. Forager47、What is the main ingredient in chocolate?A. SugarB. CocoaC. MilkD. Vanilla48、Which month has 28 days?A. JanuaryB. FebruaryC. MarchD. April答案:B49、填空题:My ________ (玩具名称) is a celebration of fun.50、听力题:A _______ can help to measure the intensity of sound in different conditions.51、What do we call the science of studying the Earth?A. GeographyB. GeologyC. MeteorologyD. Ecology答案:B52、听力题:They are ________ a movie.53、听力题:The ______ is a successful businessperson.54、What is the main ingredient in pizza?A. BreadB. RiceC. PastaD. Salad55、听力题:My friend likes to play ____ (soccer) after school.56、听力题:He can _____ a bicycle. (ride)57、听力题:The Milky Way is just one of billions of _______ in the universe.58、填空题:I have a toy _______ that can change shapes and forms.59、填空题:I like to eat ______ on my sandwich.60、填空题:In winter, I enjoy hot __________ to keep warm. (饮料)61、听力题:A ______ is a large body of water surrounded by land.62、填空题:My grandma is my beloved _______ who shares stories and wisdom.63、填空题:The __________ is a major river in Nigeria. (尼日尔河)64、What is the largest mammal in the world?A. ElephantB. Blue WhaleC. GiraffeD. Hippopotamus65、What do you call a person who studies plants?A. BiologistB. BotanistC. GeologistD. Astronomer66、听力题:Chemical reactions often involve ______ changes.67、填空题:The __________ (希腊神话) includes many gods and heroes.68、听力题:We are going to the ______ (beach) this weekend.69、填空题:The _______ (The Great Society) aimed to reduce poverty and promote social welfare.70、听力题:The _____ (car/bike) is red.71、What is the capital of Japan?A. BeijingB. SeoulC. TokyoD. Bangkok答案: C72、填空题:I can ______ (做) simple calculations.73、听力题:The _____ (butter) melts on the bread.74、听力题:The desk is _____ (messy/clean).75、填空题:The tree has green _______ (这棵树有绿色的_______).76、听力题:The fish are ______ (swimming) in the river.77、填空题:My friend gave me a ______ (拼图) for my birthday. It has many pieces and is very ______ (有趣的) to do.78、填空题:A ______ (生态平衡) is vital for sustaining life.79、What is the main ingredient in bread?A. SugarB. FlourC. RiceD. Corn答案:B80、听力题:When an acid is mixed with a base, they neutralize each other and form _______.81、填空题:The __________ (贸易路线) were crucial for economic growth.82、What do you call a person who studies space?A. AstronomerB. AstrophysicistC. CosmologistD. All of the above答案: D83、填空题:I can play with my ________ (玩具名称) in the dark.84、听力题:The _____ (sun/moon) rises in the east.85、What is the capital of Uzbekistan?A. TashkentB. BishkekC. AlmatyD. Dushanbe答案:A. Tashkent86、填空题:Fish live in ______ (水) and can swim very fast.87、What is the name of the famous ancient city in Italy that was buried by a volcanic eruption?A. PompeiiB. RomeC. AthensD. Cairo答案:A88、听力题:The chemical symbol for oxygen is ______.89、How many players are on a volleyball team?A. SixB. SevenC. EightD. Nine90、听力题:The book is very ___ (interesting/boring).91、填空题:The starfish can be found in ______ (海洋) around the world.92、听力题:The chemical symbol for iodine is ______.93、填空题:When I play with my sister, I sometimes call her .(当我和我的妹妹玩时,我有时叫她。
2021 年 12 月英语六级阅读真题(第一套)

2021 年 12 ⽉真题(第⼀套)雇主是否应该利⽤社交媒体来筛选求职者?Should Employers Use Social Media to Screen Job Candidates?is absolutely everywhere.Billions of people use social media on a daily basis to create, share, and exchange ideas, messages, and information.Both individuals and businesses post regularly to engage and interact with people from around the world.It is a powerful communication medium that simultaneously provides immediate, frequent, permanent, and wide-reaching information across the globe.People post their lives on social media for the world to see.Facebook, Twitter, , and countless other social channels provide a quick and simple way to glimpse into a job candidate's personal life — both the positive and negative sides of it.Social media screening is tempting to use as part of the hiring process, but should employers make use of it when researching a potential candidate's background?Social media 社交媒体绝对⽆处不在。
12级英语期末 A卷

2013-2014学年度上学期期末考试 《英语》A 试卷 适用于:12级 一、 单项选择 (每题1分,共40分)( ) 1.If it ________tomorrow, we __________go to the park. A. rains, won’t B. will rain, won’t C. rains, don’t D . rains, don’t go ( ) 2. Could you lend me your bike? Of course. ________A. You couldB. Give youC. That’s all rightD. With pleasure( ) 3.I’m _______at reading than listeningA. goodB. wellC. betterD. best( )4 .He didn’t g o there. I didn ’t go there _________A. tooB. alsoC. eitherD. neither( ) 5.You shouldn’t argue ________ your parentsA. withB. aboutC. forD. at( )6. They will be back ___________A. for an hourB. after an hourC. an hour agoD. in an hour( ) 7. Would you mind doing the dishes? ____________A. CertainlyB. Sorry, I won’tC. Ok, I will do themD. Please don’t( ) 8. What ________ you ?A, annoy B annoys C. is annoyed D. anmoies( )9. How about _________a scarf?A .buy B. buying C. bought D. to buy( )10 Why _______ go to the park?A. notB. don’tC. doD. didn’t( ) 11. Have you ever _________ an aquarium?A. goneB. gone toC. been toD. been( ) 12. I don’t like cats. __________does heA. SoB. EitherC. NeitherD. Also( ) 13. Tom is ready for the party, ____________?A. is heB. isn’t TomC. isn’t heD. is Tom( ) 14._________ have you been swimming? Two hoursA. WhenB. WhereC. How long D How many( ) 15. Could you make _________ for me?……………………………装……………………………..订…………………………….线………………………………A. .roomB. roomsC. placesD. a space( ) 16. Mr .Smith _________a super surfer. But now he is too old to do it.A . has given up B. did well inC. is no longerD. used to be( ) 17. Do you think __________an English film tomorrow evening?A. is thereB. there is going to haveC. there is going to beD. will there be( ) 18. Lora’s father is __________computer fan and a popular singer star.A. not onlyB. but alsoC. bothD. neither( ) 19. These scenery photos are very beautiful. Whom did you ask to have them __________?A. takenB. to be takenC. take a pictureD. take photos( ) 20. - I wonder if they’ll _________the railway tickets.- I think th ey’ll if they ___________free.A. book, areB. will book, will beC. will book , areD. book, will be( ) 21 .I will never forget the teacher ____gave me the first English lessons.A、whomB、whoC、whichD、/( ) 22 ..South Korea lies _____ the east of our country.A. onB. inC. toD. at( ) 23 .Nobody ________what __________after a hundred years。

12级新视野大学英语期末考试题库Part I Multiple Choice1. They are always short of water to drink, ______ to take a bath.A) more than B) less than C) much less D) rather than2. ______ their inexperience, they’ve done a good job.A) Giving B) Given C) Giving that D) Given that3. Natalie prefers to stay for another week, ______ her husband prefers to leave immediately.A) wherein B) whereas C) when D) because4. Realizing that his retirement was near _______, he looked for some additional income that would provide for his children.A) in hand B) next to C) at hand D) in advance5. She is extremely busy, so she has to ________her time carefully.A) conduct B) elapse C) budget D) fulfill6. How much do you ________ washing a car?A) charge of B) charge for C) charge with D) charge to7. The students live happily in beautiful ______________.A)surroundings B) environment C) circumstances D) atmosphere8. How do you ________the fact that you have been late every day this week?A) account for B) account to C) account of D) account from9. Happiness doesn’t necessarily_____________ money.A) go out with B) go to C) go for D) go with10. What one thinks and feels is, in the eye of social scientists, mainly ______ tradition, habit, and education.A) due to B) thanks to C) in order to D) in addition to11. The rain was heavy and ______ the land was flooded.A) consequently B)continuously C) constantly D) consistently12. Having studied business at college and knowing two foreign languages, my secretary is perfectly _____ for her job.A) ability B) competent C) capability D) qualify13. Once the balance in nature is disturbed, it will______ a number of possible unforeseeable effects..A) result from B) result in C) as a result of D) result of14. These people are very_________, very organized and excellent time managers.A) effective B) sufficient C) adequate D)efficient15. We have already ____ a lot of time and energy ______the project, so we have to carry on.A) spent…into B) spent…in C) pour…on D) pour…into16. _____ no coffee left, they had to drink tea instead.A) It being B) It was C) There being D) There was17. Don’t take him as a friend. He is _______ a criminal.A) anything but B) nothing but C) something but D) everything but18. It is _____difficult to find a teaching position at a university.A) increasingly B) increasing C) leisurely D) leisure19. I’m afraid we’ve ___________gas.A) run out B) run of C) run out of D) run away20. The children had been indoors all day, and were getting________.A) restlessly B) restless C) rest D) unrest21. I firmly believe that this agreement will be for our ________ benefit.A) mutual B) together C) altogetherD) much22. People have bought these houses under the __________ that their value would just keep on rising.A) delusion B) illusion C) virtual D) relation23. The project has been ________ by the local government for lack of public resources.A) clean B) hold C) control D) canceled24. The clerk must have __________ your name, because he said you weren’t here.A) overlooked B) see C) look D) read25. The speaker said something about the actors and then _________ to talk about the film.A) proceeded B) processed C) produced D) put26. Differences of opinion are often the most difficult problem to __________.A) resolve B) study C) learn D) close27. When he looked for a job, John strongly felt that there was a widespread __________ against men over forty.A) prejudice B) news C) learning D) understanding28. Children should be encouraged to reach a _________ between what they want and what others want.A) gap B) culture C) compromise D) promise29. The discovery seems to __________ that people lived here over 10,000 years ago.A) confirm B) control C) condition D) firm30. The book was first published in 1994 and was ____________ translated into fifteen languages.A) absolutely B) subsequently C) clearly D) possibly31. Mind your own business. My affairs have ____________ to do with you.A) something B) nothing C) everything D) anything32. Having worked in the company for two years, Mr. Smith is now taking care_____ marketing and public relations.A) of B) about C) with D) over33. The farmer ________ bad luck: his crops were destroyed by a storm.A) met with B) met together C) met about D) met of34. The old gardener seems cold and unfriendly _______________, but he’s really a warm-hearted man.A) in the surface B) on the face C) in the face D) on the surface35. They had hoped to be able to move into their new house at the end of the month, but things did not _______ as they had expected.A) work out B) work to C) work with D) work about36. Such violent attacks are _____________ a civilized society.A) incompatible with B) incompatible aboutC) compatible with D) compatible about37. There had been _____________ in the old man’s life, but on the whole his fortunes have grown.A) ups and downs B) ups and ups C) downs and downs D) ups or downs38. The mother only ____________ her son’s marriage long after the event.A) learned of B) learned C) learned about D) learned with39. Rising sales can give a good __________ how this product is received in the marketA) show of B) indicate C) indication of D) show40. The Chinese government has ________ been combating drug trafficking.A) all along B) all over C) all of D )above all41. At the press conference he _______ to comment on the company’s difficulties and only answered questions about successes.A) declined B) decline C) agrees D) agree42. The management ________ their workers _______ accepting tips from customers.A) refuse… to B) declined… to C) forbid …from D) forbid … to43. Hearing his comforting words, I felt a huge wave of ________ inside me and couldn’t help crying.A) warm B) warmth C) happy D) happiness44. If you have no _____, I would like to ask your daughter to marry me.A) refuse B) decline C) opinion D) objection45. You fingerprint can’t be ______ mine.A) same with B) same as C) identical with D) identical to46. After the party, the mother needed some ___________ to help with the washing-up in the kitchen.A) man B) men C) volunteers D) volunteer47. The factory has now earned a large amount of foreign money, because there has been an increase in ________ trade during the past few years.A) overseas B) other’s C) another D) the other48. The university ____ pressure to close one of its departments.A) does B) resisted C) rejected D) refused49. I took a _______ the girl next door.A) fancy to B) fancy with C) fancy about D) fancy50. Many species have now ________ from the earth.A) died B) dead C) vanished D) vanishing51. We need good food to _____ the starving infants.A) provide B) nourish C) give D) offer52. Life with him isn't all____ sailing, you know.A) plain B) good C) with D) about53. There are many ______ antelopes in the grassland.A) race B) leap C) leaping D) racing54. He was a man of intelligence and of _____ of willA) firmness B) firmly C) great D) powerful55. They _____ the air and forced it into the cabin.A) compress B) compressed C) compressing D) compressed with56. If I tell my father what I have done, he will be ____ a little angry.A) go with B) with C) more than D) more about57. I was ____ express my own thoughts and feelings, though sometimes I hurt others.A) easy to B) about to C) going to D) free to58. I will finish this job for you _________ by next Tuesday.A) without fail B) with fail C) all about D) all over59. You can go fishing ______ you promise to be back before 11 o’clock.A) as soon as B) as much as C) as long as D) as possible as60. I promise they can get their pay ________, before next Monday at the latest.A) all along B) right away C) all of D ) above all61. I’m supposed to be resting and relaxing, but it is just a whole ______ ofunexpected things that have happened.A) rush B) bunch C) gush D) sequence62. The ______ of computers has revolutionized the publishing industry.A) production B) arrival C) showing D) appearing63. It will only ______ his position if he continues to stick to his strange ideas.A) underscore B) reduce C) soften D) weaken64. My sole object was to get _______ from the snow, to get myself covered and warm.A) ice B) snowball C) shelter D) escape65. The boiled water from a bunch of cigarette butts makes an effective ______.A) pain-killer B) drug C) pesticide D) insecticide66. I ______ he had much lung left at all, after coughing for so many years.A) doubt B) suspect C) believe D) think67. If we take all the factors into account, his chances of winning the election were _____.A) mean B) slim C) thin D) unlikely68. Very high quality, __________ the relatively low prices, has made these cars very popular.A) coupled with B) in addition C) what’s more D) the same as69. Since your mother is often ill, remember to keep a first-aid kit ______ all the time.A) close in bag B) ready in store C) close at hand D) ready in stock70. The advertising is _______mainly _____ young people in their late teens.A) directed…at B) designed…with C) produced…at D) aired…at71. There are still many families ________ for survival on a rather low income.A) looking B) struggling C) wishing D) dying72. I usually enjoy his films, but the latest one didn’t come up to my ________.A) standard B) understanding C) ideal D) expectation73. We didn’t make money for quite a few years. It’s only in the last year that our business became _________.A) valuable B) profitable C) workable D) acceptable74. We got involved in a road accident last weekend, but we were _____to escape injury.A) fast B) strong C) saved D) lucky75. A pencil sharpener will serve better than a knife to _______ pencils.A) cut B) shorten C) sharpen D) harden76. Since that will be a family _________, I’d better not go with you--standing byand drinking coffee can’t be anything interesting.A) union B) reunion C) occasion D) party77. A large section of East Asian youth dress themselves with bright-colored clothing and wear strange colorful hairstyle. Do you think that’s _____ or funny? A) high fashion B) elegance C) fashionable D) worldly78.He spoke with a complete _______, which impressed me so deeply.A) confidence B) belief C) faith D) tone79. Hearing that his wife got ________, he was first stunned and then cried out of joy.A) a baby B) pregnancy C) pregnant D) born a baby80. If you can use a few ______ from those famous people, your argumentation will sound more convincing.A) words B) quotations C) remarks D ) linesKeys:1-5 CBBCC 6-10 BAADA 11-15 ABBDD 16-20 CBACB21-25 ABDAA 26-30 AACAB 31-35 B A ADA 36-40 A A ACA41-45 ACBDD 46-50 CABAC 51-55 BACAB 56-60 CDACB61-65 BBDCD 66-70 ABACA 71-75 BDBDC 76-80 BCACBPart II Reading ComprehensionPassage 1Differences Between Two Kinds of Y outhThe trip to the United States opened my eyes to the fact there are a lot of similarities as well as differences between American youth and French youth. Now I will talk about the differences between them.The first difference is in appearance. Going around in the U.S., I found that American youth do not really care about their appearance. In the morning, they choose something in their closet and wear it with another thing., often of different colors and styles, without wondering whether their choices make them look strange. The reason behind this is that they don’t care what people look like, but are just interested in their ideas. I think it’s great, but it also causes problems. Since they don’t care about their appearance, they don’t really care about their weight. Often they get fat without realizing it.I observed that there are differences in relationships too. When the American youth fall in love, they don’t really think of the future. Also, there are differences in the rules concerning behavior that is allowed. In some respects, the French are more accepting. For example, in America it is generally unacceptable to make physical display of love. Lovers, in theory, can’t kiss or hold each other everywhere they want. People think that not showing love in public places is a way to respect others. On the contrary, the French youth can do almost everything they want, and they are usually more concerned about the future of the relationship than the American youth.With regard to other types of relationships, there are also big differences. Americans act differently from French people in front of unknown people. When an American girl, for example, arrives in front of people she has never met before, she will talk with them, trying to create a kind of bond between her and this new circle of people. The French girls will just think about rather than really do this kind of thing because they are too shy and lacking in self-confidence.To finish, I noticed that in American classes, when pupils want to say or ask something, they just do it. In general, they don’t really care how the others will judge them. In France, it’s not the same case. If somebody wants to ask something, he/she will think about it before speaking up. I appreciate the freedom in Americans’behavior, ideas, and ways of expressing themselves.1.In this article, the author talks about_____ between American youth and French youth.A)the friendship B) the differences and similaritiesC) the similarities D) the differences2. American young people __________.A) are more concerned about appearanceB) show more interest in people’s ideasC) are just interested in people’s clothesD) care more about their weight3.American youth often____.A) wonder why they look strange B) care what people look likeC) neglect their weight D) cause problems with their ideas4.When American youth fall in love with each other, they_____.A) will kiss wherever they likeB) will always think about their futureC) will not hold each otherD) will rarely display their love in public5 If French pupils want to ask questions in class, they will_______.A) ask for the teacher’s permission firstB) speak up before the teacher permitsC) try to control themselves not to do soD) think about it before they do soKeys: DBCDDPassage 2Building Your Business, Building Your PeopleWhat an exciting thing to do ----developing a successful business ! I have been part of the building .And developing of four active , successful businesses. We are in a great stage of growth and development right now at my company, Progress Productions, and i am reminded every day of some of the most important ideas for progress.Here are five ideas to keep in mind that can make a significant difference in a team:Understand Your PeopleIf I want my team to go and grow with me, I need to find out what excites them. What are their personal drives and what keeps them form being at their best? What do they need in their work environment to improve their mental well-being? What are their fears and concerns,, and how can I help them manage these fears and concerns? What are their values and goals, and how can I ensure they are in agreement with mine? It is important to remember that all your careful planning, you goals, and your purposes will be useless if you need other people to help youmake them happen and those people do not have the same level of commitment to them as you.Help People Build Self--confidenceThis is a major discovery for me, During my early years in management. I realized the great power of expectations on performance. As I found, people largely lived up to my expectation of them. SO i learned that if u want to build my business through my people, I have to build their own belief in their capacity to achieve, This belief must be educated. Not to the point of any false belief about current performance, but with a real conviction about potential If I want to lift their achievement, i must help them lift their trust in themselves first.Give People Floors, Walls, but No CeilingsWhile we are growing, we usually want a level of security beneath us ,a floor or a foundation. Keep your people informed of your plans and your activities, so that they know where they stand . Allow them freedom of operation within defined and measurable frameworks, and let them know the sky is the limit for achievement, for recognition, and for reward.Teach people to Treasure RecognitionWherever I speak and give advice to people, they tell me they do not get enough recognition. Sad, is not it? I usually ask them how much recognition they give. They look at me as if i am crazy, but a good culture of recognition should be carefully developed, with praise and appreciation shown both up and down, and sideways, in a team. Find interesting ways to encourage everyone in your team to recognize achievement in others, but be careful to keep it genuine, spontaneous and both individual--and team--based. Teach your team to ask for the opinions of others if they are not receiving recognition the way they want it, and teach them they have the responsibility for creating it.Encourage People to Be CreativeEach one of us has created our life just the way we choose to have it, or at least the way we have settled for it . Those who have been told they are creative will probably use their creativity bravely. Others who have not had their creativity encouraged will mostly believe they are uncreative, I suggest you encourage your people to be creative and brave in trying out new ideas.Building a business is greatly rewarding and building your people is equally rewarding. Seeing your people develop as a result of your encouragement, advising, and management is a great joy!!!1 Form the first paragraph we know the authors present company is _________A, developing quicklyB. creating important ideasC. progressing productionsD. making a significant difference2 It is necessary to find out your team’s personal drives so that you _________A.can improve their mental well--beingB.Can help them manage their fearsC.Can keep them at their bestD.Can agree with their values and goals3 Careful planning, goals, and purposes will be useful only when_______A.your team members come to helpB.Your team members are resourcefulC.Your team members are interested in themD.Your team members are as committed to them as you4 If you help your employees believe in themselves, you can ______A.receive more educationB.Lift their achievementC.Get more trust from themD.Have more opportunities5 According to the author, an employer should______A.give his people the freedom to do whatever they likeB.Reward his people within defined frameworksC.Provide his people freedom of operation within measurable frameworksD.Tell his people the sky is the limit for operationKey: ACDBCPassage 3Computer VirusesThe computer virus is an outcome of the computer overgrowth in the 1980s. The term computer virus comes from the likeness between the viruses that harm the body and the harmful programs that infect computers. When inside a body, viruses create factories that breed other viruses. However, computer viruses are small programs. They reproduce by attaching a copy of themselves to another program.Once attached to another program, viruses then look for other programs to “infect”. In this way, the virus can spread quickly throughout a single computer or an entire network when it infects a LAN or a multi-user system. At some point, the virus attacks according to how it isprogrammed. The timing of the attack can be linked to a number of situations, such as a certain time or date, the presence of a particular object, the security level of the user, and the number of times a program is used. Similarly, the pattern of attack comes in different ways. The so-called “harmless”viruses might simply show a message, like the one that infected IBM’s main computer system in 1987 with Christmas greetings. Harmful viruses are designed to damage the system. They can wipe out data, cross out information, or rewrite the hard disk.Main Types of VirusesThere are four main types of viruses: shell, intrusive(侵扰的),operating system, and source code(源代码).Shell viruses wrap themselves around a host program, but don’t change it. Shell programs are easy to write, which is why about half of viruses are of this type.Intrusive viruses invade an existing program and actually place a part of them into the host program. Intrusive viruses are hard to write and very difficult to remove without damaging the host file.Shell and intrusive viruses usually attack executable program files --- those with a .com or .exe extension, although data files are also at risk.Operating system viruses work by replacing part of the operating system with their own code. They are very difficult to write and have the ability, once loaded, to take total control of your syste.Operating system viruses are intrusive programs that are inserted into a source program such as those written in Pascal prior to the program being followed. They are the least common viruses because they are not only hard to write, but also have a limited number of hosts compared with the other types.Be Cautious About the Second Network VirusesDo you believe it? Network viruses can steal money! And they are coming for your computer right now. So far the Internet has become the main channel through which computer viruses spread. Even without getting information from the network, your computer can be infected by the second network computer viruses, which are hidden in some machines on the network.The virus that can steal your money is a kind of the second network viruses. It was designed and inserted in some machines on the network. When your computer is linked to one of these machines, the virus will invade your hard disk and search whether Intuit Quicken, an accounting program, is installed. One of this accounting program’s functions is to transfer accounts automatically. Once the program is infected, your money will be transferred to an additional account opened by the virus program without anybody knowing it.1. Computer viruses are small programs, which _________A, are similar to the viruses that harm the human bodyB. invade a living cell and produce other virusesC. reproduce by attaching a copy of themselves to another programD. come into being during the computer overgrowth in the 1990s2. Viruses can infect other programs if only they are _________E.affected by another programF.spread throughout a computerG.attached to another programH.attacked by other programs3. People create viruses for the purpose of _______E.showing a messageF.damaging the systemG.delivering a season’s greetingH.linking some machines4. The four main types of viruses do not include ______E.intrusiveF.operating systemG.source codeH.hard disk5. About 50% of viruses are shell viruses, because shell viruses______E.reproduce fastF.invade an existing programG.are easy to writeH.have a host programKey: CCBDCPassage 4 Bright HeartLast Tuesday I was invited to participate in a party for Tuesday’s Children,an organization that helps children with the AIDS virus. I was asked to attend because I’m on a television show. I don’t think that most of the kids recognized me as a famous person, but as a big kid who came to play with them for the day. I think I liked it better that way.At the party, they had all kinds of activities. I was drawn to one in particular because all the children were taking part in it. In that activity, anyone who wanted toparticipate could paint a square. Later all the painted squares were going to be sewn together to make a wall hanging. The wall hanging would be presented to a man who had devoted much of his life to this organization and would soon be retiring. They gave everyone some paints in bright, beautiful colors and asked the kids to paint something that would make the wall hanging beautiful. As I looked around at all the squares, I saw pink hearts and bright blue clouds, beautiful orange sunrise, and green and purple flowers. The pictures were all bright, positive, and uplifting. All except for one.The boy sitting next to me was painting a heart, but it was dark, empty, and lifeless. It lacked the bright, lively colors that his fellow artists had used.At first I thought maybe he took the only paint that was left and it just happened to be dark. But when I asked him about it, he said his heart was that color because his heart felt dark and because he was very sick. He said that his sickness was not ever going to get better. He looked straight into my eyes and said, “There is nothing anyone can do that will help.”I told him I was sorry that he was sick and I could certainly understand why he was so sad. I could even understand why he had made his heart a dark color. But I also told him that it isn’t true that there is nothing anyone can do to help. Other people may not be able to make him better, but we can do things like sharing our time and our love, which in my experience can really help when people are feeling sad. I told him that if he liked, I would be happy to spend some time talking with him so that he could see what I meant. But instead of talking with me, he did something different. He instantly came near to me and wrapped his arms around my neck. When he did this, I thought my own heart would burst with the love for this sweet little boy.He sat there talking with me for a long time and when he had had enough, he jumped down to finish his coloring. I asked him if he felt any better and he said that he did, but he was still sick and nothing would change that. I told him I understood. I walked away feeling sad, but I determined that I would do whatever I could to help. As the day was coming to an end and I was getting ready to head home, I felt a slight pull on my jacket. I turned around and standing there with a smile on his face was the little boy. He said, “My heart is changing colors. It is getting brighter. I think love really does work.”On my way home I felt my own heart and realized it, too, had changed to a brighter color.1.From the first paragraph we know Tuesday’s Children is ___________A.a TV show for small kidsB. a party for small kidsC. a group for helping kids with AIDSD.an organization that author proposed2.What was the purpose of making the all hanging?A.The wall hanging would be given to a man as a gift.B.People will buy it so that more money can be raised for the kids.C.It was a special gift for the kids with AIDS.D.The author wanted it at the day of his retirement.3.Most of the children painted ___________ on the squares.A.white clouds and red sunrisesB.orange hearts and red flowersC.purple hearts and pink flowersD.blue clouds and green flowers4.The heart painted by a boy was very unusual because _________.A.it was bright and livelyB.it was dark and lifelessC.it was of lively colorsD.it was sad to look at5.Why did the boy choose the color?A.Because he thought it looked better.B.Because he happened to like the color.C.Because he felt sick and hopeless.D.Because he had no other colors to use.Key:C A D B CPassage 5Part III Translation1.She wouldn’t take a drink, _____________________(更别提留下来吃饭了。

庄浪县职教中心2013~2014学年第一学期期末试题(卷)12年级 《英语》命题教师:12级英语备课组 满分值:100分 用时:60分钟题号 一 二 三 四 总分 得分一、 单项选择题(每小题2分,共40分)1.We should every drop of water. A. take a good use of B. make a use of C. have use of D. make good use of 2. Your parents your health very much.A. worry ofB. worry aboutC. care ofD. caring about3. I spent three hours cleaning our bedroom yesterday. A. in B. on C. to D. up4. At last she , but she couldn ’t tell want had happened. A. come to herself B. came to oneself C. came to herself D. has come to oneself5. How many students school this morning. A. stay away for B. stayed away from C. are stayed from D. staied away from6.The young man took the key his pocket. A. out of B. from out C. into D. onto7.My friend asked me to not this thing to others. A. promised ... to tell B. promising . . . telling C. promise . . . to tell D. promising . . . to telling 8. Your parents what you have done. A. were proud of B. are proud ofC. will proud forD. would be pride of9. They went to the village on foot by bus.A. instead ofB. instead forC. and notD. or not 10. All the farmers have to work hard toA. make his livingB. earn the livingC. earning livingD. earn their living 11. The answer to the question the key you gave me. A. is not the same with B. is different from C. is different with D. is same as12. The TV play the new type of MP4. A. reminded my of B. remind usC. reminded my fromD. reminded us of13. I ’ll go home this weekend my mother comes to see me. A. unless B. if not C. unless not D. whether14. The hotel at I ’m staying now is not far away from here. A. what B. that C. which D. whom15 The man leg was broken in a match is a football player. A. his B. whom C. the D. whose16. All you have to do is to practice it every day. A. that B. who C. which D. what 17. Is there anyone wants to go with me? A. that B. he C. who D. whom18. This is the only book I borrowed yesterday. A. which B. that C. whose D. what19. He asked me I knew our English teacher lived. A. if . . . where B. weather . . . where C. what . . . how D. how . . . what20. The teacher asked us those days. A. what had we done B. why we gone away C. where we are D. what we had done二、完形填空 (选择最佳答案填空每小题2分共20分)Once a man wanted to go 21 one side of a river to 22 in a boat. He 23 take 24 him a sheep, a wolf and a basket of vegetables. But he could take only one of them 25 , because the boat was very 26 . “If I 27 the wolf and the sheep together, the wolf may eat the sheep,” he said to 28 .“If I leave the sheep and the vegetables together, the sheep may eat the vegetables.” He thought and thought. At last, he had an idea. And he 29 able to get to the other side of the river with the sheep, the wolf, and the vegetables. Do you know 30 ?21. A. on B. in C. from D. with座位号学校: 班级: 姓名: 考场: ----------------------装----------------------------------订----------------------------线----------------------------------------22. A. another B. the other C. others D. other23. A. had to B. has to C. have to D. must24. A. after B. with C. about D. up25. A. at a time B. at time C. in time D. once a time26. A. large B. big C. small D. beautiful27. A. leave B. left C. will leave D. have left28. A. oneself B. myself C. itself D. himself29. A. be B. is C. was D. can30. A. how did he it B. what did he it C. how did he do it D. how he did it三、阅读理解. 阅读下列短文,选择最佳答案完成各题(每小题2分共30分)AEverybody wants to be healthy. You know food is very important. There are many healthy foods. You can have more bananas, apples, oranges, tomatoes and lettuce because fruits and vegetables are good for you. But don’t eat too much chocolate. It’s not good for you. It’s not good healthy food. Healthy food can make you grow and make you strong and happy. Remember there is a saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Sports can also keep you healthy. Get up early an d do some sports every day. Don’t be lazy! You will be healthy and happy.31. Which is right?________A. Everybody is healthy.B. We want to be healthy.C. We are important.D. We are healthy.32. What are healthy foods? ____A. Fruits and vegetables.B. Bananas, apples and chocolate.C. Fruits and chocolate.D. All food mentioned above.33. Why are healthy foods good for you? _______A. They make you happy.B. They make you grow strong.C. They make you grow and make you strong and happy.D. They make you grow quickly.34. “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” means(意思是):______A. The doctor goes away when he sees an apple.B. You eat an apple every day and you can be healthy.C. You eat an apple every day and you can be happy.D. The doctor runs away when you give him an apple.35. What keeps you healthy? ________A. Fruits and vegetables.B. Healthy food and sports.C. All foods you like.D. Healthy food.BMany people like to watch TV. Watching TV is one of the most important activities of the day. TV brings the outside closer to people’s homes. Som e people say the world is smaller than before because of TV.What’s going on the other countries? How do people live in places far away? Is there a good sports game somewhere?If you want to answer these and many other questions, just turn on the TV and watch it. You can see a lot and learn a lot. Of course, people can also learn through(通过) reading or listening to the radio. With TV, however, they can learn better and more easily. Why? Because they can hear and watch.TV helps us a lot. TV often gives us new ideas. We learn newer and better ways of doing things.36. Some people say the world is smaller than before because _____. makes the earth smaller and smallerB. all people like watching TV.C. watching TV is one of the most important activities of the day brings the outside world closer to people.37. We can _____ when we watch TV.A. go to live in the other countriesB. get a lot of informationC. answer many questionsD. ask TV some questions38. People learn better through TV than through the radio because ______.A. people can hear and they can watch, tooB. TV sets are bigger than radiosC. if people don’t have TV, they can not live happily.D. it’s easier to turn on TV than to turn on the radio39. TV can _____.A. teach us a lot of thingsB. learn a lot of thingsC. help us know what are happening in the world.D. help us do our homework40. This article (文章) tells us _____.A. to stop reading to watch TVB. not to watch TV any moreC. students should not watch TV at any timeD. it’s good to watch TVCThere is an old tiger in the forest. He doesn’t want to look for food now. He often asks other animals to get him something to eat.One day, he sees a monkey and says, “I am hungry, monkey. Go to the village and get me something to eat.” “ I can’t do that now, tiger,” the monkey says, “There is anothertiger over there. He will not let me get anythin g for you to eat. I am afraid of him.” “What?” cries the old tiger. “Take me to that tiger. I will talk to him.” The monkey and the tiger get to the bridge over the river. “Now look down at the water.” Says the monkey. “Do you see the tiger?” “Yes, I do,” cries the old tiger. “I will eat him.” With these words, the tiger jumps into the river.41. An old tiger lives ____.A. in the zooB. in the gardenC. in the forestD. on the farm42. How many tigers and monkeys are there in the story?A. Two tigers and two monkeys.B. Two tigers and one monkey.C. One tiger and two monkeys.D. One tiger and one monkey.43. Why does the tiger ask the other animals to get him food? Because ____.A. they are afraid of himB. only they can look for some foodC. they are his friendsD. they like to do so44. The monkey ____.A. goes to get something to eatB. gets to the bridge with the tigerC. knows there is another tigerD. tells the tiger to jump into the water45. Which of the following is right?A. The tiger is very clever.B. The monkey eats the tiger.C. The tiger eats another tiger.D. The tiger jumps into the water.四、补全对话. (每小题2分共10分)Mary: Hi, Peter, 46 You promised to meet me at five o’clock, 47 I waited for you over an hour!Peter: I am sorry. I couldn’t go 48 .Mary: Why didn’t you call me and let me know?Peter: 49 .Mary: Oh, I see.Peter: I’m very sorry. 50 .46. A. What happened yesterday?47. B. because my parents asked me to stay at home and do my homework.48. C. My telephone doesn’t work these days49. D. It won’t happen again.50. E. but you didn’t come.。

Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)1. B showmanship细节题。
这道题的答案对应原文第一句话,从putting on a show 可以推出showmanship。
when it came to putting on a show, nobody else in the computer industry, or any other industry for that matter, could match Steve Jobs.题干与原文的匹配度比较高,仔细阅读不难得出选择是B2. A He invented lots of functional gadgets.细节题。
原文第2段第2句话提到了乔布斯突出的三个方面,第三句话明确指出最后一个方面,也就是他在functional gadgets 上的贡献对人们的生活影响最大,对比第二题的选项,应选AHe stood out in three ways—as a technologist, as a corporate leader and as somebody who was able to make people love what had previously been impersonal, functional gadgets. Strangely, it is this last quality that may have the deepest effect on the way people live.3. B His keen interest in designing elegant and user-friendly gadgets.细节题。
答案在第三段第二句,“obsessed with product design and aesthetics, and with making advanced technology simple to use”。

12(1)《英语(一)》期末考试试卷A班别: 1271 姓名:学号:成绩:一、选择题(把正确答案填到表格内,每题2分,共30分)1. --- Bob, where is your father?--- ______ might be watching TV in his room upstairs.A. IB. HeC. SheD. They2. --- Would you like something to drink, sir?--- Yes. Just ______ cup of tea, please.A. aB. anC. theD. /3. Boys and girls, we ______ the streets next Sunday. Please come and join us.A. clean upB. cleaned upC. will clean upD. have cleaned up4. Mr. Smith came to China ______ 1986. He has lived here for 20 years.A. inB. onC. atD. for5. --- What kind of music do you like?--- I like music ______ I can sing along with.A. whoB. thatC. whereD. what6. --- Where would you like to visit?--- I hope _______ somewhere relaxing.A. goB. goesC. goingD. to go7. I like pop music, _______ my parents don’t like it.A. andB. butC. orD. so 8. --- How are you going to the Great Wall?--- I’m going there by ______.A. nowB. JulieC. nameD. bus9. --- ______ do you like the Cool Kids?--- Because I can dance to their music.A. WhoB. HowC. WhyD. What10. --- What can you do for the sick kids in the hospital?--- Well, I ______ tell funny stories and jokes.A. canB. mustC. needD. should11. --- When was the old car invented?--- I think the car _______ about one hundred years ago.A. inventedB. was inventedC. inventsD. is inventing12. Yesterday afternoon she _______ to help kids with their schoolwork.A. goB. is goingC. wentD. has gone13. Mother often tells me _______ home before 6: 30 pm.A. comeB. cameC. comingD. to come14. Tom often helps his classmates to _______their bikes after school.A. fix upB. cheer upC. put upD. call up15. ______ she got to school, she realized she had left her backpack at home.A. BecauseB. WhenC. IfD. Though二、句型转换(每空2分,共20分)1.I get up at six every day.(对划线部分提问)___ ___ ___ ___ do you get up every day?2.I think he is very old.(变为否定句)I _____ _ think he _ _____ very old.3.The book is in my schoolbag.(变为否定疑问句)____ __ the book in your schoolbag?4.There are some flowers on the teachers' desk.(一般疑问句)___ ___ __ ____ __ ____ flowers on the teachers' desk?5.Two boys are in our house. (改为there be句型)____ __ ___ ___ two boys in our house.三、完形填空(将最佳答案填到题前的括号内,每题2分,共20分)It 1 the last lesson of a week. The students are very happy. Their teacher is very happy, too. Their teacher 2 some nice games 3 them. He sings some nice songs with them and then he 4 the blackboard 5 writes. Smile on the blackboard.“This is one of the longest 6 in English.” he says to the students. All the 7 laugh and a girl stands up and 8 . “Why is it one of the longest words?”The teacher says: “Because there is a mile in 9 .”The students know 10 English teacher is good at teaching.( ) 1. A. is B. are C. am D. be( ) 2. A. play B. plays C. is playing D. are playing ( ) 3. A. in B. on C. of D. with( ) 4. A. go B. goes C. goes to D. going( ) 5. A. or B. also C. and D. with( ) 6. A. words B. rooms C. lessons D. conversations ( ) 7. A. workers B. students C. actors D. fathers( ) 8. A. speaks B. says C. answers D. asks( ) 9. A. it B. them C. their D. themselves ( ) 10.A.that B. what C. how D. which 四、将下列英语短语翻译成汉语(每题3分,共15分)1、live a happy life2、a long way from my school3、at the end of this term4、get bored with the game5、the Host Country五、将下列短语翻译成英文(每题3分,共15分)1、有一个好主意2、经过一家餐馆3、世界各地4、在河边吃午餐5、做在我身旁。

海口2024年11版小学英语第二单元期末试卷(含答案)考试时间:90分钟(总分:100)B卷考试人:_________题号一二三四五总分得分一、综合题(共计100题共100分)1. 听力题:Chemical properties can be observed during a _____ reaction.2. 选择题:What is the name of the famous American singer known for her powerful vocals and ballads?A. Whitney HoustonB. Mariah CareyC. Christina AguileraD. Adele答案: A3. 听力题:The __________ can indicate the presence of valuable mineral deposits.4. 填空题:The skunk sprays when it feels _________. (威胁)5. 填空题:My sister wants a pet ______ (兔子) for her birthday.6. 选择题:What is the name of the famous artist known for his "The Kiss"?A. Gustav KlimtB. Edvard MunchC. Vincent van GoghD. Claude Monet答案: A7. ts are ________ (有毒) if eaten. 填空题:Some pla8. 填空题:I enjoy ______ (在海边) relaxing.9. 填空题:The __________ is an important natural resource in the ocean. (鱼类)10. 听力题:The kids are ______ (playing) in the yard.11. 填空题:The ________ is a friendly creature that loves to cuddle.12. (88) is a famous mountain in Japan. 填空题:The ____13. 选择题:What is the name of the famous bridge in San Francisco?A. Brooklyn BridgeB. Golden Gate BridgeC. Tower BridgeD. London Bridge14. 填空题:The __________ (历史的交织) creates unity.15. 听力题:The ancient Mayans were known for their advanced _______.16. 选择题:What is the capital of Nepal?a. Kathmandub. Pokharac. Lalitpurd. Bhaktapur答案:a17. 听力题:The stars are ________ in the sky.18. 听力题:A supernova is the death of a ______.19. 选择题:What is the name of the famous mountain in Japan?A. FujiB. EverestC. KilimanjaroD. Denali20. 填空题:The __________ (历史的探寻) uncovers treasures.21. 听力题:His favorite hobby is ________.22. 听力题:The _____ (沙滩) is warm.23. 填空题:The _______ (Lewis and Clark Expedition) explored the western territories of the US.24. 选择题:What do you call a large mammal that lives in the ocean?A. SharkB. WhaleC. DolphinD. Seal答案:B25. 选择题:What is the name of the bear species that lives in the Arctic?A. Grizzly BearB. Polar BearC. Black BearD. Brown Bear答案:B. Polar Bear26. 填空题:The ______ (植物的研究领域) continues to grow.27. 选择题:What is the name of the famous river in Brazil?A. AmazonB. ParanáC. TocantinsD. São Francisco28. 选择题:What is the capital of Mali?a. Bamakob. Sikassoc. Gaod. Kayes答案:a29. 选择题:What is the capital of Portugal?A. LisbonB. MadridC. BarcelonaD. Porto答案:A. Lisbon30. 听力题:My dad enjoys watching ____ (sports) on TV.31. 听力题:A __________ is a reaction that releases light and heat.32. 选择题:What do you call the act of giving birth to animals?A. BreedingB. LayingC. HatchingD. All of the above33. 选择题:What do you call the study of the human mind and behavior?A. SociologyB. PsychologyC. AnthropologyD. Biology答案:B34. 填空题:The __________ is a famous bridge in San Francisco. (金门大桥)35. 填空题:The ________ was a famous route for traders in the Middle Ages.36. 填空题:My uncle enjoys __________ (绘画) landscapes.37. 填空题:Leaves fall off trees in ________ (秋天).38. 听力题:I want a pet _______ (fish).39. 填空题:A ___ (小龙) is a mythical animal.40. 选择题:What do you call the large area of ice that floats on water?A. GlacierB. IcebergC. SnowfieldD. Permafrost41. 填空题:Playing with my ________ (玩具名称) makes me happy.42. 填空题:I love to _______ (拍摄) videos of my travels.43. 选择题:What is the main ingredient in ketchup?A. TomatoB. PepperC. OnionD. Garlic答案:A44. 选择题:What is the opposite of 'fast'?A. QuickB. SlowC. SteadyD. Rapid答案:B. Slow45. 选择题:Which animal is known for its black and white stripes?A. TigerB. ZebraC. LeopardD. Cheetah答案: B46. 选择题:What is the capital of Canada?a. Torontob. Ottawac. Vancouverd. Montreal答案:b47. 填空题:My grandma is a wonderful __________ (指导者).48. 听力题:Photosynthesis produces glucose and ______.49. 听力题:I want to go to the ________.50. 选择题:What is the smallest continent?A. AsiaB. EuropeC. AustraliaD. Antarctica51. 选择题:What is the term for the light emitted by a star as it fuses hydrogen into helium?A. Stellar RadiationB. Nuclear FusionC. Solar EmissionD. Cosmic Light52. 听力题:A __________ is a geological feature that rises sharply from the ground.53. 填空题:My favorite _____ (玩具车) can make sounds and lights.我最喜欢的玩具车可以发出声音和灯光。

2024年09版小学英语第一单元期末试卷(含答案)考试时间:90分钟(总分:120)B卷考试人:_________题号一二三四五总分得分一、综合题(共计100题共100分)1. 填空题:The ferret loves to play in _______ (隧道).2. 填空题:The __________ (地方特色) make each region unique.3. 听力题:The reaction of an acid with a carbonate produces ______ gas.4. 填空题:The puppy sleeps in a _______ (小狗在_______里睡觉).5. 选择题:What do we call the small, hard seed of certain fruits?A. KernelB. PitC. StoneD. All of the above答案:D6. 填空题:The panda is known for eating _______ (竹子).7. 听力题:The __________ is a famous area known for its mineral resources.8. 选择题:What do we call the act of gathering information?A. ResearchingB. InvestigatingD. Studying9. 填空题:The ________ is very helpful.10. 填空题:The kangaroo can jump very _______ (高).11. 选择题:Which part of the plant absorbs water and nutrients from the soil?A. LeafB. StemC. RootD. Flower答案: C12. 选择题:What is the boiling point of water?A. 50 degrees CelsiusB. 100 degrees CelsiusC. 150 degrees CelsiusD. 200 degrees Celsius13. 听力题:She likes to wear ________ shoes.14. 选择题:What do we call the first meal of the day?A. LunchB. DinnerC. BreakfastD. Snack答案: C. Breakfast15. 填空题:My ________ (玩具名称) is a colorful rainbow.16. 听力题:The ________ (phone) is ringing.17. 选择题:What do we call the practice of growing plants?A. HorticultureB. AgricultureD. Gardening18. 填空题:I can take my ________ (玩具名称) anywhere I want.19. 听力题:The process of sublimation is when a solid changes directly to a _____.20. 选择题:What do you call a person who speaks more than one language?A. PolygotB. TranslatorC. InterpreterD. Bilingual答案:D21. 选择题:What is 100 45?A. 55B. 65C. 75D. 85答案: A22. 选择题:What do you call a person who plays a musical instrument?A. MusicianB. SingerC. ActorD. Dancer答案:A23. 选择题:What is the capital of Slovakia?A. PragueB. BratislavaC. BudapestD. Warsaw答案:B24. 选择题:What do you call the season when leaves fall from trees?A. SpringB. SummerC. Winter答案:D25. 填空题:Ants work together to build their ______ (巢).26. 听力题:Chlorine is commonly used as a _____ to disinfect water.27. 听力题:The animal with the longest neck is the ______.28. 听力题:I want to ___ (visit/see) my friend.29. 选择题:What do we call the place where we learn?A. HomeB. SchoolC. ParkD. Office答案: B30. 选择题:What type of animal is a shark?A. MammalB. FishC. ReptileD. Amphibian答案:B31. 填空题:We will _______ a movie tonight.32. 选择题:What is the name of the process by which plants lose water?A. AbsorptionB. RespirationC. TranspirationD. Evaporation答案:C33. 选择题:What do you call the place where you can see animals in their natural habitat?A. ZooB. AquariumD. Wildlife Reserve34. 填空题:The __________ is a famous city known for its flowers. (阿姆斯特丹)35. 选择题:What do you call the act of taking care of a garden?A. PruningB. WeedingC. GardeningD. Planting36. 听力题:The process of extracting gold from ore is called _______.37. 听力题:Many _______ have different blooming seasons.38. 选择题:What do you call a story that is not true?A. FactB. FictionC. HistoryD. Biography答案:B39. 填空题:The dog loves to play with its ______.40. 填空题:I have a toy _______ that can jump high and far.41. 选择题:What fruit is red and often mistaken for a vegetable?A. TomatoB. CarrotC. BananaD. Grape42. 选择题:What is 20 7?A. 12B. 13C. 14D. 15The ancient Egyptians practiced _____ as part of their religion.44. 选择题:What is the name of the famous American singer known for her hit song "Respect"?A. Aretha FranklinB. Diana RossC. Tina TurnerD. Whitney Houston答案: A. Aretha Franklin45. 选择题:What is the largest planet in our solar system?A. EarthB. MarsC. JupiterD. Saturn46. 填空题:A _____ (54) is a large group of islands.47. 选择题:What is the name of the famous American national park located in California?A. YellowstoneB. YosemiteC. Grand CanyonD. Zion答案:B48. 听力题:The island of Madagascar is located off the coast of __________.49. 选择题:What do we use to write on paper?A. BrushB. PencilC. EraserD. Ruler答案:B50. 听力题:The Ptolemaic model of the universe placed Earth at the ______.51. 听力题:The __________ is a natural boundary between two states.I dream of creating a toy that promotes ________ (名词) and kindness.53. 听力题:A ____ is often found resting on leaves during the day.54. 听力题:I enjoy going to the ___. (beach)55. 选择题:Which insect makes honey?A. AntB. ButterflyC. BeeD. Fly答案: C56. 听力题:Chemical symbols represent ________ in a chemical equation.57. 选择题:What is the common term for a young cat?A. PuppyB. KittenC. CubD. Calf答案: B58. 听力题:She is _____ (making) a scrapbook.59. 选择题:What do we call the fear of spiders?A. AcrophobiaB. ArachnophobiaC. ClaustrophobiaD. Agoraphobia答案:B60. 选择题:What do you use to write?A. ForkB. SpoonC. PencilD. Knife答案:CWhat do you wear on your head?A. ShoesB. HatC. GlovesD. Scarf62. 听力题:The ancient Sumerians are credited with creating the first form of _______.63. 填空题:My sister wants a pet ______ (小鸟) that can sing.64. 选择题:What is the name of the fairy tale character who leaves a glass slipper?A. Snow WhiteB. CinderellaC. Sleeping BeautyD. Little Red Riding Hood65. 填空题:My cat has sharp ______ (爪子).66. 选择题:What do you call the process of changing from a solid to a liquid?A. FreezingB. MeltingC. BoilingD. Evaporating答案:B67. 听力题:My mom loves to do ____ (home improvement).68. 填空题:The gecko climbs _______ (墙壁) with ease.69. 填空题:A garden needs good ______ (土壤).70. 填空题:The horse rides _________ in the field. (快)71. 选择题:What is the main ingredient in pancakes?A. FlourB. SugarC. MilkD. Eggs72. 填空题:I always share my __________ (玩具名) with my little __________ (亲戚).73. 听力题:Elements in the same column of the periodic table have similar ______.74. 填空题:The teacher assigns interesting _____ (项目) for students.75. 选择题:What do we call a scientist who studies the origins of life?A. BiochemistB. PaleontologistC. GeneticistD. Earth Scientist76. 听力题:The Earth's ______ is vital for sustaining life.77. 填空题:I like to write ________ (故事).78. 填空题:The monkey swings from ________________ (树).79. 听力题:The book is ___ the table. (on)80. 听力题:I see a rainbow after the ______ (storm).81. 选择题:What is the name of the fairy tale character who lived in a shoe?a. Jackb. Jillc. Old Mother Hubbardd. Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe答案:D82. 填空题:The ________ is a small creature that hops around.83. 选择题:What do you call the process of planting seeds?A. GrowingB. HarvestingC. SowingD. Watering答案:C84. 听力题:We will have _____ (a test/homework) next week.85. trial Revolution began in ________ (英国). 填空题:The Indu86. 选择题:What is the capital of France?A. MadridB. BerlinC. LondonD. Paris答案:D87. 选择题:What is the main source of energy for the Earth?A. The MoonB. The SunC. StarsD. Wind88. 选择题:What do we call the main character in a story?A. ProtagonistB. AntagonistC. NarratorD. Supporting Character答案:A89. 选择题:What is the capital of France?A. LondonB. BerlinC. ParisD. Rome答案:CWe celebrate __________ Day with family. (节日)91. 填空题:Plants are essential for maintaining ______ balance on Earth.(植物对维持地球的生态平衡至关重要。

小学下册英语第二单元期末试卷(含答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有50小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1 What is the capital city of Madagascar?A. AntananarivoB. ToamasinaC. AntsirananaD. Mahajanga2 I love ________ (春天) because of the flowers.3 My brother is a ______. He enjoys playing the violin.4 What do bees produce?A. MilkB. HoneyC. EggsD. Silk5 It is ________ (cold) outside in winter.6 The __________ (历史的共享知识) promote learning.7 What is the primary color of a tomato?A. GreenB. RedC. YellowD. Orange8 The cat is ______ (sleeping) on the couch.9 She is like a __________ to me. (姐姐)10 I can ______ (骑) a horse.11 What do we call the largest land animal?A. LionB. ElephantC. RhinoD. Giraffe答案:B12 Which season comes after winter?A. FallB. SummerC. SpringD. Autumn答案:C13 My ________ (玩具) is my favorite way to unwind.14 What do we call a person who studies stars?A. BiologistB. AstronomerC. GeologistD. Chemist15 Certain plants are ______ (季节性) and bloom at specific times.16 Carbon dioxide is produced when we __________.17 My dog loves to play with ______ (其他动物).18 The snow is _____ on the ground. (white)19 The ________ is a symbol of good luck.20 A chemical reaction that occurs between an acid and a base is called a ______ reaction.21 My dad's name is . (我爸爸的名字是)22 The cat is _______ (在) the tree.23 The ________ (research) provides valuable insights.24 What is the opposite of hot?A. ColdB. WarmC. SunnyD. Cool答案:A25 Some frogs can change ______.26 The process of fermentation is used to produce _______.27 The smallest unit of an element is called an _______.28 Planting bulbs in the fall leads to beautiful ______ in the spring. (秋天种植球茎会在春天盛开美丽的花朵。

小学下册英语第二单元期末试卷(含答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有50小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1 We are having ________ (早餐) together.2 A _______ can help to illustrate how energy is transferred.3 What is the name of the famous mountain range in Asia?A. RockiesB. AlpsC. HimalayasD. Andes4 The invention of the camera changed the way we _____ history.5 The ocean supports diverse ______ of life.6 I like to pretend I'm a chef with my kitchen ________ (玩具名称).7 The periodic table lists all known _______. (元素)8 I think my neighbor is a __________ (很有趣的人) with many stories.9 I love to go to ______ with my family.10 The _______ (Constitutional Monarchy) limits the powers of the monarch.11 a Desert is mainly located in __________. (非洲) The Saha12 The sun is shining ________ today.13 I love animals, especially __________. They are so cute and playful. One day, I want to __________ so I can take care of them.14 What do we call the process of water turning into vapor?B. EvaporationC. FreezingD. Condensation答案: B15 The main source of protein is _____.16 What do you call a large animal that lives in the ocean and has tusks?A. SealB. WalrusC. DolphinD. Whale答案:B17 Certain plants provide ______ (营养) for livestock.18 A starfish can regenerate its lost ______ (手臂).19 Baking soda reacts with vinegar to create _______. (气泡)20 My favorite fruit is ______ (banana).21 I have a _____ of stickers. (book)22 The process of ______ can lead to new land formations.23 His favorite hobby is ________.24 I like to help my dad ________ (修理) things.25 The flowers are ______ in the garden. (blooming)26 The __________ of a bee is essential for making honey.27 The ________ (环境变化) impacts plants.28 What is the capital of Burundi?a. Gitegac. Ngozid. Rumonge答案:a29 What is the name of the longest river in the world?A. NileB. AmazonC. MississippiD. Yangtze30 In photosynthesis, plants convert sunlight into _______.31 What is the name of the event where you celebrate a child's achievements?A. GraduationB. PromotionC. CeremonyD. Reward答案: A32 What do we wear on our feet?A. HatB. ShoesC. GlovesD. Scarf答案:B33 The __________ is known for its significant wildlife population. (非洲)34 What is the capital of France?A. BerlinB. MadridC. ParisD. Rome答案:C35 He is very _____ (热情) about his work.36 My sister has a keen interest in __________ (天文学).37 What is the process of changing from liquid to gas called?A. FreezingB. MeltingC. EvaporationD. Condensation答案: C38 What is the main ingredient in a smoothie?A. MilkB. IceC. FruitD. All of the above39 A solubility curve shows how solubility changes with ______.40 I love my _____ (玩具飞机) that flies high.41 The ______ (小鹿) grazes quietly in the ______ (草地).42 What do we call the protective covering of an egg?A. ShellB. YolkC. AlbumenD. Membrane43 I have a toy _____ that makes noise.44 What is the opposite of "fast"?A. SlowB. QuickC. RapidD. Swift45 A ______ (生态保护) program can save endangered species.46 My birthday is in ___. (July, cold, happy)47 在历史上,________ (discoveries) 为社会的进步奠定了基础。

深圳2024年09版小学英语第一单元期末试卷(含答案)考试时间:100分钟(总分:120)A卷考试人:_________题号一二三四五总分得分一、综合题(共计100题)1、填空题:I made a special box for my favorite ____. (玩具名称)2、填空题:A ______ (海豚) is a friendly animal often found in the ocean.3、填空题:In science, we use a __________ to conduct experiments safely. (实验室)4、听力题:A ______ is a type of report summarizing findings.5、What do we call the study of animals?A. BotanyB. ZoologyC. EcologyD. Anthropology答案:B6、填空题:The puppy plays with a _______ (小狗玩_______).7、填空题:The _____ (豹) can climb trees very well.8、填空题:A rabbit can be very ______ (活泼) and playful.9、填空题:The musician performs at _____ (音乐会) regularly.10、填空题:A _______ (金鱼) can live for many years.11、听力题:A reaction that produces energy is called an ______ reaction.12、填空题:A _____ (金丝雀) sings beautifully.13、What do you call a young dog?A. KittenB. PuppyC. CubD. Calf答案: B14、听力题:She wears _____ (眼镜) to read.15、填空题:I have a ________ that glows.16、填空题:My __________ (玩具名) has a very __________ (形容词) design.17、听力题:The term “solubility” refers to how well a substance can _____ in a solvent.18、听力题:The ________ (snow) is falling gently.19、What color do you get when you mix red and white?A. PinkB. PurpleC. BrownD. Blue答案:A20、听力题:The flowers are ________ in spring.21、What is the opposite of 'hot'?A. WarmB. ColdC. Cool答案:B22、听力题:It is ___ today. (rainy, sunny, snowy)23、听力填空题:I think having a positive attitude can change our __________.24、填空题:The ibis has long ______ (腿) and a curved beak.25、填空题:The tree has many ______.26、填空题:My _____ (祖父) loves to play chess.27、What is the name of the famous ancient civilization that built pyramids?A. RomansB. GreeksC. EgyptiansD. Mayans答案: C28、填空题:My teacher helps me with ____.29、填空题:The _____ (狐狸) sneaks through the forest quietly.30、What is the name of the story about a boy who never grew up?A. Alice in WonderlandB. Peter PanC. The Little MermaidD. Beauty and the Beast答案:B31、填空题:The _____ (potato) is grown underground.32、小刺猬) rolls into a ball when scared. 填空题:The ___33、What do bees make?A. MilkC. JamD. Butter34、填空题:The cardinal is a bright red ________________ (鸟).35、填空题:This ________ (玩具) is my lucky charm.36、听力题:The process of ion exchange involves replacing ions in a ______.37、听力题:The sun is shining ________.38、填空题:Ducks like to _______ (游泳) in ponds.39、What do we call the imaginary line that runs from the North Pole to the South Pole?A. LatitudeB. LongitudeC. EquatorD. Meridian答案:B40、听力题:They are playing ___ (soccer).41、What is the currency used in the USA?A. DollarB. EuroC. PoundD. Yen答案: A42、选择题:What is the capital of Sweden?A. OsloB. StockholmC. CopenhagenD. Helsinki43、What do we call a person who studies the anatomy of the human body?A. AnatomistC. PhysiologistD. Pathologist答案: A44、Which food is made from milk?A. BreadB. CheeseC. RiceD. Pasta45、填空题:My sister loves __________ (动物) and wants to be a vet.46、小海豚) jumps out of the water. 填空题:The ___47、What is the main language spoken in the USA?A. FrenchB. SpanishC. EnglishD. German答案:C48、填空题:The __________ (城市更新) revitalizes neighborhoods.49、填空题:The train is ________ (快).50、听力题:The earth has a magnetic _______.51、填空题:We can build a _____ (城堡) with these blocks.52、填空题:The ________ (农田) produces lots of food.53、What is the smallest planet in our solar system?A. MercuryB. MarsC. VenusD. Pluto答案: A54、填空题:My name is . (我叫)55、What do you call the main character in a movie?A. ProtagonistB. AntagonistC. DirectorD. Extra答案:A56、How many players are there in a rugby team?A. 11B. 13C. 15D. 17答案: C57、选择题:What do we call a person who repairs plumbing?A. ElectricianB. PlumberC. MechanicD. Carpenter58、填空题:A ____(community vision statement) articulates collective aspirations.59、填空题:The _____ (小鸭) waddles after its mother.60、填空题:My brother is always full of __________ (能量).61、What is the name of the ocean between Africa and Australia?A. Atlantic OceanB. Indian OceanC. Arctic OceanD. Southern Ocean答案: B62、填空题:The __________ (历史的探索方式) foster understanding.63、What is the name of the famous statue in New York Harbor?A. The ThinkerB. Christ the RedeemerC. Statue of LibertyD. David答案: C. Statue of Liberty64、填空题:I can ______ (组织) my thoughts before speaking.65、填空题:The newt has a long ______ (尾巴).66、填空题:A garden needs ______ (阳光) to grow healthy plants.67、填空题:I help my mom with the ____.68、填空题:My cat loves to curl up on a _______ (椅子).69、填空题:The __________ (历史的探讨) encourages inquiry.70、选择题:What is the capital of New Zealand?A. WellingtonB. AucklandC. ChristchurchD. Hamilton71、听力题:Salt dissolves in _____.72、听力题:The cake is ___. (sweet)73、What is the color of a typical lime?A. GreenB. YellowC. RedD. Blue答案:A74、填空题:The ancient Greeks participated in ________ to promote unity.Trees provide us with ______.76、Which planet is known as the Red Planet?A. VenusB. EarthC. MarsD. Jupiter答案:C77、填空题:My favorite dish is ______ (香肠).78、What is the largest organ in the human body?A. HeartB. BrainC. SkinD. Liver答案: C79、填空题:My neighbor is very __________. (友好)80、What is the term for the path that a planet takes around the sun?A. AxisB. OrbitC. RouteD. Line81、填空题:The sky is very ______ today.82、听力题:She has a beautiful ________.83、听力题:The chemical formula for magnesium oxide is _____.84、听力题:A shadow is created when light is ______ by an object.85、听力题:My dad works in an ________.86、填空题:A snail leaves a ______ (黏液) trail.The part of an atom that carries a positive charge is the ______.88、What color is an orange?A. BlueB. OrangeC. GreenD. Purple89、environmental policy) guides government actions. 填空题:The ____90、听力题:The __________ is a famous area known for its ancient structures.91、填空题:The llama is known for its soft _________ (毛).92、填空题:In ________, Columbus discovered America.93、What do you call a collection of books?A. LibraryB. BookstoreC. ArchiveD. Collection答案:A94、听力题:The ________ (forum) facilitates discussion.95、What is the main language spoken in Spain?A. FrenchB. ItalianC. SpanishD. Portuguese答案: C96、What do we call the time between day and night?A. DawnB. DuskC. NoonD. Midnight97、填空题:Chemical reactions often produce _______ as a byproduct. (气体)Acids can donate a ______ ion.99、What is the largest land animal?A. RhinoB. ElephantC. GiraffeD. Hippo答案:B100、填空题:I love to ______ (品尝) new foods.。

一、(选择题)总分:30分(2分/题)1、This girl is very ambitious. 这个女孩非常有抱负。
A, Lazy B, Ambitious C, Complacent2、What do we call plants that grow in water?中文解释:我们称生长在水中的植物为?A, Terrestrial plantsB, Aquatic plantsC, Desert plants3、How many colors are in the U.S. flag?A, 2B, 3C, 4D, 54、What do we call the meal we eat in the morning?A, BreakfastB, LunchC, DinnerD, Snack5、Which of the following means "蜡笔" in English?A, MarkerB, CrayonC, PencilD, Pen6、Which animal is known for its ability to swim?A, CatB, DogC, FishD, Bird7、He is very resourceful. 他非常足智多谋。
A, Unhelpful B, Resourceful C, Clumsy8、What do bees collect from flowers?中文解释:蜜蜂从花中收集什么?A, PollenB, NectarC, Leaves9、Which of these is a type of nut?A, PotatoB, AlmondC, CarrotD, Tomato10、What is the shape of a ball?中文解释:球的形状是什么?A, SquareB, RoundC, Flat11、What is the opposite of "hot"?A, ColdB, WarmC, CoolD, Spicy12、Which of these is a common breakfast food?A, PizzaB, PancakesC, SaladD, Spaghetti13、What is the opposite of "early"?中文解释:"早"的反义词是什么?A, LateB, SoonC, Quick14、What is the English translation of "植物发展规划"? A, Plant development planB, Agricultural development planC, Environmental development planD, Ecological development plan15、What do we call the sport played on ice with skates? A, FootballB, HockeyC, BasketballD, Tennis16、What do you call a baby cat?A, PuppyB, KittenC, CubD, Foal17、What is the English word for "父母"?A, ParentsB, ChildrenC, SiblingsD, Cousins18、Which animal is known for its stripes?A, LionB, ZebraC, TigerD, Cheetah19、What do we call someone who acts in movies or plays? A, DirectorB, ProducerC, ActorD, Writer20、听音,写出你所听到的大写或小写字母。
赣州2024年11版小学英语第3单元期末试卷[含答案]考试时间:100分钟(总分:100)B卷考试人:_________题号一二三四五总分得分一、综合题(共计100题)1、填空题:I talk to my friends about ____.2、What do you call the natural satellite of Earth?A. SunB. MoonC. StarD. Planet答案:B3、填空题:A ____(urban heat island effect) raises city temperatures.4、听力题:I wear _____ (帽子) in winter.5、Which country is known for sushi?A. ChinaB. JapanC. ThailandD. India答案:B6、填空题:A __________ (气体收集) method is used to gather gas produced in reactions.7、填空题:The ancient Greeks laid the foundations for ________ (现代科学).8、听力题:The chemical symbol for mercury is ______.9、 (French) language has many words borrowed from Latin. 填空题:The ____10、听力题:A __________ is a tool used to measure length.11、What is the capital of Belarus?A. MinskB. BrestC. GomelD. Vitebsk答案: A12、听力题:A ______ often travels in packs.13、What do you call a person who studies fossils?A. ArchaeologistB. PaleontologistC. GeologistD. Anthropologist答案: B14、填空题:The ancient Egyptians created beautiful _____ to honor their gods.15、听力题:Molecules are made up of two or more _____ bonded together.16、Who is known as the "Father of Medicine"?A. HippocratesB. AristotleC. GalenD. Avicenna答案:A17、填空题:The _____ (树) is tall and strong.18、听力题:The arrangement of atoms in a crystal lattice is characteristic of _____ (ionic compounds).19、War was marked by competition in ________ (太空). 填空题:The Cold20、填空题:The __________ (历史的动态性) showcases adaptability.21、填空题:My _____ (姐姐) is a great artist.22、What do we call the time of year when leaves fall from trees?A. SpringB. SummerC. FallD. Winter答案:C23、填空题:Planting _____ (野生花) helps attract beneficial insects.24、In which season does it typically snow?A. SpringB. SummerC. AutumnD. Winter答案:D25、填空题:The __________ is a major river that flows through Nigeria. (尼日尔河)26、填空题:I like to go ______ (滑雪) in winter.27、听力题:The __________ is the measure of how much matter is in a given volume.28、填空题:My hamster loves to run around in its ______ (笼子).29、填空题:I enjoy cooking simple meals like ________ (意大利面) and ________ (沙拉) with my family.30、听力题:The sun is shining ___. (brightly)31、What is 8 + 6?A. 12B. 14C. 16D. 18答案: B. 1432、What do bees make?A. HoneyB. MilkC. BreadD. Cheese33、听力题:I want to _____ (visit) the aquarium.34、What do you call a scientist who studies the weather?A. MeteorologistB. GeologistC. BiologistD. Physicist35、选择题:What is the name of the famous rock formation in Australia?A. UluruB. Ayers RockC. Great Barrier ReefD. Sydney Opera House36、听力题:I found a _____ (pencil/book) on the floor.37、填空题:The ancient Egyptians were skilled in ______ (医学).38、听力题:The chipmunk stores nuts in its ______.39、What is the capital of India?A. MumbaiB. New DelhiC. KolkataD. Chennai40、填空题:My cousin is very __________ (善于沟通).41、填空题:My grandma makes me feel ____.The chemical symbol for francium is ______.43、听力题:A solution that is very acidic has a pH of _______.44、听力题:__________ are used in the production of cosmetics.45、Which animal is famous for its long migrations?A. ElephantB. SalmonC. LionD. Tiger答案: B46、听力题:A __________ mixture can be separated easily.47、填空题:I like to ______ (参与) in community projects.48、Which animal barks?A. CatB. DogC. CowD. Sheep答案:B49、听力题:My friend plays ____ (baseball) every weekend.50、填空题:We studied the ________ (经济) of different countries.51、听力题:I like to eat ______ for breakfast. (eggs)52、听力题:Mountains are formed by __________ forces.53、填空题:A ______ (青蛙) can vary in color.54、听力题:A simple machine like a lever helps us to ______ (lift) heavy things.She has a _____ (new/old) dress.56、填空题:My pet hamster loves to explore its ______ (笼子).57、填空题:There are many different types of ____, like dolls and cars. (玩具)58、填空题:My dad is my _______ (我爸爸是我的_______).59、听力题:The state of matter that fills its container is a _______.60、听力题:A combustion reaction requires ______.61、听力题:The ______ is crucial for survival in the wild.62、填空题:My _____ (父母) take me to the zoo to see all the animals.我父母带我去动物园看所有的动物。

青岛2024年03版小学英语第三单元期末试卷考试时间:80分钟(总分:120)A卷考试人:_________题号一二三总分得分一、选择题(共计20题,共40分)1、How many teeth does an adult human usually have?A, 20B, 24C, 28D, 322、What is the English word for "海狮"?A, WalrusB, SealC, Sea lionD, Otter3、Which plant is known for its vibrant yellow color?哪种植物以其鲜艳的黄色而闻名?A, SunflowerB, OakC, PineD, Maple4、Which type of plant is usually grown at higher altitudes?哪种植物通常生长在较高海拔地区?A, Alpine plantB, Tropical plantC, Desert plantD, Aquatic plant5、What is the English translation of "水生植物"?A, Aquatic plantsB, Terrestrial plantsC, Marine plantsD, Freshwater plants6、Act like a bear。
7、What is the opposite of "new"?A, FreshB, OldC, RecentD, Modern8、What does "花" mean in English?A, LeafB, StemC, FlowerD, Root9、What sound does a cat make?A, BarkB, MeowC, RoarD, Quack10、What is the English translation of "书"?A, BookB, PenC, PaperD, Desk11、What do you call someone who writes books? A, PainterB, AuthorC, ScientistD, Musician12、What do we call a plant that grows quickly?中文解释:我们称生长迅速的植物为?A, AnnualB, Fast-growing plantC, Perennial13、Which one is a type of flower?A, OakB, RoseC, MapleD, Pine14、What is the opposite of "clean"?A, DirtyB, NeatC, TidyD, Clear15、What does "同学" translate to in English?A, ClassmateB, TeacherC, StudentD, Neighbor16、What do you call a tall building where people live?中文解释:人们居住的高楼叫什么?A, ApartmentB, HotelC, Office17、Which plant is known for its medicinal qualities?哪种植物以其药用特性而闻名?A, EucalyptusB, OakC, PineD, Maple18、What does "狗" mean in English?A, CatB, DogC, BirdD, Fish19、What is the color of the sky on a clear day?A, GreenB, BlueC, YellowD, Purple20、Which plant is famous for its fragrance?哪种植物因其香气而闻名?A, TulipB, RoseC, FernD, Cactus二、听力题(共计20题,共40分)1、听力填空题:She ___ (write) a story for her English class.2、How many legs does a dog have?A, TwoB, FourC, SixD, Eight3、听力填空题:The stars ___ (twinkle) in the night sky.4、What do you call a person who repairs buildings? A, ArchitectB, BuilderC, ContractorD, Carpenter5、Where do we keep our food cold?A, OvenB, RefrigeratorC, MicrowaveD, Stove6、What is the name of the plant that gives us potatoes? A, TreeB, BushC, VineD, Herb7、听力填空题:We ___ (visit) the botanical garden.8、听录音,根据你所听到的顺序为下列句子排序。

一、选择题(共计20题,共40分)1、What is the English word for "植物品牌"?A, Plant brandB, Agricultural brandC, Environmental brandD, Ecological brand2、What do we call a plant that grows well in acidic soil?我们称在酸性土壤中生长良好的植物为?A, Acid-loving plantB, Alkaline plantC, Neutral plantD, Saline plant3、What is the English translation of "植物"?A, TreeB, PlantC, FlowerD, Grass4、What does "果园" mean in English?A, OrchardB, GardenC, FarmD, Park5、He enjoys running marathons. 他喜欢跑马拉松。
A, Walking B, Running C, Swimming6、What do we call a plant that grows in gardens?我们称在花园中生长的植物为?A, Garden plantB, Wild plantC, Indoor plantD, Outdoor plant7、What is the name of the famous mountain range in Asia?A, AndesB, RockiesC, HimalayasD, Alps8、What is the English translation of "体育"?A, HistoryB, EnglishC, PE (Physical Education)D, Music9、What is the color of the sky on a clear day?A, GreenB, BlueC, YellowD, Purple10、What is the name of the famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci? A, The Last SupperB, Mona LisaC, Starry NightD, The Scream11、What is the English translation of "地图"?A, GuidebookB, MapC, CompassD, Chart12、What is the opposite of "dark"?A, BrightB, LightC, DimD, Shade13、What is the English word for "节日"?A, HolidayB, CelebrationC, FestivalD, Both A and C14、Which word means "not new"?A, OldB, YoungC, FreshD, New15、What do you call the animal that hops and has a pouch?A, KangarooB, RabbitC, SquirrelD, Deer16、He is always willing to help others. 他总是乐于帮助别人。

2018年12月英语四级阅读真题:试卷一长篇阅读Part ⅢReading Comprehension ( 40 minutes)Section BDirections: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.Food-as-Medicine Movement Is Witnessing Progress[A] Several times a month, you can find a doctor in the aisles of Ralph’s market in Huntington Beach, California, wearing a white coat and helping people learn about food. On one recent day, this doctor was Daniel Nadeau, wandering the cereal aisle with Allison Scott, giving her some idea on how tofeed kids who persistently avoid anything that is healthy. “Have you thought about trying fresh juices in the morning?” he asks her. “The frozen oranges and apples are a little cheaper, and fruits are really good for the brain. Juices are quick and easy to prepare, you can take the frozen fruit out the night before and have it ready the next morning.”[B] Scott is delighted to get food advice from a physician who is program director of the nearby Mary and Dick Allen Diabetes Center, part of the St. Joseph Hoag Health alliance. The center’s ‘Shop with Your Doc’ program sends doctors to the grocery store to meet with any patients who sign up for the service, plus any other shoppers who happen to be around with questions.[C] Nadeau notices the pre-made macaroni (通心粉)-and-cheese boxes in Scott’s shopping cart and suggests she switch to whole grain macaroni and real cheese. “So I’d have to make it?”she asks, her enthusiasm fading at the thought of how long that might take, just to have her kids reject it. “I’m not sure they’d eat it. They just won’t eat it.”[D] Nadeau says sugar and processed foods are big contributors to the rising diabet es rates among children. “In America, over 50 percent of our food is processed food,” Nadeau tells her. “And only 5 percent of our food isplant-based food. I think we should try to reverse that.” Scott agrees to try more fruit juices for the kids and to make real macaroni and cheese. Score one point for the doctor, zero for diabetes.[E] Nadeau is part of a small revolution developing across California. The food-as-medicine movement has been around for decades, but it’s making progress as physicians and medical institutions make food a formal part of treatment, rather than relying solely on medications (药物). By prescribing nutritional changes or launching programs such as ‘Shop with your Doc’, they are trying to prevent, limit or even reverse disease by changing what patients eat. “There’s no question people can take things a long way toward reversing diabetes, reversing high blood pressure, even preventing cancer by food choices,” Nadeau says.[F] In the big picture, says Dr. Richard Afable, CEO andpresident of ST. Joseph Hoag Health, medical institutions across the state are starting to make a philosophical switch to becoming a health organization, not just a health care organization. That feeling echoes the beliefs of the Therapeutic Food Pantry program at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, which completed its pilot phase and is about to expand on an ongoing basis to five clinic sites throughout the city. The program will offer patients several bags of food prescribed for their condition, along with intensive training in how to cook it. “We really want to link food and medicine, and not just give away food,” says Dr. Rita Nguyen, the hospital’s medical director of Healthy Food Initiatives. “We want people to understand what they’re eating, ho w to prepare it, the role food plays in their lives.”[G] In Southern California, Loma Linda University School of Medicine is offering specialized training for its resident physicians in Lifestyle Medicine — that is a formal specialty in using food to treat disease. Research findings increasingly show the power of food to treat or reverse diseases, but that does not mean that diet alone is always the solution, or that every illness can benefit substantially from dietary changes.Nonetheless, physicians say that they look at the collective data and a clear picture emerges: that the salt, sugar, fat and processed foods in the American diet contribute to the nation’s high rates of obesity, diabetes and heart disease. According to the World Health Organization, 80 percent of deaths from heart disease and stroke are caused by high blood pressure, tobacco use, elevated cholesterol and low consumption of fruits and vegetables.[H] “It’s a different paradigm(范式)of how to treat disease,”says Dr. Brenda Rea, who helps run the family and preventive medicine residency program at Loma Linda University Schoolof Medicine. The lifestyle medicine specialty is designed to train doctors in how to prevent and treat disease, in part, by changing patients’ nutritional habits. The medical center and school at Loma Linda also has a food cupboard and kitchen for patients. This way, patients not only learn about which foodsto buy, but also how to prepare them at home.[I] Many people don’t know how to cook, Rea says, and they only know how to heat things up. That means depending on packaged food with high salt and sugar content. So teachingpeople about which foods are healthy and how to prepare them, she says, can actually transform a patient’s life. And beyond that, it might transform the health and lives of that patient’s family. “What people eat can be medicine or poison,” Rea says. “As a physician, nutrition is one of the most powerful things you can change to reverse the effects oflong-term disease.”[J] Studies have explored evidence that dietary changes can slow inflammation(炎症), for example, or make the body inhospitable to cancer cells. In general, many lifestyle medicine physicians recommend a plant-based diet —particularly for people with diabetes or other inflammatory conditions.[K] “As what happened with tobacco, this will require a cultural shift, but that can happen,” says Nguyen. “In the same way physicians used to smoke, and then stopped smoking and were able to talk to patients about it, I think physicians can have a bigger voice in it.”36. More than half of the food Americans eat isfactory-produced.37. There is a special program that assigns doctors to give advice to shoppers in food stores.38. There is growing evidence from research that food helps patients recover from various illnesses.39. A healthy breakfast can be prepared quickly and easily.40. Training a patient to prepare healthy food can change their life.41. One food-as-medicine program not only prescribes food for treatment but teaches patients how to cook it.42. Scott is not keen on cooking food herself, thinking it would simply be a waste of time.43. Diabetes patients are advised to eat more plant-based food.44. Using food as medicine is no novel idea, but the movement is making headway these days.45. Americans’ high rates of various illnesses result from the way they eat.。
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2013-2014学年第二学期期末考试试卷年级 13级大专 专业 各专业 层次 各层次 科目 英语阅读欣赏I. Multiple Choice (30 points in all, 1 for each)Select from the four choices of each item the one that best answers thequestion or completes the statement. Mark the corresponding letter A, B,C orD on the answer sheet.1. “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.” This humorous speech is from___ B _______.A. Jane Austen ’s EmmaB. Jane Austen ’s Pride and PrejudiceC. Charles Dickins ’ The Great ExpectationD. Charlotte Bronte ’s Jane Eyre The most2. The important contribution of __ B ____ is that he not only started the modern poetry, but also changed the course of English poetry by using ordinary speech of the language and by advocating a return to nature.A. William BlakeB. William WordsworthC. G. G. ByronD. John Keats3. In the Victorian Period __ B ____ became the most widely read and the most vital and challenging expression of progressive thought.A. poetryB. novelC. proseD. drama4. Thomas Hardy’s _ A _____ view of life predominates most of his works and earns him a reputation as a ________ writer.A. pessimistic, naturalisticB. pessimistic, humorousC. romantic, realistD. determinist, stylistic5. “Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? ... And if God had gifted me with some beauty, and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you. ” The quoted lines are most probably taken from ___ C _____.A. Great ExpectationsB. Wuthering HeightsC. Jane EyreD. Pride and Prejudice6. Jane Austen’ s first novel __A ______ tells a story about two sisters and their love affairs.A. Sense and SensibilityB. Pride and PrejudiceC. Northanger AbbeyD. Mansfield Park7. “If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?” comes from __A______.A. Shelley’s Ode to the West WindB. Walt Whitman’ s Leaves of GrassC. John Milton’s Paradise LostD. John Keats’ Ode on a Grecian Ur n8. “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” is __D______ masterpiece on ________.A. G. G. Byron’s, loveB. John Keats’, natureC. P. B. Shelley’s, loveD. William Wordsworth’s, nature9. T.S. Eliot’s __B____ not only presents a panorama of physical disorder and spiritual desolation in the modern Western world, but also reflects the prevalent mood of disillusionment and despair of a whole post-war generation.A. The Hollow MenB. The Waste LandC. Murder in the CathedralD. Ash Wednesday10. John Milton’s greatest poetical work __B______ is the only generally acknowledged epic in English literature since Beowulf.A. AreopagiticaB. Paradise LostC. LycidasD. Samson Agonistes11. “The dignity of movement of an iceberg is due to only one-eighth of it being above water.” This “iceberg” analogy about prose style was put forward by ___C_____.A. William FaulknerB. Henry JamesC. Ernest HemingwayD. F. Scott Fitzgerald12. Among the following writers ___B____is generally regarded as the great master of the 20th century “s tream-of-consciousness” novels in British literature.A. T. S. EliotB. James JoyceC. William FaulknerD. Henry James13. In William Faulkner’s writings, the modern _A_____ technique was frequently and skillfully used to emphasize the reactions and inner musings of the narrator.A. stream-of-consciousnessB. impressionismC. imagismD. dramatic monologue14. “Byronic hero” is a figure of the following traits EXCEPT __D____.A. being proudB. being self-independentC. being rebelliousD. being of humble origin15. Charles Dickens' novel ___B___ is famous for its vivid descriptions of the workhouse and lifeof the underworld in the nineteenth-century London.A. The Pickwick PaperB. Oliver TwistC. David CopperfieldD. Nicholas Nickleby16. ____C_____ is a novel by Nobel Prize-winning English author _______ about a group of British boys stuck on an uninhabited island who try to govern themselves, with disastrous results.A. A Passage to India, E. M. ForsterB. The Rainbow, D. H. LawrenceC. Lord of the Flies, William GoldingD. To the Lighthouse, Virginia Woolf17. Jane Austen is well-known for her elaborative depiction of five different marriages in her novel ____D____.A. EmmaB. Sense and SensibilityC. Mansfield ParkD. Pride and Prejudice18. ____A___begins and ends by posing the question of whether it is possible for an Englishman andan Indian to ever be friends, at least within the context of British colonialism.A.E. M. Forster’s A Passage to IndiaB. Joseph Conrad’s Heart of DarknessC. D. H. Lawrence’s Sons and Lovers D. Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights19. “Beauty is truth, truth beauty”, which comes from ___A_____ famous poem ________, is surely the most famous metaphysical equation.A. John Keats’ Ode on a Grecian UrnB. Shelley’s To a SkylarkC. Byron’s She Walks in BeautyD. William Wordsworth’s The Solitary Reaper20. Robinson Crusoe is the true prototype of the British colonist. The whole Anglo-Saxon spirit is in Crusoe except____D_____.A. the manly independenceB. the persistenceC. the slow yet efficient intelligenceD. the thirst for knowledge21. Charles Dickens’ novel, _B_____, is famous for its vivid descriptions of the work-house and life of the underworld in the nineteenth-century London.A. The Pickwick PaperB. Oliver TwistC. David CopperfieldD. Nicholas Nickleby22. 4. D. H. Lawrence’s autobiographical novel is _C_____.A. The RainbowB. Women in LoveC. Sons and LoversD. Lady Chatterley’s Lover23. 8. For his contribution to the establishment of the form of the modern novel, ___C___ has been r egarded as “Father of the English Novel”.A. Daniel DefoeB. Jonathan SwiftC. Henry FieldingD. Oliver Goldsmith24. 12. The m ajor theme of Jane Austen’s novels is __D____ toward which she holds on a practicalidealism.A. love and moneyB. marriage and moneyC. love and familyD. love and marriage25. 14. Henry Fielding adopted “___D___” to relate a story in his novel in which the author becomesthe “all- knowing God”.A. the first- person narrationB. the epistolary formC. the picaresque formD. the third -person narration26. 16. The success of __B____ is also due to its introduction to the English novel the first governessheroine.A. The ProfessorB. Jane EyreC. Wuthering HeightsD. Far from the Madding Crowd27. 17. John Milton’s __A____ is the only generally acknowledged epic in English literature sinceBeowulf.A. Paradise LostB. Paradise RegainedC. Samson AgonistesD. Areopagitica28. Wordsworth’s ___B___ is perhaps the most anthologized poem in English literature.A. “To a Skylark”B. “I Wondered Lonely as a Cloud”C. “An Evening Walk”D. “My Heart Leaps Up”29. The Nobel Prize Committee highly praised ____B __ for “his powerful styleforming mastery ofthe art” of creating mode rn fiction.A. T. S. EliotB. Ernest HemingwayC. William FaulknerD. Mark Twain30. The attitude towards life that __C___ had been trying to demonstrate in his works is known as“grace under pressure”.A. William FaulknerB. Theodore DreiserC. Ernest HemingwayD. F ·Scott FitzgeraldⅡ. Reading Comprehension ( 10 points in all, 2 for each)Read the quoted parts carefully and answer the questions in English.Write your answers in the corresponding space on the answer sheet.1. “Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain and little, I am soulless and heartless?___you are wrong!_____ I have as much soul as you, ____ and full as much heart! And if God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you.”Questions:A. What’s the title of the work? (Jane Eyre )B. Who is the writer of this work?(Charlotte Bront)2. “To be, or not to be —— that is the question;Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to sufferThe slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,And by opposing end them?”Questions:A. Who is the writer of this work? What’s the title of the work?(Shakespeare and Hamlet)B. What does the phrase “to take arms against a sea of troubles ” mean?(To take up arms against troubles that sweep upon us like a sea.)C. How do you understand the quotation “To be, or not to be -that is the question”?(Whether to live on in the world or to die is a question. It reflects Hamlet ’s dilemma and has become the eternal questioning of human action.)III. Put the following sentences into Chinese. ( 30 points in all, 3 for each)1.No matter how hard the loss, defeat might serve as well as victory to shape the soul and let theglory out.不论败得多惨,失利跟胜利一样,完善心灵,光耀千秋。