A. {1,2}
已知双曲线 x2 a2
y2 b2
1 (a
0) 的一条渐近线为
1 2
x ,则离心率为
A. 5 2
B. 5
C. 5 或 5 2
D. 3
x y 2 0 3. 已知实数 x, y 满足 x y 0 ,则 z x 2 y 的最小值为
x k ,k Z 28
1 2
k 2
(Ⅱ) f ( A ) 2 6 , sin A 3 A
a b c 2 sin A sin B sin C
a b c 3 2sin B 2sin C 3 2sin B 2sin( 2 B) 3
球与10 m 个白球, B 盒中有10 m 个红球与 m 个白球( 0 m 10 ),若从 A, B 盒中各取
一个球, ξ 表示所取的 2 个球中红球的个数,则当 Dξ 取到最大值时, m 的值为
A. 3
B. 5
C. 7
D. 9
8. 在 棱 长 为 2 的 正 方 体 ABCD - A1B1C1D1 中 , 点 P 是 正 方 体 棱 上 的 一 点 , 若 满 足
二、填空题:本大题共 7 小题,多空题每题 6 分,单空题每题 4 分,共 36 分.
2019-2020学年浙江省宁波市鄞州中学高三(下)期初数学试卷一、选择题(本大题共10小题,共40.0分)1.已知全集0,1,2,,集合,,则A. B. 1,C. D. 0,2.已知双曲线的一条渐近线方程为,则该双曲线的离心率为A. B. C. D. 23.已知实数x,y满足,则的最小值为A. B. C. 0 D. 24.已知某几何体的三视图如图所示,则该几何体的体积是A. 2B.C.D. 35.已知等比数列的前n项和为,则“”是“”的A. 充分不必要条件B. 必要不充分条件C. 充要条件D. 既不充分也不必要条件6.已知是定义在R上的奇函数,且的图象关于直线对称.若当时,,则A. 0B. 1C. 2D. 47.已知A,B两个不透明盒中各有形状、大小都相同的红球、白球若干个.A盒中有m 个红球与个白球,B盒中有个红球与m个白球,若从A,B盒中各取一个球,表示所取的2个球中红球的个数,则当取到最大值时,m的值为A. 3B. 5C. 7D. 98.在棱长为2的正方体中,点P是正方体棱上的一点,若满足的点P的个数大于6个,则m的取值范围是A. B. C. D.9.已知函数满足:对任意的实数x,y,都有成立,且,则A. B. C. D.10.已知数列满足,,则使得最小的整数m是A. 65B. 64C. 63D. 62二、填空题(本大题共7小题,共42.0分)11.设i为虚数单位,给定复数,则z的虚部为______;模为______.12.二项式的展开式中常数项等于______,有理项共有______项.13.已知直线l:,到当实数m变化时,原点O到直线l距离的最大值为______;平面内所有恒不在l上的点所形成的图形面积为______.14.在中,,,,D为线段BC的中点,则______,______.15.已知抛物线E:和直线l:,P是直线上l一点,过点P做抛物线的两条切线,切点分别为A,B,C是抛物线上异于A,B的任一点,抛物线在C处的切线与PA,PB分别交于M,N,则外接圆面积的最小值为______.16.已知平面向量,满足,,则的取值范围是______.17.已知m,,,函数其中表示对于,当时表达式的最大值,则的最小值为______.三、解答题(本大题共5小题,共60.0分)18.已知,,令.Ⅰ求的最小正周期及的解集;Ⅱ锐角中,,边,求周长最大值.19.如图,在四棱台中,底面是正方形,且,点E,F分别为棱BC,的中点,二面角的平面角大小为.Ⅰ证明:;Ⅱ求直线与平面所成角的正弦值.20.已知数列的前n项和为,且满足,.Ⅰ证明:为常数列,并求;Ⅱ令,求数列的前n项和.21.已知,分别为椭圆E:的左、右焦点,离心率为,P是椭圆上异于左右顶点的一动点,已知的内切圆半径的最大值为.Ⅰ求椭圆E的方程;Ⅱ设直线与椭圆E交于A,B两点不同于点,直线AP,BP分别与直线相交于点M,N,证明:.22.已知函数.Ⅰ讨论函数的单调性;Ⅱ若对任意的恒成立,求a的取值范围;Ⅲ证明:.-------- 答案与解析 --------1.答案:C解析:解:全集0,1,2,,集合1,,,1,,则,故选:C.求出集合A,再求出,得出结论.考查集合的交并补运算,基础题.2.答案:A解析:解:双曲线的一条渐近线方程为,,,双曲线的离心率是.故选:A.利用双曲线的一条渐近线方程为,可得,即可求出双曲线的离心率.本题考查双曲线的离心率的求法,是中档题,解题时要认真审题,要熟练掌握双曲线的简单性质.3.答案:A解析:解:由得;作出实数x,y对应的平面区域如图:阴影部分:平移直线;由图象可知当直线,过点时,直线的截距最大,此时z最小,代入目标函数,得,目标函数的最小值是;故选:A.作出不等式组对应的平面区域,利用目标函数的几何意义,进行求最值即可.本题主要考查线性规划的基本应用,利用目标函数的几何意义是解决问题的关键,利用数形结合是解决问题的基本方法.4.答案:B解析:解:如图,该几何体为三棱锥.则该几何体的体积是,故选:B.该几何体为三棱锥利用三棱锥体积公式求得几何体的体积.本题考查了三视图还原几何体,属于基础题.5.答案:C解析:解:设等比数列的公比为q,若,由,得,反之成立;若,,与同号,则.“”是“”的充要条件.故选:C.设等比数列的公比为q,分和两类分析得答案.本题考查等比数列的前n项和,考查充分必要条件的判定,是中档题.6.答案:C解析:解:根据题意,是R上的奇函数,则有,且,又由的图象关于直线对称,则有,则有,变形可得,则有,故是周期为8的周期函数;又由当时,,则,,故有;故选:C.根据题意,分析可得,则是周期为8的周期函数;结合函数的解析式求出和的值,据此计算可得答案.本题考查函数的奇偶性与周期性的应用,注意分析函数的周期性,属于基础题.7.答案:B解析:【分析】本题考查了概率计算与离散型随机变量的分布列以及离散型随机变量的数学期望与方差计算公式,考查了基本不等式,属于中档题.由题意可得:,1,,,可得分布列,可得与.【解答】解:由题意可得:,1,2.,,.分布列为:0 1 2P..,当且仅当时取等号.故选:B.8.答案:D解析:解:分类讨论:正方体的棱长为2,,点P是正方体棱上的一点不包括棱的端点,满足,点P是以为焦距,以为长半轴,以为短半轴的椭圆,在正方体的棱上,应是椭圆与正方体与棱的交点,结合正方体的性质可知,满足条件的点应该在正方体的12条棱上各有一点满足条件.满足的点P的个数为12个.满足条件.个顶点中,除了B,两个以外的6个顶点满足,且是正方体棱上的所有点中的最大值,只有这6个顶点.因此除了以上6个顶点以外的点满足:,不难得出满足条件:的点P都满足的点P的个数大于6个,由选择支可得只能选择D.故选:D.首先说明:满足条件的点P有12个,符合题意.再说明:个顶点中,除了B,两个以外的6个顶点满足,且是正方体棱上的所有点中的最大值,只有这6个顶点.因此除了以上6个顶点以外的点满足:,不难得出满足条件:的点P都满足的点P的个数大于6个,结合选择支即可得出结论.本题考查了正方体的性质、椭圆的意义、数形结合方法、分类讨论方法,考查了推理能力与计算能力,属于难题.9.答案:A解析:解:因为,令可得即,令,可得,所以因为,联立可得,,又因为,所以,因为,所以,所以,故故选:A.结合已知可对x进行合理的赋值,逐步推出的值即可求解.本题主要考查了利用抽象函数求解函数值,解题的关键是进行合理的赋值..10.答案:B解析:解:数列满足,,,,,,,,,,,,最接近的整数是64,使得最小的整数m是64.故选:B.推导出,从而,进而利用累加法求出,,再由,得到,,利用累加法求出,由此能求出使得最小的整数m.本题考查满足条件的最小正整数的求法,考查累加求和法等基础知识,考查推理能力与计算能力,属于中档题.11.答案:解析:解:复数,则z的虚部为;模,故答案为:;.利用复数的运算法则、虚部的定义、模的计算公式即可得出.本题考查复数的运算法则、虚部的定义、模的计算公式,考查了推理能力与计算能力,属于基础题.12.答案:15 4解析:解:二项式的展开式的通项公式为令,求得,可得展开式中常数项为,令,1,2,3,4,5,6;可得,,0,,,,;所以其有理项有4项.故答案为:15,4.在二项展开式的通项公式中,令x的幂指数等于0,求出r的值,即可求得常数项.再把r的所有取值分别代入幂指数即可求出其有理项的个数.本题主要考查二项式定理的应用,二项展开式的通项公式,二项式系数的性质,属于基础题13.答案:解析:解:O到直线的距离,转化为:,不在直线上的点可得关于m的方程无解,所以,即,即不在直线上的点在以为圆心,以为半径的圆上,所以圆的面积为,故答案为:,.由点到直线的距离公式求出,再由均值不等式求出最大值,方程转化不在直线上的点可得关于m的二次方程无解,可得曲线方程,进而求出面积.本题考查了点到直线的距离公式,考查了计算能力,属于基础题.14.答案:2解析:解:如图所示,在中,设,则,令,在,中,分别利用余弦定理可得:,,相加可得:.代入可得:,解得.,,,故答案为:2,.如图所示,设,则在,中,分别利用余弦定理相加可得:代入可得由,可得即可得出.本题考查了余弦定理勾股定理、三角形面积计算公式,考查了推理能力与计算能力,属于中档题.15.答案:解析:解:由抛物线的光学性质可知,P,M,F,N四点共圆,则当点P确定时,选择恰当的C,面积最小值即为以为直径的圆,而的最小值即为焦点F到直线l的距离,即此时外接圆的半径为,此时的面积为,即外接圆面积的最小值为.故答案为:.由抛物线的光学性质可知,P,M,F,N四点共圆,则面积最小值为以为直径的圆,而的最小值即为焦点F到直线l的距离,由此即可得解.本题考查直线与抛物线的位置关系,考查抛物线性质的运用,考查运算求解能力,属于较难题目.16.答案:解析:解:不妨设,则,又,,化简整理得,则表示椭圆上的动点到定点椭圆的左焦点的距离,由椭圆性质可知,的最大值为,最小值为,.故答案为:.不妨设,由题意化简可得,则表示椭圆上的动点到定点椭圆的左焦点的距离,由椭圆性质即可得解.本题考查平面向量模长范围的求解,涉及了平面向量的坐标运算以及椭圆的简单几何性质,解题的关键是将纯平面向量问题坐标化,进而通过几何意义得解,考查化归与转化思想,属于中档题.17.答案:解析:解:不妨令,的最大值为,则,,,当且仅当时取等号,,即的最小值为.故答案为:.设,的最大值为,由题意可得,两式相加后利用不等式即可求得,进而得解.本题考查二次函数的性质以及基本不等式的运用,考查运算求解能力,属于中档题.18.答案:解:Ⅰ,,,,,,的解集是.Ⅱ,,,,,锐角三角形且角,,当时,最大为,周长最大值为.解析:Ⅰ先根据数量积以及三角函数的有关知识整理解析式,进而求解结论即可.Ⅱ先根据条件求出角A,根据正弦定理表示出周长,结合角的范围即可求解.本题考查了数量积运算性质、三角函数的性质,考查了推理能力与计算能力,属于中档题.19.答案:解:Ⅰ证明:如图所示,延长,,,,EF交于点P,由题意得,取AD中点M,连接PM,EM,则,,又,所以平面PME,又平面PME,所以;Ⅱ连接AC交ME于O点,连接,则且,所以直线与平面所成角和直线与平面所成角相等,由Ⅰ得平面PME,又,所以平面PME,又平面,所以平面平面PME,又平面平面,过O作,连接,则平面,则是直线与平面所成角.由Ⅰ得是二面角的平面角,所以,在中,,,即,计算得,在直角中,,所以直线与平面所成角的正弦值为.解析:Ⅰ延长,,,,EF交于点P,取AD中点M,连接PM,EM,运用线面垂直的判定和性质,即可得证;Ⅱ连接AC交ME于O点,连接,运用中位线定理和线面角的定义可得直线与平面所成角和直线与平面所成角相等,由面面垂直的性质定理过O作,连接,是直线与平面所成角.由Ⅰ得是二面角的平面角,由解三角形的知识可得OH,再由直角三角形的正弦函数的定义可得所求值.本题考查空间线线、线面和面面的位置关系,主要是平行和垂直的判定和性质,考查空间的二面角和线面角的求法,考查空间想象能力和推理能力,属于中档题.20.答案:Ⅰ证明:因为,当时,,得,,即,同除得,,整理得,所以为常数列.因为,所以,则,所以.Ⅱ解:由Ⅰ得,所以,则.当,时,,当,时,,综上,.解析:Ⅰ由,当时,相减化简可得:,所以为常数列.即可得出.Ⅱ由Ⅰ得,可得,通过分类讨论求和即可得出.本题考查了数列递推关系、等比数列的求和公式、分类讨论方法,考查了推理能力与计算能力,属于中档题.21.答案:解:Ⅰ由题意知:,,,,设的内切圆半径为r,则,故当面积最大时,r最大,即P点位于椭圆短轴顶点时,所以,把,代入,解得:,,所以椭圆方程为;Ⅱ设,,,则,,,令得,从而,同理,.解析:Ⅰ先求出,,又当面积最大时,r最大,即P点位于椭圆短轴顶点时,代入计算可得a,b,c的值,从而求出椭圆E的方程;Ⅱ先分别表达出点M,N的坐标,代入化简即可得到.本题主要考查了椭圆方程,以及直线与椭圆的位置关系,是中档题.22.答案:解:函数的定义域为,.Ⅰ当时,,所以在上单调递增;当时,令,则,此时单调递增;令,则,此时单调递减;综上所述,当时,在上单调递增;当时,在上单调递增;在上单调递减.Ⅱ当时,,故不合题意;当时,由Ⅰ知,解得,故a的取值范围为.Ⅲ证明:由Ⅱ知,取,有不等式成立.当时,得,所以.解析:Ⅰ函数的定义域为,,然后分和两个类别,讨论的正负性,从而确定函数的单调性;Ⅱ先将函数的恒成立问题转化为函数的最值问题,然后结合Ⅰ中函数的单调性,求出函数的最大值,列出关于a的不等式,解之即可得解;Ⅲ在Ⅱ的基础上,取,有不等式成立,再取,则,然后结合放缩法和等差数列的前n项和公式进行证明即可.本题考查导数的综合应用,涉及利用导数求含参函数的单调性和最值、函数的恒成立问题,以及放缩法证明不等式、等差数列的前n项和公式等问题,考查学生转化与回归的能力和运算能力,属于难题.。
2020届宁波市鄞州中学高三英语下学期期中试题及答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AWashingtonD.C.SightseeingWith the information below, you’re not missing anything in D.C.! Click Here to find the perfect hotel for your stay as well.TheOldTownTrolley TourIt offers something for the whole family. Not only will it give them something fun to do, but it will give them a history lesson. This tour will last about three hours and it’s proper for people of all ages.African American History TourBe sure to take this tour because African Americans have had an important role in the making of our country. Take this historical four-hour tour, where you will visit some important sites includingMuseumofAfrican American Historyand Culture.Comedy WalksWashingtonD.C.This is a great experience allowing you to enjoy the capital in a new way. The walking tour lasts for about one hour and thirty minutes, which takes place in less than a mile journey from the starting place.D.C. Twilight TourCheck out the D.C. Twilight Tour for a unique view of some of the most famous sites! What makes this two-hour guided tour truly unique is that you can view many wonderful sites at night time!1. Which tour is recommended to a tourist who is fond of hiking?A. TheOldTownTrolley TourB. African American History TourC. Comedy WalksWashingtonD.C. D. D.C. Twilight Tour2. Which tour lasts longest?A. TheOldTownTrolley TourB. African American History TourC. Comedy WalksWashingtonD.C. D. D.C. Twilight Tour3. Where will you read this text most likely?A. In a guidebook.B. In a magazine.C. In a newspaper.D. On the Internet.Researchers say spicy tomatoes could soon be on the menu thanks to the rise of gene-editing technology.It's not the first time that experts have claimed techniques could develop fruit with unusual features: scientists have already been looking at changing the color1 of kiwi fruit and bettering the taste of strawberries.But researchers inBrazilandIrelandsay such methods could also offer practical advantages, with hot tomatoes offering a new way of harvesting the pungent chemicals found in peppers known as capsaicinoids, which make food taste “hot”.“Capsaicinoids are valuable. They are used as painkillers and there are some researches showing that they promote weight loss,” said Agustin Zsogon from a Brazilian university, a co-author of a new article arguing for the benefits of engineering hot tomatoes.Writing in the journal Trends in Plant Science, the researchers say peppers are difficult crops to grow and low productive. Worse still, it is tricky to keep the pungency of the fruits table. By contrast, tomato production is high and the plant is well-studied. “You could produce the capsaicinoids in a more cost-effective manner,” said Zsogon.Tomatoes and peppers developed from a common ancestor, but separated about 19 million years ago. “All these genes to produce capsaicinoids exist in the tomato, they are just not active,” said Zsogon. “Using gene-editing technology, it is likely to switch these genes back on in tomatoes, making the fruit more special”, he said.4. Why are the tomatoes made hot by the researchers?A. To test the gene-editing technologyB. To improve the amount of the tomatoesC. To explore ways to harvest more capsaicinoids.D. To make the tomatoes more delicious.5. For what purpose can capsaicinoids be used according to the text?A. To put on weight.B. To ease the pain.C. To improve sleep.D. To better the look.6. What is Zsogon's attitude to the gene-editing technology?A. Confident.B. Critical.C. Anxious.D. Doubtful.7. What's the main idea of the text?A. An introduction to gene-editing plants.B. Creating hot tomatoes by gene-editing.C. Problems with capsaicinoid production.D. The procedure of producing capsaicinoids.Becoming famous is the dream of many, and Tian is getting closer to that dream.Tian, 30, is a white-collar worker inBeijing. On short video application Douyin, Tian has more than 2,000 fans. So far, she has received more than 50,000 likes on the Dubsmash-like app. On her page on Douyin, Tian shares everything, from her son’s daily activities, to her pet dogs, to little skits (段子) made up by her and her husband. “Making funny videos, and combining them with music is really interesting,” Tian said. “Of course, I make the videos for fun because it is quite relaxing.”China’s short video market has seen great growth, according to areport. The report said thatChina’s short video market was valued at 5.73 billion yuan ($900 million) in 2017, an increase of 184 percent. The industry value is expected to go up to the 30 billion mark in 2020. Companies like Tencent, Sohu and Iqiyi have all started providing short video content.“Short videos are popular because they are an addition to traditional audio and video content on the internet,” said Sun Jiashan with the Chinese National Academy of Arts.Fans say that the short videos help them “chill out” from a stressed-out lifestyle. “My favorite videos are all about pets,” said Zhou Na, a nurse inHefei, capital of East China’sAnhuiprovince. “After a whole day’s work, watching the 15-second videos makes me laugh, which reduces my pressure.”8. Why does Tian make short videos in Douyin?A. To get fun.B. To become a well-known person.C. To attract fans.D. To record her family’s routine.9. What’s Sun Jiashan’s opinion about short videos?A. They have huge value.B. They greatly reduce people’s pressure.C. They make people’s star dreams come true.D. They enrich internet audio and video content.10. What does the underlined words “chill out” probably mean?A. Catch a cold.B. Feel cold.C. Calm down.D. Become concerned.11. What does the passage mainly tell us?A. Every Chinese is using Douyin.B. China’s short video market is open.C. Douyin brings the Chinese great happiness.D.China’s short video market has developed rapidly.DA young female athlete in thePhilippinesrecently won many gold medals during a sports meet despite not having proper running shoes. Rhea Ballos, an 11-year-old student ofSalvationElementary Schoolin Balason,Iloilo, wasonly wearing bandages around her feet when she competed at the Iloilo Schools Sports Meet.Facebook user Valenzuela posted pictures of the girl with her feet wrapped in bandages bearing the famous Nike logo. Ballos even wrote the word “NIKE” on the sides of her “shoe” to complete the “Nike running shoes” look. The bandages were tightly wrapped around her feet, creating a thin protective layer against the track. While she was actually barefoot during the races, she was still able to defeat her competitors who all more proper footwear intended for running,According to the post, Ballos bagged the top awards in the 400-meter dash, the 800-meter run, and the 1500-meter run in the girls' categories in the inter school sporting event held in Iloilo, central Philippines.When pictures of her “Nike” footwear become popular, Flipinos on social media praised her. Many noted that instead of falling into self-pity, she was even able to make light of the situation by drawing the Nike logo on her “running shoes”. Some of the commenters of Valenzuela's post expressed how the girl deserved to be recognized by Nike and that the brand should actually give her a new pair of real Nike shoes. Others started getting in touch with the American sports brand, as well as local basketball specialty store Titan 22.It did not take long for Titan co-founder and Alaska Aces head coach Jeffrey Cariaso to take notice of Ballos' outstanding achievement. Cariaso immediately made an effort to get in touch with the young track runner. The seven-time PBA champion has since talked to the student as well as her coaches in an apparent bid to help her out.12. Why did Ballos wear bandages around her feet to compete?A. She couldn't afford to buy shoes.B. She wished to be noticed by Nike.C. She wanted to draw public's attention.D. She thought it fashionable and unique.13. What's people's attitude to Ballos' story?A. Surprised.B. Confused.C. Favorable.D. Doubtful.14. What can we infer from the last paragraph?A. Ballos will be recognized by Nike.B. Ballos will be probably helped by Cariaso.C. Ballos is bound to win more champions.D. Ballos will become a great basketball player.15. Which of the following can best describe Ballos?A. Shy and lucky.B. Kind and brave.C. Clever and outstanding.D. Gifted and optimistic.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
浙江省宁波市鄞州中学2020届高三化学下学期期初考试试题(含解析)考生须知:1.本卷试题分为第 I 卷、第 II 卷两个部分。
2.试卷第 I 卷、第 II 卷合计满分 100 分,考试时间 60 分钟。
5.可能用到的相对原子质量:H 1 C 12 N 14 O 16 Na 23 S 32 Cl 35.5 Fe 56 Cu 64选择题部分一、选择题(本大题共 25 小题,每小题 2 分,共 50 分。
每个小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,不选、多选、错选均不得分)1.下列属于酸的是A. NH4ClB. KHSO4C. HOClD. CO2【答案】C【解析】【详解】A.NH4Cl的阳离子是铵根离子、阴离子是酸根离子,属于盐,故A错误;B.KHSO4的阳离子是金属离子和氢离子、阴离子是酸根离子,属于酸式盐,故B错误;C.HOCl 电离出的阳离子全部是氢离子,属于酸,故C正确;D.CO2是酸性氧化物,不属于酸,故D错误;故选C。
2.仪器名称为“长颈漏斗”的是A. B. C. D.【答案】A【解析】【详解】A.是长颈漏斗,故A正确;B .是分液漏斗,故B错误;C .是普通的漏斗或短颈漏斗,故C错误;D .是分液漏斗,故D错误;故选A。
【点睛】本题中的BD都是分液漏斗, B一般用于萃取分液,D一般用于反应装置中滴加液体。
3.下列属于电解质的是A. 乙醇B. 氢氧化铁C. 氨水D. 铜【答案】B【解析】【详解】A.乙醇在水溶液中和熔融状态下均不导电,属于非电解质,故A错误;B.氢氧化铁是弱碱,微溶于水,溶于水的氢氧化铁能够电离,是电解质,故B正确;C.氨水为混合物,既不是电解质也不是非电解质,故C错误;D.铜是单质,既不是电解质也不是非电解质,故D错误;故选B。
2020年宁波市鄞州中学高三英语下学期期末考试试题及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AWhat good films are coming out in March? Here are four films to watch this March.MulanIt’s another live-action remake of a classic Disney cartoon. It is based on an ancient Chinese girl who dresses up herself as a man so that she can join the army.Director Niki Caro and the actors show us wonderful battle scenes and Chinese Kung Fu.OnwardDragons, unicorns (独角兽) and other creatures are usually considered to only exist in ancient Greece, but in Onward, they are all still alive and kicking in the UStoday. Onward is about two brothers who go on a road trip in order to bring their father back from the dead. It is such a perfect film that it’s worth spending a few hours in the cinema.RadioactiveRadioactive tells us about a famous Polish-French scientist, Marie Curie who won the Nobel Prize twice but was finally killed by the radiation she studied. In the film. Curie is played by Rosamund Pike alongside Sam Riley as her husband Pierre Curie and Anya Taylor-Joy as their daughter Irene.MisbehaviorThe Miss World Beauty Contest may be out of fashion, but it used to be one of television’s biggest events.Misbehaviortells what happened when the event was staged at the Royal Albert hall in London in 1970. There could hardly be a more interesting topic for a film, even if it was set 50 years ago.1. What do we know about Onward?A. It praises a woman fighter.B. It is a Chinese story.C. It focuses on animal protection.D. It is a film about magic.2. Who does Rosamund Pike play?A. A soldier.B. A killer.C. A scientist.D. A designer.3. Which of the following films is set in the UK?A. Misbehavior.B. Onward.C. Radioactive.D. Mulan.BDistinguished Baltimore artist John D. Ferguson died Sept 16. The Catonsville resident was 81.“His artist eye was in everything he did. His life was art and his family,” said Jennifer C. Jackson, who was Mr. Ferguson's friend for nearly three decades.” He was a lovable man who was always willing to talk about any topic he was interested in. At shows, people would go crazy for his work,” Ms. Jackson said. “He was also an enthusiastic sailor who loved nothing more than being on the water.” “His sculptures were just memorable,” said Mr. Lund, a Washingtonian. “I used to say, ‘Ferguson, I don't think you know how to do anything that is less than monumental.’”Mr. Ferguson earned a bachelor's degree in 1961 at Holy Cross University, where he developed an interest in painting. He served in the Army for two years until being discharged in 1963, and after studying briefly at the Boston Museum School, registered at the Chicago Art Institute, where he studied until 1966, when he entered the University of Illinois Chicago, where he obtained a bachelor's degree in 1966 in fine arts. Mr. Ferguson developed his interest and skills as a sculptor after moving to Baltimore to do further studies at the Maryland Institute College of Art's Rinehart School of Sculpture, from which he graduated in 1971 with a master's degree in fine arts.“Over the years my work has moved gradually in the direction of elegance and simplicity,” Mr. Ferguson wrote in his artist statement. “Heavy, bulbous forms have been replaced by dancing, winglike forms. The welding process and respect for the qualities of the materials are interrelated and affect the final piece. “Most of the sculptures that are pictured in my works are made from steel, silicon bronze, and to Cor-Ten steel; shaped to create these beautiful and unique pieces of art. As you can see, my sculptures range in size anywhere from 12 inches to 30 feet or larger.”Through the years, his work found its way into such major public and private collections. “They encourage optimism, for they show strength and affirmation; there's nothing negative, depressing or anxiety-ridden about them”, wrote the late art critic John Dorsey in a 1997 exhibition review.4. What did Mr. Lund think of Ferguson?A. Likeable.B. Ordinary.C. Unwelcome.D. Interesting.5. What did Mr. Ferguson do first after serving in the army?A. He studied at the Boston Museum School.B. He got a bachelor's degree in fine arts.C. He entered the University of Illinois Chicago.D. He continued his studies at the Maryland Institute College.6. What influences the final sculptures?A. An even larger scale than before.B. The material comprised of metalsC. The shape of elegance and simplicity.D. Welding process as well as material quality.7. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?A. A stylish, stubborn old manB. Sculptures towering into the cloudsC. JohnD. Ferguson—a famous sculpturer D. The evolution of the sculptural styleCYou've probably heard it suggested that you need to move more throughout the day, and as a general rule of thumb, that "more" is often defined as around 10,000 steps. With many Americans tracking their stepsvia new fitness-tracking wearables, or even just by carrying their phone, more and more people use the 10,000-step rule as their marker for healthy living. Dr. Dreg Hager, professor of computer science at Johns Hopkins, decided to take a closer look at that 10,000-step rule, and he found that usingitas a standard may be doing more harm than good for many.“It turns out that in 1960 in Japan they figured out that the average Japanese man, when he walked 10,000 steps a day burned something like 3,000 calories and that is what they thought the average person should consume so they picked 10,000 steps as a number” Hager said.According to Hager, asking everyone to shoot for 10,000 steps each day could be harmful to the elderly or those with medical conditions, making it unwise for them to jump into that level of exercise, even if it's walking. The bottom line is that 10,000 steps may be too many for some and too few for others. He also noted that those with shorter legs have an easier time hitting the 10,000-step goal because they have to take more steps than people with longer legs to cover the distance. It seems that 10,000 steps may be suitable for the latter.A more recent study focused on older women and how many steps can help maintain good health and promote longevity (长寿).The study included nearly 17,000 women with an average age of 72. Researchers found that women who took 4,400 steps per day were about 40% less likely to die during a follow-up period of just over four years: Interestingly, women in the study who walked more than 7,500 steps each day got no extra boost inlongevity.8. What does the underlined word "it' in Paragraph 1 refer to?A. The phone recording.B. The 10,000-step rule.C. The healthy living.D. The fitness-tracking method.9. What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about?A. How many steps a Japanese walks.B. How we calculate the number of steps.C. If burning 3,000 calories daily is scientific.D. Where 10,000 steps a day came from.10. Who will probably benefit from 10,000 steps each day according toHager?A. Senior citizens.B. Young short-legged people.C. Healthy long-legged peopleD. Weak individuals.11. How many steps may the researchers suggest senior citizens take each day?A. 4,400 steps.B. 10,000 steps.C. 2,700 steps.D. 7,500 steps.DJake Oldershaw and his daughter Mollie from Birmingham, Britain have asthma (哮喘). Mollie, 11, has required hospital treatment several times while Jake Says he always finds breathing more difficult when there is heavy traffic. Air quality has an enormous impact on their lives and both noticed a marked improvement during the spring lockdown because of the epidemic (疫情). Jake said, “During lockdown there was a noticeable difference in air quality. I didn't suffer any asthmatic attacks during that period. These days you can feel the effects.”However, under current COVID-19 restrictions in the UK this winter, many people probably will have to work from home. The Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit (ECIU) says while emissions (排放) have dropped this year because we've been travelling less and doing less, the expected use ofgas boilers to provide heating and hot water could rise by more than half.Heating accounts for nearly 37% of the UK's total carbon emissions. Modelling by the ECIU suggests a 56% increase in boiler usage this winter resulting in a 12% increase in emissions of carbon. The ECIU says that's enough to offset the last two years' worth of progress on reducing traffic emissions.Jess Ralston, author of the analysis for the ECIU, said, “Working from home and having increased gas use inthe home could be really critical for air pollution and also climate change. The way we heat our homes needs to change if we are to get to net zero by 2050.”Jess Ralston said, “The increase in pollution from gas boilers expected this winter provides a graphic illustration (图解) of their forgotten role in air pollution. And it is a role set to continue without practical policies to decarbonize home heating. ”The government is set to publish its Heat and Buildings Decarbonisation Strategy in a few weeks which is expected to give details on plans to try to switch British homes to cleaner sources of heat.12. How did the spring lockdown in the UK affect Jake?A. He was cured of his asthma.B. He had to go to hospital for retreatment.C. He suffered a noticeable difficulty in study.D. He didn't suffer any asthmatic attacks during that period.13. What is concerning the Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit?A. The epidemic will become worse.B. Air pollution will get worse this winter.C. People may have to work from home longer.D. There is less energy for gas boilers in winter.14. What would Jess Ralston agree with?A. People prefer to work from home in winter.B. The government failed to protect the environment.C. People tend to ignore the harmful effect of home heating.D. The climate has suffered a lot from the epidemic this year.15. How to improve air quality during winter according to Jess Ralston?A. A warmer winter season.B. Less and less gas boilers.C. Practical plans from the government.D. Improved awareness of cutting down pollution.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
2020届宁波市鄞州中学高三英语下学期期末试卷及答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AA medical capsule robot is a small,often pill-sized device that can do planned movement inside the body after being swallowed or surgically inserted. Most models use wireless electronics or magnets or a combination of the two to control the movement of the capsule. Such devices have been equipped with cameras to allow observation and diagnosis, with sensors that “feel,” and even with mechanical needles that administer drugs.But in practice, Biomechatronics engineer Pietro Valdastri has found that developing capsule models from scratch (从头开始) is costly, time-consuming and requires advanced skills. “The problem was we had to do them from scratch every time,” said Valdastri in an interview. “And other research groups were redeveloping those same modules from scratch, which didn’t make sense.”Since most of the capsules have the same parts of components: a microprocessor, communication submodules, an energy source, sensors, and actuators (致动器), Valdastri and his team made the modular platform in which the pieceswork in concertand can be interchanged with ease. They also developed a flexible board on which the component parts are snapped in like Legos. The board can be folded to fit the body of the capsule, down to about 14 mm. Additionally, they compiled (编译) a library of components that designers could choose from, enabling hundreds of different combinations. They arranged it all in a free online system. Designers can take the available designs or adapt them to their specific needs.“Instead of redeveloping all the modules from scratch, people with limited technological experience can use our modules to build their own capsule robots in clinical use and focus on their innovation,” Valdastri said.Now, the team has designed a capsule equipped with a surgical clip to stop internal bleeding. Researchers at Scotland’s Royal Infirmary of Edinburg have also expressed interest in using the system to make a crawling capsule that takes images of the colon(结肠). One research group, led by professors at the Institute of Digestive Disease of the Chinese University of HongKong, is making a swimming capsule equipped with a camera that pushes itself through the stomach.One limitation of Valdastri’s system is that it’s only for designing models. Researchers can confirm their hypotheses (假设) and do first design using the platform, but will need to move to a custom approach to develop their capsules further and make them practical for clinical use.1. According to the passage, Valdastri and his team created the platform to ________.A. adopt the latest technologiesB. make their robots dream come trueC. help build specialized capsule robotsD. do preciser observation and diagnosis2. What does the underlined phrase “work in concert” mean in Para.3?A. Perform live.B. Run independently.C. Act in a cooperative way.D. Carry on step by step.3. What can be learnt from the passage?A. Valdastri’s system can’t provide a complete capsule creation.B. The modular platform is more useful than a custom approach.C. The capsules can move in human’s body automatically.D. It costs more to module the capsules on the board.BSix Neanderthals who lived in what is now France were eaten by their fellow Neanderthals some 100,000 years ago, according to fearful evidence of the cannibalistic (食人的) event discovered by scientists in a cave in the 1990s. Now, researchersmay have figured out why the Neanderthals, including two children, became victims of cannibalism: Global warming.While previous studies have examined Neanderthal remains to find proof of cannibalistic behavior, this is the first study to offer clues as to what may have led Neanderthals to become cannibals. Scientists found that rapid changes in local ecosystems as the planet warmed may have wiped out the animal species that Neanderthals ate, forcing them to look elsewhere to fill their stomachs.The researchers examined a layer of sediment (沉积物) in a cave known as Baume Moula-Guercy, in southeastern France. In that layer, charcoal (碳) and animal bones were so well-preserved that scientists could reconstruct an environmental picture representing 120,000 to 130,000 years ago. They discovered that the climate in the area was likely even warmer than it is today, and that the change from a cold, dry climate to a warmer one happened quickly. “Maybe within a few generations”, study co-author Emmanuel said. As the animals that once populated the landscape disappeared, some Neanderthals ate what they could find — their neighbors.Cannibalism is by no means unique to Neanderthals, and has been practiced by humans and their s “from the early Palaeolithic to theBronze Age and beyond,” the study authors reported. The behavior adopted by thestarving Neanderthals in the Baume Moula-Guercy should therefore not be viewed as “a mark of bestiality (兽性) or sub-humanity”, but as an emergency adaptation to a period of severe environmental stress, according to the study.4. What does the study mainly focus on?A. The social behavior of Neanderthals.B. The reason for cannibalism among Neanderthals.C. The climate change in southeasternFrance.D. The influence of global warming on ancient animals.5. What can possibly be used to describe the climate in southeasternFrance120,000 to 130,000 years ago?A. It was no warmer than it is today.B. It was first warm while later cold and dry.C. Its change was mild and went through quite a long process.D. Its change is a chief factor contributing to cannibalism.6. Which of the following might the study authors agree with?A. Neanderthals’ cannibalism showed their bestiality.B. Cannibalism was actually a measure the Neanderthals had to adopt to survive.C. Neanderthals’ cannibalism guaranteed their rule over other tribes.D. Only Neanderthals were found to have cannibalism in human history.7. Where can you most possibly find this passage?A. In a science journal.B. In a travel brochure.C. In a history book.D. In a geography book.CIt’s a little before8 a.m. when Mathias Schergen pushes open the side door at Chicago’s Jenner Elementary Academy for the Arts. He walks down the hall toward the office to sign in. It’s the same routine he’s had as Jenner’s art teacher for nearly a quarter century. “It’s going to be a good day,” a colleague calls out. “It’s a good day.” They hug. It seems like a typical Friday. Except it’s not. After 23 years at Jenner Elementary, Schergen is retiring. Even on his last day, there are still art projects to finish.Schergen leaves behind a richlegacyat this school. He’s won grants (拨款) for art projects. He turned an empty classroom into a museum. He’s pushed his students to make art about their lives. And he was awarded a Golden Apple — the most honorable teaching award in Chicago. But it wasn’t always easy. For years, Schergentaught in one of the city’s toughest neighborhoods. “When I first got my room, I noticed there were bullet holes in the window. That made me nervous,” he says. So he stuffed Beanie Babies in the holes to make it “look kind of funny”. “I didn’t even tell my wife for a whole year,” he says. “I didn’t want her to know.”With one hour to go, Schergen piles the chairs and sweeps the floor. He cleans out the sink for the last time. Fifth-grader Deontae Barnes, one of his best helpers, has watched him say goodbye all day. He wanders in the doorway. “Ah, come here, son,” Schergen says, signaling him over. He bends down for a hug. “Thank you for making these last days special and being a help to me.”When Deontae leaves, a reporter asks Schergen: When your kids ask why you’re retiring, what do you tell them? “I just tell them that grown people have dreams too,” he says. “I have other things in my life I have to do. It’s time. It’s just time.”8. Why is it a special Friday for Schergen?A. He was retiring on that day.B. He won an honor for his school.C. He was interviewed by a reporter.D. He received a Golden Apple award.9. What does the underlined word “legacy” in Paragraph 2 refer to?A. Art projects.B. Great achievements.C. Respect from students.D. Change in teaching.10. What made Schergen nervous when he first got to the school?A. Safety concerns in the school.B. The poorly-equipped classroom.C. Being misunderstood by his family.D. Students’ poor academic performance.11. What is the best title for the text?A.A Typical Day for an Art TeacherB. Time for Art ProjectsC. A Teacher’s Final Day at SchoolD. The Last Art ClassDI come to theUnited Statesten year ago. I would always say that I was trying to study, but there were always things like work and my kids that would not allow me to start.Now I realized that those were only excuses. What stopped me was that I was afraid to start studying again. I always believed I would learn by myself.One day, however, my son told me that he was sad because his friends would come over and I didn’t understand them because I didn’t speak English. He was also sad because I could never help him with his homework. That same day, I told myself, “Rocio, you have to start believing in yourself and you will see you canmake it.”The next day, I went downtown to look for a big banner (横幅) in front of the school which said that they offered classes for adults. I came in to see if I could join, but the classes were closed already. That night I took the kids to the movies, and on the way back, I told them we would take a new route. I ended up getting lost. That’s the way I foundChaffeyCollege. The following Monday, I went to ask for information. They told me that summer school was starting that week.That’s how I started studying English last summer. It is difficult, but I have had great rewards. My daughter had to write a story for school. It was about the female they most admired and why . She wrote that I was the person she most admired because I had started going to College. I will never forget this.12. According to the passage, the author probably is a .A. teacherB. doctorC. fatherD. mother13. What made the author make up her mind to study English?A. What her son said.B. What her daughter said.C. Thinking about herself.D. Thinking about her daughter.14. How did they findChaffeyCollege?A. On the way to the movies.B. They took a new route and got lost.C. Ask a stranger for information.D. According to the banner.15. Which of the following is NOT true?A. The author came to theUnited Statesfrom another country.B. The author had two children at least including one daughter.C. What really changed the author’s life was she believed in herself.D. The author wrote that she was the person her son most admired.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
2020年宁波市鄞州中学高三英语下学期期末试卷及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ATheBest Placeto Camp in Each StateWashington-SecondBeach, Olympic National ParkCampers put up their tents right on the sand of thisPacific Northwestbeach. Make a campfire, photograph sunset over the sea and try to absorb this charming spot with your entire being.Alaska-Bartlett Cove Campground, Glacier (冰川) Bay National ParkIn a state full of natural riches,Glacier Bayis a wonder, home to high peaks, whales, 700 miles of coastline, and light blue glaciers that flow directly into the sea. Set within temperate rainforest along Bartlett Cove, the park's only campground is impressively green and an easy jumping-off point for boat tours.Arizona-Havasupai Campground, Havasupai ReservationGetting to Havasupai is a challenge. Permits are snatched (剥夺) up almost instantly, and even if you get one it's a 10-mile hike from the border to reach this rural campground that hugs Havasu Creek. Make the journey, however, and you're rewarded with a series of great waterfalls and natural pools.Arkansas-BuffaloNationalRiverAmerica's first national river travels 135 miles through the Ozark Mountains, winding its way over rapids, forming peaceful pools and passing rocky cliffs topped by green forest. Plan a float trip and absorb the scenery ata leisurely pace, pausing for hikes to visitLostValley's caves or the 200-foot waterfalls.1.Which state may attract people preferring glaciers?A.Alaska.B.Washington.C.Arizona.D.Arkansas.2.What makesArizonaa popular camp choice among tourists?A.The blue glaciers and green rainforests.B.The winding national river and cliffs.C.The soaring peaks and long coastline.D.The beautiful waterfalls and pools.3.What can you do when camping inArkansas?A.Take a long trip on foot.B.Visit caves and waterfalls.C.Put up a well-equipped tent.D.Enjoy a view of sunset.BJanet Fein, aged 84, received her bachelor's degree from the University last week, having waited a long time for her chance to reach that goal.Growing up in the Bronx area ofNew York City, Fein worked at a dress manufacturer after graduating early at the age of 16. After getting married, she spent 18 years staying home with her children. She held several jobs through her life, including 20 years as a secretary at a hospital until her retirement at age 77.Fein has had a full life. But even then, she was not ready to take it easy and rest during a well-earned retirement. She decided to major in sociology because she felt it was “substantial.”Fein took part in a state program that lets people who are 65 and older take free classes at public universities in Texasand kept going to class even as her health conditions worsened. During her studies, it became necessary for her to use a walker to get around and she required oxygen. She also developed knee problems. So, Fein took online classes to finish the last part of her degree requirements.Sheila Rollerson, Fein' scollege advisor, and Carol, the professor told the media that Fein never showed signs of giving up even with all of her difficulties. She would speak up a lot in class and it just made for a more interesting class.Fein has also inspired Renee Brown, one of Fein's caregivers. At 53, Renee plans to begin nursing school to further her career. “Renee, you can do it. If I can do it you can do it, and you will feel so good about it,” Brown remembers what Fein told her.4. What is the second paragraph mainly about?A. Janet Fein's growthB. Janet Fein's aimC. Janet Fein's job experiencesD. Janet Fein's regrets5. What does the underlined phrase “substantial” in paragraph 3 refer to?A. InterestingB. ValuableC. EasyD. Affordable6. What can be learned about Fein according to the passage?A. Fein lived on little money after her retirement.B. Fein had a problem with her arms while at universities.C. The Internet played a role in Fein's university education.D. The good health helped Fein get her bachelor's degree.7. What is Janet Fein like according to the passage?A. Hardworking and humorous.B. Determined and generous.C. Positive and patient.D. Inspiring and perseverant.CCompared to dogs, cats are often considered to be aloof(冷漠的)with respect to their human owners. It is usual for them to be indifferent(无动于衷的)when humans calltheir names. Are we sure that they don’t understand human voices at all?A recent study published in the journal of Scientific Reports suggests that we’ve been fooled. Japanese scientists found that cats can recognize their names if their owners regularly use them. In the study, scientists recruited 78 domestic cats. They played recordings of voices of their owners saying five words: the first four words were random nouns thatresembledtheir names while the final word was the cat’s name. Then they observed the cats’ responses, if there were any.Most of cats moved their ears or heads when they heard their names, while they made no response to other words. That suggested, “cats were paying attention to you, what you say and what you do,” John Bradshaw, an expert on human-animal interactions(互动)at the University of Bristol, UK, told The Times. “And cats were just as good as dogs at learning,” she added.In the study, when people called their names, cats often associated (联系) the words with rewards, such as food or play, or with “punishments” such as having a bath or going to the vet . This made cats sensitive (敏感的) to words. After the cats had been called several times, they could respond to the words. But the scientists added that while dogs have evolved(进化)to follow their owners’ orders, cats have not. Although cats appear to be distant, they do have special relationships with their owners.According to study co-author Atsuko Saito, cats have evolved not to show their emotions as a survival method. One example is illness, which they tend to hide because “in the wild, no one can rescue them” and predators (捕食性动物) are more likely to pay attention to them, Saito explained.However, technology may help bridge the communication gap between cats and us. There are now mobile apps available to explain what their meows mean. So, the next time you hear “meow, meow”,your cat may be telling you: “Hi, you haven’t cleaned my litter box recently.”8. What did the recent study find about cats?A. Cats can recognize their names.B. Cats are cleverer than dogs.C. Cats learn more slowly than dogs.D. Cats are willing to follow orders.9. What does the underlined word“resembled”in paragraph 2 probably mean?A. were limited toB. were different fromC. were similar toD. were away from10. Why do cats appear distant to their human owners?A. They associate words with punishments.B. They want to protect themselves from harm.C. They are not sensitive to the human voice.D. They don’t pay much attention to their surroundings.11. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?A. It is difficult to understand cats’ meows.B. Interaction with your cats is very important.C. Cats do have good relationships with their owners.D. We may know cats better with the help of technology.DSome people take their holiday decoration very seriously. And some take it to the next level. The Griffith family in Kenova, West Virginia, is in this camp. They put on a display that shows they’re just filled with Halloween spirit.Each year, this family displays 3,000 pumpkins (南瓜) in front of their home for the Halloween season. Yes, you readthatright. Ric Griffith puts out one jack-o’ -lantern (南瓜灯) for every person who lives in Kenova.Of course he doesn’t do it all on his own. He has a lot of help from his family, and also from members of the community who are super-proud of what has become quite the tourist attraction over the years. More than 30,000 people stop by to see the amazing display, which includes jack‑o’‑lanterns cut to look like the faces of famous people, animals, cartoon characters, and other creative designs. It’s certainly a must-see as part of the area’s Ceredo-Kenova Autumnfest.To fit in all 3,000 pumpkins, Griffith and his helpers spread them across the home’s garden and front porch (门廊), as well as on the roof!Griffith began the tradition back in 1978 with just fivepumpkins and, many years later, it’s much bigger and better. People can’t help but come to the area, walking along the sidewalk outside the house to get that perfect Halloween experience.“Locals take great pride in it, and then there are people from around the country who plan fall trips and include it in their trips so they can see it,” said Tyson Compton, president of the Cabell‑Huntington Conventionand Visitors Bureau. “It’s really something.”“It’s become a tradition for many people in our area, and it feels good to keep that going,” Griffith said.12. What does the underlined word “that” in Paragraph 2 refer to?A. The Griffiths selling 3,000 pumpkins a day.B. Ric Griffith giving 3,000 jack-o’‑lanterns to tourists.C. Ric Griffith teaching 3,000 people how to display jack-o’‑lanterns.D. The Griffiths decorating their house with 3,000 pumpkins.13. What can we learn from Paragraph 3?A. Ric Griffith’s idea has received support from his community.B. There are only two kinds of jack-o’‑lanterns.C. Ric Griffith dislikes asking for help from others.D. There are 30,000 people in Kenova.14. What do we know about the tradition?A. It began with 1,978 pumpkins.B. It has lasted more than 40 years.C. It includes five pumpkin competitions.D. It encourages people to do more exercise.15. What’s Tyson Compton’s attitude towards the tradition?A. Worried.B. Uncaring.C. Favorable.D. Uncertain.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
鄞州中学2019-2020学年第二学期期初考试高三英语试卷高三英语试卷第Ⅰ卷第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30 分)第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分7.5 分)听下面5 段对话。
每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。
1.Who works at the university cafe?A.The woman’s sister.B. The woman .C. The man.2.Where does the conversation probably take place?A.Outside the house.B. In a pet shop.C. In the living room.3.What does the man need help with?A.Starting his essay.B. Spell-checking his essay.C. Writing the end of his essay.4.How is the man related to the woman?A.He is her co-worker.B. He is her tour guide.C. He is her teacher.5.What is the man doing now?A.Entertaining his employers.B. Organizing a conference.C. Ordering food for a party. 第二节(共15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分22.5 分)听下面5 段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。
2020届宁波市鄞州中学高三英语下学期期末考试试题及答案解析第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AIt's time to put your two-wheeler to good use on these fun bike paths — each varying in distance and difficulty. Just choose one fit for you.• Paulinskill Valley TrailCheck out Paulinskill Valley Trail, filled with forests, wetlands, and small townsalong this 25- mile route. While the trail is mostly flat, you can do a quick ride. You're likely to catch sight of beautiful birds, considering more than 100 species find a home in the land near the path. Check out the trail in the fall - prime time for pretty sights.•AlaHele MakalaeOn theislandofKaui, you'll find a bike path with lots of beachy views that'll leave you feeling accomplished yet calm. The name translates to “The Path that Goes By Coast,” and, as you might guess, the seven-mile path hugs the shoreline. Start early enough and you'll witness an incredible sunrise to make it even more amazing,• TheCheaha RouteThis ride covers up to 126 miles, with steep climbs and extreme downhills along the way. So prepare for a thrilling ride - one that’s not necessarily for the inexperienced or those looking for an easy, casual ride. Along the route, you'll pedal through five towns. The journey is worth it, though, because you get some of the most scenic views in the state.• The Whitefish TrailFamous for its countless route options, whether you’re a new biker looking for smooth tracks or you have more experience and want to play around on rocky, more technical land, this bike path brings in lots of visitors. The 43-mile route offers beautiful green scenery. Around every comer, you’ll see a new jaw-dropping landscape, from glassy lakes to green mountains.1. When is the best time to visit Paulinskill Valley Trail?A. In Autumn.B. All year round.C. On early mornings.D. On sunny days.2. Which route is not fit for someone new to cycling?A. The Whitefish Trail.B. Ala Hele Makalae.C. Paulinskill Valley Trail.D. TheCheaha Route.3. What's the common feature of the four routes?A. They are full of challenges.B. Various route options are offered.C. They have beautiful scenery.D. Different species can be found there.BCycling has long been a sport where a competitive edge is pursued, often at any cost. Cycling shorts, however, were an area that technology had yet to enter. Little was added to them apart from, perhaps, some padding to protect a rider.Now, however, new cycling shorts are being equipped with sensors to help riders defeat opponents easily. A British start-up has created a pair of shorts that uses electric sensors and artificial intelligence to shape and strengthen cyclists' muscles while they are moving. It plans to also adapt this product next year for joggers and people at the gym.The shorts, created by Devon Lewis, a PhD student at theUniversityofSouthampton, are able to send out tiny electric currents into a user's muscles to improve their cycling technique. Mr Lewis, 27, came up with the idea after studying a connection between the brain and muscles that sends chemical signals from motor neurons to muscle fibres to make the muscle contract and strengthen.The shorts, created by Mr Lewis's start-up bypass this connection using electric cur rents to build muscle strength directly, without relying on the brain to send out signals. “We have a limited ability to control our muscles naturally,” Mr Lewis said. “You can control them more exactly, get more from your muscles and contract them more strongly, if you stimulate them directly with electricity.” Electric wires in the shorts send out currents that activate the muscle. “For those worried about getting a shock while cycling,” Mr Lewis said, “It's sort of the same thing as when you have spicy food and you get that little rush. It feels strange when you first start using it but then you adapt to it quite quickly.”His idea has received support from Future Worlds, a start-up accelerator atSouthamptonUniversity. The product is being shown next week at the technology conference CES, held digitally this year.4. What's the strength of the newly invented cycling shorts ?A. They help cyclists perform better.B. They last longer than normal ones.C. They can keep a balanced comfort.D. They have tools to make good figures.5. Why can the cycling shorts help the runners and joggers?A. They are made of quality cotton materials.B. They are created by world-top designers.C. They can make running or jogging less boring.D. They are made intelligently with electric sensors.6. What may be some people's worry about the shorts?A. They may spend more than they can afford.B. They get little help from the new shorts.C. They may get shocked by the electricity.D. The new shorts can't function well enough.7.What's the best title of the text?A. The Special CyclingShortsB. Waysto Be a Good RunnerC. How Shorts Benefit YouD. Some Tips about Running FastCA company called Neuralink has shared a video which appears to show a monkey playing a video game, but what makes the video even stranger is that themonkey is playing the video game with just its mind.Neuralink is a company owned by Elon Musk, which is working to develop devices that could allow people to control things using just their brains. The monkey in the video is called Pager, having special "Link" devices inside his brain. These devices are connected to 2,048 wires which lead to the parts of Pager's brain that control movements of the arms and hands.Scientists taught Pager to play a video game using a banana juice as a reward when he playedthe game correctly. Soon Pager was eager to play well in order to get more smoothie. At first, Pager controlled the video game using a joystick (操纵杆). But as Pager played, his Link devices wirelessly sent out information about the signals his brain was using to control his arms and hands. Neuralink's scientists recorded all of these signals.Then they used computers to match up the signals from Pager's brain to the movements that his hands were actually doing. This was challenging work and the scientists counted on artificial intelligence (AI) to help them decode (解码) Pager's brain signals.The next step was to have a computer make moves in the video game as if Pager had actually moved the joystick. If Pager thought about moving the joystick up, the computer would send an "up"signal to the video game. Thus Pager was able to play the video game using just his brain.When people are paralyzed (瘫痪的), it's often because the brain has lost the ability to send signals to nerves and muscles in certain parts of the body. Neuralink hopes that one day, its system will be ableto send this information in a different way, allowing paralyzed people to use their arms or legs again.8. What does Neuralink aim to do?A. To make monkeys much smarter.B. To solve complex problems with monkeys.C. To create a device linking monkeys and people.D. To make people control things with their brains.9. How does the author introduce the process of the research?A. In order of time.B. By making a comparison.C. By giving examples.D. In order of space.10. What played an important role in the success of the research?A. The joystick.B. Artificial intelligence.C. The video game.D. The banana smoothie.11. Which is the most suitable title of the test?A. Neuralink Posts an Unusual VideoB. Disabled People Have a Bright FutureC. Monkey Plays Video Games with His MindD. Neuralink, a Creative and Competitive CompanyDThere are similarities and differences between high school life and college life.For one thing, there are several similarities between high school life and collegelife. First, the most important task in high school and college is both studying. Studying is the most important as a student. Second, we need a goal to fight for in both high school life and college life. To lead a meaningful life, we have to set up a goal to achieve.For another, there are also some differences between high school life and college life. First, our studying is also the biggest difference. In high school, we are required to follow our teachers' steps and finish theirassignmentsevery day. While in college, there are no teachers giving such detailed requirements to us and we can choose study or not according to our own willing. What and how to study totally depends on us. Therefore, the ability of self-control is very important in college life. Second, the flexibility (灵活性) of time is another difference. In high school, we have no much leisure except for our time of study. However, in college, we have much controlled by ourselves except the time of classes. And we have more time to do what we like. Finally, college lifeis much more various and richer. Besides study, we can attend many other activities, which make our college life more wonderful.In brief, there are both similarities and differences between high school life and college life. However, no matter we are in which period, we need to make full use of every day so that we will never feel regretful.12. Why do students need a goal to fight in high school and college?A. To enter a good college.B. To avoid living a meaningless life.C. To develop the ability of control.D. To meet their parents’ satisfaction.13. What does the underlined word “assignments” in paragraph 3 probably mean?A. Projects.B. Tasks.C. Goals.D. Dreams.14. Which is the correct structure of the passage?A. ①-②③-④B. ①②-③-④C. ①-②③④D.①②-③④15. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A. College LifeB. High School LifeC. High School and CollegeD. High School Life and College Life第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
鄞州中学2019-2020学年第二学期 期初考试 高三化学试卷(Word含答案)
鄞州中学2019 学年第二学期期初考试高三年级化学试卷写在开考之前的话:特殊时期特殊形式特殊考试,同学们:希望你们能认真对待,或自主检测,或父母监考,但是希望能让老师们看到你的宅家学习的真实反馈,老师也能更清楚的了解你的情况。
考生须知:1.本卷试题分为第I 卷、第II 卷两个部分。
2.试卷第I 卷、第II 卷合计满分100 分,考试时间60 分钟。
5.可能用到的相对原子质量:H 1 C 12 N 14 O 16 Na 23 S 32 Cl 35.5 Fe 56 Cu 64选择题部分一、选择题(本大题共25 小题,每小题2 分,共50 分。
每个小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,不选、多选、错选均不得分)1.下列属于酸的是A.NH4Cl B.KHSO4 C.HOCl D.CO22.仪器名称为“长颈漏斗”的是A.B.C D.3.下列属于电解质的是A.乙醇B.氢氧化铁C.氨水D.铜4.下列属于氧化还原反应的是A.Na2CO3+SiO2 Na2SiO3+CO2 B.CaO+H2O===Ca(OH)2C.2FeCl3+Fe===3FeCl2 D.SO2+2NaOH===Na2SO35.下列分散系能产生“丁达尔效应”的是A.泥水B.氯化铜溶液C.溴蒸汽D.淀粉溶液6.下列表示不.正.确.的是A.NF3 的电子式:B.乙烯的结构简式:CH2=CH2C.CH4 的比例模型:D.氩原子的结构示意图:+18 2 8 87.下列说法正确的是A.“液氯”因其具有强氧化性不能用钢瓶运输B.氧化镁具有较高的熔点,常被用于耐高温材料C.在医疗上,纯碱可用于治疗胃酸过多,但不能用于胃穿孔病人D.硅是一种重要的半导体材料,常被用于制造光导纤维8.下列物质的名称不.正.确.的是A.生石膏:CaSO4·2H2O B.摩尔盐:(NH4)2Fe(SO4)2C.普通玻璃的成分:Na2O·CaO·6SiO2 D.木精:CH3OH9.下列说法不.正.确.的是 A .石油裂解的目的是提高汽油等轻质油的产量和质量 B .可用新制氢氧化铜检验糖尿病人尿糖的含量 C .蛋白质溶液可以通过盐析或者渗析来进行提纯D .油脂是热值最高的营养物质,是生物体内储存能量的重要物质 10.下列说法不.正.确.的是 A .根据纤维在火焰上燃烧产生的气味,确定该纤维是否为蛋白质纤维B .焰色反应实验可用细铁丝代替铂丝C .用湿润的 pH 试纸测氯化钠溶液的 pH ,对结果不影响D .金属钠失火可用煤油来灭火 11.下列说法正确的是A .水和双氧水是相同的元素组成的物质,所以是同素异形体B .氕、氘、氚互为同位素,其性质都相同C .甲苯和邻二甲苯不是同系物D .C 5H 12 存在一种同分异构体其一氯代物只有一种 12.已知:A(g)+2 B(s) ΔH =-a kJ·mol ˉ1(a >0)。
2020届浙江省宁波市鄞州中学高三下学期期初检测语文试题(解析版)一、语言文字运用(共 20 分)1.下列各句中,没有错别字且加点字的读音全都正确的一项是A. 《幻想交响曲》中的音浪裹携着你恓惶的内心左奔右突,直到古典的形式扭曲、变形、坍圮,然后,听他高唱挣.(zhēng)脱灵魂桎梏.(gù)、摧毁旧日城堡的浪漫主义的赞歌。
B. 大自然崇高而又优雅,雄浑.(hún)而又柔和,人们感怀并摹写它亘.(gèn)古如斯的美丽,将身心沉浸其中,在聆听万籁的时候体味人世的纷繁复杂,感慨历史的沧桑变化。
C. 清末奉天讲武堂的创办人赵尔巽,是一位泥.(nì)古不化的前清遗老,是一位声名显赫的民国元勋.(xūn),是一位封建反动的政治官僚,亦或是一位治学严谨的史家学者。
D. “最多跑一次”是通过“一窗受理、集成服务、一次办结”的服务模.(mó)式创新,它已经开始产生幅.(fú)射效果和正向的社会反馈。
一、单项选择题(每小题3分,共39分)1.下列物理量为矢量,且与之对应的单位正确的是( )A .功,wB .磁通量,wbC .电场强度,ED .磁感应强度,T2.护鸟小卫士在学校的绿化带上发现一个鸟窝静止搁在三根树叉之间。
若鸟窝的质量为m ,与三根树叉均接触。
重力加速度为g 。
则( )A .鸟窝与树叉之间一定只有弹力的作用B .鸟窝所受重力与鸟窝对树叉的力是一对平衡力C .三根树叉对鸟窝的合力大小等于mgD .树叉对鸟窝的弹力指向鸟窝的重心3.高空坠物已经成为城市中仅次于交通肇事的伤人行为。
假设该菜刀可以看作质点,且从15层楼的窗口无初速度坠落,则从菜刀坠落到砸中摩托车挡泥板的时间最接近( ) A .1sB .3sC .5sD .7s4.如图所示为查德威克发现中子的实验示意图,利用针(21084Po )衰变放出的α粒子轰击铍(94Be ),产生的粒子P 能将石蜡中的质子打出来,下列说法正确的是( )A .α粒子是氦原子B .粒子Q 的穿透能力比粒子P 的强C .钋的α衰变方程为210208484822Po Pb He →+D .α粒子轰击铍的核反应方程为491212460He Be C n +→+5.公园里,经常可以看到大人和小孩都喜欢玩的一种游戏——“套圈”,如图所示是“套圈”游戏的场景。
如果不计空气阻力,圆环的运动可以视为平抛运动,则下列说法正确的是( )A .大人和小孩抛出的圆环速度变化率相等B .大人和小孩抛出的圆环发生的位移相等C .大人和小孩抛出的圆环抛出时的速度相等D .大人和小孩抛出的圆环在空中飞行的时间相等6.2019年3月19日,复旦大学科研团队宣称已成功制备出具有较高电导率的砷化铌纳米带材料,据介绍该材料的电导率是石墨烯的1000倍。
2020届宁波市鄞州中学高三英语下学期期中考试试卷及答案解析第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AWelcome to Oxford University MuseumsAshmolean MuseumEstablished in 1683, the Ashmolean Museum is the oldest museum in the UK and one of the oldest in the world. It houses the University’s extensive collections of art and antiquities, ranging back over four millennia.Location: Beaumont Street Tel: 01865278000Open: Tue. Sun. 10: 00-17: 00.Charge: Admission is free; special exhibitions are ticketed and a charge may applyNote: For group bookings Tel:01865278015Oxford University Museum of Natural HistoryThe University Museum of Natural History houses the University’s collections of zoological, entomological, paleontological and mineral specimens. With 4. 5 million specimens it is the largest collection of its type outside of the national collections.Location: Parks Road Tel: 01865 272950Open: 10: 00-17: 00 dailyCharge: Admission is freeNote: Groups must book in advanceMuseum of the History of ScienceThe Museum of the History of Science is housed in the world’s oldest surviving purpose-built museum building. It contains the world’s finest collection of historic scientific instruments.Location: Broad Street Tel: 01865277280Open: Tue.Sun.12: 00-17:00Charge: Admission is freeNote: Booking required for groups of 15 or morePitt Rivers MuseumThe Pitt Rivers Museum holds one of the world’s finest collections of anthropology and archaeology, withobjects from every continent and from throughout human history.Location: Parks Road enter via the Oxford University Museum of Natural HistoryTel:01865270927Open: Tue Sun. and Bank Holiday Mondays: 10: 00-16: 30Charge: Admission is freeNote: Groups must book in advance1.If a group of 20 students want to visit the oldest museum in the UK, they should call_______A.01865277280B.01865278015C.01865270927D.018652729502.Which of the museums can visitors go to any day of the week?A.Ashmolean Museum.B.Museum of the History of Science.C.Oxford University Museum of Natural History.D.Pitt Rivers Museum3.Which of the following is true according to the passage?A.Ashmolean Museum is on the Broad Street.B.Pitt Rivers Museum contains the world’s finest collection of historic scientific instruments.C.We don’t have to book in advance if our group want to visit the University Museum of Natural History.D.We can enter the Pitt Rivers Museum through the Oxford University Museum of Natural History.BBeing a teacher is a rewarding career when it comes to changing lives, but it’s obviously one that comes with plenty of stresses and difficulties too.Seeking help for a child who is so obviously in need isn’t easy. Often, you feel ignored by the government. You feel upset that there isn’t anything you could personally do to help a needy and sensitive member of your class.That’s exactly how Chelsea Haley, aged 24 at the time, felt when she met fourth-grade student Jerome Robinson while working for Teach forAmericainLouisianafor the first time.The pair didn’t get off to the best start, with Jerome, the “problem child”, almost drivingChelseafrom teaching. But whenChelseaput her foot down and became determined to work more closely with Jerome, she learned the cause of his rude behavior: a bad home situation.Chelseawas eager to help Jerome, and realized that he needed more than just academic support.By 2016, a year after meeting him, Chelsea had adopted (收养) Jerome and his brother Jace.Adopting a child doesn’t come cheap, andChelseaspent all the money in her bank to see the process through.In her first few years of raising the boys, she lived on credit cards and postponed her student loan.AsChelsealived with her two adopted sons, she worked hard to repay her debts. She took on extra tutoring jobs outside of school hours, moved in with her parents, and even delivered groceries for cash. Along the way, she was learning how to be the best mom to Jerome and Jace, cooking for them and cheering them on at football matches.And now, just five years later,Chelseacan proudly say that she has paid off nearly $50, 000 of debt. Now that she’s finally out of debt,Chelseahas plans to buy a house and save up for the boys’ college education.“It allows me to focus on the boys’ future,” she said. “Saving money for them, and not spending it on my past.”4. What do we know from paragraph 4?A. Jerome’s family was less fortunate.B. The brothers were in the same class.C. When helping Jerome,Chelseafelt hopeless.D.Chelseagot along well with Jerome from the very start.5. What didChelseado to pay off her debts?A. Borrow money from her parents.B. Do part-time jobs.C. Train students to play football.D. Cook for customers.6. How old wasChelseawhen she paid off nearly all of her debts?A. 24.B. 28.C. 29.D. 30.7. Which of the following can best describeChelsea?A. Lucky and lovely.B. Sensitive and ambitious.C. Selfless and determined.D. Warmhearted and strict.CBrain cells work to actively forget memories during a specific period of sleep. When we sleep our brains clear out the memories we’ve made while we’re awake, deciding what to keep and what to get rid of. Forgetting is an active process, explained the authors of the study published in the journal Science. But less is known about this process during the different periods of sleep.They found that during the rapid eye movement (REM ) sleep period — or active sleep when we are thought to dream — special nerve cells appear to actively contribute to forgetting. What are known as melanin-concentrating hormone-producing (MCH) neurons (神经元) sit in the hypothalamus (下丘脑): a part ofthe brain which helps with a range of functions such as sleep, appetite and emotions. Past research has suggested these cells help to control REM sleep patterns: activating the MCH neurons increasing time spentin this period, while preventingthemreducing changes into this period.The scientists looked at MCH cells in mice, and found 52.8 percent were active during REM sleep, compared with 35 percent when the mice were awake. Study co-author Thomas Kilduff, director of the Center for Neuroscience at SRI International, told Newsweek the team was surprised to find that mice performed better on learning and memory tasks when the MCH cells were prevented. “This result suggests that activation of the MCH neurons may affect memory — that is, MCH neurons may facilitate forgetting,” Kilduff explained.When asked what motivated the study, Kilduff said, “We hope the work could deepen our understanding of Alzheimer’s disease. Understanding the neural basis of learning and memory is a huge area of neuroscience research because of its effects on our everyday lives, as well as diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease. Prior to this work, no one suspected that MCH neurons had anything to do with forgetting,” said Kilduff.8. What can we infer from paragraph 1?A. Forgetting is a passive process.B. The forgetting process is known to us.C. Some memories are forgotten while we are awake.D. Certain memories are removed while we are asleep.9. What does the underlined word “them” in paragraph 2 refer to?A. REM sleep patterns.B. Past researches.C. MCH neurons.D. A range of functions.10. Why did Kilduff’s team conduct the research?A. To publish the study in the journal Science.B. To know more about Alzheimer’s disease.C. To contribute to human’s forgetting.D. To explore our everyday lives.11. What can we know about MCH?A. MCH cells takes control of REM sleep patterns .B. MCH neurons may disturb memory consolidation.C. MCH neurons have nothing to do with forgetting.D. MCH cells help mice performing better on learning.DExperts are warning about the risks of extremely picky(挑剔的)eating after a teenager living on a diet of chips and crisps developed lasting sight loss. Eye doctors inBristolcared for the 17-year-old after his sight had gone to the point of blindness. Tests showed he had serious vitamin deficiency(缺乏). Dr. Denize Atan, who treated him at the hospital, said, “His diet was basically a portion of chips from the local fish and chip shop every day. He also used to snack on crisps and sometimes white bread and ham, and not really any fruit and vegetables.”The teenager saw his doctor at the age of 14 because he had been feeling tired and unwell. At that time he suffered from vitamin B12 deficiency, but he did not stick with the treatment or improve his poor diet. Three years later, he was taken to theBristolEyeHospitalbecause of progressive sight loss.He was not overweight or underweight, but he had lost minerals from his bones, which was really quite shocking for a boy of his age. In terms of his sight loss, he met the standards of being blind. “He had blind spots right in the middle of his sight,” said Dr Denize Atan, “That means he can’t drive and would find it reallyarduousto read, watch TV or recognize faces.”Dr Denize Atan said that parents should learn about the harm that can be caused by picky eating, and turn to experts for help. For those who are concerned , she advised, “It’s best not to be anxious about picky eating , and instead calmly introduce one or two new foods with every meal.” She said multivitamin tablets can supplement(补充) a diet, but cannot take the place of eating healthily. “It’s much better to take in vitamins through a varied and balanced diet,” she said, adding that too manycertain vitamins , including vitamin A, can be harmful ,“so you don’t want to overdo it.”12. What does Dr Denize Atan imply in paragraph 1?A. The diet of the boy is not balanced.B. Fruit and vegetables are rich in vitamins.C. Picky eating is common among teenagers.D. The cause of the boy’s disease is unknown.13. Why did the boy go to see his doctor at the age of 14?A. To improve his poor diet.B. To get some help to lose weight.C. To be treated for his discomfort.D. To slow down his progressive sight loss.14. What does the underlined word “arduous” in paragraph 3 probably mean?A. Important.B. Easy.C. Necessary.D. Difficult.15. What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?A. Reasons why the boy is seriously ill.B.Suggestions for the boy’s family to care for him.C. Advice for parents worried about picky eating.D. Waysof taking in enough vitamins and minerals.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
2020届宁波市鄞州中学高三英语下学期期中考试试卷及答案解析第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AWhat to See InHarbinParks inHarbin: Snow Sculpture Expo on theSunIslandPark: massive and beautifully carved sculptures of snow. Ice Lantern Festival: where large ice buildings and statues constructed with lights inside that make them glow.SiberianTigerPark: The park has several large caged areas where the tigers roam freely and live as they-would in their natural environment. We enter these caged areas in a specially designed van with large windows to get a look at these beautiful beasts. Live pheasants (雉) are let loose (if you pay) in order to show you the tigers' natural hunting skills.Russian Architecture: Blessed with grace and character, the city is famous for its unique, Russian-influenced architecture. Remnants (残存) from the days when Harbin wasan important stop on the Russian Manchurian Railroad, the dome-shaped structures remind people of pre-revolutionary Russia. The strong Russian flavor continues to impact the city today due to new trade and tourism betweenHarbinandRussia.TheCentral Avenue: Passers-by only street, a perfect remaining part of the busy international business activities at the turn of the 20th century. The 1.4-km long street is a worthy museum of European architectural styles, including Baroque and Byzantine facades, Jewish architectural wonders, little Russian bakeries, French fashion houses, American snack food outlets, and Japanese restaurants.Guogeli Avenue:Harbin's second biggest shopping district dotted with Russian buildings. A tram track is still preserved in the centre of the road. The street is named after Nikolay (Vasilyevich) Gogol (1809-1852); great Russian novelist, dramatist, satirist, founder of the so-called critical realism in Russian literature, best-known for his novel MERTVYE DUSHI I-II (1842, Dead Souls).Saint Sophia Church (built in 1903): The Orthodox church is a wonderful example of Russian Architecture. We only tour the outside of the church. The inside has been turned into some painters' market and is a big disappointment to all who visit it. You are welcome to venture into the church. Entrance fees are RMB20 per person.1. From where does the author look at the tigers?A. Through the windows of his house.B. In the closed areas of tigers.C. In the areas for walking.D. In their natural environment.2. Where can visitors see the most diverse styles of architecture?A. At Ice Lantern Festival.B. On the Russian Manchurian Railroad.C. On TheCentral Avenue.D. OnGuogeli Avenue.3. When walking in the city ofHarbin, what can visitors still strongly feel?A. The Russian flavor.B. The influence of Guogeli's realism.C. The damage to Saint Sophia Church.D. The mixture of American and Japanese cultures.BJeff Bezos, Elon Musk and Richard Branson have a combined net worth of 400 billion, roughly the size of the GDP of the entire nation of Ireland. And all three men have decided to put vast sums of their wealth into chasing their space travel dreams, creating a modern space race in which ultra — rich men — rather than countries — shoot for the stars.But why the three billionaires choose the crazy plan? Just for the travel dreams? It’s not that simple.As we all know, the space travel is a mirror of comprehensive national strength, whether it’s the cold war or the present. The first space racespannedmultiple presidents and premiers — Kennedy, Krushchev, Brezhnev, Nixon. It made heroes of astronauts and cosmonauts, and it focused national prides. But obviously, this year’s race between the billionaires features none of that national pride or opposing ideas. It’s tax — averse tycoons (大亨) who want to sell high — priced tickets to rich people interested in experiencing weightlessness. Amazon’s Bezos has said he is funding his portion by selling off large chunks of his Amazon stock (股票) — 1 billion or more a year.What are the odds? If anyone is taking bets on how this will end, and who will have the more profitable space tourism business, consider Amazon’s method of making very little profit in order to eat up competition. So, from this point of view, what’s hiding behind this crazy race is business. As a method of expand influence, it is not a bad idea.Richard Branson has carried out his plan on July 12, and Jeff Bezos announced that he will start his space travel on July 20. Bezos is getting some good press because he’s taking Wally Funk along for the ride. She’s the pilot now in her 80s who was kept out of space in the 1960s because she’s a woman. This may be a bonus for him. As for Musk, he thinks these two above are not real space trips, he wants a larger move.Who will win the race in the end? Let’s wait and see.4. Which of the following people might be the potential client of the space travel?A. Daisy aged 45 with a heavy debt.B. Clarkson who doesn’t enjoy taking risks.C. Billy aged 60 with an ample retirement pension.D. Alexander who knows nothing about space travel.5. What stopped Wally Funk flying to space in the 1960s?A. Age.B. Gender.C. Height.D. Disposition.6. What does the author think of the billionaires race?A. Profit — driven.B. Meaningless.C. Foolish.D. Generous.7. What does the underlined word “spanned” in paragraph 3 probably mean?A. Revolved.B. Turned down.C. Entered.D. Leapt through.CIt was once considered an important status symbol ---but having a home phone is increasingly seen asa white elephant. New figures show that one in five households no longer bother with a landline(固定电话),and almost a third of those that do never actually use it.The vast majority of people who still have a home phone ——72 percent ——say they only have it because it is part of their broadband package.But that's not the only reason to desert the home phone - 20 percent of those surveyed said that they were fed up with the number of cold calls and would-be scammers(诈骗者).Digital media expert Dr. Elinor Carmi said there was a generational and social divide in phone use. She explained:"If you,re young and have the mobility to go outside, you would rely on a mobile phone. But if you are older, disabled and perhaps poorer, our research shows you're more likely to use a landline. If you are richer, you will have access to more smart devices --- a smart TV, smartphone or laptop. But the poorer you are --- or if you are older, your use of these devices is more limited.”Last year, research from regulator Ofcom found that the amount of time spent on landline calls annually in theUKhad halved over just six years, to 54 billion minutes. The new study also showed that more than a quarter of households have decided to find a broadband provider that does not charge for their unused landline, but only six percent have done so.8. The underlined part “ a white elephant" in Paragraph 1 probably refers to something that isA. costly but effectiveB. useful and beautifulC. expensive but uselessD. cheap and necessary9. What's the main reason why some people still have a home phone?A. Their broadband package contains it.B. Their family can only afford to use it.C. They are used to using a home phone.D. They consider it an important status symbol.10. Which of the following is more likely to use a landline?A. A young adventurer.B. An old poor gardener.C. An outdoor photographer.D. A famous indoor designer.11. What's the best title of the text?A. End of the landline?B. Fed up with cold calls?C. The history of phonesD. Different choices of phonesDIdentifying the chemical makeup of pigment (色素) used in ancient documents, paintings, and watercolor1 s is criticalto restoring and conserving the precious artworks. However, despite numerous efforts, scientists had been unable to determine the source of folium, a popular blue dye used to color1 manuscripts (手稿) in Europe during the middle ages — from the 5th to the 15th century. Now, a team of researchers fromPortugalhas finally uncovered the mysterious ingredient responsible for the gorgeous blueish-purple color1 that helped bring ancient illustrations and texts to life.The research team began byporing overinstructions penned by European dye makers from the 12th, 14th, and 15th centuries. They found what they were seeking in a 15th-century text entitledThe Book on How to Make All the Color Paints for Illuminating Books. However, translating the instructions was no easy task. It was written in the now extinct Judaeo-Portuguese language, and though the source of the dye was traced back to a plant, no name was mentioned.However, by piecing together suggestions from the text, the scientists were able to determine that the dye was made from the bluish-green berries of the chrozophora tinctoria plant. After an extensive search, the team found a few varieties of the plant growing along the roadside near the town ofMonsarazin southPortugal.The detailed instructions gave the researchers critical clues — including the best time to pick the berries. “You need to squeeze the fruits, being careful not to break the seeds, and then to put them on linen (亚麻).” Thescientist says the detail was important since broken seeds polluted the pigment, producing an inferior quality ink. The dyed linen, which was left to dry, was an efficient way to store and transport the pigment during ancient times. When needed, the artist would simply cut off a piece of the cloth and dip it with water to squeeze out the blue color1 .Once the key ingredient had been identified, the researchers began to determine the dye’s molecular structure. To their surprise, they found that folium was not like any other known permanent blue dyes — it was an entirely new class of color1 , one they named chrozophoridin. “Chrozophoridin was used in ancient times to make a beautiful blue dye for painting.” the team wrote in the study. “Thus, we believe that this will not be our final word on this amazing plant and its story and that further discoveries will follow soon.”12. The primary purpose of the study is to ________.A. restore and conserve ancient precious artworksB. determine the substance making up the foliumC. prove the ancient dye-making technique was organicD. identify which class of color1 folium belongs to13. The underlined phrase “poring over”in the second paragraph means ________.A. discussing publiclyB. testing repeatedlyC. passing directlyD. reading carefully14. What can be learned about the blue dye folium?A. It was essentially an inferior type of ink.B. It was the only kind made from wild berries.C. It could be carried and used easily.D. It was carefully squeezed from broken seeds.15. The article is mainly about _________.A. how the mystery ofa thousand-year-old blue dye was solvedB. why the researchers took the trouble to recreate the dyeC. what needs to be done to make an organic dye from a plantD. when and where the discovery of the dye was made第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
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3(x1 m)m
16 m2
(4 y0 y1 12 3mx1) y0 3(x1 m)m
(4 y0 y1 12 3mx1) y0 3(x1 m)m
16 (16 y02 y12 (12 3mx1)2 ) y02 16 ((12 3m2 )(12 3x12 ) (12 3mx1)2 ) y02
9(x1 m)2 m2
9(x1 m)2 m2
16 4[(m2 x12 ) 2mx1]y02 16 4(m x1)2 y02 16 4 y02 4 3m2
(x1 m)2 m2
m2 (x1 m)2 m2
4 3m2 m2
22. (15 分)
解: f x 1 a
AA1 与平面
3 13 26
20. (15 分)(Ⅰ)因为 2Sn (n 2)(an 1) ……①,
当 n 2 时, 2Sn1 (n 1)(an1 1) ……②, 1 -②得, 2an (n 2)an (n 1)an1 1,即 nan (n 1)an1 1,
. -----------15 分
所以 bn
1) sin
π(2n 1) 2
1)sin( π 2
则 bn
2n1 1, n 2k, k N* (2n1 1), n 2k 1, k
①当 n 2k, k N* 时,
Tn (22 1) (23 1) (24 1) (2n 1) (2n1 1)
鄞州中学 2019—2020 学年第二学期期初考试
一、选择题:本大题共 10 小题,每小题 4 分,共 40 分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有
二、填空题:本大题共 7 小题,多空题每题 6 分,单空题每题 4 分,共 36 分.
当 a 0 时,由(Ⅰ)知
fmax x
1 4a
1 0 ,解得 a
1 2
,所以 a 的取值范围
1 2
1 2
-----------10 分
(Ⅲ)由(Ⅱ)知,取 a 1 ,有不等式 1 x 1 x 1成立. -----------12 分
当 x k k 1,2,3,,2048 时,
a b c 3 2sin B 2sin C 3 2sin B 2sin( 2 B) 3
3 2 3 sin(B ) 6
锐角三角形且角A 3
ABC周长最大值为3 3
19. (15 分)
(Ⅰ)如图所示,延长 AA1, BB1,CC1, DD1, EF 交于点 P ,
2 1 x
-----------2 分
(Ⅰ)当 a 0 时, f x 0 ,所以 f x 在 1, 上单增;
解得 1
1 4a2
1 ,所以
x 在 1,
1 4a2
1 4a2
1, 上单减.
-----------6 分
(Ⅱ)当 a 0 时, f x 1 x ax 2 0 0 0 ,故不合题意; -----------8 分
所以 3 (a c) bc ,把 a 2c, b 3c 代入,解得: a 2, b 3 , 3
所以椭圆方程为 x2 y2 1 . 43
m2 4
y02 3
1,x12 4
y12 3
y1 y0 x1 m
(x m)
y0 ,令 x
4 m
y1 y0 x1 m
(4 m
(4 y0 y1 12 3mx1) y0 3(x1 m)m
从而 M ( 4 , (4 y0 y1 12 3mx1) y0 ) ,同理 N ( 4 , (4 y0 y1 12 3mx1) y0 ) ,
3(x1 m)m
22 23 24 25 2n 2n1 22 24 2n 4 (2n 1) , 3
②当 n
1, k
时, Tn
4 (2n1 3
1) (2n2
2n2 3
综上, Tn
(2n 2n
2 7 3
n 2k, ,n 2k
k 1,
N* k
11. 4 , 2 5 55
13. 2 1 , 24
14. 2,2 3
15. 25π 8
16. [1,3]
n m 2 17. 2
三、解答题:本大题共 5 小题,共 74 分,解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.
18. (14 分)(Ⅰ)
f (x) a b sin 2 x 2sin x cos x sin x cos x
1 2 sin(2x )
T , f (x) 1 2
sin(2x ) 0 4
x k ,k Z 28
1 2
k 2
(Ⅱ) f ( A ) 2 6 , sin A 3 A
a b c 2 sin A sin B sin C
1 2
所以直线 C1O 与平面 BCC1B1 所成角和直线 AA1 与平面 BCC1B1 所成角相等, 由(Ⅰ)得 AD 平面 PME ,又 BC // AD ,所以 BC 平面 PME ,
又 BC 平面 BCC1B1 ,所以平面 BCC1B1 平面 PME ,
又平面 BCC1B1 平面 PME PE ,
同除 n(n 1) 得, an an1 1 1 1 , n 1 n n(n 1) n n 1
an 1 n 1
an1 1 n
an n
因为 2S1 (1 2)(a1 1) ,所以 a1 3 ,
an 1 n 1
a1 1 2
,所以 an
(Ⅱ)由(Ⅰ)得 a 2n 2 2n 1 2n1 1 ,
由题意得 PA PB 2 ,取 AD 中点 M ,连接 PM , EM , 则 AD PM , AD ME ,又 PM ME M , 所以 AD 平面 PME ,又 EF 平面 PME , 所以 AD EF ;
(Ⅱ)连接 AC 交 ME 于 O 点,连接 C1O ,
(15 分)(Ⅰ)由题意知:
c a
1 2
,∴ a
c2 ,∴ b
3c .
设 △PF1F2 的内切圆半径为 r ,则
1 2
PF1 PF2 F1F2
r 1 (2a 2c) r (a c) r , 2
故当 △PF1F2 面积最大时, r 最大,即 P 点位于椭圆短轴顶点时 r 3 , 3
过 O 作 OH PE ,则 OC1H 是直线 C1O 与平面 BCC1B1 所成角.
由(Ⅰ)得∠ PME 是二面角 A1 - AD - B 的平面角,
所以∠ PME 5π ,在 △PME 中,计算得 OH 3 13 ,
在直角 △OC1H
中, sin∠
3 13 26
得 1 k 2020 k 1 k 1 1 k 1,
2020 2 2020 4040
2021 2022 2023 2024 4068
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1 1 2 3 4 2048 2048 2049 1024 2048 2600