
考中一的学生会面临2道作文题(2选1),考中二的学生会面对四道作文题(4选1)选择题的分配如下:语法题 10分单词题 10分阅读理解 15分(分两篇)文章填空 15分(分两篇)同时也需要说明:AEIS英文考试是一个设计得非常好的考试。

新加坡三四年级数学竞赛与高才班选拔模拟练习题(英文版)刘然冰编写新加坡三四年级奥数与天才班选拔模拟练习题(中英双语版)Olympic Math Competition and GEP practice paper for Primary3or4in Singapore(Bilingual version)刘然冰编写源头上了解新加坡数学的模式和深度写在前面从西方学术和科研机构的反馈看,华人的数学水平一直比较高。
正如Jerome Bruner所说,学习数学,不是找到一两个窍门,走几个捷径,找到一个规律,记住一堆公式就算学好了。

新加坡政府中小学入学考试AEIS英语考试新加坡政府中小学国际学生统一入学考试(Admissions Exercise for InternationalStudents)是由新加坡教育部专为有意申请就读新加坡政府中、小学的国际学生统一组织、安排的入学考试,考试时间为每年9月或10月。
考中一的学生会面临2道作文题(2选1),考中二、中三的学生会面对四道作文题(4选1)选择题的分配如下:语法题 10分词汇题 10分阅读理解 15分 (两篇)文章填空 15分 (两篇)同时也需要说明:AEIS英文考试是一个设计得非常好的考试。

AEIS PLACEMENT TEST FOR SECONDAY ONESuggested Time: 2 hoursPart One: POSITIONFor the following part, the examinee will write a short passage based on either of the materials given below along with the specific requirements and information. The passage should be no less than 200 words and contain more than one paragraph. Easily recognizable handwriting will be appreciated.Question 1:You were at a crowded departmental store when you heard someone shouting for help. You looked in the direction where the shouts were ing from.Make use of the following points in your position. You may reorder the points. You are encouraged to include other relevant points to make your position interesting.In your story, make use of the points below:•What you did•How you felt•What the people around you did•What happened in the endQuestion 2:Write a story based on the pictures below. Give the story your own ending. You are encouraged to include other relevant points to make your position interesting.Part Two: Multiple Choice QuestionsFor the following part, four alternatives will be given to each of the questions, meanwhile out of which one option will be more suitable in the context, please carefully pare all the options and choose the most suitable one.Section A: GrammarFor each question 1 to 10, four options are given. One of them is more suitable than the rest. Fill in the most suitable answer in the bracketsFor each question 11 to 20, four options are given. One of them is more suitable than the rest. Fill in the most suitable answer in the brackets provided.Read the following two passages carefully and answer the questions 41 to 55. Fill in the most suitable answer in the brackets provided.Passage AMost children love sweet food. However, eating too much candy or drinking too many sugary drinks is 21 for our health. Many countries have started to do 22 to control the amount of sugary drinks kids can have.The sale and advertisement of 23 drinks have been limited in Boston, US. It will be impossible to buy sugary drinks in 24. It's reported that about one half of the US population aged 2 and older 25 sugary drinks every day. One in five American children aged 12 to 19 is overweight.Many other 26 have taken similar actions. The governments of France and Hungary started a new tax on sugary drinks. They27 this will keep populations healthier.China is facing the same problem. Middle school students in bigcities in China 28 drink about 1,200 ml of sugary drinks every day according to a recent study. The number of overweight 29 has increased 5 to 10 times in the last 20 years. Gao Xiang of Harvard Medical School 30 the Chinese government to deal with the situation actively. Gao gave some suggestions, including limiting the sale ofThe Malaysian government announced that Malaysian flight MH370 lost the contact with the Air Traffic Control 31 the morning of March eighth. The flight 32 at 0:41 a.m. that morning and planned to arrive in Beijing at half past six a.m. It carried 239 passengers, 33 154 Chinese. The passengers e from fourteen countries and areas. Nobody knows what happened to the plane. Over twenty countries took part in 34 it. On March twenty-fourth, Prime Minister of Malaysia said that MH370 crashed in southern Indian Ocean and none of the passengerssurvived. When we heard the bad news, we were very sad. So far theRead the passages carefully and answer the questions that follow. Fill in the most suitable answers in the brackets provided.Passage AIt was a public holiday that day. Two burglars decided to try their luck. They met as soon as it was dark enough. The night was unusually quiet and the air was still. It was a moonless night. They were very happy as everything was perfect for them to work.They reached the house which they had set their eyes upon. They were glad to see the house in total darkness. It was a sign that the family was out.The two men climbed through an open window into one of the rooms. They ransacked all the rooms on the ground floor of the house, taking with them all the valuables they found. Finally, they made their way upstairs. They were shining their torches around when suddenly their torches shone on a man!They could not believe their eyes. There was a man sitting on a rocking chair in a corner of the room. The man was looking at them with eyes that never moved!The two men cried out in fright, headed straight for the door and threw it open. They dashed out of the house, leaving behind the loot. Their mission had failed. A blind man had frightened them off andHow would you like to e home after a long day, open the door and walk into an elephant" That is what you would do if you lived in Elephant House in Margate, New Jersey in America. The elephant-shaped house was built in 1881 by James Lafferty. Herbert Green built a chicken-shaped house in 1962.Sarah Winchester tried to build a ghost-proof house in San Jose, California. Workers built fake chimneys, doors that open onto blank walls and stairs that lead nowhere. Many rooms were torn down and then rebuilt in a new way to confuse the ghosts. It took 38 years to plete the house!Some houses are built of strange materials. A house in Pigeon Cove, Massachusetts, is built from more than 100,000 newspapers. In Canada, George Plumb built a house entirely out of bottles.Some homes stand for great wealth and power. The Palace of Alhambra in Spain is one of the most beautiful homes in the world. The man who built it loved water. A stream runs through all 36,500 square meters of the palace. In each room, there is a small pool of sparkling water. Dream house do not have to be expensive. A man named Baldasera built a house with 90 rooms for about $500 by digging under the earth.Baldasera worked alone. He spent 40 years pleting his underground house.。

一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列哪个数是两位数?A. 123B. 12C. 1D. 12342. 小明有5个苹果,他给了小红3个,小明还剩下多少个苹果?A. 2B. 3C. 5D. 83. 下列哪个数比5大?A. 3B. 4C. 5D. 64. 下列哪个图形是正方形?A. 正三角形B. 正方形C. 长方形D. 梯形5. 小华有12个球,她要平均分给4个小朋友,每个小朋友可以分到多少个球?A. 2B. 3C. 4D. 56. 下列哪个数是质数?A. 2B. 3C. 4D. 57. 小红有8个红苹果,小明有10个黄苹果,他们一共有多少个苹果?A. 16B. 18C. 20D. 228. 下列哪个数是偶数?A. 3B. 4C. 5D. 69. 下列哪个图形是平行四边形?A. 正方形B. 长方形C. 梯形D. 圆形10. 小刚有15个巧克力,他吃掉了5个,小刚还剩下多少个巧克力?A. 10B. 15C. 20D. 25二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)11. 6 × 7 = ______12. 9 ÷ 3 = ______13. 25 - 17 = ______14. 8 + 6 = ______15. 3 × 8 = ______16. 50 ÷ 5 = ______17. 14 + 3 = ______18. 20 - 8 = ______19. 7 × 5 = ______20. 12 ÷ 4 = ______三、解答题(每题10分,共30分)21. 小明有18个铅笔,他给小华6个,然后又借给小红3个,请问小明还剩下多少个铅笔?22. 小华有15本书,小刚有10本书,他们一共有多少本书?23. 小丽有24个彩色气球,她用了一些气球去装饰教室,剩下12个,请问小丽用了多少个气球去装饰教室?四、应用题(每题10分,共20分)24. 小明有3个苹果,小红有5个苹果,他们两个人一共有多少个苹果?25. 小刚的房间里有5个玩具,他给小丽2个玩具,然后又借给小强1个玩具,请问小刚现在还剩下多少个玩具?。

中学组的AEIS考试是分为三个级别的,第一个级别是针对中学一年级(Sec 1)的考生,第二个级别是针对中学二年级(Sec 2)的考生,第三个级别是针对中学三年级(Sec 3)的考生。
【教育资料】三年级下册数学试题 ACTS练习题 人教新课标学习精品

3.小明今年13岁,小军今年8岁,当两人的年龄和是37岁时,小明( )岁,小军( )岁。
7.如果1支钢笔可以换成4支圆珠笔,1支圆珠笔可以换5支铅笔,那么100支铅笔可以换( )支圆珠笔或( )支钢笔。
如果比赛在18:00 结束,那么比赛在( )开始。
一共用方砖( )块,喷水池的周长是 ( )米。
( )2.把一根绳子连续对折3次,每一段是总长的16。
( ) 3.两个边长相等的正方形,一个边长扩大3倍,一个边长缩小2倍,则大正方形的周长是小正方形周长的6倍。
( )4.王老师从8:00开始工作,她要批改9本作业,平均每本要5分钟,则她8:45能批完作业。
( )5.有两根长都是100厘米的木条,钉成一根长180厘米的木条,中间钉在一起的重叠部分长是20厘米。
( )三、选择题:(1.5分/道,共15分)1.( )÷6=( )……□,□可以填( )。
A. 1、2、3B. 1、2、3、4C. 1、2、3、4、52.一辆客车下午3:00从甲地出发,第二天上午10:00到达乙地,途中共用了( )小时。

新加坡A E I S小学三年级数学小测试数学小测试(一)Section A(20×2 mark)1、Find the sum between the values represented by the digit ’5’ in 5432 and 4135.(1) 9567(2) 10(3) 5005(4) 4995 ( )2、442 tens less than ( ) tens is 40 ones.(1) 446(2) 402(3) 482(4) 40 ( )3、There are ( )odd numbers between 14 hundreds and 141 ones.(1) 4(2) 14(3) 40(4) 44 ( )4、Which is the largest even number that can be formed from the digit ‘9’, ‘8’, ‘4’, ‘1’ ?(1) 9841(2) 9814(3) 9184(4) 9148 ( )5、250 less than 6200 is ?(1) 6450(2) 6000(3) 5950(4) 6500 ( )6、8843 – 72 ( ) 5 =1558What is the missing number in the bracket ?(1) 6(2)7(3)8(4)9 ( )7、What is the sum of all the odd numbers between 20 and 31 ?(2)51(3)125(4)130 ( )8、The difference between 361 and 134 is ?(1)227(2)277(3)494(4)495 ( )9、Which one of the following has the digit ‘3’ in the hundreds and tens place.(1)9312(2)3310(3)8336(4)6303 ( )10、Which one of the following is arranged from biggest to smallest?(1)3699, 3619, 3669(2)5813, 5814, 5715(3)7717, 7677, 7617(4)7777, 8888, 9999 ( )11、Subtract 222 from the sum of 175 and 225. What is the answer?(1)397(2)447(3)400(4)178 ( )12、Which one of the following gives an odd number answer?(1)101 – 41(2)99 – 23(3)17 + 20(4)27+105 ( )13、6541 + 33 tens is ?(1)6574(2)6507(3)6211(4)6871 ( )14、Tom had 477 apples, Sam had 644 apples. How many more apples did Sam has than Tom.(1)167(3)267(4)1121 ( )15、In 8619, the digit ( ) is in the thousands place?(1) 1(2) 6(3)8(4)9 ()16、In 6925, the digit 9 stands for ?(1)9(2)90(3)900(4)9000 ( )17、( ) hundreds comes just after 900+90+9.(1) 1(2)10(3)100(4)1000 ( )18、The number beween 28 tens 3 ones and 2 hundreds 85 ones is ?(1)27(2)83(3)84(4)284 ( )19、Jane has 245 bottle caps. She has 473 less bottle caps than Sue. Sue has ( ) bottle caps?(1)228(2)473(3)618(4)718 ( )20、Kang has 3172 stamps. Maria has 1200 more stamps than Kang. How many stamps do they have altogher?(1)1972(2)2972(3)4372(4)8544 ( )Section B (10×2 marks)21、Form the largest 4-digit even number using all the digits ‘4’‘7’‘6’ ‘9’22、The largest 5-digit number which has digit 5 in its hundreds and ones place23、Jane has 1245 stickers. She has 432 fewer stickers than Tom. How many stickers does Tom have24、Find the sum of 998 and 37725、The difference two numbers is 888.The smaller number is 1069.What is the other number26、Subtract 2157 from the sum of 1988 and 2763. What is the answer?27、In a school there are 2750 pupils. 600 of them are boys and the rest are girls. How many more girls than boys are there?28、The sum of three number is 10000. If two of them are 1255 and 4960, what is the third number?29、In a restaurant, there are 243 chairs and 272 tables. How many more chairs must added to the reataurant so that every table would have 4 chairs to go with it? 30、what is the missing number?6、10、18、34、、130Section C (5×4 marks)31、I am a 4-digit number. My digit in the thousands place is the largest even number. My digit in the hundres place is the sum of the digits in tens and ones place. My digit in the tens place is one number larger than my digit in the ones place. What is the largest possible 4-digit number that I can be?32、Susan has $3400. Liming has $1250 more than Susan. Kangkang has $380 less than Liming. How much money they have altogether?33、Maria sold 1843 cakes on Friday. On Saturday, she sold 261 cakes more than Friday. On Sunday, she sold as many as she sold on both Friday and Saturday. How many cakes didi Maris sold altogether?34、Nich collected 2480 beads from January to April. He collected 288 more beads in January than in February. He collected 642 more beads in March than in February. If he collected 350 beads in April, how many beads did Nich collect in February?35、A pole is 4 m long. Part of its is buried in the ground. Bobby decides to paint the rest of the pole in red, yellow and blue. If each coloured part is 150 cm, how much of the pole is buried in the ground? Give yur answer in cm.。

最新新加坡AEIS小学三年级数学小测试Section A(20×2 mark)1、Find the sum between the values represented by the digit ’5’ in 5432 and 4135.(1) 9567(2) 10(3) 5005(4) 4995 ( )2、442 tens less than ( ) tens is 40 ones.(1) 446(2) 402(3) 482(4) 40 ( )3、There are ( )odd numbers between 14 hundreds and 141 ones.(1) 4(2) 14(3) 40(4) 44 ( )4、Which is the largest even number that can be formed from the digit ‘9’, ‘8’, ‘4’, ‘1’ ?(1) 9841(2) 9814(3) 9184(4) 9148 ( )5、250 less than 6200 is ?(1) 6450(2) 6000(3) 5950(4) 6500 ( )6、8843 – 72 ( ) 5 =1558What is the missing number in the bracket ?(1) 6(2)7(3)8(4)9 ( )7、What is the sum of all the odd numbers between 20 and 31 ?(1)11(2)51(3)125(4)130 ( ) 8、The difference between 361 and 134 is ?(1)227(2)277(3)494(4)495 ( )9、Which one of the following has the digit ‘3’ in the hundreds and tens place.(1)9312(2)3310(3)8336(4)6303 ( )10、Which one of the following is arranged from biggest to smallest?(1)3699, 3619, 3669(2)5813, 5814, 5715(3)7717, 7677, 7617(4)7777, 8888, 9999 ( )11、Subtract 222 from the sum of 175 and 225. What is the answer?(1)397(2)447(3)400(4)178 ( )12、Which one of the following gives an odd number answer?(1)101 – 41(2)99 – 23(3)17 + 20(4)27+105 ( )13、6541 + 33 tens is ?(1)6574(2)6507(3)6211(4)6871 ( )14、Tom had 477 apples, Sam had 644 apples. How many more apples did Sam has than Tom.(1)167(2)177(3)267(4)1121 ( )15、In 8619, the digit ( ) is in the thousands place?(1) 1(2) 6(3)8(4)9 ()16、In 6925, the digit 9 stands for ?(1)9(2)90(3)900(4)9000 ( )17、(1) 1(2)10(3)100(4)1000 ( )18、The number beween 28 tens 3 ones and 2 hundreds 85 ones is ?(1)27(2)83(3)84(4)284 ( )19、Jane has 245 bottle caps. She has 473 less bottle caps than Sue. Sue has ( ) bottle caps?(1)228(2)473(3)618(4)718 ( )20、Kang has 3172 stamps. Maria has 1200 more stamps than Kang. How many stamps do they have altogher?(1)1972(2)2972(3)4372(4)8544 ( )Section B (10×2 marks)21、Form the largest 4-digit even number using all the digits ‘4’‘7’‘6’ ‘9’22、The largest 5-digit number which has digit 5 in its hundreds and ones place23、Jane has 1245 stickers. She has 432 fewer stickers than Tom. How many stickers does Tom have24、Find the sum of 998 and 37725、The difference two numbers is 888.The smaller number is 1069.What is the other number26、Subtract 2157 from the sum of 1988 and 2763. What is the answer?27、In a school there are 2750 pupils. 600 of them are boys and the rest are girls. How many more girls than boys are there?28、The sum of three number is 10000. If two of them are 1255 and 4960, what is the third number?29、In a restaurant, there are 243 chairs and 272 tables. How many more chairs must added to the reataurant so that every table would have 4 chairs to go with it?30、what is the missing number?6、10、18、34、、130Section C (5×4 marks)31、I am a 4-digit number. My digit in the thousands place is the largest even number. My digit in the hundres place is the sum of the digits in tens and ones place. My digit in the tens place is one number larger than my digit in the ones place. What is the largest possible 4-digit number that I can be?32、Susan has $3400. Liming has $1250 more than Susan. Kangkang has $380 less than Liming. How much money they have altogether?33、Maria sold 1843 cakes on Friday. On Saturday, she sold 261 cakes more than Friday. On Sunday, she sold as many as she sold on both Friday and Saturday. How many cakes didi Maris sold altogether?34、Nich collected 2480 beads from January to April. He collected 288 more beads in January than in February. He collected 642 more beads in March than in February. If he collected 350 beads in April, how many beads did Nich collect in February?35、A pole is 4 m long. Part of its is buried in the ground. Bobby decides to paint the rest of the pole in red, yellow and blue. If each coloured part is 150 cm, how much of the pole is buried in the ground? Give yur answer in cm.。

数学小测试(一)Section A(20×2 mark)1、Find the sum between the values represented by the digit ’5' in 5432 and 4135。
(1)9567(2)10(3) 5005(4) 4995 ( )2、442 tens less than () tens is 40 ones。
(1) 446(2) 402(3) 482(4) 40 ()3、There are ( )odd numbers between 14 hundreds and 141 ones。
(1) 4(2)14(3)40(4) 44 ( )4、Which is the largest even number that can be formed from the digit ‘9’,‘8',‘4’,‘1’?(1)9841(2)9814(3)9184(4)9148 ( )5、250 less than 6200 is ?(1)6450(2) 6000(3)5950(4) 6500 ( )6、8843 – 72 () 5 =1558What is the missing number in the bracket ?(1) 6(2)7(3)8(4)9 ()7、What is the sum of all the odd numbers between 20 and 31 ?(1)11(2)51(3)125(4)130 ()8、The difference between 361 and 134 is ?(1)227(2)277(3)494(4)495 ( )9、Which one of the following has the digit ‘3’ in the hundreds and tens place。
(1)9312(2)3310(3)8336(4)6303 ()10、Which one of the following is arranged from biggest to smallest?(1)3699, 3619, 3669(2)5813,5814, 5715(3)7717,7677,7617(4)7777,8888,9999 ()11、Subtract 222 from the sum of 175 and 225。

他购买了以下物品:- 苹果:每公斤5美元- 香蕉:每公斤3美元- 橙子:每公斤4美元- 牛奶:每盒2美元小明买了2公斤苹果,3公斤香蕉,5公斤橙子和4盒牛奶。

无锡新加坡工业园小学2018-2019学年三年级下学期数学模拟试卷含解析班级__________ 座号_____ 姓名__________ 分数__________一、选择题1.(2分)4000÷2=()A. 2B. 200C. 2000D. 20【答案】C【考点】整十、整百、整千数与一位数的乘除法【解析】【分析】4÷2=2,故4000÷2=2000。
A. 42B. 420C. 9【答案】B【考点】两位数乘两位数的笔算乘法(不进位)【解析】【解答】20×21=420故答案为:B【分析】乘数23十位上的2表示20,20乘21得420.3.(2分)小红做了36朵花,是小翠所做的花的3倍,小翠做了()朵花。
A. 9B. 12C. 108【答案】B【考点】两位数除以一位数的除法【解析】【解答】36÷3=12(朵)故答案为:B.【分析】根据题意,用小红做花的朵数÷3=小翠做花的朵数,据此列式解答.4.(2分)下面算式中结果最接近3000的是()。
A. 51×59B. 599×5C. 52×58【答案】B【考点】两位数乘两位数,三位数乘两位数【解析】【解答】选项A,51×59=3009,3009-3000=9;选项B,599×5=2995,3000-2995=5;选项C,52×58=3016,3016-3000=16;因为5<9<16,所以算式中结果最接近3000的是599×5.故答案为:B.【分析】根据整数乘法的计算法则,分别计算出三个选项的结果,然后与3000相减,差最小的,就是最接近3000的,据此解答.5.(2分)用“二八十六”这句口诀计算的算式是()。

埃西乡一小2018-2019学年三年级下学期数学模拟试卷含解析班级__________ 座号_____ 姓名__________ 分数__________一、选择题1.(2分)下图中的向右平移了()格。
A. 4B. 6C. 9D. 12【答案】C【考点】平移与平移现象【解析】【解答】解:根据对应点之间的格数可知,这个图形是向右平移了9格。
A. 800B. 80C. 8【答案】B【考点】整十、整百、整千数与一位数的乘除法【解析】【解答】720÷9=80(元)故答案为:B.【分析】根据题意,用总钱数÷人数=平均每人付的钱数,据此列式解答.3.(2分)21÷5=4······()A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 4【答案】A【考点】用2~6的乘法口诀求商【解析】【分析】四五二十根据这句口诀得到21-20=1。
4.(2分)一只青蛙一天吃32只害虫,21只青蛙一天吃多少只害虫列式为()A. 32+21B. 32-21C. 32×21D. 32÷21【答案】C【考点】两位数乘两位数的笔算乘法(不进位)【解析】【解答】此题考查两位数乘两位数的生活实际问题。
根据每只青蛙吃的只数×21只青蛙=总害虫数,列式:32×21.故答案为:C.【分析】根据题意可知,用每只青蛙一天吃的害虫数量×21只青蛙=21只青蛙一天吃的害虫总数,据此解答. 5.(2分)用竖式计算21×23时,乘数23十位上的2乘21得()。
A. 42B. 420C. 9【答案】B【考点】两位数乘两位数的笔算乘法(不进位)【解析】【解答】20×21=420故答案为:B【分析】乘数23十位上的2表示20,20乘21得420.6.(2分)35个52连加的和是多少?列式是()。
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数学小测试(一)Section A(20×2 mark)1、Find the sum between the values represented by the digit ’5’ in 5432 and 4135.(1) 9567(2) 10(3) 5005(4) 4995 ( )2、442 tens less than ( ) tens is 40 ones.(1) 446(2) 402(3) 482(4) 40 ( )3、There are ( )odd numbers between 14 hundreds and 141 ones.(1) 4(2) 14(3) 40(4) 44 ( )4、Which is the largest even number that can be formed from the digit ‘9’, ‘8’, ‘4’, ‘1’ ?(1) 9841(2) 9814(3) 9184(4) 9148 ( )5、250 less than 6200 is ?(1) 6450(2) 6000(3) 5950(4) 6500 ( )6、8843 – 72 ( ) 5 =1558What is the missing number in the bracket ?(1)6(2)7(3)8(4)9 ( )7、What is the sum of all the odd numbers between 20 and 31 ?(1)11(2)51(3)125(4)130 ( )8、The difference between 361 and 134 is ?(1)227(2)277(3)494(4)495 ( )9、Which one of the following has the digit ‘3’in the hundreds and tens place.(1)9312(2)3310(3)8336(4)6303 ( )10、Which one of the following is arranged from biggest to smallest?(1)3699, 3619, 3669(2)5813, 5814, 5715(3)7717, 7677, 7617(4)7777, 8888, 9999 ( )11、Subtract 222 from the sum of 175 and 225. What is the answer?(1)397(2)447(3)400(4)178 ( )12、Which one of the following gives an odd number answer?(1)101 – 41(2)99 – 23(3)17 + 20(4)27+105 ( )13、6541 + 33 tens is ?(1)6574(2)6507(3)6211(4)6871 ( )14、Tom had 477 apples, Sam had 644 apples. How many more apples did Sam has than Tom.(1)167(2)177(3)267(4)1121 ( )15、In 8619, the digit ( ) is in the thousands place?(1)1(2)6(3)8(4)9 ()16、In 6925, the digit 9 stands for ?(1)9(2)90(3)900(4)9000 ( )17、( ) hundreds comes just after 900+90+9.(1)1(2)10(3)100(4)1000( )18、The number beween 28 tens 3 ones and 2 hundreds 85 ones is ?(1)27(2)83(3)84(4)284 ( )19、Jane has 245 bottle caps. She has 473 less bottle caps than Sue. Sue has( ) bottle caps?(1)228(2)473(3)618(4)718 ( )20、Kang has 3172 stamps. Maria has 1200 more stamps than Kang. How many stampsdo they have altogher?(1)1972(2)2972(3)4372(4)8544 ( )Section B (10×2 marks)21、Form the largest 4-digit even number using all the digits ‘4’‘7’‘6’‘9’22、The largest 5-digit number which has digit 5 in its hundreds and ones place23、Jane has 1245 stickers. She has 432 fewer stickers than Tom. How many stickersdoes Tom have24、Find the sum of 998 and 37725、The difference two numbers is 888.The smaller number is 1069.What is the other number26、Subtract 2157 from the sum of 1988 and 2763. What is the answer?27、In a school there are 2750 pupils. 600 of them are boys and the rest aregirls. How many more girls than boys are there?28、The sum of three number is 10000. If two of them are 1255 and 4960, whatis the third number?29、In a restaurant, there are 243 chairs and 272 tables. How many more chairsmust added to the reataurant so that every table would have 4 chairs to go with it?30、what is the missing number?6、10、18、34、、130Section C (5×4 marks)31、I am a 4-digit number. My digit in the thousands place is the largest even number. My digit in the hundres place is the sum of the digits in tens and ones place. My digit in the tens place is one number larger than my digit in the ones place. What is the largest possible 4-digit number that I can be?32、Susan has $3400. Liming has $1250 more than Susan. Kangkang has $380 less than Liming. How much money they have altogether?33、Maria sold 1843 cakes on Friday. On Saturday, she sold 261 cakes more than Friday. On Sunday, she sold as many as she sold on both Friday and Saturday. How many cakes didi Maris sold altogether?34、Nich collected 2480 beads from January to April. He collected 288 more beads in January than in February. He collected 642 more beads in March than in February. If he collected 350 beads in April, how many beads did Nich collect in February?35、A pole is 4 m long. Part of its is buried in the ground. Bobby decides to paint the rest of the pole in red, yellow and blue. If each coloured part is 150 cm, how much of the pole is buried in the ground? Give yur answer in cm.。