论文研究方法英文Research Methodology in a ThesisIntroduction:Research methodology refers to the overall approach and systematic process employed in conducting a study or an investigation. It outlines the strategies, techniques, and tools used to gather, analyze, and interpret data in order to draw meaningful conclusions and contribute to knowledge in a particular field. This section will discuss the research methodology used in a thesis, highlighting the various components and their relevance.Research Design:The research design outlines the overall structure and plan for conducting the study. It provides a blueprint for how the study will proceed, including the research questions or hypotheses, variables to be examined, and the overall approach to data collection and analysis. The research design can be qualitative, quantitative, or a combination of both, depending on the nature of the research problem and objectives.Data Collection:Data collection methods involve gathering information or data fromrelevant sources to answer the research questions or test the hypotheses. There are various data collection methods, including interviews, surveys, observations, experiments, and document analysis. The choice of data collection methods depends on the nature of the research problem, availability of resources, and ethical considerations.Sampling:Sampling refers to the process of selecting a subset of individuals, entities, or elements from a population for research purposes. The sample should be representative of the population to ensure that the findings can be generalized. Common sampling methods include random sampling, stratified sampling, and purposive sampling. The sample size should be determined based on statistical considerations, such as the confidence level and desired margin of error.Data Analysis:Data analysis involves transforming raw data into meaningful information through the use of statistical techniques and other analytical tools. The specific data analysis techniques depend on the research design and the type of data collected. Qualitative data analysis may involve coding, categorizing, and thematic analysis, while quantitative data analysis often involves descriptive statistics, inferential statistics,and regression analysis.Validity and Reliability:Validity refers to the extent to which the research findings accurately represent the phenomena under investigation. Reliability refers to the consistency or stability of the research findings over time and across different researchers or study settings. Validity and reliability are critical considerations in ensuring the rigor and credibility of a study. Various strategies, such as triangulation, member checking, and inter-rater reliability, can be employed to enhance validity and reliability.Ethical Considerations:Ethical considerations involve the protection of participants' rights and the ethical conduct of research. This includes obtaining informed consent, ensuring confidentiality and anonymity, minimizing harm and risks, and maintaining integrity in data collection and analysis. Researchers should adhere to ethical guidelines and obtain necessary ethical approvals, particularly when involving human subjects.Conclusion:In summary, the research methodology in a thesis involves the selection of an appropriate research design, data collection methods, sampling,data analysis, and consideration of validity, reliability, and ethical considerations. A rigorous and systematic research methodology enhances the credibility and usefulness of the study findings, contributing to knowledge in the respective field.。
Research Methodology
Chapter 3 Research Methodology3.1 IntroductionThe research method it involves three elements which are the data collection, analysis and interpretation to help the researcher doing the research propose for their studies. In this study it applied the quantitative research method to find the housing index of Shanghai during 2000 to 2009, also the mortgage to income index during this period. By doing the research, for better and accurate measurement and analysis of these data to generate the better results, it has been applied the standardization (norming) method to the sampling data. The process of standardization, also called norming, removes the effect of relevant but different characteristics in order to make the important differences visible. (Neuman.W, 2011) And it also uses the secondary data analysis. The data collection will belong to secondary data collection. The sources of data are mainly in DataStream, National Bruno Database, ShangHai Bruno Database, Journal Article and Local Real-estate Agency Report, and the results will represent and analysis in finding part.3.2 Research strategy and ApproachesBy doing research there has two strategies one is quantitative research and the other is qualitative research. For quantitative research means using the numbers and statistic method. It attracts from particular instances to seek general description or test causal hypotheses; it seeks measurements and analyses that are easily replicable by other researchers. (King, Keohane, Verba, 1994.pp.3-4) And for qualitative research is multimethod in focus, involving an interpretive naturalistic approach to its subject matter. This means qualitative researchers study things in their natural setting, attempting to make sense of, or interpret phenomena in terms of meaning people bring to them. It is involves use variety of empirical materials, case study, personal experience, interview, observation, interactional, visual text etc, that describe routine and problematic moments and meanings in people’s life. (Denzin, Lincoln, 1994, p2)Basic on above definition of quantitative and qualitative research methodology, according to this study is accessing housing affordability ratio to evaluate how people affordability during the decade, the research basic on analysis the statistic data and theoretical formulations, and tends to be on numerical measurements of specific aspects of phenomena, therefore the quantitative research has applied strategy in this study. After the strategy chosen, it needs to find the approaches to generate the results and analysis. Basic on the research purpose and objective, the foundation of this research is basic on the theory of housing affordability, which is called the price to income ratio indicator. This ratio is to interpreted the relationship between the housing price and people’s income, and it is by far the most welcome measure of housing affordability in policy research and mass media.(Hulchanski,1995) The price to income indicator is the ratio of median/mean market price of a standardized housing unite to median/mean(before –tax or disposable)household/family income. This ratio measures the relative shares of income spending on housing and aims to capture the cost burden of housing on household income. Also it can be considering as an index measurements.3.2.1 The reason to choose the housing affordability indexAs the developing and transforming of China Real Estate, nowadays it already becomes the significant components in domestic economic reform. Also the massive benefit from the real estate section makes it becomes the pillar industry in the domestic area and local cities. However during the time of the transforming of real estate, the properties prices has quickly changed to the market-oriented price, but the local householders income has not changed so much, therefore to obtained the information of the market situation and people’s consumption ability become more important for government to regulate the real estate market and make the responsible policies to protect people in different level’s, also it is important for commercial banks to landing money to the real estate developer and also to make a good portfolio to different housing mortgage loaners.When the housing affordability hasn’t appearance, if a country or cities plan to measure the level of people’s residential consumption, need to do a lot of research works. The research may including the level of economy development, the level of people’s income, housing price, the weight of commodity expenses in people’s income, the government housing supporting policies, and the mortgage term which required by the banking, etc. it not only because the large mount of working preparation, but also with different research aspects the results may generate the different way as well, it is hard to confirm the accuracy of its findings. Later, through the repeated experiment and practice and theory development, the housing affordability has been brought out. According to experts in this area, they have defined a housing cost burden of around 30 percent of income as affordable. And the proper range for housing burden to income ratio is 4 to 6. Currently, many countries are using the housing affordability ratio, the way to choose this index not only it is simple to understand, but the level of housing burden to income which is less than 30%. This is reasonable standard has been internationally recognized.In the middle of 19th century, lots of scholars has studied on the price to income ratio, the roots of this ratio can be back to the earlier of 19th century, at that time it used as studies of household budgets and in the commonly used turn-of-the-century expression 'one week's pay for one month's rent'. After following decades, people made a lots improvements to this ratio, and During the 1980s the often undefined term 'housing affordability' has come into widespread popular usage in North America and Western Europe with a growing body of literature, (Hallett, 1993; Linneman & Megbolugbe, 1992; Whitehead, 1991) And in 1995 Hulchanski at his paper identified six distinct ways in which the housing expenditure-to-income ratio is being used as an assumed measure of affordability.However the housing affordability ideal for the first time introduced to China in early of 1990’s by The World Bank's Chief Economist Bertrand Renaud, he has brought a new concept of a price to income ratio to the nation. In fact, the price earnings ratio isan indicator that reflects the ability of residential housing affordability to housing market conditions. It is also a comprehensive index to measure a country or a city the urban housing consumption level.According to the Bertrand Renaud, there have two foundations to decide the range of housing to income ratio which is safety in 4 to 6. First is the basis on the saving payment model, which is display below,m−1P/I=a×∑(1+i)nn=0‘P’ indicates the housing price;‘I’ indicate the household annual income,‘a’ indicate the proportion of particular saving for purchasing the house to the householder annual income‘m’ indicate the duration of saving‘n’ indicate the interest rateThrough the simple saving payment model it can interpret that the rational housing affordability is related to the percentage of housing purchasing saving of annual income, the saving duration and the interest rate. For this basis may lead to the further study on the mortgage payment, which will discuss later.The second foundation is that by cooperation with different countries in the worldwide.The real estate just transformed in the late of the 19th century which is year of 1998, during the 20years it has dramatic changes, the booming of the real estate become unreasonable. Not like the developing countries, the real estate market is market orientated, with the long time improving and experience with government regulation, the market is more maturated.3.1.4 Research question and research proposition。
ResearchMethodology研究方法、目的Research MethodologyThis thesis will explore the feminism in Mrs. Dalloway in through analysis and induction and deduction process.Analysis is a classic research method by breaking a complex topic or substance into smaller parts to gain a better understanding of the topic. This technique has been applied in many fields, especially in the study of mathematics and logic, and it has been widely adopted in literary text interpretation. Woolf believes that human history should be interpreted from female perspective in order to create a new civilization, and her feminism is obviously embodied in her novels such as Mrs. Dalloway. In this novel犷Woolf shows several ideas about feminism and these ideas are analyzed respectively.Induction is a way of reasoning using known facts to produce general laws. Deduction is a way of determining from the general principle in relation to a particular event, thing or fact. In the paper author studied the novel and inducted from the creation of the characters and setting the general ideas of feminism developed in the novel. In the early 1920s, Virginia Woolf developed her ideology about social political, economic and cultural system in the patriarchal society, and her thoughts can be applied in the analysis of her feminism. Form her novels. By the two reasoning process, the paper attempts to explore the hidden theme and overall ideology in the novel.Research GoalChina's study on feminism was borrowed from the west, and the same kind of patriarchy ruled in some places in China, especially in the rural area, and women were suffering from thesame kind of pain and agony as one sees in' the novel. Virginia Woolf's perception on feminism helps one to achieve a better understanding on the issue. In this paper, Virginia Woolf's opinion in Mrs. Dalloway is explored, alongwith her effort to promote women in the fight against the masculine suppression in pursuit of equal social status.To take this step, women then explore the contexts and reasons for why we experience what we experience. They examine history, the economy, the political economy and material realities, and ask who benefits, and how it is that unhelpful but dominant ideas are held in place (such as `women must be youthful and beautiful', or `father knows best', or `boys will be boys'). We ask how it is that we find ourselves colluding with these ideas that hurt us; what are we up against when we try and resist or act differently; what are our successes and triumphs and the conditions for these, and so on. Importantly, they may also investigate men, men's actions, and ideology, practices and institutions which favor men, or they might research men and women together.All of these questions comprise the critical process of examining the `structural' matters which surround and shape them, so that they can begin to form theories about alternative ways of acting.This thesis aims to seek the thread of lines that offers clues to the issue of feminism, the question that concerns author's interest are: how women can acquireself-confidence to come back to oneself and become an individual with the identity and strong will, and how women in the novel search to break away from the confinesof the society, a complete being not like a flower in greenhouse. Virginia argued that women should expand their horizon and enrich life experience to embody a new value. Women can have a hopeful future if they make effort and find time to explore life in a new way. Society offers the best resources where women can draw on develop their capabilities.Chapter Two Literature ReviewVirginia Woolf's feminism has long been studied by scholars around the world.In this section, the researches of feminism in Mrs. Dalloway both abroad and at home are introduced.。
A good research topic
• good access to existing literature or information or data
• responds to some interesting debates or ideas
• achievable in the time available • within your capabilities, interests and
• research questions more suitable for resources of post-graduate students
• both require rigorous analysis to succeed
Research question tips
• read around the subject • become familiar with some of the literature • identify ideas/debates in the field chosen • think about what the answers might be like • be realistic about what can be proved or not
news • too broad a topic • too many lines of enquiry
The research question
• defined as the line of investigation you want to make for the subject/topic chosen
probability • is capable of being repeated with comparable
一、研究方法的概念及特点1. 研究方法的概念研究方法是指用于获取、分析、解释、理解和评价研究对象的方法论和技术手段的总体。
2. 研究方法的特点(1)科学性:研究方法应基于科学原理和理论,严谨可靠,不能是主观意识的任意行为。
二、研究方法的分类1. 按研究目的和手段分类(1)定性研究方法:侧重于对研究对象的特点、性质、关联等进行描述、分析和解释,通过文字、图片等形式呈现出来。
2. 按研究范围分类(1)宏观研究方法:研究对象是总体的、全局的,关注于各种资源、人或机构之间的关系。
3. 按照研究途径分类(1)实证研究方法:依靠实证数据进行研究,着重于观察、实验、调查等手段,强调研究结果的可验证性和可重复性。
1. 定性研究方法在管理学中的应用定性研究方法在管理学领域中有着广泛的应用,主要体现在组织行为、人力资源管理、领导和决策等方面。
2. 定量研究方法在管理学中的应用定量研究方法在管理学领域中也有重要的应用价值,主要体现在市场营销、财务管理、运营管理等方面。
针对大毕业论文dissertation,每一篇都是会有这一部分,可是不一样的是毕业论文中依据其研究对象,科学研究目地和总体目标的不一样(research object,research aim and objectives)所选用的科学方法论是各有不同的,可是全部的methodology都是有一个同样的目地,那便是其內容可以告知老师自身的毕业论文或者研究室应用的方式是啥,也就是表述自身讲怎样进行毕业论文和科学研究。
三步走:第一步表述你的科学研究方式(research approach),即,你需要表述干什么科学研究,在哪儿做科学研究,为何这样做及其你需要明确用哪种研究思路,是定性分析還是定性研究这些。
第二步论述你的研究设计(research design),在这儿你需要详尽表述到你的数据来源,及其会得到一个大约哪些的数据统计分析预测分析这些。
四个层面:who,what,how,method of data analysis.在其中:who非常值得就是你的科学研究中的研究对象,即participant。
what指的是materialshow指的是procedures如果你交待清晰了之上三个层面的情况下,随后必须描绘一下你分析数据的方式(method of data analysis)不管研究方案(research objectives)怎样的不一样,这四点就是你写methodology不容忽视的四个层面。
research methodologies in translation studies
research methodologies in translation studies
- 1 -。
• 完全或部分融入到所要研究的社会和文化中进行观 察。
• 最初由希望深入研究人类社会和文化的人类学家提 出并发展起来,现在也被应用于研究小型群体。
• 参与式观察需要花费大量的时间,还必须能够被所 研究的个体或群体接受。
• 与案例研究一样,人种学研究中研究对象的代表性 可能受到质疑。
研究方法 W6
• 研究范式、方法和技术的关系 • 研究范式简介 • 研究方法的分类和选择 • 数据收集与分析技术
研究范式 (research approach) 研究方法(research method) 研究技术(research technique) 研究方法论( research methodology)
人类社会; • 与解释主义者相比,批判主义者也能够做出因果陈述,但这一
因果观念与实证主义者的又存在不同,因为原因并不能简单地 决定结果; • 其主要任务在于进行批判,集中于当前社会存在的各种矛盾和 冲突上,并找出改变现状的制约和转换条件。
研究方法的选择 • 撰写学位论文时,对研究方法的选择必须合理; • 学生应该能够从各种不同的研究方法中进行选择; • 学生还应该能够说明选择特定研究方法的原因; • 参考学校对本科生毕业论文成绩评定参考标准中对研
• 研究除了可以收集新数据以外,还可以参考文献中 的大量二手数据;
• 大量采用二手数据的时候,需要考虑三个重要问题: 现有数据是在何时收集的? 现有数据是由谁收集的? 收集现有数据的目的是什么?
47 1 29 2 173 2 23 3 140 3
48 1 34 2 174 2 27 3 142 3
51 1 35 2 175 2 28 3 143 3
52 1 36 2 178 2 30 3 144 3
53 1 40 2 182 2 31 3 145 3
企業研究方法 第 17 章 14
第17章 集群分析
1. 集群分析的概念 2. 相似性及最近距離的衡量 3. 階層分析法 4. 非階層分析法
企業研究方法 第 17 章 1
17.1 集群分析概念
集群分析 (cluster analysis) 是一種將樣本觀察值 進行分析,若具有某些共同特性者予以整合在一 起,然後分配到特定的群體,最後形成許多不同 集合集群的一種分析方法。
表 17-5 非階層 ( k-means ) 集群之各組成員分析表 (2/2)
觀察值 57 62 63 66 67 82 85 87 92 97 99 100 103 105 106 109 115 139 150 156 169 172 186 203 204 205 206 210 222 246
10 11 12 13 14 15
銷售 數量
顧客 人次
高级研究方法论Research methodology is the systematic, theoretical analysis of the methods applied to a field of study. 研究方法论是对应用于某一研究领域的方法的系统、理论分析。
It is essential for conducting high-quality research and is a critical component in the field of academia. 这对于进行高质量的研究非常关键,也是学术界的一个重要组成部分。
Research methodology serves as a guideline for conducting research and ensures that the results obtained are credible and reliable. 研究方法论作为进行研究的指南,确保所获得的结果是可信的和可靠的。
It also helps researchers to organize their thoughts and findings in a structured manner, making it easier for others to understand and evaluate. 它还帮助研究人员以一种结构化的方式组织他们的想法和发现,使得其他人更容易理解和评估。
There are several different types of research methodologies, including qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods. 研究方法论有几种不同的类型,包括定性、定量和混合方法。
Qualitative research focuses on understanding human behavior and the reasons behind it, often using interviews and observations as data collection methods. 定性研究侧重于理解人类行为及其背后的原因,常常使用访谈和观察作为数据收集方法。
methodology 研究方法
methodology 研究方法
1. 实证研究方法(Empirical Research):通过收集和分析现实世界中的观察数据,以验证或推翻研究假设。
2. 实验研究方法(Experimental Research):通过对某个或某些变量进行人为的控制和操作,观察和测量其他变量的变化,确定因果关系。
3. 调查研究方法(Survey Research):通过设计问卷、面谈等方式,收集大量的数据,以了解人们在某个特定领域的观点、态度和行为。
4. 文献研究方法(Literature Review):通过对已有文献、报告、研究成果等进行系统性的综合和分析,提出问题、总结现有研究成果、做出新的理论、观点或方法。
5. 实地观察研究方法(Field Research):通过直接观察和参与现场活动,收集数据,并进行详细的观察和分析。
6. 定性研究方法(Qualitative Research):主要关注人们的主观感受、经验和行为背后的意义,通过访谈、观察等方法收集
7. 定量研究方法(Quantitative Research):主要关注统计数据和数字,通过问卷调查、实验等方式收集大量数据,进行定量分析和统计。
1. 实验研究法:通过控制变量的方法,研究不同因素对研究对
2. 调查研究法:通过问卷、访谈等方式,收集大量的数据,进
3. 实地观察研究法:通过直接观察研究对象,收集、记录、分
research methods and reading -回复
research methods and reading -回复「研究方法和阅读」探索知识的道路导言研究方法与阅读是任何学术研究的基础。
1. 质性研究方法质性研究方法指的是通过描述和解释的方式来研究对象的一种方法。
2. 量化研究方法量化研究方法指的是通过数值化的方式来研究对象的一种方法。
三、常用研究方法和技术1. 实验法实验法是一种控制因素、观察结果的研究方法。
2. 调查法调查法是一种通过问卷调查或现场观察等方式来收集研究数据的方法。
3. 访谈法访谈法是一种通过面对面交流的方式来获取研究信息的方法。
4. 文献分析法文献分析法是一种通过研究相关文献资料来获取研究信息的方法。
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The precise purpose of your reading of the literature will depend on your research approach, this may either be: 1. Deductive approach-using the literature to help you identify theories and ideas that you will test using data in which case you develop a theoretical or conceptual framework or 2. Inductive approach-in this approach you will be planning to explore your data and to develop theories from them that you will subsequently relate to the literature
The action research spiral
Saunders, Doing Research in Business and Management PowerPoints on the Web , 1st Edition © Mark N.K. Saunders 2012
Primary research or Field research
Weaknesses of Primary research
The main disadvantages of primary research are that it: Can be difficult to collect and/or take a long time to collect.
Primary research involves getting original data directly about the product and market. Primary research data is data that did not exist before. It is designed to answer specific questions of interest to the business. Most primary research is collected using:
Comparing Primary vs Secondary Data
Primary data New data specifically collected in the current project Researcher is primary user
Secondary data Data already exists, collected for some other purpose Researcher is secondary user
The phenomenological approach is a descriptive, interpretative approach to research based on the premise that the social world is too complex for scientific study. This is an approach in which human experiences are examined through detailed descriptions of the people being studied.
There are two widely acknowledged schools of thoughts underpinning research philosophies: Positivism and phenomenology or Interpretivist.
Gill and Johnson (2002) defined positivism as an approach that emphasizes the use of methods that are presumed to be used in the natural sciences and the social sciences. Phenomenology on the other hand is a study of how things appear to people, thus how people experience the world. They argue that the positivist approach is based on the assumption that the world consists of social reality that can be observed objectively and analysed statistically to produce law-like generalization. With the positivist approach, human action is seen to be a result of external stimuli that can be analysed into causeand-effect relationships.
Timing – data may be instantly available Cost – cost of collecting new data avoided Experience – the 'trial and error' experience of those who collected
Is expensive to collect. May provide mis-leading results if the
sample is not large enough or chosen with care; or if the questionnaire questions are not worded properly.
the original data can be exploited Scale – possibly larger samples than would otherwise be possible
Weaknesses of Secondary research – Q6
The main disadvantages of using secondary research are:
Strengths of Secondary research
The main advantages of using secondary research are:
Provided the information exists, it is usually quicker
and cheaper than primary research. It can provide a perspective on the whole market, giving the business a feel for whether they should spend more money on developing products for that market. For instance they could find out that there are not enough potential customers for the product to break even.
This is data which is already in existence. It may comprise of existing business documents or other publications. Business documents that a business may use for secondary market research include: Mintel reports – market research agency Sales figures Information from competitors Government publications – statistics website Newspapers Internet Trade journals
Forms of secondary data
Strengths of Primary research
The main advantages of primary research and data are that it is: Up to date. Specific to the purpose – asks the questions the business wants answers to. Collects data which no other business will have access to (the results are confidential). In the case of online surveys and telephone interviews, the data can be obtained quite quickly (think about how quickly political opinion polls come out).
Saunders, Doing Research in Business and Management PowerPoints on the Web , 1st Edition © Mark N.K. Saunders 2012