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(2019云南省卷)21. —The final exam is coming. I hope all is well with you.

—Thanks. ______.

A. My pleasure

B. You, too

C. Sounds good

D. It’s wonderful.

21. B考查情景交际。句意:——期末考试就要到了。我希望你一切都好。——谢谢,你也是。My pleasure不用谢;You, too你也是;Sounds good听起来不错;It’s wonderful好极了。根据语境,故选B。

(2019云南省卷)22. The earth is often called the ocean planet. Its surface is 70 percent _____.

A. land

B. planets

C. animals

D. water.

22. D 考查名词辨析。Land陆地;planets星球;animals动物;water水。联系上文“地球通常被称为海洋行星。”可知,此处指“它的表面70%是水。”故选D。

(2019云南省卷)23. —_____sport will you take part in, Peter?

—The boys’ 800-meter race.

A. Where

B. When

C. Which

D. How

23. C 考查疑问词辨析。Where哪里;when什么时候;which哪一个;how如何。根据下句回答语“男子800米赛跑”可知,该句是问“彼得,你将要参加哪项比赛?”,因此用which。故选C。

(2019云南省卷)24. My mother often says, “Stand tall like the sunflower and be proud _____who you are.”

A. of

B. with

C. at

D. in

24. A 考查固定搭配。be proud of表示“对……感到骄傲”。联系上文“妈妈经常说”可知,此处指“站得像向日葵一样高,为你是谁而骄傲。”故选A。

(2019云南省卷)25. —Must I wear the school uniform on school days?

—_______. It’s one of the school rules.

A. It’s beautiful.

B. I don’t think so.

C. I’m afraid so

D. It fits you well.

25. C 考查情景交际。It’s beautiful很好看;I don’t think so我不这么认为;I’m afraid so 恐怕如此;It fits you well.它很适合你。句意:——我上学时必须穿校服吗?——恐怕如此吧,那是学校的一项规定。根据语境,故选C。

(2019云南省卷)26. We are very _____about the graduation ceremony next Saturday. We can’t wait to be there.

A. boring

B. bored

C. excited

D. exciting

26. C 考查形容词辨析。boring令人厌烦的,无聊的;bored感到厌烦的;excited感到激动的;exciting令人激动的。联系下“我们迫不及待地要参加了”可知,此处指“我们对下周六的毕业典礼兴奋不已。”需用be excited about表示“对……激动”故选C。

(2019云南省卷)27. I _____Game of Thrones(权利的游戏) with my friends last month. It’s amazing.

A. watch

B. watched

C. watches

D. have watched.

27. B 考查动词时态。句意:上个月我和朋友一起看了《权利的游戏》,太神奇了。由句中的last month可知,此处需用过去时态。故选B。

(2019云南省卷)28. —Sorry, Miss Wang. I broke a glass by accident while I was cleaning the table.

—______. Please be more careful next time.

A. It’s nothing

B. All right

C. I know

D. Sure

28. A 考查情景交际。句意:——对不起,王老师,我在收拾桌子时不小心打碎了杯子。——没什么,下次小心就是。It’s nothing没什么;All right没关系,不用谢;I know我知道;Sure当然。根据语境,故选A。

(2019云南省卷)29. —What’s up, Lisa?

—I have to hand in the report tomorrow, but I can’t ______anything to write.

A. talk of

B. think of

C. speak of

D. hear of

29. B考查短语辨析。talk of谈到,说到;think of想到;speak of说到;hear of听说。联系上文“丽莎,怎么了”可知,此处指“我明天必须交上报告,但是,我没有想出写什么来。”需用think of“想出;想到”。故选B。

(2019云南省卷)30. —I like the coat but not the color. Have you got _____one?

—Yes, I’ll show you.

A. other

B. others

C. the other

D. another

30. D考查代词辨析。other别的,其他的;others另一些;the other两者中的另一个;another 三者或多者中的另一个。联系下文“是的,我将要拿给你看”可知,此处指“我喜欢这个上衣,但是不喜欢这个颜色。”这是在购物,商店里有多个商品。故选D。

(2019云南省卷)31. —Maria, have you seen that article about touch-screen computer in Monday’s paper?

—Yes. It tells us how to use the computer _____.

A. slowly

B. silently

C. simply

D. gently

31. C 考查副词辨析。slowly慢慢地;silently默默地;simply简单地;gently轻轻地。联系上文的“玛丽亚,你看过星期一报纸上关于触摸屏电脑的那篇文章吗?”可知,此处指“是的。它告诉我们如何简单地使用计算机。”触屏使得用电脑更简单。故选C。

(2019云南省卷)32. —I’ve got a toothache, mom.

—Oh, you _____ eat too much candy.

A. shouldn’t

B. needn’t

C. should

D. need

32. A 考查情态动词辨析。shouldn’t不应该;needn’t不需要;should应该;need需要。联系上文“妈妈我牙痛”可知,此处指“哦,你不应该吃太多的糖果”这是在劝诫。故选A。(2019云南省卷)33. I’m sure dreams don’t work ______you do.

A. if

B. until

C. when

D. since

33. B考查连词辨析。if如果;until直到……时;when当……时;since自从。联系前面“我肯定”可知,此处指“我敢肯定,梦想在你实现之前是不会(自己)实现的。”需用until“直到……时”。故选B。

(2019云南省卷)34. —I can’t find my keys. Maybe I_____ them at home this morning.

A. left

B. forgot

C. lost

D. missed

34. A 考查动词辨析。left专指“把某东西忘在某处”;forgot忘记;lost丢失;missed想念,错过。联系上句“我找不到钥匙”可知,此处指“也许是今天早上我把它们忘在家里了”这是“把钥匙落家里了”用left。故选A。

(2019云南省卷) 35. The old lady wanted to know______ .
