

背单词 句子

背单词 句子












































1. With my own ears I clearly heard the heart beat of the nuclear bomb。


2. Next year the bearded bear will bear a dear baby in the rear。


3. Early I searched through the earth for earthenware so as to research in earthquak e。


4. I learn that learned earnest men earn much by learning。


5. She swears to wear the pearls that appear to be pears。


6. I nearly fear to tear the tearful girl's test paper。


7. The bold folk fold up the gold and hold it in hand。


8. The customers are accustomed to the disgusting custom。


9. The dust in the industrial zone frustrated the industrious man。


10. The just budget judge just justifies the adjustment of justice。





以下是一些句子,每个句子都包含了一些常用的英语词汇,希望对你有所帮助:1. I love to read books.2. She is a good student.3. We play soccer every Saturday.4. The cat is sleeping on the chair.5. He likes to eat pizza.6. My mother cooks delicious meals.7. The dog is running in the park.8. They are watching a movie.9. I have a red car.10. The weather is nice today.11. I want to go to the beach.12. She has a beautiful garden.13. He is wearing a blue shirt.14. We are going to the zoo.15. I need to buy some groceries.16. The children are playing outside.17. My father works in an office.18. She is listening to music.19. The sun is shining brightly.20. They are studying for their exams.21. I like to drink coffee in the morning.22. The birds are singing in the trees.23. He is riding his bicycle.24. We are going on a trip.25. She has a big, white house.26. I need to do my homework.27. The cat is chasing the mouse.28. They are having a party.29. I want to learn how to cook.30. The flowers are blooming in the garden.31. He is playing the guitar.32. We are going for a walk.33. She has a lot of friends.34. I like to watch movies.35. The baby is sleeping in the crib.36. They are going on a vacation.37. I need to buy new shoes.38. The dog is barking loudly.39. She is reading a book.40. We are having a barbecue.41. I want to visit my grandparents.42. The cat is climbing the tree.43. He is playing with his toys.44. We are going to a concert.45. She has a big, black dog.46. I like to swim in the pool.47. The birds are flying in the sky.48. They are having a picnic.49. I need to clean my room.50. The sun is setting in the west.51. I want to learn a new language.52. She is painting a picture.53. He is cooking dinner.54. We are going to a museum.55. I like to listen to music.56. The baby is laughing and clapping.57. They are going for a hike.58. I need to water the plants.59. The cat is hiding under the bed.60. She is knitting a sweater.61. He is playing basketball.62. We are going to a party.63. I want to bake a cake.64. The dog is digging in the yard.65. The flowers are wilting in the heat.66. They are going for a jog.67. I need to buy a birthday present.68. The sun is rising in the east.69. I want to take a photography class.70. She is sewing a dress.71. He is playing the piano.72. We are going to a festival.73. I like to go for a run.74. The baby is crawling on the floor.75. They are going to a wedding.76. I need to make a doctor's appointment.77. The cat is meowing for food.78. She is drawing a picture.79. He is playing with his friends.80. We are going to a graduation ceremony.81. I want to plant a garden.82. The dog is fetching a ball.83. The flowers are blooming in the spring.84. They are going to a football game.85. I need to buy a new phone.86. The sun is shining in the sky.87. I want to learn how to dance.88. She is taking a photography class.89. He is playing with his toys.90. We are going to a music concert.91. I like to watch the sunset.92. The baby is sleeping in the crib.93. They are going to a birthday party.94. I need to clean the house.95. The cat is chasing a butterfly.96. She is cooking dinner for her family.97. He is playing in the park.98. We are going to a holiday celebration.99. I want to learn how to play an instrument.100. The dog is running in the field.希望这些句子能够帮助你巩固和运用英语词汇。




高中英语句子背单词如下:1.Although at first Japan didn’t leave a deep impression on me, I was gradually attracted by its culture and decided to stay there for another two months after graduation.尽管一开始日本没有给我留下深刻印象,但渐渐地我被其文化吸引,决定毕业后再待两个月。

2.He has been away from home for almost one month, so he is likely to lack food for lack of cash, his father estimated.他已经离家出走近一个月了,所以他可能因为缺少现金而买不起食物,他父亲估计道。

3.The first time they went abroad, the tourists were so curious about everything that they couldn’t help purchasing many goods, which made it difficult to control the budget.游客们第一次出国时会对一切充满好奇心以至于禁不住会买很多东西,这样一来就很难控制预算了。

4.The different kinds of media make it possible that we obtain a large amount of valuable information in time.各种各样的媒体使我们有可能及时地获得许多有价值的信息。

5.Many countries are reported to be taking measures to research and develop the new sort of cars so as to face the energy crisis.据报道,很多国家正采取各种手段研发新型汽车,以应对能源危机。





50句英语单词记忆的句子【1-15】1.Typical of the grassland dwellers of thecontinent is the American antelope, orpronghorn.1.美洲羚羊,或称叉角羚,是该大陆典型的草原动物。

2.Of the millions who saw Haley’s comet in1986, how many people will live longenough to see itreturn in the twenty-first century.2.1986年看见哈雷慧星的千百万人当中,有多少人能够长寿到足以目睹它在二十一世纪的回归呢?3.Anthropologists have discovered that fear,happiness, sadness, and surprise areuniversally reflected in facial expressions.3.人类学家们已经发现,恐惧,快乐,悲伤和惊奇都会行之于色,这在全人类是共通的。

4.Because of its irritating effect on humans, theuse of phenol as a generalantiseptic has been largely discontinued.4.由于苯酚对人体带有刺激性作用,它基本上已不再被当作常用的防腐剂了。

5.Ingroup to remain in existence,a profit-making organization must, in the longrun, produce something consumers consider useful or desirable.5.任何盈利组织若要生存,最终都必须生产出消费者可用或需要的产品。



新标准英语第九册四会单词和四会句子Module 11.for 达,计2. different不同的3. bench长凳4. then那时5. there wasn’t 过去没有6. there weren’t 过去没有7. there is 现在有8. there are 现在有9. before 以前10. playground 操场1.There weren’t any benches here before.这儿以前没长凳。

2. There was a house. 以前有一座房子。

3. There wasn’t a clock here before. 这儿以前没有钟。

4. There is one now. 现在有一个。

5. There are tall trees. 这里有高大的树木。

6. There were lots of little trees before. 以前有很多小树。

Module 21. heavy 重的2. sell 卖3. fruit 水果4. sweet 糖果5. sometimes 有时6. let 允许,让7. many 许多1. There are many sweets. 这里有许多糖。

2. There is a lot of fruit, too. 还有许多水果。

3. This one is heavy. 这一个很重。

4. They sell many different things. 这里售有各种各样的东西。

Module 31. give给2. festival节日3. celebrate庆祝4. October 十月5. the Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节6. the Double Ninth Festival 重阳节7. think 思考;想,觉得8.spend 度过9. moon cake 月饼10.outdoor(在)户外的11.activity 活动12. make-made 做,制作1. We watch the national flag-raising ceremony in Tian’anmen Square.我们在天安门广场观看升国旗仪式。



100个句子‎记单词1. Typica‎l of the grassl‎a nd dwelle‎r s of the contin‎e nt is the Americ‎a n antelo‎p e, or prongh‎o rn.美洲羚羊,或称叉角羚,是该大陆典型‎的草原动物。

2. Of the millio‎n s who saw Haley's comet in 1986, how many people‎will live long enough‎to see it return‎in the twenty‎-first centur‎y.1986年看‎见哈雷慧星的‎千百万人当中‎,有多少人能够‎长寿到足以目‎睹它在二十一‎世纪的回归呢‎?3. Anthro‎p ologi‎s ts have discov‎e red that fear, happin‎e ss, sadnes‎s, and surpri‎s e are univer‎s ally reflec‎t ed in facial‎expres‎s ions.人类学家们已‎经发现,恐惧,快乐,悲伤和惊奇都‎会行之于色,这在全人类是‎共通的。

4. Becaus‎e of its irrita‎t ing effect‎on humans‎, the use of phenol‎as a genera‎l antise‎p tic has been largel‎y discon‎t inued‎.由于苯酚对人‎体带有刺激性‎作用,它基本上已不‎再被当作常用‎的防腐剂了。

5. In group to remain‎in existe‎n ce, a profit‎-making‎organi‎z ation‎must, in the long run, produc‎e someth‎i ng consum‎e rs consid‎e r useful‎or desira‎b le.任何盈利组织‎若要生存,最终都必须生‎产出消费者可‎用或需要的产‎品。





巧用句子记单词11. The maximum plus or minus the minimum makes minute difference.最大值加上或者减去最小值只产生极小的差异。

2. The witty witness withdraws his words within minutes without any reason.诙谐的证人在几分钟之内无故地收回了他说的话。

3. The cake maker shakes a naked snake with the quaking rake without sake.蛋糕制造者无缘无故地用抖动的耙子摇一条赤裸的蛇。

4. By the crook, the cook looked through a cookbook before making hooked cookies.在溪边,厨子在做钩形饼干之前查阅了一本食谱。

5. The writer writes the white book quite quietly in quilt.作家在被子里十分平静地写白皮书。

6. On the chilly hillside, he is unwilling to write his will on the ten-shilling bill.在寒冷的山坡上,他不愿意将遗嘱写在十先令的账单上。

7. The weaver will leave for the heavy heaven.那位纺织工将要到阴沉的天国里去。

8. The handy left-hander left a handsome handkerchief on the handle of the handbag.手巧的左撇子把一方漂亮手帕留在手提包的提手上。



200个句子记住高中英语3500词汇1. I go to school every day.2. She is my best friend.3. The cat is sleeping on the sofa.4. The dog barks loudly.5. I like to eat pizza.6. He is a good student.7. My parents love me.8. The sun is shining brightly.9. I am wearing a blue shirt.10. We are going on a family vacation.11. The book is on the table.12. My favorite color is purple.13. They are playing basketball in the park.14. My sister is singing in the choir.15. I enjoy playing the piano.16. The weather is very hot today.17. I have a big exam tomorrow.18. She is a talented artist.19. The car is parked in the garage.20. He works as a doctor.21. The movie was very exciting.22. I have a headache.23. The flowers are blooming in the garden.24. I need to buy some groceries.25. My brother is taller than me.26. We visited the museum yesterday.27. The teacher is giving a lecture.28. They are going to the beach this weekend.29. The clock is ticking.30. I want to learn how to cook.31. The baby is crying.32. She is studying for her final exams.33. The birds are chirping outside.34. He is playing soccer with his friends.35. I have a toothache.36. We are going to a concert tonight.37. The train is arriving at the station.38. I love listening to music.39. The computer is not working.40. She is wearing a red dress.41. I need to do my homework.42. They are watching a movie in the theater.43. The rain is pouring outside.44. We went shopping yesterday.45. I enjoy going for long walks.46. He is reading a book in the library.47. The cat is chasing a mouse.48. She is sitting on a chair.49. The dog is wagging its tail.50. I am feeling tired.51. We are having a party tomorrow.52. The sun is setting in the horizon.53. The baby is sleeping peacefully.54. He is riding a bike in the park.55. She is cooking dinner in the kitchen.56. The car is driving on the highway.57. I am wearing a hat to protect myself from the sun.58. They are going on a vacation to the beach.59. The clock is ticking slowly.60. I love going to the movies.61. She plays the piano beautifully.62. The flowers smell amazing.63. He is running in the marathon.64. The cat is playing with a ball of yarn.65. I need to buy some new clothes.66. They are going on a road trip.67. The rain is falling heavily.68. We went hiking in the mountains.69. I enjoy reading books.70. The dog is barking at the mailman.71. She is doing yoga in the park.72. The sky is filled with stars.73. He is studying for his exams.74. The birds are flying south for the winter.75. I have a dentist appointment tomorrow.76. We are going to a concert.77. The train is late.78. I love eating ice cream.79. The computer is freezing up.80. She is dancing on the stage.81. I need to clean my room.82. They are watching a basketball game.83. The rain is turning into snow.84. We visited the zoo last weekend.85. I enjoy going for a swim in the pool.86. He is playing tennis with his friends.87. She is talking on the phone.88. The dog is digging a hole in the backyard.89. The cat is meowing loudly.90. I am feeling hungry.91. We are having a barbecue in the backyard.92. The sun is rising in the morning.93. The baby is crawling on the floor.94. He is playing soccer in the field.95. She is baking cookies in the oven.96. The car is parked on the street.97. I am wearing sunglasses to protect my eyes.98. They are going on a hiking trip.99. The clock is ticking quickly.100. I love going for bike rides.101. She sings beautifully.102. The flowers are blooming in the garden. 103. He is running a marathon.104. The cat is chasing a mouse.105. I need to buy groceries.106. They are going on a road trip.107. The rain is falling heavily.108. We went hiking in the mountains.109. I enjoy reading books.110. The dog is barking loudly.111. She is doing yoga.112. The sky is full of stars.113. He is studying for his exams.114. The birds are flying south.115. I have a dentist appointment.116. We are going to a concert.117. The train is running late.118. I love eating ice cream.119. The computer is not working.120. She is dancing on stage.121. I need to clean my room.122. They are watching a basketball game. 123. The rain is turning into snow.124. We visited the zoo.125. I enjoy swimming in the pool. 126. He is playing tennis.127. She is talking on the phone. 128. The dog is digging a hole. 129. The cat is meowing.130. I am feeling hungry.131. We are having a barbecue. 132. The sun is rising.133. The baby is crawling.134. He is playing soccer.135. She is baking cookies.136. The car is parked.137. I am wearing sunglasses. 138. They are going hiking.139. The clock is ticking.140. I love going for bike rides.141. She sings beautifully.142. The flowers smell lovely.143. He is running quickly.144. The cat is sleeping peacefully. 145. I need to buy a new phone.146. They are going on a cruise.147. The rain is starting to fall.148. We went camping in the woods.149. I enjoy playing video games.150. The dog is wagging its tail happily. 151. I am feeling happy today.152. She is a talented singer.153. The flowers are colorful.154. He is playing the guitar.155. The cat is purring contently.156. I need to study for my test.157. They are going on a trip to Europe.158. The rain is ending, and the sun is coming out. 159. We went to the park and played frisbee.160. I enjoy watching movies at home.161. She plays the violin beautifully.162. The flowers are in full bloom.163. He is running in the marathon.164. The cat is chasing its tail.165. I need to go grocery shopping.166. They are going on a vacation to Hawaii.167. The rain is pouring heavily.168. We went sightseeing in the city.169. I enjoy playing soccer with my friends. 170. The dog is running in the park.171. I am feeling tired after a long day.172. She is an excellent student.173. The flowers need water to grow.174. He is playing basketball.175. The cat is hiding under the bed.176. I need to do laundry.177. They are going to a concert tonight.178. The rain stopped, and a rainbow appeared. 179. We went to the beach and swam in the ocean. 180. I enjoy going for a jog in the morning.181. She sings with a beautiful voice.182. The flowers are fragrant.183. He is running a marathon for charity.184. The cat is playing with a ball.185. I need to buy a new book to read.186. They are going on a camping trip.187. The rain is falling gently.188. We went to a museum and saw amazing artwork. 189. I enjoy playing tennis with my friends. 190. The dog is chasing its tail in circles. 191. I am feeling sad today.192. She is a talented dancer.193. The flowers are wilting in the heat.194. He is playing the piano.195. The cat is napping on the couch.196. I need to study for my math exam.197. They are going on a road trip across the country. 198. The rain is turning into a thunderstorm.199. We went to a concert and danced all night.200. I enjoy going for a bike ride in the park.。



Unit 1 重点单词old 老的,年纪大的young 年轻的,岁数不大的funny 滑稽的,可笑的kind 体贴慈祥的,宽容的strict 要求严格的,严厉的polite 有礼貌的,客气的shy 羞怯的,腼腆的,怕生的helpful 有用的,愿意帮忙的clever 聪明的,聪颖的hard-working 工作努力的music 音乐art 美术science 科学English 英语maths/math 数学Chinese 语文,中文sometimes 有时,间或robot 机器人speak 会说,会讲(某种语言);用(某种语言)说话重点句子1.—Who’s your artteacher? 谁是你的美术老师?—Mr. Jones.琼斯老师。

2.—Ishe young? 他年轻吗?—Yes, he is. 是的,他年轻。

—No, he isn’t. 不,他不年轻。

3.—What’s Wu Yifan like? 吴一帆怎样?—He’s hard-working. 他很勤奋。

4.Ms Wang will be our newChinese teacher.王老师会成为我们的新语文老师。

5.He is very helpful at home. 他在家很能干。

6.Robin is short but strong. 罗宾个子矮,但是身体强壮。

7.He can speak Chinese and English.他会说中文和英语。

8.He makes me finish myhomework.他让我写作业。

Unit 2重点单词Sunday(Sun.) 周日Monday(Mon.) 周一Tuesday(Tue./Tues.) 周二Wednesday(Wed./) 周三Thursday(Thur./) 周四Friday(Fri.) 周五Saturday(Sat.) 周六weekend 周末(周六、日)washmy clothes 洗衣服watchTV 看电视dohomework 做作业readbooks 看书playfootball 踢足球onthe weekend 在周末playsports/do sports做体育运动listento music 听音乐playping-pong 打乒乓球重点句子1.—What do you have on Thursdays?星期四你们上什么课?—I have math, English andmusic.我们上数学、英语和音乐课。



1. “哎呀,你知道‘I need to do the laundry.’这句话吧,就像我周末得去洗衣服一样常见!”
2. “嘿,‘She is making a cake.’,这不就像妈妈在厨房做蛋糕那样生动嘛!”
3. “哇塞,‘He goes to work by bike every day.’,跟隔壁叔叔每天骑车上班一个样儿呀!”
4. “‘They are playing basketball in the park.’,这多像那群小伙伴在公园里欢快打球的场景呀!”
5. “‘We had a great time last night.’,就如同我们昨晚尽情欢乐那般呀!”
6. “‘He loves reading books.’,不就跟学霸喜欢埋头读书一样嘛!”
7. “‘She has a beautiful smile.’,像极了那女孩灿烂迷人的笑容,对吧?”
8. “‘I want to eat ice cream.’,是不是跟你馋冰淇淋的时候一个样呢?”
9. “‘They watch TV every evening.’,这不就是一家人晚上一起看电视的情景嘛!”
10. “‘We are going on a trip.’,就好像我们即将踏上愉快旅程一样兴奋呀!”。







1. Hello, how are you? 你好,你好吗?- 在这个句子中,“hello”表示“你好”,“how”表示“怎样”,“are”表示“是”,“you”表示“你”。

“how are you”用来询问对方的情况,是一句常用的问候语。

2. This is my friend. 这是我的朋友。

- “this”表示“这个”,“is”表示“是”,“my”表示“我的”,“friend”表示“朋友”。


3. What’s your name? 你叫什么名字?- “what’s”是“what is”的缩写,表示“什么是”,“your”表示“你的”,“name”表示“名字”。


4. She is a teacher. 她是一名老师。

- “she”表示“她”,“is”表示“是”,“a”表示“一”,“teacher”表示“老师”。


5. I like playing basketball. 我喜欢打篮球。

- “I”表示“我”,“like”表示“喜欢”,“playing”是play的现在分词形式,表示“打”,“basketball”表示“篮球”。


6. He can speak English. 他会说英语。

- “he”表示“他”,“can”表示“会”,“speak”表示“说”,“English”表示“英语”。






英语句子背单词1. With my own ears I clearly heard the heart beat of the nuclear bomb.我亲耳清楚地听到原子弹的心脏的跳动。

2. Next year the bearded bear will bear a dear baby in the rear.明年,长胡子的熊将在后方产一头可爱的小崽.3. Early I searched through the earth for earth ware so as to research in earthquake.早先我在泥土中搜寻陶器以研究地震.4. I learn that learned earnest men earn much by learning.我得知有学问而认真的人靠学问挣很多钱.5. She swears to wear the pearls that appear to be pears.她发誓要戴那些看起来像梨子的珍珠。

6. I nearly fear to tear the tearful girl's test paper.我几乎害怕撕那个泪流满面的女孩的试卷.7. The bold folk fold up the gold and hold it in hand.大胆的人们将黄金折叠起来拿在手里。

8. The customers are accustomed to the disgusting custom.顾客们习惯了令人讨厌的风俗.9. The dust in the industrial zone frustrated the industrious man.工业区里的灰尘使勤勉的人灰心.10. The just budget judge just justifies the adjustment of justice.公正的预算法官只不过为司法调整辩护而已。





背句子记单词方法如下:1) At what time I pick you up from your hotel?我几点钟从酒店接你?2) Do I need send you back to your hotel?我要送你回酒店吗?3) You look nice!你看出来很精神4) I saw you last time我上次见过你5) I quit/resign because I dislike here因为我不喜欢这里,所以我辞工6) Can I get the yearly-end-award if I join your company?如果我加入贵司的话,我能拿到年终奖吗?7) Can I enjoy the Chinese New Year holiday with salary?我能带薪享受春节假期吗?8) Say hello to your husband for me!请代我向你丈夫问我9) Don’t worry all the difficulties; I shall solve all of them one by one别担心所有的困难,我会一个一个地把它们解决掉10) What did you say just now? Sorry, I didn’t hear very clearly, can you repeat?刚才你说什么来的,不好意思,我听得不是很清楚,麻烦你再重复一遍好吗?11) You are really a good boss!你真是个好老板12) I believe I can build an image of “elder sister” among all the ladies.我相信我会在那些女孩中建立一个大姐的形象的。



专升本英语句子背单词一、句子:I'm eager to enhance my vocabulary.(我渴望提高我的词汇量。

)1. eager ['iːgə(r)] adj. 渴望的;热切的。

2. enhance [ɪn'hɑːns] vt. 提高;加强;增加。

3. vocabulary [və'kæbjələri] n. 词汇;词汇量。

二、句子:She is diligent in her study.(她学习很勤奋。

)1. diligent ['dɪlɪdʒənt] adj. 勤勉的;用功的。

2. study ['stʌdi] n. 学习;研究;书房;vt. & vi. 学习;研究。

三、句子:The scenery here is magnificent.(这里的景色很壮观。

)1. scenery ['siːnəri] n. 风景;景色。

2. magnificent [mæg'nɪfɪsnt] adj. 壮丽的;宏伟的;极好的。

四、句子:We should overcome difficulties bravely.(我们应该勇敢地克服困难。

)1. overcome [ˌəʊvə'kʌm] vt. 克服;胜过;vi. 得胜。

2. difficulty ['dɪfɪkəlti] n. 困难;难事;困境(复数:difficulties)3. bravely ['breɪvli] adv. 勇敢地。

五、句子:His ambition is to be a successful entrepreneur.(他的抱负是成为一名成功的企业家。

)1. ambition [æm'bɪʃn] n. 雄心;抱负。

2. successful [sək'sesfl] adj. 成功的。



单词句中背1. set apart - set əˈpɑːrt -使区分开来.His creativity sets him apart from other artists.他的创力使他与其他艺术家区别开来.2. candidate - ˈkændɪdət -候选人,应试者n.She is a strong candidate for the position.她是这个职位的有力候选人.3. relevant - ˈreləvənt -相关的,切题的adj.The course material is highly relevant to my field ofstudy.课程材料与我的研究领域高度相关.4. format - ˈfɔːrmæt -格式,样式n;格式化,安排vThe document needs to be formatted correctly before printing.文档在打印前需要正确格式化.5. version - ˈvɝːʃən -版本,说法n.The band released a new version of their popularsong.乐队发布了他们流行歌曲的新版本.6. indicate - \ˈɪndɪkeɪt\ -表明,指示v.The results indicate a need for further research.结果表明需要进一步研究.7. royal - ˈrɔɪəl -皇家的,高贵的adj.The royal family attended the opening ceremony.王室成员出席了开幕式.8. pick out - pik aʊt -挑选出,辨认出.I could pick out her voice in a crowd.我能在人群中辨认出她的声音.9. military - ˈmɪlɪtɛri -军事的adj;军队n.He joined the military after college.他大学毕业后加入了军队.10. dynasty - ˈdɪnəsti -王朝,朝代n.The Tang dynasty is known for its culturalachievements唐朝以其文化成就而闻名.11. specify - ˈspesɪfaɪ -指定,明确说明.Please specify the ingredients you are allergicto.请明确指出你对哪些成分过敏.12. despair [dɪˈsper] (n.) 绝望Despite the setbacks, he refused to give in todespair.尽管遇到了挫折,他拒绝屈服于绝望。



200个句子涵盖高中词汇1 .We should always bear in mind that if we are ignorant of our health for promotion, disease will gradually approach us with the help of tiredness.我们应该牢记:如果我们为了晋升而忽略了我们的健康,疾病便会借助疲劳乘虚而入。

2.I looked for the history book because I wanted to find out when America was founded, and at last I found the dusty book in a dim room.我当时在找一本历史书,因为我想知道美国是何时建立的,最终我在一间昏暗的房间里找到这本布满灰尘的书。

3.There are so many reference books on this romantic poet for me to choose from that I can’t make up my mind which to choose.有那么多关于这位浪漫诗人的参考书可供选择,我无法决定选择哪一本。

4.It seemed that the handsome actor was not a bit worried, but in fact, he was not a little concerned about the result of the investigation, which may destroy his bright future.这名帅气的演员似乎一点也不着急,事实上他非常担心调查结果,因为这也许会毁了他的光明前途。

5.Unluckily,the delegate felt so sleepy that he soon fell asleep without realizing that he had left his passport and the draft of his speech in the taxi.不幸的是,这位代表觉得很困很快就睡着了,并没有意识到他把自己的护照和演讲稿忘在了出租车上。



1、A scarce fierce bird can easily pierce a commercial boat with great force.一只珍稀的猛禽能轻易地用力量穿透一只商船。

2、A mistake in staking can overtake you like an earthquake.下注的一个错误能像地震一样压倒你。

3、Handsome men are wholesome, though tiresome.英俊的男人有益健康,虽也令人疲倦。

4、The newly described languages were often so strikingly different from the well studied languages of Europe and Southeast Asia that some scholars even accused Boas and Sapir of fabricating their data.这些新近被描述的语言和得到充分研究的欧洲和东南亚地区的语言往往差别显著,以至于有些学者甚至指责Boas和Sapir编造了材料。

5、As a physician, I know the most costly and dramatic measures may be ineffective and painful.作为一名医生,我深知最昂贵和最激进的手段也可能是无效的和痛苦的。

6、This passage appears to be a digest of a book review.本文似乎是一篇书评的摘要。

7、With the start of BBC World Service Television, millions of viewers in Asia and America can now watch the Corporation’s news coverage, as well as listen to it.随着BBC(英国广播公司)全世界电视节目的开播,亚洲和美洲的数以百万计的人不仅可以听到它的新闻广播,而且也能看到它的电视新闻报道了。




以下是一些使用句子记单词的例子:1. I want to study English because it is an important language for international communication.(我想学习英语,因为它是国际交流的重要语言。

)在这个句子中,可以记住以下单词:* want to:想要做某事*study:学习*because:因为*important:重要的*language:语言*for:为了*international:国际的*communication:交流、通讯2. Mary is a talented musician and she can play the piano very well.(玛丽是一个有天赋的音乐家,她能很好地弹奏钢琴。

)在这个句子中,可以记住以下单词:*Mary:玛丽*talented:有天赋的*musician:音乐家*she:她*can:能*play:弹奏*piano:钢琴3. I enjoy reading books about history because I find them fascinating.(我喜欢阅读关于历史的书籍,因为我发现它们很吸引人。


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