学术英语(社科)_Unit 3含答案

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– Critical reading and thinking – Difficult sentences – English language for
academic purpose
• Specialized vocabulary • Collocations • Signpost language • Formal English
2 College grads of this generation have _in_c_r_e_d_ib_le__ta_l_e_n_ts__ which is an advantage that not everybody has.
Unit 3
3 College grads who have _w_o_r_k_in_g__e_x_p_e_ri_e_n_c_e_ or _d_o_I_n_te_r_n_s_h_ip_s_ are more likely to find jobs.
Unit 3
Unit Conten源自文库s
Lead-in Text A Text B Text C Listening Speaking Writing
Unit 3
• Lead-in
– Lead-in task
Unit 3
Unit 3
Text A
Difficult sentences
• Even if some frictional unemployment is inevitable, the precise amount is not. (Para. 9)
→ Even if we cannot avoid frictional unemployment, we can affect the extent of frictional unemployment.
5 What does sectoral shift (结构性变化) mean?
Sectoral shift means the change in the composition of demand among industries or regions.
Unit 3 Unemployment
Text A
4 College grads can apply to graduate school right now for _a_p_r_o_fe_s_s_i_o_n_a_l _d_e_g_re_e_ and higher education, in order to ride out this recession and this extremely _w_e_a_k__jo_b__m_a_r_k_e_t .
5 Knowledge is power and education will always _p_a_y_o_ff_i_n_a__lo_n_g_-_te_r_m_. Now watch it again and check your answers.
Unit 3
• Text A
Text A
Critical reading and thinking of Text A
Text Analysis
2 What happens to a country when it keeps its workers as fully employed as possible?
The result of it is achieving a higher level of GDP.
Unit 3
Text A
English language for academic purpose
• maintain standards of living • a sense of personal accomplishment • reduce self-esteem • campaign for office • stand idle • ups and downs • job vacancies • cut back on production and employment • facilitate job search • give out information
Task 1 Watch a video clip and complete the following sentences according to the information you have heard.
1 Eric, president of CollegeClickTV.com, is invited to give college grads _ti_p_s_o_f_f_in_d_in_g__a_j_o_b_.
1 … and information about job candidates and job vacancies is disseminated slowly among the many firms and households in the economy. widely spread
2 At the same time, cheaper petrol stimulates car sales, so car-producing firms raise production and employment.
Critical reading and thinking of Text A
Text Analysis
6 What ways can be used to facilitate job search?
There are many ways to facilitate job search, for example, government program, government-run employment agencies, public training programs, newspaper ads, Internet job sites, university placement offices, headhunters and word of mouth.
Then Do Task 1 and Task 4 on Page 50 and 51.
Unit 3
Text A
Difficult sentences
• It is not surprising, therefore, that politicians campaigning for office often speak about how their proposed policies will help create jobs. (Para. 1)
Unit 3 Unemployment
Text A
Critical reading and thinking of Text A
Text Analysis
7 Do you have suggestions that may help the government tackle the problem of unemployment?
→ “Office” in this sentence means a position in a large and powerful organization, especially a government. It can be used in phrases “run for office (try to be elected)” or “take office (begin to work in a position)”.
• Contrast: on the other hand; in / by contrast; however; while; whereas; nevertheless; different; instead (of); conversely; rather than
Unit 3
Because people rely on their labor earnings to maintain their standard of living, get income and get a sense of personal accomplishment.
Unit 3 Unemployment
Unit 3
Text A
English language for academic purpose
Specialized vocabulary
• natural rate of unemployment 自然失业率 • GDP 国内生产总值 • cyclical unemployment 周期性失业 • sectoral shift 结构性变化
Unit 3
Text A
English language for academic purpose
Signpost language
Comparison and contrast signals & clue words
• Comparison: Similarly; likewise; both; same; resemble; parallels; in the same manner
Unit 3 Unemployment
Text A
Critical reading and thinking of Text A
Text Analysis
Read Text A and answer the following questions.
1 Why can losing a job be the most distressing economic event in a person’s life?
Text A
English language for academic purpose
Formal English
Replace the underlined words in the following 2 sentences with the ones that are more daily-life.
3 What are the two categories of the unemployment problem?
They are long-run problem and short-run problem.
Unit 3 Unemployment
Text A
Critical reading and thinking of Text A
学术英语 社科
Academic English for Social Sciences
Unemployment has been a serious global social issue in recent years. Both politicians and economists are making great efforts to find ways to reduce the unemployment rate, though the result is not always satisfactory. The texts in this unit may give you some insights into this issue.
Text Analysis
4 How can we judge how serious the problem of unemployment is?
We can consider whether unemployment is a short-term or long-term condition. Long-term means it is a big problem; short-term means it is not a big problem.