新编英语教程4第三版U1-U6 comprehension B




---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 新编大学英语第三版综合教程第四册课后答案Unit 1 PersonalityVocabulary1. 1) self-conscious 2) self-confidence 3) self-esteem 4) self-destructive 5) self-worth6) self-concept 7) Self-awareness 8) self-assurance/self-confidence2. 1)B 2)I 3)L 4)A 5)H 6)D 7)E 8)N 9)J 10)M 11)C 12)F 13)G 14)K3. 1) profound 2) jealousy 3) numerous 4) overweight 5) overcome 6) eventually7) slim8) compliments 9) diminish 10) reassurance 11) detrimental12) isolated 13) self-esteem 14) accented4. 1) reflected 2) concerned/worried 3) profound effect/influence 4) viewed/regarded5)sensitive 6) respond/react7)eliminated8)overcome my fear9) concentrate on10) made no commentTranslation1) You should spend a reasonable amount of time relaxing and exercising.2) In general children are healthier and better educated than ever before.3) When the right opportunity comes along, he’ll take it.4) Every day he sets aside some time to be with his family and enjoy life.5) I remember those dark streets and walking hand in hand with my father. 6) He finally failed to live up to his parents’expectations.7) In contrast, our use of oil has increased enormously.8) He succeeded in his efforts to overcome his fatal1/ 18weakness.Part Four Writing and Translation2. Translation Practice---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 1) It is believed that pessimism often leads to hopelessness, sickness and failure. 2) Optimism, by contrast, can make you happy, healthy and successful. 3) When you fail in something, profit from the failure as a learning experience. 4) Think about your strengths and build up self-confidence in front of problems or difficulties. 5) Don’t let negative thoughts hold you back. 6) Everyone has experienced failures and disappointments, so don’t blame yourself too much.Unit 2 Myths and LegendsVocabulary1. 1) A. invitation B. invited C. inviting2) A. prepare B. prepared C. preparationD.preparatory/preparation3) A. discoveries B. discoverers C. discovered4) A. approval B. approve C. approved D. approvingE. disapprove5) A. eloquent B. eloquence C. eloquently6) A. faithful B. unfaithful/faithless C. faithd. faithfully7) A. occasional B. occasionallyC. occasion8) A. delivery B. delivering C. delivered9) A. troublesome B. troubled assured C. assureC. troubledD. troubling 10) A. assurance B.2. 1) got/ran into trouble trouble2) no trouble3) asking for trouble 4) h ave … trouble 5)with6) in serious/deep/big trouble 7) get/getting … into trouble 8) took the trouble3/ 183. 1) with a pattern of roses2) prepared a wonderful/goof meal for us3) promised faithfully4) deliver this letter5) a selection of milk and plain chocolate 6) keep out of mischief/behave themselves7) the sound of distant thunder8) received approval from the government9) in spite of the fact that he drank too much 10) agree whether the drug is safe or notPart Three Further Development5. Complete the following Ancient Chinese story by translating the Chinese into English1) the true reason why there was no such animal in Guizhou2) they were of no use at all in this place3) when he saw the donkey all of a sudden, he thought it was a monster4) he hid himself in the trees while looking at the donkey 5) what kind of animal is this and why does it look different from other animals that I’ve seen?6) But one day the donkey stretched its thin neck and cried 7) the tiger discovered that the donkey didn’t have any other skills besides crying8) But he dared not rush to it and eat it just as he did to other animals9) This did irritate the donkey (made the donkey angry), who raised its hind leg and kicked thetiger10) This time he rushed to it without hesitation and bit its rhroatPart Four Writing and Translation2. Translation Practice万八---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------一起。



新编英语教程4U n i t o n e⏹一.P r e-r e a d i n g Q u e s t i o n s⏹W h a t i s y o u r n e w y e a r’s r e s o l u t i o n?⏹T o d o a p a r t-t i m e j o b?⏹T o m e m o r i z e m o r e w o r d s?⏹T o h a v e a b o y/g i r l f r i e n d?⏹⏹W h e n a p e r s o n m a k e s N e w Y e a r’s r e s o l u t i o n s,h e m a k e s u p h i s m i n d t od o o r n o t t o d o ce r t a i n t h i n g s i n t h e c o m i n g y e a r.S o m e p e o p l e m a y b ea b l e t o c a r r y o u t t h e i r N e w Y e a r’s r e s o l u t i o n s,b u t s o m e m a y n o t.F o rm o s t P e o p l e,i t’s o f t e n e a s i e r t o m a k e N e w Y e a r’s r e s o l u t i o n s t h a n t oc a r r y t h e m o u t⏹W h a t a r e t h e p o s s i b l e o b s t a c l e s f o r y o u r m a k i n g t r u e t h e r e s o l u t i o n s?⏹二。

M a j o r l a n g u a g e p o i n t s⏹.⏹1.A b r i e f s u m m a r y o f t h e w a y s t o e x p r e s s f u t u r i t y⏹1)T h e n e u t r a l f u t u r e i s f o r m e d b y u s i n g t h e a u x i l i a r i e s w i l l/s h a l la n d i n f i n i t i v e.⏹E x a m p l e s:⏹T o m o r r o w w i l l b e h i s S u n d a y.⏹I s i t p o s s i b l e t o m a k e a n a t o m i c e n g i n e t h a t w i l l b e r e a l l y s a f e i n e v e r yc i r c u m s t a n c e?⏹2)T h e c o n s t r u c t i o n t o b e g o i n g t o i s u s e d t o e x p r e s s f u t u r e i n t e n t i o n.⏹E x a m p l e s:⏹T h i s y e a r i t i s g o i n g t o b e d i f f e r e n t.⏹I k n o w w h a t t h e k i d s a r e g o i n g t o d o.⏹N o t e:T h i s c o n s t r u c t i o n c a n n o t b e u s e d f o r n e u t r a l f u t u r i t y,w h i c h d o e s n o td e p e n d o n a n y p e r s o n’s w i l l o r i n t e n t i o n.F o r E x a m p l e,b o t h t h e f o l l o w i n g s e n t e n c e s a r e w r o n g.⏹*T o m o r r o w i s g o i n g t o b e h i s S u n d a y.⏹*I f y o u g o t o t h e U.S.A.,y o u a r e g o i n g t o c o m e a c r o s s t h e r e m a r k a b l e,a l m o s t l e g e n d a r y h o s p i t a l i t y o f t h e A m e r i c a n o f t h e W e s t.⏹3)T h e c o n s t r u c t i o n b e t o d o(s o m e t h i n g)i s u s e d t o e x p r e s s a r r a n g e m e n t o r c o m m a n d.⏹E x a m p l e s:⏹N o w l e t a l l m e n k n o w t h a t c r o p s a r e t o b e p l a n t e d a s u s u a l.(L e v e l3,U n i t11)⏹S h a k a o r d e r e d:―A l l w o m e n w h o a r e f o u n d w i t h c h i l d a r e t o b e p u t t od e a t h w i t h t h e i r h u s b a n d s.‖⏹4)T h e c o n s t r u c t i o n b e a b o u t t o i s u s e d t o e x p r e s s n e a r f u t u r e.⏹E x a m p l e s:⏹R o y a n d S a m m y w e r e a b o u t t o p e r f o r m o p e n-h e a r t s u r g e r y o n M r s.R o b i n s o n w i t h a s c o u t k n i f e.=R o y a n d S a m m y w e r e j u s t g o i n g t o d o a no p e n-h e a r t o p e r a t i o n o n M r s.R o b i n s o n w i t h a s c o u t k n i f e.⏹S h e w a s a b o u t t o t e l l u s t h e t r u t h w h e n y o u e n t e r e d t h e b u i l d i n g.⏹表示将来意图的,除了常见的将来时,w i l l,还有哪些常见形式呢?⏹⏹比如:t o⏹一种正式的方式表示将来必须要做什么。



1. Lively behavior is normal (活泼的举止是正常的) for a four-year-old child.2. Fast cars appeal to John (速度快的车对约翰有吸引力), but he can’t afford one.3. Dave required a lot of time to study the diverse arguments (各种各样的论据).4. I asked my boss for clarification (我要求我的上司进行澄清),and she explained the project to me again.5. Photographic film is sensitive to light (对光很敏感).6. Mutual encouragement (互相鼓励) can be a great help, especially in the early days.7. Jimmy cried when people made fun of him (拿他开玩笑).8. John won’t give up. He persists in his opinion (坚持他的观点).9. Ted always wants to be the focus of attention (成为注意的焦点).10. Is it cheaper if we buy our tickets in advance (我们提前买票)?1.However, the main drawback with this type of search engine (这种搜索引擎的主要缺陷) is its tendency to include too much information.2.She’s very generous with her time (她从不吝惜自己的时间)---always ready to help other people.3. You may have known someone else for 20 years and yet they will never be more than a casual acquaintance (他们永远只是泛泛之交).4. He doubted that the car was hers (他怀疑这车不是她的)because everyone knew she had no money.5. It’s impossible to forget such horrific events--- they will remain in the memory forever (它们会永远留在记忆中).6. In a word too often filled with uncertainties (在这样一个常常充满各种不确定性的世界上),it is nice to have a safety net, something you can rely on.7. The earthquake happened a year ahead of prediction by the research group (比该研究小组的预报提前了一年), but earthquakes are usually difficult to predict.8. I don't mind being awakened once or twice in the middle of the night by my roommate so long as she doesn’t make a habit of it (只要她不养成习惯).1. Their study shows that sports skills carry over into personal life (可以运用到个人生活中).2. I find myself call on the boys more often (更多地叫男生回答问题), because they tend to be the ones having trouble staying on task.3. I used to have trouble getting all the laundry put away (把要洗的衣服放好) before it was time to do the next batch.4. After her time in hospital, Jenny’s parents are afraid she has fallen behind academically (在学业上落后了).5. People are wondering who’s going to take over (谁会接班) when the old president dies.1. I think it is up to him to finish the work (这工作都得由他来完成)no matter how long it takes.2. We decided to sacrifice a trip for a new car (我们决定为买新车而放弃旅行),though it was really hard for us to make the decision.3. He tried not to involve his wife in the management of the company (让他的妻子参与公司的管理工作),because in most cases the advantages outweighed the disadvantages.4. It is of vital importance to future generations (对未来几代人都是极其重要的) that open spaces and parklands are protected and maintained to a high standard to keep the city increasingly attractive.5. We have reached the agreement at the meeting that the key to this problem is better planning (解决这个问题的关键是更好的策划).6. I propose pursuing this question further (继续深入讨论这个问题) by considering critically the four theories well-known in this area.7. The house was a completely original design (这个房子是完全新颖的设计)----neither the interior nor the exterior was copied of any existing buildings of the kind.8. Through all his life he has made efforts to promote the mutual understanding1. One of the reasons they became good friends (他们成为好朋友的其中一个理由) was that they enjoyed the same sports and music.2. We will learn by our own experience what is best, and not by following the footsteps of others (不是靠重复别人的足迹).3. He will play in two tournaments in Japan, which means he will miss the world cup (这意味着他将错过世界杯)in his home country.4. She wondered whether to say she missed him very much or to continue to keep silent(是否表白自己很想他还是继续保持沉默).She had to think about their relationship again.5. Her mind was soothed by memories of her dad and of the days when she wasa little girl living with dad in the country (她还是个小女孩时同父亲一起住在乡下的日子).6. No matter how insignificant the findings were at the time (无论调查结果在当时是多少没有意义), it is important to record all of them properly.7. Constantly being criticized by parents (总是受到父母的批评)can seriously hurt the children and won’t reinforce what the parents try to teach.8. The danger of going too far (做过头的危险)was always present because he1.He was finally offered the job on the strength of his good memory (凭借他的记忆力好)and the many exams he had passed.2.She favors a bit of adventure as well as a certain degree of self-government when her children's education is concerned(当涉及到她孩子的教育时).3.Most people who are sick with AIDS want to stay at home, rather than spend time unnecessarily in hospital(而不愿意毫无必要地呆在医院里).4.What if I choose to give small amounts of money regularly over a period of time (在一段时间内定期给少量的钱)instead of donating a large sum once for all?5.I am afraid, Mr. Peterson, the answer is that (答案是这样的)we have to be more efficient than our European competitors.6.The museum does not intend to focus on a particular aspect of modern art(并不打算只关注现代艺术的某个具体方面), but prefers to offer material for the public to study and compare.7.She has decided not to go for a drive on such a windy day even supposing a car was available(即便能搞到一辆车).8.I am well aware of the fact that you have cut yourself off from your past and have。

《新编英语教程》第 4 册的课文

《新编英语教程》第 4 册的课文

《新编英语教程》(修订版)第四册Unit 1 [见教材P1]This year it’s going to be different今年会有所不同Will Stanton (U.S.)威尔.斯坦顿(美国)are like anything else—you get out of them what you put in. ②Judging from results of other years, I had never put enough in, but this year was going to be different. ③I read books on self-improvement before I wrote my list. ④Find some beauty in everything.... Make the other fellow feel important.... About thirty likethat. ⑤a richer life, boundless love from his family, and the admiration of the community. ⑥I c ould hardly wait until New Year’s Day.①新年计划和其他任何事物一样——你付出多少,你就收获多少。





①When I came downstairs Maggie, my wife, was at the kitchen sink.②I tiptoed over and kissed her on the back of the neck. (Resolution No. 1: Be spontaneous in showing affection.) ③She shrieked and dropped a cup.④“Don’t ever sneak up on me like that again!” she cried.①我下了楼梯,妻子Maggie正在厨房的洗涤槽旁边。

新编大学英语第三版Book 4 Unit 1中英对照

新编大学英语第三版Book 4 Unit 1中英对照

Entertaining Humor —What's Funny?享受幽默——什么东西令人开怀?Donald M. Huffman[1] The joy of laughing at a funny story isuniversal, probably as old as language itself. But, what is it that makes a story or a joke funny? funny听了一个有趣的故事会发笑、很开心,古今中外都一样。


那么,到底是什么东西会使一个故事或笑话让人感到滑稽可笑的呢?[2] As one who has enjoyed humor since I first recognized it, I've made an attempt to explain and discuss humor with students in such diverse cultures as Latin America and China. I've done some serious thinking about funny stories. It has been a labor of love !humor 我是第一次辨识出幽默便喜欢上它的人,因此我曾试图跟学生议论和探讨幽默。




[3] Why is it that several students in aclass will fall out of their chairs laughingafter I tell a joke while the rest of thestudents look as if I've just read the weather report? Obviously some people are more sensitive to humor than others. And, we recognize that some people tell jokes very well while others struggleto say something funny. We've all heard people say, "I like jokes, but I can't tellone well, and I can never remember them." Some people have a better sense of humor than others just as some people have more musical talent , mathematical talent, etc. than others. A truly funny person has a joke for every occasion, and when one is told, that triggers an entire string of jokes from that person's memory bank. A humorless person is not likely to be the most popular person in a group. It is reasonable to say that the trulyhumorous individual is not only wellliked, but is often the focus of attention inany gathering.human's different reactions (to joke); comparison (humorous vs. humorless people)为什么听我讲完一个笑话后,班上有些学生会笑得前仰后合,而其他学生看上去就像刚听我读了天气预报一样呢?显然,有些人对幽默比别人更敏感。

新编大学英语视听说教程第四册第三版 Unit1

新编大学英语视听说教程第四册第三版 Unit1

Unit 1 Leisure activities in Book 4Part 1 listening oneEver wish you could do magic tricks, or introduce yourself as “the magician” at a party? Imagine, everybody wants to have fun, but nothing’s really happening, it’s time for you to show one of your new tricks. Here, you can learn how, and without any need for special materials or much practice.A trick with a coin, a handkerchief and a friend:Put the coin on your palm. Cover the coin with the handkerchief. Ask several people to put their hands beneath the handkerchief and feel the coin, to make sure that it is still there. Then take the corner of the handkerchief and pull it rapidly off your hand. The coin has gone! How? You must make sure the last friend who feels the coin knows the trick and removes the coin when he seems to be just feeling it. And nobody knows where it has gone!A trick with a piece of paper and a pencil:Tell your friend that you can communicate your thoughts without speaking to other people. Write on the piece of paper the word “No”. Don't let your friends see what you have written. Say, "Now I will put this word in your mind." Pretend to concentrate. Ask them if they know what is written on the piece of paper. They will say, "No!" And you say, "Quite correct! I wrote ‘No’ on the paper!"A trick with an egg and some salt:Ask your friends to stand the egg upright on the table. They won't manage to do it. Say that you can speak to the chicken inside. Say, "Chicken! Can you hear me? Get ready to balance your egg!"When you first get the egg back from your friends, pretend to kiss the egg at the base. Make the base wet. Then put the base into salt which is in your other hand. The salt will stick to the egg. Then put the egg on the table. Twist the egg around a few times as this will arrange the grains of salt. Then it will stand up. Don't forget to thank the chicken.Exe. 1 T F F F F TExe. 2Questions:1.What does the magician ask people to do in the first trick?2.What happens to the coin?3.How does the magician prove that he can communicate his thoughts to theaudience in the second trick?4.What is the first step to make the egg stand upright?5.What else is needed to make the egg stand upright?Keys: 1. B 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. DPart 1 listening two(The following is an interview from a weekly program.)Presenter: Good morning. Welcome to our weekly program aimed at all those underactive youngsters with time on their hands! Listen to what our twoguests have to say about their hobbies and how their hobbies have made adifference to their lives. Adrienne first, then, Jonathan.Adrienne: I collect very interesting jewelry. I tend to travel a lot as most of my family do, so whenever I have a holiday, I like to go traveling. Whenever I travelsomewhere, I like to pick up something to remind me of the place that Ivisited. And, the easiest thing to do is to pick up a small piece of jewelryinstead of getting a poster or a T-shirt that won’t last. I like the idea ofhaving something small and also, I find whenever I wear jewelry fromsomewhere, it’s a good conversation piece. Usually people ask you, “Wheredid you get this?” I then have a story to tell, and it’s a good way to meet andtalk to people. It’s just interesting. I have jewelry that I picked up when Itraveled to Thailand, when I traveled to Africa and when I traveled toEurope.Presenter: Wow! Sounds nice. You’ll have to show your collections to us. Adrienne: I’d love to.Presenter: Thank you, Adrienne. Now Jonathan.Jonathan: I prefer canoeing because you've always got the water there for support. If you're a good swimmer, have a good sense of balance and strong arms,you'll like canoeing! The main trouble is transporting your canoe to theright places—my father takes it on the roof of the car—or sometimes I put iton the roof of the club’s Land Rover. What it has taught me most is to beindependent. It's just you and the canoe against the wind, the weather andthe water. It gives you a lot of self-confidence and it can be really excitingas long as you don't mind getting soaked, of course! It makes you feel closeto nature somehow. Last year, when I was qualified, I began to run my owncanoeing center.Presenter: So you are making your hobby work for you.Jonathan: People are usually very skilled at their hobbies. The combination of interest and skills is a very compelling reason to choose a particular career. Presenter: Then, Adrienne, do you have a similar plan?Adrienne: Yes, I love making beaded jewelry. I’ve decided to get some formal training. I want to learn how to be a jewelry designer.Exe 1:Questions:1. Who is the target audience of the program?2. What is Adrienne’s hobby?3. What does Adrienne usually buy when she visits a place?4. How does Jonathan benefit from canoeing?5. What should be the major concern in choosing a career according to Jonathan? Keys: 1. A 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. BExe 2 T T F F T T F FPart 1 listening threeGerry: I've just been to see Gone with the Wind. It was fantastic, well worth seeing.Have you ever seen it?Judy : N o, but I've read the book. I don't think I would like to see the film . It would spoil the story for me.Gerry: Really? Oh, give me a film any day. Honestly, if I had to choose between the film of a story and the book of it, I'd choose the film.Judy : Would you?Gerry: Yes. It's far more real. You can feel the atmosphere much better. You know, the photography and location shots, period costumes, the right accents. Don'tyou think so?Judy : Not really. I much prefer to use my own imagination. I can imagine how I want it, rather than how someone makes me see it. Anyway, I think you get much more insight into the characters when you read a book. Part of a person's character is lost on the film because you never know what they are thinking. Gerry: True, but I don't know. It's much easier going to the cinema and it takes less time. I can get the whole story in two hours, but it might take me a week to read the book.Judy : I know, but it's so expensive to go to the cinema nowadays.Gerry: I know, but it's a social event. It's fun. You can go with your friends. When you read a book you have to do it on your own.Judy : All right. Let's agree to differ. I'll get some coffee.Keys:1.1.spoil the story1.2.any day1.3.Honestly choose the film1.4.atmosphere photography location period accents1.5.insight into the characters1.6.social event1.7.agree to differ2.Films: get the atmosphere better---photography/location shots/periodcostumes/right accenteasiertake less time: two hoursan social event: fun, go with friendsBooks: take more time: one weeknot a social event: do it on your ownbooks: use readers’ own imaginationget much more insight into the charactersfilms: spoil the storyexpensivePart 1 listening fourSally Marino gets married. After the wedding, there is a big party—a wedding reception. All the guests eat dinner. There is a band and, after dinner, everyone dances. Sally's mother and father pay for everything. At the end of the reception, Sally and her new husband cut the wedding cake and all the guests get a piece.Pete and Rose buy a new house. After moving in, they invite their friends and family to a party—a housewarming party. Everybody comes to see the new house. They look at the bedrooms, the dining room, even the garage. Pete and Rose serve drinks, sandwiches, and snacks. The party is on a Saturday afternoon.It is Christmas time. Ted and Sarah Robinson want to see many of their friends over the holiday. So they invite their friends to an open house. The hours of the party are from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. The guests arrive and leave whenever they want. The Robinsons serve sandwiches, drinks, and snacks. Some guests stay for just 20 minutes; others stay for 3 hours. About 50 people come to the open house.Mr. and Mrs. Todd ask their neighbors to come to an evening party. They don't serve much food, just snacks—pretzels, chips, peanuts and many types of drinks. No one dances. Conversation is important with people asking questions like "What's new with you?".Keys:1.√2 √32.1.dinner band dances piece2.2.house drinks snacks2.3.invite arrive fifty/502.4.snacks Conversation new with youPart 4 Further ListeningListening 1Receptionist: Good morning. Can I help you?Cathy: Er...a friend told me that you have exercise and dance classes here. Receptionist: That's right.Cathy: OK. Can you give me some information about days and times, please? Receptionist: Yes, there are four classes a day, every day from Monday to Saturday with nothing on Sunday.Cathy: Yeah, can you tell me the open hours?Receptionist: The first one is an aerobics class from 8:30 to 9:30 in the morning. Then there's another aerobics class at lunchtime from 12:30 to 1:30.Cathy: Right.Receptionist: Then in the evening from 5:30 to 6:30—another aerobics class too. And there's a jazz dance class from 6:30 to 7:30.Cathy: Right. And what level are they for? I mean, would they be OK for a beginner?Receptionist: The morning aerobics—8:30 to 9:30—is advanced. All the others are at the beginner to intermediate level. But let me give you a schedule. Cathy: Thanks. And how much does it cost for a class?Receptionist: You pay £1 entrance fee and then the classes are £2.50 each and £3.50 for the jazz dancing. It's there on the sheet.Cathy: Oh, yes, I see.Receptionist: If you become a member, entrance is free and...Cathy: Oh, no, it's OK. I'm only in London for two weeks.Receptionist: Oh, right. That won’t work.Cathy: And I guess you have showers and everything?Receptionist: Yes, sure, and in the evening you can use the sauna free, too.Cathy: Oh, great. So the next class is at 5:30? Well, I'll see you then. Receptionist: Fine. See you later!Questions:1. Where does the conversation most likely take place?2. How many classes are there every day except on Sunday?3. At what time does the last class end?4. How much is the entrance fee?5. Which class will Cathy most probably attend?6. What can we learn about Cathy from the conversation?Keys: 1. A 2.C 3.C 4. A 5. C 6. BListening 2Woman: W hy don't we go abroad for a change? I'd like to go to France, Spain, or even Italy.Man: Mm. I'm not all that keen on traveling really. I'd rather stay at home. Woman: O h, come on, Steve. Think of the sun!Man: Yes, but think of the cost! Going abroad is very expensive.Woman: O h, it isn't, Steve. Not these days.Man: Of course it is, Juliet. The best thing about having a holiday here in Britain is that it's cheaper. And another thing, traveling in Britain would be easier.No boats, planes or anything.Woman: Even so, we've been to many of the interesting places in Britain already.What's the point in seeing them again? Anyway, we can travel round Britainwhenever we like. There's no point in wasting our summer holiday here. Man: Mm, I suppose you're right. Nevertheless, what I can't stand is all the bother with foreign currency, changing money and all that when we go abroad.And, it's so confusing.Woman: O h, don't be silly, Steve.Man: And, what's more, I can't speak any other languages—you know that. It's all right for you. You can speak some foreign languages.Woman: Exactly. You see, what I'd really like to do is practice my French and Spanish. It would help me a lot at work.Man: Mm, but that's no use to me.Woman: B ut just think of the new places we'd see, the people we'd meet!Man: But look, if we stayed here, we wouldn't have to plan very much. Woman: I'm sorry, Steve, no. I don't fancy another cold English summer. Questions:1. Where does Steve want to spend the summer holiday?2. According to Steve, what is considered most important in planning a vacation?3. What does Steve find confusing about traveling abroad?4. What will help Juliet in her work?5. What does Juliet think of summer in Britain?Keys:1. C2. B3. D4. C5. B 6 A2. 1)keen on 2)The best thing about another thing 3)Nevertheless all thebother with confusing 4)fancyListening 3The game of football may have started in Roman times. It seems that the Romans played a game very much like our modern rugby with a round ball.English villagers played football in the 16th century and they often had almost 100 players on each side. It was a very common game, which was very rough and even dangerous until the early part of the 19th century. In the 18th century a Frenchman who had watched a rough game of football in a village wrote, "I could not believe that those men were playing a game. If this is what Englishmen call playing, I would not like to see them fighting!"From the mid-19th century, football was played in schools in England and soon spread all over Britain and Europe. Until 1850, it was not possible to have football matches between one school and another, because each school had different rules! So set rules had to be made. They were not improved though until, in 1863, those who preferred to play with hands as well as feet formed the Rugby Union while the others started the Football Association. It was only in 1863 that the first set of rules for all football clubs was agreed upon.Nearly 150 years later, football has become by far the most popular sport in the entire world. Would that 18th century Frenchman have believed this possible? Questions:1. According to the passage, when may the game of football have started?2. How many team members were often involved in the game when the Englishbegan to play the game?3. What did the speaker say about the earliest football game in England?4. Why was it NOT possible to have football matches between two schools until1850?5. What happened to football in 1863?Keys:1. D2. D3. A4. C5. CListening 4In one town, there were three longtime friends, Pat, Mike and Bob. Pat and Bob were quite bright, but Mike was rather dull.One day as Pat and Mike were walking down the sidewalk together, Pat put his hand on a solid brick wall and said, "Mike, hit my hand as hard as you can." Mike struck a hard blow, but Pat pulled his hand away from the wall just before Mike's fist hit it. Of course, it hurt Mike's hand very much when he hit the wall, but Pat said, "That was a good joke I played on you, wasn't it?" Mike agreed, but was not too happy.The following day Mike and Bob were walking in the town square when Mike decided to play the same joke on Bob. He looked around, and seeing no solid object about, he placed his hand over his face and said, "Bob, hit my hand as hard as you can." Bob agreed, and as he struck a hard blow with his fist, Mike quickly pulled his hand away and was knocked to the ground, unconscious. After a few minutes Mike recovered, and saw Bob looking down at him very worried. Mike said, "That was a good joke I played on you, wasn't it?"Questions:1.Who was NOT clever?2.What did Pat ask Mike to do?3.Who was hurt finally?4.On whom was Mike going to try this joke?5.Where did Mike put his hand when he asked Bob to hit him?6.What happened to Mike after Bob struck a hard blow with his fist?Keys:1.1A2. C3. A4.B5. C6. B2.√2 √5。

《新编英语教程》第 4 册的课文

《新编英语教程》第 4 册的课文

《新编英语教程》(修订版)第四册Unit 1 [见教材P1]This year it’s going to be different今年会有所不同Will Stanton (U.S.)威尔.斯坦顿(美国)are like anything else—you get out of them what you put in. ②Judging from results of other years, I had never put enough in, but this year was going to be different. ③I read books on self-improvement before I wrote my list. ④Find some beauty in everything.... Make the other fellow feel important.... About thirty likethat. ⑤表示关心。

)③她尖叫一声,把一个茶杯摔倒地上,对我大声嚷道“再也不要悄悄地走到我身后啦!”①“You’re looking lovely this morning,” I said. (A sincere compliment is worth its weight in gold. )①“你今天上午看起来非常可爱,”我说。


)①“Look,” she said, “it wasn’t my idea to stay out until four a.m.”“要知道,”她说,“并不是我想要在外边待到凌晨四点的。

”①I took some aspirin and coffee into the living room. ②I’d just started reading the paper when Sammy, our five-year-old, came in. ③He was wearing the watch he’d received for Christmas.④“Say, Dad,” he said, “what makes a watch run?”①我拿了一些阿司匹林和咖啡来到客厅。

最新新编综合英语教程4第三版 U1-U6 复习

最新新编综合英语教程4第三版 U1-U6 复习

Unit 1 This Year It's Going to Be DifferentVocabulary (A)1. (d) boundless: without limits , unlimited2. (g) shriek: cry out with a high sound3. (a) sketch: a rough drawing4. (h) curiosity: the desire to know, find out or learn5. (b) doctor’s kit: a bag or box containing doctor’s instruments and medicine6. (c) pajamas: jacket and trousers for sleeping in7. (i) creativity: the ability to produce new and original ideas and / or things8. (j) garbage: waste material9. (e) cross-examine: question somebody very closely or severely10. (f) accomplish: finish successfully, succeed in doingVocabulary (B)1. admiration:a feeling of respect and approval for a person2. tiptoe: walk on one's toes with the rest of one's feet off ground3. spontaneous: acting immediately from natural feeling4. compliment: an expression of praise , admiration or respect5. escapement: the part of a clock or a watch which controls the moving parts inside6. jovially: in a friendly way, good-humouredly7. carve: cut (wood or stone) into a special shape8. whittle: cut (wood) to a smaller size by taking off small thin pieces9. commotion: great and noisy confusion or excitement10. considerate: thoughtful as far as the feelings or needs of others are concerned11. snarl: speak in an angry , bad-tempered way12. sprawl: stretch out oneself or one’s limbs in a lying or sitting positionUnit 2 SalvationVocabulary (A)1. pray:speak(usually silently) to God, showing love, giving thanks or asking for something2. was escorted: was taken3. moan: low soundof pain or suffering4. dire: terrible5. knelt: go down and/or remain on the knees6. jet-black: very dark or shiny black7. rocked: shook or or moved gently8. serenely: calmly or peacefully9. grin: smile broadly10. deceive: make sb. believe sth. that is falseVocabulary (B)1. preach: give a religious talk, usually as part of a service in church2. by leaps and bounds: very quickly3. rhythmical: marked by regular succession of weak and strong stresses, accents, movements4. sermon: a talk usually based on a sentence or “verse”from the Bible and preached as part of a church service5. braided: twisted together into one plait6. work-gnarled: twisted , with swollen joints and rough skin as from hard work or old age7. rounder: a person who lives a vicious life, a habitual drunkard8. take his (i.e. , god's) name in vain: use god's name in cursing , speak of god without respect9. punctutate: interrupt from time to time with sth.10. ecstatic: causing great joy and happinessUnit 3 Writing between the linesVocabulary (A)1. contend: argue,claim2. mutilation: destruction3. purchase: buying4. possession: ownership5. transfer: move from one place to another6. dog-eared: having the corners of the pages turned up or down with use so that they look like a dog's ears7. intact: whole because no part has been touched or spoilt8. indispensable : absolutely , essential9. scratch pad : loosely joined sheets of paper (a pad) for writing notes10. sacred : to be treated with great respectVocabulary (B)1. bluntly: plainly , directly2. Restrain: hold back (from doing sth.)3. dilapidated: broken and old; falling to pieces4. scribble: write hastily or carelessly5. unblemished: not spoiled , as new6. crayon: pencil of soft colored chalk or wax , used for drawing7. symphony: a musical work for a large group of instruments8. typography: the arrangement , style and appearance of printed matter9. humility: humble state of mind10. receptacle: a containerUnit 4 Network Designer — Tim Berners-LeeVocabulary (A)1. (c) zip off: move away with speed2. (f) unencumbered: not obstructed3. (j) nifty: clever4. (a) loose: let out5. (d) noodle around: play about6. (b) span: extend across7. (h) debut: make first public appearance8. (e) the élite: a group of people with a high professional or social level9. (g) juncture: a particular point in time10. (i) sparse: inadequately furnishedVocabulary (B)1. exotic: striking or unusual in appearance2. hack: a person paid to do hard and uninteresting work3. stint: fixed amount of work4. random: chance , unplanned , unlooked for5. reside: be present ( in some place)6. access: the opportunity or right to use or see sth.7. cobble: put together quickly or roughly8. lingua franca: language or way of communicating which is used by people do notspeak the same native language9. quintessential: the most typical10. unconventionally: doing things not in the accepted way11. Compromise: sth. That is midway between two different things12. cash in on: profit from; turn to one's advantageUnit 5 AntarcticaVocabulary (A)1. radiate: send out (lights) in all directions2. appreciate: understand fully3. outweigh: are greater than4. hemmed in :surrounded5. habitation: a place to live in6. obscure: make difficult to see7. shatter: break suddenly into small pieces8. haul up: pull up with some effort9. pore: very small opening in the skin through which sweat may pass10. unveiling: discovering, learning aboutVocabulary (B)1. distinctive: clearly marking a person or thing different from others2. spectacular: striking, out of the ordinary, amazing to see3. phenomenon: thing in nature as it appears or is experienced by the senses4. tenure: right of holding (land)5. tempestuous: very rough, stormy6. inclined: likely, tending to, accustomed to7. precipitation: (the amount of) rainfall, snow etc. which has fallen onto the ground8. disintegrate: break up into small particles or pieces, come apart9. granules: small pices like fine grains10. mercury: a heavy silver-white metal which is liquid at ordinary temperature and is used in scientific instruments such as thermometers11. disrupt: upset, disturb12. cushion: paddingUnit 6 The PearlVocabulary (A)1. (f) brush house: house made of small branches2. (i) pulsing and vibrating: beating steadily (as the heart does) and moving rapidly, here “active”, “alert”3. (b) strangle out: get the words out with difficulty in their keenness to speak4. (j) sting: a wound in the skin caused by the insect5. (e) giggle: laugh, not heartily, but often in a rather embarrassed way6. (a) alms-giver: person who gives money, food and clothes to poor people(NB: nowa rather old-fashioned concept)7. (c) residue: that which remains after a part disappears, or is taken or used(here, a metaphor using a chemical term)8. (d) lust: very strong, obsessive desire9. (h) withheld: deliberately refused10. (g) venom: (liquid) poisonVocabulary (B)1. scramble: move, possible climb, quickly and often with some difficulty2. dart: move forward suddenly and quickly3. panting: breathing quickly4. foaming: forming white mass of small air bubbles5. baptize: perform the Christian religious ceremony of baptism, i.e., of acceptance into the Christian Church6. judicious: with good judgment7. fat hammocks: (here) the doctor’s thick eyelids8. cackle: laugh or talk loudly and impleasantly9. semblance: appearance, seeming likeness10. squint: look with almost closed eyes11. speculation: thoughts of possible profits12. distillate: product of distillationUnit 11、每当他午夜下班回家,他总是蹑手蹑脚地上楼,以以免吵醒邻居.Every time when he returned home from work at midnight, he would tiptoe upstairs, trying not to waken his neighbors.2、为了与新来的邻居建立一种和睦的关系,格林先生不失时机地帮她把行李搬进屋子。

最新综合英语教程第三版 4 unit1

最新综合英语教程第三版 4 unit1
Unit 1, Book 4
D. English Country Gardens &
4. ______A_n_n_e__H_a_th_a_w__a_y_s_’s_C__o_tt_a_g_e___ Step back in time to visit the full size version of William Shakespeare’s wife’s birthplace, located amidst five acres of the English Inn & Resort’s magnificent country garden estate. This unique and alluring English garden incorporates history with architectural components of classic European design.
1.What genre may this article be written in?
A. Narrative B. Argumentative C. Descriptive D. Exposition
2. In which kinAthdedesoescnfrsiepmstiovafegseisgashazty,isinms eaelwld,rtiootiuncygho,thhuaetaurtishnegsink this article is most apnrdotabstae btolpyrovpidreinthteereda?der with a vivid
Unit 1, Book 4
ABΒιβλιοθήκη CDEF
Unit 1, Book 4

【恒心】新编英语教程4 (第三版)学生用书词汇部分(1-6课)参考答案【李炳璋提供】

【恒心】新编英语教程4 (第三版)学生用书词汇部分(1-6课)参考答案【李炳璋提供】

新编英语教程4 (第三版)学生用书主编:梅德明副主编:吴赟词汇部分(1-6课)参考答案编辑校对:李炳璋(原名李东升),为人低调,和蔼亲切,耐心细致..............。


本人始终坚信“金杯银杯不如大家的口碑,金奖银奖不如大家的夸奖.......................!”被广大学生亲切地誉为“提分帝”!让很多辅导过的高中生受益,使其在高考中取得较为理想的成绩!让一些大学生顺利通过英语四六级考试!2013和2014届所有由本人亲自教授﹑多次辅导的学生均顺利考上一二本大学!编写时间:2014.01.01Unit 1 This Year It's Going to Be DifferentVocabulary (A)1. (d) boundless: without limits , unlimited2. (g) shriek: cry out with a high sound3. (a) sketch: a rough drawing4. (h) curiosity: the desire to know, find out or learn5. (b) doctor’s kit:a bag or box containing doctor’s instruments and medicine6. (c) pajamas: jacket and trousers for sleeping in7. (i) creativity: the ability to produce new and original ideas and / or things8. (j) garbage: waste material9. (e) cross-examine: question somebody very closely or severely10. (f) accomplish: finish successfully, succeed in doingVocabulary (B)1. admiration:a feeling of respect and approval for a person2. tiptoe: walk on one's toes with the rest of one's feet off ground3. spontaneous: acting immediately from natural feeling4. compliment: an expression of praise , admiration or respect5. escapement: the part of a clock or a watch which controls the moving parts inside6. jovially: in a friendly way, good-humouredly7. carve: cut (wood or stone) into a special shape8. whittle: cut (wood) to a smaller size by taking off small thin pieces9. commotion: great and noisy confusion or excitement10. considerate: thoughtful as far as the feelings or needs of others are concerned11. snarl: speak in an angry , bad-tempered way12. s prawl: stretch out oneself or one’s limbs in a lying or sitting positionUnit 2 SalvationVocabulary (A)1.pray:speak(usually silently) to God, showing love, giving thanks or asking forsomething2. was escorted: was taken3. moan: low sound of pain or suffering4. dire: terrible5. knelt: go down and/or remain on the knees6. jet-black: very dark or shiny black7. rocked: shook or or moved gently8. serenely: calmly or peacefully9. grin: smile broadly10. deceive: make sb. believe sth. that is falseVocabulary (B)1. preach: give a religious talk, usually as part of a service in church2. by leaps and bounds: very quickly3. rhythmical: marked by regular succession of weak and strong stresses, accents,movements4.sermon: a talk usually based on a sentence or “verse”from the Bible and preachedas part of a church service5. braided: twisted together into one plait6. work-gnarled: twisted , with swollen joints and rough skin as from hard work or oldage7. rounder: a person who lives a vicious life, a habitual drunkard8. take his (i.e.,God's) name in vain: use god's name in cursing , speak of god withoutrespect9. punctuate: interrupt from time to time with sth.10. ecstatic: causing great joy and happinessUnit 3 Writing between the linesVocabulary (A)1. contend: argue,claim2. mutilation: destruction3. purchase: buying4. possession: ownership5. transfer: move from one place to another6. dog-eared: having the corners of the pages turned up or down with use so that theylook like a dog's ears7. intact: whole because no part has been touched or spoilt8. indispensable : absolutely , essential9. scratch pad : loosely joined sheets of paper (a pad) for writing notes10. sacred : to be treated with great respectVocabulary (B)1. bluntly: plainly , directly2. restrain: hold back (from doing sth.)3. dilapidated: broken and old; falling to pieces4. scribble: write hastily or carelessly5. unblemished: not spoiled , as new6. crayon: pencil of soft colored chalk or wax , used for drawing7. symphony: a musical work for a large group of instruments8. typography: the arrangement , style and appearance of printed matter9. humility: humble state of mind10. receptacle: a containerUnit 4 Network Designer — Tim Berners-Lee Vocabulary (A)1. (c) zip off: move away with speed2. (f) unencumbered: not obstructed3. (j) nifty: clever4. (a) loose: let out5. (d) noodle around: play about6. (b) span: extend across7. (h) debut: make first public appearance8. (e) the élite: a group of people with a high professional or social level9. (g) juncture: a particular point in time10. (i) sparse: inadequately furnishedVocabulary (B)1. exotic: striking or unusual in appearance2. hack: a person paid to do hard and uninteresting work3. stint: fixed amount of work4. random: chance , unplanned , unlooked for5. reside: be present ( in some place)6. access: the opportunity or right to use or see sth.7. cobble: put together quickly or roughly8. lingua franca: language or way of communicating which is used by people do notspeak the same native language9. quintessential: the most typical10. unconventionally: doing things not in the accepted way11. compromise: sth. that is midway between two different things12. cash in on: profit from; turn to one's advantageVocabulary (A)1. radiate: send out (lights) in all directions2. appreciate: understand fully3. outweigh: are greater than4. hemmed in :surrounded5. habitation: a place to live in6. obscure: make difficult to see7. shatter: break suddenly into small pieces8. haul up: pull up with some effort9. pore: very small opening in the skin through which sweat may pass10. unveiling: discovering, learning aboutVocabulary (B)1. distinctive: clearly marking a person or thing different from others2. spectacular: striking, out of the ordinary, amazing to see3. phenomenon: thing in nature as it appears or is experienced by the senses4. tenure: right of holding (land)5. tempestuous: very rough, stormy6. inclined: likely, tending to, accustomed to7. precipitation: (the amount of) rainfall, snow etc. which has fallen onto the ground8. disintegrate: break up into small particles or pieces, come apart9. granules: small pieces like fine grains10. mercury: a heavy silver-white metal which is liquid at ordinary temperature and is used in scientific instruments such as thermometers11. disrupt: upset, disturb12. cushion: paddingVocabulary (A)1. (f) brush house: house made of small branches2. (i) pulsing and vibrating: beating steadily (as the heart does) and moving rapidly, here “active”, “alert”3. (b) strangle out: get the words out with difficulty in their keenness to speak4. (j) sting: a wound in the skin caused by the insect5. (e) giggle: laugh, not heartily, but often in a rather embarrassed way6. (a) alms-giver: person who gives money, food and clothes to poor people(NB: nowa rather old-fashioned concept)7. (c) residue: that which remains after a part disappears, or is taken or used(here, a metaphor using a chemical term)8. (d) lust: very strong, obsessive desire9. (h) withheld: deliberately refused10. (g) venom: (liquid) poisonVocabulary (B)1. scramble: move, possible climb, quickly and often with some difficulty2. dart: move forward suddenly and quickly3. panting: breathing quickly4. foaming: forming white mass of small air bubbles5. baptize: perform the Christian religious ceremony of baptism, of acceptance into the Christian Church6. judicious: with good judgment7. fat hammocks: (here) the doctor’s thic k eyelids8. cackle: laugh or talk loudly and unpleasantly9. semblance: appearance, seeming likeness10. squint: look with almost closed eyes11. speculation: thoughts of possible profits12. distillate: product of distillation。



Unit SixText I1.Pre-Reading QuestionsThink about the following questions before you read the text.1. How do people usually think of pearl? As an ordinary piece of jewellery? A thing of great value?A useless ornament? Give reasons for your answer.2. What might happen if a very poor person came into possession of a very large pearl of great value? Think of two or three possibilities.For your reference(They are open questions. Let the students air their views freely and exercise their imagination.)2.The Main IdeaMuch of the language of the text is metaphorical, and that makes it difficult for you to understand the meaning of the passage quickly. But it is far from incomprehensible. Go over the text once, not too rapidly, and see how much you understand at first reading.Now answer the following questions:1.What point is made about the news in a town?2.What was the news in the town?3.Who were particularly interested in Kino’s pearl?For your referenceAnswers:1.It travels fast.2.That Kino had found the Pearl of the World.3.The priest, the shopkeepers, the doctor, the beggars, the agents of the buyer of pearls.3.Background Notes(1) colonial animalA colonial animal is an association of individual organisms that are incompletely separated. Life forms such as corals and moss animals are good examples of colonial animals. They are individual organisms that normally exist in mass of large collections.4.TextThe PearlKino, a poor fisherman, has just found a very large and valuable pearl and is going to the nearest town to sell it. He needs money urgently to get medical help for his baby who has just been stung by a scorpion. Before Kino found the pearl, the only doctor available had refused to treat the baby because Kino could not afford to pay for the treatment.A town is a thing like a colonial animal. A town has a nervous system and a head and shoulders and feet. (1)A town is a thing separate from all other towns, so that there are no two towns alike. (2)And a town has a whole emotion. How news travels through a town is a mystery not easily to be solved. News seems to move faster than small boys can (1)scramble and (2)dart to tell it, (3)faster than women can call it over the fences.(4)Before Kino and Juana and the other fishers had come to Kino’s brush house, the nerves of the town were pulsing and (3)vibrating with the news — Kino had found the Pearl of the World. Before panting little boys could strangle out the words, their mothers knew it. (5)The news swept on past the brush houses, and it washed in a foaming wave into the town of stone and plaster. It came to the priest walking in his garden, and it put a thoughtful look in his eyes and a memory of certain repairs necessary to the church. He wondered what the pearl would be worth. And he wondered whether he had baptized Kino’s baby, or married him (6)for that matter. The news came to the shopkeepers and they looked at men’s clothes that had not sold so well.The news came to the doctor where he sat with a woman whose illness was age, thoughneither she nor the doctor would admit it. And when it was made plain who Kino was, the doctor grew (4)stern and (5)judicious at the same time. “He is (7)a client of mine,” the doctor said. “I am treating his child for a scorpion sting.” And the doctor’s eyes rolled up a little in their fat hammocks and he thought of Paris. He remembered the room he had lived in there as a great and (6)luxurious place. The doctor looked past his (7)aged patient and saw himself sitting in a restaurant in Paris and a waiter was just opening a bottle of wine.The news came early to the beggars in front of the church, and it made them giggle a little with pleasure, for they knew that (8)there is no (8)alms-giver in the world like a poor man who is suddenly lucky.Kino has found the Pearl of the World. In the town, in little offices, sat the men who bought pearls from the fishers. They waited in their chairs until the pearls came in, and then they (9)cackled and fought and shouted and threatened until they reached the lowest price the fisherman would stand. But there was a price below which they dared not go, for it had happened that a fisherman in despair had given his pearls to the church. And when the buying was over, these buyers sat alone and their fingers played (10)restlessly with the pearls, and they wished they owned the pearls. For there were not many buyers really — there was only one, and he kept these agents in separate offices to give a (9)(11)semblance of competition. The news came to these men, and their eyes (12)squinted and (10)their finger-tips burned a little, and each one thought how the (13)patron could not live forever and someone had to take his place. And each one thought how with some capital he could get a new start.All manner of people grew interested in Kino — people with things to sell and people with favors to ask. Kino had found the Pearl of the World. (11)The essence of pearl mixed with essence of men and a curious dark (14)residue was (15)precipitated. Every man suddenly became related to Kino’s pearl, and Kino’s pearl went into the dreams, the speculations, the schemes, the plans, the futures, the wishes, the needs, the lusts, the hungers, of everyone, and only one person stood in the way and that was Kino, so that he became curiously every man’s enemy. The news stirred up something infinitely black and evil in the town; (12)the black (16)distillate was like the scorpion, or like hunger in the smell of food, or like loneliness when love is (17)withheld. The poison sacs of the town began to manufacture (18)venom, and (13)the town (19)swelled and (20)puffed with the pressure of it.By John Steinbeck (an excerpt)Words and phrases: (点击文中红色单词或词组,出现该红色部分及e.g.字样,再单击e.g. ,出现例句)1.scramble:v. move somewhere in a hurried awkward waye.g. The man scrambled to his feet(=stood up very quickly and awkwardly)and hurried intothe kitchen.Your students may scramble up the bank of the river to follow you.2.dart: v. move suddenly and quickly in a particular directione.g. His teacher darted forward and pulled him away from the fire.The guard pulls the fire alarm, and the elevator stops, giving the passengers time todart down the stairwell.3.vibrate: v. shake quickly and continuously with very small movementse.g. The floor was vibrating to the beat of the music.The sea began to vibrate with waves that spread out in a circle.4.stern: a. serious and strict, and showing strong disapproval of someone's behaviore.g. Father looked stern at us for a while, and then we went to watch him hunt.Now it takes a stern soul to resist the temptation to check the headlines at least oncewhile you're away.5.judicious: a. done in a sensible and careful waye.g. In an environment of multiple campaigns promoting judicious antibiotic use in children,identification of effective strategies is important.Meditators should learn how to be judicious without being judgmental.6.luxurious: a. very expensive, beautiful, and comfortablee.g. She tried hard to retrieve her luxurious life.The luxurious liner is cleaving through the waves.7.aged: a. advanced in yearse.g. I well remember taking my aged grandfather across a road.He is aged, but his memory is still good.8.alms-giver: n. people who give money, food etc. to poor peoplee.g. But William is an entrepreneur, not just an alms-giver.There can be no friendship between a beggar and an alms-giver.9.cackle: v. laugh in a loud unpleasant way, making short high soundse.g. The women cackled when they saw the movie star step out of the limousine.The teacher let us cut the cackle in the class.10.restlessly: adv. act unwillingly to keep still or stay where a person is, especially because heor she is bored, impatient, or dissatisfied, and wants to do something elsee.g. I bought a rose and restlessly searched for her in the restaurant.As for poor Leo, after turning restlessly for hours, at last he had dropped off into asleep or stupor.11.semblance: n. a situation, condition etc. that is close to or similar to a particular one, usuallya good onee.g. After the war, life returned to a semblance of normality.Pursuing name brands can only create the semblance of wealth, not win actual respect.12.squint: v. look at something with eyes partly closed in order to see bettere.g. He also seems to be slightly blinded by the sun, causing him to squint.Increase the text size if you can. Small text that forces you to squint is much harder onthe eyes.13.patron: n.someone who supports the activities of an organization, for example by givingmoneye.g. A patron of the arts should have deep pockets.He was warmly welcomed at the annual meeting as a celebrated patron of the Hope Project.14.residue: n. a substance that remains on a surface, in a container etc. and cannot be removedeasily, or that remains after a chemical processe.g. In the United States, shredders generate about 5 million tons of shredder residue everyyear.Recently the reports on pesticide residue and unsafe bottled drinking water haveprompted government action.15.precipitate: v. separate a solid substance from a liquid by chemical action, or to be separatedin this waye.g. Diamond is precipitated from the kimberlite magma.If the blood acid content increased, it will also precipitate the formation of stones.16.distillate: n. a purified liquid produced by condensation from a vapor during distilling; theproduct of distillinge.g. Most ships run on bunker fuel, which is cheaper than distillate, but more polluting.U.S. distillate fuel consumption fell 4% last year as a mild winter curbed heating oiluse.17.withhold: v. refuse to give someone somethinge.g. Jack was accused of withholding vital information from the police.The boss withheld payment until they had completed the work.18.venom: n. a liquid poison that some snakes, insects etc. produce when they bite or sting youe.g. The infection or venom from the bite could kill my sheep.The drugs are developed from the venom of poisonous snakes.19.swell: v. become larger and rounder than normal, especially about parts of the bodye.g. His ankle was already starting to swell.The little girl’s arm was beginning to swell up where the bee had stung her.20.puff: v. become bigger by increasing the amount of air inside, or to make something bigger inthis waye.g. He would surely puff out if he ate everything he wanted.Her eyes were puffed from lack of sleep.Notes (点击文中蓝色字体,出现该内容,再点击,出现下面的注释内容)1. A town is a thing separate from all other townsA town is detached from / apart from all other towns; in other words, each town is a separateentity, not joined to or connected with any other town.2.And a town has a whole emotion.This is an example of metaphor. A town is compared to a living being with feelings of all kinds — love, joy, hate, fear, grief, etc.3.faster than women can call it over the fencesfaster than women can talk about it to their neighbours over the fences that separate theirhomes4.Before ... the nerves of the town were pulsing and vibrating with the news — Kino hadfound the Pearl of the World.Before ... the town was alive with the news that Kino had found the Pearl of the World. Here the author wants to show us how fast news travelled. Kino found the Pearl of the World when he was out fishing, but before he reached home, the news had already spread through thewhole town and was on everyone’s lips.5.The news swept on past the brush houses and it washed in a foaming wave into the townof stone and plaster.The brush houses, referring to the houses in the area where the poor fishermen live, which is presumably just outside the town, form a strong contrast with the town of stone and plaster, where the priest, shopkeepers, doctor, and pearl buyers live. Note also how the author uses the figurative language to make the scene more vivid, comparing the news to a body ofwater that swept on and washed in a foaming wave.6.for that matterThis phrase gives emphasis to what he had said. In other words, if he had baptized Kino’s baby or had married him, Kino would be grateful to him and would show him his gratitude.7. a client of mineA client is a person who gets help or advice from any kind of professional. Usually, however,a lawyer has a “client”, whereas a doctor has a “patient” and a shopkeeper has a “customer”.8.there’s no alms-giver in the world like a poor man who is suddenly luckyA poor man who becomes suddenly rich is more generous than any alms-giver.alms — money, clothes or food given to the poor (usually money)Alms has only one form for both singular and plural.Other examples of nouns with plural forms:earnings, savings, surroundings, belongings, goods, remains, headquarters, thanks9. a semblance of competitionan outward appearance of competition that aimed to fool the fishermen10.their finger-tips burned a littleeach of them felt a little uneasy, hoping to start a pearl buying business of his own11.The essence of pearl mixed with essence of men and a curious dark residue wasprecipitated.The great value of the pearl and man’s insatiable desire to possess wealth combine to form a strange sort of wickedness / a strange wicked greed quickly.12.the black distillatea metaphor for the deep, evil feelings and desires of people who were affected by the news13.the town swelled and puffedthe town became vain and conceited / was filled with self-interest and vanityments on the TextThis excerpt is a good example of creativity in writing. It describes the psychology of various kinds of people just before Kino, a poor fisherman, goes to the town to sell the Pearl of the World, which he has found in the sea. The writer, through his excellent use of language, sets the scene for Kino’s arrival in the town and the reader is likely to anticipate with interest the meeting between him and the pearl buyers.What makes it possible for the writer to produce such vivid and immediate description, which leaves the reader with a profound impression of the town, its people and the forces at work in it?1. His close contact with and awareness of different types of people.2. His thorough and profound understanding of “human nature”.3. His keen power of observation and active imagination.4. His effective use of language.6.ExercisesA. Answer the following questions.(先单击出现黑色问题, 后单击出现蓝色答案)1. At what point in the story is the scene of this extract set?It is set before the arrival in town of the central figure, Kino. Kino is going to sell his newly found Pearl of the World.2. What personal details do we know about Kino?Kino is a poor fisherman who lives in a brush house. He has a child. He is in great need of money because his child has been stung by a scorpion and needs treatment. He is eager to sell the pearltoget money to pay for medical treatment of the sting.3. Why does the writer tell us that the shopkeepers looked at men’s clothes that had not sold so well?The shopkeepers are concerned about their business which has not been brisk, so there are a lot of men’s clothes in stock. When they learn that Kino has found a valuable pearl, they think of Kino as a possible buyer of the men’s clothes. Steinbeck tells us about the shopkeepers as an illustration of the effect of Kino’s find on other people.4. What details are given to describe the doctor’s appearance and his thoughts?Why does the writer want to supply us with such information?The doctor “grew stern and judicious at the same time” and his “eyes rolled up a little in their fat hammocks”, which suggests that he is immediately aware of what treating Kino’s child might mean for him. He thinks of Paris, recalling his room there as “a great and luxurious place” and imagines himself eating and drinking in a Parisian restaurant. The writer gives the reader this description to remind us that doctors whose work is curing people can be as money-oriented and pleasure-seeking as anyone else. This acts as a statement about “human nature”.5. How does the writer prepare the stage fo r a “battle” between the pearl buyers and Kino? How does the writer make the reader anticipate the meeting?The writer prepares the stage for the battle by telling us that the pearl buyers were experienced in bargaining with and “beating down” the pearl se llers. As Kino is presumably eager to get as much money as possible because of his child, the reader is likely to be looking forward with interest to the meeting of the two parties.6. Who do “the people with things to sell” and “the people with favours to ask” include?“The people with things to sell” include:1) the priest (who sells spiritual comfort)2) the shopkeepers (who sell men’s clothes)3) the doctor (who sells his medical skill)“The people with favours to ask” include:1) the beggars in front of the church2) the other poor fishers7. What does the writer mean by “The essence of pearl mixed with essence of men and a curious dark residue was precipitated”?The sentence can be interpreted as: The combination of the inestimable value of pearl and the fundamental human vice — greed — resulted in evil intentions and malicious plots. The writer wants to show that when people are obsessed with the idea of money, they are very likely to do evil things.B. Explain the following in your own words.(先单击出现黑色问题, 后单击出现蓝色答案)1. Before panting little boys could strangle out the words, their mothers knew it.The mothers had already learned the news before their sons could stammer it out.2. The news swept on past the brush houses, and it washed in a foaming wave into the town of stone and plaster.The news spread from one brush house to another and continued to travel fast into the town.3. And when it was made plain who Kino was, the doctor grew stern and judicious at the same time.When the doctor realized that Kino was the man who had asked for his help, he became both serious(about the treatment) and wise / clever (about how he could gain).4. And the doctor’s eyes rolled up a little in their fat hammocks and he thought of Paris.For a moment the doctor’s eyes were focused on nothing as his thoughts turned to Paris.5. The news stirred up something infinitely black and evil in the town; the black distillate was like the scorpion, or like hunger in the smell of food, or like loneliness when love is withheld.The news caused a profound “negative force” to be at work in the town. This could be compared to a scorpion, which causes pain, or the hunger created by the smell of food, or feeling of loneliness which comes when love is refused.6. The poison sacs of the town began to manufacture venom, and the town swelled and puffed with the pressure of it.What acted as the “venom-producing bag” of the town, i.e., the increasing self-interest in the townspeople, began to create poison which afflicted the whole town with a negative force.。



新编英语教程第三版4答案【篇一:新编英语教程4第三版comprehensionb】retty clearly, anyone who followed my collection of rules would be blessed with a richer life, boundless love from his family and the admiration of the community.十分明显,遵循我所收藏的规则的人将享有丰富多彩的生活,包括来自家庭无尽的爱和邻居们的羡慕、钦佩。

2、be spontaneous in showing affection.自然的流露你的情感。

3、a sincere compliment is worth its weight in gold.由衷的赞赏别人值得重金以对。

4、meet your child at his own level.从孩子的角度出发对待孩子。

5、there was a series of shrieks down the hall. i found gretchen in tears.一连串尖叫声从大厅传来,我发现格雷在流泪。

6、the most trivial chore can prove rewarding if approached with zest.满腔热情的对待细微琐事将会得到回报的。

7、i struck up a conversation with kit, trying to establish some kind of rapport.我开始了和kit的谈话,并试着建立一种密切的联系。

8、you never bothered with small talk before. why start now?你以前从不会被闲聊打扰,为什么现在会了?unit 21、 every night for weeks there had been much preaching, singing, praying, and shouting, and some very hardened sinners had been brought to christ, and the membership of the church had grown by leaps and bounds.近几周的每天晚上都有人传教、唱歌、祷告、大叫,还有一些已经被救赎的罪人被带到基督教,教会的人数在迅速增长。

新编英语教程4第三版U1-U6 comprehension B

新编英语教程4第三版U1-U6 comprehension B

Pretty clearly, anyone who followed my collection of rules would be blessed with a richer life, boundless love from his family and the admiration of the community.显而易见,只要跟着我整理的规则将拥有一个富裕的生活,还有来自他的家庭和社区那无穷无尽的爱。

Be spontaneous in showing affection.在展示的是自发的感情。

A sincere compliment is worth its weight in gold.真诚的赞美是值得重量的黄金。

Meet your child at his own level.满足你的孩子在自己的水平。

There was a series of shrieks down the hall. I found Gretchen in tears.有一系列的尖叫声大厅。


The most trivial chore can prove rewarding if approached with zest.最琐碎的家务可以证明奖励如果处理的热情。

I struck up a conversation with kit, trying to establish some kind of rapport.我建立了一个谈话装备武器,试图建立一种和睦的关系。

You never bothered with small talk before, why start now?你没耐心地闲谈之前,为什么现在开始吗?Every night for weeks there had been much preaching, singing, praying, and shouting, and some very hardened. Sinners had been brought to Christ, and the membership of the church had grown by leaps and bounds.每天晚上在周已经多了说教,唱歌,祈祷,和叫喊,一些非常坚硬。



目 录Unit 1一、词汇短语二、参考译文三、课文精解四、练习答案Unit 2一、词汇短语二、参考译文三、课文精解四、练习答案Unit 3一、词汇短语二、参考译文三、课文精解四、练习答案Unit 4一、词汇短语二、参考译文三、课文精解四、练习答案Unit 5一、词汇短语二、参考译文三、课文精解四、练习答案Unit 6一、词汇短语二、参考译文三、课文精解四、练习答案Unit 7一、词汇短语二、参考译文三、课文精解四、练习答案Unit 8一、词汇短语二、参考译文三、课文精解四、练习答案Unit 9一、词汇短语二、参考译文三、课文精解四、练习答案Unit 10一、词汇短语二、参考译文三、课文精解四、练习答案Unit 11一、词汇短语二、参考译文三、课文精解四、练习答案Unit 12一、词汇短语二、参考译文三、课文精解四、练习答案Unit 1一、词汇短语Text I1. resolution [7rezE5lju:FEn] n. a resolving to do something决心,决定:determined/ unshakable/ inflexible resolution坚定的决心;come to/ form/ make/ take a resolution下定决心2. bless [bles] vt. to confer well-being or prosperity on保佑,赐福:be blessed with 有幸拥有3. boundless [5baJndlIs] adj. having no boundaries or limits无限的,无边无际的:Stars are twinkling in the boundless sky.在辽阔无垠的天空上到处是繁星闪烁。

4. tiptoe [5tiptEu] vi. to walk or move quietly on one’s toes踮起脚走:She tiptoed to the bedside of the sleeping child.她用脚尖悄悄地走到酣睡的孩子床前。



【例句】Their son is a tremendous eater. 他们的儿子是一个食量极大的人。
as a matter of fact 事实上
n. 分享,参与
【例句】His participation is not welcomed. 他的参与不受欢迎。
pattern [
n. 型,模型;样式;花样,图案
v. 仿制,仿效
【例句】We patterned this plan on the previous one. 我们仿照以前的图样设计了这张
【词组】pattern sth. on/after 根据…做某事,仿造
be bias(s)ed towards 对…偏心
【派生】biased adj. 有偏见的;结果偏倚的,有偏的
adj. 不是故意的,无心的,无意识的
【例句】He is unintentional to break your glasses. 他不是故意打碎你的眼镜的。

Unit 3
In-Class Reading Gender Roles from a Cultural Perspective
n. 性,性别
【例句】The male and female genders are equal. 男性和女性是平等的。

新编大学英语第三版 book4Unit1 part 2 Reading-Centered Activities

新编大学英语第三版 book4Unit1 part 2 Reading-Centered Activities
B. is not often used because it is not very funny
C. is funny even if it is often used
D. is often used because it is funny
6) In the story of the three elderly gentlemen, the punch line
The typical three parts of a joke: 1) setup, 2) body, 3) punch line.
(Paras. 6-12) Different forms of humor: 1) slap-stick, 2) Chinese “cross-talk”, 3) a play on words, 4) puns and double entendres.
2. Xiangsheng (crosstalk)
Xiangsheng, sometimes translated as crosstalk, is a traditional Chinese comedic performance in the form of a dialogue between two performers, or, much less often, a solo monologue or, even less frequently, a multi-player talk show. The language, rich in puns and allusions, is delivered in a rapid, bantering style. Xiangsheng is one of China's foremost and most popular performing arts, and is typically performed in the Tianjin dialect (or in Standard Chinese with a strong Northern Chinese accent).


Lead-In Text Oral Work Guided Writing Comprehensive Exercises
Script From New Year’s Eve - All right. Working on those resolutions, huh? - No. - Okay. I have a delivery here for Mr. Jonathan Cox. - Do you work here? - No. I work for a courier service. I‟ve been delivering packages to you for about, I don‟t know, a year now. But I think this is maybe the first time you‟ve ever looked me in the eye. How are you doing? - Sorry. That‟s actually an old resolution. Make more eye contact. - So those were New Year‟s resolutions, huh? Looks like a long list. You gotta get on it.
Unit 1 This Year It’s Going to Be Different
Lead-In Text Oral Work Guided Writing Comprehensive Exercises
- I don‟t know, maybe next year. - Whoa. Jeez! Are you serious? That is a hot ticket. - Really? - It‟s amazing. They have the best food, the best music. They have so many single girls. And it‟s a masquerade, so you don‟t even have to worry about their faces. You kind of just, you know, use your imagination. If anybody tries to kick you out, or even asks who you are, you just straight-up lie. What are they gonna do? It‟s brilliant. It‟s like Facebook, but real. - I remember who you are now. - Right, exactly. Anyways, I would give my left... Well, maybe next year. - Ms. Withers? Did you call in a delivery of something?



新编英语教程第三版unit4Unit 4Language StructureMain Teaching Points:1.Modal auxiliaries may/might used to express “possibility”eg. It may/might be fine tomorrow.2.Modal auxiliaries should/ ought to expressing “obligation”eg. He should/ought to get up early and take some exercise every day. 3.Modal auxiliaries would rather expressing “preference”eg. I would rather do some reading.4.Modal auxiliaries must and can’t used to express “strong probability”and “impossibility” respectivelyeg. He must be in the gym. // He can’t be there.Useful Expressionsgo-mountain climbing be in good healthtake notice of be weak in / be poor insuffer from sth. live transmission of sports eventsDialogue A Trip to ChinaA. Listening to the recordingB. Questions on specific detailsC. Broad questions:1. Describe the changes in China’s rural areas, particularly in the coastal areas.2. What are the ways in which Chinese farmers get up-to-dateinformation?3. Why college education important for modern farmers?4. Do you believe in “You get what you put in”?D. Language Points1. Fancy meeting you here.=It’s a surprise to meet you here.2. world-renowned/ world-famous世界闻名的eg. 1) Shanghai is a world-renowned cosmopolitan metropolis.上海是国际知名的大都会。



1.About New Year’s Resolutions
B. Top Ten New Year’s Resolutions
• 1) Spend More Time with Family & Friends • 2) Fit in Fitness • 3) Tame the Bulge • 4) Quit Smoking • 5) Enjoy Life More • 6) Quit Drinking • 7) Get Out of Debt • 8) Learn Something New • 9) Help Others • 10) Get Organized
• b. A sincere compliment is worth its weight in gold.
• Practice: He complimented his wife.
• Reaction: Angry, annoyed
• c. Always encourage your child’s curiosity.
• a. Be spontaneous in showing affection.
• Practice: He sneak up on his wife and kissed her on the back of the neck.
• Reaction: His wife shrieked and dropped a cup.
command • 4) be about to—near future
4. Language points
• The use of over in the text
• 1) I tiptoed over and kissed her on the back of the neck. (L.8) • over adv.—across a distance or open space, either towards or away from sb/sth • 2) “What have you been doing over the holidays?” (L.33) • over prep.—during, in the course of (a period or an event) • 3) To ease the situation, I picked up her brand-new sweater from the floor

综合英语教程第三版 4 unit1

综合英语教程第三版 4 unit1

Unit 1, Book 4
4. ______________________________
D. English Country Gardens & Anne Hathaways’s Cottage
Step back in time to visit the full size version of William Shakespeare’s wife’s birthplace, located amidst five acres of the English Inn & Resort’s magnificent country garden estate. This unique and alluring English garden incorporates history with architectural components of classic European design.
Unit 1, Book 4
Explain the meanings of the following words and phrases? be tucked away 位于,隐藏 craggy 陡峭的 令人愉悦的 landscape 风景,做园艺(v.) deliciously tower over 高出 褶皱的 crumpled lush 苍翠繁茂的 glacial 冰川形成的 quintessentially 典型的 ravine 深谷 stride 大踏步走 abbey 修道院 idyllic 田园的 riches 财富 Evocative 唤起回忆或 perch 坐,暂歇
Unit 1, Book 4
2. _______________________
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Pretty clearly, anyone who followed my collection of rules would be blessed with a richer life, boundless love from his family and the admiration of the community.显而易见,只要跟着我整理的规则将拥有一个富裕的生活,还有来自他的家庭和社区那无穷无尽的爱。

Be spontaneous in showing affection.在展示的是自发的感情。

A sincere compliment is worth its weight in gold.真诚的赞美是值得重量的黄金。

Meet your child at his own level.满足你的孩子在自己的水平。

There was a series of shrieks down the hall. I found Gretchen in tears.有一系列的尖叫声大厅。


The most trivial chore can prove rewarding if approached with zest.最琐碎的家务可以证明奖励如果处理的热情。

I struck up a conversation with kit, trying to establish some kind of rapport.我建立了一个谈话装备武器,试图建立一种和睦的关系。

You never bothered with small talk before, why start now?你没耐心地闲谈之前,为什么现在开始吗?Every night for weeks there had been much preaching, singing, praying, and shouting, and some very hardened. Sinners had been brought to Christ, and the membership of the church had grown by leaps and bounds.每天晚上在周已经多了说教,唱歌,祈祷,和叫喊,一些非常坚硬。


The preacher preached a wonderful rhythmical sermon, all moans and shouts and lonely cries and dire pictures of hell.牧师布道宣讲美妙的节奏,呻吟、喊叫、孤独的哭泣以及对地狱恐怖的描述。

And the whole building rocked with prayer and song.整个大楼哄堂祷告和歌唱。

The whole congregation prayed for me alone, in a mighty wail of moans and voices.全会众为我祈祷,仅在一个强大的呻吟和哀号的声音。

Waves of rejoicing swept the place.海浪横扫整个欢乐的地方。

When things quieted down, in a hushed silence punctuated by a few ecstatic “Amens”, all the young lambs were blessed in the name of god.当事情平静下来时,在一个安静的沉默穿插着一些狂喜“阿门”,年轻的羊羔在上帝的名义祝福。

I contend, quite bluntly, that marking up a book is not an act of mutilation but of love.坦率地说,我认为,在书上涂抹标记不是一种损毁行为,而是爱。

But this act of purchase is only the prelude to possession.但这种购买行为仅是拥有的前奏。

Full ownership comes only when you have made it a part of yourself.全部所有权是只有当你让它自己的一部分。

The third has a few books or many——every one of them dog-eared and dilapidated, shaken and loosened by continual use, marked and scribbled in from front to back.第三种人藏书或多——它们中的每一个角,破旧不堪,动摇,因不断使用放松、标记和由前向后潦草写就的。

I’d no more scribble all over a first edition of paradise lost than I’d give my baby a set of crayons and an original Rembrandt!译文:我决不会所有在一本初版的《失乐园》比我给我的孩子一组的原作连同一盒蜡笔交给伦勃朗!If your respect for magnificent binding or typography gets in the way, buy yourself a cheap edition and pay your respects to the author.如果你对华美的装帧和印刷的尊重的话,就给自己买一种便宜的版本,同时对书的作者表达敬意就你。

The physical act of writing, with your hand, brings words and sentences more sharply before your mind and preserves them better in your memory.物理的写作行为,与你的手,带来更严重的单词和句子,你的头脑和保存之前更好的在你的记忆。

But don’t let anybody tell you that a reader is supposed to be solely on the receiving end.但不要让任何人告诉你,读者应该是完全接受的结局。

Understanding is a two-way operation; learning doesn’t consist in being an empty receptacle.理解是一种双向操作;学习不在于作为一个空盒子。

Where excellence is not an act but a habit.卓越不是一种行动而是一种习惯。

These days you can point-and-click anywhere on the planet, unencumbered by time or space or long-distance phone tariffs.这些天你可以透过在地球的任何地方,不受任何时间、空间或是长途电话费率。

Who knew then that from this modest hack would flow the civilization-altering millionaire-spawning, information suck hole known as the World Wide Web?谁知道那从这个温和的黑客会流文明变更的百万富翁产卵,信息吸洞被称为万维网吗?It started, of all places, in the Swiss alps.它开始,到所有的地方,在瑞士阿尔卑斯山脉。

…that could…keep “track of all the random associations one comes across in real life and brains are supposed to be so good at remembering but sometimes mine wouldn’t.”……,可以保持“跟踪所有的随机关联就在大脑在现实生活中,应该是如此擅长记住别人的,但有时我也不会。

”“one had to be able to jump from software documentation to a list of people to a phone book to an organizational chart to whatever.”“人应该能够跳得从软件文档列表,给人们一个电话簿来组织图表,无论什么。

In 1991 the World Wide Web debuted, instantly bringing order and clarity to the chaos that was cyberspace.1991年万维网公开亮相,立即秩序和清晰的混乱是网络空间。

He took a powerful communications system that only the elite could use and turned it into a mass medium.他花了一个强大的通信系统,只有精英阶层可以使用并把它变成了一种大众传播媒介。

Seen from space, the astronauts tell us ,the most distinctive feature of our planet is the ice sheet of Antarctica which “radiates light like a great white lantern across the bottom of the world”从太空上看,宇航员们告诉我们,我们星球的最显著特征是南极洲的冰盖“射出光像一个巨大的白色的灯笼在世界的底部”Yet 160 years ago no one had ever set eyes on this vast continent, let alone set foot on it; and even today man’s tenure of it is unsure and his knowledge comparatively slight.而160年前没有人曾经看上了这个巨大的大陆上,更别提踏上它,甚至今天人类的任期是不确定和他的知识比较轻微。

In fact their differences outweigh their similarities, the arctic is closely hemmed in by the populated landmasses of Europe, America and Asia; the Antarctic in contrast is in splendid isolation, divided from the nearest land by vast reaches of the most tempestuous seas on earth.事实上他们的差异超过他们的相似之处,北极是密切在人口稠密的陆地包围着欧洲、美洲和亚洲;南极相反是在孤立状态下,从最近的土地划分浩瀚的海洋地球上最汹涌。
