Module6 Old and New全单元课件

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2. The terminal building is the largest covered space in the world. terminal n. 1. (火车、公共汽车等的)终点站,总站 2. 航空集散站 adj. 学期末的,期终的;最后的 在上次的期末考试中,我们考得很差。 We did very badly in the terminal exam.
gorge 峡谷
A gorge is a deep, narrow passage with steep(陡峭的) rocky sides
Do you know the reservoir that provides water for your town?
A natural or artificial pond or lake used for storing and controlling water
The Three Gorges Dam
Yangtze River is the world’s third longest river. 序数词+最高级 表示位列顺序/排行 1. 中国是世界第三大国。 China is the third largest country in the world. 2. 黄河是我国的第二长河。 The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.
Mao Zedong wrote a poem _______ in which he dreamed of ―walls of stone to hold _________ back clouds and rain till a smooth lake rises in the narrow gorges‖. Now his dream has _________. come ture The Three Gorges Dam, _____ is the biggest construction project which in China since ____ the Great Wall and the Grand Canal, has been completed now. The dam is nearly 200 metres ____ high and 1.5 kilometres wide ____.
True or False
1.Mao Zedong once dreamed that there would be a great dam to harness the power of the Yangtze River. ( ) 2.The Three Gorges Dam will provide enough hydro-electric power for the whole country. ( ) 3.The dam will generate a lot of electricity causing much less air pollution. ( ) 4.A large number of histrorical relics have been damaged because of the dam. ( )
At the same time the Three Gorges project has flooded some famous including the Qu Yuan historical sites. ________ Temple, and the Moya Cliff carvings. A good many historical relics have been submerged __________. Some of them are being removed ________ and some are being put _______ into museums.
Today the Three Gorges reservoir has ________ flooded many places. Over a million people ______ who lived in the region have moved from their homes. Now they’re _____________ living/ leading a happy new life in different areas.
在攀登悬崖的时候,他的腿摔断了。 He broke his legs while climbing a cliff.
A barrier(障碍物) built across a river to control the flow or raise the level of water
In order to control and make use of the 为了控制和利用尼罗河水,人们修建了阿斯 Nile river, people built the Aswan Dam. 旺大坝。
3. The airport is designed to accommodate 80 million passengers a year.
accommodate vs hold 容纳 hold指“能容纳” 这房子能住下20人。 The house holds 20 people. accommodate指“舒适地容纳”、“接纳 提供住宿(膳食) The hotel can accommodate over 3000 people.
The Panama canal, which connects the Caribbean Sea with the Pacific Ocean, 连接着加勒比海和太平洋的巴拿马运河由法 was first built by the French. 国人始建于 1881年。
A high, steep, or overhanging face of a mountain
Read the text
才饮长江水, 又食武昌鱼。 万里长江横渡, 极目楚天舒。 不管风吹浪打, 胜似闲庭信步, 今日得宽余。 子在川上曰:逝者如斯夫! 风樯动, 龟蛇静, 起宏图。 一桥飞架南北, 天堑变通途。 更立西江石壁, 截断巫山云雨, 高峡出平湖。 神女应无恙, 当今世界殊。
为某人提供某物 provide sth for sb provide sb with sth supply sth to sb supply sb with sth offer sb sth offer sth to sb offer to do sth
He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man
1. dream of 向往,梦想 She dreams of becoming famous one day. His dream of being a doctor has come true. 2. hold back 阻挡,控制(情感),隐瞒 1.The police tried to hold the crowd back. 2.We tried to hold back our laughter. 3.Tell me the truth – don’t hold anything back.
1. The Great Wall of China is the longest man-made structure/building (that has) ever (been) built. 过去分词短语作定语相当于定语从句 1. The lecture given by Professor Wang was wonderful. which was given by Professor Wang 2. The house built last year will be sold to a foreigner. which was built last year
2. The original wall was 6300 km long. original adj.最初的, 最早的, 本来的 谁是这座房子最早的主人? Who was the original owner of this house? 印第安人是美洲最早的居民。 The Indians were the original inhabitants in America.
3. Most of the Great Wall dates from the Ming Dynasty. date n. v. Don't forget to date your letters. date from = date back to 从…时就有;追溯到…
This church dates back to/from 1840. Dynasty n. 朝代,王朝 The Qin Dynasty was founded by Qin Shihuang.
Sun Yat-sen, ____ who was the leader of the 1911 Revolution, first suggested ________ the idea of a dam ______ across the Yangtze River in 1919. Three quarters of China’s energy is produced by burning _______ coal. _____________ Unfortunately burning coal causes serious air pollution and increases ______ global warming.
Module Six
Old and New
Review Geographical terms:
contineHale Waihona Puke Baidut mountain plain equator channel
island river ocean desert strait
lake sea coast range basin
a wide piece of flat land where planes can take off and land
structure n. ①构造, 结构 今天我们学习了大脑的构造。 We learnt about the structure of the brain today. ② 建筑物(可与building互换) 埃菲尔铁塔是世界上最著名的建筑物 之一。 The Eiffel Tower is one of the most famous structures in the world.
Hong Kong International Airport
1. At the time it was built, Chek Lap Kok Airport in HongKong was the biggest civil engineering project of all time. 赤 civil adj. 民用的, 国内的=national 腊 角 1. The American Civil War broke out in 1861. 2. After the war, he left the army and lived a civil life. engineering n. 工程技术;工程学 He is studying engineering at college.
A tornado struck the Hong Kong 上周,一场龙卷风袭击了香港国际机场。 International Airport last week.
A canal is man-made river, made to allow water to flow from one area to another area. eg. the Panama canal