◇ 可靠性高 具有短路保护、过载保护、过热保护、过压保护、过流保护和独立的温度检测保
护电路。 采用先进的静噪技术,创造安静舒适的工作环境 ◇ 远端测量
远端测量功能可用于补偿输出端子到负载之间的电压降。 ◇ OVP 过电压保护
1.2 主要技术特点
◇ 符合中国国家军用标准
GJB572-88《飞机地面电源供电特性及一般要求》的要求 ◇ 符合民用航空行业标准
MH/T 6018-1999《地面静态电源》的要求 ◇ 符合中国国家军用标准
GJB 181A-2003《飞机供电特性》的要求 ◇ 规格多
输出电压0~600V、输出电流0~2000A 、输出功率0-60KW(单机)之内任选。 ◇ 稳压稳流
DLC6000 系列 程控直流稳压稳流电源
首先,感谢您采用至茂 DLC6000 系列直流电源。
DLC系列大功率稳压稳流直流电源采用国际先进的软开关逆变技术,以德国西 门子IGBT和非晶磁芯为核心器件研制而成,本电源提供了高度稳定的输出电压及电 流,并且提供了极大的便利性,以利于各种的运行模式。本电源提供了可安装于19 寸机柜或桌面机型。本产品配置了10圈精密电位器,用于电压及电流的调整。同时 也提供了数字电压,电流表,使用者可以在设定值,实际值或OVP过电压保护值中 切换。它具有有超高的准确性、高精确度、高稳定性等优良电子特性;所以在研究 单位、在实验室,作为可调电源或是生产线上作为产品寿命测试的固定电源。它确 实是最好的选择。再则它更具有完善的保护线路、与遥控线路;更能满足使用者简 单、方便的使用需求。
Citrans 750城域骨干及汇聚节点Citrans 750为标准型10G MSTP设备,提供强大的组网能力,可靠性设计完善,多业务接口丰富,提供灵活的高阶/低阶业务调度和接入能力,是目前获得广泛商用的骨干或大型城域网的汇聚层MSTP节点设备。
产品特点组网能力强Citrans 750支持多达6×10G的线路接口,同时支持最多16个1+1/1:1/2BLSR保护的STM-1/4分支链/环,组网能力强大,适合在复杂的网络环境下构建骨干层传输平台。
优化的多业务承载Citrans 750除支持传统语音业务外,还支持10M/100Mb/s/1000Mb/s全速率的以太网业务,ATM业务;支持以太网业务的透传、交换、汇聚功能,支持GFP/LAPS/PPP封装、虚级联、LCAS、VLAN、STP、RPR、MPLS、ATM业务的统计复用等功能极大优化了数据业务的处理。
支持灵活的低阶业务接口Citrans 750能够根据用户需要灵活配置低阶业务的交叉和接口模块,支持2M业务直接上下,相比于传统的采用低速率设备转接的方式,具有低成本、高可靠性、便于管理等等一系列突出优势。
槽位丰富,扩展性好Citrans 750的槽位数量丰富,且各种业务接口完全通用,能够轻松适应网络结构的调整和业务扩展、升级带来的挑战。
高可用性设计Citrans 750继承了烽火通信传统设备的高可用特性,在设备级提供重要部件的1+1备份;分散式电源供电,背板双电源接入,单盘双电源保护。
纳入OTNM2000/2100统一管理和Citrans/IBAS家族其它成员一起,Citrans 750能够统一纳入OTNM2000管理平台,分享OTNM2000/2100所提供的强大管理功能,提升网络的运维效率。
一、产品简介FTD系列大功率高精度双向直流电源,采用AC-DC、DC-DC双向变换两级架构, AC-DC双向变换采用四象限SVPWM技术,能量双向流动,功率因素高达0.99以上,并网谐波污染小;DC-DC双向变换采用高频电路,输出响应快,输出电压范围宽。
二、产品特点采用两级变换,IGBT电路方式,纯数字化控制,技术领先;四象限工作,能量可双向流动;电路结构采用三相PWM整流逆变 +DC/DC双向变换双级电路,能实现宽范围直流电压输出、控制精度高、动态响应快;采用高频双向DC-DC变换技术,输出直流稳定度高,连续性好; 100%能量回馈,馈网电流污染小,额定工作时谐波<3%;高效工频隔离变压器,直流侧与交流侧电网相互隔离;软硬件多重保护;协议开放,支持第三方指令控制;液晶触摸屏显示控制,多种通讯接口;远程操作提供标准上位机软件,协议开放,支持第三方指令控制; 具有良好的EMC电磁兼容性;试验设备安全可靠,测试精度满足国家标准;四、操作特点FTD采用全数字控制,控制精度高、响应速度快、输出调节范围广,输出具有可编程功能,通过不同的控制软件可用多种场合使用。
FTS30-10 30数控直流开关电源数控直流电源供应器在产品测试、科研实验等现场应用中,经常需要对电源进行各种控制,普通的电源产品功能单一,很难满足用户多功能应用的要求。
8、内置O.V.P 过电压保护线路和O.T.P 过温度保护线路,保护功能完善可靠。
本手册版权归费思科技所有。手册中包含的信息,仅供用户参考,如有更改,恕不另行通知。对本手 册可能包含的错误或由提供、执行和使用本手册所造成的损害,费思科技恕不负责。
费思科技保证FT6300A系列电子负载的规格和使用特性完全达到手册中所声称的各项技术指标,并对本 产品所采用的原材料和制造工艺均严格把关,确保产品稳定可靠。
前言........................................................................................................................................... I 通告........................................................................................................................................... I
第 2 章 安装.......................................................................................................................................... 11
2.1 验货.................................................................................................................................. 11 2.2 清洁..................................................................................................................................12 2.3 安装..................................................................................................................................12 2.4 输入要求..........................................................................................................................12
Pepperl+Fuchs SMART传输器电源KFD2-STC4-Ex1.ES说明书
17-08-09 14:38D a t e o f i s s u e 2017-08-10227919_e n g .x m lConnectionAssembly•1-channel isolated barrier •24 V DC supply (Power Rail)•Input for 2-wire SMART transmitters and current sources •Output for 4 mA ... 20 mA or 1 V ... 5 V •Sink or source mode•Line fault detection (LFD)•Up to SIL3 acc.to IEC 61508FunctionThis isolated barrier is used for intrinsic safety applications.The device supplies 2-wire transmitters in the hazardous area, and can also be used with current sources.It transfers the analog input signal to the safe area as an isolated current value.Bi-directional communication is supported forSMART transmitters that use current modulation to transmit data and voltage modulation to receive data.The output is selected as a current source, current sink, or voltage source via DIP switches.A fault is signalized by LEDs acc. to NAMUR NE44 and a separate collective error message output.Test sockets for the connection of HART communicators are integrated into the terminals of the device.ApplicationThe device supports the following SMART protocol:•HART3Features17-08-09 14:38D a t e o f i s s u e 2017-08-10227919_e n g .x mlGeneral specifications Signal typeAnalog inputFunctional safety related parameters Safety Integrity Level (SIL) SIL 3Supply Connection Power Rail or terminals 14+, 15-Rated voltage U r 19 ... 30 V DC Ripple ≤ 10 %Rated current I r≤ 50 mA Power dissipation ≤ 800 mW Power consumption ≤ 1.2 W InputConnection side field sideConnection terminals 1+, 3-; 6+, 5-Input signal 4 ... 20 mA , limited to approx. 27 mA reverse polarity protected Line fault detection downscaling ≤ 3 mA ; upscaling ≥ 22 mA Voltage drop approx. 5 V on terminals 5-, 6+Available voltage ≥ 15 V at 20 mA terminals 1+, 3-OutputConnection side control side Connection terminals 7-, 8+Load 0 ... 300 Ω (source mode)Output signal4 ... 20 mA or 1 ...5 V (on 250 Ω, 0.1 % internal shunt) 4 ... 20 mA (sink mode), operating voltage 16 ... 28 V Ripple 20 mV rms Fault indication output Output typefault bus signal , open collector transistorTransfer characteristics Deviationat 20 °C (68 °F)≤ ± 20 µA incl. calibration, linearity, hysteresis, loads and supply voltage fluctuations (source mode and sink mode 4 ... 20 mA)≤ 10 mV incl. calibration, linearity, hysteresis and fluctuations of supply voltage (source mode 1 ... 5 V)Influence of ambient temperature< 2 µA/K (0 ... 70 °C (32 ... 158 °F)); < 4 µA/K (-20 ... 0 °C (-4 ... 32 °F)) (source mode and sink mode 4 ... 20 mA)< 0.5 mV/K (0 ... 70 °C (32 ... 158 °F)); < 1 mV/K (-20 ... 0 °C (-4 ... 32 °F)) (source mode 1 ... 5 V)Frequency range field side into the control side: bandwidth with 1 mA pp signal 0 ... 3 kHz (-3 dB) control side into the field side: bandwidth with 0.5 V pp signal 0 ... 3 kHz (-3 dB)Settling time ≤ 200 ms Rise time/fall time ≤ 20 msGalvanic isolation Input/Output safe electrical isolation acc. to IEC/EN 60079-11, voltage peak value 375 V Input/power supply safe electrical isolation acc. to IEC/EN 60079-11, voltage peak value 375 V Output/power supply Basic isolation acc. to EN 61010-1 rated insulation voltage ≤ 50 V Indicators/settings Display elements LEDs Control elements DIP-switchConfiguration via DIP switches Labelingspace for labeling at the front Directive conformity Electromagnetic compatibilityDirective 2014/30/EU EN 61326-1:2013 (industrial locations)ConformityElectromagnetic compatibility NE 21:2006Degree of protection IEC 60529:2001Ambient conditions Ambient temperature -20 ... 70 °C (-4 ... 158 °F)Mechanical specifications Degree of protection IP20Connection screw terminalsMass approx. 150 gDimensions 20 x 124 x 115 mm (0.8 x 4.9 x 4.5 inch) , housing type B2Mountingon 35 mm DIN mounting rail acc. to EN 60715:2001Data for application in connection17-08-09 14:38D a t e o f i s s u e 2017-08-10227919_e n g .x mlInputEx ia, Ex iaDSupplyMaximum safe voltage U m 253 V AC (Attention! U m is no rated voltage.)Equipment terminals 1+, 3-Voltage U o 25.2 V Current I o 100 mAPowerP o630 mW Equipment terminals 5-, 6+Voltage U i< 30 V Current I i < 128 mA Voltage U o 7.2 VCurrent I o 100mA PowerP o 25 mWCertificate PF 10 CERT 1750 X Marking¬ II 3G Ex nA II T4Directive conformityDirective 2014/34/EU EN 60079-0:2012+A11:2013 , EN 60079-11:2012 , EN 60079-15:2010International approvals UL approvalControl drawing 116-0368 (cULus)IECEx approval IECEx CES 11.0005General information Supplementary informationObserve the certificates, declarations of conformity, instruction manuals, and manuals where applicable. Forinformation see .17-08-09 14:38D a t e o f i s s u e 2017-08-10227919_e n g .x ml Factory settings: output as current source 4 mA ... 20 mAPower feed module KFD2-EB2The power feed module is used to supply the devices with 24 V DC via the Power Rail. The fuse-protected power feed module can supply up to 150individual devices depending on the power consumption of the devices. Collective error messages received from the Power Rail activate a galvanically-isolated mechanical contact.Power Rail UPR-03The Power Rail UPR-03 is a complete unit consisting of the electrical insert and an aluminium profile rail 35mm x 15mm. To make electrical contact, the devices are simply engaged.Profile Rail K-DUCT with Power RailThe profile rail K-DUCT is an aluminum profile rail with Power Rail insert and two integral cable ducts for system and field cables. Due to this assembly no additional cable guides are necessary.Power Rail and Profile Rail must not be fed via the device terminals of the individual devices!ConfigurationTransfer characteristicAccessories。
1 license *1
CX-Programmer Ver.9.□
PLC支持软件 操作系统:Windows 2000(Service Pack 4或以上)、XP、Vista或7 (除64位版本外)
1 license *2
注. CX-Programmer版本Ver.8.2或以上支持E20、E30、E40、N20、N30和N40 CPU单元。 CX-Programmer版本Ver.9.03或以上支持E10、E14、N14、N60和NA20 CPU单元。 使用微型PLC版CX-Programmer时,您需要Ver.9.03或以上版本。
型号 CPM2C-PA201
RS-232C适配器 RS-422适配器
输入 AC100~240V输入
( ) I/O链接 点数
( ) I/O链接 点数
( ) I/O链接 点数8点来自( ) I/O链接 点数
输出 DC24V 600mA输出
.3A .8A
H:41. H:62. H:83. H:125 H:187 H:250 H:416 H:624.9
.5A A
.6A A
FT33 FT33 FT33 FT332 FT33 FT33 FT33 FT337 FT331 FT331 FT332
档:(L-N) 4 A .6 A .6 A 6 A .2 A 5.0 A 6.4 A .4 A .6 A .4 A .6A
H:4. H:13 H:20 H:27. H:41 H:62 H:83 H:104 H:138 H:208 H:277
(L-N) 2 A .8 A .8 A 8 A .6 A .5 A .2 A .2 A .8 A .2 A .3A
操作人员不得打开仪器外壳;非专业人员 请勿进行维修或调整
勿在危险环境中 使用
FT6100 用户手册
1. 概述...................................................................................................................................1 1.1. 简介.......................................................................................................................1 1.2. 主要特点...............................................................................................................1 1.3. 外观介绍...............................................................................................................2 1.3.1. 机箱外观......................................................................................................2 1.3.2. 前面板介绍..................................................................................................3 1.3.3. 后面板介绍..................................................................................................3 1.3.4. 接线端子......................................................................................................4 1.3.5. 控制端子......................................................................................................4
Polaris Series 6000i 8x8到192x192光路切换器说明书
DIRECTLIGHT TECHnoLoGyThe Series 6000i 8x8 to 192x192 switch leverages Polatis’ patented, highly reliable piezoelectric DirectLight beam-steering technology that sets the industry standard for lowest optical loss and highest optical performance. Polatis' beam-steering technology can be switched without light being present on the fiber and can also switch bi-directional signals. This allows operators to pre-provision paths, as well as switch intermittent and variable-power test signals, over lit or dark fiber. Ultra-high performance is now available for the 6000i-Ultra in matrix sizes up to 96x96 with <1.0dB max insertion loss.SDn EnABLED WITH USER FRIEnDLy InTERFACESPolatis offers a full complement of Software Defined Networking (SDN) interfaces including NETCONF, and RESTCONF. Optical switching with SDN allows infrastructure vendors and system test operators to dynamically and cost effectively setup, monitor and operate cloud-based test configurations. Polatis works closely with leading SDN companies and research organizations to provide leading edge SDN solutions. In addition, Polatis also offers traditional SNMP , TL1, GPIB, and SCPI command languages that allow for seamless integration with test equipment controller systems. Each switch also has a user-friendly secure web browser GUI interface that can be used to provision, monitor, and control the switch and the switch software can be easily upgraded in the field without affecting in-service switch operations.FLEXIBLE SWITCH MATRIX SIZE oPTIonSThe Series 6000i switch is available in matrix sizes from 8x8 to 192x192 in a variety of matrix configurations, including symmetric (NxN), asymmetric (MxN), and (NxCC) customer configurable, to meet a broad range of testing applications. Polatis offers two different versions of the Series 6000i: the high-performance 8x8 to 96x96 Ultra, and the high-port count 108x108 to 192x192 6000i. The 6000i’s large matrix size,combined with its low loss characteristics, allows for building multistage scalable switch solutions that can grow to interconnect thousands of ports.InTEGRATED FEATURES FoR TEST LAB APPLICATIonSPolatis Series 6000i switches can be customized to incorporate a variety of passive and active components to suit individual customer testing needs. These include options for integrated Optical Power Monitors (OPMs) and optical taps on every connection. The power monitoring can be used to provide Variable Optical Attenuation (VOA) on every connection and the taps can used for signal monitoring or multicast. In addition, Polatis instrument grade switches have a unique user-programmable shutter function that can be used to create single or repeated fiber breaks on any number of switchconnections for network stress testing.SINGLE MODE INSTRUMENT OPTICAL SwITCh FROM 8x8 TO 192x192 PORTS6000iInstrumentOptical Matrix SwitchAchieve More with Optical Switching ™The Polatis Series 6000i Instrument optical switch is a high-performance, fully non-blocking all-optical matrix switch available in sizes from 8x8 up to 192x192. It is designed to meet the highest performance needs of the most demanding test and measurement applications with exceptionally low optical loss, superior connection stability and repeatability in a compact form factor. with support of Software-Defined Networks (SDNs) via embedded NETCONF and RESTCONF control interfaces, the Series 6000i interfaces directly with cutting edge cloud-based network and infrastructure testing applications. The Series 6000i is based on Polatis’ patented DirectLight ® optical switching technology that has been proven in the most challenging defense, data center and telecom applications and is exclusively used by major network equipment manufacturers to automate testing of optical components and subsystems.Series 6000 Ultra 32x32 Optical SwitchSeries 6000 192x192 Optical SwitchKEy FEATURESUltra-high performance now available for the 6000i Ultra in sizes up to 32x32with <1.0dB and 96x96 with <1.2dB max insertion loss• Non-blocking matrix switch sizes from 8x8 to 192x192• Ultra-low insertion loss and superior optical specifications • Exceptional optical stability and repeatability • Dark fiber all-band single mode connectivity • Fully bidirectional optics• Available in NxN, MxN single-sided,and customer configurable (NxCC)any-to-any port configurations • Protocol and bit-rate agnostic up to 400Gbs and beyond • Optional Optical Power Monitoring (OPMs) with user configurable optical power alarms • Optional Variable Optical Attenuation (VOAs) on every switch connection • Programmable port shutter for fiber break simulation • SDN enabled with NETCONF and RESTCONF command interfaces • Configurable interface options with SNMP , TL1, and SCPI control languages • Built-in user-friendly Web GUI • High reliability distributed architecture • High density switching in a compact chassis • Eco-friendly energy efficiency chassis• Supports RADIUS secure user access protocols。
烽火FTTH ONU一体化电源功能简介
烽火通信提供的 AC/DC 和后备电池一体化电源,专为 FTTH ONU 设计,外形如下图所 示。
根据直流电源接口的不同,该电源分为 DC 接头、USB 接头和 PS2 接头 3 种:
1、DC 接头输出
AC 100—240V
的掉电切换电路,保证设备在市电停电的情况下切换到备用电池供电,使设备正常工 作,不受停电的影响,同时输出低电平 AC 掉电告警信号。 7. 增加了电池的容量检测功能和故障上报功能,时刻上报电池实际状态,使用户能够了 解在掉电后设备还能持续工作的时间,及时上报电池故障,便于设备的维护。
充电亮红灯,充饱亮绿灯,停电灯 灭。
产品特色: 1. 宽电压输入,适用于全球范围。 2. 产品体积小,重量轻,容量高,采用倒槽式设计便于安装和拆卸,并且可以拆开单独
热量对电池的影响,提高了电池的安全性能。 6. 采用专用的电池充放电管理电路,时刻检测电池的状态,保证电池正常工作;超快速
的掉电切换电路,保证设备在市电停电的情况下切换到备用电池供电,使设备正常工 作,不受停电的影响。
2、USB 接头输出,带掉电告警功能
Fibre-optic units SOE4Fibre-optic units SOE4Characteristics and product range overview• High precision fibre-optic units• Switching frequencies of up to 8000 Hz• Working ranges of up to 2000 mm• Variants with LED display, switching and analogue outputs• Setting via teach-in• Comprehensive range of light guidesSOE4-FO-L-... with LED SOE4-FO-D-... with LED displayProduct combination SOE4, SVE4, SDE32d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2022/07Fibre-optic units SOE4 Peripherals overview3 2022/07 – Subject to change d Internet: /catalogue/...Fibre-optic units SOE4Type codes4d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2022/07Fibre-optic units SOE4 Data sheet5 2022/07 – Subject to change d Internet: /catalogue/...Fibre-optic units SOE4Data sheet1)For information about the area of use, see the EC declaration of conformity at: /sp d Certificates.If the devices are subject to usage restrictions in residential, commercial or light-industrial environments, further measures for the reduction of the emitted interference may be necessary.2)Corrosion resistance class CRC 4 to Festo standard FN 940070Particularly high corrosion stress. Outdoor exposure under extreme corrosive conditions. Parts exposed to aggressive media, e.g. in the chemical or food industries. Such applications may need to be safeguarded by special tests(dalso FN 940082), using appropriate media.6d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2022/07Fibre-optic units SOE4 Accessories – Ordering data1) With SOE4-FO-L and SOE4-FO-D in standard modeAn attempt was made to obtain a signal at 10% of the working range using a copper wire. The smallest wire diameter that was still detected corresponds to the diameter of the smallest detectable object.2)1) With SOE4-FO-L and SOE4-FO-D in standard mode2) An attempt was made to obtain a signal at 10% of the working range using a copper wire. The smallest wire diameter that was still detected corresponds to the diameter of the smallest detectable object.1) An adapter SASA is included in the scope of delivery for light guides with a light guide diameter of < 2.2 mm7 2022/07 – Subject to change d Internet: /catalogue/...Fibre-optic units SOE4Accessories – Ordering data1) With SOE4-FO-L and SOE4-FO-D in standard modeAn attempt was made to obtain a signal at 10% of the working range using a copper wire. The smallest wire diameter that was still detected corresponds to the diameter of the smallest detectable object.2)1) With SOE4-FO-L and SOE4-FO-D in standard mode2) An attempt was made to obtain a signal at 10% of the working range using a copper wire. The smallest wire diameter that was still detected corresponds to the diameter of the smallest detectable object.1) An adapter SASA is included in the scope of delivery for light guides with a light guide diameter of < 2.2 mm8d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2022/07Fibre-optic units SOE4 Accessories – Ordering data1) Dependent on the light guide2)Light spot diameter 0.7 mm at a distance of 10 mm, dependent on the light guideH-Any light guide not listed here is not suitable for combining with an adapterlens.1) Bending tool for light guide sleeves9 2022/07 – Subject to change d Internet: /catalogue/...Fibre-optic units SOE4Accessories – Ordering data10d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2022/07Festo - Your Partner in AutomationConnect with us/socialmedia 1Festo Inc.2Festo Pneumatic 3Festo Corporation 4Regional Service Center 5300 Explorer DriveMississauga, ON L4W 5G4CanadaAv. Ceylán 3,Col. Tequesquináhuac 54020 Tlalnepantla, Estado de México1377 Motor Parkway Suite 310Islandia, NY 117497777 Columbia Road Mason, OH 45040Festo Customer Interaction CenterTel:187****3786Fax:187****3786Email:*****************************Multinational Contact Center 01 800 337 8669***********************Festo Customer Interaction Center180****3786180****3786*****************************S u b j e c t t o c h a n g e。
二、产品参数型号输出电压输出电流电源效应负载效应纹波和噪声分辨率CV≤0.01%+3mVCC≤0.2%+6mACV≤0.02%+3mVCC≤0.2%+6mACV≤1mVrmsCC≤10mArms10mV 1mAFT3010 0-30V 0-10A10mV 10mA FT3020 0-30V 0-20AFT6005 0-60V 0-5A 10mV 1mAFT6010 0-60V 0-10A 10mV 10mAFT3030 0-30V 0-30ACV≤0.1%+5mVCC≤0.2%+10mA CV≤0.1%+5mVCC≤0.5%+10mACV≤2mVrmsCC≤10mArms100mV100mAFT6030 0-60V 0-30A FT10010-100V 0-10A FT120050-120V 0-5ACV≤0.05%+10mVCC≤0.2%+10mACV≤0.05%+10mVCC≤0.2%+10mACV≤5mVrmsCC≤10mArms1V 10mAFT150030-150V 0-3AFT200020-200V 0-2AFT15100-15V 0-100A 100mV 1A FT3060 0-30V 0-60A 100mVFT3080 0-30V 0-80A 100mAFT6050 0-60V 0-50A FT8030 0-80V 0-30A FT8050 0-80V 0-50A FT30100 0-30V0-100A100mV 1AFT30200 0-30V 0-200A FT60100 0-60V 0-100AFT10030 0-100V 0-30A1V 100mAFT10060 0-100V 0-60AFT1001000-100V 0-100A 1V 1A。
网控直流110电源系统介绍(初稿)编写:兰运学周信运行处2003年7月目录第一章组成 (4)第二章功能 (4)第三章网控直流110V系统的运行方式 (4)第四章蓄电池的运行 (5)第五章充电机(0BTR11、0BTR21、0BTR30)的运行....................................6第六章集中监控器(JKQ200D型)的运行......................................................8第七章系统的绝缘监测及接地故障的处理...................................................10第八章其它 (10)前言为帮助新进入网控值班的运行人员尽快了解相关系统,尽快熟悉相关系统,提高运行值班能力和水平,我们特编辑一些“系统介绍”供相关人员参考,目的是引导大家学习,希望批判性阅读,并在阅读中加以修正和补充,由于水平有限请多提宝贵意见。
第二章功能网控直流110V系统完成以下功能:-提供220KV GIS的控制、操作、信号电源;-提供500KV GIS的控制、操作、信号电源;-提供220KV系统和500KV系统的所有继电保护、自动装置、计算机、通讯装置的直流工作电源;-提供网控楼控制室和主站计算机操作员室的事故照明电源。
第三章网控直流110V系统的运行方式3.1 网控直流110V系统设置有两组蓄电池0BTC10和0BTC20,两段直流工作母线,两段充电母线,三台充电机0BTR11、0BTR21、0BTR30。
E1 智能切换设备MST-F
通过GW UniView®网络管理平台,可以实现设备配置、状态和告警信息查询。
–DC-48V电源供电,功耗:<10W–机箱尺寸:长×深×高(mm)=425mm(19英寸))×220mm×44mm(1U–工作温度:0℃~40℃;储存温度:-30℃~80℃;相对湿度:<95%(无凝结)–- 1 -技术参数MST-F规范和标准–ITU-T G.823-93 以2048kbit/s系列等级为基础的数字网内抖动和漂动的控制–ITU-T G.703-91 系列数字接口的物理/电特性–ITU-T G.704 2048kbit/s帧结构使用条件–工作温度: -5℃~+40℃–相对湿度:≤85%(+30℃时)–大气压力: 70~106Kpa–贮运温度: -25℃~+55℃2M(1+1)保护通道切换设备技术要求–当所有外部供电电源消失时,均应具备掉电直通功能。
远程控制模式下,电源面板上除“ ”外的所有其他按键都被屏蔽,仅能通过编程命令控制电源。若要返回本地操作模式,请按“ ”键即可。
AC-DC双向变换采用四象限SPWM 整流技术,功率因素高达0.99以上,并网谐波污染小。
二、产品特点1) 采用DSP+ARM数字控制内核,全数字化控制;2) 采用AC-DC、DC-DC双向两级变换,采用国际品牌IGBT功率器件,技术可靠;3) 采用高效工频隔离变压器,直流侧输出与交流侧电网完全隔离;4) 直流侧适应电压范围宽,即使电压较低时仍然可以满足大电流的使用工况,适应多种电压范围电池系统测试;5) 四象限控制,输入功率因数高,额定功率下可达0.99以上,对电网无谐波污染;6) 放电能量纯正弦波回馈电网,电流谐波<3%(额定功率),回收效率93%以上;7) 能量双向流动,自动向电网回馈,精度高、速度快、支持电机测试能量反灌;8) 具有双向直流电源、回馈式电子负载双重功能;10)负载具有恒压(CV)、恒流(CC)、恒功率(CP),恒阻(CR)四种测试模式;11)协议开放,支持第三方指令控制。
三、产品功能直流电源输出功能● 具有恒压、恒压限流、恒功率多种输出模式;● 能量双向流动,支持测试能量反灌;● 吸收被测设备能量向电网回馈,节能减排测试效率高;● 支持可编程测试。
四、产品应用● 电动汽车电机、控制器测试;● 电动汽车动力总成系统测试;● 电动汽车电传动系统测试;● 燃料电池电堆、燃料电池发动机系统测试;● 特种电动车辆电机、控制器测试;● 特种电动车辆传动系统、动力总成系统测试;● 储能系统变流器测试;● 船舰电传动、电驱动系统测试;● 轨道交通电气设备测试;● 普通电机系统测试;● 充电机、充电桩、电池包测试;● 超级电容充放电测试。
Eaton FX 3100 单相输出可中断电源指南说明书
LINE INTERACTIVE UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLYGUIDE SPECIFICATION:EATON FX 3100, SINGLE PHASE OUTPUT, UNINTERRUPTABLE POWER SYSTEMPART 1 – GENERAL1.01SUMMARYA.The Eaton Ferrups FX is an industrial platform of Line-Interactive, Ferro-ResonantTransformer-based, UPS Platform of Products ranging from 1kVA to 18kVA Power Ratings.The Eaton Ferrups FX products shall be designed for tower mount, and for 60 Hz operation.The Eaton Ferrups FX will be designed for the North American market with the followingconfiguration(s):1.FX3100- Small Tower ChassisThe UPS shall operate in conjunction with the existing building electrical system to protectelectronic equipment from power disturbances that may occur in utility power such as powerfailures, power sags, power surges, under voltages, over voltages, electrical line noise,switching transients, and harmonic distortion.1.02SYSTEM DESCRIPTIONA.Modes of Operation: The UPS shall operate as a line interactive, ferroresonant, UPS with thefollowing operations modes:1.Standby Mode: The UPS is in standby mode and powered with utility voltage but the outputhas not yet been turned on or was on and has been turned off. When in standby mode the ACutility voltage generates the 24V used to power the power supply board and control board. Theflyback power supply on the AC board (TX1) generates all necessary voltages. The fansignal(s) are then sent from the control board to power the DC fans. If the FX UPS UPSincludes AC fans connected to the output, these would remain off during standby. Standbymode also allows the customer to connect to USB or network cards to monitor the UPSremotely.2.Line Mode: Line mode is the most common operational mode of the UPS. This representsnormal operation. When in line mode, the charger is off either because the batteries are fullycharged, or the customer has commanded the charger to be off. The UPS supplies load throughthe ferroresonant transformer and the batteries are not being used. The UPS enters line modeby using the on-off switch on the UPS or by commanding “Auto” on the RCD. Depending onthe utility input voltage, the UPS could be on the bypass, buck, or boost tap supplying load.The RCD also gives the option to put the UPS in line conditioning mode, which is for testing.Line conditioning puts the UPS in line mode but prohibits transfer to battery if voltage rises orfalls out of range for voltage regulation.3.Charger Mode- Charger mode offers the same functionality as line mode except the batterycharger is being used on the inverter board. The utility voltage generates a voltage on theinverter winding of the ferroresonant transformer, which is used as the input to the batterycharger. This AC voltage is rectified through a diode bridge before being used in the batterycharger circuit. The UPS will charge the batteries any time the charging control algorithmdetermines the batteries need to be charged (so long as the charger has not been disabled). Ifthe battery voltage is lower than the peak of the inverter winding voltage, the batteries will bepeak charged regardless of if the charger is enabled or disabled.4.Line Conditioning Mode- Line conditioning mode is a testing mode for the UPS. When theUPS is in line conditioning mode the UPS provides power to the output through theferroresonant transformer; however, should input utility fail the UPS will not transfer tobattery. Line Conditioning Mode must be set through the RCD.5.Battery Mode- The UPS switches to battery mode when input utility voltage is not healthyenough to provide the output voltage. This could be from high/low line voltage or high/lowline frequency. When the input voltage exits the acceptable ranges the UPS transfers to batterymode and supplies load through the stored energy. A combination of the ferroresonanttransformer and the ferro-tank capacitors help maintain the load during the transfer. This ishow FX UPS is able to provide 0 ms transfer time. The UPS operates in battery mode untileither the UPS reaches battery DC undervoltage or until a healthy utility voltage returns. Whenon battery mode, the UPS powers the flyback power supply on the AC board through a batteryboost converter circuit (for 48V battery models) or directly through the battery voltage for120V battery models.6.Keep Alive Mode- The UPS enters keep-alive mode when the UPS reaches DC undervoltageafter operating in battery mode. For 48V battery FX UPS models, keep-alive mode duration isset in FW. When the keep-alive time is exceeded, the battery boost converter on the AC boardis disabled. At this time, the battery can no longer power the flyback power supply and theUPS shuts off completely. When the UPS is in Keep-alive mode, the output of the UPS is off.However, similar to standby mode, all communication options including USB and networkcards are available for customer use. Should the utility voltage return during keep-alive time,the UPS can return to its functional state if the customer enables the output again.1.03 APPLICABLE STANDARDSThe UPS shall be designed in accordance with the applicable sections of the current revision ofthe following documents. Where a conflict arises between these documents and statements madeherein, the statements in this specification shall govern.Regulatory Requirements: The UPS shall be listed or certified to the following agencyrequirements or standards:1.UL1778 5th edition2.CSA C22.2 No.107.33.NOM4.CE5.FCC 47 CFR6.EN 62040–2 (UPS EMC)7.IEC 61000 —2–2 (Environment)8.EN 61000–4–2 (ESD)9.EN 61000–4–3 (Radiated field 80–1000 MHz)10.EN-61000 – 4–4 (Fast transient / burst)11.EN-61000 — 4— 5 (surge)12.EN-61000–4–6 (Conducted radio frequency common mode)13.EN-61000–4–8 (Immunity to power-frequency magnetic field)14.ROHS15.WEEE16.REACHSeismic RequirementInternational Building Code (IBC) 2009, Site Classification D, Importance Factor 1.5California Building Code (CBC) 2010, Site Classification D, Importance Factor 1.5California State Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD), SpecialSeismic Certification per CBC section 1708A.5 and ASCE/SEI 7-05 Section SUBMITTALSProposal Submittals:1.Bid requirement bill of materials.2.Product catalog sheets or equipment brochures.3.Product guide specifications.4.System single-line operation diagram.5.Installation information, including weights and dimensions.rmation about terminal locations for power and control connections.7.Drawings and details for requested optional accessories.Delivery Submittals:er Manual: One copy of a concise User or Operation Manual will be submittedincluding:a.Instructions for storage, handling, examination, preparation, installation, and start-up ofUPS.b.Instructions for operating the system.Final Test Printout:1.One printed copy of a Final Test Printout will be submitted. The Final Test Printout shallindicate all of the values of adjustable settings of the UPS being tested.Equipment Drawings:1.Interconnect drawings.2.Battery wiring diagram.3.UPS one-line drawings.4.Equipment outline drawings.1.05 WARRANTYStandard Warranty - The UPS shall be covered by a Two-Year Standard Warranty. Thewarranty shall cover defects in material and workmanship for a period of two years.$250,000 Computer/Load Protection Guarantee - UPS manufacturer shall repair or replaceprotected equipment if it is damaged due to an AC line surge, spike, or other transient whenprotected by the properly installed and applied UPS.PART 2 – PRODUCTS2.01 MANUFACTURERSThe Eaton FX UPS system is manufactured by Eaton Corporation.2.02 QUALIFIED MODELSQualified models shall be: FX3100 Model2.02 COMPONENTSStandard UPS System will include a minimum of (1) Transformer, (1) Inverter and (1) Batterysystem.1. Ferroresonant Transformer - The transformer used in the Eaton Ferrups FX UPS is aferroresonant transformer designed to operate over a wider input voltage window with a buckand a boost tap added. The range over which a “ferro” must operate governs its size, weight and cost. By reducing the operating range and adding taps, each tap operates over roughly one thirdthe normal input range, reducing the size of the transformer. An AC capacitor is connected tothe resonant (secondary) winding of the transformer forming a tank circuit (energy is stored inthe capacitor and in the magnetic circuit). This provides the resonant circuit function whichcontributes to the output voltage regulation. While the ferroresonant varies in power rating andoutput voltage options depending on the need of the customer, its functionality remains the same across all Eaton Ferrups FX UPS models. When operating on inverter, the ferroresonanttransformer shall provide zero transfer time switching, voltage regulation, and inverter outputfiltering.2.Inverter - The UPS inverter shall convert the DC power from the batteries into an ACwaveform to be filtered by the ferroresonant transformer. The inverter shall be a pulse-widthmodulated (PWM) design.3.AC Line Board - The AC board includes an EMI filter, TMOVs, relays & relay drivers, inputfuse(s), SCRs, and the main power supply generating 24V_SELV from either the input ACvoltage or battery voltage. The AC board output is connected to the primary winding of theferroresonant transformer. The AC board takes the input voltage & battery voltage, and itgenerates 24V_SELV and all the required power supplies for different components in AC board (relay gate drive, SCR gate drive, hall effect sensor, fan circuit, etc.). The Fan drive circuit onthe AC board provides the appropriate power for 12V DC fan. 24V_SELV generated in ACboard is sent to power supply board to generate all the required power supplies in the system.4.Battery Charger - The battery charger is a boost converter that converts the rectified ACvoltage (from AC winding “1” to “4” of the ferro) to battery voltage. The boost circuit works toboost the rectified AC voltage when the charger is turned on by the UPS firmware.5.Batteries - The UPS shall include sealed valve-regulated lead acid (VRLA) batteries sizedproperly to provide the runtime desired.6.Remote Control Display (RCD) - The Remote-Control Display shall allow communicationswith the UPS to display the UPS status as well as program operational modes and firmwareparameter values. The Remote-Control Display shall be attached to the front of the UPS and beremovable to allow handheld ease of use. The Remote-Control Display shall have a magneticstrip to allow mounting to external metal surface. The Remote-Control Display ethernet cableshall be 28 inches long with the option to be extended up to 150 feet with a customer supplied ethernet cable. The Remote-Control Display shall provide an audible alarm during an alarm condition. The Remote-Control Display shall consist of a 16-key keypad, status LEDs to reflect the status of UPS Ready, Battery Power, and Alarm, a 20-character x 1 line display.B Ports - UPS shall have two full-speed USB ports. Only one port can be active at a time.Port control is accomplished via the RCD. The front USB service port is for debugging and flashing of the UPS firmware and is disabled by default. The back USB customer port is used for monitoring software IPP / IPM.munication Slots – The UPS shall incorporate two communication bay slots to allow theUPS to communicate in a variety of networking environments and with different types ofdevices. The Eaton Ferrups FX has two available communication bays for SNMP/Web, AS400 relay capabilities, etc.9.Remote Emergency Power Off (EPO) connection - The UPS shall provide a built-in landingfor field connection of a Remote Emergency Power Off circuit. Upon initiation of the REPO circuit, the output will be de-energized, and battery will be disconnected, preventing power from being delivered to the attached loads.10.Remote ON/OFF connection - If active the UPS output turns off regardless of mode ofoperation. Auxiliary power, communications and rectifier/battery charger shall remainfunctional.11.Floor Mounting Brackets – The UPS shall provide floor mounting brackets as a protectivestop to prevent the cabinet from rolling forward if unintentionally pushed.12.(Option) External Mounted Maintenance Bypass Module - An externally mounted MakeBefore Break Bypass Module or Break Before Make can be ordered as needed for use with the UPS.Bypass Model Number Ratings (UL/CSA) Continuous Ratings (TÜV) Continuous BPEFXMBB02 40A/300 Vac 50A/300 VacBPEFXBBM02 40A/300 Vac 50A/300 Vac13.(Option) External Battery Cabinets - Battery cabinets can be ordered for extended runtimerequirements.Runtime Option Cabinet Type Battery TypeFXEBM01 Type N Qty 8 (12 volt)FXEBM03 Type P Qty 12 (12 volt)FXEBM04 Type P Qty 12 (12 volt)FXEBM06 Type P Qty 12 (12 volt) 14.(Option) Connectivity –Communications OptionsPredict Pulse Intelligent PowerProtector Intelligent PowerManagerNetwork – M2 CardIndustrial Gateway – M2 Relay Card - MS Industrial Relay – M2 2.03 PERFORMANCE REQUIRMENTS1. AC Mains Voltage • The UPS shall operate on the following nominal AC mains voltage: Nominal Voltage L-N Input Voltage Range 120V 88-144 Vac2. Ac Mains Frequency • The design operating frequency range, without transferring to battery power, shall be nominal 60 Hz ± 3 Hz.3. Input Power Factor • The input power factor shall be .95 or greater.4. Batteries and Charger• The battery charger shall utilize Advanced Battery Management (ABM). • The UPS battery charger shall be rated at 20 amps. •Battery type: Valve Regulated Lead Acid (VRLA), non-spillable, lead acid cells, maintenance free. • The float voltage shall be 2.30 V/ cell. • ABM charge time will be 48 hours. •ABM rest time will be 48 hours.ABM shall perform three tests of the battery:• Charge mode test- ensures the battery string reaches 2.3 VPC within the float or charge period. • Rest mode test- ensures the battery string does not fall below 2.1 VPC within the rest period. • Battery discharge test- will discharge the battery string automatically every 90 days. 5. Capability for addition of external battery cabinets to increase total runtime. Battery runtimes are approximate and vary depending on load configuration, battery charge, and environmental conditions. FX runtime options are located below. Eaton Ferrups FX 3100 Runtimes FX EBM Option Runtime Ah / Rating /DC Voltage Full Load Half Load ** Standard Internal Batteries only** 14 Minutes 35 Minutes 33 Ah/ 1 String / 48V ** FXEBM01 w/o UPS Internal Batteries** 139 Minutes 355 Minutes 70 Ah/ 2 Strings / 48V ** FXEBM01 With UPS Internal Batteries** 189 Minutes 405 Minutes 33 Ah/ 1 String / 48V 70 Ah/ 2 Strings / 48V *** FXEBM03 w/o UPS Internal Batteries*** 232 Minutes 551 Minutes 70 Ah/ 3 Strings / 48V *** FXEBM03 With UPS Internal Batteries*** 282 Minutes 601 Minutes 33 Ah/ 1 String / 48V 70 Ah/ 3 Strings / 48V *** FXEBM04 w/o UPS Internal Batteries*** 309 Minutes 730 Minutes 100 Ah/ 3 Strings / 48V *** FXEBM04 With UPS Internal Batteries*** 359 Minutes 780 Minutes 33 Ah/ 1 String / 48V 100 Ah/ 3 Strings / 48V*** FXEBM06 w/o UPS InternalBatteries*** 515 Minutes 1159 Minutes 140 Ah/ 3 Strings /48V*** FXEBM06 With UPS InternalBatteries*** 565 Minutes 1209 Minutes 33 Ah/ 1 String / 48V140 Ah/ 3 Strings /48V6.Surge ProtectionThe Eaton Ferrups FX UPS provides 2000-to-1 spike attenuation. Tested using lightning standard per ANSI/IEEE C62.41 Category A (6000V spike and 200A) and Category B (6000V spike and 3000A) test, and ANSI/IEEE C62.45 test procedures.7.AC Output•Waveform — Sinusoidal•Power Rating— 3.1kVA / 2.2kW•Output Voltage —Output Voltage Regulation in battery mode operation shall be < 5%•Output voltage regulation online shall be < 5% of nominal voltage.•Output Frequency — ±60Hz only•Output Voltage Regulation — Output Voltage Regulation in battery mode operation shal l be < 5%o Output voltage regulation online shall be < 5% of nominal voltage.•Output Voltage Distortion (THD) — <10% at full resistive load, under normal operating conditions and with the batteries fully charged with the charger in the rest mode.connection between input and output, and less than 2 pF of effective input to outputconnection between input and output, and less than 2 pF of effective input to outputcapacitance.8.Transfer Time•Transfer to Battery Mode operation from Normal Mode operation in zero milliseconds.9.Overload Ratings•On line with 101 - 124% load, shutdown in 10 minutes•On inverter with 101 - 110% load, shutdown in 10 minutes•On line with more than 125% load, shutdown in 10 seconds•On inverter with more than 110% load, shutdown in 10 seconds10.Environmental•Temperature — 0° to 40° (32° to 104°)•Humidity— 0–95% noncondensing•Altitude —The maximum operating ambient temperature decreases 1° C per 300 m above sea level (2° F per 1000 ft above sea level). Maximum elevation is 10000 m(32,808 ft)•Cooling — Forced air cooling.•Heat dissipation— FX3100 —905 BTU•Audible noise —FX3100 online 65 db, on battery 62db.2.03 OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTSUser Interface Panel1.Control FunctionsThe UPS Remote Control Display shall allow the user to control:•All modes of operation.•The battery charger.•System diagnostic tests.•Silencing the alarm.2.Metered ParametersThe UPS shall monitor and display via the User Interface Panel the following values:•AC Mains Voltage•UPS Output Voltage•UPS Output Current•Volt-Amps Out•UPS Input Current•UPS Output Current•Battery Voltage•Battery Current•Frequency•Estimated Battery Runtime•Ambient Temperature•Inverter Temperature•Transformer Temperature•Full Load%•Watts Out•Load Power Factor3.The UPS shall provide a log containing events and alarms. The log shall display event numberand if the event or alarm has CLR (cleared) or SET (set). Accessible via the Remote-Control Display.4.The UPS shall provide a log containing the results of each battery test. Accessible via theRemote-Control Display.er Adjustable Set-pointsThe UPS User Interface Panel shall allow the user to access and program:•Alarm set-points and parameters.•Communication set-points and parameters.•Sensitivity set points and parameters for generator operation.•Diagnostic test set-points and parameters.6.Status LEDsThe UPS shall provide LEDs designating:•AC Line— AC mains available.•Ready— UPS is ready to supply battery power.•Charger— Battery charger is ON.•Battery Power —UPS is operating on battery power.•Alarm —An alarm condition exists.7.Alarms•The UPS shall notify the user of alarm conditions via LED illumination, contact closure, and audible alarm tone for each alarm condition.•The following alarm conditions shall be monitored:UPS AlarmsInverter Over Temperature CTO Configuration Error Fan FailureInternal CAN Failure Inverter Output Over Current OS FailureSite Wiring Fault Gate Drive Power Supply Fail Battery Current LimitLevel 2 Overload Batteries Disconnected Input Over CurrentEEPROM Failure System Initialization Error Inverter Over Temperature TripDVR Over Current Battery Low FPGA FailureOutput Overload Trip Ambient Overtemperature Trip Battery DC Over VoltageLow Battery Shutdown Power Supply 5 Volt Fault Charger Over TemperaturePWR Board EE Failure Battery test Failed Ambient Over TemperatureSCR Over Temperature Battery Needs Service Fuse FailureBattery DCUV Imminent SCR Over Temperature Trip DVR Over TemperatureDV Over Temperature Trip Transformer Over Temperature Transformer Over Temperature Tri p PART 3 – EXECUTION1.Install in accordance with manufactures instructions and associated User and InstallationsManual.2.Procedures shall be provided to allow Startup and commissioning by the customer.。
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强大的信号监控能力FTP强大的复合信号端口可实现丰富的外部监测和控制功能,端口见下图:图信号端口①.IMON+ 电流输出监视②.VMON+ 电压输出监视③.IMON- 电流输出监视④.VMON- 电压输出监视⑤.VSET+ 电压编程输入⑥.ISET+ 电流编程输入⑦.VSET- 电压编程输入⑧.ISET- 电流编程输入⑨.GNDA 模拟地⑩.TTL0 数字信号输出端口⑪.MODE输出模式指示端口⑫.TTL1数字信号输出端口⑬.OV输出过压指示端口⑭.TTL2数字信号输出端口⑮.FAULT故障指示端口⑯.TTL3数字信号输出端口⑰.On/Off输出控制端口⑱.DC_ON输出电压监视端口⑲.保留⑳.GND数字地快速调用:快速调用功能减少了按键操作,只需按一个数字键便能调用已保存的电源设置参数。
部分界面如下:图电源显示画面①.电源规格显示区②.操作显示区③.状态指示区④.采样回显区1.图电压限定界面2.图保护设定界面3.图主从级联设定界面4.图系统参数设定界面四、产品参数型号规格FTP020-40-120 2KW/40V/120AFTP020-80-60 2KW/80V/60AFTP020-160-30 2KW/160V/30AFTP020-300-16 2KW/300V/16AFTP020-600-8 2KW/600V/8AFTP020-1000-5 2KW/600V/5AFTP032-40-120 3.2KW/40V/120AFTP032-80-60 3.2KW/80V/60AFTP032-160-30 3.2KW/160V/30AFTP032-300-16 3.2KW/300V/16AFTP032-600-8 3.2KW/600V/8AFTP032-1000-5 3.2KW/1000V/5AFTP065-40-240 6.5KW/40V/240AFTP065-80-120 6.5KW/80V/120AFTP065-160-60 6.5KW/160V/60AFTP065-300-32 6.5KW/300V/32A FTP065-600-16 6.5KW/600V/16A FTP065-1000-10 6.5KW/1000V/10A型号FTP020-1000-5FTP020-600-8FTP020-300-16FTP020-160-30FTP020-80-60FTP020-40-120电压0~1000V 0~600V 0~300V 0~160V 0~80V 0~40V 电流0~5A 0~8A 0~16A 0~30A 0~60A 0~120A 功率2000W电压编程分辨率17mV 10mV 5mV 3mV 1.5mV 1mV 精度0.1%+0.1%F.S.电流编程分辨率0.1mA 0.15mA 0.3mA 0.5mA 1mA 2mA精度 0.1%+0.2%F.S. 0.1%+0.3%F.S外部模拟编程控制电压0~5V或0~10V对应0~100%F.S. 电压精度0.2%F.S.电流精度0.5%F.S.线性调整率电压0.01%+0.01%F.S.电流0.02%+0.01%F.S.负载调整率电压 0.01%+0.01%F.S. 0.01%+0.05%F.S.电流0.02%+0.1%F.S.电压测量分辨率17mV 10mV 5mV 3mV 1.5mV 1mV精度0.1%+0.1%F.S.电流测量分辨率0.1mA 0.15mA 0.3mA 0.5mA 1mA 2mA精度0.1%+0.2%F.S. 0.1%+0.3%F.S.输出噪声&纹波电压纹波(p-p)450mV 300mV 100mV 100mV 80mV 60mV 电压纹波(rms)80mV 60mV 40mV 40mV 20mV 20mV上升斜率电压5V/ms(max)电流2A/ms(max)OVP设定范围0~110%F.S.瞬态响应时间典型值1mS,负载变化50%,电压恢复至精度范围内所需时间效率0.9 (Typical)级联控支持电源主从方式并、串机扩容制通讯接口RS232和LAN输入190VAC~265VAC,频率47HZ~63HZ,PF:0.98(Typical) 工作温度0℃~40℃存储温度-20℃~70℃使用海拔<2000m尺寸(mm)430(W)* 88(H)*453(L)重量15kg型号FTP032-1000-5FTP032-600-8FTP032-300-16FTP032-160-30FTP032-80-60FTP032-40-120电压0~1000V 0~600V 0~300V 0~160V 0~80V 0~40V 电流0~5A 0~8A 0~16A 0~30A 0~60A 0~120A 功率3200W电压编程分辨率17mV 10mV 5mV 3mV 1.5mV 1mV 精度0.1%+0.1%F.S.电流编程分辨率0.1mA 0.15mA 0.3mA 0.5mA 1mA 2mA精度 0.1%+0.2%F.S. 0.1%+0.3%F.S外部模拟编程控制电压0~5V或0~10V对应0~100%F.S. 电压精度0.2%F.S.电流精度0.5%F.S.线性调整率电压0.01%+0.01%F.S.电流0.02%+0.01%F.S.负载调整率电压 0.01%+0.01%F.S. 0.01%+0.05%F.S.电流0.02%+0.1%F.S.电压测量分辨率17mV 10mV 5mV 3mV 1.5mV 1mV精度0.1%+0.1%F.S.电流测量分辨率0.1mA 0.15mA 0.3mA 0.5mA 1mA 2mA精度0.1%+0.2%F.S. 0.1%+0.3%F.S.输出噪声&纹波电压纹波(p-p)450mV 300mV 100mV 100mV 80mV 60mV 电压纹80mV 60mV 40mV 40mV 20mV 20mV型号FTP065-1000-FTP065-600-FTP065-300-FTP065-160FTP065-80-1FTP065-40-2波(rms )上升斜率电压 5V/ms(max) 电流2A/ms(max) OVP 设定范围 0~110%F.S.瞬态响应时间 典型值1mS ,负载变化50%,电压恢复至精度范围内所需时间效率 0.9 (Typical)级联控制 支持电源主从方式并、串机扩容通讯接口 RS232和LAN输入 190VAC~265VAC ,频率47HZ~63HZ ,PF :0.98(Typical)工作温度 0℃~40℃存储温度 -20℃~70℃使用海拔 <2000m尺寸(mm ) 430(W)* 88(H)*453(L)重量15kg10 16 32 -60 20 40电压0~1000V 0~600V 0~300V 0~160V 0~80V 0~40V 电流0~10A 0~16A 0~32A 0~60A 0~120A 0~240A 功率 6500W电压编程分辨率17mV 10mV 5mV 3mV 1.5mV 1mV精度0.1%+0.1%F.S.电流编程分辨率0.2mA 0.3mA 0.6mA 1mA 2mA 4mA精度 0.1%+0.2%F.S. 0.1%+0.3%F.S.外部模拟编程控制电压0~5V或0~10V对应0~100%F.S. 电压精度0.2%F.S.电流精度0.5%F.S.线性调整率电压0.01%+0.01%F.S.电流0.02%+0.01%F.S.负载调整率电压 0.01%+0.01%F.S. 0.01%+0.05%F.S.电流0.02%+0.1%F.S.电压测量分辨率17mV 10mV 5mV 3mV 1.5mV 1mV 精度0.1%+0.1%F.S.电流测量分辨率0.2mA 0.3mA 0.6mA 1mA 2mA 4mA精度 0.1%+0.2%F.S. 0.1%+0.3%F.S.输出噪声&纹波电压纹波(p-p)450mV 300mV 100mV 100mV 80mV 60mV电压纹波(rms)80mV 60mV 40mV 40mV 20mV 20mV上升斜率电压5V/ms(max)电流2A/ms(max)OVP设定范围0~110%F.S.瞬态响应时间典型值1mS,负载变化50%,电压恢复至精度范围内所需时间效率0.9 (Typical)级联支持电源主从方式并、串机扩容通讯接口RS232和LAN输入190VAC~265VAC,频率47HZ~63HZ,PF:0.98(Typical)工作温度0℃~40℃深圳市宇捷弘业科技有限公司存储温-20℃~70℃度使用海<2000m拔尺寸430(W)* 177(H)*503(L) (mm)重量28kg。