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2. 反讽有将自己孤立起来的倾向,一般地不希望自 己被理解。但力求构成一个社会,由于它不能把自 己提高到集体的观念,于是在底下团体中实现自 己。 ” 德莱 塞的《嘉莉妹妹》的立意角度和意识 形态都与传统相悖,在当时势必不能得到应和。因 此在《嘉莉妹妹》中,德莱塞运用全知视角,即作 品中的人物、故事、场景等都在其主宰之下,对小 说中的人物命运的发展进行他们的心理和行为活动 经行分析评价。由此来构建小说整体的批判效果。 从出身贫寒、单纯腼腆的无知少女到最后拥有至上 地位、受人敬仰的社会名流,嘉莉的蜕变是其欲望 和 社 会 环 境 共 同 作 用 的 结 果 。
• 嘉莉妹妹受消费主义环境和物欲横流的社 会环境的影响,在欲望中不断找寻财富和 地位。尽管她最终得到想要的一切,却难 以摆脱精神上的空虚。通过研究,可以发 现德莱塞的自然主义观点:人类受遗传和 环境因素的驱使;人的自由意志改变不了 人类的命运。这体现了德莱塞的悲观意识, 而他的悲观意识的形成与社会背景和自然 主义不无相关
• In the novel, Dreiser stresses the role of instinct as a guide of the character ’ behaviors, while for him free will only submits to instinct. The heroes and heroines fall victims to society or environment, where morals are very different from those of the actual life, and they resign themselves to the society and the fate. Sister Carrie is a character drawn by instincts.
老板也很粗鲁,碰了无数个钉子 。在嘉莉本 身对城市生活充满了向往和期待, 只是到来 之后才发现,城市生活的物欲和享乐把众人 分成三六九等。对于那些高楼大厦、灯红酒 绿,自己只有羡慕的份,这也就激发了嘉莉 改变的决心和行动。有讽刺意味的是,嘉莉 的改变是所有人物里面最积极活跃的,和乡 下的那种纯朴相悖。
• In addition to women, Dreiser shows how the moral democrat happens in his writings. He has the keen observation of human desire, especially a pretty eighteen-year-old girl’s desire in Sister Carrie. Dreiser also includes the ugly violent bursts of American industry in his writings.
In addition, Dreiser shows great interest in American common life. He expresses what America is like in the process of transformation.
Dreiser claims that human civilization is still in the middle stage between beasts and human, so humans ’ free will can’t replace his instinct. In other words, human beings are neither “beast” nor “human”. As a result, human beings are now guided by instinct, now by free will.
• He denied all the traditional rules at that time. The women in his works are not willing to accept the life that the society gives them. Dreiser believes the Darwinism and he makes the society as a big bush, in which all the beings are trying their best to survive in the world.
二.Naturalism in Sister Carrie
As a naturalist, Dreiser expresses his thoughts in most of his works, his view of Darwinism and Determinism, and his idea of the roles of environment in human beings’ life, which can also be perceived in Sister Carrie. 1.Naturalism in Theodore Dreiser’s writings Dreiser is a representative of America Naturalist. He opened a new era in American literature with the natural writing methods.
• Dreiser expresses the core valuable problems in modern America. He tries his best to discuss the changing way of the cultural, social and individual modes at that time. As a matter of fact, the natural characteristics of the biology are the basic need of the human beings. So at the end of the industrial revolution in the 19th century, the naturalism has become an important factor in the social construction.
• humans’ free will is mostly an illusion and subject to humans’ instinct. • 3.In almost all of Dreiser’s works, there is an obvious view of women at his time.
• 当时的美国以 生产为主的意识形态正逐渐 被消费意识形态代替,消费主义崇尚享乐 和满足的生活方式。德莱塞的作品不仅没 有反驳大众意识通俗艺术,而且使读者在 一个新的世界里感到习以为常。在小说中, 城市作为故事背景,是一种生活氛围,是 道德的深渊和堕落的陷阱
• 嘉莉来到城市,就与她周边的众多人物演 绎了一出出改变的城市故事。嘉莉行为与 当时美国社会价值取向是不一样的。德莱 塞对她宽容性的描写,是对时代的一种嘲 讽。赫斯渥正是在那种无情的资本主义意 识形态中逐渐走向死亡的。赫斯渥在纽约 的经历,是一种自我毁灭的过程。从这个 意义上来讲,德莱塞只是借赫斯渥这个懦 弱的人来批判整个社会的大背景,从而达 到一种对那样社会形态的反讽
• The common characteristics in Dreiser ’ s writings leave a deep impression on the readers. In Sister Carrie, he reveals some of themes other than the common characteristics in his writings (Doctorow, 1992:5). Man, according to Dreiser, is “ a wisp in the wind ” (Dreiser, 2008:85), so his fate is out of his own control since he cannot act out of his will but determined by various forces, such as heredity, instinct and chance.
单个的存在物,而是指向某个时代或者、某种 状况下的整个现实。是对存在的总体从反讽的 角度予以观察,反讽主义者说 ,“当我们抛弃 一个旧的俗见时,我们是做了一个改变,而不 是发现一个事实。 ”德莱塞在 书里就说到,整 个市中心具有一种威风凛凛的气概,足以使普 通的求业者望而生畏,是贫富之间的鸿沟显得 又宽又深 。
2.Like most naturalists, Dreiser in the novel presents his mechanistic view of life: human beings are the victims of environment, heredity and instinct (蒋道 超, 2003). Dreiser portrays relationship among reason, free will and instinct in detail: when humans’ instinct and reason are in conflict, the former always gains ground on the latter in most cases;
comments on sister carrie
1.反讽手法 2.Naturalism in Sister Carrie
一.《嘉莉妹妹》中的反讽手法 1.反讽一般的模式是描写的情节或者 结尾出乎意 料,或者是和读者想法 相反。德莱塞对嘉莉和赫斯渥两个悲 剧命运的描写,兼具讽刺色彩地指出 了城市工业文明之下迷失自我的殊途 同归特征。 《嘉莉妹妹》中人物的描写都具有此 类特征。 嘉莉满怀信心和憧憬地来 到芝加哥,满以为大城市到处是机会, 却发现找工作很难,生活很艰难。1.