韩国新村运动Saemaul Undong-English(2004)




























建村 民会馆 、 敬老 院、 书室、 少年活动 中心和 举办 文艺 读 青 活动、 各类培训等成功做法 , 力开展群众性精神 文明创建 大
1 广 科 0 8 I 东 技 0 总 3 。 第 D期
全以城 乡居民最低 生活保 障和农村 “ 五保 ”供 养制度为基 础, 临时社 会救 济、 乡特 困户大病 医疗 救助为补 充 , 项 城 各
政策优惠相配套 的社会救助体 系 ,努 力实现城 乡低 保和农 村五保对象应保尽保 ; 大力推进农村文体工程 , 学习韩国修
“ 村 运 动 ” 施 之 初 把 实 现 “ 农 业 的 均 衡 发 展 ” 进 行 新 实 工 和
月, 韩国政府首先拨款 2 亿美元启动资金, 0 为全国每村免
费提供 3 0袋水泥 , 0 交给农 民自主开发 , 使村级公共事业得 到快速发展。 2 世纪 7 年代后期 , 到 O 0 全国所 有农村全部通
规划全覆盖进程 , 一村一 品” 以“ 推进农业集中 , 采取产业带 动 、 企联 动、 村 投资推动 、 科技驱动 、 服务拉动、 向牵动等 外 有效措施 , 积极鼓励龙头企业等 多途径参与新农村建设 ; 以
发展 “ 一村一企” 推进工业集 中, 加大全 民创业 、 商引资力 招
村社 会养老保险、 农村 医疗保险、 失地 农民保 障等制度 , 健
重 要 抓 手 , 面推 进 农 村 清 洁 、 村 通达 工程 , 快 省 、 级 全 农 加 市
环境 ” 三位一体 的目标 。韩 国高效农业发展之路启示我们 , 发展现代农业是建设新农村的首要任务 ,是促进农民增收 的基本途径 , 是提高农业综合生产力的重要举描。
“ 村运 动” 示 之二 : 设社 会主 义 新农 村 , 新 启 建 必须 以“ 三集 中” 作为着 力点规 划农 村城镇 化 。 工 在


市、郡接到上级计划以后制定出适合于本地区的事 业计划指南,通过 邑、面、洞通报给里、洞 ( 各
村) 。
春季到秋季勤奋劳动准备吃的和穿的,就不可能越 过寒冷冬季。
协作精神是指合起力量争取更大效率的精神。 比起 自己单干,众人合起来会取得更大的成效。这 里含有集体意识与和谐团结的精神。 新村运动的宗旨是建设美好的家园 ( 区域) 、健 康的社会、自豪的祖国,建立幸福的共同体,进而 实现人类的共同繁荣和世界和平。
城市劳动者的收人 6. 44万韩元还多一点。1 4年 9 7
末, 8 9%的村落达到了自 立村的标准。
( )扩展为全体国民运动 3
新村运动在农村获得如此成功之后, 1 4 从 9 年 7
开始扩展到城市、职场、工厂、学校等各个领域。 在城市,为了消除社会不合理现象,形成健全 的社会风气,建设一个美丽幸福的城市,开展了遵 守三大秩序的运动。 第一,在精神秩序方面,为了克服由城市特性 引起的个人主义和利己主义,主要侧重于加强邻里 关系、宣扬忠孝思想等传统伦理和集体意识。 第二,在行动秩序方面,主要有遵守街道秩序、 遵守公共道德、守约守时、禁止酒后丑态等。 第三,在环境秩序方面,主要是实行门前三包、 整顿大街环境、清理生活环境 、保持河川清洁等。 在职场,通过形成员工整体感 ( 即和谐 与团 结) 、整顿职场环境、改善业务等,开展了职场发展
在农村地区,普及各种务农技术的书籍帮助了农民 增加收人。 2 新村运动的理念与哲学 . 新村是由 新”与 “ “ 村”复合而成的合成语。 “ 新”是指 “ 新的” “ 、 更好的” ,含有脱壳、蜕皮、 变化、改革之意;“ 村”是最小的基础生活共同体, 在区域里是指 “ 里弄、居民小区、乡村” ,根据不同 的生活共同体规模 ,还可意指城市、农村、国家、 地球。而且在空间上还可以表现在职场、学校等共

































• 基础设施建设
改善乡村公路:1971-1975年间,全国农村共新架设了65000多座 桥梁,各村都修筑了宽3.5米、长2~4公里的进村公路。 改善住房条件:1971年,全国250多万户中约有80%住在茅草屋 里,到1977年,全国所有的农民都住进了瓦片或铁片屋顶的房 屋。农民利用交通设施的改善,将改善屋顶工程逐渐转变成以建 新房为开端的新农村建设事业,政府给及贷款支援。 农村实现电气化:由政府补助一部分,农民借用低息贷款,加速 实现了农村电气化;家电得到普及 普及自来水:
• 新村培训
新村指导员和公务员不分职务、社会背景参加集中培训,研究解 决新村运动中的问题
• 主要问题:
政府过度干预,农民过于依赖政府 过于注重物质化建设,一定程度上破坏了民族传统文化和自然景 观,产生一定的农业污染 农民收入持续增长机制尚未形成 理论研究滞后于社会实践
120000 100000 80000 60000 40000 20720 20000 0 1967 1976 12456 农民家庭收入 城市工人收入 96355 95980 98 96 94 92 90 88 86 84 82 80 78
• 新村教育
韩国为配合日益高涨的新村运动,培养大批新村运动的骨干指导 员,教育全体国民树立勤勉、自助、协同、自立的新村精神和民 主市民意识,于1972年成立了研修院,1990年正式定名为现在的 新村运动中央协议会中央研修院。 地区社会开发教育:培养能带动地区社会发展的新村指导员、地 区共同体负责人、公职人员。 意识革新教育:培养全体国民积极向上的时代精神和生活态度。 经营革新教育:培养现代企业所需要的实践能力强、勇于竞争的 新时代企业家和公司职员 青少年教育:培养青少年的时代精神和使命感、创造精神和进取 心,使其确立正确的人生价值观。



韩国新村运动Saemaul Undong-English(2004)

韩国新村运动Saemaul Undong-English(2004)

Saemaul Undong in KoreaAt the end of the Asian continent is the Korean peninsula. 5000 years of culture and heritage is a part of the Korean people. A country colonized at the end of the 19th century. A land divided in half as a result of the cold war. A country that started as the poorest and now is the 12th largest economical powerhouse. The host country of the 88 Olympics and the 2002 FIFA World Cup. From rags to riches, Korea has shown enormous potential. We will like to show the basis of what made all this possible - Saemaul Undong.Korea's Saemaul UndongDespite all the invasions and war, Korea has maintained a unique culture that was not influenced by any of these incidents.However, the Japanese annexation at the end of the 19th century and the Korean War took away all that. Until the late 1960's, the Korean society was uprooted by differences in ideas and ravished by poverty. The per capita GNP at that time was 85 dollars. The majority of Korean people barely had enough to buy food.Since the Korean economy was based on agriculture, consistent floods and draught caused nationwide famine.Lethargy, chaos and frustration defined the Korean society at that time. The major concern of the government was to thwart poverty. Export manufactured products the main source of income growth. The 5-year economic plan that started in 1962 started to show results, and from the 1970s, the Korean economy began to take off.Due to this economic expansion, young people started flocking into the cities. In the 1960s, the government worked in increasing the production of foodstuffs. But premodern living environment still remained in rural communities.Until 1970, 80% of the rural communities had thatched roofs, and 80% were living with the help of oil lamps in place of electricity.The Birth of Saemaul UndongAfter the floods of 1969, the people were repairing roofs and roads without government aid. This caused great inspiration to President Park Jung Hee to help the rural community.President Park realized that government aid would be useless unless the people decided to do things byself-helping spirit. Moreover, motivating the rural community's self help and cooperation was the key to developing the rural areas.These ideas were the basis for Saemaul Undong.Implementing Saemaul UndongDuring the 1970's, the government had no funds to start the project. However, with a little government aid, there were many basic needs that could be improved. The government experimentally proposes the 10 major projects for improving rural areas. These include expanding and straightening local roads, improving roofs, kitchens and fences, opening laundry facilities, community wells, building bridges and improving water systems.And the 35 thousand rural villages received an average of 355 sacks of cement for free. The projects were under the sole custody of the village council. 16,000 villages, which are more than half of all the villages in the rural area, showed major improvements.The majority of the projects were done by village funds and used self-labor. During the second year of the nationwide project, villages with major improvements were supplied with extra 500 sacks of cement and another 1 ton of steel wire by the government. The government decided to help villages that help themselves.Thatched roofs and mud fences were replaced with modern tiles and cemented walls. Roadsides were expanded, riverbanks were repaired, and bridges were built in rural villages.The villages developed with blinding speed. The rural people regained their confidence. Lethargic neighbors were stimulated to develop their own villages. Korea's rural areas showed signs of urbanization and development.Gaining confidence on the 3rd year, the government decided to split the 35 thousand villages into 3 categories depending on their level of development. And there was a difference in the amount of government aid in the 3 different categories.Environment projects increased in size as the years progressed. Hosing and other facilities were restructured to fit the rural community. Modernization in kitchen and bathrooms along with new water pipelines were implemented. Community and public facilities such as village centers, multi purpose recreational centers along with public baths, warehouses and other public facilities were built.The success of the environmental projects led to the projects for increase productivity. The people repaved the small paths into roads, so farming vehicles could make way into the fields. The government played a major role for the increase in rural income. In 1974, the rural output reached unprecedented levels.Agricultural education caused a revolution in farming methods. Conventional farming methods for raisingrice and barely were radically changed to composite farming.Making agriculture complexes for profitable products such as mushrooms and tobacco helped to increase the overall income. Using greenhouses allowed the farmers to harvest fresh vegetables during the winter. Making community work places enabled the people to reduce unnecessary money loss due to individual labor.Raising cows, pigs and chicken allowed for more profits. Fishing villages changed their production methods from fishing to breeding fish.Moreover, developing watering systems, cleaning the streams and farming areas were the key developing points for increasing the productivity of the rural community.Big projects such as building roads and sewage systems were done as a joint venture with neighboring villages to reduce costs.Moreover, the government built factories at the rural areas to increase the income of rural areas. Saemaul factories gave women a workplace and a chance to increase the total income.As a result, rural income steadily increased. In 1974, the rural income surpassed the urban income. In 1978, 98% of all villages became economically self-reliant.The success of Saemaul Undong in the rural areas caused a spread to non-farming areas such as schools, work places, cities and factories, along with many other fields.The cities started the projects to stop corruption and to build a new metropolitan paradise.The three campaigns of Saemaul Undong consist of 3 components. They are mental, behavioral, and environmental initiatives.The mental campaign include better ties with neighbors, inheriting and advancing traditional ethics propped up by filial piety and strengthening community awareness.The behavioral campaign emphasized on public order on the streets, positive interactions, public manners, and prohibiting drunken misconduct.The environmental campaign stressed cleanliness of the area around an individual's home or business, controlling the street environment and developing greener cities and streams.At the workplace, the project concentrated on making healthy values and beliefs along with a decent social interaction between co-workers. Creating a oneness within the workplace, helping the rural community, helping the homeless, and staying in line were some of the project's objectives.The factory Saemaul Undong directed its energy to restoring the trust and affection of consumers and the general public as a whole.Emphasis was placed on consolidating the foundation for industrial peace and coexistence by bridging the gap in value systems between labor and management, and establishing sound corporate ethics. Moreover, rural community service was another way of establishing sound moral ethics.The Saemaul schools were the foundations of the Saemaul spirit. Students learned about Saemaul Undong and its contributions to society.Villages and work places provided further education of Library Saemaul Undong along with places for recreational activities.Especially, the rural libraries provided information for new methods of farming. This was a major breakthrough for the rural community, and was the reason for increased income.What is Saemaul Undong?Saemaul Undong did not start off as a major project. After 3 years of experimentation, the government realized that without the self-will of the people, Saemaul Undong would lead to failure.Saemaul Undong is not only an action based project, but also a mental reform based on the conviction that anything can be done and the will that we can do it.In other words, Saemaul Undong is a struggle for a better life, not only for the individual but also for the benefit of the society as a whole.Wealth is not only a material concept, but also a mental one. It is important not only for the people to lead better lives but also for their descendants as well. It is a project to build a foundation for a better life. A better life for the family and neighbors, along with society and the nation is the goal for Saemaul Undong. The 3 main values for Saemaul Undong are diligence, self-help and cooperation.Diligence leads to sincerity. As the phrase, "The early bird catches the worm." shows diligence leads to sincerity, a value that doesn't allow for falseness, hypocrisy and vanity.Self-help defines one's fate based on one's effort. The proverb, "Heaven helps those who help themselves." shows that one is the master of one's fate. One has to be totally independent and must not ask for help from the outside.Cooperation is based on a pursuit for community growth. "Two heads are better than one." As this proverb shows, community growth should be a team effort.Therefore, these 3 values and ethics of Saemaul Undong are the essence for a new society and building a prosperous nation.Ultimately, the goal of Saemaul Undong is building a united community and nation and storing peace and order to mankind.How did Saemaul Undong Practice?The prototype Saemaul Undong started as the government was being in charge while giving self-governance to the village council. The Ministry of Internal Affairs was in charge of the project. Other branches of the government took minor roles in the project for a smooth operation. County councils andprovince council also took part in this project. Town and village councils made a village executive committee to ensure the smooth operation of the project and the villages had a male and female Saemaul leader along with a municipal development committee.The development committee had a division of women and a division of youths along with other subcommittees. The village development committee made new plans and ran the other subcommittees. The committee's mission was to increase the income of the village and implementing new values and beliefs.Saemaul projects were based on the county council's decision and was needed authorization from the magistrate.The criteria for selecting new projects were based on the necessity for the residents, complementation of regional conditions serving all residents in the project area and the long-term effects of the project. Implementation of the projects starts as raising as much of the necessary funds as the residents can afford, applying for and receiving external assistance in the forms of raw materials, money and technology. Public servants are asked to visit, at least twice a month to check and guide the progress of the national initiative in their jurisdiction.A public employee who is a division chief is briefed monthly and there is an annual progress report. Stage evaluation was an important part of Saemaul Undong. There is a pre project report, an interim report and a post project report. The effects of the previous project were taken in deep consideration for the development of new projects. The post project reports were used widely as a merit system for village with achievements.Educating Saemaul LeadersAfter a year of experimentation, the government recognizes the importance of a leader. Villages with a leader followed the national guidelines properly but villages without one spent their resources uselessly. Therefore, the development and poor implementation of Saemaul Undong needed dedicated leaders for the cause.Since the government realized the importance for a leader, the government opened the training institute for Saemaul leaders in 1972. Each village had a male and female appointee.The leadership training emphasized on self-sacrifice and setting a positive example. Education took place in a communal camp, where they would learn teamwork and cooperation.Interactive education done by sharing success stories during small group discussions, and offers for continued guidance and assistance were given to the leaders. The leaders after the training were the main source of leadership and guidance for the other villagers.During a time where female involvement was limited, the involvement of the female population broughtradical changes. The women raised funds for the development of the village. They saved rice and put their energy in city-beautiful movements. Moreover, the women helped to ban gambling and drinking. The number of bars and pubs started to decline during this time.The education that was aimed for Saemaul leaders started to influence politicians, media people, religious leaders and foreigners. Politician's leaders that didn't show interest in Saemaul Undong were highly influenced by Saemaul educational system. This was a cause in an increase for Saemaul Undong funds and the reason why Saemaul Undong became a nationwide project.The Success of Saemaul Undong and its ProblemsThe success of Saemaul Undong has two major reasons.First was the policy of government using a competitive system that caused total involvement of the rural community. The inspired leadership of the government and the funding was a stimulus for the villagers. Moreover, praising and rewarding successful villages was another motivation for success.Second were the dedication of the Saemaul leaders and the total involvement of the villagers. The people were surprised by the results and felt accomplishment. This accomplishment led to self-confidence and this confidence gave birth to a purpose for success. People became diligent and understood the true meaning of cooperation.There was great success, but every achievement has its dark side.The total involvement of the government was the major source of success in the beginning but became the major setback.Standardized government planning based on the merit system became another problem. Success was only based on material wealth. This caused people to rely on outside funding and was a cause for the passive attitude of the people. Moreover, it was a major cause for environmental destruction along with the loss of tradition and culture.Challenges, endeavors and pioneering are the main ingredients of human history.In any era, in any country that has a successful race and people, it has a strong foundation of moral ethics and drive for success.A better life! A better life for the future!It has been 30 years since that slogan has driven the Korean people toward success. From a country with GNP less than 100 dollars to a country with a GNP of 10,000 dollars, this is the miracle done by the hands of the Korean people.Now for the prosperity for mankind, Saemaul Undong will provide the foundation. It is the wish of the Korean people that Saemaul Undong will be a key part in providing the world a chance to prosper andthrive. Thank you.。









三、“新农村运动”发展简况(一)背景1945 年韩国光复后, 科技水平的提高推动了经济高速发展。

上世纪60年代后, 随着工业化城市化过程, 工农差距、城乡差距、地区差距拉大, 贫富矛盾加剧, 社会分配不公, 官员腐败,学潮频繁。

韩国出口导向型经济取得成功, 随着国际交流扩大, 科学技术频繁引进, 国内经济结构出现失调; 而国民伦理道德, 无法用金钱购买也无法引进, 只能靠自己的力量调整市场经济的负面影响。

同时, 政府有了雄厚的财力, 有能力支持农村建设, 客观的需要和实际可行, 催生了“新农村运动”。

“新农村运动”中设计实施了一系列农村开发项目, 围绕这些项目开发, 由政府支持、农民自主的家乡建设活动发动起来。

政府向全国所有村庄每村免费发放水泥400 袋, 平均每户4 袋水泥, 并规定只能用于修建桥梁、公共浴池、洗衣场、修筑河堤、村级公路、改善饮水条件和房屋等公共事业, 不得他用。

当年全国35000 个村中近半数村庄表现积极, 完全出乎政府预期。

1971 年, 政府进行了一项调查,根据实际表现把各村分成三类, 成绩最佳为自足村, 表现一般为自助村, 表现最差的为基础村。














































一、历史背景从政治角度看, 近代以来韩国韩国政治一直处于动荡之中, 社会秩序混乱, 腐败盛行。

1961 年朴正熙领导的军事政变的成功为韩国社会的发展提供了一个机遇,为了建立稳定政治秩序, 必须发展经济, 改变农村地区的极端贫困状况。

从经济角度看, 韩国长期贫穷落后,人多地少。


但相比之下, 农业则落后了许多, 城乡发展严重失衡, 社会矛盾加剧, 广大农民面临绝境。

韩国农村的落后状况, 已经成为韩国工业和整个国民经济发展的制约因素。

从社会角度看, 当时韩国农村的生活条件非常差。


二、发展进程在韩国新村运动的30 年中, 政府制定具体的阶段性目标, 其发展进程可分为几个阶段:( 1) 基础建设阶段( 1971~1973 年) 。

这一阶段目标是改善农民居住条件, 政府无偿提供水泥、钢筋等物资, 激发农民自主建设新农村的积极性和创造性。

并且建设一些新村建设协会, 推动新村运动, 政府还派新村指导员以进行协调领导工作。

( 2) 扩散阶段( 1974~1976 年) 。

这一阶段, 新村运动迅速向城镇扩大, 成为全国性的现代化建设活动。

同时, 政府派人到新农村进行科技文化推广活动, 帮助农民增收。

( 3) 充实和提高阶段( 1977~1980 年) 。

这一阶段, 随着城乡差距的逐步缩小, 政府推进新村运动的重点放在发展畜牧业、农产品加工和特色农业方面, 更加注重活动内涵和社会实效。

( 4) 国民自发运动阶段( 1981~1988 年) 。

这一阶段, 政府大幅度调整了有关新村运动的政策和措施, 建立和完善全国性的新村运动民间组织, 培训、宣传工作由这些组织来承担, 政府只是宏观规划和引导。



寻求“另类”发展的范式——韩国新村运动与中国乡村建设'Abstract:This paper discusses some research efforts of China‘s scholars onrural construction and examines the possibility of Korea Saemaul Undong as a paradigmfor China ’s rural constructing movement in the future as some scholars have proposed.It argues that an up-to-down social movement like Korea Saemaul Undong cannot solvethe rural problems that China now faced with.This point of view is developed bycomments on Saemaul Undong from three dimensions:the economical and politicalbackground,the way of its start-up,and the dynamics of its evolution.一、导言:“主流”与“另类”之争1990年代以来,中国知识界的左右两翼几乎在所有有关中国现实问题的讨论中都会表现出尖锐的意见分歧与对立,但在有关中国目前面临的农村问题的讨论中,却似乎有着难得的共识。






































人才资本的形成受诸多因素的影响,其中有两项至关重要:(1国民的科技水平;(2国民的生活伦理(work ethic水平。














第一个经济开发五年计划(1962-1966年),全国GNP (国民生产总值)和工矿业增长率分别达到7. 7%和14.1%,而农林渔业增长率却不过5. 1%。

到了第二个经济开发五年计划,这样的差距更严重,全国GNP增长率和工矿业增长率分别达到10.5%、20.3%,而农林渔业增长率反而下降到2. 3%。





























全国2 50万农户中80%住茅草房,只有20%的农户通电,5万个自然村只有60%通汽车。

















1.韩国新村运动对我国民族地区建设新农村的启示——以广西建设社会主义新农村为例 [J], 韦廷柒;孙德江
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Saemaul Undong in KoreaAt the end of the Asian continent is the Korean peninsula. 5000 years of culture and heritage is a part of the Korean people. A country colonized at the end of the 19th century. A land divided in half as a result of the cold war. A country that started as the poorest and now is the 12th largest economical powerhouse. The host country of the 88 Olympics and the 2002 FIFA World Cup. From rags to riches, Korea has shown enormous potential. We will like to show the basis of what made all this possible - Saemaul Undong.Korea's Saemaul UndongDespite all the invasions and war, Korea has maintained a unique culture that was not influenced by any of these incidents.However, the Japanese annexation at the end of the 19th century and the Korean War took away all that. Until the late 1960's, the Korean society was uprooted by differences in ideas and ravished by poverty. The per capita GNP at that time was 85 dollars. The majority of Korean people barely had enough to buy food.Since the Korean economy was based on agriculture, consistent floods and draught caused nationwide famine.Lethargy, chaos and frustration defined the Korean society at that time. The major concern of the government was to thwart poverty. Export manufactured products the main source of income growth. The 5-year economic plan that started in 1962 started to show results, and from the 1970s, the Korean economy began to take off.Due to this economic expansion, young people started flocking into the cities. In the 1960s, the government worked in increasing the production of foodstuffs. But premodern living environment still remained in rural communities.Until 1970, 80% of the rural communities had thatched roofs, and 80% were living with the help of oil lamps in place of electricity.The Birth of Saemaul UndongAfter the floods of 1969, the people were repairing roofs and roads without government aid. This caused great inspiration to President Park Jung Hee to help the rural community.President Park realized that government aid would be useless unless the people decided to do things byself-helping spirit. Moreover, motivating the rural community's self help and cooperation was the key to developing the rural areas.These ideas were the basis for Saemaul Undong.Implementing Saemaul UndongDuring the 1970's, the government had no funds to start the project. However, with a little government aid, there were many basic needs that could be improved. The government experimentally proposes the 10 major projects for improving rural areas. These include expanding and straightening local roads, improving roofs, kitchens and fences, opening laundry facilities, community wells, building bridges and improving water systems.And the 35 thousand rural villages received an average of 355 sacks of cement for free. The projects were under the sole custody of the village council. 16,000 villages, which are more than half of all the villages in the rural area, showed major improvements.The majority of the projects were done by village funds and used self-labor. During the second year of the nationwide project, villages with major improvements were supplied with extra 500 sacks of cement and another 1 ton of steel wire by the government. The government decided to help villages that help themselves.Thatched roofs and mud fences were replaced with modern tiles and cemented walls. Roadsides were expanded, riverbanks were repaired, and bridges were built in rural villages.The villages developed with blinding speed. The rural people regained their confidence. Lethargic neighbors were stimulated to develop their own villages. Korea's rural areas showed signs of urbanization and development.Gaining confidence on the 3rd year, the government decided to split the 35 thousand villages into 3 categories depending on their level of development. And there was a difference in the amount of government aid in the 3 different categories.Environment projects increased in size as the years progressed. Hosing and other facilities were restructured to fit the rural community. Modernization in kitchen and bathrooms along with new water pipelines were implemented. Community and public facilities such as village centers, multi purpose recreational centers along with public baths, warehouses and other public facilities were built.The success of the environmental projects led to the projects for increase productivity. The people repaved the small paths into roads, so farming vehicles could make way into the fields. The government played a major role for the increase in rural income. In 1974, the rural output reached unprecedented levels.Agricultural education caused a revolution in farming methods. Conventional farming methods for raisingrice and barely were radically changed to composite farming.Making agriculture complexes for profitable products such as mushrooms and tobacco helped to increase the overall income. Using greenhouses allowed the farmers to harvest fresh vegetables during the winter. Making community work places enabled the people to reduce unnecessary money loss due to individual labor.Raising cows, pigs and chicken allowed for more profits. Fishing villages changed their production methods from fishing to breeding fish.Moreover, developing watering systems, cleaning the streams and farming areas were the key developing points for increasing the productivity of the rural community.Big projects such as building roads and sewage systems were done as a joint venture with neighboring villages to reduce costs.Moreover, the government built factories at the rural areas to increase the income of rural areas. Saemaul factories gave women a workplace and a chance to increase the total income.As a result, rural income steadily increased. In 1974, the rural income surpassed the urban income. In 1978, 98% of all villages became economically self-reliant.The success of Saemaul Undong in the rural areas caused a spread to non-farming areas such as schools, work places, cities and factories, along with many other fields.The cities started the projects to stop corruption and to build a new metropolitan paradise.The three campaigns of Saemaul Undong consist of 3 components. They are mental, behavioral, and environmental initiatives.The mental campaign include better ties with neighbors, inheriting and advancing traditional ethics propped up by filial piety and strengthening community awareness.The behavioral campaign emphasized on public order on the streets, positive interactions, public manners, and prohibiting drunken misconduct.The environmental campaign stressed cleanliness of the area around an individual's home or business, controlling the street environment and developing greener cities and streams.At the workplace, the project concentrated on making healthy values and beliefs along with a decent social interaction between co-workers. Creating a oneness within the workplace, helping the rural community, helping the homeless, and staying in line were some of the project's objectives.The factory Saemaul Undong directed its energy to restoring the trust and affection of consumers and the general public as a whole.Emphasis was placed on consolidating the foundation for industrial peace and coexistence by bridging the gap in value systems between labor and management, and establishing sound corporate ethics. Moreover, rural community service was another way of establishing sound moral ethics.The Saemaul schools were the foundations of the Saemaul spirit. Students learned about Saemaul Undong and its contributions to society.Villages and work places provided further education of Library Saemaul Undong along with places for recreational activities.Especially, the rural libraries provided information for new methods of farming. This was a major breakthrough for the rural community, and was the reason for increased income.What is Saemaul Undong?Saemaul Undong did not start off as a major project. After 3 years of experimentation, the government realized that without the self-will of the people, Saemaul Undong would lead to failure.Saemaul Undong is not only an action based project, but also a mental reform based on the conviction that anything can be done and the will that we can do it.In other words, Saemaul Undong is a struggle for a better life, not only for the individual but also for the benefit of the society as a whole.Wealth is not only a material concept, but also a mental one. It is important not only for the people to lead better lives but also for their descendants as well. It is a project to build a foundation for a better life. A better life for the family and neighbors, along with society and the nation is the goal for Saemaul Undong. The 3 main values for Saemaul Undong are diligence, self-help and cooperation.Diligence leads to sincerity. As the phrase, "The early bird catches the worm." shows diligence leads to sincerity, a value that doesn't allow for falseness, hypocrisy and vanity.Self-help defines one's fate based on one's effort. The proverb, "Heaven helps those who help themselves." shows that one is the master of one's fate. One has to be totally independent and must not ask for help from the outside.Cooperation is based on a pursuit for community growth. "Two heads are better than one." As this proverb shows, community growth should be a team effort.Therefore, these 3 values and ethics of Saemaul Undong are the essence for a new society and building a prosperous nation.Ultimately, the goal of Saemaul Undong is building a united community and nation and storing peace and order to mankind.How did Saemaul Undong Practice?The prototype Saemaul Undong started as the government was being in charge while giving self-governance to the village council. The Ministry of Internal Affairs was in charge of the project. Other branches of the government took minor roles in the project for a smooth operation. County councils andprovince council also took part in this project. Town and village councils made a village executive committee to ensure the smooth operation of the project and the villages had a male and female Saemaul leader along with a municipal development committee.The development committee had a division of women and a division of youths along with other subcommittees. The village development committee made new plans and ran the other subcommittees. The committee's mission was to increase the income of the village and implementing new values and beliefs.Saemaul projects were based on the county council's decision and was needed authorization from the magistrate.The criteria for selecting new projects were based on the necessity for the residents, complementation of regional conditions serving all residents in the project area and the long-term effects of the project. Implementation of the projects starts as raising as much of the necessary funds as the residents can afford, applying for and receiving external assistance in the forms of raw materials, money and technology. Public servants are asked to visit, at least twice a month to check and guide the progress of the national initiative in their jurisdiction.A public employee who is a division chief is briefed monthly and there is an annual progress report. Stage evaluation was an important part of Saemaul Undong. There is a pre project report, an interim report and a post project report. The effects of the previous project were taken in deep consideration for the development of new projects. The post project reports were used widely as a merit system for village with achievements.Educating Saemaul LeadersAfter a year of experimentation, the government recognizes the importance of a leader. Villages with a leader followed the national guidelines properly but villages without one spent their resources uselessly. Therefore, the development and poor implementation of Saemaul Undong needed dedicated leaders for the cause.Since the government realized the importance for a leader, the government opened the training institute for Saemaul leaders in 1972. Each village had a male and female appointee.The leadership training emphasized on self-sacrifice and setting a positive example. Education took place in a communal camp, where they would learn teamwork and cooperation.Interactive education done by sharing success stories during small group discussions, and offers for continued guidance and assistance were given to the leaders. The leaders after the training were the main source of leadership and guidance for the other villagers.During a time where female involvement was limited, the involvement of the female population broughtradical changes. The women raised funds for the development of the village. They saved rice and put their energy in city-beautiful movements. Moreover, the women helped to ban gambling and drinking. The number of bars and pubs started to decline during this time.The education that was aimed for Saemaul leaders started to influence politicians, media people, religious leaders and foreigners. Politician's leaders that didn't show interest in Saemaul Undong were highly influenced by Saemaul educational system. This was a cause in an increase for Saemaul Undong funds and the reason why Saemaul Undong became a nationwide project.The Success of Saemaul Undong and its ProblemsThe success of Saemaul Undong has two major reasons.First was the policy of government using a competitive system that caused total involvement of the rural community. The inspired leadership of the government and the funding was a stimulus for the villagers. Moreover, praising and rewarding successful villages was another motivation for success.Second were the dedication of the Saemaul leaders and the total involvement of the villagers. The people were surprised by the results and felt accomplishment. This accomplishment led to self-confidence and this confidence gave birth to a purpose for success. People became diligent and understood the true meaning of cooperation.There was great success, but every achievement has its dark side.The total involvement of the government was the major source of success in the beginning but became the major setback.Standardized government planning based on the merit system became another problem. Success was only based on material wealth. This caused people to rely on outside funding and was a cause for the passive attitude of the people. Moreover, it was a major cause for environmental destruction along with the loss of tradition and culture.Challenges, endeavors and pioneering are the main ingredients of human history.In any era, in any country that has a successful race and people, it has a strong foundation of moral ethics and drive for success.A better life! A better life for the future!It has been 30 years since that slogan has driven the Korean people toward success. From a country with GNP less than 100 dollars to a country with a GNP of 10,000 dollars, this is the miracle done by the hands of the Korean people.Now for the prosperity for mankind, Saemaul Undong will provide the foundation. It is the wish of the Korean people that Saemaul Undong will be a key part in providing the world a chance to prosper andthrive. Thank you.。
