



东北农业大学入学测试机考高起点数学模拟试题1、题目 B1-1 :〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: C2、题目 B1-2 :〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: D3、题目 B1-3 :〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: C4、题目 B1-4 :〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: D5、题目 B1-5 :〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: A6、题目 B1-6 :〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: C7、题目 B1-7 :〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: C8、题目 B1-8 :〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: C9、题目 B1-9 :〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: B10、题目 D1-1〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: B11、题目 B1-10 :〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: C12、题目 D1-2〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: B13、题目 B1-11 :〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: C14、题目 D1-3〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: C15、题目 D1-4〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: D16、题目 D1-5〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: C17、题目 D1-6〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: C18、题目 D1-7〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: C19、题目 D1-8〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: C20、题目 D1-9〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: B21、题目 D1-10 〔2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: B22、题目 D1-11 〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: C23、题目 D1-12 〔2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: A24、题目 D1-13 〔2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: A25、题目 D1-14 〔2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: C26、题目 D1-15 〔2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: D27、题目 D1-16 〔2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: D28、题目 D1 -17〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: D29、题目 D1-18 〔2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: A30、题目 B1-12 :〔2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: A31、题目 B1-13 :〔2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: B32、题目 B1-14 :〔2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: D33、题目 B1-15 :〔2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: A34、题目 B2-1 :〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: C35、题目 B2-2 :〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: A36、题目 B2-3 :〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: A37、题目 B2-4 :〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: C38、题目 B2-5 :〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: B39、题目 B2-6 :〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: A40、题目 B2-7 :〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: C41、题目 B2-8 :〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: C42、题目 B2-9 :〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: A43、题目 B2-10 :〔2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: A44、题目 B2-11 :〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: D45、题目 B2-12 :〔2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: D46、题目 B2-13 :〔2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: C47、题目 B2-14 :〔2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: B48、题目 B2-15 :〔2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: B49、题目 B3-1 :〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. C标准答案: B50、题目 B3-2 :〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: B51、题目 B3-3 :〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: A52、题目 B3-4 :〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: D53、题目 B3-5 :〔 2〕〔〕A . AC. CD. D标准答案: A54、题目 B3-6 :〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: C55、题目 B3-7 :〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: B56、题目 B3-8 :〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: C57、题目 B3-9 :〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: B58、题目 B3-10 :〔2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: A59、题目 B3-11 :〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: C60、题目 B3-12 :〔2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: D61、题目 B3-13 :〔2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: D62、题目 B3-14 :〔2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: B63、题目 B3-15 :〔2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: D64、题目 D3-6〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: D65、题目 D3-7〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: D66、题目 D3-8〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: B67、题目 D3-9〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: A68、题目 D3-10 〔2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: A69、题目 G1-1〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: D70、题目 G1-2〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: A71、题目 G1-3〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: D72、题目 G1-4〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: B73、题目 G1-5〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: A74、题目 G1-6〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: C75、题目 G1-7〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: B76、题目 G1-8〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: A77、题目 G1-9〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: A78、题目 G1-10〔2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: B79、题目 G1-11〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: B80、题目 G1-12〔2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: C81、题目 G1-13〔2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: A82、题目 G1-14〔2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: C83、题目 G1-15〔2〕〔〕A . AB. BD. D标准答案: D84、题目 G1-16〔2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: D85、题目 G1-17〔2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: D86、题目 G1-18〔2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: A87、题目 G1-19〔2〕〔〕A . AB. BD. D标准答案: C88、题目 W1-1 :〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: D89、题目 W1-2 :〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: A90、题目 W1-3 :〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: B91、题目 W1-4 :〔 2〕〔〕B. BC. CD. D标准答案: C92、题目 W1-5 :〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: D93、题目 W1-6 :〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: C94、题目 W1-7 :〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: C95、题目 W1-8 〔 2〕〔〕B. BC. CD. D标准答案: C96、题目 W1-9 〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: A97、题目 W1-10 :〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: C98、题目 W1-11 :〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: C99、题目 W1-12 :〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: B100、题目 W1-13 :〔 2〕〔〕A . AB. BC. CD. D标准答案: D。





1.“既来之,则安之”这句古语出自 [ ]A. 《论语》B. 《庄子》C. 《孟子》D. 《左传》2. 《秋水》中北海若对“自多”的态度是 [ ]A. 反对B. 赞成C. 无所谓D.顺其自然3. 梁启超《论毅力》写于 [ ]A. 戊戌变法之前B. 戊戌变法失败后C. 五四运动之时D. 五四运动之后4. 《郑伯克段于鄢》中“多行不义必自毙”一语指斥的对象是 [ ]A. 武姜B. 郑武公C. 郑庄公D. 共叔段5. 《李将军列传》一文中不与李广构成对比关系的人是 [ ]A. 匈奴射雕者C. 程不识D. 王朔6. 北宋第一个专事写词的婉约派词人是 [ ]A. 苏轼B. 王安石C. 柳永D. 晏殊7. 盛唐诗人中,被誉为继屈原之后又一位伟大的浪漫主义诗人的是 [ ]A. 杜甫B. 王维C. 李白D. 孟浩然8. 《关山月》(和戎诏下十五年)一诗贯穿全诗的线索是 [ ]A. 月夜B. 笛声C. 泪痕D. 歌舞9. 李煜的《虞美人》是一首 [ ]A. 悼亡词B. 抒情词C. 咏物词D. 怀古词10.“求田问舍,怕应羞见,刘郎才气”中刘郎指的是 [ ]A. 刘彻B. 刘备C. 刘邦D. 刘裕11. 被誉为“曲状元”的作家是 [ ]B. 白朴C. 关汉卿D. 郑光祖12. 苏轼的《前赤壁赋》主要描写了哪三种景物? [ ]A. 明月、江水、秋花B. 江水、明月、清风C. 清风、黄花、梧桐D. 清风、明月、卢荻13. 在《宝玉挨打》中,说“明日酿到他弑君杀父,你们才不劝不成”这句话的人物是A. 王熙凤B. 贾母C. 薛宝钗D. 贾政 [ ]14. 《大同》论证理想社会时主要运用了 [ ]A. 演绎法B. 归纳法C. 对比法D. 类比法15. 李密在《陈情表》中陈述不能奉诏的理由,是为侍奉年迈多病的 [ ]A. 祖父、B. 祖母C. 外祖父D. 外祖母16. 王安石《答司马谏议书》采用的驳论方法是 [ ]A. 反驳论据B. 反驳论点C. 反驳论证过程D. 反驳论证方式17. 冯谖为孟尝君“焚券市义”行为中蕴含着 [ ]A. 道家思想B. 法家思想C. 人本思想、D. 民本思想18. 《故都的秋》一文的体裁是 [ ]A. 游记散文B. 说理散文C. 抒情散文D. 叙事散文19. 《日出》的情节结构特点是 [ ]A. 回顾式写法B. 开放式写法C. 闭锁结构D. 片段写法20. 下列哪位作家是世界三大短篇小说之王之一? [ ]A. 契诃夫B. 伏尔泰C. 屠格涅夫D. 泰戈尔二、文言文阅读:21~29小题,共30分。

东北农业大学网络教育学院模拟题东农 专升本 大学英语

东北农业大学网络教育学院模拟题东农 专升本 大学英语

东北农业大学入学测试机考专升本大学英语模拟题1、One of my teeth is so ______ that it is going to be missing soon(2)()A.loseB.looseC.lossD.lost标准答案:B2、—How about taking a walk?—Oh, I think it’s ______ cold for a walk(2)()A.very muchB.too muchC.much tooD.so much标准答案:C3、You are supposed to write your composition every ______ line.(2)()A.oneB.aC.otherD.another标准答案:C4、After living for years in a big city, they found it difficult to settle ______ in a town.(2)()A.forB.atC.upD.down标准答案:D5、The reason for my absence was ______ I had fallen ill.(2)()A.whyB.becauseC.forD.that标准答案:D6、This is the university ______.(2)()A.at which do we studyB.we are studyingC.we are studying atD.where we study at标准答案:A7、It was in this house ______ the important meeting in history was held.(2)()A.whereB.thatC.whichD.in which标准答案:B8、She looked so honest that we all regarded her story ______.(2)()A.like trueB.as trueC.like realD.as real标准答案:B9、Mrs. Brown as well as her children ______ to go Paris on holiday next week.(2)()A.isB.areC.willD.will be标准答案:A10、He is training hard, hoping to ______ a new world record.(2)()A.set offB.set asideC.set upD.set out标准答案:C11、___in the arguments about the morality of artificially reproducing life is the fact that,at present, cloning is a very inefficient procedure.(2)()A.OverlookedB.OverlookingC.Having overlookedD.Having been overlooked标准答案:B12、We’ll___ what our country expects of us.(2)()A.keep up withB.put up withC.stand up toD.live up to标准答案:D13、The writer has listed why cloning is not feasible to be ___on humans.(2)()A.amendedB.adoptedC.adjustedD.adapted标准答案:B14、He was a charming and ___host whose house was an___rendezvous( 集合的) of the great.(2)()A.accomplished, acceptedB.accomplishing, acceptingC.accomplishing, acceptedD.accomplished, accepting标准答案:A15、I think the chief thing that ___ me about Mr. Bush was his kindness and humor.(2)()A.hitB.struckC.beatD.knocked标准答案:B16、Mrs. Clinton was always neatly and quietly dressed ___ her age and status.(2)()A.in regard toB.in accordance withC.in reference toD.in comparison with标准答案:B17、We discussed only such problems ___ concerned everyone of us.(2)()A.thatB.whatC.asD.whether标准答案:A18、After the ___of 17 British passengers, Mr. Blair continued to express his concern over the safety of the other passengers still on board the hijacked airliner.(2)()A.relayB.releaseC.conveyD.transfer标准答案:B19、The “quality” newspapers are often held ___ as an example of impartial journalism.(2)()A.backB.inC.upD.onto标准答案:C20、At the age of 14, he went to his uncle's farm, where he had lessons on botany ___ .(2)()A.self-taughtB.self-teachingC.being self-taughtD.having self-taught标准答案:B21、He can't drive a car. Let ___fly an aero-plane.(2)()A.solitaryB.lonelyC.aloneD.loneliness标准答案:C22、The boy said to his mother in an ___ voice that she shouldn't have blamed him.(2)()A.injuryB.injuriousC.injuredD.injuring标准答案:D23、___how the splendid Maya Culture disappeared all of a sudden from the earth, it remains a mystery hard to solve.(2)()A.In turnB.As toC.Thanks toD.As a rule标准答案:B24、In the era of market economy, the concept of “Consumer First” should be ___by manufacturers.(2)()A.rejectedB.reformedC.relivedD.reinforced标准答案:D25、He's widely known more ___a poet than ___a novelist.(2)()A.for,toB.for,asC.as,forD.as,as标准答案:D26、The football match was held over until further notice ___the continual rain.(2)()A.on account ofB.thanks toC.but forD.as for标准答案:B27、The rain was heavy and ___the land was flooded.(2)()A.consistentlyB.consequentlyC.constantlyD.continuously标准答案:B28、Another issue ___the new republic is the problem of the education of its citizens.(2)()A.confiningB.confirmingC.confrontingD.contributing标准答案:C29、A window in the kitchen room was ___; there was rubbish everywhere and the clock had been stolen.(2)()A.scatteredB.smashedC.scratchedD.scraped标准答案:B30、Knowing that her son was suffering from a ___ disease, the mother cried her eyes out.(2)()A.deadlyB.dyingC.dead-likeD.deathly标准答案:A31、Some people consider it unwise to ___themselves in a quarrel between husband and wife.(2)()A.participateB.involveC.combineD.associate标准答案:B32、I have just come here to see if I can be___ to you.(2)()A.helpB.of helpC.with helpD.for help标准答案:B33、Imagine ___with someone who never stops ___practical jokes on you.(2)()A.to live, to playB.to live, playingC.living, to playD.living, playing标准答案:B34、The Old Man and the Sea and many other novels ___ Ernest Hemingway the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954.(2)()A.earnedB.gainedC.awardedD.claimed标准答案:A35、Those who had moved to America under the ___that America was paved with gold everywhere started to regret their decision.(2)()A.illusionB.intentionC.impressionD.concept标准答案:A36、___change your mind,please give us a call.(2)()A.Were you toB.Would youC.Could youD.Might you标准答案:A37、When ___, he denied ___ anything illegal.(2)()A.questioned, doingB.being questioned, doingC.questioning, doingD.questioning, having done标准答案:B38、See you later. Jenny. I'm glad ___ with you for six months.(2)()A.to workB.to be workingC.to have workedD.to having been working标准答案:C39、The girl in the snapshot was smiling sweetly, her long hair___________in the breeze.(2)()A.flowedB.had flowedC.flowingD.was flowing标准答案:A40、___from the European continent, England had been in close contact with the outside world.(2)()A.Because cutting offB.While to be cut offC.Although cut itself offD.Even if cut off标准答案:D41、The actors have to ___ before they appear in front of the audience.(2)()A.cover upB.paint upC.make upD.do up标准答案:C42、Quite a lot of people watch TV only to ___time.(2)()A.passB.killC.wasteD.spend标准答案:A43、John was never particular ___ the food his wife served.(2)()A.aboutB.ofC.forD.to标准答案:A44、The designing of a satellite in the heavy environment is ___an easy job.(2)()A.by all meansB.by means ofC.by no meansD.by any means标准答案:C45、Edward is the boy ___I think scored the winning point for the basketball team.(2)()A.thatB.whatC.whomD.who标准答案:D46、It is often more difficult to find trained men than ___for scientific research.(2)()A.getting financial supportB.to get financial supportC.get financial supportD.in getting financial support标准答案:B47、John is a good student, ___his best subject.(2)()A.as EnglishB.being EnglishC.English asD.English being标准答案:D48、___great was the destruction that the South took decades to recover.(2)()A.VeryB.TooC.SoD.Such标准答案:C49、You ought not to ___him the news that day.(2)()A.tellB.be tellingC.have been toldD.have told标准答案:D50、Hot metal ___as it grows cooler.(2)()A.contractsB.reducesC.condensesD.decreases标准答案:A51、Do you have a preference ___a particular food?(2)()A.withB.atC.forD.in标准答案:C52、By now most freshmen have grown so used to university life that they have forgotten all those___ about the university they originally had.(2)()A.concernsB.worryC.dreamsD.ambition标准答案:C53、Many people want to buy it because.___. the price is reasonable; ___ , it's rather durable.(2)()A.on one side, on the other sideB.for one thing, for anotherC.on the one hand, on the other handD.in one part, in the other part标准答案:C54、The proposal ___we start doing the experiment two days earlier has been agreed upon by all.(2)()A.whichB.whatC.thatD.of which标准答案:C55、Spring ___, we may look forward to better weather.(2)()A.comesB.has comeC.to be comingD.having come标准答案:C56、The purpose of the research had a more different meaning for them than___ .(2)()A.for ours it hadB.it did for usC.with usD.with ours标准答案:B57、___from the balcony when he saw a policeman approaching him.(2)()A.Jumped down the thiefB.Down the thief jumpedC.Down jumped the thiefD.Down did the thief jump标准答案:C58、Can you see a man and his horse ___are crossing the bridge?(2)()A.whoB.whichC.thatD.all标准答案:C59、___, I cannot agree with him on the matter.(2)()A.Much as I respect himB.More as I respect himC.As I respect him muchD.As I respect him more标准答案:A60、But for your help, we ___the work as scheduled.(2)()A.could not finishB.would not have finishedC.would have finishedD.could have finished标准答案:B61、Do you know ___the population of China is?(2)()A.how manyB.how muchC.whichD.what标准答案:B62、Advertising is different from other forms of communication___the advertiser pays for the message to be delivered.(2)()A.in thatB.now thatC.see thatD.whereas标准答案:A63、I know nothing about his journey ___ he is likely to be away for six months.(2)()A.exceptB.unlessC.except thatD.apart from标准答案:C64、___editor and ___publisher of this magazine is a learned man from Britain.(2)()A.An, aB.The, aC.The, theD.The, /标准答案:D65、Many a white-collar worker___to return to the easy days of university or college.(2)()A.wishesB.wishC.have wishedD.wishing标准答案:A66、Would you like him to paint it blue?I'd rather he ___it green.(2)()A.paintsB.paintedC.paintD.is painting标准答案:C67、James dressed himself up as a plumber before leaving the house lest he ___.(2)()A.was recognizedB.could be recognizedC.should be recognizedD.was being recognized标准答案:C68、He struck the girl in the face and she fell to the ground ___.(2)()A.dieB.deathC.deadD.deadly标准答案:C69、I think it quite essential that your child ___ a foreign language at school.(2)()A.must learnB.learnsC.learnedD.learn标准答案:D70、She woke up from the nightmare ___ .(2)()A.with startB.with a startC.startingD.started标准答案:B71、Is there any___in your company?(2)()A.vacancyB.desertionC.emptinessD.hollow标准答案:A72、The old man ___the boy on his knees.(2)()A.seatedB.was seatedC.satD.was sat标准答案:A73、V oices of argument were ___as the two motorists became more bad-tempered.(2)()A.increasedB.risenC.swollenD.raised标准答案:D74、Don't take him for a friend; he's ___a bully.(2)()A.everything toB.nothing butC.anything likeD.something of标准答案:D75、She was exhausted and in no___for dancing.(2)()A.emotionB.temperC.moodD.feeling标准答案:C76、During foggy weather trains are late ___ .(2)()A.and so forthB.more often than notC.or somethingD.as a matter of fact标准答案:B77、The paint is still wet___.(2)()A.Don't he sure to touch it.B.Not be sure to touch it.C.Be not sure to touch it.D.Be sure not to touch it.标准答案:D78、Who will be in charge of your team?We'll elect ___ .(2)()A.Henry as captainB.Henry captainC.captain HenryD.as captain Henry标准答案:A79、The speaker doesn't know how to ___himself across.(2)()B.runC.takeD.put标准答案:D80、It's high time you ___us the truth.(2)()A.tellB.have toldC.toldD.had told标准答案:C81、If I___to do the experiment, I would do it some other way.(2)()A.should beB.should be goingC.wasD.were标准答案:D82、I would not be home tonight___ you not___me a lift in your car.(2)()A.if, giveB.if had, givenC.had, givenD.have, given标准答案:C83、We___it without your help.(2)()A.couldn't have doneB.couldn't doC.could have doneD.could haven't done标准答案:A84、___in the crash, he won't participate in the race.(2)()A.His broken legB.His leg is brokenC.His leg having been brokenD.His leg being broken85、So fast ___that it is difficult for us to imagine its speed.(2)()A.light travelsB.travels lightC.does light travelD.has light traveled标准答案:C86、Is this film moving?Yes, it is___.(2)()A.Rarely have I seen this before.B.Rarely before have I seen this.C.Rarely have I seen before this.D.Rarely I have seen this before.标准答案:A87、I suppose she is not serious,___ ?(2)()A.do IB.don't IC.isn't sheD.is she标准答案:C88、I can only do it for you ___I'm paid in advance.(2)()A.just asB.in thatC.now thatD.on condition that标准答案:D89、Whatever is worth ___ at all is worth ___well.(2)()A.doing, being doneB.doing, doingC.being done, doingD.being done, being done标准答案:A90、You'll see to it ___everything is ready in time.(2)()A.whatB.thatC.whetherD.how标准答案:B91、How well educated a person is ___a strong influence on his career.(2)()A.hasB.haveC.to haveD.having标准答案:A92、What he wrote made no ___to me.(2)()A.meaningB.ideaC.senseD.story标准答案:C93、I bought this antique vase at a quite ___price.(2)()A.cheapB.reasonableC.expensiveD.small标准答案:B94、___change your mind, please give me a call.(2)()A.Might youB.Were youC.Should youD.Would you标准答案:C95、Hardly had they arrived at the airport ___the plane started to leave.(2)()A.thanB.thenC.untilD.when标准答案:C96、This project must be completed ___as scheduled.(2)()A.in vainB.at mostC.in advancedD.by all means标准答案:C97、___the people in the workshop, Tonny is the most skilled.(2)()A.Of allB.To allC.In allD.From all标准答案:A98、Jane cannot drive us downtown, for she has ___to take us all.(2)()A.very small a carB.too small a carC.so a small carD.such small a car标准答案:B99、When questioned, he ___doing anything illegal.(2)()A.refusedB.objectedC.deniedD.opposed标准答案:C100、The car___on the way to the station, and we had to get a taxi.(2)()A.broke downB.breaking downC.broken downD.was broken down标准答案:C。

















分娩时g 球蛋白含量占初乳中蛋白质含量的一半,第一天急剧下降逐渐变成富乳。




















)1.下列词语中加点的字,读音全都正确的一组是( )。

A.吞噬( shì)叮禅益( pì) 轧路机(yà) 浑身解数(xiè)B.觊觎(jì) 央浼(měi) 殉道者(xùn) 钟灵毓秀(měi)C.慰藉( jí) 应酬( yìng) 赚外快(zhuàn) 少不更事(géng)D.诘难( nàn) 畸变(jī) ‘汗涔涔(cén) 庸人自扰(rǎ0)2.下列词语中没有错别字的一组是( )。

A.娇惯戴高帽隐忍苟活迫不急待B.踌蹰出洋相二如火如荼凭心而论C.寒暄霓虹灯百无聊赖自行其是D.遐想缔造者宽宏大量人情事故3.依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是( )。




A.加剧审订号形迹!B.急剧审订形迹C.加剧审定行迹D.急剧审定行迹4.下列句子中加点成语使用正确的一项是( )。





5.下列各句中,没有语病,句意明确的一句是( )。





1The teacher came to the classroom and demandedwhat had happened. 【D 】A:his students to tell himB:being toldC:telling himD:to be told2从四个选项中,选出最佳的一项。

--- Do you knowFrench?---Yes, but only. 【B】A: some; a fewB: any; a littleC: some; fewD: any; little3从四个选项中,选出最佳的一项。

The motorbikesare made in Chongqing sell well. 【C 】A: whatB: thereC: whichD: why4从四个选项中,选出最佳的一项。

--Did you get a ticket?--No, I, but there wasnt any left. 【B 】A: had toB: attempted toC: decided toD: managed to5从每小题的四个选择项中,选出最佳的一项。

well,he stayed at home instead of going to work. 【C 】A: Not to feelB: To feel notC: Not feelingD: Feeling no6从每小题的四个选择项中,选出最佳的一项。

Everyone was home for the holidays. What could make forChristmas than that? 【B 】A: the merriestB: a merrierC: merryD: the merry 7从四个选项中,选出最佳的一项。



2022年东北农业大学网络教育专升本英语入学测试模拟题及答案541、The actors have to ___ before they appear in front of the audience.()A.cover upB.paint upC.make upD.do up标准答案:C42、Quite a lot of people watch TV only to ___time.()A.passB.killC.wasteD.spend标准答案:A43、John was never particular ___ the food his wife served.()A.aboutB.ofC.forD.to标准答案:A44、The designing of a satellite in the heavy environment is ___an easy job.()A.by all meansB.by means ofC.by no meansD.by any means标准答案:C45、Edward is the boy ___I think scored the winning point for the basketball team.()A.thatB.whatC.whomD.who标准答案:D46、It is often more difficult to find trained men than ___for scientific research.()A.getting financial supportB.to get financial supportC.get financial supportD.in getting financial support标准答案:B47、John is a good student,___his best subject.()A.as EnglishB.being EnglishC.English asD.English being标准答案:D48、___great was the destruction that the South took decades to recover.()A.VeryB.TooC.SoD.Such标准答案:C49、You ought not to ___him the news that day.()A.tellB.be tellingC.have been toldD.have told标准答案:D50、Hot metal ___as it grows cooler.()A.contracts B.reduces C.condenses D.decreases 标准答案:A。



东北农业大学入学测试机考专升本高等数学模拟试题1、题目 Z1-2( 2)()A . AB.BC.CD. D标准答案: A2、题目 20- 1:( 2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: A3、题目 20- 2:( 2)()A . AB.BC.CD. D标准答案: B4、题目 20- 3:( 2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: A5、题目 20- 4:( 2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: D6、题目 20- 5:( 2)()A . AB.BC.CD. D标准答案: D7、题目 20- 6:( 2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: A8、题目 20- 7:( 2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: D9、题目 20- 8:( 2)()A . AB.BC.CD. D标准答案: C10、题目 11-1( 2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: C11、题目 11- 2(2)()A . AB.BC.CD. D标准答案: B12、题目 11-3( 2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: A13、题目 20- 9:(2)()A . AB.BC.CD. D标准答案: C14、题目 11-4:( 2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: D15、题目 11-5( 2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: C16、题目 20- 10:(2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: B17、题目 11-6( 2)()A . AB.BC.CD. D标准答案: B18、题目 11-7( 2)()A . AB.BC.CD. D标准答案: C19、题目 11-8( 2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: C20、题目 11-9( 2)()A . AB.BC.CD. D标准答案: D21、题目 11-10( 2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: B22、题目 19- 1:(2)()A . AB.BC.CD. D标准答案: C23、题目 19- 2:(2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: B24、题目 19- 3:(2)()A . AB.BD. D标准答案: D25、题目 12- 1( 2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: D26、题目 12- 2( 2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: D27、题目 19- 4:(2)()A . AB.BC.CD. D标准答案: B28、题目 12- 3( 2)()B .BC.CD. D标准答案: B29、题目 12- 4( 2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: C30、题目 12- 5( 2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: A31、题目 19- 5:(2)()A . AB.BC.C标准答案: C32、题目 12- 6( 2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: A33、题目 12- 7( 2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: B34、题目 19- 6:(2)()A . AB.BC.CD. D标准答案: B35、题目 12- 8( 2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: B36、题目 19- 7:(2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: B37、题目 12- 9( 2)()A . AB.BC.CD. D标准答案: A38、题目 12- 10(2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: C39、题目 19- 8:(2)()A . AB.BC.CD. D标准答案: D40、题目 19- 9:(2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: A41、题目 19- 10:(2)()A . AB.BC.CD. D标准答案: C42、题目 18- 1:(2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: A43、题目 18- 2:(2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: C44、题目 18- 3:(2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: D45、题目 13- 1( 2)()A . AB.BC.CD. D标准答案: D46、题目 18- 4:(2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: A47、题目 13- 2( 2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: B48、题目 13- 3( 2)()A . AB.BC.CD. D标准答案: D49、题目 18- 5:(2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: D50、题目 13- 4( 2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: B51、题目 13- 5( 2)()A . AB.BC.CD. D标准答案: D52、题目 18- 6:(2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: B53、题目 13- 6( 2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: C54、题目 13- 7( 2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: C55、题目 18- 7:(2)()A . AB.BC.CD. D标准答案: B56、题目 18- 8:(2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: B57、题目 13- 8( 2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: B58、题目 13- 9( 2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: C59、题目 18- 9:(2)()A . AB.BC.CD. D标准答案: B60、题目 13- 10(2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: A61、题目 18- 10:(2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: A62、题目 17- 1:(2)()A . AB.BC.CD. D标准答案: C63、题目 17- 2:(2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: D64、题目 17- 3:(2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: C65、题目 17- 4:(2)()A . AB.BC.CD. D标准答案: A66、题目 17- 5:(2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: D67、题目 14- 1( 2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: D68、题目 14- 2( 2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: A69、题目 17- 6:(2)()A . AB.BC.CD. D标准答案: B70、题目 14- 3( 2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: D71、题目 17- 7:(2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: B72、题目 14- 4( 2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: C73、题目 14- 5( 2)()A . AB.BC.CD. D标准答案: C74、题目 17- 8:(2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: D75、题目 14- 7( 2)()A . AB.BC.CD. D标准答案: A76、题目 14- 8( 2)()A . AB.BC.CD. D标准答案: D77、题目 17- 9:(2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: B78、题目 14- 9( 2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: C79、题目 14- 10(2)()A . AB.BC.CD. D标准答案: A80、题目 17- 10:(2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: C81、题目 16- 1:(2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: D82、题目 16- 2:(2)()A . AB.BC.CD. D标准答案: B83、题目 16- 3:(2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: C84、题目 15- 1( 2)()A . AB.BC.CD. D标准答案: C85、题目 15- 2( 2)()A . AB.BC.CD. D标准答案: C86、题目 16- 4:(2)()A . AC.CD. D标准答案: D87、题目 15- 3( 2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: D88、题目 15- 4( 2)()A . AB.BC.CD. D标准答案: B89、题目 15- 5( 2)()A . AB.BC.CD. D标准答案: B90、题目 15- 6( 2)()B .BC.CD. D标准答案: A91、题目 15- 7( 2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: C92、题目 15- 8( 2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: C93、题目 16- 5:(2)()A . AB.BC.CD. D标准答案: A94、题目 15- 9( 2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: B95、题目 15- 10(2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: D96、题目 16- 6:(2)()A . AB.BC.CD. D标准答案: B97、题目 16- 7:(2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: C98、题目 16- 8:(2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: B99、题目 16- 9:(2)()A . AB .BC.CD. D标准答案: A100、题目 16- 10:( 2)()A . AB.BC.CD. D标准答案: D。



东北农大网络教育入学考试复习资料(含部分答案)(专升本)模拟自测试题一Ⅰ.Phonetics (10 points)Directions: In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letters or letter combination marked A, B,C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation. Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.1. A. sole B. solve C. soft D. solve2. A. education B. station C. attention D. suggestion3. A.character B. China C. child D. choice4. A. asked B. missed C. whipped D. played5. A. cough B. weigh C. enough D. laugh6. A. sing B. strong C. playing D. finger7. A. swim B. sword C. sweat D. sweet8. A. speak B. reach C. cheat D. bread9. A. friend B. field C. piece D. belief10. A. now B. knowledge C. cow D. downⅡ. V ocabulary and Structure (40 points)Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.11. —Excuse me, are you waiting for the bus?—Y es, I am. But the bus is so late. _____, how can I get to No.1 Middle School?A. In the wayB. On the wayC. Out of the wayD. By the way12. We are using up our natural resources too quickly and at the same time we are ____our environment with dangerous chemicals.A. protectingB. savingC. pollutingD. fighting13. Listening to the music had a calming influence _____ her.A. toB. onC. forD. into14. Some people who are successful language learners find it difficult to ____ in other fields.A. succeedB. resultC. achieveD. score15.Without air, there would be no atmosphere to protect us ____ the sun’s deadly rays.A. fromB. underC. toD. in16. —__________?—A cup of orange juice.A. Any drinksB. May I take your orderC. Do you open itD. Do you often come here17. —How did you enjoy your trip?—_______.A. Nice to meet youB. V ery muchC. Thank youD. Of course18.It is those people who ____ most angry at what is going on at university campuses.A. isB. wasC. wereD. are19. I will go back to my hometown as soon as I _____ my examinations.A. will finishB. finishC. has finishedD. would finish20. In spring and summer, the most popular______ is tennis.A. workB. activityC. gamesD. sport21.We must _____ all possible ways of increasing food production.A. extendB. insertC. involveD. explore22. ________ way is more efficient is still a question.A. WhatB. WhichC. ThatD. Whether23. They will put off the sports until next week_____ the weather may be fine.A. whenB. whereC. thatD. which24.Many a school in the United States_____ to train men in theology.A. was set upB. were set upC. has set upD. have set up25. We don’t know what the surface of V enus might_____.A. look asB. look likeC. look overD. look about26. This town is famous_____ its historical homes.A. forB. aboutC. withD. by27. Our boss told me my plan was still_____ discussion.A. inB. underC. ofD. with28. Important_______ his discovery was, it was regarded as a matter of no account in his time.A. toB. forC. asD. although29. John was ____ in the trouble, and he didn’t know what to do.A. attractedB. interestedC. movedD. involved30. It has not yet been decided____ the meeting is to be held.A. thatB. whenC. whatD. w hich31. This is the house_____ my parents once lived while they were in the village.A. thatB. whereC. whichD. when32. Be sure to____ your work at the end of the exam.A. look overB. hang upC. look upD. catch sight of33. His handwriting ____ yours.A. more betterB. as well asC. much better thanD. as better as34. It was recommended that they____ for the doctor.A. has waitedB. waitedC. should wai tD. shoul d have wai ted35. Don’t forget to post the letter for me, ____?A. do youB. will youC. are youD. can you36. It is a____ ride from his home to the shopping center.A. ninety-milesB. ninety-mile’sC. ninety milesD.ninety-mile37. Hardly____ when they ran toward it.A. had the plane landedB. did the plane landC. the plane had landedD. the plane landed38. I don’t think you have heard of him before,____ ?A. don’t IB. do IC. have youD. haven’t you39. Do you like playing______?A. the footballB. footballC. a footballD. footballs40. Would you mind not____ him tomorrow?A. to be seeingB. seeingC. to seeD. see41. _____ necessary, you may measure the cloth again.A. If itB. If itsC. If there isD. If42. The speech was so_____ that I felt_____.A. bored; boringB. bored; boredC. boring; boringD. boring; bored43. She said she____ her husband wash the car the next day.A. would helpB. will helpC. helpedD. had helped44. We have____ people to finish the job today.A. seldomB. littleC. enoughD. much45. By 1929, Mickey Mouse was as popular_____ children as Coca-Cola.A. forB. inC. toD. with46. Many famous people from all over the world have been awarded Nobel Prizes for their____.A. resultsB. achievementsC. progressD. discoveries47. The boss won’t allow us to have a rest unless we___ the work.A. finishB. don’t finishC. will finishD. won’t finish48. The salesman tried to____ us to buy his product.A. permitB. persuadeC. allowD. promise49. He has promised to____ the matte .A. look outB. look overC. look afterD. look into50. This room is_____ in the building.A. biggest than any other oneB. bigger than any other oneC. the biggest than any other oneD. bigger than any oneⅢ. Cloze(20 points)Directions: For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked A , B, C, D. Choose the one that is most suitable and mark you answer by blackening the correspondi ng l etter on the A nswer Sheet.One day I was shopping with Mary when a group of white men found us. A tall man 51 up and asked me where I lived. Mary was so angry 52 she said, ”That’s none of your business. If any of you dare to follow us, I’ll tell the police.” The white men had to go 53 . Then Mary warned me not to be in town 54 after dark. She told me that whenever I came 55 the white men who tried to stop me. I should walk right and 56 them as if I saw nothing.Two weeks later Mary was found 57 in a pool of blood. Her death brought back memories of what she 58 told me. I couldn’t 59 it any longer. At that time my thoughts were no longer about school. What I wanted w as to get the 60 to stand up and fight!51. A. ran B. came C. put D. got52. A. for B. as C. that D. to53. A. by B. along C. through D. away54. A. again B. alone C. twice D. on foot55. A. across B. in C. with D. to56. A. jump B. go C. pass D. sing57. A. standing B. lying C. playing D. talking58. A. would B. was told C. had D. has59. A. stand B. think C. listen D. remember60. A. Americans B. rich C. old D. BlackⅣ. Reading Comprehension(60points)Directions: There are four reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by five question. For each question there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Passage OneOne of the well-known of American writers is Samuel Clemens, whose pen name is Mark Twain. Born in 1835, Twain grew up in the Mississippi River town of Hannibal, Missouri. As did many other boys of his day ,Twain dreamed of traveling on rive boats and of someday becoming a riverboat pilot. Twain used his memories of the life of a river town in his tow most famous books, Huckleberry Finn and Tom sawyer.As a young man, Twain held many jobs. He was a printer, a good miner, and, for a time, he was a riverboat pilot. During his pilot days, he adopted the name Mark Twain. This was a term used by the boatmen to mean that the water measured two fathoms, or twelve feet, which was deep enough for safe passage.Finally Twain became a successful writer. He traveled a great deal, writing and speaking, and became very popular both in the United States and in Europe.Twain’s style of writing was simple and direct. Among the things he wrote about were superstitious(迷信)people and people who were easily fooled. He used his unusual gift for humor to write about many things of importance.61. Generally speaking , this article is about____.A. a riverboat pilotB. a printerC. g gold mi nerD. a famous wri ter62. When he was a boy, Mark Twain dreamed of_______.A. traveling on river boats to become a riverboat pilotB. traveling on river boats to gather material for his booksC. traveling on river boats to make moneyD. traveling on river boats to enjoy himself63. Where did the name Mark Twain come from?____.A. It came from a safe passageB. It came from a term used by the boatmenC. It came from a his boyhood.D. It came from his measuring tool.64. Which one of these sentences is not true?____.A. Twain was successful in writing at lastB. Twain was a famous humoristC. Twain’s writing style wa s easy to be understoodD. Twain wrote many poems about Mississippi65. Mark Twain became famous in____.A. the AsiaB. the United StatesC. EuropeD. Both B and CPassage TwoThe earliest immigrants(移民)to North America found Indians already living there. The Indians numbered about 500,00 at the time. Their society was a primitive society. But they lived peacefully and welcomed the white strangers to the land. However, these early immigrants from Europe didn’t want to share the land with the natives. They killed off many of the Indians, seized their land or pushed them off to lands farther away. Today the Indians, not more than half a million, live in poverty and misery on the land on which they were once masters.The earliest immigrants were the Spanish, who settled in the southern part of what is now the U.S. the next large group were the English, after the English came the French, Dutch, Irish, Irish, Germans, and other nationality groups, mostly European.Another early group to arrive were the Negroes. But they were brought in as slaves from Africa. T hen didn’t win freedom till generations later.66. Who were the earliest people living in North America?______.A. The SpanishB. The EnglishC. The NegroesD. The Indians67. Why didn’t the immigrants share the lands with the natives?_____.A. They thought the Indians were not friendly to themB. They wanted to seize the lands as their ownC. Because North America was first discovered by themD. Because the Indian people liked marking war to them68. According to this passage, which of the following is true?_______.A. The Negroes came to North America in order to work for the earliest immigrantsB. The Negroes also belonged to the earliest immigrants to the North AmericaC. The Negroes were brought to America by chanceD. The Negroes didn’t win freedom until now69. From this passage, you can see at least_____ kinds of people living in North America are mentioned.A. FiveB. sixC. sevenD. eight70. Which is the best title of this passage?_____,A. The Earliest People in North AmericaB. The Earliest Immigrants to North AmericaC. The People of the United States D Europeans Were the Earliest People Coming to the North AmericaPassage ThreeMy husband and children feel very happy to live here. They can’t see that we live on a dirty street in a dirty house among people who aren’t good. They can’t see that our neighbors have to make happiness out of all thi s dirt. I decided that my children must get out of this. The money that we’ve saved isn’t nearly enough.The McGaritys have money but they are so proud. They look down upon the poor. The McGaritys girl just yesterday stood out there in the street eating from a bag of candy while a ring of hungry children watched her. I saw those children looking at her and crying in their hearts; and when she couldn’t eat any more she threw the rest down the sewer (下水道), why? Is it only because they have money? There is more to happiness than money in the world, is it here?Miss Jackson who teaches at the Settlement House isn’t rich, but she knows things. She understands people. Her eyes look straight into yours w hen she talks with yours, She can read your mind. I’d like to see the children will be like Miss Jackson when they grow up.71. This passage suggests that the writer______.A. is easy to get along withB. is never pleased with her neighborsC. is unhappy with the life they are livingD. is good at abserving and understanding people72. What can we learn about the McGarity girl?____.A. She is proud but honest.B. She is selfish and cruel.C. She is lonely but friedly.D. She lives in unhappy life.73. What can we learn about Miss Jackson?____,A. She is a serious lady.B. She is a strict teacher.C. She is a narrow-minded lady.D. She is a poor but kind teacher.74. The passage mainly tells us that______.A. money is the most important thingB. there is something more important than moneyC. we should look into their eyes while talking to peopleD. the more money you have, the less happy you would be75. Which of the following statements DOESN’T support the writer’s viewpoint(观点)___。



东北农业大学网络教育2014年专科起点本科入学考试模拟试题大学语文(一)一、选择题(每题2分,共40分)1.由西汉刘向整理编订的一部国别体史书是( )A.《文选》B.《乐府诗集》C.《左传》D.《战国策》2.《背影》描写人物肖像和行动时所采用的手法是( )A.比兴B.白描C.情景交融D.直抒胸臆3. “狡兔三窟”成语出自( )A.《郑伯克段于鄢》B.《秋水》(节选)C.《李将军列传》D.《冯谖客孟尝君》4.《行路难》(其一)中情感流动的方式是( )A.起伏跌宕B.逐层减退C.逐层递进D.平缓舒展5.侯方域是明末清初著名的( )A.政治家B.诗文作家C.思想家D.教育家6.《日出》的情节结构特点是( )A.回顾式写法B.横断面描写法C.闭锁结构D.开放式结构7.奠定巴金在我国现代文学史上地位的长篇小说为( )A.《灭亡》B.《春》C.《家》D.《雾》8.下列各句采用的修辞方法依次是( )(1)虎兕出于柙,龟玉毁于椟中。




A.拟人排比比喻对偶B.比喻拟人夸张对偶C.比喻排比夸张对偶D.拟人比喻对偶夸张9.王昌龄最擅长的是( )A.七言律诗B.七言歌行C.五言绝句D.七言绝句10.下列作品中,属于新乐府的是( )A.白居易《杜陵叟》B.李白《行路难》(其一)C.陆游《关山月》D.曹操《短歌行》(其一)11.中国现代小说的奠基人为( )A.巴金B.鲁迅C.冰心D.茅盾12.贯穿《谏逐客书》一文始终的论证方法是( )A.对比论证B.归纳论证C.演绎论证D.比喻论证13.曹操的《短歌行》(其一)是一首( )A.律诗B.新乐府C.乐府旧题D.绝句14.在我国现代文学史上,郁达夫是杰出的( )A.诗人B.剧作家C.杂文家D.作家15. “人命危浅,朝不虑夕”这句话出自( )A.《大同》B.《谏逐客书》C.《陈情表》D.《五代史伶官传序》16.下列句子中“诸”字的含义是“之于”的是( )A.嵩又取架上诸书,试以问巡。




1 下面函数中在点处可导的是()A.B C. D.答案:D2 幂函数的收敛半径为()A. B. C. D.答案:A3 幂级数在点处收敛,则级数()A.绝对收敛B. 条件收敛C.发散D. 收敛性与有关答案:A4 设,则不定积分()A. B. C. D.答案:B5 设,则()A. B.C. D.答案:A6 已知,则()A. B.C. D.答案:C7 设区域,则在极坐标系下,二重积分可表示为()A. B.C. D.答案:C8 设函数在区间上单调增加,则()A.且B.且为任意实数C.且D. 且为任意实数答案:B9 平面与空间直线的位置关系是()A.互相垂直B.互相平行但直线不在平面上C. 既不平行也不垂直D.直线在平面上10 已知曲线过原点,且在原点处的切线方程平行于直线,又满足微分方程,则此曲线方程是()A. B. C. D.答案:B11 设为连续函数,二次积分交换积分次序后等于()A. B.C. .D.答案:A12 设函数在区间上可导,且,则()A. B.C. D. 与的值不能比较答案:A13 设,为二阶线性常系数微分方程的两个特解,则()A.为所给方程的解,但不是通解B.为所给方程的解,但不一定是通解C.为所给方程的通解D.不为所给方程的解答案:B14 点关于平面的对称点是()A. B.C. D.答案:D15 在空间中,方程表示()A.平面的曲线B.母线平行于轴的抛物柱面C. 母线平行于轴的抛物柱面D. 抛物面答案:C16 设,则()A. B. C. D.答案:A17 曲线的拐点是()A. B. C. D.答案:A18 设,则()A. B. C. D.答案:C19 设,则()A. B. C. D.答案:C20 设有直线,,当直线与平行时,()A. B. C. D.答案:C21 设,则()A. B. C. D.答案:D22 曲线在点处的切线斜率为()A. B. C. D.答案:C23 下列等式不成立的是()A. B.C. D.答案:C24 当时,与比较,可得()A. 是较高阶的无穷小量B. 是较低阶的无穷小量C. 与是同阶无穷小量,但不是等价无穷小量D.与是等价无穷小量答案:B25 设函数,则不定积分()A. B.C. D.答案:A26 若收敛,则下面命题正确的是()A. 可能不存在B. 必定不存在C.存在,但D.答案:D27 设函数在处连续,则的值为()A. B. C. D.答案:A28 ()A. B. C. D.答案:C29 列级数中,条件收敛的级数是()A. B.C. D.答案:C30 微分方程的通解为()A. B.C. D.答案:A31 中心在且与平面相切的球面方程是()A. B.C. D.答案:A32 函数在点处()A. 有极大值B.有极小值C. 不是驻点D.无极值答案:D33 设,且存在,则()A. B. C. D.答案:B34 设在点处取得极值,则()A. 不存在或B. 必定不存在C. 必定存在且D.必定存在,不一定为零答案:A35 设,,,则()A. B.C. D.答案:D36 下列反常积分收敛的是()A. B.C. D.答案:D37 设,则()A. B. C. D.答案:C38 下列函数在给定区间上满足罗尔定理条件的是()A. B.C. D.答案:A39 设函数,则()A. B. C. D.答案:B40 在空间直线坐标系中,表示圆柱面的方程是()A. B.C. D.答案:B41 微分方程的通解为()A. B.C. D.答案:B42 设为连续函数,则积分()A. B. C. D.答案:A43 设,,,则在区间内曲线弧的图形()A.沿轴正向下降且向上凹B. 沿轴正向下降且向下凹C.沿轴正向上升且向上凹D. 沿轴正向上升且向下凹答案:B44 设,,则当时()A.是比高阶的无穷小B.是比低阶的无穷小C.与是同阶的无穷小,但不是等价无穷小D. 与是等阶的无穷小答案:C45 设,则()A. B.C. D.答案:A46 设,则()A. B. C. D.答案:A47 方程表示的二次曲面是()A.椭球面B.锥面C.旋转抛物面D.柱面答案:B48 设,且收敛,则()A.必定收敛B.必定发散C.收敛性与有关D.上述三个结论都不正确答案:D49 设函数在处连续,则的值为()A. B. C. D.答案:A50 设在上连续,内可导,则()A.至少存在一点,使B.当时,必有C.至少存在一点,使得D. 当时,必有答案:C51 交换二次积分次序:()A. B.C. D.答案:C52 设是在上的一个原函数,则在上的不定积分为()A. B.C. D.答案:D53 极限()A.-1B.0C.1D.2答案:C54 若为的极值点,则()A.必定存在,且B.若必定存在,但不一定等于零C.可能不存在D.必定不存在答案:C55 设在上连续,在内可导,且,则在内曲线的所有切线中()A. 至少有一条平行于轴B. 至少有一条平行于轴C. 没有一条平行于轴D.可能有一条平行于轴答案:A56 设在点处连续,则下面命题正确的是()A.可能不存在B.必定不存在,但不一定等于C.必定存在,且等于D.在点处一定可导57 由点,确定向量,则()A. B.C. D.答案:B58 函数的间断点个数为()A. B. C. D.答案:C59 设,则()A.2B.1C.D.O答案:A60 ()A. B. C. D.答案:B61 下列函数在指定区间上满足罗尔定理条件的是()A. B.C. D.答案:C62 平面,的位置关系为()A.垂直B.斜率C.平行不重合D. 重合答案:A63 设与是正项级数,且,,则下列命题正解的是()A.若收敛,则收敛B. 若发散,则发散C.若发散,则发散D. 若收敛,则收敛答案:B64 极限()A. B. C. D.答案:A65 ()A. B. C. D.答案:C66 方程,表示的二次曲面是()A. 椭球面B.柱面C. 圆锥面D.抛物面答案:D67 级数为常数()A.绝对收敛B.条件收敛C.发散D. 收敛性与有关68 设为连续函数,则()A. B. C. D.O答案:D69 ()A. B.C. D.答案:B70 微分方程通解为()A. B.C. D.答案:C71 平面,的位置关系为()A.垂直B.斜率C.平行不重合D. 重合答案:A72 设与是正项级数,且,,则下列命题正解的是()A.若收敛,则收敛B. 若发散,则发散C.若发散,则发散D. 若收敛,则收敛73 下面命题中正确的有()A.若为的极值点,则必有B.若,则必为的极值点C.若为的极值点,可能不存在D.若在内存在极大值,也存在极小值,则极大值必定大于极小值答案:C74 设函数,则在处()A.可导B.连续但不可导C.不连续D.无定义答案:A75 设与是正项级数,且,,则下列命题正解的是()A.若收敛,则收敛B. 若发散,则发散C.若发散,则发散D. 若收敛,则收敛答案:B76 下面命题中正确的有()A.若为的极值点,则必有B.若,则必为的极值点C.若为的极值点,可能不存在D.若在内存在极大值,也存在极小值,则极大值必定大于极小值答案:C77 当时,与比较,可得()A. 是较高阶的无穷小量B. 是较低阶的无穷小量C. 与是同阶无穷小量,但不是等价无穷小量D.与是等价无穷小量答案:B78 设在直线,则该直线()A.过原点且垂直于轴B.过原点且垂直于轴C.过原点且垂直于轴D.不过原点也不垂直于坐标轴答案:B79 设函数,则不定积分()A. B.C. D.答案:A80 若收敛,则下面命题正确的是()A. 可能不存在B. 必定不存在C.存在,但D.。
















(1)设集合函数,,则()(A)(B)(C)(D)(2)函数的最小正周期是()(A)(B)(C)(D)(3)()(A)(B)(C)(D)(4)不等式的正整数解是()(A)1,2 (B)1,2,3 (C)1,2,3,4 (D)0,1,2,3,4(5)若是直线上的一点,则与的关系成立的是()(A)(B)(C)(D)(6)等比数列中,若,,则()(A)(B)(C)(D)(7)四名学生和两名教师排成一排,若教师不相邻且不排在两端,则不同的排法有()(A)72种(B)96种(C)144种(D)240种(8)设,则等于()(A)(B)(C)(D)(9)函数()(A)是奇函数(B)是偶函数(C)既是奇函数又是偶函数(D)既不是奇函数又不是偶函数(10)5个人站成一排照相,甲、乙两个恰好站在两边的概率是()(A)(B)(C)(D)(11)圆点在点且与直线,相切的圆的方程是()(A)(B)(C)(D)()(12)如果抛物线方程,那么它的焦点到准线的距离等于()(A)2 (B)4 (C)8 (D)16(13)在等比数列中,,,则()(A)(B)(C)(D)(14)函数的单调减区间是()(A)(B)(C)(D)(15)已知函数的定义域为,则等于()(A)(B)(C)(D)(16)已知椭圆则它的焦距等于()(A)(B)(C)(D)(17)设,,成等比数列,则等于()(A)4或―4 (B)4或―6(C)―4或6 (D)4或6二、填空题:本大题共4小题,每小题4分,共16分。





(21)从一个班级中任取18名学生,测得体育成绩如下(单位:分)81 76 85 90 82 79 84 86 8380 79 96 90 81 82 87 81 83样本方差等于。

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1 下列作品中属于汉代乐府诗的是()。

A.《行路难》(金樽清酒斗十千) B.《陌上桑》(日出东南隅)C.《从军行》(青海长云暗雪山) D.《关山月》(和戎诏下十五年)答案:B2 下列作品中属于奏章的是()。

A.《答司马谏议书》 B.《报刘一丈书》 C.《谏逐客书》 D.《答李翊书》答案:C3 下列诗歌中属于律诗的是()。

A.杜牧《泊奏淮》B.陆游《关山月》C.李白《行路难》D.王维《山居秋暝》答案:D4 苏轼《前赤壁赋》是一篇()。

A.骚体赋B.大赋C.抒情小赋 D.文赋答案:D5 主张文章应“有补于世”“以适用为本”的文学家是()。

A.韩愈B.柳宗元C.欧阳修 D.王安石答案:D6 下列诗人中属于盛唐边塞诗派代表作家的是()。

A.李白B.王维C.王昌龄 D.杜甫答案:C7 散文诗《门槛》的作者是()。

A.培根B.屠格涅夫C.欧•亨利 D.契诃夫答案:B8 柳永《八声甘州》(对潇潇暮雨)一词所表达的主要内容是()。

A.仁途失意B.伤春惜别C.羁旅行役之苦D.怀古叹今之悲答案:C9 鲁迅小说《风波》的线索是()。

A.张勋复壁B.辫子事件C.赵七爷的竹布长衫 D.九斤老太的唠叨答案:B10 杜甫诗歌的主要风格是()。

A.清新俊逸B.沉郁顿挫C.苍凉悲壮D.沉哀凄苦答案:B11 “马致远《天净沙•秋思》前三句“枯藤老树昏鸦,小桥流水人家,古道西风瘦马”所采用的对仗形式是()。

A.鼎足对B.流水对C.扇面对 D.隔句对答案:A12 李清照《声声慢》(寻寻觅觅)一词最突出的语言技巧是()。

A.叠字B.夸张C.拟人D.比喻答案:A13 冰心的《往事》(一一之十四)是赞美大海的,作者却在开头写道“每次拿起笔来,头一件事忆起的就是海。



A.对比反衬B.欲扬先抑C.侧面烘托D.铺垫渲染答案:B14 成语“狡兔三窟”出自于()。

A.庄子《秋水》B.《左传•郑伯克段于鄢》C.《战国策•冯设客孟尝君》D.司马迁《李将军列传》答案:C15 下列句子中“焉”字作兼词用,相当于“于之”的是()。



D.于是焉河伯欣然自喜答案:C16 茅盾《香市》一文最突出的写作特点是()。

A.今昔对比B.托物言志C.借景抒情D.先抑后扬答案:A17 下列各句中“于”表被动的是()。

A.移其民于河东B.吾长见笑于大方之家C.不似豪末之于马体乎?D.和乃抱其璞而哭于楚山之下答案:B18 下列四句中,有宾语前置这一语法现象的一句是()。



答案:A19 下列各项中,加横线字的意义和用法相同的一项是()。

A.王知如此,则无望民之多余邻国也//请京,使居之B.则固前知其如此也//是其为人也,有粮食亦食,无粮食亦食C.广以良家子从军击胡//是以泰山不让土壤,故能成其大D.既,来之,则安之//苟有能反是者,则又爱之太殷答案:B20 下列各句中,句式不同于其他三项的一项是()。


B.敢问何谓也?C.其李将军之谓也?D.以此常不见悦于长吏答案:D21 由一系列具体事实概括出一般原理的论证方法是( )。

A.归纳法B.演绎法C.比较法D.比喻法答案:A22 先秦散文中最多采用寓言形式、最富浪漫色彩的是( )。

A. 《孟子》B. 《庄子》C. 《论语》D. 《战国策》答案:B23 下列各句中,“服”字作“佩带”解的是( )。

A.垂明月之珠,服太阿之剑B.故远人不服,则修文德以来之C.石崇与王恺争豪,并穷绪丽以饰舆服D.军中自是服其勇也答案:A24 “望洋兴叹”一语出自( )。

A. 《老子》B. 《庄子》C. 《论语》D. 《孟子》答案:B25 王实甫的《西厢记》是一部()。

A.明杂剧B.说唱文学C.元杂剧D.传奇答案:C26 “瀚海阑千百丈冰,愁云惨淡万里凝”诗句中所用的修辞格是() 。

A.比喻B.夸张C.比拟D.排比答案:B27 《米龙老爹》的作者是( )。

A.屠格涅夫B.契柯夫C.莫泊桑D.欧·亨利答案:B28 《郑伯克段于鄢》一文中,“亟请于武公”句中的“亟”字的意思是( )。

A.急忙B.迅速C.竭力D.屡次答案:D29 《国殇》选自( )。

A.《九歌》B.《九章》C.《诗经》D.《国语》答案:A30 辛弃疾的作品集是( )。

A.《淮海词》B.《漱玉词》C.《清真词》D.《稼轩词》答案:D31 “逝者如斯”一语出自( )。

A.《醉翁亭记》B.《前赤壁赋》C.《论语·子罕》D.《孟子》答案:C32 郁达夫和郭沫若曾一起组织过( )。

A.语丝社B.创造社C.文学研究会D.未名社答案:B33 《苦恼》一文的作者契词夫是下列哪国的作家( )。

A.英国B.俄国C.法国D.美国答案:B34 《选择与安排》一文的作者朱光潜是我国着名的( )。

A.语言学家B.文学家C.美学家D.表演艺术家答案:C35 下列诗集中,属于郭沫若的是( )。

A.《女神》B.《北方》C.《红烛》D.《死水》答案:A36 下列划线的句子,翻译正确的一项是( )。










答案:C37 下列各项加线的字,解释正确的一项是( )。

A.将子无怒,秋以为期将:将要B.恨不得倩疏来挂住斜晖倩:央求,请求C.正襟危坐而问客曰危:高D.来归相怨怒,但坐观罗敷坐:坐下来答案:B38 下列各项加线词语与例句加线词语用法相同的一项是( )。

例句:舞幽壑之潜蛟,泣孤舟之嫠妇A.函梁君臣之首,入于太庙B.忧劳可以兴国,逸豫可以亡身C.广为人长猿臂D.侣鱼虾而友麋鹿答案:B39 下列各句中,“则”表转折关系,可译为“却”的是( )。

A.若是,则与吾业者,其亦有类乎B.某则以谓受命于人主C.到则披草而垒,倾壶而醉D.故木受绳则直,金就砺则利答案:B40 “瀚海阑干百丈冰,愁云惨淡万里凝”诗句中所用的修辞格是( )。

A.比喻B.夸张C.比拟D.排比答案:B41 提出“惟陈言之务去”写作主张的是( )。

A.韩愈B.柳宗元C.欧阳修D.梁启超答案:A42 下列词人中,属于豪放派的是( )。

A.李清照B.欧阳修C.柳永D.苏轼答案:D43 由一般原理推导出关于个别情况的结论,这种论证方法是( )。

A.类比法B.归纳法C.演绎法D.对比法答案:C44 “多行不义必自毙”一语出自( )。

A.《左传》B.《国语》C.《战国策》D.《韩非子》答案:A45 《灯下漫笔》一文的作者是()。

A.茅盾B.冰心C.鲁迅D.钱钟书答案:C46 《沙滩上的脚迹》选自( )。

A.《闲书》B.《茅盾全集》C.《朝花夕拾》D.《往事》答案:B47 1951年荣获“人民艺术家”称号的是( )。

A.巴金B.茅盾C.老舍D.赵树理答案:C48 散文诗《门槛》全文采用的是( )。

A.象征B.对比C.比喻D.类比答案:A49 “采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”这一句诗出自( )。

A.《归田园居》B.《饮酒》C.《种豆南山下》D.《山居秋瞑》答案:B50 王昌龄的《从军行》是一首( )。

A.五言律诗B.五言绝句C.七言律诗D.七言绝句答案:D51 “气,水也;言,浮物也”一句所用的修辞格是( )。

A.层递B.比拟C.比喻D.对偶答案:D52 我国第一部纪传体通史是( )。

A.《左传》B.《汉书》C.《史记》D.《后汉书》答案:C53 “易安居士”是指( )。

A.辛弃疾B.李清照C.王安石D.苏东坡答案:B54 从作品的风格和表现手法上看,《炉中煤》是一首( )。

A.颂歌B.战歌C.牧歌D.恋歌答案:D55 下列各句中,“则”表示转折关系,可以译为“却”的是( )。

A.既来之,则安之B.苟有能反是者,则又爱之太殷C.到则拔萃而垒,倾壶而醉D.兵强则士勇答案:B56 下列各句中加线的词,词义相同的一项是( )。

A.吾长见笑于大方之家/西取由余于戎B.昔者仲尼与于蜡宾/与尔三矢,尔其无忘乃父之志C.臣以险衅,夙遭闵凶/以五十步笑百步,则何如D.侣鱼虾而友麋鹿/蟹六跪而二鳌答案:D57 下列句子中,含有宾语前置现象的是( )A.然而不王者,未之有也B.大道之行也,天下为公C.于反复不宜卤莽D.议法度而修之于朝廷答案:A58 下列语句中,“且”字作“将”解的是( )。

A.杀其骑且尽B.虏多且近C.且广年六十余矣D.且因命也答案:A59 诗句“山气日夕佳,飞鸟相与还”出自( )。

A.《陌上桑》B.曹操《短歌行》C.王维《山居秋暝》D.陶渊明《饮酒》答案:D60 下列划线的句子翻译错误的是( )。







答案:D61 庄子《秋水》(节选)的主旨是( ) 。




