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The term ‘Functional Foods’was first introduced in Japan in the mid-1980s as‘processed foods containing components that provide specific body functions’, when the Japanese Ministry of Health & Welfare was hoping to improve the health of the Japanese ageing population and reduce escalating health-care costs (Arai, 1996). 功能性食品这个术语第一次被提出是在八十年代中期的日本,被认为是一类包含着能够提供特定生理功能因子的精加工食品”

Globally, ‘Functional Food’is not a legal term and there are various ways to define it. 在全球,‘功能性食品’不是一个法定的术语。

In Japan, the ‘Functional Foods’are known as Foods for Specified Health Use (FOSHU), and are regarded as influencing human body structure and ⁄or function by regulating particular human health conditions (Ohama et al., 2006). 在日本,功能性食品被认为是指一类可以提供特定健康功能的食品,并且它通过调节人类特别的健康状况影响着人类的身体结构和功能。

Health Canada defines a ‘Functional Food’as ‘similar in appearance to a conventional food, consumed as part of the usual diet, with demonstrated physiological benefits, and ⁄or reduce the risk of chronic disease beyond basic nutritional functions’(Health Canada website: http://hc-sc.gc.ca).加拿大卫生部定义‘功能性食品’是‘在外形上和普通食品相似,作为正常饮食的一部分被消费,提供生理学方面的有利因素,同时比普通的营养品更有利于减少慢性疾病的的发生’的一类食品。

In Korea, ‘Functional Foods’are referred to supplements to the normal diet with measurable doses (Kimet al., 2006).在韩国,‘功能性食品’被提及到是用来为正常饮食提供营养补充的食品,并且其营养补充功能是可以被测量到的。

In the United States, ‘Functional Foods’have no such regulatory identity, although in 1999, the American Dietetic Association termed ‘Functional Foods’as ‘foods that are in the forms of whole,fortified, enriched or enhanced foods that provide functional advantage and ⁄or health benefits beyond basic nutrition, when consumed at an effective level on a regular basis’(American Dietetic Association, 1999).在美国,‘功能性食品’没有如此一致性的定义,但是在1999年,美国饮食协会定义‘功能性食品’是‘一类以全面的、强化的、丰富的或者增强型食品的方式存在,并且能够提供有益功能的食品,比普通营养品更有益健康,同时其消费量比普通水平更高’。

China defined a functional food as ‘a food that is suitable for consumption by special groups of people, and has special health functions of regulating human body functions but is not used for therapeutic purposes’(Ministry of Heath, 1996). 中国定义功能性食品是‘一类适合于特殊人群消费的,有特定健康功能的,能够调节人体生理功能的食品,但是不以治疗为目的’。

In Europe, there has been no legal definition for functional foods, and a working definition of functional food is proposed as ‘a food that beneficially affects one or more target functions in the body beyond adequate nutritional effects in a way that is relevant to either an improved state of health and wellbeing and ⁄or reduction of risk of disease, and it is consumed as part of a normal food pattern (not a pill, a capsule or any form of dietary supplement)’(European Commission, 2010).在欧洲,对于功能性食品来说,没有法定的定义,一个功能方面的定义被提出:“是一类对人体某个或某些身体指标功能产生有益影响的食品,在某种程度上,其有益影响超出了适当营养品的影响。它不仅用来提高身体状况,还可以减少疾病的发生。它被当做普通商品的形式被消费(不是药片,不是胶囊也不是其它形式的营养补充剂)。


Functional foods, with their synergistic health benefits that go beyond just being a source of individual nutrients, present challenges to the traditional‘nutrition’view of foods.A successful functional food
