哈工大数控技术大作业二 DDA法椭圆插补
动点 JVX 修正 JV Y 进给 ∃x 方向 ∃y
L 1 L 2 L 3 L 4 N R 1N R 2N R 3N R 4 SR 1 SR 2 SR 3 SR 4
+1- 1+1- 1- 1+1- 1+1 - 1+1- 1+1+1- 1+1- 1 +- - +- - ++++- ++- - +- - +- ++-
性或变频器直流环节中滤波电感及电容之间发生能量 交换造成的。 3 结束语
变频系统应用于车床数控化改造中的主轴调速控 制系统, 由于其技术先进、 功能齐全、 效率高、 调速 范围大、 精度高、 节电效果显著以及无级调速和体积 小, 因此是一种理想的调速控制方式。 它既提高了设 备效率, 满足了生产工艺要求, 又提高了能源利用率, 降低了能源损耗, 经济效益十分显著。
(上接第 75 页)
D esign and Research of Arc In terpola tion Sof tware in DDA Law
XU L iang-yuan
(Eng ineering Co llege , A nhu i A g ricu ltu ral U n iversity, H efei 230036, Ch ina) Abstract: T h is p ap er ana lyzed the p rincip le of a rc in terpo la tion in DDA , in troduced the p rog ramm ing m ethod of a rc in terpo la tion in DDA. B y m ean s of th is softw a re, w e can im p rove CN C m ach ine too ls on p rocessing efficience, so the softw a re ha s a p ractica l va lue. Key w o rd s: DDA ; m ove to left and standa rd ize; in terpo la tion softw a re
IK坐标系原点A即切割枪位置,随着切割枪而移动,圆心C相对于原点A的坐标值为(K,I)。第i次迭代之后,切割枪按照插补命令移动到A i点,这时圆心C的坐标为(K i,I i)。
1传统DDA圆弧插补算法在用户编制的零件程序中,对于圆弧插补的程序段,提供了圆弧在XZ平面中的起点、终点以及圆心相对于起点的偏移量I 0、K 0值。现以第一象限的顺圆为例,说明传统DDA圆弧插补算法的实现。
在机床XZ坐标系中,设圆弧起点为A,圆心为C,坐标轴原点平移A点后构成IK坐标系。IK坐标系原点A即切割枪位置,随着切割枪而移动,圆心C相对于原点A的坐标值为(K,I)。第i次迭代之后,切割枪按照插补命令移动到A i点,这时圆心C的坐标为(K i,I i)。在第i+1次迭代中,切割枪将沿着切线A i C′方向移动,于是将按斜率为-K i/I i的切线进行插补迭代一步,切割枪移动到A i+1点。此时圆心C相对于A i+1,的坐标为(I i+1,K i+1)。
式(1)X和Z轴的进给步长可以根据编程速度按斜率为-K i/I i;的直线A i C′计算如下:△X i+1=v(3)因此,第一象限顺圆的传统DDA圆弧插补迭代公式如下式(4)I i=I i-1-△X i K i=K i-1-△Z i)式(5)X i=X i-1-△X i Z i=Z i-1-△Z i)式(6)上述公式中第一个公式用来计算第I次插补周期中坐标轴的进给步长,第二个公式用来修正圆心相对于切割枪位置的现时坐标,第三个公式用来计算切割枪应该达到的命令位置。图2中轨迹是根据传统DDA圆弧插补算法形成的轨迹曲线,包括8个插补点。由切线逼近圆弧的插补算法本身的误差所引起的径向误差较大。
1.数控系统中圆弧插补算法的改进和实现 [J], 李莉;冯志永
2.数控系统差值比较法圆弧插补算法的研究 [J], 范希营;郭永环
3.数控系统轮廓圆弧插补算法研究 [J], 孙德茂
4.数控系统直接函数法圆弧插补算法的改进 [J], 唐学飞;姚传维;王新安
5.数控系统DDA圆弧插补改进算法的研究 [J], 付凯
Abstract: Interpolation is index close process. DDA interpolation is quite a common interpolation way. However, in the actual
此时对应的刀具运动轨迹如图 3 所示。 由图 3 可知刀具运动轨迹完全符合题意插补要求。再
向进给结束,在 Y 轴方向
继续,直至 JLY 变为零。才 3
总结以上过程,我们 在应用 DDA 法插补圆弧 0 时,为了减小或避免误差 的出现,我们在插补过程
5 6+5= 11-8=
1 3 7+3= 10-8=
5-1=4 11>q 3
1 3+1=4 10>q 2
4 7+4= 11-8=
4 6+4= 10-8=
+X 0
-Y 3
4-1=3 11>q 3
4+1=5 10>q 2
数控技术与编程一及答案一、填空题1、数字控制是用_____ 对机床的运动及加工过程进行控制的一种方法。
2、数控机床是由__________ 和_______ 组成。
4、伺服系统分为____________ 和_____________ o5、数控机床按运动方式可分为_____________ 、_____________________ 、 _____________ 。
6、数控机床按控制方式可分为________________ •_______________ 和________________ 。
7、数控机床中没有位置检测反馈装置的是_____________ ;有位置检测反馈装置的是________________ 和____________________ 。
8、开环控制数控机床主要采用_______________________ 进行驱动,而半闭环和闭坏控制数控机床主要采用进行驱动。
9、数控机床中2.5轴控制是指两个轴是_________ 控制,第三个轴是_________________ 控制。
10> __________ 是指数控机床适应加工对象变化的能力。
11、________________________ __________________________ FMC 代表 ________________ , FMS 代表,CIMS 代表。
第一作业调研报告 (1)1.1调研内容 (1)1.2工作量与要求 (1)1.3正文 (1)The development and application of NC machine tool servo system (2)第二作业:典型曲线数字积分法插补方法 (13)2.1目的 (13)2.2要求 (13)2.3 DDA法双曲线插补的积分表达式 (13)2.4终点判别 (15)2.5插补举例 (15)第三作业:加工中心零件加工编程 (17)3.1目的和要求 (17)3.2数控机床设备 (17)3.3加工工艺制订 (19)3.4要完成的程序编写任务 (22)《数控技术》课程(2015)大作业院(系)专业姓名学号班号任课教师完成日期哈尔滨工业大学机电工程学院2015年5月数控大作业第一作业调研报告1.1调研内容请以课堂所学习的知识为基础,自主选择课程中所涉及的任一知识点进行调研。
请提交交独一无二的报告1.2工作量与要求1. 报告需用英文撰写,可计算机打印,也可手写,但最后封面需手工签名。
2. 格式请参照本科生毕业论文要求(见教务处网站),总字数不少于2000字。
4. 如果出现雷同,两位同学均无成绩。
1.3正文The development and application of NC machine tool servo system Since the invention of NC machine tool in 1950s, servo system has been the indispensable component of the NC machine tool. With the rapid development of new materials, electronic power and controlling system, the servo system has evolved from the step-by-step system to DC system and then to AC system. As the blossom of AC servo technology, AC servo system will replace the DC system wholly and take up the dominant position in the family of servo system.With the electronic power conversion unit as actuator and controller as c ore , Servo system which contains the servo driver and servo motor const itutes the main part of the electric-driving and automatic control system . When working, firstly the servo system willreceive the signal from NC devices, and then drive the motion of machine tool as well as ensure the accuracy and speediness of movement under the guidance of pulse command . Usually, precision and speed of t he NC machine tool and other technical indicatorsmainly depend on the servo system itself1.The improvement and assortment of NC servo systemAt present, engineers tend to assess the quality by reference to several im portant indicators, such as precision, speed and so on. Therefore, a NC se rvo system must meet these requirements.High precisionUnlike the traditional manufacturing which can be manually handled to r egulate and compensate errors, the NC servo system has a high demand o n positioning accuracy and repeated positioning accuracyQuick repose characteristicQuick response is one of important indicators of servo system’s dynamic quality which requires the servo system following the command signal with minimum error as well as quick repose and high stability. Once receiving the instruction of manipulator, the working machine can restore the original state of equilibrium quickly after a short regulation or a disturbance from outer space.Wide speed rangeDue to the difference in work piece materials, cutting tool and process requirements, servo system must have wide speed range, so as to ensure that the CNC machine in any circumstances can get the optimal cutting condition. Thus the machine tool can satisfy the requirement of high speed machining as well as the requirement of low speed feed.The speed range is generally larger than 1 to 10000. when the machine is working in a low cutting speed which ask for a larger stable torqueoutput, NC servo system must maintain a good reliability.Good reliabilitythe usage of machine tool is frequent, usually with 24 hours' continuous work, so the servo system must have good working reliability. Servo system of NC machine tool can be divided into open loop control system and closed loop control system according to the presence of feedback test components. Drive control Unit transforms feeding instructions to perform signal needed by actuator, and then actuator convert this signal into mechanical displacement.In Open loop control system, there is no feedback detecting components and comparing control links. On the contrary, these are essential part of a closed-loop control system.The composition of servo systemServo system can be classified into the feed drive system and the spindle drive system on the basis of function and usage. Besides,the NC servo system can also be sorted into open loop control system and the closed loop control system in light of the presence of feedback detecting element.In addition, according to the difference of actuators, servo system can be divided into stepping servo system, dc servo system and ac servo system.Stepping servo systemBefore the 1960 s,the stepping servo system is based on step motor driven hydraulic servo motor or characterized by power steppingmotor as direct drive,and servo system uses open-loop control. Stepping servo system works with the pulse signal, and its speed and turning Angle depends on the frequency or the number ofInstruction pulses.Because there is no testing and feedback loop, the precision of the stepper motor step depends on the step angle, the accuracy of the gear transmission clearance and so on, its accuracy is low. stepping motor is easy to appear vibration phenomenon when working in the low frequency,and its output torque decreases with increment of speed. Because the stepping servo system is the open loop control, step motor in the start of machine with the over-high frequency or large load shows"lost" or "blocked" phenomenon and prone to appear phenomenon of high speed overshoot in the braking of the machine tool. At the same time, step motor speed accelerating from 0 to working speed requires longer time and slower speed response. But because of its simple structure, easy adjustment, and good working reliability and the low prices, the stepping system is a good choice in many many occasions of low occasions.Dc servo systemAfter 60 and 70 s, most of numerical control system adopts dc servo system. Dc servo motor has a good wide range speed performance, large output torque, and strong overload capacity. servo system also has evolved from open loop control into closed-loop control, thus in the industry as well as its related fields gains the more extensive or aboard application. However, with the rapid development of modern industry, the corresponding equivalents such as precision CNC machine tools, industrial robots make higher and higher requirements to the electrical servo system, especially the precision, reliability and other performance.The traditional dc motor uses a mechanical commutator, faced up with many problems in the application process, such as brush and commutator wear easily, maintenance work is heavy and the cost of it is high. Commutator reversing would produce sparks, the maximum speed of the motor and the application environment is limited;Dc motor has a more complex structure, higher cost,and prone to interfere other devices'work.Ac servo systemThe existence of these problems, limiting the dc servo system in high precision, high performance requires the application of servo driveoccasion.Because hard-overcoming weakness of dc motor, people have been seeking the development of ac servo motor to replace the dc motor whose advantage is limited by mechanical commutor and brush to satisfy the needs of various application fields, especially in the field of high precision and high-performance servo drive .But because the ac motor has strong coupling, nonlinear characteristics, so control is very complete and the high-performance application has been limited. Since the 1980 s, with the boom of the new technology such as electronic electricity, the modern control theory, and the breakthrough in the field of vector control algorithm, the original problems of AC motor which has bothered so many engineers has been solved, and ac servo development faster and faster.The characteristics of the ac servo systemIn addition to good stability, good rapidity,and high precision,servo motor system has a series of other advantages.with out the limitation of commutator circumferential speed and armature reactance potential numerical element, the speed limit ofAC motor can be design higher than DC motor in the same given motor. with a wide range of speed regulation, the most ac servo motor speed ratio can reach 1:50000,and high-performance servo motor speed ratio can even amount to ver 100000. Meet the numerical control machine tooldrive, wide speed range and small static rate request.good torque speed characteristicAC motor as the constant torque output, i.e. within its rated speed output rated torque, in for a constant power output above the rated speed.And torque overload capacity, can overcome the inertia moment of inertia load moment at start-up.Meet the machine tool servo system, large output torque, good dynamic accordingly, high positioning accuracy demands.The research status of domestic ac servoAc servo system consists of the ac servo system based on asynchronous motor and the ac servo system on the base of synchronous motor.At present machine mainly adopts a permanent magnet synchronous ac servo system.In the field of ac servo research, the Japan, the United States and Europe are in the forefront.In the mid 1980s, Japan yaskawa company has successfully developed the world's first ac servo drive.Then F ANUC, Mitsubishi, Panasonic and other companies have launched their own ac servo system. Most of these products from aboard companies are based on the asynchronous motor. However,domestic institutes has set up late in ac servo system with asynchronous motor,and so far there are still no products available. Many domestic researchers put much importance on the research of permanent magnet synchronous motor servo system. Huazhong university of science and technology, Beijing machine toolresearch institute, xi 'an micro motor research institute, shenyang institute of automation of Chinese academy of sciences, lanzhou electric factory etc have started out in the research of AC servo system and are expected to launch their own products. DA98 all-digital ac servo drive unit from guangzhou NC manufacturing company has already knock at the door of high-precision servo driver industry in our country, broken the monopoly of foreign countries , and initiated a new era belonging to our national brands.Ac servo signal and numerical control system interface have three different modes, which can also divided into three stages.Domestically, Guangzhou CNC DA98 which belongs to the first generation and is also a epoch-making servo drive, at the same time, it is first all-digital domestic ac servo drive unit, pulse command it accept direction. The second generation is EDB series delegated by Aston, it can not only accept pulse command signal, but also receive the signal from the speed control and torque control analog input.The third generation is networked ac servo worked servo system is the organic combination of industrial field-bus technology and full digital ac servo,which enables users to adjust the parameters according to load conditions and saves some unstable factors such as drift produced by analog circuits. Based on field bus network control technology,the servosystem the microprocessor and field bus interface in all type ac motor servo drive, form independent of intelligent digital servo control unit, it directly connected to the industrial field bus, it formed a new type of network control system based on field-bus.Reduced the number of hardware and the attachment, the structure of intelligent units on independent, to the outside world and realize data sharing between each other, but also can use other field control equipment, easy to extend.So far, the network communication server product in domestic has not yet mature.Robotics institute of Beijing university of aeronautics and astronautics development design a network based on DSP + FPGA + ASIPM ac servo control system, the principle prototype has been got preliminary validation of the three-dimensional carving machine. currently, the most server drive adopt high-speed DSP processors,which promote the movement of all kinds of advanced control algorithms in the use of new type of drive. Mostly, suppliers of servo system employ the structure of DSP + CPLD (FPGA) on the hardware. Because the DSP and CPLD (FPGA) can repeat programming,they are easy to realize modular re-configurable of the ac servo system.As long as the software for corresponding different system configurations, including the control algorithm can control and asynchronous motor, permanent magnet synchronous servo motor, brush-less dc motor, and through the reconfiguration of FPGA can also drive dc motor and three phaseinduction of stepping motor.It's for NC machine tool upgrade and innovation has left a lot of space.The development tendency of ac servoWith the constant improvement of productive forces, the ac servo system will be sophisticated in the direction of the integration, intelligent and network .integrationBy using a single and multi-function control unit, the servo system can achieve position control and speed control function through the setting of software and constitute a half closed loop feedback unit configuration or full closed loop control system of high accuracy through the external interface composition.intelligentServer intelligent control mode, such as internal programming can achieve a certain trajectory in advance and control the surrounding IO port as well as the adjustment of master-slave's following with electronic CAM, etc.networkServer implementation is distributed by network.The server's modulation could be reconstructed with low cost .conclusionThe modern NC machine tool is developing rapidly in the direction ofhigh speed and high precision.As the essential component of the NC machine tool,servo system has gradually equated to ac servo system which has several incomparable advantages compared with other servo systems. With the progress of the ac servo technology, it will gradually replace dc servo system overall.[参考文献][1]Tryling, David P.Simple servo uses.ProQuest Journal,2009.[2]J. Cao ;Z.W. Li ;Z.X. Meng.Development Of A Nc Servo System Based On Fuzzy Adaptive Control.Key engineering materials,2009.[3]Fusaomi&Nagata.Development of CAM system based on industrial robotic servo controller without using robot languag.Robotics andComputer Integrated Manufacturing,2013.[4]Mulan Wang Kaiyun Xu Chuan He Lei Zhou.Research on Servo System for CNC Machine Tool Driven by Permanent Magnet Synchronous Torque Motor.Materials Engineering and Automatic Control,2012[5]Xu, Kaiyun Li, Ning Lin, Jian He, Chuan.Development of linear servo control system for CNC machine tool based on DSP.International Conference on Mechatronic Science, Electric Engineering and Computer,2011第二作业:典型曲线数字积分法插补方法2.1目的数字积分插补方法是实现数控插补功能的重要方法之一。
i =1
NOTE: NOTE: 插补开始时, x=0, y=0; 1)插补开始时,∑x=0,∑y=0; 被积函数寄存器分别寄存X 一直不变) 被积函数寄存器分别寄存Xe和Ye(一直不变) 插补开始后,每隔一个时间间隔△ 2)插补开始后,每隔一个时间间隔△t ,被 积函数的内容与各自的累加器中的内容相加 一次, 一次,相加后溢出的脉冲做为驱动相应坐标 轴的进给脉冲, 余数仍寄存在累加器中。 轴的进给脉冲,而余数仍寄存在累加器中。 被积函数寄存器中的数可用二进制位表示: 3)被积函数寄存器中的数可用二进制位表示: 由高到低), 2n-1、……20。(由高到低),也可用十进制 2 。(由高到低),也可用十进制 数表示。 数表示。 4)当累加出现>2N项时,则表示溢出脉冲。 当累加出现>2 项时,则表示溢出脉冲。
∑ ∑
∑ ∑
例3:当函数寄存器位数N=3,对第一象限直 当函数寄存器位数N=3, N=3 OE进行DDA插补 起点( 进行DDA插补, 线OE进行DDA插补,起点(0,0), 终点E ),写出插补过程并画出插补轨 终点E(5,3),写出插补过程并画出插补轨 迹。 解: 1)基本参数 N=3,则累加次数m=2 =8, N=3,则累加次数m=23=8, =5, Xe=5,Ye =3, ∑x=000, ∑x=000,∑y=000 。
t 0 i =1 n
y = ∫ k y e dt = ∑ k y e ∆t
t 0 i =1
取单位时间 Δt=1,则公式化为
x = k ⋅ ∑ xe i =1 n y = k ⋅ y ∑ e i =1
累加多少次,才能到达加工终点呢?m=? K=? 累加多少次,才能到达加工终点呢?m=? K=?
《数控技术》课程(2014)大作业院(系)专业姓名学号班号任课教师完成日期哈尔滨工业大学机电工程学院2014年3月说明一、大作业应包括下列主要内容:1.目录;2.题目1的要求(精简版)与报告;3.题目2的要求(精简版)与报告;4.题目3的要求(精简版)与报告;5.其他内容二、注意事项:1. 报告可以打印,也可以手写,手写的请扫描后粘贴入word文件中,形成电子文档;2. 调研部分,不要为了凑字数,而撰写大量无关内容。
字数不重要,重要的是对调研内容的自我总结;3. 在大作业的最后,如果愿意,可以谈一下对课程的感受和建议;4. 报告的电子版请以班级为单位,刻录在光盘中交给任课教师。
目录第一作业调研报告 (4)一、目的 (4)二、调研正文 (4)Abstract................................. (4)Main body.................. (4)Reference (10)第二作业典型曲线插补方法 (11)一、目的 (11)二、要求 (11)三、DDA椭圆插补...... ............ ..................... ........................ (11)1、椭圆插补参数设置............ ............... (11)2、椭圆插补步骤设置............ ............... (12)3、插补器的结构框图.................. .................. ... (12)4、DDA法椭圆插补的终点判别.......................................... (12)四、DDA法椭圆插补实例 (13)第二作业数控编程仿真系统开发...... ......... ............ (15)一、目的 (15)二、要求 (15)三、钻削循环G81功能的系统程序开发 (15)1、开发语言的选择及其优势 (15)2、G81钻削循环指令特性分析 (15)3、G81开发流程图 (16)4、钻削循环运动仿真 (16)5、主要模块开发流程 (16)6、仿真实例 (23)第一作业调研报告一、目的数控系统是数字控制系统简称,英文名称为Numerical Control System,是数控机床的关键技术所在。
(3)插补:指在被加工轨迹的起点和终点之间,插进许多中间点,进彳亍数据点的密化工作, 然后用已知线型(如直线、圆弧等)逼近。
(8)模态G代码:指一经在一个程序段中指定,其功能一直保持到被取消或被同组其它G 代码所代替,即在后续的程序段中不写该代码,功能仍然起作用。
http:// E-mail:ZZHD@ 《机械制造与自动化》
唐 锐,等·数字积分椭圆插补算法
进给脉冲。X 累加器溢出的脉冲驱动X 轴走一步; Y 轴累加器溢出的脉冲驱动Y 轴走一步。
对于不同的平面曲线,只是被积函数的形式不 一样。所以对椭圆要实现 DDA 插补,其关键点是 要求出它的简单而又精确的被积函数表达式。
占4位,小数部分占4位,共8位,满16溢出。插 补的轨迹如图4所示。
图4 DDA椭圆插补运算轨迹
表1 DDA椭圆插补运算过程
x 积分器
y 积分器
0 0 0 0 10 6 0 0 6
业机械学报,2000,(9):94-96. [5]王宣银.非对称液压缸系统压力跃变的研究[J].组合机床与
28 10 停止迭代 0 0 0.6 注:J ∑x 、J ∑y 为终点计数器。
[1]叶蓓华.数字控制技术[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2002. [2]宋本基,等.数 控 技 术[M].哈 尔 滨:哈 尔 滨 工 程 大 学 出 版 社,
Harbin Institute of Technology数控技术大作业题目:数控系统国内外发展及应用现状院系:机械制造及其自动化班级:姓名:学号:©哈尔滨工业大学目录摘要: (3)引言 (3)一、数控系统的发展过程和趋势 (3)(一)数控系统的发展简史 (4)(二)数控系统发展趋势 (4)二、国外和国内数控系统功能介绍与应用分析 (5)(一)、FANUC的新一代NGC系列数控系统 (5)(二)、三菱数控系统C70 (6)(三)、西班牙发格CNC8065T数控系统 (6)(四)、广州数控GSK928TD车床数控系统 (6)(五)、南京华兴数控WA730M-5 (7)三、国内数控系统与国外数控系统比较 (8)(一)、国内数控系统现状 (8)(二)、国外数控系统现状 ............................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
(三)、国内外数控系统的比较与差距 (9)参考文献 (9)调研报告——数控系统的国内外发展及应用现状机电工程学院:张晓强学号:1110810906摘要:数控系统是现代制造技术的基础,应用十分广泛,它使普通机械被数控机械所代替,全球制造业发生了根本性变化。
数控机床DDA数字积分法插补第⼀象限直线,逐点⽐较法插补⼆三象限顺圆弧⽬录⼀、课程设计介绍1.1 任务说明 (3)1.2要求 (3)⼆、程序操作及算法流程图2.1 DDA法插补直线流程 (3)2.2逐点⽐较法插补逆时针圆弧流程 (4)三、⽤户使⽤说明3.1 程序开始运⾏时显⽰介⾯ (5)3.2 执⾏计算 (5)3.3 DDA法直线插补实例 (6)3.4 逐点⽐较法插补第⼆三象限逆时针圆弧 (7)四、主要算法及源程序4.1 程序设计概述 (8)4.2 主要算法的实现 (8)4.2.1 参数声明 (8)4.2.2复位操作 (9)4.2.3单步操作 (11)4.2.4 连续插补 (11)4.2.5 辅助操作 (13)五、本设计的特点 (13)六、课程设计的感想 (13)七、主要参考⽂献 (14)⼀、课程设计介绍1.1、任务说明:(1)直线插补:DL1, DDA 法第⼀象限直线插补。
⼆、程序操作及算法流程图 2.1 DDA 法插补直线流程初始化sx sy ex ey 步长bc 寄存器vx1 vy1 累加器 rx1 ry1rx1=rx1+vx1 ry1=ry1+vy1ry1是否溢出rx1是否溢出是否到达终点结束 +x ⾛⼀个步长 +y ⾛⼀个步长NY NYNY开始DDA 插补第⼀象限的直线流程图2.2逐点⽐较法插补逆时针圆弧流程逐点⽐较法插补⼆三象限逆圆弧参数说明:sx 、sy 为起点坐标ex 、ey 为终点坐标开始初始化sx ex sy sy bc 弧半径平⽅rY21>=0r>=0r>=0向—y ⾛⼀步向x ⾛⼀步向—y ⾛⼀步向—x ⾛⼀步是否到达终点结束yyynnnn yn为进给总次数cx、cy为圆⼼坐标bc为步长m为寄存器位数s_1表⽰按下直线选项,s_2表⽰按下圆弧按钮三、⽤户使⽤说明——软件运⾏说明及结果显⽰3.1 程序开始运⾏时显⽰介⾯3.2 执⾏计算在右侧⾯板中有参数输⼊区,⽅式选择区以及执⾏按钮等操作。
加工零件图程序(1)编写精铣¢60外圆工序(仅工序5中¢60外圆,台阶不管)加工程序.N10 G92 X0 Y0 Z0;N20 G90 G00 Z50 T02 M06;N25 G43 H01;N30 G00 Y-60;N40 Z—18 M03;N45 G00 G41 D01 X0 Y-30;N50 G02 I0 J0 F100 S600;N60 G00 G40 G49 X0 Y-60 M05;N70 Z50;(2)编写工序6~10加工程序。
N10 G92 X0 Y0 Z0;N20 G90 G00 Z50 T03M06;N30 G43 Z10 H02;N40 S400 M03;N50 G98G81 X0 Y0 Z-43 R3 F50;N60 M05;N70 G00 G49 Z50 T04 M06;N80 G43 Z10 H03;N90 S400 M03;N100 G98 G85 X0 Y0 Z-43 R3 F100;N120 M05;N130 S900 M03;N140 G98 G85 X0 Y0 Z-43 R3 F100;N150 M05;N160 G00 G49 Z50 T05 M06;N170 G43 Z10 H04;N180 S500 M03;N190 G98 G81 X0 Y-60 Z—43 R—15 F50;N200 G98 Y60;N210 G00 X0 Y0 M05;N220 G49 Z50 T06 M06;N230 G43 Z10 H05;N240 S350 M03;N250 G98 G73 X0 Y—60 Z-30 R-15 F200;N260 G98 Y60;N270 G00 XO Y0 M05;N280 G49 G80 Z50;(3)写工序12精铣外轮廓加工程序。
4.1.2 非圆曲线的节点计算
非圆曲线:除直线、与圆外,可用y=f(x)表示的平面 曲线。 节点的数目及其坐标值取决于曲线的特性,逼近 线段的形状及允许的迫近误差δ允。根据这三方面的 条件、可用数学方法求出各节点的坐标。 是用直线还是圆弧作为逼近线段,则应考虑在保 证逼近精度的前提下,使节点数目少,计算简单。 1)曲率半径大的曲线用直线逼近较为有利; 2)曲线某段接近圆弧,用圆弧逼近有利; 常用的逼近线段与节点计算方法有以下几种。
节点的计算依据: 圆弧段与工件轮廓曲线间的误差 ≤δ允。
4.2 三次参数样条曲线
某些零件,如机翼外形、内燃机进排气门的 凸轮曲线等,对外形的光顺性要求较高,曲 线的光顺性就意味着曲线的导数要连续。如 果要求曲线的一阶和二阶导数都是连续的, 这可用三次样条曲线。 样条:最初是在造船业中放样用的一根木料 或塑料做成的弹性长条,放样员利用它通过 型值点画出光滑的曲线,样条曲线便由此而 得名。 下面介绍三次参数样条曲线。
4.1.1 节点的计算
在数控加工方法中所说的空间立体曲 面的行切法加工,实际上是用许多平行的 平面曲线来逼近空间曲面,这时需求出所 有的平面曲线,面且还要计算各平面曲线 上的基点或节点,然后再编写各节点、基 点之间的直线或圆弧加工程序。
在插补过程中,计算机应在规定的插补时 间Δt内给出各坐标方向的增ΔXi﹑ΔZi,因 此实际的刀具位置为:
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b/adyຫໍສະໝຸດ Y -1a/bdx
图 2.2 插补器的结构框图
四,DDA 法椭圆插补的终点判别
每次累加后,用 ������、 ������与椭圆终点坐标值作比较,当某个坐标轴到终点,该 轴不会有脉冲发出,当两个坐标轴都到达终点时,插补结束。
数控技术(双语)课程作业——题目 3
五,DDA 法椭圆插补实例
设已知椭圆方程为25 + 26 = 1,插补起点 A(5,0),插补终点 B(0,4),逆时针加 工,用 DDA 法插补此段圆弧。 根据上述插补方法,设寄存器整数部分占 4 位,小数部分占 4 位,共 8 位, 慢 8 溢出,则插补过程如表 2.1。
数字积分插补方法是实现数控插补功能的重要方法之一。除平面直线和圆弧 外,数字积分法法也可以实现多坐标插补联动以及描绘如二次曲线甚至高次曲线 等各种函数曲线,精度也能满足要求,在一些专用数控机床和高档数控系统中得 到了广泛的应用。因此,深入理解数字积分插补方法是掌握数控加工知识的重要 内容之一。
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数控技术(双语)课程作业——题目 3
1,插补运算开始,x 轴、y 轴的被积函数分别存放其初值(分别为������ ������、������ ������) , 总步长分别为 ������������ − ������������ 、 ������������ − ������������ ; 2,x 轴累加器得到的溢出脉冲发向-x 方向,y 轴累加器得到的溢出脉冲发送 到+y 方向; 3,某一轴发出一个进给脉冲后,须将该轴被积函数的坐标轴修正,即当 x 轴 方向发出进给脉冲时 y 轴的被积函数的 x 值减 1 后乘以������ ,当 y 轴方向发出进给脉 冲时 x 轴的被积函数的 y 值加 1 后乘以 。
Y 积分器 Y终 ������������������ (������������ ) 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 100 100 011 011 010 010 001 001 000 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101100 100 100011 011 011010 010 010001 001 001000
所以,从 Pi 到 Pi+1 的坐标增量为 ������ ������ Δ������ = − ������������������ = −������ ������������������ ������ ������ ������ ������ Δ������ = ������������������ = ������ ������������������ ������ ������
一,DDA 法椭圆插补公式的推导
图 2.1 DDA 椭圆插补原理示意图
椭圆的方程: ������ 2 ������ 2 + = ������ ������2 ������ 2 椭圆的参数方程: ������ = ������ cos ������ ������ = ������ sin ������ 在第一象限内加工一段椭圆曲线, 起点为 PA, 终点为 PB, 当前点 Pi 的坐标为 ������������ , ������������ , 经过某个参数角Δθ后,下一个点 Pi+1 的坐标为 ������������ +1 , ������������ +1 。对参数方程微分可得 ������ ������������ = −������ sin ������ ������������ = − ������������������ ������ ������ ������������ = ������ cos ������ ������������ = ������������������ ������
表 2.1 DDA 法插补椭圆实例过程
������ 2 ������ 2
运算 次序 0 1 2 11 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ������������������ (������������ ) 000
X 积分器 X终
������������������ ( ������������ )
《 数 控 技 术 》 课 程 ( 2015 ) 大作业
院(系) 专业 姓名 学号 班号 任课教师 完成日期
机电工程学院 机械制造及自动化 段泽军 1120810810 1208108 付云忠 2015 年 5 月 5 日
2015 年 5 月
试参照直线和圆弧 DDA 插补方法,推导椭圆曲线(������������ + ������������ = ������)的 DDA 法 插补公式,要求有完整的推导过程,画出插补器的结构框图,讨论终点判别方法, 并给出一个插补过程实例。
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数控技术(双语)课程作业——题目 3
������������������ ( ������������ )
ΔX 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
ΔY 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 100 100 011 011 010 010 001 001 000
000 000 000 001 010 100 110 001 100 000 100 000 100 000 100 000
000 101 010 111 100 001 110 111 001 停
000 000000 001001 001 001010 010 010011 011 011100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
数控技术(双语)课程作业——题目 3
图 2.3 椭圆插补加工轨迹
设累加器为 n 位,则k = 2������ ,得椭圆的插补公式为:
������ =
1 − ������������������ = − ������ ������ 2
������ ������ ������ ������
������������ ������ ������������ ������