美国社会与文化课程第二章教学Chapter 2. Traditional American Values and Beliefs




美国社会与文化(浙江理工大学)知到章节测试答案智慧树2023年最新第一章测试1.There are 50 states altogether. Among them, forty states form the contiguousstates or the mainland of America and ten states form the non- contiguousterritories.__________参考答案:错2.According to common knowledge, the Pacific Ocean is on the west coast, theAtlantic Ocean is on the east coast of the U.S. ._______________参考答案:对3.Surely, the state of Hawaii is to the northwest of Canada, and the state ofAlaska is in the Pacific Ocean, southwest of California.._______________参考答案:错4.In addition to the 50 states, the US also includes Washington D.C. or Districtof Colombia and ten outlying territories.________________参考答案:错5.Since the date when independence from England was on July 4th, 1776, July4th is the National Day in the United States of America. _______________参考答案:对6.Uncle Sam is a figure symbolizing the United States, and he’s portrayed as atall, white-haired man with a goatee and he’s often dressed in red, white, and blue, and wears a top hat. ______参考答案:对7.Interestingly enough, each state in the US has its own two-letter abbreviation,for example, OK stands for Oklahoma..________________参考答案:对8.In the US, the major mountain ranges are the Rocky Mountains in the Eastand the AppalachianMountains in the West._______________参考答案:错9.Generally speaking, there are four regions in America, they are the Northeast,the Midwest, the South and the Northwest. _________________参考答案:错10.It is well-known that the three biggest cities in the United States of Americaare New York City, Los Angeles, and Las Vegas._______________参考答案:错第二章测试1.When Christopher Columbus, the famous explorer landed on the island in theMediterranean Sea in 1492, he truly lifted the curtain, which led so manyfollowers from Europe to settle in this “the New World” later on.__________参考答案:错2.The French settlers lived by the side of a river. It’s called James River, whichwas named after their King, and they built a town called Jamestown there._______________参考答案:错3.Generally speaking, people who came and settled in this “New World” hadpersonal as well as many other reasons for leaving their owncountries._______________ ___________参考答案:对4.In 1620, 35 Puritans and 67 non-Puritans took the ship called Mayflower forNorth America, and some colonists didn’t survive the first year in NorthAmerica..________________参考答案:错5.According to Don’s explanation, his ancestors came from Sicily near Italy justan island off the coast of Italy, and they came around 1900 or so._______________ .参考答案:对6.Many Southerners thought slavery was wrong, whereas most whiteNortherners considered slavery part of their way of life. _______________参考答案:错7.After the founding of the USA , the new nation adopted “the Constitution”,Boston was chosen as the capital for the time being, and George Washington became the first president of the US in 1791. ______参考答案:错8.So, “the American Dream” for the settlers’ was to own their own land, havetheir own farms and not be controlled or have to live under the authority of a land owner.___________参考答案:对9.In 1814, when the Americans and British fought another war, a Britishexpedition landed and captured Washington, D.C., and British soldiers set fire to the President’s Mansion. _______参考答案:对10.In 1821, France ceded control of Florida to the USA, and Florida finallybecame a US state in 1845._______________参考答案:错第三章测试1.The cause of World War I was due to the assassination of an Austrian duke inJune, 1914 in Serbia, which was part of former Yugoslavia. __________参考答案:对2.On May 7, 1915, a German aircraft carrier sank the British ocean linerLusitania, killing 1,198 people, among them 128 of them were Americans._______________参考答案:错3.After World War I, the United States enjoyed a period of prosperity. Forexample, in 1927, many families purchased their first electric fan andmicrowave oven, and cars also became common in the 1920s. ___________参考答案:错4.In 1939, when World War II began, Germany launched a lightning attack onPoland and also conquered Denmark, Norway, Holland and France in thefollowing year. ________参考答案:对5.On July 20, 1969, when Neil Armstrong of NASA’s Apollo 11 mission becamethe first man to set foot on the moon. _______________参考答案:对第四章测试1.The Executive Branch carries out and enforces the laws, and includes thePresident, Vice President, the Cabinet, 15 executive departments, andindependent agencies, and so on. ____参考答案:对2.The US President is the head of state, commander in chief of the US ArmedForces, and he serves a four-year term and can be elected to no more thanthree terms. ______参考答案:错3.Traditionally speaking, the American political system, throughout most of itshistory, has been dominated by a two-party system: Democratic Party andthe Conservative Party. _______参考答案:错4.In the USA, one of the major political parties is the Democratic Party, and itssymbol of this party is the elephant. _______参考答案:错5.According to the US Constitutional requirements, a Presidential candidatemust be at least 35 years old, a natural born citizen and a resident of the US for at least 14 years. ________参考答案:对第五章测试1.Among the 45 men who have served as president of the US, 31 had militaryservice. Yet, former presidents, like Barack Obama and President Trump did not serve in the military._____参考答案:对2.The history of the US Army began in 1775, when the Continental Army wasfounded in order to fight the invading British Army during the Mexican-American War.________参考答案:错3.The day when Dr. Pan interviewed Edward was the day when AmericanPresident Donald Trump paid his first visit to China. ______参考答案:对4.Before Edward became a soldier, his job was working in a Wal-MartSupermarket, and he had a low pay and not many opportunities foradvancement. ________参考答案:错5.The reason why Edward wanted to become a solider was that when he wentto see the recruiter, who showed many videos, the soldiers in service weredoing some exciting things, like jumping out of airplanes and shootingguns.________参考答案:对第六章测试cational policy is a plan of action adopted by one nation in its diplomaticdealings with other countries as a systemic way to deal with issues that mayarise with other countries. __参考答案:错2.American “Anti-War Mom” Cindy Sheehan was an American anti-war activist,whose son, U.S. Army Specialist Casey Sheehan, was killed in the Afghanistan War in 2001. ______参考答案:错3.As a new nation, from its establishment after the American Revaluation untilthe Spanish- American War, America’s prime national interest was tomaintain its independence from more powerful European countries. ______参考答案:对4.Protected by the Atlantic Ocean, its major foreign policy, known as theMonroe Doctrine, was to limit European attempts of further colonization ofthe Western Hemisphere, which truly reflected the country’s regional, ascompared to global focus. ________参考答案:对5.Throughout the 19th century, America concentrated on creating a nation thatspanned the continent. For example, the 1903 Louisiana Purchase fromFrance doubled the nation’s geographical area. _____参考答案:错6.America’s victory over Spain in 1898 also brought the Philippines and PuertoRico in American territories as well as oversight of Cuba. _______参考答案:对第七章测试1.What’s important to keep in mind is that from the colonial period to the mid-nineteenth century,the US was primarily an industrial society.________参考答案:错2.Generally speaking, the reason why the US economy is able to become theengine of the world economy is through a combination of many factors,including political stability, an independent legal system, and regulatorystructures provided by the American government. _____参考答案:对3.Most Americans fully believe that the rise of their nation as the largest globaleconomy could not have occurred without the economic freedom or “Laissez-faire”.________参考答案:对4.In the video, Tim says that he I didn’t like having his own business becausehe basically didn’t have the freedom to choose and do what he wanted todo.________参考答案:错5.As a matter of fact, America’s free enterprise system is “not completely” free,especially when the country withstood great difficulties or even catastrophe, the US government regulations shaped many aspects of business operation._______参考答案:对第八章测试1.Clearly, the United States is a highly-developed country with modern scienceand technology, yet it’s also a land of religions, in which Americans havereligious faith._________参考答案:对2.In fact, American society has also been profoundly influenced by religions inthe fields of culture, politics, social life and standards for personal morality.______参考答案:对3.In 1620, some Pilgrims and non-Pilgrims took the ship “Aprilflower” fromHolland for North America for religious freedom and settled at Plymouth,Massachusetts.______参考答案:错4.According to the recent survey via telephone from the Gallup International, itindicates that 37% of Americans report that they attend religious servicesmonthly or nearly-monthly._______参考答案:错5.Church attendance is a central religious practice for many AmericanChristians, who are required to regularly attend church services on theLord’s Day or Friday in keeping with the Ten Commandments.______参考答案:错第九章测试1.As a matter of fact, until the Mexican-American War and the founding of theUSA, American literature shows its own characteristics as a mirror, reflecting the social life, a separate path and tradition.__________参考答案:错2.Truly speaking, from the birth of the new nation to the present day, Americanliterature, in one sense, has recorded the story and development of Americansociety, and its literature typically falls into four categories.___________参考答案:错3.In the video, Tim says that he likes James Michener, who wrote a lot of booksand his books became famous as movies, and the author also represented the American point of view____参考答案:对4.Don mentions that his favorite contemporary novelist would be Philip Roth,who has put out about one book a year, and Don would always read them.________参考答案:对5.From the historical perspective, America didn’t have its fiction until JamesCooper (1783 -1859) appeared. In the people’s view, he’s considered “The Father of American Literature”. ________参考答案:错6.Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) is currently regarded as the “Father ofDetective Stories” in America. Among his fifty stories, the 5 best short ones were The Tell-Tale Heart, Berenice, The Pit and the Pendulum, Hop-Frog and The Imp of the Perverse. ______参考答案:对7.Walt Whitman (1811-1896) wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin, an antislavery novelthat changed forever how Americans viewed slavery and struggled forfreedom and equality._____参考答案:错8.Mark Twain (1835-1910), the pen name used by Samuel Clemens, wrote hisregional masterpieces about his home town. They were the memoir: Life on the Mississippi and the novels: Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. ______参考答案:对9.Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961) was the most influential writer. He wroteThe Bluest Eye, Song of Solomon, and Beloved which earned him the Nobel Prize in literature. ______参考答案:错10.In the video, Dr. Pan mentioned that Mark Twain has been called the“Abraham Lincoln” or “Real Father” of American Literature. By the time of his death in 1910, he was already famous all over the world. _______参考答案:对第十章测试1.On the whole, there are some 5,300 US colleges or universities, whichnormally comprise at least four categories of institutions across the wholecountry, such as public or private colleges or universities, four-year colleges or universities, and so on. __________参考答案:对2.Generally speaking, the public or private universities are large in size, andcontain several colleges and one or more graduate schools for students toobtain only their bachelor’s degree.___________参考答案:错3.The technical training institutions are sometimes called junior or two-yearcolleges, providing a lower-level tertiary education, granting certificates orassociate degrees for students to obtain.And prepare some students to pursue their bachelor's degree. _________参考答案:错4.In the video, Don says that he graduated from the University of Denver, in thestate of Colorado. It’s a private university, and is sometimes referred to as“the Harvard of the West”.______参考答案:对5.In 1944, the US Congress passed the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act or “GIBill”. According to the Act, it promised spiritual aid, including aid for higher education to the ex-soldiers or veterans after the end of World War II. ________参考答案:错6.In postwar America, the enrollment of African-Americans in higher educationbegan to increase. Before World War II, female students constituted less than 30%, but from 1945-1965, the number of women pursuing a collegeeducation tripled. ______参考答案:错7.Moreover, US colleges and universities are also enrolling a higher percentageof non-traditional students, who have worked for several years beforestarting college or students who go to school part-time while holding down a job. ______参考答案:对8.In the video, Tim says that when he went to school to get his teachingcertificate. he was the only male in that class. All the other students werefemale, partly because that was for teachers of elementary education. ______参考答案:对9.In the United States, the requirements for an undergraduate student to earnat least 220 credits in order to receive his or her bachelor’s degree. ________参考答案:错10.The prestigious universities, like eight universities in Ivy Leagues, such asHarvard University and Yale University are still many candidates’ first choice in America._________参考答案:对第十一章测试1.Generally speaking, from emergence as an independent nation, the UnitedStates has truly encouraged science and innovation. The Constitution givesthe House of Representatives the power “to promote the progress of science and useful arts.__________参考答案:错2.In the United States, while nurturing and training a great number of world-famous scientists in its own country, it has also invited many scientists from other countries as well, to help the US become a modern and highlyproductive world power in the late 20th century._______参考答案:对3.In the video, Tim thinks that technology has allowed the average person tohave much more opportunity to learn and participate in the local economy,and even if they work for a major corporation, they can still stay home andwork on a computer._________参考答案:错4.During the first half of the 19th century, the first heroic inventor was JohnHall who invented the cotton gin in 1794, which was a machine designed to remove the seeds from cotton and it made the cotton industry of the South explode. ________参考答案:错5. A famous American inventors in the early 19th century was CyrusMcCormick who invented his mechanical reaper to harvest countless acres of wheat in the Midwestern plains.________参考答案:对6.Alexander Graham Bell who was a Scottish-born scientist, engineer, inventorand innovator, invented the Internet and allowed people to talk from a long distance. In fact, his new technology of communication has altered thetexture of business, war and even politics. ________参考答案:错7.Thomas Edison, an American inventor, who was the most famous inventorduring the second half of the 19th century, developed the phonograph, the first long-lasting light bulb, and the first viable movie camera, among many other important inventions. _________参考答案:对8.In 1957, the former Soviet Union first lunched Sputnik I into space, the firstartificial satellite to orbit the Earth. Then, four months later, the United States launched its first satellite Explorer I, becoming the second nation to launch a satellite into orbit during the Cold War. ________参考答案:对9.In 1969, the Apollo II was launched in America, and Neil Armstrong, anastronaut became the first human to set foot on the Mars surface. So, eventoday, his famous words are still echoing in our ears: “That’s one small stepfor a man, one gia nt leap for mankind”. ________参考答案:错10.During the 20th Century, American microprocessor companies were set up inSilicon Valley, California, including Adobe Systems by John Warnock andCharles Geschke, IBM and Apple by Steve Jobs, and Microsoft started inSeattle, Washington._______参考答案:对第十二章测试1.Nowadays, when it comes to American tourist attractions, the first thingsthat comes to Dr. Pan’s mind are the skyscrapers of New York and Chicago,the natural wonders of Wyoming and Alaska to the sunny beaches ofCalifornia, Florida and Hawaii.___________参考答案:对2.Edward tells us that he comes form the state of Arizona, which is located inthe southwestern region of America, his hometown is very famous forHollywood and Disneyland, which is a very large and beautiful natural area._______参考答案:错3.In D on’s mind, he would say that Mount Rushmore, or the United StatesPresidential Memorial Park is one of the more iconic attractions in the US, which is the one where four presidents’ faces are carved into rock.__________参考答案:对4.One of the must-see attractions to visit on the East Coast must be the NiagaraFalls in the state of Pennsylvania, which is divided into three waterfalls. They are American Falls, Horseshoe Falls and Bridal Veil Falls. _________参考答案:错5.Clearly, Boston’s most famous landmarks a re the Statue of Liberty, theEmpire State Building. Other attractions are Broadway and Shubert Alley,Fifth Avenue, Times Square, Wall Street, St. Patrick’s Cathedral and the 9/11 Memorial and Museum. _____参考答案:错6.The state of Washington has its national symbols, such as the White Houseand the US Capitol that are accessible to visitors from both at home andabroad. The others are the National Mall, the Lincoln Memorial, theWashington Monument, and, Library of Congress, etc._______参考答案:错7.As every one knows, the hottest attractions in Florida, which is known as “theSunshine State” is Walt Disney World, Universal Studios, the EvergladesNational Park, the Kennedy Space Center and the Florida Keys. __________参考答案:对8.In general, the second largest state in the US is Texas, which is known as the“Lone Star State” and offers a diversity of landscapes, from desert regions to the caves systems to mountains, and the splendid coastal scenery along the Gulf of Mexico. _________参考答案:对9.The must-see attractions in Seattle, Washington are the Mount RainierNational Park, which is designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and an International Biosphere Reserve, and the Washington Museum of the Flight with the displays of all kinds of ships. ________参考答案:错10.Los Angeles is known as the entertainment capital of the world, such asDisneyland. The others are Universal Studios Hollywood, and HollywoodWalk of Fame, and the Hollywood sign that has come to represent theglamour and excitement of the movie industry.________参考答案:对第十三章测试1.Surely, United States is a sports-loving country, and watching or attendingsports events alsoremains very important in the lives of all American people. Strangely enough, in some Americans’ eyes, sports are more important than birth ordeath.__________参考答案:错2.In the video, Edward says that the NBA is popular throughout the America,especially in his hometown, the Phoenix Suns is their city’s team. Edwardalso notices that many Chinese students in the university know more aboutthe NBA and its players than he does. ________参考答案:对3.Tim says in the video that he participated in American football when he wasin high school. In his mind, American football is a kind of unique expressionof American culture: aggressiveness, and organization and specialization and inclusiveness.__________参考答案:对4.Don comes from the city of Denver, where American baseball is very popular.In recent years, they have won the Super Bowl for two times. As for himpersonally, he only likes watching football on TV, and does go to the stadium until the Super Bowl comes.________参考答案:错5.As far as Dr. Pan is concerned, Yao Ming is his favorite NBA player. Andbecause of him in the past, he began to watch the NBA program a lot ingeneral, and the Houston Rockets, one of the American professionalbasketball teams in particular on TV. ______参考答案:对6.It is generally known that the “Small Three” sports in America are football,baseball and basketball, and other favorite sports include ice hockey, soccer, boxing, tennis, golf, bowling, swimming, fishing, hunting, boating and track and field, and so on.______参考答案:错7.As is known to all, American basketball is played during the late summer orpreseason, the fall or regular season and the winter until late in January or post-season. And this sports event truly culminates in the Super Bowl todecide the champion team for the year. _________参考答案:错8.In the US, baseball is still widely considered a national sport, although it lagsbehind football in popularity, it’s commonly referred as “America’s pastime”, which is also a popular game in Japan, Cuba and the Dominican Republic, and so on._________参考答案:对9.Unlike American football, basketball is an indoor sports. During the snowywinter months, when outdoor sports like football activities couldn’t beplayed, basketball, as an indoor activity will replace it. And the NBA madethis game more professional and popular worldwide.___参考答案:对10.When Yao Ming played for the Houston Rockets from 2002 to 2011, hebecame the global symbol of basketball and made this sport very popular in China in general and in Chinese colleges and universities in particular.________参考答案:对第十四章测试1.Nowadays, whenever we talk about American movies, the first place thatoccurs to our mindis probably Hollywood in Los Angeles, which has had a profound effect oncinema across the world since the early 19th century.__________参考答案:错2.The history of American movies development is separated into four mainperiods: the silent film era, the classical Hollywood cinema, New Hollywood and the contemporary period after 1980. And this industry has lost a lot ofmoney since the 1920s. _______参考答案:错3.By the mid-1920s, American film industry came into the hands of a fewpowerful companies,which controlled production, distribution and exhibition. Normally, theyw ere called “the Big Five” and “the Little Three” as well.________参考答案:对4.Tim says that he has a lot of favorite American movies, in particular, themovie “Avatar” because he likes science fiction movies a lot. “Avatar” was the most successful movie in history due to its computer graphics that created a new world on another planet.____参考答案:对5.On of the masterpieces of Universal Pictures includes Uncle Tom’s Cabin in1972. Compared with its novel, its movie, in Dr. Pan’s mind is able to tug the hearts trings even more since “A picture is worth a thousand words” and a movie is worth one thousand pictures. _____参考答案:错6.The masterpieces of Columbia Pictures include The Bridge on the River Kwaiin 1957; which tells the story during World War I, about the POWs who were forced by Japanese invaders to build a bridge across the River Kwai on the Thai-Myanmar border in Northern Thailand._______参考答案:错7.In the video, Edward says that his favorite movie studio is the Universalstudio in California. He once paid a visit to that studio, which produces hisfavorite sitcom, called Friends, one of the most popular TV show fromAmerica.__________参考答案:对8.Take the 89th Academy Awards ceremony on February 26, 2017 for example,Justin Timberlake was invited to sing for the closing ceremony. Then, thebiggest winners were the movies of La La Land and Moonlight, which wonthe best pictures for Oscars in 2017.________参考答案:错9.In reality, America is also regarded as “a Cultural Melting Pot” since it’s musicis influenced by a mixture of West African styles as well as, Irish, Scottish,French, German, Italian and Latin music in Europe, and even by Chinese,Japanese and Indian music in Asia._____参考答案:对10.The major types of American music are jazz, blues, country, rock ‘n’ roll, andhip hop, or rap music. Despite its short history, it has helped to express anational identity on the one hand, and achieved great international acclaim since the 21st century on the other.________参考答案:对第十五章测试1.In the video, D. Pan mentions that there are ten and a half public holidaysthat are celebrated each year in the United States. Among them, New Year'sDay and Christmas Day are commonly shared with many other countries.However, the other eight holidays are quite unique._____参考答案:对2.The eight unique holidays in the US are Thanksgiving Day, Independence Dayor the Fourth of September, Martin Luther King Day, Washington's Birthday, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day and Veterans Day.________参考答案:错3.During the public holidays, some Americans like to do many delightful things,such as reading a book outside, going to the zoo with kids, hosting a tea party with friends, seeing their favorite movies or doing a hike in their nearestnational park. _______参考答案:错4.Edward’s favorite festival in America would have to be Christmas time. Hetruly enjoys giving gifts, and seeing the delight on his nephew and niece’sfaces when the kids open up their own presents.________参考答案:对5.As far as Don is concerned, his favorite festival would have to beThanksgiving Day. The reason is simple since this day is a festival of gratitude.However, what Don lik es about Thanksgiving is that it’s a high time whentheir family moves to play outside.______参考答案:错6.As for Tim, Christmas is his favorite festival, although it has becomecommercialized. This time of year is also called the Christmas season which starts on Thanksgiving a month before, to encourage people to go shopping to buy gifts and give them to the others.______参考答案:对7.In America, celebrating the New Year’s Day includes counting down to 12:00midnight on New Year’s Eve, which is often accompani ed with fireworksdisplays and parties. “The ball drop” at Times Square in New York City hasbecome a national New Year’s Eve event. ________参考答案:对8.Washington’s Birthday is also called Presidents’ Day, which is celebrated onthe third Monday in February in order to commemorate both GeorgeWashington and Franklin Roosevelt. But today, this holiday is considered to honor all American presidents.________参考答案:错9.Interestingly enough, Groundhog Day isn’t a public holiday, but a traditionalobservance on February 2nd each year. According to folklore, if it is cloudy when a groundhog emerges from its burrow on this day, the spring season。



华东师范大学本科专业课程大纲课程名称:美国社会与文化(American Society and Culture)一、课程目的、任务:传授美国社会与文化的相关知识和国内外最新研究成果,提高学生英语听、说、写和阅读专业书籍的能力,增进学生专业学习的兴趣和内容,使之更好地成为适应21世纪需求的人才,为他们日后进一步深造和就业打下一定基础。



四、教材及参考书目:教材:Douglas K. Stevenson, American Life and Institutions, Ernst Klett Verlag, 1992.参考书目:1. Luther S. Luedtke, Making America: The Society and Culture of the United States, The University of North Carolina Press, 1992.2. Ronald Takaki, A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America, Boston: Little, Brown & Company, 1993.3. 王恩铭编:American Culture and Society (《美国文化与社会》)上海外语教育出版社2003年版。


新编英美文化视听说教程 unit 2

新编英美文化视听说教程 unit 2
Summer Training Course, 2008
美国人还善于用最简练的缩写形式表示比较复杂的概念。如: O.K.→all correct (很好) P.D.Q→pretty damn quick (立刻) VIP→very important person (大人物) WASP→White Anglo-Saxon Protestant (白人盎格鲁—萨克逊新教徒) 美国人也有专门的词汇来表达他们对开拓创新精神的推崇。expansion(扩 张)、frontier(拓荒者)、pioneering spirit(开拓精神)等词是对这种精神的精 确描写。美国人的开拓求新的性格还表现在他们流动性极大的生活方式上 。以下的习惯表达法体现了他们“流动的”(mobile)性格: jobs with upward mobility (有提升机会的工作) have a change (或shift) in one’s residence or job (换个住所或工作) move about(或around) (不断搬家或换工作) throw up one’s job (放弃原有的工作) take up a new job (开始新的工作) transfer to another residence (搬家) try a country life (尝试田园生活) try a new job (尝试一个全新的工作)
美国的新教文化传统推崇开拓创新的勇气和积极进取的精神。美国人因此 形成了一种不愿受条条框框束缚、不断求变的性格。这种追求新奇和勇于 冒险开拓的精神使得美国对新鲜事物的创造和流传之快是世界上别的国家 所无法相比的。这首先体现为新词汇的大量快速的出现和语言形式的独创 。美国人结合时代创造的新词数不胜数,其中90年代的就有:Bushnism(布 什主义)、Clintonism (克林顿主义)、Clintonize(克林顿化)、Clintonmania( 克林顿狂)、Bushnomics(布什经济政策)、wigger (white +nigger)(接受黑 人文化的白人)等。



美国社会与文化课程教学大纲【课程代码】【课程中文名称】美国社会与文化【课程英文名称】American Society and Culture【学分】1 学分【总学时】 28 学时【讲授学时】 28学时一、教学目标本课程教学目标为:了解美国社会与文化的基本特点;掌握美国概况的基础知识;理解中美文化差异和不同的文化价值观念;掌握相关社会历史背景知识;提高英语语言技能;培养跨文化言语交际和非言语交际意识。






四、教材选用1.选用教材:《美国制度与文化》(中国人民大学出版社)2.学生使用教材说明: A 需要学生购买教材 B 教师根据教材内容发放活页材料3.参考书目:《美国文化背景》世界图书出版社《新编英美概况教程》北京大学出版社五、教学内容IntroductionChapter 1 General IntroductionSection 1 General Introduction1 Introduction and requirements about this course2 Basics of Culture3 Name the visible and invisible aspects of culture4 Question the students to check the knowledge of America as a nation of immigrants &understanding the American ethnic diversitySection 2 American geography: from Atlantic to Pacific1 the immense size of US2 location, rivers, mountains & climate3 the states and famous cities4 some major parts & population5 the national anthem and national flag【基本要求】1.学生课前预习2.充分理解课文,能就课文表述自己的观点3.掌握重要基础知识4.能参与小组口头讨论,应用所学知识,并联系现实。



美国社会与文化课程教学大纲【课程代码】【课程中文名称】美国社会与文化【课程英文名称】American Society and Culture【学分】1 学分【总学时】 28 学时【讲授学时】 28学时一、教学目标本课程教学目标为:了解美国社会与文化的基本特点;掌握美国概况的基础知识;理解中美文化差异和不同的文化价值观念;掌握相关社会历史背景知识;提高英语语言技能;培养跨文化言语交际和非言语交际意识。






四、教材选用1.选用教材:《美国制度与文化》(中国人民大学出版社)2.学生使用教材说明: A 需要学生购买教材 B 教师根据教材内容发放活页材料3.参考书目:《美国文化背景》世界图书出版社《新编英美概况教程》北京大学出版社五、教学内容IntroductionChapter 1 General IntroductionSection 1 General Introduction1 Introduction and requirements about this course2 Basics of Culture3 Name the visible and invisible aspects of culture4 Question the students to check the knowledge of America as a nation of immigrants &understanding the American ethnic diversitySection 2 American geography: from Atlantic to Pacific1 the immense size of US2 location, rivers, mountains & climate3 the states and famous cities4 some major parts & population5 the national anthem and national flag【基本要求】1.学生课前预习2.充分理解课文,能就课文表述自己的观点3.掌握重要基础知识4.能参与小组口头讨论,应用所学知识,并联系现实。



















《美国社会与文化》教学大纲张立新编写英语专业课程教学大纲812 目录前言 (813)一、概述 (813)二、课程教学目的和基本要求 (813)三、教学基本内容及学时分配: (813)Chapter One Geography (816)Chapter Two History (818)Chapter Three The Government (821)四、教材及主要参考书 (822)美国社会与文化前言一、概述《美国社会与文化》课是英语专业(本科)的一门专业选修课。








三、教学基本内容及学时分配:Chapter One Geography 7课时1.THE LAND2.THE CLIMATE3.THE VEGETATION4.THE SOILS5.THE REGIONAL CHARACTERISTICS1)NEW ENGLAND2)MIDDLE ATLANTIC3)THE SOUTH4)THE MIDWEST5)THE SOUTHWEST6)THE WEST6.THE FRONTIER SPIRITChapter Two History7课时1.NATIVE AMERICANS2.THE NEW SETTLEMENTS3.THE FOUNDING OF THE NATION4.THE WAR BETWEEN THE BROTHERS813英语专业课程教学大纲814 5.THE GILDED TIMES6.THE REFORM7.WORLD WAR ONE8.THE HARDEST TIMES9.WORLD WAR II10.THE COLD WAR11.THE ONLY POWERChapter Three The Government 7课时1.THE CONSTITUTION2.BILL OF RIGHTS3.LEGISLATIVE BRANCH4.EXECUTIVE BRANCH5.JUDICIAL BRANCH6.THE PRESIDENCY7.POLITICAL PARTIES AND ELECTIONSChapter Four Culture 10课时1.SPORTS1).BASEBALL2).BASKETBALL2. MOVIES3. MUSIC1).POP MUSIC2).JAZZ3).ROCK AND ROLL AND COUNTRY4.THE MEDIA1).NEWSPAPERS2).MAGAZINES3). RADIO4).TELEVISION5.Cities with the Largest Population 19946.National Flag and National Anthem7. ATTS1).The Globalization of Art2).What Is An American Artist?3).The Impact of Electronic Media4).The Changing Nature of Public Art5).The Expanded Role of the MuseumChapter Five Education5课时1.MANY CHOICESCATION, A LOCAL MATTER3.CHANGING STANDARDS4.LOCIAL ISSUES IN AMERICAN SCHOOLS美国社会与文化5.A SNAPSHOT OF AMERICAN HIGHER EDUCATION6.LIBERAL OR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION?共计 36课时具体内容;815英语专业课程教学大纲816Chapter One Geography1.THE LANDThe main land features of the United States tend to extend north-south across the country . Theinterior of the country is a vast lowland that stretches from the Gulf of Mexico to the Canadian border and then on to Alaska. It can be divided into three different regions--the Atlantic and Gulf coastal plains, the interior lowland and the Canadian Shield(地盾).The Atlantic and Gulf coastal plains reach north along the east coast of the United States as far as the southern New England. These low plains extend well out under the ocean surface to form a continental shelf, which in places extends as much as 400 kilometers beyond the shore.Northward is the interior lowland. This region is covered with a deep series of rocks, which are generally quite flat; mostly resulted from the local erosion or, in the North, of glacial debris of the Ice Age.2.THE CLIMATEClimatic patterns are a result of the interaction of three geographic controls. The first is latitude(纬度). The second control is based on the relationship between land and water. Land tends to heat and cool more rapidly than water,places far from large bodies of water experience greater seasonal extremes of temperature than do coastal communities. Parts of the northern Great Plains experience annual temperature ranges close to 65°C; annual differences of as much as 100°C (from 50°C to -50°C) have been recorded in some locations.The western coast of continents is in the mid-latitudes. These locations have smaller temperature ranges as a result of what is called a maritime(海上) influence. Summer and winter extremes are moderated (温和)by the movement onshore of westerly wind systems from the ocean. Horizontal and vertical(垂直)ocean currents minimize seasonal variations in the surface temperature of the water. The moderated water temperature serves to reduce temperature extremes in the air above the surface.3.THE VEGETATIONFor most of the inhabited portions of America today, The "natural" vegetation is seldom found now. In the Southeast, for example, the original mixed broadleaf and needleleaf forests were cut and replaced by the economically more important needleleaf forests. The grasses of the plains and prairies are mostly European imports. Their native American forests are gone either because they offered an inferior grass for farm animals or because they could not withstand the invading of modern humanity and its imported weeds. Most of what climax vegetation remains is in the West and North.4.THE SOILSMost soils of the major agricultural zones of the eastern United States are moderately to strongly acidic(酸性). Lime(石灰)must be added periodically to neutralize that acidity before these soils can be used to produce most row crops.The U.S. Department of Agriculture has developed a soil classification system that indicates the most important soil types for an area of the country. Aridisols,(旱成土)found mostly in the Southwest, gain their name from arid. These soils of dry climates are low in organic content and have little agricultural value. Spodosols(灰土)generally develop in cool, moist climates, although they are found in northern美国社会与文化Florida. They are quite acidic and low in nutrients(有营养的), and are of agricultural value only for acid-loving crops. Tundra soils, which also have little agricultural value, are associated with a cold, moist climate such as Alaska. The soil is shallow, and with a subsurface of frozen ground. Highland soils, found in West Virginia, Utah, and Alaska, are little developed and agriculturally worthless.5.THE REGIONAL CHARACTERISTICSNew England, made up of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island.The Middle Atlantic, comprising New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland.The South, which runs from Virginia south to Florida and west as far as central Texas. This region also includes West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, and parts of Missouri and Oklahoma.The Midwest, a broad collection of states sweeping westward from Ohio to Nebraska and including Michigan, Indiana, Wisconsin, Illinois, Minnesota, Iowa, parts of Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota, Kansas, and eastern Colorado.The Southwest, made up of western Texas, portions of Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, and the southern interior part of California.The West, comprising Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Utah, California, Nevada, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Alaska, and Hawaii.817英语专业课程教学大纲818Chapter Two History1.NATIVE AMERICANSThe first American immigrants, beginning more than 20,000 years ago, were hunters and theirfamilies following animal herds from Asia to North America, across a land bridge where the Bering Strait is today. When Spain's Christopher Columbus "discovered" the New World in 1492, about 1.5 million Native Americans lived in what is now the continental United States, although estimates of the number vary greatly. Mistaking the place where he landed -- San Salvador(圣萨尔瓦多)in the Bahamas -- for the Indies, Columbus called the Native Americans "Indians."2.THE NEW SETTLEMENTSThe first successful English colony was founded at Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607. A few years later, English Puritans came to America to escape religious persecution(迫害) for their opposition to the Church of England. In 1620, the Puritans founded Plymouth Colony in what later became Massachusetts. Plymouth was the second permanent British settlement in North America and the first in New England.3.THE FOUNDING OF THE NATIONIn essence, the Constitution showed Americans' fear of excessive central power by dividing government into three branches -- legislative (Congress), executive (the president and the federal agencies), and judicial (the federal courts) -- and by including 10 amendments(补充) known as the Bill of Rights to safeguard individual liberties. Continued uneasiness about the accumulation of power manifested itself in the differing political philosophies of two towering figures from the Revolutionary period. George Washington, the war's military hero and the first U.S. president, headed a party favoring a strong president and central government; Thomas Jefferson, the principal author of the Declaration of Independence, headed a party preferring to give more power to the states, on the theory that they would be more accountable to the people.4.THE WAR BETWEEN THE BROTHERSIn the first quarter of the 19th century, the frontier of settlement moved west to the Mississippi River and beyond. In 1828 Andrew Jackson became the first "outsider" elected president: a man from the frontier state of Tennessee, born into a poor family and outside the cultural traditions of the Atlantic seaboard.Although on the surface the Jacksonian Era was one of optimism and energy, the young nation was entangled(卷入)in a contradiction. The ringing words of the Declaration of Independence, "all men are created equal," were meaningless for 1.5 million slaves. In 1820 southern and northern politicians debated the question of whether slavery would be legal in the western territories. Congress reached a compromise: Slavery was permitted in the new state of Missouri and the Arkansas Territory but barred everywhere west and north of Missouri. The outcome of the Mexican War of 1846-48 brought more territory into American hands -- and with it the issue of whether to extend slavery. Another compromise, in 1850, admitted California as a free state, with the citizens of Utah and New Mexico being allowed to decide whether they wanted slavery within their borders or not (they did not).5.THE GILDED TIMESAbraham Lincoln was assassinated in 1865, depriving America of a leader uniquely qualified by background and temperament to heal the wounds left by the Civil War. His successor, Andrew Johnson,美国社会与文化was a southerner who had remained loyal to the Union during the war. Northern members of Johnson's own party (Republican) set in motion a process to remove him from office for his weakness toward former Confederates. Johnson's removeal was an important victory for the principle of separation of powers: A president should not be removed from office because Congress disagrees with his policies, but only if he has committed, in the words of the Constitution, "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors(行为不规)."6.THE REFORMWhile Americans were venturing(冒险) abroad, they were also taking a fresh look at social problems at home. Despite the signs of prosperity, up to half of all industrial workers still lived in poverty. New York, Boston, Chicago, and San Francisco could be proud of their museums, universities, and public libraries -- and ashamed of their slums. The prevailing economic dogma(教义) had been laissez faire(自由竞争): let the government interfere with commerce as little as possible. About 1900 the Progressive Movement arose to reform society and individuals through government action. The movement's supporters were primarily economists, sociologists, technicians, and civil servants who sought scientific, cost-effective solutions to political problems.7.WORLD WAR ONEWhen World War I erupted in Europe in 1914, President Woodrow Wilson urged a policy of strict American neutrality(中立). Germany's declaration of unrestricted submarine warfare against all ships bound for Allied ports undermined(削弱) that position. When Congress declared war on Germany in 1917, the American army was a force of only 200,000 soldiers. Millions of men had to be drafted, trained, and shipped across the submarine-infested(充满) Atlantic. A full year passed before the U.S. Army was ready to make a significant contribution to the war effort.By the fall of 1918, Germany's position had become hopeless. Its armies were retreating in the face of a relentless American buildup. In October Germany asked for peace, and an armistice(停火) was declared on November 11. In 1919 Wilson himself went to Versailles(凡尔塞) to help draft the peace treaty. Although he was cheered by crowds in the Allied capitals, at home his international outlook was less popular. His idea of a League of Nations was included in the Treaty of Versailles, but the U.S. Senate did not ratify(支持) the treaty, and the United States did not participate in the league.8.THE HARDEST TIMESBy 1932 thousands of American banks and over 100,000 businesses had failed. Industrial production was cut in half, wages had decreased 60 percent, and one out of every four workers was unemployed. That year Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected president on the platform of "a New Deal for the American people."9.WORLD WAR IIAgain neutrality was the initial American response to the outbreak of war in Europe in 1939. But the bombing of Pearl Harbor naval base in Hawaii by the Japanese in December 1941 brought the United States into the war, first against Japan and then against its allies, Germany and Italy.American, British, and Soviet war planners agreed to concentrate on defeating Germany first. British and American forces landed in North Africa in November 1942, proceeded to Sicily and the Italian mainland in 1943, and liberated Rome on June 4, 1944. Two days later -- D-Day -- Allied forces landed in Normandy. Paris was liberated on August 24, and by September American units had crossed the German border. The Germans finally surrendered on May 5, 1945.819英语专业课程教学大纲820 10.THE COLD WARA new international congress, the United Nations, came into being after the war, and this time theUnited States joined. Soon tensions developed between the United States and its wartime ally the Soviet Union. Although Soviet leader Joseph Stalin had promised to support free elections in all the liberated nations of Europe, Soviet forces imposed Communist governments in eastern Europe. Germany became a divided country, with a western zone under joint British, French, and American occupation and an eastern zone under Soviet occupation. In the spring of 1948 the Soviets sealed off (围困)West Berlin in an attempt to starve the isolated city into submission. The western powers responded with a massive airlift of food and fuel until the Soviets lifted the blockade in May 1949. A month earlier the United States had allied with Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, and the United Kingdom to form the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)(北约).11.THE ONLY POWERAfter World War II the presidency had alternated between Democrats and Republicans, but, for the most part, Democrats had held majorities in the Congress -- in both the House of Representatives and the Senate. A string of 26 consecutive years of Democratic control was broken in 1980, when the Republicans gained a majority in the Senate; at the same time, Republican Ronald Reagan was elected president. This change marked the onset of a volatility(挥发性) that has characterized American voting patterns ever since.美国社会与文化 Chapter Three The Government1.THE CONSTITUTIONThe Articles of Confederation failed as a governing document for the United States because the states did not cooperate as expected. When it came time to pay wages to the national army or the war debt to France, some states refused to contribute. To cure this weakness, the congress asked each state to send a delegate to a convention. The so-called Constitutional Convention met in Philadelphia in May of 1787, with George Washington presiding.2.BILL OF RIGHTSThe Constitution written in Philadelphia in 1787 could not go into effect until it was ratified by a majority of citizens in at least 9 of the then 13 U.S. states. During this ratification process, misgivings arose. Many citizens felt uneasy because the document failed to explicitly guarantee the rights of individuals. The desired language was added in 10 amendments to the Constitution, collectively known as the Bill of Rights.3.LEGISLATIVE BRANCHThe legislative branch -- the Congress -- is made up of elected representatives from each of the 50 states. It is the only branch of U.S. government that can make federal laws, levy federal taxes, declare war, and put foreign treaties into effect.Members of the House of Representatives are elected to two-year terms. Each member represents a district in his or her home state. The number of districts is determined by a census, which is conducted every 10 years. The most populous states are allowed more representatives than the smaller ones, some of which have only one. In all, there are 435 representatives in the House.Senators are elected to six-year terms. Each state has two senators, regardless of population. Senators' terms are staggered, so that one-third of the Senate stands for election every two years. There are 100 senators.4.EXECUTIVE BRANCHThe chief executive of the United States is the president, who together with the vice president is elected to a four-year term. As a result of a constitutional amendment that went into effect in 1951, a president may be elected to only two terms. Other than succeeding a president who dies or is disabled, the vice president's only official duty is presiding over the Senate. The vice president may vote in the Senate only to break a tie.5.JUDICIAL BRANCHThe judicial branch is headed by the U.S. Supreme Court, which is the only court specifically created by the Constitution. In addition, Congress has established 13 federal courts of appeals and, below them, about 95 federal district courts. The Supreme Court meets in Washington, D.C., and the other federal courts are located in cities throughout the United States. Federal judges are appointed for life or until they retire voluntarily; they can be removed from office only via a laborious process of impeachment and trial in the Congress.6.THE PRESIDENCY7.POLITICAL PARTIES AND ELECTIONSAmericans regularly exercise their democratic rights by voting in elections and by participating in821英语专业课程教学大纲political parties and election campaigns. Today, there are two major political parties in the United States, the Democratic and the Republican. The Democratic Party evolved from the party of Thomas Jefferson, formed before 1800. The Republican Party was established in the 1850s by Abraham Lincoln and others who opposed the expansion of slavery into new states then being admitted to the Union.Chapter Four Culture1.SPORTS2. MOVIES3. MUSIC4.THE MEDIA5.Cities with the Largest Population 19946.National Flag and National Anthem7. ATTSChapter Five Education1.MANY CHOICESCATION, A LOCAL MATTER3.CHANGING STANDARDS4.LOCIAL ISSUES IN AMERICAN SCHOOLS5.A SNAPSHOT OF AMERICAN HIGHER EDUCATION6.LIBERAL OR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION?四、教材及主要参考书[1] 张奎武. 英美概况. 吉林:吉林科学技术出版社.2000年3月[2] 王恩铭. 美国社会与文化. 上海:上海外语教育出版.2003年6月[3] 周宝娣. 主要英语国家概况. 重庆:重庆大学出版社.2004年8月[4] Ethel Tiersky ad Martin, Tiersky,The U.S.A.Customs and InstitutionsNew Jersey, Prentice Hall Regent, 1990822。

美国社会与文化课程第二章教学Chapter 2. Traditional American Values and Beliefs

美国社会与文化课程第二章教学Chapter 2. Traditional American Values and Beliefs

• By freedom, Americans mean:
• The desire and the right of all individuals to control their own destiny without outside interference from the government, a ruling noble class, the church, or any other organized authority.
3.3 Globalization and material wealth
• Globalization and the outsourcing of high-paying manufacturing and even service jobs • Rising cost in health care, health insurance, housing, and tuition
• Price—hard work
hard work as a precondition for becoming rich Government welfare programs regarded as necessary, but not admired welfare vs. workfare U.S.—the only developed country with no universal healthcare coverage
Declaration of Independence, 1776—freedom from the power of the kings Constitution, 1789—separation of church and state Also constitution—forbidding titles of nobility



Unit 1 American BeginningsSix main regions of America:New England, Middle Atlantic, The South, The Midwest,The Southwest, The WestThe Mid-Atlantic States (also called Middle Atlantic States or simply the Mid Atlantic) form a region of the United States generally located between New England and the South. Its exact definition differs upon source, but the region often includes Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Washington D.C., and sometimes Virginia and West Virginia.The continental United States (the 48 contiguous states) is divided into 4 time zones:∙Eastern Standard Time (EST), the time zone New Y ork is in, which is 5 hours behind Greenwich mean Time (GMT) ∙Central Standard Time (CST), the time zone Chicago is in, which is 6 hours behind Greenwich Meantime (GMT) ∙Mountain Standard Time (MST), which is 7 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)∙Pacific Standard Time (PST), the time zone Los Angeles is in, which is 8 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)Alaska and Hawaii have their own time zones: Alaska Standard Time (AKST) and Hawaii Standard Time (HST) respectivelyI.INTRODUCTIONa federal republica federation of 50 states and 1 federal district (District of Columbia)population: 303,824,6403. major cities:◆New York (largest city, “Big Apple”),◆Chicago (2nd largest city),◆Los Angeles (3nd largest city),Detroit: Motor City汽车城,4. states:1Vermont,2New Hampshire,3Massachusetts, 4Connecticut,5Rhode Island, 6New Jersey,7Maryland, 8DelawareNational symbol: Uncle Samlargest state: Alaska2nd largest state: Texas3rd largest state but most populous: Californiasmallest state: Rhode Island6.longest river: the Mississippi (the U.S.A.)longest river: River Severn塞文河(the UK)5 lakes:Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, Ontario5II.* America: a melting pot大熔炉or a mosaic马赛克?a nation of immigrants, a nation of nations, a microcosm of the world, a melting pot,(mainsteam culture: W ASP culture = white Anglo-Saxon protestant), a mosaic (a salad bowl) ==a multicultural society/cultural diversity/ cultural pluralismIII. the discovery of America2 immigration movements to American continents:1) from Asia2) from Europe & Africa1492: Columbus discovered the New World (America)3 earliest colonial powers in the worldSpain, Portugal, the NetherlandsIV. Europe in the 16th and 17th Centuries1.Medieval Europe: prevalent religion---the Roman Catholic Church2. 3 new forces led to the awakening of Europe and the discovery ofAmerica1)the development of capitalism2)the Renaissance3)the Religious/Protestant Reformationleaders: Martin Luther, John Calvin, King Henry VIII: Church of EnglandVI. Colonial Period: 1607---17761.Virginia: by the London Company in 1607, the first Englishpermanent colony in North America*Newfoundland 纽芬兰established in 1583Jamestown----James I (Gold--→tobacco)2.Puritan New England:by PuritansEngland--→Holland--→Plymouth, Massachussetsthe Pilgrim Fathers:清教移民先驱the ship Mayflower, Thanksgiving Day3.Maryland: by a Catholic: the 2nd Lord Baltimorethe manor system: a feudal experiment plan (failed)----→a capitalist development roadindentured servants白人契约奴4.Quaker PensylvaniaPhiladelphia (“a city of brotherly love”)philanthropy=fraternity博爱by a Quaker: William Penn---- the Holy Experimentseparation of state and churchQuakerism=the society of friends 贵格会,教友派(quake: shake) Quakers’ beliefs: man was not born sinful, but equal; liberty and equality cf: the UK-- a society with social hierarchyVII. The American Revolution (1775-1783)The American Revolution = The American War of Independence (1775-1783)1. Background1756-1763: the Seven Years’ War=the French and Indian War (England and France)→ British conflict with its 13 American colonies2. Major events:1)1773: Boston Tea Party波士顿倾茶事件2)1774: the 1st Continental Congress3)April 18th, 1775: the gunshot of Lexington 莱克星顿(the 1st gunshotof the American Revolution) and Concord4)1775:the 2nd Continental Congress in Philadelphiaassume the function of a national governmentGeorge Washington as commander-in-chief of the Continental Army 5)July 4th, 1776: Declaration of Independnce: Thomas Jefferson+Benjamin Franklinunalienable rights: life, liberty and the pursuit of happinessJohn Locke(*4th, 1776: Independence Day of the U.S.*)6)1783: birth of America (the Treaty of Paris)Unit 2: The Political System in the United States 1. Two American constitutions(1) The Articles of Confederation (1781.3.1-1788.6.21) 邦联条款WEAKNESS: Under the Articles, the Congress could not tax or draft any citizen.state government > national government--- *the 1st written constitution of its kind in the world, formed a league of friendship among the states, cannot ensure peace or prosperity, an agricultural country*(2) The Constitution of the United States (passed in the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia1787.9.17, adopted in 1789)--- by the Constitutional Convention: 12 states participated except Rhode Island--- the present constitution of the U.S.2 fears: tyranny/monarchy + anarchyprinciples:1) set up a federal system2) separation of powers: a three-part national government3) the system of checks and balances4) America as a republic (rather than a confederation)5) the supremacy of people over government6) the rule of law2. Separation of Powers: a three-part national government(1) Legislative Branch: bicameral legislatureCongress: 1> the House of Representative (435)2> the Senate (100)(2) Executive Branchthe president: four-year term, only two terms,veto +appointment +foreign relations with other countries;the vice president: =presiding officer of the Senate, cast a tie-breaking vote;the secretary of stateimpeachment(3) Judicial Branch1) the Supreme Court: 1 chief justice+8 associate justices,jurisdiction + power of judicial review2) 11 federal Courts of appeal3) 91 federal district courts3. Check and Balances4. Bill of Rights人权法案1791 – (10 amendments to the Constitution)→1991 – (16 others)5. Political Parties: bipartisan system1> the Democratic Party –“donkey” – liberal2> the Republican Party –“elephant” – conservative✧the Democratic Party (LEFT) (1792)✧the Republican Party(1854) (RIGHT)the “New Deal” – Franklin Rooseveltin-party执政党=ruling/governing partyout-party在野党附:1787 the Constitution1783 the birth of America1791 the first amendment to the Constitution1991 the second amendmentChapter 3 American Economy1 Industrial Revolutionthe American Revolutionthe Industrial RevolutionAlexanden Hamilton: a protective tariff to encourage businessFour Developments1 the introduction of the factory systemRhode Island – the first factory-- by Samuel Slater2 the “American system” of mass production“Eli Whitney” – the cotton gin-- rifles3 the application of new technologies to industrial tasks.The steam engine4 the emergency of new forms of business organization – the bank and thecorporation1863 paper currencyFinally: the construction of railroad 1) capital 2) business activities 3)settlement 4)coal, iron… the heavy industry 5) farm toolsthe rise and decline of industries1 the auto industry2 the new industry --- 1) “high-tech” industries2) service industries2 Free Enterprise“capital”“lending money” à “share” à “stock exchange”3 the Roots of Affluence1) bountiful natural resources 2) the vast dimension 3) a steady population4 American Agriculture1) the foundation of American economy2) the success of agriculture “agribusiness”3) the dark side4) “migrant workers”5) the harm to environmentChapter 4 Religion in the U.S.1. American mainsteam culture: W ASP culture = white Anglo-Saxon protestant2. Characteristics: Religious liberty, equality and diversity, separation of state and church, …3. Protestants: the largest church in the U.S.Baptists, Methodists, (Lutherans, Congregationalists, Quakers, Episcopalians …)Catholics: the largest single religious group in the U.S.Jews: the 3rd largest religious group4. Three faiths model of the U.S.:Protestantism, Catholicism, Judaism (or: Protestant, Catholic, Jewish) 5. non-western religions:Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam (believers:muslims, their God called Allah Chapter 6 Education in the United States1 Going to School in America Today1) the goal of American education2) SchoolsPublic schools 85% -- tax – boards of educationPrivate schools 5% -- religious groups2 Education – a Local Matter13 years of education3 What an American Student LearnsElementary SchoolSecondary School (a high school diploma)4 Education in a New Nation1) Harvard College: founded in 1636 to train religious ministers2) Puritans – a system of education1 compulsory education2 public taxation5 Learning to be World Citizens6 Higher Education1/3: higher educationthe system of higher education1 the university2 the college3 the technical training institution4 the community college7 Selecting a College or University1) What degrees does it offer?1 the bachelor’s degree: (B.A., B.S.)2 the master’s degree: (M.A., M.S.)3 the doctor’s degree: (ph D.)2) What curricula does it offer?Major + electives3) Three sources of income1 student tuition2 endowment3 government funding8 Trends in Degree Programs9 Education for All1) 1944: “the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act” = (“GI Bill of Rights”)– veterans.–promise financial aid, including aid for higher education, to members of the armed forcesbackground: WWII, the Korean War (June 25, 1950 -- July 27, 1953)*The Korean War (June 25, 1950 -- July 27, 1953): refers to a period ofmilitary conflict between North Korea (officially the Democratic People's Republic of Korea) and South Korea(officially the Republic of Korea) regimes. The conflict arose from the attempts of the two Korean powers to re-unify Korea under their respective governments. The period immediately before the war was marked by escalating border conflicts at the 38th Parallel and attempts to negotiate elections for the entirety of Korea.[23]These negotiations ended when the North Korean Army invaded the South on June 25, 1950. Under the aegis of the United Nations, nations allied with the United States intervened on behalf of South Korea. After rapid advances in a South Korean counterattack, North-allied Chinese forces intervened on behalf of North Korea, shifting the balance of the war and ultimately leading to an armistice that approximately restored the original boundaries between North and Southresults: Women’s Liberation Movements = feminism2) late 1960s: “Affirmative Acti on ProgramS” -- minorities* The term affirmative action or positive action[1][2] (in the U.K.) refers to policies that take race, ethnicity, or gender into consideration in an attempt to promote equal opportunity. The focus of such policies ranges from employment and education to public contracting and health programs. The impetus towards affirmative action is twofold: to maximize diversity in all levels of society, along with its presumed benefits, and to redress perceived disadvantages due to overt, institutional, or involuntary discrimination.*Chapter 7 Social Movement of the 1960s1 Background and Definition1.1 Two events1) 1955: Montgomery Bus Boycott: Rosa Parks --- the true beginning of the civil rights movement2) 1960: Greensboro “Sit-in” --- began the civil rights movement in the 1960s1.2 Social Movement of the 1960s:The civil rights movementThe youth (anti-war) movementThe wome n’s liberation movement1.3 Slogans“We shall overcome!” (Martin Luther King, Jr.)“Let it all hang out!” “Hell, no, we won’t go!”“Speak your minds without interruption.”2 Why did the Social Movement Begin?2.1 the Ku Klux Klan2.2 traditional white male values, the Vietnam War (1959-1975)2.3 1944: “the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act” = (“GI Bill of Rights”)–promise financial aid, including aid for higher education, to members of the armed forces–or: subsidized education and home ownership for veterans of the WWII and the Korean War (June 25, 1950 -- July 27, 1953)3 Who worked in the Social Movement?3.1 activists:male, Negro leaders;young people, white professionals and white housewives3.2 strategies and tacticsnonviolent direct action tactics (influenced by an Indian, Gandhi)like “sit-ins”, “teach-ins”(about the war in Vietnam), “freedom rides,” freedom speech, voter registration*sit-in: a form of civil disobedience in which demonstrators occupy seats and refuse to moven.室内静坐抗议, 室内静坐罢工teach-in: an extended session (as on a college campus) for lectures and discussion on an important and usually controversial issuen. (大学师生举行的)时事宣讲会,讨论会,辩论会*4 What is a Social Movement?Two characteristics“struct ure and spontaneity”5 The Civil Rights Movement1955: Montgomery Bus Boycott -- Rosa ParksNAACP6 Organizations(SNCC) the Students Nonviolent Coordinating Committee: collective leadership(CORE) the Congress of Racial Equality(SCLC) the Southern Christian Leadership Conference: Martin Luther King, Jr.7 Direct Action Tactics“sit-ins”,“teach-ins”“freedom rides”V oter registration1963: Martin Luther King --- “I have a dream”;President John F. Kennedy was assassinatedresults:1964: President Johnson – the Civil Rights Act8 Changes1965: President Johnson: “war on poverty”Malcolm X – northern ghettos: black separatism and violence Stokeley Carmichael: “Black power”1966; “march against fear”; Black Panther Party for Self Defense 1968 Martin Luther King & Robert Kennedy were assassinated9 The Y outh Movement / Anti-war MovementMario Savio“Free Speech Movement”a “Counter culture”: the “Hippies” =the “love generation”The Vietnam War occurred in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia from 1959[1] to 30 April 1975. The war was fought between the communist North Vietnam, supported by its communist allies, and the government of South Vietnam, supported by the United States and other member nations of the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO).[11][12]The United States entered the war to prevent a communist takeover of South Vietnam as part of their wider strategy of containment. Military advisors arrived beginning in 1950. U.S. involvement escalated in the early 1960s and combat units were deployed beginning in 1965. Involvement peaked in 1968 at the time of the Tet Offensive. Despite a peace treaty signed by all parties in January 1973, fighting continued. InApril 1975, North Vietnam captured Saigon. North and South Vietnam were reunified the following year.The war exacted a huge human cost in terms of fatalities, including 3 to 4 million Vietnamese from both sides, 1.5 to 2 million Laotians and Cambodians, and 58,159 U.S. soldiers.[13]●John F. Kennedy's administration, 1960–1963●President Johnson expands the war, 1963–1969●President Nixon: Nixon Doctrine / Vietnamization, 1969–1972●Exit of the Americans: 1973-1975Vietnam War memorial in the new Chinatown in Houston, TexasA U.S. B-66 Destroyer and four F-105 Thunderchiefs dropping bombs on North Vietnam10 T he Women’s Movement10.1 started by/advocates:Professional womenWhite housewivesYoung activists in the civil rights and anti-war movement10.2 Betty Friedan's The Feminine Mystique (1963)10.3 By an accident (1964 – the Civil Rights Act)10.4 organization: 1966 -- the National Organization for Women (NOW)Feminism is the idea that women should have political, social, sexual, intellectual and economic rights equal to those of men. It involves various movements, theories, and philosophies, all concerned with issues of gender difference, that advocate equality for women and the campaign for women's rights and interests.[1][2][3][4][5] According to Maggie Humm and Rebecca Walker, the history of feminism can be divided into three waves.[4][6]The first wave was in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the second was in the 1960s and 1970s, and the third extends from the 1990s to the present.The Feminine MystiqueBetty Friedan's The Feminine Mystique (1963) criticized the idea that women could only find fulfillment through childrearing and homemaking. According to Friedan's obituary in the The New York Times, The Feminine Mystique“ignited the contemporary women's movement in 1963 and as a result permanently transformed the social fabric of the United States and countries around the world” and “is widely regarded asone of the most influential nonfiction bo oks of the 20th century.”[34] In the book Friedan hypothesizes that women are victims of a false belief system that requires them to find identity and meaning in their lives through their husbands and children. Such a system causes women to completely lose their identity in that of their family. Friedan specifically locates this system among post-World War II middle-class suburban communities. At the same time, America's post-war economic boom had led to the development of new technologies that were supposed to make household work less difficult, but that often had the result of making women's work less meaningful and valuable.[35]ConclusionBlacks have made impressive gains in both political and economic life. However, racism is still a incorrigible/ingrained problem in the U.S.. White and black Americans, still live in different worlds. Poverty continues to be an overwhelming problem for blacks.Lacking support from the great masses and suppressed by the government, the American youth movement ended in failure, and student radicalism had virtually disappeared by 1972. But their rebellion has brought about tremendous changes. American society is showing an increased tolerance of diversity, sympathy and multual respect between people.Women’s status has been greatly improved, but there still exists some practices based on gender biases in job opportunities, management and politics.There is still a long way to go.Chapter 8 Social Problems in the United StatesOutline introduction1. Racial problems:1) American citizensAnglo-saxon ---the priviledged majoritythe Hispanics –-largest of the racial and ethnic minoritiesThe blacks -11.7% --- 2nd largest of the racial and ethnic minoritiesNative Americans-- racial and ethnic minorityAsian Americans-- racial and ethnic minority2) the end of the slaveryThe Civil WarLincoln’s emancipation of slaves in 1863The 13th Amendment to the Constitution in1865*American-----a melting pot or a mosaic?III. Discussion: the black-white relations in the United States2. Povertysocially stratified American society3. Drug Abuse4. Crime1) President Nixon: 1974 resign from presidency due to involvementin the Watergate Affair2) white-collar crime5. The abuse of power by government and corporations1)corporations: interest groups2)FBI3)CIA--- test LSD on people used as guinea pigsDiscussion:the black-white relations in the United StatesAssignment1. Is America a melting pot or a mosaic?2. The author says that the United States was founded on the principle of human equality, but in practice the nation has fallen far short of that ideal. Illustrate this point with what you have learned from the book.3. Discuss the black-white relations in the US.1 Racial Problems = racism*theory: racial hierarchy, racial excusion (eg. White supremacy/superiority)*discrimination against blacks and other minorities:Anglo-saxon -majorityHispanicsThe blacks -11.7%- minoritiesNative AmericansAsian Americansthe black “underclass”(“最低层”黑人)The majority of the blacks today have failed to share in the general gains(收获) of progress made recently. The urban ghettos(黑人聚居区)now contain a permanently impoverished (贫穷的)“underclass” of habitually unemployed or underemployed(半失业的)black people. 2) the end of the slaveryThe Civil WarLincoln’s emancipation of slaves in 1863The 13th Amendment to the Constitution in1865After 1960s, many American blacks began to have a new mood. (1) Blacks felt that the black community ought to coexist with other groups.(2) Blacks felt that “black is beautiful”. (3) Blacks felt more and more proud of themselves.2 Poverty as a social problemsocially stratified American societyThe U.S is one of the most wealthy countries in the world. Yet over 24 million people or about 10% of the population are living at or below the official poverty line. There are millions more, living slightly above the poverty line, whose plight is not much better. Also, the social services in the U.S compare unfavorably with those in most industrialized societies. Furthermore, the affluent majority seems indifferent to the problems of the poor. This raises some serious moral problems and inevitably creates fierce conflicts of interest and many political controversies. Therefore,as one of the most challenging social problems facing the nation.4 Crimewhichbecame the only U.S. president to have resigned from office.---The profile of a typical criminal (典型的罪犯形象)criminal would be than*Richard Milhous Nixon (January 9, 1913 – April 22, 1994) was the37th President of the United States (1969–1974) and the only president to resign the office. He was also the 36th Vice President of the United States (1953–1961). In 1968, Nixon was elected president of the United States. The most immediate task facing President Nixon was the Vietnam War. He initially escalated the conflict, overseeing secret bombing campaigns, but soon withdrew American troops and successfully negotiated a ceasefire with North Vietnam, effectively ending American involvement in the war. His foreign policy was largely successful; he opened relations with the People's Republic of China and initiated détente with the Soviet Union. Domestically, he implemented new economic policies which called for wage and price control and the abolition of the gold standard. He was reelected by a landslide in 1972. In his second term, the nation was afflicted with economic difficulties. In the face of likely impeachment for his role in the Watergate scandal,[1] Nixon resigned on August 9, 1974. Nixon was later pardoned by his successor, Gerald Ford, for any federal crimes he may have committed while in office.*5 The Abuse of Power by Government and Corporations滥用职权---the abuse of power by governmentJohnson and Nixon administrations deliberately and systematically lying to the people in the war against Vietnam and in the Watergate scandal.who were unaware that they were being used as guinea pig试验品, and had caused several deaths in the process. CIA还在许多人身上进行各种实验,包括实验可使脑神经紊乱的麻醉药LSD, 被试验的人自己完全不知道他们被当成试验品。

美国文化课程2-general culture and education system文化与教育体系

美国文化课程2-general culture and education system文化与教育体系
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
The Chinese-Americans are about 800,000. They have proved to be industrious and intelligent. Many of them have found high-in-come positions. The employment rate and average income of ChineseAmerican families are now higher than the national average. They have come to be viewed as a "model minority", clean and hard working.
Racial Assimilation
The Melting Pot The United States is a nation of many ethnic groups, making it a “melting pot”, meaning immigrants from different nations all over the world have combined to make one nation, the American. They speak almost the same kind of English with far less class or regional variety than in Britain. They have similar habits and manner.
• Get into groups of 3-4. Decide which numbers from Worksheet 1 are ―Hidden‖ and which numbers are ―Visible.‖ • Be prepared to give reasons!



《美国社会与文化》教学大纲课程名称:美国社会与文化课程编号:10750034英文课程名称:The Social and Cultural Knowledge of America适用专业:非英语专业二年级已通过英语四级考试的学生总学时数:34学分数:4执笔者:李东杰编写日期:2011.7一、课程性质和目的课程性质:美国社会与文化是面向二年级已经通过四级或六级的学生开设,旨在满足学生更高的学习需求。











美国社会与文化 2

美国社会与文化 2
The third wave (late 1980s-early 2000s), is seen as both a continuation and a response to
the perceived failures of the second wave
The reasons
The position of American women in the 1830 contained many contradictions.
• This value system emphasized new ideas of feminity, the woman's role within the home and the dynamics of work and family.
• "True women" were supposed to possess four cardinal virtues: piety, purity, domesticity, and submissiveness
• ---Lucy Stone( the first abolitionist to lecture on women's right)
• ---Mott and Stanton organized a women's rights convention passed 12 resolutions except the right of women to vote
The first wave • (refers to the movement of the 19th through early 20th centuries,
which dealt mainly with suffrage .)




就美国文化而言, 它包括宗教、文化区域、价值观、大众媒体和民族特性等。


三、教学目标通过本课程的学习,使学生具备如下能力:1. 了解美国历史、政治、文化的相关知识2.掌握美国历史、政治学、社会学和国际关系学的基本理论知识3.增强学生人文素养,帮助他们理解英语语言背后的文化,为中美文化交流奠定基础。



四、课程目标对毕业要求的支撑五、教学内容Introduction (支撑课程目标1、2、3、4、5、6)重点内容:课程介绍难点内容:课程教学理念及方法教学内容:课程介绍,教学理念及方法介绍,学期要求等Unit 1 American Politics(支撑课程目标1、2、3、4、5、6)重点内容:Textl难点内容:美国政治制度教学内容:完成第1单元课文的学习, 学习及课后习题,课堂批判思考与发言。

Unit 2 Ethnic Groups (支撑课程目标1、2、3、4、5、6)重点内容:Textl难点内容:美国种族现状教学内容:完成第2单元课文的学习, 学习及课后习题,课堂批判思考与发言。

Unit 3 Woman's movements (支撑课程目标1、2、3、4、5、6)重点内容:Textl难点内容:美国妇女运动教学内容:完成第3单元课文的学习,学习及课后习题,课堂批判思考与发言。

Unit 4 Social Welfare(支撑课程目标1、2、3、4、5、6) 学习及课后习题,课堂批判思考与发言。



[美国社会与文化]《美国社会与文化》教学大纲课程编号: 1206041 学时/学分: 32/2一、课程简介《美国社会与文化》课程是英语专业(本科)的一门专业课。









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• By freedom, Americans mean:
• The desire and the right of all individuals to control their own destiny without outside interference from the government, a ruling noble class, the church, or any other organized authority.
• Ideals vs. reality • Despite the distinction between the ideals and the reality, most Americans still believe in the American Dream.
• Liberals/Democrats • Government guarantee of economic rights broadens and improves the traditional idea of freedom.
• More controversies over non-economic areas
• Two sides of the values divide • Conservatives/Republicans • The provision of economic benefits has the effect of eroding the value of self-reliance as it makes the American people dependent on the government for their standard of living.
2.1 Individual Freedom and Self-Reliance
• Individual freedom (also “individualism” or “freedom”/ “liberty”): among the most respected and popular words in the U.S.
2.2 equality of opportunity and competition
• Equality of opportunity
Each individual should have an equal chance for success. Life as a race for success; fair play “We... wish to allow the humblest man an equal chance to get rich with everybody else. When one starts poor, as most do in the race of life, free society is such that he knows he can better his condition; he knows that there is no fixed condition of labor for his whole life.” (Lincoln)
2. Traditional Values: three pairs
• 2.1 individual Freedom and Self-Reliance • 2.2 equality of opportunity and competition • 2.3 material wealth and hard work
3.1 Expansion of freedom and the challenge to self-reliance
• Traditional ideas of freedom—largely in political and legal terms • Idea of economic rights: government should provide economic benefits for U.S. citizens • Controversial, leading to the so-called values divide
• The price—competition ideas of winners vs. losers
Pressures of competition Competitive sports in schools and community groups
Constant emotional strain older people having less honor and respect
• 3. challenges to American values • 4. the American dream
1. The Context of Traditional American Values
• Diversity or pluralism in racial, ethnic, cultural, and religious terms; • How could a nation of such enormous diversity produce a recognizable national identity? • “We all share a common set of values that make us American.” (John Zogby)
Declaration of Independence, 1776—freedom from the power of the kings Constitution, 1789—separation of church and state Also constitution—forbidding titles of nobility
4. The American Dream
• In spite of all the changes in the nation’s population, economy, and culture, the behaviors and values of Americans have remained remarkably constant.
3.3 Globalization and material wealth
• Globalization and the outsourcing of high-paying manufacturing and even service jobs • Rising cost in health care, health insurance, housing, and tuition
2.3 material wealth and hard work
• Material wealth
To have a better life—the most compelling reason for many immigrants to leave their homeland “going from rags to riches”—a slogan for the “American Dream” Reasons why material wealth is important to most Americans: A substitute for judging social status in the new country Puritan work ethics—material success as godly
3 Challenges to American values
• 3.1 Expansion of freedom and self-reliance
• 3.2 Equality of Results vs. equality of opportunity
• 3.3 Globalization and material wealth
• Price—hard work
hard work as a precondition for becoming rich Government welfare programs regarded as necessary, but not admired welfare vs. workfare U.S.—the only developed country with no universal healthcare coverage
Traditional American Values and Beliefs
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
• Rights of prisoners • Rights of terrorists • Rights of illegal immigrants
3.2 Equality of Results vs. equality of opportunity
• “Affirmative action” programs, promoting equality of results • Aimed at making up for past discrimination against minorities ad increasing racial and ethnic diversity in college • Opponents: this preferential treatment constitutes “reverse discrimination” against the dominant or majority group and undermines the values of both equality of opportunity and competition.