The drive from England to Scotland provides the traveler with many pleasant changes of scenery. As it is a fairly long journey, it is good to be able to travel with a friend who can drive a car too.A Scotsman traveling with an English friend may tell him that he is going to see, in the Highlands,the fin est scenery in the world. This may sound exaggerated, but on arriving in the Highlands most people readily agree that the scenery is indeed magnificent.The Highlands are, as the name implies, the hilly or mountainous region of the country; they form the greater part of the western half of Scotland north of Glasgow.On the first night in Scotland a tourist may choose to stay at a hotel in the little town of Gallander, which is one of the gateways(通道) to the Highlands. On the following day he can set out to see the various lakes in the neighborhood, and will be delighted with the wild and romantic aspect of the countryside. When he returns to his hotel he will be glad to eat a copious (丰盛的) “high tea”. This is a meal which , in Scotland and many parts of northern England, takes the place of tea and dinner. It consists of one substantial course, followed by bread-and-butter, with jam or honey, and some kind of cake. Tea is drunk with the meal, which is taken at about six o’clock in the evening. One has a light supper late in the evening.The next morning many tourists move on to the west coast, passing on their way Loch Lomond, one of the largest and most famous of the Scottish lakes. (These are called “lochs”, with the exception of the Lake of Menteith, not far from Glasgow.) The road twists and turns, dips and climbs, but is not dangerous. The greatest hazard is the black-faced sheep these animals are as active and aggressive as goats, and frequently wander recklessly (鲁莽地) into the road. The tourist may also see a herd of long-haired Highlands cattle, which look fierce but are no more fierce than ordinary cattle. Eventually the road runs along the coastline of the sea, where you can see little islands and rocky bays.36. According to the passage,a Scotsman traveling with an Englishfriend may tell him thatA The journey from England to Scotland is long.B The Highlands are the most beautiful place in the world.C The Highlands have a lot of hills and mountains.D The Highlands are the most dangerous place in the world.注解:B -----------------1.查细节--从题干中找到关键词是成败的重要一环(就象在百渡中搜索一样)2.3. 如答案A、B、C、D里有3--44. 一般发现A、B、C、D四该选项就是正确答案。
职称英语必过经验之谈1.试题概况及答题次序1.1.必杀技:见下表中“答题次序”:1.2.详解1.2.1.词汇.浏览懂得.完型填空所占分值最高(合计高达75分),放到前面来做,防止万一时光不敷,可以确保先抓住大部分分数.1.2.2.词汇.浏览懂得.完型填空都是部分来自教材,放到前面来做,记忆比较深入,答题成功率较高.1.2.3.浏览断定放到最后,是因为本题依据经验蒙答案(具体办法后面胪陈)成功率可拿到全体7分中的3分,如许可以腾出时光给须要查词典即可稳拿分数的词汇题,所以浏览断定的答题时光只有1分钟.2.词汇(1分/题*15=15分)2.1.必杀技:2.1.1.预备一本正式出版的英语同义词词典,推举牛津出版社出版,外研社翻译出版的《牛津英语同义词词典》.2.1.2.教材演习不必做,把答案勾勒出来,只需记住个中标题划线部分或者答案是词组的,其余不必看.2.1.3.测验时看到有教材中的词组题则直接答上,其余的查词典.2.2.详解:2.2.1.职称英语测验许可带一本正式出版的,并不是针对职称英语测验而编写的词典.而本题考察内容就是同义词(词组),显然应用同义词典效力更高.2.2.2.词组记忆相对轻易而查词典找同义词组相对较艰苦,又因试题来自教材演习4-9题,所以必须记住教材中的词组题.教材词汇演习一共100题,个中有词组的也就20个阁下,记住绝对没有艰苦;2.2.3.因职称英语词汇数目有限,直接查同义词词典,一般前三个义项就会有答案.3.浏览懂得(3分/题*15题=45分)3.1.必杀技:3.1.1.熟记教材文章演习题的准确答案,重点控制客岁教材上没有的新增文章,测验时先找教材上的文章,做出来.3.1.2.其他文章,先作测验标题中有人名.地名.国度名.数字.年月等专著名词的题.3.1.3.勾勒出测验标题中的症结词(一般是名词,不必熟悉它也不必查词典),然后到文章中找一样的症结词定位.3.1.4.定位症结词后,比较文章中症结词邻近的词或词组,与答案选项中词或者词组重合的最多的即为准确答案.(就像玩拼图游戏,考察你的眼光!ˇˍˇ)3.1.5.假如你无法定位症结词,则:若有选项为“以上X项皆是”,即为准确答案,看四个答案选项中有无大部分类似的.若有,若意思完整相反的个中一个必是答案;若意思并不是相反的则较长选项为答案,如没有大部分类似的,则最长的选项为答案.3.1.6.假如测验标题是针对文章中的某个单词的意思,那么就相当于是一个词汇题,则同义词词典又派上用处了!3.1.7假如测验标题是问文章宗旨(如作者的不雅点,调换文章标题等)的,则须要细读文章标题,每段第一句和文章最后一句,并大致搞清意思.然后选择意思最接近的一项答案.3.2.详解:3.2.1.考题共3篇文章,个中1篇(5个题占15分)来自教材.依据积年经验,教材新增文章作为考题的概率较大.所以熟记教材上所有文章(以教材新增文章为重点)的演习题答案,即可包管稳拿15分!留意:因为测验会把ABCD4个答案选项次序打乱,所以不要只记准确答案的ABCD编号,而要记住准确答案的内容,这就须要弄清晰准确答案之所以准确的原因,或者切记准确答案的特色,确保测验时一眼即可认出.3.2.2.专著名词比较显眼,作为症结词更轻易定位,也就更轻易做出来.3.2.3.一般测验标题标次序与文章段落的次序大体一致,定位症结词不是难事,这就象让我在人群中找出一个生疏人很难,但是让我拿着他的照片去找就轻易多了.3.2.4.准确答案肯定与问题有关,答案中的词或者词组肯定出如今文中症结词的邻近!3.2.5.依据经验,这是答对概率最大的选择.3.2.6.留意:与第一大题的词汇题(每题占1分)不合,浏览懂得中的词汇题有可能是多义词(每题占3分),查词典的时刻必定要细心,须要时每个答案选项都要查一遍,确保选出准确答案.3.2.7不须要浏览试题全文,只须要细读文章标题.每段第一句和文章最后一句,文章宗旨就在个中!●山人提醒:浏览懂得每题占3分,总分高达45分,是重点中的重点!不要怕费时光,果断按照上述办法答题,务必细心,包管成功率.4.完型填空(1分/题*15题=15分)4.1.必杀技:4.2.详解:●山人提醒:以上三个大题是重点,按照上述秘笈做完,应能拿到少则50分阁下,多则60分以上,则大局根本已完!5.归纳综合大意.完成句子(1分/题*8题=8分)5.1.必杀技:5.1.1.归纳综合大意(4题):先看考题请求归纳综合哪4个段落的大意,然后分离细读该4个段落的第一句和最后一句,然后与各个选项比较,选项中大部分词或者词组与段落的第一句或最后一句中的词或者词组重合得最多的即为争夺答案.5.1.2.完成句子(4题):先勾勒出每个测验标题中的症结词,然后回到文章中定位(具体办法参考3.1.3和3.1.4项),最后把文章中症结词邻近的词和词组与各个答案选项比较,词和词组重合最多的即为准确答案.5.2.详解:5.2.1.归纳综合大意其实就是找文章各段落主题句,而段落主题句往往就是该段落的第一句和最后一句.5.2.2.完成句子其实就是告知你一句话得一部分让你找另一部分.应用定位症结词找到了这句话在文章中的地位,则肯定另一部分就不难了.6.补全短文(2分/题*5题=10分)6.1.必杀技:6.1.1.先看文章中各个空格在文中所处的地位,假如在一句话得开首(即空格前面是句号),则准确答案的开首字母肯定是大写!反之肯定是小写.如许比较各个答案选项的开首字母可以缩小选择的规模.6.1.2.先勾勒出每个答案选项中的症结词,然后回到文章中定位(具体办法请参考3.1.3和3.1.4项),找出文章中症结词邻近的空格.把空格邻近词和词组与各个答案选项相比较,词和词组重合最多的即为准确答案.6.2.详解:6.2.1.简略的语法常识可以用来缩小选择的规模,是事半功倍的利器!6.2.2.补全短文其实就是告知你一句话让你肯定这句话在文中地点的地位,应用定位症结词的办法找到这句话在文章中的地位即可.●山人提醒:和浏览懂得一样,归纳综合大意.完成句子及补全短文也都很象是拼图游戏哦ˇˍˇ,看来职称英语测验考的根本不是英文才能和记忆才能,而是眼光和比较不雅察才能!长期介入还可以达到益智的感化哦~~讥讽吧吼吼~~7.浏览断定(1分/题*7题=7分)7.1.必杀技:7.1.1.最后做,蒙答案,全选A或者全选B.7.1.2.先看7个试题中有无暗示绝对意义的词,如most(包含其它情势的最高等).only.just.simply等,若有,7个题全选B,不然7个题全选A.7.2.详解:7.2.1.浏览断定放到最后做,是因为本题依据经验蒙答案成功率可拿到全体7分中的3分,如许可以腾出时光给须要查词典即可稳拿分数的词汇题.本题蒙答案成功率较高的原因是:起首本题答案选项是所有的题中起码的,只有(A 准确B错误C未说起)3个,那么响应的随意蒙一个答案的准确率最高,达到三分之一;有因为依据积年经验,在全体7个试题中,A准确.B错误.C未说起之间的比例大致为3:3:1,所以全选A或者B成功率最高.7.2.2.依据积年经验,假如试题中消失暗示绝对意义的词,那么准确答案是(B错误)的可能性最大,所以假如试题中消失暗示绝对意义的词,则优先全蒙B!最后,祝您顺遂经由过程职称英语测验!。
Opportunities are only for the prepared person. 卫生今年阅读没有新增文章,押题也就变成了猜题,极不靠谱,请大家做好无原题或押不中的准备!!!卫生阅读押题共1篇文章第三十九篇 Sauna 卫生A 第42篇 Sauna 综合A桑拿浴本文中心:第一句Ceremonial bathing has existed存在for thousands of years and has many forms, one of which is the sauna. The Finns have perfected the steam bath, or sauna, which may be taken, usually in an enclosed room, by pouring water over hot rocks or as a dry heat bath. The Japanese, Greeks, Turks and Russians as well as Native Americans have forms of the sweat bath in their bathing rituals. Dry heat and steam baths had advocates in ancient Rome and pre-Columbian Americas used sweat lodges.仪式性的沐浴已经有几千年的历史,并有多种形式,其中的一种就是桑拿浴。
第5课(1)阅读理解孙老师特别提示:不是因为有些事情难以做到,我们才失去自信,而是我们失去了自信,这些事情才难以做到!Giving up Smoking p21注:该文中心即文章题目---戒烟。
nicotine is slowly absorbed through the skin and enters the bloodstream(血流). Over time, the nicotine dose is reduced and eventually the desire for nicotine is eased. Nicotine gum(口香糖) works in a similar manner, providing small doses of nicotine when chewed(咀嚼).The benefits of giving up smoking include the immediate reduction of harm to the health of the smoker and easier admission to social activities and institutions that ban smoking. In a 1988 report, the U.S. Surgeon General declared cigarette smoking to be more harmful and expensive than the use of cocaine(可卡因), alcohol, or heroin. Recent evidence supports this claim.The United States government has collected a special tax on cigarettes for several decades. The rate rose from 8 cents per pack of 20 cigarettes in 1951 to 24 cents per pack in 1993. In other developed countries, the cigarette tax rate is much higher, ranging from 50 percent in Switzerland to 85 percent in Denmark.In the United States, the first direct action to check smoking阻止, 制止was the regulation of a warning on cigarette packages by the Federal Trade Commission. This warning took effect in 1964 and was strengthened in 1969 to read: “Warning: The Surgeon General HasDetermined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Hea lth.” In 1971all cigarette advertising was banned from radio and television, and cities and states passed laws requiring需要nonsmoking不抽烟的sections区in public places and workplaces.31 Which of the following can help a person quit smoking?A)Using nicotine patches.B)Reading cigarette advertisements.C)Chewing ordinary gum.D)Participating in social activities.查细节——4.一但确定关键词在文章的位置,注意周围中文注释,第二参考位是后面,第二参考位是前面,但一定要注意英文语言重心。
特别请同学注意:即使最好的字典也不可能15题全部查到,查到12个左右已经很好了,千万不要在查字典上浪费大量时间,以免芝麻捡不到,西瓜又丢了!每年都有同学因此而考试失败,切记!切记!!!课堂练习(3)(详细讲解请登入)第三篇:The IcemanOn a September day in 1991,two Germans were climbing the mountain between Austria and Italy.High up on a mountain pass,they found the body of a man lying on the ice.At that height (10,499 feet or 3,200 meters),the ice is usually permanent,but 1991 had been an especially warm year.The mountain ice had melted more than just usual and so the body had come to the surface.It was lying face downward.The skeleton(骨架)was in perfect condition,except for a wound in the head.There was still skin on the bones and the remains of some clothes.The hands were still holding the wooden handle of an ax and on the feet there were very simple leather and cloth boots.Nearby was a pair of gloves made of tree bark(树皮)and a holder for arrows.Who was this man? How and when had he died? Everybody had a different answer to these questions.Some people thought that it was from this century,perhaps the body of a soldier who died in World War I.since several soldiers had already been found in the area.A Swiss woman believed it might be her father, who had died in those mountains twenty years before and whose body had never been found.The scientists who rushed to look at the body thought it was probably much older,may be even a thousand years old.With modern dating techniques,the scientists soon learned that the iceman was about 5,300 years old.Born in about 3300 B.C.,he lived during the Bronze Age in Europe.At first scientists thought he was probably a hunter who had died from an accident in the high mountains. More recent evidence.however,tells a different story.A new kind of X-ray shows an arrowhead still stuck in his shoulder.It left only a tiny hole in his skin,but it caused internal damage and bleeding.He almost certainly died from this wound,and not from the wound on the back of his head.This means that he was probably in some kind of a battle.It may have been part of a large war,or he may have been fighting bandits.He may even have been a bandit himself.By studying his clothes and tools,scientists have already learned a great deal fromthe Iceman about the times he lived in.we may never know the full story of how he died,but he has given us important clues to the history of those distant times.31.The body of the iceman was found in the mountains mainly becauseA.two Germans were climbing the mountains.B.the melted ice made him visible.C.he was lying on the ice.D.he was just on a mountain pass.32.What can be inferred推断from paragraph 2?A.The iceman could have died from the wound in the head.B.The iceman was killed while working.C.The iceman lived a poor life.D.The iceman was struck dead from behind.33.All the following are assumptions假定once made about iceman EXCEPTA.he was a soldier in World War IB.he was a Swiss woman's long-lost fatherC.he was born about a thousand years agoD.he came from Italy34.The scientists made the deduction推论that the icemanA.was hit in the shoulder by an arrowheadB.had got a wound on the back of his headC.was probably in some kind of a battleD.has a tiny hole in his skin causing his death35.The word "bandits" in paragraph 4 could be best replaced byA.soldiers B.robbers C.hunters D.shooters阅读理解解题顺序1、抓中心,如果可能第一段多读一点。
目录综合类C级: (2)Shark Attack ! 【小心鲨鱼!】 (2)The Travels of Ibn Battuta【伊本白图泰游记】 (3)综合类B级: (5)Income【收入】 (5)I'II Be Bach【我也能成为巴赫】【2014年新增文章】 (6)Oseola McCarty 【老妇人】 (8)综合类A级: (9)To Have and Have Not【逃亡】 (9)Life as a Movie Extra【群众演员的人生】【2014年新增】 (11)综合类C级:Shark Attack ! 【小心鲨鱼!】Craig Rogers was sitting on his surfboard, scanning the distance for his next wave, when his board suddenly stopped moving. He looked down and was terrified to see a great white shark biting the front of his board. "I could have touched its eye with my elbow," says Craig. The shark had surfaced so quietly that he hadn't heard a thing.In his horror and confusion, he waved his arms and accidentally cut two of his fingers on the shark's teeth. He then slid off the opposite side of his surfboard into the water. Then, with Craig in the water and blood flowing from his fingers, the five-meter-long shark simply swam away, disappearing into the water below.Although sharks are often categorized as killers that hunt and eat as many humans as they can, this is factually inaccurate. Sharks very rarely kill humans. A person has a greater chance of being struck by lightning or drowning in a bath than of being killed by a shark. 0nly 74 people have been reported killed by great whites in the last century. But great white sharks can reach six meters in length and weigh 2,200 kilograms or more. With frightening jaws that can hold up to 3,000 teeth arranged in several rows, they could very easily kill and eat a helpless human in the water. Why is it, then, that most people survive attacks by great whites? Shark researchers are trying to comprehend the reasons that allow people to escape without being eaten.The most common explanation is that great whites don't see well. It has been thought that they mistake people for the seals or sea lions which make up a large part of their diet. There is reason to doubt this, however. Recent information shows that great whites can actually see very well. Also, when attacking seals, great whites shoot up to the surface and bite with great force. When approaching humans, however, they most often move in slowly and bite less hard. They soon discover that humans are not a high---fat meal. “They spit us out because we're too bony,” says Aidan Martin, director of Reef Quest Center for Shark Research.Shark researchers like Martin hypothesize that great whites are actually curious animals that like to investigate things. It's possible that they use their bite not only to kill and eat, but also to gather information. Although such an experience is unlucky for people like Craig Rogers, when sharks bite surfboards of other objects or people, they are likely just trying to learn what they are.练习:1. After Craig Rogers fell into the water, the shark __________.A) bit his surfboardB) bit his fingersC) swam awayD) attacked him2. It is difficult for the author to understand why great whites ________.A) often let humans escapeB) kill humansC) have so many teethD) grow to six meters or more3. Which of the following is closest in meaning to make up in line 2 of paragraph 4?A) create.B)are.C)increase.D)depend upon.4. The word their in line 2 of paragraph 4 means __________.A) people'sB) great whites'C) sea lions'D) seals'5. What is the main idea of the forth paragraph?A) Great whites eat low-fat, bony meals more slowly.B) Great whites see well enough to include seals, sea lions, and humans in their diet.C) We now know great whites don't mistake humans for other animals.D) There is reason to doubt that great whites see well enough to attack humans.1. 答案:C2. 答案:A3. 答案:B4. 答案:B5. 答案:CThe Travels of Ibn Battuta【伊本白图泰游记】“I left Tangier, my birthplace, the 13th of June 1325 with the intention of making the pilgrimage [to Mecca]...to leave all my friends both female and male, to abandon my home as birds abandon their nests.” So begins an old manuscript in a library in Paris-the travel journal of Ibn Battuta.Almost two centuries before Columbus, this young Moroccan set off for Mecca, returning home three decades later as one of history's great travelers. Driven by curiosity, he journeyed to remote corners of the Islamic world, traveling through 44 modem countries, three times as far as Marco Polo. Little celebrated in the West, his name is well known among Arabs. In his hometown of Tangier, a square, a hotel, a cafe, a ferry boat, and even a hamburger are named after him.Ibn Battuta stayed in Mecca as a student for several years, but the urge to travel soon took over. In one adventure, he traveled to India seeking profitable employment with the Sultan of Delhi. 0n the way, he described his group being attacked in the open country by 80 men on foot, and two horsemen: “we fought…killing one of their horsemen and about twelve of the foot soldiers….I was hit by an arrow and my horse by another, but God in his grace preserved me….We carried the heads of the slain to the castle of Abu Bak'har…and suspended them from the wall.” In Delhi, the sultan gave him the position of judge, based on his prior study at Mecca. But the sultan had an unpredictable character, and Ibn Battuta looked for an opportunity to leave. When the sultan offered to finance a trip to China, he agreed. Ibn Battuta set off in three ships, butmisfortune struck while he was still on the shore. A sudden storm grounded and broke up two ships, scattering treasure and drowning many people and horses. As he watched, the third ship, with all his belongings and slaves—one carrying his child—was carried out to sea and never heard from again.After a lifetime of incredible adventures, Ibn Battuta was finally ordered by the Sultan of Morocco to return home to share his wisdom with the world. Fortunately, he consented and wrote a book that has been translated into numerous languages, allowing people everywhere to read about his unparalleled journeys.练习:1. What is the passage mainly about?A) Visitors to Mecca.B) The adventures of Ibn Battuta.C) Ibn Battuta's character.D) Asian countries of the 14th century.2. Which of the following is closest in meaning to set off for in line 5?A) left to go toB) discussed.C) arrived at.D) decided upon.3. The Sultan of Delhi gave Ibn Battuta a position of judge because _____A) the sultan needed a translator.B) Ibn Battuta had been a judge before.C) Ibn Battuta had studied in Mecca.D) Ibn Battuta had traveled to many countries.4. Which of the following would the writer of this passage most likely agree with?A) Ibn Battuta's journeys were very common for people of that time.B) Ibn Battuta's stories are probably not true.C) Ibn Battuta's journey was less important than Marco Polo's.D) Ibn Battuta should be better known in the West today.5. Why did Ibn Battuta finally return to his home?A) He was tired of traveling.B) He didn't have any more money.C) He feared the Sultan of Delhi.D) The Sultan of Morocco asked him to return.1. 答案:B2. 答案:A3. 答案:C4. 答案:D5. 答案:D综合类B级:Income【收入】Income may be national income and personal income. Whereas national income is defined as the total earned income of all the factors of production—namely, profits, interest, rent, wages, and other compensation for labor, personal income may be defined as total money income received by individuals before personal taxes are paid. National income does not equal GNP(Gross National Product)because the factors of production do not receive payment for either capital consumption allowances or indirect business taxes, both of which are included in GNP. The money put aside for capital consumption is for replacement and thus is not counted as income. Indirect taxes include sales taxes, property taxes, and excise taxes that are paid by businesses directly to the government and so reduce the income left to pay for the factors of production. Three-fourths of national income goes for wages, salaries, and other forms of compensation to employees.Whereas national income shows the income that the factors of production earn, personal income measures the income that individuals or households receive. Corporation profits are included in national income because they are earned. Out of these profits, however, corporation profit taxes must be paid to government, and some money must be put into the business for expansion. Only that part of profits distributed as dividends goes to the individual; therefore, out of corporation profits only dividends count as personal income. The factors of production earn money for social security and unemployment insurance contributions, but this money goes to government(which is not a factor of production., not to individuals. It is therefore part of national income but not part of personal income.On the other hand, money received by individuals when they collect social security or unemployment compensation is not money earned but money received. Interest received on government bonds is also in this category, because much of the money received from the sale of bonds went to pay for war production and that production no longer furnishes a service to the economy.The money people receive as personal income may be either spent or saved. However, not all spending is completely voluntary. A significant portion of our income goes to pay personal taxes. Most workers never receive the money they pay in personal taxes, because it is withheld from their paychecks. The money that individuals are left with after they have met their tax obligations is disposable personal income. Disposable income can be divided between personal consumption expenditures and personal savings. It is important to remember that personal saving is what is left after spending.练习:1. This passage is mainly about _______。
欢迎来到孙老师课堂一般网络课件上的英语“神表”比较简单,真正意义的英语“神表”一般人是很难得到的,她特别详细,“神表”是无价之宝,非金钱等俗物可买!内含我三十年之心血,收费课堂内免费赠送的也只是简单的神表,而且是三张--1 阅读-2 补全短文-3概括大意。
必须经我讲解并反复操练,否则废纸一张!!!类似武林秘笈的详细神表很少人能得到,如下:老师对阅读理解的两个基本要求1 正确率应在90%。
2 五篇文章应控制在35分钟之内。
(否则将没有时间完成其它部分的考试)知己我们的困难:1.词汇不够①扩大;②上下文推论;③躲避;2.看不懂文章①提高水平;②抓中心推理;③上下文推论;④避开枝节3.阅读速度慢①提高速度②只读中心③避开枝节4.判断模棱两可①围着中心转②注意段落结构—段落中心(段落第一句)及段落结论(段落最后一句);③注意连词. ④注意主从句—●宾语从句看从句●状语从句看主句●定语从句看主句—先行词与从句看懂一个就行.5.出题人故弄玄虚-------没辙. 因此,孙老师建议:尽可能地不要做模拟考卷,因为模拟考试的质量及出题老师的水平参差不齐(很多都是为了赚钱,粗织滥造)这种题往往会对学生产生误导,挫伤学生的信心,浪费学生的时间。
英文文章结构三项基本原则:牢牢地抓住英文写作的“三步曲”l 中心l 举例说明●作者观点或文章结论注:以下总结多为条文,在记忆及理解上都有困难,但在实际考试中至关重要,同学们可在后面结合做题逐条理解并牢记心中。
S 2014职称英语词典
sackn.1.粗布袋2.解雇vt.解雇sacredadj.1.神圣的,宗教的2.严肃的,郑重的*sacriricen.1.牺牲(品)2.祭祀vt.1.牺牲,献出2.祭祀vi.祭祀sadadj.悲伤的,忧愁的+saddlen.鞍,马鞍sadlyadv.1.悲哀地,伤心地2.不幸地,可悲地safeadj.安全的n.保险箱+safeguardvt.保护,保卫n.保卫(措施)safelyadv.安全地,平安地safetyn.安全+sagan.1.家世小说2.英勇故事,冒险故事sailn.1.帆2.航行vi.1.航行2.启航3.翱游,飘vt.航行,飘过sailorn.水手,海员saintn.1.圣人2.(略作St.,用于人名、地名前)圣…saken.缘故,理由for the sake of:为了saladn.色拉(西餐中的一种凉拌菜)salaryn.工资,薪水salen.1.销售(额)2.廉价出售on sale:1.降价出售2.出售的,上市的加for sale:待售salesmann.售货员+salmonadj.橙红色的+salonn.1.大厅,客厅2.名流聚会+saloonn.1.大厅,会客厅2.酒馆saltn.盐,氯化钠vt.腌,盐渍saltyadj.盐的,咸的+salvagevt.1.抢救2.打捞n.救助(的财物)*salvationn.拯救,救助sameadj.相同的,一样的pron.同样的人或事all the same:仍然,照样地samplen.样品,标本vt.抽样检查sanctionn.1.认可,许可,批准2.支持,赞成3.制裁,处罚+sanctuaryn.1.神圣的场所2.圣城3.避难所,隐匿地sandn.1.沙子2.(pl.)沙滩,沙地sandwichn.三明治,夹肉面包vt.挤进,夹人*sandyadj.1.沙的2.不稳固的satelliten.1.卫星,人造卫星2.附庸国satisfactionn.满足,满意satisfactoryadj.满足的,满意的satisfyfvt.1.满足,满意2.符合be satisfied with:对…感到满意satisfyingadj.令人满意的,满足的,圆满的Saturdayn.星期六saucen.调味品,酱油saunan.蒸汽浴,桑拿浴*sausagen.香肠。
Ssackn.1.粗布袋2.解雇vt.解雇sacredadj.1.神圣的,宗教的 2.严肃的,郑重的*sacriricen.1.牺牲(品)2.祭祀vt.1.牺牲,献出2.祭祀vi.祭祀sadadj.悲伤的,忧愁的+saddlen.鞍,马鞍sadlyadv.1.悲哀地,伤心地 2.不幸地,可悲地safeadj.安全的n.保险箱+safeguardvt.保护,保卫n.保卫(措施)safelyadv.安全地,平安地safetyn.安全+sagan.1.家世小说2.英勇故事,冒险故事sailn.1.帆2.航行vi.1.航行2.启航3.翱游,飘vt.航行,飘过sailorn.水手,海员saintn.1.圣人2.(略作St.,用于人名、地名前)圣…saken.缘故,理由for the sake of:为了saladn.色拉(西餐中的一种凉拌菜)salaryn.工资,薪水salen.1.销售(额)2.廉价出售on sale:1.降价出售2.出售的,上市的加for sale:待售salesmann.售货员+salmonadj.橙红色的+salonn.1.大厅,客厅2.名流聚会+saloonn.1.大厅,会客厅2.酒馆saltn.盐,氯化钠vt.腌,盐渍saltyadj.盐的,咸的+salvagevt.1.抢救2.打捞n.救助(的财物)*salvationn.拯救,救助sameadj.相同的,一样的pron.同样的人或事all the same:仍然,照样地samplen.样品,标本vt.抽样检查sanctionn.1.认可,许可,批准2.支持,赞成3.制裁,处罚+sanctuaryn.1.神圣的场所2.圣城3.避难所,隐匿地sandn.1.沙子2.(pl.)沙滩,沙地sandwichn.三明治,夹肉面包vt.挤进,夹人*sandyadj.1.沙的2.不稳固的satelliten.1.卫星,人造卫星2.附庸国satisfactionn.满足,满意satisfactoryadj.满足的,满意的satisfyfvt.1.满足,满意2.符合be satisfied with:对…感到满意satisfyingadj.令人满意的,满足的,圆满的Saturdayn.星期六saucen.调味品,酱油saunan.蒸汽浴,桑拿浴*sausagen.香肠。
孙老师特别提示:如果您真的想通过职称考试,——请牢记下列重要提示阅读理解应试技巧(职称英语)一. 牢牢抓住英文写作的“三步曲”●中心●举例说明●作者观点或文章结论。
二.阅读理解解题程序1. 牢牢抓住中心——围着中心转2.不读文章,直接读问题—分类三.阅读理解测试要点擒贼先擒王1. 文章的中心思想——做所有题围着中心转提问中有---main---ly第一段—第一句有 but “……..” ---- today thisday so yet however therefore在这些词后 . 如果第一句是 not 第二句是中心句。
第二段—第一句是but “…….” ---- today this day so yet therefore … 在这些词后2. 文章中具体细节(查细节)看不懂提问—就是查细节A ----------------- 解题要领1. 细节题一定要查不要读。
2. 从问题中确定关键词或从答案中即A、B、C、D 找到关键词。
(能否确定关键词是成败的重要因素—关键词可能是一个、两个甚至是三个)3. 用关键词在文章中按顺序找到问题的出处,可能是关键词的重复,以多个关键词的重复为准。
(有可能题干中的关键词和文章中的关键词会产生变化——即同意词,如“土豆”——“马玲薯”,“一碗豆腐”——“豆腐一碗”)4. 一旦确定关键词在文章的位置,注意周围中文注释,第一参考位是后面,第二参考位是前面,但一定要注意英文语言重心。
B ----------------- 查细节关键词的选择1.查细节--从题干中找到关键词是成败的重要一环(就象在百渡中搜索一样)2.查细节尽量避免用中心词,和常用词作为关键词3. 如答案A、B、C、D里有四个相同的词,便是关键词4. 一般发现A、B、C、D四个选项中,哪个选项出现中心词,一般该选项就是正确答案。
3. 作者的观点或文章结论——最后一句大多与文章中心一致author attitude opinion段落结论在段落最后一句 imply暗示 infer推断 suggest暗示 learn from for example …4. 对错选择——解题要领及步骤——true not true1.先读A、B、C、D 以确定思考范围2. 围绕中心选择正确答案3. 如用第三条无法确定答案再到文章中查找答案4. 尽可能确定问题在文章中的位置 (用查细节的方法确定关键词。
职称英语红宝书 通关必须掌握的技巧【孙wei】
职称英语红宝书通关必须掌握的技巧第一部分:答题技巧1、试题概况、答题顺序和考试范围1.1、必杀技:见表中“答题顺序”、“考试范围”答题顺序做题时间综合表格答题时间备注答题顺序试卷顺序试卷题目分值(分钟)1 1 词汇15 15 共15题,来自教材练习4-6题共3篇,15题,来自教材1篇(5题,但2 4 阅读理解45 55提问和答案有部分改变)共1篇,15题,来自教材1篇,但空部3 6 完型填空15 15分改变概括大意8 10 共1篇,8题,来自教材以外4 3完成句子5 5 补全短文10 10 共1篇,5题,来自教材以外6 2 阅读判断7 1 共1篇,7题,来自教材以外7 答题卡14合计100 120在复习阶段,请考生严格参照答题顺序和答题时间来进行考试练习。
2014年卫生教材已考查文章(阅读、完型均无新增、无变更)阅读理解考试年份完型填空考试年份第5篇2010 第5篇2013第7篇2013 第7篇2013第8篇2012 第8篇2012第27篇2012 第12篇2012第29篇2013 第13篇2013第40篇2012第45篇20132010和2011卫生A考了同一篇完形填空,考试需注意2014年理工教材已考查文章(阅读新增第29篇,无变更;完型无新增、无变更)阅读理解考试年份完型填空考试年份第11篇2013 第3篇2013第35篇2013 第8篇2013第43篇2013 第11篇2012第45篇2012 第13篇20132014年综合教材已考查文章(阅读新增第29篇、第36篇;变更第9篇、第21篇、第39篇、第42篇、第46篇;完型无新增、无变更)阅读理解考试年份完型填空考试年份第8篇2012 第3篇2013第13篇2013 第5篇2012第30篇2013 第6篇2013第33篇2012 第8篇2012第35篇2012 第13篇2012第38篇2013 第14篇20131.2、详解1.2.1、词汇、阅读理解、完型填空所占分值最高(合计高达75分),放到前面来做,避免万一时间不够,可以确保先抓住大部分分数。
《孙老师课堂》英语简介---- 给你一个改变一生学习英语的方法----教育不是注满一桶水,而是点燃一把火。
”主讲人:孙伟 1979年开始从事英语教学及翻译工作。
《孙老师课堂》英语简介---- 给你一个改变一生学习英语的方法----教育不是注满一桶水,而是点燃一把火。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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欢迎来到孙老师课堂一般网络课件上的英语“神表”比较简单,真正意义的英语“神表”一般人是很难得到的,她特别详细,“神表”是无价之宝,非金钱等俗物可买!内含我三十年之心血,收费课堂内免费赠送的也只是简单的神表,而且是三张--1 阅读-2 补全短文-3概括大意。
必须经我讲解并反复操练,否则废纸一张!!!类似武林秘笈的详细神表很少人能得到,如下:老师对阅读理解的两个基本要求1 正确率应在90%。
2 五篇文章应控制在35分钟之内。
(否则将没有时间完成其它部分的考试)知己我们的困难:1.词汇不够①扩大;②上下文推论;③躲避;2.看不懂文章①提高水平;②抓中心推理;③上下文推论;④避开枝节3.阅读速度慢①提高速度②只读中心③避开枝节4.判断模棱两可①围着中心转②注意段落结构—段落中心(段落第一句)及段落结论(段落最后一句);③注意连词. ④注意主从句—●宾语从句看从句●状语从句看主句●定语从句看主句—先行词与从句看懂一个就行.5.出题人故弄玄虚-------没辙. 因此,孙老师建议:尽可能地不要做模拟考卷,因为模拟考试的质量及出题老师的水平参差不齐(很多都是为了赚钱,粗织滥造)这种题往往会对学生产生误导,挫伤学生的信心,浪费学生的时间。
英文文章结构三项基本原则:牢牢地抓住英文写作的“三步曲”l 中心l 举例说明●作者观点或文章结论注:以下总结多为条文,在记忆及理解上都有困难,但在实际考试中至关重要,同学们可在后面结合做题逐条理解并牢记心中。
各中考试高分在握,切记!切记!!!如何抓住文章和句子的重心1. 围着中心转-----中心( 第一句) 结论(最后一句)。
2. 注意段落结构---段落中心(段落第一句)及段落结论(段落最后一句)。
3. 第二段—第一句有but “…….”----- today this day so yet therefore however .中心应在第二段第一句,第一段可不读。
4. 注意连词-------- but “…….”---- today this day now so yet therefore however….这些连词后为重心。
5. 注意主从句--- ●宾语从句看从句●状语从句看主句●定语从句—看主句(先行词从句看懂一个就行)6. 并列疑问句或在一段中并列地名、人名、国名、一般最后一个为重心。
(或最接近名词的)7. 在答案中A、B、C、D有三个至四个重复单词,此单词为重心(即关键词)阅读理解解题程序当你拿到一篇文章时,应按下列顺序解题:2.先将文章分类——信息类,一般文章。
一. 牢牢抓住中心—围着中心转如何抓住文章中心(1) 文章的中心思想—第一句,如第二句是but “…….”---- today this day now so yet therefore however…..应在第二句。
(2) 第二段—第一句but “…….”----- today this day so yet therefore …,中心应在第二段第一句,第一段可不读。
(3) 如第一段以人物故事开头, 第一段一般是引子,中心应在第二段。
(4) 如第一段第一句以介绍人物开头, 第一句应是引子.中心应第二句。
补全短文___猜测补全短文题答案技巧:1.细节句可能是答案(尤其是涉及到数字的选项可能是答案);2.涉及到篇章逻辑连词/逻辑副词可能是答案;3.最长选项可能是答案;4.细节句可能接连出现;概括大意题答题技巧1.概括大意题出题特点:(1)段落中有明显的段落主题句(通常出现在段落的开头部分, 如段首句;有时还可能出现在段落的结尾处)(2)段落中含有明显的段落主题词(3)段落中没有明显段落主题词及段落主题句提示:当段落中没有明显主题词及主题句时还可采取:1.反向排除法; 2.细节信息确定主题法;2.概括大意答题技巧:(1)利用段落中的段落主题句直接判断段落主题:是直接涉及文章主题的观点性话语,因此很可能是段落主题句补充:英语通常写作逻辑:观点句/概括句+ 分析解释(2)借助段落中主题词直接判断段落主题(段落小标题中应该直接/间接包含段落主题词)。
提示(二):如果问题问“下列哪个选项正确/不正确”,答案常常出现在B, C和D这三个选项中;提示(三):一篇阅读理解题的答案中通常同一个选项成为答案的次数最多不会超过两次提示(四):并列结构通常以逗号加以连接,或出现在and的左右,或出现在一些典型的并列结构中,如:not only ...but also。
(不但...而且...); both。
(不但...而且), from ...to...(从...到...)三、阅读理解题高频词:1、名词:research(研究), researcher(研究者),study(研究), scientist(科学家),professor(教授),a team leader(团队领导者), finding (研究发现),conclusion(结论) , result(结果),reason(原因), cause (原因), idea(观点),opinion (观点),attitude(态度), factor (因素), problem(问题), question (问题), passage (短文), paragraph (段落), influence /impact/effect (影响) , example (例子), case(情况), remark/comment(评论)2、动词:report(报告), mention(提及), infer(推断), replace(代替),suggest(暗示,建议),show(显示),cause(造成),lead to(造成), attribute …to…(把...归因于…),have to…(不得不…), learn (了解), have (something, nothing ) to dowith…(与...相关/无关), happen/occur/take place (发生), mean (意谓), refer to (指) , start/begin (开始), affect (影响),explain (解释) , think (想,认为),argue(争论), consider/take...as... (把...看作/认为是...), agree to (同意...), object(反对), be able to do sth.(能够...)3、形容词:true(正确的),false(错误的),related to(与…相关),concerned about (关注…,关心….), following(下列的),based on (建立在…基础上的), active(积极的,活跃的),different(不同的), same(相同的), similar(相似的),indifferent(漠不关心的), interested(感兴趣的), serious(严肃的),positive (肯定的,绝对的), certain (确定的,必然的),likely(可能的), possible/probable (可能的), hard (困难的),difficult (困难的), easy (容易的), some(一些的), many(许多的), most(大多数的), few (很少的), little (很少的), either(任一的), neither(两者都不的), all(所有的), whole(所有的,完整的) secret/reserve/mystery/privacy(秘密的)4、介词短语结构:according to…(根据….) , due to (因为…), because of …(因为…), in the opinion of...(根据...的观点)5、副词:partly(部分地), mostly (主要地,大部分地) , for example/for instance (例如), however(然而), therefore(因此), consequently(因此), moreover (而且), besides(此外) , in addition (另外), as a result(结果), to sum up(总之), in conclusion (总之), hardly/rarely/seldom(几乎不, 很少) , too...to...(太...而不能...), much(非常)6、逻辑连词:but(但是), yet四、职称英语阅读理解题关键语法知识:英语句子的基本语序(一)除疑问句和祈使句外,英语句子的语序一般为“主语+动词(谓语)+(宾语)+(状语)”:e.g. I bought (谓语) a hat yesterday(时间状语).(主语+谓语+宾语+时间状语)e.g. The children ran (谓语)home .(主语+谓语+地点状语)提示1:1.英语句子的谓语表现形式是“谓语动词以各种时态的形式出现”;2.位于谓语之前的名词性结构或代词就是句子主语;3.英语句子的基本结构(主语 + 谓语)反应了英语句子的大意,因此阅读英语句子时首先应该抓住英语句子的基本结构;4.复习中应该主要掌握的时态为:一般现在时(happen/happens;结构意义:总是,习惯,经常),一般过去时(happened,;结构意义:曾经), 一般将来时(will/shall/be going to/be to/ be about to + happen;结构意义:将...),过去将来时(would/was/were going to + happen;结构意义:将...),现在完成时态(have/has + happened;结构意义:已经...了),过去完成时态(had + happened;结构意义:已经...了);(二)英语句子的语态:英语句子的主语与谓语之间可能是一种主动关系: 以主动语态的形式出现,体现动作的执行者与动作之间的关系(I like books. );也可能是一种被动关系: 以被动语态的形式出现,体现动作的承受者与动作之间的关系(I was praised by my father. );1、被动语态:被动语态结构的构成形式为“任意形式的be动词+ 行为动词的过去分词”(am/is/are/was/were/has/have/had been/ to be / having been + remembered)。