新标准大学英语综合教程4网上作业unit test汇总

新标准大学英语综合教程4 Unit test 5 答案Part I: Vocabulary and StructureSection A: Complete the sentences using the correct words in the box.•stigma•animated•decidedly•etiquette•linguistic•entrusted•eloquent•availability•undermine•intellectual1.The poet gave an incredibly eloquentspeech and brought many people to tears.Your answer Correct answer eloquent eloquent2.What's the proper etiquetterequired for eating dinner with a prince?Your answer Correct answer etiquette etiquette3.My daughter shows a(n) intellectualcuriosity not usual for someone so young.Your answer Correct answer intellectual intellectual4.I like the debate team at school because we always have such animatedconversations.Your answer Correct answer animated animated5.What's your availabilityto go fishing next weekend?Your answer Correct answeravailability availability6.Her brother was entrustedwith their father's fortune after he passed away. Your answer Correct answer entrusted entrusted7. Sadly, my grandmother went through much of her life feeling like there was a(n)stigmaconnected to her skin color.Your answer Correct answerstigma stigma8.Don't question my decisions and underminemy authority in front of the other employees!Your answer Correct answer undermine undermine9.It's obvious that Kevin has amazing linguisticabilities since he's fluent in sixlanguages!Your answer Correct answerlinguistic linguistic10.The final score of the game was 20-3, making it a(n) decidedlyunfair competition.Your answer Correct answerdecidedly decidedlySection B: Choose the best way to complete the sentences.11. Even if I don't win the award, it's still an honor to be a(n) _____.a. applicantb. championc. nomineed. spectator12. I see parents of twins and triplets and I can't imagine having _____ children at once.a. multiplyb. doublec. individuald. multiple13. I'm one of two vice-presidents, and my _____ at the other office will be your main point ofcontact.a. counterpartb. supervisorc. subordinated. employee14. "Always be kind" is the _____ rule I expect my employees to live by.a. principleb. principalc. standardd. irrelevant15. His time in office was marked by _____ affairs and controversy.a. highbrowb. unemotionalc. scandalousd. unintended16. I became a partner in the law firm, _____ increasing my salary considerably.a. therebyc. standbyd. passerby17. Choosing not to hire someone based on their race or sex is a textbook example of _____.a. discriminateb. discriminationc. discriminatoryd. discriminator18. Tony gets _____ if he drinks too much, and he's liable to hurt someone.a. peacefulb. hostilec. ambivalentd. apathetic19. What was the suspect's _____ to kill Gene?a. motivateb. motivatorc. motivationd. motive20. After all these years, I still _____ that it wasn't my fault.a. portendb. attendc. contendSection C: Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable preposition or adverb.21.She entrusted me withmanaging the entire staff this week.Your answer Correct answer with with22.They managed to catch the opposing player offguard and score a goal.Your answer Correct answer off off23.Tony has been described asboth a lover and a hater.Your answer Correct answer as as24.Other thanthe occasional cup of tea, I never drink caffeine.Your answer Correct answerthan than25.I think it goes withoutsaying that I want to go to college.Your answer Correct answer without without26.Diane wrote an article to the effect thatmen and women were equal in all respects.Your answer Correct answer that that27.Let's rake overthe suspect's answers and see if we can find some clues.Your answer Correct answerover over28.Please fill outthese forms and have a seat; someone will be with you shortly.Your answer Correct answerout out29.Remember to take yard work intoaccount when you figure how much free time youhave this weekend.Your answer Correct answerinto into30.It's not a good idea to make sarcastic comments aboutyour previous boss during a jobinterview.Your answer Correct answerabout aboutPart II: Banked ClozeQuestions 31 to 40 are based on the following passage.It's very interesting that so many world cultures are (31)patriarchal, or based on thesuperiority of the father or husband. Why do you think this is so? There are a(n)(32)myriadof explanations, but many of them can be traced back to the basic(33)masculinestereotypes: strength, power, and dominance. Throughout history andaround the world, men have overpowered women due to their physical qualities.Yet how can we explain the handful of cultures that are actually (34)matriarchal, orbased on the superiority of the mother or wife? No one can (35)presumeto know theprecise reason for why they developed differently, but it is interesting to theorize. One particularly(36)revealingfact is that most of these cultures have a strong agricultural tradition and,hence, a strong female role in society.One of the major tenets of the (37)feminismmovement is that modern womenshould not be restricted by traditional roles and their subservient status in society. Women should notbelieve that their gender automatically (38)disqualifiesthem for the same rights andprivileges that men enjoy."Women have been taught that, for us, the earth is flat, and that if we venture out, we will fall offthe edge." This anonymous (39)quoteperfectly captures the essence of the modernfeminist movement. Elevating the female gender to be completely equal with men should be the(40)singularcause of everyone everywhere.Your answer Correct answer(31) patriarchal patriarchal(32) myriad myriad(33) masculine masculine(34) matriarchal matriarchal(35) presume presume(36) revealing revealing(37) feminism feminism(38) disqualifies disqualifies(39) quote quote(40) singular singularPart III: Reading ComprehensionQuestions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage.Language not only allows us to communicate our thoughts and ideas to others but also helps us understand the world and how others think. Words and ideas convey much more than the basic information we use them for. Our choice of words, examples, context, and grammatical structure all contribute to forming a picture of ourselves and our world view. However, language is not a neutral vehicle in the representation of reality, and the mere existence of non-sexist and feminist terms does not guarantee their usage.Many of the words and ideas we use in everyday speech are overtly coded with sexist or gendered understandings which distract from their true intent. The only way to truly create a neutral language is to eliminate all of the sexist, feminist, gender-encoded terms and replace them with new ones. However, even this is not a guarantee that the words will be used in the intended manner or even that the cultural understandings which are attached to the non-neutral terms will be changed. Sexist use of language can not, very feasibly, be changed simply through the replacement of certain words or terms. With the samecultural understanding in place, the new terms will only be appropriated to mean or signify the same thingas the old ones. There is inherent sexism in language.Language and cultural understanding are connected and have a reciprocating relationship. Anotherimplied sexist use of language is the tendency to refer to inanimate objects in English (with no grammatical gender) as gendered. This is seen in references to boats, planes, or cars as feminine. Perhaps the mostwidely-used example of this is the idea of Mother Nature. Historically, men have treated nature as they treat women—as something to be subdued, exploited, and admired. Our concepts of gender and the relation ofthose concepts to reality are reflected in our choice of words and referents.Language and our use of it are almost entirely entrenched in our understanding of the world.Therefore, commonly held beliefs about gender and the differences between men and women are reflectedin language use. When gender neutral or feminine terms are introduced into a society still dominated bymen, their intended neutrality is thwarted in actual usage. Indeed, if man equals human (linguistically and culturally), then man will always be the standard against which woman is measured.41. Which of the following would make the best title for this passage?A. The Neutrality of Language: Why Uninteresting Language is Sometimes BetterB. Language as a Mirror: How Our Words Reflect What We ThinkC. Gendered Language: How English Sets a Perfect ExampleD. The Culture of Language: Why We Think the Way We Do42. After reading this passage, what can you infer about the nature of language?A. The interpretation of language is largely a matter of semantics.B. There is tenuous connection between language and culture.C. Very few words have cultural and sexual connotations.D. Language is the primary vehicle people use to express cultural understanding.43. "Historically, men have treated nature as they treat women—as something to be subdued,exploited, and admired." This statement establishes a _____ to use language in a particular way.A. motiveB. stigmaC. myriadD. standard44. Which paragraph introduces a discussion of the sexist use of language?A. Paragraph 1.B. Paragraph 2.C. Paragraph 3.D. Paragraph 4.45. What is the main idea of this passage?A. Much of the language we use is sexist.B. Language allows us to communicate our thoughts.C. Language and culture are directly related.D. Many inanimate objects are given genders in speech.。
新标准大学英语综合教程4Unit text 1-10 答案

Unit 11 embellish2 upcoming3 highlight4 exceeds5 fraught6 concise7 apathy8 recounted 9gamble 10 demanding 11 repay 12 clutched 13 redirect 14 transition 15 thriving 16 deduct 17 revert 18 overdo 19 investors 20 comprehensive21 up 22 through 23 if 24 down 25 for 26 by 27 on 28 to 29 in 30 outYour answer Correct answer(31) slump slump(32) proceed aimless(33) landlord landlord(34) client client(35) hassle hassle(36) loan loan(37) honesty honesty(38) sympathetically sympathize(39) financially financially(40) Fortunately Fortunately CabddUnit 21.Can weYour answer Correct answerforego forego2.Your answer Correct answerdialect dialect3.There's nothing left to do now butYour answer Correct answerawait await4.I love going on vacation, but I alwaysYour answer Correct answerdrown drown5.After three huge successes, George became one of the mostHollywood.Your answer Correct answerdrown influential6.There have been far too manyYour answer Correct answermysterious mysterious7.do!Your answer Correct answeridle idle8.Your answer Correct answerfoster foster9.SheYour answer Correct answernormally normally10.Your answer Correct answerclassification classification11.exclude exclude12.Your answer Correct answerstature stature13.Your answer Correct answerobstacle obstacle14.Your answer Correct answerneglect neglect15.been there before.Your answer Correct answeradvantageous advantageous16.I'm going to invest my money in Microsoft, and I strongly suggest you doYour answer Correct answerlikewise likewise17.It is critical toYour answer Correct answercite cite18.Your answer Correct answeroriginality originality19.It's difficult tointeract interact20.It's common for politicians to use almost anything asYour answer Correct answerammunition ammunitionSection B: Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable word.21.The toughest thing about moving away was when I had to partYour answer Correct answerwith with22.into summer.Your answer Correct answeras as23.Please leave me alone; I'm simply lookingYour answer Correct answerfor for24.Your answer Correct answerto to25.Your answer Correct answerwith with26.out out27.Your answer Correct answerFor For28.Your answer Correct answerby on29.I think the reason we're such good friends is because we have so muchYour answer Correct answerin in30.Your answer Correct answerat uponPart II: Banked ClozeYour answer Correct answer(31) recommendation recommendation(32) adventurer adventurer(33) stereotypical stereotypical(34) gratuitous gratuitous(35) confront confront(36) indubitably enlightenment(37) sacrifice sacrifice(38) undoing undoing(39) desperately desperately(40) tackle tackleBdbcaUnit 3Acbda cbdba acbda bcadc out to off into down upon after up away aroundYour answer Correct answer(31) glamorous glamorous(32) individuality individuality(33) credentials credentials(34) stunning stunning(35) daring daring(36) superficial superficial(37) lavish lavish(38) exclusively exclusively(39) unstable inescapable(40) lure lureDaccdUnit 41.Your answer Correct answermarital marital2.Your answer Correct answeroverseas overseas3.Your answer Correct answeralign align4.The lawyer spent all week trying toYour answer Correct answercompile compile5.We can't afford to lose Thomas—Your answer Correct answerindispensable indispensable6.Your answer Correct answersuperficial superficial7.she wants.Your answer Correct answerdeceive deceive8.Your answer Correct answerpathetic pathetic9.PleaseYour answer Correct answernotify notify10.change.Your answer Correct answercompatible compatibleDbdba bcdac 21-30 down out from out on in down by into upYour answer Correct answer(31) wicked wicked(32) desirable desirable(33) devastating devastating(34) abject abject(35) greed greed(36) jealous jealous(37) prone prone(38) naturally naturally(39) yearn yearn(40) unrealistic unrealisticCbadbUnit 5.Your answer Correct answereloquent eloquent2.Your answer Correct answeretiquette etiquette3.Your answer Correct answerintellectual intellectual4.Your answer Correct answeranimated animated5.Your answer Correct answeravailability availability6.Her brother wasYour answer Correct answerentrusted entrusted7. Sadly, my grandmother went through much of her life feeling like there was a(n)Your answer Correct answerstigma stigma8.Your answer Correct answerundermine undermine9.It's obvious that Kevin has amazinglanguages!Your answer Correct answerlinguistic linguistic10.Your answer Correct answerdecidedly decidedlyCdabc abbdc with off as than without that over out into aboutYour answer Correct answer(31) patriarchal patriarchal(32) myriad myriad(33) masculine masculine(34) matriarchal matriarchal(35) presume presume(36) revealing revealing(37) feminism feminism(38) disqualifies disqualifies(39) quote quote(40) singular singularBdabcUnit 61.went out.Your answer Correct answerauxiliary auxiliary2.ones.Your answer Correct answerselection selection3.Your answer Correct answerrelapse relapse4. Soldiers in the military quickly learn that their superior officers are often not veryYour answer Correct answertolerant tolerant5.During wartime, there's usually a surge insupport a common cause.Your answer Correct answernationalism nationalism6.I've never had a friend quite soYour answer Correct answerloyal loyal7.Mr. Sanford, I love your daughter and I'd like to ask for your permission to her.Your answer Correct answerpropose propose8.Your answer Correct answereradicate eradicate9.of voices.Your answer Correct answerdegenerate degenerate10. If you see anything suspicious, please report it immediately to one of theYour answer Correct answeruniformed uniformed11.Your answer Correct answermotto motto12.Your answer Correct answerliquor liquor13.in popularity every day.Your answer Correct answertyranny tyranny14.Last Saturday, we stood in line for an hour to get a cone from the ice creamYour answer Correct answervendor vendor15.College students usually begin their first year withfamiliar with their new environment.Your answer Correct answerorientation orientation16.Your answer Correct answerHistorians Historians17.Your answer Correct answerdispute dispute18.Your answer Correct answerrenowned renowned19.Your answer Correct answerinsight insight20. After ten long years of holding a grudge against him, I think it's finally time to makeYour answer Correct answeramends amendsSection B: Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable word.21.Your answer Correct answerin in22.Your answer Correct answerback back23.After our dog destroyed the living room couch, we packed himschool.Your answer Correct answeroff off24.Your answer Correct answeroff off25.The book can be summedYour answer Correct answerup up26.Can you get meYour answer Correct answerout out27.Your answer Correct answeron on28.My ankle is still sore, so I'm afraid I'm going to have to sitYour answer Correct answerout out29.Your answer Correct answeras as30.countries.Your answer Correct answerwithout amongYour answer Correct answer(31) lamentable lamentable(32) democracy democracy(33) fallacy fallacy(34) authenticity authenticity(35) unhesitatingly unhesitatingly(36) decipher decipher(37) archaeology archaeology(38) offensive offensive(39) fragment fragment(40) destiny destinyCabdbUnit 7Cbdca bdadc accdb abdacOff of up in to down with as back awayYour answer Correct answer(31) orchard orchard(32) synonymous synonymous(33) territory territory(34) howling howling(35) creak creak(36) gang gang(37) conquer conquer(38) incredible incredible(39) Satisfactory Ironically(40) cease ceaseAcdbcUnit 81.—it's completely random.Your answer Correct answerlogic logic2.Your answer Correct answerambiguity ambiguity3.Your answer Correct answerlofty lofty4.Your answer Correct answerplaza plaza5.room.Your answer Correct answercomplexity complexity6.Your answer Correct answeropponent opponent7.Your answer Correct answerimply imply8.The review of his new book included a lot ofYour answer Correct answercriticism criticism9.Jacob wascrime?"Your answer Correct answerindignant indignant10.We used to be best friends; it'sYour answer Correct answerinconceivable inconceivable11.Your answer Correct answerlayout layout12.Your answer Correct answererect erect13.Your answer Correct answerscope scope14.In terms of intelligence, this year's Nobel Prize winnerfield.Your answer Correct answertranscends transcends15.Einstein'sYour answer Correct answerintellectual intellectual16.Your answer Correct answerexhibit exhibit17.Your answer Correct answercontemplate contemplate18.work.Your answer Correct answerstimulate stimulate19.Your answer Correct answerhoist hoist20.At this point, any change will be a welcomeYour answer Correct answerimprovement improvementSection B: Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable word.21.She made a vowYour answer Correct answerthat that22.Your answer Correct answerdo do23.Your answer Correct answerso so24.Your answer Correct answerin in25.Your answer Correct answerfrom from26.Your answer Correct answerof of27.It may sound unbelievable, but my wife and I experienced loveYour answer Correct answerat at28.Your answer Correct answerin in29.The speaker was completely surprised by the outburstYour answer Correct answerof of30.Your answer Correct answerfor forYour answer Correct answer(31) skyline skyline(32) aesthetically aesthetically(33) picturesque picturesque(34) fragile fragile(35) conform conform(36) sentiment sentiment(37) exquisite exquisite(38) prosperity prosperity(39) presumably presumably(40) interpret interpretCdbdaUnit 9Dbdac badad bcbad acbba in at on/upon to of for from with of alongYour answer Correct answer(31) ongoing ongoing(32) manipulate manipulate(33) illustrate illustrate(34) proficiency proficiency(35) blur blur(36) isolated isolated(37) purity purity(38) communal communal(39) globalization globalization(40) utopia utopiaAbdddUnit 101.After the accident, Jeff wasYour answer Correct answerparalyzed paralyzed2.Marilyn Monroe isYour answer Correct answerdoubtless doubtless3.Your answer Correct answerhollow hollow4.Your answer Correct answerannihilated annihilated5.Please don't confuse me with myYour answer Correct answerpredecessor predecessor6.Your answer Correct answerintervene intervene7.It's difficult toYour answer Correct answergauge gauge8.Your answer Correct answersubtle subtle9. Since Mike was prepared to speak to Sally over the phone, her presence creates anYour answer Correct answercomplication complication10.The tables and chairs must be organized in exactly thisattention.Your answer Correct answerconfiguration configurationAcaba cdbad by through of to by on in of for ofYour answer Correct answer(31) verge verge(32) exploration exploration(33) geographical geographical(34) tropical tropical(35) longitude longitude(36) latitude latitude(37) grid grid(38) mileage mileage(39) lulled lulled(40) terrific terrific acbdb。

Unit test 3Part I: Vocabulary and StructureSection A: Choose the best way to complete the sentences.1. Throughout history, many people have attempted to find the _____ secret to success,but relatively few have actually done it.a. elusiveb. evasivec. illusoryd. eloquent2. It was hard for Cynthia to remain uninvolved with the controversy since she is such a_____ part of the company.a. visibilityb. risiblec. visibled. visibly3. "Officer Clarke, in the best interest of the case, please consider absolutelyeverything to be at your _____."a. disposeb. disposalc. disposingd. disposed4. The mountain climbers demonstrated a(n) _____ feat of selflessness when they turnedaround to help an injured stranger.a. advantageousb. gorgeousc. outrageousd. courageous5. Many movie stars are notorious for wearing excessive amounts of expensive _____.a. jewelleryb. jewelsc. jewelersd. jewelling6. Her novel successfully _____ an entire generation of young women to believe theycould be whatever they wanted.a. emboldenedb. embitteredc. empoweredd. embroidered7. I'm not really a _____ of pop culture trends, so can you explain that reference tome?a. flowerb. followerc. fellowd. fallowing8. We just moved into town so we're still a little _____.a. unsettlingb. settlersc. settledd. unsettled9. The movie is fantastic, but you'll need to _____ your disbelief toward the end.a. upendb. suspendc. dependd. misspend10. Don't _____ Jack's determination to do whatever it takes to win.a. underestimateb. overestimatec. estimated. misestimate11. As judge, I _____ over this courtroom and have the final say on all matters.a. presideb. residec. presumed. resume12. Please stay back! This is a _____ area!a. constrictedb. districtedc. restrictedd. unrestricted13. The moon shone down and cast a _____ glow over the entire field.a. luminosityb. luminousc. luminald. luminously14. The state dinner is a _____ affair, so please dress appropriately.a. distinctiveb. respectablec. dramaticd. formal15. Stock prices rose _____ after the company publically announced its new product.a. dramaticallyb. magicallyc. looselyd. exclusively16. The colonists began to form a _____ in response to the unfair taxes.a. rebelb. rebellionc. rebelliousd. rebelling17. After striking the iceberg, the ship quickly sank into the _____ depths.a. skinnyb. preppyc. murkyd. baggy18. I'm not a good typist, so I find it easier to _____ all of my emails.a. dictateb. elucidatec. explicated. exacerbate19. To accommodate increased traffic, city planners are going to expand the _____of thehighway.a. lengthb. heightc. depthd. width20. Let's be proactive and do something instead of just watching the situation _____.a. ameliorateb. collaboratec. deteriorated. elaborateSection B: Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable preposition or adverb.21.Things didn't quite turn outthe way I expected, but I'm still happy with theresult.Your answer Correct answerout out22.You can't fool me; I'm wise tothe way things work around here.Your answer Correct answer to to23.My question sparked offmuch discussion in the group about right versuswrong.Your answer Correct answeroff off24.They didn't know it, but they were playing right intoour hands the wholetime.Your answer Correct answerinto into25.Leslie broke downher argument into three main points. Your answer Correct answer down down26.It was pure luck that we chanced uponthe fossilized remains of the dinosaur.Your answer Correct answer upon upon27.Our town was named afterthe explorer who first discovered the nearbywaterfall.Your answer Correct answer after after28.After the ship sank, wreckage washed upon shore for weeks.Your answer Correct answer up up29.Some of the oldest headstones in the graveyard were completely worn awayso wecouldn't tell whom they belonged to.Your answer Correct answeraway away30.The novel revolves arounda protagonist who is searching for a lost city ofgold.Your answer Correct answeraround aroundPart II: Banked ClozeQuestions 31 to 40 are based on the following passage.Everyone's always told me that I should be a model. I have to admit, it does soundlike it would be a(n) (31)unstablelifestyle with lots of traveling, parties,and beautiful people. I think it could also be a great opportunity to assert my(32)individualityand creativity. However, at my age, I'm not sure I have theexperience or (33)credentialsto start a modeling career.It takes more than a(n) (34)stunningface to be a model. You must havea(n) (35)glamorouspersonality and always be ready to take risks and explorethe unknown. You also need to have near infinite patience.Many people are under the impression that the fashion and modeling industry attractsonly very (36)superficialpeople who only care about themselves. From what Iunderstand, nothing could be further from the truth. Yes, there are some models who onlycare about their own appearance, wealth, and (37)lavishsurroundings, butthe industry isn't (38)exclusivelycomposed of this type of person. It's a(n)(39)inescapablefact that the fashion and modeling world has a strong(40)lurefor all kinds of people—and I'm one of them.Your answer Correct answer(31) unstable glamorous(32) individuality individuality(33) credentials credentials(34) stunning stunning(35) glamorous daring(36) superficial superficial(37) lavish lavish(38) exclusively exclusively(39) inescapable inescapable(40) lure lurePart III: Reading ComprehensionQuestions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage.The debate over school uniforms is one of the most controversial issues affecting public school students. Though uniforms have long been a staple of private schools, they are still a rarity in public schools. This is not merely a debate over the aesthetics of fashion. Rather, this debate lies at the very heart of the politics of fashion.What students choose to wear (and what their parents allow them to wear) to school consistently rouses strong feelings and animated discussion. Much has already been said indefense of and against school uniforms, and I won't belabor the individual points further. There are many valid points on both sides of the argument. Instead, I intend to explain why I personally stand in opposition to school uniforms and highlight the reasons why uniforms would serve very little purpose in our specific school district.For the most part, students in our district are well behaved and don't approach any semblance of extreme behavior or expression. Administrators seem to be more worried about a potential escalation of student expression that so far has shown no indication of materializing. Principals and other district administrators are chasing shadows—they're looking to solve a problem that doesn't exist. Our district has no history of student activism, and there are only a few examples of flagrant violations of the existing dress code. In short, there is absolutely no precedent to believe that students will choose to begin acting out against authority through fashion statements.School uniforms seem to be an inappropriate response to a nonexistent problem. It is an unnecessary exertion of power by administrators who don't know how to properly exercise authority. Let's take a moment to consider a hypothetical school district that is overwhelmed by student discipline problems. Would the institution of school uniforms be an appropriate response in that case? I would argue in the negative. Uniforms, by themselves, would in no way prevent students from expressing themselves or their views. Improper and unpopular behaviorwill not be stifled by a school uniform. It may actually make the situation worse, as resentment over the mandatory clothing would likely be great.School uniforms obviously interfere with students' right to self-expression—a right that should be protected in the public school system. In addition, mandating that all students wear identical (and unattractive) outfits enforces the message that conformity is the preferred method to prevent or resolve conflict. This is certainly not an appropriate message for our schools to be sending to children.41. This style of writing would best be described as _______.A. expositoryB. descriptiveC. narrativeD. argumentative42. Of the following, which is the most likely place you would find this article?A. Newspaper editorial.B. Academic journal.C. Fashion blog.D. Education magazine.43. According to the author, which is NOT the reason why school uniforms are a bad idea?A. They are a violation of students' rights.B. There is no justification for their use in the local district.C. They are expensive and many students can't afford them.D. They don't adequately address the problem they are intended to solve.44. In which paragraph does the author use a metaphor to describe school administrators?A. Paragraph 1.B. Paragraph 2.C. Paragraph 3.D. Paragraph 4.45. Based on this passage, it seems likely that the author would never _____ the use ofschool uniforms.A. suspendB. dictateC. empower精品文档 ----------------------------------------------------D. condone。

Unit test 1Part I: Vocabulary and StructureSection A: Complete the sentences using the correct words in the box.•fraught•clutched•revert•recounted•comprehensive•upcoming•transition•apathy•deduct•gamble•demanding•highlight•redirect•investors•exceeds•repay•concise•embellish•overdo•thriving1.My little brother tends to em bel l i shthe truth, so you can't believe everything he saysat face value.Your answer Correct answerembellish embellish2.Mr. Philips is running for a position in the local government in the upcom i ngelections.Your answer Correct answer upcoming upcoming3.What can we do to hi ghl i ghtall the accomplishments our company has had?Your answer Correct answer highlight highlight4.In my opinion, the asking price for that painting far exceedsits real value.Your answer Correct answer exceeds exceeds5.Sharon was f r aughtwith indecision over where to go to college.Your answer Correct answer fraught fraught6.Her book is a brief, conci sehistory of World War I.Your answer Correct answer concise concise7.Too many people accuse students of ignorance about or apat hytoward internationalissues.Your answer Correct answerapathy apathy8.The politician wrote a tell-all book in which she r ecount edher experience during thecampaign.Your answer Correct answerrecounted recounted9.Risking my entire life savings on a single horse race is not a(n) gam bl eI'm willing totake.Your answer Correct answergamble gamble10.My mother was a very dem andi ngwoman, but she only wanted the best for my sisterand me.Your answer Correct answerdemanding demanding11.If you lend me money today, I can r epayyou after I get paid on Friday.Your answer Correct answer repay repay12.Every time the plane hit turbulence, he cl ut chedthe armrests tightly.Your answer Correct answer clutched clutched13.The purpose of the canal was to r edi r ectthe river and provide water to morefarmland.Your answer Correct answerredirect redirect14.Thankfully, Maria was a tremendous help as I made the t r ansi t i oninto my newposition.Your answer Correct answertransition transition15.Twenty years ago, this was a wealthy, t hr i vi ngcommunity.Your answer Correct answer thriving thriving16.Please remember that we need to deducttaxes from your paycheck.Your answer Correct answer deduct deduct17.The virus disabled the software, so we needed to r ever tto an earlier version.Your answer Correct answer revert revert18.I know you're excited about the possibilities, but please try not to over doit.Your answer Correct answer overdo overdo19.Many i nvest or slost a lot of money when the stock market fell last month.Your answer Correct answerinvestors investors20.My employer offers a(n) com pr ehensi vebenefits package that is difficult to give up.Your answer Correct answercomprehensive comprehensive Section B: Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable word.21.All right, it's time to pack upour things and move to the new office upstairs.Your answer Correct answer up up22.The counselor suggested that Felipe talk t hr oughhis problems with his brother.Your answer Correct answer through through23.Thomas has always been, i fnothing else, a diligent and responsible student.Your answer Correct answer if if24.I find it inconceivable that anyone could turn dow na free trip to the Caribbean.Your answer Correct answer down down25.Jordan bought three cases of bottled water f orfear that the storm would causeserious damage.Your answer Correct answerfor for26. B yall means, please make yourself at home.Your answer Correct answerBy By27.Stephen looked onin horror as the fire consumed his apartment building. Your answer Correct answeron on28.After such a long day of work, I want to go home and treat myself t oa big piece ofchocolate cake.Your answer Correct answerto to29.We're all i nthe same boat; so let's try to be nice to one another.Your answer Correct answerin in30.His question came outof the blue and caught me by surprise.Your answer Correct answerout outPart II: Banked ClozeQuestions 31 to 40 are based on the following passage.Patrick is in a bit of a financial (31)sl um pright now. He could use all thehelp he can get. Ever since he graduated from college, he's been fairly(32)ai m l ess, moving around a lot and working lots of small odd jobs. He can'tseem to decide what he wants to do. He had been working for a law firm, but he recently got laid off.Now he's having difficulty paying his rent, and his (33)l andl or dis threatening toevict him. Unless things turn around, Patrick might soon be a new (34)cl i entathis old law firm! What a(n) (35)hassl e!I usually make it a rule to not lend money to friends, but Patrick's in a bad situation. I'm going tomake an exception and give him a small (36)l oan. I do expect him to pay meback. He's always been known for his (37)honest y, so I'm not really worried aboutit.It's difficult not to (38)sym pat hi zewith Patrick. It could happen to anybody. I'm ina much better situation, (39)f i nanci al l y, so I feel a sense of responsibility to help himout. (40)For t unat el y, Patrick has a job interview next week so things might turn aroundfor him before we know it!Your answer Correct answer(31) slump slump(32) aimless aimless(33) landlord landlord(34) client client(35) hassle hassle(36) loan loan(37) honesty honesty(38) sympathize sympathize(39) financially financially(40) Fortunately FortunatelyPart III: Reading ComprehensionQuestions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage.You've written your resume. You've fine tuned your cover letter. You've completed the application. You've lined up your references. Finally, you've been invited to an interview for a job! Interviewing for jobs can be a daunting (yet exhilarating) prospect. Like anything, you will get better with practice. However, the more practice you have in job interviews usually means you're also racking up the rejections, and no one likes to experience too much rejection.Now that you've landed an interview, what's the best way to impress the hiring official, be invited back for a second interview, and get offered the job? You need to be prepared, and, surprisingly, it's incredibly important to know what not to say during an interview. One slip could mean the difference between a job offer and a rejection. With that in mind, here are the things you should never say during a job interview.How much does the job pay?As a general rule, wages and salaries are not usually discussed during a first interview. Asking about this makes you seem like you only care about money. Even if you are invited to a second or third interview, let the employer bring up the topic of money. Be prepared to tell them how much you're expecting. Give a range of what you'd accept rather than a specific amount. Estimating too high or too low might automatically knock you out of the running. It's important to do your research, though. How much do other employers pay? What's the going rate for the position?What does your company do?If you don't know what the company makes or does, why are you interviewing for them? Do your research. With the unbelievable amount of information available on the Internet and at the local library, there's absolutely no excuse for ignorance. You should walk into the interview knowing a lot about the company.I didn't get along with my old boss because . . .Criticizing a previous employer implies that you may do the same to them when you leave. Instead, explain how you overcame a difference of opinion and how you managed difficult situations. Don't dwell on negative issues, and make your answer short.I don't have any questions for you.Of course you do. Saying you don't have any questions indicates you aren't very interested in the job or don't know much about the company. Do your research and walk into the interview with questions. Try to think of questions that the interviewer won't answer as part of the introduction. For example, ask about expansion plans or future development within the company.I've been going through a rough patch at home . . .Interviewers will probably ask you to share something about yourself. Remember to keep your response pertinent to the job and position. Talk about your education, previous employment, goals, and ambitions. If you mention hobbies or personal interests, keep it short. Do not discuss personal problems.In five years, I want to live on a tropical island.When asked about your future, employers want to know how your goals will benefit their company. Saying anything else will tell them that you aren't ambitious or interested in the job at hand. What do you want to achieve in this job or in this industry?41. Of the following, which is the least likely place you would find this article?A. Business magazine.B. College newspaper.C. Management textbook.D. Online blog.42. Which of the following would make the best title for this article?A. What Not to Say in a Job InterviewB. Landing the Perfect JobC. Acing Your Next Job InterviewD. How to Get a Job Interview43. According to this article, what is an acceptable topic of discussion in a job interview?A. Details of your "dream job".B. Hobbies and personal interests.C. Details of a recent divorce.D. Disagreements you had with a previous employer.44. Based on this information, potential employers are interested in which of the following qualities?A. Apathy.B. Sympathy.C. Honesty.D. Ambition.45. With which of the following statements would the writer of this article agree?A. There are only six things you shouldn't say during an interview.B. In a job interview, you should answer all questions as quickly as possible.C. You should share as little about yourself in an interview as possible.D. Every answer you give during an interview should be well thought out.Done with this task. Your score: 100%Part I: Vocabulary and StructureSection A: Section A: Complete the sentences using the correct words in the box.1.f or ego the formalities and get right down to business?Can weYour answer Correct answerforego forego2.di al ect that I could barely understand The actress spoke in such a heavy northernher.Your answer Correct answerdialect dialect3.aw ai t the results.There's nothing left to do now butYour answer Correct answerawait await4. dr ow nin a sea of work when I return.Your answer Correct answerdrown drown5.i nf l uent i al peopleAfter three huge successes, George became one of the mostin Hollywood.Your answer Correct answerinfluential influential6.m yst er i ous disappearances in this town for my There have been far too manytaste.Your answer Correct answermysterious mysterious7.i dl e when there's so muchIt drives me crazy that Steve can sit around and bework to do!Your answer Correct answeridle idle8.f ost er a trustworthy character.His shifty eyes and smarmy personality do little toYour answer Correct answerfoster foster9.nor m al l y brings her lunch to work, but today she decided to eat out.SheYour answer Correct answernormally normally10.cl assi f i cat i on of alcohol as an illegal drug will only make the problem worse.TheYour answer Correct answerclassification classification11.excl ude your little brother! Take him with you.""Don'tYour answer Correct answerexclude exclude12.st at ur e to go out in public unrecognized.It's difficult for someone of hisYour answer Correct answerstature stature13.obst acl e left before I earn my My interview with a panel of professors is the onlydegree.Your answer Correct answerobstacle obstacle14.nedl ect, the old house on the corner was finally torn down.After years ofYour answer Correct answerneglect neglect15.advant ageous to have If you want to write a book about traveling in Europe, it'sactually been there before.Your answer Correct answeradvantageous advantageous16. I'm going to invest my money in Microsoft, and I strongly suggest you dol i kewi se.Your answer Correct answerlikewise likewise17.ci t e your sources when you make an argument.It is critical toYour answer Correct answercite cite18.or i gi nal t y that is rarely seen in literature.This month's bestselling novel has a(n)Your answer Correct answeroriginality originality19.i nt er act with people if you don't speak the same language.It's difficult toYour answer Correct answerinteract interact20.am m uni t i on against their It's common for politicians to use almost anything asopponents.Your answer Correct answerammunition ammunitionSection B: Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable word.21.w i t h my book The toughest thing about moving away was when I had to partcollection.Your answer Correct answerwith with22.as it were, doesn't really exist here since we go straight from The spring season,winter into summer.Your answer Correct answeras as23.f or some peace and quiet.Please leave me alone; I'm simply lookingYour answer Correct answerfor for24.t o go back to China.After looking at his old pictures, James longedYour answer Correct answerto to25.w i t h my emotions!Just tell me the truth and don't toyYour answer Correct answerwith with26.out her biological parents after she found out she was Mona decided to seekadopted.Your answer Correct answerout out27. Forthe most part, I think the kids enjoyed our vacation this year.Your answer Correct answerFor For28.on the side.She picks up some extra money by being a tour guideYour answer Correct answeron on29. I think the reason we're such good friends is because we have so muchi n common.Your answer Correct answerin in30.upon this class as an opportunity, you might not be so If you learn to lookmiserable.Your answer Correct answerupon uponPart II: Banked ClozeQuestions 31 to 40 are based on the following passage.r ecom m endat i on? I I'm looking for a good book to read. Can you give me a(n) (31)generally like to read fiction, but I will read nonfiction if the story is good. I'm a(n)advent ur er at heart, so I really like to read stories about exciting journeys and (32)st er eot ypi cal characters that quests. I usually don't like boring stories that feature (33)are portrayed with no originality. I don't mind action, but I can do without anygr at ui t ous and unnecessary violence.(34)Do you have any ideas? In my opinion, the best literature features characters that faceconf r ont their inner demons, and eventually arrive at unbelievable odds, (35)enl i ght enm ent about the true nature of things. Along the some sort of personal (36)way, the character will inevitably face a decision that might involve a(n)sacr i f i ce which could result in his or her (38)undoi ng, but he (37)or she will persevere and come out on top.desper at el yI'm (39)t ackl eme know what you would recommend. At this point, I'm ready to (40)almost any book, no matter how long!Your answer Correct answer(31) recommendation recommendation(32) adventurer adventurer(33) stereotypical stereotypical(34) gratuitous gratuitous(35) confront confront(36) enlightenment enlightenment(37) sacrifice sacrifice(38) undoing undoing(39) desperately desperately(40) tackle tacklePart III: Reading ComprehensionQuestions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage.It is difficult, by sheer popularity and fame of the story, to read or listen to Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol without conjuring up images from one of the many preexisting dramatic productions of the tale. Unfortunately, we often focus on the popular dramatizations of the story to the exclusion of the message that lies at its heart. The story is now a staple of the Western Christmas tradition, but many people don't fully understand why. A Christmas Carol is a very simple and straightforward presentation of the dangers associated with power and greed. However, the story has a more fundamental (if somewhat clichéd by today's standards) message: seize the day and take advantage of all that life has to offer. The reader is left with the notion that, within all of us, there exist qualities that can be improved to unknowable benefit, and it is our responsibility to make necessaryimprovements in order to realize those benefits.We see, in Ebenezer Scrooge, an individual almost entirely consumed by greed with little or no worries for the rest of humanity. He is, obviously, an extreme case with whom it is difficult to identify. His days are spent in concentration over his money and how best to underuse it, and his life has been wasted on this cause. He squanders his days while those around him, such as his nephew and Bob Cratchit, attempt to live their lives and make them worthwhile.When Marley visits Scrooge in his bedroom, he explains what will soon happen and why and says, "It is required of every man, that the spirit within him should walk abroad among his fellowmen, and travel far and wide." Marley never did this and is condemned to walk forever in chains after death. Scrooge, also, has never done this, and his visits with the three ghosts are meant to awaken that inside of him which has been dead all his life. Scrooge's journeys with the three ghosts are also meant to make the reader reexamine his or her own life.Scrooge, as well as the reader, also learns that in a self-absorbed existence based on the exclusion of others, we succumb to ignorance. Ignorance of others and the world around us breeds contempt for that which we do not understand and creates an inescapable trap into which we inevitably fall. Scrooge did not understand this and ultimately fell victim to his own vices. We, as both readers and human beings, are to draw from Scrooge's experiences his final lessons from the ghosts and not become victim to the same traps which befell him.41This passage is an example of what type of writing?.A. Autobiography.B. Literary analysis.C. Persuasive writing.D. Fiction.42Which paragraph includes a discussion of the lessons that readers of the story should learn? .A. Paragraph 1.B. Paragraph 2.C. Paragraph 3.D. Paragraph 4.43Based on this passage, who is the main character of A Christmas Carol?.A. Charles Dickens.B. Ebenezer Scrooge.C. Bob Cratchit.D. Marley.44The first paragraph of this passage implies that Dickens' story has been very _____..A. repetitiveB. prodigiousC. influentialD. stereotypical45What is the main point of this passage?.A. Readers should learn the same lessons as characters do in the story.B. Readers have no connection to characters in the story.C. Readers should act in opposition to characters in the story.D. Readers can create their own characters in the story.Part I: Vocabulary and StructureSection A: Choose the best way to complete the sentences.1. Throughout history, many people have attempted to find the _____ secret to success, butrelatively few have actually done it.a. elusiveb. evasivec. illusoryd. eloquent2. It was hard for Cynthia to remain uninvolved with the controversy since she is such a _____ partof the company.a. visibilityb. risiblec. visibled. visibly3. "Officer Clarke, in the best interest of the case, please consider absolutely everything to be atyour _____."a. disposeb. disposalc. disposingd. disposed4. The mountain climbers demonstrated a(n) _____ feat of selflessness when they turned around tohelp an injured stranger.a. advantageousb. gorgeousc. outrageousd. courageous5. Many movie stars are notorious for wearing excessive amounts of expensive _____.a. jewelleryb. jewelsc. jewelersd. jewelling6. Her novel successfully _____ an entire generation of young women to believe they could bewhatever they wanted.a. emboldenedb. embitteredc. empoweredd. embroidered7. I'm not really a _____ of pop culture trends, so can you explain that reference to me?a. flowerb. followerc. fellowd. fallowing8. We just moved into town so we're still a little _____.a. unsettlingb. settlersc. settledd. unsettled9. The movie is fantastic, but you'll need to _____ your disbelief toward the end.a. upendb. suspendc. depend10. Don't _____ Jack's determination to do whatever it takes to win.a. underestimateb. overestimatec. estimated. misestimate11. As judge, I _____ over this courtroom and have the final say on all matters.a. presideb. residec. presumed. resume12. Please stay back! This is a _____ area!a. constrictedb. districtedc. restrictedd. unrestricted13. The moon shone down and cast a _____ glow over the entire field.a. luminosityb. luminousc. luminal14. The state dinner is a _____ affair, so please dress appropriately.a. distinctiveb. respectablec. dramaticd. formal15. Stock prices rose _____ after the company publically announced its new product.a. dramaticallyb. magicallyc. looselyd. exclusively16. The colonists began to form a _____ in response to the unfair taxes.a. rebelb. rebellionc. rebelliousd. rebelling17. After striking the iceberg, the ship quickly sank into the _____ depths.a. skinnyb. preppyc. murkyd. baggy18. I'm not a good typist, so I find it easier to _____ all of my emails.a. dictateb. elucidatec. explicated. exacerbate19. To accommodate increased traffic, city planners are going to expand the _____of the highway.a. lengthb. heightc. depthd. width20. Let's be proactive and do something instead of just watching the situation _____.a. ameliorateb. collaboratec. deteriorated. elaborateSection B: Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable preposition or adverb.21.Things didn't quite turn outthe way I expected, but I'm still happy with the result.Your answer Correct answerout out22.You can't fool me; I'm wise t othe way things work around here.Your answer Correct answer to to23.My question sparked of fmuch discussion in the group about right versus wrong.Your answer Correct answer off off24.They didn't know it, but they were playing right i nt oour hands the whole time.Your answer Correct answer into into25.Leslie broke dow nher argument into three main points.Your answer Correct answer down down26.It was pure luck that we chanced uponthe fossilized remains of the dinosaur.Your answer Correct answer upon upon27.Our town was named af t erthe explorer who first discovered the nearby waterfall.Your answer Correct answer after after28.After the ship sank, wreckage washed upon shore for weeks.Your answer Correct answer up up29.Some of the oldest headstones in the graveyard were completely worn aw ayso wecouldn't tell whom they belonged to.Your answer Correct answeraway away30.The novel revolves ar ounda protagonist who is searching for a lost city of gold.Your answer Correct answer around aroundPart II: Banked ClozeQuestions 31 to 40 are based on the following passage.Everyone's always told me that I should be a model. I have to admit, it does sound like it wouldbe a(n) (31)unst abl elifestyle with lots of traveling, parties, and beautiful people. I thinkit could also be a great opportunity to assert my (32)i ndi vi dual i t yand creativity. However,at my age, I'm not sure I have the experience or (33)cr edent i al sto start a modelingcareer.It takes more than a(n) (34)st unni ngface to be a model. You must have a(n)(35)gl am or ouspersonality and always be ready to take risks and explore the unknown.You also need to have near infinite patience.Many people are under the impression that the fashion and modeling industry attracts only very(36)super f i ci alpeople who only care about themselves. From what I understand,nothing could be further from the truth. Yes, there are some models who only care about their ownappearance, wealth, and (37)l avi shsurroundings, but the industry isn't(38)excl usi vel ycomposed of this type of person. It's a(n) (39)i nescapabl efactthat the fashion and modeling world has a strong (40)l ur efor all kinds of people—and I'm one of them.Your answer Correct answer(31) unstable glamorous(32) individuality individuality(33) credentials credentials(34) stunning stunning(35) glamorous daring(36) superficial superficial(37) lavish lavish(38) exclusively exclusively(39) inescapable inescapable(40) lure lurePart III: Reading ComprehensionQuestions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage.The debate over school uniforms is one of the most controversial issues affecting public school students. Though uniforms have long been a staple of private schools, they are still a rarity in public schools. This is not merely a debate over the aesthetics of fashion. Rather, this debate lies at the very heart of the politics of fashion.What students choose to wear (and what their parents allow them to wear) to school consistently rouses strong feelings and animated discussion. Much has already been said in defense of and against school uniforms, and I won't belabor the individual points further. There are many valid points on both sides of the argument. Instead, I intend to explain why I personally stand in opposition to school uniforms and highlight the reasons why uniforms would serve very little purpose in our specific school district.For the most part, students in our district are well behaved and don't approach any semblance of extreme behavior or expression. Administrators seem to be more worried about a potential escalation of student expression that so far has shown no indication of materializing. Principals and other district administrators are chasing shadows—they're looking to solve a problem that doesn't exist. Our district has no history of student activism, and there are only a few examples of flagrant violations of the existing dress code. In short, there is absolutely no precedent to believe that students will choose to begin acting out against authority through fashion statements.School uniforms seem to be an inappropriate response to a nonexistent problem. It is an unnecessary exertion of power by administrators who don't know how to properly exercise authority. Let's take a moment to consider a hypothetical school district that is overwhelmed by student discipline problems. Would the institution of school uniforms be an appropriate response in that case? I would argue in the negative. Uniforms, by themselves, would in no way prevent students from expressing themselves or their views. Improper and unpopular behavior will not be stifled by a school uniform. It may actually make the situation worse, as resentment over the mandatory clothing would likely be great.School uniforms obviously interfere with students' right to self-expression—a right that should be protected in the public school system. In addition, mandating that all students wear identical (and。

新标准大学英语综合教程4 Unit test 5 答案Part I: Vocabulary and StructureSection A: Complete the sentences using the correct words in the box.•stigma•animated•decidedly•etiquette•linguistic•entrusted•eloquent•availability•undermine•intellectual1.tears.Your answer Correct answereloquent eloquent2.Your answer Correct answeretiquette etiquette3.young.Your answer Correct answerintellectual intellectual4. I like the debate team at school because we always have suchYour answer Correct answeranimated animated5.Your answer Correct answeravailability availability6.Your answer Correct answerentrusted entrusted7. Sadly, my grandmother went through much of her life feeling like there was a(n)Your answer Correct answerstigma stigma8.employees!Your answer Correct answerundermine undermine9.languages!Your answer Correct answerlinguistic linguistic10.competition.Your answer Correct answerdecidedly decidedlySection B: Choose the best way to complete the sentences.11. Even if I don't win the award, it's still an honor to be a(n) _____.a. applicantb. championc. nomineed. spectator12. I see parents of twins and triplets and I can't imagine having _____ children at once.a. multiplyb. doublec. individuald. multiple13. I'm one of two vice-presidents, and my _____ at the other office will be your main point ofcontact.a. counterpartb. supervisorc. subordinated. employee14. "Always be kind" is the _____ rule I expect my employees to live by.a. principleb. principalc. standardd. irrelevant15. His time in office was marked by _____ affairs and controversy.a. highbrowb. unemotionalc. scandalousd. unintended16. I became a partner in the law firm, _____ increasing my salary considerably.a. therebyb. herebyc. standbyd. passerby17. Choosing not to hire someone based on their race or sex is a textbook example of _____.a. discriminateb. discriminationc. discriminatoryd. discriminator18. Tony gets _____ if he drinks too much, and he's liable to hurt someone.a. peacefulb. hostilec. ambivalentd. apathetic19. What was the suspect's _____ to kill Gene?a. motivateb. motivatorc. motivationd. motive20. After all these years, I still _____ that it wasn't my fault.a. portendb. attendc. contendd. pretendSection C: Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable preposition or adverb.21.Your answer Correct answerwith with22.Your answer Correct answeroff off23.Your answer Correct answeras as24.Your answer Correct answerthan than25.Your answer Correct answerwithout without26.Your answer Correct answerthat that27.Your answer Correct answerover over28.Your answer Correct answerout out29.have this weekend.Your answer Correct answerinto into30.interview.Your answer Correct answerabout aboutPart II: Banked ClozeQuestions 31 to 40 are based on the following passage.It's very interesting that so many world cultures aresuperiority of the father or husband. Why do you think this is so? There are a(n)around the world, men have overpowered women due to their physical qualities.Yet how can we explain the handful of cultures that are actuallybased on the superiority of the mother or wife? No one canprecise reason for why they developed differently, but it is interesting to theorize. One particularlyhence, a strong female role in society.One of the major tenets of theshould not be restricted by traditional roles and their subservient status in society. Women should notbelieve that their gender automaticallyprivileges that men enjoy."Women have been taught that, for us, the earth is flat, and that if we venture out, we will fall offthe edge." This anonymousfeminist movement. Elevating the female gender to be completely equal with men should be theYour answer Correct answer(31) patriarchal patriarchal(32) myriad myriad(33) masculine masculine(34) matriarchal matriarchal(35) presume presume(36) revealing revealing(37) feminism feminism(38) disqualifies disqualifies(39) quote quote(40) singular singularPart III: Reading ComprehensionQuestions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage.Language not only allows us to communicate our thoughts and ideas to others but also helps us understand the world and how others think. Words and ideas convey much more than the basic information we use them for. Our choice of words, examples, context, and grammatical structure all contribute to forming a picture of ourselves and our world view. However, language is not a neutral vehicle in the representation of reality, and the mere existence of non-sexist and feminist terms does not guarantee their usage.Many of the words and ideas we use in everyday speech are overtly coded with sexist or gendered understandings which distract from their true intent. The only way to truly create a neutral language is to eliminate all of the sexist, feminist, gender-encoded terms and replace them with new ones. However, even this is not a guarantee that the words will be used in the intended manner or even that the cultural understandings which are attached to the non-neutral terms will be changed. Sexist use of language can not, very feasibly, be changed simply through the replacement of certain words or terms. With the same cultural understanding in place, the new terms will only be appropriated to mean or signify the same thing as the old ones. There is inherent sexism in language.Language and cultural understanding are connected and have a reciprocating relationship. Another implied sexist use of language is the tendency to refer to inanimate objects in English (with no grammatical gender) as gendered. This is seen in references to boats, planes, or cars as feminine. Perhaps the most widely-used example of this is the idea of Mother Nature. Historically, men have treated nature as they treat women—as something to be subdued, exploited, and admired. Our concepts of gender and the relation of those concepts to reality are reflected in our choice of words and referents.Language and our use of it are almost entirely entrenched in our understanding of the world. Therefore, commonly held beliefs about gender and the differences between men and women are reflected in language use. When gender neutral or feminine terms are introduced into a society still dominated bymen, their intended neutrality is thwarted in actual usage. Indeed, if man equals human (linguistically and culturally), then man will always be the standard against which woman is measured.41. Which of the following would make the best title for this passage?A. The Neutrality of Language: Why Uninteresting Language is Sometimes BetterB. Language as a Mirror: How Our Words Reflect What We ThinkC. Gendered Language: How English Sets a Perfect ExampleD. The Culture of Language: Why We Think the Way We Do42. After reading this passage, what can you infer about the nature of language?A. The interpretation of language is largely a matter of semantics.B. There is tenuous connection between language and culture.C. Very few words have cultural and sexual connotations.D. Language is the primary vehicle people use to express cultural understanding.43. "Historically, men have treated nature as they treat women—as something to be subdued, exploited,and admired." This statement establishes a _____ to use language in a particular way.A. motiveB. stigmaC. myriadD. standard44. Which paragraph introduces a discussion of the sexist use of language?A. Paragraph 1.B. Paragraph 2.C. Paragraph 3.D. Paragraph 4.45. What is the main idea of this passage?A. Much of the language we use is sexist.B. Language allows us to communicate our thoughts.C. Language and culture are directly related.D. Many inanimate objects are given genders in speech. 历史老照片不能说的秘密慈禧军阀明末清初文革晚清on on28.My ankle is still sore, so I'm afraid I'm going to have to sit outthis game.Your answer Correct answeroutout29.The spare bedroom doubles asmy home office.Your answer Correct answerasas30.The presidents talked about, amongother things, the peace treaty between theircountries.Your answer Correct answeramongamongPart II: Banked ClozeQuestions 31 to 40 are based on the following passage.It is truly (31)shabbythat people nowadays don't know nearly enough aboutancient civilizations. In the Western world, the cultures of ancient Greece and Rome gave rise to the popular idea of (32)democracythat is central to many modern governments. Democraticgovernments sometimes are derided as a(n) (33)fallacyin today's world—manypeople don't feel as if they truly have a meaningful voice. However, there were cities (particularly in Greece) where the democratic ideal was born and every citizen truly had a powerful voice.Remarkably, we know this is the case because many documents have survived. Histo rians can verify their (34)mightby dating the paper, so we can (35)unhesitatinglydeclare that they are legitimate. Linguists are able to (36)decipherthe ancientlanguages used in the documents, and we are therefore able to benefit from the wis dom inscribed on those pages. In addition, researchers can use (37) archaeologyto uncover the physicalremains of ancient villages. We have discovered that homes were a uniform size and most people lived as relative equals.I find it truly (38)lamentableto hear people say that there's nothing we can learn fromhistory. Even if only a small (39)fragmentof the wisdom of ancient Greece survived untiltoday, we would be better off. Indeed, it is an amazing thing to realize that our (40) destinyas a people, our future, depends on our knowledge and understanding ofour past.Your answer Correct answer (31) shabby lamentable (32) democracy d emocracy (33) fallacy fallacy (34) might authenticity (35) unhesitatinglyunhesitatingly (36) decipher decipher (37) archaeology archaeology (38) lamentable offensive (39) fragment fragment (40)destinydestinyPart III: Reading ComprehensionQuestions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage.Museums, as places of cultural significance, find their roots in the classical world. Anc ient Greece and Rome constructed and valued "museums," though they were largely centers of philosophical thought, rather than repositories of valuable objects. Neverth eless, the ancient world still had public collections of objects which resembled the mo dern concept of a museum. Greek temples and Roman forums often displayed gold a nd silver offerings, sculptures, and paintings.During the 15th century, the modern concept of museums came into fashion in Euro pe. During the following few centuries, museums such as the Ashmolean Museum, th e Vatican museums, the British Museum, and the Louvre were founded and opened. The first modern museums began as private collections of wealthy individuals who a massed extensive collections and then exhibited them for public viewing. The moder n museum has been described as "a product of Renaissance humanism, eighteenth-century enlightenment, and nineteenth-century democracy." These first museums were, however, rarely accessible to the pu blic beyond the upper classes.Until the 18th century, museums were chiefly concerned with collecting the beautiful and the curious, and this was often done for personal interests. During the 19th and 20th centuries, however, museums and cultural institutions proliferated throughout E urope and the United States. It was during this intense period of proliferation that th e concept of the museum as something more than just a storehouse for invaluable tr easures was developed. Museums began to dedicate themselves to collection, conser vation, preservation, and research. Natural history, science, and art museums becam e scholarly centers of academic research and thought. Once museums and other cult ural institutions became public, exhibition became a much more predominant concer n. Preexisting museum goals (e.g., collection, conservation, and preservation) sudde nly became the means to procure interesting and desirable exhibitions. Museums in the United States developed slowly. Charles Wilson Peale founded his na tural history museum in the late 18th century in Philadelphia, and he is considered th e first great American museum director. In 1846, James Smithson made a bequest to the United States "for the increase and diffusion of knowledge" which led to the dev elopment of the Smithsonian Institution. The United States finally made itsmark on the development of the modern museum in 1870 with the founding of the A merican Museum of Natural History and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York and the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. Throughout the 20th century, museums and other cultural institutions began to focus on education. American museums, especial ly, are devoted to public education in their specific areas of expertise. Many such org anizations have also transformed themselves into cultural centers with performing art s, music, and film presentations.41. Which of the following museums was the first to open?A. Metropolitan Museum of Art.B. Smithsonian Institution.C. British Museum.D. Peale's Natural History Museum.42. With which of the following statements would the author of this passage NOT ag ree?A. Museums in the classical world were very similar to museums in the 19th century .B. The modern museum developed over several hundred years.C. Modern museums have many priorities other than collecting.D. The earliest museums were only accessible to the wealthy.43. According to this passage, the modern concept of museums dates back to _____ .A. the classical worldB. the 15th centuryC. the 18th centuryD. the 20th century44. This passage is best described as _____.A. a first-person memoirB. a dramatic dialogueC. a persuasive essayD. a historical survey45. Modern museums tend to focus on all of the following EXCEPT _____.A. conservationB. philosophical thoughtC. preservationD. educationts, music, and film presentations.。

新标准大学英语综合教程4 Unit test 5 答案Part I: Vocabulary and StructureSection A: Complete the sentences using the correct words in the box.•stigma•animated•decidedly•etiquette•linguistic•entrusted•eloquent•availability•undermine•intellectual1.The poet gave an incredibly eloquentspeech and brought many people to tears.Your answer Correct answer eloquent eloquent2.What's the proper etiquetterequired for eating dinner with a prince?Your answer Correct answer etiquette etiquette3.My daughter shows a(n) intellectualcuriosity not usual for someone so young.Your answer Correct answer intellectual intellectual4.I like the debate team at school because we always have such animatedconversations.Your answer Correct answer animated animated5.What's your availabilityto go fishing next weekend?Your answer Correct answeravailability availability6.Her brother was entrustedwith their father's fortune after he passed away. Your answer Correct answer entrusted entrusted7. Sadly, my grandmother went through much of her life feeling like there was a(n)stigmaconnected to her skin color.Your answer Correct answerstigma stigma8.Don't question my decisions and underminemy authority in front of the other employees!Your answer Correct answer undermine undermine9.It's obvious that Kevin has amazing linguisticabilities since he's fluent in sixlanguages!Your answer Correct answerlinguistic linguistic10.The final score of the game was 20-3, making it a(n) decidedlyunfair competition.Your answer Correct answerdecidedly decidedlySection B: Choose the best way to complete the sentences.11. Even if I don't win the award, it's still an honor to be a(n) _____.a. applicantb. championc. nomineed. spectator12. I see parents of twins and triplets and I can't imagine having _____ children at once.a. multiplyb. doublec. individuald. multiple13. I'm one of two vice-presidents, and my _____ at the other office will be your main point ofcontact.a. counterpartb. supervisorc. subordinated. employee14. "Always be kind" is the _____ rule I expect my employees to live by.a. principleb. principalc. standardd. irrelevant15. His time in office was marked by _____ affairs and controversy.a. highbrowb. unemotionalc. scandalousd. unintended16. I became a partner in the law firm, _____ increasing my salary considerably.a. therebyb. herebyc. standbyd. passerby17. Choosing not to hire someone based on their race or sex is a textbook example of _____.a. discriminateb. discriminationc. discriminatoryd. discriminator18. Tony gets _____ if he drinks too much, and he's liable to hurt someone.a. peacefulb. hostilec. ambivalentd. apathetic19. What was the suspect's _____ to kill Gene?a. motivateb. motivatorc. motivationd. motive20. After all these years, I still _____ that it wasn't my fault.a. portendb. attendc. contendd. pretendSection C: Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable preposition or adverb.21.She entrusted me withmanaging the entire staff this week.Your answer Correct answer with with22.They managed to catch the opposing player offguard and score a goal.Your answer Correct answer off off23.Tony has been described asboth a lover and a hater.Your answer Correct answer as as24.Other thanthe occasional cup of tea, I never drink caffeine.Your answer Correct answerthan than25.I think it goes withoutsaying that I want to go to college.Your answer Correct answer without without26.Diane wrote an article to the effect thatmen and women were equal in all respects.Your answer Correct answer that that27.Let's rake overthe suspect's answers and see if we can find some clues.Your answer Correct answerover over28.Please fill outthese forms and have a seat; someone will be with you shortly.Your answer Correct answerout out29.Remember to take yard work intoaccount when you figure how much free time youhave this weekend.Your answer Correct answerinto into30.It's not a good idea to make sarcastic comments aboutyour previous boss during a jobinterview.Your answer Correct answerabout aboutPart II: Banked ClozeQuestions 31 to 40 are based on the following passage.It's very interesting that so many world cultures are (31)patriarchal, or based on thesuperiority of the father or husband. Why do you think this is so? There are a(n)(32)myriadof explanations, but many of them can be traced back to the basic(33)masculinestereotypes: strength, power, and dominance. Throughout history andaround the world, men have overpowered women due to their physical qualities.Yet how can we explain the handful of cultures that are actually (34)matriarchal, orbased on the superiority of the mother or wife? No one can (35)presumeto know theprecise reason for why they developed differently, but it is interesting to theorize. One particularly(36)revealingfact is that most of these cultures have a strong agricultural tradition and,hence, a strong female role in society.One of the major tenets of the (37)feminismmovement is that modern womenshould not be restricted by traditional roles and their subservient status in society. Women should notbelieve that their gender automatically (38)disqualifiesthem for the same rights andprivileges that men enjoy."Women have been taught that, for us, the earth is flat, and that if we venture out, we will fall offthe edge." This anonymous (39)quoteperfectly captures the essence of the modernfeminist movement. Elevating the female gender to be completely equal with men should be the(40)singularcause of everyone everywhere.Your answer Correct answer(31) patriarchal patriarchal(32) myriad myriad(33) masculine masculine(34) matriarchal matriarchal(35) presume presume(36) revealing revealing(37) feminism feminism(38) disqualifies disqualifies(39) quote quote(40) singular singularPart III: Reading ComprehensionQuestions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage.Language not only allows us to communicate our thoughts and ideas to others but also helps us understand the world and how others think. Words and ideas convey much more than the basic information we use them for. Our choice of words, examples, context, and grammatical structure all contribute to forming a picture of ourselves and our world view. However, language is not a neutral vehicle in the representation of reality, and the mere existence of non-sexist and feminist terms does not guarantee their usage.Many of the words and ideas we use in everyday speech are overtly coded with sexist or gendered understandings which distract from their true intent. The only way to truly create a neutral language is to eliminate all of the sexist, feminist, gender-encoded terms and replace them with new ones. However, even this is not a guarantee that the words will be used in the intended manner or even that the cultural understandings which are attached to the non-neutral terms will be changed. Sexist use of language can not, very feasibly, be changed simply through the replacement of certain words or terms. With the samecultural understanding in place, the new terms will only be appropriated to mean or signify the same thingas the old ones. There is inherent sexism in language.Language and cultural understanding are connected and have a reciprocating relationship. Anotherimplied sexist use of language is the tendency to refer to inanimate objects in English (with no grammatical gender) as gendered. This is seen in references to boats, planes, or cars as feminine. Perhaps the mostwidely-used example of this is the idea of Mother Nature. Historically, men have treated nature as they treat women—as something to be subdued, exploited, and admired. Our concepts of gender and the relation ofthose concepts to reality are reflected in our choice of words and referents.Language and our use of it are almost entirely entrenched in our understanding of the world.Therefore, commonly held beliefs about gender and the differences between men and women are reflectedin language use. When gender neutral or feminine terms are introduced into a society still dominated bymen, their intended neutrality is thwarted in actual usage. Indeed, if man equals human (linguistically and culturally), then man will always be the standard against which woman is measured.41. Which of the following would make the best title for this passage?A. The Neutrality of Language: Why Uninteresting Language is Sometimes BetterB. Language as a Mirror: How Our Words Reflect What We ThinkC. Gendered Language: How English Sets a Perfect ExampleD. The Culture of Language: Why We Think the Way We Do42. After reading this passage, what can you infer about the nature of language?A. The interpretation of language is largely a matter of semantics.B. There is tenuous connection between language and culture.C. Very few words have cultural and sexual connotations.D. Language is the primary vehicle people use to express cultural understanding.43. "Historically, men have treated nature as they treat women—as something to be subdued,exploited, and admired." This statement establishes a _____ to use language in a particular way.A. motiveB. stigmaC. myriadD. standard44. Which paragraph introduces a discussion of the sexist use of language?A. Paragraph 1.B. Paragraph 2.C. Paragraph 3.D. Paragraph 4.45. What is the main idea of this passage?A. Much of the language we use is sexist.B. Language allows us to communicate our thoughts.C. Language and culture are directly related.D. Many inanimate objects are given genders in speech.历史老照片不能说的秘密慈禧军阀明末清初文革晚清on on28.My ankle is still sore, so I'm afraid I'm going to have to sit out this game.Your answer Correct answeroutout29.The spare bedroom doubles asmy home office.Your answer Correct answerasas30.The presidents talked about, amongother things, the peace treaty between theircountries.Your answer Correct answeramongamongPart II: Banked ClozeQuestions 31 to 40 are based on the following passage.It is truly (31)shabbythat people nowadays don't know nearly enough aboutancient civilizations. In the Western world, the cultures of ancient Greece and Rome gave rise to the popular idea of (32)democracythat is central to many modern governments. Democraticgovernments sometimes are derided as a(n) (33)fallacyin today's world—manypeople don't feel as if they truly have a meaningful voice. However, there were cities (particularly in Greece) where the democratic ideal was born and every citizen truly had a powerful voice.Remarkably, we know this is the case because many documents have survived. Histo rians can verify their (34)mightby dating the paper, so we can (35)unhesitatinglydeclare that they are legitimate. Linguists are able to (36)decipherthe ancientlanguages used in the documents, and we are therefore able to benefit from the wis dom inscribed on those pages. In addition, researchers can use (37) archaeologyto uncover the physicalremains of ancient villages. We have discovered that homes were a uniform size and most people lived as relative equals.I find it truly (38)lamentableto hear people say that there's nothing we can learn fromhistory. Even if only a small (39)fragmentof the wisdom of ancient Greece survived untiltoday, we would be better off. Indeed, it is an amazing thing to realize that our (40) destinyas a people, our future, depends on our knowledge and understanding ofour past.Your answer Correct answer (31) shabby lamentable (32) democracy d emocracy (33) fallacy fallacy (34) might authenticity (35) unhesitatingly unhesitatingly (36) decipher decipher (37) archaeology archaeology (38) lamentable offensive (39) fragment fragment (40)destinydestinyPart III: Reading ComprehensionQuestions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage.Museums, as places of cultural significance, find their roots in the classical world. Anc ient Greece and Rome constructed and valued "museums," though they were largely centers of philosophical thought, rather than repositories of valuable objects. Neverth eless, the ancient world still had public collections of objects which resembled the mo dern concept of a museum. Greek temples and Roman forums often displayed gold a nd silver offerings, sculptures, and paintings.During the 15th century, the modern concept of museums came into fashion in Euro pe. During the following few centuries, museums such as the Ashmolean Museum, th e Vatican museums, the British Museum, and the Louvre were founded and opened. The first modern museums began as private collections of wealthy individuals who a massed extensive collections and then exhibited them for public viewing. The moder n museum has been described as "a product of Renaissance humanism, eighteenth-century enlightenment, and nineteenth-century democracy." These first museums were, however, rarely accessible to the pu blic beyond the upper classes.Until the 18th century, museums were chiefly concerned with collecting the beautiful and the curious, and this was often done for personal interests. During the 19th and 20th centuries, however, museums and cultural institutions proliferated throughout E urope and the United States. It was during this intense period of proliferation that th e concept of the museum as something more than just a storehouse for invaluable tr easures was developed. Museums began to dedicate themselves to collection, conser vation, preservation, and research. Natural history, science, and art museums becam e scholarly centers of academic research and thought. Once museums and other cult ural institutions became public, exhibition became a much more predominant concer n. Preexisting museum goals ., collection, conservation, and preservation) suddenly b ecame the means to procure interesting and desirable exhibitions.Museums in the United States developed slowly. Charles Wilson Peale founded his na tural history museum in the late 18th century in Philadelphia, and he is considered th e first great American museum director. In 1846, James Smithson made a bequest to the United States "for the increase and diffusion of knowledge" which led to the dev elopment of the Smithsonian Institution. The United States finally made itsmark on the development of the modern museum in 1870 with the founding of the A merican Museum of Natural History and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York and the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. Throughout the 20th century, museums and other cultural institutions began to focus on education. American museums, especial ly, are devoted to public education in their specific areas of expertise. Many such organizations have also transformed themselves into cultural centers with performing art s, music, and film presentations.41. Which of the following museums was the first to open?A. Metropolitan Museum of Art.B. Smithsonian Institution.C. British Museum.D. Peale's Natural History Museum.42. With which of the following statements would the author of this passage NOT ag ree?A. Museums in the classical world were very similar to museums in the 19th century .B. The modern museum developed over several hundred years.C. Modern museums have many priorities other than collecting.D. The earliest museums were only accessible to the wealthy.43. According to this passage, the modern concept of museums dates back to _____ .A. the classical worldB. the 15th centuryC. the 18th centuryD. the 20th century44. This passage is best described as _____.A. a first-person memoirB. a dramatic dialogueC. a persuasive essayD. a historical survey45. Modern museums tend to focus on all of the following EXCEPT _____.A. conservationB. philosophical thoughtC. preservationD. educationts, music, and film presentations.。
新标准大学英语 综合教程4 网上作业 unit1-8

Unit 11. My little brother tends to the truth, so you can't believe everything hesays at face value.Your answer Correct answerembellish embellish2. Mr. Philips is running for a position in the local government in theelections.Your answer Correct answerupcoming upcoming3. What can we do to all the accomplishments our company has had?Your answer Correct answerhighlight highlight4. In my opinion, the asking price for that painting far its real value.Your answer Correct answerexceeds exceeds5. Sharon was with indecision over where to go to college.Your answer Correct answerfraught fraught6. Her book is a brief, history of World War I.Your answer Correct answerconcise concise7. Too many people accuse students of ignorance about or toward internationalissues.Your answer Correct answerapathy apathy8. The politician wrote a tell-all book in which she her experience duringthe campaign.Your answer Correct answerrecounted recounted9. Risking my entire life savings on a single horse race is not a(n) I'm willingto take.Your answer Correct answergamble gamble10. M y mother was a very woman, but she only wanted the best for my sister andme.Your answer Correct answerdemanding demanding11. I f you lend me money today, I can you after I get paid on Friday.Your answer Correct answerrepay repay12. E very time the plane hit turbulence, he the armrests tightly.Your answer Correct answerclutched clutched13. T he purpose of the canal was to the river and provide water to more farmland.Your answer Correct answerredirect redirect14. T hankfully, Maria was a tremendous help as I made the into my new position.Your answer Correct answertransition transition15. T wenty years ago, this was a wealthy, community.Your answer Correct answerthriving thriving16. P lease remember that we need to taxes from your paycheck.Your answer Correct answerdeduct deduct17. T he virus disabled the software, so we needed to to an earlier version.Your answer Correct answerrevert revert18. I know you're excited about the possibilities, but please try not to it.Your answer Correct answeroverdo overdo19. M any lost a lot of money when the stock market fell last month.Your answer Correct answerinvestors investors20. M y employer offers a(n) benefits package that is difficult to give up.Your answer Correct answercomprehensive comprehensiveSection B: Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable word.21. A ll right, it's time to pack our things and move to the newoffice upstairs.Your answer Correct answerup up22. T he counselor suggested that Felipe talk his problems withhis brother.Your answer Correct answerthrough through23. T homas has always been, nothing else, a diligent andresponsible student.Your answer Correct answerif if24. I find it inconceivable that anyone could turn a free tripto the Caribbean.Your answer Correct answerdown down25. J ordan bought three cases of bottled water fear that the stormwould cause serious damage.Your answer Correct answerfor for26. a ll means, please make yourself at home.Your answer Correct answerBy By27. S tephen looked in horror as the fire consumed his apartmentbuilding.Your answer Correct answeron on28. A fter such a long day of work, I want to go home and treatmyself a big piece of chocolate cake.Your answer Correct answerto to29. W e're all the same boat; so let's try to be nice to one another.Your answer Correct answerin in30. H is question came of the blue and caught me by surprise.Your answer Correct answerout out(31) slump slump(32) aimless aimless(33) landlord landlord(34) client client(35) hassle hassle(36) loan loan(37) honesty honesty(38) sympathize sympathize(39) financially financially(40) Fortunately Fortunately CABDDUnit 21. Can we the formalities and get right down to business?Your answer Correct answerforego forego2. The actress spoke in such a heavy northern that I could barely understandher.Your answer Correct answerdialect dialect3. There's nothing left to do now but the results.Your answer Correct answerawait await4. I love going on vacation, but I always in a sea of work when I return.Your answer Correct answerdrown drown5. After three huge successes, George became one of the most people inHollywood.Your answer Correct answerinfluential influential6. There have been far too many disappearances in this town for my taste.Your answer Correct answermysterious mysterious7. It drives me crazy that Steve can sit around and be when there's so muchwork to do!Your answer Correct answeridle idle8. His shifty eyes and smarmy personality do little to a trustworthy character.Your answer Correct answerfoster foster9. She brings her lunch to work, but today she decided to eat out.Your answer Correct answernormally normally10. T he of alcohol as an illegal drug will only make the problem worse.Your answer Correct answerclassification classification11. "Don't your little brother! Take him with you."Your answer Correct answerexclude exclude12. I t's difficult for someone of his to go out in public unrecognized.Your answer Correct answerstature stature13. M y interview with a panel of professors is the only left before I earn mydegree.Your answer Correct answerobstacle obstacle14. A fter years of , the old house on the corner was finally torn down.Your answer Correct answerneglect neglect15. I f you want to write a book about traveling in Europe, it's to have actuallybeen there before.Your answer Correct answeradvantageous advantageous16. I'm going to invest my money in Microsoft, and I strongly suggest you do .Your answer Correct answerlikewise likewise17. I t is critical to your sources when you make an argument.Your answer Correct answercite cite18. T his month's bestselling novel has a(n) that is rarely seen in literature.Your answer Correct answeroriginality originality19. I t's difficult to with people if you don't speak the same language.Your answer Correct answerinteract interact20. I t's common for politicians to use almost anything as against theiropponents.Your answer Correct answerammunition ammunitionSection B: Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable word.21. T he toughest thing about moving away was when I had to part mybook collection.Your answer Correct answerwith with22. T he spring season, it were, doesn't really exist here since wego straight from winter into summer.Your answer Correct answeras as23. P lease leave me alone; I'm simply looking some peace and quiet.Your answer Correct answerfor for24. A fter looking at his old pictures, James longed go back to China.Your answer Correct answerto to25. J ust tell me the truth and don't toy my emotions!Your answer Correct answerwith with26. M ona decided to seek her biological parents after she found outshe was adopted.Your answer Correct answerout out27. t he most part, I think the kids enjoyed our vacation this year.Your answer Correct answerFor For28. S he picks up some extra money by being a tour guide the side.Your answer Correct answeron on29. I think the reason we're such good friends is because we have somuch common.Your answer Correct answerin in30. I f you learn to look this class as an opportunity, you might notbe so miserable.Your answer Correct answerupon uponYour answer Correct answer(31) recommendation recommendation(32) adventurer adventurer(33) stereotypical stereotypical(34) gratuitous gratuitous(35) confront confront(36) enlightenment enlightenment(37) sacrifice sacrifice(38) undoing undoing(39) desperately desperately(40) tackle tackleBDBCAUnit 3ACBDA CBDBA ACBDA BCADC21. T hings didn't quite turn the way I expected, but I'm still happywith the result.Your answer Correct answerout out22. Y ou can't fool me; I'm wise the way things work around here.Your answer Correct answerto to23. M y question sparked much discussion in the group about right versuswrong.Your answer Correct answeroff off24. T hey didn't know it, but they were playing right our hands thewhole time.Your answer Correct answerinto into25. L eslie broke her argument into three main points.Your answer Correct answerdown down26. I t was pure luck that we chanced the fossilized remains of thedinosaur.Your answer Correct answerupon upon27. O ur town was named the explorer who first discovered the nearbywaterfall.Your answer Correct answerafter after28. A fter the ship sank, wreckage washed on shore for weeks.Your answer Correct answerup up29. S ome of the oldest headstones in the graveyard were completelyworn so we couldn't tell whom they belonged to.Your answer Correct answeraway away30. T he novel revolves a protagonist who is searching for a lost cityof gold.Your answer Correct answeraround aroundYour answer Correct answer(31) glamorous glamorous(32) individuality individuality(33) credentials credentials(34) stunning stunning(35) daring daring(36) superficial superficial(37) lavish lavish(38) exclusively exclusively(39) inescapable inescapable(40) lure lureDACCDUnit 41. We've been living in bliss ever since our wedding.Your answer Correct answermarital marital2. Sandra is going to study in Asia next semester.Your answer Correct answeroverseas overseas3. It's critical that tests with material students are learning in theclassroom.Your answer Correct answeralign align4. The lawyer spent all week trying to evidence against the suspect.Your answer Correct answercompile compile5. We can't afford to lose Thomas—he's our most employee.Your answer Correct answerindispensable indispensable6. Even though it was only a(n) wound, the cut was incredibly painful.Your answer Correct answersuperficial superficial7. Lori is an expert at using lies and flattery to the people around her andget what she wants.Your answer Correct answerdeceive deceive8. My puppy is notorious for the looks he gives when he's hungry.Your answer Correct answerpathetic pathetic9. Please the police if you see anything suspicious.Your answer Correct answernotify notify10. U nfortunately, the new regulations aren't with the law, so they'll needto change.Your answer Correct answercompatible compatibleDBDBA BCDAC21. P lease put the gun, and we can talk about this calmly.Your answer Correct answerdown down22. S he laid the paperwork on the table so she could finally get organized.Your answer Correct answerout out23. U nfortunately, the new owner simply helped the situation go bad to worse.Your answer Correct answerfrom from24. N icholas managed to carve a unique niche, and he got lots of customers becauseof what he could offer.Your answer Correct answerout out25. A fter my husband lost his job, we were forced to cut back many things wedidn't really need.Your answer Correct answeron on26. R ent must be paid full by the 1st of the month.Your answer Correct answerin in27. I n the end, it all boils to who you know, not what you know.Your answer Correct answerdown down28. T he sad truth is that far too many people simply scrape and live from dayto day.Your answer Correct answerby by29. A fter many profitable years, the economic downturn ultimately forced thecompany the red.Your answer Correct answerinto into30. I want everyone to pair with a classmate and act out this scene of the play.Your answer Correct answerup upYour answer Correct answer(31) wicked wicked(32) desirable desirable(33) devastating devastating(34) abject abject(35) greed greed(36) jealous jealous(37) prone prone(38) naturally naturally(39) yearn yearn(40) unrealistic unrealistic CBADBUnit 51. The poet gave an incredibly speech and brought many people to tears.Your answer Correct answereloquent eloquent2. What's the proper required for eating dinner with a prince?Your answer Correct answeretiquette etiquette3. My daughter shows a(n) curiosity not usual for someone so young.Your answer Correct answerintellectual intellectual4. I like the debate team at school because we always have such conversations.Your answer Correct answeranimated animated5. What's your to go fishing next weekend?Your answer Correct answeravailability availability6. Her brother was with their father's fortune after he passed away.Your answer Correct answerentrusted entrusted7. Sadly, my grandmother went through much of her life feeling like there wasa(n) connected to her skin color.Your answer Correct answerstigma stigma8. Don't question my decisions and my authority in front of the other employees!Your answer Correct answerundermine undermine9. It's obvious that Kevin has amazing abilities since he's fluent in sixlanguages!Your answer Correct answerlinguistic linguistic10. T he final score of the game was 20-3, making it a(n) unfair competition.Your answer Correct answerdecidedly decidedlyCDABC ABBDC21. S he entrusted me managing the entire staff this week.Your answer Correct answerwith with22. T hey managed to catch the opposing player guard and score a goal.Your answer Correct answeroff off23. T ony has been described both a lover and a hater.Your answer Correct answeras as24. O ther the occasional cup of tea, I never drink caffeine.Your answer Correct answerthan than25. I think it goes saying that I want to go to college.Your answer Correct answerwithout without26. D iane wrote an article to the effect men and women were equal inall respects.Your answer Correct answerthat that27. L et's rake the suspect's answers and see if we can find some clues.Your answer Correct answerover over28. P lease fill these forms and have a seat; someone will be with youshortly.Your answer Correct answerout out29. R emember to take yard work account when you figure how much freetime you have this weekend.Your answer Correct answerinto into30. I t's not a good idea to make sarcastic comments your previous bossduring a job interview.Your answer Correct answerabout aboutYour answer Correct answer(31) patriarchal patriarchal(32) myriad myriad(33) masculine masculine(34) matriarchal matriarchal(35) presume presume(36) revealing revealing(37) feminism feminism(38) disqualifies disqualifies(39) quote quote(40) singular singularBDABCUnit 61. Our office building luckily had a(n) power supply to use when the electricitywent out.Your answer Correct answerauxiliary auxiliary2. There's not much of a(n) for the year's best movie, but there are a fewgood ones.Your answer Correct answerselection selection3. Unfortunately, she's had a(n) and her cancer has reappeared.Your answer Correct answerrelapse relapse4. Soldiers in the military quickly learn that their superior officers areoften not very of differing opinions.Your answer Correct answertolerant tolerant5. During wartime, there's usually a surge in as people rally together tosupport a common cause.Your answer Correct answernationalism nationalism6. I've never had a friend quite so as my dog Rex.Your answer Correct answerloyal loyal7. Mr. Sanford, I love your daughter and I'd like to ask for your permissionto to her.Your answer Correct answerpropose propose8. We hired a company to come in and the mice from our basement.Your answer Correct answereradicate eradicate9. The teacher slowly lost control of her students and let the class into achaos of voices.Your answer Correct answerdegenerate degenerate10. I f you see anything suspicious, please report it immediately to one of thepolice officers.Your answer Correct answeruniformed uniformed11. I tend to live by the "Work hard, play hard."Your answer Correct answermotto motto12. T he law states that people younger than 21 cannot drink beer, wine, or .Your answer Correct answerliquor liquor13. C elebrities are often subject to the of public opinion, increasing anddecreasing in popularity every day.Your answer Correct answertyranny tyranny14. L ast Saturday, we stood in line for an hour to get a cone from the ice cream .Your answer Correct answervendor vendor15. C ollege students usually begin their first year with activities so theyare familiar with their new environment.Your answer Correct answerorientation orientation16. u sually disagree about who they think the greatest world leader of all timeis.Your answer Correct answerHistorians Historians17. I f you'd like to the charges, please call the phone number for complaints.Your answer Correct answerdispute dispute18. T he physicist earned even more recognition when he won the Nobel Prize.Your answer Correct answerrenowned renowned19. D o you have any into why your employees are behaving so poorly?Your answer Correct answerinsight insight20. A fter ten long years of holding a grudge against him, I think it's finallytime to make .Your answer Correct answeramends amendsSection B: Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable word.21. W hy did you interview for that job the first place?Your answer Correct answerin in22. O h my goodness, these photos date to my college days.Your answer Correct answerback back23. A fter our dog destroyed the living room couch, we packedhim to obedience school.Your answer Correct answeroff off24. A s soon as five o'clock rolled around, Maria took andwent home.Your answer Correct answeroff off25. T he book can be summed in one word: boring.Your answer Correct answerup up26. C an you get me of this assignment?Your answer Correct answerout out27. T he researchers were the brink of a major discovery.Your answer Correct answeron on28. M y ankle is still sore, so I'm afraid I'm going to haveto sit this game.Your answer Correct answerout out29. T he spare bedroom doubles my home office.Your answer Correct answeras as30. T he presidents talked about, other things, the peacetreaty between their countries.Your answer Correct answeramong amongYour answer Correct answer(31) lamentable lamentable(32) democracy democracy(33) fallacy fallacy(34) authenticity authenticity(35) unhesitatingly unhesitatingly(36) decipher decipher(37) archaeology archaeology(38) offensive offensive(39) fragment fragment(40) destiny destiny CABDBUnit 7CBDCA BDADC ACCDB ABDAC21. U nfortunately, far too many students simply switch and don't payattention in class.Your answer Correct answeroff off22. M y sister has a strong hatred rock and roll music.Your answer Correct answerof of23. B efore they can widen the road, they need to dig that stretch ofhighway.Your answer Correct answerup up24. W e are, this respect, very similar people.Your answer Correct answerin in25. A s an author, I aspire write a worldwide bestseller.Your answer Correct answerto to26. W ith the storm approaching, we had no choice but hunker and hopefor the best.Your answer Correct answerdown down27. I t was hard, but I learned to live his snoring at night.Your answer Correct answerwith with28. T he community a whole doesn't agree with the new development plan.Your answer Correct answeras as29. A leader must learn to stand and look at the big picture.Your answer Correct answerback back30. T he earthquake triggered landslides that tragically swept many homesand buildings.Your answer Correct answeraway awayYour answer Correct answer(31) orchard orchard(32) synonymous synonymous(33) territory territory(34) howling howling(35) creak creak(36) gang gang(37) conquer conquer(38) incredible incredible(39) Ironically Ironically(40) cease cease ACDBCUnit 81. There is absolutely no to her behavior—it's completely random.Your answer Correct answerlogic logic2. The answers he gave had just enough to make me doubt his honesty.Your answer Correct answerambiguity ambiguity3. Sharon was known for her ideals and romantic outlook on life.Your answer Correct answerlofty lofty4. There was a stage set up in the between the buildings for the music festival.Your answer Correct answerplaza plaza5. The of his argument confused and befuddled even the smartest people in theroom.Your answer Correct answercomplexity complexity6. Even though I have played chess for years, you still made a very worthy .Your answer Correct answeropponent opponent7. Do you mean to that you agreed with her crazy plan?Your answer Correct answerimply imply8. The review of his new book included a lot of and not much praise.Your answer Correct answercriticism criticism9. Jacob was and angry when he shouted, "How dare you accuse me of such a crime?"Your answer Correct answerindignant indignant10. W e used to be best friends; it's that she could do anything to hurt me.Your answer Correct answerinconceivable inconceivable11. A re you familiar with the of this office building?Your answer Correct answerlayout layout12. T he committee decided to a statue of the beloved president.Your answer Correct answererect erect13. T he of the project is unmatched in the history of this company.Your answer Correct answerscope scope14. I n terms of intelligence, this year's Nobel Prize winner everyone else inhis field.Your answer Correct answertranscends transcends15. E instein's prowess has been completely unmatched in history.Your answer Correct answerintellectual intellectual16. T he museum hosted a special about the age of dinosaurs.Your answer Correct answerexhibit exhibit17. I can't even a life without my children.Your answer Correct answercontemplate contemplate18. T here's nothing like a beautiful sunset to my senses and inspire me to getto work.Your answer Correct answerstimulate stimulate19. C ome over here and help me up this beam so we can support the ceiling.Your answer Correct answerhoist hoist20. A t this point, any change will be a welcome over the status quo.Your answer Correct answerimprovement improvementSection B: Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable word.21. S he made a vow she wouldn't drink coffee anymore.Your answer Correct answerthat that22. T he documentary didn't justice to the situation in Africa.Your answer Correct answerdo do23. I f she can write the recommendation herself, then much the better.Your answer Correct answerso so24. H is mother won the Nobel Prize, but he's an award-winning poet his own right.Your answer Correct answerin in25. D o you still feel any discomfort your dislocated shoulder?Your answer Correct answerfrom from26. A s mayor, I feel a huge sense civic pride in our community.Your answer Correct answerof of27. I t may sound unbelievable, but my wife and I experienced love first sight.Your answer Correct answerat at28. W e will see a moderate increase salaries this year.Your answer Correct answerin in29. T he speaker was completely surprised by the outburst emotion from the crowd.Your answer Correct answerof of30. B arbara will interpret Miguel since he doesn't speak English.Your answer Correct answerfor forYour answer Correct answer(31) skyline skyline(32) aesthetically aesthetically(33) picturesque picturesque(34) fragile fragile(35) conform conform(36) sentiment sentiment(37) exquisite exquisite(38) prosperity prosperity(39) presumably presumably(40) interpret interpret CDBDA。
新标准英语综合教程4unit test单元测试1-5答案.pptx

14. Thankfully, Maria was a tremendous help as I made the into my new position.
Your answer
Correct answer
15. Twenty years ago, this was a wealthy,community.
Your answer thriving
Correct answer thriving
16. Please remember that we need to taxes from your paycheck.
Your answer deduct
Correct answer deduct
17. The virus disabled the software, so we needed to to an earlier version.
Your answer exceeds
Correct answer exceeds
5. Sharon was with indecision over where to go to college.
Your answer fraught
Correct answer fraught
6. Her book is a brief, history of World War I.
Your answer clutched
Correct answer clutched
13. The purpose of the canal was to the river and provide water to more farmland.

新标准大学英语综合教程4 Unit test 10 答案Part I: Vocabulary and StructureSection A: Complete the sentences using the correct words in the box.•hollow•configuration•gauge•predecessor•doubtless•intervene•subtle•paralyzed•complication•annihilated1.After the accident, Jeff was paralyzedfrom the waist down.Your answer Correct answer paralyzed paralyzed2.Marilyn Monroe is doubtlessthe most beautiful woman I've ever seen in a movie.Your answer Correct answer doubtless doubtless3.The hollowtree was home to an entire family of rabbits.Your answer Correct answerhollow hollow4.The bomb explosion completely annihilatedthe abandoned building.Your answer Correct answer annihilated annihilated5.Please don't confuse me with my predecessor; I don't tolerate mistakes or excuses.Your answer Correct answerpredecessor predecessor6.The government decided to send troops and intervenein that country's civil war.Your answer Correct answer intervene intervene7.It's difficult to gaugehow many people will buy tickets since this is such a unique event.Your answer Correct answergauge gauge8.The differences may be subtle, but I certainly prefer this design over the previous one.Your answer Correct answersubtle subtle9. Since Mike was prepared to speak to Sally over the phone, her presence creates anunexpected complicationfor him.Your answer Correct answer complication complication10.The tables and chairs must be organized in exactly this configuration, so please payattention.Your answer Correct answerconfiguration configurationSection B: Choose the best way to complete the sentences.11. It's important that our first radio _____ to another planet is one of peace.a. transmissionb. remissionc. commissiond. mission12. The judge found it difficult to believe the boys since there were far too many _____ in their story.a. discrepantb. discrepancyc. discrepanciesd. discrepance13. The runner's _____ legs helped propel him to victory in the race.a. muscularb. musclesc. masculined. masculinity14. With an enormous _____, the plane crashed into the water.a. spoutb. splashc. waterfalld. smash15. By the end of the story, all the characters will _____ at the hospital.a. convergeb. mergec. diverged. verge16. The astronauts landed on the moon in a small _____, which was a technological marvel.a. modelb. modalc. moduled. mogul17. Unfortunately, I don't have a(n) _____ impression of the candidate after that terrible speech.a. irresistibleb. impalpablec. arbitraryd. favourable18. It's a popular _____ that Christopher Columbus discovered America.a. misconstructionb. misconceptionc. disconcertiond. disconnection19. A water _____ is composed of hydrogen and oxygen.a. moleculeb. particlec. elementd. substance20. A power outage now would be _____ for our computer network.a. multitudinousb. sickeningc. maniacald. disastrousSection C: Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable preposition or adverb.21.I usually understand his reasoning, but I was totally confounded byhis latest decision.Your answer Correct answer by by22.We all came throughthe ordeal as much stronger people.Your answer Correct answer through through23.Do you even have an inkling ofwhy this is so important?Your answer Correct answer of of24.When she comestoafter the operation, she'll probably be in a lot of pain. Your answer Correct answerto to25.Ana is usually pretty smart, but even she was stumped bythe challenge.Your answer Correct answer by by26.I'm so exhausted; I've been onthe verge of collapse all day.Your answer Correct answer on on27.Explorations that took place inthe past still have relevance to us today.Your answer Correct answer in in28.It took me the better part ofa week to solve the puzzle.Your answer Correct answer of of29.Are there any prerequisite skills forthis job?Your answer Correct answer for for30.I have a vague recollection ofgoing to Disneyland when I was a child.Your answer Correct answerof ofPart II: Banked ClozeQuestions 31 to 40 are based on the following passage.One of the greatest inventions of recent memory is undoubtedly GPS. It is on the(31)vergeof becoming as common as the mobile phone. In fact, many mobilephones now have GPS built into them! GPS units can also be found in cars, boats, airplanes, andhandheld devices used by hikers and campers for (32)exploration. Many people recognizethe usefulness in having directions to anyplace you might drive, but fewer people understand how handy a GPS unit can be outdoors.Handheld GPS units use (33)geographicalcoordinates to pinpoint exactly where youare, whether you are in the middle of New York City, the middle of the Sahara Desert, or the middle ofa deserted (34)tropicalisland. Sailors and other people who travel on the sea rely onGPS units to give them their location in terms of (35)longitude(east-west) and(36)latitude(north-south). With very few landmarks in the middle of the ocean, knowingone's location on this (37)gridis of utmost importance.Hikers and campers who walk through wilderness areas need to keep track of their(38)mileageso they know how far they have traveled and how far they are from thenearest shelter. Granted, it is relatively easy to be (39)lulledinto a false sense ofsecurity if you have a GPS unit on hand. They can't solve every problem, but they are a(40)terrificconvenience to carry with you!Your answer Correct answer(31) verge verge(32) exploration exploration(33) geographical geographical(34) tropical tropical(35) longitude longitude(36) latitude latitude(37) grid grid(38) mileage mileage(39) lulled lulled(40) terrific terrificPart III: Reading ComprehensionQuestions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage."You must've been in the wrong place," Justin shouted."No way! I followed your directions exactly," Luis replied."I don't understand," Justin said quizzically. "How could you not find the ocean?""Oh, I found the ocean. That's a little hard to miss. There was just no beach where you said there should've been one. Half-Moon Beach wasn't there!"Justin remained secure in his belief. "You got lost. That's the only explanation.""No way!" Luis was getting increasingly annoyed by this conversation. "Your directions were lousy!""Boys, boys ... settle down. We're all on vacation, what's this fuss all about?" Mr. Gonzalez, attracted by the boys' raised voices and short tempers, quickly stepped in and tried to calm the situation."Dad, Justin told me about this amazing beach, but he gave me bad directions. The beach wasn't there! I wasted all afternoon looking for that beach."Justin looked indignant. "I didn't lie to you. Those directions were good. It's not my fault you couldn't find Half-Moon Beach."Mr. Gonzalez raised his hands to quiet both boys and softly said, "Let me tell you a story. I think you'll see some interesting similarities."There were once three young princes who lived in a far-off land," Mr. Gonzalez began. "They had become bored with their lives and were constantly looking for new things to interest them. An old traveler told them of a tree that was supposed to grow in a nearby forest. The tree was known as the Red-Bud Tree, but no one had ever seen it before."Well, needless to say, the princes all wanted to be the first to see this tree. The eldest prince was the first to venture into the forest during the first days of spring. He followed the traveler's directions exactly but only found a black, bare tree. There was no color to be found anywhere."Several weeks later, the second prince journeyed into the forest. Spring had arrived and the kingdom was alive with colorful wildflowers. The second prince followed the same directions and found the Red-Bud Tree. He couldn't believe how beautiful, and how bright red, it was."Several weeks later still, the youngest prince went off in search of the beautiful red tree. Again, he followed the directions, but he found a healthy tree covered in green leaves."One day, not long after the youngest prince returned, all three sat around the dinner table and began talking about the Red-Bud Tree. The oldest prince remarked that he was unimpressed, since the tree was nothing more than twigs. The middle prince couldn't believe his ears since he thought the Red-Bud Tree had the most brilliant red he had ever seen. Similarly, the youngest son couldn't believe his ears, for the tree had been covered with green leaves when he saw it. The three brothers argued for a long time, each convinced that he was right and the other two were wrong."Mr. Gonzalez looked at both boys, who were silently listening to his story. "I'm sure you know what happened, right?"Justin spoke first. "Well, I think it's pretty obvious. They each saw the tree at different times of the year, so it looked different.""That's right, Justin. Sometimes, several people can see the same thing at different times and see different things. Just like you and Luis did yesterday."Both boys looked confused."What do you mean?" Luis asked."Surprisingly, Half-Moon Beach disappears for part of each day. The tide there is dramatic. At low tide, the water retreats and people crowd the beach. At high tide, however, the waves come all the way up to the street and the beach is underwater."Justin and Luis stared at each other, realization setting in.41. The boys were confused because of a _____ anomaly.A. geographicalB. concentricC. tropicalD. barometric42. This style of writing would best be described as _______.A. expositoryB. argumentativeC. narrativeD. descriptive43. Which of the following words best describes Justin at the beginning of the story?A. Doubtful.B. Confident.C. Maniacal.D. Comical.44. What is the moral of this story?A. There are three sides to every story.B. Time will heal all wounds.C. Patience will win any argument.D. Reality is a matter of perspective.45. The father uses _____ to make his point.A. a simileB. an allegoryC. a metaphorD. an allusion。

新标准大学英语综合教程4itest题库1、In the future, people ______ a new kind of clothes that will be warm when they are cold, and cool when they’re hot.()[单选题] *A. wearB. woreC. are wearingD. will wear(正确答案)2、74.No person ()carry a mobile phone into the examination room during the national college Entrance Examinations.[单选题] *A.shall(正确答案)B.mustC.canD.need3、The manager gave one of the salesgirls an accusing look for her()attitude towards customers. [单选题] *A. impartialB. mildC. hostile(正确答案)D. opposing4、He doesn’t smoke and hates women _______. [单选题] *A. smokesB. smokeC. smokedD. smoking(正确答案)5、Chinese is one of ____ most widely used languages in ____ world. [单选题] *A. a, theB. /, theC. the, the(正确答案)D. a, /6、—Excuse me, how long does it ______ to walk to the library? —About 15 minutes, I’m afraid.()[单选题] *A. take(正确答案)B. spendC. costD. pay7、This is not our house. lt belongs to _____. [单选题] *A. the Turners'B. the Turners(正确答案)C. Turner'sD. Turners8、David ______ at home when I called at seven o’clock yesterday evening. ()[单选题] *A. didn’tB. doesn’tC. wasn’t(正确答案)D. isn’t9、—_____ will the bus arrive? —In four minutes. [单选题] *A. How longB. How oftenC. How soon(正确答案)D. How far10、Seldom _____ in such a rude way. [单选题] *A.we have been treatedB. we have treatedC. have we been treated(正确答案)D. have treated11、Be careful when you _______ the street. [单选题] *A. are crossingB. is crossingC. cross(正确答案)D. is cross12、The huntsman caught only a()of the deer before it ran into the woods. [单选题] *A. gazeB. glareC. glimpse(正确答案)D. stare13、23.Susan doesn’t like cartoons. She would rather ______ Space War”. [单选题] * A.see (正确答案)B.seesC.seeingD.to see14、____ is standing at the corner of the street. [单选题] *A. A policeB. The policeC. PoliceD. A policeman(正确答案)15、We had ____ wonderful lunch last Saturday. [单选题] *A. /B. theC. oneD. a(正确答案)16、I _______ play the game well. [单选题] *A. mustB. can(正确答案)C. wouldD. will17、What surprised me ______ was that he succeeded. [单选题] *A. most(正确答案)B. mostlyC. almostD. at most18、It' s a pity that we have to stay at home when we are having()weather. [单选题] *A. so fineB. so fine aC. such fine(正确答案)D. such a fine19、47.Yao Ming is tall. That's one of his ________. [单选题] *A.advantageB.advantages(正确答案)C.disadvantageD.disadvantages20、He is going to _______ a party this evening. [单选题] *A. hold(正确答案)B. makeC. needD. hear21、I don’t know how to improve my English. Can I ask you for some _______? [单选题] *A. answersB. advice(正确答案)C. questionsD. words22、Be careful with the knife. You may hurt _______. [单选题] *A. himselfB. ourselvesC. myselfD. yourself(正确答案)23、Mr. Bliss became the first person to die in a car accident. [单选题] *A. 事故(正确答案)B. 竞赛C. 检阅D. 交易24、Mom, I need you ______ me a pencil box.()[单选题] *A. buyB. buyingC. to buy(正确答案)D. to buying25、The children were all looking forward to giving the old people a happy day. [单选题]*A. 寻找B. 期盼(正确答案)C. 看望D. 继续26、_____, Martin can reach the branch of that tall tree at the gate. [单选题] *A. As a short manB. Being shortC. As he is shortD. Short as he is(正确答案)27、—Judging from ____ number of bikes, there are not many people in the party.—I think so. People would rather stay at home in such _____ weather. [单选题] *A. the, aB. a, /C. the, /(正确答案)D. a, a28、30.It is known that ipad is _________ for the old to use. [单选题] *A.enough easyB.easy enough (正确答案)C.enough easilyD.easily enough29、You should _______ fighting with your parents although you may have different ideas from time to time. [单选题] *A. suggestB. enjoyC. avoid(正确答案)D. practice30、The Internet is an important means of()[单选题] *A. conversationB. communication(正确答案)C. speechD. language。

Unit test 2Done with this task. Your score: 100%Part I: Vocabulary and StructureSection A: Section A: Complete the sentences using the correct words in the box.1.Can we foregothe formalities and get right down to business?Your answer Correct answerforego forego2.The actress spoke in such a heavy northern dialectthat I could barely understand her.Your answer Correct answer dialect dialect3.There's nothing left to do now but awaitthe results.Your answer Correct answer await await4.I love going on vacation, but I always drownin a sea of work when I return.Your answer Correct answer drown drown5.After three huge successes, George became one of the most influentialpeople inHollywood.Your answer Correct answerinfluential influential6.There have been far too many mysteriousdisappearances in this town for my taste.Your answer Correct answer mysterious mysterious7.It drives me crazy that Steve can sit around and be idlewhen there's so much work todo!Your answer Correct answeridle idle8.His shifty eyes and smarmy personality do little to fostera trustworthy character.Your answer Correct answer foster foster9.She normallybrings her lunch to work, but today she decided to eat out.Your answer Correct answernormally normally10.The classificationof alcohol as an illegal drug will only make the problem worse.Your answer Correct answerclassification classification11."Don't excludeyour little brother! Take him with you."Your answer Correct answerexclude exclude12.It's difficult for someone of his statureto go out in public unrecognized.Your answer Correct answerstature stature13.My interview with a panel of professors is the onlyobstacleYour answer Correct answerobstacle obstacle14.After years of nedlect, the old house on the corner was finally torn down. Your answer Correct answer neglect neglect15.If you want to write a book about traveling in Europe, it's advantageousto have actuallybeen there before.Your answer Correct answeradvantageous advantageous16.I'm going to invest my money in Microsoft, and I strongly suggest you do likewise.Your answer Correct answer likewise likewise17.It is critical to citeyour sources when you make an argument. Your answer Correct answer cite cite18.This month's bestselling novel has a(n) originaltythat is rarely seen in literature.Your answer Correct answer originality originality19.It's difficult to interactwith people if you don't speak the same language. Your answer Correct answer interact interact20.It's common for politicians to use almost anything as ammunitionagainst their opponents.Your answer Correct answerammunition ammunition Section B: Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable word.21.The toughest thing about moving away was when I had to part withmy book collection.Your answer Correct answer with with22.The spring season, asit were, doesn't really exist here since we go straight from winterinto summer.Your answer Correct answeras as23.Please leave me alone; I'm simply looking forsome peace and quiet.Your answer Correct answer for for24.After looking at his old pictures, James longed togo back to China.Your answer Correct answer to to25.Just tell me the truth and don't toy withmy emotions!Your answer Correct answer with with26.Mona decided to seek outher biological parents after she found out she was adopted.Your answer Correct answerout out27. Forthe most part, I think the kids enjoyed our vacation this year.Your answer Correct answerFor For28.She picks up some extra money by being a tour guide onthe side.Your answer Correct answer on on29.I think the reason we're such good friends is because we have so much incommon.Your answer Correct answer in in30.If you learn to look uponthis class as an opportunity, you might not be so miserable.Your answer Correct answerupon uponPart II: Banked ClozeQuestions 31 to 40 are based on the following passage.I'm looking for a good book to read. Can you give me a(n) (31)recommendation? Igenerally like to read fiction, but I will read nonfiction if the story is good. I'm a(n)(32)adventurerat heart, so I really like to read stories about exciting journeys and quests.I usually don't like boring stories that feature (33)stereotypicalcharacters that are portrayedwith no originality. I don't mind action, but I can do without any (34)gratuitousandunnecessary violence.Do you have any ideas? In my opinion, the best literature features characters that faceunbelievable odds, (35)confronttheir inner demons, and eventually arrive at some sortof personal (36)enlightenmentabout the true nature of things. Along the way, the characterwill inevitably face a decision that might involve a(n) (37)sacrificewhich could result inhis or her (38)undoing, but he or she will persevere and come out on top.I'm (39)desperatelylooking for something to read on my vacation, so please let meknow what you would recommend. At this point, I'm ready to (40)tacklealmost anybook, no matter how long!Your answer Correct answer(31) recommendation recommendation(32) adventurer adventurer(33) stereotypical stereotypical(34) gratuitous gratuitous(35) confront confront(36) enlightenment enlightenment(37) sacrifice sacrifice(38) undoing undoing(39) desperately desperately(40) tackle tacklePart III: Reading ComprehensionQuestions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage.It is difficult, by sheer popularity and fame of the story, to read or listen to Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol without conjuring up images from one of the many preexisting dramatic productions of the tale. Unfortunately, we often focus on the popular dramatizations of the story to the exclusion of the message that lies at its heart. The story is now a staple of the Western Christmas tradition, but many people don't fully understand why. A Christmas Carol is a very simple and straightforward presentation of the dangers associated with power and greed. However, the story has a more fundamental (if somewhat clichéd by today's standards) message: seize the day and take advantage of all that life has to offer. The reader is left with the notion that, within all of us, there exist qualities that can be improved to unknowable benefit, and it is our responsibility to make necessary improvements in order to realize those benefits.We see, in Ebenezer Scrooge, an individual almost entirely consumed by greed with little or no worries for the rest of humanity. He is, obviously, an extreme case with whom it is difficult to identify. His days are spent in concentration over his money and how best to underuse it, and his life has been wasted on this cause. He squanders his days while those around him, such as his nephew and Bob Cratchit, attempt to live their lives and make them worthwhile.When Marley visits Scrooge in his bedroom, he explains what will soon happen and why and says, "It is required of every man, that the spirit within him should walk abroad among his fellowmen, and travel far and wide." Marley never did this and is condemned to walk forever in chains after death. Scrooge, also, has never done this, and his visits with the three ghosts are meant to awaken that inside of him which has been dead all his life. Scrooge's journeys with the three ghosts are also meant to make the reader reexamine his or her own life.Scrooge, as well as the reader, also learns that in a self-absorbed existence based on the exclusion of others, we succumb to ignorance. Ignorance of others and the world around us breeds contempt for that which we do not understand and creates an inescapable trap into which we inevitably fall. Scrooge did not understand this and ultimately fell victim to his own vices. We, as both readers and human beings, are to draw from Scrooge's experiences his final lessons from the ghosts and not become victim to the same traps which befell him.41. This passage is an example of what type of writing?A. Autobiography.B. Literary analysis.C. Persuasive writing.D. Fiction.42. Which paragraph includes a discussion of the lessons that readers of the story should learn?A. Paragraph 1.B. Paragraph 2.C. Paragraph 3.D. Paragraph 4.43. Based on this passage, who is the main character of A Christmas Carol?A. Charles Dickens.B. Ebenezer Scrooge.C. Bob Cratchit.D. Marley.44. The first paragraph of this passage implies that Dickens' story has been very _____.A. repetitiveB. prodigiousC. influentialD. stereotypical45. What is the main point of this passage?A. Readers should learn the same lessons as characters do in the story.B. Readers have no connection to characters in the story.C. Readers should act in opposition to characters in the story.D. Readers can create their own characters in the story.。

1. Throughout history, many people have attempted to find the _____secret to success, but relatively few have actually done it.a. elusiveb. evasivec. illusoryd. eloquent2. It was hard for Cynthia to remain uninvolved with the controversysince she is such a _____ part of the company.a. visibilityb. risiblec. visibled. visibly3. "Officer Clarke, in the best interest of the case, please considerabsolutely everything to be at your _____."a. disposeb. disposalc. disposingd. disposed4. The mountain climbers demonstrated a(n) _____ feat ofselflessness when they turned around to help an injured stranger.a. advantageousb. gorgeousc. outrageousd. courageous5. Many movie stars are notorious(声名狼藉的) for wearingexcessive amounts of expensive _____.a. jewelleryb. jewelsc. jewelersd. jewelling6. Her novel successfully _____ an entire generation of young womento believe they could be whatever they wanted.a. emboldenedb. embitteredc. empoweredd. embroidered7. I'm not really a _____ of pop culture trends, so can you explain thatreference to me?a. flowerb. followerc. fellowd. fallowing8. We just moved into town so we're still a little _____.a. unsettlingb. settlersc. settledd. unsettled9. The movie is fantastic, but you'll need to _____ your disbelieftoward the end.a. upendb. suspendc. dependd. misspend10. Don't _____ Jack's determination to do whatever it takes to win.a. underestimateb. overestimatec. estimated. misestimate11. As judge, I _____ over this courtroom and have the final say on allmatters.a. presideb. residec. presumed. resume12. Please stay back! This is a _____ area!a. constrictedb. districtedc. restrictedd. unrestricted13. The moon shone down and cast a _____ glow over the entire field.a. luminosityb. luminousc. luminald. luminously14. The state dinner is a _____ affair, so please dress appropriately.a. distinctiveb. respectablec. dramaticd. formal15. Stock prices rose _____ after the company publically announcedits new product.a. dramaticallyb. magicallyc. looselyd. exclusively16. The colonists began to form a _____ in response to the unfairtaxes.a. rebelb. rebellionc. rebelliousd. rebelling17. After striking the iceberg, the ship quickly sank into the _____depths.a. skinnyb. preppyc. murkyd. baggy18. I'm not a good typist, so I find it easier to _____ all of my emails.a. dictateb. elucidatec. explicated. exacerbate19. To accommodate increased traffic, city planners are going toexpand the _____of the highway.a. lengthb. heightc. depthd. width20. Let's be proactive and do something instead of just watching thesituation _____.a. ameliorateb. collaboratec. deteriorated. elaborate11. Don't trust my brother, he's _____ to do or say anything.a. libelb. unreliablec. reliabled. liable12. If you become a member, you'll have access to _____ deals andoffers.a. inclusiveb. exclusivec. reclusived. elusive13. I can teach any type of math, but I _____ in geometry.a. specialb. specialtyc. especiallyd. specialize14. Winning the lottery is possible, but it's certainly not _____.a. probablyb. probablec. probabilityd. probabilistic15. We've been with the same bank for years, and I've never had a_____ about their service.a. complaintb. publicityc. restraintd. vanity16. I want to wait until the stock market begins to _____ before I invest;it's just too volatile right now.a. declineb. stabilizec. increased. neutralize17. That actress is best known for her _____ laugh—it's like no other.a. familiarb. ordinaryc. distinctived. renowned18. Schoolchildren are usually taught the importance of their national_____ very early.a. weatherb. downturnc. savingsd. heritage19. It simply makes good _____ sense to save money for retirement.a. economicalb. economicsc. economistd. economy20. After discussing the situation, Carlos and I came to a(n) _____agreement with which we were both satisfied.a. communalb. independentc. mutuald. dual11. Even if I don't win the award, it's still an honor to be a(n) _____.a. applicantb. championc. nomineed. spectator12. I see parents of twins and triplets and I can't imagine having _____children at once.a. multiplyb. doublec. individuald. multiple13. I'm one of two vice-presidents, and my _____ at the other office willbe your main point of contact.a. counterpartb. supervisorc. subordinated. employee14. "Always be kind" is the _____ rule I expect my employees to live by.a. principleb. principalc. standardd. irrelevant15. His time in office was marked by _____ affairs and controversy.a. highbrowb. unemotionalc. scandalousd. unintended16. I became a partner in the law firm, _____ increasing my salaryconsiderably.a. therebyb. herebyc. standbyd. passerby17. Choosing not to hire someone based on their race or sex is atextbook example of _____.a. discriminateb. discriminationc. discriminatoryd. discriminator18. Tony gets _____ if he drinks too much, and he's liable to hurtsomeone.a. peacefulb. hostilec. ambivalentd. apathetic19. What was the suspect's _____ to kill Gene?a. motivateb. motivatorc. motivationd. motive20. After all these years, I still _____ that it wasn't my fault.a. portendb. attendc. contendd. pretend1. I find jazz music _____ to rock and roll.a. preferb. referc. preferabled. referee2. The city was closed off because of the _____, with people fighting inthe streets and breaking into stores.a. disagreementb. riotc. complaintd. harmony3. Ballet dancers are characterized by their _____ movements.a. graceb. disgracec. disgracefuld. graceful4. In my opinion, the mayor should have quit months ago; he'scompletely _____ and corrupt.a. moralb. ethicalc. immorald. sincere5. Sara and Beth are _____ twin sisters, so it's easy to confuse them.a. identicalb. similarc. matchingd. double6. His _____ career goal is to become president of the university.a. preliminaryb. ultimatec. criticald. central7. If the moon were ____, I think we would have sent colonists thereyears ago.a. habitb. habitatc. habitationd. habitable8. Nothing can prepare you for the _____ size of the Great Wall ofChina.a. immenseb. immersec. eminentd. imminent9. Use a _____ cloth to clean the rust from the old metal.a. courseb. coresc. cursed. coarse10. Look around—everything you see is within the king's _____.a. birthrightb. homelandc. domaind. headquarters11. We hired a contractor to come _____ a new air conditioning systemafter our old one broke.a. installb. inspectc. increased. interact12. Life _____ in almost every country has increased during the past fiftyyears.a. expectantb. expensec. expectancyd. expensive13. After running a marathon, William was very dizzy and felt like hemight _____.a. howlb. furnishc. faintd. gurgle14. The toy came in several pieces which we needed to _____ together.a. dissembleb. resemblec. ensembled. assemble15. I can excuse the occasional mistake, but I have no patience for _____errors.a. accidentalb. deliberatec. accurated. infrequent16. The government has declared war on acts of _____ that threaten thesafety of its citizens.a. terrorismb. terroristc. terrorized. territory17. After years of ridicule, I have come to _____ my parents for giving mesuch a bizarre name.a. appreciateb. resentc. understandd. offend18. It takes a long time to learn how to _____ Professor Black'sinterminable lectures.a. ensnareb. ensuec. endeard. endure19. _____, I didn't think he would be able to finish on time.a. Franklyb. Leisurelyc. Heavenlyd. Ironically20. The human body begins to _____ very rapidly after death.a. defrayb. dismayc. decayd. delay1. It's impossible for anyone to have complete _____ and knoweverything.a. conscienceb. presciencec. scienced. omniscience2. The odds are good that his team will be _____ during the first round ofthe competition.a. preliminaryb. eliminatedc. relegatedd. delineated3. After some research, I discovered that I'm actually a(n) _____ ofNapoleon!a. ascendantb. transcendentc. resplendentd. descendant4. English lost its _____ long ago, and it now incorporates many wordsfrom other languages.a. purityb. purec. parityd. prurient5. Mario was _____ at the top of his class every year.a. consistentb. persistentc. consistentlyd. persistently6. The speaker was utterly _____, and I hung on his every word for theentire two-hour speech.a. disgracefulb. captivatingc. unqualifiedd. sufficient7. Millions of years ago, dinosaurs ruled the earth with uncontested ____.a. dominanceb. dominantc. dominantsd. dominate8. If you want to apply for a new passport, you cannot _____ your oldone.a. refrainb. remainc. retraind. retain9. That new movie about the princess is a _____ based on the traditionalCinderella story.a. variantb. variationc. varyingd. variety10. Her performance on the field today is not a fair _____ of her skill as asoccer player.a. globalizationb. standardizationc. multiplicationd. representation11. We were _____ to see the destruction caused by the earthquake.a. horrifyb. horrifiedc. horribled. horror12. Three hours should be a(n) _____ amount of time to finish the test.a. proficientb. deficientc. sufficientd. efficient13. We need more time since we've _____ begun talking about the mostrelevant information.a. profoundlyb. scarcelyc. dreadfullyd. constantly14. At 8:30, it was clear that Dan had lost, and he was forced to _____ hiscampaign for governor.a. concedeb. concealc. consentd. consort15. The robbery suspect had several _____ tattoos and scars which madeit easy for the police to spot him.a. exclusiveb. individualc. specializedd. identifiable16. When I travel, I like to write in a _____ so I can remember every littledetail.a. journalb. novelc. sketchbookd. book17. The president launched a new program to help every adult become_____ and learn to read.a. literaryb. literaturec. literated. literati18. The emperor's death marked the end of an important __B__ in thecountry's history.a. unityb. epochc. utopiad. elite19. I bought a _____ toy and need to return it for a full refund.a. detectiveb. defectivec. reflectived. directive20. To everyone's surprise, the politician decided not to _____ the chargesagainst him.a. refuteb. provec. confirmd. infringe。

Unit test 3Part I: Vocabulary and StructureSection A: Choose the best way to complete the sentences.1.Throughout history, many people have attempted to find the _____ secret to success,but relatively few have actually done it.a.elusiveb.evasivec.illusoryd.eloquent2.It was hard for Cynthia to remain uninvolved with the controversy since she is such a _____ partof the company.a.visibilityb.risiblec.visibled.visibly3."Officer Clarke, in the best interest of the case, please consider absolutely everything to beat your _____."a.disposeb.disposalc.disposingd.disposed4.The mountain climbers demonstrated a(n) _____ feat of selflessness when they turned around tohelp an injured stranger.a.advantageousb.gorgeousc.outrageousd.courageous5.Many movie stars are notorious for wearing excessive amounts of expensive _____.a.jewelleryb.jewelsc.jewelersd.jewelling6.Her novel successfully _____ an entire generation of young women to believe they could bewhatever they wanted.a.emboldenedb.embitteredc.empoweredd.embroidered7.I'm not really a _____ of pop culture trends, so can you explain that reference to me?a.flowerb.followerc.fellowd.fallowing8.We just moved into town so we're still a little _____.b.settlersc.settledd.unsettled9.The movie is fantastic, but you'll need to _____ your disbelief toward the end.a.upendb.suspendc.dependd.misspend10.Don't _____ Jack's determination to do whatever it takes to win.a.underestimateb.overestimatec.estimated.misestimate11.As judge, I _____ over this courtroom and have the final say on all matters.a.presideb.residec.presumed.resume12.Please stay back! This is a _____ area!a.constrictedb.districtedd.unrestricted13.The moon shone down and cast a _____ glow over the entire field.a.luminosityb.luminousc.luminald.luminously14.The state dinner is a _____ affair, so please dress appropriately.a.distinctiveb.respectablec.dramaticd.formal15.Stock prices rose _____ after the company publically announced its new product.a.dramaticallyb.magicallyc.looselyd.exclusively16.The colonists began to form a _____ in response to the unfair taxes.a.rebelb.rebellionc.rebelliousd.rebelling17.After striking the iceberg, the ship quickly sank into the _____ depths.a.skinnyb.preppyc.murkyd.baggy18.I'm not a good typist, so I find it easier to _____ all of my emails.a.dictateb.elucidatec.explicated.exacerbate19.To accommodate increased traffic, city planners are going to expand the _____of the highway.a.lengthb.heightc.depthd.width20.Let's be proactive and do something instead of just watching the situation _____.a.ameliorateb.collaboratec.deteriorated.elaborateSection B: Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable preposition or adverb.21.o u tthe way I expected, but I'm still happy with the result.Things didn't quite turnYour answer Correct answerout out22.t oYou can't fool me; I'm wiseYour answertothe way things work around here.Correct answer to23.o f fmuch discussion in the group about right versus wrong.My question sparkedYour answer Correct answeroff off24.i n t oThey didn't know it, but they were playing right our hands the whole time.Your answer Correct answerinto into25. d o wnLeslie broke her argument into three main points.Your answer Correct answerdown down26.u p onthe fossilized remains of the dinosaur.It was pure luck that we chancedYour answer Correct answerupon upon27. a f t e rthe explorer who first discovered the nearby waterfall.Our town was namedYour answer Correct answerafter after28.u pon shore for weeks.After the ship sank, wreckage washedYour answer Correct answerup up29. a wayso we Some of the oldest headstones in the graveyard were completely worncouldn't tell whom they belonged to.Your answer Correct answeraway away30. a r o u n da protagonist who is searching for a lost city of gold.The novel revolvesYour answer Correct answeraround aroundPart II: Banked ClozeQuestions 31 to 40 are based on the following passage.Everyone's always told me that I should be a model. I have to admit, it does sound like it wouldbe a(n) (31)u n s t a bl elifestyle with lots of traveling, parties, and beautiful people. I think itcould also be a great opportunity to assert my(32)i n d i vi d u al i t yand creativity. However, atmy age, I'm not sure I have the experience or(33)c r ed e n t i a l sto start a modeling career.s t u n n i n gIt takes more than a(n)(34)face to be a model. You must have a(n)(35)g l a mo r o u spersonality and always be ready to take risks and explore the unknown.You also need to have near infinite patience.Many people are under the impression that the fashion and modeling industry attracts only verys u p e r f i c i alpeople who only care about themselves. From what I understand, nothing (36)could be further from the truth. Yes, there are some models who only care about their ownappearance, wealth, andl a v i s hsurroundings, but the industry isn't (37)e x c l u si v e l ycomposed of this type of person. It's a(n)i n es c a p a b l efact that(38)(39)the fashion and modeling world has a strong(40)l u r efor all kinds of people—andI'm one of them.Your answer Correct answer(31)unstable glamorous(32)individuality individuality(33)credentials credentials(34)stunning stunning(35)glamorous daring(36)superficial superficial(37)lavish lavish(38)exclusively exclusively(39)inescapable inescapable(40)lure lurePart III: Reading ComprehensionQuestions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage.The debate over school uniforms is one of the most controversial issues affecting public school students. Though uniforms have long been a staple of private schools, they are still a rarity in public schools. This is not merely a debate over the aesthetics of fashion. Rather, this debate lies at the very heartof the politics of fashion.What students choose to wear (and what their parents allow them to wear) to school consistently rouses strong feelings and animated discussion. Much has already been said in defense of and against school uniforms, and I won't belabor the individual points further. There are many valid points on both sidesof the argument. Instead, I intend to explain why I personally stand in opposition to school uniforms and highlight the reasons why uniforms would serve very little purpose in our specific school district.For the most part, students in our district are well behaved and don't approach any semblance of extreme behavior or expression. Administrators seem to be more worried about a potential escalation of student expression that so far has shown no indication of materializing. Principals and other district administrators are chasing shadows — they're looking to solve a problem that doesn't exist. Our district has no history of student activism, and there are only a few examples of flagrant violations of the existing dress code. In short, there is absolutely no precedent to believe that students will choose to begin acting out against authority through fashion statements.School uniforms seem to be an inappropriate response to a nonexistent problem. It is anunnecessary exertion of power by administrators who don't know how to properly exercise authority. Let's take a moment to consider a hypothetical school district that is overwhelmed by student discipline problems. Would the institution of school uniforms be an appropriate response in that case? I would argue in the negative. Uniforms, by themselves, would in no way prevent students from expressing themselves or their views. Improper and unpopular behavior will not be stifled by a school uniform. It may actually make the situation worse, as resentment over the mandatory clothing would likely be great.School uniforms obviously interfere with students' right to self-expression—a right that should beprotected in the public school system. In addition, mandating that all students wear identical (and unattractive) outfits enforces the message that conformity is the preferred method to prevent or resolve conflict. This is certainly not an appropriate message for our schools to be sending to children.41.This style of writing would best be described as _______.A.expositoryB.descriptiveC.narrativeD.argumentative42.Of the following, which is the most likely place you would find this article?A.Newspaper editorial.B.Academic journal.C.Fashion blog.cation magazine.43.According to the author, which is NOT the reason why school uniforms are a bad idea?A.They are a violation of students' rights.B.There is no justification for their use in the local district.C.They are expensive and many students can't afford them.D.They don't adequately address the problem they are intended to solve.44.In which paragraph does the author use a metaphor to describe school administrators?A.Paragraph 1.B.Paragraph 2.C.Paragraph 3.D. Paragraph 4.45.Based on this passage, it seems likely that the author would never _____ the use of schooluniforms.A.suspendB.dictateC.empowerD.condone。

新标准大学英语综合教程4Unit 1-Unit 5 unit test 答案1. establish2. Mr. Philips is running for a position in the local government in the elections.Your answer Correct answerupcoming upcoming3. What can we do to all the accomplishments our company has had?Your answer Correct answerhighlight highlight4. In my opinion, the asking price for that painting far its real value.Your answer Correct answerexceeds exceeds5. Sharon was with indecision over where to go to college.Your answer Correct answerfraught fraught6. Her book is a brief, history of World War I.Your answer Correct answerconcise concise7. Too many people accuse students of ignorance about or toward international issues.Your answer Correct answerapathy apathy8. The politician wrote a tell-all book in which she her experience during the campaign.Your answer Correct answerrecounted recounted9. Risking my entire life savings on a single horse race is not a(n) I'm willing to take.Your answer Correct answergamble gamble10. My mother was a very woman, but she only wanted the best for my sister and me.Your answer Correct answerdemanding demanding11. If you lend me money today, I can you after I get paid on Friday.Your answer Correct answerrepay repay12. Every time the plane hit turbulence, he the armrests tightly.Your answer Correct answerclutched clutched13. The purpose of the canal was to the river and provide water to more farmland.Your answer Correct answerredirect redirect14. Thankfully, Maria was a tremendous help as I made the into my new position.Your answer Correct answertransition transition15. Twenty years ago, this was a wealthy, community.Your answer Correct answerthriving thriving16. Please remember that we need to taxes from your paycheck.Your answer Correct answerdeduct deduct17. The virus disabled the software, so we needed to to an earlier version.Your answer Correct answerrevert revert18. I know you're excited about the possibilities, but please try not to it.Your answer Correct answeroverdo overdo19. Many lost a lot of money when the stock market fell last month.Your answer Correct answerinvestors investors20. My employer offers a(n) benefits package that is difficult to give up.Your answer Correct answercomprehensive comprehensiveSection B: Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable word.21. All right, it's time to pack our things and move to the new office upstairs.Your answer Correct answerup up22. The counselor suggested that Felipe talk his problems with his brother.Your answer Correct answerthrough through23. Thomas has always been, nothing else, a diligent and responsible student.Your answer Correct answerif if24. I find it inconceivable that anyone could turn a free trip to the Caribbean.Your answer Correct answerdown down25. Jordan bought three cases of bottled water fear that the storm would cause serious damage.Your answer Correct answerfor for26. all means, please make yourself at home.Your answer Correct answerBy By27. Stephen looked in horror as the fire consumed his apartment building.Your answer Correct answeron on28. After such a long day of work, I want to go home and treat myself a big piece of chocolate cake.Your answer Correct answerto to29. We're all the same boat; so let's try to be nice to one another.Your answer Correct answerin in30. His question came of the blue and caught me by surprise.Your answer Correct answerout outYour answer Correct answer(31) slump slump(32) aimless aimless(33) landlord landlord(34) client client(35) hassle hassle(36) loan loan(37) honesty honesty(38) sympathize sympathize(39) financially financially(40) Fortunately FortunatelyC a b d dUnit21. Forego2. The actress spoke in such a heavy northern that I could barely understand her.Your answer Correct answerdialect dialect3. There's nothing left to do now but the results.Your answer Correct answerawait await4. I love going on vacation, but I always in a sea of work when I return.Your answer Correct answerdrown drown5. After three huge successes, George became one of the most people in Hollywood.Your answer Correct answerinfluential influential6. There have been far too many disappearances in this town for my taste.Your answer Correct answermysterious mysterious7. It drives me crazy that Steve can sit around and be when there's so much work to do!Your answer Correct answeridel idle8. His shifty eyes and smarmy personality do little to a trustworthy character.Your answer Correct answerfoster foster9. She brings her lunch to work, but today she decided to eat out.Your answer Correct answernormally normally10. The of alcohol as an illegal drug will only make the problem worse.classification classification11. "Don't your little brother! Take him with you."Your answer Correct answerexclude exclude12. It's difficult for someone of his to go out in public unrecognized.Your answer Correct answerstature stature13. My interview with a panel of professors is the only left before I earn my degree.Your answer Correct answerobstacle obstacle14. After years of , the old house on the corner was finally torn down.Your answer Correct answerneglect neglect15. If you want to write a book about traveling in Europe, it's to have actually been there before.Your answer Correct answeradvantageous advantageous16. I'm going to invest my money in Microsoft, and I strongly suggest you do .Your answer Correct answerlikewise likewise17. It is critical to your sources when you make an argument.Your answer Correct answercite cite18. This month's bestselling novel has a(n) that is rarely seen in literature.Your answer Correct answeroriginality originality19. It's difficult to with people if you don't speak the same language.interact interact20. It's common for politicians to use almost anything as against their opponents.Your answer Correct answerammunition ammunitionSection B: Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable word.21. T he toughest thing about moving away was when I had to part my book collection.Your answer Correct answerwith with22. T he spring season, it were, doesn't really exist here since we go straight from winter intosummer.Your answer Correct answeras as23. P lease leave me alone; I'm simply looking some peace and quiet.Your answer Correct answerfor for24. A fter looking at his old pictures, James longed go back to China.Your answer Correct answerto to25. J ust tell me the truth and don't toy my emotions!Your answer Correct answerwith with26. M ona decided to seek her biological parents after she found out she was adopted.Your answer Correct answerout out27. t he most part, I think the kids enjoyed our vacation this year.For For28. S he picks up some extra money by being a tour guide the side.Your answer Correct answeron on29. I think the reason we're such good friends is because we have so much common.Your answer Correct answerin in30. I f you learn to look this class as an opportunity, you might not be so miserable.Your answer Correct answerupon uponYour answer Correct answer(31) recommendation recommendation(32) adventurer adventurer(33) stereotypical stereotypical(34) gratuitous gratuitous(35) confront confront(36) enlightenment enlightenment(37) sacrifice sacrifice(38) undoing undoing(39) desperately desperately(40) tackle tackleB d b c aUnit31. Throughout history, many people have attempted to find the _____ secret to success, but relativelyfew have actually done it.a. elusiveb. evasivec. illusoryd. eloquent2. It was hard for Cynthia to remain uninvolved with the controversy since she is such a _____ part ofthe company.a. visibilityb. risiblec. visibled. visibly3. "Officer Clarke, in the best interest of the case, please consider absolutely everything to be at your_____."a. disposeb. disposalc. disposingd. disposed4. The mountain climbers demonstrated a(n) _____ feat of selflessness when they turned around tohelp an injured stranger.a. advantageousb. gorgeousc. outrageousd. courageous5. Many movie stars are notorious for wearing excessive amounts of expensive _____.a. jewelleryb. jewelsc. jewelersd. jewelling6. Her novel successfully _____ an entire generation of young women to believe they could bewhatever they wanted.a. emboldenedb. embitteredc. empoweredd. embroidered7. I'm not really a _____ of pop culture trends, so can you explain that reference to me?a. flowerb. followerc. fellowd. fallowing8. We just moved into town so we're still a little _____.a. unsettlingb. settlersc. settledd. unsettled9. The movie is fantastic, but you'll need to _____ your disbelief toward the end.a. upendb. suspendc. dependd. misspend10. Don't _____ Jack's determination to do whatever it takes to win.a. underestimateb. overestimatec. estimated. misestimate11. As judge, I _____ over this courtroom and have the final say on all matters.a. presideb. residec. presumed. resume12. Please stay back! This is a _____ area!a. constrictedb. districtedc. restrictedd. unrestricted13. The moon shone down and cast a _____ glow over the entire field.a. luminosityb. luminousc. luminald. luminously14. The state dinner is a _____ affair, so please dress appropriately.a. distinctiveb. respectablec. dramaticd. formal15. Stock prices rose _____ after the company publically announced its new product.a. dramaticallyb. magicallyc. looselyd. exclusively16. The colonists began to form a _____ in response to the unfair taxes.a. rebelb. rebellionc. rebelliousd. rebelling17. After striking the iceberg, the ship quickly sank into the _____ depths.a. skinnyb. preppyc. murkyd. baggy18. I'm not a good typist, so I find it easier to _____ all of my emails.a. dictateb. elucidatec. explicated. exacerbate19. To accommodate increased traffic, city planners are going to expand the _____of the highway.a. lengthb. heightc. depthd. width20. Let's be proactive and do something instead of just watching the situation _____.a. ameliorateb. collaboratec. deteriorated. elaborate21. Things didn't quite turn the way I expected, but I'm still happy with the result.Your answer Correct answerout out22. You can't fool me; I'm wise the way things work around here.Your answer Correct answerto to23. My question sparked much discussion in the group about right versus wrong.Your answer Correct answeroff off24. They didn't know it, but they were playing right our hands the whole time.Your answer Correct answerinto into25. Leslie broke her argument into three main points.Your answer Correct answerdown down26. It was pure luck that we chanced the fossilized remains of the dinosaur.Your answer Correct answerupon upon27. Our town was named the explorer who first discovered the nearby waterfall.Your answer Correct answerafter after28. After the ship sank, wreckage washed on shore for weeks.Your answer Correct answerup up29. Some of the oldest headstones in the graveyard were completely worn so we couldn't tellwhom they belonged to.Your answer Correct answeraway away30. The novel revolves a protagonist who is searching for a lost city of gold.Your answer Correct answeraround aroundYour answer Correct answer(31) glamorous glamorous(32) individuality individuality(33) credentials credentials(34) stunning stunning(35) daring daring(36) superficial superficial(37) lavish lavish(38) exclusively exclusively(39) inescapable inescapable(40) lure lureD a c c dUnit41. We've been living in bliss ever since our wedding.Your answer Correct answermarital marital2. Sandra is going to study in Asia next semester.Your answer Correct answeroverseas overseas3. It's critical that tests with material students are learning in the classroom.Your answer Correct answeralign align4. The lawyer spent all week trying to evidence against the suspect.Your answer Correct answercompile compile5. We can't afford to lose Thomas—he's our most employee.Your answer Correct answerindispensable indispensable6. Even though it was only a(n) wound, the cut was incredibly painful.Your answer Correct answersuperficial superficial7. Lori is an expert at using lies and flattery to the people around her and get what she wants.Your answer Correct answerdeceive deceive8. My puppy is notorious for the looks he gives when he's hungry.Your answer Correct answerpathetic pathetic9. Please the police if you see anything suspicious.Your answer Correct answernotify notify10. Unfortunately, the new regulations aren't with the law, so they'll need to change.Your answer Correct answercompatible compatibleSection B: Choose the best way to complete the sentences.11. Don't trust my brother, he's _____ to do or say anything.a. libelb. unreliablec. reliabled. liable12. If you become a member, you'll have access to _____ deals and offers.a. inclusiveb. exclusivec. reclusived. elusive13. I can teach any type of math, but I _____ in geometry.a. specialb. specialtyc. especiallyd. specialize14. Winning the lottery is possible, but it's certainly not _____.a. probablyb. probablec. probabilityd. probabilistic15. We've been with the same bank for years, and I've never had a _____ about their service.a. complaintb. publicityc. restraintd. vanity16. I want to wait until the stock market begins to _____ before I invest; it's just too volatile right now.a. declineb. stabilizec. increased. neutralize17. That actress is best known for her _____ laugh—it's like no other.a. familiarb. ordinaryc. distinctived. renowned18. Schoolchildren are usually taught the importance of their national _____ very early.a. weatherb. downturnc. savingsd. heritage19. It simply makes good _____ sense to save money for retirement.a. economicalb. economicsc. economistd. economy20. After discussing the situation, Carlos and I came to a(n) _____ agreement with which we were bothsatisfied.a. communalb. independentc. mutuald. dualSection C: Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable word.21. P lease put the gun, and we can talk about this calmly.Your answer Correct answerdown down22. S he laid the paperwork on the table so she could finally get organized.Your answer Correct answerout out23. U nfortunately, the new owner simply helped the situation go bad to worse.Your answer Correct answerfrom from24. N icholas managed to carve a unique niche, and he got lots of customers because of what hecould offer.Your answer Correct answerout out25. A fter my husband lost his job, we were forced to cut back many things we didn't really need.Your answer Correct answeron on26. R ent must be paid full by the 1st of the month.Your answer Correct answerin in27. I n the end, it all boils to who you know, not what you know.Your answer Correct answerdown down28. T he sad truth is that far too many people simply scrape and live from day to day.Your answer Correct answerby by29. A fter many profitable years, the economic downturn ultimately forced the company the red.Your answer Correct answerinto into30. I want everyone to pair with a classmate and act out this scene of the play.Your answer Correct answerup upYour answer Correct answer(31) wicked wicked(32) desirable desirable(33) devastating devastating(34) abject abject(35) greed greed(36) jealous jealous(37) prone prone(38) naturally naturally(39) yearn yearn(40) unrealistic unrealisticC d a b dUnit51. The poet gave an incredibly speech and brought many people to tears.Your answer Correct answereloquent eloquent2. What's the proper required for eating dinner with a prince?Your answer Correct answeretiquette etiquette3. My daughter shows a(n) curiosity not usual for someone so young.Your answer Correct answerintellectual intellectual4. I like the debate team at school because we always have such conversations.Your answer Correct answeranimated animated5. What's your to go fishing next weekend?Your answer Correct answeravailabiity availability6. Her brother was with their father's fortune after he passed away.Your answer Correct answerentrusted entrusted7. Sadly, my grandmother went through much of her life feeling like there was a(n) connectedto her skin color.Your answer Correct answerstigma stigma8. Don't question my decisions and my authority in front of the other employees!Your answer Correct answerundermine undermine9. It's obvious that Kevin has amazing abilities since he's fluent in six languages!Your answer Correct answerlinguistic linguistic10. The final score of the game was 20-3, making it a(n) unfair competition.Your answer Correct answerdecidedly decidedlySection B: Choose the best way to complete the sentences.11. Even if I don't win the award, it's still an honor to be a(n) _____.a. applicantb. championc. nomineed. spectator12. I see parents of twins and triplets and I can't imagine having _____ children at once.a. multiplyb. doublec. individuald. multiple13. I'm one of two vice-presidents, and my _____ at the other office will be your main point of contact.a. counterpartb. supervisorc. subordinated. employee14. "Always be kind" is the _____ rule I expect my employees to live by.a. principleb. principalc. standardd. irrelevant15. His time in office was marked by _____ affairs and controversy.a. highbrowb. unemotionalc. scandalousd. unintended16. I became a partner in the law firm, _____ increasing my salary considerably.a. therebyb. herebyc. standbyd. passerby17. Choosing not to hire someone based on their race or sex is a textbook example of _____.a. discriminateb. discriminationc. discriminatoryd. discriminator18. Tony gets _____ if he drinks too much, and he's liable to hurt someone.a. peacefulb. hostilec. ambivalentd. apathetic19. What was the suspect's _____ to kill Gene?a. motivateb. motivatorc. motivationd. motive20. After all these years, I still _____ that it wasn't my fault.a. portendb. attendc. contendd. pretendSection C: Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable preposition or adverb. 21. She entrusted me managing the entire staff this week.Your answer Correct answerwith with22. They managed to catch the opposing player guard and score a goal.Your answer Correct answeroff off23. Tony has been described both a lover and a hater.Your answer Correct answeras as24. Other the occasional cup of tea, I never drink caffeine.Your answer Correct answerthan than25. I think it goes saying that I want to go to college.Your answer Correct answerwithout without26. Diane wrote an article to the effect men and women were equal in all respects.Your answer Correct answerthat that27. Let's rake the suspect's answers and see if we can find some clues.Your answer Correct answerover over28. Please fill these forms and have a seat; someone will be with you shortly.Your answer Correct answerout out29. Remember to take yard work account when you figure how much free time you have thisweekend.Your answer Correct answerinto into30. It's not a good idea to make sarcastic comments your previous boss during a job interview.Your answer Correct answerabout aboutYour answer Correct answer(31) patriarchal patriarchal(32) myriad myriad(33) masculine masculine(34) matriarchal matriarchal(35) presume presume(36) revealing revealing(37) feminism feminism(38) disqualifies disqualifies(39) quote quote(40) singular singular bdabc。

Unit 11 embellish2 upcoming3 highlight4 exceeds5 fraught6 concise7 apathy8 recounted 9gamble 10 demanding 11 repay 12 clutched 13 redirect 14 transition 15 thriving 16 deduct 17 revert 18 overdo 19 investors 20 comprehensive21 up 22 through 23 if 24 down 25 for 26 by 27 on 28 to 29 in 30 outYour answer Correct answer(31) slump slump(32) proceed aimless(33) landlord landlord(34) client client(35) hassle hassle(36) loan loan(37) honesty honesty(38) sympathetically sympathize(39) financially financially(40) Fortunately Fortunately CabddUnit 21.Can we foregothe formalities and get right down to business?Your answer Correct answerforego forego2.The actress spoke in such a heavy northern dialectthat I could barely understand her.Your answer Correct answerdialect dialect3.There's nothing left to do now butawaitYour answer Correct answerawait await4.I love going on vacation, but I always drownin a sea of work when I return.Your answer Correct answer drown drown5.After three huge successes, George became one of the most drownpeople inHollywood.Your answer Correct answerdrown influential6.There have been far too many mysteriousdisappearances in this town for my taste.Your answer Correct answer mysterious mysterious7.It drives me crazy that Steve can sit around and be idlewhen there's so much work todo!Your answer Correct answeridle idle8.His shifty eyes and smarmy personality do little to fostera trustworthy character.Your answer Correct answer foster foster9.She normallybrings her lunch to work, but today she decided to eat out.Your answer Correct answernormally normally10.The classificationof alcohol as an illegal drug will only make the problem worse.Your answer Correct answerclassification classification11. excludeexclude exclude12.It's difficult for someone of his statureto go out in public unrecognized.Your answer Correct answer stature stature13.My interview with a panel of professors is the only obstacleleft before I earn my degree.Your answer Correct answer obstacle obstacle14.After years of neglect, the old house on the corner was finally torn down. Your answer Correct answer neglect neglect15.If you want to write a book about traveling in Europe, it's advantageousto have actuallybeen there before.Your answer Correct answeradvantageous advantageous16.I'm going to invest my money in Microsoft, and I strongly suggest you do likewise.Your answer Correct answer likewise likewise17.It is critical to citeyour sources when you make an argument. Your answer Correct answer cite cite18.This month's bestselling novel has a(n) originalitythat is rarely seen in literature.Your answer Correct answer originality originality19.It's difficult to interactwith people if you don't speak the same language.interact interact20.It's common for politicians to use almost anything as ammunitionagainst their opponents.Your answer Correct answerammunition ammunition Section B: Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable word.21.The toughest thing about moving away was when I had to part withmy book collection.Your answer Correct answer with with22.The spring season, asit were, doesn't really exist here since we go straight from winterinto summer.Your answer Correct answeras as23.Please leave me alone; I'm simply looking forsome peace and quiet.Your answer Correct answer for for24.After looking at his old pictures, James longed togo back to China.Your answer Correct answer to to25.Just tell me the truth and don't toy withmy emotions!Your answer Correct answerwith with26. outher biological parents after she found out she was adopted.out out27. Forthe most part, I think the kids enjoyed our vacation this year.Your answer Correct answerFor For28.She picks up some extra money by being a tour guide bythe side.Your answer Correct answer by on29.I think the reason we're such good friends is because we have so much incommon.Your answer Correct answer in in30.If you learn to look atthis class as an opportunity, you might not be so miserable.Your answer Correct answerat uponPart II: Banked ClozeYour answer Correct answer(31) recommendation recommendation(32) adventurer adventurer(33) stereotypical stereotypical(34) gratuitous gratuitous(35) confront confront(36) indubitably enlightenment(37) sacrifice sacrifice(38) undoing undoing(39) desperately desperately(40) tackle tackleBdbcaUnit 3Acbda cbdba acbda bcadc out to off into down upon after up away aroundYour answer Correct answer(31) glamorous glamorous(32) individuality individuality(33) credentials credentials(34) stunning stunning(35) daring daring(36) superficial superficial(37) lavish lavish(38) exclusively exclusively(39) unstable inescapable(40) lure lureDaccdUnit 41.We've been living in maritalbliss ever since our wedding.Your answer Correct answer marital marital2.Sandra is going to study overseasin Asia next semester.Your answer Correct answeroverseas overseas3. alignwith material students are learning in the classroom.Your answer Correct answer align align4.The lawyer spent all week trying to compileevidence against the suspect.Your answer Correct answer compile compile5.We can't afford to lose Thomas—he's our most indispensableemployee.Your answer Correct answer indispensable indispensable6.Even though it was only a(n) superficialwound, the cut was incredibly painful.Your answer Correct answer superficial superficial7.Lori is an expert at using lies and flattery to deceivethe people around her and get whatshe wants.Your answer Correct answerdeceive deceive8.My puppy is notorious for the patheticlooks he gives when he's hungry.Your answer Correct answer pathetic pathetic9.Please notifythe police if you see anything suspicious.Your answer Correct answernotify notify10.Unfortunately, the new regulations aren't compatiblewith the law, so they'll need tochange.Your answer Correct answercompatible compatible Dbdba bcdac 21-30 down out from out on in down by into upYour answer Correct answer(31) wicked wicked(32) desirable desirable(33) devastating devastating(34) abject abject(35) greed greed(36) jealous jealous(37) prone prone(38) naturally naturally(39) yearn yearn(40) unrealistic unrealistic CbadbUnit 5.The poet gave an incredibly eloquentspeech and brought many people to tears.Your answer Correct answer eloquent eloquent2.What's the proper etiquetterequired for eating dinner with a prince?Your answer Correct answer etiquette etiquette3.My daughter shows a(n) intellectualcuriosity not usual for someone so young.Your answer Correct answerintellectual intellectual4.I like the debate team at school because we always have suchanimatedYour answer Correct answeranimated animated5.What's your availabilityto go fishing next weekend?Your answer Correct answer availability availability6.Her brother wasentrustedwith their father's fortune after he passed away. Your answer Correct answer entrusted entrusted7. Sadly, my grandmother went through much of her life feeling like there was a(n)stigmaconnected to her skin color.Your answer Correct answerstigma stigma8.Don't question my decisions and underminemy authority in front of the other employees!Your answer Correct answer undermine undermine9.It's obvious that Kevin has amazing linguisticabilities since he's fluent in sixlanguages!Your answer Correct answerlinguistic linguistic10.The final score of the game was 20-3, making it a(n) decidedlyunfair competition.Your answer Correct answerdecidedly decidedlyCdabc abbdc with off as than without that over out into aboutYour answer Correct answer(31) patriarchal patriarchal(32) myriad myriad(33) masculine masculine(34) matriarchal matriarchal(35) presume presume(36) revealing revealing(37) feminism feminism(38) disqualifies disqualifies(39) quote quote(40) singular singular BdabcUnit 61.Our office building luckily had a(n) auxiliarypower supply to use when the electricitywent out.Your answer Correct answerauxiliary auxiliary2.There's not much of a(n) selectionfor the year's best movie, but there are a few goodones.Your answer Correct answerselection selection3.Unfortunately, she's had a(n) relapseand her cancer has reappeared.Your answer Correct answerrelapse relapse4. Soldiers in the military quickly learn that their superior officers are often not verytolerantYour answer Correct answertolerant tolerant5.During wartime, there's usually a surge in nationalismas people rally together tosupport a common cause.Your answer Correct answernationalism nationalism6.I've never had a friend quite so loyalas my dog Rex.Your answer Correct answer loyal loyal7.Mr. Sanford, I love your daughter and I'd like to ask for your permission to proposetoher.Your answer Correct answerpropose propose8.We hired a company to come in and eradicatethe mice from our basement.Your answer Correct answer eradicate eradicate9.The teacher slowly lost control of her students and let the class degenerateinto a chaosof voices.Your answer Correct answerdegenerate degenerate 10. If you see anything suspicious, please report it immediately to one of theuniformedpolice officers.Your answer Correct answeruniformed uniformed11. motto"Work hard, play hard."Your answer Correct answermotto motto12.The law states that people younger than 21 cannot drink beer, wine, or liquor.Your answer Correct answer liquor liquor13.Celebrities are often subject to the tyrannyof public opinion, increasing and decreasingin popularity every day.Your answer Correct answertyranny tyranny14.Last Saturday, we stood in line for an hour to get a cone from the ice cream vendor.Your answer Correct answer vendor vendor15.College students usually begin their first year with orientationactivities so they arefamiliar with their new environment.Your answer Correct answerorientation orientation16. Historiansusually disagree about who they think the greatest world leader of all time is.Your answer Correct answerHistorians Historians17.If you'd like to disputethe charges, please call the phone number for complaints. Your answer Correct answerdispute dispute18.The renownedphysicist earned even more recognition when he won the Nobel Prize.Your answer Correct answerrenowned renowned19. insightYour answer Correct answerinsight insight20. After ten long years of holding a grudge against him, I think it's finally time to makeamends.Your answer Correct answeramends amendsSection B: Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable word.21.Why did you interview for that job inthe first place?Your answer Correct answer in in22.Oh my goodness, these photos date backto my college days.Your answer Correct answer back back23.After our dog destroyed the living room couch, we packed him offto obedienceschool.Your answer Correct answeroff off24.As soon as five o'clock rolled around, Maria took offand went home.Your answer Correct answer off off25.The book can be summed upin one word: boring.Your answer Correct answer up up26.Can you get meoutof this assignment?Your answer Correct answer out out27.The researchers were onthe brink of a major discovery.Your answer Correct answer on on28.My ankle is still sore, so I'm afraid I'm going to have to sit outthis game.Your answer Correct answer out out29.The spare bedroom doubles asmy home office.Your answer Correct answer as as30.The presidents talked about, withoutother things, the peace treaty between theircountries.Your answer Correct answerwithout amongYour answer Correct answer(31) lamentable lamentable(32) democracy democracy(33) fallacy fallacy(34) authenticity authenticity(35) unhesitatingly unhesitatingly(36) decipher decipher(37) archaeology archaeology(38) offensive offensive(39) fragment fragment(40) destiny destiny CabdbUnit 7Cbdca bdadc accdb abdacOff of up in to down with as back awayYour answer Correct answer(31) orchard orchard(32) synonymous synonymous(33) territory territory(34) howling howling(35) creak creak(36) gang gang(37) conquer conquer(38) incredible incredible(39) Satisfactory Ironically(40) cease cease AcdbcUnit 81.There is absolutely no logicto her behavior—it's completely random.Your answer Correct answer logic logic2.The answers he gave had just enough ambiguityto make me doubt his honesty.Your answer Correct answerambiguity ambiguity3. loftyideals and romantic outlook on life.Your answer Correct answer lofty lofty4.There was a stage set up in the plazabetween the buildings for the music festival.Your answer Correct answer plaza plaza5.The complexityof his argument confused and befuddled even the smartest people in theroom.Your answer Correct answercomplexity complexity6.Even though I have played chess for years, you still made a very worthy opponent.Your answer Correct answer opponent opponent7.Do you mean toimplythat you agreed with her crazy plan?Your answer Correct answer imply imply8.The review of his new book included a lot of criticismand not much praise.Your answer Correct answer criticism criticism9.Jacob was indignantand angry when he shouted, "How dare you accuse me of such acrime?"Your answer Correct answerindignant indignant10.We used to be best friends; it's inconceivablethat she could do anything to hurt me.Your answer Correct answer inconceivable inconceivable11.Are you familiar with the layoutof this office building?Your answer Correct answer layout layout12.The committee decided to erecta statue of the beloved president.Your answer Correct answer erect erect13.The scopeof the project is unmatched in the history of this company.Your answer Correct answerscope scope14.In terms of intelligence, this year's Nobel Prize winner transcendseveryone else in hisfield.Your answer Correct answertranscends transcends15.Einstein's intellectualprowess has been completely unmatched in history.Your answer Correct answerintellectual intellectual16.The museum hosted a special exhibitabout the age of dinosaurs.Your answer Correct answer exhibit exhibit17.I can't even contemplatea life without my children.Your answer Correct answer contemplate contemplate18.There's nothing like a beautiful sunset tostimulatework.Your answer Correct answerstimulate stimulate19.Come over here and help me hoistup this beam so we can support the ceiling.Your answer Correct answer hoist hoist20.At this point, any change will be a welcome improvementover the status quo.Your answer Correct answerimprovement improvement Section B: Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable word.21.She made a vowthatshe wouldn't drink coffee anymore.Your answer Correct answer that that22.The documentary didn't dojustice to the situation in Africa.Your answer Correct answer do do23.If she can write the recommendation herself, then somuch the better.Your answer Correct answer so so24.His mother won the Nobel Prize, but he's an award-winning poet inhis own right.Your answer Correct answer in in25.Do you still feel any discomfort fromyour dislocated shoulder?Your answer Correct answer from from26.As mayor, I feel a huge sense ofcivic pride in our community.Your answer Correct answer of of27.It may sound unbelievable, but my wife and I experienced love atfirst sight.Your answer Correct answer at at28.We will see a moderate increase insalaries this year.Your answer Correct answer in in29.The speaker was completely surprised by the outburst ofemotion from the crowd.Your answer Correct answer of of30.Barbara will interpret forMiguel since he doesn't speak English.Your answer Correct answerfor forYour answer Correct answer(31) skyline skyline(32) aesthetically aesthetically(33) picturesque picturesque(34) fragile fragile(35) conform conform(36) sentiment sentiment(37) exquisite exquisite(38) prosperity prosperity(39) presumably presumably(40) interpret interpretCdbdaUnit 9Dbdac badad bcbad acbba in at on/upon to of for from with of alongYour answer Correct answer(31) ongoing ongoing(32) manipulate manipulate(33) illustrate illustrate(34) proficiency proficiency(35) blur blur(36) isolated isolated(37) purity purity(38) communal communal(39) globalization globalization(40) utopia utopia AbdddUnit 101.After the accident, Jeff was paralyzedfrom the waist down.Your answer Correct answer paralyzed paralyzed2.Marilyn Monroe is doubtlessthe most beautiful woman I've ever seen in a movie.Your answer Correct answer doubtless doubtless3.The hollowtree was home to an entire family of rabbits.Your answer Correct answerhollow hollow4.The bomb explosion completely annihilatedthe abandoned building.Your answer Correct answer annihilated annihilated5.Please don't confuse me with my predecessor; I don't tolerate mistakes or excuses.Your answer Correct answer predecessor predecessor6.The government decided to send troops and intervenein that country's civil war.Your answer Correct answer intervene intervene7.It's difficult to gaugehow many people will buy tickets since this is such a unique event. Your answer Correct answergauge gauge8.The differences may be subtle, but I certainly prefer this design over the previous one.Your answer Correct answersubtle subtle9. Since Mike was prepared to speak to Sally over the phone, her presence creates anunexpected complicationfor him.Your answer Correct answer complication complication10.The tables and chairs must be organized in exactly this configuration, so please payattention.Your answer Correct answerconfiguration configurationAcaba cdbad by through of to by on in of for ofYour answer Correct answer(31) verge verge(32) exploration exploration(33) geographical geographical(34) tropical tropical(35) longitude longitude(36) latitude latitude(37) grid grid(38) mileage mileage(39) lulled lulled(40) terrific terrific acbdb。

Active reading 21Your answer Correct answer1. code code2. executive executive3. spouse spouse4. prosperous prosperous5. asset asset6. mutual mutual7. compatible compatible8. intimate intimate9. specialize specialize10. savings savings21. Ken Hu is now a(n) in a company which in giving advice to private investors.Your answer Correct answer(1) executive executive(2) specializes specializes2. Although the programme was with my computer, the instructions were written in, so I wasunable to understand anything.Your answer Correct answer(1) compatible compatible(2) code code3. It is obviously a(n) to a marriage if each has a sensible attitude towards money.Your answer Correct answer(1) asset asset(2) spouse spouse4. Let's try to create a more future by planning ahead and agreeing on goals.Your answer Correct answer(1) prosperous prosperous(2) mutual mutual5. We are friends, but I don't know how many they have in the bank.Your answer Correct answer(1) intimate intimate(2) savings savings3 aaaba baa4baaba abblanguage use11. to take people somewhere by busYour answer Correct answerbus bus2. to write a text message to someoneYour answer Correct answertext text3. to go to parties and have fun eating, drinking, dancing etcYour answer Correct answerparty party4. to convert a cheque into cashYour answer Correct answercash cash5. to pass something into someone's handshand hand6. to give someone something as a giftYour answer Correct answergift gift7. to put money into the bankYour answer Correct answerbank bank21. I'm afraid I can't this for you, it hasn't been signed.Your answer Correct answercash cash2. Did you expect them to you the computer instead of getting you to pay for it?Your answer Correct answergift gift3. After the match they us all home.Your answer Correct answerbussed bussed4. I will you as soon as I get to the station.Your answer Correct answertext text5. She me a copy of the report before the start of the meeting.Your answer Correct answerhanded handed6. I advise you to all that money lying on your desk.Your answer Correct answerbank bank7. I'm exhausted. I've spent the whole of this week and having a good time.partying partying3Rewrite the sentences using prone / liable / subject + to.1. The train is often delayed on Sunday evenings.Suggested answer:The train is liable to delay on Sunday evenings. / The train is subject to delays on Sunday evenings.2. Zak is a child who often has accidents.Suggested answer:Zak is a child who is prone to accidents. / Zak is a child who is liable to have accidents.3. She frequently gets headaches.Suggested answer:She is prone to headaches.4. The loan requires a check on your financial situation.Suggested answer:The loan is subject to a check on your financial situation.5. Joe is a person who often arrives late.Suggested answer:Joe is liable to arrive late.6. She may well break the rules in order to get what she wants.Suggested answer:She is liable to break the rules in order to get what she wants.4We may get to a situation where rising taxes make it hard to be profitable.This is the point where I disagree.My internship was an interesting experience where I learnt how to deal with customers. This is the point in the year where they usually give everyone a bonus.Many people are now in a situation where they cannot pay their debts.I work in an office where everyone feels at home.51. We were pushed out of the market by the.Your answer Correct answer(1) tough tough(2) competition. competition2. All he really wants is a to provide him with a regular income.Your answer Correct answer(1) steady steady(2) job job3. You made a when you left that company.Your answer Correct answer(1) smart smart(2) decision decision / move4. He's been having a rather lately, since he lost his job.Your answer Correct answer(1) tough tough(2) time time5. We use throughout the building. Everything is controlled by a central computer.Your answer Correct answer(1) smart smart(2) technology technology6. You've made a really to our organization, and we will miss you.Your answer Correct answer(1) valuable valuable(2) contribution contribution7. She gave me the most about investments that I have ever had.Your answer Correct answer(1) valuable valuable(2) advice advice8. There is a dress code in most banks, and you will be expected to wear.Your answer Correct answer(1) smart smart(2) clothes clothes9. Theirs is a very. I expect they'll get married quite soon.Your answer Correct answer(1) steady steady(2) relationship relationship6Suggested answer:如今,尽管我们大多数人是因相爱而结婚,婚姻从根本上讲仍然是金钱上的结合。

Unit test 3Part I: Vocabulary and StructureSection A: Choose the best way to complete the sentences.1. Throughout history, many people have attempted to find the _____ secret to success,but relatively few have actually done it.a. elusiveb. evasivec. illusoryd. eloquent2. It was hard for Cynthia to remain uninvolved with the controversy since she is such a_____ part of the company.a. visibilityb. risiblec. visibled. visibly3. "Officer Clarke, in the best interest of the case, please consider absolutelyeverything to be at your _____."a. disposeb. disposalc. disposingd. disposed4. The mountain climbers demonstrated a(n) _____ feat of selflessness when they turnedaround to help an injured stranger.a. advantageousb. gorgeousc. outrageousd. courageous5. Many movie stars are notorious for wearing excessive amounts of expensive _____.a. jewelleryb. jewelsc. jewelersd. jewelling6. Her novel successfully _____ an entire generation of young women to believe theycould be whatever they wanted.a. emboldenedb. embitteredc. empoweredd. embroidered7. I'm not really a _____ of pop culture trends, so can you explain that reference to mea. flowerb. followerc. fellowd. fallowing8. We just moved into town so we're still a little _____.a. unsettlingb. settlersc. settledd. unsettled9. The movie is fantastic, but you'll need to _____ your disbelief toward the end.a. upendb. suspendc. dependd. misspend10. Don't _____ Jack's determination to do whatever it takes to win.a. underestimateb. overestimatec. estimated. misestimate11. As judge, I _____ over this courtroom and have the final say on all matters.a. presideb. residec. presumed. resume12. Please stay back! This is a _____ area!a. constrictedb. districtedc. restrictedd. unrestricted13. The moon shone down and cast a _____ glow over the entire field.a. luminosityb. luminousc. luminald. luminously14. The state dinner is a _____ affair, so please dress appropriately.a. distinctiveb. respectablec. dramaticd. formal15. Stock prices rose _____ after the company publically announced its new product.a. dramaticallyb. magicallyc. looselyd. exclusively16. The colonists began to form a _____ in response to the unfair taxes.a. rebelb. rebellionc. rebelliousd. rebelling17. After striking the iceberg, the ship quickly sank into the _____ depths.a. skinnyb. preppyc. murkyd. baggy18. I'm not a good typist, so I find it easier to _____ all of my emails.a. dictateb. elucidatec. explicated. exacerbate19. To accommodate increased traffic, city planners are going to expand the _____of thehighway.a. lengthb. heightc. depthd. width20. Let's be proactive and do something instead of just watching the situation _____.a. ameliorateb. collaboratec. deteriorated. elaborateSection B: Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable preposition or adverb.21.Things didn't quite turn outthe way I expected, but I'm still happy with theresult.Your answer Correct answerout out22.You can't fool me; I'm wise tothe way things work around here.Your answer Correct answer to to23.My question sparked offmuch discussion in the group about right versuswrong.Your answer Correct answeroff off24.They didn't know it, but they were playing right intoour hands the wholetime.Your answer Correct answerinto into25.Leslie broke downher argument into three main points. Your answer Correct answer down down26.It was pure luck that we chanced uponthe fossilized remains of the dinosaur.Your answer Correct answer upon upon27.Our town was named afterthe explorer who first discovered the nearbywaterfall.Your answer Correct answer after after28.After the ship sank, wreckage washed upon shore for weeks.Your answer Correct answer up up29.Some of the oldest headstones in the graveyard were completely worn awayso wecouldn't tell whom they belonged to.Your answer Correct answeraway away30.The novel revolves arounda protagonist who is searching for a lost city ofgold.Your answer Correct answeraround aroundPart II: Banked ClozeQuestions 31 to 40 are based on the following passage.Everyone's always told me that I should be a model. I have to admit, it does soundlike it would be a(n) (31)unstablelifestyle with lots of traveling, parties,and beautiful people. I think it could also be a great opportunity to assert my(32)individualityand creativity. However, at my age, I'm not sure I have theexperience or (33)credentialsto start a modeling career.It takes more than a(n) (34)stunningface to be a model. You must havea(n) (35)glamorousthe unknown. You also need to have near infinite patience.Many people are under the impression that the fashion and modeling industry attractsonly very (36)superficialpeople who only care about themselves. From what Iunderstand, nothing could be further from the truth. Yes, there are some models who onlycare about their own appearance, wealth, and (37)lavishsurroundings, butthe industry isn't (38)exclusivelycomposed of this type of person. It's a(n)(39)inescapablefact that the fashion and modeling world has a strong(40)lurefor all kinds of people—and I'm one of them.Your answer Correct answer(31) unstable glamorous(32) individuality individuality(33) credentials credentials(34) stunning stunning(35) glamorous daring(36) superficial superficial(37) lavish lavish(38) exclusively exclusively(39) inescapable inescapable(40) lure lurePart III: Reading ComprehensionQuestions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage.The debate over school uniforms is one of the most controversial issues affecting public school students. Though uniforms have long been a staple of private schools, they are still a rarity in public schools. This is not merely a debate over the aesthetics of fashion. Rather, this debate lies at the very heart of the politics of fashion.What students choose to wear (and what their parents allow them to wear) to school consistently rouses strong feelings and animated discussion. Much has already been said in defense of and against school uniforms, and I won't belabor the individual points further. There are many valid points on both sides of the argument. Instead, I intend to explain why I personally stand in opposition to school uniforms and highlight the reasons why uniforms would serve very little purpose in our specific school district.For the most part, students in our district are well behaved and don't approach any semblance of extreme behavior or expression. Administrators seem to be more worried about a potential escalation of student expression that so far has shown no indication of materializing. Principals and other district administrators are chasing shadows—they're looking to solve a problem that doesn't exist. Our district has no history of student activism, and there are only a few examples of flagrant violations of the existing dress code. In short, there is absolutely no precedent to believe that students will choose to begin acting out against authority through fashion statements.School uniforms seem to be an inappropriate response to a nonexistent problem. It is an unnecessary exertion of power by administrators who don't know how to properly exercise authority. Let's take a moment to consider a hypothetical school district that is overwhelmed by student discipline problems. Would the institution of school uniforms be an appropriate response in that case I would argue in the negative. Uniforms, by themselves, would in no way prevent students from expressing themselves or their views. Improper and unpopular behaviorwill not be stifled by a school uniform. It may actually make the situation worse, as resentment over the mandatory clothing would likely be great.School uniforms obviously interfere with students' right to self-expression—a right that should be protected in the public school system. In addition, mandating that all students wear identical (and unattractive) outfits enforces the message that conformity is the preferred method to prevent or resolve conflict. This is certainly not an appropriate message for our schools to be sending to children.41. This style of writing would best be described as _______.A. expositoryB. descriptiveC. narrativeD. argumentative42. Of the following, which is the most likely place you would find this articleA. Newspaper editorial.B. Academic journal.C. Fashion blog.D. Education magazine.43. According to the author, which is NOT the reason why school uniforms are a bad ideaA. They are a violation of students' rights.B. There is no justification for their use in the local district.C. They are expensive and many students can't afford them.D. They don't adequately address the problem they are intended to solve.44. In which paragraph does the author use a metaphor to describe school administratorsA. Paragraph 1.B. Paragraph 2.C. Paragraph 3.D. Paragraph 4.45. Based on this passage, it seems likely that the author would never _____ the use ofschool uniforms.A. suspendB. dictateC. empowerD. condone。
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1. Throughout history, many people have attempted to find the _____secret to success, but relatively few have actually done it.a. elusiveb. evasivec. illusoryd. eloquent2. It was hard for Cynthia to remain uninvolved with the controversysince she is such a _____ part of the company.a. visibilityb. risiblec. visibled. visibly3. "Officer Clarke, in the best interest of the case, please considerabsolutely everything to be at your _____."a. disposeb. disposalc. disposingd. disposed4. The mountain climbers demonstrated a(n) _____ feat ofselflessness when they turned around to help an injured stranger.a. advantageousb. gorgeousc. outrageousd. courageous5. Many movie stars are notorious(声名狼藉的) for wearingexcessive amounts of expensive _____.a. jewelleryb. jewelsc. jewelersd. jewelling6. Her novel successfully _____ an entire generation of young womento believe they could be whatever they wanted.a. emboldenedb. embitteredc. empoweredd. embroidered7. I'm not really a _____ of pop culture trends, so can you explain thatreference to me?a. flowerb. followerc. fellowd. fallowing8. We just moved into town so we're still a little _____.a. unsettlingb. settlersc. settledd. unsettled9. The movie is fantastic, but you'll need to _____ your disbelieftoward the end.a. upendb. suspendc. dependd. misspend10. Don't _____ Jack's determination to do whatever it takes to win.a. underestimateb. overestimatec. estimated. misestimate11. As judge, I _____ over this courtroom and have the final say on allmatters.a. presideb. residec. presumed. resume12. Please stay back! This is a _____ area!a. constrictedb. districtedc. restrictedd. unrestricted13. The moon shone down and cast a _____ glow over the entire field.a. luminosityb. luminousc. luminald. luminously14. The state dinner is a _____ affair, so please dress appropriately.a. distinctiveb. respectablec. dramaticd. formal15. Stock prices rose _____ after the company publically announcedits new product.a. dramaticallyb. magicallyc. looselyd. exclusively16. The colonists began to form a _____ in response to the unfairtaxes.a. rebelb. rebellionc. rebelliousd. rebelling17. After striking the iceberg, the ship quickly sank into the _____depths.a. skinnyb. preppyc. murkyd. baggy18. I'm not a good typist, so I find it easier to _____ all of my emails.a. dictateb. elucidatec. explicated. exacerbate19. To accommodate increased traffic, city planners are going toexpand the _____of the highway.a. lengthb. heightc. depthd. width20. Let's be proactive and do something instead of just watching thesituation _____.a. ameliorateb. collaboratec. deteriorated. elaborate11. Don't trust my brother, he's _____ to do or say anything.a. libelb. unreliablec. reliabled. liable12. If you become a member, you'll have access to _____ deals andoffers.a. inclusiveb. exclusivec. reclusived. elusive13. I can teach any type of math, but I _____ in geometry.a. specialb. specialtyc. especiallyd. specialize14. Winning the lottery is possible, but it's certainly not _____.a. probablyb. probablec. probabilityd. probabilistic15. We've been with the same bank for years, and I've never had a_____ about their service.a. complaintb. publicityc. restraintd. vanity16. I want to wait until the stock market begins to _____ before I invest;it's just too volatile right now.a. declineb. stabilizec. increased. neutralize17. That actress is best known for her _____ laugh—it's like no other.a. familiarb. ordinaryc. distinctived. renowned18. Schoolchildren are usually taught the importance of their national_____ very early.a. weatherb. downturnc. savingsd. heritage19. It simply makes good _____ sense to save money for retirement.a. economicalb. economicsc. economistd. economy20. After discussing the situation, Carlos and I came to a(n) _____agreement with which we were both satisfied.a. communalb. independentc. mutuald. dual11. Even if I don't win the award, it's still an honor to be a(n) _____.a. applicantb. championc. nomineed. spectator12. I see parents of twins and triplets and I can't imagine having _____children at once.a. multiplyb. doublec. individuald. multiple13. I'm one of two vice-presidents, and my _____ at the other office willbe your main point of contact.a. counterpartb. supervisorc. subordinated. employee14. "Always be kind" is the _____ rule I expect my employees to live by.a. principleb. principalc. standardd. irrelevant15. His time in office was marked by _____ affairs and controversy.a. highbrowb. unemotionalc. scandalousd. unintended16. I became a partner in the law firm, _____ increasing my salaryconsiderably.a. therebyb. herebyc. standbyd. passerby17. Choosing not to hire someone based on their race or sex is atextbook example of _____.a. discriminateb. discriminationc. discriminatoryd. discriminator18. Tony gets _____ if he drinks too much, and he's liable to hurtsomeone.a. peacefulb. hostilec. ambivalentd. apathetic19. What was the suspect's _____ to kill Gene?a. motivateb. motivatorc. motivationd. motive20. After all these years, I still _____ that it wasn't my fault.a. portendb. attendc. contendd. pretend1. I find jazz music _____ to rock and roll.a. preferb. referc. preferabled. referee2. The city was closed off because of the _____, with people fighting inthe streets and breaking into stores.a. disagreementb. riotc. complaintd. harmony3. Ballet dancers are characterized by their _____ movements.a. graceb. disgracec. disgracefuld. graceful4. In my opinion, the mayor should have quit months ago; he'scompletely _____ and corrupt.a. moralb. ethicalc. immorald. sincere5. Sara and Beth are _____ twin sisters, so it's easy to confuse them.a. identicalb. similarc. matchingd. double6. His _____ career goal is to become president of the university.a. preliminaryb. ultimatec. criticald. central7. If the moon were ____, I think we would have sent colonists thereyears ago.a. habitb. habitatc. habitationd. habitable8. Nothing can prepare you for the _____ size of the Great Wall ofChina.a. immenseb. immersec. eminentd. imminent9. Use a _____ cloth to clean the rust from the old metal.a. courseb. coresc. cursed. coarse10. Look around—everything you see is within the king's _____.a. birthrightb. homelandc. domaind. headquarters11. We hired a contractor to come _____ a new air conditioning systemafter our old one broke.a. installb. inspectc. increased. interact12. Life _____ in almost every country has increased during the past fiftyyears.a. expectantb. expensec. expectancyd. expensive13. After running a marathon, William was very dizzy and felt like hemight _____.a. howlb. furnishc. faintd. gurgle14. The toy came in several pieces which we needed to _____ together.a. dissembleb. resemblec. ensembled. assemble15. I can excuse the occasional mistake, but I have no patience for _____errors.a. accidentalb. deliberatec. accurated. infrequent16. The government has declared war on acts of _____ that threaten thesafety of its citizens.a. terrorismb. terroristc. terrorized. territory17. After years of ridicule, I have come to _____ my parents for giving mesuch a bizarre name.a. appreciateb. resentc. understandd. offend18. It takes a long time to learn how to _____ Professor Black'sinterminable lectures.a. ensnareb. ensuec. endeard. endure19. _____, I didn't think he would be able to finish on time.a. Franklyb. Leisurelyc. Heavenlyd. Ironically20. The human body begins to _____ very rapidly after death.a. defrayb. dismayc. decayd. delay1. It's impossible for anyone to have complete _____ and knoweverything.a. conscienceb. presciencec. scienced. omniscience2. The odds are good that his team will be _____ during the first round ofthe competition.a. preliminaryb. eliminatedc. relegatedd. delineated3. After some research, I discovered that I'm actually a(n) _____ ofNapoleon!a. ascendantb. transcendentc. resplendentd. descendant4. English lost its _____ long ago, and it now incorporates many wordsfrom other languages.a. purityb. purec. parityd. prurient5. Mario was _____ at the top of his class every year.a. consistentb. persistentc. consistentlyd. persistently6. The speaker was utterly _____, and I hung on his every word for theentire two-hour speech.a. disgracefulb. captivatingc. unqualifiedd. sufficient7. Millions of years ago, dinosaurs ruled the earth with uncontested ____.a. dominanceb. dominantc. dominantsd. dominate8. If you want to apply for a new passport, you cannot _____ your oldone.a. refrainb. remainc. retraind. retain9. That new movie about the princess is a _____ based on the traditionalCinderella story.a. variantb. variationc. varyingd. variety10. Her performance on the field today is not a fair _____ of her skill as asoccer player.a. globalizationb. standardizationc. multiplicationd. representation11. We were _____ to see the destruction caused by the earthquake.a. horrifyb. horrifiedc. horribled. horror12. Three hours should be a(n) _____ amount of time to finish the test.a. proficientb. deficientc. sufficientd. efficient13. We need more time since we've _____ begun talking about the mostrelevant information.a. profoundlyb. scarcelyc. dreadfullyd. constantly14. At 8:30, it was clear that Dan had lost, and he was forced to _____ hiscampaign for governor.a. concedeb. concealc. consentd. consort15. The robbery suspect had several _____ tattoos and scars which madeit easy for the police to spot him.a. exclusiveb. individualc. specializedd. identifiable16. When I travel, I like to write in a _____ so I can remember every littledetail.a. journalb. novelc. sketchbookd. book17. The president launched a new program to help every adult become_____ and learn to read.a. literaryb. literaturec. literated. literati18. The emperor's death marked the end of an important __B__ in thecountry's history.a. unityb. epochc. utopiad. elite19. I bought a _____ toy and need to return it for a full refund.a. detectiveb. defectivec. reflectived. directive20. To everyone's surprise, the politician decided not to _____ the chargesagainst him.a. refuteb. provec. confirmd. infringe。