2017年郑州大学翻译硕士真题 357英语翻译基础




2016年郑州大学翻译硕士真题357英语翻译基础2016年郑州大学翻译硕士真题(357英语翻译基础)1. Sentence translation (50 points)1. Translate the following text into Chinese(25points)1. It is not known how rare this resemblance is, or whether it is most often seen in inclusions of silicates such as garnet, whose crystallography is generally somewhat similar to that of diamond; but when present, the resemblance is regarded as compelling evidence that the diamonds and inclusions are truly co genetic.2.A long-held view of the history of English colonies that became the United States has been that England's policy toward these colonies before 1763 was dictated by commercial interests and that a change to a more imperial policy, dominated by expansionist militarist objectives, generated the tensions that ultimately led to the American Revolution.3. This succession was based primarily on a series of deposits and events not directly related to glacial and interglacial periods, rather than on the more usual modern method of studying biological remains found in interglacial beds themselves interstratified within glacial deposits.4. It is possible to make specific complementary DNA's (CDNA's) that can serve as molecular probes to seek out the messenger RNA's (MRNA's) of the peptide hormones. If brain cells are making the hormones, the cells will contain these MRNA's. If the products the brain cells make resemble the hormones but are not identical to them, then the CDNA's should still bind to these MRNA's, but should not bind as tightly as they would to MRNA's for the true hormones.5.Some geologists, however, on the basis of observations concerning mantle xenoliths, argue that the mantle is not layered, but that heterogeneity is created by fluids rich in “incompatible elements”(elements tending toward liquid rather than solid state)percolating upward and transforming portions of the upper mantle irregularly, according to the vagaries of the fluids' pathways.Translate the following text into English. (25points)1.除非他们能取得成功,不然的话,绿色革命的产量收益将在很大程度上损失殆尽,即使豆科植物中使这些植物有条件进入到与固氮细菌共生关系的基因可被辨识出来和分离开来的话,且即使这些基因综合体,一旦被发现之后,其移植得以成为可能的话。

2015年郑州大学翻译硕士真题 357英语翻译基础

2015年郑州大学翻译硕士真题 357英语翻译基础

2015年郑州大学翻译硕士真题(357英语翻译基础)1.Lexical Translation(30 points)(1).Translate the following lexical items into Chinese(15points)1.海淘2.黑车3.物流4.《诗经》5.亚健康6.自架游7.太空垃圾8.外交途径9.转基因作物10.食品添加剂11.空气净化器12.独生子女费13.进口附加税14.跨境避税15.非物质文化遗产(2). Translate the following lexical items into English(15points)1. FDI2. APEC.3. Flight data.4. Budget deficit.5. Press secretary.6. Social security.7. Birth certificate.8. Reserve currency.9. Bilateral relations.10. Territorial dispute.11. Strategic ambiguity.12. Consumers confidence.13. Joint military exercise.14. Nuclear non proliferation.15. Emergency response plan2. Text translation(120points)(1). Translate the following text into Chinese. (60points)It Takes Years to Learn English WellConfucius said," Since the age of 15,I have devoted myself to learning; since30, I have been well established; since 40,I have understood many things and have no longer been confused; since50,I have known my heaven-sent duty; since 60,I have been able to distinguish right and wrong in other people's words; and since 70,I have been able to do what I intend freely without breaking the rules."The average life expectancy at the Spring and Autumn Periods and Warring States Periods was, according to some research, about 19 years. Confucius lived 72 to 73 years, a rare god of longevity indeed. It was even hard for those with power and leisure to reach such an age. Therefore, Confucius could be very well learned, far from what an ordinary person could expect at his times.The latest statistics in 2001 shows that the world life expectancy is 62.2 with the Japanese taking the lead to be 79.66 while China gaining a position surpassing all developing countries by its 69.98. However, the Chinese have not yet reached the age to do what they intend freely without breaking the rules. Thus, rules are hard not to be broken.Calculated in the terms Confucius set for us in learning, those of us who have been learning English for ten years still have a long way to go before reaching the time to be established. To have no confusion, one has to spend 25 years. To truly understand the purpose of English learning, one has to do it for 35 years. It takes 45 years if one wants to distinguish right and wrong in other people's words, and 55 years to manipulate English language freely without breaking the rules.(2).Translate the following text into English,(60 points)如果说“义”代表一种伦理的人生态度,“利”代表一种功利的人生态度,那么,我所说的“情”便代表一种审美的人生态度。



2017年招收攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题(B卷)******************************************************************************************** 学科、专业名称:英语笔译(专业学位)研究方向:考生注意:所有答案必须写在答题纸(卷)上,写在本试题上一律不给分。

I.词语翻译(30%)I.1.英译汉(15%)1. make allowances2. Cut-and-dried3.cold feet4. MIT5. go up in flames6. self-engrossed7. turn on a dime 8. crunch time 9. off the hook10. tip one’s hand 11. burn a hole in one’s pocket12. NATO13. outrace 14. hit the books 15. check and balanceI.2.汉译英(15%)1. 云计算2. 互联互通3. 武器禁运4. 行胜于言5. 社保6. 国务院7. 升级换代 8. 年利率 9. 互利合作10. 以人为本 11.假冒伪劣产品 12. 猎头13. 水货 14.实事求是 15. 脚踏实地II.英汉互译(120%)II.1.英译汉(60%)A young man strolled along a country road one August evening after a long delicious day—a day of that blessed idleness the man of leisure never knows: one must be a bank clerk forty-nine weeks out of the fifty-two before one can really appreciate the exquisite enjoyment of doing nothing for twelve hours at a stretch. Willoughby had spent the morning lounging about a sunny rickyard; then, when the heat grew unbearable, he had retreated to an orchard, where, lying on his back in the long cool grass, he had traced the pattern of the apple-leaves diapered above him upon the summer sky; now that the heat of the day was over he had come to roam。























2018年郑州大学翻译硕士真题 357英语翻译基础

2018年郑州大学翻译硕士真题 357英语翻译基础

2018年郑州大学翻译硕士真题(357英语翻译基础)1.Lexical Translation(50points)1.Translate the following lexical items into English(30points)1)小康社会3)知识产权4)外汇储备5)综合国力6)次贷危机7)低碳经济8)结构性就业矛盾9)共享单车10)按揭贷款2.Translate the following lexical items into Chinese (20points)1) Scientific outlook on development2) Gross Domestic Production3) Ecological Civilization4) Industrial waste sources5) Positive energy6) The principle of "peaceful reunification"7) Humanitarian aid8) RMB Internationalization9) The system of green technical innovation10) High-speed railway2. Sentence translation (50 points)1. Translate the following text into Chinese(20points)1. The site of nuclear power plant is largely determined by the environment.2. As radioactive substances decay, they release charged particles that when properly harvested can create an electrical current.3. Using nuclear energy to generate electricity was only developed in the 20th century.What is unfortunate is that the coasts of building and maintaining a nuclear power plant are very high, making the speed of construction much slower than previously predicated.4. Much of the charge came from a slump in the value of UraMin, a uranium-mining firm bought for a giddy price, when nuclear power was surging.5. The common misconception is that nuclear fusion power is a virtually unlimited source of energy because of the enormous quantity of deuterium in the sea.6. The nuclear reactor represents an enormous step in our scientific evolution and it is wrong to expect a return to more primitive sources of fuel.7. Costs for solar and wind energy have plummeted while the price of producing nuclear has soared because of increasing safety requirements.8. The threat of nuclear and radiological terrorism remains one of the greatest challenges to international safety requirements.9. Nuclear power does not cause air pollution and does not produce carbon dioxide which aggravates global warming.10. With the enhancement of technology and security measures, likelihood of nuclear accidents could be reduced to the minimum. That is to say, nuclear power could be developed and utilized safely.2. Translate the following text into English. (30 points)1) 电子实绕原子核转动且带有负电荷的极其微小的粒子2) 直流电是一种总是沿同一方向流动的电流3) 当把导线快速地来回弯曲折断时,部分功就转换成热,所以导电4) 只有当粒子紧密到能相互施加较大的力时,他们才能使彼此产生这样的振动5) 因磁场与线圈内电流有关,所以电流的任何变化都会引起它周围磁场的变化6) 冷却很容易被解释为是由于为了克服分子之间引力而做功的结果7) 能量不能被创造也不能被毁灭,虽然它的形式是可以变换的8) 几乎任何一种绝缘体都多少具有保留电荷一段时间的能力9) 处于天然状态的金属在转化成为人类服务有用形式之前,必须从和它结合在一起的其他元素或物质中分离出来。





首先,让我们来看一下2017年考研英语真题的翻译部分:Directions: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written clearly on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)1. The rise of the Tea Party, Occupy Wall Street, the Bernie Sanders insurgency, and the raucous rallies of Donald Trump are the most obvious indication of a revolt against the political establishment. But these are not the only expressions of dissatisfaction with how the country is being governed. The more fundamental rebellion is taking place in primary elections all over the country.(2017年考研英语真题翻译)2. Large portions of the population are searching for something different, something much better, than being governed by a self-perpetuating managerial elite that is both unelected and largely unaccountable.(2017年考研英语真题翻译)3. While this may be a new challenge for the political parties, it is not exactly a new phenomenon. Similar moments of disruptive electoral rebellion have occurred about once every third generation in American history, fundamentally reshaping the party system.(2017年考研英语真题翻译)根据以上的翻译题,我们可以采用以下的格式来解答:1.对于第一句话,我们可以将其翻译为:"茶党崛起、占领华尔街、伯尼·桑德斯的反抗以及唐纳德·特朗普的喧闹集会是对政治体制的公然叛逆的明显信号。



1.Violence against women is a worldwide scourge, and a massive human rights and public health challenge.针对妇女的暴力是一个世界性的祸害,以及大规模侵犯人权和公共卫生挑战。

2. Parents should always reassure children that they are safe, and should not exhibit out of control behavior in front of children no matter how old they are.家长要经常安慰孩子,使他们是安全的,不应该表现出在孩子面前控制行为,不管他们多大年纪。

3. In this case , the stereotyping of city persons is lazy and addicts.在这种情况下,城市人的成见是懒惰和吸毒者。

4. The idealistic students were attracted to social work because the profession was seen as “on the side of the angels”.理想主义的学生被吸引到社会工作,因为专业被看作是“关于天使的一面”。

5. Social worker has arrived as a full-fledged, respected profession-one that is vital and indispensable to a modern society. 社会工作者已作为一个成熟的,受人尊敬的职业,对于现代社会是重要的和不可缺少的。

6. The social worker today has many issues to face. I have deliberately chosen not to answer these questions. I am not sure there is a single answer, but maybe there is room for discussion. One thing I am sure is that intolerance does not belong in the helping p rofessional’s repertoire of skills. If one’s personal values are more important than the discussion of choices and informed decision making, one might want to think about whether he or she would want those value respected by others. Social workers are expected to embrace a diversity of values and people. Learning to do this is a process which takes time and a willingness to do so.社工今天要面对许多问题。






最后作文,考的应不应该取消死刑(capital punishment/death penalty)今年重大选择题出的全是词汇辨析,阅读难度也上升了,作文也有很多人写偏题,因为大家都不知道capital punishment就是死刑。

我就是其中一个…⃣翻译:英译汉词条有SPA,IRA ,showrooming,errorist,Mid East Respiratory Syndrome,personal hygiene,nonconservation,汉译英词条有下午茶,替考,暴走(天哪我居然其他一个都想不起来了)文章翻译:英译汉:西方世界关于intellectuals life的分类,一个literary 一个pratical,我的理解是intellectuals 指的是人,学者,智者之类的吧。









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2017年郑州大学翻译硕士真题(357英语翻译基础)1. Sentence translation (50 points)Translate the following sentences into Chinese (25 points)1. Up to the present time, throughout the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, this new tendency placed the home in the immediate suburbs, but concentrated manufacturing activity, business relations, government, and pleasure in the centers of the cities.2. This method of using "controls" can be applied to a variety of situations, and can be used to find the answer to questions as widely different as "Must moisture be present if iron is to rust?" and "Which variety of beans gives the greatest yield in one season?"3. The 20th century will not be remembered as the era when space was conquered, or the power of the atom, harnessed, but that in which were made the first machines having intelligence.4. Shortly before the uninhabited space station reached orbit in May 1973, aerodynamic pressure ripped off a meteoroid and heat shield.5.They are the possessions of the autonomous(self-governing)man of traditional theory,and they are essential to practices in which a person is held responsible for his conduct and given credit for his achievements.Translate the following sentences into English(25 points)1.基于原子水平上略微不同的性质,已知的水分子可以以两种不同的“异构体”类型存在。










2.Text translation(100points)1.Translate the following two texts into Chinese(50points)1.Drinking liquid water is one of the most undervalued variables in the quest for living a healthy life. When one attempts to get in better shape and turn their life for the better health-wise, nutrition and exercise is the concentration of most. While these two aspects are undoubtedly extremely important,overlooking the importance of water may be a downfall for many.Those who suffer from daytime fatigue may be under the impression they need more sleep, or work too hard. While these are certainly possibilities, if they are suffering from mild dehydration, more water would do the trick. Basically put, the body cannot perform the functions it needs to in order to stay alive with insufficient water. Every function in the body requires water, and if your intake is sub-par you could be in for some trouble.If you happen to suffer from constipation, sore joints or dry mouth, your issues may be solved simply by increasing your water intake. That is just a few examples or bodily functions affected by water, but there are plenty others.Water also plays a huge role in maintaining metabolism,and can stabilize the appetite as well. Switching from soda or juice to water would help those who are overweight or obese immensely.2.Solar energy has already proved itself as one of the most promising renewable sources of energy. Solar energy is abundant and very easy to get it. It is totally free of cost and proved as the cleanest energy source.Passive solar energy today we are generally referring to the process of capturing energy(heat)by using specific construction techniques. Passive solar technologies include direct and indirect rises in temperature within a building or room using simple things like windows, overhangs, insulation and landscaping to capture and contain the heat from the sun. Passive solar energy is the most typical home solar power currently in use. Many homes are designed for passive solar. With the proper use of glazing materials(lots of windows)and a southern exposure for your home a lot of heat can be captured.There are many builders who specialize in the construction of passive solar homes. The cost of building a passive solar home is significantly less than building a home that is powered by active solar power systems for heating and water.Passive solar systems are a core element of energy efficient housing. It helps optimize natural sunlight and heat within a home without the use of any other mechanical systems.2.Translate the following two texts into English. (50points)1.东西方文化对教育与培训的内涵有不同理解和定义,亚洲传统比较保守,西方近代文化则比较开明。


