干膜厚度测试法SSPC-PA2(DFT Measuring)





( × )2.根据PSPC要求,如果船舶分段搭载合拢后,压载舱涂层破损面积虽然小于舱室总面积的2%,但有一处涂层连续破损面积达到25平方米以上了,则这部分涂层只需要进行ST3处理就可以了。


( × )4.粗糙度比测器的“S”型号适用于经钢砂处理的表面,“G”型号适用于经钢丸处理的表面。






(√)10.SSPC-SP10和ISO 8501-1 Sa2.5级的要求是等效的。









美国钢结构涂装协会标准《SSPC 规范-油漆20》(一)编者按: SSPC:Steel StructurePaint Council 的规范和标准是美国钢结构涂装协会制定的美国国家标准,也是国际上最具权威性和采用最多的钢结构涂装标准。


为此,我们编译了美国钢结构涂装协会的标准《 SSPC 规范 - 油漆 20 》,以飨读者。

1 总则1.1 技术规范涵盖的两个种类的富锌漆,只有一个定义:在露底和细小擦损部位涂层漆膜不连续的情况下也能保护裸露金属。

1.2 涂料种类可以分为无机锌粉和有机锌粉两大类。

1.3 技术规范不涉及可焊底漆,即车间保养底漆,如 SSPC- 油漆 30 。

1.4 富锌涂层,不论其表面是否涂上面漆,都可以很好地在各种环境下广泛运用。

在不同的工作环境下,不同种类的富锌漆在施工中出现的具体涂层破损情况,请参考 SSPC — PS 指导 12.00 或向油漆制造商咨询对锌粉涂层外露规范的相关建议(见章节 12.1 《注意事项》)。

1.5 富锌涂料应该可以单独使用,或作为多种涂料配套系统中的底漆,而且适合于喷涂施工。

2 应用类型2.1 技术规范的应用2.1.1 符合本技术规范的锌粉底漆应依据涂料的品种和锌含量等级分门别类。

2.1.2 如果没有明确的指定涂料品种,那么种类 I (无机锌粉类)和种类 II (有机锌粉类)都可以接受(见章节 2.3 )。

2.1.3 如果没有明确规定具体的锌含量,那么锌粉含量等级 1 、 2 和 3 都是可以接受的(见章节 2.3 )。

该种类锌粉底漆可以由 (1 ~ 3) 种成分构成。

2.2 组成本技术规范所述的富锌涂料,一般含有金属锌粉、功能性添加剂(助剂),以及有机或无机的油漆主剂和相应的溶剂(见章节 12.2 《注意事项》)。

2.3 油漆主剂的类型2.3.1 种类 I-A : 2 次硬化类无机锌粉涂料 / 水溶性无机锌粉。

sspc pa2 干膜厚度测量

sspc pa2 干膜厚度测量
• ASTM D7091 describes 3 operational steps to ensure accurate measurement:
Calibration Verification of Accuracy Adjustment
• Steps are required to be completed before coating thickness data acquisition to determine conformance to a specification
Scope of SSPC-PA 2
• Standard contains 8 non-mandatory appendices (described later) • 9th appendix was recently balloted (precautions regarding the use of the standard for coating failure investigations) • Standard is not intended to be used for measurement of thermal spray coatings (procedure described in SSPC-CS 23.00)
SSPC-PA 2 Procedure for Determining Conformance to Dry Coating Thickness Requirements
William D. Corbett, KTA-Tator, Inc. Chair – SSPC Committee C.3.2 on Dry Film Thickness Measurement
Verification of Type 1 Gage Accuracy

中文版标准SSPC-PA2(DFT Standard

中文版标准SSPC-PA2(DFT Standard

SSPC-PA2 使用磁性测厚仪测试干膜厚度SSPC-PA 2要求如下:每100平方英尺进行5组任意测试(每组取3个读数的平均值)-注意:单个读数不受规定,但包括在‘任意点’测试的平均值中。
















SSPC: The Society for Protective CoatingsPAINT APPLICATION SPECIFICATION NO. 2Measurement of Dry Coating Thickness with Magnetic GagesSSPC PA2 使用磁性测厚仪测量涂层干膜厚度1. Scope范围1.1 GENERAL: This standard describes the procedures to measure the thickness of a dry fi lm of a nonmagnetic coating applied on a magnetic substrate using commercially available magnetic gages. These procedures are intended to supplement manufacturers’ operating instructions for the manual operation of the gages and are not intended to replace them.总则:本标准描述了使用市场上可买到的磁性测厚仪来测量施工在磁性底材上的非磁性涂层的干膜厚度的程序。


1.2The procedures for adjustment and measurement are described for two types of gages: pull-off gages (Type 1) and electronic gages (Type 2).校准和测量的规程适用于两类测厚仪:拉开式测厚仪(类型1)和电子测厚仪(类型2)。

1.3 The standard defines a procedure to determine if the film thickness over an extended area conforms to the minimum and the maximum levels specified. This procedure may be modified when measuring dry film thickness on overcoated surfaces (see Note 7.1).本标准定义了用来确定漆膜厚度是否超出规定的最小值和最大值的范围的程序。


a (2)
漆膜厚度检验仪器主要有: 湿膜厚度(WFT)测试仪器:(梳齿状)湿膜测厚仪 湿膜厚度(DFT)测试仪器:
磁性拉伸式干膜测厚仪(SSPC PA2 I 类仪器) 固定探头电磁干膜测厚仪(SSPC PA2 II 类仪器) 电磁与涡流干膜测厚仪 其它测试仪器:托克仪,千分尺,游标卡尺
3inchx3inchx0.125inch 通常采用塑料薄片进行校准
a (16)
干膜厚度(DFT)的测量原则:80-20原则(SSPC PA2),90-10原则(IMO),8515原则(CB)
80-20原则的意思是:80%的测量值不得低于规定的干膜厚度,其余20%的测量值不 能低于规定膜厚的80%。
厚x 100%
体积固体份 = 干膜厚/湿膜
份x 100%
湿膜厚 = 干膜厚/体积固体
a (6)
磁性拉伸式干膜测厚仪(SSPC PA2 I 类仪器)
基本原理: 使用弹簧将一块永
久磁铁从漆膜表面拉起, 该仪器可以将从表面拉力 的力转化为涂层的厚度, 磁铁吸附于表面的力会随 着磁铁和表面的距离(即 涂层的厚度)不同而发生 变化。
a (7)
磁性拉伸式干膜测厚仪(SSPC PA2 I 类仪器)
机械仪 本身安全 易于使用
保持磁性端头的清洁 确保涂层漆膜已硬干 不要在振动表面(如机器) 或靠近边缘处进行测量 精确性仅为 +/- 5% 单手进行测量会很困难


此方法仅适用于ISO 8501-1中规定的Sa2.5和Sa3。
7.磁性仪器测定干膜厚度(SSPC PA2)
1.钢材锈蚀等级和表面处理等级评定(ISO 8501-1)
在不放大的情况下进行观察时,表面应无可见的油脂和污垢,并且几乎没有氧化皮、铁锈、油漆涂层和异物。任何残留物应是牢固附着的。参见照片B Sa2,C Sa2,D Sa2


2 2 2 2
厚度读数上。在试图建立一个要从最终干膜厚度上减去的基础干膜厚度读数时,这 样的不均匀也会增加统计上的波动。 使用涂层检测膜厚仪(有时称为Tooke或PIG)将提供准确的干膜厚度测量,但 是会切穿涂层,所以必须要修复每一个测量部位。可以使用超声波膜厚仪,但是精 确性远低于1型或2型膜厚仪。在复涂中一个可行的用于监测干膜厚度的方法是通过 湿膜厚度和施工涂料的体积固含量计算干膜厚度。 如果现有涂层的干膜厚度过于不均匀, 可以通过测量现有涂层的平均干膜厚度的 方式制定基础干膜厚度。然后从总干膜厚度中减去这个基础干膜厚度就得到复涂涂 层的膜厚。 7.2 磁性膜厚仪的原理:每一个这种膜厚仪能感应和测量的仅仅是钢材的磁性表面 和接触在涂层表面的磁铁或探头的小圆尖之间的距离。由于钢材的表面粗糙度和为 了将钢材的组成与形状所带来的影响控制在在较小的程度,要使这个测量距离(从 涂层的上表面到磁场零点)等同于波峰之上的涂层厚度,必须修正膜厚仪的读数。 这样的修正在3.3(对1型)和3.4(对2型)中有详细说明。 7.2.1 1型(拉脱型)膜厚仪测量将一小块永磁铁拉脱已涂装钢材表面所用的力。将 磁铁保持在表面的磁力变化与磁铁和钢材之间距离的非线性函数成反比,亦即,干 膜厚度(加上其他所有现有涂层)。 通常,1型的膜厚仪不用为了每一个新系列的测量进行调整或重设。用来调整2 型(电子型)膜厚仪所用到的塑料或非磁性金属薄片不能用于调整1型膜厚仪。这些 薄片通常都相当的坚硬和弯曲,甚至在光滑的钢材测试表面也不能完全的放平。使 用1型膜厚仪,当接近测量的拉脱点时,薄片常常会弹回钢材表面,使得提高磁铁过 快而导致错误的读数。 7.2.2 2型(电子型)膜厚仪有两个不同的磁力原理。一些2型膜厚仪使用永磁体。当 磁铁接近钢材时,磁铁尖端的磁感应强度增加。磁感应强度的变化和磁铁与钢铁基 材的距离成反比,通过测量磁感应强度的变化,可以测得涂层厚度。用来测量磁感 应强度最常用的方法是在磁铁尖端安装霍尔元件和磁电阻元件。 其他2型膜厚仪使用 电磁感应的原理。通过直流电激发有软铁棒的线圈,由此在探头尖端产生变化的磁 场。就像永磁体一样,当探头接近钢铁基材时铁棒内的磁感应强度增大。这个变化 可以很容易的通过使用附加的线圈检测到。这些线圈的输出值与涂层厚度相关。 7.3 重复性:磁性膜厚仪必须对涂层表面或探头正下方的钢材表面的微小不平整有 一定的敏感度。在粗糙表面重复读数,甚至在非常接近的点位,经常差别很大,尤 其是对于较高表面粗糙度的表面上的薄涂层厚度。 7.4 零点设定:不论膜厚仪应用于粗糙的钢材表面还是未涂装的光滑钢材表面,1型 膜厚仪都不能进行调整或刻度归零。 一些2型膜厚仪能在未涂装的冲砂清理表面调整




























5 SSPC-PA2-2000中文版

5 SSPC-PA2-2000中文版
4.0 .校正.检查和测量工艺
4.1 综述
4.1.1 近似为裸露的衬底:所有的测厚仪都受到衬底条件一定程度上的影响,如粗糙度,形 状,厚度和成分。推荐使用无涂层的衬底以更正此类影响。使用独立的无涂覆的衬底 的其它选择参考具有类似粗糙度,形状,厚度和成分的面板。(参见 8.3 节-8.9 节。) 4.2 和 4.3 节的工艺,这些将作为裸露衬底使用。参考的面板将有足够的尺寸以用来 排除边缘效应。(参见 8.7 节)在油漆前对裸露衬底进行测量,如果涂层已经应用于 整个表面,小区域的涂层可以被脱掉并且进行后续的修补。消除工艺不能改变衬底的 环境。使用油漆模板用来保持构件外形。
4.3.2 按照规定,使用适当的校准量规测量干膜厚度。(参见 4.1.2 章节)
4.3.3 使用一个或者更多标准,对每个构件开始测量值前和测量后,测厚仪校准的核查。(参 见附件 2)。在工件交换期间,如果测厚仪下垂,或者测量数据不可靠,应进行重新 的校准。
5.0 按照厚度规范要求的测量点数量
5.1 测量点:在面积为 10 m2 区域随意间距选 5 个点进行测量(测厚仪读数的水平,参见 4.1.2 节),如果合约双方同意,在给定的区域可以进行对于 5 点的测量。(参见 5.3 章节)面积 为 10 m2 区域按照如下进行五点的测量:
4.1.2 斑点测量:重复测量数据,即使测量点靠的很近,由于涂层和衬底表面的不规则测量 数据也可能不同。因此,衬底或者涂层的斑点测量至少要三个测规仪的读数。移动探 头进行新位置的测量,此位置应在直径为 1.5 英寸(4cm)的圆内,去掉最低和最高 读数,取其它数据的平均值作为斑点测量的数值。
4.2 校准,检查和测量:1 类型-拉动式测厚仪
类型 1B-直接或者间接的在弹簧上安装磁铁,弹簧在涂层表面垂直运动去磁。1B 类型的 测厚仪通常称为“笔式”测厚仪。

美国钢结构涂装协会标准《SSPC 规范-油漆20》

美国钢结构涂装协会标准《SSPC 规范-油漆20》

美国钢结构涂装协会标准《SSPC 规范-油漆20》陈贻明,张卫华编译(上海中远关西涂料化工有限公司,)编者按:SSPC:Steel StructurePaint Council 的规范和标准是美国钢结构涂装协会制定的美国国家标准,也是国际上最具权威性和采用最多的钢结构涂装标准。


为此,我们编译了美国钢结构涂装协会的标准《SSPC 规范- 油漆20 》,以飨读者。

1 总则1.1 技术规范涵盖的两个种类的富锌漆,只有一个定义:在露底和细小擦损部位涂层漆膜不连续的情况下也能保护裸露金属。

1.2 涂料种类可以分为无机锌粉和有机锌粉两大类。

1.3 技术规范不涉及可焊底漆,即车间保养底漆,如SSPC- 油漆30 。

1.4 富锌涂层,不论其表面是否涂上面漆,都可以很好地在各种环境下广泛运用。

在不同的工作环境下,不同种类的富锌漆在施工中出现的具体涂层破损情况,请参考SSPC — PS 指导12.00 或向油漆制造商咨询对锌粉涂层外露规范的相关建议(见章节12.1 《注意事项》)。

1.5 富锌涂料应该可以单独使用,或作为多种涂料配套系统中的底漆,而且适合于喷涂施工。

2 应用类型2.1 技术规范的应用2.1.1 符合本技术规范的锌粉底漆应依据涂料的品种和锌含量等级分门别类。

2.1.2 如果没有明确的指定涂料品种,那么种类I (无机锌粉类)和种类II (有机锌粉类)都可以接受(见章节2.3 )。

2.1.3 如果没有明确规定具体的锌含量,那么锌粉含量等级1 、2 和3 都是可以接受的(见章节2.3 )。

该种类锌粉底漆可以由(1 ~3) 种成分构成。

2.2 组成本技术规范所述的富锌涂料,一般含有金属锌粉、功能性添加剂(助剂),以及有机或无机的油漆主剂和相应的溶剂(见章节12.2 《注意事项》)。

2.3 油漆主剂的类型2.3.1 种类I-A :2 次硬化类无机锌粉涂料/ 水溶性无机锌粉。



SSPC:涂料保护协会涂料应用规范NO.2使用磁性膜厚仪测量干膜厚度1. 范围1.1 综述:本标准描述了使用商用磁性膜厚仪测量应用于磁性基材的非磁性干膜厚度的测量程序。



1.3 本标准详细说明了一个程序,用来判断是否涂层厚度超过了所规定的最低和最高水平。


2. 说明和使用2.1 定义2.1.1 膜厚仪读数:在某一点的单个读数。

2.1.2 测量位置的测量值:在直径4 cm(1.5 inch)的圆形范围内至少3个膜厚仪读数的平均值。

2.1.3 校准:控制和记录的过程,用来衡量可追溯的校准标准和核实膜厚仪所规定的精确性。



2.1.4 验证:用户使用已知的参考标准所进行的精确性的检查。

2.1.5 调整:为了提高膜厚仪在一个规定表面上,或在其测量范围内的特定部分的精确性,所进行的调节膜厚仪读数符合已知样本厚度的动作。


2.1.6 涂层厚度标准(试块):一块光滑的铁磁性基材,其上涂覆一层可按照国家标准进行追溯的非磁性涂层。

2.1.7 垫片(薄片):一片用来确认干膜厚度仪的精确性,有均匀的已知厚度,非磁性的塑料、金属或其他材料的薄片。

2.1.8 干膜厚度参考标准:用来确认膜厚仪精确性的已知厚度的样品,例如标准的涂层厚度或薄片。


2.1.9 精确性:测量值和标准厚度的真实值之间的一致性。

SSPC-PA2-1996_Chn version-使用磁性测厚仪测量涂层干膜厚度

SSPC-PA2-1996_Chn version-使用磁性测厚仪测量涂层干膜厚度

SSPC-PA 2June 1, 1996SSPC: The Society for Protective CoatingsPAINT APPLICATION STANDARD NO. 2 Measurement of Dry Coating Thickness with Magnetic GagesSSPC PA2 使用磁性测厚仪测量涂层干膜厚度1. Scope 范围1.1 GENERAL: This standard describes the procedures to measure the thickness of a dry film of a nonmagnetic coating applied on a magnetic substrate using commercially available magnetic gages. These procedures are intended to supplement manufacturers’ instructions for the manual operation of the gages and are not intended to replace them.总则:本标准描述了使用市场上可买到的磁性测厚仪来测量施工在磁性底材上的非磁性涂层的干膜厚度的规程。


1.2 The procedures for calibration and measurement are described for two types of gages: pull-off gages (Type 1) and constant pressure probe gages (Type 2).校准和测量的规程适用于两类测厚仪:拉开式(类型1)和恒压探头式测厚仪(类型2)1.3 The standard defines a procedure to determine if the film thickness over an extended area conforms to the minimum and the maximum levels specified.本标准定义了用来确定漆膜厚度是否超出规定的最小值和最大值的范围的规程。

SSPC-PA2 干膜厚度的测量

SSPC-PA2 干膜厚度的测量

SSPC-PA2 于膜厚度的测量





(6)、对于一定面积内的测量,SSPCPA-2 规定;








SSPC: The Society for Protective CoatingsPAINT APPLICATION SPECIFICATION NO. 2Measurement of Dry Coating Thickness with Magnetic GagesSSPC PA2 使用磁性测厚仪测量涂层干膜厚度1. Scope范围1.1 GENERAL: This standard describes the procedures to measure the thickness of a dry fi lm of a nonmagnetic coating applied on a magnetic substrate using commercially available magnetic gages. These procedures are intended to supplement manufacturers’ operating instructions for the manual operation of the gages and are not intended to replace them.总则:本标准描述了使用市场上可买到的磁性测厚仪来测量施工在磁性底材上的非磁性涂层的干膜厚度的程序。


1.2The procedures for adjustment and measurement are described for two types of gages: pull-off gages (Type 1) and electronic gages (Type 2).校准和测量的规程适用于两类测厚仪:拉开式测厚仪(类型1)和电子测厚仪(类型2)。

1.3 The standard defines a procedure to determine if the film thickness over an extended area conforms to the minimum and the maximum levels specified. This procedure may be modified when measuring dry film thickness on overcoated surfaces (see Note 7.1).本标准定义了用来确定漆膜厚度是否超出规定的最小值和最大值的范围的程序。













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SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings PAINT APPLICATION STANDARD NO. 2 Measurement of Dry Coating Thickness with Magnetic Gages1.Scope1.1GENERAL: This standard describes the procedures to measure the thickness of a dry film of a nonmagnetic coating applied on a magnetic substrate using commercially available magnetic gages. These procedures are intended to supplement manufacturers’ instructions for the manual operation of the gages and are not intended to replace them.1.2The procedures for calibration and measurement are described for two types of gages: pull-off gages (Type 1) and constant pressure probe gages (Type 2).1.3The standard defines a procedure to determine if the film thickness over an extended area conforms to the minimum and the maximum levels specified.2.Description and Use2.1DEFINITIONS:2.1.1Gage Reading: A single reading at one point.2.1.2Spot Measurement: The average of at least three gage readings made within a 1.5 inch (4 cm) diameter circle.2.2DESCRIPTION OF GAGES:2.2.1Gage Types: The gage type is determined by the specific magnetic properties employed in measuring the thick-ness and is not determined by the mode of data readout, i.e. digital or analog. This standard does not cover gages that measure the effect of eddy currents produced in the substrate.2.2.2Type 1—Pull-Off Gages: In pull-off gages, a per-manent magnet is brought into direct contact with the coated surface and a calibrated scale measures the force necessary to pull the magnet from the surface. Less force is required to remove the magnet from a thick coating. The scale is nonlinear.•Type 1A - A magnet is attached to one end of a pivoting balance arm. This assembly is connected to a calibrated helical spring. By rotating a dial, the spring increases the force on the magnet and pulls it from the surface. The Type 1A gages are commonly called “banana” gages.•Type 1B - A magnet is mounted directly or indirectly to a coil spring. The spring acts perpendicularly to the surface to pull off the magnet. The Type 1B gages are commonly called “pencil” gages.2.2.3Type 2—Constant Pressure Probe Gages: A con-stant pressure probe gage uses a probe which exerts a constant pressure on the coated surface during the entire measuring operation. Electronic circuitry is used to convert a reference signal into coating thickness. (See 8.1.)2.3USE OF STANDARD: This document contains the following:•Calibration, verification and measurement procedures (Section 4).•Required number of measurements for conformance to a thickness specification (Section 5).•Notes on gage principles and various factors affecting thickness measurement (Section 8).• A numerical example of thickness measurement over an extended area (Appendix 1).• A numerical example of verification of the calibration of Type 2 gages using plastic shims (Appendix 2).3.Reference Standards3.1The documents and standards referenced in this stan-dard are listed in Section 3.4 and form a part of this standard.3.2The latest issue, revision or amendment of the refer-enced documents in effect on the date of invitation to bid shall govern unless otherwise specified.3.3If there is a conflict between the requirements of any of the cited documents and this standard, the requirements of this standard shall prevail.3.4NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECH-NOLOGY (NIST) STANDARD REFERENCE MATERIALS. (See Section 8.15.)4.Calibration, Verification and Measurement Procedures4.1GENERAL4.1.1Access to Bare Substrate: All gages are affected to some degree by substrate conditions such as roughness, shape, thickness and composition. To correct for this effect, access to the uncoated substrate is recommended. Another option is to use separate uncoated reference panels with similar rough-ness, shape, thickness and composition. (See Sections 8.3 to 8.9.) These would be used as the bare substrate in the proce-dures of Sections 4.2 and 4.3. Reference panels shall be of sufficient size to preclude edge effects. (See Section 8.7.) Measurements on the bare substrate can be taken beforethe coating is applied or by masking off small representative areas during painting. If the coating has already been applied to the entire surface, small areas of coating may be removed and later patched. Do not allow the removal process to alter the condition of the substrate. Paint strippers should be used in order to retain the profile.4.1.2Spot Measurement: Repeated gage readings, even at points close together, may differ due to small surface irregu-larities of the coating and the substrate. Therefore, a minimum of three (3) gage readings shall be made for each spot measure-ment of either the substrate or the coating. For each new gage reading, move the probe to a new location within the 1.5 inch (4 cm) diameter circle defining the spot. Discard any unusually high or low gage reading that cannot be repeated consistently. Take the average of the acceptable gage readings as the spot measurement.4.2CALIBRATION, VERIFICATION AND MEASUREMENT: TYPE 1—PULL-OFF GAGES4.2.1For Type 1 gages, use test blocks bearing calibrated non-magnetic coatings that are traceable to a suitable national standard. (See Section 8.15.) The standards must be large enough to exceed the critical mass of steel needed to satisfy the magnetic field of the Type 1 (pull-off) magnets. Shims of plastic or of non magnetic metals which are acceptable for calibration of Type 2 (constant pressure probe) gages should not be used for calibration of the Type 1 gages. (See Section 8.1.1.) If the manufacturer’s instructions are in conflict with this standard by allowing the use of plastic or other non-magnetic shims for the calibration of a Type 1 gage, the contracting parties must both be notified of this fact and agree on a method of calibration.If proprietary thickness standards are to be used, agree-ment between contracting parties should be reached prior to starting the job.4.2.2Using the Type 1 (pull-off) gage, measure the thick-ness of a series of calibration standards covering the expected range of coating thickness. To guard against measuring with an inaccurate gage, recheck the gage at the beginning and the end of each work shift with one or more of the standards. During the work shift, if the gage is dropped or suspected of giving errone-ous readings, its calibration should be rechecked. If deemed appropriate by the contracting parties, initial agreement can be reached on the details and frequency of verification or calibra-tion. Record the calibration data and the method used to verify the calibration. If the gage is found to be out of calibration at the end of the work shift, all measurements made since the last calibration are suspect.4.2.3When the gage no longer agrees with the standard, check the probe for cleanliness. If dirty, clean as described in Section 8.5.1. If the gage still does not agree with the standard, the gage is in need of repair or replacement. Some gages can be adjusted to read accurately in a given range. Adjust the gage to read correctly on a given standard. Then check the gage on standards of higher and lower thicknesses to establish the range over which the gage is accurate. All Type 1 gages have nonlinear scales and any adjusting feature is linear in nature. Therefore, only a given segment of the scale can be accurate after adjustment.4.2.4Measure the bare substrate at a number of spots to obtain a representative average value. This average value is the base metal reading (BMR). Note the gage is not to be calibrated on the bare substrate.4.2.5Measure the dry coating at the number of spots specified in Section5.4.2.6Subtract the base metal reading from the gage read-ing to obtain the thickness of the coating.4.3CALIBRATION, VERIFICATION AND MEASUREMENT: TYPE 2—CONSTANT PRESSURE PROBE GAGES4.3.1Different manufacturers of Type 2 (constant pressure probe) gages follow different methods of calibration or adjustment. Calibrate the gage according to manufacturer’s instructions.4.3.2With a properly calibrated gage, measure the dry coating as specified. (See Section 4.1.2.)4.3.3Verify the calibration of the gage at the beginning and the end of each work shift with one or more of the standards. (See Appendix 2). During the work shift, if the gage is dropped or suspected of giving erroneous readings, its calibration should be rechecked. If deemed appropriate by the contracting parties, initial agreement can be reached on the details and frequency of verification or calibration. Record the calibration data and the method used to verify the calibration. If the gage is found to be out of calibration at the end of the works shift, all measurements made since the last calibration are suspect.5.Required Number of Measurements for Conformance to a Thickness Specification5.1NUMBER OF MEASUREMENTS: Make five (5) sepa-rate spot measurements (average of the gage readings, see Section 4.1.2) spaced randomly over each 10 m2 (100 ft2) area to be measured. If the contracting parties agree, more than five (5) spot measurements may be taken in a given area. (See Section 5.3.) The five spot measurements shall be made for each 10 m2 (100 ft2) of area as follows:5.1.1For structures not exceeding 30 m2 (300 ft2) in area, each 10 m2 (100 ft2) area shall be measured.5.1.2For structures not exceeding 100 m2 (1,000 ft2) in area, three 10 m2 (100 ft2) areas shall be randomly selected and measured.5.1.3For structures exceeding 100 m2 (1,000 ft2) in area, the first 100 m2 (1,000 ft2) shall be measured as stated in Section 5.1.2 and for each additional 100 m2 (1,000 ft2) of area or increment thereof, one 10 m2 (100 ft2) area shall be randomly selected and measured.5.1.4If the dry film thickness for any 10 m2 (100 ft2) area (see Sections 5.1.2 and 5.1.3) is not in compliance with the requirements of Sections 5.2.1 and 5.2.2, then additional mea-surements must be made to isolate the non-conforming area.5.2SPECIFYING THICKNESS: Both a maximum and a minimum thickness should be specified for the coating. If a maximum thickness value is not explicitly specified, the speci-fied thickness shall be the minimum.5.2.1Minimum Thickness: The average of the spot measurements for each 10 m2 (100 ft2) area shall not be less than the specified minimum thickness. No single spot measure-ment in any 10 m2 (100 ft2) area shall be less than 80% of the specified minimum thickness. Any gage reading may under-run by a greater amount. If the average of the spot measurements for a given 10 m2 (100 ft2) area meets or exceeds the specified minimum thickness, but one or more spot measurements is less than 80% of the specified minimum thickness, additional mea-surements may be made to define the non-conforming area. (See Appendix 1.)5.2.2Maximum Thickness: The average of the spot measurements for each 10 m2 (100 ft2) area shall not be more than the specified maximum thickness. No single spot measure-ment in any 10 m2 (100 ft2) area shall be more than 120% of the specified maximum thickness. Any gage reading may over-run by a greater amount. If the average of the spot measurements for a given 10 m2 (100 ft2) area meets or falls below the specified maximum thickness , but one or more spot measurements is more than 120% of the specified maximum thickness, additional measurements may be made to define the non-conforming area. Manufacturers’ literature may be consulted to determine if higher maximum thickness readings are allowable under specific circumstances.5.3Other size areas or number of spot measurements may be specified in the procurement documents as appropriate for the size and shape of the structure to be measured.6.Accuracy6.1To qualify under this standard, a gage must have an accuracy at least within ±10%. For thicknesses less than 25 µm (1 mil), the gage must have an accuracy at least within ±2.5 µm (0.1 mil).7.Disclaimer7.1While every precaution is taken to insure that all information furnished in SSPC standards and specifications is as accurate, complete and useful as possible, SSPC cannot assume responsibility nor incur any obligation resulting from the use of any materials, coatings or methods specified therein, or of the specification or standard itself.8.NotesNotes are not a requirement of this standard.8.1PRINCIPLES OF THE MAGNETIC GAGE: Each of these gages can sense and indicate only the distance between the magnetic surface of the steel and the small rounded tip of the magnet or probe that rests on the top surface of the coating. This measured distance, from the top surface of the coating, must be corrected for the thickness of any extraneous films or other interfering conditions on the surface of the steel. Such correction is described in Section 4.2 for Type 1 gages and manufacturer’s instructions for Type 2 gages.8.1.1Type 1 (pull-off) gages use a calibrated spring mecha-nism to measure the force needed to pull a small permanent magnet from the surface of the coated steel. The magnetic force holding the magnet to the surface varies inversely as a non-linear function of the distance between magnet and steel, i.e., the thickness of the dry coating (plus any other films present).The Type 1A “banana” gages use a helical spring to pull a small permanent magnet from the surface. Internal balancing mechanisms in most banana gages compensate for horizontal, vertical and overhead positions so that there is no need to recalibrate when changing orientation.In a Type 1B “pencil” gage, a calibrated coil spring mea-sures the force necessary to pull the permanent magnet from the surface. Because of gravitational effects, these gages must be recalibrated when the orientation of the surface changes; e.g., a gage calibrated on a horizontal surface will not be accurate when measuring a vertical surface. Some gages have three separate indicators which compensate for horizontal, vertical and overhead positions. Type 1B gages are generally not as precise as Type 1A gages.Normally, Type 1 gages are not adjusted or reset for each new series of measurements.Shims of sheet plastic or of non-magnetic metals, which are permissible for calibrating Type 2, (constant pressure probe) gages, should not be used for calibration of Type 1 gages. Such shims are usually fairly rigid and curved and do not lie perfectly flat, even on a smooth steel test surface. Near the pull-off point of the calibration measurements with any Type 1 gage, the shim frequently springs back from the steel surface, raising the magnet too soon and causing erroneous calibration readings.8.1.2Type 2 (constant pressure probe) gages operate on two different magnetic principles. Some Type 2 gages use a permanent magnet. When the magnet is brought near steel, the magnetic flux density within the magnet is increased. By measuring this change in flux density, which varies inversely to the distance between the magnet and the steel substrate, the coating thickness can be determined. Hall elements and mag-net resistance elements are the most common ways to measure magnetic flux density. However, the response of these ele-ments is temperature dependent, so temperature compensation is required.Other Type 2 gages operate on the principle of electromagneticinduction. A coil containing a soft iron rod is energized with an AC current thereby producing a changing magnetic field at the probe. As with a permanent magnet, the magnetic flux density within the rod increases when the probe is brought near the steel substrate. This change is easy to detect by using a second coil. The output of the second coil is related to coating thickness and this relationship can be determined experimentally.8.2REPEATABILITY:Magnetic gages are necessarily sensitive to very small irregularities of the coating surface or of the steel surface directly below the probe center. Repeated gage readings on a rough surface, even at points very close together, frequently differ considerably, particularly for thin films over a rough surface with a high profile.8.3ZERO SETTING: Type 1 magnetic gages should not be adjusted or set at the scale zero (0) with the gage applied to either a rough or a smooth uncoated steel surface.8.4ROUGHNESS OF THE STEEL SURFACE: If the steel surface is smooth and even, its surface plane is the effective magnetic surface. If the steel is roughened, as by blast cleaning, the “apparent” or effective magnetic surface that the gage senses is an imaginary plane located between the peaks and valleys of the surface profile. With a correctly calibrated and adjusted Type 2 gage, the reading obtained indicates the coat-ing thickness above this imaginary plane. (See Section 4.3.) If a Type 1 gage is used, the coating thickness is obtained by subtracting the base metal reading. (See Section 4.2.)8.5DIRTY, TACKY OR SOFT FILMS: The surface of the coating and the probe of the gage must be free from dust, grease and other foreign matter in order to obtain close contact of the probe with the coating and also to avoid adhesion of the magnet. The accuracy of the measurement will be affected if the coating is tacky or excessively soft. Tacky coating films also cause unwanted adhesion of the magnet. Unusually soft films may be dented by the pressure of the probe. Soft or tacky films can sometimes be measured satisfactorily by putting a shim on the film, measuring total thickness of coating plus shim and sub-tracting shim thickness.8.5.1Ordinary dirt and grease can be removed from a probe by wiping with a soft cloth. Magnetic particles adhering to the probe can be removed using an adhesive backed tape. Any adhesive residue left on the probe must then be removed.8.6ALLOY STEEL SUBSTRATES: Differences among most mild low-carbon steels will not significantly effect magnetic gage readings. For higher alloy steels, the gage response should be checked. In any event, the gage should be recalibrated on the same steel over which the coating has been applied.8.7PROXIMITY TO EDGES: Magnetic gages are sensi-tive to geometrical discontinuities of the steel, such as holes, corners or edges. The sensitivity to edge effects and discontinuities varies from gage to gage. Measurements closer than 2.5 cm (1 in) from the discontinuity may not be valid unless the gage is calibrated specifically for that location.8.8PROXIMITY TO OTHER MASS OF STEEL: The older two-pole Type 2 gages with permanent magnets are sensitive to the presence of another mass of steel close to the body of the gage. This effect may extend as much as three inches (7.6 cm) from an inside angle.8.9CURVATURE OF STEEL SURFACE: Magnetic gage readings may be affected by surface curvature. If the curvature is appreciable, valid measurements may still be obtained by calibrating or adjusting the gage on a similarly curved surface.8.10TILT OF PROBE: All of the magnets or probes must be held perpendicular to the coated surface to produce valid measurements.8.11OTHER MAGNETIC FIELDS: Strong magnetic fields, such as those from welding equipment or nearby power lines, may interfere with operation of the gages. Also, residual magnetism in the steel substrate may affect gage readings. With fixed probe two-pole gages in such cases, it is recom-mended that the readings before and after reversing the pole positions be averaged. Other gages may require demagnetiza-tion of the steel.8.12EXTREMES OF TEMPERATURE: Most of the mag-netic gages operate satisfactorily at 4°C and 49°C (40°F and 120°F). Some gages function well at much higher temperatures. However, if such temperature extremes are met in the field, the gage might well be checked with at least one reference standard after both the standard and the gage are brought to the same ambient temperature. Most electronic gages compensate for temperature differences among the gage, probe and surface.8.13VIBRATION: The accuracy of the Type 1 (pull-off) gages is affected by traffic, machinery, concussions, etc. When these gages are set up for calibration or measurement of coating films, there should be no apparent vibration.8.14VARIATION IN THICKNESS - 80% OF MINIMUM/ 120% OF MAXIMUM: In any measurement there is a certain level of uncertainty. Two inspectors using the same gage will not necessarily record the exact same number for a given spot measurement using the same 4 cm (1.5 in) diameter circle. To allow for this natural fluctuation, an individual spot measure-ment is permitted to be below the specified minimum thickness as long as other spots in the 10 m2 (100 ft2) area are high enough to make the average thickness meet or exceed the specified minimum thickness. Similar reasoning applies to maximum thickness. The 80% of specified minimum and 120% of speci-fied maximum allow for the tolerance of the gage and calibration standards and for variations in the substrate.8.15Polished metal calibration standards are manufac-tured by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The chrome plated panels are flat smooth steel 2.86 x 2.86 cm (1.125 x 1.125 in) in size. Examples of some NIST standards are:Certified Coating Thickness Calibration StandardsNonmagnetic Coating on Steel SRM 1358Set of 380, 225, 1000 µm (3, 9, 40 mil)SRM 1359Set of 448, 140, 505, 800 µm (2, 5.5, 20, 31 mil)SRM 1362a Set of 440, 80, 140, 205 µm (1.6, 3, 5.5, 8 mil)SRM 1331a to 1339aSingle standards from 3 µm (0.1 mil)to 62 µm (2.4 mil)8.16CORRECTING LOW OR HIGH THICKNESS: Thecontracting parties should agree upon the method of correcting film thicknesses that are above the maximum or below the minimum specification. This method may be specified in the procurement documents, may follow manufacturer’s instruc-tions or may be a compromise reached after the non-conforming area is discovered.APPENDIX 1—Numerical Example of Average Thickness MeasurementThe following numerical example is presented as an illus-tration of Section 5. (Reference JPCL , Vol 4, No 5, May 1987)Suppose this structure is 30 m 2 (300 ft 2) in area. Mentally divide the surface into three equal parts, each being about 10m 2 (100 ft 2).Part A - 10 m 2 (100 ft 2)Part B - 10 m 2 (100 ft 2)Part C - 10 m 2 (100 ft 2)First, measure the coating thickness on Part A. This involves at least 15 readings of the thickness gage. (See Figure A1.) Assume the specification calls for 64 µm (2.5 mils)minimum thickness. The average thickness for area A is then the average of the five spot measurements made on area A,namely 66 µm (2.6 mils).Spot 164 µm 2.5 mils Spot 276 3.0Spot 353 2.1Spot 476 3.0Spot 5582.3Avg.66 µm 2.6 milsThe average, 66 µm, exceeds the specified minimum of 64µm and thus satisfies the specification. However it must be decided if the lowest spot measurement, 53 µm, is within 80% of the specified minimum thickness. Eighty percent of 64 µm is 51 µm (0.80 x 64 = 51). Although 53 µm is below the specified minimum, it is still within 80 percent of it, so the specification is satisfied. [The average, 2.6 mils, exceeds the specified mini-mum of 2.5 mils and thus satisfies the specification. However it must be decided if the lowest spot measurement, 2.1 mils, is within 80% of the specified minimum thickness. Eighty percent of 2.5 mils is 2.0 mils (0.80 x 2.5 = 2.0). Although 2.1 mils is below the specified minimum, it is still within 80 percent of it, so the specification is satisfied.]There are individual gage readings of 38 µm at spot 5 and 46 µm at spot 3, both of which are clearly less than 51 µm. This is allowed because only the average of the three readings (i.e., the spot measurement) must be greater than or equal to 51 µm. [There are individual gage readings of 1.5 mils at spot 5 and 1.8 mils at spot 3, both of which are clearly less than 2.0 mils. This is allowed because only the average of the three readings (i.e., the spot measurement) must be greater than or equal to 2.0 mils.]Since the structure used in this example is about 30 m2 (300 ft2), the procedure used to measure the film thickness of part A must be applied to both part B and part C. The measured thickness of part B must exceed the 64 µm (2.5 mils) specified minimum as must the thickness of part C.To monitor the thickness of this entire 30 m2 (300 ft2) structure, at least 45 individual gage readings must be taken, from which 15 spot measurements are calculated. The five spot measurements from each 10 m2 (100 ft2) part of the structure are used to calculate the thickness of that part.Appendix 2—Example of Verification of the Calibration of Type 2 Gages Using Plastic ShimsThis example describes a method to check if a Type 2 gage is properly calibrated.Suppose the coating thickness is specified at 100 µm (4.0 mils). The Type 2 constant pressure probe gage being used has been calibrated according to the manufacturer’s recommenda-tion. Now its calibration over blast cleaned steel must be verified. A test coupon which had been blast cleaned during the time the structure was blasted and has a profile representative of that under the coating is available. After selecting a 50 µm (2.0 mil) and a 250 µm (10.0 mil) plastic shim, proceed to take thickness readings of the shims lying on the bare blasted surface.Because of the randomized nature of a blast cleaned surface, repeated readings may exhibit significant variation. Thus, make at least 10 measurements on each shim and record their averages. There is no need to keep track of each individual reading. Many gages will compute the average for you.The thickness of a plastic shim is typically accurate to within ±5%. After calibration according to manufacturer’s instructions, the gage is probably accurate to within ±5% also. Therefore, for the gage to be in agreement with the shim, the average thick-ness measured by the gage should be within ±10% of the shim’s thickness. If the average thickness measured on the 51 µm (2.0 mil) shim is 56 µm (2.2 mils), the gage is in agreement with the shim because 56 is within ±10% of 51 (2.2 is within 10% of 2.0).Similarly, if the average thickness of the 254 µm (10.0 mil) shim is measured to be 279 µm (11.0 mils), the gage calibration is verified because 279 is within ±10% of 254 (11.0 is within ±10% of 10.0).In summary, if the average measurement of the 51 µm (2 mil) shim is between 46 and 56 µm (1.8 and 2.2 mils), and if the average measurement of the 254 µm (10.0 mil) shim is between 229 and 279 µm (9.0 and 11.0 mils), the calibration is verified.Check that another shim of intermediate thickness, for example 127 µm (5.0 mils), is also within ±10%. If the calibration is verified on both the high and the low shims, it is almost always verified on the intermediate value shim.NOTE: With some gages it may be more practical to adjust the gage at the intermediate thickness (e.g., 127 µm shim) first and then verify that the gage also reads the high and the low shims correctly.。
