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On the meaning of life,we are equal
we can feed them,we can kill them,We can constantly profit from them.
They provide us meat,they provide us fur,they provide us milk.
The lovable and charismatic panda is one of the most popular animals in the world. Unfortunately, it is also one of the most endangered. Found only in China, one of the world's most populous countries, the giant panda clings to survival, facing habitat fragmentation and poaching as its greatest threats. It is estimated that as few as 1,600 pandas remain in the wild today. WWF works to help giant pandas in the wild through a variety of programs, including scientific assessments, habitat conservation and outreach to local governments and people within the panda's home range.
Can you imagine the scene when they were massacred(屠杀)?Can you Imagine the fear and painful when they saw the companion is killed?
But NO one care about tBiblioteka Baidueir feeling. NO one has thought about that animals also have feelings just like us. They can also feel happyness,sadness,fear and anger. If these things happening in ourselves,that can be how terrible?
They were fed high-energy feed,they are always too fat to move
But when you enjoy Their the delicious fried activities you are chicken, have limited to thought about where they come from? small spaces Fried chicken , These is very delicious chickens are living in misery
In order to meet the person's appetite and economic benefits,chickens grow up under humans control since their birth .No one take into account the pain and anxiety of these chickens.
Ethical of animals, Respect for life
by Janko 2012.12.04
We are happy~
As we can see,these animals are really happy in the natural environment.God's diversity in the creation of the animal kingdom is truly astounding. But to be honest,personally, my participation in my love for animals will probably never extend beyond owning a dog or cat, or visiting the local zoo. But I do love to observe animals in their natural habitat.
Marine turtles 海龟
Whales and dolpins 鲸与海豚
Along with hunting, collisions with ships, and the degradation of their habitat due to pollution, the greatest threat to whales, dolphins and porpoises is entanglement in fishing gear, also known as bycatch. If current trends continue unabated, several cetacean species and many populations will be lost in the next few decades. With the support of its members and international conservation partners, WWF is working to ensure that whales, dolphins and porpoises will swim in our seas for generations to come.
Unfortunately, the earth’s biodiversity is disappearing, with an estimated 1,000 species per year becoming extinct. Conserving biodiversity is especially crucial in developing countries where people’s livelihoods are directly dependent on natural resources such as forests, fisheries and wildlife.
As is known to us all,biodiversity is the variety and variability of life on Earth. This includes all of the plants and animals that live and grow on the Earth, all of the habitats that they call home, and all of the natural processes of which they are a part. The earth supports an incredible array of biodiversity—from Thailand’s tiny bumblebee bat to the ocean’s great blue whale—with plants and animals of all shapes and sizes in between. This fantastic variety of life is found in diverse habitats ranging from the hottest desert to tropical rainforests to the arctic tundra. Biodiversity is essential to every aspect of the way that humans live around the world. Plants and animals provide people with food and medicine, trees play an important role in absorbing greenhouse gases and cleaning the air we breathe, and rivers and watersheds provide the clean water that we drink.
Other animals are in the same sad fate .
In fact, there are other hundreds of millions of animals are suffering the same fate.The cattle,the pig,the dog,the fish,and so on. We feed them, we slaughtered(屠宰) them as if it is only natural.
paNDAS 大熊猫
Having traveled the seas for over 100 million years, marine turtles have outlived almost all of the prehistoric animals with which they once shared the planet. Marine turtles survived the extinction of the dinosaurs and are still present in the world's oceans today. Until recently, their success was apparent, as marine turtles crawled ashore to nest in abundance on tropical and subtropical beaches around the globe. Unfortunately threats like hunting for meat, shell and eggs; habitat destruction; fisheries bycatch; pollution; boat strikes; and introduced predators have wiped out entire turtle populations, or reduced them to mere shadows of their former glory. Today three of the seven existing species are critically endangered with extinction, three are endangered and the status of the seventh species remains unknown.
Perhaps these has already become the history, but who can guarantee that the cruel pictures, won't happen again?
No matter how to stress the difference between humans and animals,I always believe that we have the same position before nature.