工业工程 外文期刊 翻译_

关与工业工程工业工程(Industrial Engineering)、运筹学(Operations Research)、和系统工程(Systems Engineering)是研究如何分析复杂系统并建立抽象模型从而改进系统的学科。
传统上,工业工程师(Industrial Engineer)的工作集中在设计、执行、评估、和改进集合人力、资金、信息、知识、厂房、设备、能源、物料、和流程的制造业生产系统。
在精益制造(Lean Manufacturing)系统中,工业工程师致力于消灭在生产过程中对时间,经费,材料,能源以及其他资源的浪费。
工业工程的也往往被称作运作管理(Operations Management)、系统工程、和工程管理等等。

Professional English for Industrial EngineeringChapter1 Unit3翻译姓名:专业:工业工程班级:学号:完成日期:2015-10-31Chapter 1Unit 3 Academic Disciplines of Industrial Engineering五大主要工程学科和它们的发展在美国,有五个主要工程学科(土木、化学、电工、工业、机械),它们是早在第一次世界大战时就出现的工程分支学科。
工业工程 外文期刊 翻译

Adrian Payne & Pennie FrowA Strategic Framework for Customer RelationshipManagementOver the past decade, there has been an explosion of interest in customer relationship management (CRM) by both academics and executives. However, despite an increasing amount of published material,most of which is practitioner oriented, there remains a lack of agreement about what CRM is and how CRM strategy should be developed. The purpose of this article is to develop a process-oriented conceptual framework that positions CRM at a strategic level by identifying the key crossfunctional processes involved in the development of CRM strategy. More specifically, the aims of this article are •To identify alternative perspectives of CRM,•To emphasize the importance of a strategic approach to CRM within a holistic organizational context,•To propose five key generic cross-functional processes that organizations can use to develop and deliver an effective CRM strategy, and•To develop a process-based conceptual framework for CRM strategy development and to review the role and components of each process.We organize this article in three main parts. First, we explore the role of CRM and identify three alternative perspectives of CRM. Second, we consider the need for a cross -functional process-based approach to CRM. We develop criteria for process selection and identify five key CRM processes. Third, we propose a strategic conceptual framework that is constructed of these five processes and examine the components of each process.The development of this framework is a response to a challenge by Reinartz, Krafft, and Hoyer (2004), who criticize the severe lack of CRM research that takes a broader, more strategic focus. The article does not explore people issues related to CRM implementation. Customer relationship management can fail when a limited number of employees are committed to the initiative; thus, employee engagement and change management are essential issues in CRM implementation. In our discussion, we emphasize such implementation and people issues as a priority area for further research.CRM Perspectives and DefinitionThe term “customer relationship management” emerged in the information technology (IT) vendor community and practitioner community in the mid-1990s. It is often used todescribe technology-based customer solutions, such as sales force automation (SFA). In the academic community, the terms “relationship marketing and CRM are often used interchangeably (Parvatiyar and Sheth 2001). However,CRM is more commonly used in the context of technology solutions and has been described as “information-enabled relationship marketing” (Ryals and Payne 2001, p. 3).Zablah, Beuenger, and Johnston (2003, p. 116) suggest that CRM is “a philosophically-related offspring to relationship marketing which is for the most part neglected in the literature,”and they conclude that “further exploration of CRM and its related phenomena is not only warranted but also desperately needed.”A significant problem that many organizations deciding to adopt CRM face stems from the great deal of confusion about what constitutes CRM. In interviews with executives, which formed part of our research process (we describe this process subsequently), we found a wide range of views about what CRM means. To some, it meant direct mail, a loyalty card scheme, or a database, whereas others envisioned it as a help desk or a call center. Some said that it was about populating a data warehouse or undertaking data mining; others considered CRM an e-commerce solution,such as the use of a personalization engine on the Internet or a relational database for SFA. This lack of a widely accepted and appropriate definition of CRM can contribute to the failure of a CRM project when an organization views CRM from a limited technology perspective or undertakes CRM on a fragmented basis. The definitions and descriptions of CRM that different authors and authorities use vary considerably, signifying a variety of CRM viewpoints. To identify alternative perspectives of CRM, we considered definitions and descriptions of CRM from a range of sources, which we summarize in the Appendix. We excluded other, similar definitions from this List.Process Identification and the CRM FrameworkWe began by identifying possible generic CRM processes from the CRM and related business literature. We then discussed these tentative processes interactively with the groups of executives. The outcome of this work was a short list of seven processes. We then used the expert panel of experienced CRM executives who had assisted in the development of the process selection schema to nominate the CRM processes that they considered important and to agree on those that were the most relevant and generic. After an initial group workshop, eachpanel member independently completed a list representing his or her view of the key generic processes that met the six previously agreed-on process criteria. The data were fed back to this group, and a detailed discussion followed to help confirm our understanding of the process categories.As a result of this interactive method, five CRM processes that met the selection criteria were identified; all five were agreed on as important generic processes by more than two-thirds of the group in the first iteration. Subsequently, we received strong confirmation of these as key generic CRM processes by several of the other groups of managers. The resultant five generic processes were (1) the strategy development process, (2) the value creation process, (3) the multichannel integration process, (4) the information management process, and (5) the performance assessment process.We then incorporated these five key generic CRM processes into a preliminary conceptual framework. This initial framework and the development of subsequent versions were both informed by and further refined by our interactions with two primary executive groups.客户关系的管理框架在过去的十年里,管理层和学术界对客户关系管理(CRM)的兴趣激增。

研究人员、物料、设备、能源、信息组成 的集成系统,进行设计、改善、设置,具 体表现为规划、设计、评价和创新。
确定研究对象在未来一定 时期内从事生产或服务所 应采用的特定行动的预备 活动,包括总体目标、政 策、战略和战术的制定和
2. 设计
1. 生物力学
10. 生产规划与控制(含库
2. 成本管理 3. 数据处理及系统设计 4. 销售与市场 5. 工程经济 6. 设施规划与物流 7. 材料加工
存管理、运输路线、调 度、发货等) 11. 实用心理学 12. 方法研究和作业测定 13. 人的因素 14. 工资管理 15. 人体测量
生产的财富 产品 服务
设计一个生产系统及该系统的控制方法, 使它以最低的成本生产具有特定质量水平 的某种或几种产品,并且这种生产必须是 在保证工人和最终用户的健康和安全条件 下进行。
使生产系统投入的要素得到有效 的利用,降低成本,保证质量和 安全,提高生产效率,获得最佳 效益。
各种浪费,有效地提高生产率和经济效益 的把技术与管理有机地结合起来的一门边 缘学科。
工业工程 Industrial Engineering IE
工业工程是对人员、物料、 设备、能源和 信息所组成的集成系统, 进行设计、改善 和设置的、技术以及工程分析与设计的原理、 方法,对由人、物料、设备、能源、信息 组成的集成系统,进行规划、设计、评价、 改进(创新)的一—门—学19科55。年AIIE提出,后经修改
工业工程简介 Introduction of Industrial Engineering

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各类企业管理人员 、 高校 师生及其他有关人员 。
声明: 本刊为《 中文核心期刊要 目总览) 2 0 1 1年版 ( 即第六版 ) 之工业经 济类 核心期 刊和 中国科技 论文 统计源期 刊 , 入编
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7.运作管理第三大部分:The Department’s History and Current Editorial Mission3.该部分的历史及当前编辑的使命史和供应链部门反出核心任务的坚定不移和不断发展的解释。
直到1959年,编者的数量增长到11,(5 人来自工业),到1968年当罗勃特成为主编的时候人数为40人(12人来自工业)。

工业工程专业英语--翻译工业工程的真正价值 Real IE ValueIn addition, the IE now has a greater opportunity to concentrate on any one of a broad variety of areas that many companies now recognize as individual departments-including simulation, operations research, ergonomics, material handling and logistics.值得一提的是,工业工程现在有更多的机会去集中于现在许多企业已经视为独立的学科的众多领域中的一个-----包括防真学、运筹学、人因学、物料搬运和物流学。
Work-measured Labor Standards 基于作业测量的劳动标准If you are a manufacturer, chances are you have a bill-of-materials (BOM) system to determine standard parts cost. Do you also have an equivalent bill-of-labor system to determine standard labor cost?如果你是一个制造商,你有可能会有一个物料清单系统来确定标准件的成本。
你是否也能得到类似的劳动力清单系统来确定标准的劳动成本,Time study——The most widely used tool to develop standard times is still time study. Time study reflects what is happening in your job or project. It is also easy to learn and use. Now, the PC has made summarization of time study data a matter of seconds instead of hours.时间研究----用来开发标准时间使用最广泛的工具依然是时间研究。

AAA学校外文翻译如有雷同,纯属巧合专业工业工程学生姓名xxx班级 B工业 072 学号指导教师完成日期 2011年3 月19日外文资料名称: Various stages of theprojectcostcontrol外文资料出处:Accreditation and QualityAssurance附件: 1. 外文原文2.外文资料翻译译文Various stages of the project cost controlChung-Ho ChenAbstract:Project Cost Management is the basic content of determining reasonable and effective control of the project cost. There are two projects cost implications, the corresponding project cost management has two, one for the management of project investment, a price for the project management. Works against investment management, the so-called project cost effective control is to optimize the building programme, designed on the basis of the programme, in the various stages of construction procedures, using certain methods and measures the cost of the project have control at a reasonable scope and approved Within the limits of the cost.KEY WORDS:Engineering project cost cost management cost control cost limit 1. Project cost management problems that exist inChina's current stage of the project cost for project management to settle at for the purpose, focus only on the construction process of cost control, neglect of pre-construction project investment decision-making stage of cost control. Investment decision-making phase of the construction project investment estimate is an important basis for decision-making, it has a direct impact on national economic and financial analysis of the results of the reliability and accuracy. As a result of this project is the initial stage of work, the information can not be full, comparable projects in this area or less accumulated relatively little information, estimate the approach flawed and unscientific, making construction cost management and the cost of work At this stage difficult to accomplish something.Construction cost management to a passive design drawings prepared in accordance with the budget estimate and project cost calculated mainly ignored in the design stage to optimize the design of construction cost management, effective cost control. According to relevant statistics show that the impactof the design phase of investment for the possibility of more than 75 percent, but China's designers, most of the pursuit of high safety and design fees, the design does not consider economic factors, resulting in a number of large projects waste materials Phenomenon.Construction Cost Management divorced from each other at all stages, investment estimates, budget for the design and construction budget plans, the contract price, prices, accounts for price, the cost of these six stages from construction units and departments in charge of the design units, the respective management of construction enterprises, The former do not have control of the latter, which affected the former project cost effective management system.China's current construction cost management information system to collect finishing imperfections. The project has been completed the construction cost of collection, collation and analysis of information on the cost of the division is of great reference value. At present, China's very limited information on this part, most of all a personal cost engineer, can not share data. Cost can not be division between the exchanges and learn from each other, causing a big waste of resources.The following projects from the various stages of construction of a concrete analysis of how to strengthen the whole process of project cost management:(1)The decision-making phase of the project cost management is the beginning. In the investment decision-making phase of the project, the project's economic decision-making and various kinds of technology, investment and the project after the completion of the project have a decisive impact on economic efficiency, control of the project investment is a very important stage. Specifically, the decision-making phase of the project, a project in the new project proposals approved, the project cost advisory body should be based on long-term national economic development planning, economic development invarious sectors in economic development planning the basic requirements of the proposed project to Technically advanced and economically reasonable, and favourable in the community can create benefits, financial and other aspects of the implementation of a comprehensive and full investigation, analysis and feasibility studies, do a good job in the feasibility study. For policy makers decided to provide a reliable basis for the project. Investmentdecision-making phase of the construction cost of the entire process of project cost if Lan has a decisive impact on the overall situation. The construction project feasibility studies and investment decision-making is a source of the project cost. Cost is determined reasonable assessment of construction projects, the key follow-up work.(2)Phase of the project design phase of the design expenses only construction costs of the entire life of less than 1%, but the impact of the project cost accounts for more than 75 percent, and often easy to be ignored. Therefore, the project cost advisory body should be the design phase of cost management as a whole process of cost management in the key task. Preliminary design of the project budget for the accuracy of a certain country or industry and meet the depth requirements, effective control of project cost is the premise. Seize this critical design of the project cost control can be achieved multiplier effect. The design phase of cost control, is the source of cost control, is the most fundamental and important control.(3)Bidding phase of the project cost management is an important component of an acceptable kind of works commissioned by the owners of the list (or engineering Base Price) and a series of relevant documents, basic price of the pipeline is bidding management of the core work, because the basic price is Determine the price of the contract basis, with only the basic price of science, can we correctly judge the tender reported by the reasonable prices and reliability can be when the make the right decisions, strictly implement the project bidding regulations, grasp Price is reasonable and competitive. Evaluation and calibration of the cost Practitioners and the preparation ofcost as the basis for the legitimacy of the tender evaluation is based on legitimate and effective to ensure that the scientific and reasonable price. The market for the tender offer, the basic price of the provision of social services, and create an environment for fair competition.(4) Phase of the project implementation, cost management can not be ignored. Project implementation stage is a stage of building products, the entire process of building the project cost management is also the most difficult, most complicated stage. In addition to this stage of the passage of time with the other construction costs, a large number of investment funds through the construction of this part of the "materialization", the ultimate form of fixed assets, and investment projects. Effective cost control can be a good adjustment of the contracting parties and interests, namely the owners to reduce the input costs and increase the project's profit, but also to standardize the construction of the contractor. As a project cost advisory body, the actual operation in strict accordance with the owners agreed to assist the analysis of the claims handling matters, clearly define the responsibilities in the timely submission of counter-claims, to restore the unnecessary loss of the contract and the provisions have been agreed, calculated each time changes caused by Cost changes for the control of owners provide the basis for investment decisions.(5)Clearing stage is the completion of construction projects truly reflect the price of the product, is also the terminus of construction cost management. The stage should carefully examine the pre-clearing, more than one operator works out of high fixed sets, Takatori, are not realistic and visa, unreasonable technical measures such as increasing the cost should be based on the information available price information, on review Whether or not to raise prices of materials; should strengthen contract management, implementation of the contract itemized review system so that the project cost through a legally binding contract to identify and control; In addition, the completion of the project delivery, to conduct post-project evaluation,according to the original Rules, analysis and comparison project scope, progress and the changes in the cost, sum up experience, and cost information collated entry computer, so that future use.2.Effective control of the principles of project costTo the planning stage, the design stage as the focus of the entire process of construction cost control. Project cost control throughout the entire process of building projects, but must be focused. Clearly, the project cost control is the key to the project before the implementation of the investment decision-making and design phase of the project to make investment decisions, project cost control is the key to the design. According to some western countries analysis, design fee is generally equivalent to lifetime cost of all construction projects of less than 1%, but this is less than 1 percent of the cost of the construction project cost to the impact of more than 75 percent, thus, important that the design stage Sexual. However, for a long time, China's generally ignored the project phase of the preparatory work for cost control, project cost control are often the main focus on the construction phase - review of budget plans and reasonable settlement of the purchase price Jianan. This approach, while also effective, but is, after all, "remedial measures", Shibeigongban. To effectively control the project cost, we must shift the focus to control the project's initial stage of construction - the planning stage and the stage of design.Active Control, in order to obtain satisfactory besults. Since the eardy 1970s, the people vill control theory, system theory and research results for project management, will be controlled based on the decisions taken in advance of active measures to reduce and avoid as much as possible0the target value and acdual value of the deviations from this Is an active, positive control method, known as the active control. In other words, the project cost control, not only to reflect the investment decision-making, reflecting the design, contracting and construction, passive control project cost, more dynamic tothe impact of investment decisions, the impact of design, contracting and construction and taje the initiative to control project cost. Cost of dhe project to identify and control between interdependenae and mutual restraint, the ddtermination of the project cost control project cost is the basis and the carrier. At the same time, cost control resides in the project cost determine the whole process of determining the cost of the process that is cost control process.Technology and economic integration of project cost control is the most effective means. In the process of building projects, technology and the organic integration of economic, technological, economic analysis and evaluation, correctly handle the advanced technology and economic strength between the unity of opposites relations, and strive to achieve the advanced technology and reasonable under the conditions of the economy , On tha basis of reasonable economic advanced technology, the project cost control to infiltrate into the concept of the design and construction techjology measures. Project Management Project Cost control is an effective way. Construction supervision system is highly developed market economy, constrection project management professional and social level continuously improve the `roduct. Construction supervision of the mission, organization and management from the perspective of science and to take measures to ensure the construction project cost goals, objectives and time limit to achieve a reasonable quality objectives for the owners seek the best input and output. Practice has proved that the engineering supervision of the project cost control is an effective way.3.Various stages of the project cost controlDecision-making phase of project cost control. The planning phase of the project cost, many owners have the wrong understanding that the cost of the lower the better. Cost control is not a unilateral issue, and should be a multi-factor problem, should be integrated engineering practice, considering. In the investment decision-making phase of construction projects,the project's technical and economic decision-making, the project cost and the economic benefits of the project when completed, has a decisive role in project cost control is an important stage, rationally determine the cost of the project and control the direction of the exact location And building optimization of guiding role.The design phase project cost control. The design phase is the construction of intent from investors to the idea of the changing reality of a critical stage, the design phase of the project cost control is a key link. From the following aspects of project cost control: the design implementation of the tendering system, strengthen supervision of the design phase, determine a reasonable design, mature technology, to reduce the construction phase of major design changes and programmes of change in the effective control of the works Cost will play a role. An engineering design, if the Commissioner of participation into the project, excluding unfavorable factors may generally be excluded 80 percent of the error. In the entire process of construction cost control, the start of construction at best can only invest 20 percent savings, the key lies in the cost of construction period to identify and control. Commissioner of the design phase of work: Design Institute under the provision of design drawings and notes to help owners examine different design options for the economy, develop the preliminary capital expenditure plan to ensure that the investment will be the most effective use of support Owners of the Commissioner of work: Design Institute under the provision of design drawings and notes to help owners examine different design options for the economy, develop the preliminary capital expenditure plan to ensure that the investment will be the most effective use of the owners meet The different design options, the need to work out their own materials and equipment to conduct a cost analysis and research, design and cost proposals to assist them in the investment limit within the limits designed to reduce investment. To seek a one-time small investment and economic good design, the most rational economic indicators.The use of optimal design principles. At the design stage to reduce the use of value engineering cost 25 percent  ̄ 40 percent, with notable results. Also known as value engineering value analysis, is a modern scientific management techniques, is a new technical and economic analysis, through analysis of the product's features to save resources and reduce the cost of the purpose of an effective method. It made up for the cost of traditional management that simply reduce costs and improve quality management always stressed that the quality of the deficiencies and is conducive to resolving the long-term construction period long, waste, poor quality, high cost of the problem. Value Engineering laws generally carried out in three steps: assessing the design of targeted technical scores and scores of economic calculation of the design object technology index and economic index, calculated each design object of the geometric mean, from which to compare, choose the best design .Construction of the tender stage project cost control. Construction of the tender stage of the project cost control should be accurate grasp of design drawings, construction projects through the analysis of the specific circumstances of the units and pre-qualification of bidders, preparation of tender documents, works basic price determined through Pingbiaodingbiao, select the successful bidder units, and to determine the contract price . Reasonably sure of is the basic price of the tender stage of the project cost control an important way of determining the basic price is often incomplete because of the design, material changes, or the market price because of the constantly changing and difficult to have an accurate value. When these happen, you can use fuzzy identification, fuzzy clustering analysis, computer simulation technology (Monte Carlo simulation) Three mathematical methods, the project cost to more accurately determine.The construction phase project cost control. Project implementation phase of the project cost control can proceed from the following: careful review of the contract price and volume list, the basic unit prices and other relevantdocuments in conjunction with the progress of the project and the quality of works carried out the correct measurement, review payment of bills, according to the provisions The price of clearing; correctly understand the design intent, strictly control the design changes, the design is wrong with the local timely corrections; strengthen engineering claims control, contract management in all its aspects; skilled use of the budget over the fixed and reasonable conduct on-site visa; review of organizational design, Use of technology economy is relatively comprehensive assessment method, using the value of works on the construction phase and construction materials to optimize options, select a reasonable construction plan; strengthen project construction supervision.On the review of the list of projects, supervision engineers should pay attention to inventory control measures in the project. Price list of projects provided in the list of measures, for the completion of the project is the construction project occurred in the pre-construction and construction process technology, life, security and other non-engineering aspects of the project entity. At this stage because many projects are the construction plans and construction of circumstances imperfections at the scene on the tender, until tender, construction projects and measures designed to have greater access to the actual scene. Supervising engineer in the handling of raw data to collect first-hand, itemized checking identification, not of the proposed amendments.Clearing the completion of phase project cost control. For a long time, the completion of the construction plans ultra-clearing budget is cost management issues requiring urgent solution. The completion phase of the project cost control, should conscientiously do a good job the following points: check the terms of the contract, clearing the completion of the preparation of the audit, preparation of the project refers to the preparation of the completion of the works and the cost of clearing areas. Examine whether the content of the completion of the contract requirements, whether qualifiedacceptance, review billing methods, pricing methods, concessionary terms whether the contract; completion of the audit plans of projects in the audit, the plans should be based on the completion of the design changes, such as visa at the scene, according to state In terms of engineering works required by the rules of each check; strictly enforced in accordance with the valuation method of valuation; rigorous review design changes to visa fees for inspection standards, different regions of the rate of price index may be different. Therefore, the project must be in accordance with the standards of admission fees under the contract requirements, according to grade the quality of construction unit, the type of construction work, such as setting a reasonable standard admission fee.翻译:译者:AAA工程项目各阶段的成本控制Chung-Ho Chen摘要:工程项目成本管理的基本内容就是合理确定和有效的控制工程项目成本。

外文资料Business Process Change: A Study of Methodologies, Techniques, and Tools.CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION1.1 The Rationale for TQM and BPROver the past two decades, domestic competition and globalization have threatened the growth, profitability and the very survival of many firms and organizations in general. Organizational and technological factors are combining to create a very competitive business environment in which customers are the focal point. Further, these factors can sometimes change quickly in a very unpredictable manner (Turban, McLean and Wetherbe 2002). The pace of change and the degree of uncertainty are expected to accelerate in the twenty-first century. Specific developments will be difficult to predict with certainty, and the types of changes will vary across industries. Competition will continue to increase both at home and abroad. There will be many new products with shorter development cycles and life cycles. Some industries will have smaller production volumes with more product customization and variety (Hunt 1989). New technologies will optimize production processes and improve product quality. All of these changes are significantly affecting the way business is conducted in not only international markets but also in local markets, which are now increasingly exposed to worldwide competition.Globalization will pose challenges for some firms, while offering growth opportunities for firms capable of developing a global reach (Taylor 1991).No organization, big or small,private or public, in the manufacturing or the service sector, can afford to ignore these changes (Kelada 1996).Effective response to the changes and competitiveness in manufacturing or service operations requires a clear understanding of the business environment, anticipation of market trends, and the effective management of organizational capabilities to quickly respond to customer needs. As customers become more knowledgeable about the availability and quality of products and services, theirsophistication and expectations increase. They demand customized products and services with high quality and low prices. Organizations will be under increasing pressures to produce more, using fewer resources (Turban et al. 2002).In order to succeed or even survive in this dynamic world, companies must not only take traditional action, such as lowering costs, but also take innovative action, such as changing structure or processes (Boyett and Boyett 1995). Other researchers have proposed various paradigms, theories, and strategies to cope with the ever changing environment and to sustain Organizational Competitiveness. Two proposed strategies are the evolutionary approach of Total Quality Management (TQM) and the revolutionary approach of Business Process Reengineering (BPR).TQM has been adopted as the organization-wide approach to quality management and continuous improvement since the early 1980s in the United States. It has been widely studied and implemented both in practitioner and academic research literature. An Industry Week article (Benson 1993) claimed that, "In 10 short years, TQM has been as pervasive a part of business thinking as quarterly financial results. A special section of Fortune magazine titled, "Quality 2000: The Next Decade of Progress," included the following statement, "since 1985, thousands of organizations have adopted and applied the principles of total quality management (TQM). As a result, the worldwide standards for the quality of products and services have never been higher. TQM has proven to be a highly adaptive management tool that is here to stay. It has passed the fad test. TQM has delivered on its promise, but has not reached its potential." Today, people talk much less about TQM; however, they practice it, applying its concepts and principles to their work (Kelada 1996). Many companies that have successfully adopted TQM do not even use the phrase total quality anymore; it has simply become a way of doing business (Jacob 1993).Some companies have achieved major improvements. As Samson and Terziovski (1999) state, "At the pinnacle of lists of those who have accomplished great improvements are the winners of the various quality awards around the world." However, they also argue that after twenty years of experience with TQM practices, it is clear that the performance improvements are, "indeed not clear, but are verymixed!" They add, "for each successful implementation of TQM there are many which have not been able to translate their efforts into operational or business improvement." There have been TQM failures reported by other authors in the literature. According to Kelada(1996), there have been "more failures than successes".TQM has also been criticized as being no longer adequate for survival in the increasingly dynamic competitive environment. Can and Johansson(1995) stated that TQM had not worked for many companies because it had been narrow in focus and limited to improving the existing way of doing business. Some experts claimed that BPR had replaced TQM because the latter was an incremental, limited and continuous improvement of existing processes. In contrast they claimed that BPR was a radical change in business processes, and the most effective approach in dealing with the drastic changes in the world (Kelada1996). Hammer(1990) advised, "don't automate,obliterate." He defined Reengineering as the radical redesign of business processes for dramatic improvement. He emphasized a "clean-slate" approach i.e. discard the old system and start with one that has been completely redesigned. Other researchers such as Davenport and Short (1990), Davenport(1993b), Hammer and Champy (1993), and Teng, Grover, and Fiedler(1994) also recommended using Business Process Reengineering (BPR) to radically redesign and improve business processes.In the face of intense competition and other business pressures, Davenport(1993b) suggested that, "quality initiatives and continuous, incremental process improvements, though still essential, will no longer be sufficient." He added that, "firms must seek not fractional, but multiplicative levels of improvement一l OX rather than 10%. Such radical levels of change require powerful new tools that will facilitate the fundamental redesign of wo rk.”Davenport(1993) depicts the History of Process Improvement Approaches in Figure 1 .The first approach was Inspection as the final step in the manufacturing process.Poor quality goods were rejected or recycled. The second approach used Statistical Quality Control to implement a strict control of the manufacturing process.It focused on improvement in existing processes. The radical Process Innovation approach was adopted in the 1980s.1.2 Business Process ReengineeringBPR has also been known as Business Process Redesign, Business Reengineering, Process Improvement, Process Innovation, Business Transformation and Business Process Change. There has been much confusion as to what this strategy entails, and when it came into existence. Earl(1994) wrote an essay attempting to evaluate and understand what is new and what is old about BPR. He described BPR as the "latest management recipe being offered for the survival of western businesses." He wrote, "The protagonists seem convinced that it is a new approach to improving business performance even if it may be a synthesis of recent and not so recent ideas. The cynics feel that they have seen it before in different guises and stress the apparent naivety of some of the component concepts.Meanwhile some of the companies claim that `it has worked for them', even if some did not realize it was BPR that they were practicing! These claims and counterclaims can be caricatured as `new wonder drug' or `old wine in new bottles'." Earl concluded that BPR had components that were both old and new.Davenport (1995) stated that all "components" of BPR existed prior to 1990, but later assembled into one management process. He added that, "Reengineering is new, therefore, only as a new synthesis of previously existing ideas."King (1994) stated that Process Reengineering was in the debunking phase of its life cycle. He proposed the existence of an evolutionary pattern in which management ideas and techniques are first presented as panaceas for business success and subsequently debunked as worthless. He mentioned previous examples and suggested that BPR was not immune to this pattern.The years following the seminal BPR publications in 1990-1993 were characterized by a bandwagon effect involving many firms eager to implement BPR. The continued global competition, economic down turn, and the potential offered by emerging technologies were pushing finms to fundamentally rethink their business processes. Many firms reasoned that business process change was the only way toleverage their core competencies and achieve competitive advantage. This belief led to a near "reengineering frenzy" (Kettinger and Grover 1995).By the mid 1990s, a number of firms had poor experiences in implementing BPR The literature began reporting failures as highas50-75%(Caron, Jarvenpaa&Stoddard,1994;Hammer&Champy,1993;Braganza&Myers,1997). Support for BPR began to wane. Some researchers attempted to stem the tide of negative reaction by explaining the fundamentals of BPR and its "real" objectives.The increasing competitive pressure that organisations currently face forces them to find ways of minimising the time it takes to develop the product, bring products to the market and offer efficient and effective service to customers while at the same time maximising profits. This pressure has made BPR one of the most popular topics in organisational management and has created new ways of doing business (Tumay 1995). BPR relates to the fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of an entire business system to achieve significant improvements in performance of the company.Many leading organisations have conducted BPR in order to improve productivity and gain competitive advantage. For example, a survey of 180 US and 100 European companies found that 75% of these companies had engaged in significant re-engineering efforts in the past three years (Jackson 1996). Among the reasons leading to the success of BPR is an emphasis on a top-down approach, empowerment, teamworking and flattening of hierarchies.Nevertheless, despite the success stories associated with BPR, there are high failure rates associated with it. Hammer and Champy(1995 ) noted that failure rates as high as 70% can be observed as a result of BPR. However, presently, data to support this claim is limited.Research in the area has tried to provide reasons for this high failure rate. Among these are: trying to do too much, not appreciating the risk factors (communications, mea surer, accountability) and not putting the most appropriate people on the project. However, among the top five reasons leading to the failure of BPR, the one that concerned people was prominent. In this, `middle management resistance' was cited as the most common cause for failure.Other reasons contributing to BPR failure were top/senior management, the prevailing culture and political culture, as well as employee fear and resistance to change (Gram and Wellins 1996). Other frequently cited problems related to BPR include the inability to predict the outcome of radical change, difficulty in capturing existing processes in a way that can be seen by multidisciplinary team members, a lack of creativity in process redesign, cost of implementing the new process, or inability to recognise the dynamic nature of the processes. It is often argued that one of the major problems that contribute to the failure of BPR projects is a lack of tools for evaluating the effects of designed solutions before implementation (Paolucci et al 1997; Tumay 1995).Mistakes as a result of BPR can only be recognised once the redesigned processes are implemented. This raises important issues, as it is particularly expensive and difficult to attempt the task of correcting earlier mistakes at this point. Although the evaluation of alternative solutions might be difficult, it is imperative that the risks associated with BPR projects are minimised. The following section describes the approach that the centre has adopted to investigate the aforementioned issues.The Centre for Re-engineering Business Processes at Brunel University aims to investigate how the success rate of BPR can be improved. We suggest that this can only be achieved by considering all the relevant factors in a systematic manner. Some of these factors include the role of information technology in business process change as enabler and implementers, human and organisational factors related to, for example, resistance to change or motivation of teams involved in BPR, and the importance of using dynamic modelling techniques to develop models of processes prior to their change. Some of the current areas of our research are summarised and described in Fig. 1 .Experiences from other similar organisations that under took BPR, investigating cases of BPR success and failure and learning lessons from other BPR projects represent another important area to be considered.Additional factors that are vitally important to BPR projects are the human aspects. These factors could determine how the resistance to change could bereduced and how teams involved in BPR projects could be better motivated which eventually leads to better performance within the team and better results for the BPR project.The role of information technology as a BPR enabler or implementer is another important area that is being investigated by the members of REBUS. It has been perceived that knowledge management is becoming increasingly important for organisations. Capturing tacit knowledge and disseminating it among employees has significant impact on business processes, organisational culture and general performance of a company. This is one of the new areas being researched within the centre.Other research areas being investigated include: the study of interorganisational system stakeholders and the role of stakeholders in BPR (Pouloudi and Whitley 1997), business process modelling, information systems-enabled change management (Giaglis et al 1999a), the success and failure of business re-engineering in developing and industrial countries, the coherence of business process changes and information technology (Choudrie et al 1998) and management innovation and change panaceas (Currie and Hlupic 2000).Stakeholders have their own interests, and by committing themselves to the team these can be reconciled. For instance, a case team could consist of technicians, managers or consultants, each having experience and knowledge of different areas of expertise. Different areas can thus be reconciled by bringing them together as a team, and in doing so enabling them to work towards a common goal.中文翻译业务流程变化:方法学的研究,技术和工具第1章:引言1.1基本原理TQM和BPR在过去的二十年中,国内竞争和全球化有受到威胁的增长,盈利能力及许多企业和组织的生存一般。

UNIT ONEIndustrial Engineering Education for the 21st Century21世纪的工业工程教育The 21st century is just a few years away. Strategic planners all over the world are using the year 2000 as the point future business activities. Are we all ready for that time? As the industrial world prepares to meet the technological challenges of the 21st century, there is a need to focus on the people who will take it there. People will be the most important of the “man-machine-material” systems competing in the next century. IEs should play a crucial role in preparing organizations for the 21st century through their roles as change initiators and facilitators. Improvements are needed in IE undergraduate education if that role is to be successfully carried out.21世纪来临在即,全世界的战略家们把2000年作为商业活动的焦点。

工业工程本科专业毕业外文翻译一篇翻译题目基于商品惟一标识的供应链整合专业工业工程Supply chain integration obtainedthrough uniquely labelled goodsA survey of Swedish manufacturing IndustriesHenrik Pa°lsson and Ola JohanssonPackaging Logistics, Lund University, Lund, Sweden基于商品惟一标识的供应链整合瑞典制造业的调查Abstract 摘要Purpose– This paper aims to examine the use of unique identities (through radio frequency identification technology, bar codes and “human-r eadable” labels) on packages and load carriers in Swedish manufacturing industries. The purpose is to investigate drivers behind the adoption, the perceived improvements and visions for the coming 2-5 years. It also covers different methods for reading the identities, locations of identification in the supply chain and how the acquired information is utilised.目的:本文旨在探讨瑞典制造业的包装和运输中利用惟一识别(通过无线射频识别技术,条形码和“人类可读的”标签)的使用情况。

中英文对照外文翻译(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)A solution= procedure for type E simpleassembly line balancing problemAbstract:This paper presents a type E simple assembly line balancing problem (SALBP-E) that combines models SALBP-1 and SALBP-2. Furthermore, this study develops a solution procedure for the proposed model.The proposed model provides a better understanding of management practice that optimizes assembly line efficiency while simultaneously minimizing total idle time. Computational results indicated that,under the given upper bound of cycle time (ct max), theproposed model can solve problems optimally with minimal variables, constraints, and computing time.Keywords Simple assembly line balancing problem, Type E simple assembly line balancing problem,Manufacturing optimization.1.IntroductionIt has been over five decades since researchers first discussed the assembly line balancing problem (ALBP). Of all kinds of ALBP, the most basic is the simple assembly line balancing problem (SALBP). Bryton defined and studied SALBP as early as 1954. In the following year (1955), Salverson built the first mathematical model of SALBP and presented quantitative solving steps, which attracted great interest. After Gutjahr and Nemhauser (1964) stated that SALBP is an NP-hard combination optimization problem, the majority of researchers hoped to develop an efficient method to obtain the best solution and efficiently solve variant assembly line problems (e.g. Baybars, 1986; Boysen, Fliedner, & Scholl, 2007, 2008; Erel & Sarin, 1998; Ghosh & Gagnon, 1989; Scholl & Becker, 2005, 2006; Toksari, Isleyen, Güner, & BaykoÇ, 2008; Yeh & Kao, 2009). During subsequent years, SALBP became a popular topic. Kim, Kim, and Kim (1996) divided SALBP into five kinds of problems, of which type I problem (SALBP-1) and type II problem (SALBP-2) are the two basic optimization problems. Researchers have published many studies on the solution for the SALBP-1 problem. Salverson (1955) used integer programming (IP) to solve the workstation assignment problem. Jackson (1956) proposed dynamic programming (DP) to solve SALBP-1. Bowman (1960) developed two mathematical models and introduced 0–1 variables to guarantee that no tasks took the same time and thatno tasks were performed at different workstations. Talbot and Patterson (1984) presented a mathematical model with a single decision variable, and used it to calculate the number of tasks assigned to workstations. Essafi, Delorme, Dolgui, and Guschinskaya (2010) proposed a mixed-integer program for solving a novel line balancing problem composed of identical CNC machines. Hackman, Magazine, and Wee (1989) used a branch and bound (BB) scheme to solve SALBP-1. To reduce the size of the branch tree, they developed heuristic depth measurement techniques that provided an efficient solution. Betts and Mahmoud (1989), Scholl and Klein (1997, 1999), Ege, Azizoglu, and Ozdemirel (2009) have suggested BB methods for application. Other heuristics have been developed for solving the variant problems. These may include simulated annealing (Cakir, Altiparmak, & Dengiz, 2011; Saeid & Anwar, 1997; Suresh & Sahu, 1994), Genetic Algorithm (McGovern & Gupta, 2007; Sabuncuoglu, Erel, & Tayner, 2000), and ant colony optimization algorithm (Sabuncuoglu, Erel, & Alp, 2009; Simaria & Vilarinho,2009). Recently, multiple-objective problems have emerged from the diversified demand of customers. For example, Rahimi-Vahed and Mirzaei (2007) proposed a hybrid multi-objective algorithm that considers the minimization of total utility work, total production rate variation, and total setup cost. Chica, Cordon, and Damas (2011) developed a model that involves the joint optimization of conflicting objectives such as the cycle time, the number of stations,and/or the area of these stations. Another interesting extension is the mixed-model problem, which is a special case of assembly line balancing problem with different models of the product allowed moving on the same line. Aimed at the mixed-model assembly line problem, Erel and Gökçen (1999) studied onmixed-model assembly line problem and established 0–1 integer programming coupled with a combined precedence diagram to reduce decision variables and constraints to increase solving efficiency. Kim and Jeong (2007) considered the problem of optimizing the input sequence of jobs in mixed-model assembly line using a conveyor system with sequence-dependent setup time. Özcan and Toklu (2009) presented a mathematical model for solving the mixed-model two-sided assembly line balancing problem with the objectives of minimizing the number of mated-stations and the number of stations for a given cycle time.Unlike SALBP-1, the goal of SALBP-2 is to minimize cycle time given a number of workstations. Most studies focused on solutions for SALBP-1, and not SALBP-2, because SALBP-2 may be solved with SALBP-1 by gradually increasing the cycle time until the assembly line is balanced (Hackman et al., 1989). Helgeson and Bimie presented a heuristic algorithm to solve SALBP-2 as early as 1961.Scholl (1999) presented several decision problems regarding the installation and utilization of assembly line systems, indicating that balancing problem is especially important in paced assembly line cases. Scholl used task oriented BB to solve SALBP-2 and compared it with existing solution procedures. Klein and Scholl (1996) adopted new statistical methods as a solution procedure and developed a generalized BB method for directly solving SALBP-2. In addition, Gökçen and Agpak (2006) used goal programming (GP) to solve simple U-type assembly line balancing problems, in which decision makers must consider several conflicting goals at the same time. Nearchou (2007) proposed a heuristic method to solve SALBP-2 based on differential evolution (DE). In the followingyear, Nearchou (2008) advanced a new population heuristic method base on the multi-goal DE method to solve type II problems. Gao, Sun, Wang, and Gen (2009) presented a robotic assembly line balancing problem, in which the assembly tasks have to be assigned to workstations and each workstation needs to select one of the available robots to process the assigned tasks with the objective of minimum cycle time. Several other methods have been reported in the literature. For example, Bock (2000) proposed the Tabu Search (TS) for solving SALBP-2 and extended TS using new parallel breadth, which can be used to improve existing TS programs for assembly line problems. Levitin, Rubinovitz, and Shnits (2006) developed a genetic algorithm (GA) to solve large, complex machine assembly line balancing problems by adopting a simple principle of evolution and the BB method. A complete review of GA to assembly line balancing problems can be found in Tasan and Tunali (2008).The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces SALBP-E formulation and its solution procedure. Section 3 presents solutions to a notebook computer assembly model and some test problems using small- to medium-sized for numerical calculations. Finally, this paper concludes with a summary of the approach.2.Formulation and solution procedure of SALBP-E The SALBP-E model integrates the SALBP-1 and SALBP-2 models. For this purpose, the following notations and variables are defined as follows:Notations:n Number of tasks (i = 1, . . . , n) m Number of stations (j = 1, . . . , m) m max Upper bound of stations (j = 1, . . . , m max) m min Lower bound of stations (j = 1, . . . , m min) t i Operation time of task iCt Cycle timeP Subset of task (i, k), given the direct precedence relationsDecision variables:x ijε {0, 1} 1 if task i is assigned to station j 0otherwise ( "i; j = m min, . . . , m max)y jε {0, 1} 1 if any task i is assigned to station j 0otherwise (j = 1, . . . , mmax)ct ≥Cycle time is set to greater than or equal to 0M* Minimal number of stationsThe original SALBP-1 model is as follows:SALBP-1:生产线设备选择多目标的方法摘要:考虑10一月2012一个新的问题,处理设计的可重构自动加工线这种线是由工作站顺序处理。

工业工程专业英语翻译Real IE Value工业工程的真正价值Industrial engineers are great at solving problems. Ironically enough, there is still one age-old problem they unable to solve-identity. And the problem is not getting any to solve. In fact,〝 identity〞 is just one of several challenges currently facing the IE profession.工业工程师专门善于解决问题。
Today’s competitive global economy and tighter corporate budgets are forcing IEs to deal with issues that were barely mentioned a decade ago. Companies are flattening corporate structures; IE departments are being eliminated or renamed; and universities and colleges are under even greater pressure to provide industry with graduates who are better trained to handle a much wider variety of job responsibilities.今天猛烈的世界竞争和紧张的公司预算都迫使工业工程师们去解决被人们忽视专门久的问题。

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Adrian Payne & Pennie FrowA Strategic Framework for Customer RelationshipManagementOver the past decade, there has been an explosion of interest in customer relationship management (CRM) by both academics and executives. However, despite an increasing amount of published material,most of which is practitioner oriented, there remains a lack of agreement about what CRM is and how CRM strategy should be developed. The purpose of this article is to develop a process-oriented conceptual framework that positions CRM at a strategic level by identifying the key crossfunctional processes involved in the development of CRM strategy. More specifically, the aims of this article are •To identify alternative perspectives of CRM,•To emphasize the importance of a strategic approach to CRM within a holistic organizational context,•To propose five key generic cross-functional processes that organizations can use to develop and deliver an effective CRM strategy, and•To develop a process-based conceptual framework for CRM strategy development and to review the role and components of each process.We organize this article in three main parts. First, we explore the role of CRM and identify three alternative perspectives of CRM. Second, we consider the need for a cross -functional process-based approach to CRM. We develop criteria for process selection and identify five key CRM processes. Third, we propose a strategic conceptual framework that is constructed of these five processes and examine the components of each process.The development of this framework is a response to a challenge by Reinartz, Krafft, and Hoyer (2004), who criticize the severe lack of CRM research that takes a broader, more strategic focus. The article does not explore people issues related to CRM implementation. Customer relationship management can fail when a limited number of employees are committed to the initiative; thus, employee engagement and change management are essential issues in CRM implementation. In our discussion, we emphasize such implementation and people issues as a priority area for further research.CRM Perspectives and DefinitionThe term “customer relationship management” emerged in the information technology (IT) vendor community and practitioner community in the mid-1990s. It is often used todescribe technology-based customer solutions, such as sales A significant problem that many organizations deciding to adopt CRM face stems from the great deal of confusion about what constitutes CRM. In interviews with executives, which formed part of our research process (we describe this process subsequently), we found a wide range of views about what CRM means. To some, it meant direct mail, a loyalty card scheme, or a database, whereas others envisioned it as a help desk or a call center. Some said that it was about populating a data warehouse or undertaking data mining; others considered CRM an e-commerce solution,such as the use of a personalization engine on the Internet or a relational database for SFA. This lack of a widely accepted and appropriate definition of CRM can contribute to the failure of a CRM project when an organization views CRM from a limited technology perspective or undertakes CRM on a fragmented basis. The definitions and descriptions of CRM that different authors and authorities use vary considerably, signifying a variety of CRM viewpoints. To identify alternative perspectives of CRM, we considered definitions and descriptions of CRM from a range of sources, which we summarizein the Appendix. We excluded other, similar definitions from this List.Process Identification and the CRM FrameworkWe began by identifying possible generic CRM processes from the CRM and related business literature. We then discussed these tentative processes interactively with the groups of executives. The outcome of this work was a short list of seven processes. We then used the expert panel of experienced CRM executives who had assisted in the development of the process selection schema to nominate the CRM processes that they considered important and to agree on those that were the most relevant and generic. After an initial group workshop, each panel member independently completed a list representing his or her view of the key generic processes that met the six previously agreed-on process criteria. The data were fed back to this group, and a detailed discussion followed to help confirm our understanding of the process categories.As a result of this interactive method, five CRM processes that met the selection criteria were identified; all five were agreed on as important generic processes by more than two-thirds of the group in the first iteration. Subsequently,we received strong confirmation of these as key generic CRM processes by several of the other groups of managers. The resultant five generic processes were (1) the strategy development process, (2) the value creation process, (3) the multichannel integration process, (4) the information management process, and (5) the performance assessment process.We then incorporated these five key generic CRM processes into a preliminary conceptual framework. This initial framework and the development of subsequent versions were both informed by and further refined by our interactions with two primary executive groups.客户关系的管理框架在过去的十年里,管理层和学术界对客户关系管理(CRM)的兴趣激增。