选修六Unit 4精品

The 2nd graph
The 2nd graph shows the amount of carbon d ioxide in the atmosphere from 1957 to 1997. The Co2 c ontent steadily increased over this forty-year period. It went up from 315 to parts p million. er 370
What? Renewable?
A hydro-electric dam, renewable.
What? Renewable?
Geothermal (地热的) Energy Plant
• • • • Coal • Oil • Natural gas • • Uranium[化]铀
Let’s learn the main text
• How many paragraphs does the main text consist of? • And it can be devided into 4 parts. • Please line out the correct numbers in the following table
We depend on energy to do many things in our daily lives. For example, energy lights our cities and heats our buildings. Make a list of
1. Things that use energy around us or at any other places,( ie. light)
人教版高中英语选修六 Unit4 Global warming-词汇篇(教师版)

人教版高中英语选修六 Unit4 Global warming-词汇篇(教师版)1.2.light1)n. 光,线,灯2)v.照亮,点燃He lit a match. 他划着了一根火柴。
A smile of triumph lit up her face. 她的脸上闪耀着胜利的微笑。
The match lights easily. 这火柴容易划着3)adjThe suitcase is very light.(轻的)There was a light rain falling.He is a light sleeper. 他睡不沉。
(易醒的)3.heat v. / heat up 是某物变热或变暖heated adj. 热的激烈的heated debate, heated discussionheatedly adv.愤怒地激昂地heater加热器发热器4.consume v.---- consumer (n.).1)消耗,花费;耗尽She consumed most of her time in reading.2)吃完,喝光The kids soon consumed all the food on the table. 孩子们一会儿功夫便把桌上的食品全部吃光。
3)使全神贯注,使着迷+withThe boy was consumed with curiosity. 那男孩充满好奇心。
5.as … as one can = as … as possiblePlease come here as soon as possible.= Please come here as soon as you can..as many as 多达as long as 长达,只要as far as远至,就…而论as well as 和…一样好,也,和as early as 早在6.trap vt. / n. 挡住圈套Sand and leaves trapped the water in the stream. They finally trapped the mouse in a cage.最后,他们用笼子把老鼠逮着了。
高二英语人教版选修六 Unit4 Global warming 单词讲解

vt. 照顾,护理
go up 上升,增长,升起 △Charles Keeling 查尔斯。基林 △measurement n.衡量,测量,尺寸 per prep. 每,每一
data n. 资料,数据 result in 导致 trend n.趋势,倾向,走向 catastrophe n. 大灾难,浩劫 flood n.洪水,水灾 △drought n. 旱灾,干旱 △famine n. 饥荒 △George Hambley 乔治.汉布利 oppose vt.反对,反抗,与(某人)较量
mit(v.)承担义务,做出保证---commitment(n.) 承诺,交托 ---committed (adj.)尽心尽力的;坚定的
13. pollute(v.)污染---pollution(n.)污染---pollutant(n.)污染物 14. appliance(n.)用具,器具---apply(v.)应用 (多义) 15. grow(v.)种植,生长---growth(n.)成长 16. casual(adj.)随意的---casually(adv.)随意地 17.wave(n.)波---microwave(n.)微波炉 18.fresh(adj.)新鲜的---freshness(n.)新鲜---refresh(v.)使恢复,使振动 19. educate(v.)教育---educator(n.)教育工作者,教师
opposed adj. 反对的,对立的 be opposed to 反对 mild adj.温和的,温柔的,淡的 △environmental adj.环境的 △environmentalist n. 环境保护论者 consequence n.结果,后果,影响 state vt. 陈述,说明 range n.种类,范围 even if 即使 keep on 继续 glance vi. 看一下,扫视

2)tendency n.倾向 a tendency to/towards sth…的倾向,趋势 have a tendency to do sth. 倾向于做某事, 往往会做某事
Eg. My grandmother tends to go to bed early every day.
5. Without the ‘green house effect’, the earth would be about thirty-three degrees Celsius cooler than it is. 如果没有温室效应, 地球会比现在冷33℃。 这是一个含蓄虚拟条件句。 有时假设的情况并不以条件从句形式表示 出来, 而是通过一个介词短语或其他方式 表示。常用的词或短语有: without, but for,
e.g. What are you going to do with the amount of money?
7. It means that more heat energy tends to be trapped in the atmosphere causing the global temperature to go up.
Compared with your brother, you
should make greater efforts to study English.和你哥哥相比,你应该更加努 力学习英语。
3. So how has this come about and does it matter?
come about: 发生, 造成, 相当于happen 你能告诉我事情是怎么发生的吗?
①用于否定句或疑问句, 后接that引导的宾语 从句。 ②用于肯定句, 一般接whether 或if引导的宾语 从句。 如: I don't doubt _t_h_a_t__ he is telling the truth. 我毫不怀疑他在讲真话。
人教版高中英语选修六unit4课件 PPT

Ⅲ.构词填读 1.consume vt. 消费;消耗;耗尽;吃完→__________ n. 消费者;顾客;用户 [答案] consumer 2.steady adj. 平稳的;稳固的;持续的 →__________ adv. 平稳地;持续地 [答案] steadily
3.__________ n.生存;存在→exist vi. 生存;存在 [答案] existence 4.__________ n. 增长;生长→grow vi. 生长;vt. 种植 [答案] growth 5.casual adj. 随便的;漫不经心的;偶然的→__________ adv.随便地;漫不经心地 [答案] casually
6.average adj.平均的;n.平均数→________ average平均 [答案] on 7.on______________代表……一方→represent vt.代表 →stand for代表;象征 [答案] behalf of 8.______________________忍受;容忍→tolerate/ bear/ stand忍受;容忍 [答案] put up with
2.It is OK to leave an electrical appliance on __________ __________ (只要) you are using it—______________ (如果不用 的话),turn it off!
3.Quantities (大量) of __________(温室) gases are sent into the air. ______________(结果),the temperature tends (倾 向于……) to __________(上升) constantly.

Unit4 Global warming一、学生分析本堂课所教学生为高二文科班的学生,积极和活跃是他们在课堂学习实践活动中的特点。
本堂课之前学生们已经完成了对Model 6 Unit3 A healthy life 的学习任务,对健康生活的真正涵义也有了一定的理解。
二、本节课教材分析与教材整合1. 单元教材分析本单元以Global warming 为主题,学生通过单元教学经过思考、学习,讨论从而认识到全球变暖的真正涵义和它所带来的种种后果。
Warming Up通过真实的图片再现,使学生对能源的用途和种类有一个基本的了解。
从而为本单元主题Global warming 作了很好的铺垫。
高中英语选修六--Unit 4

单词1.consume v.消费,消耗;吃完;喝光Each year Americans consume a high percentage of the world's energy.每年美国人都消耗掉世界能源的很大比例。
This will consume his health, destroy his temper.这将损害他的健康,毁坏他的情绪。
How many rice did you consume last year?去年你们吃了多少大米?拓展:consumer n.消费者,用户,消费品consumer goods (家用)消费品consumers' association 消费者协会consumption n. 消费(量),消耗(量)timeconsuming adj. 耗费时间的consuming adj. 消费的;强烈的例句:The ancient consumer city was now turned into a modern industrial base. 这个古老的消费城市今天已经变成了一个现代化的工业基地。
It's vital to impress the consumer with a good advertising campaign.进行广告宣传,使消费者熟悉产品,是至关重要的。
He has to cut down on the consumption of meat.他不得不减少吃肉。
Basketball is his consuming passion.篮球令他着迷。
练习:用consume的适当形式填空①We should adopt the ____________ suggestion.②Industrialized countries are _____________ 70% of the world's energy.③We have measured the car's fuel _____________.④She _____________ the big cake.Consumers’consuming consumption consumed2.subscribe vt.&vi.(1)捐助;捐赠He subscribed a large sum of money to charities.他向慈善团体捐赠了一大笔钱。
选修六 unit 4单词记忆笔记

选修六unit 4(每日词汇)指人的名词educator[ˈedju:keitə]n.教育工作者;教育家记“意”笔记1:联想背过的单词education教育。
educate =(把内心的东西)向外引导出来= 教书育人= 教育。
educat-or 做教育的人。
environmentalist[inˌvaiərən'mentlist]n.环境保护论者记“意”笔记1: 联想背过的单词environment环境。
-ual 形容词后缀。
in-divid-u-al = 处于分隔开的状态= 个体;个人。
指物的名词appliance[əˈplaiəns]n.用具;工具;器具记“意”笔记:联系单词apply 申请;应用。
变y为i, ance为名词后缀。
appliance = 应用的东西= 工具;用具;器具。
其他相关单词application 申请;应用。
applicant 申请人。
product 产品。
byproduct = 随着主产品出现的= 副产品。
其他相关单词passer-by 过路人。
can[kæn]n.容器;罐头记“意”笔记:can you can a can ? 你能装一个罐子吗?data[ˈdeitə]n.资料;数据记“意”笔记1:联想熟悉的组合big data 大数据。
database 数据库。
人教版选修6英语课件Unit 4

元 质
· renewable energy sources will combat global warming,
量 评
考 protect human health, create new jobs, protect habitat and 估
wildlife, and ensure a secure, affordable energy future.
量 评
begun to tip that balance. We’ve overloaded the atmosphere
with heat-trapping gases from our cars and factories and
power plants. If we don’t start fixing the problem now,
The United States, with only four percent of the world’s
备 population, is responsible for 22% of the world’s greenhouse 单
资 gas emissions. A rapid transition to energy efficiency and
元 质 量
参 考
made enormous impacts on our planet that affect our well-
评 估
being and even our survival as a species.
The world’s leading science journals report that glaciers

a d j . n u c l e a r
m ent
r e ne wa bl e
2 . 同意 ; 赞成 ; 订 购 3 . 上升 ;n
5 . 反对
s u b s c i r b e t o g 0 u p
9 . 只要 S O l o n g a s
1 8 . c a t a s t r o p h e/ Z . 大 灾难 ; 浩 劫 1 9 . mi l d耐 . 温和的; 温柔 的 ; 淡 的 2 0 . c o n s e q u e n c e n . 结果 ; 后果 ; 影 响 2 1 . s t a t e v t . 陈述 : 说 明 2 2 . w i d e s p r e a d a d j . 分 布广 的 : 普 遍 的 2 3 . a d v o c a t e v t . 拥护 ; 提倡 ; 主 张 2 4 . c o mmi t me n t n . 承诺 : 交托 : 信奉 2 5 . r e f r e s h v t . 使恢复; 使 振作 2 6 . t r e n d/ / , . 趋势; 倾 向; 走 向 2 7 . e n v i r o n m e n t a l . 环境 的 2 8 . i n d i v i d u a l / 7 , . & . 个人 ; 个 别 的
二、 词 汇 拓 展
l 0 . 等 等 a n d S O o n 四、 重 点句 型
1 . c o m p a r e d t o/w i t h s b . /s t h . “ 与 … … 相
比” , 常作 状语
T h a t p r o b a b l y d o e s n o t s e e m mu c h t o y o u o r me , b u t i t i s a r a p i d i n c r e a s e wh e n

高中英语新课标选修6unit4高中英语新课标选修6的Unit 4通常围绕一个特定的主题展开,例如文化、科技、环境等。
由于我没有具体的教材内容,我将提供一个通用的Unit 4教学内容框架,以供参考。
Unit 4: Exploring Cultural DiversitySection 1: Warm-up and Vocabulary- Begin the class with a brief discussion about the importance of cultural diversity.- Introduce new vocabulary related to the theme, such as "heritage," "tradition," "cuisine," "folklore," and "customs."Section 2: Reading Comprehension- Present a reading passage that explores different aspects of cultural diversity, such as festivals, art, and music from various countries.- After reading, ask students to identify the main ideas and supporting details.- Discuss any unfamiliar expressions or idiomatic language used in the text.Section 3: Grammar Focus- Introduce a grammar point relevant to the theme, such ascomparative and superlative adjectives, which can be used to describe cultural differences.- Provide examples and practice exercises for students to complete.Section 4: Listening Practice- Play an audio recording of a conversation or a lecture about cultural exchange programs or experiences.- Have students listen for specific information and answer comprehension questions.Section 5: Speaking Activity- Organize a role-play activity where students take on the roles of cultural ambassadors from different countries, sharing information about their "country's" culture with the class.- Encourage the use of the new vocabulary and grammar structures learned in the previous sections.Section 6: Writing Task- Assign a writing task where students describe a cultural event or tradition from their own or another culture.- Provide a template or outline to guide their writing, focusing on organization and the use of descriptive language.Section 7: Cultural Appreciation- Conclude the unit with a class activity that involvesstudents sharing and appreciating various cultural elements, such as food, music, or clothing.- Encourage reflection on the importance of respecting and understanding different cultures.Section 8: Assessment- Administer a quiz or test to assess students' understanding of the vocabulary, grammar, and reading comprehension skills covered in the unit.Section 9: Homework- Assign homework that reinforces the learning objectives of the unit, such as further reading on a cultural topic, additional grammar exercises, or a short essay on cultural diversity.This framework is designed to be adaptable to the specific content and requirements of the actual textbook or curriculum being used. Adjustments can be made based on the needs and interests of the students.。

depend 依靠;依赖
举例:e.g. ①You can't depend on your parents forever.
用法:depend on/upon 词性转换(adj.) dependent
(n.) dependence 反义词: independent 近义词: rely; reliable ⚠️That (all) depends./ it all depends. (口语)视情况而定
heat v.
用法: heat up 是某物变热或变暖 词性转换(adj.): heated adj. 热的激烈的
heatedly adv.愤怒地激昂地 heater加热器发热器
举例: heated debate, heated discussion
consume v. 消耗,花费;耗尽
random adj.
举例:I put these books randomly on the shelf.
词性转换(adv.):randomly=at random
phenomenon n.
复数: phenomena
① the phenomena of nature ②a social phenomenon
用法: depend on/upon sb. to do sth. 指望某人做某事 depend on/upon +it +that…. 指望….. depend on/upon +wh-从句
1)n. 光,线,灯 2)v.照亮,点燃-----lit(lighted)-----lit(lighted) 3)adj. 轻的
选修6unit 4优质课件

Unit4 词汇导学案第二课时
1 知识与技能:掌握并学会运用 range;on the whole; on behalf of; put up with; so long as 2 过程与方法:自主学习,小组合作探究,
各种商品的价格都已上涨(增长)。 _______________________________
3 A cheer went up in the hall .
大厅里响起了欢呼声。 _______________________________
导致 . 5. result in dj ___________ 平均的
What’s the average temperature in this town during the August .
平均;平均数(可数); (2) n_____________________________ 平均水平,一般水准(不可数) ________________________________
as a result of
(1) The earth is becoming warmer. As a result , __________ London would become a water city. result from (2) The rise in the sea level would ____________ global warming. (3) Global warming would __________ the rise in the result in sea level. As a result of (4)______________ global warming, London would become a water city.

quantities of 大量的 tend to do sht倾向做某事 be trapped in 被困住 go up 上升
❖Without the 'greenhouse effect', the earth would be about thirty-three degrees Celsius cooler than it is.
Who wrote the article?
What is the name of the magazine?
Sophie Armstrong Earth Care
What are the Dr Janice Foster, Charles names of the 3 Keeling,
scientists? George Hambley
A.The earth. ☺B. Global warming.
C. Becoming warmer doesn’t matter.
Where does this article most probably come from?
A.Newspaper B. Novel ☺C. Magazine
P 27 Ex.1 Glance at the magazine article and wer the following questions. Comprehending One
accurate measurements 精确的统计 the amount of ....的数量 ❖ We know that the levels of carbon dioxide have increased

Unit 4 Global warming1....but it is a rapid increase when compared to other natural changes.(Page 26)……但跟其他自然变化相比较而言,这却是一种快速的增长。
★考点when compared to...2.So how has this come about and does it matter?(Page 26)那么这种温度的增长是怎么产生的呢?有影响吗?★考点一come about是不及物动词短语,意为“发生;造成”。
3.There is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer and that it is human activity that has caused this global warming rather than a random but natural phenomenon.(Page 26)毫无疑问,地球正在变暖,并且全球变暖正是人类活动导致的,而不是一种无规律的自然现象。
剖析此句中it is human activity that has caused...为强调句。
句型:It is/was+被强调部分(除了谓语的任何句子成分)+that(当强调部分指人时也可用who)+其他部分。
★考点There is no doubt that...意为“……是毫无疑问的”,that引导同位语从句,说明doubt的内容。
4.All scientists subscribe to the view that the increase in the earth’stemperature is due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal,natural gas and oil to produce energy.(Page 26)所有的科学家都支持这种观点:地球温度升高是由于燃烧煤、天然气和石油等化石燃料来获取能量而引起的。
人教版高中英语选修六 Unit4 Global warming-语法篇(学生版)

人教版高中英语选修六 Unit4 Global warming-语法篇(学生版)Unit4 Global warming-语法篇_____________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________1.掌握it在强调句中的用法;2.能够利用这个语法点进行遣词造句并运用到写作中;it的用法—强调句型一、强调句型的基本用法英语中常用的强调句型是:It is / was + 被强调部分(主语、宾语、状语) + that / who / whom + 其他部分。
She met John at Mary’s birthday party last Sunday.→It was she who / that met John at Mary’s birthday party last Sunday. (强调主语)→It was John Whom / that she met at Mary’s birthday party last Sunday. (强调宾语)6. 被强调部分若是句子的主语,that / who之后的谓语动词在人称和数上应与句子的主语保持一致。
eg:It is I that / who am your friend that will come to help you.二、强调句型的几种较为复杂的结构形式1.被强调部分为状语从句。
Eg: It was when Tom was eleven years old thathis talent for writing became obvious.2.被强调部分含有定语从句。

Unit4 写作课名师教学设计Module 6 Unit 4 Using Language--Writing教学设计1. 学情分析Learning situation:In BOOK6 UNIT4, although students have already learned some knowledge about global warming in the previous reading part, they still have some difficulties in expressing ideas on how to reduce global warming in their daily life. Besides, for the writing task, students have known something about how to write a letter of advice, but most of them still don’t know the structure of it clearly, which may cause some confusion in their writing. So they need more guidance and some proper help on how to give suggestions on such big a social problem--how to reduce global warming.2 重点难点Difficult points and important points:Students may have difficulty analyzing which key information should be included in the letter and how to make use of some good sentence-patterns of suggestions. So students may have difficulty using their own words for the output part.3 教学过程3.1 第一学时3.1.1教学目标Teaching goals:1. Language competences: Students will be able to(1)learn some new words in situations: global warming, carbon dioxide, the rise of the sea level, cause, make a difference, count.(2)learn the structure of a letter of advice.(3)learn how to express themselves by using proper sentence-patterns of suggestions.2. Learning competence:The class is based on the students-centered principle, so every student is encouraged to participate in all the steps of writing. The teacher is just a guide, who will adopt some skills to get students to think about one question in the whole class---how canwe write a letter of advice on a social problem well? After all these activities, students will be able to exchange their ideas and learn how to organize a letter of advice.3. Cognitive competence:Students will be able to think about the structure of this kind of letter critically and they will form a right attitude towards the problem of global warming, which will exert some positive effects in their daily life.4.1.2 学时重点与难点Difficult points and important points:Students may have difficulty in analyzing the key information before writing and failing to adopt some good ways to express their opinions.4.1.3 教学活动活动1【导入】Greetings&Lead inEnjoy a short video1. What is the video about? Global warming2. What are the main causes of global warming?It is human activities that have caused global warming, for example, human beings are putting too much carbon dioxide into the air and many people are still cutting down trees in the forests.As we have seen in this video, global warming has caused many disasters in the world. It has become so serious a problem that many people around the world are concerned about it. Are you concerned about it? What can we do to help? We may do some small things to call on more people to take action, for example, we can finish a task like this.【设计说明】: 在Greetings的环节明确本节课教学目标,本节课我们要学习写一封信。
选修6 Unit 4

选修6Unit 4Ⅰ.完形填空Many years ago there lived in one of the New England States, a fine family which __1__six children.The children all __2__ well, except one.Kate never would do as she was ___3__.She was in every __4__,a disobedient(反抗的) child.She gave her parents much __5__.She was what is called a vain(虚荣的) girl, who __6__ more to her dress than to her books.Kate's father was going to New York some time before Christmas.He told the girls if they behaved well while he was __7__,he would bring them each a pretty album.They all promised to do just as their mother should wish.The father went to New York and __8__ after a week.The children __9__ him of his promise.He went to his desk and said, “Here they are, but you want me to paint some __10__ in them, well Ellen what do you wish?”Ellen said, “a lily(百合花), __11__ you please.” Julia chose a tulip(郁金香), and Lizzie a rose.Kate was __12__,and her father asked her “Well Kate what __13__ I paint for you?” She hesitated, but finally said, “I would prefer a portrait of __14__.”“Very well Kate,” said her father, but __15__ a sneer(冷笑) might have been seen on his __16__ lip.A few evenings later, when there was a large party in the parlor(客厅)—the father gave each of the girls their albums.Every one was pleased except Kate, who __17__ tears, and throwing the book on the floor, left the room.The album was __18__and there was a portrait of Kate just as she had desired, but __19__ it was written,“The flower most desired by Kate.”It was a severe lesson—but let all vain girls __20__.()1.A.included B.composed ofC.contained D.made up()2.A.studied B.behavedC.mixed D.photographed()3.A.advised B.allowedC.demanded D.bid()4.A.feeling B.directionC.sense D.idea()5.A.disgrace B.mistrustC.trouble D.anger()6.A.devoted B.attendedC.preferred D.connected()7.A.missing B.goneC.tired D.upset()8.A.called B.workedC.returned D.responded()9.A.reminded B.convincedC.warned D.informed()10.A.portraits B.picturesC.photos D.flowers()11.A.if B.unlessC.when D.until()12.A.unhappy B.anxiousC.awkward D.silent()13.A.must B.willC.should D.shall()14.A.Julia B.youC.myself D.Ellen()15.A.unluckily B.meanwhileC.strangely D.surprisingly()16.A.trembling B.curledC.blue D.annoyed()17.A.turned to B.broke outC.burst into D.set about()18.A.brought up B.openedC.picked up D.lifted()19.A.under B.onC.above D.beneath()20.A.profit B.rememberC.hate D.shook【语篇解读】本文主要讲述了一位父亲教育爱慕虚荣女儿的故事。
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⑤I canput up withthe house being untidy,but I hate it when it's not clean.我可以容忍房间里不整齐,但是我讨厌房间里脏。
⑥How does itcome aboutthat he is so badly off when he earns quite a good salary?他挣那么多钱,却那样贫穷,怎么会这样呢?
19.as well as也;和
①Many residentswere opposed totearing down the old houses.许多居民反对拆毁旧房子。
②She's been in China only for days andis not accustomed toeating Chinesefood.她才来中国几天,还不习惯吃中餐。
Foodpricesinthiscountryaregoingup1.steadily(steady) because of a rapid population2.growth(grow).Farmers have a3.tendency(tend) to expand the area of arable land for more crops next year.Food4.consumers(consume) will feel delighted,but the public worries that this will threaten the5.existence(exist) of wildlife because their habitat may be destroyed.It is really a dilemma for many.
⑦This magazine,whichcomes outweekly,appeals to young women much.该杂志每周出版,甚得年轻女人的喜爱。
⑧The noise upstairs is too loud and I can't simplyput up withit.楼上弄出的噪音很大,我简直受不了了。
12.come up走近;发芽;被提出
13.put up with忍耐;忍受;熬过
14.keep up with与……同步;跟上
15.catch up with跟上
16.end up with以……结束
17.come up with提出;想出
18.as/so far as就……而言;至于
Scientiststend1.to subscribe(subscribe) to the view that global warming is caused by burning fossil fuels.Coal and oil2.are consumed(consume) every day,giving off lots of carbon dioxide.With more people3.opposed(oppose) to using fossil fuels,governments4.have been advocating(advocate) developing clean energy in the past decades.We are convinced that the problem will be coped with one day.
Whenevershefeltdepressed,Mary towalkdownanarrowstreet.Oneeveningshecametothestreetagainafter consumingafewcupsofalcoholinabar.Shewasmeant refreshherself.Itwas ,however,thatthisstreetwasnotverysaferecently. overhershoulder,Maryfoundthatshewasbeingfollowed.Sherushedbackhome,almostscaredtodeath.
选修6Unit 4Global warming
Thetendencyof global warming has been observed worldwide.One of theconsequencesof theaveragetemperaturesteadilygoing up is thatcatastropheslikefloodsoccur more often.Collecteddatamake a clearpresentationabout how thisphenomenoncomes rgequantitiesof carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere prevent heat from escaping into space besides causing a widerangeof pollution.Scientistssubscribeto the view that human'sexistenceand theircasualbehaviours are to blame.Though someonestatesthat global warming ismild,not severe,we must find a solution to the threat.Thecommitmentrequires shared efforts.It is now a globaltrendtoconsumefewer fossil ernmentstendtoadvocaterefreshingour livingcircumstancesby saving energy and recycling waste.
4.be devoted to奉献;致力于