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今天,我们非常荣幸地与各位见面。首先我来介绍一下我们团组的成员:Today we have the great privilege to meet you here. First, I would like to introduce the members of our delegation to you.


On behalf of the People’s Government of our city, I shall take this opportunity to extend to you our sincere gratitude for your kind reception!


I would like to make a brief introduction about our city to you.

本市地处中国浙江中部沿海,即在太平洋的西海岸,是长三角地区的现代化港口新城。1981年设市,为浙江省第一个县级市。全区陆地面积280平方公里,海域面积1600平方公里,海岸线长56公里,下辖8个街道、1个镇,275个行政村,33个社区,总人口51万多人。主要有以下几个特点:Our city is located in middle coast of Zhejiang Province,to the west of Pacific. It is a new modern port city in Changjiang Delta. We have a land area of 280 km2, sea area of 1,600 km2 and a coastline of 56 km. Under the jurisdiction of XX District, there are eight sub-districts and one township, including 275 villages and 33 communities, with the total population of more than 510,000.


Our city is a city with long history and rich background of culture. The history of our city can be traced back up to 85 B.C. As early as in

Han Dynasty, Zhang’an Sub-district, which is located in the north of our city, was the administrative capital of southeast Zhejiang. Its jurisdiction scope reached as far as to Fujian Province and Taiwan. It is one of the cradles of ancient Wu-yue Culture. In Jing Dynasty, Zhang’an Port was called “Capital of the Sea Territory”as it was one of the four famous ports firstly developed in southeast coastal area in ancient time. Three items of city are included in the List of Intangible Cultural heritage”, such as XX District local opera called “Luandan”, embroidery and Glass Carving.


This city is a livable city with beautiful scenery.Our city enjoys complex scenery of rivers, sea, mountains and islands. The mountains are standing amid the city and the rivers are going through the city. Therefore it has been praised as “Attraction of the East China Sea”and has come the tourist center in the southeast of Zhejiang Province. XX District boasts some places of interest such as Hero Qie Jiguang Memorial, Glass Art Gallery and Zhang’an Ancient Street. The latter has been included in the list of Provincial Historic Cultural Protection Streets. The Island, with the mountain melting into the sea, the water and skies merging in one color, enjoys the reputation of “a Pearl in the East China Sea”.

