分子生物学 翻译习题
特异性转录调控因子是指是除基本转录因子之外,与转录核心区以外的顺式作用元件相结合,影响基因转录的因子,分为DNA结合结构域和转录激活结构域。与GGGCGG结合的特异性转录调控因子叫Sp1。与CCAAT结合的转录因子叫CBF。大多数类固醇激素与受体结合之后,构成特异性转录因子,与顺式作用元件结合,激活基因转录。也有转录调控抑制因子,可以覆盖转录活化区,覆盖转录起始区。还有HSP。与DNA的识别模式有:(1)螺旋-转角-螺旋,helix3识别结合DNA,helix1,helix2结合其它蛋白质因子。(2)Zenic finger与DNA大沟相结合,可以与RNA-pol3及其它转录因子相互作用。(3)亮氨酸拉链:N-末端由碱性氨基酸构成的a-helix可以与DNA相结合.(4)helix-loop-helix兼性a-helix具有疏水侧面和亲水侧面,两个具有这种motif的反式因子可以形成dimer。紧靠helix N-末端的碱性氨基酸组成的序列可以结合DNA。
分⼦⽣物学习题及答案(3,4,5章)汇总第3章⼀.名词解释(考试时,名词解释为英⽂,要写出中⽂并解释)1、复制(replication): 亲代双链DNA分⼦在DNA聚合酶的作⽤下,分别以每单链DNA分⼦为模板,聚合与⾃⾝碱基可以互补配对的游离的dNTP,合成出两条与亲代DNA分⼦完全相同的⼦代DNA分⼦的过程。
3、半保留复制(Semi-Conservation Replication):DNA复制过程中亲代DNA的双链分⼦彼此分离,作为模板,按碱基互补配对原则,合成两条新⽣⼦链,这种⽅式称为半保留复制。
4、冈崎⽚段(Okazaki fragment)冈崎⽚段是相对⽐较短的DNA链(⼤约1000核苷酸残基),是在DNA的后随链的不连续合成期间⽣成的⽚段,这是Reiji Okazaki在DNA合成实验中添加放射性的脱氧核苷酸前体观察到的,因此DNA的复制是半不连续复制。
5、DNA复制的转录激活(transcriptional activation):RNA聚合酶使双链DNA分⼦局部开链,在合成10~12个核苷酸的RNA⽚段之后,再由DNA聚合酶完成前导链DNA的合成,在完成近1000~2000个核苷酸的DNA合成后,后随链才在引发酶的作⽤下开始启动冈崎⽚段的引物RNA的合成,将这⼀过程称为DNA复制的转录激活。
6、单链DNA结合蛋⽩(single strand DNA binding protein,SSB):在复制中维持模板处于单链状态并保护单链的完整性。
分子生物学 双语习题及精解
Section C - properties of nucleic acids1.The sequence 5'-AGTCTGACT-3' in DNA is equivalent to which sequence in RNA?A 5'-AGUCUGUGACU -3'B 5' -UGTCTGUTC -3'C 5' -UCAGUCUGA-3'D 5'- AGUCAGACU-3'2. Which of the following correctly describes A-DNA?A a right-handed antiparallel doublehelix with 10 bp/turn and bases lyingperpendicular to the helixaxis.B a left-handed antiparalleldouble-helix with 12 bp/turn formedfrom alternating pyrimidine-purinesequences.C a right-handed antiparallel doublehelix with 11 bp/turn and bases tiltedwith respect to the helix axis.D a globular structure formed by shortintramolecular helices formed in asingle-strand nucleic acid.3. Denaturation of double stranded DNA involves.A breakage into short double-stranded fragments.B separation into single strands.C hydrolysis of the DNA backbone.D cleavage of the bases from the sugar-phosphate backbone.4. Which has the highest absorption per unit mass at a wavelength of 260 nm?A double-stranded DNA.B mononucleotides.C RNA.D protein.5. Type I DNA topoisomeraes ...A change linking number by士2B require ATP.C break one strand of a DNA double helix.D are the target of antibacterial drugs. Section D - Prokaryotic and eukaryotic chromatin structure1.Which of the following is common to both E. coli and eukaryotic chromosomes?A the DNA is circular.B the DNA is packaged into nucleosomes.C the DNA is contained in the nucleus.D the DNA is negatively supercoiled.2.A complex of 166 bp of DNA with the histone octamer plus histone HI is known as a . . .A nucleosome core.B solenoid.C 30 nm fiber.D chromatosome.3.In what region of the interphase chromosome does transcription take place?A the telomere.B the centromere.C euchromatin.D heterochromatin.4.Which statement about CpG islands and methylation is not true?A CpG islands are particularly resistant to DNase I.B CpG methylation is responsible for the mutation of CpG to TpG in eukaryotes.C CpG islands occur around the promoters of active genes.D CpG methylation is associated with inactive chromatin.5.Which of the following is an example of highly-repetitive DNA?A Alu element.B histone gene cluster.C DNA minisatellites.D dispersed repetitive DNA.Section E - DNA replication1.The number of replicons in a typical mammalian cell is . . .A 40-200.B 400.C 1000-2000.D 50000-100000.2. In prokaryotes,the lagging strand primers are removed by . . .A 3' to 5' exonuclease.B DNA ligase.C DNA polymerase I.D DNA polymerase III.3. The essential initiator protein at theE. coli origin of replication is . . .A DnaA.B DnaB.C DnaC.D DnaE.4. Prokaryotic plasmids can replicate in yeast cells if they contain a cloned yeast. . .A ORC.B CDK.C ARS.D RNA.Section F - DNA damage, repair and recombination(此章不考)1. Per nucleotide incorporated, the spontaneous mutation frequency in E. coli is . . .A 1 in 106.B 1 in 108.C 1 in 109.D 1 in 1010.2. The action of hydroxyl radicals on DNA generates a significant amount of . . .A pyrimidine dimmers.B 8-oxoguanine.C O6- methylguanine.D 7-hydroxymethylguanine.3. In methyl-directed mismatchrepair in E. coli, the daughterstrand containing the mismatchedbase is nicked by . . .A M utH endonuclease.B U vrABC endonuclease.C A P endonuclease.D3' to 5' exonuclease.4. The excision repair of UV-inducedDNA damage is defective inindividuals suffering from ...A hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer.B Crohn's disease.C classical xeroderma pigmentosum.D xeroderma pigmentosum variant. Section K - Transcription in prokaryotes1. Which two of the following statements about transcription are correct?A RNA synthesis occurs in the 3' to 5' direction.B the RNA polymerase enzyme moves along the sense strand of the DNA in a 5' to 3' direction.C the RNA polymerase enzyme movesalong the template strand of the DNA in a 5' to 3' direction.D the transcribed RNA is complementary to the template strand.E the RNA polymerase adds ribonucleotides to the 5' end of the growing RNA chain.F the RNA polymerase adds deoxyribonucleotides to the 3' end of the growing RNA chain.2. Which one of the followingstatements about E. coli RNA polymerase is false?A the holoenzyme includes the sigma factor.B the core enzyme includes the sigma factor.C it requires Mg2+ for its activity.D it requires Zn2+ for its activity.3. Which one of the following statements is incorrect?A there are two αsubunits in the E. coli RNA polymerase.B there is one β subunit in the E. coli RNA polymerase.C E. coli has one sigma factor.D the β subunit of E. coli RNA polymerase is inhibited by rifampicin.E the streptolydigins inhibit transcription elongation.F heparin is a polyanion, which binds to the β’ subunit.4. Which one of the following statements about transcription in E. coli is true?A the -10 sequence is always exactly10 bp upstream from the transcription start site.B the initiating nucleotide is always a G.C the intervening sequence between the -35 and -10 sequences is conserved.D the sequence of the DNA after thesite of transcription initiation is notimportant for transcriptionefficiency.E the distance between the -35 and -10 sequences is critical for transcription efficiency.5. Which one of the following statements about transcription in E. coli is true?A loose binding of the RNA polymerase core enzyme to DNA is non-specific and unstable.B sigma factor dramatically increasesthe relative affinity of the enzymefor correct promoter sites.C almost all RNA start sites consist of a purine residue, with A being more common than G.D all promoters are inhibited by negative supercoiling.E terminators are often A-U hairpin structures.Section L - Regulation of transcription in prokaryotes1. Which two of the following statements are correct?A the double stranded DNA sequencethat has the upper strand sequence5'-GGATCGATCC-3' is apalindrome.B the double stranded DNA sequencethat has the upper strand sequence5'-GGATCCTAGG-3' isapalindrome.C the Lac repressor inhibits binding of the polymerase to the lac promoter.D the lac operon is directly induced by lactose.E binding of Lac repressor to allolactose reduces its affinity for the lac operator.F IPTG is a natural inducer of the lac promoter.2. Which one of the following statements about catabolite-regulated operons is false?A cAMP receptor protein (CRP) andcatabolite activator protein (CAP)are different names for the sameprotein.B when glucose is present in the cell cAMP levels fall.C CRP binds to cAMP and as a result activates transcription.D CRP binds to DNA in the absence of cAMP.E CRP can bend DNA, resulting in activation of transcription.3. Which one of the following statements about the trp operon is true?A the RNA product of the trp operon is very stable.B the Trp repressor is a product of the trp operon.C the Trp repressor,like the Lac repressor, is a tetramer of identical subunits.D the Trp repressor binds totryptophan.E tryptophan activates expression from the trp operon.F the trp operon is only regulated by the Trp represso4. Which two of the following statements about attenuation at the trp operon are true?A attenuation is rho-dependent.B deletion of the attenuator sequenceresults in an increase in both basaland activated levels of tran- scriptionfrom th~ trp promoter.C the attenuator lies upstream of the trp operator sequence.D attenuation does not require tight coupling between transcription and translation.E pausing of a ribosome at twotryptophan codons in the leaderpeptide when tryptophan is in shortsupply causes attenuation.F a hairpin structure called thepnti-terminator stops formation ofthe terminator hairpin, resulting intranscriptional read-through into thetrpE gene, when tryptophan isscarce.Section M - Transcription in eukaryotes1. Which one of the followingstatements about eukaryotic RNApolymerases I, II and III is false?A RNA Pol II is very sensitive to α-amanitin.B RNA Pol II is located in th~ nucleoplasm.C RNA Pol III transcribes th~ genes for tRNA.D eukaryotic cells contain other RNApolymerases in addition to RNA PolI, RNA Pol II and RNA Pol III.E each RNA polymerase containssubunits with homology to subunitsof the E. coli RNA polymerase aswell as additional subunits,whichare unique to each polymerase.F the carboxyl end of RNA Pol IIcontains a short sequence of onlyseven amino acids which is calledthe carboxyl-terminal domain (CTD)and which may be phosphorylated.2. Which two of the following statements about RNA Pol I genes are true?A RNA Pol I transcribes the genes for ribosomal RNAs.B human cells contain 40 clusters of five copies of the rRNA gene.C the 185, 5.85 and 285 rRNAs aresynthesized as separate transcripts.D RNA Pol I transcription occurs in the nucleoplasm.E RNA Pol I transcription occurs in the cytoplasm.F rRNA gene clusters are known as nucleolar organizer regions.3. Which one of the following statements about RNA Pol I transcription is false?A in RNA Pol I promoters the coreelement is 1000 bases downstreamfrom the upstream control element(UCE).B upstream binding factor (UBF)binds to both the UCE and theupstream part of the core element ofthe RNA Pol I promoter.C selectivity factor SLl stabilizes the UBF-DNA complex.D SL1 contains several subunitsincluding the TATA-binding protein TBP.E in Acanthamoeba there is a single control element in rRNA gene promoters.4. Which two of the following statements about RNA Pol III genes are true?A the transcriptional control regions of tRNA genes lie upstream of the start of transcription.B highly conserved sequences in tRNA gene coding regions are also promoter sequences.C TFIIIC contains TBP as one of its subunits.D TFIIIB is a sequence specific transcription factor on its own.E in humans 5S rRNA genes are arranged in a single cluster of 2000 copies.Section 0 - RNA processing and RNPs 1. Which ribonucleases are involved in producing mature tRNA in E. coli?A RNases A, D, E and F.B RNases D, E, F and H.C RNases D, E, F and P.D RNases A, D, H and P.2. Most eukaryotic pre-mRNAs arematured by which of the followingmodifications to their ends?A capping at the 3’-end cleavage and polyadenylation at the 5'-end.B addition of a GMP to the 5'-end,cleavage and polyadenylation to create the 3'-end.C addition of a guanine residue to the5'-end cleavage and polyadenylationto create the 3'-end.D addition of a GMP to the 5'-end,polyadenylation,then cleavage to create the 3'-end.3. Which one of the followingstatements correctly describes thesplicing process undergone bymost eukaryotic pre-mRNAs?A in a two-step reaction, thespliceosome removes the exon as alariat and joins the two intronstogether.B splicing requires conservedsequences which are the 5ιsplicesite,the 3' -splice site thebranch-point and the polypurinetract.C the U1 snRNP initially binds to the5'-splice site,U2 to the branchpointsequence and then the tri-snRNP, U4,US and U6 can bind.D in the first step of splicing the G atthe 3'-end of the intron is joined tothe 2’-hydroxyl group of the Aresidue of the branchpoint sequenceto create a lariat.Section P - The genetic code and tRNA 1. Which of the following list of features correctly apply to the genetic code?A triplet degenerate nearly universal, comma-less, nonoverlapping.B triplet universal, comma-less, degenerate, nonoverlapping.C overlapping, triplet, comma-less, degenerate nearly universal.D overlapping, comma-less nondegenerate nearly universal triplet. 2. Which of the following statementsabout tRNAs is false?A most tRNAs are about 76 residues long and have CCA as residues 74, 75 and 76.B many tRNAs contain the modifiednucleosides pseudouridinedihydrouridine ribothymidine andmosme.C tRNAs have a common L-shapedtertiary structure with threenucleotides at one end able to basepair with an anticodon on amessenger RNA molecule.D tRNAs have a common cloverleafsecondary structure containing threesingle stranded loops called the D-,T- and anticodon loops.3.Which three statements are true? The aminoacyl tRNA synthetase reaction...A joins AMP to the 3’-end of the tRNA.B is a two step reaction.C joins any amino acid to the 2'- or 3' -hydroxyl of the ribose of residue A76.D is highly specific because thesynthetases use identity elements inthe tRNAs to distinguish betweenthem.E joins AMP to the amino acid to produce an intermediate.F releases PPi in the second step. Section Q - Protein synthesis1. Which statement about the codon-anticodon interaction is false?A it is antiparallel and can include nonstandard base pairs.B inosine in the 5' -anticodon position can pair with A,C or U in the 3'-codonpositionC inosine in the 3’-anticodon position can pair with A, C or U in the 5’-codon position.D A is never found in the 5'-anticodon position as it is modified by anticodon deaminase.2.Which one of the following statements correctly describes initiation of protein synthesis in E.coli?A the initiator tRNA binds to the Shine-Dalgarno sequence.B three initiation factors are involved and IF2 binds to GTP.C the intermediate containing IF1, IF2,IF3, initiator tRNA and mRNA is called the 30S initiation complex.D binding of the 50S subunit releases IF1, IF2, GMP and PPi.E the initiation process is completewhen the 70S initiation complex is formed which contains the initiator tRNA in the A site of the ribosome and an empty P site.3.Which statement about elongation of protein synthesis in prokaryotes is false?A elongation can be divided into threesteps: peptidyl-tRNA deliverypeptide bond formation andtranslocation.B the peptidyl transferase center of thelarge ribosomal subunit isresponsible for peptide bond for-mation.C in the EF-Tu-Ts exchange cycleEF-Tu-GTP is regenerated by EF-Tsdisplacing GDP.D EF-G is also known as translocaseand uses GTP in its reaction.4.Which two of the following statements about initiation ofeukaryotic protein synthesis aretrue?A eukaryotes use a mRNA scanning method to locate the correct start codon.B there are at least nine eukaryotic initiation factors (eIFs).C eukaryotic initiation uses N-formylmethionine.D the 80S initiation complexcompletes the initiation process andcontains the initiator tRNA base-paired to the start codon in the Asite.E ATP is hydrolysed to AMP and PPi during the scanning process.F the initiator tRNA binds after the mRNA has bound to the small subunit.。
分子生物学 翻译习题教学文稿
翻译习题一选择题1 多数氨基酸都有两个以上密码子,下列哪组氨基酸只有一个密码子()A 苏氨酸、甘氨酸B 脯氨酸、精氨酸C 丝氨酸、亮氨酸D 色氨酸、甲硫氨酸E 天冬氨酸和天冬酰胺2 tRNA分子上结合氨基酸的序列是()A CAA-3′B CCA-3′C AAC-3′D ACA-3′E AAC-3′3 关于遗传密码的叙述不正确的是()A 20种氨基酸共有64个密码子B 碱基缺失、插入可致框移突变C AUG是起始密码D UUU是终止密码E一个氨基酸可有多达6个密码子4 tRNA能够成为氨基酸的转运体、是因为其分子上有()A -CCA-OH 3′末端B 3个核苷酸为一组的结构C 稀有碱基D 反密码环 E假腺嘌吟环5 蛋白质生物合成中的终止密码是( )。A UAAB UAUC UACD UAGE UGA6 Shine-Dalgarno顺序(SD-顺序)是指()A 在mRNA分子的起始码上游8-13个核苷酸处的顺序B 在DNA分子上转录起始点前8-13个核苷酸处的顺序C 16srRNA3'端富含嘧啶的互补顺序D 启动基因的顺序特征7 “同工tRNA”是( )A 识别同义mRNA密码子(具有第三碱基简并性)的多个tRNAB 识别相同密码子的多个tRNAC 代表相同氨基酸的多个tRNAD 由相同的氨酰tRNA合成酶识别的多个tRNA8 反密码子中哪个碱基对参与了密码子的简并性(摇摆)( )A 第—个 B第二个 C第二个 D 第一个与第二个9 与mRNA的GCU密码子对应的tRNA的反密码子是( )A CGAB IGC C CIGD CGI10 真核与原核细胞蛋白质合成的相同点是( )A 翻译与转录偶联进行B 模板都是多顺反子C 都需要GTPD 甲酰蛋氨酸是第一个氨基酸11 下列选项中翻译延长所必需的是( b );氨基酸与tRNA连接需要( d );遗传密码的摆动性是指( a )A mRNA上的密码子与tRNA上的反密码子不一定严格配对B 转肽酶C 氨酰-tRNA合成酶D 磷酸化酶E N-C糖甘键12 蛋白质生物合成时( )A mRNA与核糖体的大亚基结合B mRNA与核糖体的小亚基结合C tRNA与核糖体的大亚基结合D tRNA与核糖体的小亚基结合13 外源基因在大肠杆菌中高效表达受很多因素影响,其中SD序列的作用是( )A 提供一个mRNA转录终止子B 提供一个mRNA转录起始子C 提供一个核糖体结合位点D 提供了翻译的终点14 真核生物的翻译起始复合物在何处形成?( )A 起始密码子AUG处B 5'端的帽子结构C TATA框D CAAT框15 氨酰-tRNA合成酶( )A 活化氨基酸的氨基B 利用GTP作为活化氨基酸的能量来源C 催化在tRNA的5'磷酸与相应氨基酸间形成酯键D 每一种酶特异的作用于一种氨基酸及相应的tRNA16 在研究蛋白质合成中,可利用嘌呤霉素,这是因为它( )A 使大小亚基解聚B 使肽链提前释放C 抑制氨酰-tRNA合成酶的活性D 防止多核糖体形成二填空题1 核糖体上可以区分出五个功能活性位点,其中A位主要在( )上,而P 位点主要在( )。2 tRNA的二级结构为( 三叶草 )形,三级结构为(L形 )。3 tRNA的3'末端为( ),5'末端为( )。4 蛋白质合成时,起始密码子通常是( ),起始tRNA上的反密码子是( )5 tRNA反密码子的第一位碱基可出现I,它可与( )之间形成氢键而结合,这是最常见的摆动现象。6 参与蛋白质折叠的两个重要酶为(热休克蛋白)和 ( 伴侣素)。7 细胞内存在一种称为泛素的蛋白质,它的主要作用是(蛋白质的降解 )。
第五章 基因表达2:蛋白质翻译 分子生物学习题
第五章基因表达2:蛋白质翻译名词解释:SD序列、无义突变和错义突变、EF-Tu、同义密码填空:1.可使每个氨基酸和它相对应的tRNA分子相偶联形成一个2.核糖体包括两个tRNA分子的结合位点:即P位点,紧密结合与多肽链延伸尾端相连接的tRNA分子;即A位点,结合带有一个氨基酸的tRNA 分子。
()选择题:1、反密码子中哪个碱基参与了密码子的简并性()A、第一个B、第二个C、第三个D、第一个与第二个E、第二个与第三个2、“同工tRNA”是指()A、识别同义mRNA密码子(具有第三个碱基简并性)的多个tRNAB、识别相同密码子的多个tRNAC、代表相同氨基酸的多个tRNAD、由相同的氨酰tRNA合成酶识别的多个tRNA3、核糖体的E位点是()A、真核mRNA加工位点B、tRNA离开原核生物核糖体的位点C、核糖体中受EcoR限制的位点D、电化学势驱动转运的位点4、蛋白质合成所需的能量来自()A、ATPB、GTPC、ATP和GTPD、CTP5、mRNA的5’-ACG-3’密码子相应的反密码子是()A、5′-UGC-3′B、5′-TGC-3′C、5′-CGU-3 ′D、5 ′ -CGT-3 ′6、在蛋白质合成过程中,下列哪些说法是正确的?()A、氨基酸随机地连接到tRNA上去B、新生肽链从C一端开始合成C、通过核糖核蛋白体的收缩,mRNA不断移动D、合成的肽链通过一个tRNA与核糖核蛋白相连问答题:1、简述遗传密码的性质2、原核生物蛋白质合成的过程3、蛋白质前体加工包括哪些?有一个被认为是mRNA的核苷酸序列,长300个碱基,你怎样才能:1.证明此RNA是mRNA而不是tRNA或rRNA。
Multiple Choice(1) The attachment site for RNA polymerase in bacteria is called the:a. Initiatorb. Operatorc. Promoterd. Start codon(2) The specificity of bacterial RNA polymerase for their promoters is due to which subunit?a. αb. βc. γd. σ(3) The first protein complex to bind to the core promoter for a protein-coding gene in eukaryotes is;a. RNA polymerase IIb. General transcription factor TFIIBc. General transcription factor TFIIDd. General transcription factor TFIIE(4) Which modification must be made to RNA polymerase II in order to activate the preinitiation complex?a. Acetylationb. Methylationc. Phosphorylationd. Ubiquitination(5) What is the name of the DNA sequence that is located near the promoter of the lactose operon, and which regulates expression of the operon in E. coli?a. Activatorb. Inducerc. Operatord. Repressor(6) Which of the following types of sequence module enables transcription to respond to general signals from outside of the cell?a. Cell-specific modulesb. Developmental modulesc. Repression modulesd. Response modules(7) Which of the following is NOT a type of activation domain?a. Acidic domainsb. Glutamine-rich domainsc. Leucine-zipper domainsd. Proline-rich domains(8) Which of the following is NOT a experiment used to define the site on a DNA molecule to which a protein binds?a. Gel retardation assayb. DNA footprinting assayc. Modification interference assayd. Y east two hybrid assay(9) Which of the following DNA sequences can increase the rate of transcription initiation of more than one gene/promoter?a. Activatorsb. Enhancersc. Silencersd. T erminators(10) Approximately how many base pairs form the attachment between the DNA template and RNA transcript during transcription?a. 8b. 12-14c. 30d. The entire RNA molecule remains base-paired to the template until transcription is finished.(11) Which factor is thought to be most important in determining whether a bacterial RNA polymerase continues or terminates transcription?a. Nucleotide concentrationb. Structure of the polymerasec. Methylation of termination sequencesd. Thermodynamic events(12) What is the role of the Rho protein in termination of transcription?a. It is a helicase that actively breaks base pairs between the template and transcript.b. It id s DNA-binding protein that blocks the movement of RNA polymerase along the template.c. It is a subunit of RNA polymerase that binds to RNA hairpins and stalls transcription.d. It is a nuclease that degrades the 3’ ends of RNA transcripts.(13) Antitermination is involved in regulation of which of the following?a. Operons encoding enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of amino acids with regulation dependent on the concentration of the amino acids.b. Operons encoding enzymes involved in the degradation of metabolites, regulation dependent on the presence of the metabolitec. Genes present in the upstream region of the operond. Genes present in the downstream region of the operon.(14) What is the major transcriptional change that occurs during the Stringent Response in E. coli?a. Transcription rates are increased for most genes.b. Transcription rates are increased only for the amino acid biosynthesis operons.c. Transcription rates are decreased for most genes.d. Transcription rates are decreased only for the amino acid biosynthesis operons.(15) Which of the following is necessary for the RNA endonuclease activity of RNA polymerase that occurs when RNA polymerase is stalled during transcription?a. Rhob. RelAc. GreAd. RNAse H(16) How is the lariat structure formed during splicing of a GU-AG intron?a. After cleavage of the 5’ splice site, a new phosphodiester bond is formed between the 5’ nucleotide and the 2’ carbon of the nucleotide at the 3’ splice site.b. After cleavage of the 5’ splice site, a new phosphodiester bond is formed between the 5’ nucleotide and the 2’ carbon of an internal adenosine.c. After cleavage of the 5’ splice site, a new phosphodiester bond is formed between the 5’ nucleotide and the 2’ carbon of the nucleotide at the 5’ splice site.d. After cleavage of the 3’ splice site, a new phosphodiester bond is formed between the 5’ nucleotide and the 2’ carbon of an internal adenosine.(17) What are cryptic splice sites?a. These are splice sites that are used in some cells, but not in others.b. These are splice sites that are always used.c. These are splice sites that are involved in alternative splicing, resulting in the removal of exons from some mRNA molecules.d. These are sequences within exons or introns that resemble consensus splicing signals, but are not true splice sites.(18) What statement correctly describes trans-splicing?a. The order of exons within an mRNA transcript is rearranged to yield a different mRNA sequence.b. Exons are deleted from some mRNA transcripts but not others.c. Intron sequences are not removed from RNA transcripts and are translated into proteins.d. Exons from different RNA transcripts are joined together.(19) The chemical modification of eukaryotic rRNA molecules takes place in the:a. Cytoplasm.b. Endoplasmic reticulum.c. Nuclear envelope.d. Nucleolus.(20) Which of the following is an example of RNA editing?a. Removal of introns from an RNA transcript.b. Degradation of an RNA molecule by nucleases.c. Alteration of the nucleotide sequence of an RNA molecule.d. Capping of the 5’ end of an RNA transcript.(21) Nonsense-mediated RNA decay (NMD) is a system for the degradation of eukaryotic mRNA molecules with what features?a. NMD degrades mRNA molecules with stop codons at incorrect positions.b. NMD degrades mRNA molecules that encode nonfunctional proteins.c. NMD degrades mRNA molecules that lack a start codon.d. NMD degrades mRNA molecules that lack a stop codon.(22) Which of the following describes RNA interference?a. Antisense RNA molecules block translation of mRNA molecules.b. Double-stranded RNA molecules are bound by proteins that block their translation.c. Double-stranded RNA molecules are cleaved by a nuclease into short interfering RNA molecules.d. Short interfering RNA molecules bind to the ribosome to prevent the translation of viral mRNAs.(23) How are RNA molecules transported out of the nucleus?a. Passive diffusion through the membrane.b. Through the membrane pores in an energy-dependent process.c. Through membrane pores in an energy independent process.d. Through a channel in the membrane that leads to the endoplasmic reticulum.(24) Match protein/RNA with its function (answers can be used more than once or not at all)Spliceosome a. small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNP)microRNAs b. guanylyl transferasemRNA capping c. ribozymeautocatalytic RNA splicing d. dicere. poly-A polymerase(25) Match protein with its function (answers can be used more than once or not at all)JAK a. G-proteinGlucocorticoid receptor b. EndonucleaseRAS c. DNA-binding proteinIF-2 d. RNA binding proteine. Kinase(26) Match lambda gene with its function (answers can be used more than once or not at all)cI a. Anti-terminationN b. Transcriptional repressorCRO c. Transcriptional activatorcII d. Transcriptional terminatore. Translation factorAnswers to practice exam #3How is it possible for microRNAs to regulate eukaryotic gene expression by binding to the 3’ untranslated end of an mRNA ?Binding to the 3’-UTR initiates an RNA cleavage event that removes the polyA tail and begins the mRNA degradation processWhy is attenuation absent in eukaryotic organisms ?Attenuation is the mechanism whereby amino acid biosynthesis operons are regulated by the cellular concentration of the amino acid that is the product of the genes in the operon by transcription termination. The attenuation mechanism requires that translation by ribosomes and transcription occur in the same subcellular compartment. In eukaryotes transcription and translation are carried out in different compartments, so attenuation would not be possible in eukaryo tes.What are the differences between activator and coactivator proteins ?An activator is a DNA binding protein that stabilizes construction of the RNA polymerase II transcription initiation complex. A coactivator is a protein that stimulates transcription initiation by binding nonspecifically to DNA or via protein-protein interactions.Explain what a “modification protection assay” is intended to discover and how it is carried out .Modification protection is a technique used to identify nucleotides i nvolved in interactions with a DNA-binding proteinHow are Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila melanogaster good model organisms for development in higher eukaryotes ?Developmental pathways in animals utilize similar regulators, therefore discovery of regulators in lower animals can reveal how development is controlled in higher animals.How does the anchor cell of C. elegans induce the vulva progenitor cells to differentiate into vulva cells? Why do the vulva progenitor cells follow different pathways upon receiving the signal from the anchor cell ?The anchor cell produces a diffusible signal that stimulates differentiation of vulva cells. Different vulva cells undergo different differentiation pathways because they are exposed to differing concentr ations of the signal molecule, and the vulva cells themselves produce secondary signaling molecules that control differentiation in nearby vulva cells.The process of excision of a GU-AG intron and splicing of exons is defined as requiring two transesterification reactions. What does this mean ?A transesterification reaction is the simultaneous cleavage and reformation of a phosphodiester bond. During intron splicing the donor site phosphodiester bond is cleaved and then reformed with the branchpoint nucleotide within the intron, forming a lariat structure. In the second transesterification, the branch point phospodiester bond I cleaved and simultaneously formed between the donor and acceptor sites. The net effect is that there is no change in the number of phosphodiester bonds. During sporulation in Bacillus σE and σF are present in both the prespore and mother cells. How is σF activated in the prespore?Sigma F is activated in the prespore by when it is released from protein-protein interaction with AB. Sigma F is inactive when it is bound to AB.Explain how the iron response protein (IRP) functions to activate expression of Ferritin and at the same time inhibit expression of Transferrin.The iron response protein can bind to iron response elements in RNA only when it is not bound to iron. In the case of ferritin, binding of IRP to the 5’-IRE blocks translation of the ferritin mRNA, so when it is not bound ferritin protein is produced. In the case of transferrin, binding to the 3’-IRE blocks degradation of the transferrin mRNA thereby increasing half life of the mRNA and stimulating transferrin protein production.。
;14.Through their experiments with DNA from the bacterium Escherichia coli ,Meselson and Stahl showed that DNA replication is(A) conservative.;(B)dispersive ;(C) duplicative.;(D)semi-conservative15.A mutation changes a CG base pair to an AT base pair. This is a ___ mutation.(A )transversion ;(B )transition ;(C )transpositional ;(D )translocation16、Which of the following is an example of a nonsense mutation?(A )ACG to ACC ;(B )AUG to UUG ;(C )UAC to UAG ;(D )AAA to UUU17.A mutation occurs in which an AUU codon is changed to an AUC codon. Both of these codons signify the amino acid leucine. This is a ___ mutation.(A)Nonsense ;(B )missense ;(C )silent ;(D )neutral18.In a eukaryotic cell, when a positive regulatory protein interacts with a promoter element(A )transcription is activated ;(B )transcription is inhibited ;(C )translation is inhibited ;(D )replication is activated19.In eukaryotes, a protein is synthesized in the ___ and modified in the ___ .(A )nucleus; endoplasmic reticulum ;(B )endoplasmic reticulum; Golgi plex(C )Golgi plex; nucleus ; (D )nucleus; Golgi plexframeshift ;20.Utraviolet light usually causes mutations by a mechanism involving(A )one-strand breakage in DNA ;(B )light-induced change of thymine to alkylated guanine ;(C )inversion of DNA segments ;(D )induction of thymine dimmers ; (E )deletion of DNA segments21.氨酰tRNA 的作用由______决定(A )氨基酸;(B )反密码子;(C )固定的碱基区;(D )氨酰tRNA 合成酶的活性22.一个复制子是______(A )细胞分裂期间复制产物被分离之后的 DNA 片段;(B )复制的 DNA 片段和在此过程中所需的酶和蛋白;(C )任何自发复制的 DNA 序列(它与复制起始点相连);;(D )复制起点和复制叉之间的 DNA 片段23.下列哪些转录因子是装配因子(A )SP1;(B )TF ⅡB ;(C )TF ⅡH ;(D )都不是24.在原核生物复制子中以下哪种酶除去RNA 引发体并加入脱氧核糖核苷酸?(A )DNA 聚合酶Ⅲ;(B )DNA 聚合酶Ⅱ;(C )DNA 聚合酶Ⅰ;(D )DNA 连接酶25.DNA 依赖的RNA 聚合酶的通读可以靠_____(A )ρ因子蛋白与核心酶的结合;(B )抗终止蛋白与一个内在的ρ因子终止位点结合,因而封闭了终止信号;;(C )抗终止蛋白以它的作用位点与核心酶结合,因而改变其构象,使终止信号不能被核心酶识别;(D )NusA 蛋白与核心酶的结合只有在乳糖存在的条件下才能表达;在乳糖存在的条件下不能表达在乳糖不存在的条件下表达;不管乳糖存不存在都能表达三、 填空题(本大题共10小题,每空0.5分,共计10分) 1.转录因子可分为两类,即( )和( )。
分子生物学复习部分资料中英文题目————————————————————————————————作者: ————————————————————————————————日期:名词解释(probe)探针:分子杂交中和待测核苷酸链碱基互补的具有特定序列的被标记的核苷酸链,可用于检测核酸样品中存在的特定基因。
ﻫ(molecular hybridization)分子杂交:是利用DNA变性与复性这一基本性质来进行DNA或RNA定性或定量分析的一项技术。
(gene chip)基因芯片:指单位面积有规律地紧密排列的特定的DNA片段的支持物。
(gene library)基因文库:是指一个包含了某一生物体全部DNA序列的克隆群体。
ﻫ()cDNA文库:是包含某一组织细胞在一定条件下所表达的全部mRNA经逆转录而合成的cDNA序列的克隆群体,它以cDN A片段的形式贮存着该组织细胞的基因表达信息。
ﻫ(genomic DNAlibrary)基因组DNA文库:是指生物的基因组DNA的信息(包括所有的编码区和非编码区)以DNA片段形式贮存的克隆群体。
ﻫ(transgenic technology)转基因技术:采用基因转移技术使目的基因整合入受精卵细胞或胚胎干细胞,然后将细胞导入动物子宫,使之发育成个体的技术。
(transgenosis)转基因: 转基因技术中被导入的目的基因ﻫ(transgenic animal)转基因动物:转基因技术中目的基因的受体动物(Somatic cell nuclear transfer)核转移技术:将动物的一个体细胞核全部导入另一个体的去胞核的的激活的卵细胞内,使之发育成个体,即克隆(clone)。
gene knockout基因剔除:建立在同源重组基础上的有目的去除动物体内某种基因的技术。
(functional cloning)功能克隆:通过对一种致病基因功能的了解来克隆该致病基因。
ﻫ(positiona l cloning)定位克隆:从一种致病基因的染色体定位出发逐步缩小范围,最后克隆该基因。
一、写出英文缩写的全称IF:起始因子EF:伸长因子RF:释放因子ORF:开放读码框架(开放阅读框)open reading frameNLS:核定位序列(Nudear Iocalization signal)二、选择题1.外源基因在大肠杆菌中的高效表达受到很多因素的影响,其中SD序列的作用是( B )A.提供一个mRNA转录终止位点B.提供一个mRNA转录起始子C.提供一个核糖体结合位点D.提供翻译的终点2.与tRNA中的反密码子为GCU相配对的mRNA中的密码子是( B )A. UGAB. CGAC. AGCD. AGI3. 稀有碱基常出现于(C )A. rRNAB. mRNAC. tRNAD. hnRNA4. 下列表述不正确的是(A )A. 共有20个不同的密码子代表遗传密码B. 每个核苷酸三联子编码一个氨基酸C. 不同的密码子可能编码同一个氨基酸D.密码子的第三位具有可变性5. ( B )的密码子可以作为起始密码子。
A. 酪氨酸B.甲硫氨酸C.色氨酸D. 苏氨酸6. 核糖体的E位点是(B )A.真核mRNA的加工位点B. tRNA离开原核生物核糖体的位点C. 核糖体中受EcoRI限制的位点D.真核mRNA起始结合位点7. 关于蛋白质合成描述正确的是( B )A. 转录转录起始位点+1处是蛋白质翻译的起始部位B. 所谓翻译就是把mRNA上携带的碱基序列转变成氨基酸的过程C. 翻译时mRNA上必须有SD序列D. 翻译起始后携带氨基酸的氨酰tRNA首先进入核糖体的A位点8. tRNA在发挥其功能时的两个重要部位是(D )A. 反密码子臂和氨基酸臂B.氨基酸臂和D环C. TψC环与可变环D. TψC环与反密码子臂9. 反密码子的化学性质属于(A )A. tRNAB. mRNAC. rRNAD. DNA三、填空题1. 核糖体上存在三个位点,A位点是新的氨酰tRNA进入的位点,是肽酰tRNA 的结合位点,E位点是空的tRNA释放位点。
IF1 9
15% 循 环 因 子 ?
二. 起始tRNA的特点
翻译时的第一个密码子是怎样被识别的呢? (一)小亚基上16SrRNA3′端的六核苷酸(3′-
UCCUCC-5′ ) 和 Shine-Dalgarno 顺 序 ( 5′AAACAGGAGG-3′ ) 互 补 , 相 互 结 合 , 使 下游的AUG起始密码子定位在P位上。 (二) 核糖体结合位点也含有一个信号起始密 码子(initiation codon)-AUG。
PA 图15- 翻译起始时的进位反应
表 15-2 E.coli蛋 白 质 合 成 起 始 所 需 的 三 种 起 始 因 子
因 子质量因 子 /核功 能
( KDa)糖 体
IF3 23
25% 亚 基 解 离 与 mRNA的 结 合
IF2 97.3 ?
起 始 tRNA的 结 合 与 GTP水 解
三 核糖体的作用位点
⑴A位点(或称 acceptor site)可以进入 氨基酰-tRNA(aminoacyl-tRNA)。
⑵ P位点(或称供位,donor site) 是被肽基 酰-tRNA(peptidyl-tRNA)所占据。
(3)E位点(Exit site) 脱酰tRNA(deacylatedtRNA)短暂地占据。
催化功能区:ATP tRNA受体双 tRNA反密码 寡聚物的
螺旋结合区 子结合区
核苷酸折叠或反向 平行的β-折叠
α-螺旋或 β-折叠桶
图15-2氨基酰tRNA合成酶含有3-4个不同的功能区 (仿B.Lewin:《GENES》Ⅵ,1997,Fig9.8)
分子生物学试题第四章一、名词解释1、translation:将mRNA链上的核苷酸以一个特定的起始位点开始按每3个核苷酸代表一个氨基酸的原则,依次合成一个多肽链的过程2、codon synonymous:对应于同一氨基酸的密码子称为同义密码子3、degeneracy:指密码子的第三个碱基上的变化不会改变它所代表的氨基酸4、wobble hypothesis:摆动假说,在密码子与反密码子配对中,前两对严格遵守碱基配对原则,第三对碱基有一定的自由度,可以摆动,因而使某些tRNA 可以识别1个以上的密码子5、signal hypothesis:信号假说,指分泌蛋白质N-端序列新生肽链连接到膜上的作用,即mRNA和核糖体通过正在合成的蛋白质N-端序列新生肽链连接到膜上的作用6、elongation factors:延伸因子,原核中为EF真核中为eEF,在每一个氨基酸加入多肽链的过程中,周期性作用于核糖体的蛋白质。
7、nuclear localization sequence :在绝大部分细胞真核生物宗,每当细胞发生分裂时,核膜被破坏,等到细胞分裂完成后,核膜被重新建成,分散在细胞内的核蛋白必须被重新运入核内,因此,为了核蛋白重新定位,这些蛋白质中的信号肽。
8、tripletode:mRNA上每三个核苷酸翻译成蛋白质多肽链上的一个氨基酸,这三个核苷酸就称为三联密码子9、无义突变:在蛋白质的结构基因中,一个核苷酸的改变可能使代表某个氨基酸的密码子变成终止密码子,使蛋白质合成提前终止,合成无功能的或无意义的多肽,这种突变称为无义突变11、错义突变:由于结构基因中某个核苷酸的变化使一种氨基酸的密码变成另一种氨基酸的密码12、信号序列:在起始密码子后,有一段编码的疏水性氨基酸序列的RNA区域,这个氨基酸序列就被称为信号序列13、简并:由一种以上密码子编码同一个氨基酸的现象14、initator tRNA:一类能够特异的识别mRNA模板起始密码子的tRNA15、氨酰-tRNA合成酶:一类催化氨基酸与tRNA结合的特异性酶16、翻译运转同步机制:若某个蛋白质的合成和运转是同时发生的,则称翻译运转同步机制17、翻译后运转机制:若蛋白质从核糖体上释放后才发生运转,则称为翻译后运转机制二、判断1、tRNA的三级结构主要由在二级结构中未配对的碱基间形成氢键而引发的(T)2、新生的多肽链大多数是没有功能的,必须经过加工修饰才能转变为有活性的(T)3、分泌蛋白质大多是以翻译-运转同步机制运输的(T)4、通过线粒体膜的蛋白质是合成和运转同时发生的(T)5、无义密码子同等于终止密码子(T)6、三种RNA必须相互作用以起始及维持蛋白质的合成(T)7、体外连接两个核糖体亚基需游离Mg2+存在(T)8、延伸因子EF-Iα促进氨基酰-tRNA进入A位点,经此过程能量由A TP中高能磷酸键断裂提供(F)9、移框校正被认为是一种自然的翻译控制机制(T)10、三种类型的RNA合成酶包括一系列同系核苷酸和结合氨基酸的酶(T)11、核糖体的E位点是原核核糖体上tRNA退出的位点(T)12、模板和反义DNA链可被描述为:模板链可被RNA聚合酶阅读而合成互补的核苷酸-mRNA,这是核糖体蛋白质合成中的有义莲(T)13、The genetic code is the collection of base-sequences that corresponds to each amino acid and to translation signals(T)14、Polypeptide synthesis can be divided into three stages:Initiation、Elongation and termination(T)15、The kind of tRNA:Initiator and Elongation tRNA, same functioned tRNA and proofreading RNA (T)16、UAA、UAG、UGA were Initial genetic codes(F)17、The end genetic code was UAA(F)18、Protein synthesis is taken place in Ribosome(T)19、The process of protein synthesis can be divided into five stages:Amino acyl-tRNA acting initiation of translation. Elongtation of translation and post-translation processing(T)20、Five activate sites in ribosome are mRNA binding site. AA-tRNA binding site. P-site peptide bond formed site and basic peptide site(T)21、许多氨基酸:有多个密码子,除了氨基酸只有一个密码子外,其他氨基酸都有一个以上密码子(F)22、Proper selection of the amino acids for assembly is determined by the positioning of the tRNA molecules, which in turn is determined by hydrogen-bonding between the anticodon of each tRNA molecule and the corresponding codon of the mRNA (T)23、核糖体是蛋白质合成的场所,tRNA是蛋白质合成的模板,mRNA是模板与氨基酸之间的接合体(F)24、一个tRNA究竟能识别多少个密码子不是由反密码子的第一个碱基的性质决定的(T)25、在真核生物中蛋白质的降解依赖于泛素(T)26、因为AUG是蛋白质合成的起始密码子,所以甲硫氨酸只存在于蛋白质的N端()27、无义密码子同等于终止密码子()28、嘌呤霉素是AA-tRNA的结构类似物,能结合在核糖体的A位上,抑制AA-tRNA的进入()29、核糖体使蛋白质的合成场所,mRNA是蛋白质的合成模板,Trna是模板与氨基酸之间的接合体(T)30、遗传密码的性质包括简并性、特殊性、普遍性(T)31、错义突变的校正tRNA通过密码子区的改变把正确的氨基酸添加到肽链上,合成正常的蛋白质(F)32、细菌细胞内存在3种不同的终止因子:RF1、RF2、RF33、原核生物起始tRNA携带fMet,真核生物起始Trna携带Met(T)34、同工tRNA有不同的反密码子以识别该氨基酸的各种同义密码子,但因结构上的差异,不能被AA-Trna合成酶识别(F)35、一个基因错义突变的校正也可能使另一个基因错误翻译(T)36、tRNA与相应氨基酸的结合是蛋白质合成中的关键步骤(T)37、一般说来,相互补的核苷酸越少,30S亚基与mRNA起始位点结合的效率越高(F)38、无义突变是由于结构基因中某个核苷酸的变化使一种氨基酸密码变成另一种氨基酸密码(F)39、5.8SrRNA是原核生物核糖体大亚基特有的Rrna(F)40、肽链延伸由许多循环组成,每加一个氨基酸就是一个循环(T)41、mRNA中存在胱氨酸的密码子,不少蛋白质都含有二硫键(F)42、在生理Mg2+条件下,没有起始密码子的多苷酸不能用作多肽合成的模板(T)43、AA-tRNA合成酶只能识别Trna不能识别氨基酸(F)44、真核生物中,任何一个多肽合成都是从生成甲硫氨酰-tRNAfMet开始的(T)45、三种RNA必须相互作用以起始及维持蛋白质的合成(T)46、在细菌细胞的终止因子中,RF1能识别UGA和UAA,RF2 能识别UAG和UAA,RF3 可能与核糖体的解体有关(F)48、核糖体小亚基最基本的功能是连接mRNA与tRNA,大亚基则催化肽键的形成(T)49、核糖体是一种大分子,两亚基的复合物含有50多种不同的蛋白质和一些rRNA(T)50、核糖体的E位点是原核核糖体上Trna退出的位点(T)51、tRNA的三级结构主要由在二级结构中未配对碱基间形成氢键而引发的(F)52、Trna为双链结构(F)53、分泌蛋白质大多是以翻译-转运同步机制运输的(T)54、无义密码子同等于终止密码子(T)55、体外连接两个核糖体亚基需游离Mg2+的存在(T)55、每个tRNA分子至少含有2个稀有碱基,最多19个(T)三、单项选择1、只有一个密码子的氨基酸是(C)A、ThrB、IleC、TrpD、Phe2、tRNA的二级结构(A)A、三叶草型B、“L”型C、“V”型D、“D”型3、多个代表相同氨基酸的tRNA的二级结构称为(C)A、起始tRNAB、延伸tRNAC、同工tRNAD、校正tRNA4、原核生物肽链延伸每次反应需(C)延伸因子A、1B、2C、3D、45、真核起始因子eIF- 3的功能是(B)A、促进亚基形成起始复合物(eIF-3、GTP、Met-tRNA、40s)B、增强亚基起始复合物4OS亚基与mRNA的5’-末端的结合力C、如果eIF-3和4OS亚基结合,阻止4OS和6OS蒂合D、与mRNA5’-末端的帽子结合。
生物翻译测试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. 细胞核中负责转录的酶是:A. 逆转录酶B. 核糖核酸酶C. 转录酶D. 翻译酶答案:C2. 在生物体内,mRNA的合成发生在:A. 细胞质B. 线粒体C. 核糖体D. 细胞核答案:D3. 下列哪个不是翻译过程中所需的分子?A. tRNAB. rRNAC. mRNAD. DNA答案:D4. 翻译过程中,氨基酸的添加顺序是由什么决定的?A. 核糖体的结构B. mRNA上的密码子C. tRNA上的反密码子D. 氨基酸的化学性质答案:B5. 翻译过程中,终止密码子不编码任何氨基酸,其主要作用是:A. 标记蛋白质合成的起始B. 标记蛋白质合成的终止C. 促进氨基酸的添加D. 阻止氨基酸的添加答案:B二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)1. 在翻译过程中,携带氨基酸的转运RNA分子通过其______端与mRNA 上的密码子配对。
答案:反密码子2. 真核生物的翻译起始因子eIF4E能够识别mRNA上的______序列。
答案:帽子结构3. 翻译过程中,肽链的延伸是通过______的催化作用实现的。
答案:核糖体4. 在翻译过程中,如果mRNA上的密码子为AUG,则对应的氨基酸是______。
答案:甲硫氨酸5. 翻译后修饰是指蛋白质合成后,通过添加、移除或改变某些氨基酸残基来改变蛋白质的______和功能。
答案:结构三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. 简述翻译过程中肽链合成的起始过程。
2. 解释为什么终止密码子不编码任何氨基酸。
答案:终止密码子(UAA、UAG、UGA)在mRNA上不对应任何tRNA 分子,它们的作用是作为信号,告知核糖体翻译过程结束,从而触发释放因子的结合,导致新生多肽链的释放。
3. 描述翻译后修饰对蛋白质功能的影响。
第五章蛋白质的生物合成(翻译)一、选择题1.仅有一个密码子的氨基酸是A.色氨酸、赖氨酸B.苏氨酸、甘氨酸C.甲硫氨酸、甘氨酸D.亮氨酸、丙氨酸E.色氨酸、甲硫氨酸2.密码与反密码配对时,不遵从碱基配对规律,称为A.密码的简并性B.密码的偏爱性C.密码的连续性D.密码的摆动性E.密码的通用性3.真核生物核蛋白体中没有的rRNA是A.18SB.23SC.5SD.28SE.5.8S4.反密码存在于A.DNAB.tRNAC.mRNAD.rRNAE.cDNA5.不符合密码的通用性的细胞器是A.细胞核B.微粒体C.线粒体D.内质网E.高尔基体6.氨基酰-tRNA合成酶的校正活性是A.水解酯键B.水解3’,5’磷酸二酯键C.水解磷酸酯键D.形成酸酐键E.形成磷酸酯键7.关于核蛋白体,错误的是A.由rRNA和多种蛋白质组成B.分为大小亚基C.是翻译的场所D.在细胞核内起作用E.一个mRNA上可附着多个核蛋白体8.能促使大小亚基解离的因子是A.IF1B.IF2C.IF3D.EF-TsE.IF1与IF39.EF-Tu的功能是A.协助氨基酰-tRNA进入A位B.促进核糖体亚基聚合C.促进核糖体解聚D.促进mRNA与核糖体分离E.促进肽酰-tRNA移位10.延长因子EFG具有哪种酶的活性A.转肽酶B.酯酶C.转位酶D.转甲酰酶E.转氨酶11.肽链延长过程的叙述,错误的是A.又称为核蛋白体循环B.每循环一次延长一个氨基酸C.分为进位,成肽和转位三步D.需要EFT、EFGE.需要ATP供能12. 翻译终止时激活转肽酶为酯酶活性的是A.RF-1B.RF-2C.RF-3D.RF-4E.RR13. 蛋白质合成中不消耗能量的阶段是A.氨基酸活化B.翻译起始C.进位D.成肽E.转位14. 关于多肽链一级结构的翻译后修饰,描述错误的是A.蛋白质合成过程中N端总是甲酰甲硫氨酸B.天然蛋白质N端多数不是甲酰甲硫氨酸C.脱甲酰基酶可除去N端甲酰基D.氨基肽酶可除去N端氨基酸E.翻译终止才能除去N端甲酰基15. 鸦片促黑皮质素原水解加工生成的是A.胰岛素B.糖蛋白C.脂蛋白D.ACTHE.TSH16. 可被信号肽酶裂解的部位是A.加工区B.疏水核心区C.碱性氨基末端区D.酸性羧基末端区E.亲水区17.关于信号肽识别粒子(SRP)的描述,错误的是A.由蛋白质与RNA组成的复合体B.能特异识别结合信号肽C.具有暂停蛋白质合成的作用D.可将正在合成蛋白质的核蛋白体带至膜外E.SRP需与对接蛋白结合18. 白喉毒素可共价修饰的因子是A.EF3B.eEF1C.EF1D.eEF2E.EF219. 干扰素通过何种方式使eIF2失活A.甲基化B.ADP核糖基化C.羧化D.磷酸化E.乙酰化20. 可辨认结合分泌蛋白新生肽链N端的是A.转肽酶B.信号肽识别颗粒C.GTP酶D.RNA酶E.对接蛋白二、名词解释1. 多聚核蛋白体(polyribosome)2. 信号肽(signal peptide)3.开放阅读框架(open reading frame, ORF)三、问答题1.三种RNA在蛋白质合成中各起何作用?2.原核与真核生物翻译起始阶段各有何异同?3.细胞核蛋白合成后如何靶向输送到细胞核?4.举例说明抗生素在翻译水平抑菌的作用机理。
分子生物学 翻译习题
分子生物学翻译习题work Information Technology Company.2020YEAR翻译习题一选择题1 多数氨基酸都有两个以上密码子,下列哪组氨基酸只有一个密码子()A 苏氨酸、甘氨酸B 脯氨酸、精氨酸C 丝氨酸、亮氨酸D 色氨酸、甲硫氨酸E 天冬氨酸和天冬酰胺2 tRNA分子上结合氨基酸的序列是()A CAA-3′B CCA-3′C AAC-3′D ACA-3′E AAC-3′3 关于遗传密码的叙述不正确的是()A 20种氨基酸共有64个密码子B 碱基缺失、插入可致框移突变C AUG是起始密码D UUU是终止密码E一个氨基酸可有多达6个密码子4 tRNA能够成为氨基酸的转运体、是因为其分子上有()A -CCA-OH 3′末端B 3个核苷酸为一组的结构C 稀有碱基D 反密码环 E假腺嘌吟环5 蛋白质生物合成中的终止密码是( )。A UAAB UAUC UACD UAGE UGA6 Shine-Dalgarno顺序(SD-顺序)是指()A 在mRNA分子的起始码上游8-13个核苷酸处的顺序B 在DNA分子上转录起始点前8-13个核苷酸处的顺序C 16srRNA3'端富含嘧啶的互补顺序D 启动基因的顺序特征7 “同工tRNA”是( )A 识别同义mRNA密码子(具有第三碱基简并性)的多个tRNAB 识别相同密码子的多个tRNAC 代表相同氨基酸的多个tRNAD 由相同的氨酰tRNA合成酶识别的多个tRNA8 反密码子中哪个碱基对参与了密码子的简并性(摇摆)( )A 第—个 B第二个 C第二个 D 第一个与第二个9 与mRNA的GCU密码子对应的tRNA的反密码子是( )A CGAB IGC C CIGD CGI10 真核与原核细胞蛋白质合成的相同点是( )A 翻译与转录偶联进行B 模板都是多顺反子C 都需要GTPD 甲酰蛋氨酸是第一个氨基酸11 下列选项中翻译延长所必需的是( b );氨基酸与tRNA连接需要( d );遗传密码的摆动性是指(a)A mRNA上的密码子与tRNA上的反密码子不一定严格配对B 转肽酶C 氨酰-tRNA合成酶D 磷酸化酶E N-C糖甘键12 蛋白质生物合成时( )A mRNA与核糖体的大亚基结合B mRNA与核糖体的小亚基结合C tRNA与核糖体的大亚基结合D tRNA与核糖体的小亚基结合13 外源基因在大肠杆菌中高效表达受很多因素影响,其中SD序列的作用是( )A 提供一个mRNA转录终止子B 提供一个mRNA转录起始子C 提供一个核糖体结合位点D 提供了翻译的终点14 真核生物的翻译起始复合物在何处形成( )A 起始密码子AUG处B 5'端的帽子结构C TATA框D CAAT框15 氨酰-tRNA合成酶( )A 活化氨基酸的氨基B 利用GTP作为活化氨基酸的能量来源C 催化在tRNA的5'磷酸与相应氨基酸间形成酯键D 每一种酶特异的作用于一种氨基酸及相应的tRNA16 在研究蛋白质合成中,可利用嘌呤霉素,这是因为它( )A 使大小亚基解聚B 使肽链提前释放C 抑制氨酰-tRNA合成酶的活性D 防止多核糖体形成二填空题1 核糖体上可以区分出五个功能活性位点,其中A位主要在( )上,而P位点主要在( )。2 tRNA的二级结构为( 三叶草 )形,三级结构为(L形 )。3 tRNA的3'末端为( ),5'末端为( )。4 蛋白质合成时,起始密码子通常是( ),起始tRNA上的反密码子是( )5 tRNA反密码子的第一位碱基可出现I,它可与( )之间形成氢键而结合,这是最常见的摆动现象。6 参与蛋白质折叠的两个重要酶为(热休克蛋白)和 ( 伴侣素)。7 细胞内存在一种称为泛素的蛋白质,它的主要作用是(蛋白质的降解 )。
《分子生物学翻译》考试时间:120分钟 考试总分:100分遵守考场纪律,维护知识尊严,杜绝违纪行为,确保考试结果公正。
1、()可使每个氨基酸和它相对应()分子相耦联形成一个氨酰tRNA 分子。
()( )2、()包括两个tRNA 分子的结合位点:(),即P 位点,紧密结合与多肽链延伸属端连接的tRNA 分子;(),即A 位点,结合带有一个氨基酸的tRNA 分子。
( )3、()催化肽键的形成,一般认为这个催化反应是由核糖体大亚基上的()分子介导的。
( )4、释放因子蛋白与核糖体上A 位点的()密码结合,导致肽基转移酶水解连接新生多肽与tRNA 分子的化学键。
( )姓名:________________ 班级:________________ 学号:________________--------------------密----------------------------------封 ----------------------------------------------线-------------------------5、任何mRNA序列能以三种()的形式被翻译,而且一种都对应一种完全不同的多肽链。
第一章一,先翻译成中文,再名词解释:Molecular biology; Central dogma; prion; holism; reductionism; genome; transcriptome; proteome ; metabolome二填空、选择与问答:1.按照人们的意愿,改变基因中碱基的组成,以达到的技术称为。
2.因研究重组 DNA技术而获得诺贝尔奖的科学家是( )(a) A. Kkornberg (b)W. Gilbert (c) P.Berg (d) B.McClintock3.重组DNA的含义是什么?第二章一先翻译成中文,再名词解释:Hypothesis of the inherited factor; gene; epigenetics; allele; pseudo alleles; cistron; muton; recon; Lactose operon;Deoxynucleotide acid; Z DNA; Trible Helix DNA; quadruplex DNA; denaturation; renaturation; negative superhelix; C value paradox; overlapping gene; repetitive gene; interrupted gene;splitting gene; Intron; exon; intron early; intron late; jumping gene; transposon; insertion sequence (IS ); pseudo gene; Retro-transposon; transposition burst;二问答题1.什么是细菌的限制—修饰系统(restriction-modificaton system, R-M system),细菌的限制—修饰系统有什么意义?2. 某一生物DNA的chemicai complexity=8.82×108bp,复性动力学研究表明约=5, 请较详细地说明这部分DNA的特点。
生物翻译测试题及答案大全一、选择题1. 翻译是生物体内哪个过程?A. 蛋白质合成B. 细胞分裂C. 基因重组D. 细胞呼吸答案:A2. 翻译过程中,mRNA上的三个连续碱基组成一个什么?A. 基因B. 密码子C. 反密码子D. 启动子答案:B3. 在翻译过程中,tRNA的主要作用是什么?A. 识别mRNA上的密码子B. 携带氨基酸C. 催化反应D. 作为能量来源答案:B4. 翻译过程中,肽链的合成方向是从哪个方向开始的?A. 5'端到3'端B. 3'端到5'端C. N端到C端D. C端到N端答案:C5. 翻译后修饰是指什么?A. 翻译后的蛋白质折叠B. 翻译后的蛋白质修饰C. 翻译后的mRNA降解D. 翻译后的核糖体解体答案:B二、填空题6. 翻译过程中,____是携带氨基酸进入核糖体的搬运工。
答案:tRNA7. 翻译起始因子是____,它帮助核糖体识别mRNA上的起始密码子。
答案:eIF8. 翻译过程中,肽链的合成是从____开始的。
答案:起始密码子9. 翻译后修饰可以改变蛋白质的____、稳定性和功能。
答案:结构10. 翻译过程中,终止密码子不编码氨基酸,其作用是____。
答案:终止肽链的合成三、简答题11. 请简述翻译过程中的三个主要阶段。
12. 翻译后修饰有哪些类型?答案:翻译后修饰包括磷酸化、糖基化、乙酰化、泛素化等,这些修饰可以改变蛋白质的活性、稳定性、定位和功能。
①指一种真核生物的基因组的单倍体染色体(1 n)包含一组基因。
例如,Tn 9和Tn 10。
例如,Tn 3。
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1 多数氨基酸都有两个以上密码子,下列哪组氨基酸只有一个密码子()
A 苏氨酸、甘氨酸
B 脯氨酸、精氨酸
C 丝氨酸、亮氨酸
D 色氨酸、甲硫氨酸
E 天冬氨酸和天冬酰胺
2 tRNA分子上结合氨基酸的序列是()
A CAA-3′
B CCA-3′
C AAC-3′
D ACA-3′
E AAC-3′
3 关于遗传密码的叙述不正确的是()
A 20种氨基酸共有64个密码子
B 碱基缺失、插入可致框移突变
C AUG是起始密码
D UUU是终止密码
4 tRNA能够成为氨基酸的转运体、是因为其分子上有()
A -CCA-OH 3′末端
B 3个核苷酸为一组的结构
C 稀有碱基
D 反密码环 E假腺嘌吟环
5 蛋白质生物合成中的终止密码是( )。
6 Shine-Dalgarno顺序(SD-顺序)是指()
A 在mRNA分子的起始码上游8-13个核苷酸处的顺序
B 在DNA分子上转录起始点前8-13个核苷酸处的顺序
C 16srRNA3'端富含嘧啶的互补顺序
D 启动基因的顺序特征
7 “同工tRNA”是( )
A 识别同义mRNA密码子(具有第三碱基简并性)的多个tRNA
B 识别相同密码子的多个tRNA
C 代表相同氨基酸的多个tRNA
D 由相同的氨酰tRNA合成酶识别的多个tRNA
8 反密码子中哪个碱基对参与了密码子的简并性(摇摆)( )
A 第—个 B第二个 C第二个 D 第一个与第二个
9 与mRNA的GCU密码子对应的tRNA的反密码子是( )
10 真核与原核细胞蛋白质合成的相同点是( )
A 翻译与转录偶联进行
B 模板都是多顺反子
C 都需要GTP
D 甲酰蛋氨酸是第一个氨基酸
11 下列选项中翻译延长所必需的是( b );氨基酸与tRNA连接需要( d );遗传密码的摆动性是指( a )
A mRNA上的密码子与tRNA上的反密码子不一定严格配对
B 转肽酶
C 氨酰-tRNA合成酶
D 磷酸化酶
E N-C糖甘键
12 蛋白质生物合成时( )
A mRNA与核糖体的大亚基结合
B mRNA与核糖体的小亚基结合
C tRNA与核糖体的大亚基结合
D tRNA与核糖体的小亚基结合
13 外源基因在大肠杆菌中高效表达受很多因素影响,其中SD序列的作用是( )
A 提供一个mRNA转录终止子
B 提供一个mRNA转录起始子
C 提供一个核糖体结合位点
D 提供了翻译的终点
14 真核生物的翻译起始复合物在何处形成?( )
A 起始密码子AUG处
B 5'端的帽子结构
15 氨酰-tRNA合成酶( )
A 活化氨基酸的氨基
B 利用GTP作为活化氨基酸的能量来源
C 催化在tRNA的5'磷酸与相应氨基酸间形成酯键
D 每一种酶特异的作用于一种氨基酸及相应的tRNA
16 在研究蛋白质合成中,可利用嘌呤霉素,这是因为它( )
A 使大小亚基解聚
B 使肽链提前释放
C 抑制氨酰-tRNA合成酶的活性
D 防止多核糖体形成
1 核糖体上可以区分出五个功能活性位点,其中A位主要在( )上,而P 位点主要在( )。
2 tRNA的二级结构为( 三叶草 )形,三级结构为(L形 )。
3 tRNA的3'末端为( ),5'末端为( )。
4 蛋白质合成时,起始密码子通常是( ),起始tRNA上的反密码子是( )
5 tRNA反密码子的第一位碱基可出现I,它可与( )之间形成氢键而结合,这是最常见的摆动现象。
6 参与蛋白质折叠的两个重要酶为(热休克蛋白)和 ( 伴侣素)。
7 细胞内存在一种称为泛素的蛋白质,它的主要作用是(蛋白质的降解 )。
8 核酸复制时,DNA聚合酶沿模板链( )方向移动;转录时,RNA聚合酶沿模板链( )方向移动;翻译时,核糖体沿模板链( )方向移动。n
9 肽链合成的终止因子又称为( 释放因子 ),能识别并结合到( 终止位点 )。
10 蛋白质合成后通过(n端的信号肽在内质网中)被定向输送到线粒体、叶绿体、细胞核内执行其特定的功能。。