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CC2500-BD 无线模块
引脚 GND 3.3V SI SCLK SO GDO2 GDO0 CSN 类型 电源地 工作电源 SPI数据 SPI时钟 SPI数据 数字I/O 数字I/O SPI片选 描述 和系统共地 电源电压,直流1.8~3.6V输入 SPI数据输入 SPI时钟输入 SPI数据输出 可配置以产生触发信号或时钟信号 可配置以产生触发信号或时钟信号 CSN=0有效
CC2500-BD 无线模块
CC2500-BD 无线模块
CC2500BD基于 TI Chipcon 的 CC2500 无线收发芯片设计,是一款完整的、体积小巧的、低功耗
的无线收发模块。 CC2500 是 TI Chipcon 推出的 2.4GHz 频段无线收发芯片之一, 最大输出功率可为+1dBm, 最高传输速率达 500Kbps。模块集成了所有射频相关功能和器件,并有 PCB 天线,不需再配置天线即可获 得很的射频性能。用户不需要对射频电路设计深入了解,就可以使用本模块轻易地开发出性能稳定、可靠 性高的无线产品。
w w w. h k w r f . c o m www. h k w r f . c o m
CC2500-BD 无线模块
CC2500 的工作模式主要有休眠模式、空闲模式、发射模式和接收模式,休眠模式下功耗可降到最低。 从休眠模式下唤醒后, 进入空闲模式。 除休眠模式外, 各模式之间可相互切换, 也可配置为自动切换。 CC2500 的主要工作状态图如下图所示,详细描述请参考 CC2500 芯片规格书。
w w w. h k w r f . c o m www. h k w -BD 无线模块
modbus无线数传模块功能与规格说明1.MODBUS无线数传模块功能介绍 (3)1.1模块功能 (3)1.2部分功能详情 (3)1.2.1核心功能 (3)数传模块modbus地址 (3)自组网 (4)告警 (4)安全 (4)电源管理 (4)功能特性 (4)2.规格说明 (4)1.modbus无线数传模块功能介绍1.1模块功能表1-1:模块功能模块功能核心功能无线通信功能频段可切换(例如:433/868 / 915MHz)数传模块modbus地址地址可设置主从机可配置模块可设为为master/slave自组网能够形成mesh网络波特率波特率可设置告警告警状态安全通信数据加密电源管理UPS电源1.2部分功能详情1.2.1核心功能1.2.1.1数传模块modbus地址数传模块modbus地址与接入设备modbus地址统一分配。
modbus无线数传模块modbus地址设置:通过硬件设置,如dip开关;自组网slave模块上电后能与master模块自动组网,甚至可以为其它slave模块中继接入。告警提供相关告警信息(如掉电,设备故障等)安全数传模块无线传输数据加密。电源管理设计UPS电源管理电路。功能特性Function code Function codes descriptions0x11Report slave id0x03Read Holding Registers0x06preset single register提供寄存器地址列表2.规格说明modbus无线数传模块相关指标具体如下:低功耗数据传输模式: RTURoHS端口数: 2(RS-232 、RS-485 )接口标准:RS-232:DB9针式,RS-485:2线(A+,B-,GND) modbus地址: 1-247IP65防护;电源续航能力 1天;通信延时:500ms温度:-20~80°C单跳传输距离:0-500m。
无线模块SmartNode N801使用说明书
![无线模块SmartNode N801使用说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/25f68048866fb84ae45c8de7.png)
无线模块Smart Node N801 使用说明书一、产品简介 (3)二、性能特点 (3)三、应用范围 (3)四、技术参数 (4)五、外型尺寸及管脚定义 (5)一、产品简介超低功耗无线自组网技术,简称Smart Node。
当用户需要将产品接入互联网时,将原有设备或传感器通过标准串口接入Smart Node模块,用户只需完成本地串口通讯,其他联网事情都由Smart Node模块完成,大大提高了产品开发周期。
二、性能特点1、超低功耗:休眠电流2.5uA,深度休眠电流60nA;2、组网深度8级中继(9跳);3、依据发射功率不同有下列几款产品:型号发射功率速率距离N801A 1000 mw 9.6 kbps 7千米N801B 500 mw 9.6 kbps 4千米N801C 1500 mw 9.6 kbps 10千米4、12×262bytes数据缓冲区;5、支持跳频、固定频率两种工作模式;6、支持SmartNode协议传输、数据透明传输;7、网络结构:点对点、点对多点、多级中继8、接口支持:1路UART串口,2路I/O口,或4路I/O口,或4路10位A/D转换;可扩展接口RS-485,RS-232,USB,CF卡。
Input WIFI module IP address, user name and password Main interface
IV: Software Using
After finish above settings, inverter inside WIFI module will connect to WIFI router automatically. Now user can install solar monitoring software on PC or cell phone. Software can be downloaded at: . 4.1 PC Software User Manual
signal itself as well. User can connect to this module to configure parameter after login inside website through phone or laptop. z AP+STA mode is recommended.
II: Inverter Appearance
WIFI antenna
WIFI module has been installed inside of the inverter. Above picture shows WIFI antenna.
nRF2401 无线模块产品说明书
选择晶振,要根据硬件选择,本 nRF2401 晶振是 16M,选择 NRF2401_CRYSTAL_16M 分贝选择,选择-20dB 功率小,传输距离短;选择 0dB 功率大,传输距离远,但是耗电。 NRF2401_FRE_CH_SEL 是对传输频率进行选择,nrF2401 可以在 2.4G~2.5G 之中进行选择。可以有 128 中频率选择 最后的配置字是选择 nRF2401 模块工作在发送模式还是接收模式
1. 概述 .......................................................................................................................................................... 1
DR2 1 CLK2 2 DATA2 3
1 DR2 2 CLK2 3 DATA2
图 4 ISP 接口原理图
©Beijing Bynatec Co., Ltd.
图 7 nRF2401 配置字 1
对接收地址宽度、CRC 校验使能、通道 1 还是通道 2 选择、选择直接模式传输还是 BURST 模式传 输及速度选择。当选 1M 速度传输,误码率很加大。
Coordinator 或Router 不能大于模块间组网的最大距离。
演示与测试 当通过调试软件向网络中其中任意一个模块的串口发送数据时,你可
以在网络中其它所有模块的串口上接收到相同的数据,这表明ZigBee 网络 运行正常。 注意事项
基于ZigBee 的原因,每次向串口发送的数据长度不要多于70 个字节。 过快地通过串口向模块发送数据可能会造成数据丢失。 Zigbee网络
ZigBee 无线模块使用说明书 一、 概述
该模块是一款基于 ZigBee 标准协议的微功率无线数传模块。基于该模块 开发的无线产品可用于各种智能仪表;家庭智能控制装置;安防、报警;酒店、 机房设备无线监控,门禁系统,人员定位;交通、路灯控制;物流、有源 RFID、 POS 系统,无线手持终端;工业遥控、遥测,自动化数据采集;无线传感网络 等。 Zigbee微功率无线数传模块特点 开放频段,无需申请频点,载频频率2.4GHz; 高抗干扰能力和低误码率,基于O-QPSK 的调制方式,采用高效前向纠
ADC 输入第 0 通道,和通用 Pin19
ADC 输入第 1 通道,和通用 Pin18
ADC 输入第 2 通道串口支持 Pin17
UART 和 SPI 两种模式
ADC 输入第 3 通道串口支持 Pin16
UART 和 SPI 两种模式
调制方式 工作频率 发射功率 传输距离 接收灵敏度 发射电流
O-QPSK 2.40~2.4835GHz
≧18dBm 700m -94dBm
: 三 二
本地 I / O选 项 :通 用输 入 ,NM O S 输 出 ,以及 模 拟量 输 出 ;
RS 一2 3 2,RS 一4 8 5,和 以太 网通 讯 口 ,以及 一个US B配 置端 口 ;
L C D 屏 显 示I / O信 息 ,用 户 可编 程 L E D。
物 料 呼 叫/ 服 务呼 叫 ; 快 速 物料 计 数 ; 电机 控制 :
罐 体 液位 监 测 ;
目标 应 用 :
温 湿 度监 测 ; 机 械 状态 监 测报 警 。
红 狮 控 制
S i ) ( I 列R A M工 蜂窝R T U
2 0 1 7 . 0 5 A U T O M A T I O N P A N O R A M A 9
羹 国邦 纳
D X M 1 0 0 无线 控 制 器
美 国 邦纳 全 新研 发 的 D XM 1 0 0 控 制 器 是 一款 出 色的 工 业无 线 控制 器 ,可 以 应用 于 以太 网连 接 和 工业 物 联 网 ( I I o T) 相 关 应 用 。这 款 基 于M o d b u s 通 信 的无 线 控 制
红狮 RAM 产 品还 提 供 多个 串 口和 以太 网接 口 ,并 可选 f i  ̄ I / o、W i —Fi 和 主 动式 GP S功能 , 能 通 过4 G L TE蜂 窝 网络 安 全地 监 测和 控 制远 程 设备 。RAM 平 台不 仅能 实 现现 场部 署 设备 和 过
程 的数 据可 视化 ,还 具 备实 时控 制和 信 息提 示功能 ,让 客户 能畅 享工 业物 联 网 ( I I o T ) 的 优势 。
GatewayPro models for protocol conversion or web-based configuration Features2.4 GHz 900 MHz The SureCross™ wireless system is a radio frequency network with integra-ted I/O that can operate in most environments while eliminating the need for wiring runs. Systems are built around a Gateway, which acts as the wireless network master device, and one or more Nodes.•10 to 30V dc power input•Modbus serial interface and Ethernet interface•Site Survey analyzes the network’s signal strength and reliability •Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) technology and Time Divi-sion Multiple Access (TDMA) control architecture combine to ensure reli-able data delivery within the unlicensed Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) band•Transceivers provide bidirectional communication between the Gateway and Node, including fully acknowledged data transmissionFor additional information, the most recent version of all documentation, and a complete list of accessories, refer to Banner Engineering's website, /surecross.ModelsWARNING: Not To Be Used for Personnel ProtectionNever use this product as a sensing device for personnel protection. Doing so could lead to seri-ous injury or death. This product does NOT include the self-checking redundant circuitry necessary toallow its use in personnel safety applications. A sensor failure or malfunction can cause either an ener-gized or de-energized sensor output condition.SureCross DX80 GatewayProP/N 131933 rev. E1/11/201201319331The SureCross DX80 Wireless NetworkThe SureCross DX80 wireless I/O network provides reliable monitoring without the burden of wiring or conduit installation. The SureCross wireless network can operate independently or in conjunction with a host system, PLC, and/or PC software.Each wireless network system consists of one Gateway and one or more Nodes. Devices ship with factory defined inputs and outputsthat may be all discrete, all analog, or a mix of discrete and analog I/O.GatewayNodeNodeFlexPower Nodeand Battery Supply ModuleThe SureCross DX80 network is a deterministic system—the network identifies when the radio signal is lost and drives relevant outputs to user-defined conditions. Once the radio signal is reacquired, the network returns to normal operation.SureCross DX80 Gateways and NodesA Gateway acts as the master device within each radio network, initiates communication and reporting with the Nodes, and controls the timing for the entire network.The Gateway also holds the configuration for the network. Every wireless network must have one Gateway that schedules communica-tion traffic and controls the I/O configuration for the network. A radio network contains only one Gateway, but can contain many Nodes.Similar to how a gateway device on a wired network acts as a “portal” between networks, the SureCross Gateway acts as the portal between the wireless network and the central control process.A Node is a wireless network end-point device used to provide sensing capability in a remote area or factory. The Node collects data from sensors and communicates the data back to the Gateway. Nodes are available in a wide variety of power or input/output options.Each Node device can be connected to sensors or output devices and reports I/O status to the Gateway.SureCross DX80 GatewayProThe SureCross DX80 GatewayPro combines, in one unit, the function of a SureCross DX80 Gateway with the ability to interface to Ether-net using Modbus/TCP or EtherNet/IP ™ protocols. The GatewayPro has a serial port as well as an industrial Ethernet port. There are two basic models of the GatewayPro: DX80P*T6* and DX80P*A6*.•DX80P*T6*. The 'T6 model acts as a protocol converter only, offering the Modbus/TCP or EtherNet/IP communication protocols.•DX80P*A6*. The 'A6 model includes DX80 wireless network configuration, Modbus RTU master, Modbus/TCP client/server, Script Basic, e-mail, data logging, and trending.Connect a GatewayPro to a host system using the industrial Ethernet connection on the DX80 GatewayPro. To connect the GatewayPro directly to the host system without using an Ethernet switchbox/hub, some host systems may require a crossover cable.By default, the GatewayPro is configured to use Modbus/TCP server. To use EtherNet/IP, connect the GatewayPro to a managed switch.For more information, see SureCross Wireless I/O Product Manual or Host Configuration Manual .SureCross DX80 GatewayPro - tel: 763-544-3164P/N 131933 rev. ESureCross DX80 GatewayProLogging into the Web ConfiguratorThe SureCross™ Pro and DX83 Ethernet Bridge devices use an XML file to configure the network. To access the XML file, use any web browser set up for a direct connection to the Internet. If problems occur while connecting, verify the browser is not set to use a proxy server.When connecting to the Ethernet Bridge, GatewayPro, or MultiHop Pro directly from a host computer, a crossover Ethernet cable is required; when connecting through a switch or Ethernet hub, use a standard Ethernet cable.The factory default IP address for the devices is: change the device’s default IP address, first set up the host PC with an IP address different from the Ethernet Bridge, GatewayPro, or MultiHop Pro IP addresses. (Please refer to Banner document 133116 for detailed instructions on setting up the host computer’s network IP address.) For example, change the PC host IP address to: changing the host’s IP address, open a web browser and log into the Ethernet Bridge, GatewayPro, or MultiHop Pro by typing the IP.address in the browser location window: out, close the browser.For user-level access, enter the following as the user name and password.•User name: systemPassword: admin•For Admin-level access, enter the following as the user name and password:•User name: root•Password: sxiAdmin-level access allows administrators to set up system users and their passwords. Admin-level access is also required to change the IP address of the system.P/N 131933 rev. E - tel: 763-544-31643Wiring Diagrams5-pin Euro-Style HookupWiring the 5-pin Euro-style connector depends on the model and power requirements of the device. Connecting dc power to the commu-nication pins will cause permanent damage.1Brown 10 to 30V dc 2WhiteRS485 / D1 / B / +3Blue dc common (GND)4Black RS485 / D0 / A / –5GrayComms GndIndustrial Ethernet WiringUse the 4-pin industrial Ethernet connection to connect the radio network to an Ethernet-based host system.1White/Orange +Tx 2White/Blue +Rx 3Orange -Tx 4Blue-RxAdditional InformationFor additional information, including installation and setup, weatherproofing, device menu maps, troubleshooting, and a list of accesso-ries, refer to one of the following product manuals•SureCross Quick Start Guide: Banner part number 128185•SureCross Wireless I/O Network Manual: 132607•Web Configurator Manual (used with "Pro" and DX83 models): 134421Modbus Register TableSureCross DX80 GatewayPro - tel: 763-544-3164P/N 131933 rev. EDevice ConfigurationDIP Switch ChangesBefore making any changes to the DIP switch positions, disconnect the power. For devices with batteries integrated into the housing,remove the battery for at least one minute.DIP switch changes will not be recognized if power isn't cycled to the device.Accessing the DIP SwitchesTo access the DIP switches, follow these steps:1.Unscrew the four screws that mount the cover to the bottom housing.2.Remove the cover from the housing without damaging the ribbon cable or the pins the cable plugs into.3.Gently unplug the ribbon cable from the board mounted into the bottom housing. For integrated battery models (no ribbon cable) and Class I, Division 2 certified devices (ribbon cable is glued down), skip this step.4.Remove the black cover plate from the bottom of the device's cover.The DIP switches are located behind the rotary dials. After making the neces-sary changes to the DIP switches, place the black cover plate back into posi-tion and gently push into place. Plug the ribbon cable in after verifying that the blocked hole lines up with the missing pin. Mount the cover back onto the housing.DIP Switch Settings* Default configurationSureCross DX80 GatewayProP/N 131933 rev. E - tel: 763-544-31645Address ModeThe SureCross wireless devices may use one of two types of addressing modes: rotary dial addressing or extended addressing. In rotary dial address mode, the left rotary dial establishes the network ID and the right rotary dial sets the device ID. The wireless network is restricted to a maximum of 16 devices.Extended address mode uses a security code to "bind" Nodes to a specific Gateway. Bound Nodes can only send and receive informa-tion from the Gateway to which they are bound. In extended address mode, wireless networks may contain up to 48 radio devices. For more information on extended address mode, refer to the SureCross™ Wireless I/O Network product manual.The device ships in rotary dial address mode by default, with the DIP switch in the OFF position. To use extended address mode, change the DIP switch to the ON position.SpecificationsRadioRange900 MHz: Up to 4.8 kilometers (3 miles) *2.4 GHz: Up to3.2 kilometers (2 miles) *Transmit Power900 MHz: 21 dBm conducted2.4 GHz: 18 dBm conducted, less than or equal to 20dBm EIRP900 MHz Compliance (150 mW Radios)FCC ID TGUDX80 - This device complies with FCC Part 15, Subpart C, 15.247IC: 7044A-DX80092.4 GHz ComplianceFCC ID UE300DX80-2400 - This device complies with FCC Part 15, Subpart C, 15.247ETSI/EN: In accordance with EN 300 328: V1.7.1(2006-05)IC: 7044A-DX8024Spread Spectrum TechnologyFHSS (Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum)Antenna ConnectionExt. Reverse Polarity SMA, 50 OhmsMax Tightening Torque: 0.45 N·m (4 in·lbf)Link TimeoutGateway: ConfigurableNode: Defined by Gateway* With the 2 dB antenna that ships with the product. High-gain an-tennas are available, but the range depends on the environment and line of sight. To determine the range of your wireless network, perform a Site Survey.GeneralPower*Requirements: +10 to 30V dc (For European applica-tions: +10 to 24V dc, ± 10%). (See UL section below for any applicable UL specifications)Consumption: Less than 1.4 W (60 mA) at 24V dc HousingPolycarbonateWeight: 0.26 kg (0.57 lbs)Mounting: #10 or M5 (M5 hardware included)Max. Tightening Torque: 0.56 N·m (5 in·lbf)InterfaceIndicators: Two bi-color LEDsButtons: TwoDisplay: Six character LCDWiring AccessOne 5-pin Euro-style male connector and One 4-pin fe-male industrial Ethernet connection* For European applications, power the DX80 from a Limited Pow-er Source as defined in EN 60950-1.CommunicationHardware (RS-485)Interface: 2-wire half-duplex RS-485Baud Rates: 9.6k, 19.2k (default), or 38.4k Modbus/TCP and EtherNet/IP4-wire Industrial Ethernet10/100 Mbps, full or half duplex, auto sensingSureCross DX80 GatewayPro - tel: 763-544-3164P/N 131933 rev. EData Format: 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit ProtocolModbus RTUEnvironmentalRatingIEC IP67; NEMA 6; (See UL section below for any ap-plicable UL specifications)Operating Temperature−40 to +85° C (Electronics); −20 to +80° C (LCD) Operating Humidity95% max. relative (non-condensing)Radiated Immunity10 V/m, 80-2700 MHz (EN61000-6-2)Shock and VibrationIEC 68-2-6 and IEC 68-2-7Shock: 30g, 11 millisecond half sine wave, 18 shocksVibration: 0.5 mm p-p, 10 to 60 HzRefer to the SureCross™ DX80 Wireless I/O Network product manual, Banner p/n 132607, for installation and waterproofing in-structions. Operating the devices at the maximum operating condi-tions for extended periods can shorten the life of the device.Included with Device (GatewayPro Models)Included with Device Model Qty ItemMounting Hardware Kit BWA-HW-0014Screw, M5-0.8 x 25mm, SS4Screw, M5-0.8 x 16mm, SS4Hex nut, M5-0.8mm, SS4Bolt, #8-32 x 3/4", SSEthernet Crossover Cable BWA-EX2M1Ethernet Cable, M12 Industrial/RJ45, Crossover, 2 meterAntenna*BWA-9O2-C orBWA-2O2-C 1Antenna, 902-928 MHz, 2 dBd Omni, Rubber Swivel RP-SMA Male, or Antenna, 2.4 GHz, 2 dBd Omni, Rubber Swivel RP-SMA MaleSureCross Literature CD796851SureCross Literature CDSureCross Quick Start Guide1281851SureCross Quick Start GuideData sheet1* Internal antenna devices do not ship with this antennaAccessoriesEthernet Cables77669BWA-E2M Ethernet cable, RSCD RJ45 440, 2M78469BWA-E8M Ethernet cable, RSCD RJ45 440, 8M78467BWA-EX2M Ethernet cable, crossover, RSCD RJ45CR 440, 2MUse a crossover cable to connect the DX80 GatewayPro or DX83 Ethernet Bridge to a host system without using an Ethernet switchbox or hub. When using a switchbox or hub, use a straight cable.WarningsThe manufacturer does not take responsibility for the violation of any warning listed in this document.Make no modifications to this product. Any modifications to this product not expressly approved by Banner Engineering could void the user’s authority to operate the product. Contact the Factory for more information.SureCross DX80 GatewayProP/N 131933 rev. E - tel: 763-544-31647All specifications published in this document are subject to change. Banner reserves the right to modify the specifications of prod-ucts without notice. Banner Engineering reserves the right to update or change documentation at any time. For the most recent version of any documentation, refer to our website: . © 2006-2010 Banner Engineering Corp. All rights reserved. Antenna InstallationAlways install and properly ground a qualified surge suppressor when installing a remote antenna system. Remote antenna configura-tions installed without surge suppressors invalidate the manufacturer's warranty.Always keep the ground wire as short as possible and make all ground connections to a single-point ground system to ensure no ground loops are created. No surge suppressor can absorb all lightning strikes. Do not touch the SureCross™ device or any equipment connec-ted to the SureCross device during a thunderstorm.Exporting SureCross RadiosIt is our intent to fully comply with all national and regional regulations regarding radio frequency emissions. Customers who want to re-export this product to a country other than that to which it was sold must ensure the device is approved in the destination country. A list of approved countries appears in the Agency Certifications section of the product manual. The SureCross wireless prod-ucts were certified for use in these countries using the antenna that ships with the product. When using other antennas, verify you are not exceeding the transmit power levels allowed by local governing agencies. Consult with Banner Engineering if the destination country is not on this list.Limited WarrantyBanner Engineering Corp. warrants its products to be free from defects in material and workmanship for one year following the date of shipment. Banner Engineering Corp. will repair or replace, free of charge, any product of its manufacture which, at the time it is returned to the factory, is found to have been defective during the warranty period. This warranty does not cover damage or liability for misuse, abuse, or the improper application of the Banner product.THIS LIMITED WARRANTY IS EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED (IN-CLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE), AND WHETHER ARISING UNDER COURSE OF PERFORMANCE, COURSE OF DEALING OR TRADE USAGE.This Warranty is exclusive and limited to repair or, at the discretion of Banner Engineering Corp., replacement. IN NO EVENT SHALL BANNER ENGINEERING CORP. BE LIABLE TO BUYER OR ANY OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY FOR ANY EXTRA COSTS, EX-PENSES, LOSSES, LOSS OF PROFITS, OR ANY INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR SPECIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM ANY PRODUCT DEFECT OR FROM THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PRODUCT, WHETHER ARISING IN CONTRACT OR WARRANTY, STATUTE, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY, NEGLIGENCE, OR OTHERWISE.Banner Engineering Corp. reserves the right to change, modify or improve the design of the product without assuming any obligationsor liabilities relating to any product previously manufactured by Banner Engineering Corp.Contact UsFor more information: Contact your local Banner representative or Banner Corporate Offices around the world.Corporate Headquarters: Banner Engineering Corp. 9714 Tenth Ave. North, Mpls., MN 55441, Tel: 763-544-3164, , sensors@Europe: Banner Engineering Europe Park Lane, Culliganlaan 2F, Diegem B-1831 BELGIUM,Tel: 32-2 456 07 80, Fax: 32-2 456 07 89, , mail@Latin America: Contact Banner Engineering Corp. (US) or e-mail Mexico:mexico@; or Brazil: brasil@Asia:Banner Engineering China Shanghai Rep Office Rm. G/H/I, 28th Flr. Cross Region Plaza No. 899, Lingling Road, Shanghai 200030 CHINA, Tel: 86-21-54894500, Fax: 86-21-54894511, , sensors@Banner Engineering Japan Cent-Urban Building 305 3-23-15, Nishi-Nakajima Yodogawa-Ku, Osaka 532-0011 JAPAN, Tel:81-6-6309-0411, Fax: 81-6-6309-0416, www.bannerengineering.co.jp, mail@bannerengineering.co.jpBanner Engineering Int’l Incorporated Taiwan Rep. Office 8F-2, No. 308, Sec. 1, Neihu Rd. Taipei, Taiwan 114 Phone: +886 2 8751 9966 #15 | Fax: +886 2 8751 2966, , info@ - tel: 763-544-3164P/N 131933 rev. EBanner Engineering India Pune Head Quarters Office, No. 1001 Sai Capital, Opp. ICC Senapati Bapat Road, Pune 411016 INDIA, Tel: 91-20-66405624, Fax: 91-20-66405623, www.bannerengineering.co.in, india@。
1. 高效便捷:无线模块采用无线通信技术,可以实现设备之间
2. 稳定可靠:采用先进的无线通信技术,使数据传输更加稳定
3. 灵活易用:无线模块与设备连接简单方便,只需要进行简单
1. 确保所有设备都处于关机状态。
2. 将无线模块插入需要进行无线通信的设备的对应插槽中,并
3. 打开设备电源,并确保无线模块的电源指示灯正常亮起。
4. 对无线模块进行必要的设置,如设置连接方式、配置网络参
1. 网络连接
2. 配置网络参数
3. 设备通信
SW8000系列IEEE802.11 a/b/g 产品用户手册Verion 2.0目录第1章产品介绍 (1)第2章硬件安装 (2)2.1 安装固定设备 (2)2.2 给设备供电 (2)第3章设备的工作模式 (4)3.1 Access Point Mode (4)3.2 Access Point Client Mode (4)3.3 Wireless Routing Client Mode (4)3.4 Gateway Mode (4)3.5 Wireless Adapter Mode (5)3.6 Transparent Client Mode (5)3.7 Repeater Mode (6)第4章配置IP地址 (7)第5章基本控制界面说明 (10)5.1 登入控制界面 (10)5.2 LAN Setup 有线网设置 (10)5.3 WLAN Setup 无限网设置 (11)5.3.1 Basic 基本设置 (11) 在AP模式下 (11) 在工作站模式下(Client) (11) Wireless Routing Client (12) Wireless Routing Client和Gateway模式的设置 (13) WAN Setup 广域网设置 (13) NAT Setup (18) Control the Bandwidth Available (18) Dynamic DNS Setup (20)5.3.2 Security安全设置 (24) WEP 加密方式 (25) WPA-Personal 加密方式 (25) 802.1x/RADIUS 加密方式 (26) WPA Enterprise 加密方式 (27)5.3.3 Advanced 高级设置 (29)5.3.4 Statistics 统计数字 (29)5.3.5 MAC Address Filtering MAC地址过滤 (30)5.4 STP Setup 生成树协议设置 (30)5.5 设置 SNMP (31)5.6 SNMP Trap (32)第6 章. SYSTEM TOOLS 系统工具 (33)6.1 Traceroute 路由查询 (33)6.2 Ping Watchdog ping监视狗 (33)6.3 Ping Utility Ping测试 (33)6.4 Auto-Reboot 自动重启 (33)6.5 Syslog 系统日志 (34)6.6 System Identity 系统身份 (34)6.7 System Clock 系统时间 (34)6.8 Reboot System 重启系统 (34)6.9 Change Password 修改密码 (34)6.10 Logout 登出 (34)第 7 章 Device Access Management (35)7.1 Telnet/SSH Setup (35)7.2 设置 WEB 模式 (37)第 8 章 Security Configuration (39)8.1 Packet filtering (39)8.2 使用 URL Filtering (42)8.3 配置Firewall (43)8.4 使用Firewall Log (45)第1章产品介绍Skywave SW8000 系列高性能无线网络 Access Point 专为企业和公共接入设计。
2012 - 2013 Specifier's Guide美国邦纳选型指南|PLC&HMI |光电传感器|工业安全产品|机器视觉|测量检测传感器||工业无线网络产品|工业智能指示灯|旋转编码器|激光读码器|年风雨历练 版图跨越全球美国邦纳工程国际有限公司,始建于1966年,历经近45年的风雨历练,已成为当今世界最大的工业控制器( PLC & HMI )、变频器、光电传感器、测量检测、安全产品、工业无线网络产品、机器视觉、工业智能指示灯和旋转编码器的专业制造商之一,在世界主要地区均设有世界一流的生产、销售及服务机构。
DXM700-Bx 无线控制器说明书
![DXM700-Bx 无线控制器说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7a652be3f424ccbff121dd36a32d7375a417c693.png)
数据表DXM700-Bx 无线控制器是一种促进工业物联网(IIoT )应用的工业无线控制器。
作为通信网关,它使用蜂窝连接或有线以太网连接将本地串行端口、本地I/O 端口和本地ISM 电台设备连接到互联网。
•高性能无线通信-使用Sure Cross ® DX80无线网关或支持900MHz 或2.4GHz ISM 频段的多跳电台进行远距离通信。
•灵活且可定制-具备操作规则和ScriptBasic 编程的扩展型内部逻辑控制器,能够开发简单或复杂的解决方案,来处理、记录和控制与多个无线电台及传感器的数据。
•改善速度和内存-升级了内部处理器,支持使用2850个32位整数寄存器、2000个浮点寄存器和1050个非易失性32位整数寄存器;扩展了ScriptBasic 编程能力,可以更快地处理脚本,并能够使用脚本建立更复杂的解决方案•外部通信-蜂窝调制解调器互联网连接•尺寸紧凑-尺寸减小70毫米,从而减少DIN 导轨上占用的空间•简单Sourcing 输出-四路PNP 输出(在30 V DC 时最大为100 mA )可用于本地触发器•行业兼容性-自动化协议包括Modbus/TCP 、Modbus RTU 和EtherNet/IP ™,用于PLC 、HMI 或其他本地主机之间的通信。
•可定制的警报-为警报和提醒提供安全的电子邮件•数据记录到可移动的SD 卡或通过电子邮件发送•带有LCD 和LED 指示灯的交互式可编程用户界面•工业标准的RS-485、以太网和USB 通信端口型号B1 =电台配置B1基本DXM700-用于数据汇总的Modbus控制器传感器和无线网络电源:12-30 V DC通信:RS-485,二级RS-485 输出:四路PNPR1 = 900 MHz,1 W PE5高性能电台(北美)R2 = 900 MHz,1 W HE5多跳数传电台(北美)R3 = 2.4 GHz, 65 mW PE5性能电台(全球)R4 = 2.4 GHz, 65 mW HE5多跳数传电台(全球)R5 = 900 MHz,65 mW HE5L多跳数传电台(用于M-GAGE网络)PTL = 预先编程的DXM700,用于拾取指示灯集成(无电台)B2 =用于数据汇总的Modbus控制器传感器和无线网络电源:12-30 V DC通信:RS-485,二级RS-485 输出:四路PNP连接:管式插孔电源接口一些示例型号包括但不限于:蜂窝通信-控制器只接受邦纳LTE (美国)和GSM (美国以外)调制解调器。
NETGEAR AC1200 WiFi范围扩ender商品说明文件说明书
![NETGEAR AC1200 WiFi范围扩ender商品说明文件说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/78b1df4ca31614791711cc7931b765ce05087abc.png)
Boost your existing WiFiOverviewNETGEAR AC1200 WiFi Range Extender boosts your existing network range, delivering AC dual band WiFi up to 1200 Mbps. The700mW high-power design provides ultimate range, while the dual-core processor enables maximum WiFi performance. It works with any standard WiFi router & is ideal for HD video streaming & gaming. Get the connectivity you need for iPads®, smartphones, laptops & more.• Dual band WiFi up to 1200 Mbps• 700mW high-power design for ultimate range • Dual-core processor for max WiFi performanceRANGEDUAL BAND AC1200AC1200 WiFi Range Extender—802.11ac Dual Band GigabitData SheetEX6200Blazing Fast CPUPowerful dual-core ARM A9 processor enables maximum WiFi throughput at Gigabit speed.Wireless PrintingPrint documents & photos to any USB printer connected to the WiFi Range Extender.5 Gigabit Ethernet PortsConnect up to 5 wired devices likeBlu-ray® players, game consoles, smart TVs or streaming players to your WiFi network.Next Generation WiFiCreate faster dual band WiFi access with 802.11ac technology up to 1200 Mbps.READYSHARE® USBWirelessly share & access USB storage connected to the USB 3.0 port.BEAMFORMING +Focuses WiFi signals directly to wireless devices for more reliable connections.FastLane ™ TechnologyUse both WiFi bands to establish one super high-speed connection; ideal for HD streaming & gaming.Ultimate Range700 mW high-power amplifiers & high-gain 5dBi antennas for maximum WiFi coverage.Existing WiFiSometimes your router does not provide the WiFi coverage you needExtenderBoosts the range of your existing WiFi & creates a stronger signal in hard-to-reach areasNetwork ConnectionsGigabit Ethernet portsPower on/o buttonConnect to powerStand for vertical placement (included)AC1200 WiFi Range Extender—802.11ac Dual Band Gigabit Data SheetEX6200 WiFi Analytics AppHow strong is your WiFi signal? Use the NETGEAR WiFi Analytics app & get advanced analytics to optimize your existing or newly extended WiFi network. Check your network status, WiFi signal strength, identify crowded WiFi channels & much more!Here’s what you can do with the WiFi Analytics App!• Get a network status overview• Check WiFi signal strength• Measure WiFi channel interference• Keep track of WiFi strength by location• and more...Scan to install appThis product is packaged with a limited warranty, the acceptance of which is a condition of sale. Warranty valid only when purchased from a NETGEAR authorized reseller.* 24/7 basic technical support provided for 90 days from date of purchase when purchased from a NETGEAR authorized reseller.1Works with devices supporting Wi-Fi Protected Setup™ (WPS).Data throughput, signal range, and wireless coverage per sq. ft. are not guaranteed and may vary due to differences in operating environments of wireless networks, including without limitation building materials and wireless interference. Specifications are subject to change without notice.The product may not be compatible with routers or gateways with firmware that has been altered, is based on open source programs, or is non-standard or outdated. ATTENTION: Due to EU law, the country settings must be identical to the country where the device is operating (important due to non-harmonised frequencies in the EU).For indoor use only. Valid for sale in all EU member states, EFTA states, and Switzerland.NETGEAR, and the NETGEAR Logo are trademarks of NETGEAR, Inc. Mac and the Mac logo are trademarks of Apple Inc. Any other trademarks herein are for reference purposes only. ©2015 NETGEAR, Inc.NETGEAR, Inc. 350 E. Plumeria Drive, San Jose, CA 95134-1911 USA, /supportD-EX6200-1AC1200 WiFi Range Extender—802.11ac Dual Band Gigabit Data SheetEX6200Package Contents• AC1200 WiFi Range Extender (EX6200)• Installation guide • Do More booklet • Power adapter • Stand• Two (2) 5dBi dual band detachable external antennasPhysical Specifications• Dimensions: 9.92 x 6.85 x 1.22 in (252 x 174 x 31 mm)• Weight: 0.67 lb (302 g)Warranty• For warranty details visit /about/warrantySecurity• WiFi Protected Access® (WPA/WPA2-PSK) and WEPStandards• IEEE® 802.11 b/g/n 2.4GHz • IEEE 802.11 a/n/ac 5GHz• Five (5) 10/100/1000 Ethernet ports with auto-sensing technology • USB 3.0 port• DLNA compatible Digital Media Server (DMS)Support• 24/7 basic technical support free for 90 daysEase of Use• CD-less setup—great for mobile devices • Push ‘N’ Connect using Wi-Fi Protected Setup® (WPS)1• Power on/off buttonSystem Requirements• 2.4 and/or 5GHz 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac WiFi router or gateway• Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 5.0, Firefox® 2.0 or Safari® 1.4 or Google Chrome 11.0 browsers or higherDual Core Processor。
无线移动模块TK-W-01规格使用说明V2.02019 深圳市同科联赢科技有限公司目录1概述 (2)2功能模块图 (4)3硬件结构说明 (5)4软件使用说明 (6)4.1登陆界面 (6)4.2无线设备状态 (6)4.2.1系统信息 (7)4.2.2 Internet配置 (7)4.2.3局域网 (7)4.3网络设置 (7)4.3.1无线外网设置 (8)4.3.2局域网设置 (8)4.4无线网络设置 (8)4.4.1无线连接设置 (9)4.4.2链接状态 (10)4.4.3无线扫描 (11)4.4.4漫游设置 (11)5设备规格参数 (12)5.1. 硬件规格/ Hardware Specification (12)5.2. 软件规格/ Software Specification (13)6 使用举例 (14)1概述无线移动模块TK-W-01是一款全新的产品,采用了嵌入式设计,其功能为有线(10/100M以太网络)和无线(WIFI)之间做一个智能转换,为有线终端设备加入到WIFI的网络提供了便捷的方式。
12快速入门指南 4将网络终端设备连接到您自己的设备 5维护您的设备 6电源装置 8备用电池更换说明 10主电源失灵怎么办 12电源装置指示灯及警报声 13故障排除检查清单 14网络终端设备指示灯 16常见问题 18重要安全警告 封底NBN用户指南您的NBN用户指南恭喜您通过自己选择的服务提供商接通全国宽带网络(NBN)。
.au3NBN 用户指南4在安装和检查您的设备之后,请阅读以下快速入门步骤,开始享用新的NBN 服务。
1 按照电话和互联网服务提供商指示,使用该服务的指定端口,将相容设备连接至网络终端设备。
2 如果您已安排通过话音(UNI-V )端口提供电话服务,就应该将电话机连接到网络终端设备上的指定有效话音(UNI-V )端口或现有电话插座。
3 检查网络终端设备是否连接至电源装置。
4 检查电源装置是否插入主电源插座并且打开。
Setting the cutoff distance截止距离的调节Using a small screwdriver in the adjustment screw , adjust the cutoff distance until the threshold is reached and the green light indicator changes state.(If the indicator never comes ON, the background is beyond the maximum sensing cutoff and be ignored.)用一个小起子调节螺丝旋钮,调节截止距离,直到其临界值且绿色指示灯状态变化。
(如果指示灯没有on,则为背景超过了最大传感距离,且被忽略)Note the position of the rotating cutoff position indicator at this position.注意,旋转的该位置就是截止位置。
Then repeat the procedure, using the darkest target, placed in its most distant position for sensing. Adjust the cutoff so that the indicator is midway between the two positions.重复以上过程,在黑暗目标,用更远的距离进行感应,调节截至距离直到其在两个刻度的中间位置。
Sensing Reliability传感器可靠性For highest sensitivity, the sensor-to-object distance should be such that the object will be sensed at or near the point of maximum excess gain.为了获得高灵敏度,被检测物体的感应距离必须满足以下条件:该物体必须要在传感器的额定增益之内。
NETGEAR WAC104 双频WiFi点访网络接入点用户指南说明书
![NETGEAR WAC104 双频WiFi点访网络接入点用户指南说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b604e471b5daa58da0116c175f0e7cd1842518d4.png)
NETGEAR, Inc.350 East Plumeria Drive San Jose, CA 95134, USA (Etats-Unis)© NETGEAR, Inc., NETGEAR et le logo NETGEAR sont des marques commerciales de NETGEAR, Inc. Toutes les marques commerciales autres que NETGEAR sont utilisées à des fins de référence uniquement.Juillet 2021NETGEAR INTERNATIONAL LTD Floor 1, Building 3,University Technology Centre Curraheen Road, Cork, T12EF21, IrlandeGuide d’installationPoint d'accès Wifi Dual Band AC1200Modèle WAC1045Contenu de la boîte Présentation des voyantsAu cours de l’installation et de la configuration, les voyants du point d’accès peuvent s’allumer avec les couleurs suivantes :AlimentationVert continu . Le PA est prêt.Vert clignotant . Le PA démarre ou met à jour le firmware.WPSVert continu . Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) est prêt pour utilisation. Par défaut, le voyant WPS est éteint.Vert clignotant . Quelqu’un a appuyé sur le bouton WPS du PA afin de permettre à son ordinateur ou appareil mobile compatible WiFi de rejoindre le réseau WiFi.WiFiVert continu . Une ou plusieurs radios WiFi fonctionnent.Vert clignotant . Une ou plusieurs radios WiFi envoient ou reçoivent du trafic.Réseauxlocaux 1 à 4Vert continu . Le port de réseau local détecte une liaison avec un appareil du réseau local.Vert clignotant . Le port de réseau local transmet ou reçoit des données.51. Connectez le câble Ethernet fourni avec le produit à l'un des ports Ethernet du PA.Vous pouvez utiliser l'un des quatre ports LAN du PA.2. Connectez l'autre extrémité du câble à un port de réseau local de votre routeur.REMARQUE : Ne connectez pas le PA à votre modem. Le PA doit être connecté à votre routeur.Le PA utilise un client DHCP activé par défaut. Presque tous les routeursfonctionnent comme serveurs DHCP , ce qui permet au PA de recevoir une adresse IP du routeur.3. Allumez le PA en appuyant sur le bouton Power On/Off (Alimentation).Étape 1. Connectez et allumez le PASchéma d’exemples de connexions IMPORTANT : Le point d’accès (PA) fournit une connectivité WiFi et LAN mais c'est un pont et non un routeur. Connectez le PA à un routeur connecté à un modem. Ne connectez pas le PA directement à un modem tel qu'un modem DSL ou câble.Etape 2. Connectez-vous au réseau WiFi du PAVous pouvez connecter un ordinateur ou appareil mobile compatible WiFi manuellement ou utiliser la méthode Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS).Méthode manuelle1. Ouvrez le logiciel utilitaire gestionnaire de connexions WiFi d’un appareilcompatible WiFi.Cet utilitaire recherche l'ensemble des réseaux WiFi disponibles.2. Recherchez et sélectionnez l’un des noms de réseau WiFi par défaut du PA (SSID),qui correspondent à NETGEAR_11N et NETGEAR_11AC .REMARQUE : Si vous ne pouvez pas trouver les SSID, appuyez sur le bouton WiFi On/Off (activation/désactivation du WiFi), patientez une minute et regardez si l’utilitaire affiche un SSID ou les deux.3. Saisissez la phrase d’authentification WiFi par défaut, à savoir sharedsecret .Votre appareil se connecte au réseau WiFi du PA.Méthode WPSSi votre appareil mobile compatible WiFi prend en charge le WPS, vous pouvez utiliser cette technologie pour rejoindre le réseau WiFi du AP .Pour obtenir de l'aide sur le bouton WPS de votre appareil, consultez les instructions ou l'aide en ligne fournies avec l'appareil concerné. Certains équipements plus anciens ne sont pas compatibles avec la fonction WPS.1. Appuyez sur le bouton WPS situé sur le panneau arrière du PA.2. Dans un délai de deux minutes, appuyez sur le bouton WPS ou cliquez sur lebouton WPS physique affiché sur l'écran de votre ordinateur ou appareil mobile.Votre appareil se connecte au réseau WiFi du PA.1Bouton WPS 2Bouton d'activation/désactivation du Wifi 3Ports LAN 1-44Bouton Reset (Réinitialisation)5Bouton On/Off (Alimentation)6Connecteur d'alimentation CCPrésentation du panneau arrière1Voyant d’alimentation 2Voyant WPS 3Voyant WiFi4Voyant de réseau local 15Voyant de réseau local 26Voyant de réseau local 37Voyant de réseau local 41234567A propos de la connexion à l’interface sur navigateur localIMPORTANT : Les étapes de connexion à l’interface du navigateur local de votre PA dépendent de la version du firmware qu’exécute votre PA.•Les étapes indiquées Étape 3. Connectez-vous à l’interface sur navigateur local et Etape 4. Recherchez un nouveau firmware s’appliquent uniquement si vous mettez à jour la version du firmware de votre PA avec la version ou une version ultérieure, puis réinitialisez le PA avec ses paramètres par défaut.Si vous avez déjà réinitialisé le PA avec les paramètres par défaut après avoireffectué la mise à jour avec la version, et que vous mettez à jour le PA avec une version ultérieure à la version, il n’est pas nécessaire de réinitialiser à nouveau le PA avec ses paramètres par défaut.•Si votre PA exécute une version de firmware antérieure à la version et que vous n’effectuez pas la mise à jour avec la version ou une version ultérieure, reportez-vous à l’ancien guide d’installation, que vous pouvez télécharger en visitant le site https:///support/download/.•Nous conseillons vivement de télécharger le dernier firmware et de l’installer dès que possible.Visitez /support pour obtenir des réponses à vos questions et accéder aux derniers téléchargements.Vous pouvez également consulter notre communauté NETGEAR pour obtenir de bons conseils sur .Support et communautéPour les informations à propos de la conformité réglementaire, y compris la Déclaration de conformité pour l'UE, rendez-vous sur https:///about/regulatory/.Avant de brancher l’alimentation, reportez-vous au document de conformité légale.N’utilisez pas ce périphérique à l’extérieur.Applicable aux appareils 6 GHz uniquement : utilisez cet appareil en intérieur uniquement. L'utilisation de périphériques 6 GHz est interdite sur les plateformes pétrolières, les voitures, les trains, les bateaux et les aéronefs, à une exception : l'utilisation de ce périphérique est autorisée sur les grands avions volant à plus de 10 000 pieds d’élévation. L'utilisation d'émetteurs sur la bande 5,925 - 7,125 GHz est interdite pour le contrôle de systèmes d'aéronef sans pilote ou la communication avec ces systèmes.Règlementation et aspects juridiquesCes étapes s’appliquent uniquement si vous avez mis à jour la version du firmware de votre PA avec la version ou une version ultérieure, puis réinitialisé le PA avec ses paramètres par défaut.Avant de commencer à utiliser votre PA, nous vous recommandons d’utiliser la fonction de mise à jour automatique du PA pour rechercher un nouveau firmware.1. Ouvrez un navigateur Web sur un appareil compatible WiFi disposant d’uneconnexion WiFi au PA (voir Etape 2. Connectez-vous au réseau WiFi du PA ) et saisissez ou dans le champ d’adresse.Une fenêtre de connexion s'affiche.2. Saisissez le nom d'utilisateur et le mot de passe du PA.Le nom d'utilisateur est admin . Le mot de passe est celui que vous avez indiqué sur la page de configuration initiale lors de votre première connexion à l’interface sur navigateur local (voir Étape 3. Connectez-vous à l’interface sur navigateur local ). Le nom d'utilisateur et le mot de passe sont sensibles à la casse.L'écran d'accueil s'affiche.3. Sélectionnez Administration > Firmware Update (Administration > Mise à jourdu micrologiciel).La page Mise à jour du firmware s'affiche.4. Cliquez sur le bouton Check (Vérifier).le PA détecte un nouveau firmware ; en cas de disponibilité, il affiche un message vous demandant si vous voulez le télécharger et l’installer.5. Pour télécharger et installer le nouveau firmware, cliquez sur le bouton Yes (Oui).Le PA localise le firmware, le télécharge et démarre la mise à jour.Une barre de progression indique la progression du chargement du firmware. La procédure de chargement du firmware prend plusieurs minutes. Une fois le chargement terminé, votre PA redémarre.AVERTISSEMENT : Pour éviter tout risque de corruption du micrologiciel (firmware), n'interrompez pas la mise à jour. Par exemple, ne fermez pas le navigateur, ne cliquez pas sur un lien et ne chargez pas de nouvelle page. N'éteignez pas le PA. Patientez jusqu’à ce que le PA termine le chargement dunouveau firmware et redémarre, et que le voyant d’alimentation cesse de clignoter et reste allumé en vert continu.6. Reconnectez-vous à l’interface sur navigateur local.L'écran d'accueil s'affiche. La version du firmware est indiquée dans le champ Firmware Version (version du firmware) du panneau d’informations du PA.Etape 4. Recherchez un nouveau firmwareCes étapes s’appliquent uniquement si vous avez mis à jour la version du firmware de votre PA avec la version ou une version ultérieure, puis réinitialisé le PA avec ses paramètres par défaut.1. Ouvrez un navigateur Web sur un appareil compatible WiFi disposant d’uneconnexion WiFi au PA (voir Etape 2. Connectez-vous au réseau WiFi du PA ) et saisissez ou dans le champ d’adresse.Ces URL sont les mêmes que l’adresse IP Une fenêtre de connexion s'affiche.2. Saisissez le nom d'utilisateur et le mot de passe du PA.Le nom d'utilisateur est admin . Le mot de passe par défaut est password . Le nom d'utilisateur et le mot de passe sont sensibles à la casse.La page de configuration initiale s'affiche. Cette page s’affiche uniquement lors de votre première connexion à l’interface utilisateur sur navigateur local.3. Sur la page de configuration initiale, procédez comme suit :• Définissez un nouveau mot de passe pour l’administrateur.•Activez la récupération du mot de passe et définissez des questions desécurité. Bien que cette opération soit facultative, nous vous recommandons d’activer la récupération du mot de passe.•Pour une meilleure sécurité, vous pouvez également définir de nouveaux noms de réseau WiFi (SSID) pour le réseau WiFi dans les bandes radio 2,4 GHz et 5 GHz et de nouvelles phrases d’authentification WiFi.Nous vous recommandons de laisser le PA obtenir son adresse IP du routeur de votre réseau (il s’agit du paramètre par défaut). Toutefois, si vous voulez utiliser une adresse IP statique pour le PA, vous pouvez le faire.4. Cliquez sur le bouton Apply (Appliquer).Les paramètres sont enregistrés.5. Si vous définissez un nouveau SSID et une phrase d’authentification, reconnectez-vous au PA à l’aide du nouveau SSID et de la phrase d’authentification.6. Reconnectez-vous à l’interface utilisateur sur navigateur local à l’aide de votrenouveau mot de passe.Vous pouvez à présent contrôler et gérer le PA.Étape 3. Connectez-vous à l’interface sur navigateur localConseils de dépannageLe tableau suivant fournit des conseils pour résoudre des problèmes simples que vous pouvez rencontrer. pour plus d'informations sur le dépannage, reportez-vous au chapitre Dépannage du manuel de l'utilisateur.ProblèmeCauseSolution possibleVous ne pouvez pas vousconnecter par WiFi au PA.Le voyant WiFi est éteint, ce qui indique que les radios WiFi sont désactivées.Vérifiez que les radios sont sous tension en appuyant sur le bouton WiFi On/Off (Marche/arrêt du WiFi).Vous utilisez peut-être de mauvais identifiants WiFi.Si vous n’avez pas modifié les SSID pardéfaut et la phrase d’authentification WiFi par défaut, vérifiez que vous vous connectez à NETGEAR_11N ou NETGEAR_11AC et que vous utilisez sharedsecret comme phrase d’authentification WiFi.Vous êtes trop loin du PA.Rapprochez-vous du PA et réessayez.Vous ne pouvez pas connecter plus de cinqclients WiFi au PA.Le PA ne trouve pas de serveur DHCP sur votre réseau.Vérifiez que l’un des ports de réseau local du PA est connecté à un routeur de votre réseau, afin que le PA puisse récupérer une adresse DHCP .Vous ne pouvez pas accéder à Internet.Plusieurs causes possibles.• Vérifiez que l’un des ports de réseau local du PA est connecté à un routeur de votre réseau.• Vérifiez que le routeur est connecté à votre modem.• Vérifiez que votre modem est connecté à la prise Internet.• Assurez-vous que votre fournisseur d'accès à Internet (FAI) ne connaisse pas de panne.Vous ne pouvez pas accéder au navigateur local après avoir mis à jour le firmware avec la version nouveau firmware ne s’est pas installé complètement.1. Réinitialisez le PA avec ses paramètres par défaut en appuyant sur le bouton encastré Reset (Réinitialisation) sur le panneau arrière pendant au moins 10 secondes.2. Attendez que le voyant d’alimentation soit vert continu.3. Connectez-vous à l’interface sur navigateur local (voir Étape 3. Connectez-vous à l’interface sur navigateur local ).4. Reconfigurez le PA.Vous utilisez peut-être de mauvais identifiantsd’administrateur.Si vous n’avez pas encore modifié le mot de passe par défaut, saisissez password . Lenom d'utilisateur est admin . (Vous ne pouvez pas modifier le nom d’utilisateur.) Le nomd'utilisateur et le mot de passe sont sensibles à la casse.。
User ManualThank you select our productREAD AND SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS FOR FUTURE REFERENCEFORNote: The module is limited to OEM installation ONLY; The OEM integrator is responsible for ensuring that the end-user has no manual instructions to remove or install module)The module is limited to installation in mobile or fixed applicationThe separate approval is required for all other operating configuration, including portable configuration with respect to Part 2.1093 and different antenna configurationOEM/Integrators Installations User ManualProduct Name:2.4G Wireless module 1、 General Description2、 Characteristics··························0.4V~+3.6V ·····················-40℃~+85℃DCPAGE:1 of 08Working voltage characteristicsStorage TemperatureTYD-2496B-1-RFlow power consumption ,Widely used wireless mouse in,Smart Home and so on.3、Pin AssignmentPAGE:2 of 084、 Pin Descriptio n5、:PIFAAntenna TypePAGE:3 of 08FCC Warning:If the FCC identification number is not visible when the module is installed inside another device,then the outside of the device into which the module is installed must also display a label referring to the enclosed module.This exterior label can use wording such as the following:“Contains Transmitter Module FCC ID:2AI4Y-TYD2496B1RF ”when the module is installed inside another device,the user manual of this device must contain below warning statements;1.This device complies with Part15of the FCC Rules.Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1)This device may not cause harmful interference.(2)This device must accept any interference received,including interference that may cause undesired operation.2.Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.FCC statement:This device complies with part15of the FCC Rules.Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1)This device may not cause harmful interference,and(2)this device must accept any interference received,including interference that may cause undesired operation.Any Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,pursuant to part15of the FCC Rules.These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and,if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,may cause harmful interference to radio communications.However,there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception,which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on,the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:-Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.-Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.-Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.-Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.That separate approval is required for all other operating configurations, including portable configurations with respect to Part 2.1093 and different antenna configurations.This product is mounted inside of the end product only by professional installers OEM. They use this module with changing the power and control signal setting by software of end product within the scope of this application. End user can not change this setting.The equipment complies with RF exposure limits. This module is limited to installation in mobile or fixed applications. The antenna used for this transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.This equipment complies with the FCC RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 20cm between the radiator and any part of your body.Page:1/7。
HOW AY2000NRS系列无线接入点用户手册版权所有©2011~2012苏州汉明科技有限公司Rev 3.01HO WA Y2000N RS系列无线接入点用户手册3.01版2012 年07 月版权所有©2011~2012苏州汉明科技有限公司本手册包括但不限于其所包含的所有信息均受著作权法的保护,未经苏州汉明科技有限公司的许可,不得将本手册的任何部分影印、复制或翻译成其它语言。
目录目录 (3)第1章用户手册简介 (5)1.1本书约定 (5)1.2本书章节安排 (5)第2章产品介绍 (7)2.1产品简介 (7)2.2LED与接口定义 (7)第3章设备安装 (9)3.1安装准备 (9)第4章安全注意事项 (10)4.1安装注意事项 (10)4.2管理注意事项 (10)第5章F A T AP基本配置 (11)5.1设备的缺省配置 (11)5.3通过W EB 管理接口配置设备 (13)5.3.1 硬件连接 (13)5.3.2 建立正确的网络设置 (13)5.3.3 快速安装指南 (17)5.4修改基本设置 (18)5.4.1模式选择 (18)5.4.2 LAN设置 (20)5.4.3 日志服务器设置 (22)第6章胖瘦AP的切换 (23)6.1胖瘦一体AP切换方式 (23)第7章F A T AP无线设置 (25)7.1基本设置 (25)7.2射频设置 (25)7.3SSID设置 (27)第8章F A T AP高级管理配置 (31)8.1时间设置 (31)8.2ACL设置 (31)8.3静态路由 (33)8.4防火墙设置 (33)第9章F A T AP设备管理 (35)9.1用户管理 (35)9.2系统配置 (35)9.3重启设备 (38)第10章F A T AP信息统计 (39)10.1系统信息 (39)10.2接口信息 (39)第11章FIT AP基本配置 (40)11.1通过W EB 管理接口配置设备 (40)11.2发现方式 (41)11.3时间设置 (42)11.4系统配置 (43)11.4.1 软件升级 (43)11.4.2 恢复出厂设置 (43)11.5密码修改 (44)11.6重启设备 (45)第12章典型应用介绍 (45)12.1无线覆盖应用 (45)12.2无线桥接应用 (46)12.3路由模式接入组网 (47)第13章故障排除 (48)第1章用户手册简介本文档旨在帮助您正确使用路由器的功能,内容包括路由器的性能特征以及所有功能的详细说明。
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GatewayPro models for protocol conversion or web-based configuration Features2.4 GHz 900 MHz The SureCross™ wireless system is a radio frequency network with integra-ted I/O that can operate in most environments while eliminating the need for wiring runs. Systems are built around a Gateway, which acts as the wireless network master device, and one or more Nodes.•10 to 30V dc power input•Modbus serial interface and Ethernet interface•Site Survey analyzes the network’s signal strength and reliability •Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) technology and Time Divi-sion Multiple Access (TDMA) control architecture combine to ensure reli-able data delivery within the unlicensed Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) band•Transceivers provide bidirectional communication between the Gateway and Node, including fully acknowledged data transmissionFor additional information, the most recent version of all documentation, and a complete list of accessories, refer to Banner Engineering's website, /surecross.ModelsWARNING: Not To Be Used for Personnel ProtectionNever use this product as a sensing device for personnel protection. Doing so could lead to seri-ous injury or death. This product does NOT include the self-checking redundant circuitry necessary toallow its use in personnel safety applications. A sensor failure or malfunction can cause either an ener-gized or de-energized sensor output condition.SureCross DX80 GatewayProP/N 131933 rev. E1/11/201201319331The SureCross DX80 Wireless NetworkThe SureCross DX80 wireless I/O network provides reliable monitoring without the burden of wiring or conduit installation. The SureCross wireless network can operate independently or in conjunction with a host system, PLC, and/or PC software.Each wireless network system consists of one Gateway and one or more Nodes. Devices ship with factory defined inputs and outputsthat may be all discrete, all analog, or a mix of discrete and analog I/O.GatewayNodeNodeFlexPower Nodeand Battery Supply ModuleThe SureCross DX80 network is a deterministic system—the network identifies when the radio signal is lost and drives relevant outputs to user-defined conditions. Once the radio signal is reacquired, the network returns to normal operation.SureCross DX80 Gateways and NodesA Gateway acts as the master device within each radio network, initiates communication and reporting with the Nodes, and controls the timing for the entire network.The Gateway also holds the configuration for the network. Every wireless network must have one Gateway that schedules communica-tion traffic and controls the I/O configuration for the network. A radio network contains only one Gateway, but can contain many Nodes.Similar to how a gateway device on a wired network acts as a “portal” between networks, the SureCross Gateway acts as the portal between the wireless network and the central control process.A Node is a wireless network end-point device used to provide sensing capability in a remote area or factory. The Node collects data from sensors and communicates the data back to the Gateway. Nodes are available in a wide variety of power or input/output options.Each Node device can be connected to sensors or output devices and reports I/O status to the Gateway.SureCross DX80 GatewayProThe SureCross DX80 GatewayPro combines, in one unit, the function of a SureCross DX80 Gateway with the ability to interface to Ether-net using Modbus/TCP or EtherNet/IP ™ protocols. The GatewayPro has a serial port as well as an industrial Ethernet port. There are two basic models of the GatewayPro: DX80P*T6* and DX80P*A6*.•DX80P*T6*. The 'T6 model acts as a protocol converter only, offering the Modbus/TCP or EtherNet/IP communication protocols.•DX80P*A6*. The 'A6 model includes DX80 wireless network configuration, Modbus RTU master, Modbus/TCP client/server, Script Basic, e-mail, data logging, and trending.Connect a GatewayPro to a host system using the industrial Ethernet connection on the DX80 GatewayPro. To connect the GatewayPro directly to the host system without using an Ethernet switchbox/hub, some host systems may require a crossover cable.By default, the GatewayPro is configured to use Modbus/TCP server. To use EtherNet/IP, connect the GatewayPro to a managed switch.For more information, see SureCross Wireless I/O Product Manual or Host Configuration Manual .SureCross DX80 GatewayPro - tel: 763-544-3164P/N 131933 rev. ESureCross DX80 GatewayProLogging into the Web ConfiguratorThe SureCross™ Pro and DX83 Ethernet Bridge devices use an XML file to configure the network. To access the XML file, use any web browser set up for a direct connection to the Internet. If problems occur while connecting, verify the browser is not set to use a proxy server.When connecting to the Ethernet Bridge, GatewayPro, or MultiHop Pro directly from a host computer, a crossover Ethernet cable is required; when connecting through a switch or Ethernet hub, use a standard Ethernet cable.The factory default IP address for the devices is: change the device’s default IP address, first set up the host PC with an IP address different from the Ethernet Bridge, GatewayPro, or MultiHop Pro IP addresses. (Please refer to Banner document 133116 for detailed instructions on setting up the host computer’s network IP address.) For example, change the PC host IP address to: changing the host’s IP address, open a web browser and log into the Ethernet Bridge, GatewayPro, or MultiHop Pro by typing the IP.address in the browser location window: out, close the browser.For user-level access, enter the following as the user name and password.•User name: systemPassword: admin•For Admin-level access, enter the following as the user name and password:•User name: root•Password: sxiAdmin-level access allows administrators to set up system users and their passwords. Admin-level access is also required to change the IP address of the system.P/N 131933 rev. E - tel: 763-544-31643Wiring Diagrams5-pin Euro-Style HookupWiring the 5-pin Euro-style connector depends on the model and power requirements of the device. Connecting dc power to the commu-nication pins will cause permanent damage.1Brown 10 to 30V dc 2WhiteRS485 / D1 / B / +3Blue dc common (GND)4Black RS485 / D0 / A / –5GrayComms GndIndustrial Ethernet WiringUse the 4-pin industrial Ethernet connection to connect the radio network to an Ethernet-based host system.1White/Orange +Tx 2White/Blue +Rx 3Orange -Tx 4Blue-RxAdditional InformationFor additional information, including installation and setup, weatherproofing, device menu maps, troubleshooting, and a list of accesso-ries, refer to one of the following product manuals•SureCross Quick Start Guide: Banner part number 128185•SureCross Wireless I/O Network Manual: 132607•Web Configurator Manual (used with "Pro" and DX83 models): 134421Modbus Register TableSureCross DX80 GatewayPro - tel: 763-544-3164P/N 131933 rev. EDevice ConfigurationDIP Switch ChangesBefore making any changes to the DIP switch positions, disconnect the power. For devices with batteries integrated into the housing,remove the battery for at least one minute.DIP switch changes will not be recognized if power isn't cycled to the device.Accessing the DIP SwitchesTo access the DIP switches, follow these steps:1.Unscrew the four screws that mount the cover to the bottom housing.2.Remove the cover from the housing without damaging the ribbon cable or the pins the cable plugs into.3.Gently unplug the ribbon cable from the board mounted into the bottom housing. For integrated battery models (no ribbon cable) and Class I, Division 2 certified devices (ribbon cable is glued down), skip this step.4.Remove the black cover plate from the bottom of the device's cover.The DIP switches are located behind the rotary dials. After making the neces-sary changes to the DIP switches, place the black cover plate back into posi-tion and gently push into place. Plug the ribbon cable in after verifying that the blocked hole lines up with the missing pin. Mount the cover back onto the housing.DIP Switch Settings* Default configurationSureCross DX80 GatewayProP/N 131933 rev. E - tel: 763-544-31645Address ModeThe SureCross wireless devices may use one of two types of addressing modes: rotary dial addressing or extended addressing. In rotary dial address mode, the left rotary dial establishes the network ID and the right rotary dial sets the device ID. The wireless network is restricted to a maximum of 16 devices.Extended address mode uses a security code to "bind" Nodes to a specific Gateway. Bound Nodes can only send and receive informa-tion from the Gateway to which they are bound. In extended address mode, wireless networks may contain up to 48 radio devices. For more information on extended address mode, refer to the SureCross™ Wireless I/O Network product manual.The device ships in rotary dial address mode by default, with the DIP switch in the OFF position. To use extended address mode, change the DIP switch to the ON position.SpecificationsRadioRange900 MHz: Up to 4.8 kilometers (3 miles) *2.4 GHz: Up to3.2 kilometers (2 miles) *Transmit Power900 MHz: 21 dBm conducted2.4 GHz: 18 dBm conducted, less than or equal to 20dBm EIRP900 MHz Compliance (150 mW Radios)FCC ID TGUDX80 - This device complies with FCC Part 15, Subpart C, 15.247IC: 7044A-DX80092.4 GHz ComplianceFCC ID UE300DX80-2400 - This device complies with FCC Part 15, Subpart C, 15.247ETSI/EN: In accordance with EN 300 328: V1.7.1(2006-05)IC: 7044A-DX8024Spread Spectrum TechnologyFHSS (Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum)Antenna ConnectionExt. Reverse Polarity SMA, 50 OhmsMax Tightening Torque: 0.45 N·m (4 in·lbf)Link TimeoutGateway: ConfigurableNode: Defined by Gateway* With the 2 dB antenna that ships with the product. High-gain an-tennas are available, but the range depends on the environment and line of sight. To determine the range of your wireless network, perform a Site Survey.GeneralPower*Requirements: +10 to 30V dc (For European applica-tions: +10 to 24V dc, ± 10%). (See UL section below for any applicable UL specifications)Consumption: Less than 1.4 W (60 mA) at 24V dc HousingPolycarbonateWeight: 0.26 kg (0.57 lbs)Mounting: #10 or M5 (M5 hardware included)Max. Tightening Torque: 0.56 N·m (5 in·lbf)InterfaceIndicators: Two bi-color LEDsButtons: TwoDisplay: Six character LCDWiring AccessOne 5-pin Euro-style male connector and One 4-pin fe-male industrial Ethernet connection* For European applications, power the DX80 from a Limited Pow-er Source as defined in EN 60950-1.CommunicationHardware (RS-485)Interface: 2-wire half-duplex RS-485Baud Rates: 9.6k, 19.2k (default), or 38.4k Modbus/TCP and EtherNet/IP4-wire Industrial Ethernet10/100 Mbps, full or half duplex, auto sensingSureCross DX80 GatewayPro - tel: 763-544-3164P/N 131933 rev. EData Format: 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit ProtocolModbus RTUEnvironmentalRatingIEC IP67; NEMA 6; (See UL section below for any ap-plicable UL specifications)Operating Temperature−40 to +85° C (Electronics); −20 to +80° C (LCD) Operating Humidity95% max. relative (non-condensing)Radiated Immunity10 V/m, 80-2700 MHz (EN61000-6-2)Shock and VibrationIEC 68-2-6 and IEC 68-2-7Shock: 30g, 11 millisecond half sine wave, 18 shocksVibration: 0.5 mm p-p, 10 to 60 HzRefer to the SureCross™ DX80 Wireless I/O Network product manual, Banner p/n 132607, for installation and waterproofing in-structions. Operating the devices at the maximum operating condi-tions for extended periods can shorten the life of the device.Included with Device (GatewayPro Models)Included with Device Model Qty ItemMounting Hardware Kit BWA-HW-0014Screw, M5-0.8 x 25mm, SS4Screw, M5-0.8 x 16mm, SS4Hex nut, M5-0.8mm, SS4Bolt, #8-32 x 3/4", SSEthernet Crossover Cable BWA-EX2M1Ethernet Cable, M12 Industrial/RJ45, Crossover, 2 meterAntenna*BWA-9O2-C orBWA-2O2-C 1Antenna, 902-928 MHz, 2 dBd Omni, Rubber Swivel RP-SMA Male, or Antenna, 2.4 GHz, 2 dBd Omni, Rubber Swivel RP-SMA MaleSureCross Literature CD796851SureCross Literature CDSureCross Quick Start Guide1281851SureCross Quick Start GuideData sheet1* Internal antenna devices do not ship with this antennaAccessoriesEthernet Cables77669BWA-E2M Ethernet cable, RSCD RJ45 440, 2M78469BWA-E8M Ethernet cable, RSCD RJ45 440, 8M78467BWA-EX2M Ethernet cable, crossover, RSCD RJ45CR 440, 2MUse a crossover cable to connect the DX80 GatewayPro or DX83 Ethernet Bridge to a host system without using an Ethernet switchbox or hub. When using a switchbox or hub, use a straight cable.WarningsThe manufacturer does not take responsibility for the violation of any warning listed in this document.Make no modifications to this product. Any modifications to this product not expressly approved by Banner Engineering could void the user’s authority to operate the product. Contact the Factory for more information.SureCross DX80 GatewayProP/N 131933 rev. E - tel: 763-544-31647All specifications published in this document are subject to change. Banner reserves the right to modify the specifications of prod-ucts without notice. Banner Engineering reserves the right to update or change documentation at any time. For the most recent version of any documentation, refer to our website: . © 2006-2010 Banner Engineering Corp. All rights reserved. Antenna InstallationAlways install and properly ground a qualified surge suppressor when installing a remote antenna system. Remote antenna configura-tions installed without surge suppressors invalidate the manufacturer's warranty.Always keep the ground wire as short as possible and make all ground connections to a single-point ground system to ensure no ground loops are created. No surge suppressor can absorb all lightning strikes. Do not touch the SureCross™ device or any equipment connec-ted to the SureCross device during a thunderstorm.Exporting SureCross RadiosIt is our intent to fully comply with all national and regional regulations regarding radio frequency emissions. Customers who want to re-export this product to a country other than that to which it was sold must ensure the device is approved in the destination country. A list of approved countries appears in the Agency Certifications section of the product manual. The SureCross wireless prod-ucts were certified for use in these countries using the antenna that ships with the product. When using other antennas, verify you are not exceeding the transmit power levels allowed by local governing agencies. Consult with Banner Engineering if the destination country is not on this list.Limited WarrantyBanner Engineering Corp. warrants its products to be free from defects in material and workmanship for one year following the date of shipment. Banner Engineering Corp. will repair or replace, free of charge, any product of its manufacture which, at the time it is returned to the factory, is found to have been defective during the warranty period. This warranty does not cover damage or liability for misuse, abuse, or the improper application of the Banner product.THIS LIMITED WARRANTY IS EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED (IN-CLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE), AND WHETHER ARISING UNDER COURSE OF PERFORMANCE, COURSE OF DEALING OR TRADE USAGE.This Warranty is exclusive and limited to repair or, at the discretion of Banner Engineering Corp., replacement. IN NO EVENT SHALL BANNER ENGINEERING CORP. BE LIABLE TO BUYER OR ANY OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY FOR ANY EXTRA COSTS, EX-PENSES, LOSSES, LOSS OF PROFITS, OR ANY INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR SPECIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM ANY PRODUCT DEFECT OR FROM THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PRODUCT, WHETHER ARISING IN CONTRACT OR WARRANTY, STATUTE, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY, NEGLIGENCE, OR OTHERWISE.Banner Engineering Corp. reserves the right to change, modify or improve the design of the product without assuming any obligationsor liabilities relating to any product previously manufactured by Banner Engineering Corp.Contact UsFor more information: Contact your local Banner representative or Banner Corporate Offices around the world.Corporate Headquarters: Banner Engineering Corp. 9714 Tenth Ave. North, Mpls., MN 55441, Tel: 763-544-3164, , sensors@Europe: Banner Engineering Europe Park Lane, Culliganlaan 2F, Diegem B-1831 BELGIUM,Tel: 32-2 456 07 80, Fax: 32-2 456 07 89, , mail@Latin America: Contact Banner Engineering Corp. (US) or e-mail Mexico:mexico@; or Brazil: brasil@Asia:Banner Engineering China Shanghai Rep Office Rm. G/H/I, 28th Flr. Cross Region Plaza No. 899, Lingling Road, Shanghai 200030 CHINA, Tel: 86-21-54894500, Fax: 86-21-54894511, , sensors@Banner Engineering Japan Cent-Urban Building 305 3-23-15, Nishi-Nakajima Yodogawa-Ku, Osaka 532-0011 JAPAN, Tel:81-6-6309-0411, Fax: 81-6-6309-0416, www.bannerengineering.co.jp, mail@bannerengineering.co.jpBanner Engineering Int’l Incorporated Taiwan Rep. Office 8F-2, No. 308, Sec. 1, Neihu Rd. Taipei, Taiwan 114 Phone: +886 2 8751 9966 #15 | Fax: +886 2 8751 2966, , info@ - tel: 763-544-3164P/N 131933 rev. EBanner Engineering India Pune Head Quarters Office, No. 1001 Sai Capital, Opp. ICC Senapati Bapat Road, Pune 411016 INDIA, Tel: 91-20-66405624, Fax: 91-20-66405623, www.bannerengineering.co.in, india@。