
U校园新一代大学英语(提高篇)综合教程1unit2答案U校园新一代大学英语(提高篇)综合教程 1Unit2 答案Ullit 2 Be yourself, be happyi Explore 12-2 {Explore I: ReadingV T ieWing 1-2D CICar2)Pleiι( y細aι1ιele4)WaIk5)guilty6)chance7)IilZy紳terrified9)IlorribIeLO )UnIaZIn g2-3 !Explore I: Buikliiigyour IHnKUage λλ ords IInd expressions 1-11.decisive2.eMihκΠe3.WoUIIIeSS4 ICiIltOrCenlent5.UlKIerh Jiml?B l6.CollIfOrtinIT7.8- IiKUijfcstedλλ ords and expressions 1-2Reterence:1,ICt j*υ Of IhC IlCUaIι? c ClllotiollSW ~ ?2,Clinging to UIIhapPy things'93,take VlnIr IIHlKI υfl' IIle test'94.you are aware Of IHS PCIIn5.goes hand In IIaIKl With a POSitiVC OUtlOOk On IIfC6.in terms OfhaPPineSS7.is IeSolUte in CA ereOIning all difficulties COlIOCatiOnS 11.accomplish2.SenSe3.ObIigation丄baggage5. PUrSUitXOcabuIary IearIliIIg StriltegieS 1-2Referelice:1.Self-reproach; Self-talk2.Self-imposedOcahulary learning StnltegieS 1-31.Seli-deprecating2.SeIf-talk3.SelI-reproaclι4 Selt-imposedLangUage focus 1-2Referenee:1.I decide to do ιn?kιundr? h? FndaV IIiaht if not SooneE2.YOU IOok InUCh better now that VoIfve freetl ? ourself IrOm M ShOUkΓ, Shamine?3.If Ilot a great scholar, he is a bright man.4 No??^ that we know how to USe reiιιiOrCers. we Can gi?eit a tn?■Banked CIOZe 11)ObIigation2)resolute3)reiιtforcement4)guilt5)worthless6)SuCkS7)InaniieSt8)SOlidifX T9)Ilegative10)worth2?4 iExplore 1: Sharing your ideasSliai ing you∣? ideas 1Reierenee:Description Ot thC Problein: I ProCraStilIatC On regularly OrganiZing my PerSOnal belongings in Iny dorm. ?EXamPIe(S) Of IIow IhiS PrOblem is CaUSing troubles: 1) MY desk and bed arc IneSSV aιul UntidVI 2) I Cannot InUl IlIe thinss that I need Iininediatelv; 3) I don,t WaIlt to StaV In the J ?doπn.IiKiuiix about SUeSeStiOllS In a SinCCre tone: WheII VOUr W?fπκl yourself In this SitUation. What would you PoSSibly tell yoursell1? Γm rcalh UI IIeUd of your SUgycs(ιoιIS to help IUC o?ercoιnc this ProbIeIn?iExplore 22-5 iExplore 2: ReadingVleWing 1-2L ShyI awkward: negative; quiet: anti-social2? energetic: OUtgOing: IIOnna1: POSitl? e; Irieiidly; SOCIaI Mewing 1-3Referenee:1 ACCOrding to the ? ideo CIiP? intro? ersion andextro? ersion SPeCilICally (Jeal With how an Indl? idual stains and IOSeS energy? IntdItS ^alil energy from theirJ J ?j j ?internal world, as they enjoy deep Ihinking.COntCInPlatlng new ideas and reflecting UpOlI theirCXPCriCnCCS? Extro wils gain CnCrgy from tlιc CXtCrna I WOrkL as they enjoy SOCialiZing and exploring the WOrld around tlieiii.2.I always think that iιιtroveιts arc quiet, shy. CVCn a bit anti-sociaL WhiIe extro?eιls are MtiyleHuJ aιul Otten quitepopular.3.? The COntent Of the VidDO definitely ChaI12es ιn?“JOI iginaI thoughts JbOUt extro? erts and intro?eιls. They are just Cllfferent Ieniperanients. I o think that extro?βerts arc better Ihan introverts^ Or IhC Other ?va?r aroun<="" p="" sav="" the="" to="">The COntent Of the ? ideo is actually quite SinliIar to What I Ori(JinallV thought about extro?r eιls and IntrO? erts. In fact I have fιieικls WlIO arc SeelI as introverts. AS an CXtro?ert.I get IIlony well ??ith them Wc IUakC great teams Working toward a COInmOn goal. SO IbCheVe the knowledge about these two teιnρeι aments is not a COlnPlete mystery to me.2?6 iExplore 2: BUildin(I your IanSUage W ordS and expressions 1-11.UIUte2? POSSCSS3.(Jccbmion4.IIerOiC5.tierce6.intro?eH7.SParked& Iabel9. inclinedλλ ords and CXPreSSiOIIS 1?21? COnJUre UP2.at OnCe3.SPCak volumes4.COnSiSt Of5.keep to herself(OlioCationS 1Reference:1.knowledge2.aimer工WanunS4.JeSirC5.qualities6.encoιιraeenιentJλ Ocabularv Iearaing StrilteOieS 1-20 01) Introxeits2)IOIkl3) IeSened4) quiet5)JedICated6) ∏erce7) ShV■8) StrOn<2InUISIntiOlI 1-1Reierelice:越來越沾勉的是?我的人物们不是躺任某处的?木巧中: 他们就在这里?等待若我去看,去感受,去经历。

Unit 2 p. 43 Cloze: Text-related
(1) choked up
(2) awful
(3) practically
(4) neighborhood
(5) correspondence (6) available
(7) destination
(8) reunion
(9) Mostly
Unit 2 p. 44 Translation: Sentences
(4) He stayed in Australia with his parents all the way through World War II.
(5) Since I graduated from Nanjing University in 1985, I have kind of lost touch with my classmates.
Unit 2 p. 40 Vocabulary Ex. 1
1) absolutely
2) available
3) every now and then
4) are urging/urged
5) destination 6) mostly
7) hangs out
8) right away
9) reunion
(2) Mary looks as if she's very worried about the Chinese exam because she hasn't learned the texts by heart.
(3) Since the basketball match has been postponed, we might as well visit the museum.
新视界大学英语综合教程1 unit 2课后答案

7 When you ___s_u_c_k__ something like a sweet, you put it in your mouth and move your tongue against it.
ndoot ucbetrftualin that the majority of students will change
their habits as a result of the experiment.
Unfamiliar Words
Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in the box.
Unfamiliar Words
Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in the box.
appreciate dip handle identify Ingredient mild plunge raw
about the dangers of unhealthy eating which is (3) found everywhere. Food scientists in the UK have
Unfamiliar Words
adapt apart from despite doubtful energetic expectation greedy investigate norm plentiful
综合教程IUnit 2课后练习参考答案

2. The whole generation were brought up to be _________ of material things, so that they had great difficulty settling down to a market economy.
A✓. scornful
Children have to obey the discinples.
key: the part of a plan, action, etc. that will make it possible for it to succeed
Working well as a team is key to success.
一项新研究发现,夫妻双方在必要的时候斗斗嘴有益 于健康。
send for = ask sb. to request sb. else to come
e.g. I came late because I had to send for the doctor for my grandfather. 我来晚了,因为我得给我爷爷去请大夫。
10. The Smiths rearranged things, so that new kitchen units would _f_it___.
1. He was working on a children’s book _________ Limericks.
A. tagged B. headed C. labeled ✓D. entitled
The page was headed “My Early Life”.
label: to use a word or phrase to describe someone or something, but often unfairly or incorrectly

Unit TwoLearning a LanguageEnhance Your Language AwarenessWords in Action▆Working with Words and Expressions1.Listed in the boxes below are some of the words that you need to be very familiar with. Now work inpairs and make sentences with each of them to see if you have really mastered their usages. You are encouraged to consult a dictionary if you are still not quite sure about their meanings and usages.▆ Sample sentences for reference:1) If Jane is not here in 10 minutes, we’ll assume that she is n’t coming and we won’t wait for her any longer.2) The case was fully argued before an agreement was reached.3) They claim that they have discovered a cure for the disease, but this has not yet been proved.4) Some Chinese words have no equivalents in English.5) The rights of the individual are perhaps the most important rights in society.6) If you want my personal opinion, I don’t think you should go there.7) The train leaves at about half past eight — 8:32, to be precise.8) After years of hard work, she became qualified as a doctor last year.9) Her new novel is based on her adventures in Africa.10) The house is too small for a family of five; furthermore, it is in a bad condition.11) Human beings are much more intelligent than animals.12) She promised solemnly that she would not say a word about it to anyone.2.In the box below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the following sentenceswith them. Change the form where necessary.▆ Answers:1)obtain2)confident3)communicate4)advantage5)relevant6)helpful7)extreme8)enjoyable9)means10)process11)particularly12)characters13)astonished14)apparently3.In the box below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Do you understand theirmeanings? Do you know how to use them in the proper context? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary.▆ Answers:1)fond of2)is … related to3)find out4)To a certain extent5)vice versa6)no doubt7)rid … of8)cleared up9)or else10)at all costs11) sure enough12)let alone13) In his hurry14)It’s no use15) in my view16) was worth▆Increasing Your Word Powerplete the multiple choice exercise by choosing the right answer.▆ Answers:1) C2) D3) B4) B5) B6) D2.Adverbs are used to modify adjectives. What adverbs listed in the box below can be used to modify theadjectives in the sentences? Put as many adverbs as you think suitable before each of the adjectives.1)highly / very2)quite / very3)quite / very / increasingly4)quite / simply / very3.Did you notice the suffix -er in words such as teacher, grader in this unit? The suffix -er can be put atthe end of verbs or nouns to denote people who perform the action expressed by the stem word. In addition to -er, the suffixes -or, -ist, -ian also fall into this category. Now form nouns by adding -er/-or/-ist/-ian to the words given:Answers for reference:1) logician2) magician3) mathematician4) journalist5) industrialist6) environmentalist7) laborer8) murderer9) conqueror10) survivorGRAMMAR IN CONTEXTStudy the following sentences from both Text A and Text B, paying special attention to the modal auxiliaries would, must, might, can’t, should.Task 1: Fill in the following blanks with appropriate modal auxiliaries.▆ Answers for reference:1) would/should2) should/would3) might4) would5) must6) can’t7) should, would8) mustTask 2: Translate the following sentences into English, using the modal auxiliaries given in brackets.▆ Answers for reference:1) The expedition might have reached the top of the mountain by now.2) If there should be any change in the schedule, please let me know in time.Or: Should there be any change in the schedule, please let me know in time.3) Passengers must check in (no later than) 45 minutes prior to flight departure.4) Hurry up! It would be a pity to miss the concert.5) The man standing in the distance can’t be Mr. Li, for he left for New York yesterday afternoon.Cloze▇Complete the following passage with words chosen from this unit. The initial letter of each is given.▆ Answers:1)doubt2)efficient3)where4)advantage5)afford6)claim7)fluently8)qualified9)extent10)ridiculous11)perfect12)as13)because14)individualTranslation1. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in brackets.▆ A nswers for reference:1)The baby can’t even crawl yet, let alone walk.2)Will claimed he was dining with a group of friends at the time of the murder, but in my opinion he tolda lie.3)To a certain extent the speed of reading is closely related to reading skills; and with reading skills youcan cope with outside class reading better.4)Can you take a look at the engine to see what’s wrong?5)Some people assume that there is a Chinese equivalent for every Japanese word.6)We have passed all relevant information on to the police.7)There is no use asking me any more questions about that matter because I won’t answer.8)It was a mistake on Jim’s part to sign the contract without reading it carefully.9)They refused to provide us with all the information we need.10)This accident is very similar to the one that happened three years ago.11)The film is based on a play by Shakespeare.12)If you have a good command of English and computer skills, you will surely have an advantage overothers in finding a job.Theme-Related Writing▆Write a passage in about 100-120 words, taking either of the following titles:1) Why I like to learn English2) Why I hate to learn English▆ S ample essay for Task 1:Why I like to learn EnglishI have learned English for about seven years. I should say that I am highly motivated to master English. First of all, learning English is useful, as it is becoming a world language and people from different countries often communicate with one another in English. If I am good at English, it will be much easier for me to communicate with them. Secondly, I like traveling a lot. A good mastery of English will make things much easier for me when traveling around the world. Finally, I like literature a lot. If I am very good at English, I can read great works by Shakespeare and Dickens and many other English writers instead of reading the translated versions.▆ S ample essay for Task 2:Why I hate to learn EnglishI have learned English for about seven years. I should say the more I learn English, the more I hate it. First of all, learning English is boring. I have to memorize many new words or rely on a dictionary to frequently check unknown words. Doing so wastes a lot of my precious time. Secondly, I don’t understand why we have to learn a foreign language. I don’t want to go abroad and I can always find a job that doesn’t need English in China. Finally, I can always read translated versions of the books I want to read. So, if I don’t have to learn English, I would rather use the time I spend on English to do things I like.。

Text A / ComprehensionKey: 1. D 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. DB. Complete the following sentences orally with your partner.1. How does a spaceman see the earth?He sees the earth’s round shape and the outline of land and oceans .2. What is the shape of the earth and what is it covered with?The shape of the earth is round and it is covered with water, rock and soil .3. Where do animals and plants live?They live almost everywhere on the surface of the earth .4. How long are a day and a year?One day is the time it takes the earth to spin around once , and one year is the time it takes the earth to travel once around the sun .5. When was Earth Day named?It was named in 1970 .C. Make a dialogue with your partner according to the situation described below.S: Hi, everybody. I’m Susan Young. Tomorrow is Earth Day. We wonder how many people know about the day and how much they know about the planet we live on. Now I will interview some people in the street. (to Jerry) Hi, ther e. I’m Susan Young from Man and Nature. Can you give me a moment?J: All right.S: I have some questions to ask you.J: Go ahead.S: First, can you tell us who you are?J: I am a student from XXXXXX .S: Good. Have you ever heard of Earth Day?J: Yes, of course.S: Then do you know when the day is celebrated every year?J: Oh, on the day spring begins. Am I correct?S: Quite right. It is on April 22. So tomorrow is Earth Day.J: Oh, I almost forgot!S: The next question may be a little difficult. Do you know when it was first named? And who proposed the idea?J: Perhaps in 1970 ? I’m not sure. I’ve read it somewhere. But I can’t remember it clearly now. Sorry, I can’t answer the other question.S: You are right about the year when it was named. As for the other question, OK, let me tell you: Gaylord Nelson, an American, proposed the naming of such a day and his suggestion was later accepted by the United Nations. My next question is: why can animals and plants live on the earth?J: They can live on it first because it is just the right distance from the sun . Living things needthe sun’s warmth and light for life. They also must have enough water to live. The earth has plenty of water that covers most of its surface .S: The last question: what lies at the center of the earth?J: A ball of hard metal lies at the center of the earth.S: Very good. I think you know a lot about our mother earth. Thank you for your time.J: You are welcome. I’m glad to have taken part in your program. And I like your program very much .S: Thank you again! Goodbye!J: Bye!Vocabulary Building / ExercisesA. Match each word with its proper Chinese meaning.B. Fill in each blank with a given word or expression in their right form.form include at the center of call (one’s) attention toprotect as far as surface measure1. I’ll help you as far as I can.2. He had included a large number of funny stories in the speech.3. These greenbelts protected / protect / have protected 500,000 acres of farmland against moving sands.4. The TV program is shown to call people’s attention to water pollution in China.5. A soft wind caused ripples on the surface of the lake.6. The children formed / have formed a circle around her.7. My mother measured / has measured / is measuring me for a new dress.8. The park lies at the center of the city.Grammar Tips / ExercisesA. Fill in each blank with a proper preposition.1. He asked me whether the movie was based on a real story.2. The Beckhamstraveled around China in 2011.3. You can look up the word in the dictionary.4. — Where are good potatoes grown?—Good potatoes are grown in North China.5. —What’s this bottle made of ?—It’s made of china.6. We are busy preparing for the exam.7. A new bridge is built over the river.8. He came into the classroom with a book in his hand.9. There is a lamp between the bed and the desk.10. Autumn is the best season of the year in Beijing.B. Complete each sentence with one of the prepositions given in brackets.1. The two countries are at war. (at / about / with)2. The rain was beating against the windows. (in / against / at)3. The train is ten minutes behind time. (behind / after / before)4. There are many other people besides Tom at the party. (but / beside /besides)5. Who is he after ? (after / before / in)6. The policeman caught the thief by the arm. (at / by / with)7. The ball fell to the ground. (to / in / over)8. I am here only on business and I’ll leave soon. (under / on / with)9. There is a map of China on the wall. (for / like / of)10. Ten years passed and his son has grown into a young man. (like / into / to)C. Fill in each blank according to the Chinese given in brackets.1. She left the manager’s office with tears (哭着).2. The boat sails on / down / along the river (河上).3. The manger will come back in a week (一周内).4. Christmas is celebrated in all (of) the Western countries (所有西方国家).5. We held an interesting party in the open air (在户外).Text B / ComprehensionA. Answer the questions according to the text.1. What is Earth Day about?Key: It is about learning about and protecting the biodiversity on earth.2. Who is the founder of Earth Day?Key: The founder is Gaylord Nelson of the United States.3. How do people traditionally celebrate Earth Day?Key: They traditionally celebrate the day with the ringing of bells, often bells of peace.4. What did Australians do on Earth Day to draw attention to air pollution?Key: They organized a large “carless” day.5. What have been the themes of China’s Earth Day?Key: Protection of geographic relics and scientific development and sustainable use of natural resources in China and all over the world.B. Read the sentences below and decide if they are true or false according to the text. Write T for true or F for false.1. When Earth Day was founded, it was only celebrated in the US.2. In 1972 Earth Day was made an international celebration by the UN.3. Earth Day reminds people of their responsibility for the common planet they share.4. The ringing of peace bells on Earth Day is practiced only in the West.5. In Kenya children plant trees on every Earth Day.Key: 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. FComprehensive ExercisesA. Choose the best answer.(C)1. ________ the help of the guide dog, the old man ________ his son a visit.A. Under; spentB. With; tookC. With; paidD. Under; showed(A)2. Because ________ bad weather we had to have our physical education class in the classroom.A. ofB. it wasC. of theD. the(C)3. I often dream ________ my old friends.A. to seeB. seeingC. of seeingD. at seeing(C)4. ________ the end they succeeded in finishing the task ________ the end of June.A. At; atB. In; inC. In; atD. At; in(C)5. Can you translate the passage ________ English?A. withB. fromC. intoD. by(D)6. We couldn’t help ________ when we heard the hero’s story.A. movingB. to moveC. to be movedD. being moved(A)7. Please pay twenty dollars for these, the dictionary ________.A. includedB. were includedC. includeD. including(A)8. When he became a famous poet he was ________ his early thirties.A. inB. atC. afterD. from(D)9. You ________ not smoke here. This is a public place.A. could betterB. would betterC. should betterD. had better(D)10. The teacher shared the tasks ________ all the children in her class.A. toB. withC. byD. amongB. Fill in the blanks with the words given below.right March long people spring thanWhat and When Is Earth Day?When I proposed to name Earth Day, a global occasion to celebrate the wonder of life on our planet, I thought long and hard about what day to choose. It must be meaningful and must be accepted by people . When I came across the Vernal Equinox (春分), I immediately knew it was right . What could be better than the first day of spring when hearts and minds can join together with thoughts of peace and the awakening of the earth. So the first Earth Day was celebrated in San Francisco, on March 21, 1970. The United Nations later accepted the day as a yearly event for people all over the world. Each year the United Nations Peace Bell rings at the moment spring begins.C. Translate the following sentences into English, using the given words or phrases.1. 就我们所知,地球是人类可以居住的唯一星球。

Unit TwoLearning a LanguageEnhance Your Language AwarenessWords in Action▆ Working with Words and Expressions1.Listed in the boxes below are some of the words that you need to be very familiarwith. Now work in pairs and make sentences with each of them to see if you have really mastered their usages. You are encouraged to consult a dictionary if you are still not quite sure about their meanings and usages.▆ Sample sentences for reference:1) If Jane is not here in 10 minutes, we’ll assume that she is n’t coming and we won’t wait for her any longer.2) The case was fully argued before an agreement was reached.3) They claim that they have discovered a cure for the disease, but this has not yet been proved.4) Some Chinese words have no equivalents in English.5) The rights of the individual are perhaps the most important rights in society.6) If you want my personal opinion, I don’t think you should go there.7) The train leaves at about half past eight — 8:32, to be precise.8) After years of hard work, she became qualified as a doctor last year.9) Her new novel is based on her adventures in Africa.10) The house is too small for a family of five; furthermore, it is in a bad condition.11) Human beings are much more intelligent than animals.12) She promised solemnly that she would not say a word about it to anyone.2.In the box below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete thefollowing sentences with them. Change the form where necessary.▆ Answers:1)obtain2)confident3)communicate4)advantage5)relevant6)helpful7)extreme8)enjoyable9)means10)process11)particularly12)characters13)astonished14)apparently3.In the box below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Do youunderstand their meanings? Do you know how to use them in the proper context? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary.▆ Answers:1)fond of2)is … related to3)find out4)To a certain extent5)vice versa6)no doubt7)rid … of8)cleared up9)or else10)at all costs11) sure enough12)let alone13) In his hurry14)It’s no use15) in my view16) was worth▆Increasing Your Word Powerplete the multiple choice exercise by choosing the right answer.▆ Answers:1) C2) D3) B4) B5) B6) D2.Adverbs are used to modify adjectives. What adverbs listed in the box below can beused to modify the adjectives in the sentences? Put as many adverbs as you think suitable before each of the adjectives.1)highly / very2)quite / very3)quite / very / increasingly4)quite / simply / very3.Did you notice the suffix -er in words such as teacher, grader in this unit? Thesuffix -er can be put at the end of verbs or nouns to denote people who perform the action expressed by the stem word. In addition to -er, the suffixes -or, -ist, -ian also fall into this category. Now form nouns by adding -er/-or/-ist/-ian to the words given:Answers for reference:1) logician2) magician3) mathematician4) journalist5) industrialist6) environmentalist7) laborer8) murderer9) conqueror10) survivorGRAMMAR IN CONTEXTStudy the following sentences from both Text A and Text B, paying special attention to th e modal auxiliaries would, must, might, can’t, should.Task 1: Fill in the following blanks with appropriate modal auxiliaries.▆ Answers for reference:1) would/should2) should/would3) might4) would5) must6) can’t7) should, would8) mustTask 2: Translate the following sentences into English, using the modal auxiliariesgiven in brackets.▆ Answers for reference:1) The expedition might have reached the top of the mountain by now.2) If there should be any change in the schedule, please let me know in time.Or: Should there be any change in the schedule, please let me know in time.3) Passengers must check in (no later than) 45 minutes prior to flight departure.4) Hurry up! It would be a pity to miss the concert.5) The man standing in the distanc e can’t be Mr. Li, for he left for New York yesterdayafternoon.Cloze▇Complete the following passage with words chosen from this unit. The initial letterof each is given.▆ Answers:1)doubt2)efficient3)where4)advantage5)afford6)claim7)fluently8)qualified9)extent10)ridiculous11)perfect12)as13)because14)individualTranslation1. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in brackets.▆ Answers for reference:1)The baby can’t even crawl yet, let alone walk.2)Will claimed he was dining with a group of friends at the time of the murder, butin my opinion he told a lie.3)To a certain extent the speed of reading is closely related to reading skills; andwith reading skills you can cope with outside class reading better.4)Can you take a look at the engine to see what’s wrong?5)Some people assume that there is a Chinese equivalent for every Japanese word.6)We have passed all relevant information on to the police.7)There is no use asking me any more questions about that matter because I won’tanswer.8)It was a mistake on Jim’s part to sign the contract without reading it care fully.9)They refused to provide us with all the information we need.10)This accident is very similar to the one that happened three years ago.11)The film is based on a play by Shakespeare.12)If you have a good command of English and computer skills, you will surely have anadvantage over others in finding a job.Theme-Related Writing▆Write a passage in about 100-120 words, taking either of the following titles:1) Why I like to learn English2) Why I hate to learn English▆ Sample essay for Task 1:Why I like to learn EnglishI have learned English for about seven years. I should say that I am highly motivated to master English. First of all, learning English is useful, as it is becoming a world language and people from different countries often communicate with one another in English. If I am good at English, it will be much easier for me to communicate with them. Secondly, I like traveling a lot. A good mastery of English will make things much easier for me when traveling around the world. Finally, I like literature a lot. If I am very good at English, I can read great works by Shakespeare and Dickens and many other English writers instead of reading the translated versions.▆ Sample essay for Task 2:Why I hate to learn EnglishI have learned English for about seven years. I should say the more I learn English, the more I hate it. First of all, learning English is boring. I have to memorize many new words or rely on a dictionary to frequently check unknown words. Doing so wastes a lot of my precious time. Secondly, I don’t understand why we have to learn a foreign language. I don’t want to go abroad and I can always find a job that doesn’t need English in China. Finally, I can always read translated versions of the books I want to read. So, if Idon’t have to learn English, I would rather use the time I spend on English。

Unit 2Active reading one2 Choose the best way to complete the sentences1(b) 2(b) 3 (a) 4(a) 5 (c)Dealing with unfamiliar words3 Match the words in the box with theirdefinitions.1 honest about the situation or your opinions, even if this offends people(frank)2 a place that many people go to for a holiday (resort)3 tasting extremely good (yummy)4 containing a lot of liquid, so tasting good (juicy)5 dark in a way that makes you feel sad or a little afraid (gloomy)6 lack of experience of life (innocence)7 the ability to understand and make good judgments about something (perception)8 ideas, behaviour, or statements that are not true or sensible (nonsense)4 Replace the underlined words with thecorrect form of the words in the box.1 The waves were very large in size as they fell onto the beach. (enormous)2 There was so much seafood that it was holding tightly onto the plate. (clinging)3 In the area of land where they were visiting, it wasn’t usual to eatfish and chips. (region)4 When he had eaten the shellfish, he got rid of the shells. (discarded)5 To eat shellfish you need special tools to break open the shells and dig out the food. (implements; crack; scrape)6 The boy was especially fond of his mother’s bread and cakes from the oven. (baking)7 Because they’re smooth, wet and quite difficult to hold, it’s quite achallenge to try your first oysters. (slippery)5 Answer the questions about the words in thebox.1 Which word means feeling? (emotion)2 Which word means a feeling that a situation is so bad that there’s nothingyou can do to change it? (despair)3 Which word means to say you’re not happy with someone or something? (complain)4 Which word describes how your face looks when you’re annoyed or worriedabout something? (frown)5 Which word describes something that is unpleasant to taste, smell orsee? (nasty)6 Which word means to say something to someone in order to have fun byembarrassing or annoying them slightly? (tease)6 Check (√) the true statements1 2 4Active reading 2Dealing withunfamiliar words4 Answer the questions about the words andexpressions in the box.1 (a) moreactive2 (a) itsfeatures3 (b) the reason for it4 (b) made in afactory5 (a) help causehormones to leave the brain6 (a) press itstrongly7 (b) your parents8 (b) liquid9 (a) tellpeople5 Replace the underlined words with thecorrect form of the words in the box.Key: (1) luxury (2) nourishing (3) mould (4) manufacturer (5) snap(6) condensed (7) flavour (8) popularity (9) genetic (10) traitLanguage in usegiving extrainformation1 Rewrite the sentences.1 The restaurant was in a French seaside resort by the Atlantic Ocean, whereyou get excellent seafood.2 My father, who wanted me to try my first oyster, had decided to take mefor lunch to a restaurant.3 The oyster, which was slippery, was unlike anything I have ever tasted before or since.4 Chocolate is made from the beans of the cacao tree, Theobroma cacao, which means “food of the gods”.5 The world’s best-selling type of chocolate, milk chocolate, which is sweeter and smoother than dark chocolate, didn’t appear until the end of the 19th century.6 Daniel Peter, who was Swiss, perfected the process of making milk chocolate.leaving out words2 Rewrite the sentences.1 and the waiter had already brought an enormous portion of seafood, crabs,prawns, lobsters and all sorts of shellfish clinging onto each other ...2 On his plate was a pile of discarded lobster claws, and alongside was abattery of implements used to crack the shells ...3 The next development was learning how to get cocoa butter from the beans, a process first tried in 1825.4 Condensed milk is a thick, sweet milk sold in cans.5 Hormones are a chemical substance produced by your body. word formation4 Answer the questions with the words youformed in ActivityWhat’s the word for:1 how you feel if the sea makes you ill? (seasick)2 someone who likes shopping a lot? (shopaholic)3 what something is if it is useful and providing help? (helpful)4 what a flight is if it goes directly from one place to another? (non-stop)5 someone who doesn’t smoke? (non-smoker)6 writing which is about real people and events, not imaginary ones? (non-fiction)5 Translate the sentences into Chinese.1 外面,天空灰蒙蒙的,海面上刮来一阵强风。

Unit 2课后答案VocabularyI.1. have finished reading2. by looking from behind his shoulder3. is capable of providing4. sent a message asking for the assistance of5. disassembled the machine/ computer teacher6. didn’t like / what toⅡ1 in no time2 crinkly3 scornful4 neighborhood5 awfully6 adjusting7 tuck8 nonchalantly9 punched 10 fit(1. have a new church built;2. thinning red hair / thin hair;3. make a remark on; in a dishonest way4. construction site5. get the best effect; playback9. raise the fists skyward; punch the air ; in delight10. kitchen unitⅢDABBACCB(4. code of conduct6. by a score of 1-28. a way out of this trouble)Ⅳ1 funny, interesting, interesting, funny(funny is a very formal word, focusing mainly on whatever results in laughter because of oddness, abnormality, or inappropriateness. Interesting refers to something that attracts people’s attention, usually and deserves their observation and study.)2 silent, silent, still, still(Still suggests a tranquil state, and often refers to a moment of calm between periods of noise and movement, and during this moment there is no sign of activity. Silent simply means “becoming speechless or being without noise”; it does not necessarily suggest serenity or motionlessness.)3 dispute, arguing, disputing, arguing(Dispute is often used as a transitive verb及物动词,meaning “say that something is incorrect or untrue; fight passionately for 激烈争夺control or ownership of something.” Argue usually refers to a reasoned presentation of views or to a heated exchange of opinion; very often, when used intransitively不及物动词时, it is followed by prepositions 介词like “with”, “for/ against”, “about” , etc.)4 usual, usual, Regular, regular(usual is applied to whatever recurs frequentlyⅤ1. Today Tommy found a real book.Synonyms: actual, genuine, true2. They turned the pages, which were yellow and crinkly, and it was awfully funny to read words that stood still instead of moving the way they were supposed to—on a screen, you know. Antonyms: moving, movable, mobile, restless,3. They turned the pages, which were yellow and crinkly, and it was awfully funny to read words that stood still instead of moving the way they were supposed to —on a screen, you know. Synonyms: rough, coarse, uneven4. Margie always hated school, but now she hated it more than ever.Antonyms: like, love, enjoy5. Margie was scornful.Synonyms: disdainful, contemptuous6. Tommy looked at her with very superior eyes.Antonyms: inferior, subordinate, secondary7. “Maybe,” he said nonchalantly.Synonyms: indifferently, coldly, coolly, casually, offhandedly8. Little girls learned better if they learned at regular hours.Antonyms: irregular, uncertain, randomⅥ1 pointless,2 reproductiom,3 unreliable,4 generosity,5 apologetic,6 disobedience,7 emplyer, emplyees,8 encouragementGrammar1 the, the2 a3 a, a ,/4 a5 the6 /,the7 The, the , /8 the, the9 a, a , a10 a, a ,aⅡ1 ///2 /3 the, /4 the, /5 //6 The7 the8 the, the 9 the, / 10 /Ⅲ1 Light2 a noise3 very good weather4 bad luck5 president6 The vegetables7 war8 All the books9 coffee 10 poetryⅣ 1 / 2 the 3 / 4 the 5 the 6/ 7 / 8 theⅤ 1 A Briton falls to his death on the Matterhorn.2 An Olympic silver medalist dies in a crash.3 Callaghan recalls the British Ambassador from Chile.4 The army ends the chaos in the capital.5 A college student wins the first prize.Translation1..Yesterday a government delegation headed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs arrived in South Africa and began a three-day friendly visit to the country.2 It is awfully funny to look at these caricatures which satirize social ills.3 Computers are one of the most useful teaching aids, for all your lessons as well as all the questions asked and all the answers provided can be shown on a screen.4 Xiao Zhang’s mother fell ill the day before yesterday; he sent for a doctor immediately.5 He failed in the college entrance examination last year, but he did not feel disappointed. Instead, he continued to study hard, passed the examination successfully and became a student in a famous university this year.6 There are many English words that this middle school student cannot pronounce correctly.7 In this era of information explosion, we have to make constant efforts to renew our knowledge. Only thus can we become adjusted to the requirements of our work.8 With his shirt tucked into the top of his trousers and a leather bag tucked under his arm, the boy looked just like a boss.9 Although she is only eight years old, the little girl is already very good at calculating fractions. No wonder her parents feel proud of her.10 All the neighborhood have heard of the news, but you haven’t. Don’t you think it is strange?写作老师上课讲IV. Exercises for integrated skills1. DictationChildren learn almost nothing from television, / and the more they watch, / the less they remember. / They regard television purely as entertainment, / resent programs that make demands on them / and are surprised that anybody should take the medium seriously. / Far from being over-excited by programs, / they are mildly bored with the whole thing. / These are the main conclusions from a new study of children and television. / Its author confirms / that the modern child is a dedicated viewer. / The study suggests / that there is little point in the television company’s attempts / to isolate adult viewing in the later hours. / More than a third of the children regularly watched their programs after 9 p.m. / All 11-year-olds had watched programs after midnight.2. Fill in each blank in the passage below with ONE word you thinkappropriate.What (1) fun it is to jump into a pool or go swimming in a river in summer! How joyful and relaxing it is to have a (2) game of table tennis after a day of study at school! And how exciting it is to play or (3) watch a close game of basketball or volleyball! All over the world (4) millions of people take part in different kinds of sports. Sports are perhaps the most (5) popular form of relaxation that almost all can enjoy, no matter (6) who they are, boys or girls, men or women, young or old.Some people seem to think that sports and games are unimportant things that people do (7) at times when they are not working, instead of going to the cinema, listening to the (8) radio, or sleeping. But in fact sports and games can be of great (9) value, especially to people who work with their brains. They should not be treated only as (10) amusement.VII. Listening ExercisesFrom Television Back to GamesYou are going to hear a small talk in which the speaker compares television with board games.A.Listen carefully. Supply the missing words. For each blank you need to writethree words.In a society where every one is so fortunate as to be able to spend a lot of money on entertainment, most of us end up with either in front of a television or spending time with our family and playing a game of some kind. While television is probably the most popular of home entertainment , there is a small group of us who still believe board games offer the most enjoyment . They offer us a variety of ways to learn new information , to test your skills, and most importantly, to bring us together .Instead of watching television all the time, people are finding that board games give us the outlet to test our skills and knowledge against each other. They are putting their remotecontrols away and giving up their “Executive Couch Potato”, and gathering around the kitchen table for an exciting game. I would much pretend that I’m a millionaire, playing for the high stakes, rather than watch someone else a grass tube pretending to be It’s more exciting , less expensive, and best of all, I spend the time real and interesting people.B. Listen again and complete the following chart, which shows the differencebetween television and board games.Television Board GamesSources of information Television is one of our best sources ofinformation , but for a lot of the time it isnot the kind of information that youwant or need .Board games are set up to offera variety of information, such asgeography, vocabulary, or financialinvestment in a way that makesyou want to learn and lets you choosewhat you learn .e.g. Trivial PursuitOutcome You are forced to become a passivespectator when watching television.e.g. Game show Board games test your skills and knowledge with a particular outcome ahead, letting you use your ideas and strategies to win the game.e.g. Chess, TrumpInteraction Getting the family together to watch ashow on television is nice, but it’s verydifficult to find a show on for the wholefamily. Playing a board game gives you the chance to learn , not only about the subject , but also about each other .e.g. How to Host a MurderFrom Television Back to GamesIn a society where nobody is so fortunate as to be able to spend a lot of money on entertainment, most of us end up with either in front of a television or spending time with our family and friends playing a game of some kind. While television is probably the most popular form of home entertainment, there is a small group of us who still believe board games offer the most enjoyment. They offer us a variety of ways to learn new information, to test our skills, and most importantly, to bring us together.Television is one of our best sources of information, but a lot of times it is not the kind of information that you want or need. The commercials for instance always insult your intelligence. On the other hand, board games are set up to offer a variety of information, which can cover subjects such as geography, vocabulary, or financial investment. All of this information is offered in a way that makes you want to learn and lets you choose what you learn. I have acquired more information about history, geography, and science from “Trivial Pursuit” alone than I have ever been able to get from the boring way they are presented on television.Added to the benefits of learning new information, board games test your skills andknowledge with a particular outcome ahead. They let you use your ideas and strategies to win the game. Whether you are trying to get your opponent’s king in chess or trying to make the most money in “Trump,” there is an outcome which you brought about with these ideas and strategies. However, you are forced to become a passive spectator when watching television. In some cases a program might be produced to stimulate your thought processes, but it doesn't offer you an outlet for following through with your ideas, such as the useless concept of the game show for entertainment.Still the most important difference between television and the board game is the interaction with others. Getting the family together to watch a show on television is nice; that is, if you can find a show on for the whole family. But playing a board game gives you the chance to learn, not only about the subject, but also about each other. Everyone is different, with their own views and unique ways of handling situations, giving each game a different outcome. One of the nicest parties I ever attended was one where we played a murder-mystery game called “How to Host a Murder.” We never knew what to expect next, and it was a wonderful way to get to know everyoneInstead of watching television all the time, people are finding that board games give us the outlet to test our skills and knowledge against each other. They are putting their remote controls away and giving up their “Executive Couch Potato” status, and gathering around the kitchen ta ble for an exciting game. I would much rather pretend that I’m a millionaire, playing for the high stakes, rather than watch someone else on a glass tube pretending to be one. It’s more exciting, less expensive, and best of all, I spend the time with real and interesting people.。

大学英语综合教程1Unit2习题答案Unit 2Text ComprehensionI. AII.TFTFTIII.1.Refer to Paragraphs 2 and 3. a “real book” is a very old book in which stories are printed onyellow and crinkly pages.2.Refer to Paragraphs 3 and 4. They must be using telebooks, as is mentioned in the text.3.Refer to Paragraph 11. She hates school because she has been doing worse and worse in hertests of geography.4.Refer to Paragraph 13. She was disappointed because she had been hoping they would takethe teacher away altogether.5.Refer to Paragraph 32. It gave Margie an arithmetic lesson on the addition of proper fractions.6.Refer to the whole text. The schools in Margie’s day give classes by computer, assigninghomework by computer software programs while students in the old days went to school to attend their lessons given by human teachers, experiencing interaction, friendliness and team spirit instead of taking lessons alone at home as Tommy and Margie do.IV.1.Her mother asked the County Inspector to come over.2.The mechanical teacher worked out the mark very quickly.3.Tommy looked at Margie with an air which suggested he knew far better about school thanothers.4. A teacher has to make necessary changes about what to teacher and how to teacher so as tomeet the different needs of different pupils.V ocabularyI1. have finished reading2. by looking from behind his shoulder3. is capable of providing4. sent a message asking for the assistance of5. disassembled the machine/computer teacher6. didn’t like/want toII1. in no time2. crinkly3. scornful4. neighborhood5. awfully6. adjusting7. tuck8. nonchalantly 9, punched 10. fitIII\DABBACCBIV1.funny, interesting, interesting, funny2.silent, silent, still, still3.dispute, arguing, disputing, arguing/doc/7416161820.html,ual, usual, regular,regularV.1. actual, genuine, true2. moving, movable, mobile, restless3. rough, coarse, uneven4, like, love, enjoy5. disdainful, contemptuous6. inferior, subordinate, secondary7. indifferently, coldly, coolly, casually, offhandedly8. irregular, uncertain, randomVI.1. pointless2. reproduction,3. unreliable4. generosity5. apologetic6. disobedience7. employer, employees8. encouragementGrammarI1. the, the2. a3. a, a , /,4. a5. the6. /, the 7, The, the, /8. the, the 9. a, a, a 10. a, aII1. /,/,/2. /3. the, /4. the, /5. /,/6. The7. the8. the, the9. the, / 10, /III1.light, 2 a noise, 3. very good weather, 4. bad luck, 5. president, 6. The vegetables, 7. war,8, all the books, 9. coffee, 10. poetryIV1. /2. the3. /4. the5. the6. /7. /8. theV1. A Briton falls to his death on the Matterhorn.2.An Olympic silver medalist dies in a crash.3.Callaghan recalls the British Ambassador form Chile.4.The army ends the chaos in the capital.5. A college student wins the first prize.VIIt is pretty difficult for you to live in a foreign country if you do not speak and understand the local language.TranslationI.1. 玛吉的爷爷曾经说过,小时候他的爷爷告诉他,过去故事都是印刷爱纸上的。

Unit 1 Part ⅡReading Task VocabularyⅠ1. 1)respectable 2)agony 3)put down 4)sequence 5)hold back 6)distribute 7)off and on 8)vivid 9)associate 10)finally 11)turn in 12)tackle2. 1)has been assigned to the newspaper’s Paris office. 2)was so extraordinary that I didn’t know whether to believe him or not. 3)a clear image of how she would look in twenty years’time. 4)gave the command the soldiers opened fire. 5)buying bikes we’ll keep turning them out.3. 1)reputation; rigid; to inspire 2)and tedious; What’s more; out of date ideas 3)compose; career; avoid showing; hardly hold backⅡposed 2.severe 3.agony 4.extraordinary 5.recall mand 7.was violating 8.anticipate Ⅲ1.at 2.for 3.of 4.with 5.as 6.about 7.to 8.in;in 9.from 10.on/uponComprehensive ExercisesⅠCloze 1.hold back; tedious; scanned; recall; vivid; off and on; turn out/in; career st; surprise; pulled; blowing; dressed; scene; extraordinary; image; turn; excitementⅡTranslation1.1)As it was a formal dinner party, I wore formal dress, as Mother told me to. 2)His girlfriend advised him to get out of /get rid of his bad habits of smoking before it took hold. 3)Anticipating that the demand for electricity will be high during the next few months, they have decided to increase its production. 4)It is said that Bill has been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules. /Bill is said to have been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules. 5)It is reported that the government has taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage. /The local government is reported to have taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage.2.Susan lost her legs because of/in a car accident. For a time, she didn’t know how to face up to the fact she would never (be able to) walk again.One day, while scanning (through) some magazines, a true story caught her eye/she was attracted by a true story. It gave a vivid description of how a disabled girl became a writer. Greatly inspired, Susan began to feel that she, too, would finally be able to lead a useful life.Unit 2 Part ⅡReading Task VocabularyⅠ1. 1)absolutely 2)available 3)every now and then 4)are urging/urged 5)destination 6)mostly 7)hangs out 8)right away 9)reunion 10)or something 11)estimate 12)going ahead2. 1)in the examination was still on his mind. 2)was completely choked up by the sight of his team losing in the final minutes of the game. 3)was so lost in study that she forgot to have dinner. 4)has come up and I am afraid I won’t be able to accomplish the project on time. 5)of equipping the new hospital was estimated at﹩2 million.3. 1)were postponed; the awful; is estimated 2)reference; not available; am kind of 3)not much of a teacher; skips; go aheadⅡ1.to 2.for 3.at 4.from 5.in 6.to;on 7.on 8.withⅢ1.more or less 2.kind of/sort of 3.Somrthing 4. kind of/sort of 5. more or less 6. or something Comprehensive ExercisesⅠCloze 1.chocked up; awful; practically; neighborhood; correspondence; available; destination; reunion; Mostly; postponing; absolutely 2.how; savings; embarrassment; phone; interrupted; touch; envelope; signed; message; neededⅡTranslation1.1)Half an hour had gone by, but the last bus hadn’t come yet. We had to walkhome. 2)Mary looks as if she is very worried about the Chinese exam because she hasn’t learned the texts by heart. 3)Since the basketball match has been postponed, we might as well visit the museum. 4)He stayed in Australia with his parents all the way through World War Ⅱ.5)Since I graduated from Nanjing University in 1985, I have kind of lost touch with my classmates.2.It is not easy to keep in touch with friends when they are far away. This is certainly true in my case.It has been a couple of years since I left my old neighborhood and all the friends I had there. I've been meaning to write to them but something or other comes up and I just don't seem to find the time. Now I have kind of lost touch with them. They are always on my mind, however, and I think I will certainly make an effort to keep up correspondence with them in future.Unit 3 Part ⅡReading Task VocabularyⅠ1. 1)brief 2)in terms of 3)cut off 4)tend 5)anyway 6)precise 7)in the form of 8)initiative 9)convey 10)in two minds 11)concept 12)grasp 2. 1)has ensured their team a place in the Cup Final. 2)medical workers’responsibility to heal the wounded and rescue the dying. 3)entertain as well as educate the learner. 4)can do without air and water. 5)is likely to be held in June. 3.1)lies in; contact between 2)basis of; is likely; sufficient; at the moment 3)the steady; ensures; will be highlyⅡ 1.regained 2.undecided 3.undersupplied 4.disabled 5.precondition 6.foresight 7.mispronounced 8.enrichⅢ1. bad; poor; dry; agree; attack; colored; short; late; ancient; remember; go; young; difficult; dislike; likely; trust 2. 1)majority 2)accepted 3)increased 4)weaknesses 5)local 6)late 7)wrong 8)falseComprehensive ExercisesⅠCloze 1. highly; bring about; evident; rate; sufficient; put across; proportion; Hence; ensure 2. understand; travel; practical; use; Another; likely; affect; developments; supply; SomedayⅡTranslation1.1)As is predicted by scientists, global pollution has become one of the most serious problems humans are faced with.2)Competition for these jobs is very tough –we have five times as many applicants this year as we did last year / there are five times as many applicants this year as there were last year. 3)As the facts show, educational programs need to fit into the national plan for economic development. 4)The car burns too much gas, and moreover, the price is almost twice as much as I intend to pay. 5)To understand a great international event, we, first of all, need to consider the historical and political background to it.2.It is hard to imagine how our forefathers could do without so many conveniences that modern technology has brought about. Back then only a small proportion of the population enjoyed the comforts of life. The majority didn't even have sufficient food, not to speak of/let alone the privilege of being educated. However, many people blame modern technology for creating so many problems. They want to slow down the rate of progress. But no one can put the clock back. Unit 4 Part ⅡReading Task VocabularyⅠ 1. 1)wreck 2)balance 3)approaching 4)handle 5)discard 6)Above all 7)diet 8)do with 9)checked on 10)cleaned up 11)weekly 12)principles 2. 1)to look for survivors were abandoned after it had been/was determined that all the people in the sunken ship had died. 2)was amazed that Bob left a well-paid job to travel around the world. 3)for a loan has been turned down by many a bank as her business is small and she could provide no guarantee. 4)expressher thoughts with precision, so people often misunderstand her. 5)will weaken our determination to modernize our country in the shortest possible time. 3. 1)for sale; hunting for; be amazed by 2)become skilled; handle their; loans 3)character; by calling on; he passed away Ⅱ1.personal;personnel 2.sometime; Sometimes; some time; sometimeⅢd; e; h; c; g; a; b; f Comprehensive ExercisesⅠCloze 1.sponsored; determination; turned away; assumed; capacity; skilled; loan; character; hunting; for sale; send for 2.save; recent; modest; grow; dream; immigrants; business; engineering; invest; rich ⅡCorrecting Non-standard English 1.”Mr.Craw, snow pretty soon.”Correction:”Mr.Crawford, it’s going to snow pretty soon.”2.”When winter come, you give me job clearing snow at the factory.”Correction:”When winter comes, please give me the job of clearing snow at the factory.”3.”I like a buy a house.”Correction:”I’d like to buy a house.”4.”Mr.Claw, I sell my house!”Correction:”Mr.Clawford, I’ve sold my house!”5.“Mr.Claw,I buy a farm.”Correction:”Mr.Clawford, I’ve bought a farm.”ⅢTranslation1.1)It is reported that UN mediators have worked out a plan which they hope will be acceptable to both sides.2)Doris walked in the forest cautiously, afraid of being attacked by giant snakes. 3)Earthquakes, typhoons and other natural disasters cannot be prevented, but action can be taken to protect life and property. 4)I bought a new issue of my favorite sports magazine and hurried home, anxious to amuse myself reading it. 5)Helen lacks confidence. I’ve never known anyone so unsure of herself. 2. After graduating from college, Tony decided to start his own business. At the beginning, many a bank turned down his request for a loan. But he was not a bit discouraged, and continued to call on one banker after another seeking help. Impressed by his determination and optimism, one banker finally agreed to loan him the money. Now he has become a wealthy businessman. Talking about his amazing achievement, Tony says that it is important to create rather than wait for opportunities. Test Yourself (Unit 1-4) Part ⅠWriting An Unforgettable Lesson In my grade school days, some of my classmates and I would spend our lunch money at the store close to the school. After the meal, we’d walk around, talking and laughing for the rest of the lunch hour. A girl named Nancy was usually with us. But on that particular day she wasn’t there, and as we chatted away, we ended up talking about Nancy. Since opinions about her all seemed to be negative, I added,”Nancy isn’t very smart, either. She’s always asking others for their homework.”When she saw me the next day, Nancy asked,”Did you say you thought I wasn’t smart?”As I stood there looking Nancy in the face, I wished a thousand times that I could take back my cruel words. As I began to answer Nancy’s question I experienced the worst feeling that I had ever had up to that point in my life. In an apologetic voice I answered,”Yes, Nancy, I said it. But I’m truly sorry.”Nancy accepted my apology. But that day as I stood there, with my heart in my throat, I learned a lesson: Never say anything about someone that you wouldn’t want them to hear. Part ⅡCABDADC 8.you’re interested in others9.secrets 10.make sacrifices of your time and energy Part ⅣSection A 47-56 A K I E B J M F GD Section B 57-66 CCDAB BBCAB Part Ⅴ67-86 ABCDA DAABD BCBCA DBBAB Part Ⅵ87.tried hard to keep in touch with him 88.saw people distributing advertisements and sample products. 89.must have been completely lost in what he was reading 90.has the responsibility to educate the youth 91.humans and animals are far less different than we usually assume Unit 5 Part ⅡReading Task Vocabulary Ⅰ1. 1)monthly 2)acquaintances 3)classic 4)look; in the eye 5)manufactured 6)options 7)finance 8)replacement 9)survived 10)pick out 11)married 12)grabbed at 2. 1)survived a car crash that killed both her parents. 2)almostembarrassed to death when Sarah read my poem out to the whole class. 3)of the Children’s Hospital will care for the seriously injured pupils. 4)several phone calls making inquiries about the position of Chief Financial Officer. 5)straighten out all your financial problems if you join our club. 3. 1)inquiry; died of hunger; people survived 2)Instantly; give up his; retire; replace him; executive 3)his beloved; odd jobs; and all that Ⅱ1.embarrassment 2.survivors 3.newly 4.marketable 5.monthly petition 7.conceivable 8.respectableⅢ1.the poor 2.The deceased/ The dead 3.the disabled 4.the French 5.The accused 6.the young 7.The unemployed 8.the latter…the former Comprehensive Exercises ⅠCloze 1.died of; instantly; classic; ask around; surviving; retire; executive; replacement; stock; look; in the eye 2.impressed; diligence; Instead; Contrary; professionally; perform; personal; balance; commitment; revealed ⅡTranslation1. 1)I’m not sure where you can find a good carpenter –you’d better ask around. 2)Feeling a little embarrassed, he quickly cleared his throat and looked up at the painting on the wall. 3)Michael was survived by three sons, two daughters, and his wife Elizabeth. 4)As a financial expert, William advised us to invest our money in the stock market. 5)We small retailers can’t compete with supermarkets in pricing and sales. 2. My dad is a hard-working executive of a manufacturing firm. He works six days a week. Every day he has to straighten out various kinds of problems so that he often stays up late/ nights. However, he tries his best to balance/ maintain a balance between work and family. On Sundays my dad usually stays at home and cares for us as much as he can. To my greatest joy, he cooks our favorite dishes and plays ball with us. Unit 6 Part ⅡReading Task Vocabulary Ⅰ1. 1)fertile 2)reflected 3)overseas 4)slim 5)split 6)sustained 7)glow 8)thrust 9)keen 10)bud 11)previous 12)whichever 2. 1)of carpets and furniture in the bedroom disgusts me. 2)corresponding with Henry after the death of her mother. 3)is best located at an isolated place far from cities. 4)was so absorbed in the game on TV that I didn’t hear Martin come in. 5)players grip the ball. 3. 1)to broaden; make their way 2)disgusts; take a chance on 3)the grand; and overseas; reflected Ⅱ1.frightened; afraid/ frightened 2.alike/ similar; similar 3.alive; living 4.sleeping; asleepⅢ1.disappointed; disappointment; disappointing; disappoint; disappointingly; disappointing 2.attractive; attract; attraction; attractively; unattractively; unattractive Comprehensive Exercises ⅠCloze 1.identifying; gripped; margins; corresponding; overseas; more than a little; hesitated; grateful; made my way; going my way 2.first; ring; Nor; another; threw; deliberately; reasoned; himself; restaurant; matter ⅡTranslation 1.1)Before I went off to university, my grandfather gave me a few words of wisdom which impressed me deeply. 2)Never tell my parents about my injuries and I’ll be very grateful to you (for it). 3)At the meeting some of our colleagues put forward sensible suggestions about improving our working environment. 4)The managements has/ have agreed to grant the workers a 10% pay rise in response to union pressure. 5)It was very thoughtful of the hostess to give the house a thorough cleaning before we arrived. 2. Not rich himself, Uncle Li never hesitates to help others. Previous to / Before his retirement, through Project Hope he located the addresses of two country kids who grew up in poor families but had a keen desire to study. From then on he sent them money regularly. Later the two made their way to college, and even got a chance to study overseas. Unit 7 Part ⅡReading Task Vocabulary Ⅰ1. 1)go (very) far 2)has expanded 3)In the interest(s) of 4)only to 5)encountered 6)has cooperated 7)assessed 8)(had) switched 9)horizons 10)gaze 11)disaster 12)wiped out 2. 1)a long/ long-running controversy over whether the book should be published or not. 2)felt relieved after her first meeting with Tom had gone smoothly. 3)suddenly went wrong with my computer when I was in the middle of writing theessay. 4)is obvious that our company is still maintaining its position as market leader in software.5)give in until they give her a pay rise.3. 1)have undertaken; original; to explore 2)evidence convinced; underneath; extending to 3)to negotiate; encounter; to figure out; explore Ⅱ1.firstly 2.first; first 3.At first 4.First/ Firstly 5.first 6.First 7.at first 8.first Ⅲ1.animal intelligence; whose 2.zoo keeper; where 3.eye contact; through what 4.money supply; of what 5.killer whale; what kind; 6.baby whale; how old 7.fanily member; of what 8.sea turtle; what kind/ where Comprehensive Exercises ⅠCloze 1.emergency; evidence; original; sizing up; negotiates; reveal; make a deal; dominant; in their interest(s); deceiving; controversy; judgment; explore 2.protect; However; type; situation; sights; together; rang; associate; without; environment ⅡTranslation1.1)A local business undertook the project but went bankrupt before it was completed.2)Let’s make a deal –you wash my car, and I’ll let you use it tonight. 3)We got to the village which we thought must have been wiped out in the severe earthquake, only to find it slightly damaged. 4)My garden is dry and shady –few plants thrive in that condition. 5)Mystery still surrounds the exact truth behind the film star’s death/ exact circumstances of the film star’s death. 2. When I was young I used to visit the zoo in my hometown. There what attracted me most was a couple of tigers, especially the male. They were kept in a huge iron cage at first, but later were released from it and moved to a place called Tiger Hill. Twenty years later, I revisited the zoo and was relieved to find the Tiger Hill was still there, but greatly extended. Moving around now were six tigers, old and young, instead of two! Unit 8 Part ⅡReading Task Vocabulary Ⅰ 1. 1)industrial; 2)idle; 3)is functioning; 4)intellectual; 5)scared; 6)handful;7)luxury; 8)private; 9)woke up; 10)slice; 11)miracle; 12)was jammed 2. 1) to be seriously affected by the rise in gas prices. 2)is a matter of total indifference to me. 3)drove home the point that they needed extra people. 4)was found after they searched for i5)had run out of water by the time they got to the camp. 3.1) manual; and complex; is financial 2)was very upset; making a living by; swore; was/became much better off 3)handful; Ignorant of; paintings/works summed up Ⅱ1.The young man made $5 an hour in his summer job. 2. What made you change your mind?3. I’m sure Jason will make a good lawyer.4. The vet put something down the dog’s throat to make it vomit.5.The story makes interesting reading.6.Five and five make ten.7.On foot they can only make about 20 miles a day.8.I don’t think she’ll ever really make it to the top. Ⅲ1.1)developing 2)develop 3)development 4) develop 5) developing, developed 2. 1)amazed 2) amazes 3)amazingly 4)amazing 5)amazement Comprehensive Exercises ⅠCloze 1. complex; idle; make a living by; accumulated; affect; function; faculties; ignorant; wake up 2. dormitory; passing; leaping; department; burned; destroyed; seriously; marriages; report; perspective ⅡTranslation1.1) Without his personal file, an applicant can hardly expect to get/be employed as a teacher. 2)With enough ice, we would be able to chill the drinks. 3)In my humble opinion, reading is the most pleasant way to spend one’s leisure. 4)Some people said it was simply a miracle that the American athlete Michael Phelps won eight gold medals at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. 5)The washing machine has broken down, so we have to wash our clothes by hand. 2. This morning I heard an interesting piece of news over my portable radio: A man of 36 and his son of 10 attend the same class competing with each other for high marks. The story goes/It's like this: The man, Li Wei by name, was too idle to learn anything when young. With little education, with no useful skills, he could hardly earn an adequate living wage. His life experiences drove home to him the point that he had to acquire knowledge before he was able to accumulate wealth. So Li Wei swore that he would go to school with his son, determined tolearn. Test Yourself (Unit 5-8) Part ⅠWriting On keeping Petst for a long time. In almost every neighborhood, there are people who like pets and people who don’t. The former group of people think that pets are good and helpful companions. Some of them even go so far as saying that animals are as good as humans, and their rights should be respected. Those who hates pets say that animals are noisy, dirty and dangerous. They think laws should be made to forbid people from keeping dogs and cats in cities and towns. The different opinions on keeping pets, which reflect personal preferences, have caused many disputes and much unpleasantness among people who are close neighbors. Personally I do not like pets. But I think we should learn to respect the rights of pet lovers. We have no right to forbid people to keep pets in their home, as long as the animals are properly taken care of and do not threaten the safety and peace of others. Part Ⅱ1-7 A B D C A D A 8.the social function of language 9.more interesting and detailed response 10.some fresh energy Part ⅣSection A 47-56 K O F H M J I B C A Section B 57-66 BDCAA BDACB PartⅤ67-86 BACBA BBCDA ACCAB AACAB Part Ⅵ87 He was embarrassed 88 which ever you prefer 89 It is in your best interest to size up the situation 90 in response to the financial crisis 91 Young people would be better off making a living on their own。

第五版新编实用英语综合教程1答案课后第二单元1、Patrick bought her two handbags as gifts,but _____ of them was her style. [单选题] *A. eitherB. noneC. neither(正确答案)D. all2、—______ —()[单选题] *A. How long did you stay there?B. How much did you pay for the dress?C. How many flowers did you buy?(正确答案)D. How often did you visit your grandparents?3、My watch usually _______ good time, but today it is five minutes fast. [单选题] *A. goesB. makesC. keeps(正确答案)D. gains4、There is _______ meat in the fridge.Lets go and buy some. [单选题] *A. little(正确答案)B. a littleC. fewD. a few5、It’s reported that there are more than 300?_______ smokers in China. [单选题] *A. million(正确答案)B. millionsC. million ofD. millions of6、Our teacher was very happy because _______ failed the exam. [单选题] *A. somebodyB. anybodyC. nobody(正确答案)D. everybody7、There are still some wild tigers alive. [单选题] *A. 聪明的B. 凶恶的C. 野生的(正确答案)D. 珍贵的8、We _______ swim every day in summer when we were young. [单选题] *A. use toB. are used toC. were used toD. used to(正确答案)9、( ) The salesgirls in Xiushui Market have set a good example______us in learning English. [单选题] *A. to(正确答案)B. forC. withD. on10、When you’ve finished with that book, don’t forget to put it back one the shelf, ____? [单选题] *A. do youB. don’t youC. will you(正确答案)D. won’t you11、______ my great joy, I met an old friend I haven' t seen for years ______ my way ______ town. [单选题] *A. To, in, forB. To, on, to(正确答案)C. With, in, toD. For, in, for12、There are sixty _______ in an hour. [单选题] *A. hoursB. daysC. minutes(正确答案)D. seconds13、?I am good at schoolwork. I often help my classmates _______ English. [单选题] *A. atB. toC. inD. with(正确答案)14、Across the river(). [单选题] *A. lies a new built bridgeB.lies a newly built bridge(正确答案)C. a new built bridge liesD.a newly built bridge lies15、Everyone here is _______ to me. [单选题] *A. happyB. wellC. kind(正确答案)D. glad16、A brown bear escaped from the zoo, which was a()to everyone in the town. [单选题] *A. HarmB. violenceC. hurtD. threat(正确答案)17、His understanding made a deep impression_____the young girl. [单选题] *A.on(正确答案)B.inC.forD.with18、6.Hi, boys and girls. How are you ________ your posters for the coming English Festival at school? [单选题] *A.getting onB.getting offC.getting with (正确答案)D.getting19、The weather forecast says that we’ll have occasional rain tomorrow. [单选题] *A. 偶尔的B. 不停的C. 少量的(正确答案)D. 不可预测的20、--Do you have a _______?--Yes, I _______ at a clothes store. [单选题] *A. work; workB. work; jobC. job; jobD. job; work(正确答案)21、He _______ maths. [单选题] *A. does well in(正确答案)B. good atC. is well inD. does well at22、I’d?like _______ the English club. [单选题] *A. to join inB. joinC. to join(正确答案)D. join in23、You can borrow my book, _____ you promise to give it back to me by the end of this month. [单选题] *A.even ifB. as long as(正确答案)C. in caseD. even though24、It’s raining heavily outside. Don’t leave _______ it stops. [单选题] *A. whileB. sinceC. until(正确答案)D. when25、In crowded places like airports and railway stations, you___ take care of your luggage. [单选题] *A. canB. mayC. must(正确答案)D. will26、68.—How ________ apples do you want?—I want two kilos. How ________ are they?—They are 5 yuan. [单选题] *A.much; manyB.many; much(正确答案)C.many; manyD.much; much27、—John, How is it going? —______.()[单选题] *A. It’s sunnyB. Thank youC. Well doneD. Not bad(正确答案)28、Now he is _______ his homework. [单选题] *A. busyB. busy with(正确答案)C. busy with doingD. busy does29、The man called his professor for help because he couldn’t solve the problem by _______. [单选题] *A. herselfB. himself(正确答案)C. yourselfD. themselves30、We have ______ homework today. ()[单选题] *A. too manyB. too much(正确答案)C. much tooD. very much。
综合教程Book1 unit2 课文翻译及课后练习答案

UNIT 2 Remembering and ForgettingIn-Class Reading Special Delivery特种快递到了机场,我才发现我兄弟搭乘的航班延误了一个小时。
综合教程(第2版)1册U2 练习答案

Key to Intensive Reading (I) TextsUnit 2 Text I The Fun They HadText ComprehensionI. AII. Judge, according to the text, whether the following statements are true or false.1. T. Refer to Paragraphs 3 and 11.2. F. This is a false statement, for the County Inspector must be a computer technician as is depictedin Paragraph 12.3. T. Refer to Paragraph 17.4. F. Refer to Paragraph 26. The conversation was going on at Margie's home.5. T. Refer to Paragraphs 33 and 35.III. Answer the following questions. (P101)1. Refer to Paragraphs 2 and 3. A "real book" is a very old book in which stories of a school are printed on yellow and crinkly pages.2. Refer to Paragraphs 3 and 4. They must be using telebook as is mentioned in the text.3. Refer to Paragraph 11. She hates school because she has been doing worse and worse in her tests of geography.4. Refer to Paragraphs 13. She was disappointed because she had been hoping they would take the teacher away altogether.5. Refer to Paragraph 32. It gave Margie an arithmetic lesson on the addition of proper fractions.6. Refer to the whole text. The schools of Margie's days give classes by computer, assigning homework by computer software programs while students in the old days went to school to attend their lessons given by human teachers, experiencing interaction, friendliness and team spirit instead of taking lessons alone at home as Tommy and Margie do.IV. Explain in your own words the following sentences taken from the text. (P101)l. Her mother asked the County Inspector to come over.2. The mechanical teacher finished the calculation of the mark very quickly.3. Tommy looked at Margie with an air which suggested he knew far better about school than others.4. A teacher has to make necessary changes about what to teach and how to teach so as to meet the different needs of different pupils.Structural analysis of the textRefer to Paragraphs 33 and 35. She was thinking about the old school they had when her grandfather’s grandfather was a little boy. All the kids from the whole neighborhood came, laughing and shouting in the schoolyard, sitting together in the schoolroom, going home together at the end of the day. They learned the same things, so they could help one another on the homework and talk about it. And the teachers were people, not machines. Margie was thinking about how the kids must have loved it in the old days. She was thinking about the fun they had.Vocabulary ExercisesI. Explain the italicized part in each sentence in your own words.1. have finished reading2. by looking from behind his shoulder3. is capable of providing4. sent a message asking for the assistance of5. disassembled the machine/computer teacher6. didn't like/want toII. Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word or phrase taken from the box in its appropriate form.1. in no time2. crinkly3. scornful4. neighborhood5. awfully6. adjusting7. tuck8. nonchalantly9. punched 10. fitIII. Choose a word or phrase that best completes each of the following sentences.1. D2. A3. B4. B5. A6. C7. C8. BIV. Fill in each blank with one of the two words from each pair and note the difference of meaning between them.1. Funny is a very informal word, focusing mainly on whatever results in laughter because of oddness, abnormality, or inappropriateness. Interesting refers to something that attracts people's attention, usually because it is exciting, unusual and deserves their observation and study.a. Funnyb. interestingc. interestingd. funny2. Still suggests an unruffled or tranquil state, and often refers to a moment of calm between periods of noise and movement, and during this moment there is no sign of activity. Silent simply means becoming speechless or being without noise; it does not necessarily suggest serenity or motionlessness.a. silentb. silentc. stilld. still3. Dispute is often used as a transitive verb, meaning to say that something is incorrect or untrue, to fight passionately for control or ownership of something. Argue usually refers to a reasoned presentation of views or to a heated exchange of opinion; very often when used intransitively, it is followed by prepositions like "with," "for/against,” “about,” etc.a. disputeb. arguingc. disputingd. arguing4. Usual is applied to whatever recurs frequently and steadily, referring to natural happenings as well as to occurrences based on the customs of the community or the habits of an individual, while regular emphasizes a conformity to the established or natural order of things, referring to events that happen often, or events that have equal amounts of time between them, so that they happen at the same time, for example, each day or each week.a. usualb. usualc. Regulard. regularV. Give a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used.1. Synonym: actual (genuine, true)2. Antonym: moving (movable, mobile, restless)3. Synonym: rough (coarse, uneven)4. Antonym: like (love, enjoy)5. Synonym: disdainful (contemptuous)6. Antonym: inferior (subordinate, secondary)7. Synonym: indifferently (coldly, coolly, casually, offhandedly)8. Antonym: irregular (uncertain, random)VI. Fill in the blank(s) in each sentence with an appropriate form of the given capitalized word in brackets.1. pointless2. reproduction3. unreliable4. generosity5. apologetic6. disobedience7. employer, employees8. encouragementGrammar exercisesI. Put in a/an or the where necessary.1. the, the (“The” is used when the speaker is thinking of a particular bank or post office.)2. a (“A” is used when what we mean is a kind of person.)3. a, a, /4. a5. the6. /, the (Zero article is used when a position is unique.)7. The, the, / (“The” is used before the name of a river.)8. the, the 9. a, a, a 10. a, a, aII. Put in the where necessary.1. /, /, /2. /3. the, /4. the,/ (“The” is used before the name of the mountain ranges but zero article is used before the name of a particular mountain.)5. /, /6. The (We do not usually use “the” before the names of meals, but we use it when “breakfast” is followed by a relative clause.)7. / 8. the, the9. the, / (We usually say “on the radio”, but “on television.” When we say “the television,” we refer to the television set.)10. / (We do not use “the” before a plural noun when we refer to is general.)III. Choose the correct noun or noun phrase from the underlined parts of the following sentences.1. Light (When we refer to things or people in general, we do not use “the.”)2. a noise3. very good weather4. bad luck5. president6. The vegetables (When we refer to particular things or people, we use “the.”)7. war 8. All the books 9. coffee 10. poetryIV. Complete the sentences with the if necessary.1. /2. the3. /4. the5. the6. /7. /8. the (In British English, people use "the" before hospital, school, home, bed, prison, university, church when referring to a particular place. They do not use "the" when referring to the general idea of these places and what they are used for. In American English, "the" may be used for both meanings.) V. Rewrite the following newspaper headlines using articles where necessary.(Articles are usually not found in newspaper headlines.)1. A Briton falls to his death on the Matterhorn.2. An Olympic silver medalist dies in a crash.3. Callaghan recalls the British Ambassador from Chile.4. The army ends the chaos in the capital.5. A college gmdent wing the first prize.V. Make sentences of your own after the sentence given below, using the "It ... to do some thing" pattern, i.e. starting each of your sentences with it as the formal subject, and postponing the infinitive phrase used as the real subject.e.g. It is pretty difficult for you to live in a foreign country without being able to speak andunderstand the local language.Translation ExercisesI. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. 玛吉的爷爷曾经说过,小时候他的-爷爷告诉他,过去故事都是印刷在纸上的。

Unit 2: Part II
1) There was no wind and the oak tree behind the house was standing __a_b_s_o_l_u_te_l_y____ still.
2) If you don’t want to buy a kite, you can make your own using directions ___a_v_a_il_a_b_le___ in books at your local library.
Unit 2: Part II
7) You’ll probably find Dave at the pool hall—he often __h_a_n_g_s__o_u_t __ there.
8) If your house has been broken into, don’t touch anything. Call the police ___r_ig_h_t__a_w_a_y____.
3) The girl walked steadily north, pausing _e_v_er_y__n_o_w__a_n_d__th_e_n_ to check her direction. 4) The trade unions _a_r_e_u_r_g_i_n_g_/u__rg_e_d__ employers to invest more money in staff training.
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Unit 2: Part II
2. Rewrite each sentence with the word or phrase in brackets, keeping the same meaning. The first part has been written for you.
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Unit 2课后答案VocabularyI.1. have finished reading2. by looking from behind his shoulder3. is capable of providing4. sent a message asking for the assistance of5. disassembled the machine/ computer teacher6. didn’t like / what toⅡ1 in no time2 crinkly3 scornful4 neighborhood5 awfully6 adjusting7 tuck8 nonchalantly9 punched 10 fit(1. have a new church built;2. thinning red hair / thin hair;3. make a remark on; in a dishonest way4. construction site5. get the best effect; playback9. raise the fists skyward; punch the air ; in delight10. kitchen unitⅢDABBACCB(4. code of conduct6. by a score of 1-28. a way out of this trouble)Ⅳ1 funny, interesting, interesting, funny(funny is a very formal word, focusing mainly on whatever results in laughter because of oddness, abnormality, or inappropriateness. Interesting refers to something that attracts people’s attention, usually and deserves their observation and study.)2 silent, silent, still, still(Still suggests a tranquil state, and often refers to a moment of calm between periods of noise and movement, and during this moment there is no sign of activity. Silent simply means “becoming speechless or being without noise”; it does not necessarily suggest serenity or motionlessness.)3 dispute, arguing, disputing, arguing(Dispute is often used as a transitive verb及物动词,meaning “say that something is incorrect or untrue; fight passionately for 激烈争夺control or ownership of something.” Argue usually refers to a reasoned presentation of views or to a heated exchange of opinion; very often, when used intransitively不及物动词时, it is followed by prepositions 介词like “with”, “for/ against”, “about” , etc.)4 usual, usual, Regular, regular(usual is applied to whatever recurs frequentlyⅤ1. Today Tommy found a real book.Synonyms: actual, genuine, true2. They turned the pages, which were yellow and crinkly, and it was awfully funny to read words that stood still instead of moving the way they were supposed to—on a screen, you know. Antonyms: moving, movable, mobile, restless,3. They turned the pages, which were yellow and crinkly, and it was awfully funny to read words that stood still instead of moving the way they were supposed to —on a screen, you know. Synonyms: rough, coarse, uneven4. Margie always hated school, but now she hated it more than ever.Antonyms: like, love, enjoy5. Margie was scornful.Synonyms: disdainful, contemptuous6. Tommy looked at her with very superior eyes.Antonyms: inferior, subordinate, secondary7. “Maybe,” he said nonchalantly.Synonyms: indifferently, coldly, coolly, casually, offhandedly8. Little girls learned better if they learned at regular hours.Antonyms: irregular, uncertain, randomⅥ1 pointless,2 reproductiom,3 unreliable,4 generosity,5 apologetic,6 disobedience,7 emplyer, emplyees,8 encouragementGrammar1 the, the2 a3 a, a ,/4 a5 the6 /,the7 The, the , /8 the, the9 a, a , a10 a, a ,aⅡ1 ///2 /3 the, /4 the, /5 //6 The7 the8 the, the 9 the, / 10 /Ⅲ1 Light2 a noise3 very good weather4 bad luck5 president6 The vegetables7 war8 All the books9 coffee 10 poetryⅣ 1 / 2 the 3 / 4 the 5 the 6/ 7 / 8 theⅤ 1 A Briton falls to his death on the Matterhorn.2 An Olympic silver medalist dies in a crash.3 Callaghan recalls the British Ambassador from Chile.4 The army ends the chaos in the capital.5 A college student wins the first prize.Translation1..Yesterday a government delegation headed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs arrived in South Africa and began a three-day friendly visit to the country.2 It is awfully funny to look at these caricatures which satirize social ills.3 Computers are one of the most useful teaching aids, for all your lessons as well as all thequestions asked and all the answers provided can be shown on a screen.4 Xiao Zhang’s mother fell ill the day before yesterday; he sent for a doctor immediately.5 He failed in the college entrance examination last year, but he did not feel disappointed. Instead, he continued to study hard, passed the examination successfully and became a student in a famous university this year.6 There are many English words that this middle school student cannot pronounce correctly.7 In this era of information explosion, we have to make constant efforts to renew our knowledge. Only thus can we become adjusted to the requirements of our work.8 With his shirt tucked into the top of his trousers and a leather bag tucked under his arm, the boy looked just like a boss.9 Although she is only eight years old, the little girl is already very good at calculating fractions. No wonder her parents feel proud of her.10 All the neighborhood have heard of the news, but you haven’t. Don’t you think it is strange?写作老师上课讲IV. Exercises for integrated skills1. DictationChildren learn almost nothing from television, / and the more they watch, / the less they remember. / They regard television purely as entertainment, / resent programs that make demands on them / and are surprised that anybody should take the medium seriously. / Far from being over-excited by programs, / they are mildly bored with the whole thing. / These are the main conclusions from a new study of children and television. / Its author confirms / that the modern child is a dedicated viewer. / The study suggests / that there is little point in the television company’s attempts / to isolate adult viewing in the later hours. / More than a third of the children regularly watched their programs after 9 p.m. / All 11-year-olds had watched programs after midnight.2. Fill in each blank in the passage below with ONE word you thinkappropriate.What (1) fun it is to jump into a pool or go swimming in a river in summer! How joyful and relaxing it is to have a (2) game of table tennis after a day of study at school! And how exciting it is to play or (3) watch a close game of basketball or volleyball! All over the world (4) millions of people take part in different kinds of sports. Sports are perhaps the most (5) popular form of relaxation that almost all can enjoy, no matter (6) who they are, boys or girls, men or women, young or old.Some people seem to think that sports and games are unimportant things that people do (7) at times when they are not working, instead of going to the cinema, listening to the (8) radio, or sleeping. But in fact sports and games can be of great (9) value, especially to people who work with their brains. They should not be treated only as (10) amusement.VII. Listening ExercisesFrom Television Back to GamesYou are going to hear a small talk in which the speaker compares television with board games.A. Listen carefully. Supply the missing words. For each blank you need to writethree words.family andsome kind. While television is probably the most popularthere is asmall groupof us whostill believeboardand giving up their, and gathering aroundrather than watch someone else pretending to beless expensive, and best of all, I spend the time people.B. Listen again and complete the following chart, which shows the differenceTapescriptFrom Television Back to GamesIn a society where nobody is so fortunate as to be able to spend a lot of money on entertainment, most of us end up with either in front of a television or spending time with our family and friends playing a game of some kind. While television is probably the most popular form of home entertainment, there is a small group of us who still believe board games offer the most enjoyment. They offer us a variety of ways to learn new information, to test our skills, and most importantly, to bring us together.Television is one of our best sources of information, but a lot of times it is not the kind of information that you want or need. The commercials for instance always insult your intelligence. On the other hand, board games are set up to offer a variety of information, which can cover subjects such as geography, vocabulary, or financial investment. All of this information is offered in a way that makes you want to learn and lets you choose what you learn. I have acquired more information about history, geography, and science from “Trivial Pursuit” alone than I have ever been able to get from the boring way they are presented on television.Added to the benefits of learning new information, board games test your skills and knowledge with a particular outcome ahead. They let you use your ideas and strategies to win the game. Whether you are trying to get your opponent’s king in chess or trying to ma ke the most money in “Trump,” there is an outcome which you brought about with these ideas and strategies. However, you are forced to become a passive spectator when watching television. In some cases a program might be produced to stimulate your thought processes, but it doesn't offer you an outlet for following through with your ideas, such as the useless concept of the game show for entertainment.Still the most important difference between television and the board game is the interaction with others. Getting the family together to watch a show on television is nice; that is, if you can find a show on for the whole family. But playing a board game gives you the chance to learn, not only about the subject, but also about each other. Everyone is different, with their own views and unique ways of handling situations, giving each game a different outcome. One of the nicest parties I ever attended was one where we played a murder-mystery game called “How to Host a Murder.” We never knew what to expect next, and it was a wonderful way to get to know everyoneInstead of watching television all the time, people are finding that board games give us the outlet to test our skills and knowledge against each other. They are putting their remote controls away and giving up their “Executive Couch Potato” status, and gathering around the kitchen table for an exciting game. I would much rather pretend that I’m a millionaire, playing for the high stakes, rather than watch someone else on a glass tube pretending to be one. It’s more exciting, less expensive, and best of all, I spend the time with real and interesting people.。