关键词:洒水车,管路,喷洒部件,设计1 / 41DESIGN OF PIPELINE ANDSPRAY COMPONENTS OF GREENINGSPRINKLER (3 TONS LOAD)ABSTRACTGreening Sprinkler is used to dust,clean road, vegetation and cooling. Greening sprinkler is special purpose vehicle which is used forcity building and health people need a good environment, it has good market prospects.The design for greening sprinkler(three tons load)is choosed a common chassis which is made some changes.In the design,the main designs are gearbox assembl y ’ schanges,tank assembl y ’ sdesign and the location of the assembly layout; it has also ensured that the changesfor sprinkler have good momentum, handling, stability and smoothnessof ride.The water spray pipeline is one of the most typical parts of greening sprinkler.The design of water spray vehicle pipeline in the design aspect is different with former that.Under the switch valve function,the pipelines cannot affect each other.The working mode of watering machine is that water flows from the water outlet pipes valvesand pumps connect imports,pump through the outlet pipe valves and their respective sub-mains connected by the end of the sprinkler system.The water spray surface can manifest differently in the original foundation, and the blister unit can reduce the weight, but spray is awayfrom under the same operating mode to b e again more superior.KEY WORDS:sprinkler, pipeline, spraying components, design2 / 41目录第一章序言 (1)第二章洒水车整体设计 (3)§洒水车整体概括 (3)§洒水车整体设计 (3)§洒水车的使用技术 (8)第三章变速器改装与设计 (9)§Ⅰ、Ⅱ 档传动比确实定 (9)§ 3. 2Ⅰ、Ⅱ 档齿轮齿数确实定 (10)第四章取力器的设计 (13)§ 4. 1取力器工作原理 (13)§取力器设计计算 (14)第五章管路设计 (17)§管路系统构造设计及工作方式 (17)§管路系统主要参数计算 (18)§液体阻力损失计算 (19)第六章水灌的设计 (22)§水罐及其隶属构件的设计 (22)§水罐盖的设计 (24)§水箱隶属构造的设计 (25)第七章主车架的改装 (26)§主车架强度校核 (27)§车架联接螺栓的校核 (29)第八章结论 (32)参考文件 (33)道谢 (34)3 / 41第一章前言专用汽车是指装置有专用设备,拥有专用功能,用于承担特意运输任务或专项作业的汽车。
AbstractThis paper mainly designs a new type of entertainment equipment - amphibious bicycle. At present, open-wheel, water jet, propeller and other driving are widely used, among which the propeller driving mode is determined to be the best by comparing and calculating. According to the relationship between drag and velocity in hydrodynamics, it is concluded that the minimum drag can be achieved only when driving normally. Choose the most convenient transmission mechanism to design a water recreation vehicle which is concerned by many people in the world and easy to drive with high utilization rate.The amphibious bicycle is similar to the old-fashioned bicycle in terms of power, which is driven by manpower and transmitted power to the rear axle through chain drive. The two open wheels connected by the rear axle can control the longitudinal force independently and have no influence on each other, thus achieving the movement and steering of the amphibious bicycle on water.Realize the navigation and steering of bicycles on the water. The floating board is designed to be triangular and fixed with bicycles on both sides of the land. It can give customers some protection of their sense of safety when driving on water, making driving safe, portable and reassuring.Key words: amphibious bicycle, open wheel, water spray, drive, propeller.目录摘要 (I)Abstract (IV)目录 (V)第1章绪论 (1)1.1水上踏板自行车的来源 (1)1.2研究内容及背景 (2)1.3水陆两用自行车的研究目的与意义 (2)第2章水陆两用自行车的介绍 (4)2.1水陆两用自行车的构成 (4)2.2水陆两用自行车方案设计: (5)第3章传动系统 (7)3.1自行车传动效率计算 (7)3.2 传动比 (7)3.3链传动设计 (8)第4章明轮的设计 (10)4.1明轮简介 (10)4.2明轮的设计 (10)第5章轴的设计 (12)5.1链轮上的力计算 (12)5.2选取材料 (12)5.3轴的计算 (12)5.4轴的结构设计 (12)5.5 设计总结 (13)5.6专利介绍 (14)第6章浮力的计算 (17)第7章功率的计算 (19)总结 (20)致谢 (21)参考文献 (22)三维作品展示 (23)附录本次设计采购清单 (33)第1章绪论1.1水上踏板自行车的来源水上踏板自行车开始于加拿大。
关键词:底盘,车架,悬架,轴荷MODIFICATION DESIGN OF FRAME ANDCHECK REAR SUSPENSION OF GREENINGSPRINKLER (THREE TONS LOAD)ABSTRACTGreening Sprinkler is used to dust, clean road, vegetation and cooling. Greening sprinkler is special purpose vehicle which is used for city building and health building.Because people need a good environment, it has good market prospects.The design for greening sprinkler (three tons load) is choosed a common chassis which is made some changes. In the design, the main designs are gearbox assembly’s changes, tank assembl y’s design and the location of the assembly layout; it has also ensured that the changes for sprinkler have good momentum, handling, stability and smoothness of ride.In the design, the reference is the Special Purpose Vehicle modification of the general principles and requirements.And in accordance with modified requirements, with the common choice of chassis, mainly completed each assembly of the centroid locatio n、distributing front and rear the axle load with a reasonable distribution、converting the main frame . In determining the centroid position of the vehicle and front or rear axle load distribution, the important thing is the calculation of the each assembly and the centroid locatio n,then using the formula calculated overall sprinkler centroid locations and axles load distribution, at end checked the results in accordance with the design requirements. In the frame’s changes, working out the connect strength between the frame and sub-frame and do some strength check. Because the rear axle load is larger, mainly checking rear suspension’s strength and the tire load. At last work checked major pieces of bolt connecting, (bolts between the frame andsub-frame or bolts between the water pump and the base), and ensure the reliability of the main components.KEY WORDS: chassis, frame, suspension, load目录第一章前言 (1)第二章洒水车总体设计 (3)§2.1设计的特点和要求 (3)§2.1.1专用汽车设计的要求 (3)§2.1.2总体布置的要求 (4)§2.1.3总体参数的要求 (4)§2.2 车型选择和各总成参数的确定 (6)§2.2.1车型的选择 (6)§2.2.2 各总成参数的确定的依据 (6)§2.3各总成质量的计算 (7)§2.3.1原车底盘到前轴距离l的计算 (7)1§2.3.2水管总成质量的计算 (7)§2.3.3工作台质量的计算 (7)§2.3.4水箱总成质量的计算 (8)§2.4 轴荷和质心位置的确定 (9)§2.5主车架改装注意事项 (11)§2.6主要部件的校核 (12)§2.6.1 后轮负荷的校核 (12)§2.6.2 后悬架钢板弹簧的校核 (12)§2.6.3 主车架强度的校核 (13)§2.6.4 水箱联接螺栓的校核 (16)§2.6.5 水泵螺栓组的校核 (18)第三章变速器改装与设计 (21)第四章取力器的设计 (26)第五章水管的设计 (28)第六章水罐的设计 (29)第七章成本的核算 (36)第八章结论 (37)参考文献 (38)致谢 (39)第一章前言洒水车是城市建设卫生专用车,主要用于大中城市、公路养护部门和基建工地的洒水、喷雾、降温、扑尘和压水冲洗脏物等作业,也可远距离运水、灌水,必要时亦可用于消防,另外还可以装备特殊装置(如药物喷洒、园林绿化等)。
关键词:洒水车;压力系统;底盘;取力器DESIGN OF GREEN SPRINKLER(3 TONS OF WEIGHT)TAKE POWER SECTOR OF GEARBOX AND PUMPDRIVEABSTRACTSprinkler as a Special Purpose Vehicle, plays an important role in spraying water and urban greening. With the urbanization process accelerating, on the one hand, the city green belt is growing and need a lot of the nursery right for sprinkler irrigation. And because the needs of the urban environment, green belts, the distribution is getting more complicated, which calls for sprinkler flexibility in terms of control, In other words, the need for sprinkler further enhance the scientific and technological content. The other hand, with urban residents the environmental awareness of the constant strengthening of the streets and highways clean is also increasingly focusing on. As the pavement cleaning equipment for sprinkler, and its importance should not be underestimated. Therefore, it’s necessary to design a safe, reliable, durable sprinkler, and the market prospects are bright, market potential is also very large.The design of the main tasks to add a set of pressure system that can draw and spray water on the original automobile chassis. One of the most important segments of the powertrain assembly score of the design. Power-take is covered through the transmission side will be the engine for part of the driving force came out to the pump and transfer its work to the device.Key words : sprinkler,pressure systems,chassis,take power sector符 号 说 明i m ——第i 个总成的质量 kg ;l ——轴距 mm ;1m ——前轴轴载质量 kg ;2m ---后轴轴载质量kg ; i x ---第i 个总成的质心距前轴中心线的水平距离mm ; i y ---第i 个总成的质心到地面的距离mm g h ---整车质心的高度mm B ——纵梁槽形截面的外宽mm b ——纵梁槽形截面的内宽mm H ——纵梁槽形截面的外高mm h ——纵梁槽形截面的内高mm max σ---纵梁的最大静弯曲应力MPa []σ---纵梁材料的许用应力MPa K ----动荷系数i 0——主减速比发n ——发动机额定转速min /r 泵n ——水泵额定转速min /r 总i ——发动机到水泵间的总传动比i '——变速器常啮合齿轮传动比'1z ——变速器一轴常啮合齿轮齿数'2z ——变速器中间轴常啮合齿轮齿数1z ——取力机构输入轴齿轮齿数2z ——取力机构输出轴大齿轮齿数3z ——增速箱输入齿轮轴齿数4z ——增速箱输出齿轮轴齿数ψ——花键载荷分布不均匀系数Z ——花键齿数l ——齿的工作长度, mm h ——花键侧面的工作高度,22D d h C -=-,D 为外花键的大径,d 为内花键小径,c 为倒角尺寸m d ——花键的平均直径,2m D d d += p σ⎡⎤⎣⎦——花键联接的许用挤压应力 MPag T ——为齿轮计算载荷 N m ⋅β——螺旋角K σ——为应力集中系数y ——齿形系数,可按当量齿数3cos N z z β=在《汽车设计》教材图3-19中查得 K ε——为重合度影响系数Q ——水泵额定流量 3m /hν ——水的经济流速 m /s直h ——流体流过直管的阻力(即压力损失) PaL ——直管长度 md ——直管内径 mμ ——流体在直管中的常用流速 m /sg ——重力加速度 2/s mλ ——摩擦阻力系数h 局 —— 局部阻力(即压力损失) Paξ —— 局部阻力系数目录第一章前言 (1)§1.1我国专用车发展概况 (1)§1.2洒水车设计的意义 (1)第二章洒水车的总体设计 (3)§2.1改装系统的组成 (3)§2.2设计要求 (3)§2.3洒水车参数的选定 (4)§2.4轴荷质量计算和质心位置确定 (4)第三章主车架设计 (7)§3.1主车架设计中注意的问题 (7)§3.2车架主要部件的设计与校核 (8)第四章变速器设计 (10)§4.1变速器Ⅰ、Ⅱ档传动比的确定 (10)§4.2Ⅰ、Ⅱ档齿轮齿数的确定 (12)第五章取力器设计 (14)§5.1取力器工作原理 (14)§5.2取力器设计计算 (15)§5.3取力器设计中重要零件工艺分析 (23)§5.4取力器的使用及维护保养 (25)§5.5取力器常见的故障及排除方法 (26)第六章管路设计 (27)第七章水箱设计 (29)§7.1箱体设计 (29)§7.2隔板设计 (29)§7.3水箱盖的设计 (30)§7.4水箱附属结构的设计 (30)第八章结论 (33)参考文献 (34)致谢 (35)第一章前言§1.1 我国专用车发展概况专用车一般是指装置具有专用设备,具备有专用功能,完成专门运输任务或专项作业任务的汽车。