申博套磁邮件 文科
Dear Prof. XXX,Greetings! My name is …. I graduated from …. Now I am a graduate student at …, majoring in …, and I’m writing to see the possibility of working with you as a full-time Ph.D. student.I have an extensive knowledge in …, focusing on …. (some of them had been applied in …, n publications in this field)I really have a strong interest and desire in scientific research, and have sufficient mental preparations to cope with any difficulties in the future, because I have regarded the scientific research as my lifelong career.Please find attached my current CV if you would like to know more about me. I really appreciate your time. Look forward to hearing from you.Sincerely,XXX地址电话邮箱Dear Prof. XXX,It is my great honor to have your timely response. Although there are not Ph.D. opportunities for the moment, but I still thank for your well-meaning notification and practical suggestion.I have already pay attention to your meaningful research (具体内容…) for one year, and I really wish to work with you. I really have a strong interest and desire in scientific research, and have sufficient mental preparations to cope with any difficulties in the future, because I have regarded the scientific research as my lifelong career.If the position is forced to stop because of funding problems, I will get the support from the CSC (China Scholarship Council) funding easily, which will cover all my daily cost during the Ph.D. period.Best wishes,XXXCSC的英文介绍Dear Prof. XXX,The China Scholarship Council (CSC) is a non-profit institution with legal person status affiliated with the Chinese Ministry of Education, which will provide all the living expenses for Chinese overseas PHD students who are graduated from Chinese top universities. The duration is 3-4 years, and the number depends on local conditions (enough). If I can obtain a full offer (no tuition) from your institution, it is easy for me to get this money, and the deadline is the end of February 2016 (I will go to your lab at the end of June 2016). More details please see the under index:/About/c309df7fb3fa40b3a179a7ad93f11988 .shtmlI have uploaded all my attachments for your further considerations..Sincerely,XXX我这儿有个公派出国的交流群,欢迎加群交流~ 2017欧洲Phd申请交流群:166251657。
套磁信范文一Dear Prof. XXXX,Greetings!I am XXX XXX, currently a college senior at the University of Toronto, Canada. I'm studying in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences with Pharmacology and Economics being my double major, and I am about to receive my degree in the coming June. However, I am very interested in programs that are more quantitative and analytical, such as the QCF program at your university, and I hope to pursue an education in this program at my master's level of studies. I understand that admission to these programs at your university is highly selective, and usually such programs require a good command of mathematics and computational skills of the applicants. So I plan to strengthen my background in these two fields at U ofToronto over the next year and apply to your program for application for Fall 2011. Therefore, I do want to listen to your authoritative analysis of my situation and plan ahead. Would you please kindly look over my transcript and offer me some suggestions as for what other courses I need to take in order to meet your prerequisite requirement and to enhance my competitiveness for admission? I have hereby scanned my transcript and would you please refer to the attachment? Your reply and suggestion will be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much.Sincerely yours,XXX套磁信范文二Dear Professor ********:I am a working professional at KPMG China since September 2008, who wishes to apply for the Master program in Finance at your honored department. By writing to you, I wonder whether I have the possibility to be admitted by your program.Briefly speaking, I graduated from Tongji University, China with undergraduate major Statistics and minor Finance in July 2008. My TOEFL iBT score is 88 and GMAT score is 680 (V 32,Q49,AW 4.5), and undergraduate overall GPA is around 3.6/5.0 (Tongji University sets very strictly score system). Please refer to my CV at the end of this letter for more information.I find that your master program fits my interest perfectly. With solid foundations in mathematics and practical experience I hope can penetrate in the area of finance at master phase. I wish I can have the chance to take master study under your direction.As a result, I am looking forward to suggestions for the application to your program. I would be happy to act on your advice.Best regards,XXXX套磁信范文三Dear Sir or Madam,I am a college graduate majored in Animal Science at Sichuan Agriculture University, China. My undergraduate GPA is 3.6, TOEFL-iBT is 86, GRE is 1150(V380, Q770). I wish to focus my graduate study on animal breeding, molecular genetics and qualitative inheritance in particular.Since junior year, I have begun participating in many research projects. The first one was the project of ComparativeStudies on Polymorphism of Oligo-peptide Sin Soja Fermented with Bacillaceae and Epiphyte. Another research project was Studies on Rich Trace Elements Iron on the Yeast and the Biological Effect and Value of Iron on Yeast. Currently I am involved in the Studies on IGF-1 Gene in Musculature of Nanjiang Yellow Goat and mainly be responsible for manipulating PCR apparatus, taking samples from part goats ,doing pretreatment on these samples, mastering the gel electrophoresis Analysis, and taking part in Fluorescent Quantitation Analysis.I find that your master program fits my interest perfectly. With solid foundation in biology and chemistry, and with practical experience, I hope to penetrate in the area of Animal Science at post-undergraduate phase. I wish I can have the chance to take further study under your direction.As a result, I am looking forward to suggestions for the application to your program. I would be happy to act on your advice. By the way, I enclose my resume at the end of the letter for your reference.Best wishes,XXXX以上便是对三篇美国研究生申请套磁信范文的分享,希望对于计划申请美国大学研究生的同学在能有效利用本文信息,做好美国留学套磁的准备和研究生申请计划。
最新套磁信格式实用套磁信格式篇一3. 套磁最有效的方法是探讨学术上的问题,不要空泛的只说你对他的研究多么有兴趣。
5. 套磁最适用于成绩不突出但研究工作很不错的情况。
套磁信模板一Dear Professor XXX:Thank you for your attention to my email. My name is XXX and my application for admission to doctoral program of XXX for 20XX fall is still under review. Now I am expecting to further my research and looking for such a chance in your program.I&aposve been doing research on XXXXXX and XXXXXXXXXXX during my BS/MS period, especially in XXXXXXXX. Also I&aposve XXXXXXXXXXXXX(研究经历简述). Research details can be found in my CV attached to this email.Would you mind taking a few minutes reading my file,please? I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you.Sincerely,XXX套磁信模板二Dear Prof. XXXX,Greetings!I am XXX XXX, currently a college senior at the University of Toronto, Canada. I&aposm studying in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences with Pharmacology and Economics being my double major,and I am about to receive my degree in the coming June.However, I am very interested in programs that are more quantitative and analytical, such as the QCF program at your university, and I hope to pursue an education in this program at my master&aposs level of studies. I understand that admission to these programs at your university is highly selective, and usually such programs require a good command of mathematics and computational skills of the applicants. So I plan to strengthen my background in these two fields at U of Toronto over the next year and apply to your program for application for Fall 2011. Therefore, I do want to listen to your authoritative analysis of my situation and plan ahead. Would you please kindly look over my transcript and offer me some suggestions as for what other courses I need to take in order to meet your prerequisite requirement and to enhance my competitiveness for admission? I have hereby scanned my transcript and would you please refer to the attachment? Your reply and suggestion will be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much.Sincerely yours,XXX套磁信模板三Dear Professor ********:I am a working professional at KPMG China since September 2008, who wishes to apply for the Master program in Finance at your honored department. By writing to you, I wonder whether I have the possibility to be admitted by your program.Briefly speaking, I graduated from Tongji University,China with undergraduate major Statistics and minor Finance inJuly 2008. My TOEFL iBT score is 88 and GMAT score is 680 (V 32,Q 49,AW 4.5), and undergraduate overall GPA is around3.6/5.0 (Tongji University sets very strictly score system). Please refer to my CV at the end of this letter for more information.I find that your master program fits my interest perfectly. With solid foundations in mathematics and practical experience I hope can penetrate in the area of finance at master phase. I wish I can have the chance to take master study under your direction.As a result, I am looking forward to suggestions for the application to your program. I would be happy to act on your advice.Best regards,XXXX通过上面对申请美国研究生的套磁信模板的分享,相信对于很多计划申请美国研究生的人来说,可以参考上述的信息来制定自己的美国研究生申请套磁计划。
教授套磁信模板教授套磁信模板I am a pt ential g raduatestudentfrm Chin a. I amelated t find th at yur r esearchmatchesmy inter est andmy resea rchexpe rience p erfectly, s I am ritingt inquir e the av ailabili ty f bin ed maste r’s andPhD prgr am in yu r grup.I gt myBachelrdegree i n Gelgic al Engin eering f rm XX Un iversity, ne f t he tp un iversiti es in Ch ina, inJune 201X, ith G PA f3.96 and rank th e 3rd ut f 71 st udents.My resea rch inte rest isin rck m echanics and und ergrundengineer ing. Mygraduati n thesis is t st udy thesurrundi ng rck s tability f tunne l by usi ng Finit e Elemen t Methd. I built a FEM m del f tu nnel ith the ass istancef ANSYSsftare,and stud ied thesurrundi ng rck s tability hen the tunnelis built in diff erence d epths an d cnstru cted inthe rckmasses r ange frm intacthard rck t fract ured sft rck. Nthis pap er is un der revi e in the Chinese Jurnalf Underg rund Spa ce and E ngineeri ng. In t he July201X, Ials didan inter nship in the XXCrps. Ibuilt aFEM mdel and use d the fi nite str ength re ductin m ethd t a nalyze t he stabi lity f s lpes inXX Reser vir, hic h is sit uated is in XX P rvince.Hever, I still f und that my knle dge andskills a re limit ed. Thedesperat ely thir sty fr k nledge m akes medecide t pursuemy furth er educa tin. I a m elated t findthat yuhave per frmed smany bri lliant r esearche s in the rck mec hanics a nd tunne l engine ering in the pas t decade s. I amals strn gly attr acted by these f ields, s it uldbe a rea lly desi rable th ing if I can adv ance mystudy un der yursupervis in. I be lieve th at the e ducatinand trai ning inyur grup uld pre pare mea bright academi c future, and si gnifican tly tran sfrm mylife. SI am rit ing t in quire th e availa bility f bined m aster’sand PhDpsitin i n yur gr up. [Cur rently,Chinesegvernmen t has de dicatedspecialfundingand encu raged it s gradua te stude nts t pu rsue Dct ral degr ees in t he tp fr eign uni versitie s. S ifthe bine d M.Sc./PhD psit in is av ailablein yur g rup andmy tuiti n fees c an be av ed r cve red by s chlarshi p, I can apply m y living expense frm Chi na Schla r Cuncil (CSC).(If yu a nt t app ly CSCS chlarshi p···)] I f I am f rtunateenugh tjin yurgrup, Iuld purs ue the r esearchith grea t passin and per severanc e. Likei se, I am cnfiden t that m y sund a cademicbackgrun d, my re search e xperienc e, and m y strngreslve t pursuefurthereducatin uld mak e me anideal ca ndidatefr yur g rup. MyCurricul um Vitae is encl sed/atta ched, Iuld appr eciate i f yu can read it. I am l king fra rd t hea ring frm yu. 以下是留学美国研究生套磁信范文,由留学e网收集为大家提供套磁信范文写作参考,希望对大家有所帮助。
1 Dear Professor ####:I am very sorry to bother you and send this e-mail, but I really wish to contact you. I ama graduate student majoring in Condensed Matter Physics Theory in the Department of Physics, Beijing University (Beijing). I wish to pursue a doctoral degree in Physics at your University. My desired date of entrance is Fall, 2000. I have visited the homepage of the "Laboratory for Nanotech". I am writing this letter to you to introduce myself and query about the graduate programs at NCCNM. Thank you very much for reading this email.Born on SEP 10, 1979, I entered Huazhong Univ. of Science and Technology (HUST) when I was 15 years old. I finished the four-year undergraduate program in three years and achieved my degree of B. Eng. (Optoelectronic Engineering) in June 1997 with the honor of "Outstanding Graduate". Then, I was admitted to the Graduate School of Beijing University at the Department of Physics.I will obtain my degree of M. S. (Physics) in June 2000. I have done much research work on the topics of mesoscopic physics, such as carbon nanotubes, persistent currents, Aharonov-Bohm geometric phase effects, electronic transport phenomena, etc. Such modern research topics attract me very much in that they are associated with both Condensed-Matter Physics and microelectronics, respectively my detail majors for M. S. and B. Eng.I wish to say that I am indeed interested in the graduate programs at Physics Dept. of Princeton University, and I eagerly wish that I can join your research group. As I have also strong research interests on carbon nanotubes, I do believe that the doctorate-oriented study under your direction will be of great help to me. I wonder, however, whether you do theoretical or experimental research works? I wish to state that, although my current research topics on carbon nanotubes are theoretical, I can also do experimental research works, especially optical studies, due to my undergraduate major in Optics. I hope my solid background in both physics and engineering can meet your general requirements of entrance to Physics Department as a graduate with financial supports. I deem it a great honor to become a graduate of Princeton, if admitted.Would you please consider my application and tell me whether it is possible for me to be enrolled as your graduate with financial supports? Thank you very much for your kind assistance.I am looking forward to receiving your reply.My current address is:#######Building RoomUniversityBeijing 100080People's Republic of ChinaThanks!Yours Sincerely#########(1B)Dear ######:Thank you for the email and your interest in our research program.I am very intersted in your application and would like to hear more. Are you interested in Fall 2000 or fall 2001? Certianly for 2001 there should be no problem getting research support, provided that your test scores, grades, etc. are acceptable to the university. For 2000, it would be a little tougher because of the short notice, but might be arranged under special circumstances.You asked about the nature of research here. In the laboratory, students generally couple calculations with experiment. We specialize in spectroscopic determinations of transport and electronic structure using scanning probes (STM and NSOM). To gain a detailed understanding of this, ab initio calculations must be compared with data. We have worked closely with J-C Charlier in Belgium, A. Rubio in Spain, and X. Blase in France using a variety of theoretical techniques including tight binding for structural information and LDA of DFT for electronics calcs.Our tunneling microscope is a low temperature Besoke design copied from the Julich group. We are capable of running at LHe temperatures for good energy resolution. We are in the process of constructing a near-field scanning optical microscope and a photon scanning tunneling microscope. These two new instruments should be on line around Dec.Our group focus is to understand the quantum dynamics and optical response of individual nano-systems like carbon nanotubes, B-doped nanotubes and filled nanotubes. Look for our latest publications coming out in the next months in PRL, JMR, and Advanced Materials. The entire group will also be at the MRS meeting in Boston.We would be pleased to consider your application for this year or next.########Professor of PhysicsPrinceton University(2A)Dear Professor #######:Thank you very much for your kind reply. I am sorry that during the summer vacation I cannot read and reply your email in time.As stated in my first letter, my desired entrance date is in Fall of 2000. And I would like to provide my test scores. My TOEFL test score is 647 (Oct. 1997) with a TWE score of 5.0. My GRE test score is 2340 (Oct. 1996, V770 M800 A770). My GRE Subject score is 920 (Oct. 1998, Physics). And I will take the TSE test in the coming August. And my undergraduate and graduate GPA are both about 3.5 in 4.0, about top 10%-20% in my class.I wish to make a note that during my undergraduate study I was quite young, and during my graduate study I take many efforts to study the basic courses in Physics by myself, which may be the reason my GPAs are not in the top 5%. But now I believe that I have been quite familiar in the knowledges of Physics, both the courses and the researches. So I hope that my test scores and grades are acceptable to Priceton with financial supports.As to the research, I am very glad to learn the research background you provided in your letter.I am quite familiar with the works of X. Blase published in PRL and APL. I also know that J-C Charlier is a famous specialist in this field. So perhaps I could do theoretical research works in your group. Also, I am very glad to know that you have the needed main instruments for carbon nanotubes in your group, so that both theoretical and experimental works can be done.I am puzzled at the "MRS meeting in Boston" you mentioned in your letter. What is the full-name of MRS? Is it a meeting specialized in nano-systems? I do research works on carbon nanotubes almost totally by myself, and perhaps are not familiar with such fixed terms. Would you please explain the contents of this meeting? Thanks. And you mentioned that your latest publications will come out in next months in PRL. Would you please send me the page number of this paper in PRL, and if possible, the full text of this paper? The journal PRL reaches to China very late, usually several months to half a year after published, and I don't have the account to find the full-texts of PRL on-line.I am looking forward to receiving your warmhearted reply.Thanks.Yours sincerely###########(2B)Dear #######:Thank you again for your email. From the sounds of your scores and grades, you should have no problem entering Princeton. I am quite familiar with the program that you are in and have had several close friends that have been there at Beijing University. In fact, ####### was in graduate school with me and she was in the accelerated program. She has done extremely well in the U.S. and after graduation went on to do some first rate science at a university in California.Since 2001 is your target date, I can begin to arrange funding for a research assistantship for you. These are nicer than teaching assistantships because they allow you to focus only on your research. Naturally, you will not be obligated to accept should you find other options. However, I believe that you will be most welcomed here in my group.You had asked about some of my publications, if you send me your address I can send preprints. They may take some time to get to China. You can find some of our work listed on our web site under my cv. This is an incomplete list but the PRL of last year is there and the latest hasnt yet been released from the publishers.We have been doing some interesting things lately with topological defects on tube manifolds that you might like. We have recently imaged nanotubes which exhibit a change in chirality along the tube! Tunneling spectra show that this produces subtle changes in the LDOS as predicted in some of X. Blase's work. We have also begun optical studies on individual nanotubes using near-field scanning optical microscopy and spectroscopy. We are particualry interested in how the surface plasmon resonances (governed by tube topology) effects the third order nonlinear susceptability in these objects.Thank you again for your interest in our group. May I suggest that we keep in contact over the year. Let me know your progress and I will try to help with the application procedures should you decide to join us.SincerelyXXXDear Professor,My name is XXX, a PH.D candidate of XXX(university).I got your email address from the web and I am very interested in your research field. This message is to ask for the information of the PH.D and Postdoctoral program of your group.I have published 5 papers(see the attachment for my paper list written by Latex convention) since 1996, including different topics: Controlling Chaos, Dynamics, and Bio-membranes. The two papers of Bio-membrane were both finished in this year, one is to discuss the pattern formation of periodic square texture(egg-arton) in Lipid bilayers; the other is to discuss the Complex vesicle under the framework of the spontaneous rvature energy model.I am also interested in Polymer dynamics, DNA structure transition and have read many related papers. In fact, I have started to do some calculations in this field.Would you please to consider my application to join your group, especially as a graduate student under your guidance? The reasons I want to obtain my PH.D there are: 1). A PH.D obtained in such a famous University will be helpful to get a good research position when I come back;2). I want to be educated at a high level since my dream is to be a successful researcher in the future.Looking to your message.Best regards!Yours, XXXRe: You paper XXXDear Prof.I've read your paper XXX in magazine XXX, some part of it seems hard for me to fully understand: 1. XXX theroem ... I have some questions: 1.XXX 2.XXXAlso I'm very interesting in your research, and want to join your crew and ...If you're interested, I'll send my CV in next mail.Regards.Re: I'm a student who is interested in Research of XXXDear Prof.I've read your homepage of your research in XXX, I'm interested in your field, and have lab experience in this field. But I couldn't download some of your publications XXX and XXX . Could you send me some of them?Also I'm very interesting in your research, and want to join your crew and ...If you're interested, I'll send my CV in next mail.Regards.My name is **. I am very interested in studying communication in the United States. One of your colleague, Dr. ***, suggested that I consider graduate study at UNI OF ***.I understand that UNI OF *** has a new but growing MA program, and that there are now over50 enrollees as I type. I am very excited about this type of growth. Also, I understand that your department has one of the finest new quantitative research programs in the area of communication.I would especially be interested in studying under such individuals such as yourself。
给国外教授套磁邮件标题与国外教授交流邮件给国外教授套磁邮件标题:发给美国研究生教授的套磁信模板套磁信模板一:这封套磁信是第一封套磁信模板,大家可以参考一下:标题:ITS apply正文:Dear Professor __:I am Steve, a senior student of Boston University. I found your information on Northwest’s website of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.I noticed that your research focuses on ITS and Traffic Engineering. Since I was majoring in Transportation Engineering and had good background of puter skills and programming, I take great interest on this area. I wonder if you would take any student next fall 2007, and I hope you could give me more information about your program.Again, thank you for your attention.这样的一份套磁信主题明确,内容简单。
套磁信模板二:Dear Professor __:I am a master graduate student at Tsinghua Univ., Beijing China. I have sent to __ Univ. my application for the Fall 1999 physics Ph.D. program. I find that my background seems perfectly fit your research in the area of __. I wonder whether you can consider my eager wish of being one of your graduate students.Born in __, I enrolled in Huazhong Univ. of Sci.Tech. (HUST) as the youngest Chinese undergraduate in 1993. In 1996 when I was 15 years old, I became the first HUST student who finished the 4-year undergraduate program in 3 years with the Bachelor of Engineering degree (major in optoelectronics) and the honor __. Then I enrolled in the Physics dept at Tsinghua Univ as the youngest graduate student in China. I received extensive research training that made me much experienced. I will get the Master of Science degree in June 1999.especially in __. I happen to be very familiar with the recent highlights in your research works, like __. I am willing to further my interdisciplinary study with well-prepared knowledge in __. Although younger than my classmates, I am confident that the academic endeavours I have made are more than what they have made. You can review my academic background from my PS and Resume which shall be at your department now. You are in my view one of the most knowledgeable and authoritative scholars in the area of my planned doctoral study (refer to my PS please). Iwish I can have the chance to take doctoral study under your direction. It will be the most helpful to my academic career if I can be your student. Moreover, very recently I have read several new papers of yours and got many new ideas. Therefore I am eager to be your student and learn from you the most helpful research skills.As a result, I wish you can review my application, and give me an answer about my strong desire of being your student. I would be happy to act on your advice. Thank you very much in advance, I am looking forward to hearing from you.Sincerely__套磁信模板三:这是一位美国人的套磁信,大家欣赏借鉴一下吧!Dear Mr. __,My name is Maggie Flicker and I am a senior at UCLA currently working toward obtaining a B.S. in chemistry. I am contacting you to see if you have any opportunities for me to participate in your laboratory as a research apprentice this summer.As a chemistry major with a love of the environment I am seeking the opportunity to gain experience in environmental chemistry. Since I find your research regarding physical climate extremely fascinating, I would love to be able to learn more about this topic and the discoveries of yourlab as they are happening.I would very much appreciate the chance to meet and discuss with you current projects in your laboratory at your earliest convenience. I have attached my curriculum vita for your review.I look forward to hearing from you.Sincerely给国外教授套磁邮件标题:第一封美国博士申请留学套磁信这样写第一封美国博士申请留学套磁信这样写美国博士申请那么就需要写博士留学套磁信,在写博士留学套磁信的时候很多人写的题目就直接是help,或者i want to participate to your program之类的,想美国博士申请留学写这样平庸的套磁信无疑是行不通的。
套磁信模版1Dear Professor XXX,My name is XXX and I am currently a research assistant to Professor XXX of XXX Institute after I attained undergraduate degree at XXX University of China, majoring in environmental studies. The graduate admission staff of your department introduced me to contact you after I briefly described my intention to apply for the Ph.D. program in Ecology for this coming Spring.To be all honest, I am very interested in your research on XXX (此处填入教授研究方向和重点). Your recent endeavors are fascinating, such as XXX (教授近期的活动和研究重点或实验室). The more I read about your research and publications on XXX, the more I became drawn to it.I have plenty actual hands-on with my current research post and extensive internship experience, such as the XXXX internship on issues related to XXXX (适当安排研究或者生态学的经历). I am very familiar with the biological theoretical frameworks and quantitative methods. Evidences of my research findings include several research reports and articles in both English and Chinese.I will be honored to discuss in more details with you.I wonder if you would be interested in having me as your graduate student starting spring 2010. I believe I can make contributions to your research projects in XXXX, and be a valuable member of your team. Thank you for taking time to read through this letter. I really appreciate your consideration.Best RegardsXXX。
1. 个人自荐尊敬的XX老师:您好!我叫XX,是XX大学XX学院XX专业XX级本科生,在高考的时候我就很想进入XX大学这样一所名校读我最喜欢的XX专业,虽然最后没能去成,但是这样一个梦一直在我心里。
a successive postgraduate and doctoral programDr.XXX: I'm looking for the opportunity to be a visiting student/phd student under your supervision发上我的套磁信和CV,还有外导的回复积攒人品哈!希望对需要的同学有点帮助!套磁:I'm wangyun, a 1st year PhD candidate from School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Wuhan University, P. R. China, supervised by Prof.Guo SL. To want to know whether an opening for a visiting student is available, I write this letter. If the application for co-educate PhD programme supported by China Scholarship Council is approved, I will be supported by a Chinese National Fund, which will support those PhD candidates in China to go abroad to some world class Universities of their fields. This programme will cover all living cost I need in USA.UCLA is one of the world-famous universities, where many students dream to go. For a long time, I am very interested in the research of drug delivery and the application of nanotechnology. After browsing your web site, I understand that you are working on nanotechnology, biomaterials and drug delivery and have published quite a lot of high level scientific papers. As such, you are the leading researcher in this area in the world. I find the research of biomaterials and drug delivery in your group attracts me deeply, so I write to you to see if you can give me a chance to study in your group.As an interdisciplinary science, Biochemical Engineering need many researchers from diverse domains, I want to try my best to devote myself into it.My CV and published papers have been at tached. And if you think I’ m not suitable to the research in your group or you have a better recommendation whose research areas fit me well, please inform me. Really hope to hear from you as soon as possible!Yours sincerely,外导回复:Dear ~~~~,for the next few months I will have several visiting students from China in my laboratory, including ~~ from ~~~ University. I am not able to host another student between now and April 2011. But depending on when you would like to come to the US, we may be able to arrange a visiting student position for you later, after April 2011.Best regards,回信确认了一下,基本就定下来了。
Dear Dr.***:My name is **. I am very interested in studying communication in the United States. One of your colleague, Dr. ***, suggested that I consider graduate study at UNI OF ***.I understand that UNI OF *** has a new but growing MA program, and that there are now over 50 enrollees as I type. I am very excited about this type of growth. Also, I understand that your department has one of the finest new quantitative research programs in the area of communication.I would especially be interested in studying under such individuals such as yourself。
I have always had high standards for my academic work and understand that the MA faculty at UNI OF *** has an excellent reputation for pushing their students to do their very best. I also understand that as I type, two excellent new faculty members are being interviewed who could participate in your growing program. (此段是表达对学校的了解,依学校情况不同)I am confident that I will be accepted for admission, but in today's world I would need to have assurances of financial support in order to study in the United States since otherwise, receiving a visa is nearly impossible. Do you currently have any assistantships available? Also, do you know of any fellowship or scholarship programs that might help foreign students, including the Center for International Studies on your campus? I understand that the CIS does have programs with China, and I wonder if any of those could help me. (要钱)此段可以先不要。
- 学士学位:[您的学位],[您就读的学校],[毕业年份]
- 硕士学位:[您的学位],[您就读的学校],[毕业年份(预计/已获得)]
- 在[您的学位/实验室]中从事了[研究主题]相关的研究,主要工作包括:
- [具体项目/实验]
- [数据收集与分析]
- [结果解释与论文撰写]
- 参与了[相关项目/实验],并在其中担任了[角色/职责]
- [您的论文标题],[刊物名称],[发表年份]
- [您的论文标题],[刊物名称],[发表年份]
- [获奖项目/成就],[颁发机构],[颁发年份]
- 精通[您的技能,如编程语言、实验技术等]
- 熟悉[您的技能,如统计分析、实验设计等]
- 具备[其他专业技能,如团队合作、项目管理等]
- [您的研究方向/兴趣]
- [您希望深入研究的具体主题]
- [与教授/研究员共同研究的潜在项目/方向]
第一封套磁信,表达下自己的意愿,参考的是小木虫上的模板:Dear Prof. XXXXX:My name is XXXX, a PhD student from XXXX(University), China. I have paid a close attention to your information on web page for a long time, and I have known that XXX(Research Interests) in your recent research interests . Recently, I have read many papers on XXX(Research Interests) and I have gained some related knowledge background about the XXX(Research Interests). And I am very interested in this area.I plan to apply for the 2012 China State-Funded Postgraduate Overseas Study Program, which will support those 1st or 2nd PhD candidates in China to study abroad in some world class universities of their fields. The program has two categories: doctoral degree seeking program (36 to 48 months) and joint educational program (6 to 24 months) and the program will cover all living cost I need in the USA.I'm writing to you regarding the joint education program, I want to know whether you can give me a chance to research in your team. I am not applying a full time PhD program, this program is a short time (6-24 months) co-education experiences more like a visit scholar program. This program is a new type of co-educate PhD program supported by China Scholarship Council.I want to become a joint education PhD student in your group, for the reasons that I am very interested in XXX(Research Interests). Also the topics you researched are the focal point of the program mentioned above in China. I look forward to studying and working under your advise. I really hope to hear from you as soon as possible.Thanks!XXXXX 一个星期后,导师回复我了,但是同时也面临着巨大的回信压力:Dear XXXXX,Thank you very much for your interest in our research program here at XXX(University). Indeed, I am aware of this program and I have currently one student from China who has the same type of scholarship.I would be happy to have you spend some time here as well. Before I make a final decision, could you send me your plans (length of time, current research project(s), specific topics you want to study here, etc.)? After reviewing these, I will let you know.. Best wishes,想了一天,把之前的文献统统在脑海里过了一遍,然后写成这么个篇幅:Dear Prof. XXXX,Thank you for considering my application!I would like to join your research group for 18-24 months if possible, so that a research project can be completed and several publications can be made under your supervision.My research project is XXXX(研究方向) and I plan to do some research on the following research topics:1) 可行的思路一简介你如何做2) 可行的思路二简介你如何做3) 可行的思路三简介你如何做In addition, I have been reading some papers on related field recently. As far as I am concerned, XXXX(列一个你正在研究,且是最可行的方案).These are my personal research plan and idea. I am looking forward to hearing from you! Sincerely这次很幸运,可能是自己忽悠得很到位,第二天外导就给回话了:Dear XXXX,This sounds very good. I would be happy to have you join our research group here.We are already doing some work on XXXXX(外导介绍其课题组做的相关领域的工作).It would be important for you to keep an open mind in terms of new ideas such as the use of XXXX(上述具体的可行方案). There may be other very exciting new ideas that can be considered as research directions in this field. Please continue to study the broad literature for this. Some of the work we do also has applications in other fields such as XXXX(其课题组其他研究方向). You may have a chance to learn those areas as well when you are here.18-24 months is a very good time period. It would be beneficial if you can arrive in the early part of 2012 but the scholarship may have limitations as to the start date. Let me know what your expected start date would be.Also let me know what the next steps will be to move your application forward.Best wishes,于是乎,我立马打听清楚CSC的申请流程,给他发邮件:Dear Pro. XXXXX,I'm very glad to know that you have permitted me to join your research group!After talking with my domestic supervisor, he suggests me to stay for 2 years, and I think a 24-month period is suitable. The scholarship has a limit of the start date, and the approval of Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC) will not be done until May, 2012. I also need 2-3 months to prepare related materials for studying abroad. So my expected start date would be August, 2012. I will try my best to arrive as early as possible.It's demanded for applicants to submit invitation letter and your CV with signature on it to the CSC. I sincerely want to obtain invitation letter and your CV from you and I'll be veryappreciate about it. According to the proposition of CSC, the invitation letter should contain following items:e special letter paper of host institution2.Contain basic information of applicant, such as name, birth date and domesticinstitution3.Indicate the station of applicant in host institute ( Applicants can apply for J-1 with thestation; Joint PhD student)4.Indicate duration of study abroad (2012/09/01-2014/08/31)5.Indicate study topic and host supervisor of applicant6.Indicate tuition of study (Joint PhD students should be free of tuition)7.Indicate English level of applicant meeting demand of PhD study (I will take theTOEFL exam in October 30)8.Corresponding address and signature of the host supervisorIn addition, the CSC requires the invitation letter of original document, so please mail the original to me. And an electronic copy of your CV with signature on it is okay. Enclosed please find a template of the i nvitation letter. Please contact me if you have any question.Thank you for your kindness. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.Best wishes,这次纠结了,10天都没回音,我以为外导反悔了,于是发邮件去催一下:Dear Pro. Ahmet Parazoqlu,Sorry to disturb you!A week has passed since I sent you an email about the next steps to move my application forward, but I still have not heard from you. So I am wondering if my email failed to reach you. And I send you the email again.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX(把自己上次那封邮件粘贴上去)XXXXXXXXThank you for your kindness, I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.Best wishes,然后外导回复了,是我理解错了,他去开会了,而且还牛X会议:Dear:XXX,I was at the AIChE meeting last week and just returned.. I am working on the letter and will send it to you shortly..自己的套词到此为止算是一个终结了,第一步算是跨出去了,高兴之余将其与大家共同分享…….。
在贵公司招聘职位方面,我认为自己具备以下优势:1. 专业素养:我具备扎实的专业知识和技能,能够胜任[招聘职位]的相关工作。
2. 学习能力:我具备较强的学习能力和适应能力,能够迅速融入新的工作环境。
3. 团队协作:我善于与他人沟通、协作,能够为团队创造价值。
4. 工作态度:我对待工作认真负责,具有强烈的责任心和敬业精神。
祝您工作顺利,身体健康!此致敬礼![您的姓名] [联系电话] [电子邮箱] [日期]。
Dear Professor Yang:I am very sorry to bother you and send this e-mail, but I really wish to contact you. I am a graduate student majoring in Mechanical Design in the Department of Machanics, Nantong University (Nantong). I wish to pursue a doctoral degree in Physics at your University. I have visited the homepage of the "Laboratory for Nanotech". I am writing this letter to you to introduce myself and query about the graduate programs at NCCNM. Thank you very much for reading this email.Born on SEP 10, 1979, I entered Huazhong Univ. of Science and Technology (HUST) when I was 15 years old. I finished the four-year undergraduate program in three years and achieved my degree of B. Eng. (Optoelectronic Engineering) in June 1997 with the honor of "Outstanding Graduate". Then, I was admitted to the Graduate School of Beijing University at the Department of Physics. I will obtain my degree of M. S. (Physics) in June 2000. I have done much research work on the topics of mesoscopic physics, such as carbon nanotubes, persistent currents, Aharonov-Bohm geometric phase effects, electronic transport phenomena, etc. Such modern research topics attract me very much in that they are associated with both Condensed-Matter Physics and microelectronics, respectively my detail majors for M. S. and B. Eng.I wish to say that I am indeed interested in the graduate programs at Physics Dept. of Princeton University, and I eagerly wish that I can join your research group. As I have also strong research interests on carbon nanotubes, I do believe that the doctorate-oriented study under your direction will be of great help to me. I wonder, however, whether you do theoretical or experimental research works? I wish to state that, although my current research topics on carbon nanotubes are theoretical, I can also do experimental research works, especially optical studies, due to my undergraduate major in Optics. I hope my solid background in both physics and engineering can meet your general requirements of entrance to Physics Department as a graduate with financial supports. I deem it a great honor to become a graduate of Princeton, if admitted.Would you please consider my application and tell me whether it is possible for me to be enrolled as your graduate with financial supports? Thank you very much for your kind assistance.I am looking forward to receiving your reply.My current address is:#######Building RoomUniversityBeijing 100080People's Republic of ChinaThanks!Yours Sincerely#########(1B)Dear ######:Thank you for the email and your interest in our research program.I am very intersted in your application and would like to hear more. Are you interested in Fall 2000 or fall 2001? Certianly for 2001 there should be no problem getting research support, provided that your test scores, grades, etc. are acceptable to the university. For 2000, it would be a little tougher because of the short notice, but might be arranged under special circumstances.You asked about the nature of research here. In the laboratory, students generally couple calculations with experiment. We specialize in spectroscopic determinations of transport and electronic structure using scanning probes (STM and NSOM). To gain a detailed understanding of this, ab initio calculations must be compared with data. We have worked closely with J-C Charlier in Belgium, A. Rubio in Spain, and X. Blase in France using a variety of theoretical techniques including tight binding for structural information and LDA of DFT for electronics calcs.Our tunneling microscope is a low temperature Besoke design copied from the Julich group. We are capable of running at LHe temperatures for good energy resolution. We are in the process of constructing a near-field scanning optical microscope and a photon scanning tunneling microscope. These two new instruments should be on line around Dec.Our group focus is to understand the quantum dynamics and optical response of individual nano-systems like carbon nanotubes, B-doped nanotubes and filled nanotubes. Look for our latest publications coming out in the next months in PRL, JMR, and Advanced Materials. The entire group will also be at the MRS meeting in Boston.We would be pleased to consider your application for this year or next.########Professor of PhysicsPrinceton University(2A)Dear Professor #######:Thank you very much for your kind reply. I am sorry that during the summer vacation I cannot read and reply your email in time.As stated in my first letter, my desired entrance date is in Fall of 2000. And I would like to provide my test scores. My TOEFL test score is 647 (Oct. 1997) with a TWE score of 5.0. My GRE test score is 2340 (Oct. 1996, V770 M800 A770). My GRE Subject score is 920 (Oct. 1998, Physics). And I will take the TSE test in the coming August. And my undergraduate and graduate GPA are both about 3.5 in 4.0, about top 10%-20% in my class.I wish to make a note that during my undergraduate study I was quite young, and during my graduate study I take many efforts to study the basic courses in Physics by myself, which may be the reason my GPAs are not in the top 5%. But now I believe that I have been quite familiar in the knowledges of Physics, both the courses and the researches. So I hope that my test scores and grades are acceptable to Priceton with financial supports.As to the research, I am very glad to learn the research background you provided in your letter. I am quite familiar with the works of X. Blase published in PRL and APL. I also know that J-C Charlier is a famous specialist in this field. So perhaps I could do theoretical research works in your group. Also, I am very glad to know that you have the needed main instruments for carbon nanotubes in your group, so that both theoretical and experimental works can be done.I am puzzled at the "MRS meeting in Boston" you mentioned in your letter. What is the full-name of MRS? Is it a meeting specialized in nano-systems? I do research works on carbon nanotubes almost totally by myself, and perhaps are not familiar with such fixed terms. Would you please explain the contents of this meeting? Thanks. And you mentioned that your latest publications will come out in next months in PRL. Would you please send me the page number of this paper in PRL, and if possible, the full text of this paper? The journal PRL reaches to China very late, usually several months to half a year after published, and I don't have the account to find the full-texts of PRL on-line.I am looking forward to receiving your warmhearted reply.Thanks.Yours sincerely###########(2B)Dear #######:Thank you again for your email. From the sounds of your scores and grades, you should have no problem entering Princeton. I am quite familiar with the program that you are in and have had several close friends that have been there at Beijing University. In fact, ####### was in graduate school with me and she was in the accelerated program. She has done extremely well in the U.S. and after graduation went on to do some first rate science at a university in California.Since 2001 is your target date, I can begin to arrange funding for a research assistantship for you. These are nicer than teaching assistantships because they allow you to focus only on your research. Naturally, you will not be obligated to accept should you find other options. However, I believe that you will be most welcomed here in my group.You had asked about some of my publications, if you send me your address I can send preprints. They may take some time to get to China. You can find some of our work listed on our web site under my cv. This is an incomplete list but the PRL of last year is there and the latest hasnt yet been released from the publishers.We have been doing some interesting things lately with topological defects on tube manifolds that you might like. We have recently imaged nanotubes which exhibit a change in chirality along the tube! Tunneling spectra show that this produces subtle changes in the LDOS as predicted in some of X. Blase's work. We have also begun optical studies on individual nanotubes using near-field scanning optical microscopy and spectroscopy. We are particualry interested in how the surface plasmon resonances (governed by tube topology) effects the third order nonlinear susceptability in these objects.Thank you again for your interest in our group. May I suggest that we keep in contact over the year. Let me know your progress and I will try to help with the application procedures should you decide to join us.SincerelyXXX。
有个同学大致是这么写的:标题:Nice to meet youDear Prof. XXXMy name is Gter,I graduated from XX university,a famous school inChina. I am major in XX and have good undergraduate background. My GPA is …and my GT score is … I take great interest with your research area. Here is my resu me…不知道大家第一封套磁信是否有类似于这样的内容。
研究BIM方向老师Dear Prof. **: Prospective Visiting Ph。
Student Financed by China Scholarship CouncilDear Prof。
**:It is my great honor to write to you.I wish to apply for a joint Ph。
D. student position (similar to visiting scholar) in your group。
I directly studied for Ph。
D. with a Bachelor degree at Tongji University (Shanghai, China) due to my excellent academic performance and I am currently a 3rd year Ph.D. candidate. Recently, I have a funding opportunity supported by China Scholarship Council for conducting overseas research. That scholarship program will cover all my living cost I need to study aboard.My doctoral thesis focuses on BIM at the same time I keep an eye on the development of low-carbon residential building。
The ultimate goal of my research is to develop a BIM-based LCA tool to help evaluate the carbon emission of residential building which can automatically provide abundant related data and recommend ways to reduce the emission as well. To achieve this ultimate goal, three major objectives are proposed:to review and synthesize the current carbon emission and building LCA literature to identify areas that need improvement, to develop the tool on the Revit Platform and integrate LCA into BIM, and to apply the new methodology to estimate the overall carbon emission of a prefabricated building used in a building case study。
以下是我的一些亮点:1. 学术成绩:[列出您的学术成绩,如GPA、获奖情况等]2. 实践经验:[列出您参与的项目、实习、工作经历等,重点突出您的贡献和收获]3. 领导能力:[举例说明您在团队或组织中的领导角色,以及如何带领团队取得成功]4. 社交能力:[描述您在人际交往中的优势,如沟通技巧、团队合作精神等]5. 荣誉与奖项:[列出您获得的荣誉、奖项等,体现您的优秀品质和实力]正是基于这些经历和能力,我坚信自己能够胜任贵机构的工作,并为贵机构的发展作出贡献。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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9. 要是要加附件的话最好不要用word,word的话他们比较担心有病毒,可以的话转成pdf文件再发。
10. 没有太多的研究背景的话,建议就不要套了。
光说一个gre 考试,toefl考试成绩没有太实际的意义。
当然也不是说本科生,或者研究背景不强的就别套了,而是说从input 和output ratio来说的话你投入的和你得到的不一定成正比。
Research proposal也必须是要跟这位教授所研究的领域课题能够衔接得上的,你可以在信里面把这些都表达出来,然后附带上你的research proposal。
祝好运!套磁的时候很多人写的题目就直接是help,或者i want to participate to your program之类的。
出guo 上曾经有几个同学的套磁信正好是反面教材,举一个夸张一点的例子,有个同学大致是这么写的:标题:Nice to meet you正文:Dear Prof. XXXMy name is Gter, I graduated from XX university, a famous school in China. I am major in XX and have good undergraduate background. My GPA is …and my GT score is … I take great interest with your research area. Here is my resume…不知道大家第一封套磁信是否有类似于这样的内容。
如果换做你是教授的话,对这样的套磁信又有什么感想?感觉这样的套磁Email 不会收到太好的效果,原因如下:1、第一封Email的内容过多导致Email的目的不明确。
2、标题太抽象,感觉像是Junk Mail。
如果你是申请交通,就直接写Transpiration Application。
总之别写Hi, How are you这样的标题,别人会以为你是做广告的。
)以下是为大家推荐的一篇写得不错的第一封套磁信标题:ITS Apply正文:Dear Professor XX:I found your information on the website of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and I noticed that your research focuses on ITS and Traffic Engineering. Since I was majoring in Transportation Engineering and had good background of puter skills and programming, I take great interest on this area. I wonder if you would take any student next fall xx,and I hope you could give me more information about your program.Again,thank you for your attention.觉得这封Email与第一封Email相比有几个优点:1、第二封Email的主题明确,内容简单。
在追对象的时候,第一封Email 就好比是第一次见面说了一大堆后问对方,“你觉得我怎么样?或者是我们交往行么?”而第二封Email则是在问“你available不?”哪个更容易回答很明了。
以下是一个教授的回复(最后这个教授给了全奖RA):Thanks for your interest in our academic and research program. Yes, we have opening for research assistantships in Fall xx. Your puter and programming skills are definitely helpful in ITS and simulation research. Enclosed is a description of my current research activities. In addition,we will start additional research activities in the next few months.We have just established a new ITS laboratory that is one of the first of its kinds in the United States. We have a video wall and video and data sharing capabilities with ITS centers in the region that will allow us to do data warehousing, data mining, and real-time simulation.As a first step, please send me your resume as soon as possible.2、一般的回复:只回答招人,没要你的简历Yes, we are aepting applications for admission in Fall xx. Information on the transportation engineering program can be found at ://. That website includes information on classes,admission policies, and degree requirements. Information on our research program can be found at ://.Let me know if you have any further questions.这样的回答至少能让你确定教授今年招人,不花冤枉钱。