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Module 1
因为;由于because o f
作为……而出名be k nown as
自从……一直;一直ever since
依照;就……而言in terms o f
一方面o n the o ne hand
另一方面o n the other hand
逐渐的litt le b y little
……的符号(象征)symb o l o f
有史以来o f all time
……的发源地the b irthp lace o f
增加到increase to
控制have so me co ntro l o ver
1、Paris is the cap ital and largest city o f F rance, situated o n the
River Seine.
2、One o f Barcelo na’s most famo us land mark s is the church o f the
Sagrad a F amilia, was d esig ned b y an architect called Anto nio Gaud i.
3、Athens, the cap ital o f Greece. is k no wn as the b irthp lace o f
western civ ilizatio n.
4、The co untries are ind ep end ent(独立的) and are go vern in
d ifferent ways.
5、But each o f them sends rep resentatives to the Euro pean
parliament, which has so me co ntro l o ver what hap pens in each o f the memb er co untries.
6、The expanded(扩大的) European Unio n has a p op ulatio n o f mo re
than half a b illio n p eop le, twice as b ig as the pop u latio n o f the US.
Module 2
同意做……agree to d o
减少贫困red uce po verty
在……的顶端at the to p o f
在……的中部in the midd le o f
在……的底部at the bo tto m o f
做更大的努力mak e greater effo rts
接近b e close to
脱离贫困mo ve o ut o f po verty/b reak away fro m po verty
确保make sure
1、Norway is at the top o f the list,while the US is at numb er 7.
2、The repo rt sho ws that we are mak in g so me p ro gress b ut that we
need to make greater effo rts.
3、These are amo ng the five richest co untries in the world,so it is
right that they sho u ld do so.
4、It’s an agreement between to wns or cities o f similar size and age,
and which have similar features such as to urism、ind ustry、culture and entertain ment、
5、This is b ecause liv ing with a fo reign family fo r o ne or two week s
means that yo u have to speak their language and as a resu lt yo u imp ro ve fast.
Module 3
捡起;学会;卷起p ick up
把……放下p ut…do wn
去掉take……o ff
平均o n average
以…结束end up with…
总而言之in all
发生o ccur to
着火catch fire
扑灭火p ut o ut fire
设法成功做……manage to d o
1、They can d estro y ho uses,b ut leave the furnit ure insid e exactly
where it was.
2、By the time it ended, mo re than 700p eop le had been k illed and
2700had b een injured.
3、Winds o f 200k ilo me tres per ho ur and five-metre high waves hit
the city.The d isaster k illed 6000 peop le in a po p ulatio n o f 37000 and destro yed 3600 b uild in gs.
4、When the lava reached the sea, there was the po ssib ility o f a huge
tidal wave which co uld flo od half the island.
5、F ires caused b y the Califo rn ia Earthq uak e d id the most damage.
Module 4
砍倒cut d own
突然遭遇风暴b e caught in
一个接一个o ne after ano ther
对……有坏影响have a b ad effect o n
吸收take in
放出give o ut
简而言之in a nutshell
浏览loo k thro ugh
从……醒来wake up to
1、Sand sto rms have been a major d isaster for many Asian co untries
fo r ce nturies
2、The sto rms so metimes co ntin ue all day and traffic mo ves very
slo wly b ecause the thick d ust mak es it d ifficult to see.
3、To b e cycling in a sandsto rm is frig htenin g.
4、The garbage is then taken away and, if p ossib le, recycled.
5、There are laws that d o not allo w peo p le to b urn too much coal.
Module 5
与……交战be at war with
养育;抚养b rin g up
为……自豪be pro ud o f
总之in co nclusio n
第一次fo r the first time
与……相似be similar to
1、He stressed the impo rtance o f k ind ness,d uty and o rd er in
2、He was b ro ught up b y h is mo ther.
3、He became a stud ent o f Co nfuc ius’s ideas, and was then given an
impo rtant po sitio n in the go vernment o f a state.
4、For many years he travelled fo rm state to state,teachin g the
princip les o f Co nfucius.
5、Mencius b elieved that the reaso n why man is d ifferent fro m
anima ls is that man is goo d.
6、Mo zi fo und ed the p hilo so p hy called Mo h ism. In so me ways, his
beliefs were similar to tho se o f Co nfucius.
7、As a result, he sp ent many years tryin g to find a state where
peop le wo uld fo llo w his teachings.
8、W ith the Ind ustrial Revo lutio n,factories app eared and mass
pro d uctio n b ecame possib le for the first time.
9、The facto ries were b uilt in to wns and as a result,the pop ulatio n
o f to wns and cit ies greatly increased.
Module 6
起源于date fro m
阻止ho ld b ack
有意义;有道理make sense
结束;终止b rin g an end to
建议某人做某事suggest sb’s do ing sth/suggest+句子
等于b e eq ual to
1、Three q uarters o f china’s energy is p rod uced b y b urning coal.
2、The d am will generate electricity eq ual to abo ut 40 millio n to ns
o f co al witho ut causing so much air po llut io n.
3、Mo re than a millio n peo p le who lived in the regio n have mo ved
fro m their ho mes.
4、Ab o ut 800 histo rical relics have been sub merged.。
