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1. This is because... (这是因为...)

例句: I couldn't attend the meeting yesterday. This is because I had to take care of my sick child. (我昨天无法参加会议,因为我要照顾生病的孩子。)

2. In other words... (换句话说...)

例句: He's always talking about his problems. In other words, he's a complainer. (他总是抱怨自己的问题,换句话说,他是一个爱抱怨的人。)

3. To put it simply... (简单来说...)

例句: To put it simply, she's not happy with her job. (简单来说,她对自己的工作不满意。)

4. That is to say... (也就是说...)

例句: The company is losing money, that is to say, it's not profitable. (公司亏损了,也就是说,它没有盈利。)

5. As a result... (因此...)

例句: She didn't study for the exam, as a result, she failed. (她没有为考试学习,因此,她失败了。)

6. Due to... (由于...)

例句: Due to the bad weather, the game was canceled. (由于天气不好,比赛被取消了。)

7. Owing to... (由于...)

例句: Owing to his illness, he couldn't attend the meeting. (由于他的病情,他无法参加会议。)

8. Thanks to... (多亏了...)

例句: Thanks to her help, I finished the project on time. (多亏了她的帮助,我按时完成了项目。)

9. In light of... (考虑到...)

例句: In light of recent events, we have decided to change our strategy. (考虑到最近的事件,我们决定改变我们的策略。)

10. On account of... (由于...)

例句: On account of his tardiness, he missed the bus. (由于他迟到了,他错过了公交车。)

11. In view of... (鉴于...)

例句: In view of his hard work, we decided to give him a promotion. (鉴于他的努力工作,我们决定给他晋升。)

12. For the sake of... (为了...的缘故)

例句: For the sake of her health, she quit smoking. (为了她的健康,她戒烟了。)

13. In order to... (为了...)

例句: In order to pass the exam, she studied every day. (为了通过考试,她每天学习。)

14. To make matters worse... (更糟糕的是...)

例句: He lost his job, and to make matters worse, his car broke down. (他失去了工作,更糟糕的是,他的车也坏了。)

15. Even though... (尽管...)

例句: Even though he studied hard, he still failed the exam. (尽管他努力学习,他还是没通过考试。)

16. Despite... (尽管...)

例句: Despite the bad weather, they still went hiking. (尽管天气不好,他们还是去了徒步旅行。)

17. Although... (虽然...)

例句: Although he is rich, he still lives a simple life. (虽然他很富有,但他仍过着简单的生活。)

18. On the contrary... (相反地...)

例句: He thought the movie was bad, but on the contrary, I enjoyed it. (他认为这部电影不好,但相反地,我很喜欢它。)

19. In contrast... (相比之下...)

例句: In contrast to his brother, he's more outgoing. (相比他的兄弟,他更外向。)

20. Likewise... (同样地...)

例句: She loves hiking, and likewise, her brother is an avid hiker. (她喜欢徒步旅行,同样地,她的兄弟也是一个热衷徒步旅行的人。)

21. In the same way... (以同样的方式...)

例句: He taught me how to swim, and in the same way, I will teach my son. (他教我游泳,以同样的方式,我会教我的儿子。)

22. Similarly... (同样地...)

例句: She enjoys reading, and similarly, her husband is an avid reader. (她喜欢阅读,同样地,她的丈夫也是一个热爱阅读的人。)

23. Likewise... (同样地...)

例句: She loves hiking, and likewise, her brother is an avid hiker. (她喜欢徒步旅行,同样地,她的兄弟也是一个热衷徒步旅行的人。)

24. For instance... (例如...)

例句: I like to try new things, for instance, I recently started learning to play guitar. (我喜欢尝试新事物,例如,最近我开始学吉他。)

25. Such as... (例如...)

例句: I like to read different genres of books, such as mystery, romance,
