






















管理信息系统(第7版)PPT+试题库 Ch12-disc

管理信息系统(第7版)PPT+试题库 Ch12-disc

Chapter 12Answers to Discussion Questions:1.Answers will vary but should include items such as no spamming, no threats, noharassment, no violations of personal privacy, no downloading and redistributingcopyrighted material, and no software copying.2.Answers will vary according to the ISP and the educational institution.3.Answers will vary, but improvements should include ease of communication (e-mail,cell phones); ease of access to information (Internet search); making daily tasks easier (banking online, shopping online). Declines in quality of life: ability to work anytime, anywhere blurs the boundary between work and family life; cell phones everywhere can be intrusive and annoying; e-mail can mean too much time spent combingthrough messages to determine what is important and requires answering.4.Answers will vary, but might include: the federal government should be involved inmonitoring the Internet, should pass federal laws to regulate access, but stay out of decency issues because of the First Amendment; or government should stay away and let the Internet monitor itself.5.Answers will vary, but might include holding those who choose to use a technologyresponsible for the consequences of that technology, not the providers of thetechnology; OR holding that ISPs responsible for the harm that follows because of a breakdown of their equipment, on which businesses and individuals depend; that ISPs should monitor the e-mail sent over their equipment. This is a hard one, because an ISP provides a service, like the phone company, and the phone company is notresponsible for the phone calls people make unless people use the phone to engage in criminal activities like harassment.。




(1) 真伪性。


(2) 层次性。



(3) 可传输性。


(4) 可变换性。


(5) 共享性。













管理信息系统(第7版)PPT+试题库 Ch7-disc

管理信息系统(第7版)PPT+试题库 Ch7-disc

Chapter 7Answers to Discussion Questions:1.Wireless networks are more susceptible to security problems because they are built onthe 802.11 standard of transmission that allows computing devices to easily connect with each other and transfer data. The service set identifiers (SSID) identifying the access points in a Wi-Fi network are broadcast multiple times and can be picked up fairly easily by intruders’ sniffer programs. Corporations can protect their wireless systems through a combination of Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) and virtualprivate network technology.2.Fault-tolerant computer systems promise continuous availability and eliminaterecovery time altogether. High-availability computer systems help firms recoverquickly from a crash.3.Employees pose serious threats to a security system because of lack of awarenessabout security vulnerabilities. Employees fail to adequately safeguard theirpasswords leaving the system open to theft and misuse of data. Employees may enter faulty data into the system or fail to process data correctly. They also can misuse the hardware.4.Three major laws recently passed by the U.S. government to help make data andinformation more secure include the HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability &Accountability Act), the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.rge corporations might appoint a chief security officer who is in charge of thesecurity group. The group is responsible for educating and training users, keeping management aware of threats, and maintaining tools to implement sound security policies. Security policies should cover acceptable use, user authorization, andauthorization management systems.。



Mike&Lillian&Joanna GO!GO!GO!1.1什么是信息?信息、数据有何区别?答:(1)信息是经过加工并对客观世界产生影响的数据。




















管理信息系统(第7版)PPT+试题库 Ch06-disc

管理信息系统(第7版)PPT+试题库 Ch06-disc

Chapter 6Answers to Discussion Questions:1.The TCP/IP provides a universally agreed-on method for breaking up digitalmessages into packets, routing them to the proper addresses, and then reassembling them into coherent messages. Businesses using the TCP/IP standard can use a wide variety of hardware and software that is readily available thus sidestepping the need to create proprietary software and special hardware. Because of the universalacceptance of the TCP/IP, standard businesses can build networks that anyoneanywhere can use.2. A few of the Internet services available to businesses include e-mail, electronicdiscussion groups, chatting, instant messaging, Telnet, FTP, and of course the World Wide Web. All of these services provide a universal method of connectingemployees, customers, suppliers, and business partners in an inexpensive way.3.Internet Telephony enables companies to use Internet technology for telephone voicetransmission over the Internet or private networks. Voice over IP (VoIP) technology uses the Internet Protocol (IP) to deliver voice information in digital form usingpacket switching, avoiding the tolls charged by local and long-distance telephone networks. IP telephony calls can be made and received with a desktop computerequipped with a microphone and speakers or with a VoIP-enabled telephone.4.Answers will vary but should include information abut the benefits of linkingfunctional areas of an organization to increase communication between co-workers and teams, making information more accessible to employees and suppliers, and reducing costs associated with disseminating information. Answers should address how to integrate wireless technology into the rest of the firm’s IT infrastructure, how to maintain security and privacy, and how the relationships between employees,customers, suppliers, and business partners will change.5.RFID tags provide wireless transmission of more data in a real-time mode than doesbar code technology. The RFID tags can trigger other processes with an information system based on the data contained in the tag. Because RFID tags do not require line-of-sight readers, data transmissions are faster and easier.。

管理信息系统(第7版)PPT+试题库 Ch11-disc

管理信息系统(第7版)PPT+试题库 Ch11-disc

Chapter 11Answers to Discussion Questions:1.Elements of managing the implementation of a new information system are the user-designer communications gap, the level of complexity and risk, and the challenge of BPR and ERP. Additional elements are concerned with user involvement andovercoming user resistance, perhaps the biggest challenges management will face. 2.Application software packages are prewritten programs and are convenient for non-techies to use. The system documentation is prewritten and updates to the program are easy to obtain from the vendor. Technical support, updates, bug fixes, andenhancements are available from Web sites.3.Causes of implementation success and failure are user involvement and influence, thelevel of complexity and risk, management support and commitment, and management of the implementation process. Failing to adequately managing these importantelements, along with the fundamental organizational changes will result in a high probability of system failure.4.Answers should reference Table 11-5, The User-Designer Communications Gap, andinclude references to how the techies view projects differently than the non-techies.5.Advantages of using prototyping as an alternative system-building approach includemore rapid development with less cost; more user involvement in definingrequirements and building the application; better user interface with the system.Disadvantages include more costly development if the basic principles of system development are ignored; failing to ensure the prototype fits in with other information systems; the prototype not supporting overall business and organizational plans;creating islands of information from the prototype.。

管理信息系统(第7版)PPT+试题库 Ch04-disc

管理信息系统(第7版)PPT+试题库 Ch04-disc

Chapter 4Answers to Discussion Questions:1.Answers should include references to the hardware costs, including cabling,telephone line access charges, and printer costs such as paper and ink cartridges;software costs, including programs, upgrades, and program fixes; and persware costs, which should be calculated using the student’s actual or perceived hourly wage or salary.2. Answers should reference Figure 4-2 and describe the student’s PC as the client. Theserver can be the student’s ISP or the c ampus server.3.On-demand or utility computing allows a company to purchase computing capacityfrom remote, large-scale data processing centers during peak demand periods. Acompany can purchase only the capacity or service necessary to provide scalability.The utility computing companies can also provide new technologies that a business may not be able to provide for itself.4.Java is a new programming language employing the use of applets. Applets areminiature programs that perform very small, specialized, one-at-a-time tasks. Once the task is completed, the applet is “thrown away.” By using Java, users don’t have to purchase and use huge software programs.5.Open-source software provides business value by lowering the cost of purchasingsoftware. Open-source software is based on the premise that it is superior tocommercially produced proprietary software because thousands of programmers around the world working for no pay can read, perfect, distribute, and modify the source code much faster, and with more reliable results than small teams ofprogrammers working for a single software company.4-2。








1. 数据的采集和输入数据采集就是把分布各部门、各处有关的数据收集起来,转化成信息系统所需的形式识别、整理、表达、录入2. 数据的处理对数值型数据进行的各种算术运算,对非数值型数据的排序、转换、提取等都视为对数据的加工3. 数据的存储(1)要存储什么信息:由系统目标确定存储什么信息(2)保存多长时间:根据系统要求确定(3)存储方式:由系统目标决定,一般可有集中和分散两种存放方式4. 数据的传输指采用一定的方法和设备,实现信息从发方到收方的流动及时、迅速、安全、可靠5. 信息的管理保证信息准确性保证数据唯一性保证信息及时性保证信息安全性6. 信息的使用信息的使用包括两个方面:一是技术,一是如何实现价值转换信息使用的三个阶段: 提高效率;及时转换价值;寻找机会6.如何理解环境与信息系统之间的关系?(1)企业外部环境的变化:全球经济的一体化、知识经济的到来、科学技术的高速发展、企业间竞争的加剧(2)企业内部环境的变化:工作方式的变化、员工需求的变化、工作手段的变化第二章2.简述结构化生命周期法的特点。

管理信息系统(第7版)PPT+试题库 Ch05-disc

管理信息系统(第7版)PPT+试题库 Ch05-disc

Chapter 5Answers to Discussion Questions:1. A DBMS has three capabilities: 1) data definition is the capability to specify thestructure of the content of the data. It’s used to create database tables and define the characteristics of the fields in each table; 2) the data dictionary stores definitions of data elements and their characteristics; 3) the data manipulation language is used to add, change, delete, and retrieve data in the database. Data dictionaries are important because they are a lasting source of information about each data element that helps ensure the credibility and quality of data. Dictionaries for large corporate databases should include information about usage, ownership, authorization, security, business functions, programs, and reports that use each data element.2.Data warehouses and data marts store vast amounts of data available for analysis ofcustomers, suppliers, business partners, and employees. If users analyze these data to see new patterns, relationships, and insights they can make better business decisions and improve a business’s competitive strategies. The tools available for businessintelligence include database query software, multidimensional data analysis, anddata mining.3.Web browsers are easier to use than most database query languages for accessing andcompiling information. An organization can build a Web-based “front-end” to the database without having to rework the database structure itself. No special software for users, other than a browser program, is necessary for accessing databases attached to a Web site.4. A data mart is a small group of data, or subset, extracted from a larger data warehouse.It’s easier and cheaper to sort through a small data mart than to sort through the entire database of a warehouse. An organization can create a data mart focused on a portion of its data for specific purposes, instead of the entire database.5.Managers should focus on three issues regarding data resources: information policies,data administration, and data quality. Information policies are important management tools because they specify rules for sharing, disseminating, acquiring, standardizing, classifying, and inventorying information. Data administration is responsible forspecific policies and procedures through which data can be managed as anorganizational resource. Data quality audits can identify problems with data quality and help rectify errors in the database before they create even more managementproblems.。




广义地看,任何系统都有其产生、发展、成熟和消亡的过程,这个过程称为系统的生命周期(system life cycle)。



这些活动所构成的整个过程称为信息系统开发生命周期(information system development life cycle)。















关系数据库中有3种基本操作,它们是选择、投影和( )。
Visual FoxPro数据类型中同时可以用于内存变量的数据类型有()。
B. STORECTOD(‘10/01/2004’) TO BB
C. STORE‘10/01/2004’TO BB
D. STORE10/01/2004TO BB
Visual FoxPro有二种类型的表,数据库中的表和()
Visual FoxPro的表单文件扩展名为()
Visual FoxPro的程序文件扩展名为()。
C. 系统的运行效率 D. 降低产品的成本

管理信息系统(第7版)PPT+试题库 Ch08-disc

管理信息系统(第7版)PPT+试题库 Ch08-disc

Chapter 8Answers to Discussion Questions:1.Enterprise software uses predefines processes that require a business to adapt itself tothe software. The processes have been created by the software manufacturer based on industry-proven best practices. The processes are difficult to modify because the software is so complex. Any changes to one area make disable or distort another process in a different area.rmation about the demand for a product may be distorted between suppliers andbusinesses. Each entity in the supply chain alters its decisions about product demand and could cause an over- or under-supply of products. By providing immediate and accurate information up and down the supply chain, all partners can adjust theirsourcing, manufacturing, and distribution plans.3.Push-based supply models depend on the forecasts or best guesses of demand forproducts and are pushed to the customer by the manufacturer. Pull-based supplymodels are customer-driven and depend on actual customer orders or purchasesbefore the manufacturer commits to building the product or providing the service.See Figure 8-5 in the text.4.Operational CRM are customer-facing applications, such as sales force automation,call center and customer service support, and marketing automation. Analytical CRM systems analyze customer data to provide information for improving businessperformance. Managers and executives use analytical CRM systems in conjunction with online analytical processing, data mining, and other data analysis techniques to create a total picture of the customer.。

管理信息系统(第7版)PPT+试题库 Ch10-disc

管理信息系统(第7版)PPT+试题库 Ch10-disc

Chapter 10Answers to Discussion Questions:1.MIS are used for structured decisions with reports based on routine flows of data.DSS are used for semi-structured or unstructured decisions and focus on specificdecisions or classes of decisions. DSS are better for executive decision makingbecause executives’ questions and problems are unstructured and rely on external environmental information as well as internal data.2.ESS must be flexible and easy to use because executives don’t have a lot of time orinclination to learn complex, difficult systems. The system must be as fluid as the information that is gathered. The system must allow executives to scout out problems and new opportunities, and to keep an eye on the competition. Rigid, difficultsystems may not allow that to happen.3.Structured knowledge systems were the first attempts at collecting enterprise-wideknowledge from text documents and reports. Semistructured knowledge systems piggybacked off the earlier systems by gathering knowledge from non-traditional communications such as email, chatrooms, voice mail, and instant messaging.Semistructured knowledge systems are sometimes called digital asset management system and incorporate a wider range of information than is available in structured knowledge systems.4.Expert systems require people to input all decision-making rules into the rule base. Aknowledge engineer pulls information from various sources and fits it into the expert system. A neural network builds upon a base of information and continually learns by itself. Very little human intervention is required for the neural network’sknowledge base to grow.5.Intelligent agents can be used as shopping agents on the Internet. They can also beused to ferret out information in less time than it would take a person to find theinformation.。







技术观定义管理信息系统是一系列相互关联的部件的集合,它可以进行数据或信息的收集、处理、存储和分发,以支持企业中管理者和员工的管理控制和决策数据: 指表示企业中原始事实(如发生过的交易)的符号信息: 指对人们有意义和有用的数据,通常由原始数据经过加工处理而形成。










管理信息系统思考题思考题答案第一章一.信息有哪些基本性质?1. 事实性:事实性是信息的核心价值。

不符合事实的信息不仅没有价值,而且可能其价值为负2. 扩散性:信息扩散的两面性:一方面它有利于知识的传播;另一方面扩散可能造成信息的贬值3. 传输性:信息可以在时间上或在空间中从一点传递到另一点4. 层次性:一般分为战略级、战术级和执行级三层5. 增值性:一方面是指信息在使用的过程中会产生价值,另一方面也是指信息在传输和扩散的过程中会不断丰富6. 共享性:企业信息集中存放,实现共享7. 不完全性:由于对事物本身认识的局限性导致信息总是不完全的8. 滞后性:信息的滞后性是说信息需要进行加工处理或传播,因此信息总是落后于事务的发生时间3. 信息的价值如何衡量?如何才能正确的实现其价值?(网上找,原题)有两种衡量方法:一种是按所花的社会必要劳动量来计算,(内在价值)信息产品的价值V=生产该信息所花成本C+利润P;另一种是衡量使用效果的方法,(外延价值)收益P= 最好方案的收益Pmax任选某个方案的收益Pi。


4. 简述系统工程的三维结构。

系统工程的三维结构有:(1)知识维:指完成各阶段所需要的知识(2)时间维:指将系统研制分为七个阶段来进行,分别为制定规划、拟订方案、系统研制、生产、安装、运行、更新(3)逻辑维:指系统开发过程中每个阶段所经历的步骤,分别为摆明问题、评价体系的设计、系统综合、系统分析、系统选择、决策、实施计划5. 简述信息系统具有哪些功能。

1. 数据的采集和输入数据采集就是把分布各部门、各处有关的数据收集起来,转化成信息系统所需的形式识别、整理、表达、录入2. 数据的处理对数值型数据进行的各种算术运算,对非数值型数据的排序、转换、提取等都视为对数据的加工3. 数据的存储(1)要存储什么信息:由系统目标确定存储什么信息(2)保存多长时间:根据系统要求确定(3)存储方式:由系统目标决定,一般可有集中和分散两种存放方式4. 数据的传输指采用一定的方法和设备,实现信息从发方到收方的流动及时、迅速、安全、可靠5. 信息的管理保证信息准确性保证数据唯一性保证信息及时性保证信息安全性6. 信息的使用信息的使用包括两个方面:一是技术,一是如何实现价值转换信息使用的三个阶段: 提高效率;及时转换价值;寻找机会6. 如何理解环境与信息系统之间的关系?(1)企业外部环境的变化:全球经济的一体化、知识经济的到来、科学技术的高速发展、企业间竞争的加剧2)企业内部环境的变化:工作方式的变化、员工需求的变化、工作手段的变化第二章2. 简述结构化生命周期法的特点。

管理信息系统(第7版)PPT+试题库 ESS_7E_testbank_CH08

管理信息系统(第7版)PPT+试题库 ESS_7E_testbank_CH08

Chapter 8Achieving Operational Excellence and Customer Intimacy: Enterprise ApplicationsTrue-False Questions1.Small companies do not face the same challenges in coordinating the activities of distributionchannels as do large, multi-national corporations.Answer: False Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 2622.Manufacturing companies typically think about their supply chains as a process ultimatelyfocused on serving the customerAnswer: False Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 2623.Enterprise software allows data to be used by multiple functions and business processes forprecise organizational coordination and control.Answer: True Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 264panies can use configuration tables provided by the enterprise software to tailor aparticular aspect of the system to the way it does business.Answer: True Difficulty: Hard Reference: p. 2655.Enterprise systems use a client/server architecture and have not yet been redesigned to takeadvantage of the Web.Answer: False Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 2656.When doing business worldwide, enterprise-enabled organizations use enterprise systems toemphasize functional boundaries and deemphasize cross-functional coordination.Answer: False Difficulty: Hard Reference: p. 2667.Enterprise systems can improve management reporting and decision making.Answer: True Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 2668.The upstream portion of the supply chain consists of the organizations and processes fordistributing and delivering products to the final customers.Answer: False Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 2689.Supply chains in large manufacturing companies are multitiered.Answer: True Difficulty: Hard Reference: p. 26810.Supply chain inefficiencies can waste as much as 25 percent of a company’s operating costs.Answer: True Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 269 11.Low inventory acts a buffer for the lack of flexibility in the supply chain.Answer: False Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 269 12.Bullwhip effect is the distortion of information about the demand for a product as it passesfrom one entity to the next across the supply chain.Answer: True Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 269 13.Supply chain execution systems enable the firm to generate demand forecasts for a productand to develop sourcing and manufacturing plans for that product.Answer: False Difficulty: Hard Reference: p. 271 14.In the pre-Internet environment, supply chain coordination was hampered by the difficultiesof making information flow smoothly among different internal supply chain processes.Answer: True Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 271 15.Intranets can be used to integrate information from isolated business processes within thefirm to help them manage their internal supply chains.Answer: True Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 271 16.The Internet provides a standard set of tools that can be used by companies all over the worldto coordinate overseas sourcing, transportation, communications, financing, and compliance with customs regulations.Answer: True Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 272 17.In a push-based model, actual customer orders or purchases trigger events in the supplychain.Answer: False Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 272 18.In a pull-based model, production master schedules are based on forecasts of demand forproducts.Answer: False Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 273 19.Dell Inc. is an example of a push-based model.Answer: False Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 27320.Total supply chain costs represent the majority of operating expenses for many businessesand in some industries approach 75 percent of the total operating budget.Answer: True Difficulty: Hard Reference: p. 274 21.Customer relationship management can help organizations identify customers who cost a lotto attract and to keep.Answer: True Difficulty: Hard Reference: p. 275 22.Cross-selling markets complementary products to customers.Answer: True Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 278 23.Major CRM application software vendors include Siebel Systems, Clarify, and.Answer: True Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 276 24.Bundling is one kind of cross-selling in which a combination of products is sold as a bundleat a price higher than the total cost of the individual products.Answer: False Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 278 25.Analytical CRM uses a customer data warehouse and tools to analyze customer datacollected from the firm’s customer touch points and from other sources.Answer: True Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 280 26.When building an enterprise system, the benefits are easily quantified at the beginning of theproject.Answer: False Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 283 27.SAP’s mySAP and Oracle’s e-Business Suite are both examples of software vendors thathave developed flexible enterprise suites that can link to systems of customers and suppliers.Answer: True Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 283 28.Enterprise systems require fundamental changes in the way the business operates.Answer: True Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 283Multiple-Choice Questions29.What problem in its supply chain system did Whirlpool face by 2000?a.High inventory of finished goods but low availabilityb.Low amounts of finished goodsc.High availability of goods but poor forecastingd.High demand but low inventories of finished goodsAnswer: a Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 26130.(Synthesis)Which type of system, from a constituency perspective, did Whirlpool need to improve?a.MISb.DSSc.TPSd.ESSAnswer: c Difficulty: Medium Reference: NA(Synthesis in terms of arrange, model)31.What unique approach did Whirlpool employ in defining a solution?a.Seeing the supply chain as originating with suppliersb.Seeing the supply chain as a way to focus on customersc.Seeing the supply chain as an extension of its sales practicesd.Seeing the supply chain as a tool secondary to knowledge managementAnswer: b Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 26232.(Analysis)Why is overstocking warehouses not an effective solution for a problem of low availability?a.It does not speed product time to marketb.It is an inefficient use of raw materialsc.It increases sales costsd.It increases inventory costsAnswer: d Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 262(Analysis in terms of compare, appraise)33.(Analysis)Which of the following business values of supply chain management systems didWhirlpool’s solution illustrate most effectively?ing assets more effectivelyb.Speed product time to marketc.Matching supply to demandd.Reducing costsAnswer: a Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 262 (Analysis in terms of compare, appraise)34. A suite of integrated software modules for finance and accounting, human resources,manufacturing and production, and sales and marketing that allows data to be used bymultiple functions and business processes best describes:a. process management software.b. ERP systemsc. groupwared. application software.Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 264 35.This type of software enables data to be used by multiple functions and business processesfor precise organization coordination and control:a. groupware.b. application software.c. collaboration software.d. enterprise software.Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 26436.This software is built around thousands of predefined business processes:a. process management softwareb. collaboration software.c. enterprise software.d. groupware software.Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 26537.The most successful solutions for consistently and effectively achieving a business objectiveare referred to as:a. enterprise solutions.b. best practices.c. operational excellence.d. business processes.Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 265 38.SynthesisYou have been asked to implement enterprise software for a manufacturer of kitchenappliances. What is the first step you should take?a. Select the functions of the system you wish to useb. Select the business processes you wish to automatec. Map the company’s business processes to the software’s business processesd. Map the software’s business processes to the company’s business processesAnswer: a Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 265Synthesize in the sense of arrange, assemble, organize39.In order to achieve maximum benefit from an enterprise software package, a business:a.Customizes the software to match all of its business processeses only the processes in the software that match its own processesc.Changes the way it works to match the software’s business processesd.Selects only the software that best matches its existing business processesAnswer: c Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 265 40.When tailoring a particular aspect of a system to the way a company does business,enterprise software can provide the company with:a. configuration tables.b. project workbooks.c. data dictionaries.d. state transition diagrams.Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 26541.Nestlé SA installed an enterprise system as a way of:a.standardizing and coordinating its business processes in 500 facilities in 80 countries.b.allowing its 500 facilities in 80 countries to maintain unique business processes whileutilizing the same corporate-wide data and analyses.c.decentralizing management.d.enabling more responsive supply chain management.Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 26642.Supply chain complexity and scale:a.affect both very small companies and large, global corporations.b.were difficult to address before the Internet.c.result when firms produce complex products and services.d.result when firms implement full-scale supply-chain management systems.Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 266 43.(Analysis)Which of the following problems that China Telecom faced best illustrates the businessobjective of survival?a. Outdated IT infrastructureb. Competition from mobile phone servicesc. Compliance with international reporting regulations for publicly traded companiesd. Lack of integration of business functionsAnswer: c Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 266 (Analysis in terms of categorize)44.(Analysis)Whirlpool, China Telecom, and IHOP all chose enterprise software packages from vendors because:a. these packages are built for adaptability.b. packaged software is less expensive.c. ERP software can be completely customized for unique business processes.d. the packaged software chosen addressed their unique needs.Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 266 (Analysis in terms of differentiate)45. A network of organizations and business processes for procuring raw materials, transformingthese materials into intermediate and finished products, and distributing the finished products to customers is called a:a. distribution channel.b. supply chain.c. value chain.d. marketing chain.Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 266 46.(Synthesis)Which of the following technologies were implemented in China Telecom’s new ERPsystem to allow linking with existing systems to create new cross-functional applications?a.Web services and XMLb.Utility computing and Web servicesc.Java-based application generatorsd.EAI software toolsAnswer: a Difficulty: Hard Reference: p. 267(Synthesis in terms of assemble, build)ponents or parts of finished products are referred to as:a.upstream materials.b.raw materials.c.secondary products.d.intermediate products.Answer: d Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 268 48. A company’s suppliers, supplier’s suppliers, and the processes for managing relationshipswith them is:a.t he supplier’s internal supply chain.b.the external supply chain.c.the upstream portion of the supply chain.d.the downstream portion of the supply chain.Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 26849. A company’s organizations and processes for distributing and delivering products to the finalcustomers is:a.the supplier’s internal supply chain.b.the external supply chain.c.the upstream portion of the supply chain.d.the downstream portion of the supply chain.Answer: d Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 26950.Uncertainties arise in a supply chain because of:a.inaccurate or untimely information.b.poor integration between systems of suppliers, manufacturers, and distributors.c.inefficient or inaccurate MIS.d.unforeseeable events.Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 269 51.Which of the following traditional solutions enables manufacturers to deal with uncertaintiesin the supply chain?a.Safety stockb.Overstockingc.Just-in-time strategiesd.Demand planningAnswer: a Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 269 52. A scheduling system for minimizing inventory by having components arrive exactly at themoment they are needed and finished goods shipped as soon as they leave the assembly line best describes:a. just-in-time.b. stockless inventory.c. ASAP inventory.d. replenishment-only inventory.Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 269 53. A distortion of information about the demand for a product as it passes from one entity to thenext across the supply chain is called:a. bullwhip effect.b. ripple effect.c. replenishment effect.d. exponential effect.Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 26954.Supply chain software can be classified as either:a. supply chain source systems or supply chain recovery systems.b. supply chain make systems or supply chain delivery systems.c. supply chain return systems or supply chain make systems.d. supply chain planning systems or supply chain execution systems.Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 270 55.Systems that enable a firm to generate demand forecasts for a product and to developsourcing and manufacturing plans for that product best describes:a. supply chain demand systems.b. supply chain delivery systems.c. supply chain planning systems.d. supply chain execution systems.Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 27056.The central objective of supply chain management systems is:a. Information visibilityb. Information accuracyc. Automating the flow of informationd. Speeding up the flow of informationAnswer: a Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 27057.Supply chain planning systems:a. track the physical status of goods.b. identify the transportation mode to use for product delivery.c. track the financial information involving all parties.d. track the status of ordersAnswer: b Difficulty: Hard Reference: p. 271 58.This supply chain planning function determines how much product is needed to satisfy allcustomer demandsa. Distribution managementb. Replenishment planningc. Demand planningd. Order planningAnswer: c Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 27159.Systems to manage the flow of products through distribution centers and warehouses toensure that products are delivered to the right locations in the most efficient manner bestdescribes:a. supply chain demand systems.b. supply chain delivery systems.c. supply chain planning systems.d. supply chain execution systems.Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 27160.Supply chain execution systems:a.schedule product subassemblies.b.help the company determine how much of a specific product to manufacture in a giventime period.c.enable the firm to generate demand forecasts for a product.d.develop sourcing and manufacturing plans to determine how much of a specific productto manufacture in a given time period.Answer: a Difficulty: Hard Reference: p. 27261.Capabilities of supply chain planning systems would not include:a. replenishment.b. advanced scheduling and manufacturing planning.c. demand planning.d. order planning.Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 27262. A supply chain driven by actual customer orders or purchases follows a:a.pull-based model.b.build-to-stock model.c.push-based model.d.replenishment-driven model.Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 27363. A build-to-order supply-chain model is also called a:a.supply-driven model.b.demand-driven model.c.replenishment-driven model.d.push-based model.Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 27364.Concurrent supply chains are made possible by which technology?a. Internet technologyb. Pull-based technologyc. Supply chain management systemsd. Just-in-time supply-chain technologiesAnswer: a Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 273panies with effective supply chain management systems can expect:a. improved customer service and responsiveness.b. cost reduction.c. reduced inventory levels.d. All of the aboveAnswer: d Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 274 66. A method of firm interaction with a customer, such as telephone, e-mail, customer servicedesk, conventional mail, or point of purchase best describes:a. point of presence.b. touch point.c. market entry.d. channel point.Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 275 67.Which of the following deals with employee issues that are closely related to CRM, such assetting objectives, employee performance management, performance-based compensation, and employee training?a. Enterprise systems softwareb. Employee relationship management softwarec. Supply chain management softwared. Customer relationship management softwareAnswer: b Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 27668.(Analysis)Based on your reading of the International House of Pancakes case study, which strategy for combating competitive forces was a chief focus of IHOP’s updated information systems?a. Low-cost leadershipb. Product differentiationc. Focus on market niched. Strengthen customer and supplier intimacyAnswer: d Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 277(Analysis in terms of categorize)69.Cross-selling in which a combination of products is sold as a bundle at a price lower than thetotal cost of the individual products best describes:a. collaborative marketing.b. up-selling.c. discount selling.d. bundling.Answer: d Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 278 70.The marketing of elevated-value products or services to new or existing customers is referredto as:a. cross- selling.b. up-selling.c. discount selling.d. bundling.Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 278 71.Verizon sells telephone services that include local and long-distance service, voice mailservice, caller identification, and digital subscriber line access to the Internet. This is a form of:a. up-selling.b. bundling.c. customer relationship management.d. cross-marketing.Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 27872.Which of the following is an important capability for service processes that is found in mostmajor CRM software products?a.returns management.b.order management.c.account management.d.events management.Answer: a Difficulty: Hard Reference: p. 279 73.Customer relationship management applications dealing with the analysis of customer data toprovide information for improving business performance best describes:a. operational customer relationship management applications.b. analytical customer relationship management applications.c. supply chain management applications.d. generic customer relationship management applications.Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 280 74.Analyzing sales representative and customer service representative productivity is anexample of:a. CLTVb. operational CRM.c. analytical CRM.d. demand planning.Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 280 75.This metric is based on the relationship between the revenue produced by a specificcustomer, the expenses incurred in acquiring and servicing that customer, and the expected life of the relationship between the customer and the company.a. churn rateb. CLTVc. cost per leadd. cost per saleAnswer: b Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 281 76.The measurement of the number of customers who stop using or purchasing products orservices from a company is called:a. switching costs.b. churn rate.c. decline rate.d. switch rate.Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 28277.From your reading of the Philip Morris International case study, which technology is seen asbeing able to manage the supply chain problems?a.RFIDb.Bluetoothc.Web servicesd.Wireless sensor networksAnswer: a Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 28778.(Synthesis)The technologies needed for controlling PMI’s supply chain are most likely to erode whichcompetitive advantage?a. Barrier to entry that restrict supplyb. Demand controlc. Economy of scaled. Process efficiencyAnswer: d Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 288(Synthesis in terms of assemble, build)Fill in the Blanks79.Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are based on a suite of integrated softwaremodules and a common central database.Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 26480.Enterprise software consists of a set of interdependent software modules that support basicinternal business processes for finance and accounting, human resources, manufacturing andproduction, and sales and marketing.Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 26481.Best practices are the most successful solutions or problem-solving methods for consistentlyand effectively achieving a business objective.Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 26582.SAP, Oracle-PeopleSoft, and SSA Global are all vendors of enterprise software packages.Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 26583.The supply chain is a network of organizations and business processes for procuring rawmaterials, transforming these materials into intermediate and finished products, anddistributing the finished products to customers.Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 26684.The upstream portion of the supply chain includes the organization’s suppliers and theirsuppliers and the process of managing relationships with them.Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 26885.The downstream portion of the supply chain consists of the organizations and processes fordistributing and delivering products to the final customers.Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 26886.In the supply chain process, planning consists of processes that balance aggregate demandand supply to develop a course of action to meet sourcing, production, and deliveryrequirements.Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 270rmation about the demand for a product getting distorted as it passes from one entity tothe next across the supply chain is referred to as the bullwhip effect.Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 26988.Supply chain planning systems are a category of supply chain management systems thatenable a firm to generate demand forecasts for a product and to develop sourcing andmanufacturing plans for that product.Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 27089.Demand planning is used to determine how much product a business needs to make tosatisfy all of its customers’ demands.Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 27190.Supply chain execution systems manage the flow of products through distribution centersand warehouses to ensure that products are delivered to the right locations in the mostefficient manner.Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 27191.Firms can use intranets to improve coordination among their internal supply chain processes,and they can use extranets to coordinate supply chain processes shared with their business partners.Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 27192.In a push-based model of supply chain management systems, production master schedulesare based on forecasts or best guesses of demand for products, and products are shoved to customers.Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 27293.With new flows of information made possible by Web-based tools, supply chainmanagement can more easily follow a pull-based model.Difficulty: Hard Reference: p. 27394.Partnership relationship management (PRM) uses many of the same data, tools, andsystems as customer relationship management to enhance collaboration between a company and its selling partners.Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 27695.A(n) touch point is a method of interaction with the customer, such as telephone, e-mail,customer service desk, conventional mail, Web site, or retail store.Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 27596.Employee relationship management software deals with employee issues that are closelyrelated to CRM, such as setting objectives, employee performance management,performance-based compensation, and employee training.Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 27697.Sales force automation modules in CRM systems help sales staff increase their productivityby focusing sales efforts on the most profitable customers, those who are good candidates for sales and services.Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 27698.Cross-selling is the marketing of complementary products to customers.Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 27899.Up-selling is the marketing of higher-value products or services to new or existingcustomers.Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 278100.Bundling is one kind of cross-selling in which a combination of products is sold as a package at a price lower than the total cost of the individual products.Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 278101.Operational CRM includes customer-facing applications such as tools for sales force automation, call center and customer service support, and marketing automation.Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 279102.Analytical CRM includes applications that analyze customer data generated by operational CRM applications to provide information for improving business performance management.Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 280103.The churn rate measures the number of customers who stop using or purchasing products or services from a company.Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 282104.Customer lifetime value (CLTV) is based on the relationship between the revenue produced by a specific customer, the expenses incurred in acquiring and servicing that customer, and the expected life of the relationship between the customer and the company.Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 281Essay Questions105.Identify and briefly describe three major enterprise applications.Enterprise systems, customer relationship management, and supply chain management arethree enterprise applications. Enterprise systems are based on a suite of integrated softwaremodules and a common central database. Enterprise systems utilize enterprise software tosupport financial and accounting, human resources, manufacturing and production, and salesand marketing processes. Enterprise systems provide many benefits including an enterprise-enabled organization, improved management reporting and decision making, a unifiedinformation systems technology platform, and more efficient operations and customer-drivenbusiness processes.Supply chain management systems help an organization better manage its supply chain,including planning, sourcing, making, delivering, and returning items. Supply chainmanagement software can be categorized as a supply chain planning system or as a supplychain execution system. A supply chain planning system enables a firm to generate demandforecasts for a product and to develop sourcing and manufacturing plans for that product.A supply chain execution system manages the flow of products through distribution centersand warehouses to ensure that products are delivered to the right locations in the mostefficient manner. Supply chain management benefits include improved customer service andresponsiveness, cost reduction, and cash utilization.Customer relationship management systems help firms maximize the benefits of theircustomer assets. These systems capture and consolidate data from all over the organizationand then distribute the results to various systems and customer touch points across theenterprise. Customer relationship management systems can be classified as operational or asanalytical. Operational CRM refers to customer-facing applications, such as sales forceautomation, call center and customer service support, and marketing automation. AnalyticalCRM refers to customer relationship management applications dealing with the analysis ofcustomer data to provide information for improving business performance. Benefits includeincreased customer satisfaction, reduced direct marketing costs, more effective marketing,and lower costs for customer acquisition and retention.106.What is an enterprise system? What is enterprise software?Enterprise systems focus on integrating the key internal business processes of the firm.Enterprise software is used by enterprise systems and is a set of integrated software modulesfor finance and accounting, human resources, manufacturing and production, and sales andmarketing that allows data to be used by multiple functions and business processes.。

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