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Unit 5

1.How long ago did dinosaurs live on Earth? 恐龙多久以前在地球上生存?

They lived on Earth 64 million years ago. 它们6千4百万年前在地球上生存。

2.How long it was? 它们有多长?

It was … feet(meter s) long. 它们有。。。英尺〔米〕长。

3.What did it eat? 它吃什么?

It ate …. 它吃。。。。

4.When did it die out? 它什么时候灭绝的?

It died out …… years ago. 它是。。。年前灭绝的。

5.How did it protect itself? 它怎样保护自己?

It used …… to prote ct itself. 它使用。。。保护自己。

6.Were there any dinosaurs bigger than this one? 有没有其他恐龙比这个


Yes, there were./ No, there weren’t. 是的,有。不,没有。Unit 6

1.Who was the inven tor of …? 谁是创造。。。的创造


…. was the inven tor. 。。。是那个创造家。

2.What did he invent? 他创造了什么?

He inven ted the …. 他创造了。。。。

3.When did he invent it? 他什么时候创造的?

He inven ted it in 1885/…. 他是1885年创造的。4.How did people cook/sew/trave l… then? 人们当时如何做饭?

They cooked over fires/by fire. 他们用火做饭。

They used fires to cook.

5.Was/Were there any electricity then? 当时有电吗?

Yes, there was/were. No, there wasn’t/weren’t. 是的,有。不,没有。

6.Did they/peopl e/it/… have electricity then? 那时候人们有电吗?

Yes, they did. No, they didn’t. 是的,有。不,没有。
