Communication Presentation 商务英语 ppt 交流

Basic presence structure, tensions, and verb forms
Common business terms and phrases
Greeting and introductions
Course duration
Interactive teaching is conducted through various forms such as explanation, case analysis, role-playing, and group discussions.
Teaching methods
Participants are taught strategies for establishing trust through consistency, reliability, and best communication
Summary and Outlook
Understanding communication differences and coping strategies in different cultural backgrounds
Key cultural differences in communication styles, decision making processes, and business etiquette are highlighted
Lessons learned focus on the need for cultural awareness and sensitivity in business deals

(B )I don’t know.
(D )I love you.
(E )We are quarrelling.
(A )No! I don’t agree!
A (C )We are cheerful!
Body language Ok?
The use of postures, gestures, and facial expressions
Body language 3
Body Language
I do actions and you speak out the meaning of my actions.
Body Language
well dear happy sorrow disgust contempt
The foundation of success lies in good habits
It'S An Honor To Walk With You All The Way
communicating attitude, emotions
and reactions.
Task 1 Make a body show
I’m tired and sleepy. I can’t hear you. I’m full. Victory! Success! You are enjoying something. You are interested in what someone is saying. You want to leave because you are in a hurry. I hate the food. Threaten to beat you.
Business Communication(new)商务英语学习课件

L: 4) Next Sunday afternoon,and will stay for two weeks.
R: Sunday afternoon, 5) will be September5, and leaving on September19.
for my guests in my name.
R: OK. May I have your name please?
L: Of course. My name is Louisa Kailer from KAD Couputer System. 2)My guests’ names are Naomi Singh and Andrea Kass.
What do you need to take into your
consideration while making a reservation
in a hotel?
You work in APD Ltd. Your company will have 15 guests (12 are female and 3 male) coming from USA next Tuesday for a trade fair. They will be arriving in your city on Saturday, 21st May. And will be staying for one week. They will have a six-day meeting in the hotel and a city tour on the last day. Please make a preparation list for making reservations.

Business formal
This is the most formal attribute and is typically worth it for very important occasions or meetings It insists of a suit, tie, and other accessories such as cufflinks
Exploring Positions
Proposing solutions, compiling, and considering the other party's needs and interests
Making Offers and Processes
Report Structure
Outlining the report's purpose, content, and conclusion
Important elements that contribute to the success of the negotiation, such as effective communication, understanding of the other party's needs, and utilization of level points
Feedback and clarification
Using feedback and clarification techniques to ensure messages are understood correctly in cross cultural communication
Understanding the business objectives, researching the other party, and planning strategies and arguments

G. Communication is contextual
All communication takes place within a setting or situation called a context. By context, we mean the place where people meet, the social purpose for being together, and the nature of the relationship. Thus the context includes the physical, social, and interpersonal settings.
b. Communication is systematic
Communication does not occur in isolation or in a vacuum, but rather is part of a larger system. We send and receive messages not in isolation, but in
Characteristics of Communication
a. Communication is dynamic
components of communication?
商务英语 presentation

商务英语presentation摘要:1.商务英语presentation 的概念2.商务英语presentation 的特点3.商务英语presentation 的技巧4.商务英语presentation 的实践应用5.商务英语presentation 的总结正文:商务英语presentation 是商务场合中一种重要的沟通方式,它通过口头形式向听众传达信息,达到交流、说服、教育等目的。
在商务环境中,presentation 的质量和效果直接影响到企业形象、项目合作以及职业发展。
因此,掌握商务英语presentation 的技巧至关重要。
一、商务英语presentation 的特点1.专业性:商务英语presentation 的内容通常涉及企业、行业、产品或服务等方面的信息,要求用词准确、规范,表达专业。
2.逻辑性:商务英语presentation 要条理清晰、结构严谨,能够使听众快速理解演讲主题和内容。
3.互动性:商务英语presentation 往往需要与听众互动,例如提问、讨论等环节,要求演讲者具有良好的沟通能力和应变能力。
4.适应性:商务英语presentation 要能够适应不同的场合和对象,如内部会议、客户谈判、行业交流等,要求演讲者具备较强的适应能力。
二、商务英语presentation 的技巧1.明确目标:在进行商务英语presentation 之前,要明确演讲的目的和目标,以便有针对性地进行准备。
2.结构清晰:商务英语presentation 要遵循“开场白- 主题介绍- 论点阐述- 总结”的结构,让听众更容易理解和接受。
3.语言简练:商务英语presentation 要避免使用过于复杂的句子和词汇,力求简练明了,易于理解。
4.举例说明:通过实例来阐述观点,可以使商务英语presentation 更加生动、具有说服力。

• A trillion in the U.S. is a billion in Germany, Austria, The Netherlands, Hungary, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Spain, Portugal, Serbia, Croatia, and South American countries
Education, Inc. *
Language Diversity Problems
• Diversity of dialects and accents within a language (The U.S. has over 140 languages and dialects; in 14 percent of homes a native language other than English is spoken.)
Slang Expressions
• asleep at the switch: inattentive • back off: moderate one’s stand or
speed if driving • blockbuster: great success • cutthroat: harsh • eat one’s words: retract • garbage: nonsense • get off the ground: start successfully • have someone’s number: know the

Practical Application of Business English
The Application of Business English Speaking in
Байду номын сангаас
Negotiation Preparation
Useful phrases and vocabulary for clarifying goals, researching opponents and understanding negotiation strategies
Presentations and Meetings
Preparing for speaking engagements, using visual aids and handling Q&A sessions effectively
Dealing with Emergencies
Phrases for handling unexpected situations, such as delays, cancellations and loss luggage, with professionalism and composition
Good Business English speaking skills can enhance career opportunities and promotions They are highly valued by employees and can lead to increased confidence and success in professional settings
沟通英语PPT课件(updated 2016)

How to end a conversation
1. break eye contact
2. use transition words
3. recap (sum up) what was said 4. give handshake
Postgraduate English
renlj@ 任林静
improve listening & speaking skills in social & work environment improve note-taking skills
improve communicative skills prepare for the end-of-term test on
Student Types
非免修生 免修不免考生 缓修生 缓考生 重修生 西藏生
Unit One
How to be
a good conversationalist
use effective strategies to start, continue,
Speaking Test Class Participation
20% 30%
Байду номын сангаасTotal: 100
Assessment Scales
90 – 100 86 – 89 83 – 85 80 - 82 76 - 79
A AB+ B B-

What is important when job-sharing?As we all know, job-sharing with less work stress and have more free time. However, what is important when job-sharing? As far as I am concerned, the first thing is to find someone you like as your partner. Only when you find someone you like can you have more passion and strength to work. What’s more,organize and plan how you share the work is also important . You need careful planning to play to each other’s different strengths. You also need to share the work responsibility in equality. Besides, communication is also an important factor to consider when job-sharing .You should try your best to communicate with your partner .As long as you all communicate well, everything will be solved more easily. At last but not least, you must learn to coordinate with the other person.All in all, to find someone you like as your partner,organize and plan the work ,communication and coordinate with the other person are important when job-sharing.What is important when working from home?As we all know, working from home with less work stress and have more time with children. However, what is important when working from home? As far as I am concerned, the first thing is to set up office space in the house. Only by doing this can you have a good environment to work. In a good space to work, you can more relax and efficiently. It's a good idea to set a timetable to plan your working hours and your breaks. So you can have a regular hours to work and relax. What’s more, you also should keep your cellphone is on so that your colleagues and client can reach you as though you are in office. At last but not least, you must learn to refuse some friends' invite when you are working. Such as go shopping and for lunching.All in all, to set up office space, set a timetable keep your cellphone is on and refuse some friends' invite is important when work from home.What is important when setting up your own business?As we all know, if you are a sole trader then you are self-employed and set up on your own. On one hand, you take all the profit, on the other hand, if you go bankrupt, you will lose everything. However, what is important when setting up your own business? As far as I am concerned, the first thing is to add plenty business experience before setting up your own business .When you have plenty of experience ,you can understand many challenges in this and make correct decisions. Besides, a brave heart and positive attitude is also an important factor .Because when setting up your ownbusiness, you will face many kinds of difficulties and challenges. But you must to face them and to overcome them. At last but not least, you should knowing your customers well.You can hand out some questionnaires to find out what the customers want and need.All in all, plenty business experience,a brave heart and positive attitude and knowing your customers well is important when setting up your own business .What is important when your business is a partnership?As everybody knows that partnership means that you are self-employed and start the business with another person .On one hand, you share the pressure, on the other hand, you might disagree on strategy. However, what is important when your business is a partnership? As far as I am concerned, the first thing is to find someone you like as your partner. Only when you find someone you like can you have more passion and strength to work. What’s more,organize and plan how you share the work is also important . You need careful planning to play to each other’s different strengths. You also need to share the work responsibility in equality. Besides, communication is also an important factor to consider when job-sharing .You should try your best to communicate with yourpartner. As long as you all communicate well, everything will be solved more easily. At last but not least, you must learn to coordinate with the other person.All in all, to find someone you like as your partner,organize and plan the business work ,communication and coordinate with the other person are important when your business is a partnership.What is important when placing a newspaper advert?As we all know, newspaper advert is a kind of advert which is convenient and cheap. Every day we can find many kinds of newspaper advert .However, what is important when placing a newspaper advert? As far as I am concerned, the first thing is to make sure your target customers can focus on your advert .So you should choose appropriate type of newspaper to place your advert .Only by doing this can you attract more target customers to read your advert. What’s more, it's a good idea to buy a big page to outstand your advert. Though, it will spend more money. But it will contribute to more people find you advert easily. At last but not least, you should make full preparations when you decide to placing a newspaper advert .You should modify the advert information again and again so that they are totally correct and perfect.All in all, make sure your target customers can focus on your advert, buy a big page to outstand your advert and modify the advert information is important when placing a newspaper advert.What is important when selecting applicants for a job?As we all know, everyday there many employers are selecting applicants for their company .However, what is important when selecting applicants for a job? As far as I am concerned, the first thing is the applicants' personal qualities. Applicants who have good personality can serve the company better. They can obey the rules of company well. What's more, the first impression of the applicants is also significant. Though there is an English saying like this: Don’t judge a person by his appearance. However, the facial and gesture can show the applicants ‘attitude. And we can through their performance at present to know whether they make full preparation. At last but not least, we can ask them whether have previous experience of the job they apply for. Because if they have experience then they can be involved in this job more quickly.All in all, the applicants' personal qualities, the first impression of the applicants and previous experience is important when selecting applicants for a job.What is important when arranging in-house training?As we all know, in-house training is a common way of training.Maybe many people think it's easy to arrange in-house training. In fact, there are many things you must consider when arranging in-house training. As far as I am concerned, The first thing is the training needs of staff. The object of training is the staff. Only when we know and meet their requirements, can we improve their knowledge and skills needed for higher quality performance and more effective work. Otherwise, it will be purposeless and a waste of time.The second thing to remember is the quality and influence of the trainer. To make the training effective, the trainer plays a very important role. A qualified trainer with great influence can make the training more professional, appealing and convincing. Since most staff nowadays are quite busy, they will not attend a training offered by an obscure, inexperienced and non-professional trainer.In addition to that, length of training should be well-planned. It cannot be too long or too short. A lengthy training may be tedious and exhaustive; while too short training may be fruitless.. ..。

Listening 1
• PREDICT what words or phrases might associate with these functions.
• Keys: • 1. B • 2. C • 3. G • 4. H • 5. E
• Which messages do you find quite difficult? • What makes them difficult? • Phrasal verbs like “put back, work out” • Redundant information: call 4 • Long sentences and late purpose statement • Understatement: “a little bit on the optimistic
• Dominance • Official • Bilingual • Overestimate>>>>understate • Over-complicate • Chunk • Approach to • Idiomatic • Culture-specific • Interpret
– 1st: be very clear – 2nd: establish context – 3rd: make requests simple and polite – 4th: give clear contact information
Barriers to Effective Communication – Unclear language – Cultural Differences – Red tape – Distraction –…

By and large,
Communication (from Latin
commūnicāre, meaning "to
share") is a purposeful
activity of exchanging
information and meaning
across space and time
Part 2 : Engaging Your Audience
3.Don’t send mixed messages. Make your words, gestures, facial expressions and tone match. Disciplining someone while smiling sends a mixed message and is therefore ineffective. If you have to deliver a negative message, make your words, facial expressions, and tone match the message.
Part1: Understanding the Basics of
Communication Skills
3.Practice. Developing advanced communication skills begins with simple interactions. Communication skills can be practiced every day in settings that range from the social to the professional. New skills take time to refine, but each time you use your communication skills, you open yourself to opportunities and future partnerships.

What is important when job-sharingAs we all know, job-sharing with less work stress and have more free time. However, what is important when job-sharing As far as I am concerned, the first thing is to find someone you like as your partner. Only when you find someone you like can you have more passion and strength to work. What’s more,organize and plan how you share the work is also important . You need careful planning to play to each other’s different strengths. You also need to share the work responsibility in equality. Besides, communication is also an important factor to consider when job-sharing .You should try your best to communicate with your partner .As long as you all communicate well, everything will be solved more easily. At last but not least, you must learn to coordinate with the other person.All in all, to find someone you like as your partner,organize and plan the work ,communication and coordinate with the other person are important when job-sharing.What is important when working from homeAs we all know, working from home with less work stress and have more time with children. However, what is important whenworking from home As far as I am concerned, the first thing is to set up office space in the house. Only by doing this can you have a good environment to work. In a good space to work, you can more relax and efficiently. It's a good idea to set a timetable to plan your working hours and your breaks. So you can have a regular hours to work and relax. What’s more, you also should keep your cellphone is on so that your colleagues and client can reach you as though you are in office. At last but not least, you must learn to refuse some friends' invite when you are working. Such as go shopping and for lunching.All in all, to set up office space, set a timetable keep your cellphone is on and refuse some friends' invite is important when work from home.What is important when setting up your own businessAs we all know, if you are a sole trader then you are self-employed and set up on your own. On one hand, you take all the profit, on the other hand, if you go bankrupt, you will lose everything. However, what is important when setting up your own business As far as I am concerned, the first thing is to add plenty business experience before setting up your own business .When you have plenty of experience ,you can understand many challenges inthis and make correct decisions. Besides, a brave heart and positive attitude is also an important factor .Because when setting up your own business, you will face many kinds of difficulties and challenges. But you must to face them and to overcome them. At last but not least, you should knowing your customers can hand out some questionnaires to find out what the customers want and need.All in all, plenty business experience,a brave heart and positive attitude and knowing your customers well is important when setting up your own business .What is important when your business is a partnershipAs everybody knows that partnership means that you are self-employed and start the business with another person .On one hand, you share the pressure, on the other hand, you might disagree on strategy. However, what is important when your business is a partnership As far as I am concerned, the first thing is to find someone you like as your partner. Only when you find someone you like can you have more passion and strength to work. What’s more,organize and plan how you share the work is also important . You need careful planning to play to each other’s different strengths. You also need to share the work responsibility in equality.Besides, communication is also an important factor to consider when job-sharing .You should try your best to communicate with your partner. As long as you all communicate well, everything will be solved more easily. At last but not least, you must learn to coordinate with the other person.All in all, to find someone you like as your partner,organize and plan the business work ,communication and coordinate with the other person are important when your business is a partnership.What is important when placing a newspaper advertAs we all know, newspaper advert is a kind of advert which is convenient and cheap. Every day we can find many kinds of newspaper advert .However, what is important when placing a newspaper advert As far as I am concerned, the first thing is to make sure your target customers can focus on your advert .So you should choose appropriate type of newspaper to place your advert .Only by doing this can you attract more target customers to read your advert. What’s more, it's a good idea to buy a big page to outstand your advert. Though, it will spend more money. But it will contribute to more people find you advert easily. At last but not least, you should make full preparations when youdecide to placing a newspaper advert .You should modify the advert information again and again so that they are totally correct and perfect.All in all, make sure your target customers can focus on your advert, buy a big page to outstand your advert and modify the advert information is important when placing a newspaper advert.What is important when selecting applicants for a jobAs we all know, everyday there many employers are selecting applicants for their company .However, what is important when selecting applicants for a job As far as I am concerned, the first thing is the applicants' personal qualities. Applicants who have good personality can serve the company better. They can obey the rules of company well. What's more, the first impression of the applicants is also significant. Though there is an English saying like this: Don’t judge a person by his appearance. However, the facial and gesture can show the applicants ‘attitude. And we can through their performance at present to know whether they make full preparation. At last but not least, we can ask them whether have previous experience of the job they apply for. Because if they have experience then they can be involved in this job morequickly.All in all, the applicants' personal qualities, the first impression of the applicants and previous experience is important when selecting applicants for a job.What is important when arranging in-house trainingAs we all know, in-house training is a common way of training.Maybe many people think it's easy to arrange in-house training. In fact, there are many things you must consider when arranging in-house training. As far as I am concerned, The first thing is the training needs of staff. The object of training is the staff. Only when we know and meet their requirements, can we improve their knowledge and skills needed for higher quality performance and more effective work. Otherwise, it will be purposeless and a waste of time.The second thing to remember is the quality and influence of the trainer. To make the training effective, the trainer plays a very important role. A qualified trainer with great influencecan make the training more professional, appealing and convincing. Since most staff nowadays are quite busy, they will not attend a training offered by an obscure, inexperienced and non-professional trainer.In addition to that, length of training should be well-planned. It cannot be too long or too short. A lengthy training may be tedious and exhaustive; while too short training may be fruitless.。
商务英语沟通技巧概述(英文本)(ppt 24页)

Flash watching Office English-L3Interviewing a prospective employee
1. Sunny calls for an interview Sunny: Are there any available positions in your office? I’d
I trained as a clerk. He finished his training three years ago. They worked there for three years. I took an English course last year. She became assistant manager in 1990. We left school five years ago.
Could you give me summary of your current job? What strong points and weaknesses do you have? How do you handle your conflict with your colleagues in your work? Why did you leave your last job? What’s your hobby?
describe your first job
Listen to Veronique and Daniela talking about their first job. How long did they stay in their first jobs? Listen again and fill in the missing information.

Write with authoritatively and positively and concisely, pp. 4-1 ff in workbook
Authoritative language Positive language Concise language
Ask non-contributing members if they’d like to add their perspectives.
Note: Interestingly, research shows talkative members welcome the comments of others—and shy members value inclusion in the conversation.
➢ voice mail message ➢ e-mail message ➢ business letter
➢ telephone call
impact of
normal call speaking from or to a speaker phone call waiting interruptions
➢ If your party is not there, leave a brief message and request a telephone appointment.
➢ If your party answers, identify yourself, stick to your outline and thank the person at the end of the call.
➢ Avoid politics, religion, how much you earn, or negative communication such as comments about a company or people