
第一篇:原产地证明书模板(múbǎn)原产地证明书模板(múbǎn)来了四个月了,没有接到一个单子,老板忙着接单子、出货,忙的一团糟,心情不好(bù hǎo),我们跟着后面心情不好。
就这样,我就灰头土脸的跑回来配啊配,怎么配都是差0.00 几美元,我奇妙般地发现,只要改一下分量,一切就ok 了,哈哈哈,老板看了一眼,又忙她的去了,过了一会子,恩,就这样吧。

原产地证明书样本及申请书原产地证明书样本及申请书---1. 概述原产地证明书是一种国际贸易文件,用于证明货物的原产地。
---2. 原产地证明书样本以下是一个原产地证明书的样本,您可以根据实际情况进行调整和填写。
货物描述:- 商品名称:_______________- 规格型号:_______________- 数量:___________________- 价值:___________________原产地规则:- 原产地准则:_______________- 原产地规则编号:___________经鉴定,以上货物符合原产地规则,并且被视为我们所在国家的原产地货物。
_______________ _______________名称(英文)名称(中文)日期:________________ 日期:_______________________________________(出口商/生产商名称)注意事项:1. 该证明书只适用于上述声明的货物,不得用于其他货物。
2. 该证明书的真实性由出口商自行负责。
3. 进口国有权依据相关法规对该证明书进行审查和调查。
```---3. 原产地证明书申请书示例以下是一个原产地证明书申请书的示例,您可以根据实际情况进行调整和填写。
```原产地证明书申请书日期:_________________申请人信息:- 公司名称:__________________- 公司地址:__________________- 联系人:____________________- __________________- 邮箱:_____________________货物信息:- 商品名称:__________________- 规格型号:__________________- 数量:______________________- 价值:______________________原产地信息:- 原产地准则:__________________- 原产地规则编号:______________申请原因:- 请简要说明申请原产地证明书的理由。

FORM-A填制要求下载:ishare.FORM-A范本(WORD格式)/样图下载:ishare.普惠制原产地证明书(FORM A)填制要求1.1 证书号:普惠制原产地证书标题栏(右上角),填上检验检疫机构编定的证书号。
证书号编定规则 ZC314*/070001zc314*-公司注册号 07-20xx年 0001-企业流水号1.2 第1栏:出口商名称、地址、国家此栏出口商公司名称应与注册时相同。
例: SHENZHEN HUAYELONG IMPORTS & EXPORTS LTD. SHENZHEN,CHINA1.3 第2栏:收货人的名称、地址、国家除欧盟25国、挪威外,此栏须填上给惠国最终收货人名称,不可填中间转口商的名称,此栏须打上国名欧盟25国、挪威对此栏是非强制性要求,若第二栏进口商国家和第12栏最终目的国都是欧盟国家,则可以与第12栏国家不同,也可以不填详细地址,只填上:To Order。
36个给惠国及输入代码为:欧盟25国(305 法国 France、303 英国 United Kingdom、306 爱尔兰 Ireland、304 德国 Germany、302 丹麦 Denmark、307 意大利 Italy、301比利时 Belgium、309 荷兰 Netherlands、308 卢森堡 Luxembourg、310 希腊 Greece、312 西班牙 Spain、311 葡萄牙 Portugal、315 奥地利 Austria、330 瑞典 Sweden、318 芬兰 Finland、327 波兰 Poland、321 匈牙利 Hungary、350 斯洛文尼亚 Slovenia Rep、352 捷克 Czech Rep、353 斯洛伐克 Slovak Rep、334 爱沙尼亚 Estonia、335 拉脱维亚 Latvia、336 立陶宛 Lithuania、108 塞浦路斯 Cyprus、324 马耳他 Malta)、137 土耳其 Turkey、331 瑞士 Switzerland、326 挪威 Norway、116 日本 Japan、601澳大利亚 Australia、609 新西兰 New Zealand、501 加拿大 Canada、344 俄罗斯Russia、347 乌克兰 Ukraine、340 白俄罗斯 Byelorussia、341 哈萨克斯坦Kazakhstan。
一般原产地证明书(General Certificate of Origin)简介

一般原产地证明书(General Certificate of Origin)简介一般原产地证明书(General Certificate of Origin)简介什么是一般原产地证明书?一般产地证(CO)全称为一般原产地证明书(General Certificate of Origin),是证明货物原产国(例如,中国)或原产地区(例如,澳门)或原产国家集团(例如,欧盟),具有法律效力的证明文件。
一般原产地证书的分类①商检机构出具的原产地证书,如:中华人民共和国检验检疫局(CIQ)出具的普惠制产地证格式A(GSP FORM A);一般原产地证书(General Certificate of Origin)。
②商会出具的产地证书,如:中国国际贸易促进委员会(CCPIT)出具的一般原产地证书,简称贸促会产地证书(CCPIT CEERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN)③制造商或出口商出具的产地证书。


原产地证明书原产地证明书1. 简介原产地证明书(Certificate of Origin)是一种由出口国政府或商会颁发的文件,用于证明货物的原产地。
2. 原产地证明书的重要性原产地证明书的重要性不容忽视。
3. 原产地证明书的内容原产地证明书通常包括以下信息:- 出口商的基本信息,包括名称、地质和。
- 进口商的基本信息,包括名称、地质和。
- 货物的描述,包括商品名称、规格、数量和总值。
- 货物的原产地信息,包括原材料来源、生产过程以及最终制成的国家或地区。
- 证明文件的签发日期和有效期。
4. 原产地证明书的申请和使用申请原产地证明书通常是在货物出口之前进行的。
5. 原产地证明书的注意事项在申请和使用原产地证明书时,出口商需要注意以下事项:- 准备充分的证明文件,确保信息的真实性和准确性。
- 尽可能提前申请原产地证明书,以免耽误货物的出口时间。
- 根据不同国家或地区的要求,可能需要提供额外的证明文件或进行相关的检测和验证。

……………. …. …. …. ….签发
2. 货物运至(收货人名称、地址、国家): 3. 官方使用
5.税则号 名称
8. 原产地标 9. 毛重或者 准(见背页说 其他数量 明)
10.发票编号 及日期
11.出口人声明 下列签字人证明上述资料及申明正确无
讹,所有货物产自 ………………………………. (国家)
未详细列明时,应注明“空运”或“海运”字样;如果货物运输途中经过第三国时,应当按 照下列方式注明:
例如:“空运” “从老挝至印度途经曼谷” 第 5 栏:税则号列。注明各项商品的 4 位 HS 编码。 第 6 栏:包装唛头及编号。注明包装上的唛头及编号。应当与货物包装上的唛头及编 号相一致。 第 7 栏:包装件数及种类;货物名称。注明出口货物名称。应当与发票上的名称相符。 准确的货物名称有助于进口国海关快速清关。 第 8 栏:原产地标准。享受关税减让优惠的货物必须符合《亚太贸易协定》原产地规 则第二条规定,是在出口成员国完全获得或者生产的;或者在出口成员国非完全获得或者生 产的符合原产地规则第三条、第四条规定的。 1. 完全获得或者生产的:在第 8 栏中填写字母“A” 2. 非完全获得或者生产的:在第 8 栏中应当按照下列方式填写: (1)如果符合第三条规定的原产地标准,则在第 8 栏中填写字母“B”。在字母“B” 的后面填上使用非成员国原产或不明原产地的材料、零件或产物的总价值,以在船上交货价 格(FOB 价格)中所占的百分比表示,(如“B”50%); (2)如果符合第四条规定的原产地标准,则在第 8 栏中填写字母“C”。在字母“C” 的后面填上在出口成员国原产成分的累计总和,以占出口货物的成本加运费、保险费价格 (CIF 价格)的百分比表示,(如“C”60%); (3)如果符合原产地规则第十条规定的特殊比例标准,则第 8 栏中填写字母“D”; 第 9 栏:毛重或者其他数量。注明货物毛重或其他数量(如件数、公斤)。 第 10 栏:发票编号及日期。注明发票编号及日期。随附发票上的日期不应当迟于原产地 证书格式正式启用的日期。 第 11 栏:出口人声明。“出口人”是指发货人,该发货人可以是贸易商也可以是制造 商。声明中应当注明原产国、进口国、地址和日期。且该栏目应当由公司授权人员签名。 第 12 栏:证明。本栏目由签证机构签章确认。

SAMPLE CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINAsia-Pacific Trade Agreement(Combined declaration and certificate)1.Goods consigned from:(Exporter’s businename, address, country)Reference No.Issued in …………….(Country)2. Goods consigned to:(Consignee’s name, address, country)3.For Official use4. Means of transport and route:5.Tariff item number:6. Marks and number of Packages:7. Numberand kind of packages/descriptionof goods:8. Origincriterion(see notesoverleaf)9. Grossweightor otherquantity:10. Number and date of invoices:11. Declaration by the exporter :The undersigned hereby declares that the above details and statements are correct: that all the goods were produced in……………………………….(Country)and that they comply with the origin requirements specified for these goods in the Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement for goods exported to……………………………….(Importing Country)……………………………….Place and date, signature of authorizedSignatory 12. CertificateIt is hereby certified on the basis of control carried out, that the declaration by the exporter is correct.…………………………………Place and date, signature and Stamp ofCertifying AuthorityNotes for completing Certificate of OriginI. General Conditions:To qualify for preference, products must:a) fall within a description of products eligible for preference in the list of concessions of an Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement country of destination;b) comply with Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement rules of origin. Each articlein a consignment must qualify separately in its own right; andc) comply with the consignment conditions specified by the Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement rules of origin. In general, products must be consigneddirectly within the meaning of Rule 5 hereof from the country of exportationto the country of destination.II.Entries to be made in the boxesBox1Goods Consigned fromType the name, addreand country of the exporter. The name must be the same as the exporter described in the invoice.Box2Goods Consigned toType the name, addreand country of the importer. The name must be the same as the importer described in the invoice. For third party trade, the words“To Order” may be typed.Box3For Official UseReserved for use by certifying authority.Box4Means of Transport and RouteState in detail the means of transport and route for the products exported. If the L/C terms etc. do not require such details, type “By Air” or “By Sea”. If the products are transported through a third country this can be indicated as follows: e.g. “By Air” “Laos to India via Bangkok”Box5Tariff Item NumberType the 4-digit HS heading of the individual items.Box6Marks and Numbers of PackagesType the marks and numbers of the packages covered by the Certificate.This information should be identical to the marks and numbers on the packages.Box 7 Number and Kind of Packages; Description of GoodsType clearly the description of the products exported. This should be identical to the description of the products contained in the invoice. Anaccurate description will help the Customs Authority of the country of destination to clear the products quickly.Box8Origin CriterionPreference products must be wholly produced or obtained in the exporting Participating State in accordance with Rule 2 of the Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement Rules of Origin, or where not wholly produced or obtained in the exporting Participating State must be eligible under Rule 3 or Rule 4.a) Products wholly produced or obtained: enter the letter “A” in Box 8.b) Products not wholly produced or obtained: the entry in Box 8 should be as follows:1.Enter letter “B” in Box 8, for products which meet the origin criteria according to Rule 3. Entry of letter “B” would be followed by the sum of the value of materials, parts or produce originating from non-Participating States, or undetermined origin used, expressed as a percentage of the f.o.b. value of the products; (example “B” 50 per cent);2.Enter letter “C” in Box 8 for products which meet the origin criteria according to Rule 4. Entry of letter “C” wo uld be followed by the sum of the aggregate content originating in the territory of the exporting Participating State expressed as a percentage of the f.o.b. value of the exported product; (example “C” 60 per cent);3.Enter letter “D” in Box 8 for prod ucts which meet the special origin criteria according to Rule 10.Box 9 GroWeight or Other QuantityType the groweight or other quantity (such as pieces, kg) of the products covered by the Certificate.Box 10 Number and Date of InvoicesState number and date of the invoice in question. The date of the invoice attached to the Application should not be later than the date of approval onthe Certificate.Box 11 Declaration by the ExporterThe term “Exporter” refers to the shipper who ca n either be a trader or a manufacturer. Type the name of the producing country and the importing country and the place and date when the declaration is made. This box must be signed by the Company’s authorized signatory.Box 12 CertificationThe certifying authority will certify in this Box.原产地证书样本亚太贸易协定(中文文本仅供参考)(申报和证书合一)1.货物运自(出口人名称、地址、国家):编号:……………. …. …. …. ….签发(国家)2. 货物运至(收货人名称、地址、国家):3. 官方使用4.运输工具及路线5.税则号列6. 包装唛头及编号7. 包装件数及种类;货物名称8. 原产地标准(见背页说明)9. 毛重或者其他数量10.发票编号及日期11.出口人声明下列签字人证明上述资料及申明正确无讹,所有货物产自……………………………….(国家)且符合亚太贸易协定原产地规则的相关规定,该货物出口至……………………………….(进口国)…………………………….申报地点、日期及授权签字人的签字 12. 证明根据所实施的监管,兹证明上述出口商的申报正确…………………………………地点和日期,签字和签证机构印章背页填制说明一、总原则:享受关税减让优惠的货物必须符合以下条件:1. 属于《亚太贸易协定》进口成员国关税减让优惠产品清单的范围。

二、原产地证明书的内容1. 货物的描述:在证明书中,首先需要详细描述货物的相关信息,包括货物的名称、规格、型号、数量等。
2. 货物的原产地:在证明书中,需要明确指出货物的原产地。
3. 生产过程描述:证明书中需要包含货物的生产过程描述。
4. 生产企业的信息:在证明书中,需要提供生产企业的详细信息。
5. 出口商的信息:同样,在证明书中需要提供出口商的详细信息。
6. 证明书的签发日期与有效期:证明书中需要明确注明签发日期和有效期。
三、原产地证明书的细化章节1. 货物的描述在证明书中,对于货物的描述要尽可能详细。
2. 货物的原产地在此章节中,需要明确指出货物的原产地。
可以通过以下几个方面来确定货物的原产地:a. 唯一标识:某些产品具有唯一标识,例如序列号、批次号等,可以通过这些标识来确定货物的原产地。
b. 生产工艺:货物的生产工艺与原产地有关。

1. 证明信息证明书编号:出口方名称及地址:进口方名称及地址:货物名称及规格:装运日期:运输方式:附件:货物相关证明文件(如提单、发票等)2. 货物原产地认定本证明书的核心是货物的原产地认定。
3. 原产地证明本证明书的最终目的是证明货物的原产地,并提供充分的证据支持。

SAMPLE CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINAsia-Pacific Trade Agreement(Combined declaration and certificate)1.Goods consigned from:(Exporter’s businename, address, country)Reference No.Issued in …………….(Country)2. Goods consigned to:(Consignee’s name, address, country)3.For Official use4. Means of transport and route:5.Tariff item number:6. Marks and number of Packages:7. Numberand kind of packages/descriptionof goods:8. Origincriterion(see notesoverleaf)9. Grossweightor otherquantity:10. Number and date of invoices:11. Declaration by the exporter :The undersigned hereby declares that the above details and statements are correct: that all the goods were produced in ……………………………….(Country)and that they comply with the origin requirements specified for these goods in the Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement for goods exported to……………………………….(Importing Country)……………………………….Place and date, signature of authorizedSignatory 12. CertificateIt is hereby certified on the basis of control carried out, that the declaration by the exporter is correct.…………………………………Place and date, signature and Stamp ofCertifying AuthorityNotes for completing Certificate of OriginI. General Conditions:To qualify for preference, products must:a) fall within a description of products eligible for preference in the list of concessions of an Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement country of destination;b) comply with Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement rules of origin. Each article in a consignment must qualify separately in its own right; andc) comply with the consignment conditions specified by theAsia-Pacific Trade Agreement rules of origin. In general, products must be consigned directly within the meaning of Rule 5 hereof from the country of exportation to the country of destination.II.Entries to be made in the boxesBox1Goods Consigned fromType the name, addreand country of the exporter. The name must be the same as the exporter described in the invoice.Box2Goods Consigned toType the name, addreand country of the importer. The name must be the same as the importer described in the invoice. For third party trade, the words “To Order” may be typed.Box3For Official UseReserved for use by certifying authority.Box4Means of Transport and RouteState in detail the means of transport and route for the products exported. If the L/C terms etc. do not require such details, type “By Air” or “By Sea”. If the products are transported through a third country this can be indicated as follows: e.g. “By Air” “Laos to India via Bangkok”Box5Tariff Item NumberType the 4-digit HS heading of the individual items.Box6Marks and Numbers of PackagesType the marks and numbers of the packages covered by the Certificate. This information should be identical to the marks and numbers on the packages.Box 7 Number and Kind of Packages; Description of Goods Type clearly the description of the products exported. This should be identical to the description of the products contained in the invoice. An accurate description will help the Customs Authority of the country of destination to clear the productsquickly.Box8Origin CriterionPreference products must be wholly produced or obtained in the exporting Participating State in accordance with Rule 2 of the Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement Rules of Origin, or where not wholly produced or obtained in the exporting Participating State must be eligible under Rule 3 or Rule 4.a) Products wholly produced or obtained: enter the letter “A” in Box 8.b) Products not wholly produced or obtained: the entry in Box 8 should be as follows:1.Enter letter “B” in Box 8, for products which meet the origin criteria according to Rule 3. Entry of letter “B” would be followed by the sum of the value of materials, parts or produce originating from non-Participating States, or undetermined origin used, expressed as a percentage of the f.o.b. value of the products; (example “B” 50 per cent);2.Enter letter “C” in Box 8 for products which meet the origin criteria according to Rule 4. Entry of letter “C” would be followed by the sum of the aggregate content originating in the territory of the exporting Participating State expressed as a percentage of the f.o.b. value of the exported product; (example “C” 60 per cent);3.Enter letter “D” in Box 8 for products which meet the special origin criteria according to Rule 10.Box 9 GroWeight or Other QuantityType the groweight or other quantity (such as pieces, kg) of the products covered by the Certificate.Box 10 Number and Date of InvoicesState number and date of the invoice in question. The dateof the invoice attached to the Application should not be later than the date of approval on the Certificate.Box 11 Declaration by the ExporterThe term “Exporter” refers to the shipper who can either be a trader or a manufacturer. Type the name of the producing country and the importing country and the place and date when the declaration is made. This box must be signed by the Company’s authorized signatory.Box 12 CertificationThe certifying authority will certify in this Box.原产地证书样本亚太贸易协定(中文文本仅供参考)(申报和证书合一)1.货物运自(出口人名称、地址、国家):编号:……………. …. …. …. ….签发(国家)2. 货物运至(收货人名称、地址、国家):3. 官方使用4.运输工具及路线5.税则号列6. 包装唛头及编号7. 包装件数及种类;货物名称8. 原产地标准(见背页说明)9. 毛重或者数量10.发票编号及日期11.出口人声明下列签字人证明上述资料及申明正确无讹,所有货物产自……………………………….(国家)且符合亚太贸易协定原产地规则的相关规定,该货物出口至……………………………….(进口国)…………………………….申报地点、日期及授权签字人的签字 12. 证明根据所实施的监管,兹证明上述出口商的申报正确…………………………………地点和日期,签字和签证机构印章背页填制说明一、总原则:享受关税减让优惠的货物必须符合以下条件:1. 属于《亚太贸易协定》进口成员国关税减让优惠产品清单的范围。

一般原产地证明书一般原产地证明书填写说明证书编号(certificate no.)? 此栏不得留空,否则此证书无效。
出口方(exporter)? 填写出口商的英文名称、英文地址及所属国家(地区)。
收货人(consignee)?? 填写进口商的英文名称、英文地址及所属国家(地区)。
如果来证要求所有单证收货人留空,应加注“to whom it may concern”或“to order”,但不得留空。
运输方式和路线(means of transport and route) ?? 此栏尽发货人所知,填写运输方式(海运、空运等)、起运港和目的地(目的港),应注意与等其他单据保持一致。
如:o from shanghai to liverpool on july 1, 2008 by vessel.(所有货物于2008年7月1日通过海运,从上海港运往利物浦港。
)目的地国(地区)(country/region of destination) ? 货物最终运抵目的地的国家、地区或港口,一般应与最终收货人或最终目的地港的国家或地区一致,不能填写中间商国别。
仅供签证机构使用(for certifying authority use only) ? 为签证机构使用栏,正常情况下,出口公司应将此栏留空,由签证机构根据需要在此加注。

原产地证明书原产地证明书===================1. 引言原产地证明书是国际贸易中非常重要的文件之一。
2. 原产地证明的定义原产地证明是指由生产、制造或者分包的国家或地区出具的,证明某一商品产地的文件。
3. 原产地证明的内容原产地证明通常包括以下内容:商品的完整名称和规格;商品的产地信息,包括国家或地区;商品的生产或制造过程的描述;商品的运输路线和方式;相关证明文件的编号和日期;出具证明书的机构的名称和地质;签发人的姓名和职务。
4. 原产地证明的申请流程申请原产地证明通常需要以下步骤:1. 准备必要的文件和材料,包括商品的相关证明文件、生产或制造过程描述以及商品的规格等;2. 向出具原产地证明的机构提交申请;3. 审核申请材料,确保其完整和真实性;4. 如申请符合要求,出具原产地证明;5. 将原产地证明交由出口商或代理商在出口商品时提交给海关。
5. 注意事项在申请和使用原产地证明时,需要注意以下事项:准确填写申请材料,确保与其他相关文件的一致性;对于涉及国家特殊要求的商品,如农产品等,需要额外提供相关证明文件;在出口商品时,务必将原产地证明与其他单据一同提交给海关;检查原产地证明的有效期,确保在进口国海关验货时不会过期。

SAMPLE CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINAsia-Pacific Trade Agreement(Combined declaration and certificate)1.Goods consigned from:(Exporter’s businename, address, country)Reference No.Issued in …………….(Country)2. Goods consigned to:(Consignee’s name, address, country)3.For Official use4. Means of transport and route:5.Tariff item number:6. Marks and number of Packages:7. Numberand kind of packages/descriptionof goods:8. Origincriterion(see notesoverleaf)9. Grossweightor otherquantity:10. Number and date of invoices:11. Declaration by the exporter :The undersigned hereby declares that the above details and statements are correct: that all the goods were produced in……………………………….(Country)and that they comply with the origin requirements specified for these goods in the Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement for goods exported to……………………………….(Importing Country)……………………………….Place and date, signature of authorizedSignatory 12. CertificateIt is hereby certified on the basis of control carried out, that the declaration by the exporter is correct.…………………………………Place and date, signature and Stamp ofCertifying AuthorityNotes for completing Certificate of OriginI. General Conditions:To qualify for preference, products must:a) fall within a description of products eligible for preference in the list of concessions of an Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement country of destination;b) comply with Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement rules of origin. Each article in a consignment must qualify separately in its own right; andc) comply with the consignment conditions specified by the Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement rules of origin. In general, products must be consigned directly within the meaning of Rule 5 hereof from the country of exportation to the country of destination.II.Entries to be made in the boxesBox1Goods Consigned fromType the name, addreand country of the exporter. The name must be the same as the exporter described in the invoice.Box2Goods Consigned toType the name, addreand country of the importer. The name must be the same as the importer described in the invoice. For third party trade, the words “To Order” may be typed.Box3For Official UseReserved for use by certifying authority.Box4Means of Transport and RouteState in detail the means of transport and route for the products exported. If the L/C terms etc. do not require such details, type “By Air” or “By Sea”. If the products are transported through a third country this can be indicated as follows: e.g. “By Air” “Laos to India via Bangkok”Box5Tariff Item NumberType the 4-digit HS heading of the individual items.Box6Marks and Numbers of PackagesType the marks and numbers of the packages covered by the Certificate. This information should be identical to the marks and numbers on the packages.Box 7 Number and Kind of Packages; Description of GoodsType clearly the description of the products exported. This should be identical to the description of the products contained in the invoice. An accurate description will help the Customs Authority of the country of destination to clear the products quickly.Box8Origin CriterionPreference products must be wholly produced or obtained in the exporting Participating State in accordance with Rule 2 of the Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement Rules of Origin, or where not wholly produced or obtained in the exporting Participating State must be eligible under Rule 3 or Rule 4.a) Products wholly produced or obtained: enter the letter “A” in Box 8.b) Products not wholly produced or obtained: the entry in Box 8 should be as follows:1.Enter letter “B” in Box 8, for products which meet the origin criteria according to Rule 3. Entry of letter “B” would be followed by the sum of the value of materials, parts or produce originating from non-Participating States, or undetermined origin used, expressed as a percentage of the f.o.b. value of the products; (example “B” 50 per cent);2.Enter letter “C” in Box 8 for products which meet the origin criteria according to Rule 4. Entry of letter “C” would be followed by the sum of the aggregate content originating in the territory of the exporting Participating State expressed as a percentage of the f.o.b. value of the exported product; (example “C” 60 per cent);3.Enter letter “D” in Box 8 for products which meet the special origin criteria according to Rule 10.Box 9 GroWeight or Other QuantityType the groweight or other quantity (such as pieces, kg) of the products covered by the Certificate.Box 10 Number and Date of InvoicesState number and date of the invoice in question. The date of the invoice attached to the Application should not be later than the date of approval on the Certificate.Box 11 Declaration by the ExporterThe term “Exporter” refers to the shipper who can either be a trader or a manufacturer. Type the name of the producing country and the importing country and the place and date when the declaration is made. This box mus t be signed by the Company’s authorized signatory.Box 12 CertificationThe certifying authority will certify in this Box.原产地证书样本亚太贸易协定(中文文本仅供参考)(申报和证书合一)1.货物运自(出口人名称、地址、国家):编号:……………. …. …. …. ….签发(国家)2. 货物运至(收货人名称、地址、国家):3. 官方使用4.运输工具及路线5.税则号列6. 包装唛头及编号7. 包装件数及种类;货物名称8. 原产地标准(见背页说明)9. 毛重或者其他数量10.发票编号及日期11.出口人声明下列签字人证明上述资料及申明正确无讹,所有货物产自……………………………….(国家)且符合亚太贸易协定原产地规则的相关规定,该货物出口至……………………………….(进口国)…………………………….申报地点、日期及授权签字人的签字12. 证明根据所实施的监管,兹证明上述出口商的申报正确…………………………………地点和日期,签字和签证机构印章背页填制说明一、总原则:享受关税减让优惠的货物必须符合以下条件:1. 属于《亚太贸易协定》进口成员国关税减让优惠产品清单的范围。

一.中华人民共和国出口货物原产地证书 (Certificate of Origin of The People‘s Republic of China)
(一) 含义和作用 中华人民共和国出口货物原产地证明书,简称产地证
(C.O),俗称一般原产地证,是证明出口货物符合中 华人民共和国出口货物原产地规则的证明文件。 该文件具有法律效力,也是通关、结汇、进行贸易统 计的重要证明文件。 各地检验检疫局和贸促会均可签发此种原产地证。
普惠制全称普遍优惠制(Generalized System of Preference),是指发达国家给予发展中国家或地 区在经济、贸易方面的一种非互惠的关税优惠待遇。
普惠制原产地证明书是发展中国家(受惠国)向发达 国家(给惠国)出口时,按照联合国贸发会议规定的统 一格式填制的一种证明商品原产地的文件,它也是进 口国给予优惠关税待遇或免税的凭证。
任务三:普惠制原产地证书(FORM A)的内容与制作
普惠制原产地证明书(Generalized System of Preference Certificate of Origin),简称 “GSP产地证”,又称为:“FORM A (格式A)”。
4.是进口国海、作用 和种类认知
(一)根据签发人的不同,一般可分为: 1.政府授权机构签发的产地证明书 在我国,政府授权机构主要是指中华人民共和国国家质量
监督检验检疫总局和商务部。 2.商会签发的产地证明书 在我国,商会是指中国国际贸易促进委员会CCPIT。 3.出口厂商签发的产地证明书 当信用证规定受益人提供产地证明书,或只要求提供产地

一般原产地证明书一般原产地证明书填写说明证书编号(certificate no.)? 此栏不得留空,否则此证书无效。
出口方(exporter)? 填写出口商的英文名称、英文地址及所属国家(地区)。
收货人(consignee)?? 填写进口商的英文名称、英文地址及所属国家(地区)。
如果来证要求所有单证收货人留空,应加注“to whom it may concern”或“to order”,但不得留空。
运输方式和路线(means of transport and route) ?? 此栏尽发货人所知,填写运输方式(海运、空运等)、起运港和目的地(目的港),应注意与等其他单据保持一致。
如:o from shanghai to liverpool on july 1, 2008 by vessel.(所有货物于2008年7月1日通过海运,从上海港运往利物浦港。
)目的地国(地区)(country/region of destination) ? 货物最终运抵目的地的国家、地区或港口,一般应与最终收货人或最终目的地港的国家或地区一致,不能填写中间商国别。
仅供签证机构使用(for certifying authority use only) ? 为签证机构使用栏,正常情况下,出口公司应将此栏留空,由签证机构根据需要在此加注。

出口货物原产地证明书(一) 概念原产地证明书(Certificate of Origin)是一种证明货物原产地或制造地的证件。
收货人的名称一般是出口合同中的买方或信用证上规定的运输单据的被通知人.若进口商或信用证要求此栏空白则可以接受不填,或填为"To order”或”To Whom it may concern”(致有关人)。
﹡运输方式和路线(Means of transport and route):运输方式填写海运、空运或陆运;路线应填写启运地、目的地和转运地,并应与提单所列内容一致﹡目的地国(地区)(Country/region of destination):货物最终运抵目的地的国家、地区或港口,一般与最终收货人或最终目的地港的国家或地区一致。
﹡仅供签证机构使用(For certifying authority use only):为签证机构使用栏,签证机构根据需要在此加注。
﹡运输标志(Marks and numbers):也称唛头,此栏内容应与信用证或其他单据所列的同类内容完全一致。

原产地证明书原产地证明书1. 简介原产地证明书(Certificate of Origin)是一种用于证明货物出口国家或地区的文件。
2. 定义原产地证明书是由出口国或地区的官方机构或授权的商会、行业协会等颁发的一种正式文件。
3. 用途原产地证明书在国际贸易中发挥着重要的作用。
4. 常见的申请流程以下是原产地证明书的常见申请流程:- 准备材料:申请人需准备相关的材料,包括出口合同、发票、装箱单和货物的生产资料等。
- 填写申请表格:申请人需填写原产地证明书的申请表格,正确填写货物的信息、原产地等内容。
- 核实与审批:申请人将申请表格和相关材料提交给指定的机构,该机构将核实货物的原产地、生产过程等,并根据法律法规进行审批。
- 签发证明书:经过核实和审批后,机构将向申请人签发原产地证明书,并加盖公章或签字确认。
- 交付证明书:申请人收到原产地证明书后,可将其交给承运人或相关贸易方作为货物出口的必备文件。
5. 注意事项在申请原产地证明书时,申请人需要注意以下几个重要事项:- 准确填写信息:申请人应该准确填写原产地证明书的申请表格,确保货物的相关信息、原产地等内容准确无误。
- 合规审批:申请人在提交申请之前,应仔细了解并遵守进口国的相关法律法规和贸易政策要求,确保申请符合法律要求。
- 货物真实性:申请人应确保所申请的货物确实符合原产地证明书要求,不得提供虚假或伪造的信息。

该产品出口于XX月,装船于XX月XX日,抵达中国港口XX月XX 日,全程监督服务和运距确保品质,中国报关机构备案数据表明在XX 月XX日已完成报关手续,确认XX公司的货物即为原装现货。

特此证明以下货物符合原产地规定:一、货物基本信息货物名称:___________________货物描述:___________________货物规格:___________________货物数量:___________________货物单价:___________________货物总价值:___________________二、生产者信息1. 生产厂家名称:___________________2. 生产厂家地址:___________________3. 生产厂家联系方式:_______________三、原产地证明要求根据国际贸易规则,以下条件满足之一即可被视为符合原产地要求:1. 货物完全在生产国/地区内获得或加工,且使用的原材料或成分主要来自于该国/地区;2. 货物在生产国/地区内经过一定加工、加工程序或装配成品;3. 货物在出口国/地区获得足够的加工程序,使其成为一个新的、区别于原材料的产品。
四、货物原产地证明为证明以上货物符合原产地要求,本证明书提供以下证据:1. 发票:附上购货发票,确认货物购买的详细信息以及付款金额。
2. 生产流程图:提供详细的生产过程描述和图示,证明货物是在指定的生产国/地区内加工生产的。
3. 原材料证明:提供原材料的购买证明,明确原材料的采购地点和数量。
4. 成品证明:提供相应的测试报告和质量证书,确保货物的成品符合国际质量标准。
六、附件1. 货物购货发票副本2. 原材料购买证明3. 生产流程图示4. 质量检测报告和质量证书请查验方根据本证明书上述所述信息,确认货物的原产地。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
一般原产地证明书一般原产地证明书填写说明证书编号(certificate no.)? 此栏不得留空,否则此证书无效。
出口方(exporter)? 填写出口商的英文名称、英文地址及所属国家(地区)。
收货人(consignee)?? 填写进口商的英文名称、英文地址及所属国家(地区)。
如果来证要求所有单证收货人留空,应加注“to whom it may concern”或“to order”,但不得留空。
运输方式和路线(means of transport and route) ?? 此栏尽发货人所知,填写运输方式(海运、空运等)、起运港和目的地(目的港),应注意与等其他单据保持一致。
如:o from shanghai to liverpool on july 1, 2008 by vessel.(所有货物于2008年7月1日通过海运,从上海港运往利物浦港。
)目的地国(地区)(country/region of destination) ? 货物最终运抵目的地的国家、地区或港口,一般应与最终收货人或最终目的地港的国家或地区一致,不能填写中间商国别。
仅供签证机构使用(for certifying authority use only) ? 为签证机构使用栏,正常情况下,出口公司应将此栏留空,由签证机构根据需要在此加注。
运输标志(marks and numbers) ? 也称,此栏内容应与合同(shipping mark栏)、信用证或其他单据所列的同类内容完全一致,可以是图案、文字或号码。
当内容过长,可占用第7、8、9、10栏;如无运输标志,要填no mark或n/m。
包装种类和件数、货物描述(number and kind of packages,description of goods)? 填写商品的数量、包装种类及商品名称与描述。
?? (1)商品要写具体名称,例如:杯子(cup)、睡袋(sleeping bags)。
例如:“(100)one hundred cartons of colour tv sets”。
如果是散装货,在品名后加注“in bulk”。
例如:“1000m/t (one thousand m/t only) pigiron in bulk”(1000吨生铁)。
?? (3)有时信用证要求加注合同号、l/c号,可加于此。
海关协调制度编码(h. s. code)? 商品的h. s.编码,即《商品分类和编码协调制度》为不同类的商品加列的商检顺序号。
量值(quantity)? 填写计算单价时使用的数量和计量单位,应与买卖合同或其他单据所列的同类内容完全一致。
发票号和发票日期(number and date of invoice) ? 填写商业发票的号码与日期,要求与商业发票同类显示内容完全一致。
say total?? 以文字(大写)写出该笔交易的总金额,必须与合同、商业发票的同类内容完全一致。
如:o u.s.dollars eighty nine thousand six hundred only 出口方声明(declaration by the exporter) ? 此栏为出口方声明、签字盖章栏。
? 如:o shanghai, china 2008-07-25。
签证机构证明(certification) ? 所申请的证书,经签证机构审核人员审核无误后,由授权的签证人在此栏手签姓名并加盖签证机构印章,注明签署地点、日期。
篇二:申请一般原产地证明书申请一般原产地证明书注册登记表申请单位名称:中国国际贸易促进委员会鹤山市支会中国国际商会鹤山商会企业注册需提交的资料一、外贸公司1、已通过工商年审的营业执照(复印件1份)交原件核对;2、对外贸易经营者备案登记表(复印件1份正反面)交原件核对; 3、所代理生产企业的营业执照(复印件)。
被授权人:1、姓名:相片身份证号码:文化程度:职务:电话:手签字迹:2、姓名:身份证号码:文化程度:职务:电话:手签字迹:3、姓名:身份证号码:文化程度:职务:电话:手签字迹:法人代表(被授权人)签字:企业公章: 日期:年月日相片相片篇三:申请一般原产地证明书申请一般原产地证明书注册登记表申请单位名称:填表人郑重声明申请单位了解本注册登记表内已填的全部内容,所有内容及呈交的文件资料真实正确,并保证做到:(一)严格按照《中华人民共和国出口货物原产地规则》及其实施办法的有关规定,对申请一般原产地证明书项下的产品进行管理,使之符合我国原产地标准。
sample certificate of origin asia-pacific trade agreement 1.goods consigned from:(exporter’s businename, address, country) reference no.issued in …………….(country)2. goods consigned to:(consignee’s name, address, country)3.for official use4. means of transport and route:5.tariff item number:6. marks and number of packages:7. number and kind of packages/descriptionof goods: 8. origincriterion(see notesoverleaf)9. grossweightor otherquantity:10. number and date of invoices: 11. declaration by the exporter : the undersigned hereby declares that the above details and statements are correct:that all the goods were produced in ……………………………….(country) ……………………………….(importing country) ……………………………….place and date, signature of authorized signatory 12. certificateit is hereby certified on the basis of control carried out, that the declarationby the exporter is correct.…………………………………place and date, signature and stamp of certifying authorityi. general conditions:to qualify for preference, products must: a) fall within a description of products eligible for preference in the list ofconcessions of an asia-pacific trade agreement country of destination; consignment must qualify separately in its own right; and agreement rules of origin. in general, products must be consigned directly withinthe meaning of rule 5 hereof from the country of exportation to the country ofdestination.ii.entries to be made in the boxes box1goods consigned fromtype the name, addreand country of the exporter. the name must be the same asthe exporter described in the invoice. box2goods consigned totype the name, addreand country of the importer. the name must be the same asthe importer described in the invoice. for third party trade, the words “to order”may be typed.box3for official usereserved for use by certifying authority. box4means of transport and route state in detail the means of transport and route for the products exported. ifthe l/c terms etc. do not require such details, type “by air” or “by sea”. ifthe products aretransported through a third country this can be indicated as follows: e.g. “byair”“laos to india via bangkok”box5tariff item numbertype the 4-digit hs heading of the individual items. box6marks and numbers of packages type the marks and numbers of the packages covered by the certificate. this information should be identical to the marks and numbers on the packages. box 7 number and kind of packages; description of goods type clearly the description of the products exported. this should be identicalto the description of the products contained in the invoice. an accurate descriptionwill help the customs authority of the country of destination to clear the productsquickly.box8origin criterionpreference products must be wholly produced or obtained in the exporting participating state in accordance with rule 2 of the asia-pacific trade agreementrules of origin, or where not wholly produced or obtained in the exportingparticipating state must be eligible under rule 3 or rule 4.a) products wholly produced or obtained: enter the letter “a” in box 8.b) products not wholly produced or obtained: the entry in box 8 should be asfollows:1.enter letter “b” in box 8, for products which meet the origin criteriaaccording to rule 3. entry of letter “b” would be followed by the sum of the valueof materials, parts or produce originating from non-participating states, orundetermined origin used,expressed as a percentage of the f.o.b. value of the products; (example “b”50 per cent);2.enter letter “c” in box 8 for products which meet the origin criteria accordingto rule 4. entry of letter “c” would be followed by the sum of the aggregate content originating in the territory of the exporting participating state expressed asa percentage of the f.o.b. value of the exported product; (example “c” 60 per cent);3.enter letter “d” in box 8 for products which meet the special origin criteria according to rule 10.box 9 groweight or other quantity type the groweight or other quantity (such as pieces, kg) of the products coveredby the certificate.box 10 number and date of invoices state number and date of the invoice in question. the date of the invoice attachedto the application should not be later than the date of approval on the certificate. box 11 declaration by the exporter the term “exporter” refers to the shipper who can either be a trader or a box 12 certificationthe certifying authority will certify in this box.原产地证书样本亚太贸易协定(中文文本仅供参考)(申报和证书合一)1.货物运自(出口人名称、地址、国家):编号:篇五:原产地证明书申请书原产地证明书申请书申请单位及注册号码(盖章):证书号:申请人郑重声明:本人是被正式授权代表单位申请办理原产地证明书和签署本申请书的。