
• Crawley family and their
servants in the post-
Edwardian era—with
the great events in
history having an effect
on their lives and on the
British social hierarchy.
Seven Kingdoms; the second
covers the rising threat of
the impending winter and
the mythical creatures of
the North; the third
chronicles the attFra bibliotekmpts of
the exiled last scion of the
English TV series
白圣杰 赵永泰
• The tv is broadcasted in the form of season
• One season usually has 20~30 episode
• It is broadcasted one episode a week
• The Emmy awards which is usually held in
realm's deposed dynasty to
reclaim the throne.
The series,
set in the fictional
Yorkshire country estate of Downton Abbey, depicts the lives of the
看美剧学英语 英文ppt

middle level
实nded reason
• neutral accent 发音纯正 • useful and popular words 词汇实用
生 活 大 爆 炸
Recommended reason
• Long lines 长段的台词 • scientific terminology 科学术语 • speaks quickly 语速快
迷 失
越 狱
Recommended reason
• Different accents 不同的口音 • Many slang 很多俚语 • Exercise listening 锻炼听力
Do you watch US TV series today?
• There are many advantages of learning English through American TV series • First,Freedom of time and place, you only need a laptop and a pair of earphones, no need to make appointments to have coffee with the Americans hired by the university, and you also avoid the initial nervousness when talking to other people in English for real. • Second,It has the function of improving your spoken English and relaxing yourself at the same time. • Third,You can learn how English is spoken in real life. Learning from sitcoms with a lot of slangs and idioms can avoid the possible situation where you don't understand their English and they don't understand yours.

The Newsroom
中文字幕——英文字幕——无字幕——英文字幕 因此想学好英语交流是需要量的积累的,选一 部自己感兴趣的美剧来看个四五遍吧!
准备好笔和本,随时准备停顿,记录自己感兴 趣的句子和单词,句型和语法,看完剧再回顾笔 记,整理笔记,并适时用上,如写日记,观后感, 与朋友聊天等,当然还要像美国人一样思维哦!
《Desperate Housewives》(《绝望的主妇》) 这部剧讲述的是美国中产阶级的故事,所以用词 和语言非常标准,相对于《Friends》有更多的 长句和单词,非常适合中级水平朋友学习。
《The west wing》(《白宫风云》) 《The Newsroom》(《新闻编辑室》) 话不多说,如果能把这几个剧搞 透,那么恭喜你,英语水平棒棒哒!
英语视听 美剧推荐 从美剧学英语period 2 优质课件

Task two-7:expressions
Words: 1. 把事情搞砸 2. 我们会共同承担责
3.Do you think it’s
better or worse if
we had sb deliver
the news? 4. 让我来照看她吧。 5.正在约会呢。 6. 为自己感到羞耻
1. mess everything up 2. We’re all in it together. 3. 你认为我们让某人传个
1. 算我一个,我参加,找我 2. Bother to change a
diaper 3. A vision
4. I got a little distracted
5. Be desperate 6. Good point 7. specials
Task two-5:expressions
Words: 1.我们正过得开心着呢 2. 我不是想批评你。 3.我变得更加不知所措
visual and audio
By 黎宇珍
Dictation of episode one
1. Survive 2. 没心情开玩
3. 美味的 4. 古怪的 5. 对我不忠 6. 你介意吗? 7. 请自便 8. 坚持下去 9. 冷静 10.开玩笑呢
1. 存活 2. not in the mood 3. yummy 4. weird 5. cheat on me 6. do you mind? 7. knock yourself out 8. hang in 9. chill 10. I’m kidding
7.Be home safe and

Principal Cast
Masters of Horror( 恐怖大师)
This drama by the horror film director Mick Garris with his friends in 2002 . During their talk, Freemasonry. Aft er this, Garris called the 10 dtf本 克eilimrr套·er加ocs剧rte利iosrr集ti斯sef最lsao,.nw初I2dnt0创om20g02意ae0年st来5hte他,e自rGr和o于taot一hr恐rcei众srr怖e业ais片t内e导a同演h好o米rror t在he加p州ro共du餐ce。r 席an间d 他dir们ec相to谈r o甚f 欢tw,o 惺惺 p相o惜sts。, c在re此at之e 后ea,ch加1利h斯ou召r 集"m席as间te的rs1o0f h位o导rro演r"以se及ri其es他(a恐to怖ta流l o的f 高tw手o 相se约as共on同s and 2GMa打 身 集6noik造兼1dree小dpN一制,oi时osnT套作or,s的tdoTu恐人ean“rus怖和krt)恐aea,片导spD怖hNu剧演oiot大aMn集两rti师oiiok。个Cen”a职2,s系0Jc务0oa列5hl,年lny(,打,S总造加tu共出a利两r每t斯 p季ro2m6集ine)n,t d唐ire·卡cto斯rs卡h尔av利e、斯图尔 b特e·e戈n 登inv、o三lve池d崇, u史ni、ted约a翰s·t麦he克h诺or顿ro、r f鹤ilm田l法ov男er等s i名n 声the显t赫hr的ill 导of 演ho相rr继or参th与e 其feast. 中,联合为恐怖片爱好者奉上惊险刺激 的恐怖盛宴。

The word
Smelly(12'53) 原来是臭臭啊 大家都是到smell是闻啦,但是smelly是什么意思捏? You are smelly and stinking.快翻译 造句:ck的香水臭死了,阿迪的比较好闻. Ck's perfums are smelly,I think addidas' are more fragrant. 其实smelly也有别的意思哦,Smelly vanilla[v'nil] , fresh milk, tender wind and soft air……It expressed the future which I am longing and wishing for, also keeping the memory of my happychildhood. 清香的香草,浓郁的牛奶,柔软的微风……白巧克力饱含着我 对未来的向往与憧憬,饱含着我童年的记忆.
American soup opera time
老友记season 1 ep2
VOA Time
Exhort [ig'z:t] verb [T]: to strongly encourage or persuade (someone) to do something 规劝, 告诫, 勉[激] 励, 敦促 forward-looking adjective : planning for and thinking about the future in a positive way, especially by being willing to use modern methods or ideas 有远见的 downtrodden['dantrd()n] adjective: badly and unfairly treated:受压迫的 mystify:to confuse (someone) or make them uncertain by doing or involving them in something difficult to explain神秘化,使难解,迷惑

1、I won’t let her go without a fight! 我不会轻易放过她的2、It could happen to anyone./ It happens to anybody./ That happens. 谁都可能会遇到这种情况。
3、That’s a deal!一言为定!4、I hear you. 我知道你要说什么。
/ 我懂你的意思了5、Nothing to see here!这里没什么好看的/看什么看!6、Hello? Were we at the same table? 有没有搞错?7、You are so sweet/ that’s so sweet. 你真好。
8、I think it works for me. 我觉得这对我有用。
9、Rachel, you are out of my league(等级,范畴). 你跟我不是同一类人10、You are so cute. 你真好/真可爱12、Let’s get the exam rolling. 现在开始考试了( get……rolling)13、Why don’t we give this a try? 我们为何不试一下呢?14、Bravo on the hot nanny! 赞一下那个性感的保姆!(bravo on sth./sb.,为……喝彩/赞叹)15、My way or the highway!不听我的就滚蛋!16、I planned to go there but something just came up. 我本想去那儿的,但突然有点事情。
17、That’s not the point.这不是关键/问题所在。
18、(If) he shows up, we stick with him. 他一出现,我们就跟着他走(if可省略)19、My life flashes before my eyes. 我的过往在我眼前浮现。

• Since I was a girl, all I heard from people was you're nothing, nothing is what you deserve.But that night something clicked. And I just know I was worth something. No matter how much I love that sleepy little town, none of my dreams is waiting down here, they are waiting up there.
Christine Montgomery 昆汀丝-柏肯Candice Bergen 饰 Sally Weston 类型:情感/喜剧
• 剧情简介:《美国空姐》讲述的是小镇上的漂亮女孩唐娜在失恋 后看到电视上播出的著名空姐莎莉的一档谈话节目后,就决定报 考航空公司,在培训中心,她的指导老师正是莎莉。唐娜在起初 飞往克利夫兰的航线时结识了学习法律专业的泰德,两人坠入爱 河。
• "No matter where you are from. No matter who people think you are. You can be whatever you want".
Could you talk about it if you watched this movie? If you haven’t watched it, I recommend that you try to enjoy it.
View From The Top

季 Season
般从9月中旬开始到次年4月下旬。每年秋 季,美国电视网纷纷推出自己的新剧,或 者延续之前已经获得成功的经典剧集。这 段时间人们一般较少外出,电视的开机率 大幅提升。通过这种每年固定的播出时段, 我们可以在许多长寿的美剧中找寻美国社 会变迁的轨迹, 如《白宫风云》。
(CW),由哥伦比亚ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ播公司(CBS) 及华纳兄弟(Warnar Bro.)共同出资。 CW为华人观众熟知的剧目有《绯闻女 孩》《吸血鬼日记》《尼基塔》等。 CW电视网在五大公共电视网中,收视、 地位和口碑均处末位。CW电视网成立 后主打青春偶像剧,现今收视人群偏向 年轻人,也因此博得众多中国年轻网友 的喜爱。
有《绝望主妇》,其他为华人观众 熟知的有《成长的烦恼》《迷失》 《摩登家庭》《实习医生格蕾》 《丑女贝蒂》。 因ABC收视人群集中于妇女以及家 庭观众,被华人观众戏称“主妇 台”。
【看美剧学PPT】 lonelyfish作品

美剧之一:《24》故事概要:这似乎是我看的真正意义上的第一部美剧(除了《Growning Pain》),这套美剧已经全部结束了。
Learn from American TV Play 看美剧学英语

Learn from American TV Play 看美剧学英语老友记第一季第一集本集简介:瑞秋在教堂抛弃未婚夫巴利、逃婚到莫妮卡处。
Now let us find some useful words and Expressions From this Part.经典对白1:[Scene: A Restaurant, Monica and Paul are eating.]Monica: Oh my God! Paul: I know, I know, I'm such an idiot. I guess I should have caught on when she started going to the dentist four and five times a week. I mean, how clean can teeth get? Monica: My brother's going through that right now, he's such a mess. How did you get through it? Paul: Well, you might try accidentally breaking something valuable of hers, say her- Monica: -leg? Paul: (laughing) That's one way! Me, I- I went for the watch. Monica: You actually broke her watch? Wow! The worst thing I ever did was, I-I shredded by boyfriend's favorite bath towel.讲解在倾听Paul讲述自己被甩的经历时,Monica不时地发出Oh,my God!(天哪!)Wow!(哇!)的惊叹声。

• Chandler: So I have a flaw! Big deal!...I accept all those flaws, why can't you accept me for this? Flaw这里是fault、drawback或shortcoming的意 思,吹牛的时候你可以说My father is so perfect, he has no flaw….,big deal单独用在某句话中多 半表示反语或者反问,用的更常见的是no big deal.意思是没什么大不了的。
Episode 3, Season 1
• Chandler's reunited with his beloved cigarettes, which the rest of his friends can't stand. Monica dates a man all her buddies love but with whom she's bored. And poor, honest Phoebe can't deal with the fact that her bank gave her one thousand dollars that isn't hers, plus a soda company gives her seven thousand more unwanted bucks after she finds a dismembered thumb in a can of soda.
• Monica: Okay, let's let the Alan-bashing begin. Who's gonna take the first shot, hmm? 好了,现在开始Alan的批判会吧!谁先来? (Alan-bashing是个有趣的组合,我们也可以用 的,比如看到Monitor欺负谁了,也可以来个 monitor-bashing嘛。“take the first shot”也值得 记下,各种场合都可以用,“谁先来?”)
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again Thanksgiving sky coming up belt
happen lucky by the way actually
生在旅游生活中正确地使用英语解决问题的能力;使学生能基本 运用英语,完成相应的英语书写任务;提高英语知识普及性,提 高英语学习兴趣。了解并熟练应用常用的旅游英语,增强语言运 用的准确性;掌握英语地理历史人文等常识性知识;熟悉订房、 订票、制定路线,办签证所用的应用型英语;具备自我学习,自我 提高的能力。
Байду номын сангаас 看美剧,学英语
模仿配音来提高学生的听力以及口语表达能力,巩固必 修词汇并积累一些日常生活中常用词汇,增加学生对美 国文化的了解,激发学生对英语学习的热情。《摩登家 庭》是一部情景喜剧,故事以独特的视角讲述了极具代 表的三个典型的美国家庭的日常生活。本剧获得过多项 艾美奖,是美国总统奥巴马最爱美剧之一。借着本剧喜 剧的特点,让学生们在快乐中学英语。
mistake so
boring asleep set
throw anything dream though
suggest fan
present hurt
(Episode 9)
Scene: Hospital
Jay: Do we know ________? Mitchell: Oh, no, they’re in there now with the doctor. We’re ______, _______ – the paramedics said it could’ve been a lot worse. Jay: My god, how did this even ________?
课程类型: 兴趣特长类
介绍;课堂教学中视听英语歌曲及电影片段剪辑;课前或课后视 听完整的影片;对歌曲、电影的视听内容进行角色扮演、讨论等 口头练习;学唱歌曲;诵读经典对白或独白;写电影的英文简单 概要或影评课程内容突出训练学生各种文体的写作能力,教学过 程中,通过课堂模拟真实的写作任务训练,给学生提供丰富的实 践和操作的机会。
课程类型: 职业技能类
向工作任务与职业能力分析表中的工作项目而改编设置的。以最 终培养学生实用英语能力来组织课程内容。了解旅游英语,不仅 能提高高中英语能力,又能延伸和拓展高中教学内容。该课程使 学生在完成具体制定攻略任务的过程中提高能力,以发展相应的 职业能力。课程内容突出训练学生制定旅游攻略的英语能力,教 学过程中,通过课堂模拟真实的任务训练,给学生提供丰富的实 践和操作的机会。
教学目标: 1. 学生能巩固必修词汇:come up,
actually, set up, though, completely, point, power, blame 等;
2. 学生能将观看的内容用自己的语言复 述出来。
3. 学生的语音语调模仿得更贴近片中的 角色。
课堂实录:Part 1
Step 1: Watch the video.
课时安排:每周一课时,共18课时 课程特色:在本课程的第一节课末让学生从Phil, Claire,
Hayley and Alex四个主角中选择自己要模仿的角 色,整个学期的学习每个学生模仿自己特定的那 个角色的发音). 课程重难点: 学生能听懂美国人的日常对话;
学生能巩固必修课本里的词汇并积累一 些课本以外,但在日常生活中较实用的词汇;
学生通过模仿配音使语音语调得到提高 并让学生通过锻炼敢于说英语。
巩固必修词汇以及增加词汇量;英语口语 得到提高。
培养学生学习英语的兴趣以及跨文化交际 的意识,增强家庭观念,重视亲情。
用交际法进行语言实践,以表演的形式展现,最终达 到听说能力的提高作为必修课程的补充。
Phil: Every year, Luke’s birthday falls right around ________, and so it gets lost in the holiday shuffle. Claire: Yeah, one year we forgot _________ and we had to improvise a cake of stuffing. Phil: Which, ____ _____ ______, he was fine with. He’s one of those kids: you get him a gift and all he want to do is play with the box. Claire: Yeah, one year we ________ just… got him a box. A really nice box. Phil: And we made the _______ of putting it in a gift bag. Claire: So he played with the gift bag. Phil: …We can’t get it right. Claire: No.
Scene: A few days earlier at Claire & Phil’s house
Phil: There he is! Big day’s _____ _____. What do you want for your birthday, big dog? Luke: It’s okay; I’m good. Phil: Come on. _____’s the limit. _____ big, my boy. Luke: Well, I guess I could use a ______. Claire: A belt? Luke: Yeah, you’re right. I don’t need it. The extension cord works pretty good.
从而开阔视野,提高鉴赏能力;通过视听练习,逐步能在轻松愉 快的氛围中提高听说技能,从而增强语感、提高英语综合能力; 通过学习和欣赏英文经典歌曲,增强学英语的兴趣和能力;通过 欣赏经典影片及歌曲,更广泛地了解相关的学科知识。(历史学、 人文学等)