2023年暨南大学全国硕士真题357 英语翻译基础

It wasn’t the happiest marriage, but as their 60th anniversary approached, my sister and I decided to throw a party. We’d provide the cake, the balloons, the toasts, and they’d abide by one rule: no fighting. We had a wonderful day. In hindsight it was an important celebration, because soon after, things began to change for my parents. As Alzheimer's disease settled in, their marriage was about the
目 录2011年浙江师范大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2012年浙江师范大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2013年浙江师范大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2011年浙江师范大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解I. Translate the following terms into Chinese. (15 points, 1 point each) 1.Babel【答案】巴别塔2.intralingual translation【答案】语际翻译3.equivalence【答案】对等4.patronage【答案】赞助人5.polysystem【答案】多元系统6.simultaneous interpreting【答案】同声传译7.untranslatability【答案】不可译性8.domesticating strategy【答案】归化策略9.translation norms【答案】翻译规范10.Lawrence Venuti【答案】劳伦斯·韦努蒂11.pseudotranslation【答案】伪译12.SL texts【答案】原文本13.prescriptive approach【答案】规定性方法14.skopos theory【答案】目的论15.deconstruction【答案】解构II. Translate the following terms into English. (15 points, 1 point each) 1.可接受性【答案】acceptability2.改编【答案】adaption3.回译【答案】back-translation4.计算机辅助翻译【答案】CAT(Computer Aided Translation)5.异化【答案】foreignization6.语义翻译【答案】semantic translation7.社群传译【答案】community interpreting8.文化转向【答案】cultural turn9.国际译联【答案】FIT(International Federation of Translators) 10.功能对等【答案】functional equivalence11.不确定性【答案】uncertainty12.联络传译【答案】contact interpretation13.操纵学派【答案】Manipulation School14.显性翻译【答案】explicit translation15.平行语料库【答案】parallel corpusIII. Translate the following passage into Chinese. (60 points)The Big Bull Market was dead. Billions of dollars’ worth of profits and paper profits had disappeared. The grocer, the window-cleaner and the seamstress had lost their capital. In every town there were families which had suddenly dropped from showy affluence into debt. Investors who had dreamed of retiring to live on their fortunes now found themselves back once more at the very beginning of the long road to riches. Day by day the newspapers printed the grim report of suicides.Coolidge-Hoover Prosperity was not yet dead, but it was dying. Under the impact of shock of panic, a multitude of ills which hitherto had passed unnoticed or had been offset by stock-market optimism began to beset the body economic, as poisons seep through the human system when a vital organ has ceased to function normally. Although the liquidation of nearly 3 billion dollars of brokers’ loans contracted credit, and Reserve Banks lowered the rediscount rate, and the way in which the larger banks and corporations of the country had survived the emergency without a single failure of large proportions offered real encouragement, nevertheless the poisons were there: over production of capital; over-ambitious expansion of business concerns; overproduction of commodities under the stimulus of installment buying and buying with stock-market profits; the maintenance of an artificial price level for many commodities; the depressed condition of European trade. No matter how many soothsayers of high finance proclaimed that all was well, no matter how earnestly the president set to work to repair the damage with soft words and White House conferences, a major depression was inevitably under way.【参考译文】大牛市崩盘了。

外交学院硕士研究生入学考试专业课样题《英语翻译基础》(代码357)I. Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively. There are altogether 30 items in this part of the test, 15 in English and 15 in Chinese, with on e point for each .(30’)1. AFTA2. HSBC3. GMT4. NMD5. IOC6. DJI7. OECD8. CPU9. UNDP10. WMO11. WIPO12. liquefied petroleum gas13. file transfer protocol14. Certificate of Deposit15. World Food Program16. 思想库17. 产权单位18. 宏观调控19. 售后服务20. 大棒政策21. 人才外流22. 收盘价格23. 现货市场24. 人工呼吸25. 一次性补偿26. 公司所得税27. 个体工商户28. 非公有制经济29. 载人航天飞行30. 民族区域自治II. Directions: Translate the following two source texts into their target language respectively. (120’)Source Text 1:THESE HA VE BEEN THE BEST OF TIMES for many of the nation’s top universities—and the worst of times for middle income families struggling to afford them. Thanks to a robust stock market, school endowments have ballooned. Yet few institutions have held down steep increases in tuition. But that may be changing.Williams College, a prestigious liberal arts school in Massachusetts, announced last month that for the first time in 46 years, its tuition would remain steady at $31,520. Last week students at Princeton University learned that their annual $31,599 tuition, room and board will rise just 3.3%—the smallest hike in 30 years.These shows of restraint may signal a turnaround from the whopping tuition increases of recent years, as some schools now consider using their endowments to control price hikes. Since 1980, college costs have more than doubled, after adjustment for inflation while the median income of families with college-age children has increased only 12%.Last year tuition rose an average of 4.6%, the lowest jump in 12 years—but still more than twice the rate of inflation. “Remaining affordable for middle-class parents is the 800-lb gorilla facing colleges and universities,” says Terry Hartle, senior vice president of the American Council on Education in Washington.Williams held its tuition flat by paying more of its bills with the investment profits on its $1.1 billion endowment and with contributions from alumni. But college officials who oppose using endowments to freeze tuition say the students most vulnerable to hikes are not affected by them.“If we were to keep tuition constant, would it change the situation here for students in need?” asks Princeton president Harold Shapiro. “No, because their tuition is fully covered.” The school plans to boost scholarships to needy students this year as much as $2,250 a person.To be sure, there is no shortage of families who can afford elite institutions. Despite annual tuition hikes at Harvard, its applicant pool swelled from 13,029 in 1992 to 18,167 last year. Families that equate price with quality have allowed costs at elite schools to be on “autopilot,” says Gordon Winston, an economist at Williams College. Most wealthy families can afford the high tuitions, and poor families get financial aid, but middle-income families get squeezed—and even squeezed out. (378 words)Source Text 2:起初,我们了解俞子丹只是因为他教书的才能。
目 录
2.document against acceptance
3.nuclear disarmament
4.overhead pedestrian walk
5.US federal reserve system
6.alma mater
7.leap year
8.plead innocent

《357英语翻译基础》考研真题详解357 English Translation Basics: In-Depth Analysis of Postgraduate Entrance Exam QuestionsIntroductionThe field of English translation has gained significant importance in recent years, with many individuals opting to pursue it as a career. In this article, we will delve into the detailed analysis of the English translation basics, focusing specifically on the 357 English Translation Basics exam questions for postgraduate entrance exams. This examination is widely regarded as a benchmark for evaluating the translation skills of aspiring translators. Let us now explore the various aspects of this exam and gain valuable insights into the world of English translation.Part 1: Multiple Choice QuestionsThe 357 English Translation Basics exam includes a section of multiple-choice questions. These questions range from vocabulary and sentence structure to contextual understanding and idiomatic expressions. Each question requires candidates to choose the most appropriate translation or interpretation among the given options. This section aims to assess the candidates' comprehension abilities and their knowledge of the fundamental principles of English translation.Part 2: Sentence TransformationThe second part of the exam tests candidates' skills in sentence transformation. Here, candidates are presented with sentences in English andare required to translate them into Chinese accurately. This section evaluates candidates' ability to transform sentences while retaining the original meaning and effectively conveying it in the target language.Part 3: Passage TranslationPassage translation is a crucial aspect of the 357 English Translation Basics exam. Candidates are tasked with translating a given English passage into Chinese. The chosen passages cover a wide range of topics, such as literature, politics, science, and humanities, allowing candidates to showcase their proficiency in different subject areas. This section demands not only strong linguistic skills but also the ability to comprehend and interpret complex ideas accurately.Part 4: Essay TranslationThe essay translation section is designed to test candidates' ability to translate essays from Chinese into English. This part requires a comprehensive understanding of both languages and the ability to convey the intended meaning in a coherent and natural manner. Candidates are judged on their skill in accurately translating concepts, maintaining the appropriate style, and capturing the essence of the original text.Part 5: Cultural KnowledgeApart from translation skills, the 357 English Translation Basics exam also incorporates questions related to cultural knowledge. Candidates are expected to demonstrate an understanding of cultural differences, including idioms, expressions, and social customs specific to English-speakingcountries. This component emphasizes the importance of cultural sensitivity in producing accurate translations.ConclusionThe 357 English Translation Basics exam serves as a significant evaluation tool for individuals aspiring to pursue a career in English translation. Through its comprehensive coverage of various translation aspects, including multiple-choice questions, sentence transformation, passage translation, essay translation, and cultural knowledge, this exam rigorously assesses candidates' linguistic abilities, cultural understanding, and translation competence. By successfully preparing for and excelling in this exam, aspiring translators can strengthen their skills and enhance their prospects in the field.。
14. 正当权益
【答案】legitimate interests
15. 勇于创新
Ⅲ. Turn the following passage into Chinese. (60 points)
Much of the energy we use at home comes from electricity. Most of the
Earth’s energy—wind, waves, heat and light—comes from the sun. The sun itself is powered by nuclear energy.
因此,对于法国人,英国人,意大利人,其他欧洲人以及美国人和俄罗 斯人来说,重要的是要刻意或不经意地留意德国人是谁,他们认为自己 是谁,他们正在做什么以及接下来要去哪里。当然,这总是无法理解 的。人们怎么可能知道呢?德国是一个千变万化的国家。众所周知,只 有当一个人束缚了海神普罗特斯这位大海的预言家时,才能让他揭示未 来的形状。但他不能轻易地被打败;他不断改变。他可以是一只咆哮的 狮子,一只无害的羊,一条滑溜的蛇,一头有力的公牛,或者依次是一 块岩石,一棵树,一条小溪和一堆篝火。
2. 贸易技术壁垒 【答案】technical barriers to trade
3. 分期付款 【答案】installment
4. 原油 【答案】crude oil
5. 房地产 【答案】real estate
6. 反倾销 【答案】anti-dumping
7. 养老基金 【答案】pension fund
8. 记者招待会

2016年国际关系学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解一、词语翻译:英译汉(每题1分,总共15分)1. demographics【答案】人口统计学2. play the field【答案】脚踩两条船3. endowment insurance【答案】养老佣金、养老保险4. Good Samaritan Law【答案】“好人法”;好撒玛利亚人法5. probity and self-discipline【答案】廉洁自律6. tenacious determination【答案】壮士断腕的决心7. nepotism【答案】裙带关系8. low profile【答案】低调,低姿态9. marathon-viewing【答案】煲剧;刷剧10. co-starring【答案】联袂主演11. OECD【答案】经济合作与发展组织12. CATTI【答案】全国翻译专业资格水平考试13. TPP【答案】跨太平洋伙伴关系协定14. IAAF【答案】国际田联15. AIIB【答案】亚洲基础设施投资银行二、词语翻译:汉译英(每题l分)1. 全面二孩政策【答案】the universal two child policy2. 大病医疗【答案】critical illness medical care3. 四个全面战略布局【答案】the strategy of four comprehensives4. 万众一心【答案】forge ahead as one5. 一带一路倡议【答案】the Belt and Road Initiative6. 门当户对【答案】be matched for marriage7. 量体裁衣【答案】act according to actual circumstance8. 拼爹【答案】parents privilege competition9. 空巢老人【答案】empty-nester10. 任性【答案】wayward/headstrong/capricious11. 徇私舞弊【答案】making favoritism12. 至亲【答案】closely-knit kinsmen13. 自主知识产权【答案】Independent intellectual property rights14. 噱头【答案】gimmick stunt15. 山体滑坡【答案】landslide三、英汉互译:英译汉(每篇60分,总共60分)Beijing is taking aim at the “sharing economy" in China, publishing draft regulations that would impose taxi-like restrictions on private car-hailing services and could raise costs for internet booking leaders Uber and Didi Kuaidi.The regulations ,open for public comment for a month, would require Internet-based car-booking operators to obtain licences, set up local offices and maintain China-based servers, China’s Ministry of Transportation said in a draft posted on its website late on Friday.The release comes two days after Shanghai awarded the first municipal internet car-hailing licence in China to Didi, an important step towards regulating an industry that has been controversial in cities around the world.Municipalities from Amsterdam to New Delhi have struggled to control the proliferation of car-hailing apps,ensure passenger safety and deal with the impact of such services on the traditional taxi industry.Uber and Didi,the mainland market leader,have long operated in a grey areaof Chinese law, with most municipalities ruling private taxis technically illegal. That ban has not been rigorously or consistently enforced, however. Beijing plans by the end of the year to announce national rules that could either formally legalise the growing car-hailing industry or strangle it.People in the industry point out that even if the draft regulationsare adopted,there still would be ample room for municipal regulators to issue detailed local policies that could affect their implementation.Some of the rules are as strict as those on the heavily regulated traditional taxi industry, and thus could prove costly if rigorously enforced nationwide, they said.【参考译文】北京方面把目光投向中国的“共享经济”,发布法规草案,拟对私人叫车服务实行类似于出租车的限制,此举可能推高互联网打车应用领先者优步和滴滴快的的成本。

北京科技大学2014年硕士学位研究生入学考试试题============================================================================================================= 试题编号: 357 试题名称:英语翻译基础(共 3 页)适用专业:翻译说明:所有答案必须写在答题纸上,做在试题或草稿纸上无效。
============================================================================================================= 一、英汉互译短语翻译(30分)IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency)GNP (Gross National Product)Gini coefficientcarbon taxresource recyclingquantitative easinggenetically modified foodurbanization ratio核心竞争力资源配置绿色增长可燃冰社交网络雾霾碳交易二、将下列段落译为汉语(25分)In 1992, Deng underscored the need to follow through on the “modernisation” course that he initiated in the 1980s and he emphasised the need for the economy to strengthen investment and become far more export-oriented. These policies, pursued by Deng’s successors, spurred extraordinary overall economic growth including the emergence from poverty into the mainstream of hundreds of millions of Chinese.Now, however, Xi and Li accept that the era of double-digit annual GDP growth has ended. They are building Communist Party support—and this is why the forthcoming plenary session is important—for rapid action on an economic agenda that they hope can deliver sustained annual growth of between 7 and 7.5 per cent. 三、将下列短文译为汉语(35分)Seven years ago Beijing’s government set a target of making the city a “liveable” one by 2020, with “fresh air and a beautiful environment”. Few praise its progress. Complaints abound about its congestion, pollution, desperate shortage of water and hugely expensive housing. Even in the state-controlled media, suggestions are sometimes made that it is time to build a new capital.Beijing has been Ch ina’s capital for most of the past 600 years. Since the Communist victory in 1949, the Chinese have been taught to revere the city as an embodiment of China’s power, the party’s might and their country’s glorious history. To propose a move strikes many as heretical. In recent years, however, some have broken ranks. In 2000 even China’s then Prime Minister, Zhu Rongji, joined the sceptics. The capital, he declared, might have to move if measures to curb its sandstorms failed.Since then officials have claimed some success in reducing the frequency of these lung-clogging calamities. But other problems have grown. Beijingers fed up with traffic gridlock sometimes pronounce the word “shoudu”, meaning capital, in a different tone so that it sounds like “the most congested”. For much of the year a grey blanket of pollutants shrouds the city. The rate of birth defects has doubled over the past decade. The environment is thought to be a contributory factor. Several scholars have suggested, in newspapers as well as online, that these and other problems would best be solved by relocating the central government.Beijing’s bureaucrats are unlikely to be persuaded. Their privileges, common to all those registered as Beijing citizens (ie, not migrants from other provinces), include readier access than most other Chinese have to some of the country’s best educational and medical facilities. Some local officials in places favoured by scholars as potential capital sites have been proclaiming their merits. But given the allure of Beijing’samenities, it is little wonder that the central authorities keep quiet.四、将下列段落译为英语(25分)今年是中国发展进程中不平凡的一年。
目 录2016年南开大学357英语翻译基础考研真题(回忆版)(含部分答案)2015年南开大学357英语翻译基础考研真题(回忆版)(含答案)2014年南开大学357英语翻译基础考研真题(回忆版)(含答案)2013年南开大学357英语翻译基础考研真题(回忆版)(含答案)2012年南开大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2011年南开大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2010年南开大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2016年南开大学357英语翻译基础考研真题(回忆版)(含部分答案)一、英汉互译1.ISO【答案】国际标准化组织2.document against acceptance【答案】承兑交单3.nuclear disarmament【答案】核裁军4.overhead pedestrian walk【答案】天桥5.US federal reserve system【答案】美国联邦储备系统6.alma mater【答案】母校7.leap year【答案】闰年8.plead innocent【答案】无罪答辩9.B/L【答案】海上运输提单10.WHO【答案】世界卫生组织11.紫外线【答案】ultraviolet ray12.食品添加剂【答案】food additives13.摩擦系数【答案】friction coefficient14.亚洲基础设施投资银行【答案】Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank 15.驾驶证【答案】driver license16.民用工业【答案】civil industry17.农历【答案】lunar calendar18.常备军【答案】standing army19.大众传播【答案】Mass Communication20.室内装饰【答案】interior decoration二、段落翻译英译汉:关于戴安娜王妃的简略评价以及穿插了一点查尔斯王子的内容;汉译英:是散文,讲节日的真正含义(把平日因工作和利害关系而分开的人们重聚在一起享受真正的节日)。
目 录2010年大连外国语大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2011年大连外国语大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2012年大连外国语大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2010年大连外国语大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解一、将下列短语译成汉语(1)UNDP: United Nations Development Program【答案】联合国开发计划署(2)TMD: theater missile defense (system)【答案】战区导弹防御(系统)(3)OTC: Over the Counter【答案】非处方(药)(4)IMF【答案】国际货币基金组织(5)NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration 【答案】美国国家航空和宇宙航行局(6)GPS Global Position System【答案】全球定位系统(7)cruise missile【答案】巡航导弹(8)irrevocable letter of credit【答案】不可撤销信用证(9)critical pressure【答案】临界电压(10)insulating board【答案】绝缘板(11)refugee camp【答案】难民营(12)intellectual property right【答案】知识产权(13)notary public office【答案】公证处(14)financial deficit【答案】财政赤字(15)Reuters【答案】(英国)路透社二、将下列短语译成英语(1)多次入境签证【答案】Multiple entry visa(2)反导弹卫星【答案】Anti missile satellite(3)国际标准化组织【答案】international organization for standardization (4)对外经济贸易委员会【答案】Foreign economy and Trade Committee(5)中国民航【答案】Civil Aviation Administration of China; CAAC (6)臭氧层【答案】ozone layer(7)跳台跳水【答案】platform diving(8)载人宇宙飞船【答案】manned spaceship(9)候机大厅【答案】The lobby of the airport(10)国务院【答案】the Sate Council(11)(美国)联邦储备委员会【答案】Federal Reserve Board(12)联合国儿童基金会【答案】UNICEF(13)物联网【答案】Internet of things(14)核心利益和重大关切【答案】Core interests and major concerns(15)中国远洋运输总公司【答案】China Ocean Shipping Company三、将下列短文译成汉语PASSAGE 1The Obama administration on Monday plans to announce a campaign to pressure mortgage companies to reduce payments for many more troubled homeowners, as evidence mounts that a $75 billion taxpayer-financed effort aimed at stemming foreclosures is foundering.“The banks are not doing a good enough job,” Michael S. Barr, Treasury’s assistant secretary for financial institutions, said in an interview Friday.“Some of the firms ought to be embarrassed, and they will be.”(选自《纽约时报》)【参考译文】奥巴马政府计划在周一宣布一项给抵押放款公司施压使其减少对更多的陷入困境的私房所有者放贷的运动。
目 录2011年内蒙古大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2012年内蒙古大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2014年内蒙古大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解(较完整回忆版)2015年内蒙古大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2011年内蒙古大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解一、请将下列词语翻译成中文。
(每题l分,共15分)1.NATO【答案】北大西洋公约组织(the North Atlantic Treaty Organization)2.UNESCO【答案】联合国教科文组织(United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization)3.cultural heritage【答案】文化遗产4.gross national product【答案】国民生产总值5.economic development zone【答案】经济开发区6.global warming【答案】全球变暖7.regional economy【答案】区域经济8.stream of consciousness【答案】意识流9.Gothic novel【答案】哥特式小说10.ethnic minorities【答案】少数民族11.applied linguistics【答案】应用语言学12.artificial intelligence【答案】人工智能13.the Forbidden City【答案】紫禁城14.intellectual property right【答案】知识产权15.the theory of relativity【答案】相对论二、请将下列词语翻译成英文。
(每题l分,共15分) 1.综合国力【答案】overall national strength2.双边会议【答案】bilateral meetings3.适者生存【答案】survival of the fittest4.人口爆炸【答案】population boom/explosion5.数字时代【答案】digital age6.音位学【答案】phonemics7.禽流感【答案】bird flu8.世界卫生组织【答案】WHO (World Health Organization) 9.小康社会【答案】a well-off society10.劳动密集型产业【答案】labor concentrated/intensive industry 11.字面翻译/直译【答案】literal translationl2. 同声传译【答案】simultaneous interpreting13.经济起飞【答案】economic take-off14.必修课【答案】required coursel5. 任意性【答案】Arbitrariness三、请将下面的短文译成中文。

PART ONE ABBREVIATIONS, IDIOMS, TERMS AND PROPER NAMES TRANSLATION (one point each, 30 points)Section One English-Chinese Translation (15 p oints)Directions: 将下列缩略语、习语、术语和专有名词译成汉语。
1.optical fibre2.caller ID3.electromagnetic field4.wavelength5.virtual private network6.big datatency8.demodulator9.multiple input multiple output10.economic imbalance11.direct investment12.foreign-exchange reserves13.Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.14.Bad news has wings.15.Caution is the parent of safety.Section Two Chinese-English Translation (15 p oints)Directi ons: 将下列汉语译成英语。
目 录2011年燕山大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2012年燕山大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2013年燕山大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2014年燕山大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2015年燕山大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2016年燕山大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2011年燕山大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解I. Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively. There are altogether 30 items in this part of the test, 15 in English and 15 in Chinese, with one point for each. (30 points)1.UNFAO【答案】联合国粮食及农业组织(United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization)2.UPI【答案】合众国际社(United Press International)3.IOC【答案】国际奥林匹克委员会(International Olympic Committee)4.CIA【答案】中央情报局(Central Intelligence Agency)5.UNGA【答案】联合国大会(the United Nations General Assembly)6.GDP【答案】国内生产总值(Gross Domestic Product)7.WHO【答案】世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)8.Federal Reserve System【答案】联邦储备系统 9.aging society【答案】老龄化社会10.trade deficit【答案】贸易逆差;贸易赤字11.junk bond【答案】垃圾债券;价格低但风险大的债券12.the United States Secretary of Labor【答案】美国劳工部长13.the Engel’s Coefficient【答案】恩格尔系数14.Boxing Day【答案】节礼日;圣诞节后的第一个工作日15.La Nina phenomenon【答案】拉尼娜现象16.公务员【答案】civil servant17.恶性循环【答案】vicious circle18.安定团结【答案】stability and unity19.综合国力【答案】Comprehensive National Power20.流行文化【答案】popular culture21.旅游黄金周【答案】golden week for tourism22.天道酬勤【答案】God help those who help themselves. 23.经济全球化【答案】economic globalization24.资源配置【答案】allocation of resources25.《中庸》【答案】The Doctrine of Mean26.扬长避短【答案】to enhance advantage and avoid disadvantage 27.外向型经济【答案】export-oriented economy28.科学发展观【答案】scientific development concept29.和为贵【答案】Harmony is to be prized.30.留得靑山在,不怕没柴烧。

Section A English to Chinese (60 points)
Love Is Not Like Merchandize
Sydney J. Harris
Areader in Florida, apparently bruised by some personal experience, writes in to complain, “If I steal a nickel’s worth of merchandize, I am a thief and punished; but if I steal the love of another man’s wife, I am free.”
II. Passage Translation (120 points)
Directions: This part consists of two sections. In the following two sections you are supposed to translate one English passage into Chinese and one Chinese passage into English within 120 minutes. You should write down your translations on the Answer Sheet.

2011年国际关系学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解一、词语翻译:英译汉(每题1分,总共15分)1. European monetary integration【答案】欧洲货币整合2. fuel economic growth【答案】拉动经济增长3. junk bond【答案】垃圾债券4. caller ID telephone【答案】来电显示5. parkinsonism【答案】帕金森6. solar cell plate【答案】太阳能电池板7. open-ended fund【答案】开放型基金8. Gall up Poll【答案】盖洛普民意测验9. conditions-based withdrawal【答案】有条件撤军10. ATM【答案】自动取款机11. HDTV【答案】高清晰度电视12. IDD【答案】国际直拨长途电话(International Direct Dial)13. CPI【答案】居民消费指数14. ASAP【答案】尽快(As Soon As Possible)15. APEC【答案】亚太经合组织二、词语翻译:汉译英(每题1分,总共15分)1. 谈判筹码【答案】bargain chips2. 黑金【答案】Black Gold3. 超国民待遇【答案】super - national treatment4. 离岛免税政策【答案】offshore duty-free policy5. 弱势群体【答案】Disadvantaged Groups6. 积分制【答案】integrating system7. 自主招生【答案】independent recruitment8. 国家出入境检验检疫局【答案】CHINA ENTRY-EXIT INSPECTION AND QUARANTINE BUREAU(CIQ)9. 霸王条款【答案】imparity clause10. 暗箱操作【答案】under the table/backroom deal11. 爱心工程【答案】Loving Care Project12. 国家科技进步奖【答案】National Prize for Progress in Science and Technology13. 在职博士生【答案】on-job doctorate14. 大病统筹【答案】comprehensive arrangement for serious disease15. 论资排辈【答案】be promoted according to status or seniority三、英汉互译:英译汉(每篇60分,总共分,总共60分)I established a new High Level Panel on Global Sustainability, co-chaired by the Presidents of Finland and South Africa. I am sure you will be pleased to know that Administrator of the China Meteorological Administration, and a distinguished alumnus of this university, is a member of the Panel. I have asked this Panel to offer a vision for sustainable development and prosperity for a planet under increasing pressure. I have asked them to find integrated solutions to the global challenges of poverty, climate change, water, food, and energy security. These problems are interconnected. The Panel will report back by the end of 2011. Its work will venture into many issues, many sectors, many cross-cutting areas. I have asked the Panel members to think big, to be bold and ambitious not to shy away from controversy. And I have asked them to be strategic and practical. Their recommendations must be politically viable and lead to tangible progress. Their findings will feed into intergovernmental processes, such as the climate change negotiations. They will play a key part in the Rio 2012 Earth Summit, twenty years after world leadersagreed on Agenda 21, our blueprint for sustainable development.We are seeing some progress on important issues, such as adaptation, technology cooperation and steps to reduce deforestation. I also believe there has been some progress on financing, both on mobilizing 30 billion dollars of fast-start finding over the next three years and also on the 100 billion dollars a year envisioned by 2020. I am, however, 3 concerned about slow progress in other areas. Among them: setting mitigation targets,monitoring and verification,and the future of the Kyoto Protocol. We must not allow momentum to stall. We must not jeopardize the gains we have made.The UNFCCC process must go forward in Cancun in December I am there for calling on all member states, all governments of the world to work together in a spirit of compromise and common sense. Progress on adaptation, technology cooperation, deforestation and finance can achieve powerful results, results that can offer hope and change the lives of hundreds of millions of people, particularly the world’s poorest and most vulnerable.【参考译文】我与芬兰总统、南非总统共同成立了全球可持续问题高级别小组。
目 录2011年大连海事大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2012年大连海事大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2013年大连海事大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2015年大连海事大学357英语翻译基础考研真题(回忆版)(含部分答案)2016年大连海事大学357英语翻译基础考研真题(回忆版)(含部分答案)2011年大连海事大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解I. Directions: Translate the following words, phrases, abbreviations or idioms into their target language respectively. There are altogether 30 items in this part of the test, 15 in English and 15 in Chinese, with one point for each. (30’)1.liberal translation【答案】意译2.MT【答案】磁带(Magnetic Tape);平均时间(Mean Time);军事训练(Military Training)3.Foreignizaton【答案】异化4.firex【答案】灭火器(Fire Extinguisher)5.CPU【答案】中央处理机(Central Processing Unit)6.Handle with Care【答案】小心轻放7.telecom【答案】电信8.Lot Number【答案】批号9.keep cool【答案】保持冷静10.National People’s Congress【答案】全国人民代表大会11.New York Times【答案】《纽约时报》12.Jane Eyre【答案】《简·爱》13.ISO【答案】国际标准化组织(International Standardization Organization)14.clockwise【答案】顺时针方向15.key drive【答案】键驱动16.基督教【答案】Christianity17.孔子【答案】Confucius18.生态学【答案】ecology19.公共关系【答案】PR (public relation)20.故宫博物院【答案】the Palace Museum21.联合国安理会【答案】the united nations security council 22.勿踏草地【答案】Keep off the grass.23.申请表【答案】application form24.《中庸》【答案】The Doctrine of Mean25.经济措施【答案】economic measures26.翻译的标准【答案】criteria of translation27.发票号【答案】invoice number28.目的港【答案】destination port29.经济特区【答案】special economic zones30.仲裁【答案】arbitrationII. Directions: Translate the following three source texts into their target language respectively. (20’)Source Text 1:The two registers of commerce and journalism meet in the language of advertising. The advertiser sees his product through rose-colored spectacles, and the public for whom he caters gets into the way of making allowances for his optimism. When a restaurant advertises a lunch consisting of “rich golden-brown seafood with superfine French fried potatoes as a side-dish”, a few moments of thoughts are needed before the customer realizes that what he has been offered is in fact fish and .chips. Advertisements offering property for sale have become notorious for their use of genteel euphemisms. If you bang your head whenever you go upstairs, it is some consolation to know that you have bought “a dwelling house of character”. On toiling up a steep hill to reach the house, you may remember that the advertisement said “the site is pleasantly elevated”, and if you have some difficulty in finding the house at all, that simply confirms the advertiser’s statement that it is “delightfully secluded in a unique ‘away from it all’ position”.[Key words]register 语域rose-colored 乐观的【参考译文】商业和广告这两个语域在广告语言中相遇了。
13. (U. S.) Political Action Committee
14. (U. S.) Department of Homeland Security 【答案】国土安全部
15. The Royal Swedish Academy of Science 【答案】瑞典皇家科学院
株。他赶紧求助于人工,戴上了头套,以一束扑满香粉但非他头上所长 的假发为荣。要是我们这把扫帚也这样登场,由于把一些别的树条收集 到身上而得意洋洋,其实这些条上尽是尘土,即使是最高贵的夫人房里 的尘土,我们一定会笑它如何虚荣吧!我们就是这样偏心的审判官,偏 于自己的优点,别人的毛病!
2. Translate the following into English (60 points).
目 录
2011年广西民族大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解 2012年广西民族大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解 2013年广西民族大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解 2014年广西民族大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解 2015年广西民族大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解 2016年广西民族大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解 2017年广西民族大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解 2018年广西民族大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解
This single stick, which you now behold ingloriously lying in that neglected corner, I once knew in a flourishing state in a forest. It was full of sap, full of leaves, and full of boughs, but now in vain does the busy art of man pretend to vie with nature, by tying that withered bundle of twigs to its sapless trunk. It is now, at best, but the reverse of what it was: a tree turned upside down, the branches on the earth, and the root in the air. It is now handled by every dirty wench, condemned to do her drudgery, and by a capricious kind of fate destined to make other things clean and be nasty itself. At length, worn to the stumps in the service of the maids, it is either thrown out of doors or condemned to its last use—of kindling a fire. When I beheld

扬州大学2024年硕士研究生招生考试初试试题(A卷)科目代码357科目名称英语翻译基础满分150分注意:①认真阅读答题纸上的注意事项;②所有答案必须写在答题纸上,写在本试题纸或草稿纸上均无效;③本试题纸须随答题纸一起装入试题袋中交回!I.Translate the following terms into Chinese.(15points,1point each)1.Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation2.a community of shared developmentrge language model4.show leniency to people who make mistakes5.Global AI Governance Initiative6.movie box office revenue during Spring Festival holiday7.artificial intelligence ecosystem8.World Internet Conference Wuzhen Summit9.International Science and Technology Cooperation Initiative10.at-home care services for the elderly11.International Monetary Fund12.World Youth Development Forum13.Hangzhou Asian Para Games14.regulations to protect minors in cyberspace15.the tiered and classified social assistance systemII.Translate the following terms into English.(15points,1point each)1.世界科幻大会2.普惠金融高质量发展3.全球可持续交通高峰论坛4.火炬传递5.粮食安全保障体系6.“金砖”扩员7.模块化小型核反应堆8.恢复和扩大消费9.防汛救灾工作10.可再生能源装机容量11.文物保护利用12.民营经济13.高标准农田14.数字化转型15.中国-中亚峰会III.Translate the following passages into Chinese.Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.(60points,20points each)Passage OneWhen we consider the situation of the human mind in nature,its limited plasticity and few channels of communication with the outer world,we need not wonder that we grope for light,or that we find incoherence and instability in human systems of ideas.The wonder rather is that we have done so well,that in the chaos of sensations and passions that fills the mind we have found any leisure for self-concentration and reflection,and have succeeded in gathering even a light harvest of experience from our distracted labours.Our occasional madness is less wonderful than our occasional sanity.Relapses into dreams are to be expected in a being whose brief existence is so like a dream;but who could have been sure of this sturdy and indomitable perseverance in the work of reason in spite of all checks and discouragements?Passage TwoIt is simple enough to say that since books have classes—fiction,biography,poetry—we should separate them and take from each what it is right that each should give us.Yet few people ask from books what books can give us.Most commonly we come to books with blurred and divided minds,asking of fiction that it shall be true,of poetry that it shall be false,of biography that it shall be flattering,of history that it shall enforce our own prejudices.If we could banish all such preconceptions when we read,that would be an admirable beginning.Do not dictate to your author;try to become him.Be his fellow-worker and accomplice.If you hang back,and reserve and criticize at first,you are preventing yourself from getting the fullest possible value from what you read.But if you open your mind as widely as possible,then signs and hints of almost imperceptible fineness,from the twist and turn of the first sentences,will bring you into the presence of a human being unlike any other.Steep yourself in this,acquaint yourself with this, and soon you will find that your author is giving you,or attempting to give you,something far more definite.Passage ThreeVery ready we are to say of a book,“How good this is—that’s exactly what I think!”But the right feeling is,“How strange that is!I never thought of that before,and yet I see it is true;or if Ido not now,I hope I shall,some day.”But whether thus submissively or not,at least be sure that you go to the author to get at his meaning,not to find yours.Judge it afterwards,if you think yourself qualified to do so;but ascertain it first.And be sure also,if the author is worth anything, that you will not get at his meaning all at once;—nay,that at his whole meaning you will not for a long time arrive in any wise.Not that he does not say what he means,and in strong words too; but he cannot say it all;and what is stranger,will not,but in a hidden way and parables,in order that he may be sure you want it.I cannot quite see the reason of this,nor analyze that cruel reticence in the breasts of wise men which makes them always hide their deeper thought.They do not give it to you by way of help,but of reward,and will make themselves sure that you deserve it before they allow you to reach it.IV.Translate the following passages into English.Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.(60points,20points each)Passage One我开始写小说,是在进了女师的第二年,那时刚满十五岁。
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目 录
2011年国际关系学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解一、词语翻译:英译汉(每题1分,总共15分) 1.European monetary integration
2.fuel economic growth
3.junk bond
4.caller ID telephone
6.solar cell plate
7.open-ended fund
8.Gall up Poll
9.conditions-based withdrawal