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One of two dominate parties in UK
The Scottish National Party
Scotland ---- centre-left nationalist political party in Scottish Parliament since 2007
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu
Hung Parliament : In a two-party parliamentary system of
government, a hung parliament occurs when neither major political party (or bloc of allied parties) has an absolute majority of seats in the parliament (legislature). It is also less commonly known as a balanced parliament[1][2] or a legislature under no overall control[3][4][5]. If the legislature is bicameral, and the government is responsible only to the lower house, then "hung parliament" is used only with respect to that chamber. Most general elections in a two-party system will result in one party having an absolute majority and thus quickly forming a new government; a "hung parliament" is an exception to this pattern, and may be considered anomalous or undesirable. One or both main parties may seek to form a coalition government with smaller third parties, or a minority government relying on external support from third parties or independents. If these efforts fail, a dissolution of parliament and a fresh election may be the last resort. In a multi-party system, as is usual in legislatures elected by proportional representation, it is common for an election to be followed by negotiations leading to a coalition; the term "hung parliament" is not used.
The Fabian Society is a British socialist movement, whose purpose is to advance the principles of socialism via gradualist and reformist, rather than revolutionary, means. It is best known for its initial ground-breaking work beginning late in the 19th century and continuing up to World War I. The society laid many of the foundations of the Labour Party and subsequently affected the policies of states emerging from the decolonization of the British Empire, especially India. They emblem of the society is the proverbial wolf in sheep's clothing.
Labour Party
Liberal Democrats
In 1988
Conservative Party
Liberal Party + Social Democratic Party
Whigs (Country Party)
Newly emerging wealthy merchants and industrial classes
•Since 1867-1884 implementation of the Reform Bill , urban workers have been enfranchised. • Socialist groups, such as ,the Fabian Society and the Trades Union Congress, helped trades union movement into the political field. • Later in 1906, the name of Labour Party was adopted. At this time, the dominant ideology was evolutionary socialism supported by the Fabians.
Mid-19th Liberal Party
1920s, replaced by the Labour Party
Tories (Count Party)
The landed gentry, the church of England, the church of Scotland
Mid-19th Conservative Party
Majority Government : In the Parliamentary system,
there is a majority government when the governing party enjoys an absolute majority of seats in the legislature or parliament. This is as opposed to a minority government, where even the largest party wins only a plurality of seats and thus must constantly bargain for support from other parties in order to pass legislation and avoid being defeated on motions of no confidence. The term "majority government" may also be used for a stable coalition of two or more parties to form an absolute majority. A 'majority government' has one regime, party, or ethnicity capable of controlling over 50% of votes on legislation. Most Democratic countries have a majority party in control of the government.
Minority Government : A minority government or a
minority cabinet is a cabinet of a parliamentary system formed when a political party or coalition of parties does not have a majority of overall seats in the parliament but is sworn into government to break a Hung Parliament election result. It is also known as a minority parliament. In bicameral parliaments, the term relates to the situation in the chamber whose confidence is considered most crucial. In general, a minority government tends to be less stable than a majority government, because the opposition can always bring down the government with a simple vote of no confidence.
Democratic Unionist Party
Social Democratic and Labor Party
Northern Ireland
Ulster Unionist Party
Sinn Fein
How the Labour Party came into being
1914-1945 Period of World War I & II
• During the World War I, the Labour Party served in the cabinet of the coalition government.
• In 1922, the Labour Party became the second largest party in the House of Commons and thus the official opposite to the Conservative Party. • In 1924, first Labour government formed. But due to the accident of Zinoviev letter, it lost its power in 9 months. (Ramsay MacDonald) • Facing the Wall Street Crash of 1929 and Great Depression of 1930s, the Labour Party had no good way to solve the social problems. It was defeated heavily until 1935. • During World War II, the Labour Party served in Churchill’s coalition government. (Clement Attlee)
---- the largest party in Scottish parliament
Plaid Cymru 威尔士民族党 Wales ---- the Nationalist party in Wales ---- junior coalition partner in the Welsh Assembly Government