美国是一个由多民族组 成的国家,拥有丰富多 彩的文化传统。不同民 族和种族的文化在这里 交融,形成了独特的美 国文化。
美国的社会制度以自由、 平等和民主为核心价值。 其教育、医疗、社会保 障等制度相对完善,为 居民提供了较好的生活
教授学生使用得体的礼 貌用语,以建立良好的
了解并运用肢体语言、 面部表情、眼神交流等 非语言交际方式,增强
学习并掌握倾听、表达、 提问、回应等交际技巧,
教授学生如何应对语言 障碍、文化冲突等交际 问题,以化解误会和矛
网络资源,如官方网站、学术论坛等, 提供更多关于英美的信息和讨论平台
旅游指南和游记分享,激发学生对英 美的兴趣和好奇心,促进跨文化理解。
注重传统学科的教学,如文学、历史、哲学等,同时增加职业 教育和技能培训课程。教学方法以学生为中心,注重启发式教 学和讨论式教学。
更加灵活多样,包括社会科学、自然科学、艺术等多个领域。 教学方法强调实践性和创新性,注重培养学生的团队协作和问 题解决能力。
美国有许多重要的节日 和庆典活动,如独立日、 感恩节、圣诞节等。这 些节日和庆典不仅丰富 了美国人的文化生活, 也吸引了众多游客前来
3.罗马人的入侵 3.罗马人的入侵 BC.55-54,罗马的凯撒( BC.55-54,罗马的凯撒(Julius Caesar) Caesar) 大将征服高卢后, 大将征服高卢后,率一万将士从高卢渡过英 吉利海峡,两次入侵不列颠。第一次是考察, 吉利海峡,两次入侵不列颠。第一次是考察, 为将来建立殖民地做准备。 为将来建立殖民地做准备。第二次征服了不 列颠南部, 列颠南部,得到酋长的纳贡的诺言后撤回高 这两次入侵并非经济动机, 卢。这两次入侵并非经济动机,而是战略的 需要,只不过是军事侦察。 需要,只不过是军事侦察。 之后90年 AD.43罗马皇帝克劳狄一世征 之后90年,AD.43罗马皇帝克劳狄一世征 服了不列颠,使之成为罗马的一个外省, 服了不列颠,使之成为罗马的一个外省,称 之为布列塔尼亚(Britannia), ),统治近 之为布列塔尼亚(Britannia),统治近 400年 但从未能够征服苏格兰。 400年,但从未能够征服苏格兰。
威斯敏斯特大教堂也在这一时期由Essex 威斯敏斯特大教堂也在这一时期由Essex 的第一个信奉基督教的国王建的。 的第一个信奉基督教的国王建的。 日耳曼人是异教徒, 日耳曼人是异教徒,他们信奉自己的北欧 神祇。 神祇。 Tuesday: “Tyr”是北欧神话里的战神; Tyr”是北欧神话里的战神; Wednesday: “Woden”是掌管文化、 Woden”是掌管文化、 艺术、战争、死亡的神; 艺术、战争、死亡的神; Thursday: “Thor” 是掌管雷电之神, Thor” 是掌管雷电之神, Woden之子 Woden之子; 之子; Friday: “Frigga”是掌管婚姻之神, Frigga”是掌管婚姻之神, Woden之妻 Thor之母 Woden之妻, Thor之母。 之妻, 之母。
英美概况 英国部分 第三章ppt
A 1 Husbands & Wives
Redefinition and adjustment of needs and values The effects of newlyemerging work patterns
A 1 Husband and Wives
Decision Making
Chapter 3 Family & Relationship (2)
All happy families are alike, but every unhappy one is unhappy in its own way. Leo Tolstoy (18281910), Anna Karenina, I, (1876)
Focal questions
How do you think the roles of men and women have changed in Britain over the post-war period? How can you explain these changes? What is the allocation of decision-making in modern British families? Why? What do you think has caused the ―generation gap‖? Is there any remedy for this? What is the living situation of old people in Britain? Do you think, generally speaking, they are living happy lives?
英美概况Chapter 3
• (John became the King---lost all his Continental fief except a tiny spot in France---quarrel with the Pope---was forced to give in---promised not only to pay a yearly tribute to the Pope, but handed England to the Pope and received it as a fief. ---John wanted to white-wash himself with military victories---his tyrannical behavior forced the barons to raise army against him.) • C. In 1215, he was forced to sign a document, known as Magna Carta. • D. It was a guarantee of the freedom of the Church and a limitation of the King’s power. • E. It has long been regarded as the foundation of English
B. How did William deal with the land and why?
• a. William gave his barons large estates in England in return for promise of military service and a proportion of the land’s production. • King ---barons---lesser nobles, knights and freemen--serfs • b. These estates were scattered far and wide over the country, so that the barons could not easily combine to rebel the king or that his authority was not be challenged by any powerful barons. • This system of duties and rewards was called the Feudal System. In Normandy when barons or bishops were given land they had to swear an oath of loyalty to the lord who was giving it. This called doing homage.
5. Who is William the Conqueror?
Unit 3: People of Britain
Mixed people Why British people are called mixed people? ----products of invasion and immigration from different ethnic groups in the course of history ----ethnic origin have been complicated by intermarriage and relocation
The British Identity?
Later arrivals
Later Arrivals
16th and 17th centuries, large numbers of refugees from Europe, add to the agricultural population After 1700, there was no more large immigration into Britain
2. The Celts
3. Roman Britain (55 BC---410 AD)
CHAPTER 3 HISTORY OF THE UNITED KINGDOMⅠ.Prehistory to the Norman Conquest1.IBERIANS AND THE CELTICThe geography of a country exerts a major influence on its history .Iberians ,Celts ,Saxons ,Danes ,Phoenicians ,Romans and Normans swept across the English Channel and the North Sea to inhabit the British shores .The first known inhabitants were collectively known as Iberians .The Celtic tribes arrived from territory that is now Germany and the Netherlands ,pushing the Iberians into the highlands of Wales ,Northwest England and Scotland .2.ROMAN BRITAIN –A TEMPORARY CIVILIZATIONThe Romans came as imperialists to exploit and govern by right of being the superior civilization .British was divided into two sharply contrasting regions :the Latinized south and east ,and the Celtic north and west .Caesar’s first invasion of British was a failure ,his second campaign in 54 B.C. was a success ,but it did not lead to Roman occupation .Finally in 123A.D. the Emperor Claudius renovated Hadrian’s Wall ,a man –made barrier between modern English and Scotland .This marked the limit of Roman influence in British .Roman civilization was based on city life in hundreds of walled towns liked by military roads . Bath ,a city where the Romans constructed large hot water bathing facilities ,became the center of fashion ,luxury and leisure .The government of Roman British was decentralized ,and larger towns had self-government .Rome became more Christianized ,the Romans brought Christian teachings to Britain .However ,the Romans failed to impose their culture as too few Romans were willing to colonize Britain .3.NORDIC INV ASIONS AND THE ANGLO-SAXONCONQUESTThe Germanic peoples loosely described as Anglo-Saxon ,came from what is now Scandinavia as well as from Germany .The Anglo-Saxons pushed the Celts into the mountains or overseas to Ireland ,Gaelic ,a term loosely used to describe the languages of modern Ireland and Scotland ,is derived from the early Celtic language .。
③ Natural gas was discovered in 1965 and the first oil was discovered under the North Sea in 1975. ④ In 1989 oil accounted for 44.6% of all the energy used in Britain. The transport and domestic heating systems mostly depend on oil. So does the food supply. Modern farming requires things which are all oil-based.
③ Economic recovery in the 80s a. Medium-term Financial Strategy: Privatization, deregulation (缩小国家对经济干预的范围)and market liberalization replaced prices and incomes control and state interventionism. It emphasis on improving the long-run supply-side performance of the economy. b. Features: An outstanding feature of the economic recovery in the 80s was its length. Another feature was the improved financial position of the government(财政状态得到改善), with stronger current account of the balance of payments.
英美概况(第二版)UK chapter 3 British Politics
An Outline of the UK and the USA
British Politics— The Monarchy
• British monarchy—Including United Kingdom and its overseas territories
• The present monarch—Elizabeth II, reigned since Feb 2, 1952
British Politics— The Parliament
The House of Commons
• Also known as the Lower House is where the real power lies • 651 seats totally, distributed among the four countries: 524 for
• Two kinds of lords: the Lords Spiritual and the Lords Temporal
• The House of Lords does not control the term of the Prime Minister or of the Government.
An Outline of the UK and the USA
British Politics— The Parliament
• The British Parliament is the supreme legislature of the country
• Consisting of three elements: the monarch, the House of Lords and the House of Commons
Australia is a federal parliamentary democracy with a Westminster style constitution The government is divided into three branches: the executive, legislative, and judicial branches Australia has a bicameral legislation, with a Senate and House of Representatives The prime minister is the head of government and is responsible for leading the executive branch
The United States economy is the largest in the world, with a GDP of over $20 trillion It is characterized by its diverse economic base, which includes a strong manufacturing sector, a driving service sector, and a highly developed technology industry
The United States has a strong education system, with a focus on promoting high quality education to all cities The education system is highly decentralized, with control resetting primary with the states and local school districts
英美概况Chapter3Chapter II The Founding of the NationThe formation of the British is long and complicated, it is a mixture of many races and all these races invaded Britain at various times.Part One. Early Settlement (----55 BC)I. Iberians (伊比利亚人)1. Iberians: from Iberian Peninsular (the Mediterranean lands), about 5,000 years agolanded in present Cornwall and Devon, most on Salisbury Plain.2. Influence:They left no written records and only relics were stone monuments.※Stonehenge:1) They were built by the Iberians about 3,500 ago, on Salisbury Plain of England.2) They are more direct evidence of the social structure of the Iberians.3) Often over 200 feet high, the barrows were burial places and proved the existence of sharplymarked class division.II. CeltsAfter 700 BC, the Celts from Upper Rhine Land of northeast Europe came to Isles.(tall, with red hair and blue eyes)1. The first waveGaels, their language is still spoken in Scotland2. The second waveBrythons, came the English name for Britain3. The third waveBelgae from Northern Gaul, occupied the greater part of the Home CountiesPart Two: Roman Britain (55 BC---410)British recorded history begins with the Roman invasion.(Because Julius Caesar kept a diary and wrote down what he saw in England)I. Julius Caesar (55----54BC)This Roman commander in Gaul, came to Britain twice, but he had no attempt to conquer the island.II. The Emperor Claudius1. In 43 AD, Emperor Claudius invaded BritainThe territory south of the Humber and east of the Severn was annexed to Roman Empire. 2. The Romans invaded the Wales and Scotland.They conquered Wales, but never conquered Scotland.III. The Influence of Roman ConquerThe Roman occupation lasted nearly 400 years from AD 43—407, they brought the Roman civilization into England.1. Many baths, temples, amphitheatres, and fine buildings were set up.2. Many army bases are now important cities.These towns used names ending with “ster”, “cester”or “shire”---- Lancaster, Winchester and Yorkshire---- deriving from “castra”, the Latin word for camp.3. Roman roads were built all across Britain.Along the roads, towns grew up, they were like cities with urban life style and culture.Between the towns are villas. (the centers of agriculturalestates)In 5th century, the Roman government withdrew all their forces from Britain.Part Three: Anglo-Saxon Times1. After the Roman left, Germanic warriors landed in Britain.They included: Angles, Saxon and other JutesThey only occupied England, never possessed Scotland, Wales and Ireland.2. The Angles: East, the Midlands and the NorthThe Saxons: South and MidlandsThe Jutes: South and SoutheastEnglish, the language of the Angles, replaced the old Celtic languageThe country became known as England, “the land of the Angles”3. For 150 years, the Britons were destructed ruthlessly.Roman civilization remained little on the island.4. The Angles, Saxons and Jutes set up many kingdoms.At one time there were seven kingdoms called Heptarchy in history.Heptarchy: seven kingdoms established by the Angles, Saxons and JutesJutes---- Kent 肯特Angles----Northumbria (north) 诺森伯里亚Mercia (mid-land) 麦西亚East Anglia (east) 东安格利亚Saxon ---- Essex (east) 埃塞克斯Sussex (south) 苏塞克斯Wessex (west) 威塞克斯(Some legendary heroes tried to unite the kingdom, like KingArthur often in literature) 5. The Anglo-Saxon were organized into tribes governed by a chief or kingThey had a mixed economy of farming, hunting and animal husbandry.The social union was determined by the village.II. Augustine:He was the Prior of St. Andrew’s Monastery in Rome, and Pope Gregory sent him convert the English to Christianity in 597.He was received by King Ethelbert of Kent. Augustine was successful in converting the king and the nobility to Roman Christianity.He became the first Archbishop of Canterbury in 601. (the head of the Church)By the late 7th century, Roman Christianity became the dominant religion in Britain.III. The Influence of Anglo-Saxon Invasion1. Bring religion to the EnglandTiu, the God of War (Tuesday)Woden, Father of the Gods (Wednesday)Thor, God of Thunder (Thursday)Freya, Goddess of peace (Friday)2. Old English or Anglo-Saxon was formed.(Its vocabulary provided the basic of Modern English)Bede, a great historian, Ecclesiastical History of the English People is valuable.Beowulf, is considered the greatest Old English poem.3. Christianity spread throughout the land.Also Christianity began to flourish in literature.Part Four: The Danish InvasionI. Invasion of the DanesAround the turn of 8th century, the Danes or Vikings from the Scandinavian countries, invaded England.Some came from Norway, but most from Denmark.II. Alfred the GreatHe was the king of Wessex, and united the seven Anglo-Saxon kingdoms in England.1. King Alfred fought with Vikings1) He built boats, thus earning the name of “ the Father of the English Navy.”He reorganized the land army.2) Later King Alfred made a treaty with the Danish king .Let them keep the northern and eastern parts of England which known as the Danelaw.2. Contributions in peacetimeKing Alfred was even greater in peace than in war.1) He was a scholar and writer himselfHis service to literature was highly praised.His writing and translations have been called the beginning of prose literature in England.2) He codified laws and instituted the writing of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle.3. Alfred died in 899 and buried in Winchester Cathedral.King Alfred was not only an able warrior but also a dedicated scholar and a wise ruler. He is known as “Alfred the Great”—the only monarch in English history to be given this title.III King EdwardFor next 130 years, the power of Britain shifted between the Anglo-Saxons and the Danes1. In 1042, Edward, the son of Ethelred, was put to the throne.(Since no capable man of the Danish line)Edward the Confessor was the penultimate king of England.He spent most of his time in Normandy.He built famous Westminster Abbey in 1052. (He was buried there)Since then, all of the nation’s coronation ceremonies have been held there.Part Five: The NormansI. King Harold1. In 1066, Edward Confessor died, and his brother-in-law, Harold of Wessex, was chosen as theking.2. The Duke William of Normandy claimed the place of the king.(Edward once made secret promise to have William succeed his position.)3. The Kings of Denmark and Norway would claim the king’s position.(Their family ties with Canute.)4. When Norway’s king occu pied the York, Harold defeated them.5. Hastings Battle:In 1066, Duke William landed on the Sussex coast, Harold rushed south to fight with them. Near Hastings, his men fought bravely, but they had no well equipment and were defeated, Harold was shot to death.II. William the Conqueror1. On Christmas Day 1066, William the Norman was crowned in Westminster Abbey.A new line of Norman king began to rule England.The Norman Conquest marked the establishment offeudalism in England.William was known as William the Conqueror in history.2. His Measures to develop the country:1) The feudal system based on the ownership of land① William took the land away from its English ownersRedistributed in the form of large estates to his Norman lords The King was able to centralize English society in his own person.2) Administration of justice under the control of the king① He had the sheriff rule over the county courts.② He replaced the English bishops with the NormansSet up the Church court to try cases according the laws of Rome.③He built the Tower of London and the Norman castles to watch over the English.3) The Domesday BookIt was the first survey of land and wealth in Britain under William to strengthen his rule. It aimed at getting taxes. (Now it is kept in the Public Records Office in London)In 1086, William sent out his officials to make a detailed record of all the wealth of England. Their work, the Domesday Book, provides a complete property description of the country.Content:It records all land and property, every mill and cottage, every cow and pig.It also records the rights and duties of every landowner and every court.Significance:It is valuable to later history because no other country did such a thorough compilation of facts about the Middle Ages.It was one of the important measures adopted by William I to establish the feudal system fully in England.III. The Consequences of Norman Conquest1. The Conquest was in effect a French conquest and the imposition upon England of a rulingFrench aristocracy.Norman-French replaced English as an authoritative language.(The conquest started a bilinguistic period in English history, French and English)So Middle English was strongly modified by an extensive infusion of French vocabulary. 2. It tied Engl and’s civilization closely to that of continental Europe.(French civilization) The Norman Conquest was one of the most decisive events in English history.It changed the way of the life of English people greatly.(Norman way of life)3. The Norman Conquest sped up the development of Feudalism and contributed to its finaland firm establishment in EnglandWilliam established a strong monarchy in England.It increased the process of feudalism which had begun during Anglo-Saxon times.The manor system had replaced the village system completely4. It brought changes in the church, the upper ranks clergy were Romanized and feudalized.The Norman Conquest was the last invasion of England by foreigners, but English history books do not treat the Norman Conquest as foreign aggression, rather it is treated as a hiddenblessing because of its positive effect.In fact, few English children are interested in the history prior to the Norman Conquest, and they hear of such historical figures as Alfred and King Arthur, but mostly as legendary heroes.This is partly reflected in the T ess of the Durbervilles, a novel by Hardy. Scott’s Ivanhoe describes the situation in England about a century and quarter after the Norman Conquest.。
Tony Blair Margaret Thatcher David Cameron
Gordon Brown
1.The Origin of Political Parties -----the Whig Party and Tory Party
Political Parties in England originated in the late 17th century when the parliament was divided into two political group over the dispute whether James II should be the heir to King Charles. The supporters of James II formed the group known as “Tory”,, while the opponents formed the “Whig”. The Tory Party changed its name into the Conservative Party and Whig into Liberal Party in 1833
In Elections 2. In foreign policy 3. In economic policy
III Welfare
Please give a definition to “ welfare state” The English term "welfare state" is believed by Asa Briggs to have been coined by Archbishop William Temple during the Second World War,contrasting wartime Britain with the "warfare state" of Nazi Germany
英美概况Chapter 3
3. Brief Introduction
2.2 Constitutional Role
Key points The Monarch is the ceremonial Head of State Prerogative powers—only exercised on the Prime Minister’s advice; The monarch must accept the decisions of the Prime Minister and the Cabinet
voting; franchise (政治性选举的)选举权, 投票权
court of first instance: 一审法院(庭)
3. Brief Introduction
1. 2.
General Introduction The Monarchy
2.1 Origin of the Monarch 2.2 Constitutional Role
The Parliament
3.1 The House of Lords 3.2 The House of Commons
The British Government
4.1 The Cabinet 4.2 The ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้rivy Council 4.3 The Prime Minister
3. Brief Introduction
The British Government
4.1 The Cabinet 4.2 The Privy Council 4.3 The Prime Minister
3. Brief Introduction
最新英美概况-英国部分Chapter 3
Occupation and retreat from southern Scotland
While the Roman occupation of Britain lasted for nearly 400 years until 410 AD, it was never a total occupation when the Roman completely withdrew from Britain.
3. Anglo-Saxon Britain
The northern tribes began to come to England from the continent in the middle of the 5th century. They were the Teutonic tribes: the Jutes, Saxons and Angles. The Anglo-Saxon tribes were continually at war with one another, each of them trying to get the upper hand, so that the kingdoms were often broken up and pieced together again. The Anglo-Saxons brought their own Teutonic religion to Britain. The Anglo-Saxons laid the foundations of the English state.
Roman Britain in AD410
◎Topics for discussion
When did the Roman invasion begin? What marked the beginning of the Roman occupation of Britain? Please outline the reason why “it was never a total occupation when the Romans completely withdrew from Britain”? How long did the Romans remain in control of Britain? Describe the life and culture of the Romans in Britain.
ter Saxon England (900-1042)
• In the 11th century, Canute united England, Demark and Norway.
6. The Norman Conquest (1042-1066)
• Background: King is also said to have promised the English throne to William, Duke of Normandy. But, when Edward was on his deathbed, four men laid claim to the English throne. Fin ally, the Witan chose Harold as king. Four men:
The Making of a Nation: From the Norman conquest to the Renaissance
• 1.Stephen/Matilda and Henry Ⅱ-Civil War • 2. Legal Reform and Henry Ⅱ(1135-1189)
2.Henry chose bishops who would their loyalty to him ; the Pope only gave ceremonial approval to these appointments. 3.Henry also began accepting money from his Barons instea d of requiring military service. 4.To record these payments , he created the ”exchequer ” (财政部).
英美概况Lecture 3
1.Causes of the decline(p.28-29)
• After the Second World War, Britain’s economy was in an unfavorable position. • 1) Being in debt; • 2) The end of the empire; • 3) Large military spending; • 4) industry survived after the war • 5) relatively low rates of investment • 6) A catching-up by Germany and Japan;
among the West European countries) • 3) The worker’s takehome pay increased
by 20 percent. • 4) Profitability of industrial companies was
Bad result of Thatcher’s economic policy
II. Economic decline
• After World War II, the British economy experienced a period of great difficulty and economic decline.
• Absolute Decline or Relative Decline?(P29)
• 1) Widened gap between the poor and the rich;
• 2) High Unemployment; • 3) High crime rates; • 4) Unsatisfactory social services.
• Giving examples
for example for instance such as
• Generalizing usually generally Байду номын сангаасs a rule
• •
1. finish exercises
2. prepare and give a presentation on a subject on the following topics or else using the flow chart on P21 to help you. Methods of communication Influence of Internet Influence of technology Ways to get knowledge Major consideration in choosing a job 3. remember those language by heart.
• Sequencing/ordering
Firstly… secondly… thirdly then…next…finally/last Let’s start with… To start with… Let’s move/go on to … Now we come to … That brings us to … Let’s leave the… That covers… Let’s get back to…
brain storm
For example: Methods of communication
1. Language: -vocal -written 2. Gestures: -facial -hand -head 3. Marks: -traffic sign -Morse code
Federal system “Checks and balances” Respect for the Constitution
Introduction to British and American Culture
The Federal System
Power is shared between the central government and the state government
Introduction to British and American Culture
The Constitution
a single political document in1787 7 articles The Constitution follows three principles:
The Republican Party
The second largest party More conservative Ideology
A small government and free market Letting business compete with little or no government regulation in the marketplace Advocates strong national defense
Chapter 3 Politics
Part Two The Political System of the United States
Introduction to British and American Culture
英美概况第三周课程Week 3
The Celts were a European cultural group first evudent in the 7thor 8thcentury B.C. Their maximum expansion was in the 3rdto 5thcentury B.C., when they occupied much of Europe north of the Alps.
He defended Anglo-Saxon England from Viking raids, formulated a code of laws, and fostered a rebirth of religious and scholarly activity.
### The Vikings
Early Viking raids were generally small in scale and quick. Most of the early raiders came from western Norway.
The arrival of theVikingsat the end of the eighth century brought many changes to Britain.
The rising water levels cut Britain off from Europe and left thesepeoples to develop separately.
Nobody knows whatit was built for, perhaps atemple or perhaps an astronomical calculator.It is believed that work started on it in 3100 BC and it was continuously being built, used and modified until 1100 BC. An amazing period of 2000 years - not many other buildings in the world have been used for as long.
英美概况(第二版) USA chapter 3
• fiscal: a. involving financial matters 财政的, 国库的
• — We are trying to get a thorough understanding of the government’s fiscal policy.
American Politics—
The Executive Branch
• The Constitution of the United States gives only limited powers to the president.
• Presidential elections — every four years
• 我们正努力对政府的财政政策进行全面的了解。
• alleviate: vt. provide physical relief, as from pain; make easier 减轻, 使缓和
• — The doctor gave her an injection to alleviate the pain. • 医生给她注射以减轻疼痛。
The Executive Branch
Voting in America
The Federal Judiciary The Legislative Process
American Politics— the United States Constitution
American Politics— federalism
• Electoral College
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Democratic Unionist Party
Social Democratic and Labor Party
Northern Ireland
Ulster Unionist Party
Sinn Fein
How the Labour Party came into being
: In the Parliamentary system,
there is a majority government when the governing party enjoys an absolute majority of seats in the legislature or parliament. This is as opposed to a minority government, where even the largest party wins only a plurality of seats and thus must constantly bargain for support from other parties in order to pass legislation and avoid being defeated on motions of no confidence. The term "majority government" may also be used for a stable coalition of two or more parties to form an absolute majority. A 'majority government' has one regime, party, or ethnicity capable of controlling over 50% of votes on legislation. Most Democratic countries have a majority party in control of the government.
Hung Parliament : In a two-party parliamentary system of
government, a hung parliament occurs when neither major political party (or bloc of allied parties) has an absolute majority of seats in the parliament (legislature). It is also less commonly known as a balanced parliament[1][2] or a legislature under no overall control[3][4][5]. If the legislature is bicameral, and the government is responsible only to the lower house, then "hung parliament" is used only with respect to that chamber. Most general elections in a two-party system will result in one party having an absolute majority and thus quickly forming a new government; a "hung parliament" is an exception to this pattern, and may be considered anomalous or undesirable. One or both main parties may seek to form a coalition government with smaller third parties, or a minority government relying on external support from third parties or independents. If these efforts fail, a dissolution of parliament and a fresh election may be the last resort. In a multi-party system, as is usual in legislatures elected by proportional representation, it is common for an election to be followed by negotiations leading to a coalition; the term "hung parliament" is not used.
The Fabian Society is a British socialist movement, whose purpose is to advance the principles of socialism via gradualist and reformist, rather than revolutionary, means. It is best known for its initial ground-breaking work beginning late in the 19th century and continuing up to World War I. The society laid many of the foundations of the Labour Party and subsequently affected the policies of states emerging from the decolonization of the British Empire, especially India. They emblem of the society is the proverbial wolf in sheep's clothing.
•Since 1867-1884 implementation of the Reform Bill , urban workers have been enfranchised. • Socialist groups, such as ,the Fabian Society and the Trades Union Congress, helped trades union movement into the political field. • Later in 1906, the name of Labour Party was adopted. At this time, the dominant ideology was evolutionary socialism supported by the Fabians.
One of two dominate parties in UK
The Scottish National Party
Scotland ---- centre-left nationalist political party in Scottish Parliament since 2007
Labour Party
Liberal Democrats
In 1988
Conservative Party
Liberal Party + Social Democratic Party
Whigs (Country Party)
Newly emerging wealthy merchants and industrial classes
Minority Government : A minority government or a
minority cabinet is a cabinet of a parliamentary system formed when a political party or coalition of parties does not have a majority of overall seats in the parliament but is sworn into government to break a Hung Parliament election result. It is also known as a minority parliament. In bicameral parliaments, the term relates to the situation in the chamber whose confidence is considered most crucial. In general, a minority government tends to be less stable than a majority government, because the opposition can always bring down the government with a simple vote of no confidence.
---- the largest party in Scottish parliament
Plaid Cymru 威尔士民族党 Wales ---- the Nationalist party in Wales ---- junior coalition partner in the Welsh Assembly Government
1914-1945 Period of World War I & II