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1. _____ do you go to the movies? ------------- Hardly ever A. How long B.How ofte n C.How ma ny D.How far

2. That must be more interesting than ____ a bus. A. take B. takes C. to take

D. tak ing

3. ___ does it take you to finish ____ the book? A. How long; to read

B. How soon; to read

C. How ofte n; readi ng

D. How long; readi ng

4. ---He ____ be in the classroom, I think.

---No, he _____ be in the classroom. I saw him go home a minute ago. A. can; may not

B. must; may not

C. may; can

' t D. may; mustn 't

5. She looks _____ because she has a ___ vacation. A. relaxed; relaxed

B. relaxed; relax ing

C. relax ing; relaxed

D. relax ing; relax ing

6. I am too tired and I want to stop _____ a good rest. A. have B. had

C. havi ng

D. to have

7. A week later, the girl looked much _____ . A. well

B. better

C. nice

D. good

8. His math is poor, you must _______ him.

A. try help

B. tryi ng to help

C. try to helps

D. try to help 9 --- _______ do you visit your gran dmother? --- Once a mon th. A. How

B. How long

C. How ofte n

D. How soo n

10. There is _____ with the boy ' s eyes. He can ' t see anything. A. nothing wrong B. someth ing wrong

C. wrong things

D. wrong someth ing

11. ____ Mr Gree n is not in good health these days, ______ h e works hard. A. Because; so B. because;/ C. Although; but D. Although; / 12 ---Why

___ fishing this weekend? --- Good idea.

A. don ' t go

B. not go

C. not to go

D. don ' t you igg

13. Do you know his parents? Yes, they __ English teachers in our school.

A. are all

B. all are

C. are both

D. both is Most of the teachers are

in it.

B. in terest ing ,in teresti ng

C. in terested, in terest ing food.

A. too many

B. too much

C. many too

D. much too 16. _______ is he stay ing? For a week.

A. How far

B. How ofte n

C. How long

17. She 'leaving _____ Shanghai next week.

18. In ____ parts of the world ,things are different.

B. others

C. the other one

D. the others

19. I ' m ____ to study better in scienee.

21. I ' m________ heavier than my brother.

14. The book is _________ . A.i nterest ing, in terested 15. She always eats ________ D. i nterested, i nterested

D. How soon A. to B. for C. at D. on A. other

A. try

B. tries

C. to try 20. Tha nks for me to your home.

D. tryi ng

A. ask

B. in vit ing

C. to in vite

D. asks
