在中国的传统家庭中,男性的地位往往更高,家庭角色分配也更注重男性的贡 献。而在美国,家庭角色分配更注重平等和合作,男女在家庭中的地位是平等 的。
三、跨文化交际视角下的比较分 析
中美两国的婚姻和家庭价值观的差异,可以理解为文化差异的一部分。中国的 传统文化强调的是集体主义和社会责任,而美国的文化则更注重个人主义和平 等。这些价值观的差异在跨文化交际中会对沟通和理解产生影响。
在中国的传统观念中,门当户对是择偶的重要标准,包括家庭背景、学历、工 作等因素。而在美国,择偶标准更注重个人的性格、兴趣爱好和价值观。
中国的传统婚礼仪式非常复杂,包括订婚、结婚等环节,强调的是家庭和社会 的认可。而在美国,婚礼仪式相对简单,更注重的是个人的情感表达和体验。
01 引言
03 文化差异分析
02 概念阐述 04 跨国婚姻的挑战
05 从跨文化视角下的展 望
07 参考内容
06 结论
随着全球化的推进,跨国婚姻逐渐成为一种普遍现象。中美两国作为全球最大 的经济体之一,跨国婚姻也日益增多。跨文化视角下,中美跨国婚姻研究不仅 对理解跨国婚姻现象有重要意义,还有助于增进两国之间的文化交流与理解。 本次演示将从概念阐述、文化差异分析、跨国婚姻挑战等方面展开讨论,并探 讨未来发展趋势。
4、经济共同发展:在跨国婚姻中,夫妻双方应共同努力,实现经济共同发展。 这不仅可以减轻经济压力,还可以提高家庭地位和幸福感。
5、政策支持与社区关怀:政府和社会应给予中美跨国婚姻更多的政策支持和 关怀。例如,提供跨文化培训、心理咨询和法律援助等资源,帮助夫妻双方更 好地应对挑战。
体利益。中国人主张个人融入集体, 依靠集体, 要成为集 体的一员并在其中团结协作,共谋发展。中国有句古话 “有福同享,有难同当 ” ,这充分表明了中国人重集体主 义的文化价值观。 美国是以个体主义为基本文化特征的国家。人们在 社会交往中强调个性原则,注重个人的自由和权利,认 为人应该为个人而生存。集体利益不应该凌驾于个人利 益之上, 个人利益和个人自由不容侵犯。因此, 他们主张 个人以自己喜欢的方式去生活,不喜欢受到外界的干预 和限制, 对别人的干涉和影响嗤之以鼻、 置之不理。个人 主义使美国人习惯于依靠自己的力量去奋斗,去独立地 求生存, 求发展, 而不依赖他人。跨文化交流学者拉里・ “在西方文化中, 个人是至高无上的, 个人 ’・萨姆瓦说: 主义是首要的和肯定的价值观。这种价值观在美国可能 是主导一切的。 ” %< 时间观的差异 不同文化的民族有不同的时间观。在时间观念上, 中国是一个以过去取向为主的社会。人们尊重过去,无 论做什么事都要考虑此事做过没有,或是如何做的,而 且今天做得如何也往往以过去为标准。与此相连的是人 “过 们敬老尊师, 重经验, 重年龄, 重资历, 因为这些都与 “前无古 去” 相关。中国人注重面对过去看问题, 因而有
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跨文化交际中的中美文化差异 “前所未有 ” “前车之鉴 ” 人” 、 、 之说。 美国人则立足于未来。未来取向是他们重要的时间 观,但他们所着眼的不是遥远的或是理想中的未来,而 是近期的可以较快实现的未来。由于对未来的渴望,美 国人做事时很少向过去看。在他们看来,年龄和经验也 未必值得敬仰, 因此, 他们不像中国人那样尊老敬老。对 美国人来说, 将来是最重要的, 他们相信, 任何事物都是 在向着好的方向发展, 过去则是不重要的。因此, 美国人 不理解中国人对传统的尊重,而中国人也同样不理解美 国人怎么能对传统显得如此漠然。 !" 伦理观的差异 传统的中国文化深受儒家伦理思想的影响,主张的 “礼 ” 是礼、 忠与恕。 即是人对人的尊敬, 其目的是使人际 关系和谐。礼是敬的表现, 敬则是礼的内在精神, 礼节与 尊敬在中国维持与改善人际关系上会产生一种非常神 奇的效果。忠的本义是自我献身,即全力忠于自己的责 任。每个人依据自己的仁德,都有帮助他人的责任。因 “忠 ” 此, 就是为了他人而竭尽所能的自我奉献。恕道是 人与人之间的基本原则。根据儒家伦理,人人都应遵守 礼教, 讲究恕道, 不得乱来, 这是传统中国社会得以正常 运作、 人际关系得以和谐的重要依据和保证。 与中国传统文化不同,美国文化深受基督教思想影 响。基督教伦理的实质是提升自己虔信、增加个人责任 以获得个人的救赎。美国人认为在家庭中,儿女与父辈 之间的关系纯属感情关系,并非必然的道德义务关系; 这样实际上解放了“个人 ” ,既然这些关系并不重要,那 么人生的目的也就不必在伦理关系上寻求路径,而应在 对个人的责任和对个人的权利上,包括生命、自由和财 产权, 这些权利是天赋的。在美国, 父母通常只在子女成 年之前尽养育之责,而父母年老了子女也没有赡养的义 务。这种理性的宗教伦理思想导致美国社会人与人之间 缺乏温情,人与人之间的关系,更多的是一种互利和公 务性的关系。这种强烈的自我中心观念导致美国社会个 人主义盛行,人人都想充分发挥自己独特的个性,充分 享受个人的权利与自由。在个人主义价值观的驱使下, 为达目的不顾法律约束,铤而走险者也大有人在。因而 美国的各种法律规范可谓多如牛毛, 涉及政治、 经济、 教 育、 以及日常生活的方方面面。 #" 等级观的差异 等级和地位是社会的结构特征,它们几乎存在于所 有的社会中。但是在不同的社会和文化中,确定地位的 标准不同,并且地位的重要性也不同。以儒家思想为核 心的中国传统文化, 历来主张尊卑有别、 长幼有序, 尤其 是在人与人交往时都必然要受到各自的地位和角色的 制约, 否则就是失礼。例如, 晚辈见到长辈或下级见到上 级时要主动先打招呼, 以表示尊重。交谈时, 职位高或年 长者常是谈话的主导一方,另一方则要表现出洗耳恭听 “自卑而尊人 ” 的谦卑举止。此外, 传统的中国文化有 的 交际规范, 说话时抬高对方的地位, 尽量使对方受益。如 说话人向上级汇报自己的见解后,即使这种见解确实很 “指 好, 很正确, 但往往说话人还会补充一句, 请求对方 “帮助 ” 正” 、 , 将对方置于高一等的地位上。 与中国文化不同, 美国文化强调平等。美国人认为, 一切人生来都是平等的,都有追求自由和幸福的权力。 在美国, 父子、 师生、 不同职位的人并无尊卑之别。平等 观念渗透到美国人的生活和思想领域,他们的行为、工 作、 娱乐、 语言、 政治等无不体现平等观念, 现实生活中 的各种关系无不受这种观念的制约。在美国文化中,人 与人交往时较少拘礼。熟人相见, 不论辈分与地位, 一律 “你好 ” ($%&&’) 以平等的 表示问候。甚至子女对父母、 学 生对老师都可直呼其名。美国人在谈话中毫无年龄、辈 分之顾虑, 彼此意见不同时, 常是各持己见, 力图说服对 “面子 ” 方, 无所谓 。美国人表达自己观点时也常是直言 不讳,非常坦率,这在中国人看来不免有些唐突甚至失 礼。 二、 中美文化差异产生的原因 中美文化是两种不同类型,各具特色的两大文化系 统, 它们的渊源和发展道路各不相同。 (" 任何—个民族的文化形成最初时期都深受自然 环境如气候、地理位置的影响,是自然环境给文化发展 提供了最初的可能框架。在不同的自然环境中,人们选 择不同的生存方式。中国文化起源于黄河流域,是典型 的大陆农耕文化,其地理环境和生产方式决定了中国文 化注重群体主义,而不主张突出个人。其历史文化传统 强调群体意识, 重视集体的作用, 注重互相帮助, 相互依 靠,注重人际间的和谐。美国文化则为地道的滨海商业 文化。希腊、 罗马是这种文化的发源地, 地处海滨及近海 各岛屿。众多的岛屿使人际往来不如平原方便,故强调 充分发挥个人作用,形成了今天的美国文化注重个人主 义。这种个人主义包括个人的作用, 个人的独立性, 自主 选择, 注重自立和独立; 重视突出个人, 追求个体差异。 几千年来儒家思想 )" 中国是一个传统导向的社会, !"#$%"
浅论跨文化交际中的中美文化差异时间:2014-05-23 来源:未知作者:8029 点击: 8875 次摘要:随着中国改革开放的不断深入,有着不同的中西文化背景的人们在进行跨文化交际中,文化冲突的事例层出不穷,严重影响了交往的顺利进行,这大多是由于不同文化之间的差异所造成的。
随着我国改革开放的深入发展,不同国家、不同文化之间的人们的交往日益增加,特别是中国加入WTO 以后,中国和西方国家的交往日益频繁,西方社会的人和事物越来越多地走进了我们的视野,在这种情况下,跨国域、跨民族、跨文化的经济和社会交往将会与日俱增,这对于加深我们的西方社会的理解是一件好事,但这并不是一件简单的事情,因为我们所面对的是来自陌生的文化和国家,思维方式、生活习惯和行为方式与我们迥然不同的人,在与之交往的过程中,不可避免地会出现文化冲突的现象。
例如,英语中的Blue Room ,如果不了解这是指美国白宫中总统接见至亲好友的那个粉刷成天蓝色的房间,你就不可能准确地把它翻译成内客厅。
一、中美文化的差异 1.中国文化 中国是个有着五千年文明史的东方大国,历史文化源远流长。
Contrastive Analysis on Intercultural Business Communicationbetween China and America中美跨文化商务交际对比分析摘要:本文主要对比分析了中美两国在商务交际中体现的文化差异。
关键词:文化差异;商务交际;对比分析Contrastive Analysis on Intercultural BusinessCommunication between China and AmericaAbstract:This paper make a contrastive analysis on the cultural differences in business communication between China and America. Chinese culture is much different from American, for example, Chinese and American views on history and future, people’s opinions on collective and individual ideas in the two countries, and differences of the spirit of adventure of their countries, and so on. Many of these differences will have an important impact on many interchange activities. At present, business communication between China and America becomes more and more frequent. We should pay more attention to the cultural differences in the communication process so that we can avoid some unnecessary disputes during the activities.Key words: cultural differences; business communication; contrastive analysis1IntroductionCulture is a shared and learned behavior which is transmitted from one generation to another for purpose of promoting individual and social survival, adaptation, growth and development. Culture has both external and internal representations [1]. People always mean quite different things when they talk about culture.Intercultural communication is the circumstance in which people with diverse cultural backgrounds interact with each other [1]. The crucial element in this form of communication is that culture has the impact on their communicative behaviors. Intercultural business communication has become relevant hot issue presently, it is a communication by members of different cultures for business or workplace purposes. It can deal with the issues of communication and business within the discipline of the intercultural communication [3]. Intercultural business communication takes place in a business context, which means the need for business context should be emphasized. Without business context, intercultural business is ill-focused and not effective. Therefore, the study of intercultural business communication needs the knowledge of business and intercultural communication.For the purpose of helping people to distinguish the differences of different cultures, many researchers have put forward different models. A critical point is that we can analyze different dimensions [2]. In this paper, I will introduce five different dimensions to analyze the differences between China and America. Here are the five terms: 1) past orientation or future orientation; 2) individualism or collectivism; 3) large power distance or small power distance; 4) high context culture or low context culture; 5) strong uncertainty avoidance or weak uncertainty avoidance.2Literature ReviewAmerica is a future orientation country, while Chinese regard past as important. American pay more attention to individualism. That means they care more about private interest. In other way, Chinese think collective interest is more important than privacy. Thirdly, in China, there is a large power distance between boss and employee,but in America, people think a small power distance makes it easier to communicate with each other, and this will promote the development of matters. Forth, China is a high context culture country, while America will not add a lot of other meanings when communicating, they talk more directly.Chinese think highly of their past, while American pay more attention to future. This situation is based on the history of this two countries. America is a country which has developed very well in the last two hundred years. The pace makes people pay more attention to their future life because their got less history stories to recall. It is the opposite in China. Time orientation is a relative stable factor in cultural differences. Liu W.Q (2012) discussed the relationship between time orientation and history. In general, countries with a long history will get a past orientation, while countries, like America, with a short history will pay more attention to future. She also said that the differenc e can be showed in people’s attitude to “old”. Chinese use “old” to present an attitude of respect, while American think “old” means negative, so they try to avoid using “old” in daily life.When we talk about individualism and collectivism, we can’t stop paying more attention to their differences. Yuan jin and Guo chun xia(2012) have studied this term based on the theory of S-Dimension. In China, people are taught to protect the collective interest when they were young. Moreover, all the Chinese education teach people to protect collective interest first, so that spirit of collectivism is strong in China. However, the American pay more attention of privacy, they believe interest of their own is the most important thing in their life. Actually, history and the development of the society result in the difference.The power distance reflects the relationship between employers and employees. Xia meiqing discussed the relationship under different properties of power distance. She contrasts power distance of China and American, countries has the reverse attitude to power distance. China is a typical high power distance country, while America is the opposite. In America, boss and the employees have the equal position.Another difference between China and America we should pay attention is their context culture. China is a high context country. Liu yudong and Zhou yin(May, 2011)analyze the characters of high context culture and low context culture. They think high context culture will use a lot of knowledge which people have already known to explain their meaning, they always express indirectly. In the other hand, the American always talk directly, they pay more attention to the definition of their expression, so that others will understand them easily. This is a method to improve the efficiency, the effect is more distinct in their work.When talking about the uncertainty avoidance, people will think that the American is the group who has the attitude of weak uncertainty avoidance which means they will probably choose the uncertainty in order to make a higher interest. However,3Discussion3.1Past orientation or Future orientationTime orientation means the attitude that people treat time and the process that people use time [16]. China is a typical country with past orientation, while America is a future orientation country.China is a nation with 5000 years of splendid civilization, its heritage shaped the people of the past time orientation.The history of the United States is shorter, and they don't have much to review. People in America are more for the future, they focus on the foreseeable future or the recent future. They think closely related to the success of the future, so they work hard to earn tomorrow's happiness. Most American feel difficult to understand the waste of time of other countries’ people.In business, different time orientations have an important influence on communication [7]. For example, when Chinese businessman talk about something old, or put forward to follow the rules, American will always stop the idea. They think we should create something new to break the rules, so that we can earn more attention. We can understand this difference from the promotion of time-travel TV drama. Promotion in China always stress the encounter of leading role and some historical events. In China, people tend to focus on the past history, the concrete embodiment of the value orientation in the film and television entertainment culture is Chinese herotravel back to ancient times. Based on historical events to show the hero's love/hate [6]. American time-travel through time, however, in contrast to China, the hero crossing into the future. American through the show is more subjective to create the future [10].In business activities, idiom is also a very important element in communication. “Youth look forward and age backward” is a typical taste of American idiom. American won’t spend and waste their time thinking about the past, but looking at the plan for the future. However, there is not such a distant futu re, the ideal “future”, always means life in the schedule plan in order to realize the "future" [15]. In other way, Chinese idioms such as “姜还是老的辣”,“不听老人言,吃亏在眼前” indicate that “old” i n China stand for abundant experience [15]. In business activities, Chinese think we should follow the rules, while American call for break the tradition and create a new system.3.2Collectivism or IndividualismValue is one kind of social awareness. It leads the thinking model and behavioral norms of people. Collectivism stands for people pay more attention to the interest of group, while individualism indicate that people think more about private interest. Actually, this two awareness results from two completely different social systems. China is a socialism country while America is a typical developed and socialism country.Culture is closely linked to value. People of different cultural background will have different values [14]. Collectivism and individualism, as the product of different culture, embodied the value differences between east and west. With the development of cross-cultural communication and economic and cultural aspects of the comprehensive globalization, under the background of a culture, there may be various, not only the values, in a variety of values, of course, there will be a kind of values as the mainstream values, and coexist with other values.American individualism index reach to 91, it is a country attaches great importance to the value of individualism. In business communication, they are often alone. Decisions generally willing to be made by their own and try not to ask forinstructions from bosses. On this dimension (20) in China, the collective interests above all else, personal achievement is often represented to the name of the collective.In business communication, Chinese businessmen should comply with American independent personality [8]. American are fond of alone, they are not willing to accept others' help. When communicating with them, Chinese business man should follow their independent personality and free space to give as much as possible.Collectivism and individualism differences will result to barriers in business communication between China and America [6]. Chinese businessmen are more conservative, they pay attention to status and are particular about manners. In the process of negotiations, Chinese businessmen use to negotiate principles and discuss more about details. They care much about the establishment of harmonious interpersonal relationship in the negotiation. Compared with Chinese businessmen particular about "form" and "face", the western businessmen pay more attention to practical benefits. In the negotiations, the western businessmen tend to eschew principle to renegotiate conditions.3.3Large power distance or small power distancePower distance is a kind of culture differs from another culture. It is the first dimension, refers to the social recognition and acceptance of the scope of the unequal distribution of power in the organization. Power distance, refers to the low status of people accept the degree of power distribution inequality. Whether they are willing to accept or not willing to accept [6].China belongs to the preface-structure and social structure, the western culture belongs to parallel social structure. Chinese value social identity and status, therefore, they care more about etiquette, it is the same in business activities. They also pay attention to the team members' position and level, respect for high-rise and authority. Even the final resolution, they also tends to be collective discussion, care leadership decision. Westerners advocate freedom and equality, emphasis on personal subjective initiative in the business activities, specific to each work, the responsibility can even considering the necessary decisions and have the necessary task power.In business activities, power distance always indicate difference between people. Communication between China and America should pay more attention to the other side. When it comes to the status, we businessmen should take note. Man of high position should have more respect. When communicate with the Chinese from the large power distance cultures, more attention should be paid in detail, so that it may reflects the status of high and low points of people in group. For example, when accommodate for the Chinese business group, we should put people of higher status in tall buildings while person of low position in the relatively lower floors of the building. In other terms, when table group members business cards one by one, we should be strictly in accordance with its membership from higher status to low, or it will be make the visitors feel awkward or even refuse to accept.When presenting Chinese delegation members gifts one by one,we should not only to ensure that people of higher status to receive gifts first, but also on the choice of gift according to the other party status [4]. That is to say, the man of high position should obtain more exquisite gifts. Highlighted the position high and low points of behavior in large power distance culture is seen as a respect for the power and authority, is the reflection of social order in communication. In small power distance culture, superior and subordinate often exchange and communication, and trying to make myself look less powerful, in order to weaken the position of each other.3.4High context culture or low context cultureContext refers to the verbal communication and nonverbal communication basis or implied by the social, historical and cultural background, as well as the actual environment of space and time (verbal and non-verbal) or within the context of the text (written).In different cultures, the interpersonal communication may generate huge differences because of different context [12]. In high context culture communication, more information is expressed by social and cultural environment and situation, or internalized in the communicator's deep thinking or memory. Explicit code load by a relatively small amount of information and the communicator are sensitive to thenuances of environment.In low context culture, a lot of information is expressed by explicit code, so that invisible environment will express a relatively small amount of information. It is generally believed that eaten countries belong to high context culture, while western culture to the low context culture [12].In business communication, the talking norms play an important role in negotiation. Difference in American and Chinese concentrated in the preference for straight and euphemism.American from low context cultures prefer to call a spade, attaches great importance to the direct and simple way to communicate. They try to avoid silence. In western cultures, silence is considered as a "lack of confidence" in the interpersonal communication, or even escape topics or responsibility. Silence also means that the negotiations may have failed. It is the interruption of communication. In the process of negotiations, they tend to make clear and definite answer to the problem.High linguistic and cultural background of the Chinese emphasizes the har monious, they won’t directly express their emotions [9]. Because of the complicated communication, the sensitivity and ability of receivers attaches great importance to the indirect communication and information. Chinese regard silence as a kind of important communication function. Pause and silence is rich in meaning, as well as approving wordless. So in high context culture, keep silence is a praiseworthy act [11]. In the process of negotiations, high context culture participants tend to its twists and turns of expression.3.5Weak uncertainty avoidance or strong uncertainty avoidanceUncertainty avoidance is mainly about people’s attitude to uncertainty about the future. A strong uncertainty avoidance culture is often rule orientation. It uses to establishing a series of laws, regulations, system, which limits to reduce uncertainty. A weak uncertainty avoidance culture has high tolerance for uncertainty situation and resilience. It is usually more willing to change, to take risks [13].Chinese culture belongs to strong uncertainty avoidance culture while Americanculture belongs to the weak one. When it comes to the attitude to difference, Chinese traditional thinking is hard to tolerate different opinions, and "eccentric" is regarded as very dangerous [13]. Because difference can lead to conflict, uncertainty may generate adverse consequences.On the other hand, American advocate the spirit of criticism which make people dare to question, to rebut the arguments made by the others or even the authority. Businessmen in the United States enjoy discussing with his partners who can put forward different views.Uncertainty avoidance perform in all aspects of communication. In intercultural business communication, the strength of the uncertainty avoidance degree is very obvious. A strong uncertainty avoidance habit of culture communication like planning carefully or arranging in advance. A weak uncertainty avoidance habits of cultural communication is just the opposite, they often leave room when making arrangements or plan [13].4ConclusionIntercultural conflicts occurring in the business communication between Chinese and American participants are resulted from the different expectations of cooperative and polite behaviors [5]. According to the discussion in the above chapters, we sum up that the cultural difference will have an important effect on communication in business. People are always going to suit others culture, while they also can’t pay attention to all of the cultural difference. This will cause misunderstanding, or even conflict in business.The five aspects I have discussed above are the basis terms which we should pay more attention. We should think more about others in business, and don’t be confused when we can’t understand. That’s may be the key t o intercultural communication in business..References[1] Fan S.S. Cultural influences on the business context in interculturalcommunication [J] Overseas English 2014(14):294-295[2] Huang D.Y. A study on intercultural business negotiation—Based on a case [J]Overseas English 2013(15):283[3] Li J.N. 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中美恋爱文化差异英文作文英文:When it comes to the cultural differences in dating between China and the United States, there are definitely some interesting contrasts to consider. In the US, datingis often seen as a more casual and relaxed process, where people may go on multiple dates with different partners before committing to a relationship. On the other hand, in China, dating is often viewed as a more serious and purposeful endeavor, with the goal of finding a long-term partner from the start.One major difference is the concept of "dating around" versus "exclusive dating". In the US, it's common forpeople to date multiple individuals at the same time, andit's not considered taboo to do so. This is because datingis seen as a way to get to know different people and figure out what you're looking for in a partner. However, in China, it's more common for people to focus on one person at atime, with the expectation that the relationship will become exclusive fairly quickly.Another difference is the role of family in dating. In China, family plays a much larger role in the dating process, and it's not uncommon for parents to be involvedin setting their children up on dates or even arranging marriages. In the US, while family opinions are important, individuals have more autonomy in their dating decisions.In terms of expressing affection, there are also differences between the two cultures. In the US, public displays of affection are common and it's not unusual to see couples holding hands or kissing in public. However, in China, public displays of affection are much less common and are often seen as inappropriate.Overall, these cultural differences can lead to misunderstandings and challenges for individuals from different countries who are dating. It's important to be open and understanding of these differences in order to build a successful cross-cultural relationship.中文:当谈到中美两国的恋爱文化差异时,有一些有趣的对比是值得考虑的。
关键词:身体语言;文化差异;跨文化交际H030A1 . 前言人类的交际通常可分为两种:言语交际和非言语交际。
2 . 身势学2 . 1 体势体势是指人们常见的身体姿势。
论跨文化交际中的中美文化差异随着我国改革开放的深入发展,不同国家、不同文化之间的人们的交往日益增加,特别是中国加入WTO 以后,中国和西方国家的交往日益频繁,西方社会的人和事物越来越多地走进了我们的视野,在这种情况下,跨国域、跨民族、跨文化的经济和社会交往将会与日俱增,这对于加深我们的西方社会的理解是一件好事,但这并不是一件简单的事情,因为我们所面对的是来自陌生的文化和国家,思维方式、生活习惯和行为方式与我们迥然不同的人,在与之交往的过程中,不可避免地会出现文化冲突的现象。
例如,英语中的Blue Room ,如果不了解这是指美国白宫中总统接见至亲好友的那个粉刷成天蓝色的房间,你就不可能准确地把它翻译成“内客厅”。
中美约会文化差异--转载自微信公众号:DoubleDate 缘于天生热情开朗的性格,美国人在大学校园中已经形成了成熟的约会文化。
怎么才能渐渐形成我们自己的校园dating culture呢?我们可以从这些美国同龄人身上学到些什么呢?中美约会文化有着巨大的差别,从朋友间的八卦话题就可以看出。
中国人会问:“你有没有男朋友?”已经到了in a relationship的层面。
而美国人会问:“Are you dating someone?”意思是你在与某人约会吗?在美国人眼里,约会和爱情并没有关系,dating只是男女之间正常活动的一种形式罢了。
在西方的dating culture中,约会是轻松自然的,只是出于对彼此的欣赏,抱着加深了解的目的来进行。
中美文化差异比较英语论文 (1)
Culture is a complex concept which is hard to define. But, simply put, i think “Culture” refers to an inner spirit and the inherent charm of a nation, more specifically, which means people of a region often share the common values and worldview. Culture is a bond that ties people together, but it also may causes conflicts between different cultures sometimes. With the gradually close contact of nations and globalization, cross-cultural communication is becoming increasingly important today. Cross-cultural communication is not strange to us, it’s a kind of information exchange between two heterogeneous culture and as a dynamic social phenomenon, it has its specific motivation,trend and pattern. When it comes to cross-cultural communication,what matters is how can we avoid culture shock as possible as we can and understand and respect others of different culture.So,the first basic thing of making a well cross-cultural communication is to learn about the similarities and differences between different cultures.Becoming aware of cultural differences, as well as exploring the similarities, can help us communicate with others more effectively indeed. And, learning about the similarities and differences between different cultures not only can help immerse in another culture, but enrich our own traditional culture by absorbing the advantages of foreign cultures and make it various and globalized. Not only that, learning about culture similarities and differences is the fastest way to broaden your knowledge of the world and help non-native speakers put the linguistic knowledge into practice in some way.Next,i will take two topics as examples to show the importance of learning about the similarities and differences in different cultures :1、Differences between Chinese food and American foodOnce there goes a saying,”Food is eating well-deserved for human life”, so food is the first need for human, and it does make sense to compare Chinese food culture with American’s. Then, i would like to share my opinions about food cultural differences between china and America: (1)Differences in concepts. There is a saying goes in china:”to the people foodstuff is all important.” it’s clear that Chinese put a fair high value on food.,so most of them eat to satisfy their desire for delicacy.Chinese food is much concentrate on the color, shape,taste of food. However,”an apple a day keeps a doctor away”goes a popular American saying. We can see that American diet is more rational and what must be assured is nutrition. They just eating for living and heathy life.(2)Differences in content. China had been a large agricultural country, so Chinese people are used to eating rice and vegetables but little meat everyday. But, there exist heavy fertile grasslands in America which is the reliable foundation on which animal husbandry depends to develop.Thus,American prefer to eat meat. Even though Chinese living standard improves nowadays, Americans still eat more meat than Chinese. Besides, American love cold food like salad and ice-cream, but hot food are much accepted in china.(3)Differences in cooking. Chinese dishes tend to be art and sentimental just because Chinese people believes that cooking is something full of art. There are a lot of cooking methods in china, such as fried,burning,boil,crispy,candied and so on. However, American focus more on the value and nutrition of dishes than on the way of cooking. In America, the whole process of cookingbases on scientific standards strictly. So, cooking is more like a career with monotonous mechanical work.(4)Differences in nature. Differences in the nature of the Chinese and American dishes are related to the respective lifestyle and the pace of the life. In America,people do the duplication of pipeline operations,and implement piece-wage system,so the paces of their lives are so fast. Accordingly,fast food restaurant can offer people on the run everything from fried chicken to fried rice instantly and easily.Therefore, fast food emerges as required and becomes one of the dishes Americans like best quickly. They live at such an extremely fast pace that they often just “grab a quick bite”. However, Chinese much more enjoy lives and enjoy delicious dishes.With the development of economy and the strengthening of cultural communication between china and America,China has imported various kinds of American food, known as “KFC”,”McDonald”. This marks a new American food culture exchanges and infiltration.In the face of food cultural exchange problem between china and America, we should find each other’s advantages and draw the mutual advantages,as china can learn from the point that American dishes stress nutrition much,and make Chinese dishes more outstanding.2、Differences between Chinese banquet and American banquetAfter the discussion about cultural differences between Chinese and American dishes, i will talk about the cultural differences between Chinese and American banquet briefly.In China,a banquet, no matter what, there will be one form,that is sitting together and sharing one feast. Chinese often use round table and a glass revolving plate sometimes if necessary to create an united and comity atmosphere. In addition,a person who is on the highest position or oldest sits in the center of all.The Chinese-style banquets is not only an occasion for people to taste and appreciate,but an intermediate of communication. These all show a strict rating system which is the embodiment of the spirit of Confucianism.The American-style banquets,although food and wine are very important,but in fact they are just foil. And, food in the banquet often are placed on the long thin tables for everyone who wants to eat to take. Otherwise, the core of banquets is friendship, by the conversation with guests who sitting next to achieve the purpose of recreation.The differences between Chinese banquet and American banquet show the different characteristics and culture.Out of interest, i chose the course this semester. I think i have learned a lot in this course. Every class,the teacher and classmates introduced the cultural differences between china and America on a certain topic,which can further my understanding of different cultures. In this class, we have a group work,so we divided into an of three people,and our team chose two topics about “FOOD”and ‘Banquet’ ,and what we should do was to find cultural differences on these topics. In class, we did a detailed presentation on this topic, discussed with others,and socialized. I can explore and solve the problem in the learning process by myself in this way,which can give me an in-depth knowledge of the cultural differences between china and America. And not only that, i can harden my courage and practice the spoken English by introducing my opinions in front of everyone. I really appreciate it.In addition,every class revolves around a comparison of a certain topic. Every class which is filled with novel,interesting contents does expand the core thought process of my mind,while i may not use the specifics of every classroom lesson. In class,i’ve learned a lot that i hadn’t known before. For example, i know the colors of the American flag and what the Stars and Stripes standfor by learning this course. I am very glad that i have chosen this class where i can learn some useful knowledge !。
中美日常交际中的文化差异 毕业论文
中美国家在称呼、打招呼、谦虚、赞扬、表示关心及谈话题材方面都存在着明显的差异。如果不了解这些交际规则,不但达不到交际目的,还会造成不良后果。在称呼方面,由于中国有着两三千年的封建统治的历史,封建观念在人们头脑中根深蒂固,人们非常重视血缘关系,强调等级差异、提倡长幼尊卑有序。而西方人追求人人平等,在称谓上就简单多了,无论是爷爷还是外公都叫“Grandpa”,叔叔、舅舅都称“uncle”。在语体的使用上也存在着根本的区别。在汉语中,特别是在正式交际场合中,汉语常用“请+祈使式”结构。而美国人在正式交际场合中邀请对方时则常采用问句的形式,给对方接受和拒绝的选择。如“Come and have dinner with us”(来吃晚饭吧。)显然,与“请光临寒舍”相对应的英语语体表达应是”Would you oblige me with a visit ?”如果在这里把汉语正式语体表达方式迁移到英语中,发出”Please oblige me with a visit .”这样的邀请,是必造成对方的误解。
略论跨文化交际中的中美文化差异随着我国改革开放的深入发展,不同国家、不同文化之间的人们的交往日益增加,特别是中国加入WTO 以后,中国和西方国家的交往日益频繁,西方社会的人和事物越来越多地走进了我们的视野,在这种情况下,跨国域、跨民族、跨文化的经济和社会交往将会与日俱增,这对于加深我们的西方社会的理解是一件好事,但这并不是一件简单的事情,因为我们所面对的是来自陌生的文化和国家,思维方式、生活习惯和行为方式与我们迥然不同的人,在与之交往的过程中,不可避免地会出现文化冲突的现象。
例如,英语中的Blue Room ,如果不了解这是指美国白宫中总统接见至亲好友的那个粉刷成天蓝色的房间,你就不可能准确地把它翻译成内客厅。
一、中美文化的差异 1.中国文化 中国是个有着五千年文明史的东方大国,历史文化源远流长。
现代交友方式和传统交友方式区别英文作文(中英文版)**Modern Dating Methods vs.Traditional Dating Methods**In today"s digital age, the way we form relationships has experienced a significant transformation.Modern dating methods, primarily reliant on technology and social media platforms, have undeniably altered the dynamics of how people meet, communicate, and build connections.In contrast, traditional dating methods were more grounded in physical interactions and were often facilitated through shared social circles and face-to-face encounters.Below are some key distinctions between the two:**munication Style:****3.Romance and Courtship:****4.Filters and First Impressions:****5.Exclusivity and Commitment:**In conclusion, while modern dating methods offer convenience, speed, and a wider pool of potential partners, they lack the personal touch and depth of traditional dating.Each approach has its merits and challenges, and ultimately, the choice depends on personal preferences and values.**现代交友方式与传统交友方式的区别**在数字化时代的今天,我们建立关系的方式经历了显著的变化。
现代交友与传统交友的区别英语作文Modern Dating vs Traditional DatingHi there! My name is Timmy and I'm 10 years old. Today I want to talk to you about the differences between modern dating and traditional dating. I've been learning about this in school and from watching my older siblings and cousins. It's really interesting to see how much things have changed over time!Let's start with traditional dating. Back in the day, like a really long time ago, there were lots of rules and customs around dating and relationships. From what I understand, it used to be that a boy would have to ask a girl's parents for permission before he could take her out on a date! Can you imagine? I would be so embarrassed if I had to ask my parents to go on a date with someone.Traditional dating also moved really slowly compared to today. Couples wouldn't just meet up one day and start calling each other boyfriend and girlfriend right away. There would be a long "courtship" period where they went on chaperoned dates and got to know each other very gradually before deciding if they wanted a serious relationship.The rules around physical stuff like kissing and holding hands were also way stricter back then. Nowadays kids our age are already dating and doing all that couple-y stuff. But traditionally, you pretty much couldn't do anything physical until you were officially married! No hand-holding, no kissing, nothing like that. My mind is blown just thinking about it.Another big difference is how people actually met their dates. In the past, most couples met through their family, church, or local community. Your parents might introduce you to the children of their friends, or you'd meet someone at a social event hosted by your church or neighborhood. Online dating was totally unheard of! You basically had to know the person or be introduced through someone you trusted.In contrast, modern dating is a total free-for-all compared to the old days! For starters, there are no real rules anymore around when, how, or who you can date. In my class, some kids are "dating" like 3 or 4 people at the same time! The courtship period is basically skipped too - if you like someone you can just ask them out immediately and sometimes even become boyfriend/girlfriend right away.Physical stuff also happens way sooner than it used to. Hand-holding and kissing at our age is totally normal, and kidsare sometimes doing even more by middle school or high school. Not me though, I still think that's gross and weird! But the point is that modern dating moves so much faster physically compared to the old days.The biggest difference though, is definitely the rise of online dating and apps. Nowadays, a lot of older teens and adults meet their dates online through sites like Tinder or Bumble. You create a profile, upload some selfies, and can literally swipe through hundreds of potential matches in your area! It's crazy how easy it is to connect with new people to date online.My brother met his last girlfriend on Tinder and they only knew each other for a couple weeks before they started dating officially. Their relationship moved lightning fast compared to how our grandparents used to date back in their day. After only a few months of dating they moved in together too! I can't imagine what our grandparents would say about that.So in summary, some of the biggest changes I've noticed are:Online apps replacing traditional meeting throughfamily/communityWay less rules and formalities around courtship and getting into relationshipsPhysical stuff happening much sooner and at younger agesRelationships starting and progressing faster overallI think both modern and traditional dating have their pros and cons. On one hand, modern dating is just easier and more casual with less pressure. But on the other hand, maybe moving so fast isn't the best thing and we've lost some of the romance and commitment of traditional courtship. Who's to say which is better or worse?Those are just some of my thoughts as a 10-year-old on the changing world of dating and relationships. I'll be curious to see what dating is like when I'm finally old enough in 8 more years or so! For now, I'm sticking to video games and hanging out with my friends. No dating for me just yet! Let me know what you think about the differences too.。
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Intercultural communication姓名:董美辰学号:20102237学院:数学与统计学院专业:统计学(金融与精算方向)Thesis statement:This paper is intended to make a comparison about the dating between Chinese and American to see their differences and similarities. The illustration of dating would mainly contain two parts: the actions and the thoughts and the cultural reasons and revelation will be analyzed finally.Outline:1. Introduction2. Comparison between Chinese and American dating2. 1 Similarities2. 2 Differences2.2.1Behaviours2.2.2Activities2.2.3Purpose and Attitude3.Reasons for different behaviors and attitudes between China and America3.1 religious and traditional values3.2 relationship with marriage3.3 expressing ways4.Revelation5. ConclusionReference1.IntroductionAs start point of the path towards marriage, the function and meaning of dating is obviously very important. Accordingly, if we want to have a better and comprehensive understanding of the different views on marriage between American and Chinese, it is necessary to analyze the difference in dating customs between people from the two countries.As we know, dating includes all the activities that men and women do together for having a better understanding of each other and developing a further relationship. Taken in this sense, it is the same for every one over the world. However, due to the great difference between American and Chinese in culture, tradition and belief, people in America and those in China have different customs in dating.Considering the above, I'd like to illustrate the topic in two main aspects: the behaviors and the thoughts. That just match along with human's body and soul. The actions of body will be demonstrated by the behaviors and the activities ,while the souls will be elaborated by the purpose and attitude. Thus ,we shall understand both cultures and manage the dating in our life in a better way.parison between Chinese and American dating2. 1 SimilaritiesAs a critical step for two people's relationship, dating is a way for them to get a better understanding of each other. People are always changing and growing. They have a date aiming to have a further relationship with the other. Also,dating relates to all the romantic things and lovely memories.Inevitably, sometimes couples may quarrel and even break up when they are dating. So all dates show this character: uncertainty. The affair develops unpredictable as it depends on the feelings of two people.In addition, festivals celebrating the love exist in both countries. Chinese have the Tanabata Day and Americans have the Valentine's Day. People date on the special day to show their love to their half apples.2. 2 DifferencesDifferences are reflected by the actions of body and rooted in their souls.The actions of body will be demonstrated by the behaviors and the activities ,while the souls will be elaborated by the purpose and attitude.2.2.1BehavioursThe behaviors varies in the two countries. So here, three typically specific cases will be illustrated to explain it.Firstly, how many dates shall a single have?In America, it is normal for people to have a date with different persons of the opposite sex in a period. But it is hard to imagine that this scene will appear in China.Plato once said ,"Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful." This has become a widely accepted western thought. So in Americans' opinion, only by coming into contact with many persons who have different character, different hobbies and different backgrounds, she or he can get the man or woman who is the most suitable one.Most of Chinese people agree with that viewpoint, but they still have a date with only one person in a period, following their customs and traditions. For Chinese, dating with only one person shows their sincerity and respect to each other. This custom relates to Chinese traditional culture, whichemphasizes the respect to others. It will provoke criticism in China if one dates with different men or women in the same period. However, as above, it is normal in America.Secondly, who is more active when dating?Emphasizing punctuality, most American will arrive the appointed place on time. The woman may call or directly invite the man if she has a good feeling for him. Women are as active as men.On the contrary, Chinese women are too shy to do that. They prefer to show the missish appearance ,never being too active. Sometimes they are allowed to be a little late for the dating and the men seldom get angry for that. So relatively,men are more active.Thirdly, whose treat?Lovers usually have dinner and other entertainments together. Americans tend to go Dutch when they have a date. On one hand, it reflects the independence which is a part of Americans' characters. On the other hand, it also depend on their view and attitude towards dating. Since the dating is just a kind of social activities, they certainly do as well as daily. And in America, women don't want special treatment, going Dutch is a good way to avoid offence.It's obvious that Chinese people hold different opinions. Under the influence of Chinese traditional culture, people in China, especially men, tend to pay for the bills after dating. By this action, men want to show their good manners and respect to women. Different from American women, Chinese women don't regard this action as peculiarity and most of them think it as deserved. They even appreciate this action called male chauvinism.2.2.2ActivitiesSince the dating is a common way of social activities, it leads to a inside world of a person .Americans behave relaxingly.Their conversation and activities base on their mutual hobbies. A party is an excellent and common occasion for dating. In the party, they can dance, talk , making less embarrassed feelings. Here are more activities can make the same effects.Watching a popular game like Baseball Bugs or American Football game together can be a good choice for these sports fans. Many American couples also do sports together. Quiet ones may choose to watch an opera or a concert in their free time. Once they have the same hobbies, they can get closer more easily.It is different in China. Due to the close relevance to marriage, most people are serious towards their dating. Chinese choose decent restaurants or clubs.On dating, man and woman try to show their good manners and behave overcautiously. They talk about themselves in brief and ask some basic questions about each other's job, family, incomes and so on. So is the first dating. A park or a movie theater is the routine place for dating in China. Shy Chinese ones tend to talk about some individual things,thus leading to a slower progress of the relationship. Americans may have sex with the dates regardless of their dating times. It's obviously that few Chinese think of that at the beginning .Chinese always try to get all the aspects of a person and make a decision through only one short date. It's not much reasonable. Compared with Americans' dating, Chinese people are too cautious to cover their nature and it is hard to know each other well by dating. So, maybe it is easier for Americans to show their characters and have a understanding of each other by this way.2.2.3Purpose and AttitudeThe purpose and attitude are linked to people's souls or, in other words, their thoughts.The purpose of dating of Americans seems pure. As Plato said," Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to."For American, dating does not have close connection with marriage. The man and woman will develop friendship rather than love relationship. It is a long time before they establish the formal love relationship even if some of them already have sex. Usually, thedating makes no fruits or convert into a social activity. In short, Americans enjoy dating and seldom hurry to draw a final conclusion to a relationship.Traditionally,Chinese people tend to find a suitable mate by dating, which makes a close connection with marriage. Mao Zedong, the hero for Chinese ,once said,"One who don't take marry as the goal love is playing the hoodlum."So as we can see, they often base their prospective marriage on the dates. Often, Chinese would be compelled to date if he or she is still single when he or she approaches about 30. So, dating is important for Chinese, especially the singles.In a sense, Americans regard dating as a kind of entertainment or a way to show themselves and make friends. In China, with its five-thousand-year history, traditional culture affects people deeply. Chinese people think of the dating as a way to marriage. So ,they treat it seriously and pay more attention to their manners.3.reasons for different behaviors and attitudes between China and America3.1 religious and traditional valuesFirst and foremost, the values of two different cultures result the discrimination.The value of personal freedom and independence has a great influence on the dating behaviors and attitudes in America. They believe that love affairs should not bounded with some irrelevant things. The nationalities ,the ages ,the status ,the money ,the appearance--every thing can be ignored as long as love exists.In China, the long history and the civilization leave people the conception to be honest to others and conservative themselves. So dating with different people in one period must be criticized and estranged. At the same time ,if females are too active, they may leave the public some bad impressions.3.2 relationship with marriageSecondly, the relationship between dating and marriage makes a big difference.For Americans, marriage is a completely personal matter. Everyone has his freedom to choose his marriage and is not influenced by the society and others. So for their future happiness, they will try their best to find a man or woman who is the most suitable by dating with different people. In this sense, the custom is not obscure.With the influence of the traditional culture, marriage, for Chinese, is not a personal business. For thousands of years, Chinese insist a opinion well-matching in social and economic status, which is a contradiction to the Americans' opinion.It is a complex made up by the society, families and traditional beliefs, such as the Confucianism. So people have to try another way to find their love which is not against their traditions. They will start a new date until the former ends. Women are educated to be reserved and elegant, while men are taught to act gentle in front of women.3.3 expressing waysThe last reason for the existent differences is the entirely different expressing ways. Usually, Americans mostly have the low-context communication , they like to express themselves in an explicit way. They seldom give an ambiguous answer to the other. So after several times of dating ,they would show their attitude clearly: friend or lover. Oppositely in China, people tend to talk in a high-context way. The implicit expressions often make people confused about the attitude of the other. So the dating may last a long time with no actually progress.4.revelationNowadays, people are no longer limited to date in a stubborn pattern because of the cultural penetration. They appreciate new ways and emphasize unique feelings or things no matter in China or in America. Of course in China, dating with various persons in one period may bring some pressure tothe one, but it's worth trying. Regardless of the gender, people should be brave and active to persue their true love. As the saying goes , love is boundless. So whatever people do is reasonable in this case. For Americans, sometimes dating may become a game, a thoughtless thing. After all, dating has great influence in everyone's life. People may as well think it over when they make any decisions.In this high-speed developing and changeable era, dating in a free way and be harmonious with one-selves living environment may be a better choice. Last but not least ,wherever and whoever you are dating , keep your own value!5. ConclusionVarious discriminations exist in Chinese and American dating, rooted in their own culture. Chinese way of dating is the product of the traditional Confucianism and other Conservative thoughts, while American way of dating is the product of mixed values and the free and individual thoughts affected by the religions and other factors. Both dating ways have their virtues and their faults. The ways not only reflect certain aspects of their people's value but also bring people different means of happiness. A comparison of Chinese and American dating can not only help students realize the marvelous world but also lead them to a mature thought that they should cope with their individual problems in a correct way.Love ,in a way that you love. Date in a way that you enjoy yourself. Anyway ,it's the most wonderful thing in the world.ReferenceSymposium.Plato.Hertfordshire:Wordsworth Editions Ltd,1998.The Rules (TM) Dating Journal.Ellen Fein, Sherrie Schneider.New York:Grand Central Publishing, 1997.我爱故我在.熊哲宏.北京:北京大学出版社,2011.跨文化交际.张爱琳.重庆:重庆大学出版社,2008.。