






一、句子改写1. 原句:小明喜欢吃苹果。


2. 原句:我正在看电视。


3. 原句:她昨天去了动物园。


4. 原句:他们一起去了电影院。


5. 原句:这个问题很难。


二、句子改错1. 原句:我去了公园玩。


2. 原句:他们正在跑步锻炼。


3. 原句:妈妈给我买了一个漂亮的礼物。


4. 原句:我们在图书馆看书学习。


5. 原句:他们一起去了游泳池游泳。


三、句子合并1. 原句:我喜欢唱歌。



2. 原句:他们在公园里玩。



3. 原句:我正在吃饭。



4. 原句:她在家里写作业。



5. 原句:他喜欢读书。










小学语文句型转换文稿归稿存档编号:[KKUY-KKIO69-OTM243-OLUI129-G00I-FDQS58-语文句型转换1.我们遵守纪律.改为双重否定句:改为反问句:2.几场春雨后,娇嫩(de)笋芽长了出来.改为比喻句:改为拟人句:陈述句:你吃过饭了反问句:难道你没吃过饭设问句:你吃过饭了吗一定吃过了.疑问句:你吃过饭了吗被字句:饭被你吃了.把字句:你把饭吃了.否定句:你没吃饭.1.厚厚(de)松脂在阳光下发出金色(de)光彩.(缩句)2.同学们回答问题.(扩句)3.蔺相如对赵王说:“我愿意带和氏璧到秦国去.”(换成间接引语)4.马(de)后蹄踏着一只飞燕.(换成“被”字句)5.外公对小英说:“我告诉你,这是中国最有名(de)花.”(间接引语)6.那时侯,清政府腐败无能,刚一提出“京张”铁路(de)修筑计划,帝国主义就出来阻挠,要挟.(换成“因果关系”(de)说法)7.太阳升起来.(扩句)8.我看秦王没有诚意,就得把和氏璧送回赵国去.(换成反问句)9. 那浪花所奏(de)不正是一首欢乐(de)歌吗(换成反问句)10. 这三克镭体现了一个科学家伟大(de)人格.(改为感叹句、反问句、双重否定句)11.钱在孤岛上又有什么用呢(改为陈述句)按要求写句子.1、把“把”字句改成“被”字句.疲劳和干渴,把它们折磨得有气无力._____________________________.2、把“被”字句改成“把”字句.我(de)错误马上被朋友们纠正了._____________________________.3、改变词序,意思保持不变.出金华城大约5公里到罗甸.________________ .雨从早到晚哗哗哗哗地下个不停.______________.4、改变词序,改变句意.那些来南京(de)客人都很热情.________________.这几道题你全没有做对.__________________.5、把反问句改成陈述句.我们哪里有近道,还不和你们是一条道_____________________________.6、毒刑拷打算得了什么死亡也无法叫我开口._____________________________.7、都是你自己找(de),我怎么帮得了你(de)忙_____________________________.8、把陈述句改成反问句.猫(de)性格实在有些古怪.__________________.在这个长满了红锈(de)鱼钩上,闪烁着灿烂(de)金色(de)光芒.______________________________.9、把直接引语改成间接引语.周瑜长叹一声,说:“诸葛亮神机妙算,我真不如他.”_____________________________.10、山姆握着珊迪(de)手说:“我会永远照顾你(de).”_____________________________.11、张林告诉我:“要是星期日下雨,我们就不去看电影.”_____________________________.12、把间接引语改成直接引语.妈妈严肃地对我说,马上就要期末考试了,我一定要认真复习,不要辜负老师和她对我(de)一片期望.________________________________扩写句子例:崭新(de)机器日夜不停地制造零件.1、喜讯传到学校.2、列车穿过山谷.3、春风吹遍大地.4、人们挥舞着鲜花.5、爸爸是工人.6、我制订学习计划.7、柳条拂动着水面.8.同学们回答问题.7、太阳升起来.8、体育健儿取得了成绩.9、列车奔驰.10小蜜蜂飞来飞去.11、黑熊表演节目.12、浪花跳跃.13、猫捉老鼠.14、鲜花盛开了.15、小华做操.16秧苗生长.17、船开得快.18、星星眨眼.19、枝叶展开.13、小蝌蚪游着.缩写句子1、伶俐可爱(de)小燕子停在细细(de)电线上休息.2、奶奶在水井边用水桶打水.3、夏天(de)天气热得像个蒸笼.4、宽阔(de)钱塘江笼罩着一层薄薄(de)雾.5、活泼(de)小松鼠在松树上蹦来跳去.6、小鹿侧着脑袋欣赏自己在水里(de)影子.7、绿油油(de)墓草地上盛开着五颜六色(de)野花.8、夏天,火辣辣(de)太阳高高地挂在蔚蓝(de)天空9、虹虹和姐姐在琳琅满目(de)书店里购买了一整套上下五千年和几本童话故事书.10、每当夜幕降临,八角楼上(de)灯光就亮了起来.11、万盛米行(de)河埠头,横七竖八地停泊着乡村里来(de)敞口船.12、汽轮发电机厂(de)工人师傅把一台台进口钻机熟练地安装好了.12、六、(2)班(de)语文老师给大家讲了一个关于小红帽打败大灰狼(de)故事.13、詹天佑是我国杰出(de)爱国工程师.14 、洪亮(de)钟声在天空中经久不息地回响.15、敬爱(de)周总理无微不至地关怀着年轻(de)战士.16 、吴国(de)都督周瑜十分妒忌很有才干(de)诸葛亮.17、银色(de)雪光照着一望无际(de)大草原.18、夏天,老人们都爱到河边(de)树阴下钓鱼.19、时光老人给我们(de)礼物是珍贵(de).20、我们要珍惜每一粒粮食.21、看节目(de)人真多,还有许多小孩.22、这里(de)风景真漂亮迷人.23、半个学期来,我(de)语文知识提高了.24、在会上,大家交流了学习语文.25、前天,我们观望了舞稻表演和音乐.26、晚上,我在院子里数着天上(de)星星和月亮.27、我们班同学都去秋游了,只有小红没有去.28、我每天早晨吃一杯牛奶和一个面包.29、这篇作文对我产生了兴趣.改病句:内容和结构上有毛病(de)句子叫病句.常见(de)病句有:成份残缺;搭配不当;重复罗嗦;语序颠倒;前后矛盾;用词不当;指代不明;分类不当;不合事理;含糊不清等.应考点1、先找出句子(de)主干,检查句子是否完整,搭配是否恰当.2、如果句子主干没有毛病,就检查辅助成份与主干搭配是否合适.3、检查句子是否符合逻辑,语序是否合理,指代是否明确,有无逻辑错误等.4、如果确有错误,就开始动笔修改.链接考题1、我差不多肯定考了100分.(重复)改:2、语文对我感兴趣.(颠倒)改:3、我(de)成绩很优美.(搭配不当)改:4、虽然我很好,所以我要再努力.(关联词搭配不当)改:5、老师让我看“文摘”这本书.(标点错误)改:6、学习革命烈士诗两首一课,使我受到了深刻(de)教育.7、我游览了万里长城、故宫博物院、秦始皇兵马俑和南京长江大桥等名胜古迹.8、秋天(de)北京是一个迷人(de)季节.9、全班同学都到齐了,只有王娟同学没有到.10、看到詹天佑留下(de)伟大工程,许多外国游客都不住地赞叹不已.11、一进花园,我就闻到一阵阵清香和悦耳(de)鸟叫声.1、多次反复教育我们要好好学习.()2、爷爷经常想起许多过去(de)往事.()3、为人民服务这篇文章(de)作者是毛泽东写(de).()4、改革开放以来,我国人民(de)生活水平不断地改善.()5、菜园里种着西红柿、西瓜、扁豆、茄子等各种蔬菜.()6、参加会议(de)同学基本上都到齐了.()7、我上完五年级了,还有一年没有毕业.()8、从这件普通(de)小事中,却说明了深刻(de)道理.()9、春天(de)街心花园飘着醉人(de)桂花香.()10、我国人口是世界上最多(de)国家.()11、一阵雷雨下了一天一夜.()12、我肯定今天可能会下雨.()13、我们必须认真改正并仔细检查作业中(de)错误.()14、在会上,纷纷发表自己(de)意见.()15、李老师(de)关怀,我一辈子终生难忘.()16、我勇敢地冲下山坡,心里不免有些害怕.()17、大家都讲卫生,我们(de)健康和疾病就有保障.()18、世界四大文明古国是中国.()19、望着邓奶奶(de)遗像,同学们不禁忍不住放声痛哭.()20、两个新旧社会,真是鲜明(de)对比啊()扩句和缩句扩句就是通过添加词语,把简单(de)句子扩充为个具体、形象(de)生动(de)句子.缩句就是把复杂(de)长句子缩减,去掉全部或一部分附加(de)成份,留下主要部分.扩句就是先画出句子(de)主要部分,找到了主要部分,就可以明确在哪儿加表示修饰、限制(de)成份,近而思考扩充什么样(de)词语,还可以抓住句子(de)主要成份,自己提一些问题.如果回答了提出(de)问题,也就是在进行扩句.缩句可按三步进行:1、先把句子分成“谁”、“做什么”或“什么”、“怎么样”两部分.2、找每部分(de)主干部分.3、最后去掉修饰、限制词语,把主干词语连接成完整(de)句子.链接考题1、妈妈买来了桔子.(扩句)2、歌声打破了沉寂.(扩写句子)3、我时常怀着深深(de)感激之情思念着我(de)启蒙老师们.(缩句)4、可敬(de)老科学家静静地思考着这个疑难(de)问题.一、填上恰当(de)词语,使句子表达(de)意思更完整.例:他是一名少先队员.他是一名(优秀(de))少先队员.1、周总理听汇报.周总理()听汇报.2、天空中挂着园月.()(de)天空中挂着园月.3、燕子掠过湖面.燕子()地掠过湖面.4、战士们守卫边疆.()战士们()守卫()边疆.二、判断下列缩句是否正确,对(de)打“√”,错(de)打“╳”.1、“这不是伟大(de)奇观吗”缩写为“这不是奇观.”()2、“红军(de)主力渡过了天险大渡河,浩浩荡荡地奔赴抗日(de)最前线.”缩句为“主力奔赴最前线.”()3、“高大挺拔(de)白杨树像一排卫兵似(de)(de),在宽阔而又笔直(de)公路两旁排列.”可缩写为“白杨树在公路排列.”()4、“风景如画(de)桂林山水,吸引了成千上万(de)中外游客来此观光.”可缩写为“游客观光.”()三、扩写句子.1、微风吹拂着柳丝.2、月亮升起来.3、雨花石像翡翠.4、游客登上了长城.5、屋里走出老人.6、湖面上漂着雾.7、时间溜走了.8、小女孩卖火柴.9、小鸟唱歌.四、缩句.1、大家热情地接待了远方(de)客人.2、她(de)旧围裙里兜着许多火柴.3、我们追寻诗仙李白在这里游览山水、痛饮狂歌(de)行踪.4、繁花似锦(de)焰火在夜空中构成一幅美妙(de)图案.5、童年(de)往事多得像天上(de)繁星.6、我们要努力探索大自然(de)奥秘.7、渔夫(de)妻子桑娜坐在火炉旁补一张破帆.8、这是第一条完全由我国(de)工程技术人员设计施工(de)铁路于线.9、晌午(de)太阳热辣辣地照射着整个树林.10、这是远在万里之外(de)异国他乡就读(de)妈妈特意送给我(de)圣诞礼物.11、气象台发布了西伯利亚来(de)寒流即将南下(de)消息.12、汉丞相曹操在营寨里听到鼓声和呐喊声.五修辞手法掌握比喻、拟人、排比、夸张、反问、设问等修辞手法.要掌握几种修辞手法(de)特点:1、比喻是用具体、浅显(de),人们容易理解(de)事物去给抽象(de)、深奥(de)、人们生疏(de)事物打比方.一个比喻句中有本体和喻体以及比喻词.2、拟人就是把物当作人写,赋予它们人(de)思想感情,和人一样会说话、有感情.3、夸张是把要描写(de)事物有意地夸大或缩小,使其更鲜明,更突出.4、反问是用疑问(de)形式表达比肯定更强烈(de)情感.5、设问也就是明知故问、自问自答.6、把结构相同或相似、语气一致、意义密切相关(de)三个或三个以上(de)短语、句子排列起来,就是排比.链接考题1、共产党像太阳.(什么修辞手法)2、千万颗雨点落在水面上,好像一群小女孩在跳芭蕾舞.(什么修辞手法)3、马跑得越快,离楚国不是越远吗(什么修辞手法)4、是谁准确、及时地按住了大海(de)脉搏,使它紧随祖国前进(de)步伐一齐跳是他们,战斗在海洋台站(de)海洋工作者.(什么修辞手法)5、五岭逶迤腾细浪,乌蒙磅礴走泥丸.(什么修辞手法)6、我们(de)干部要关心每一个战士,一切革命队伍(de)人都要互相关心、互相爱护、互相帮助.专项突破一、将句子补充完整.1、春雨像()一样细.(比喻句)2、月亮()躲进云朵里.(拟人)3、蓝天、白云构成()(比喻句)4、高梁()脸、稻子()腰.(拟人句)二、判断,是夸张句(de)在括号里划“√”,不是(de)在括号里划“×”.1、桂了花开,十里飘香.()2、春雨贵如油.()3、公共汽车里挤得连根针也插不下.()4、田野里,小虫为他演奏.()5、冬风生气地吹掉了老鸦(de)住宅.()三、照样子,写句子.例1、空旷(de)花园里,烧焦(de)树垂头丧气地弯着腰.例2、鸬鹚像等待命令(de)士兵,整齐地排列在船舷上.例3、危楼高百尺,手可摘星辰.四、判断下列句子是否用了修辞手法,如果运用了,在括号里注明类型;没有运用则在括号里划“×”.1、如果我们出了什么事,你们可不要忘了小夜莺.()2、人群在欢跃,小草也从地下伸出头来向人们微笑.()3、旷野里一片黑暗,天地交融在一起,什么也看不见.()4、我好像在哪儿见过你.()5、不劳动,连棵花也养不活,这难道不是真理吗()6、他是在介绍白杨吗不是(de),他是在表白自己.()7、清清(de)溪水,照着蓝天(de)影子、照着彩霞(de)影子、照着山上松树林(de)影子、照着行人来往(de)影子.()8、飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天.()排列句子会把错误(de)句子排列成一段通顺(de)话,整理错乱(de)句子(de)关键在于分析句子之间(de)关系,确定应按什么结构排列.1、把要排列(de)几句话默读一两遍,看看主要意思是什么.2、用“排除法”找出首句.3、再读剩下(de)句子,思考整篇文章(de)写作顺序和句、与句之间(de)关系.(写作顺序:时间先后、事情发展、地点空间转换等)把下面排列错乱(de)几句话,按一定(de)顺序重新排列.()1、他想:这是谁丢(de),真不讲卫生.()2、她看见地上有一团白白(de)东西.()3、忽然,他看见有几个小同学在打扫操场,学习雷锋争做好事.()4、下课了,小丽在操场上玩.()5、她连忙回头,不好意思地拾起了刚才看到(de)那一团废纸.()6、想着她就若无其事地走了.()7、走过去一看,原来是一团白纸.(分析)解答此题应先仔细读句子,了解其大意,思考间关系和写作顺序.经过阅读分析,我们知道这段话是按事情发展(de)先后顺序定(de).一般说来,按照事情发展顺序定(de)文章,应先交代时间、地点,那么我们就确定其中(de)第4句为第一句.接着“他看见地上有一团白色(de)东西”,这会是什么呢——“原来是一团废纸”,后来事情就顺理成章地发展了.排完以后,再按正确(de)顺序读一读,如果不正确,再修改.(答案)4、2、7、1、6、3、5.专项突破一、把下列几个错乱(de)句子,整理成一段通顺(de)话.()1、多少静静(de)深夜啊,老师还在灯下备课、批改作业.()2、如果将来我能取得一些成绩,那我要说,是老师用身躯为我架起了通往成功之路(de)桥梁.()3、他们普通而平凡,但他们担负着培育下一代(de)重任.()4、那作业本上条条批语、个个红勾,不全都凝聚着老师(de)心血吗()5、他既不像着名科学家那样驰名中外,也不像电影名星那样引人注目.()6、老师啊,您为我们无私地奉献了一切.()7、老师把一批批学生送到各个工作岗位,而在培养学生(de)过程中,却像火炬一样燃烧自己.()8、我赞美桥,更赞美我们敬爱(de)老师,老师像桥一样朴实.()9、老师像桥一样辛勤.()10、老师像桥一样无私.二、把下面错乱(de)几句话按一定顺序重新排列,在括号里填上序号,并注明依据.()1、周瑜(de)兵船跟在后面.()2、黄盖向曹操假投降.()3、选有东风(de)一天作为进攻时间,并在船上装上引火用(de)东西.()4、周瑜带兵从后面追杀.()5、黄盖接近曹操兵船时下令点火,让火船冲进曹营.。


































小学生英语句型转换练习题### 小学英语句型转换练习题题目一:一般疑问句转换1. 原句:I am a student.- 转换:Are you a student?2. 原句:She has a cat.- 转换:Does she have a cat?3. 原句:They play soccer on weekends.- 转换:Do they play soccer on weekends?题目二:特殊疑问句转换1. 原句:My father works in a bank.- 转换:Where does your father work?2. 原句:We usually have lunch at twelve.- 转换:What time do you usually have lunch?3. 原句:The new movie is very interesting.- 转换:How is the new movie?题目三:否定句转换1. 原句:I like apples.- 转换:I don't like apples.2. 原句:She can swim.- 转换:She can't swim.3. 原句:They are at home.- 转换:They are not at home.题目四:陈述句转换为一般疑问句1. 原句:The cat is under the table.- 转换:Is the cat under the table?2. 原句:He is doing his homework.- 转换:Is he doing his homework?3. 原句:We are going to the park tomorrow.- 转换:Are you going to the park tomorrow? 题目五:陈述句转换为否定句1. 原句:She watches TV every evening.- 转换:She doesn't watch TV every evening.2. 原句:They are playing basketball.- 转换:They are not playing basketball.3. 原句:I have a new book.- 转换:I don't have a new book.题目六:反意疑问句1. 原句:He is a good student, isn't he?- 转换:He isn't a good student, is he?2. 原句:She can speak English, can't she?- 转换:She can't speak English, can she?3. 原句:They are going to the concert, aren't they?- 转换:They aren't going to the concert, are they?题目七:被动语态转换1. 原句:We make the cake.- 转换:The cake is made by us.2. 原句:They clean the room.- 转换:The room is cleaned by them.3. 原句:She writes a letter.- 转换:A letter is written by her.题目八:条件句转换1. 原句:If it rains, we will stay at home.- 转换:We will stay at home if it rains.2. 原句:If she has time, she will help us.- 转换:She will help us if she has time.3. 原句:If they finish their homework, they can go out. - 转换:They can go out if they finish their homework.通过这些练习题,小学生可以更好地掌握英语句型的转换,提高语言运用的灵活性和准确性。



小学句型转换练习题一、变否定句1. She likes ice cream.2. They can swim.3. He has a pet dog.4. We will go to the park tomorrow.5. I have finished my homework.6. The weather is nice today.二、变一般疑问句,作肯定、否定回答1. Lucy is reading a book.2. They have finished their dinner.3. He can play the guitar.4. We are going to the zoo.5. Jenny likes to sing.三、变一般疑问句,作肯定、否定回答,并进行句型转换1. I am listening to music.2. She was studying English.3. They have seen that movie.4. He will visit his grandparents.5. We can speak French.四、变选择疑问句1. Lisa likes chocolate ______ vanilla ice cream?2. ________ he go to the park or the beach?3. ________ your sister play the piano or the violin?4. ________ they stay at home or go shopping?5. ________ we have dinner now or later?五、完成对话A: What did you do yesterday?B: I played soccer with my friends.A: __________ you have fun?B: Yes, I __________.六、改写句子1. I have a red ball.2. They were playing in the garden.3. She will sing a song at the concert.4. We can see the stars at night.5. He likes to watch cartoons.七、连词成句1. likes, Sam, ice cream.2. my, has, brother, dog, a.3. are, you, doing, what?4. can, read, I, books.5. homework, my, doing, I, am.八、翻译句子1. 我们明天要去海边。



小学专项练习题之句型转换个常用句型转换练习及答案小学专项练习题之句型转换个常用句型转换练习及答案一、句型转换练习1. I am listening to music now. (改为一般疑问句)Are you listening to music now?2. He can swim very well. (改为否定句)He cannot swim very well.3. We have already finished the project. (改为一般疑问句)Have we already finished the project?4. She is going to visit her grandparents this weekend. (改为否定句)She is not going to visit her grandparents this weekend.5. They were playing basketball in the park yesterday afternoon. (改为一般疑问句)Were they playing basketball in the park yesterday afternoon?6. My brother has lived in London for five years. (改为否定句)My brother has not lived in London for five years.7. Did you see the movie last night? (作肯定回答)Yes, I did.8. She has already finished her homework. (作否定回答)No, she hasn't.9. They don't like spicy food. (改为肯定句)They like spicy food.10. We will go to the beach tomorrow. (改为一般疑问句)Will we go to the beach tomorrow?二、句型转换答案1. Are you listening to music now?2. He cannot swim very well.3. Have we already finished the project?4. She is not going to visit her grandparents this weekend.5. Were they playing basketball in the park yesterday afternoon?6. My brother has not lived in London for five years.7. Yes, I did.8. No, she hasn't.9. They like spicy food.10. Will we go to the beach tomorrow?。

小学英语小升初专题训练-句型转换专项练习 50题(含答案)

小学英语小升初专题训练-句型转换专项练习 50题(含答案)

小学英语小升初专题训练-句型转换专项练习一、句型转换(共50题;共185分)1.He often gets there by subway. (对画线部分提问)2.The school is behind the shop. (对画线部分提问)3.There is a new bed in my house. (改为一般疑问句)4.My home is near the school. (改为同义句)5.This is a great park. (改为感叹句)6.He goes to school by bus.How________ he________ ________ ________?7.Robin wants to be a scientist.What________ Robin________ ________ ________?8.Mary has a cat.What ________ Mary ________?9.My aunt works in a gym.Where________ your aunt________?10.I've got some toy dogs. (对画线部分提问)________ have you got?11.They are going to the supermarket.(对画线部分提问)12.Here is my book.(改为复数句)13.Talk in the library.(改为否定句)14.It's six fifty-five.(改为同义句)15.What do you find?(用一般过去时改写句子)16.I love playing computer games. (改为一般疑问句)________you ________playing computer games?17.I often read books in the morning. (改为一般疑问句)________ you often ________books in the morning?18.He often plays computer games. (改为否定句)He ________plays computer games.19.They are reading books now. (用often改写句子)They ________ ________ books.20.I often take a bus to school. (用“by + 工具”改写句子)I often go to school ________.21.Pandas eat for twelve hours a day.(对画线部分提问)22.I believe that pandas eat meat.(改为否定句)23.Snakes love the sun.(改为一般疑问句)24.Bears like to sleep in winter.(对画线部分提问)25.Amy likes fish. I don't like fish.(用but连接句子)26.Have you got a toy car, Jim?(作否定回答)27.I've got a beautiful kite. I can't fly it.(用but连接成一句话)28.Have you got a stamp from China? (作否定回答)No, ________ ________.29.There's a letter for you.(改为一般疑问句)________ ________ a letter for me?30.I have got some stamps from Canada. (改为一般疑问句)________ you got ________ stamps from Canada?31.What's that? (改为复数句)What ________ ________?32.He read a book yesterday evening. (改为否定句)He ________ ________ ________a book yesterday evening.33.I can sing this song now.(用one year ago改写句子)I ________ ________this song one year ago.34.Jim visited the Summer Palace last year.(改为否定句)Jim ________ ________the Summer Palace last year.35.She saw many interesting things in Shanghai. (改成一般疑问句并作否定回答)________ she ________many interesting things in Shanghai? No, she ________. 36.I was a student five years ago. (改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)—________ ________ a student five years ago?—________, I ________.37.My father used the telephone at home to call people.(改为一般疑问句)________ your father ________ the telephone at home to call people?38.She saw some cool cars in the shop. (改为一般疑问句)________she________ ________ cool cars in the shop?39.I went to the Great Wall for the holiday. (对画线部分提问)________ ________ you go for the holiday?40.It was great fun. (改为感叹句)________ ________ ________ it was!41.Did you go fishing last Sunday? (改成陈述句)________ ________ fishing last Sunday.42.Mike goes to school on foot.(就画线部分提问)43.John is sad.(写出问句)44.John likes reading books.(改为一般疑问句)45.My mother works in a zoo.(就画线部分提问)46.We can go to the zoo today.(否定句)47.My father is a teacher.(就画线部分提问)48.John often does sports on the weekend.(改为否定句)49.He lives in China.(改为一般疑问句)50.Is your father a teacher? (肯定回答)答案解析部分一、句型转换1.【答案】How does he often get there?【考点】句型转换【解析】【分析】句意:他经常乘地铁到那里。




























(反问句)你们可以小点声说话吗? (祈使句)伟大的祖国是非常美丽、富饶的。









(小学语文)句型变换练习题集锦一、反问句与陈说句(一)反问句变陈说句( 1)将必定句中的必定词(是、能、会、有等)改为否认词(不是、不可以、不会、没有等)。

( 2)将否认句中的否认词(不是、不可以、不会、没有等)改为必定词(是、能、会、有等)。

(3)在反问句上删除反问语气词“怎么、莫非”和句尾疑问助词“呢、吗” 。


)【例 1】我们怎么能出尔反尔呢?→我们不可以出尔反尔。

【例 2】欧阳海舍身拦惊马的英豪事迹,怎么不令我们感人呢?→欧阳海舍身拦惊马的英豪事迹,令我们感人。

练习:(二)陈说句变反问句( 1)将必定句中的必定词(是、能、会、有等)改为否认词(不是、不可以、不会、没有等)。

( 2)将否认句中的否认词(不是、不可以、不会、没有等)改为必定词(是、能、会、有等)。




【例 1】:雷锋叔叔是我们学习的楷模。

→莫非雷锋叔叔不是我们学习的楷模吗?【例 2】:我们不可以浪费时间。

→我们怎么能浪费时间呢?练习: 1 、我们不可以因为学习任务重而不参加体育活动。

2 、没有革命前辈的流血牺牲,就没有我们今日的幸福生活。

__________________________________________3 、父亲母亲千辛万苦地把我们养大,我们不该当伤他们的心。









1. 改为否定句:我喜欢吃苹果。


2. 改为一般疑问句:你是学生。

答案:你是学生吗?3. 改为选择疑问句:他喜欢吃苹果还是橙子?答案:他喜欢吃苹果还是橙子?4. 改为反意疑问句:你喜欢吃苹果,对吗?答案:你喜欢吃苹果,不是吗?5. 改为被动语态:他吃了一个苹果。


6. 改为完成时:我去过北京。


7. 改为进行时:他正在写作业。


8. 改为将来时:明天我要去图书馆。


9. 改为宾语从句:我知道他是老师。


10. 改为定语从句:我喜欢的那本书很有趣。











一、把下面的句子改写成反问句1. 这是真理。

___________________________________2.这是英雄的中国人民坚强不屈的声音!_______________________3. 海上日出真是伟大的奇观。


______________________________________二、把下面的句子改写成陈述句1.“是不是应该用我的能力把我所能做到的事情做得更精致、更仔细、更加一丝不苟呢?”__________________________________________________________________2.这难道不是伟大的奇观么?_ ______________ _________________3.又短又软的淤泥怎么承受得住这样重的老象呢?__________________________ ________二、把下面的句子改写成肯定句(1)如果现在的人看见月缺花残还要下泪,那不能不说他是个糊涂虫。








1. I am a student.2. She has a new bike.3. They like playing football.4. He can swim.5. We have a big family.二、将下列句子由肯定句改为否定句。

6. He is a teacher.7. They have a lot of friends.8. She likes dancing.9. We can speak English.10. I have a cat.三、将下列句子由一般疑问句改为否定回答。

11. Are you a doctor?12. Does he have a car?13. Do they play basketball?14. Can she sing?15. Is there a book on the desk?四、将下列句子由否定句改为一般疑问句。

16. He isn't a student.17. She doesn't have a new computer.18. They don't like watching TV.19. I can't run fast.20. We don't have any apples.五、将下列句子由一般现在时改为一般过去时。

21. I go to school every day.22. She plays the piano every evening.23. They watch TV every night.24. He reads books every weekend.25. We walk to the park every morning.六、将下列句子由一般过去时改为一般现在时。

26. I went to the zoo last week.27. She played the guitar last night.28. They watched a movie yesterday.29. He read a book last month.30. We walked to the park last year.七、将下列句子由一般将来时改为一般现在时。



句型转换一,对下列句子中划线部分提问1,The deepest part of the water is near Japan.______________________________________________________________ 2,My father will take me to Beijing.______________________________________________________________ 3,My trip to Xi’an is great.______________________________________________________________ 4,Harry Potter Ⅳ will be on this afternoon.______________________________________________________________ 5,I’m looking for a dress.______________________________________________________________ 6,You may keep the book two weeks.______________________________________________________________ 7,I saw many animals in Beijing Zoo.______________________________________________________________ 8,I often help my grandfather on the farm.______________________________________________________________ 9,I am from Australia.______________________________________________________________ 10,We will go to the nearest supermarket.______________________________________________________________ 11,My new pencil-box is about ten yuan.______________________________________________________________ 12,The name of the book is Sleeping Beauty.______________________________________________________________ 13,He came to visit China two days ago.______________________________________________________________ 14,There are twelve students over there.______________________________________________________________ 15,Nearly all of you know seas and rivers about the water.______________________________________________________________ 16,These sneakers are 280 yuan.______________________________________________________________ 17,I get up at 6 o’clock every morning.______________________________________________________________ 18,There is a lot of water on the earth.______________________________________________________________ 19,The weather there was a little hot.______________________________________________________________ 20,Tom saw many places of interest in that old city.______________________________________________________________ 21,I came here by train.______________________________________________________________ 22,We are going to buy tomorrow’s air tickets.______________________________________________________________ 23,He’s interested in making pen friends.______________________________________________________________ 24,My father works in Africa.______________________________________________________________ 25,Mike wants to be a singer in the future.二,把下列句子变为一般疑问句:1. I am interested in swimming.______________________________________________________2. Mike is a student in Grade Six.______________________________________________________3. Tom enjoys listening to the music______________________________________________________4. Sarah can clean the classroom.______________________________________________________5. There are some flowers in the vase.______________________________________________________6.He came to visit China two days ago(两天前).______________________________________________________ 7. I can speak English well.______________________________________________________ 8. Tony had a talk for a long time.______________________________________________________ 9. They like making the presents(礼物).______________________________________________________ 10. Jim and Kate often help their grandfather on the farm after school. ______________________________________________________ 11.I am good at(擅长) singing and dancing.______________________________________________________ 12. He wants to be an actor in the future.______________________________________________________ 13.We play basketball on Sundays.______________________________________________________ 14.We should take care of the young trees.______________________________________________________ 15. The girls are singing in the classroom.______________________________________________________ 16. She has something to eat.______________________________________________________ 17. Alice came to our home last week(上一周).______________________________________________________ 18. The little boy is standing on the man's shoulders.______________________________________________________ 19.There is some fruit juice in the glass.______________________________________________________ 20. We will visit America next week(下一周).______________________________________________________ 三,将下列句子变为否定句:1.He takes some pictures every day.______________________________________________________ 2.It’s cheap enough.______________________________________________________ 3.The teacher should make the students happy every day.______________________________________________________ 4.Show me your library card, please.______________________________________________________ 5.She gave her brother some tapes about folk music.______________________________________________________ 6.This is the first time we come to Australia.______________________________________________________ 7.We’d better make a shopping list first.______________________________________________________ 8.There are a lot of(大量的)lovely animals there.______________________________________________________ 9.My mother will take me to Beijing for my holiday next Sunday. ______________________________________________________ 10.You can find many tall trees in the picture of the park.______________________________________________________。































” (改成转述句)7、这块地里的菜秧是我种下的。






句型转换专项练习100题(附答案)1.This is a Japanese car. (改为否定句)This _____ _______ a Japanese car.2.That's my cup. (改为一般疑问句)______ that ______ cup?3.It is a nice jeep. (对划线部分提问)______ ______ it?4.Wei Hua is in Row Three. (同上)______ ______ is Wei Hua in?5.Is that a computer? (作否定回答)No, ______ ______.6. It's a pear. (改为否定句)______ ______ a pear.7. You can sit down. (改为一般疑问句)______ ______ sit down?8. I am in Grade 2 .(对划线部分提问)______ ______ ______ you in?9. Is that a cake?(作否定回答)______, ______ ______.10. is, what, three, one, and(连词成句)______ ______ ______ ______?11. I think it is a bird. (改为否定句)I ______ think it ______ a bird.12. Han Mei isn't in today. (改为同义句)Han Mei isn't ______ ______ today.13. Li Lei is twelve. (对划线部分提问)______ ______ is Li Lei?14. Her name is Li Lan. (改为一般疑问句)______ ______ name Li Lan?15. The cat is here. (对划线部分提问)______ ______ the cat?16.It's a pencil-box. (改为复数句)________ are ________.17. That's OK. (改为同义句)That's ________ ________.18. These are Chinese books. (改为否定句)These ________ ________ Chinese books.19. They are children. (改为单数句)He ________ a ________.20. Those are hills. (对划线部分提问)________ ________ ________?(21-25 同义句)21. That isn't a new coat.That is ______ ______ coat.22. Lily is in Row Two. Lucy is in Row Two, too.Lily and Lucy are in ______ ______ row.23. Tom and Billy are twins.Tom is Billy's ______ ______.24. My bike is here.My bike ______ not ______.25. Every student is at school today.The students ______ ______ at school today.26. Jim Green is English. (用American 构成选择疑问句)______________________________________?27. They are boxes. (改为否定句)______________________________________.28. My brother can spell his name. (改为一般疑问句)______________________________________?29. We go to school at seven. (用Emma作主语)______________________________________.30. My phone number is 6835702. (对划线部分提问)___________________________________?56. We call maths the language of science. (改为被动句)Maths _________ _________ the language of science.57. Where did they plant trees? (改为被动句)Where _________ trees _________?58. You can borrow two books at a time.(改为被动句)Two books _________ _________ _________ at a time.59.The teacher made the students copy the text.改为被动句The students _________ _________ _________ copy the text.60. They produce silk in Suzhou.(改为被动句)Silk _________ _________ in Suzhou.61. They built a bridge between the two islands last year. (改为被动句)A bridge ________ ________ between the two islands last year.62. A birthday party will be given tomorrow. (改为主动句)We _________ _________ a birthday party tomorrow.63. John was seen to cross the street just now by someone.(改为主动句)Someone _________ John _________ the street just now.64. Can another way be thought of to keep your wine or water warm?(改为主动句)Can _______ _______ _______ another way to keep your wine or water warm?65. Too many trees are still being cut down in the USA. (改为主动句)_________ are still _________ down too many trees in the USA.2 对划线部分提问,每空一词(含缩写)。




1. 他正在读书。

- 改为一般疑问句。

他正在读书吗?- 改为否定句。


2. 我们去了公园。

- 改为同义句。


- 改为反义疑问句。

我们去了公园,是不是?3. 她每天都吃水果。

- 改为以"过去进行时"表示的句子。


- 改为选择疑问句。

她是每天都吃水果吗?还是只偶尔吃?4. 那只小猫刚才跑了过去。

- 改为陈述句。


- 改为感叹句。


1. My brother often (read) ____________ novels in the evening. - 将动词变为过去式。

My brother often read novels in the evening.- 将动词变为进行时。

My brother is often reading novels in the evening.2. They (swim) ____________ in the pool last Sunday. - 将动词变为现在分词。

They are swimming in the pool last Sunday.- 将动词变为第三人称单数形式。

They swims in the pool last Sunday.3. I (do) ____________ my homework right now.- 将动词变为过去式。

I did my homework right now.- 将动词变为将来时。

I will do my homework right now.4. We (play) ____________ basketball every Saturday.- 将动词变为现在分词。

















小学英语句型转换练习题一、陈述句与特殊疑问句转换1. She is playing the piano.→ What is she doing?2. They are eating ice cream.→ What are they doing?3. He likes basketball.→ What does he like?4. We have a test tomorrow.→ When do we have a test?5. Amy has a cute dog.→ What does Amy have?二、一般疑问句与特殊疑问句转换1. You can swim, can't you?→ Can you swim?2. They have finished their homework, haven't they?→ Have they finished their homework?3. She is going to the party, isn't she?→ Is she going to the party?4. He was reading a book, wasn't he?→ Was he reading a book?5. We have seen the movie, haven't we?→ Have we seen the movie?三、肯定句与否定句转换1. She likes apples.→ She doesn't like apples.2. They can skate.→ They can't skate.3. He will go to school tomorrow.→ He won't go to school tomorrow.4. We had lunch at the restaurant.→ We didn't have lunch at the restaurant.5. I am doing my homework.→ I am not doing my homework.四、选择疑问句与特殊疑问句转换1. Is he going to the park or the zoo?→ Where is he going?2. Does she want an apple or an orange?→ What does she want?3. Did they watch a movie or play games?→ What did they do?4. Are you going to the party or staying at home?→ What are you doing?5. Will they have pizza or pasta for dinner?→ What will they have for dinner?五、改写句子类型1. He is running fast. (改为感叹句)→ How fast he is running!2. They are playing soccer. (改为一般疑问句)→ Are they playing soccer?3. She plays the guitar every day. (改为否定句)→ She doesn't play the guitar every day.4. We went to the beach last summer. (改为特殊疑问句)→ When did we go to the beach?5. I will help you with your homework. (改为选择疑问句)→ Will I help you with your homework or not?六、完成对话A: Hello, can I help you?B: Yes, I'm looking for a book about science.A: (1) ________________?B: I need it for my science project.A: (2) ________________?B: Sure, I have a library card.A: Great. (3) ________________?B: Hmm, I'm not sure. Can you recommend a popular one?A: (4) ________________. It's very informative and easy to understand. B: That sounds perfect. Thank you!A: (5) ________________.B: Bye!(1) What are you looking for?(2) Do you have a library card?(3) Do you know any specific book?(4) I recommend "Science Explained".(5) You're welcome.。



1.{His name is Danny}.(对{}内提问)2.{I'm fine}.(对{}内提问)3.Clean the door,please.(改为否定句)4.This ball is big.(改为否定句,句意不变)5.Are you Miss Fang?(肯定回答)6.He is Mr Zhang.(用Who提问)7.I am fine.(用how提问)8.I can read a book.(改为一般疑问句)9.I can see a {bird}(用what 对{}内提问)10.Who are you?(彼得)11.I am a girl.(改为复数句)12.I'm {very well}.(对{}内提问)13.Judy has a teacher. He is new.(两句并一句)14.My mother is {fine}.(对{}内提问)15.Close your book.(改为否定句)16.Close your book.(改为否定句,句意不变)17.I'm {fine}(对{}内提问)18.I'm Peter.(换种说法,句意不变)19.My name is {Alice}(对{}内提问)20.Don't close the door.(改为肯定句)21.He is sad.(改为否定句)22.I can skip a rope.(用like造句)23.My name's {Kitty}({}提问)24.What is his name?(用Ben回答)25.Her name is {Mary}.(对{}内提问)26.Judy isn't my good friend.(改为肯定句)27.Kitty and Betty are tall.(改为否定句,意思不变)28.Miss Li is his English teacher.(改为否定句)29.My teacher's name is Selina.(用what提问)30.Open the pencilbox.(改为否定句)31.The balloon is small.(改为否定句)32.The boys are happy.(改为否定句,句意不变)33.The teacher has nice jam.(改为复数句)34.The window isn't dirty.(改为同义句)35.I'm a good pupil.(改为否定句)36.You are a tall teacher.(改为否定句)37.She is a nice girl.(改为否定句)38.We have a new teacher.(改为否定句)39.Alice can make a puppet.(改为否定句)40.Clean the window,please.(改为否定句41.Eddie can draw.He can't write.(两句并一句)42.Happy birthday.(写出应答句)43.He can sing and dance.(改为否定句)44.Here is your cake.(改为复数句)45.I'm eight.(改为一般疑问句)46.Kitty is {ten}.(对{}内提问)47.My friend is {eight years old}.(对{}内提问)48.My name is {Kitty}.(对{}内提问)49.Today is hot.(改为否定句,句意不变)50.He is {fine}.(就{}内提问)51.I can draw a tree.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)52.I'm {eight years old}.({}内提问)53.I'm {Kitty}.({}内提问)54.She is eight.(改为否定句)55.My friend is{five years old}.({}内提问)56.My name is {Linda}.(对{}内提问)57.Peter is eight years old.(改为一般疑问句)58.Today is cold.(改为否定句)59.Today is cold.(改为否定句,句意不变)60.Are you ten?(肯定回答)61.Are you two years old?(否定回答)62.Judy and Lily are both ten.(改为一般疑问句)63.Judy can count the rulers.(改为一般疑问句)64.Kitty is {nine}.(对{}内提问)65.Miss Cat is {ten years old}.(对{}内提问)66.Mrs Fang can draw a big tree.(改为否定句)67.My sister is ten.(改为一般疑问句)68.She's one.(改为同义句)69.Wendy and Peter can draw {the trees}.(对{}内提问)70.You are Mr Cat.(改为否定句)71.Peter is Chinese.(一般疑问句,肯定回答)72.{Kitty}is my good friend.(对{}内提问)73.Her name is {Alice}.(对{}内提问)74.My tail is not long.(改为肯定句,句意不变)75.That's {a nice kite}.({}内提问)76.{Peter} is my good friend.({}内提问)77.He isn't thin.(改为肯定句,句意不变)78.My eyes are big.(改为否定句,句意不变)79.That's {a nice gift}.({}内提问)80.They are teachers.(改为否定句)81.{Mary}is my good friend.({}内提问}82.His brother is{ten years old}.({}内提问)83.My name is {Peter}.({}内提问)84.My tail is long.(改为否定句)85.My tail is long.(改为否定句,句意不变)86.This is a picture of my family.(改为一般疑问句)87.{Kitty} is my friend.({}内提问)88.{Linda} is my friend.(对{}内提问)89.Alice can read and write.(改为否定句)90.He is thin.(改为一般疑问句)91.Mary is tall.(改为否定句,句意不变)92.My friend is {ten years old}.(对{}内提问)93.She's {Mary}.({}内提问)94.That short girl is{five}.(对{}内提问)95.He can jump very high.(改为否定句)96.I can see {two}babies.({}内提问)97.My friend is {eight}.({}内提问)98.My friend is {Kitty}.({}内提问)99.She is tall and thin.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答) 100.Alice is my good friend.(改为一般疑问句)101.Danny is big and tall.(改为一般疑问句,肯定回答) 102.He is {eight}.(对{}内提问)103.Her name is {Lucy}.(对{}内提问)104.I have a good friend.(改为一般疑问句)105.I'm {fine}(对{}内提问)106.Is Linda thin and small?(改为肯定句)107.Is Tom fat? (肯定回答)108.It's {a book}.(对{}内提问)109.Kitty is thirsty.(改为一般疑问句)110.My father can swim.(改为一般疑问句)111.My father is tall.(改为否定句,句意不变)112.My friend is tall and fat.(改为否定句,句意不变) 113.My hair is {black}.(对{}内提问)114.My sister is {eight}.(对{}内提问)115.My sister is {ten}.(对{}内提问)116.My teacher can sing.(用what提问)117.She can dance.She can't swim.(用but将两句并一句) 118.She is {Mary}.(对{}内提问)119.She is Kitty Li.(用who提问)120.She is thin.(改为否定句,句意不变)121.She's my {little sister}.(对{}内提问)122.The clouds are {blue}.(对{}内提问)123.We like tigers.(改为否定句)124.{Paul} is my good friend.(对{}内提问)125.Are you Mary?(作否定回答)126.Don't clean the table.(改为肯定句)127.I can draw. I can't swim.(两句并一句)128.My father can swim.(改为否定句)129.Sam is tall.(改为否定句,句意不变)130.This is a picture of my family.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答) 131.We are good friends.(改为否定句)132.Your brother is short.(改为否定句,句意不变)133.He's five.(改成特殊疑问句)134.I am a pupil.(改成一般疑问句)135.I am your sister.(改成一般疑问句)136.I like it.(改成一般疑问句)137.It's a cat.(改成特殊疑问句)138.Mr Li is tall.(改成一般疑问句,并作否定回答)139.My father and my mother are tall.(改为否定句)140.She is eight.(改成一般疑问句,并作否定回答)141.Susie is tall.(改成一般疑问句)142.He is {my grandfather}.({}内提问)143.I am {fine}({}内提问)144.She is a new teacher.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)145.She is my sister.(改为否定句)146. Your brother is tall.(改为否定句)147. Your brother is tall.(改为否定句,句意不变)148.{Danny} is my good friend.(对{}内提问)149.His name is {Sam}.(对{}内提问)150.That is a new book.(改为一般疑问句)151.He is my good friend.(改为否定句)152.It is {a bag}.(对{}内提问)153.Kitty is hungry.(改为一般疑问句)154.Mike's bicycle is {red}.(对{}内提问)155.My ears are small.(改为一般疑问句)156.My eyes are{black}.(对{}内提问)157.My father can swim very well.(改为一般疑问句,肯定回答)158.She is {my}sister.(对{}内提问)159.She's my sister.(用who提问)160.They like playing football.(改为一般疑问句)161.My name is {Eva}.({}内提问)162.Mr Wang is{my new teacher}.({}内提问)163.Are you happy?(依情况回答)164.His ears are big.(改为否定句,句意不变)165.I am {his father}.(对{}内提问)166.I am {ten years old}.(对{}内提问)167.I'm Sally.(改为一般疑问句)168.I'm Susie.(改为否定句)169.Is your brother tall?(改为肯定句)170.It is a big yellow ball.(改为否定句)171.It's a {rabbit}.(对{}内提问)172.My name is {Sally}.(对{}内提问)173.My tail is long.(改为一般疑问句)174.She is my {grandmother}.(对{}内提问)175.She isn't a fat girl.(改为肯定句,句意不变)176.This is a little animal.(改为一般疑问句)177.Your tail is short.(改为否定句,句意不变)178.Ben is {five}.(对{}内提问)179.I am {fine}.(对{}内提问)180.I'm {Mary}.(对{}内提问)181.It's {an orange}.(对{}内提问)182.My name is {Alice Wang}.(对{}内提问)183.He can swim.He can't sing.(两句合为一句)184.He is {my friend}.({}内提问)185.He is short.(改为一般疑问句)186.I am thin. I am tall.(两句合为一句)187.My name is {Mary}.({}内提问)188.We are good friends.(改为一般疑问句,作肯定回答) 189.Your brother is short.(改为一般疑问句)190.My name is {Eddie}.(对{}内提问)191.That is a small red bicycle.(改为一般疑问句) 192.Are you good friends?(肯定回答)193.Is this the office?(否定回答)194.It's a sandwich.(改为复数句)195.It's my school.(改为一般疑问句)196.Kitty is my good friend.(改为一般疑问句)197.Look at my nose.(改为否定句)198.Mr Li is sad.(改为一般疑问句)199.Mrs Li is short.(改为否定句,意思不变)200.My nose is big.(改为否定句,句意不变)201.The biscuit is {a circle}.(对what shape提问) 202.The kite is blue.(用What colour提问)203.The umbrella is{blue}.(对{}内提问)204.This is {our school}.(对{}内提问)205.This is a circle cake.(用what提问)206.Clean the desk,please.(改为否定句207.Is this tall boy your brother?(改为肯定句)208.It is {a white flower}.(对{}内提问)209.My mother is {thirty-two years old}.(对{}内提问) 210.Thank you.(快速应答)211.That little mouse is{grey}.(对{}内提问)212.I am a tall pupil.(改为一般疑问句)213.It is {a white kite}.({}内提问)214.It is {orange}.({}内提问)215.They're {in the school}.({}内提问)216.This is our school.(改为否定句)217.Is your bag big?(按实际情况回答)218.That is {a white cloud}.({}内提问)219.That kite is yellow and purple.(改为否定句) 220.The samll apple is {red}.({}内提问)221.They are reading in the library.(改为一般疑问句) 222.{Joe}is my good friend.(对{}内提问)223.Clean the blackboard,please.(改为否定句)224.I am {Kitty}.(对{}内提问)225.I'm {Alice}.({}内提问)226.Is Alice short?(肯定回答)227.Is that the library?(教室)228.Is this school big and beautiful?(改为肯定句) 229.Is this tall girl your sister?(改为肯定句)230.Miss Wang is happy.(改为一般疑问句)231.My good friend is Alice.(换种说法,句意不变) 232.Open your books.(改为否定句,句意不变)233.That's our school.(改为一般疑问句)234.This is a big hall.(改为否定句)235.This is a nice cake.(改为一般疑问句)236.We can read {in the library}.({}内提问)237.What's that?(大厅)238.What's that?(我的学校)239.He isn't thin.(改为肯定句,保持原意)240.It is {our school}.({}内提问)241.My good friend is Kitty.(改为否定句)242.This is a clean classroom.(改为一般疑问句)243.We can read {in the library}.({}内提问)244.His name is {Kitty}.(对{}内提问)245.That is your big library.(改为一般疑问句)246.This is {the playground}.({}内提问)247.You are new here.(改为否定句)248.Your eyes are big and blue.(改为一般疑问句) 249.Her name is {Kitty}.(对{}内提问)250.I am {in the library}.(对{}内提问)251.I can see {ten hens}.(对{}内提问)252.Is this school big and beautiful?(改为肯定句) 253.Is your little sister five?(肯定回答)254.It can fly in the sky.(改为否定句)255.It is a big blue ball.(改为否定句)256.It is my flower.(改为一般疑问句)257.That's our school.(改为一般疑问句)258.The roses are {red}.(对{}内提问)259.This girl is my sister.(改为一般疑问句)260.{Danny} is my brother.(对{}内提问)261.I am a tall teacher.(改为否定句)262.I am a tall teacher.(改为否定句,句意不变)263.I want {three} big peaches.(对{}内提问)264.I want a {plum}.(对{}内提问)265.I want{five} peaches.(对{}内提问)266.Is this a peach?(不,是橘子)267.It is {two yuan}.(对{}内提问)268.May I have five apples?(快速应答)269.Mr Li is happy.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答) 270.My name is {Peter}.(对{}内提问)271.Peter can read. He can't swim.(两句并一句) 272.That is {the hall}.(对{}内提问)273.That is the {school}.(对{}内提问)274.This is {a hall}.(对{}内提问)275.I'm a tall teacher.(改为否定句)276.Mr Li is happy.(改为一般疑问句)277.Peter can read. He can't swim.(两句并一句) 278.The book is {ten yuan}.({}内提问)279.This is {a school}.({}内提问)280.We are {at school}.({}内提问)281.{Eddie}is my little brother.({}内提问)282.Mrs Liu is my mother.(改为一般疑问句)283.There are{five}stars in the sky.({}内提问) 284.This is {a library}.({}内提问)285.You are a new teacher.(改为否定句).286.Do you like chocolates?(肯定回答)287.I can play football.(改为一般疑问句)288.I like {cherries}.(对{}内提问)289.I like eating pizzas.(改为否定句)290.I like eating some noodles.(改为一般疑问句) 291.I like playing football..(改为否定句)292.I want {a plum}.(对{}内提问)293.I want {five} bananas.(对{}内提问)294.I want{some cakes and some milk}.(对{}内提问) 295.Is this a peach?(肯定回答)296.Is your friend Danny?(改为肯定句)297.It is {seven yuan}.(对{}内提问)298.There are {five} apples.(对{}内提问)299.They are {nine yuan}.(对{}内提问)300.We like eating fish and meat.(改为一般疑问句) 301.I want five nice kites.(改为一般疑问句)302.Is that pencil pink?(改为肯定句)303.Is this a yellow ball?(改为肯定句)304.Is this ball yellow?(改为肯定句)305.It is {an orange}.(对{}内提问)306.It is{orange}.(对{}内提问)307.My bag is {purple}.(对{}内提问)308.The sun is red.(改为一般疑问句)309.This is our school.(改为疑问)310.We are pupils.(改为一般疑问句,作否定回答)311.I like eating bananas.(改为否定句)312.It's {an apple}.({}内提问)313.It's {orange}.({}内提问)314.My boat is very small.(改为否定,保持原意)315.The moon is yellow.(改为一般疑问句)316.They are {ten yuan}.({}内提问)317.We can make a photo.(改为否定句)318.Is that a black and white ball?(改为肯定句)319.That is {an orage}.({}内提问)320.The boat is{orange}.({}内提问)321.This bicycle is new and red.(改为否定句)322.This is a big red apple.(改为一般疑问句)323.I am a short girl.(改为否定句,句意不变)324.I can ride a bicycle.(改为否定句)325.I can sing. I can't swim.(两句并一句)326.I like pizzas. I like biscuits.(两句并一句)327.I want {some biscuits}.(对{}内提问)328.Is this tall boy Peter?(改为肯定句)329.Is this your bowl?(肯定回答)330.Is your mother fat?(改为肯定句)331.It is a slide.(改为否定句)332.It is my ball.(改为一般疑问句)333.My balloon is {blue}.(对{}内提问)334.My pencil is {pink}.(对{}内提问)335.The sun is {red}.(对{}内提问)336.We are {in the park}.(对{}内提问)337.We are pupils.(改为一般疑问句)338.There are{six bees}on the flower.({}内提问)339.They are green.They are small.(两句并一句)340.What is it? It's a butterfly.(改为复数句)341.That is {a black and red ladybird}.({}内提问) 342.The big bags are {green}.({}内提问)343.The butterfly is flying in the sky.(改为一般疑问句) 344.The plant has got six flowers.(改为否定句)345.There are two ducks on the river.(改为否定句) 346.You have got {five}oranges.({}内提问)347.Is that small ant black?(改为肯定句)348.Is this a butterfly?(作肯定回答)349.Is this the playground?(改为肯定句)350.It is the {toilet}.(对{}内提问)351.It's {a classroom}.(对{}内提问)352.My ears are big.(改为一般疑问句)353.My friend is {Kitty}.({}内提问)354.That's a ladybird.(改为否定句)355.The bee can {fly}.(对{}内提问)356.The monkey is {brownm}.(对{}内提问)357.This is {a butterfly}.(对{}内提问)358.This is a ladybird.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答) 359.This is an insect.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答) 360.What's this?(动物)361.I am a tall pupil.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)362.It is {a white kite}.({}内提问)363.The kite is{orange}.({}内提问)364.The ladybird can {fly}.({}内提问)365.They're {insects}.({}内提问)366.This is our school.(改为否定句)367.My eyes are big and red.(改为否定句)368.My friend is {Mary}.({}内提问)369.That is a butterfly.(改为一般疑问句并做肯定回答) 370.The rabbit is {white}.({}内提问)371.This is the playground.(改为一般疑问句)372.I can {dance} in the hall.}.对{}内提问)373.I can see {two} kites in the sky.(对{}内提问) 374.I want {five nice kites}.(对{}内提问)375.I want {four} little stars..(对{}内提问)376.Is that football black and white?(改为肯定句) 377.It is a beautiful butterfly.(改为复数句)378.It is red and yellow.(改为复数句)379.Look at the butterfly. It's beautiful.(改为复数句) 380.That is {a butterfly}.(对{}内提问)381.The balloon is {green}.(对{}内提问)382.They are ornage butterflies.(改为单数句)383.This is a ladybird.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答) 384.{Alice} is my sister.({}内提问)385.{Seven} pigs.(对{}内提问)386.Are the pandas fat?(作肯定句)387.Are they ducks?(作肯定回答)388.It's a small chick.(必为复数句)389.Open the gate, please.(改为否定句,句意不变)390.That kite is {green and blue}.(对{}内提问)391.They are {hens}.({}内提问)392.They are animals.(改一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)393.This is the library.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)394.{Kitty} is my sister.({}内提问)395.{Six} ducks.({}内提问)396.Are they samll animals?(否定回答)397.It is a cat.(改为复数句)398.Kitty can {count to 100}.({}内提问)399.They are {black}.({}内提问)400.They are {hens}.({}内提问)401.They are {six yuan}.({}内提问)402.They are small animals.(改为否定句)403.This is a big farm.(改为一般疑问句)404.{Eddie} is your good friend.({}内提问)405.Open the gate,please.(改为否定句)406.That is {a green and blue kite}.({}内提问)407.There are {eight} chicks.({}内提问)408.They are big cows.(改为一般疑问句)409.{One}butterfly.(对{}内提问)410.Are they animals?(否定回答)411.Are they elephants?(改为单数句)412.I am {fine}.(对{}内提问)413.I am{five}.(对{}内提问)414.I can {read story books} in the library.(对{}内提问) 415.I can read and write {in the classroom}.(对{}内提问) 416.I can see a wolf in the zoo.(改为复数句)417.I like chicks.(改为一般疑问句)418.Is this yellow chick small?(改为肯定句)419.Kitty's hair is long.(改为否定句,句意不变)420.six, the, legs, has, insect(连词成句)421.They are {blue balloons}.(对{}内提问)422.They are {purple balloons}.(对{}内提问)423.They are {yellow balloons}.(对{}内提问)424.This pineapple is rough.(改为否定句,句意不变)425.Ben has a new pen. He hasn't a ruler.(两句并一句) 426.Has the tree roots?(作肯定回答)427.Is this tall boy thin?(改为肯定句)428.It is a library.(改为复数句)429.That kite is {yellow}.({}内提问)430.The ants are black. The ants are small.(两句并一句)431.The birds are {green}.(对{}内提问)432.The mouse has a long tail.(改为否定句,句意不变)433.The toilet is dirty.(改为一般疑问句)434.Yes, they are plants.(根据答句写问句)435.{Ben} likes plants.({}内提问)436.{The leaves} are green.({}内提问)437.I can see {six} birds.({}内提问)438.It is a plant.(改为复数句)439.They are {thin and short}.({}内提问)440.They're {six yuan}.({}内提问)441.It is big library.(改为复数句)442.That big kite is{blue and yellow}.({}内提问)443.The ants are small. The ants are black.(二句合并为一句) 444.The elephant has got a long nose.(改为否定句,句意不变) 445.The plant has got leaves and branches.(改为一般疑问句) 446.Yes,they are flowers.(根据答句写问句)447.{The leaves} are yellow.({}内提问)448.Close the gate,please.(改为否定句)449.I can see {plants}in it.(对{}内提问)450.I have four apples.(用How many 提问)451.I want {seven} plums.(对{}内提问)452.Is this small flower yellow?(改为肯定句)453.It has a flower.(改为一般疑问句)454.It is a {green leaf}.(对{}内提问)455.It is a big trunk.(改为一般疑问句)456.It is thin and short.(改为复数句)457.My father can {fly a kite}.(对{}内提问)458.My nose is big.(改为否定句,句意不变)459.My teacher has a pen.(改为否定句)460.That isn't an old tree.(改为肯定句)461.The leaves are {green}.({}内提问)462.The roots are thin and long.(改为否定句)463.They are orange flowers.(改为单数句)464.This is a plant.(改为否定句)465.This is my yellow bicycle.(换种说法,句意不变)466.This is the branch. It's small.(合并成一句)467.He is {fine}.(对{}内提问)468.I like peaches.(改为一般疑问句)469.I like playing with my cat.(改为否定句)470.Is this ball nice?(改为肯定句)471.Ming can hear {a cat and a dog}.(对{}内提问)472.They're {blue balloons}.(对{}内提问)473.I am {fine}.(对{}内提问)474.My name is {Tony}.(对{}内提问)475.She is {my little sister}.(对{}内提问)476.You are Mrs Liu.(改为否定句)477.Your hair is long and black.(改为一般疑问句) 478.Alice is a good girl.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答) 479.Are your ears small?(改为肯定句)480.Close the gate,please.(改为否定句,句意不变)481.My teacher has a pen.(改为否定句)482.That is a big peach.(改为否定句,句意不变)483.The leaves are {green}.({}内提问)484.Are your books new?(改为肯定句)485.Peter has got three robots.(改为否定句)486.The bird is{in the tree}.({}内提问)487.The flowers are{yellow and pink}.({}内提问) 488.This is a big green bicycle.(改为一般疑问句) 489.I am your new English teacher.(改为一般疑问句) 490.I can sing and dance.(改为否定句)491.Is your little brother two?(改为肯定句)492.My name's {Alice Wang}.(对{}内提问)493.My sister is {five years old}.(对{}内提问)494.We are good friends.(改为一般疑问句)495.Are these your books?(改为肯定句)496.Clean the blackboard,please.(改为否定句)497.My kite is{yellow and purple}.({}内提问)498.Peter has got three toy cars.(改为否定句)499.That boy is{my little brother}.({}内提问)500.They are{big brown boats}.({}内提问)501.{Two} babies are in the rain.({}内提问)502.He's {ten years old}.({}内提问)503.I am {fine} today.({}内提问)504.I can count to three.(改为一般疑问句)505.I like bananas.(改为否定句)506.My friend is {Kitty}.({}内提问)507.My mouth is small.(改为否定句,句意不变)508.My name's {Alicee}({}提问)509.She is Jill.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)510.She's {my sister}.({}内提问)。

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1.I am listening to music.(变一般疑问句)
2.Mike is a student.(变一般疑问句)
3.Sarah can clean the classroom.(变一般疑问句)
4.They are in the zoo.(变一般疑问句)
5.There are some flowers in the vase.(变一般疑问句)
6.We play basketball on Saturdays.(变一般疑问句)
7.Tom likes listening to music.(变一般疑问句)
8.He takes a walk every day.(变否定句)
9.It’s a good day.(变否定句)
10.I like playing football.(变否定句)
11.Tom can run very fast.(变否定句)
12.Are you a student?(做肯定,否定回答)
13.Can you sing a song?(做肯定,否定回答)
14.Do you like collecting stamps?(做肯定,否定回答)
15.Does Jack go to school at 6:00?(做肯定,否定回答)
16.I’m from China.(就划线部分提问)
17.My hobby is playing football.(就划线部分提问)
18.There are four seasons in a year.(就划线部分提问)
19.I get up at 6:00.(就划线部分提问)
20.I go to Shanghai by plane.(就划线部分提问)
21.I often help my grandfather on the farm.(就划线部分提问)
22.I’m watching TV.(就划线部分提问)
23.What’s your hobby?(根据实际情况回答)
24.What are you interested in?(根据实际情况回答)
25.What do you do on Saturdays?(根据实际情况回答)。
